On Fri, 6 Dec 2002 08:33:07 EST [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> Neither is Mormon theology unified.  Look at the different Mormon 
> divisions.  

Blainer)  Another of your usual platitudinous communication blockers,
Glenn?  An issue avoider?  
Dave brings up a major problem with Protestanism, and you do not even
address it.  Instead, you seek to throw up a snow storm by changing the
subject.  This is not a discussion, it is Glenn talking to himself.

> But Mormonism is far worse divided than Christianity.  Christianity 
> accepts 
> others within different denominations as Christians even thought 
> there are 
> differences.  Mormonism doesn't not to that even with their fellow 
> Mormons.  
> This is the opposite of Christ prayer for unity.
> This is why I reject the foundation of Mormonism.  Even if a 
> particular point 
> makes sense, if the foundation is of sand the point will eventually 
> fail.  
> Mormon revelation has not stopped division but created more 
> division.  
> You want to know what Christians believe.  I think you can 
> understand what I 
> just said.
> When Blainer says Mormons are not divided and goes back and forth 
> saying they 
> are divided, this shows a foundational crack in Mormonism.  
> If Mormonism is not divided neither is Christianity divided by 
> Blainer's 
> twisting of unity.  The Church of the Nazarene is not divided.  The 
> Free 
> Methodist Church is not divided.  The United Methodist Church is not 
> divided. 
>  The Church of God is not divided.  One has to be stupid or 
> brainwashed to 
> believe what Blainer is saying.  I read a book entitled, "Why Smart 
> People Do 
> Dumb Things".  I refer to believe Mormons are brainwashed not dumb 
> and 
> stupid.
> I love Blainer as I can take his posts and without comment show them 
> to 
> someone.  The someone is amazed at the convoluted reasoning.
> > Fourth, I am beginning to realize that Protestant theology is not 
> unified.  
> > There seems to be many divergent beliefs within the Protestant 
> community.  
> > Most denominations accept the others as Christian, yet disagree 
> with some 
> > of the tenants of those denominations. 

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