This has been a most interesting discussion, and I was amazed by the experience 
using dolomite.  That is really information that needs to be out there.  I have 
passed all this information on to my dentist.  There are many biodentists out 
there who know and do the right things, but they do have to be a bit 
circumspect.  Once this dentist had at my request replaced all my amalgams with 
white stuff, he may have felt freer to disclose his true opinions about 
amalgams.  Good to have him in charage of my teeth.  It was this man who told 
me about Rife; I found a practitioner in the city (3 hrs away, Perth) who uses 
QXCI (if I got that right) and since then have bought an Enar device.

I asked him last time I saw him about H2O2 on teeth, and he said we really 
didn't know enough about what it does to the teeth.  So It was great to hear 
your experiences.  Are these all in now, or are there more that haven't been 
reported yet?  I would like to pass on this helpful knowledge and experience.

This dentist's daughter is a naturopath.  His wife, an active, creative, 
talented woman has been stricken by the cruelty of motor neurone disease and I 
am constantly on the lookout for information for her.  I have found some 
encouraging advice.  She is unable to speak, but the last I know was still able 
to access email, and so I send her whatever information seems relevant. 

So, you great group who have helped other of my friends and acquaintances - 
what do you know that will help Motor Neurone Disease?
