Re: Adding comment tags outside the tags

2016-12-19 Thread Entropy
Nabble hid the tags. Let's see if I can get it to show them: -- View this message in context: Sent from the Users forum mailing list archive at

Adding comment tags outside the tags

2016-12-19 Thread Entropy
Our web designed is putting these comment tags to conditionlize the based on browser. They are in EVERY page. So I'd like to encapsulate that in a parent class or something. How can wicket write these out dynamically? -- View this message in context:

Re: Refreshingview vs ListView

2016-07-28 Thread Entropy
Thanks for the suggestion. I think so. public boolean equals(Object other) { if ((this == other)) return true; if ((other == null)) return false; if (!(other instanceof Expense))

Re: Refreshingview vs ListView

2016-07-27 Thread Entropy
I replaced the RefreshingView with a PropertyListView again, and it fixed the validation message issue. All other changes were still there. Unfortunately, it also breaks my new feature as the ListView won't update on Save. -- View this message in context:

Refreshingview vs ListView

2016-07-27 Thread Entropy
We have a section written by another developer who is gone that I am attempting to modify. It was a ListView where items are added via a plus button, and all items are editable. A new requirement came down to modify some text in the fields on save. I modified the fields as we saved, then add

Autocomplete has a bug

2016-07-21 Thread Entropy
We are running 6.20, and our test team reported a bug that corresponds to this bugfix: However, notice the last comment from ramesh valasa. When we downloaded 6.23 and applied it to our app, we saw the same issue. Basically what happens is

Wicket on the Amazon Cloud?

2016-05-02 Thread Entropy
We've done our last several apps in Wicket. It's our framework. But our next app, the client has stated they want implemented on Amazon WebServices Cloud. Because of the automatic scaling, the advice seems to be that you want to write your apps to be stateless. But of course, Wicket is very


2015-10-23 Thread Entropy
I am having a problem where I am always getting a StalePageException, whenever the ajax request is sent for an AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior. The url for the callback to the AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior is stored in a HiddenField. This value apparently has a stale page version number(I suspect this

Re: FeedbackPanel and warnings

2015-10-15 Thread Entropy
We're using 6.12 if that makes a difference, but it sounds like you don't think it should. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Users forum mailing list archive at

Re: FeedbackPanel and warnings

2015-10-15 Thread Entropy
Eventually found it. Somewhere deep in a re-usable panel written by a co-worker who no longer works here a set visible was being done on the panel that was looking for error level messages only. Nobody knew it was there. -- View this message in context:

FeedbackPanel and warnings

2015-10-14 Thread Entropy
Our feedbackpanels work fine, have for a while. But we just got a new requirement to add warnings. We find that when there is at least one error message, the panel shows all messages, regardless of their level, but when there are only warnings, the panel remains hidden as if there were no

Re: FeedbackPanel and warnings

2015-10-14 Thread Entropy
We searched the code and we do not use the filter. What's more, during investigation of the issue, we created a filter that always returns true from the accept() method of the filter just to see, and in fact when only warnings are added, the accept method is never called, whereas in a mixture, we

Show warnings as yellow

2015-10-09 Thread Entropy
We have a feedback panel, and we want errors to be red and warnings to be yellow. I know to use warn() instead of error, but how can i make them show different in color? And I have a feeling that for 508 reasons, I may be required to show something next to the warnings to indicate they are

Re: Wicket Ajax Debug error

2015-10-08 Thread Entropy
tin Grigorov > Wicket Training and Consulting > > > On Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 1:29 AM, Entropy <[hidden email] > <http:///user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node=4672170=0>> wrote: > > > We have a feature that has been working for months. We're

Wicket Ajax Debug error

2015-10-07 Thread Entropy
We have a feature that has been working for months. We're not sure when it stopped working, but it has. It's an ajax button, and the event never gets to the server event. The wicket debug window flashes red and says: In firefox: INFO: focus set on declineSharingButton ERROR: An error occurred

Re: Wicket modal, change the parent page

2015-06-15 Thread Entropy
Yes, the method is called, and yes the modal closes. However, in the same event as the closing modal, I need to let the parent page update itself based on what the user did. And that's the part that doesn't work. A quickstart would be hard because this is in the middle of a large workflow with

Re: Wicket modal, change the parent page

2015-06-15 Thread Entropy
That is correct, my modal shows a page. I wasn't aware a modal could show just a panel. I will look into this. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Users forum mailing list archive

Wicket modal, change the parent page

2015-06-14 Thread Entropy
I have a wicket modal that is used to let the user select from a couple options on a popup button. On close, depending on what button they hit on the popup, I need to run a javascript event on the calling page as I close the window, AND I need to alter a label and ExternalLink on the parent page.

