When it will be stable and documented, it will make sense using it...
But now I'm playing with the stable version. Try this ten-lines patch:

--- mpir_bench_two/fermat_prime_p.c     2010-01-11 02:12:21.000000000
+++ mpir_bench_two/fermat_prime_p.c.orig        2010-01-11 01:47:44.000000000
@@ -109,16 +109,6 @@ fermat_prime_p (unsigned long k)
   xp[0] = 3;
   c = 0;
   for (i = 1; i < k2; i++)
-    if (c != 0) { /* -1^2 = 1 */
-      MPN_ZERO (xp, n); xp[0] = 1; break;
-    } else if(n+1==BITS_TO_LIMBS(k2+1)){/*Full limbs? Silly if in
loop,but I want short patch.*/
-      mpn_mul_n(yp, xp, xp, n); /* Or better a mpn_sqr_n :-P */
-      c = mpn_sub_n(xp, yp, yp+n, n);
-      c = mpn_sub_1(xp, xp, n, c);
-      /* Avoid to be slowed down by the cheaters!!! */
-    } else
       if (c != 0)
        c = 3;                  // as we are squaring , dont need to do this , 
as for Pepin
test it doesn't matter

....the old score for GMP4 on my laptop with your
cheating_fake_benchmarks was:
Program fermat (weight 1.00)
                     8 =>     1657
                    10 =>     83.6
                    12 =>     2.52 =>  70.4, 50.3
After this (simple, isn't it?) patch they are:
Program fermat (weight 1.00)
                     8 =>    12414
                    10 =>      280
                    12 =>     7.60 =>   298,  213
And... surprise, MPIR is SLOWER!
Program fermat (weight 1.00)
                     8 =>     9241
                    10 =>      230
                    12 =>     6.03 =>   234,  167

Am I using any undocumented function in the 10 lines above? Or doing
something very complicated? No, I'm simply avoiding the fake mpz
implementation of your CHEATING fake_benchmark!


