Dean Moore wrote:

> Dean Moore
> Fear God and keep His commandments/ trust Jesus
> > Dean writes:
> > I was here when Jeff was and when pressed He admitted to
> > putting the BofM over the Bible-then tried to retract that statement-
> > and of course he stated: I am only here to learn what protestants
> > believe. He came here to learn how to defeat street preachers just
> > before he was sent to N. Orleans. David Miller was warned-by me-
> > of this at that time and ignore the warning-so Jeff was allowed to
> > stay on-

DAVEH:  Ahhhh Dean.....I didn't know you wanted to boot Jeff from TT too!

> now street preachers have to deal with him...

DAVEH:  The exchange I related was not from a street preacher.  As far as I know, Jeff 
has not crossed paths with any street preachers, Dean.  But you can certainly ask him 
when he returns to TT.  Or.....are you going to petition to bar him from reentry?

> > Judy:
> > Well that's not all bad Dean, it will keep you guys on your toes.
> Dean writes:
>  If you were the on who has to answer these guided questions in front of
> hundreds of lost people then you might be persuaded to have a synthetic
> heart toward those who do. Consider a young preacher trying to lead the
> lost to Christ and DaveH comes alone to ask the questions?

DAVEH:  What's the problem with that, Dean......Why do you think you/SPers should be 
exempt from questions of those who have a different religious perspective?

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