Re: [Caml-list] What does Jane Street use/want for an IDE? What about you?

2008-11-15 Thread Jon Harrop

We were discussing GUI programming in OCaml recently. I just stumbled upon 
this video wpf graphics that demonstrates some of the capabilities of 
Microsoft's Windows Presentation Foundation:

Linux has nothing like this. If OCaml gets a parallel GC then I think it would 
be well worth implementing an alternative GUI toolkit from scratch in OCaml 
using OpenGL and drawing upon WPF's core design that centers around a single 
unified renderer and unified (and safe!) representation. OCaml has great 
potential for GUI programming...

Dr Jon Harrop, Flying Frog Consultancy Ltd.

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Re: [Caml-list] What does Jane Street use/want for an IDE? What about you?

2008-11-15 Thread Richard Jones
On Sat, Nov 15, 2008 at 01:02:53PM +, Jon Harrop wrote:
 Linux has nothing like this.

Huh?  Guess you've not used compiz then?  Linux has had it since
before 2005 and it's so annoying I always turn it off.


Richard Jones
Red Hat

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Re: [Caml-list] What does Jane Street use/want for an IDE? What about you?

2008-11-15 Thread Jon Harrop
On Saturday 15 November 2008 12:25:17 Richard Jones wrote:
 On Sat, Nov 15, 2008 at 01:02:53PM +, Jon Harrop wrote: that centers around a single unified renderer and unified
  (and safe!) representation ...

 Huh?  Guess you've not used compiz then?

Compiz does not provide a unified rendering pipeline for GUI programming, it 
just composes pixmaps into OpenGL textures.

 Linux has had it since before 2005 and it's so annoying I always turn it

Yes, the value is in a unified foundation and not the wobbly windows.

For example, WPF allows you to define custom 3D objects and use them 
interoperably within the GUI framework. The contents of any widget may be any 
scene graph. They expose the same events and so on.

Dr Jon Harrop, Flying Frog Consultancy Ltd.

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Re: [Caml-list] What does Jane Street use/want for an IDE? What about you?

2008-11-05 Thread Paolo Donadeo
 In contrast, you can implement a GUI toolkit in OCaml that far exceeds the
 relevant limitations of Qt4 with quite easily.

Jon, did you ever used Qt in a big C++ or Python project? Qt is the
best GUI framework out there, GTK is a ridiculous toy in comparison,
and it took ages to reach this level of completeness. Frankly, I
think you are heavily undervaluing the task of building a *decent* GUI
from scratch.


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Re: [Caml-list] What does Jane Street use/want for an IDE? What about you?

2008-11-05 Thread Paolo Donadeo
 No, you just invoke the existing Python bindings. OCaml doesn't have to
 implement anything except bindings to Python, which are already done.

From this sentence I deduce you don't know *how* the PyQt binding is
generated. It's not a trivial task and the binding layer adds it's own
bugs and glitches, of course. PyQt doesn't interact well with the
Python garbage collector [1] and sometimes you have segfaults *VERY*
hard to be debugged.

[1] I mean: everything works perfectly 99% of times, but problems still persist.


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Re: [Caml-list] What does Jane Street use/want for an IDE? What about you?

2008-11-05 Thread Kuba Ober
On Wednesday 05 November 2008, Jon Harrop wrote:
 On Tuesday 04 November 2008 23:06:00 Kuba Ober wrote:
  On Tuesday 04 November 2008, Jon Harrop wrote:
   You'll just be invoking autogenerated Python code using OCaml so
   OCaml's class system is only relevant if you want to do some fancy
   statically-typed shim. I'd forget about that and just focus on making
   the whole of Qt4 available safely from OCaml in any form first. Even
   this is an unsolved problem in the OCaml world!
  Python bindings for Qt extensively use Python's API. You'd need OCaml to
  provide said API first.

 No, you just invoke the existing Python bindings. OCaml doesn't have to
 implement anything except bindings to Python, which are already done.

Are those bindings fully functional? As in: can Python use classes/objects
declared in OCaml?

   Of those, only core and GUI might be relevant here but the core lacks
   first-class functions for events and callbacks
  Maybe they are not first-class, but the way they've done it is via
  preprocessing using moc and things behave like they were first-class.
  In Qt, if you have a user interface dialog box (a form) called MyForm
  with an element named say ExitButton, you'd have this:
  class MyForm : public QDialog {
  Ui::MyForm ui;
  MyForm::MyForm(QWidget * parent) : QDialog(parent) {
ui.setupUi(this); // calls code autogenerated by UI compiler
  public slots:
  void on_ExitButton_clicked() {

 Compare with the equivalent F#+WPF code:

   button.Click.Add(fun _ - window.Close())

This certainly looks better, but it's not an order of magnitude better.
You can also say in Qt:

connect(ui.ExitButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), ui.ExitButton, SLOT(hide()));

If you want lambda-like functionality, that's doable too via metaprogramming,
although the Trolls didn't venture that way yet. And for a good reason: Qt
still largely compiles (IIRC) with VC 6, and trolls kept it that way ;)

  The code is hopefully easy to understand and as you can see you don't
  even have to connect signals and slots manually if you don't want to. All
  the magic happens behind the scenes. It's very easy to use.

 I prefer my F# to your C++.

That's an issue of taste. I do understand the benefits of languages with
first-class functions and other goodies that say OCaml provides, of course,
and I'd much rather use F#, but given that Camelia has to run on modest
hardware and without downloading umpteen megabytes of dependencies, C++
is the right choice for now.

WPF is just another thing, and it's not really portable in any decent
sense of the word.
   Sure. My point is that you're building on antique technology when you
   could be building modern technology instead.
  With Qt there's a real chance of machine-translating the code to say LISP
  or OCaml or what have you.

 Even if anyone ever managed to do that, the result would be an unusable
 buggy mess.

My really limited experiments would indicate that in fact it can be done
very cleanly and without introducing bugs. If you have a relatively well
designed codebase, it's easy to port it to almost anything. If you have a big
mess then of course the result will be just as horrible.

C++ code with basic use of templates (what you'll find in most sane code)
translates very well to LISP, whose generics map pretty well to any language
with static and/or explicit types.

  With WPF, you're stuck with .Net and that's the end of it.

 That is not a reason to ignore WPF's design.

I'm just rambling here since I know nothing about WPF, but Qt is quite 
reasonable in how well can UIs designed in it look. It's relatively easy
to use widgets designed in SVG, and it's just as easy to use various
web 2.0 widgets. A friend of mine recently had a Qt application that
called for a snazzy timeline widget. It turned out there was one
written in JavaScript/html by someone, and he just pasted it right into
the application. The integrated webkit took care of rendering it, and
after minor tweaks you would never tell that the control was implemented
on a sub-platform of sorts.

