RE: strange NPE, really making me nervous

2012-10-12 Thread Ken in Nashua
i commented out the whole contents of the handler... and it ran ok... so it has to do with the variable itemsPerPage hoping it will thresh out tomorrow... or today have to get some sleep... ciao

RE: strange NPE, really making me nervous

2012-10-12 Thread Ken in Nashua
Thanks Cezary, collection is an allocated collection housing a single hibernate entity. my login page comes up i get authenticated it launches the and Layout.tml and my Gallery.tml gets rendered for the very first time I can see the hibernate entity on the screen... the photo is

RE: strange NPE, really making me nervous

2012-10-12 Thread Ken in Nashua
Well i got rid of Integer usage with this variable itemsPerPage within the page and component as well as any initializations and modeled initialization in the setuprender Gallery.JAVA @SetupRender public void setupRender() { itemsPerPage = 50; try {

RE: strange NPE, really making me nervous

2012-10-12 Thread Ken in Nashua
if it means anything here is the last stack trace... but it looks the same - - [12/Oct/2012:15:17:56 +] GET /tynamo/blob/adminlayout/1/header HTTP/1.1 200 223753 http://localhost:8080/Home; Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:15.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/15.0.1 [INFO]

RE: strange NPE, really making me nervous

2012-10-12 Thread Ken in Nashua
Are you saying... that... I maintain a collection on a single initial rendering... I get away with it by loading my collection in setuprender... this works fine and I can see my hibernate entity on my display after the gallery is rendered. On a subsequent event (lastPage)... your claim is

RE: strange NPE, really making me nervous

2012-10-12 Thread Ken in Nashua
yeah... the pointer to the collection wasnt null... it looked like a legitimate allocated collection with a hiberate entity in it. But as soon as i attempted to reference the collection in the event handler... boom... NPE a numega type bounds checker would flush something like this out by

RE: strange NPE, really making me nervous

2012-10-12 Thread Ken in Nashua
Thanks Cezary... all good points to note. Sometimes I just like blabbin... Have a great weekend !

pages and components

2012-10-11 Thread Ken in Nashua
Folks, I am trying to nail down the concept (or at least inspired concept) of page and components and how they should be modeled with parameters and properties. Here is my semantic concept issue... if you can add to it that would be helpful. PAGES HAVE PROPERTIES, COMPONENTS HAVE PARAMETERS

readonly parameter binding issue

2012-10-11 Thread Ken in Nashua
Folks, my Gallery component operates a parameter CURSOR Gallery.JAVA @Property @Parameter(required = true, cache = true, defaultPrefix = 0) private int cursor; So my component has a read/write property that I use as a parameter. In order to update it across request cycles/pages I

RE: readonly parameter binding issue

2012-10-11 Thread Ken in Nashua
Thanks Lance... I know it might be asking alot... is there a small snippet code example you could post? this thing is coming along great From: To: Subject: readonly parameter binding issue Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2012 10:40:00 -0400

RE: readonly parameter binding issue

2012-10-11 Thread Ken in Nashua
burn me beautiful Thiago... thanks I will give that a shot... and keep note of these special best practices you will be the first one to see this gallery i am working on the autopaging button handlers now I wonder whatever happened to tacos... and jfly... andrea chiumante had some nice stuff

RE: readonly parameter binding issue

2012-10-11 Thread Ken in Nashua
maybe defaultPrefix should have been called bindingPrefix or defaultBindingPrefix? I get sort of dyslexic... and yes the default is what took me From: To: Subject: RE: readonly parameter binding issue Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2012 14:27:17 -0400

strange NPE, really making me nervous

2012-10-11 Thread Ken in Nashua
Folks, I am scratching my head about this code which generally was ok in T4... things seem fine but when i enter this handler BOOM My usage of the Math.min(...) hasnt changed... the NPE occurs faithfully on the call to Math.min(...)... even after I tried to change the type of itemsPerPage

Re: Gallery for each article using hibernate

2012-10-11 Thread Ken in Nashua
Hi, I did a Gallery for T4... it ran beautiful currently porting it to T5... fun fun fun I wouldn't say its a trivial task... but a nice learning experience if you want to come out with some handy tapestry skill. I should be done with my T5 version in the coming weeks after I soup it up. -

