>A Pentium II at 400MHz can manage to convert to MPEG-I Layer III at
>in real time.  It cannot handle significantly higher bitrates in real
Do you mean Compressing or Decompressing?
If your talking about compression, what software do you use?
because theres a HUGE variation between different products.
My PIII-500 quite happily compressed a 2:30 wave @ 320kbs 44.1 mp3 in
~30 seconds
while playing back mp3's. (Using Xing audiocatalist.)
So I shouldn't think a P-II - 400 is that much slower.
Anyway my point is that it depends on how the software is written.

>This is the machine I have at work, and that is my experience with it.
>as everyone knows, 128Kbps MP3 sucks compared to ATRAC 4.
Again Different software, different results.
Also going through a noisy analogue sounds card doesn't help matters.  I
find 128/44.1
mp3 fine (certainly just as good as Minidisc) when going through the
same DAC (JE520)

>It takes an 80486 running at 33MHz to emulate a 1MHz Apple ][
>(or a fast '386 if the emulator is written entirely in hand-optimized
>assembly rather than C).  It takes a Pentium running at about 130MHz to

>emulate a Genesis console accurately.  It takes a Pentium running at
>or so to emulate the 33MHz PlayStation accurately.  Emulation requires
>*vastly* more power than the actual hardware itself.

Yeh but you don't want to emulate an ATRAC chip, you wana encode data to
ATRAC standard natively on a PC using a PC processor & software taking
advantage of chip specific features.

Incidentally dose anyone know how MP3 & ATRAC compare regarding acoustic


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