On Mon, Apr 22, 2013 at 8:40 AM, Alex Barth <a...@mapbox.com> wrote:

> Hello everyone -
> I'd love to start pushing again on the OSM attribution mark.

Clearly.  :-)

I think that the idea is bad for OpenStreetMap.

The logo is pretty.

The logo is pretty and the idea is bad for OpenStreetMap.  At the core, the
idea of a minimalist attribution mark reduces the prominence of
(eliminates) both "OpenStreetMap" and "Contributors" and those are both of
core importance to OpenStreetMap.  I see the idea of replacing readable /
searchable / indexable text of the actual name of the project, with a few
pixels of "magic beans" as a fundamentally broken idea.

"Rebranding" is expensive in terms of the volunteer hours it would take to
execute, and the legal and incidental costs are not trivial.  The biggest
cost, of course, is loss of customer goodwill.

This doesn't make sense to me.  Not at all.

Would you change the MapBox logo to the logo you propose for OpenStreetMap
attribution?  Change the "by OSM" to "by MB" and you could have your brand
new MB mark.  No?  Why not?  :-)
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