On 11 Gen, 01:18, Bill Hart <goodwillh...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hey, the GMP 5 library now has a version of our mpn_mulmod_2expp1.
> It's also undocumented I believe, but we can now use it in our timing.
> That should give GMP a good speedup for this.
> When this test was written, such a function did not exist in GMP.
> The GMP 5 library is just a few days old. Give us a chance to catch up!
> Bill.
> 2010/1/10 Gianrico Fini <gianrico.f...@gmail.com>:
> > It didn't took me so much time as I feared to understand why the use
> > of bench_two on GMP4.3 and MPIR1.3 (on my 32-bit CPU) gave so strange
> > results...
> > GMP4.3 was (slightly) faster than MPIR1.3 for all tests, expect two
> > where it was terribly slower: fermat and mersenne. The overall score
> > says:
> > GMP4.3 => 136, 97.2
> > MPIR1.3 => 145, 104
> > I.e. the bench_two test I downloaded from mpir.org says that yes, for
> > many application GMP is faster, but there are some (two) where it is
> > by far slower... so, globally, MPIR is 6% better than GMP.
> > It sounds strange, doesn't it?
> > Well, go and look into the code, the tarball is available from the
> > main page of MPIR, you can download it, unpack it and... before you
> > use it, please READ THE CODE!
> > The two very interesting test files are: fermat_prime_p.c,
> > mersenne_prime_p.c .
> > Let's start from the first one: fermat_prime_p.c
> > At the beginning you can find:
> > #ifndef __MPIR_VERSION
> > // we are gmp
> > #define NEED_MULMOD
> > #elif __MPIR_VERSION < 1 || (__MPIR_VERSION == 1 &&
> > #define NEED_MULMOD
> > #endif
> > ...you will see, this means: if someone is testing GMP or a version of
> > MPIR before 1.3, be _as_slow_as_possible_. The reason? This way MPIR
> > will look like being fast :-D
> > The "application" is very simple, it performs a "Pepin's Test for k"
> > i.e. test if "3^((F_k-1)/2) == -1 mod F_k", where "F_k = 2^(2^k)+1".
> > How would you write such an application? You would probably think you
> > can use the documented function mpz_powm...
> > The test doesn't do this, because this could be fast on libraries
> > different from MPIR-1.3, and the goal is to be _slow_... so it will
> > use a loop and the _undocumented_ function mpn_mulmod_2expp1. This is
> > a test to see how the library perform with a typical application, and
> > uses a function that NO application will use, for the simple fact that
> > _it_is_NOT_documented!
> > You can try:
> > mpir-1.3.0$ grep -ri mulmod doc/mpir.*
> > Nothing, no answer, it is not documented at all...And if you are not
> > using MPIR-1.3? will the test use something different? NO! It will
> > perform the computation using an _as_slow_as_possible_ substitute for
> > that function.
> > A FAKE!!!
> > I'll not analyse the ridicule "substitute", I'll do for the next
> > "application", because it is absurd exactly in the same way!
> > Next application: mersenne_prime_p.c
> > Here the "application" uses the Lucas-Lehmer test on a Mersenne
> > number, now the loop make sense, because it is not a simple
> > exponentiation, but a sequence of squaring-subtract, to be performed
> > modulo 2^p-1.
> > How would you implement it? With some clever reduction using mpn_add_n
> > or initialising the modulo once and then using it again and again...
> > But here, again, the main goal of the person who wrote this code was
> > to show that his mulmod function was giving a tremendous speed up, so,
> > again, the fake-application uses an undocumented function. Let us look
> > at the line where it is used:
> > mpn_mulmod_2expm1 (rp, xp, xp, k, tp); // mpn_sqrmod_2expm1 would be
> > faster
> > Note the comment, using sqr can be faster! Then read the fake,
> > as_slow_as_possible, implementation that is used if you are measuring
> > speed of something different wrt MPIR-1.3:
> > void    mpn_mulmod_2expm1 (mp_ptr xp,mp_ptr yp,mp_ptr zp,mp_size_t
> > k2,mp_ptr tp)
> > {mpz_t x,y,z,m;mp_size_t n,tn;
> > n=BITS_TO_LIMBS(k2);
> > mpz_init2(y,k2);mpz_init2(z,k2);mpz_init2(m,k2);mpz_init2(x,2*k2);
> > mpz_set_ui(m,1);mpz_mul_2exp(m,m,k2);mpz_sub_ui(m,m,1);
> > MPN_COPY(y->_mp_d,yp,n);tn=n;MPN_NORMALIZE(y->_mp_d,tn);y-
> >>_mp_size=tn;
> > MPN_COPY(z->_mp_d,zp,n);tn=n;MPN_NORMALIZE(z->_mp_d,tn);z-
> >>_mp_size=tn;
> > mpz_mul(x,y,z);
> > mpz_mod(x,x,m);tn=x->_mp_size;if(tn>n)tn=n;
> > MPN_COPY(xp,x->_mp_d,tn);if(tn<n)MPN_ZERO(xp+tn,n-tn);
> > mpz_clear(x);mpz_clear(y);mpz_clear(z);mpz_clear(m);
> > return;}
> > The guy who wrote this fake application decided to implement the
> > needed sqrmod with the slowest possible strategy. Directly using mpn?
> > no, there is the risk to be fast:
> > - let's allocate four mpz on the fly (this means for every iteration!)
> > - let's recompute the modulus in mpz on the fly (it is constant for
> > the full run and it is recomputed every iteration!!!)
> > we should exploit the fact that this function will always be called
> > with yp==zp, but again we run the risk to be efficient, and the author
> > did NON want that, because this function is used for other libraries,
> > to be compared with MPIR... and they must be slowed down! So, you
> > perfectly know (read the comment above) that yp==zp, but
> > - copy the memory _twice_ in _two_different_ new locations...
> > This way mpz_mul will see two different pointers and will _NOT_ use
> > sqr! Clever way to avoid any possibly faster primitive!!!
> > - copy back the result (the third copy, to be repeated for any cycle!)
> > - free the memory...(for the same variables that will be used
> > [recreated] again in the next step).
> > It is quite obvious, if you read the code of this two functions that
> > it was written with one goal in mind, show that any library without
> > those two functions was slow... or, to be more exact, that any other
> > library (i.e. not MPIR-1.3) was slow.
> > As a conclusion, on my laptop, MPIR is able to be faster than GMP
> > !!!!!!!!ONLY CHEATING!!!!!!!
> > You guys are very funny!!!! :-D
> > Because the cheating is so evident that when your library is slower on
> > all operation, the fake application is 3-4 times faster with your
> > funny-library... and your benchmark is so.... ingenuous .... to
> > conclude that overall the funny-fake-library is faster!!!!
> > But now be serious, and confess... MPIR is not a library, it's a
> > joke! :-D
> > AH AH AH AH!!!!
> > Adios!
> > Gian.
> > --
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