RE: strange NPE, really making me nervous

2012-10-11 Thread Ken in Nashua
Here is Home.JAVA snippet public class Home { /** * Component */ @Property private Class collectiontype; @Property private Integer itemsPerPage = new Integer(50); I am trying to figure out why there is a NPE with this itemsPerPage its just a property in

RE: strange NPE, really making me nervous

2012-10-11 Thread Ken in Nashua
thanks czar yeah collestion is absolutely size = 1 and has a hibernate entity in it In my Gallery.JAVA I tried the following... removed @Property on itemsPerPage and added public Integer getItemsPerPage() { return itemsPerPage; } and invoked it directly instead of attempting

RE: strange NPE, really making me nervous

2012-10-11 Thread Ken in Nashua
thanks Cezary... I will try that right now... and if it fails code listings will be better submitted. be right back

RE: strange NPE, really making me nervous

2012-10-11 Thread Ken in Nashua
yeah... it didnt work @Property @Parameter(value=50, required = false, cache = false) private Integer itemsPerPage; I kept the integer type because in theory I shouldn't have to change it. I can post the code in a bit... let me take another pass here... - -

RE: strange NPE, really making me nervous

2012-10-11 Thread Ken in Nashua
Thanks Bob... i will try your solution... hold on

RE: strange NPE, really making me nervous

2012-10-11 Thread Ken in Nashua
Thanks for tryin guys... the initialization attempts had no effect - - [12/Oct/2012:04:45:35 +] GET /assets/1.0-SNAPSHOT-1350017091525/tynamo-0.3.0/themes/tapestryskin/breadcrumbs.jpg HTTP/1.1 200 349

RE: strange NPE, really making me nervous

2012-10-11 Thread Ken in Nashua
Here is my HOME template and java t:layout title=literal:Tynamo! xmlns:t=; xmlns:p=tapestry:parameter p:subMenuBlock ul li /li /ul /p:subMenuBlock p:navBlock ul

RE: strange NPE, really making me nervous

2012-10-11 Thread Ken in Nashua
Ok here is my actual GALLERY template and code... dont get too lost... its still in-play... and messy trust me I am a clean guy... and hopin this will be cleaned up soon !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN; div

RE: strange NPE, really making me nervous

2012-10-11 Thread Ken in Nashua
here is the latest... a component event exception is being triggered to the HOME.TML so for some reason HOME.TML or HOME.JAVA is not able to handle this somehow. An unexpected application exception has,

first flag variable for request cycle loop

2012-10-08 Thread Ken in Nashua
Folks, I am rendering some markup in a loop psuedo loop... index = blah blah /trtr do alot of rendering stuff here /loop Previously in T4 my code worked and the table row tags had to be placed at the top of the loop to check a modulo on the index property Now in T5, my check

RE: first flag variable for request cycle loop

2012-10-08 Thread Ken in Nashua
Thanks for trying Lance... i am re-writing a gallery widget. its all custom table... I cannot abstract it like your suggesting. its custom From: To: Subject: first flag variable for request cycle loop Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2012

RE: first flag variable for request cycle loop

2012-10-08 Thread Ken in Nashua
Alright, your correct... I will take a closer look. And thank you for the constrictive criticism. I prefer to do things the right-way... kinda pressed for time From: To: Subject: first flag variable for request cycle loop Date:

RE: first flag variable for request cycle loop

2012-10-08 Thread Ken in Nashua
Ok guys... this thread went off the track... i got the outer loop by design I will give the inner loop a try but i swear I had problems before in T4 I tried to avoid. I dont like hakcs like a firstFlag solution so I will give that inner loop a try and let you know how I make out

arithmetic calculations

2012-10-03 Thread Ken in Nashua
Folks, Want to say thanks for the help from engineers... I am receiving output now on my gallery widget... and keepin pluggin away... looks promising. I have tried to render raw markup in what one could call the page and perform property de-referencing or specify pojo and invoke method with

block delegate usage

2012-09-30 Thread Ken in Nashua
Hi Folks, I am modeling a gallery in a template. This worked beautiful in T4. But for T5 I have the following: Gallery.TML (without showing all the code) t:block t:id=autoPagingContent id=autoPagingContent /t:block t:block t:id=collectionContent id=collectionContent

Label component usage

2012-09-30 Thread Ken in Nashua
Folks, I am using the Label component to model some space maintainers in between the postions of components. kinda like filling up empty table columns ? td colspan=0 div style=font-weight:bold; text-align: center; t:Label for=/ t:outputRaw value=${cursor} +

