On Wed, May 25, 2011 at 7:33 PM, Mark Iverson <zeropo...@charter.net> wrote:

> Robin hits the nail on the head... Anything mathematical is the MODEL, and
is supposed to reflect physical reality.  My question was about the physical
world -- what I was asking got was a rational, qualitative, cause and effect
sort of explanation.

Nothing is more rational than a mathematical description of reality, and it
provides cause and effect. I'll grant that it is not a qualitative
explanation, and doesn't give the answer to the ultimate question of life,
the universe, and everything (42), but science starts from observation, and
uses that to predict consequences. For any explanation, you can always keep
asking, as a child does, "but why?". Why gravity? Why Newton's law? Why
general relativity? The best we can do is find the most fundamental
observation, and until more fundamental ones come along, try to explain what
we see based on those. So, I took it back to Coulomb's law and special
relativity. All of the laws of electromagnetism can be derived from those
two concepts, including the reason for the perpendicular fields in an em
wave. But it is a mathematical development. The language of physics is

> The perpendicular nature of E and B fields existed PRIOR to Maxwell, or
even cavemen, or even life on this planet!

Obviously. I certainly didn't say anything different. I said Maxwell's
equations were developed from laboratory experiments, and they predict that
the fields in electromagnetic waves are perpendicular. (Not that E and B
field are always perpendicular, because they aren't.)

> I'm afraid that this reflects very poorly on JC's understanding of what is
more fundamental, the experiment (physical reality, facts) or model

I'm sorry you misunderstood what I wrote. I was not suggesting that reality
was a consequence of theory. But when you ask why something is so, without
specifying what can be taken as understood, then it is a little difficult to

For example, one can ask why are planetary orbits elliptical. And another
might answer because of the inverse-square law of gravity, and proceed to
prove the connection mathematically. Some questioners, who are satisfied
with Newton's law as fundamental, might be happy with the explanation.
Others, like you, might object that that is putting theory before reality:
"Sure, I know that, but I want a qualitative explanation for why Newton's
law exists." That's a very different question, and asking about elliptical
orbits is perhaps not the most direct way to get at fundamental origin of

> JC has shown a great ability to regurgitate what he has read in his
textbooks, in great detail, but his responses to this simple question seems
to indicate that he hasn't any idea of the difference between physical
reality and the mathematical models that attempt to explain what is

First, if this is a simple question, what is your answer?

Second, I regret that I gave the impression that Maxwell's equations are
anything but a mathematical description of what we observe. They were
developed using certain observations, but then they were used to predict (or
explain) other observable phenomena, like the perpendicular nature of the
fields in waves. As I said before, the perpendicular nature *in waves* was
not known or observed before Maxwell. And fields are not necessarily
perpendicular; only induced fields are.

Coming back to the elliptical orbits, they were in fact observed and known
before Newton, and expressed empirically in Kepler's laws. Before Newton, if
someone asked why elliptical, one could cite Kepler's laws, but in this
case, the law does little more than state what is observed: orbits are
elliptical, so it would really be case of begging the question. There was a
mad race to find a more fundamental reason for Kepler's laws, and Newton won
that race. More fundamental explanations for gravity would take centuries.

As for your question, I started with the superficial answer. Electromagnetic
fields can sustain themselves in the absence of sources because of
reciprocal induction (changing E induces B, changing B induces E), and in
laboratory experiments induction is observed to  produce perpendicular

But I also went further and said that the existence of those laws of
induction stems from Coulomb's inverse-square law and special relativity,
but I made no attempt to connect them. And I also made no attempt to explain
why Coulomb's law, or why relativity.

Evidently, what you wanted was the reason for the laws of induction, for
Faraday's law, and for the generalized form of Ampere's law.

So let me try a little gedanken experiment that gives some sense of the
perpendicular nature of the fields from Coulomb's law and relativity. It
kind of explains the origin of magnetism, but is not a perfect explanation
for induction. That would be more difficult.

Consider two positive charges moving parallel in the laboratory. In the
reference frame of the charges, an observer sees only Coulomb repulsion, and
therefore they accelerate away from each other. A laboratory observer will
see time dilation in the charges' reference frame, and so reduced separation
acceleration, and therefore an apparent attractive force. Classically, this
attraction is the magnetic attraction of parallel currents. One way to
explain attraction of parallel currents is with a magnetic field produced by
one moving charge perpendicular to the motion, and the resulting (Lorentz)
force on a moving charge due to a magnetic field, perpendicular to the field
and the motion. So, a circulating magnetic field perpendicular to the
electric field between the charges is one mathematical way to explain the
observations. That's the one we've adopted. (Note that all those
perpendicular directions would be easier to illustrate with right hand rules
and pictures.)

Now, if you want to know why Coulomb's law, and why relativity, you're on
your own.

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