Camelia could be run on a 486 system with perhaps 64MB of
memory when compiled using Qt/Embedded. While one can question
whether it's useful or not, Qt has the benefit of targeting all major
computing platforms out there.
   That sales hype for Qt is just a reflection of the fact that Qt was
   built on sand using a dying technology (C++). In practice, the world
   moved on to garbage collected virtual machines for GUI programming
   years ago. Qt was left behind and is desperately trying to catch up by
   migrating to the JVM but the JVM is now dying...
  Qt has not migrated to JVM. Relevant Qt classes implement parent-child
  ownership, implicit copy-on-write and reference counting, and are used
  just like you would any random collection of things in a

Re: [Caml-list] What does Jane Street use/want for an IDE? What about you?

2008-11-05 Thread Kuba Ober
 However, Trolltechs own demos segfault on my machine regularly
 and KDE is unreliable despite being written almost entirely in Qt's native
 language. So I would not be so hasty to blame PyQt for Qt's reliability

As a longtime KDE user, I'm very much disappointed by the most recent
major KDE release, in terms of how much slower it got on my
not-all-that-old-hardware (an AMD64 Compaq machine running in 32 bits).
A lot of it comes from the fact that my home directory is mounted via NFS,
but this used to work a lot better.

A typical KDE application literally hammers the filesystem upon every
single application startup, and it got progressively worse every major
KDE release. Qt is not an angel in that respect either -- that's about
the major gripe I have with Qt.

As a longtime developer who uses Qt (recently only for open source stuff),
I do know that Qt's performance in general has continuously improved, and
they have made real low-level architectural improvements. New KDE releases
always hammered Qt pretty hard, it was a similar story when KDE 3 came
out, although the perceived slowdown wasn't as bad (and it was on worse

But Qt can't really help with the application and the KDE middleware
making things worse than they need to be...

As for Qt demos segfaulting: I wonder if that may be due to OpenGL bugs.


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Re: [Caml-list] What does Jane Street use/want for an IDE? What about you?

2008-11-05 Thread Kuba Ober
  Have you ran recent Qt demos distributed with Qt? I'd say they look
  pretty cool in my book.

 They would not have impressed me a decade ago, let alone today. Many of
 them don't even work on either of my Debian machines.

I have one question regarding OpenGL: maybe it's just me, but isn't core,
or historical core OpenGL blissfully unaware of simple concepts such as a
path, a brush, stroking a path etc? This was long time ago, but I recall that
drawing a circle using OpenGL implies that you (or some middleman library) has
to discretize the circle into triangles, and then render that.

Again, correct me if I'm wrong, but typical OpenGL-based UI rendering
will do good old antialiased software 2D rendering on OpenGL textures,
and the composite some simple 3D models with those textures applied.
[Or it may, at a cost of generating *way more* triangles, use shader

That way you can get goodies like shadows of text rendered in a window
with transparent background, but it's really awkward to do directly in
OpenGL. These days I imagine this 2D rendering can be done using
shader programs, but that excludes a lot of commonplace hardware
outright, and hits some implementation bugs hard (just look around at
various game forums). And I really don't quite love the idea of
generating a bazillion triangles for the 3D hardware to then
shade: I wish 3D hardware could work with splines of some sort (does it?).

AFAIK/IIRC, as soon as you wish to move to a higher level scene
description, where basic primitives such as paths live in 3D, you have
to implement a whole lot on top of OpenGL, and there are no real
standards as to how to do it. If anything, Cocoa and MPF (?) may be
examples of how to go about it, but that's a long shot of where
we'd all like to be.

I would like nothing better than to work with hierarchical interactive
display representation, where simple things remain simple: say you have
a letter shown in your text editor widget, and you want to know where
the said letter is located. With a scene description graph, you can
extract that information -- the way Qt does it so far either requires the
text layouter to provide you with relevant API, or you have to plug yourself
between the layouter and the paint engine and literally listen for where the
glyphs get painted. The scene description would be easier to use, of
course. If the scene description has links into the underlying text document,
as it well should, then it gets even easier.

So, please understand that I'm not oblivious to benefits of thinking in
higher levels of abstraction, but I'm also practical and know that Qt
provides me with a whole big lot of cross-platform functionality that
simply doesn't exist anywhere else in one coherent platform.

Oh, and it's not like scene graphs and whatnot cannot be nicely done
in C++ ;) (ducks and runs).

Cheers, Kuba

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Re: [Caml-list] What does Jane Street use/want for an IDE? What about you?

2008-11-05 Thread Jon Harrop
On Wednesday 05 November 2008 15:20:26 Kuba Ober wrote:
   Have you ran recent Qt demos distributed with Qt? I'd say they look
   pretty cool in my book.
  They would not have impressed me a decade ago, let alone today. Many of
  them don't even work on either of my Debian machines.

 I have one question regarding OpenGL: maybe it's just me, but isn't core,
 or historical core OpenGL blissfully unaware of simple concepts such as a
 path, a brush, stroking a path etc?

That is correct. Smoke already implements all of that:

 This was long time ago, but I recall 
 that drawing a circle using OpenGL implies that you (or some middleman
 library) has to discretize the circle into triangles, and then render that.

Smoke uses a much more sophisticated approach based upon anisotropic 
hierarchical decomposition that provides high-performance culling of 
arbitrary vector shapes. So you can feed it a Gb map of the world and use it 
to fly around in real-time without having to write anything difficult 
yourself. You can even apply arbitrary affine transforms to vector shapes and 
it will continue to make maximal reuse of tesselations and cache them on 
graphics hardware if it is available.

 Again, correct me if I'm wrong, but typical OpenGL-based UI rendering
 will do good old antialiased software 2D rendering on OpenGL textures,
 and the composite some simple 3D models with those textures applied.
 [Or it may, at a cost of generating *way more* triangles, use shader

No, Smoke keeps everything in vector form and renders triangles. Smoke can 
also run entirely in software using Mesa and can render PostScript in 
software over an order of magnitude faster than GhostView. But Smoke was 
designed specifically to leverage hardware accelerated OpenGL and it runs 
about two orders of magnitude faster when that is available.

 That way you can get goodies like shadows of text rendered in a window
 with transparent background, but it's really awkward to do directly in
 OpenGL. These days I imagine this 2D rendering can be done using
 shader programs, but that excludes a lot of commonplace hardware
 outright, and hits some implementation bugs hard (just look around at
 various game forums). And I really don't quite love the idea of
 generating a bazillion triangles for the 3D hardware to then
 shade: I wish 3D hardware could work with splines of some sort (does it?).

