Blainer)  Oh time, huh?    Glad to see you finally admit this.  When I
gave lack of time as a reason for unsubscribing, I was accused of
avoiding reading DaveM's book written against the Book of Abraham.  I
could see more time being used than I felt I had, but still got
pressurred to get on with reading the book and going on and on with a
discussion only DaveM wanted.     I try to respect you guys as far as
discussion topics are concerned;
 if you choose to ignore something, I have in the past just let it go. 
Maybe I won't be so prone to do that in the future.   
I spend more time deleting all of the tt posts to keep my in-box clear
than I do reading and answering them--or pretty close.  I get pretty
discouraged with the time I spend away from other commitments.  Glad we
can finally see some light here, Glenn.

On Fri, 6 Dec 2002 08:38:38 EST [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> First, the problem here is time.  People just don't have the time.  
> Second, 
> when trying to discuss one subject the posts tend to get into many 
> other 
> subjects at the same time.  I find it impossible to keep you from 
> running off 
> onto something else when we are on a subject matter.  :-)   

> "Officially" that 
> would never be true of me of course.  lol
> >    Fifth.......and this is the one I feel I lack 
> understanding.......I think 
> > there are a lot of unanswered questions within Protestantism.  
> > Protestantism fails to address many things that are so basic to 
> LDS 
> > theology.  If I ask a question and there is utterly no response, I 
> am left 
> > to wonder if Protestantism offers no doctrinal position, or if 
> there is a 
> > lot of controversy amongst Protestants about it, or if it doesn't 
> make 
> > sense with respect to Protestant theology, or if others think I'm 
> setting 
> > them up to knock them down, or........there are lots of things I 
> ponder 
> > when I don't receive answers to my questions. 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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