RE: Label component usage

2012-09-30 Thread Ken in Nashua
If I specify autoPagingContent as the for value... it gives same error asking for embedded component. whats the definition of an embedded component? Any ideas how to get around this? Should I just get rid of using the Labels ? From: To:

RE: cannot output table tags in outputraw compnnent

2012-09-29 Thread Ken in Nashua
Thanks Guys for the help... both your solutions I know will work as I woke up this morning thinking of same. Yeah you cant just do straight markup in the tml... it destabilises the IF component org.xml.sax.SAXParseExceptionThe element type t:If must be terminated by the matching end-tag

RE: is there a way to refer to a Class type in a tml ?

2012-09-28 Thread Ken in Nashua
in a tml ? Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2012 15:51:25 -0300 From: On Fri, 28 Sep 2012 15:28:41 -0300, Ken in Nashua wrote: Folks, Hi! I am referring to the old T4 manner in which we would refer to a class type using @Integer.class within

cannot output table tags in outputraw compnnent

2012-09-28 Thread Ken in Nashua
Folks, If the output and outputraw components cannot contain a left angel bracket or other angle brackets ex. t:output value=/trtr/ t:outputraw value=/trtr/ Then I am left with doing this... t:outputraw value=lt;/trgt;lt;trgt;/ But if yeilds the following exception

RE: T4 to T5 select component usage

2012-09-27 Thread Ken in Nashua
Ivan, Preeviette !!! Thanks for the generous contribution and good faith. I am excited. I will give that a shot over the weekend. Your tech support for tapestry 5 looks good. I will be as generous to post my widget when I get it QA'd... going to be some weeks though... each month I think i

T4 to T5 select component usage

2012-09-20 Thread Ken in Nashua
Guys/Gals (if any), I am upgrading some T4 code to T5 I have a T4 select component configuration/usage as follows: --- TML snippet --- tr td width=25% align=left nowrap=NOWRAP t:LabelItems Per Page/t:Label select t:type=Select

RE: T4 to T5 select component usage

2012-09-20 Thread Ken in Nashua
Apologies for post... I uncovered some additional configurations that I failed to migrate to my T5 code base. The actual definitions of the components usage I am attempting to use... inside my Home.tml h1 div id=page.title span jwcid=@Insert value=Listings/

RE: T4 to T5 select component usage

2012-09-20 Thread Ken in Nashua
Referring to syntax... nothing personal. From: To: Subject: RE: T4 to T5 select component usage Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2012 23:06:27 -0400 Apologies for post... I uncovered some additional configurations that I failed to migrate

help upgrading T4 code

2012-09-15 Thread Ken in Nashua
Folks, Any help is appreciated. Formerly (in T4) OGNL was used to perform delicate property handling and processing. PropertyDescriptor beanPropDescriptor = (PropertyDescriptor) Ognl.getValue( propertyDescriptors.{? name == ' + descriptor.getName() + '}[0],

RE: custom head component

2012-09-13 Thread Ken in Nashua
Thanks Thiago... and for the javaloyal friendly welcome. I did a CustomHead component... and it reaches into my database and overrides themes modeled in CSS appropriately as desired... so I can soup up my model object to whatever I like and my web site model gets persisted to relaunch the way

how to get orioginal filename for UploadedFile

2011-09-26 Thread Ken in Nashua
Folks, I am using this tap5 UploadedFile trailsBlob.setContentType(file.getContentType()); trailsBlob.setFileName(file.getFileName()); trailsBlob.setFilePath(file.getFilePath()); trailsBlob.setNumBytes(new Long(file.getSize()));

RE: why read ony ComponentEventException

2011-09-19 Thread Ken in Nashua
Thanks Howard... i wondered if this one would get your attention and glad I can move onward. maybe i am getting old in my age but I got 5 years of hard C, 10 years of C++, 12 years of JAVA and a boat load of front end to back end... conceptual expression parsing and de-referencing caught me up

page forwarding

2011-09-18 Thread Ken in Nashua
Folks, I have a start page for an app... Index.tml It is broken up into two sections... obviously delimited by if tests - |authenticated | - | not authenticated | - Now I can fill those sections with

why read ony ComponentEventException

2011-09-18 Thread Ken in Nashua
Folks, I have a page feeding read/write property Home.JAVA @Property(read = true, write = true)// no getter/setter needed @Persist(session) private int itemsPerPage; to a component parameter Gallery.JAVA @Property(read = true, write = true)

