Coincidentally, someone from a different TM support group recently expressed
similar difficulty and here's a response that may be of help.


> "Hi all,
> I am new to this group and was hoping you folks could give me some advice.
I am recovering from transverse myelitis. I was unable to walk for six
months and had complete paralysis from the waist down for three months. I am
now able to walk again, but have severe hypersensitivity to hot and cold and
get stabbing pain in my legs particularly at night. What do some of you do
for the pain? I am looking to avoid narcotics and habit forming medications.
Any advice you have would be greatly appreciated."


"My relief came from flexeral (sp) which helped the spasms and cymbalta,
which helped with the neuropathic pain. When I get localized brutal nerve
pain in my spine (rare), only tramadol helps."



From: Janet Dunn <>  

Sent: Monday, June 25, 2012 12:29 AM


Subject: [TMIC] Looking for input.


Hello Everyone - not sure who is on here anymore.

I have written in before, several times in fact, bemoaning the issues that I
have with the cold cold winters that we get up here in northeastern BC.

Now, it is the heat.  My question is this:  does excessive heat cause issues
like the cold does?  I have never noticed it before, but this year I quit
taking Lyrica, and I cannot get the spasming in my leg to stop, no matter
what I try.  I am wondering if stopping the lyrica has contributed to the
increase in pain, or if it is heat related? 

Thanks for your input.


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