* Stories <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  on Mon, 06 Mar 2000
| Do you mean Compressing or Decompressing?

Encoding.  It is technically not compressing.

| If your talking about compression, what software do you use?


| because theres a HUGE variation between different products.
| My PIII-500 quite happily compressed a 2:30 wave @ 320kbs 44.1 mp3 in
| ~30 seconds
| while playing back mp3's. (Using Xing audiocatalist.)

Playback is a negligible load on anything faster than a 233MHz Pentium.

| Yeh but you don't want to emulate an ATRAC chip, you wana encode data to
| ATRAC standard natively on a PC using a PC processor & software taking
| advantage of chip specific features.

Yes, and that requires many fast fourier transformations (FFTs) per second,
which as I said before are slow on general purpose processors.  ATRAC 4 in
real time is just not going to happen on the desktop for a while for that

| Incidentally dose anyone know how MP3 & ATRAC compare regarding acoustic
| compression?

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