On 1/28/2012 5:15 PM, Dana wrote:
> I think you pretty much have to
> exercise, and perhaps strenuously, to lose significant weight and keep it
> off.

I thought this was a given.

> but you can't eat all fruit all of
> the time and stay healthy.

and this

> Before that, when I asked doctors, I got
> different advice. Don't worry about carbs - just avoid fat. Cut back on
> carbs. Eat nothing but protein, and don't worry too much about the fat.
> Count calories. Don't count calories, you'll make yourself crazy -- just
> eat right.

Feh.  "Fad" diets.  It's a simple equation.  calories_in - calories_out 
= what is left over to be stored.  This doesn't cover what one should 
eat.  If you eat shit, that's what your body is going to turn into.  You 
might die young, but at least you will die thin.

> My mother was a yo-yo dieter and crash programs
> certainly didn't work for her, and she did religiously swim three or four
> times a week for years.

Well, that's the problem.  "Diets" don't work.  You have to make a 
lifestyle change and stick with it.  It is a permanent thing.  Most 
overweight people just can't/won't commit to that kind of change, for 
whatever reason.

> People gain weight for different reasons. The ones who gain because they
> eat too much eat too much for different reasons. There are people who have
> thyroid problems and people who just don't exercise. One size does not fit
> all, is what I am saying.

He covered that in his opening sentence.  He was excluding people with 
various medical conditions and aiming more for those who fail to commit. 
  At least, that's what I got from it.  Kind of a "I don't feel sorry 
for those who don't try to help themselves."

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