On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 4:27 PM, yifuxero <yifux...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> --Bill Faloon - great dude!, fine humanitarian and a "Saint" in the
> relative sense. He knows what he's talking about.  I've been a fan of
> his for many years. But he could get into hot water giving specific
> advice on supplements (although he's an expert in the PSA tests).

Bingo!  Home PSA test for $45.00
http://www.homehealthtesting.com/prostate-cancer-tests.htm  or if you
want to really blow your wad, LEF offers a male panel with everything
including the kitchen sink for around $300.

So this is looking good.  I'll call up LEF tomorrow and get the
rundown on the latest for prostate cancer and place an order for my
buddy.  Now I'm not all that hot on resveratrol.  If you visit the
Immortality Institute fora than you've probably seen my posts there
(under another pseudonym) expressing doubts about resveratrol.  Heck,
Sinclair (if I got the researcher's name right) is going out of his
way to obfuscate the whole area of resveratrol for human consumption,
starting with the misinformation he spread about resveratrol being
very unstable when in fact it's a pretty stable substance if kept away
from blinding light.  No one can quite agree on how to take the stuff
and how much to take the stuff.

I hope to have my buddy on neutroceuticals and have him take a nice
package to see Dr. Fagin to counter the package of DVDs Dr. Fagin's
office sent him showing the recording of an actual prostrate removal
aided by the De Vinci robot.  My friend and I are both of the Douglas
MacArthur Drag Them By the Balls and Their Hearts and Minds Will
Follow approach to bargaining.  Since this is a slowly developing
cancer, the surgeon can't but give my friend a few months to try out
an alternative to surgery.  He's free, white and 21.  It's not like
the surgeon can have him arrested and dragged to surgery in irons.

Thanks a bunch to those who have posted here and also to those who
have emailed me.

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