The nVidia 9 series is the first hardware to provide decent support for 
splines, AFAIK. Decent support requires vertex creation in-hardware.

 AFAIK/IIRC, as soon as you wish to move to a higher level scene
 description, where basic primitives such as paths live in 3D, you have
 to implement a whole lot on top of OpenGL, and there are no real
 standards as to how to do it. If anything, Cocoa and MPF (?) may be
 examples of how to go about it, but that's a long shot of where
 we'd all like to be.

I don't think it is a long shot at all.

 I would like nothing better than to work with hierarchical interactive
 display representation, where simple things remain simple: say you have
 a letter shown in your text editor widget, and you want to know where
 the said letter is located. With a scene description graph, you can
 extract that information -- the way Qt does it so far either requires the
 text layouter to provide you with relevant API, or you have to plug
 yourself between the layouter and the paint engine and literally listen for
 where the glyphs get painted. The scene description would be easier to use,
 of course. If the scene description has links into the underlying text
 document, as it well should, then it gets even easier.

Smoke already provides a basic form of that functionality. It uses OpenGL 
picking to provide a list of integers that describe the path through the 
scene graph to the nearest shape in the given region. Check out the source 
code to the interactive tiger demo, for example.

 So, please understand that I'm not oblivious to benefits of thinking in
 higher levels of abstraction, but I'm also practical and know that Qt
 provides me with a whole big lot of cross-platform functionality that
 simply doesn't exist anywhere else in one coherent platform.

Maybe if I release Smoke as open source software OCaml will become usable for 
advanced GUI programming. If I don't, I think OCaml is dead in the water in 
this respect.

Dr Jon Harrop, Flying Frog Consultancy Ltd.

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Re: [Caml-list] What does Jane Street use/want for an IDE? What about you?

2008-11-05 Thread Kuba Ober
On Wednesday 05 November 2008, Paolo Donadeo wrote:
  In contrast, you can implement a GUI toolkit in OCaml that far exceeds
  the relevant limitations of Qt4 with quite easily.

 Jon, did you ever used Qt in a big C++ or Python project? Qt is the
 best GUI framework out there, GTK is a ridiculous toy in comparison,
 and it took ages to reach this level of completeness. Frankly, I
 think you are heavily undervaluing the task of building a *decent* GUI
 from scratch.

I wholeheartedly agree.

Jon's valid point is that some concepts in Qt's core are unnecessarily
complicated due to the fact that there is no higher-level concept of
a display list or scene description.

This necessitates things which in would be hacks given display lists
/ scene descriptions. Case in point:

A QTextEditor or QPlainTextEditor is an editor widget which works on
a QTextDocument. A QTextDocument has an associated implementation of an
QAbstractTextDocumentLayout. The latter has methods such as anchorAt(QPoint),
blockBoundingRect(QTextBlock) and hitTest(QPoint). Those methods
are only necessary since once a document is laid out by the layout
engine, any links between the rendered representation and 
the document are hidden by the Q...TextDocumentLayout. What 
QTextDocumentLayout does is to simply send a bunch of primitives to
the QPainter which actually renders them on some device, but this
is done without using any sort of a list.

Even if a display list (QPicture passes for it) was used, it's a closed-up
class that, while holding a display list, provides no trivial access for it.
You can of course play() a QPicture on your own a QPaintDevice that talks to
your own QPaintEngine, but there is no functionality in place to attach
your own data to elements of such a display list, unless you resort
of course to another layer of hacks. No such metadata functionality
exists for QPainterPath (which is closer to a real display list) either.

And neither QPainterPath nor QPicture are really hierarchical. About the only
way to think of a hierarchy for Qt's drawing system is at the level of 
QPainter, which provides save() / restore() functionality for its state.
All of this structure is implemented by the QPainter(), so as soon as
a QPainter() paints on a QPaintDevice(), what little hierarchy was there
is irretrieveably lost.

So Qt would benefit from having real, hierarchical display lists, which could
then be expanded to include 3D functionality. Trolls may well be working
on this (I hope they do!), but it's no small feat to have it done in a way
which just works like most of Qt does.

Qt is not bug free, and a colleague of mine is hard at work bugging the trolls
with a new (mostly event-related) bug every week (not kidding you). But he
really runs into some corner/less-than-well-documented cases due to what
he's trying to do. Yet that's still way better than dealing with a toolkit
that's fairly new (MPC) or something that gives you 10% of the functionality
you need.

Cheers, Kuba

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Re: [Caml-list] What does Jane Street use/want for an IDE? What about you?

2008-11-05 Thread Jon Harrop
On Wednesday 05 November 2008 08:39:32 Paolo Donadeo wrote:
  In contrast, you can implement a GUI toolkit in OCaml that far exceeds
  the relevant limitations of Qt4 with quite easily.

 Jon, did you ever used Qt in a big C++ or Python project? Qt is the
 best GUI framework out there, GTK is a ridiculous toy in comparison,
 and it took ages to reach this level of completeness. Frankly, I
 think you are heavily undervaluing the task of building a *decent* GUI
 from scratch.

I've implemented GUIs in C++ using Qt, and in OCaml using Smoke, and in F# 
using WPF. Qt is by far the most limited in terms of functionality and is 
filled with incidental complexity to boot. Finally, Qt isn't even safe so Qt 
GUI apps are prone to crashing to the extent that even Trolltech's own tiny 
demo programs crash.

I agree that GTK is worse but my point is simply that Qt leaves a lot to be 
desired, primarily because it is entirely founded upon old-school programming 
practice that is long since outdated.

Dr Jon Harrop, Flying Frog Consultancy Ltd.

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Re: [Caml-list] What does Jane Street use/want for an IDE? What about you?

2008-11-05 Thread Jon Harrop
On Wednesday 05 November 2008 15:05:13 Kuba Ober wrote:
  However, Trolltechs own demos segfault on my machine regularly
  and KDE is unreliable despite being written almost entirely in Qt's
  native language. So I would not be so hasty to blame PyQt for Qt's
  reliability problems.

 As a longtime KDE user, I'm very much disappointed by the most recent
 major KDE release, in terms of how much slower it got on my
 not-all-that-old-hardware (an AMD64 Compaq machine running in 32 bits).
 A lot of it comes from the fact that my home directory is mounted via NFS,
 but this used to work a lot better.

I now have a terabyte of ext3, 4Gb of RAM and eight 2.1GHz Opteron cores and 
KDE still runs like a dog, burning only 1 core at a time. This is a fresh 
install on a new machine as well, so distro baggage isn't the problem.

