Quite a while ago, probably in OS/390 days, I experimented and did both a 
replacement and an upgrade. Ultimately implemented the upgrade path and haven't 
done a replacement since. 

I agree with Barbara and Terri. I haven't actually IPL's the SMP/E target 
sysres in decades. I use alternate cloned SYSRES ZnnPR1 and ZnnPR2. All DLIBs 
stay in SMS and with the ZnnD HLQ used by the restore job. Target datasets on 
the SMP/E target only have the ZnnT HLQ for the brief time between 
allocate/restore and the rename job. OMVS are cloned to 
OMVS.Znn.lparname.RSUnnnn on specific SMS managed volumes.
  Mod 27 sysres and OMVS volumes.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> On
> Behalf Of Shaffer, Terri
> Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2021 10:08 AM
> Subject: Re: Serverpac installs January 2022 and beyond - Issues
> Not sure I understand why you do that, but you have that option IF you
> DON'T do a SYSTEM UPGRADE and do a REPLACE, which builds all new things.
> All I want to do is SWAP my 2 RES volumes, which I have done for 30+ years,
> Recatalog whats new to the release I am installing and IPL.
> Like I said, I don't ever want to build a new MCAT, just to perform an
> upgrade, unless there is a really good reason.
> Ms Terri E Shaffer
> Senior Systems Engineer,
> z/OS Support:
> ACIWorldwide - Telecommuter
> H(412-766-2697) C(412-519-2592)
> terri.shaf...@aciworldwide.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> On
> Behalf Of Edgington, Jerry
> Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2021 12:55 PM
> Subject: Re: Serverpac installs January 2022 and beyond - Issues
> External Email
> Terri,
> There are ways to leave your Master Catalog alone, and still be able to
> upgrade z/OS.  I install new z/OS either with ServerPac or now z/OSMF
> workflows, to its own "master" catalog, with ALIAS pointer of something like
> ZOS25.  Then build runtime datasets from the "ServerPac" datasets,
> upgrading without changing the z/OS datasets in the Master Catalog, using
> indirect cataloging.
> Jerry Edgington  |  Sr.Technical Analyst IT Technical Operations Enterprise
> Systems
> 400 Broadway  |  Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
> 513.629.1826 direct
> 513.629.1787 fax
> WesternSouthern.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> On
> Behalf Of Shaffer, Terri
> Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2021 12:44 PM
> Subject: Re: Serverpac installs January 2022 and beyond - Issues
> This message was sent from an external source outside of Western &
> Southern's network. Do not click links or open attachments unless you
> recognize the sender and know the contents are safe.
> __________________________________________________________
> __________________________________________________________
> ____
> Sorry Kurt,
>  Absolutely understand what you said, but that's dumb.
> I haven't created a NEW Master Catalog in 20 years, because why would I
> want to have to RECAT all my PAGE, SMF,  USERCATs, NON-VSAM, ETC
> datasets??
> When just adding an SSA to SYS1 gets away from any conflicts, and still gets 
> in
> the current master catalog,  Then the renames all work, which really only
> does the physical names on DASD.
> Then Recatalogs indirectly and NEW datasets and I am done.
> Yuck, but okay I will just modify all my datasets again in z/OS 2.6, but will 
> use
> my current instance as a Model to keep volume placements, But even this is
> ugly, because my volsers change... Currently ZA2511  and SMPD25, will go to
> ZA2611 and SMPD26 in z/OS 2.6, so I have mass change things anyhow.
> I really liked the SERVERPAC dialogs even more now, ONE Panel to redefine
> my Physicals and all the logicals get placed magically with 0 work!!
> Ms Terri E Shaffer
> Senior Systems Engineer,
> z/OS Support:
> ACIWorldwide - Telecommuter
> H(412-766-2697) C(412-519-2592)
> terri.shaf...@aciworldwide.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> On
> Behalf Of Kurt J. Quackenbush
> Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2021 12:14 PM
> Subject: Re: Serverpac installs January 2022 and beyond - Issues
> External Email
> > Great information Kurt, thanks, but need a clarification on one thing.
> >
> > >>That's great!  You would choose any of these software instances as
> > your model when installing z/OS next.  You can also experiment with
> > other Software >>Management actions on those defined software
> > instances.  For example, on the Software Instances page try the View
> > -> Data Sets action.
> > >>Or any of the Maintenance Report actions.
> >
> > So does this mean I will always have to change every dataset again?
> > To add my SYS1SSA, CPACSSA and SMPSSA? Because the instances all point
> > to the real names.  If so you lost me again, because that was pain
> > staking to change 1200 datasets, even with filtering.
> Your installed z/OS 2.5 now has your desired data set names.  You defined a
> software instance that describes your installed z/OS 2.5.  Therefore, if you
> select that software instance as your model when you install z/OS next, as
> much as possible z/OSMF will initialize the configuration with the data set
> names from your installed z/OS 2.5.  You then will not have to modify data
> set names for 1200 data sets, however you will have to modify names for any
> new data sets in z/OS next and those which are not SMP/E managed, like the
> CPAC data sets.  But those are much fewer.
> > At least the SERVERPAC just prefixed everything with you SSA HLQ's.
> z/OSMF will also prefix data sets with a temporary catalog alias (SSA) if 
> that's
> what you want.  It does this when you tell z/OSMF you want to create a new
> master catalog.  You then get to specify the temporary catalog alias (SSA) to
> use for data sets in that new master catalog.  But do not manually add the
> temporary catalog alias (SSA) prefix to the data set names!  z/OSMF will add
> it automatically to data set names, based on what catalog the data sets will
> be in.
> Kurt Quackenbush -- IBM, z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management
> Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.
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