--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John" <jr_...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John" <jr_esq@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Namaste,
> > > 
> > > Your friend was born under the sign of Leo according to jyotish 
> > > rules, and the Moon is under the asterism or nakshatra of 
> > > 
> > > In the main chart or rashi kundali, The 7th house signifying 
> > > prostrate gland is under heavy malefic influence with the Sun 
> > > Mercury in it and aspected by Mars and Saturn (both are 
> > > 
> > > The subsidiary chart or navamsha kundali shows that the cancer 
> > > growth is located at the entrance to the prostate gland. This 
> > > area of the gland is under heavy malefic influence as well.
> > > 
> > > The treatment may include surgery (due to the influence of 
> > > and radiation treatment (due to the influence of Rahu in the 
> > > navamsha chart).
> > > 
> > > Recommendation
> > > 
> > > 1.  Take aggressive action to treat the cancer growth.
> > > 
> > > Regards,
> > > 
> > > John R.
> > 
> > John,
> > 
> > While I understand that you believe in this
> > Jyotish stuff, and actually believe that the
> > information you post above is 1) valid, 2) 
> > useful, and 3) not based on having been told
> > ahead of time what the medical problem was,
> > I am less than convinced.
> > 
> > So I propose another test. Here is the birth
> > data for a friend who is having a medical 
> > issue. The nature of it will remain unstated,
> > for obvious reasons, but suffice it to say
> > that it is serious enough that it has required 
> > and still requires attention from doctors, and
> > has the possibility of requiring surgery.
> > 
> > Born: Suffern, New York, USA 
> > September 18, 1965  18:06 (6:06 p.m.)
> > 
> > So what is my friend's medical issue, and 
> > what is the prognosis and best course of care, 
> > according to Jyotish?
> > 
> > Waiting with 'bated breath...
> > 
> > Turq
> >
> Barry,
> In my dealings with you, I found that you have already a 
> opinion about TM and the vedic sciences which is not positive to 
> the least.   We have also noticed that no matter what the facts are 
> or what the rationales are, you continue to disbelieve in these 
> sciences.  So, it would not be reasonable for me to get into this 
> experiment since I already know what you are thinking and that you 
> are going to prove it wrong whatever I say.
> Jyotish is also for people who are sincerely looking for help.  It 
> not for people who have a bias against it.  Given this background, 
> would not be wise to get involved with this so called experiment--
> which is really a set up for your own entertainment.
> Nonetheless, I will take a look at the chart and analyze it.  If I 
> see anything earth shaking, I will notify the group...or maybe not.

Good for you. But I think you should report whatever you see
otherwise we end up with a publication selection bias problem.

If you've got the time and are happy to try I'll volunteer
my details so we can start to get more of a spread of ability
rather than just a sample of one which may be misleading as
people of a certain age and sex are more likely to have particular
health problems thus requiring the weighting of any result to
hopefully eliminate that.

I'm as skeptical as it gets about astrology (any sort) I simply
don't get how it might work, physically, mentally, astronomically, 
quantum mechanically etc. But that doesn't mean I'm biased, I've 
just never seen any convincing evidence. The good thing about
solid double blind data is that it doesn't matter what you think
about it, it speaks for itself. So far jyotish has proved to be 
less impressive than someone making guesses. I'm more than happy 
to be proved wrong though, I imagine it would be pretty useful to
be able to predict what the course of events in any sphere of my 
life is likely to be, I just need the confidence that it's actually 
telling me something.

So there you go, the offer's there. I'm happy to take part it'll
be fun and maybe even interesting.
> JR

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