Re: Radio buttons spread across page

2015-03-19 Thread Entropy
Picture a page with multiple sections. Each section consists of multiple form elements, but there is also a radio button per section that all belong to a single radio group. But the controls of those sections are not part of the radio group so it seems to not make sense to me to make these

Radio buttons spread across page

2015-03-16 Thread Entropy
We have a page wherein we have a radio group that has the user selecting which section of the page applies to their situation with a different set of fields under each. I wan these radio buttons to behave as a group, but I don't want to put a bunch of controls under the group that aren't really

Wierd Validation

2015-01-23 Thread Entropy
We have a page where the client has made some odd demands for behavior and I need to know if they are possible and if so, how one would do them. The basic gist is that the user is filling out alot of data and may not know it all right away. So they can enter the record in a sort of scratch way,

Re: RadioGroup not updating in ajax event

2014-11-17 Thread Entropy
Nobody has ideas? -- View this message in context: Sent from the Users forum mailing list archive at - To

RadioGroup not updating in ajax event

2014-11-14 Thread Entropy
We have an ajax event initiated by one panel that affects the data, and needs to force a redraw of a radiogroup in another panel. The ajax event arrives, we add the radiogroup to the target, update the model that backs the ListView, but the populateItem method never re-fires to redraw. Note that

Re: Wicket error page runs twice

2014-10-27 Thread Entropy
The exception occurred within an AjaxButton. In this case, a service was not responding, we want to show our error page, and put a custom message up indicating that it is a service problem, call the help line or try again later blah blah blah... I don't think any redirects are involved. -- View

Re: Wicket error page runs twice

2014-10-27 Thread Entropy
Well, you are definitely right that there are multiple requests for whatever reason. I can see WicketServlet doPost called, the method runs, throws the error, the error page gets control with the exception, then a doGet occurs and the error page runs again without the exception. I can't really

Re: Wicket error page runs twice

2014-10-27 Thread Entropy
Okay, I found this, the first request URL and query string are: /EquitableSharing/?19-1.IBehaviorListener.1-share-form-toolContainer-declineSharingButton The second is: /EquitableSharing/wicket/bookmarkable/gov.usdoj.afms.esp.application.ESPApplicationErrorPage So it seems like even though the

Re: Wicket error page runs twice

2014-10-27 Thread Entropy
With a slight modification, that worked. I used: return new RenderPageRequestHandler(new PageProvider(new ESPApplicationErrorPage(ex))); Thanks Martin! -- View this message in context: Sent from

Wicket error page runs twice

2014-10-24 Thread Entropy
I have a requirement that when certain kinds of exceptions are thrown, I want to customize my exception error page. I stuffed the exception into the requestcycle and retrieve it in the page like so: Exception exception = getRequestCycle().getMetaData(ESPApplication.EXCEPTION_KEY); I watch

URL to resource

2014-08-01 Thread Entropy
I have a javascript spellchecker dictionary file located in the package with my re-usable SpellCheckBehavior that generated the javascript to apply spellcheck to my text fields. I want the generated javascript to have the URL to that dictionary file. I know I need a resource reference to it, but

Re: URL to resource

2014-08-01 Thread Entropy
Nevermind, I found the urlFor method on the component. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Users forum mailing list archive at

Excel spreadsheet and cache duration

2014-07-31 Thread Entropy
We have an ajax button that submits a form that, if the parameters are right, will download an excel file. The developers who wrote the page used an ajax behavior and then write the request out as javascript like so: target.appendJavaScript((CharSequence) (window.location.href=' +

