> > What is puzzling to us is how you and Blaine so nonchalantly dismiss
> > this
> > book without reading it.  You are offered it free of charge with
> > only the
> > requirement that you read it.

DAVEH.....One of the TT Cowards:  Blaine (and DavidM)......This is one thing I find 
unpalatable.  I have sent several books to a couple of TTers at their request with no 
conditions.  With (perhaps) one exception (He Walked The Americas) I only expect that
they wanted them to use in arguments against me and my beliefs.  Even though it is 
akin to me handing the hangman the rope and helping him tie the knot, I understand 
that and am not troubled by it.  I have given the books freely and without any
conditions.  Nor have I bugged anybody about how much they have read them, or 
complained when they have used them negatively.

    In return I am chastised for not accepting a book intended to be detrimental to my 
beliefs when it is only offered IF I will promise to read it.  Yes Blaine, like you I 
am not one who enjoys being pushed into a corner.  If I find the book in my
'travels' someday, I will likely purchase it and peruse it at my convenience as the 
Spirit directs.  I have a few such anti-Mormon books and do not feel uncomfortable 
having them in my library.  But I don't like having them stuffed down throat though. 
This is one offer that seems like a one-way street.  If I accept the book from DavidM 
and don't end up leaving the LDS Church, then all 'hell' is going to reign down on my 
head.  Thanx, but no thanx.

> Yet, you show a curious lack of
> > concern about
> > it.
> Blainer)  It also appears DavidM is pressuring us to read something that
> is far more important to him than it is to us.  I often refuse to do
> something if I am being pressured.  What about you, Dave?  If it were not
> so terribly important to DavidM that we read this book, I might read it,
> I just hate being pressured.
> We defer to these guys all the time as to what we discuss, and we respect
> their right to ignore something, which they do constantly, day in and day
> out.
>   But apparently this is not going to happen for us.  I think this is the
> third or fourth time you, DaveH, have told them to back off.  What I
> wonder is why they are so insistent.   I think they just finally found
> what they THINK is an ace in the hole, and they are so anxious to play
> that card!!  I am actually having fun resisting!    LOL
> >
> > Dave H wrote:
> > > It seems that several/many TTers want to argue
> > > against "Mormonism" with me.  I have repeatedly
> > > stated that I am not here to argue LDS theology.
> >
> > That has been difficult for some to grasp, but recently I think you
> > are getting caught in some crossfire because Blaine is apparently not
> > here for the same reasons.

DAVEH.....One of the TT Cowards:  I don't ever recall him saying he was here for the 
same reasons I am here.  Perhaps he is here to convert all the non-LDS TTers to his 
way of thinking.  Or maybe he likes to argue.  Or perhaps he likes getting his nose
bloodied.   Why don't you ask him!  Blaine......care to share your reasons for being 

> He readily attacks Protestant views and argues
> > LDS
> > theology.  It has revealed much about LDS theology that we never
> > learned
> > from you.

DAVEH.....One of the TT Cowards:  Have you ever asked me?  And if you did, did I fail 
to explain my beliefs?

>  Surely you must understand that we also find it
> > interesting to
> > learn about LDS theology

DAVEH.....One of the TT Cowards:  Excepting for you and perhaps a few others at rare 
times, ......no......I didn't get that feeling.  I have repeatedly been told what I 
believe and have numerous times requested that I be asked what I believe rather than
be told what I believe.

    BTW.......I just realized that I am responding to you (DavidM) while replying to 
Blaine's post.  I had intended to answer you directly, but have so little time now 
that I don't know when/if I'll be able to finish this.  Today was a 14 hour day of
standing on my feet for a good portion of it, and I'm beat (1:30 am) and have a long 
journey tomorrow. So.......good night!

> jchallenge you on LDS theology to learn how you can possibly put
> > trust in a
> > man like Joseph Smith.
> >ust as you find it interesting to learn
> > about
> > mainstream Christianity theology.
> > Peace be with you.
> > David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida  USA
> >

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