 A typical KDE application literally hammers the filesystem upon every
 single application startup, and it got progressively worse every major
 KDE release. Qt is not an angel in that respect either -- that's about
 the major gripe I have with Qt.

I believe that fixing this is tantamount to Greenspunning managed C++ so I 
don't believe that will ever happen. Qt will be relegated to the embedded 
niche before dying completely.

 As a longtime developer who uses Qt (recently only for open source stuff),
 I do know that Qt's performance in general has continuously improved, and
 they have made real low-level architectural improvements. New KDE releases
 always hammered Qt pretty hard, it was a similar story when KDE 3 came
 out, although the perceived slowdown wasn't as bad (and it was on worse

I think these are all knock-on effects. C++ is an awful programming language 
for high-level work because it is so inefficient (e.g. no GC). Qt is 
effectively C++-only so almost all non-trivial Qt applications are sluggish.

If you build a GUI toolkit on a solid foundation like OCaml (when it gets its 
parallel GC) then GUI programming becomes much easier and much more 
efficient. That is unquestionably the way forward, as .NET has proven. Using 
Qt or C++ is just building on sand.

 As for Qt demos segfaulting: I wonder if that may be due to OpenGL bugs.

This is a high-performance OpenGL workstation that is used almost entirely for 
scientific visualization using OpenGL. None of our other software has any 
problems, just Qt.

My guess is the Qt code isn't detecting error conditions at startup when it is 
obliged to, whereas glut and SDL are. Moreover, these are old bugs in Qt: I 
saw them years ago as well.

Dr Jon Harrop, Flying Frog Consultancy Ltd.

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Re: [Caml-list] What does Jane Street use/want for an IDE? What about you?

2008-11-05 Thread Kuba Ober
On Wednesday 05 November 2008, Jon Harrop wrote:
 On Wednesday 05 November 2008 15:20:26 Kuba Ober wrote:
  So, please understand that I'm not oblivious to benefits of thinking in
  higher levels of abstraction, but I'm also practical and know that Qt
  provides me with a whole big lot of cross-platform functionality that
  simply doesn't exist anywhere else in one coherent platform.

 Maybe if I release Smoke as open source software OCaml will become usable
 for advanced GUI programming. If I don't, I think OCaml is dead in the
 water in this respect.

Would it be useful, then, to have Smoke have a built-in renderer for
embedded/non-accelerated platforms? It should still be faster than Mesa,
since you can work with higher-level objects that can perhaps be drawn
faster with object-specific rendering functions, instead of having
to tesselate everything and then just work on triangles?

I'm pretty sure that such built-in rendering would perform better and
have smaller footprint for non-accelerated platforms than going through
the whole OpenGL stack.

What do you think?

Then, there's still a whole lot of work in getting OCaml interoperate
with native platform (think OLE, browser plugins, yada yada).


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Re: [Caml-list] What does Jane Street use/want for an IDE? What about you?

2008-11-05 Thread Jon Harrop
On Wednesday 05 November 2008 15:44:24 Kuba Ober wrote:
 And neither QPainterPath nor QPicture are really hierarchical. About the
 only way to think of a hierarchy for Qt's drawing system is at the level of
 QPainter, which provides save() / restore() functionality for its state.
 All of this structure is implemented by the QPainter(), so as soon as a
 QPainter() paints on a QPaintDevice(), what little hierarchy was there is
 irretrieveably lost.

There shouldn't even be any state.

 So Qt would benefit from having real, hierarchical display lists, which
 could then be expanded to include 3D functionality. Trolls may well be 
 working on this (I hope they do!), but it's no small feat to have it done
 in a way which just works like most of Qt does.

That is exactly what WPF already provides. Trolltech told me they were working 
on it when I was evaluating buying the commercial Qt. That was at least 5 
years ago. I doubt Qt will live long enough to ever see it implemented.

 Qt is not bug free, and a colleague of mine is hard at work bugging the
 trolls with a new (mostly event-related) bug every week (not kidding you).
 But he really runs into some corner/less-than-well-documented cases due to
 what he's trying to do. Yet that's still way better than dealing with a
 toolkit that's fairly new (MPC) or something that gives you 10% of the
 functionality you need.

What is MPC?

Dr Jon Harrop, Flying Frog Consultancy Ltd.

Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management:
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Re: [Caml-list] What does Jane Street use/want for an IDE? What about you?

2008-11-05 Thread Kuba Ober
  And neither QPainterPath nor QPicture are really hierarchical. About the
  only way to think of a hierarchy for Qt's drawing system is at the level
  of QPainter, which provides save() / restore() functionality for its
  state. All of this structure is implemented by the QPainter(), so as soon
  as a QPainter() paints on a QPaintDevice(), what little hierarchy was
  there is irretrieveably lost.

 There shouldn't even be any state.

I agree, but in absence of hierarchy they resort to kludges like that...

  So Qt would benefit from having real, hierarchical display lists, which
  could then be expanded to include 3D functionality. Trolls may well be
  working on this (I hope they do!), but it's no small feat to have it done
  in a way which just works like most of Qt does.

 That is exactly what WPF already provides. Trolltech told me they were
 working on it when I was evaluating buying the commercial Qt. That was at
 least 5 years ago. I doubt Qt will live long enough to ever see it

At least they now have QPainterPath -- I wish they worked harder on
ubiquitous display lists, though.

  Qt is not bug free, and a colleague of mine is hard at work bugging the
  trolls with a new (mostly event-related) bug every week (not kidding
  you). But he really runs into some corner/less-than-well-documented cases
  due to what he's trying to do. Yet that's still way better than dealing
  with a toolkit that's fairly new (MPC) or something that gives you 10% of
  the functionality you need.

 What is MPC?

My brain is playing tricks on me ;)

Cheers, Kuba

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Re: [Caml-list] What does Jane Street use/want for an IDE? What about you?

2008-11-05 Thread Kuba Ober
On Wednesday 05 November 2008, Jérémie Dimino wrote:
 Jon Harrop [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  I'd forget about that and just focus on making the whole of Qt4 available
  safely from OCaml in any form first. Even this is an unsolved problem in
  the OCaml world!

 I suggest an idea. I know that Qt4 offer some facility to export
 objects trough DBus [1]. So one can write a small C++ application that
 allow other applications to create Qt objects and export them, then
 use Qt in ocaml via DBus.