Re: Excel spreadsheet and cache duration

2014-07-31 Thread Entropy
That workaround had occurred to us. We thought there might be a better way, but if that is the recommended solution, we feel better about it. Just didn't want to overlook a silver bullet. While it isn't the exact same thing, I am also having an exception maybe someone could shed light on in the

Re: InvalidUrlException

2014-07-28 Thread Entropy
I am considering subclassing WebRequestCodingStrategy to override that one method (and otherwise just call super() everywhere) and forward that condition to the HomePage instead of exceptioning. But I am a little unsure how to get my subclassed WebRequestCodingStrategy into use. -- View this

Re: InvalidUrlException

2014-07-28 Thread Entropy
It turns out our ops team runs a script every ten minutes to test whether the app was up. The script was issuing this wierd URL a couple times per run due to it being broken. However, to protect against the future possibility, i implemented the forward to HomePage thingy discussed above. For


2014-07-26 Thread Entropy
We're getting alot of these in the logs from a Wicket 1.4.7 app. I presume that it came from some link somewhere that built improperly. Our classes aren't on the stack, so it's hard to know where in the app it's coming from. Any suggestions on how to track this down? I do know that by

Re: Behavior to modify attributes

2014-07-21 Thread Entropy
Instead of doing: page.add(new MyBehavior(components)) do Behavior b = AttributeModifier.append(); for (Component c : components) { c.add(b) } Certainly that would work, I am trying to create a re-usable Behavior for my app that any page wishing to incorporate this

Re: Behavior to modify attributes

2014-07-21 Thread Entropy
Oh, I just tried it in my common page's onBeforeRender. Evidently I can do this from the page.onBeforeRender, just not from the behavior onBeforeRender. Which is probably what you meant. Okay, I can work with that. -- View this message in context:

Behavior to modify attributes

2014-07-18 Thread Entropy
I have a third party js library I am applying to my page. I have to mark the fields I want excluded with a particular HTML attribute. So I am implementing a custom behavior to do the work, and I want the behavior to act like it's an opt-in behavior instead of opt-out. So I wrote my behavior to

Re: ComponentFeedbackPanel near radio group not working

2014-06-04 Thread Entropy
. --Groucho Marx On Tue, Jun 3, 2014 at 10:26 PM, Paul Bors [via Apache Wicket] wrote: Do you use any custom feedback filters? Have a great day, Paul Bors On May 31, 2014, at 9:29 AM, Entropy [hidden email] wrote: On the group. It's the required rule

Error page stack trace

2014-06-04 Thread Entropy
We set our error page via setInternalErrorPage on IApplicationSettings in 1.6. I'd like to bury the stack trace in a comment in the rendered page in our staging and dev environments to save time. But I have no idea how to get the originating trace in the error page. -- View this message in

Re: Error page stack trace

2014-06-04 Thread Entropy
The meta data facility looks intriguing but is a bit confusing. How is this supposed to work? I was expecting something like a map, but the key has to be this abstract object that takes an arrya of entry objects? And each entry object demands reference back to it's key? This is a confusing

Re: Error page stack trace

2014-06-04 Thread Entropy
Nevermind, I figured out from other examples that they tend to share the key in a static constant so that it becomes the object identity that allows you to access the meta data object. I wonder if that is really the intended use, but intended or not, it works. -- View this message in context:

Re: ComponentFeedbackPanel near radio group not working

2014-05-31 Thread Entropy
On the group. It's the required rule. You can see group is set to required. And group is bound to the component feedback panel. -- View this message in context: Sent from

ComponentFeedbackPanel near radio group not working

2014-05-30 Thread Entropy
I am mystified. I have an error panel at the top of my page that show the errors for the page, but near each control is ALSO a ComponentFeedbackPanel to show the error near the control. These work fine for every control except this radio group. The error shows up top, has the right label, but

Link in Feedback Message

2014-05-02 Thread Entropy
I am currently putting a link into one of our feedback messages so give the user a quick way to navigate in response to a particular condition. I am doing it by just writing the tags into the message like so:String url = this.urlFor(SearchResultPage.class, new PageParameters().set(newSearch,

