Certification does have its merits. I know this analogy is not 
quite correct but its the only one that comes to mind. Would 
you have a nurse or a doctor treat your abdominal pains? I rather 
not have the abdominal pains in the first place but I rather 
have the doctor treat me than the nurse. If money was not an 
big issue, would you have a plumber or a certified plumber 
working on your broken bathroom pipe? 

Sadly but true that a lot of "certified" professionals whatever 
out there are who are not really deserving of the title "certified ...".
How, as a business owner, manager, etc., determine whether or not
you are as good as you say you are? Its difficult unless you 
personally know him.

I believe that certification is a good thing. It gives a 
field of expertise credibility. It can make it attractive for 
people to choose a field of study. 

My question is now:

   Is it possible for a open source community to certified each other?
   Is it credible? 

Flames welcome,


> > Somebody wrote:
> >
> >> > If I'm way off base, please let me know.  I'm spending considerable
> >> > brain power on this idea and if I'm wasting it, I need to know.  I
> >> > don't have much spare brain power and I could use it to try to figure
> >> > out my wife . . .
> >
> > You're way off base.  Figure out the wife.  I've never hired a "certified"
> > engineer, and almost without exception the ones I've come across were empty sacks
> > of shit.
> >
> I'd have to concur.  A certificate means you can pass a test, it doesn't mean you 
>can code your way out of wet paper bag.  I consider myself a very good coder, but I 
> don't do well on true/false, multiple choice, and similar kinds of tests.  I've also 
>done hiring, and in my previous job, I regularly did peer interviews.  I can discover 
>far more about a person's abilities by talking to him or her for a few minutes and 
>exploring some hypothetical ideas and/or programming scenarios or just talking about 
>stuff they've written.

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