 Here are the advantages i see:

 - the C++ code and the ocaml code would run in different processes, so
   we do not have to care about all the C++isms of Qt in the ocaml

 - this would make Qt available to any languages that have DBus.
   For ocaml i am currently writing a pure ocaml DBus implementation [2].

The biggest problem is that this limits you to what's exposed by Qt's
signal/slot interface. That's too little to actually use Qt but for very
simple applications that pass either relatively simple data types around,
or pass QObjects around.

If you want to create and pass something less-than-simple, say a QList
of some custom type, you're screwed and this functionality is necessary
for any real Qt interoperability.

Cheers, Kuba

Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management:
Beginner's list:
Bug reports:

Re: [Caml-list] What does Jane Street use/want for an IDE? What about you?

2008-11-04 Thread Kuba Ober
On Monday 03 November 2008, Jon Harrop wrote:
 On Monday 03 November 2008 14:15:38 Kuba Ober wrote:
  On Friday 31 October 2008, Jon Harrop wrote:
   . Written in OCaml using OCaml's own lexer and parser to save effort
   and make it possible for others to help develop it without losing their
  That's perhaps possible in the longer run by linking some OCaml code in.
  Right now Camelia has its own parser.

 You reimplemented the whole OCaml parser in C++? Does it handle Camlp4
 syntax extensions?

It's only good enough for simple things, like looking up symbols and figuring 
out in which context does a symbol appear. Heavy lifting like type inference 
etc. is left to OCaml, and its type annotations are used extensively. Even
though I see no problem with having a real OCaml parser. Type inference
notwithstanding, of course.

  I could port Camelia to OCaml if
  someone would first develop Qt bindings for OCaml that would allow me to
  do in OCaml what I'm doing in C++ so far ;)

 That may already be possible if you go via more mainstream dynamic
 languages like Python. However, python-qt4-dev has fewer installs on Debian
 and Ubuntu than OCaml does, so you may well find that the Python bindings
 are inadequate as well.

Python Qt bindings are pretty much feature-complete, but C++'s class system
maps perhaps better to Python/LISP than to OCaml?

  That's an undertaking bigger than Camelia itself. I will not develop for
  gtk-anything as lost feature parity with Qt right around the time when Qt
  3 came around, IIRC.

 I can well believe that. Another option is to create a new GUI toolkit from
 scratch in OCaml.

Since Camelia uses so much of Qt's functionality, this is a task on par with
reimplementing Qt. Good luck with that ;)

  Qt 4 is leaps and bounds above anything gtk provides, in
  terms of integrated functionality. This is not meant as a flamebait, I
  believe it to be an accurate statement of fact.

 And WPF is leaps and bounds above anything Qt 4 provides, in terms of
 functionality, integration and performance. Combined with the fact that
 using Qt4 from a decent language is very hard and basically completely
 pointless by design anyway, I think there is a strong argument for starting
 from scratch.

WPF is just another thing, and it's not really portable in any decent sense
of the word. Camelia could be run on a 486 system with perhaps 64MB of memory
when compiled using Qt/Embedded. While one can question whether it's useful
or not, Qt has the benefit of targeting all major computing platforms out 

Using Qt4 in a decent language will be easy once there is a C++ parser in said
decent language. I don't know if I mentioned it, but some time ago I did
a proof-of-concept of machine-translating QObject.cpp and friends to LISP and
it not only worked, but required no moc ;) So I'd say that as soon as there's
a good-enough C++ parser written in OCaml, and given availability of a basic
AI package (to implement a KB and searches), it should be perfectly doable to
translate Qt4 into human-readable, not-too-bad OCaml.

  I wish I could use gtk
  since it's easier to bind with, but I'd end up having to either
  reimplement parts of Qt, or have to deal with lots of 3rd party
  libraries, each from a different author who had a different API design
  mindset. Qt takes care of those integration issues internally and
  provides a relatively
  self-consistent API -- this saves a metric crapton of time (I use the
  darn thing).

 Swings and roundabouts. The metric crapton of time you save with Qt4's
 functionality is paid by having to use an awful language.

Let's not flame about it, but as a pure exercise I have implemented everything
(as in all presented algorithms/approacheds) for three major courses from (MATH707/727, CSE630 and CSE680), in LISP, OCaml and C++.
The code in each case has similar readability and uses similarly high-level
concepts. I'd say that if you think in OCaml or LISP and implement in C++,
you can still get pretty good code ;) Of course some LISP/OCaml-isms are
unavailable in C++, but then some other ones can be implemented with relative
cleanliness using available template metaprogramming.

   . Graphical throwback of the documentation related to what is under the
   mouse pointer.
  Easy to do -- goes on my to-do list.

 How would you implement it?

1. Everything has type annotations.
2. I know scope of symbols from my simple parser.

It's easy enough to look things up by name+context and type, right?

   . Graphical throwback of errors and, in the case of type errors,
   optional highlighting of previous unification points.
  Camelia does that.

 Cool. AFAIK, OCaml does not export information about unification points. So
 how do you get hold of that data in Camelia?

I was probably wrong about unification points. What are they?

   . Autocompletion that handles structural types in LablGTK code and
   operators, i.e. when the user types + present options 

Re: [Caml-list] What does Jane Street use/want for an IDE? What about you?

2008-11-04 Thread Jon Harrop
On Tuesday 04 November 2008 18:35:45 Kuba Ober wrote:
 On Monday 03 November 2008, Jon Harrop wrote:
  On Monday 03 November 2008 14:15:38 Kuba Ober wrote:
   I could port Camelia to OCaml if
   someone would first develop Qt bindings for OCaml that would allow me
   to do in OCaml what I'm doing in C++ so far ;)
  That may already be possible if you go via more mainstream dynamic
  languages like Python. However, python-qt4-dev has fewer installs on
  Debian and Ubuntu than OCaml does, so you may well find that the Python
  bindings are inadequate as well.

 Python Qt bindings are pretty much feature-complete, but C++'s class system
 maps perhaps better to Python/LISP than to OCaml?

You'll just be invoking autogenerated Python code using OCaml so OCaml's class 
system is only relevant if you want to do some fancy statically-typed shim. 
I'd forget about that and just focus on making the whole of Qt4 available 
safely from OCaml in any form first. Even this is an unsolved problem in the 
OCaml world!

   That's an undertaking bigger than Camelia itself. I will not develop
   for gtk-anything as lost feature parity with Qt right around the time
   when Qt 3 came around, IIRC.
  I can well believe that. Another option is to create a new GUI toolkit
  from scratch in OCaml.