Feedback panel title area

2014-04-25 Thread Entropy
Is it possible to put some HTML inside the feedback panel that isn't messages? Possibly for some formatting or a title/instructions? The stuff would become visible at the same time as the error panel, but is static content otherwise outside the messages? I tried just sticking some HTML in

Re: Feedback panel title area

2014-04-25 Thread Entropy
I just tried putting some text inside the feedback panel's html like so: div class=errorpanel id=errorpanel wicket:id=feedbackThis is a test/div That didn't work. This is a test was overwritten when the feedback panel rendered. Which is exactly what I expected it to do. -- View this message

Feedback Panel Request

2014-04-22 Thread Entropy
My analysis team has made some requests on how to show errors that I'd like some advice on how to accomplish in wicket. We have a page level feedback panel as well as a component level feedback panel. Currently, errors show in both and as plain text. Request #1 - Can we put links in the page

AjaxButton does not respect return false on client side

2014-04-21 Thread Entropy
I have an ajax button that launches a modal form. It binds to: input type=button wicket:id=btnCopy onclick='return false;' value=Copy To I've replace the javascript call that checks the condition with a flat return false to simplify things. This still launches the event, and renders the modal

Re: AjaxButton does not respect return false on client side

2014-04-21 Thread Entropy
So I figured out that what's happening is that evidently wicket 6 doesn't put the javascript inline, but uses event listener registration or whatever. And it seems like this overwrites my inline event in an AjaxButton. The solution: @Override

Re: AjaxButton does not respect return false on client side

2014-04-21 Thread Entropy
Nevermind. This secondary issue was caused by one of my many experiments to solve the original issue. Further, I also found that if I had needed to do this, the method to override is getOnClickScript(). I will say, that I am a little uncertain if this new style is a good thing. Traditionally,

Modal Window and RestartResponseException

2014-04-17 Thread Entropy
I have an ajaxlink on my modal window that takes the user to a new page, one the modal window is not on. I have traditionall done stuff like this with RestartResponseException. But when I use that from the modal window, the new page renders INSIDE the modal window. Not the desired behavior. I

Two Questions

2014-04-14 Thread Entropy
1) I have a feedback panel and when i add messages under info(), they do not show up. When I add the message via error(), it shows as expected. Why might this be? 2) I am using the @SpringBean annotation, works fine. But I want to inject a string property value that came from the properties

Modal Popup JS errors on close

2014-04-09 Thread Entropy
We have a modal popup in an app that uses Wicket 1.4.7. We recently upgraded out first app to Wicket 6.8, and we want to add a modal popup to it. However, and it comes up okay, but on close, I get a JS error. Firebug says: this.content.contentWindow.Wicket.Window is undefined on line 785 of

Re: Modal Popup JS errors on close

2014-04-09 Thread Entropy
Just discovered that this happens in Firefox, not in IE, and even then only when firebug is open. So maybe not a real problem? But it is a little alarming to me that I get it even then. I'd still like to solve it, but obviously, that makes it less important. -- View this message in context:

One field enabled in a disabled container

2014-03-27 Thread Entropy
A wierd requirement was just handed to me. We have a form that gets enabled/disabled depending on business rules as normal. However, now I am being told to disable ALL BUT TWO fields in a particular state. Is my only option here to leave the form enabled and then disable EVERY other control

RE: One field enabled in a disabled container

2014-03-27 Thread Entropy
Yeah, I considered that. Unfortunately the hierarchy is such that these two are in the middle and buried a bit in the HTML hierarchy. In a simpler situation, that would've worked spendidly. -- View this message in context:

ajax event not quite working as planned

2014-03-23 Thread Entropy
I have a listview where each row has an expandable section in it to show additonal detail on some rows. That works. But two aspects aren't working. 1) I am trying to change the + on the button to a -, and then back again when we collapse. My code looks like:

Re: ajax event not quite working as planned

2014-03-23 Thread Entropy
Setting that AND adding the form that contains the list to the target (which was inspired by that bit of text) seems to have solved issue #2, the collapse. Thanks! However, issue #1, the button label, is still not working correctly. Any insight there? -- View this message in context:

Re: Show textfield as plaintext when disabled?