RE: outputting expression logic

2011-09-17 Thread Ken in Nashua
07:48:41 -0300 From: On Thu, 15 Sep 2011 23:53:18 -0300, Ken in Nashua wrote: I guess I am asking for an ognl engine... to do these calculations within tml files Are you really sure you want to have logic in your template and make it look

outputting expression logic

2011-09-17 Thread Ken in Nashua
Thanks Thiago... I didn't think it unreasonable to have fundamental ops to take code like this... span jwcid=foreachitem@For source=ognl:collection value=ognl:currentObject index=ognl:index span jwcid=@If condition=ognl:okToRenderItem

RE: dereferencing

2011-09-17 Thread Ken in Nashua
Hey Steve, Awesome reply... Can you elaborate on your definition of =attributes Not sure what your calling that... syntactic, semantic or actual code... sorry if I am too conceptual... I am very excited about tap5 though... and shaking it out. - cheers Ken

RE: outputting expression logic

2011-09-17 Thread Ken in Nashua
Rob, Thanks for the constructive criticism. I will give this a whirl... like what I see... I am all for good form... and one of the nice things I am excited about T5 is that it promotes a ton of loose options for achieving good form. Appreciate the help and will let you know how I make out.

RE: outputting expression logic

2011-09-17 Thread Ken in Nashua
Thanks Rob... code ran as-is... auto-paging layout looks sweet I hope to finish this guy up and publish for public consumption by mid week or sooner... I just need to QA the action auto-paging links. Thanks... appreciate the help TML t:Loop id=foreachitem source=collection

RE: outputting expression logic

2011-09-16 Thread Ken in Nashua
Sep 2011 23:53:18 -0300, Ken in Nashua wrote: I guess I am asking for an ognl engine... to do these calculations within tml files Are you really sure you want to have logic in your template and make it look like JSP (which sucks), as Steve said? Mixing output


2011-09-16 Thread Ken in Nashua
Hi All, Under what conditions would I operate the ${} for a property... or not... Just trying to understand the scope and range of when to de-reference a property. I look at tml code and sometimes I see properties referenced directly and other times with ${...} Thanks for any clarification.

outputting expression logic

2011-09-15 Thread Ken in Nashua
Hi All, I have this expression in a component definition... t:label for = tableColumnsSelect${cursor} + 1/t:label For my case cursor is initially 0 After render... I view page source and I see the following... 0 + 1 when what I actually wanted to see is... the sum of the expression

RE: outputting expression logic

2011-09-15 Thread Ken in Nashua
t:outputRaw value=(${cursor} + 1)/ this seems to produce 0 + 1 instead of the desired 1 all i am trying to do is have the arithmetic performed before the output thanks From: To: Subject: outputting expression logic

RE: outputting expression logic

2011-09-15 Thread Ken in Nashua
I guess I am asking for an ognl engine... to do these calculations within tml files be nice if there were an expression operator in T5 to do these... guess I will have to make a java method... any solutions or canonical approach are appreciated... From:

RE: outputting expression logic

2011-09-15 Thread Ken in Nashua
So far I have to clutter up my component with this.. wish I could just do it in the tml like ognl as-is in t-4.1.2 not interested in chenelle @Persist(session) @Property private int cursorStartPosition; @Persist(session) @Property private int cursorEndPosition;

method call with parameters inside TML ?

2011-09-15 Thread Ken in Nashua
Hi All, T5 Can I reference a java function inside my template with parameters ? min(tableColumns, ${itemsPerPage}) thanks

RE: properties not persisting across requests

2011-09-14 Thread Ken in Nashua
across requests Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2011 08:39:25 -0300 From: On Wed, 14 Sep 2011 00:14:11 -0300, Ken in Nashua wrote: I need a default value in order to load my collection... otherwise this variable is interpreted as null or 0...depending on which type

RE: properties not persisting across requests

2011-09-13 Thread Ken in Nashua
Thanks Steve... I am trying that... There is no way to set default value though... Error persisting field Home:gallerywidget:itemsPerPage: Persistent fields may not be updated until after the page has finished loading. This may be due to a persistent field with a default value. The default

RE: properties not persisting across requests

2011-09-13 Thread Ken in Nashua
Also wondered why @Parameter could not do the job... way I see it is components take parameters... and I wanted to adhere to that... but every time I hit refresh button I lose my state.