 Since Camelia uses so much of Qt's functionality, this is a task on par
 with reimplementing Qt. Good luck with that ;)

From Qt4's architecture diagram:

  Core, GUI, database, scripting, network, OpenGL, XML, Multimedia, Font 
Engine and Webkit

Of those, only core and GUI might be relevant here but the core lacks 
first-class functions for events and callbacks and the GUI is unable to 
express integrated graphics (e.g. OpenGL layers).

So the amount of Qt that is objectively beneficial is tiny and the cost of 
using it is very high.

   Qt 4 is leaps and bounds above anything gtk provides, in
   terms of integrated functionality. This is not meant as a flamebait, I
   believe it to be an accurate statement of fact.
  And WPF is leaps and bounds above anything Qt 4 provides, in terms of
  functionality, integration and performance. Combined with the fact that
  using Qt4 from a decent language is very hard and basically completely
  pointless by design anyway, I think there is a strong argument for
  starting from scratch.

 WPF is just another thing, and it's not really portable in any decent sense
 of the word.

Sure. My point is that you're building on antique technology when you could be 
building modern technology instead.

 Camelia could be run on a 486 system with perhaps 64MB of 
 memory when compiled using Qt/Embedded. While one can question whether it's
 useful or not, Qt has the benefit of targeting all major computing
 platforms out there.

That sales hype for Qt is just a reflection of the fact that Qt was built on 
sand using a dying technology (C++). In practice, the world moved on to 
garbage collected virtual machines for GUI programming years ago. Qt was left 
behind and is desperately trying to catch up by migrating to the JVM but the 
JVM is now dying...

 Using Qt4 in a decent language will be easy once there is a C++ parser in
 said decent language.

You'll be Greenspunning managed C++ from the .NET world. That's a fine idea if 
you regard Qt as useful legacy code but I don't see the point myself. Qt will 
always have a stone-age API and reimplementing managed C++ is a huge 

In contrast, you can implement a GUI toolkit in OCaml that far exceeds the 
relevant limitations of Qt4 with quite easily.

 I don't know if I mentioned it, but some time ago I 
 did a proof-of-concept of machine-translating QObject.cpp and friends to
 LISP and it not only worked, but required no moc ;) So I'd say that as soon
 as there's a good-enough C++ parser written in OCaml, and given
 availability of a basic AI package (to implement a KB and searches), it
 should be perfectly doable to translate Qt4 into human-readable,
 not-too-bad OCaml.

Then the question is simply whether it is easier to write a C++ parser in 
OCaml along with the translation code and a sane shim over the whole of Qt4 
or just replace it wholesale.

   I wish I could use gtk
   since it's easier to bind with, but I'd end up having to either
   reimplement parts of Qt, or have to deal with lots of 3rd party
   libraries, each from a different author who had a different API design
   mindset. Qt takes care of those integration issues internally and
   provides a relatively
   self-consistent API -- this saves a metric crapton of time (I use the
   darn thing).
  Swings and roundabouts. The metric crapton of time you save with Qt4's
  functionality is paid by having to use an awful language.

 Let's not flame about it,

I would not regard that as flame bait here. I'm sure if OCaml had decent Qt 
bindings they would be very heavily used indeed (the OCaml language would 

Re: [Caml-list] What does Jane Street use/want for an IDE? What about you?

2008-11-04 Thread Kuba Ober
On Tuesday 04 November 2008, Jon Harrop wrote:
 On Tuesday 04 November 2008 18:35:45 Kuba Ober wrote:
  On Monday 03 November 2008, Jon Harrop wrote:
   On Monday 03 November 2008 14:15:38 Kuba Ober wrote:
I could port Camelia to OCaml if
someone would first develop Qt bindings for OCaml that would allow me
to do in OCaml what I'm doing in C++ so far ;)
   That may already be possible if you go via more mainstream dynamic
   languages like Python. However, python-qt4-dev has fewer installs on
   Debian and Ubuntu than OCaml does, so you may well find that the Python
   bindings are inadequate as well.
  Python Qt bindings are pretty much feature-complete, but C++'s class
  system maps perhaps better to Python/LISP than to OCaml?

 You'll just be invoking autogenerated Python code using OCaml so OCaml's
 class system is only relevant if you want to do some fancy statically-typed
 shim. I'd forget about that and just focus on making the whole of Qt4
 available safely from OCaml in any form first. Even this is an unsolved
 problem in the OCaml world!

Python bindings for Qt extensively use Python's API. You'd need OCaml to
provide said API first.

  Since Camelia uses so much of Qt's functionality, this is a task on par
  with reimplementing Qt. Good luck with that ;)

 From Qt4's architecture diagram:

   Core, GUI, database, scripting, network, OpenGL, XML, Multimedia, Font
 Engine and Webkit

 Of those, only core and GUI might be relevant here but the core lacks
 first-class functions for events and callbacks 

Maybe they are not first-class, but the way they've done it is via 
preprocessing using moc and things behave like they were first-class.

In Qt, if you have a user interface dialog box (a form) called MyForm
with an element named say ExitButton, you'd have this:

class MyForm : public QDialog {
Ui::MyForm ui;

MyForm::MyForm(QWidget * parent) : QDialog(parent) {
  ui.setupUi(this); // calls code autogenerated by UI compiler

public slots:
void on_ExitButton_clicked() {

The code is hopefully easy to understand and as you can see you don't even
have to connect signals and slots manually if you don't want to. All the
magic happens behind the scenes. It's very easy to use.

 and the GUI is unable to 
 express integrated graphics (e.g. OpenGL layers).

You're talking like everyone was after integrated graphics. You are and
I understand your viewpoint, but say I'm not :)

 So the amount of Qt that is objectively beneficial is tiny and the cost of
 using it is very high.

I really doubt that.

Qt 4 is leaps and bounds above anything gtk provides, in
terms of integrated functionality. This is not meant as a flamebait,
I believe it to be an accurate statement of fact.
   And WPF is leaps and bounds above anything Qt 4 provides, in terms of
   functionality, integration and performance. Combined with the fact that
   using Qt4 from a decent language is very hard and basically completely
   pointless by design anyway, I think there is a strong argument for
   starting from scratch.
  WPF is just another thing, and it's not really portable in any decent
  sense of the word.

 Sure. My point is that you're building on antique technology when you could
 be building modern technology instead.

With Qt there's a real chance of machine-translating the code to say LISP
or OCaml or what have you. With WPF, you're stuck with .Net and that's the end
of it.

  Camelia could be run on a 486 system with perhaps 64MB of
  memory when compiled using Qt/Embedded. While one can question whether
  it's useful or not, Qt has the benefit of targeting all major computing
  platforms out there.

