I apologize if this has already been suggested or discussed elsewhere, but it 
might be a worthwhile exercise to extend the API and feature comparison on the 
WIKI (http://wiki.wocommunity.org/display/WO/Alternative+Technologies-Cayenne 
... thanks John) in the direction of a roadmap between where we are right now 
with EOF and Cayenne and what a Cayenne that includes the best of EOF/Wonder.

I know this is not a trivial task, but if we either extended the existing WIKI 
section or created this as an explicit roadmap, it could help focus the 
discussion and resources so that we'll at least have a reasonable understanding 
(as a community) of what we need to do to get to this integration (and more 
fundamentally, if we want to do this). Another benefit from the perspective of 
the cayenne community would be to be able to see what features we are looking 
for and willing to work on so that it's clear we are not competing with their 
roadmap, but perhaps adding "extra lanes" on the road. 

It might also help in looking for financial support for elements of the 
evolution of cayenne/eof. 

I think some version of the feature comparison table and the API comparison 
table might suit to start this process. If we look at those tables with an eye 
toward how much effort it would take to implement we could begin to prioritize 
areas and seek support for projects that are less straight-forward and require 
some heavy lifting. 

Paul Yu had (what I think is) a very good idea in defining tests for the 
functionality that we need. I'm certainly not suggesting this is a trivial 
task, but I think defining what success would look like will help us recognize 
when we get there. 
(Paul, sorry if I've misinterpreted your idea ... but it was hot and the sun 
was in my eyes on the forced march back over the bridge)

Any thoughts?

Larry Mills-Gahl

On Jul 12, 2012, at 7:23 AM, John Huss wrote:

> On Thursday, July 12, 2012, Hugi Thordarson wrote:
>>> I think Hugi also use it.
>> Is that a point for or against it?  :-P
> <PastedGraphic-1.png>
> But yes, I've used Cayenne on a couple of projects. As you know it feels a 
> *lot* like EOF and was by far the nicest ORM I could legally use at my 
> previous pure java workplace. (protip: never go anywhere near JPA, it *will* 
> rape your dog and kill your grandmother.) Apart from the technical 
> similarities, Cayenne also has another important thing in common with WO: A 
> good community and an active mailing list full of nice and helpful people, so 
> you never get stuck along the way.
> Cayenne is still missing a lot of functionality when compared to EOF/Wonder 
> and generally feels less mature (understandably, since EOF is ancient). This 
> is perhaps not such a huge problem, since functionality can always be 
> added—but there is indeed a *lot* of work to be done to reach feature parity 
> with EOF.
> That seems like an overstatement to me.  What things is it missing that you 
> need?
> It's clear that at some point most of us will have to stop using EOF in it's 
> current form. In a perfect world (that's the world where I have endless time 
> and money) I'd do a clean room implementation of EOF and live happily ever 
> after. But this is indeed not a perfect world, so helping making Cayenne 
> better and more integrated with WO seems like a more realistic goal 
> It's really the same goal isn't it?  The only reasonable way to do a 
> re-implementation of EOF would be to start with Cayenne.  It doesnt have the 
> same API as EOF, but that could be done; that hard work has already been 
> done, only the API would need change.  But I think there are advantages in 
> trying to merge with the Cayenne community rather than taking it and forking 
> it.
> (besides, it allows more resources to be spent on a re-implementation of WO; 
> something I'd love to participate in). 
> - hugi
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