RE: properties not persisting across requests

2011-09-13 Thread Ken in Nashua
Well I got rid of defaults and ran it... My home page contains a gallery component I have a button rigged on my browser set to http://localhost:8080/Home I clock the launch button set to the above URL The page comes up... and I see the first element in the select visible So I change the

RE: properties not persisting across requests

2011-09-13 Thread Ken in Nashua
@Persist(session) @Property(read = true, write = true) //@Parameter(required = true, cache = true, defaultPrefix = 50) private int itemsPerPage; This is what I have so far... Nothing gets persisted... blue in the face Any suggestions ? Thank You

RE: properties not persisting across requests

2011-09-13 Thread Ken in Nashua
Well I got the gallery component wrapped in a form so I think I need to probably actually perform a submit... So I rigged up my handlers and did the submit... Still no luck... select keep reverting back to default on refresh

properties not persisting across requests

2011-09-12 Thread Ken in Nashua
Hi All, I have page Home and a component Gallery whereby the page contains the component. So I tell the page to house a variable itemsPerPage so I can persist it into the component and I rig the component so accommodate and retain the state of this variable. Nothing get persisted or

pages vs components... use model still the same or has it evolved any ?

2011-09-08 Thread Ken in Nashua
An exerpt from a 2004 tapestry guide... A component's parameters are bound to properties of the enclosing page. The component is allowed to read its parameter, to access the page property the parameter is bound to. A component may also update its parameter, to force a change to the

RE: pages vs components... use model still the same or has it evolved any ?

2011-09-08 Thread Ken in Nashua
I guess I am wondered in other peoples ideas over pages and components. Though my take on them... pages NEED to persist properties across request boundaries... and components persist those page properties thru their well defined parameter interface. Does this mean that components should never

RE: class type notation

2011-09-04 Thread Ken in Nashua
used it in T-4.1.2 and it is fairly cool. So I will keep you posted when ready. Thanks KEN To:; Subject: Re: class type notation Date: Sun, 4 Sep 2011 23:45:42 -0300 From: On Sun, 04 Sep 2011 02:31:47 -0300, Ken in Nashua

outputting lt gt with outputRaw

2011-09-03 Thread Ken in Nashua
Hi All, I went with the symbols lt;lt; but tap5 is not holding water for some reason. location classpath:org/tynamo/examples/hibernatesecurity/components/Gallery.tml, line 50 ... /td /tr tr td align=left NOWRAP=nowrap colspan=2 div style=font-size:10pt; text-align:

class type notation

2011-09-03 Thread Ken in Nashua
Hi All, I am doing a custom gallery widget... ok I am upgrading my t-4.1.2 gallery to T5... fun stuff... Is the class type notation still legal ? t:Gallery t:id=GalleryWidget collectionType=ognl:@org.tynamo.examples.hibernatesecurity.model.admin.Person@class

Re: outputting lt gt with outputRaw

2011-09-02 Thread Ken in Nashua
Can someone help me resolve this markup... I went with the symbols but tap5 is not holding water. Thanks KEN Could not convert ' ' into a component parameter binding: Error parsing property expression ' ': Unable to parse input at character position

script component for tap5

2011-09-01 Thread Ken in nashua
Hi All, My old tap 4 code... span jwcid=@Script script=/org/trails/demo/components/TransparentTextImage.script topLeftText = ognl:currentObject.transparentText index = ognl:index /span is there a script component for tap5 ? How would you convert this span to operate this logic?

outputting lt gt with outputRaw

2011-08-27 Thread Ken in Nashua
Can someone help me... t:outputRaw value=/trtr/ the above fails... cannot have brackets inside value. How do I output How do I output Best Regards and thanks

RE: outputting lt gt with outputRaw

2011-08-27 Thread Ken in Nashua
this fixed t:outputraw value=lt;/trgt;lt;trgt;/ Best Regards and thanks From: To: Subject: outputting lt gt with outputRaw Date: Sat, 27 Aug 2011 02:56:37 -0400 Can someone help me... t:outputRaw value=/trtr/ the

ASO state objects and StateObjectfactory... tap4 to tap5

2011-08-23 Thread Ken in Nashua
Hi All, In tap-4.1.2 there was a concept of ASO whereby a singleton would be loaded on bootstrap and an application state object cuold be maintained throughout the livability of the web application... I assume it would get stuffed into servlet context or something like that. In any case...