 That sales hype for Qt is just a reflection of the fact that Qt was built
 on sand using a dying technology (C++). In practice, the world moved on to
 garbage collected virtual machines for GUI programming years ago. Qt was
 left behind and is desperately trying to catch up by migrating to the JVM
 but the JVM is now dying...

Qt has not migrated to JVM. Relevant Qt classes implement parent-child
ownership, implicit copy-on-write and reference counting, and are used
just like you would any random collection of things in a garbage-collected
language. You're also free to use a garbage collector with any C++ project,
this has nothing to do with Qt.

  Using Qt4 in a decent language will be easy once there is a C++ parser in
  said decent language.

 You'll be Greenspunning managed C++ from the .NET world. That's a fine idea
 if you regard Qt as useful legacy code but I don't see the point myself. Qt
 will always have a stone-age API and reimplementing managed C++ is a huge

This is not about greenspunning anything. Most of Qt code is written in such 
way that the C++-isms are completely abstracted out at the level of 

Re: [Caml-list] What does Jane Street use/want for an IDE? What about you?

2008-11-04 Thread Jon Harrop
On Tuesday 04 November 2008 23:06:00 Kuba Ober wrote:
 On Tuesday 04 November 2008, Jon Harrop wrote:
  You'll just be invoking autogenerated Python code using OCaml so OCaml's
  class system is only relevant if you want to do some fancy
  statically-typed shim. I'd forget about that and just focus on making the
  whole of Qt4 available safely from OCaml in any form first. Even this is
  an unsolved problem in the OCaml world!

 Python bindings for Qt extensively use Python's API. You'd need OCaml to
 provide said API first.

No, you just invoke the existing Python bindings. OCaml doesn't have to 
implement anything except bindings to Python, which are already done.

  Of those, only core and GUI might be relevant here but the core lacks
  first-class functions for events and callbacks

 Maybe they are not first-class, but the way they've done it is via
 preprocessing using moc and things behave like they were first-class.

 In Qt, if you have a user interface dialog box (a form) called MyForm
 with an element named say ExitButton, you'd have this:

 class MyForm : public QDialog {
   Ui::MyForm ui;

   MyForm::MyForm(QWidget * parent) : QDialog(parent) {
 ui.setupUi(this); // calls code autogenerated by UI compiler

 public slots:
 void on_ExitButton_clicked() {

Compare with the equivalent F#+WPF code:

  button.Click.Add(fun _ - window.Close())

 The code is hopefully easy to understand and as you can see you don't even
 have to connect signals and slots manually if you don't want to. All the
 magic happens behind the scenes. It's very easy to use.

I prefer my F# to your C++.

   WPF is just another thing, and it's not really portable in any decent
   sense of the word.
  Sure. My point is that you're building on antique technology when you
  could be building modern technology instead.

 With Qt there's a real chance of machine-translating the code to say LISP
 or OCaml or what have you.

Even if anyone ever managed to do that, the result would be an unusable buggy 

 With WPF, you're stuck with .Net and that's the end of it.

That is not a reason to ignore WPF's design.

   Camelia could be run on a 486 system with perhaps 64MB of
   memory when compiled using Qt/Embedded. While one can question whether
   it's useful or not, Qt has the benefit of targeting all major computing
   platforms out there.
  That sales hype for Qt is just a reflection of the fact that Qt was built
  on sand using a dying technology (C++). In practice, the world moved on
  to garbage collected virtual machines for GUI programming years ago. Qt
  was left behind and is desperately trying to catch up by migrating to the
  JVM but the JVM is now dying...

 Qt has not migrated to JVM. Relevant Qt classes implement parent-child
 ownership, implicit copy-on-write and reference counting, and are used
 just like you would any random collection of things in a garbage-collected
 language. You're also free to use a garbage collector with any C++ project,
 this has nothing to do with Qt.

You'd have to Greenspun managed C++ if you want a real GC for your C++ code. 
You can pull in Boehm but it breaks existing code and is not reliable (hence 
the Mono project are desperately trying to remove it).

So you are not free to use a garbage collector with any C++ project at all. 
Quite the contrary in fact: you're completely screwed if you choose C++.

Even industry are running from C++ like rats from a sinking ship:

Is that really the trend you want to join?

   Using Qt4 in a decent language will be easy once there is a C++ parser
   in said decent language.
  You'll be Greenspunning managed C++ from the .NET world. That's a fine
  idea if you regard Qt as useful legacy code but I don't see the point
  myself. Qt will always have a stone-age API and reimplementing managed
  C++ is a huge undertaking.

 This is not about greenspunning anything. Most of Qt code is written in
 such way that the C++-isms are completely abstracted out at the level of
 core classes such as QObject and collections (QList, QVector, etc).

The C++isms are nowhere near being abstracted out. Just look at that code you 
posted above.

 translating the use of basic Qt primitives (really QObject and collections)
 to whatever OCaml/Lisp/Python/blabla provides, you can very cleanly port Qt
 codebase to another language, and it will look pretty much as if it were
 written in said language.

A triumph of hope over reality.

  In contrast, you can implement a GUI toolkit in OCaml that far exceeds
  the relevant limitations of Qt4 with quite easily.

 Qt has very few language-inherent limitations that are not abstracted out
 to the core. Whatever other limitations Qt has are design decisions that 
 have little to do with choice of the language.

I was referring to the limitations of Qt itself. Look at this example from 

Re: [Caml-list] What does Jane Street use/want for an IDE? What about you?

2008-11-03 Thread Kuba Ober
On Friday 31 October 2008, Jon Harrop wrote:
 On Monday 20 October 2008 14:19:40 Kuba Ober wrote:
  what do you guys use for your development environment?

 I use Emacs but I hate it.

  What would be the minimal set of functionality that would make you happy
  for an IDE?

 . Written in OCaml using OCaml's own lexer and parser to save effort and
 make it possible for others to help develop it without losing their hair.

That's perhaps possible in the longer run by linking some OCaml code in.
Right now Camelia has its own parser. I could port Camelia to OCaml if someone
would first develop Qt bindings for OCaml that would allow me to do in
OCaml what I'm doing in C++ so far ;)

That's an undertaking bigger than Camelia itself. I will not develop for
gtk-anything as lost feature parity with Qt right around the time when Qt 3
came around, IIRC. Qt 4 is leaps and bounds above anything gtk provides, in
terms of integrated functionality. This is not meant as a flamebait, I believe
it to be an accurate statement of fact. I wish I could use gtk since
it's easier to bind with, but I'd end up having to either reimplement parts of
Qt, or have to deal with lots of 3rd party libraries, each from a different
author who had a different API design mindset. Qt takes care of those
integration issues internally and provides a relatively self-consistent API
-- this saves a metric crapton of time (I use the darn thing).

