DAVEH wrote:
> This is one thing I find unpalatable. I have sent several
> books to a couple of TTers at their request with no
> conditions. With (perhaps) one exception (He Walked
> The Americas) I only expect that they wanted them
> to use in arguments against me and my beliefs.

The difference is that you know that I believe strongly in reading material
from both sides.  You have heard how I have purchased materials from a
pro-Mormon position as I have been investigating Mormonism for the last four
years or so.  Therefore, you know that I will read it without having to ask
me to read it.  You guys, on the other hand, seem to think it is a sin to
read the other side.

DaveH wrote:
> In return I am chastised for not accepting a book
> intended to be detrimental to my beliefs when it is
> only offered IF I will promise to read it.

The purpose in me sending you the book is so that we can discuss it.  We
can't discuss it if you don't read it.  It's not like me sending you a
Bible, which would be more analogous to you sending me the Standard Works.
A positive book like the Bible will one day be picked up and help someone.
This book is something I want to discuss with you and Blaine right now.  Do
you understand the difference?

DaveH wrote:
> Yes Blaine, like you I am not one who enjoys being
> pushed into a corner. If I find the book in my 'travels'
> someday, I will likely purchase it and peruse it at my
> convenience as the Spirit directs. I have a few such
> anti-Mormon books and do not feel uncomfortable
> having them in my library. But I don't like having them
> stuffed down throat though.  This is one offer that seems
> like a one-way street. If I accept the book from DavidM
> and don't end up leaving the LDS Church, then all 'hell'
> is going to reign down on my head. Thanx, but no thanx.

Is this your pride speaking?  I think you misunderstand my intentions.  I
want to discuss FACTS with you.  How can I discuss facts unless you read
something which presents the facts to you?  This book has the first
published full color photographs of the Joseph Smith papyri collection.  It
contains the entire Book of Abraham papyrus and the untranslated Book of
Joseph papyrus.  Do you already have facsimiles of these original documents
which you consider Scripture in your library?

Blainer wrote:
> It also appears DavidM is pressuring us to read something
> that is far more important to him than it is to us. I often refuse
> to do something if I am being pressured. What about you,
> Dave? If it were not so terribly important to DavidM that
> we read this book, I might read it, I just hate being pressured.

Is this the fruit of Mormonism, no love for your neighbor?  If there was
something important to you, I would give it more attention, not less.  It
seems to me, like Glenn has alluded in the past, that you guys are motivated
by evil spirits rather than love for your neighbor.  You protect your dogma
at all costs, even at the expense of offending your neighbor.

Blaine wrote:
> We defer to these guys all the time as to what we discuss,
> and we respect their right to ignore something, which they
> do constantly, day in and day out.

I am not aware of ignoring anything you want to discuss, but I am very aware
of you ignoring things all the time.  I'm not denying that it happens on
both sides, only expressing that from my perspective, you guys ignore points
and I don't.  It has to do with differing perspectives rather than
conscience and deliberate action.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida  USA

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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