Image component for tap5

2011-08-23 Thread Ken in Nashua
Hi All, There use to be a Image component for tap4... Is there one for tap5 ? If not is there one that suffices...? I am upgrading some tap4 code... my derivative extended the old tap4 Image and did some transparent modeling. I want to extend what exists for tap5 Image capabilities and

custom head component

2011-08-22 Thread Ken in Nashua
Hi All, Been getting into tap5 fairly heavily... and must say... I am impressed this time. Much so over previous versions. finally... pheew Best feature I believe is the unbeatable design... since day one... and I believe this one is here to stay for quite some time. So I

RE: ognl question

2009-11-23 Thread Ken in nashua
Thanks folks for offers. Still wondering... how do we do object graph notation in T5. Is there an improvised construct/framework to take the place of OGNL? Ken From: To: Subject: ognl question Date: Thu, 19 Nov 2009 08:41:11 -0500

ognl question

2009-11-19 Thread Ken in nashua
Folks, OGNL is used in t4. Is it being used in t5 ? If not what is the improv for OGNL in t5. Best regards Ken in New Boston _ Windows 7: I wanted simpler, now it's simpler. I'm a

RE: is T4 dead ?

2009-01-14 Thread Ken in nashua
of a coordinate api for determining where a dom is actually positioned... I had to drill into my layers and get the ID's and calculate each position recursively up the dom tree... and create my own geometry mgt api for convenient calculations. - cheers Best regards Ken in nashua

Re: is T4 dead ?

2009-01-12 Thread Ken in nashua
in nashua nhhockeyplayer at hotmail.comwrote: Haven't seen any updates since november. T4 has a ton of jiras and geometry issues for custom @Script and *.script modules.Best regards Ken in nashua _ Windows Live™ Hotmail®: Chat. Store

is T4 dead ?

2009-01-07 Thread Ken in nashua
Haven't seen any updates since november. T4 has a ton of jiras and geometry issues for custom @Script and *.script modules.Best regards Ken in nashua _ Windows LiveTM: Keep your life in sync.

T-4.1.6, anyone got a good getPosition(node) function

2008-10-15 Thread Ken in nashua
regards Ken in nashua _ Want to do more with Windows Live? Learn “10 hidden secrets” from Jamie.!550F681DAD532637!5295.entry?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_domore_092008

dynamic jwcid

2008-09-25 Thread Ken in nashua
are bnow bogus. Why isn't there a solution to dynamic jwcid's? Can anyone elaborate? I tried this... span jwcid=ognl:componentId / But that doesn't work. Delegator doesn't work. I don't need to complicate things with renderblock. Ideas are appreciATED. Best regards Ken in nashua

RE: dynamic jwcid

2008-09-25 Thread Ken in nashua
This is for t-4.1.6 I do not want tapestry choosing my ID's. I want to assign my own within a for collection loop.Best regards Ken in nashua From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: dynamic jwcidDate: Thu, 25 Sep 2008 15:06:31 -0400 Folks, I just noticed my gallery widget is failing

RE: dynamic jwcid

2008-09-25 Thread Ken in nashua
Specifying an id= worked... I was able to call my java method to get a custom id. span jwcid=[EMAIL PROTECTED] id=ognl:imageComponentId public String getImageComponentId () { return Image_ + new Integer (getIndex()).toString(); } Best regards Ken in nashua From: [EMAIL PROTECTED

4.1.6 remains unusable for eclipse runtime

2008-09-16 Thread Ken in nashua
still containes hidden references to 4.1.6-SNAPSHOT inside poms and other property files referencing this release tag and tagging it as such. Several users have posted similar requests last week. If this can be resolved so we can run that would be terrific. THANKSBest regards Ken in nashua

RE: 4.1.6 remains unusable for eclipse runtime

2008-09-16 Thread Ken in nashua
built locally I did mention that the release 4.1.6 has references to 4.1.6-SNAPSHOT within the source code in svn. Shouldn't those references to SNAPSHOT be changed? Thanks for your help. Best regards Ken in nashua From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: 4.1.6 remains unusable

RE: 4.1.6 remains unusable for eclipse runtime

2008-09-16 Thread Ken in nashua
that those projects were being cleanly re-generated when they were'nt. After examining the .classpath file for those projects, they were referring to 4.1.6-SNAPSHOT Best regards Ken in nashua From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: RE: 4.1.6 remains unusable for eclipse runtimeDate: Tue, 16