2014-03-20 Thread Entropy
*bump* I still need help making this technique work for TextAreas whose onComponentTagBody methods are final. I have also discovered the need for this in a RadioGroup. I apply RadioGroup to a wicket:container which wraps some markup that includes my radio buttons. Works fine. In readonly, I

Re: Show textfield as plaintext when disabled?

2014-03-20 Thread Entropy
Of course the instant I submit the question, I thought of something else to try. I stopped overriding onComponentTag and changed the body to: @SuppressWarnings(unchecked) public void onComponentTagBody(final MarkupStream markupStream, final ComponentTag openTag) {

Expandable section in ListView

2014-03-18 Thread Entropy
I have a list view that will have a button on the left to expand or contract a section that starts out hidden. this section will have some additional details. Code and HTML below. When I click the button, the event arrives in my onActivityLogExpansion, and the wicket ajax debug control turns

Re: Show textfield as plaintext when disabled?

2014-03-10 Thread Entropy
Igor, This was great. Exactly what I needed. I applied this to my TextField and DropDownChoice with a few tweaks and it's perfect. But when I went to do the same to TextArea, I am told that onComponentTagBody is final and cannot be overridden. So i tired without that method overidden like so:

RE: Show textfield as plaintext when disabled?

2014-03-04 Thread Entropy
What a great bunch of ideas. I'll be implementing at least one of them. Thanks for all your ideas. Does anyone have similar techniques for dropdowns? -- View this message in context:

Show textfield as plaintext when disabled?

2014-02-28 Thread Entropy
Is there a way to have my textfield show as plain text when in a readonly mode rather than as a disabled textbox? Backup question: I can imagine making a panel to do this...having a textfield and label and hiding whichever I didn't want, but I would want my panel to bind to a textbox in the

SpringBean and properties file.

2014-02-11 Thread Entropy
I think this is a problem in spring and wicket working together. This is in 1.4.7. In spring: bean id=portalResources class=gov.usdoj.afms.afmsportal.application.AFMSPortalResources init-method=init scope=singleton property name=portalService ref=portalService/

Re: Wicket 6 - JavaScriptHeaderItem renders too early

2014-01-29 Thread Entropy
For posterity, the solution that eventually worked for me: response.render(JavaScriptHeaderItem.forReference(new JavaScriptResourceReference(ExtGrid.class, ExtGridSupport.js))); response.render(OnDomReadyHeaderItem.forScript(writeGridJS())); The on dom ready delays my init long enough to serve

Invoke Wicket from JavaSctipt

2014-01-29 Thread Entropy
I want a javascript method to wrap the wicket invocation. I passed the following to Wicket.Ajax.ajax. This is what I see in firebug. attrs { c=grid6, u=./?3-6.IBehaviorListene...ent-assetListTable-grid, ep=[{action=cellClick}, {key=8}, {column=caseNumber} ] } But

Re: Invoke Wicket from JavaSctipt

2014-01-29 Thread Entropy
Thanks. Using the advanced method worked. Though I wasn't repeating parameters, so I am not sure why the previous didn't work. But it doesn't matter now. -- View this message in context: Sent from

Re: Wicket 6 - JavaScriptHeaderItem renders too early

2014-01-24 Thread Entropy
( at org.apache.wicket.Component.internalRenderComponent( ... 80 more Entropy wrote Browser giving me a little trouble. Apologies if I double-submitted this. My respoonse: I didn't even know such a website existed. Thanks. I am trying

Wicket 6 - JavaScriptHeaderItem renders too early

2014-01-23 Thread Entropy
Hello, I am just converted to Wicket 6, and I have a line like this in one component: response.render(JavaScriptHeaderItem.forScript(writeGridJS(), getId() + _js)); That writes some custom javascript which in turn run when Ext.onReady() is ready. However, this script generated so early that

Re: Wicket 6 - JavaScriptHeaderItem renders too early

2014-01-23 Thread Entropy wrote: Hi, Read Martin Grigorov Wicket Training and Consulting On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 4:24 PM, Entropy [hidden email]http://user/SendEmail.jtp?type=nodenode=4663911i=0 wrote: Hello, I am

Re: AjaxLazyLoadPanel in wicket 6

2013-12-20 Thread Entropy
Hi, Does anyone have some insight on this? -- View this message in context: Sent from the Users forum mailing list archive at

Re: 1.4.7 app form does not submit on server when panel is not visible.

