By the way, these were not fad diets -- well, she did experiment with
high-protein diets at one point. But usually when she lost weight it was by
going to Weight Watchers.

On Sat, Jan 28, 2012 at 5:01 PM, Dana <> wrote:

> right, and the reason matters. In her case, she has some sort of bent pin
> in her head that makes her equate food with security, I think. I am not
> saying this is right, even though she's my mother and I love her dearly.
> Clearly, it impairs her health. But the food she eats is healthy. She just
> eats too much of it. Cutting back on calories is really hard for her, and
> because she hasn't addressed the underlying problem it never takes for very
> long. That and swimming, while it's exercise, isn't really aerobic, and she
> also has weird ideas about what nice Canadian women should and should not
> do (like walk to the store or god forbid go jogging). Again, not simple,
> and again, not the case for everyone.
> On Sat, Jan 28, 2012 at 3:54 PM, PT <> wrote:
>> On 1/28/2012 5:15 PM, Dana wrote:
>> > I think you pretty much have to
>> > exercise, and perhaps strenuously, to lose significant weight and keep
>> it
>> > off.
>> I thought this was a given.
>> > but you can't eat all fruit all of
>> > the time and stay healthy.
>> and this
>> > Before that, when I asked doctors, I got
>> > different advice. Don't worry about carbs - just avoid fat. Cut back on
>> > carbs. Eat nothing but protein, and don't worry too much about the fat.
>> > Count calories. Don't count calories, you'll make yourself crazy -- just
>> > eat right.
>> Feh.  "Fad" diets.  It's a simple equation.  calories_in - calories_out
>> = what is left over to be stored.  This doesn't cover what one should
>> eat.  If you eat shit, that's what your body is going to turn into.  You
>> might die young, but at least you will die thin.
>> > My mother was a yo-yo dieter and crash programs
>> > certainly didn't work for her, and she did religiously swim three or
>> four
>> > times a week for years.
>> Well, that's the problem.  "Diets" don't work.  You have to make a
>> lifestyle change and stick with it.  It is a permanent thing.  Most
>> overweight people just can't/won't commit to that kind of change, for
>> whatever reason.
>> > People gain weight for different reasons. The ones who gain because they
>> > eat too much eat too much for different reasons. There are people who
>> have
>> > thyroid problems and people who just don't exercise. One size does not
>> fit
>> > all, is what I am saying.
>> He covered that in his opening sentence.  He was excluding people with
>> various medical conditions and aiming more for those who fail to commit.
>>  At least, that's what I got from it.  Kind of a "I don't feel sorry
>> for those who don't try to help themselves."

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