On Tue, 2007-08-21 at 00:17 +1000, Sarah Hobbs wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> < Sending the mail to the list this time, as Chris has gone and
> published part of what was a private mail, so as not to raise a flame
> war.  Needless to say, that wish is now pointless. >
> Chris Rowson wrote:
> >  Stuff like this drives me round the twist to be honest....
> >
> >  Why on Earth is there this subset of people who choose to see
> >  disrespect, problems and offense where there is obviouslly non meant!
> >  It's almost like people are looking for something to gripe about!
> >
> >  'Linux for Ladies'
> >
> >  Take that term. How is it offensive?
> >
> >  Do a google search for the phrase "for the ladies" - Observe 1,950,000
> >  results. Are all of these offensive?
> >
> >  Come on now....
> >
> >  Chris
> >
> When I don't get harassed repeatedly due to Ubuntu, and can use my real
> name on irc, and in launchpad, etc, and be known for who I am, and not
> for being female, then i'll agree with you.  As it is, I tend to only
> raise the stuff that I think is worth raising, precisely because of
> reactions like yours.
> Now, if the idea here is to gripe, perhaps i'll gripe about the users
> who harass myself and others, in day to day irc - which, of course, you
> can do nothing about.
> Hobbsee
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Holy crap. What kind of world do we live in when a freaking t-shirt has
to be analyzed for political correctness. Did anyone see the boobs on
the picture of this t-shirt… ? I would think that would mean that this
t-shirt would be for ladies. I think everyone in the Ubuntu Community is
awesome no matter what their gender, race, religion, etc… A t-shirt is
not to hurt feelings. It is to brag that you are part of this community.
I would wear “Ubuntu for blonde haired, blue eyed, male, that likes to
cook and ski on his free time” if it would make a difference. The neat
thing about freedom is that you could add anything you would like to the
back of that t-shirt and it will be o.k. My wife agrees with me on this
and so does several other woman that use Ubuntu only with no Windoze in
their life. Most of whom are probably going to order this shirt just to
piss off the ones that think it belittles them…. Move on to bigger and
better arguments.
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