FW:  An Evening of the Sedona Method
Weds, Mar. 16 - 7:30 PM - Fairfield Public Library

> >
> > Bluscout this is concise and well said.  It is my opinion and experience 
> > too.  In Fairfield, pursuit of the wider spiritual cultivation is what has 
> > been much of the history of the last decade or so.  
> > 
> > Beyond transcending is what is missed with just TM.  Some people look 
> > pretty bad in fact for lack of dealing with the fitness of the subtle 
> > bodies.  This is a lot of what the saints have come around helping people 
> > with in their spiritual progress.  Bit by bit people are getting it.  
> > 
> > More recently John Douglas has been extremely helpful to the inner TM 
> > circle on and around campus with this.  His darshan and also the processes 
> > as techniques he teaches are chakra based and have been very effective in a 
> > secular way that is more generally acceptable around here.  Thus far people 
> > are not being kicked out of the domes for having seen John Douglas or 
> > practicing his techniques.  Also, thus far the people organizing for him 
> > are still in the domes.
> > 
> > And yet the various satsangs all around town attend to this more complete 
> > growth in their programming.  It's a very spiritual place in practice that 
> > way around Fairfield in fact. On the ground.
> > 
> > -Dug in FF
> > 
> >
> Yep it's true, on the ground here in Fairfield there is a lot of this 
> particular discipline of spirituality going on.  Working with the subtle 
> systems more directly with intent.  It's a lot of where folks have graduated 
> on to in their practice.  
> Look down the list of active satsangs (the FF Directory of Active Spiritual 
> Practice Groups)  Most all the groups are about this as an adjunct to having 
> come here as vanilla TM'ers.  There is a reality to it and there is a lot 
> going on this way in practice and experience.  Eventually science will catch 
> up with it.  But the weekly cycle of things here is full of subtle system 
> spirituality.  Saturday at the Divine Mother Church for example was a guided 
> meditation which was particularly about this aspect of the chakra subtle 
> system, life force and ensoulment .  It was quite well done in presentation, 
> highly knowledgeable, and particularly in facilitating the experience.  
> On Sundays in Fairfield the meditator community's churches, synagogue and 
> temples are quite busy with it in their different 'transcendental' quietism 
> on the one hand and esoteric inspired ways on the other.   All the various 
> 'satsangs' are busy with it too, meditating and chanting.   This goes on 
> through the week.  It's all really quite pervasive now.   A high spiritual 
> quotient that is quite nice in town.
> -Dug in FF
> The Directory of Active Spiritual Groups in Fairfield:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/265390 
> For instance:   http://www.divinemotheronline.net/     
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, blusc0ut <no_reply@> wrote:
> > >
> > > 
> > > > Well it would mean some are reaching the "bottom" of the ocean (TC) in 
> > > > the bubble diagram, and others are only 'blanking out' at one of the 
> > > > subtle waves towards the bottom, in a laya (Non-TC).
> > > 
> > > This is my opinion as well: Much of what is described in TM transcending 
> > > is only laya. Think of the sleeping elephants. They are blockages you 
> > > haven't dealt with. You are only partly awake. Some of these blockages 
> > > are the so-called knots associated with different chakras, so called 
> > > granthis. 
> > > 
> > > So actually only part of the system is 'awake', the other part sleeps. 
> > > The crucial difference is, that this partial transcending, mental laya, 
> > > is not the awakening of the Atma, the soul. 
> > > 
> > > Chakras, Soul, are not mentioned in the argumentation of Lawson and Judy. 
> > > If you mention them, they ignore it as if you have never said anything. 
> > > Ramana Maharshi says, that in awakening, there is a very fine nadi 
> > > between Sahasrara and heart, which gets activated, the socalled 
> > > atma-nadi. Shankara speaks of the same in his Brahma Sutra commentary. As 
> > > long as the Atma is not awakened, your transcendence will only be laya. 
> > > You could go on with laya forever, it doesn't lead to the Atma. Unless 
> > > you don't realize the Atma, according to Vedanta, there will not be any 
> > > realization.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > > If you think "that's OK" that seems like a pretty bad rationalization 
> > > > to accept. It's effectively resigning yourself to a limbo.
> > > >
> > >
> >

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