RE: tapestry-4.1.6-final

2008-09-12 Thread Ken in nashua
Sounds like the poms need to be edited. Nice features and improvements and fixes Marcus. Looking forward to 4.1.7.Best regards Ken in nashua From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: tapestry-4.1.6-finalDate: Thu, 11 Sep 2008 18:14:23 -0400 Folks, Can someone explain why version4.1.6

Re: [T4.1.5] Direct listener called multiple times

2008-09-11 Thread Ken in nashua
I have seen listeners get called twice. Have you tried 4.1.6-SNAPSHOT` I may have complained before about this in 4.1.6 but have not followed up on it.Best regards Ken in nashua _ Want to do more with Windows Live? Learn “10

RE: T-4.1.6-SNAPSHOT broken? commons-pool

2008-09-11 Thread Ken in nashua
Thanks Martin, I like the exclusion option. Giving that a try now. Sure I will go with one or the other.Best regards Ken in nashua From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: RE: T-4.1.6-SNAPSHOT broken? commons-poolDate: Wed, 10 Sep 2008 13:53:35 -0400 Well Still no solution except


2008-09-11 Thread Ken in nashua
Folks, Can someone explain why version4.1.6-SNAPSHOT/version remains referenced throughout the 4.1.6 and 4.1.6 branches? It is hampering eclipse from running jetty:run complaining about version4.1.6-SNAPSHOT/version being in the classpathBest regards Ken in nashua

RE: T-4.1.6-SNAPSHOT broken? commons-pool

2008-09-10 Thread Ken in nashua
Well Still no solution except for brute force specifying commons-pool-1.4 in my webapp pom. commons-dbcp-1.2.2 has nothing to do with it but shows up as a parent in the tree for it. Still do not know whats pulling commons-pool-1.3 in. Here is the tree...

RE: how to include css resource inside tapestry script file

2008-09-03 Thread Ken in nashua
Sorry... forgot... T-4.1.6-SNAPSHOTBest regards Ken in nashua From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: how to include css resource inside tapestry script fileDate: Wed, 3 Sep 2008 10:42:22 -0400 Folks, Wanted to know if there is a mechanism whereby we can include a whole set of CSS

T-4.1.6 - @Submit listener called twice

2008-08-14 Thread Ken in nashua
()) / /div Best regards Ken in nashua _ Reveal your inner athlete and share it with friends on Windows Live.

T-4.1.6 ... set position of a textnode ontop of image in tapestry script with dojo

2008-06-06 Thread Ken in nashua
Can someone explain the best practice on how to set the position of a text node ontop of an image in tapestry script using dojo? It cannot be this difficult. I have lost weeks on this. T-4.1.6 uses dojo-0.4.3, (also interested when this will get bumped to 0.9 or 1.0) No matter what I try in

RE: T-4.1.6 ... set position of a textnode ontop of image in tapestry script with dojo

2008-06-06 Thread Ken in nashua
One of the problems is that I am not appending 'px' to the new value in the assignment of the style. But that does not solve. Positions are still incoherent. Best regards Ken in nashua From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: T-4.1.6 ... set position of a textnode ontop of image

T-4.1.6 whoas...

2008-05-02 Thread Ken in nashua
onchange=tapestry.form.refresh(this.form) / Why would these listeners cease to function? Thanks for any ideas. Best regards Ken in nashua _ Get Free (PRODUCT) RED™ Emoticons, Winks and Display

RE: T-4.1.6 whoas...

2008-05-02 Thread Ken in nashua
For some reason my environment went unstable. Reboot and clean/scan resolved. I am breaking at my handlers now. Discard. Best regards Ken in nashua From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Subject: T-4.1.6 whoas... Date: Fri, 2 May 2008 09:27:22 -0400 Has the overnight

RE: T-4.1.6 - Ognl Bug or Tapestry Bug ?

2008-04-30 Thread Ken in nashua
Ken in nashua From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Subject: T-4.1.6 - Ognl Bug or Tapestry Bug ? Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2008 22:59:18 -0400 I am operating 2 propertyselect components on a page and a collection. But those facts may be regardless of this arisen condition

PropertySelect help... thanks

2008-04-29 Thread Ken in nashua
? Best regards Ken in nashua _ Spell a grand slam in this game where word skill meets World Series. Get in the game.

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