On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 3:44 PM, yifuxero <yifux...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> --Life Extension (me too). Fine, then start with BCM-95 (enhanced
> bioavailable curcumin from LEF; along with lots of IP-6 and modified
> citrus pectin (MCF).
>  Then also take the FLAX HULL LIGNANS from Goldflaxseed.
> The BCM-95 will stop the progression of the disease in its tracks,
> along with the other items.

Well, this all reads very good.  But I don't want to be practicing
medicine without a license and on top of that urging my friend to go
AMA (against medical advice).  How to get him periodic PSAs?  If your
advice is so good (and I've read some of the testimonials) then my
friend's PSA should start dropping in a matter of weeks (the prostate
has next to no blood circulation).  The problem is having someone take
and monitor the PSA so my friend can decide to continue AMA or go back
to the surgeon and make a date with the DeVinci robot.  I used to have
a good rapport with Bill Faloon at LEF.  Maybe he can give me some
advice to give my friend on how to stay within the medical
establishment somewhat while staying AMA.

On behalf of my buddy, I thank all so far.

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