2013-12-19 Thread Entropy
Yeah, I get that. The problem with that is that I can't reproduce the issue locally with the FULL APPLICATION, so I am reasonably certain that I won't be able to reproduce it with a quickstart. It only happens on the server AND when this panel is visible. I attached the panel as a file if that

Re: 1.4.7 app form does not submit on server when panel is not visible.

2013-12-19 Thread Entropy
New Info: So I've been promoting over and over, having backed the panel out and slowly building it back up. When I don't build the buttons in the middle, the page submits normally. The html for the buttons is: div id=tabbuttons button type=button title=Add

Re: 1.4.7 app form does not submit on server when panel is not visible.

2013-12-19 Thread Entropy
I can now add that if only the addSelected button is added, the problem happens, likewise if only addAll is included. So it appears that any of the four buttons creates the problem. add(new AjaxButton(addSelected) { private static final long

Re: 1.4.7 app form does not submit on server when panel is not visible.

2013-12-19 Thread Entropy
SOLVED I don't know why i didn't see this earlier, but the issue was using the button tag instead of input type=button. Somewhere along the line, someone started using button tags in our shop and we've noticed quirky behavior from them before (though nothing this quirky). Changed it to input

1.4.7 app form does not submit on server when panel is not visible.

2013-12-18 Thread Entropy
This is in one of our Wicket 1.4.7 apps that we have not converted yet. The problem does not happen in localhost test environments, but does happen on the server. Moreover, the problem only happens when a data condition causes a particular panel to be visible. When this panel is visible (and I

AjaxLazyLoadPanel in wicket 6

2013-12-17 Thread Entropy
Hi, it's me again, and I am still converting from 1.4.7 to 6.12. I think I am starting to get down to the last few errors. I have an AjaxLazyLoadPanel that loads a grid of data that takes a little time to load. It worked fine in the 1.4.7 version of the app, though there are code changes from

Re: AjaxLazyLoadPanel in wicket 6

2013-12-17 Thread Entropy
I think so. Here's the output. It seems like the component id is wrong. Indeed, I DO see that show up. But that isn't the full set of what should show. Because the method I referenced previously was not called, the data that should be part of this isn't ever retrieved. I also notice that the

AutoComplete stopped working in 6.12

2013-12-16 Thread Entropy
Converting from 1.4.7 to 6.12. The page runs, but the autocomplete field has stopped working. It never produces an autocomplete, acting as if it were simply a normal . More strangely, no code in the containing panel was changed, nor do I see anything in the migration guide about

Re: AutoComplete stopped working in 6.12

2013-12-16 Thread Entropy
Solved. Not long after posting this I found which explains that Wicket now includes it's own jQuery...which I'd read, but hadn't made the connection to this problem. When I took out the jQuery base js include, the

Re: Converting 1.4.7 to 6.12 - Login Error

2013-12-13 Thread Entropy
Thanks Martin, that did it. It now works with the class instead of an instantiated page. I guess now pages passed through that exception must be mounted? -- View this message in context:

Re: Converting 1.4.7 to 6.12 - Login Error

2013-12-12 Thread Entropy
So, the app worked before I made my 1.4.7 - 6.12 changes. The general flow is that when I hit the URL for the app (with no parameters...that 404 URL is not something I typed from the browser) it goes to the Application.getHomePage(), which returns the home page (not the login page). We have a

Re: Converting 1.4.7 to 6.12 - Login Error

2013-12-12 Thread Entropy
I know it is a web container page. I may not have been clear on this before. The URL I hit is: http://localhost:9080/EquitableSharing Wicket the forwards me to: http://localhost:9080/EquitableSharing/gov.usdoj.afms.esp.modules.login.LoginPage?1 But Wicket is involved because the WicketFilter is

Re: Converting 1.4.7 to 6.12 - Login Error

2013-12-12 Thread Entropy
I just tried replacing the exception line with: try { throw new RestartResponseAtInterceptPageException((Page) getLoginPageClass().newInstance()); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InstantiationException

Converting 1.4.7 to 6.12 - Login Error

2013-12-11 Thread Entropy
So I am past my compile errors and am now running my shiny new 6.12 application. But it breaks down before I can get it off the dealer's lot. :( The problem is that the error is kind of ambiguous. The console says: [12/11/13 14:47:30:437 EST] 0026 servlet I

Re: response headers in Wicket 6

2013-12-10 Thread Entropy
Thanks Francois, Second question: In 1.4.7 the page object supported a removePersistedFormData() method and the TextField has a method setPersistent() on it. Both appear gone, and I don't see anything in the 6 or 1.5 conversion guides about them. What is the replacement? -- View this

Converting 1.4.7 to 6.12

2013-12-10 Thread Entropy
Hi, it's me again. I'm still converting to 6.12 from 1.4.7. Thanks for your help on previous questions. Here's the next item I didn't see in the conversion docs. In one of our pages, someone did this:

response headers in Wicket 6

2013-12-09 Thread Entropy
Hi, I'm converting one of our apps from 1.4.7 to 6.12. the old code extended WebResource. I changed it to extend ByteArrayResource. I changed setheaders to setResponseHeaders. But the code inside, I am not sure how to change to Wicket 6 as the parameters are very different. @Override

Re: response headers in Wicket 6

2013-12-09 Thread Entropy
Second question (the first is still open), in 1.4.7 the page object supported a removePersistedFormData() method and the TextField has a method setPersistent() on it. Both appear gone, and I don't see anything in the6 or 1.5 conversion guides about them. What is the replacement? -- View this

Re: AJAX event response headers - redirect

2013-09-14 Thread Entropy
. --Groucho Marx On Sat, Sep 14, 2013 at 12:58 AM, Martin Grigorov-4 [via Apache Wicket] wrote: how you would do it with naked Ajax? On Sep 13, 2013 10:50 PM, Entropy [hidden email] wrote: We have alot of ajax events in our app. Wicket makes it very easy

AJAX event response headers - redirect

2013-09-13 Thread Entropy
We have alot of ajax events in our app. Wicket makes it very easy to do so. However, all of our applications have Novell Access Manager (NAM) in front of them for single-sign-on. When the NAM session times out, it sends a redirect to the browser to bring them to a login page. But for ajax

Re: Wicket 1.4.7 request listener

2013-07-18 Thread Entropy
1) Many of those suggestions appear to be 1.5 or greater. I am in 1.4.7. 2) A simple filter does indeed get me the events, but at that point, how am I to know what page is being worked with? My objective is to set some properties that our database code picks up for the audit log. We want this

Wicket 1.4.7 request listener

2013-07-12 Thread Entropy
My project uses wicket 1.4.7. We need to run some standard code before and after every request (including ajax). How can I register sucha listener? -- View this message in context: Sent from the Users

Re: Injecting proxy services in page.

2013-06-05 Thread Entropy
At the risk of turning this into a Spring discussion on a Wicket forum, how does one control that? I would like to try your suggestion, but am not sure what knob to twist. We just implement ApplicationContextAware, and point to our spring config file in web.xml. I don't set anywhere asking for

Injecting proxy services in page.

2013-06-03 Thread Entropy
We are doing the annotation based approach described in this link ( At least, we think we are. We get: [6/3/13 8:26:00:907 EDT] 0023 SystemOut O ERROR [WebContainer : 0] ( - Could not deserialize object using

Re: IE7 Submit button stops working

2013-05-17 Thread Entropy
More More Info: Tried keeping the recipients panel enabled, wondering if it being enabled was the problem or changing it via ajax was the problem. It appears that if it is always enabled the bug happens. So it's not the act of changing it. -- View this message in context:

Re: IE7 Submit button stops working

2013-05-17 Thread Entropy
Still more info: I drilled into my panel, and began removing things to find what component might be interacting poorly with the enabling. I found that it is my ajaxbuttons. If I remove all four, the page works. If I put ANY of the four back in, it interacts with the enabling to cause the form

Re: IE7 Submit button stops working

2013-05-17 Thread Entropy
SOLUTION: It was the button tags. Replace them with input type=button ... and it works fine. What a simple little cause of a wierd @ss problem. -- View this message in context: Sent from the

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