 . A proper GUI (where options can be set using the mouse).

Check ;)

 . Mainstream key bindings, e.g. CTRL+S for save.

Check ;)

 . Jump to definition.

Easy to do -- goes on my to-do list.

 . Graphical throwback of the type of the subexpression under the mouse
 pointer or in the current selection.

Camelia does that.

 . Graphical throwback of the documentation related to what is under the
 mouse pointer.

Easy to do -- goes on my to-do list.

 . Graphical throwback of errors and, in the case of type errors, optional
 highlighting of previous unification points.

Camelia does that.

 . Refactoring, e.g. changing the name of a definition in all occurrences.

Perhaps in version 2.2 ;)

 . Autocompletion that handles structural types in LablGTK code and
 operators, i.e. when the user types + present options for int +, float
 +., num +/ and any other operators that begin with +.

Version 2.2 ;)

 . Represent an OCaml project as a tree of modules that happen to have the
 first level stored as files.

Level 1 is easy to do, but what's on the second and deeper levels in your 

 . Performant enough to handle projects with hundreds of thousands of lines
 of code.

Shouldn't be a problem, perhaps as long as you don't put all the lines in one
file ;)

In the long run I may switch to using QCodeEdit from edyuk, which is 
supposedly better performing than QPlainTextEdit. This is just hearsay, and
anyway before I can switch editors I have to refactor a lot of code to move
OCaml-specific functionality out of the editor widget itself. Since I have
to do this refactoring whether I switch editors or not, just to make the
code saner, the editor change decision can wait without undue consequences
(or so I think).

 . Parallel so seven of my cores aren't idle while I'm waiting.

Everything is done in one thread right now, but over time it can be spread
out. Implementing this properly requires refectoring of the code first:
right now Camelia is in no shape to attempt that. After 2.0 release there will
be time to attack that.

 . The ability to hide the tail of +., +/ etc. operators to make numerical
 code more readable.

Easy to do, can go in for 2.0.

  What are killer features you dream of?

 Only one: an interactive top-level where output is presented via graphical
 elements (e.g. a scene graph) and is no longer limited to just ASCII text.
 This would give OCaml the graphical capabilities of Mathematica's
 awesome notebook front-end.

How would you like that to work? Do you think about something like ddd, or
a different approach?

Processing toplevel output is an issue nicely orthogonal to editor and
knowledgebase, so this doesn't block on the major refactoring that has
to happen on the editor end.

Cheers, Kuba

Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management:
Beginner's list:
Bug reports:

Re: [Caml-list] What does Jane Street use/want for an IDE? What about you?

2008-11-03 Thread Jon Harrop
On Monday 03 November 2008 14:15:38 Kuba Ober wrote:
 On Friday 31 October 2008, Jon Harrop wrote:
  . Written in OCaml using OCaml's own lexer and parser to save effort and
  make it possible for others to help develop it without losing their hair.

 That's perhaps possible in the longer run by linking some OCaml code in.
 Right now Camelia has its own parser.

You reimplemented the whole OCaml parser in C++? Does it handle Camlp4 syntax 

 I could port Camelia to OCaml if 
 someone would first develop Qt bindings for OCaml that would allow me to do
 in OCaml what I'm doing in C++ so far ;)

That may already be possible if you go via more mainstream dynamic languages 
like Python. However, python-qt4-dev has fewer installs on Debian and Ubuntu 
than OCaml does, so you may well find that the Python bindings are inadequate 
as well.

 That's an undertaking bigger than Camelia itself. I will not develop for
 gtk-anything as lost feature parity with Qt right around the time when Qt 3
 came around, IIRC.

I can well believe that. Another option is to create a new GUI toolkit from 
scratch in OCaml.

 Qt 4 is leaps and bounds above anything gtk provides, in 
 terms of integrated functionality. This is not meant as a flamebait, I 
 believe it to be an accurate statement of fact.

And WPF is leaps and bounds above anything Qt 4 provides, in terms of 
functionality, integration and performance. Combined with the fact that using 
Qt4 from a decent language is very hard and basically completely pointless by 
design anyway, I think there is a strong argument for starting from scratch.

 I wish I could use gtk 
 since it's easier to bind with, but I'd end up having to either reimplement
 parts of Qt, or have to deal with lots of 3rd party libraries, each from a
 different author who had a different API design mindset. Qt takes care of
 those integration issues internally and provides a relatively
 self-consistent API -- this saves a metric crapton of time (I use the darn

Swings and roundabouts. The metric crapton of time you save with Qt4's 
functionality is paid by having to use an awful language.

  . Graphical throwback of the documentation related to what is under the
  mouse pointer.

 Easy to do -- goes on my to-do list.

How would you implement it?

  . Graphical throwback of errors and, in the case of type errors, optional
  highlighting of previous unification points.

 Camelia does that.

Cool. AFAIK, OCaml does not export information about unification points. So 
how do you get hold of that data in Camelia?

  . Refactoring, e.g. changing the name of a definition in all occurrences.

 Perhaps in version 2.2 ;)

Fair enough. That is not essential.

  . Autocompletion that handles structural types in LablGTK code and
  operators, i.e. when the user types + present options for int +,
  float +., num +/ and any other operators that begin with +.

 Version 2.2 ;)

I believe that kind of IDE support would allow a language like OCaml (i.e. 
without overloading) to handle arithmetic over many types gracefully.

  . Represent an OCaml project as a tree of modules that happen to have the
  first level stored as files.

 Level 1 is easy to do, but what's on the second and deeper levels in your

The first level is defined by the filename and all subsequent levels are 
defined as nested modules within a file. I would not mind if the IDE 
abstracted away the concept of files completely: they have no place in modern 
programming IMHO.

  . Performant enough to handle projects with hundreds of thousands of
  lines of code.

 Shouldn't be a problem, perhaps as long as you don't put all the lines in
 one file ;)

 In the long run I may switch to using QCodeEdit from edyuk, which is
 supposedly better performing than QPlainTextEdit.

Until you get a significant user base I wouldn't worry about it.

  . Parallel so seven of my cores aren't idle while I'm waiting.

 Everything is done in one thread right now, but over time it can be spread
 out. Implementing this properly requires refectoring of the code first:
 right now Camelia is in no shape to attempt that. After 2.0 release there
 will be time to attack that.

It is trivial if you can pull the sources of the OCaml compiler into your IDE 
and if OCaml has a parallel GC. ;-)

  . The ability to hide the tail of +., +/ etc. operators to make numerical
  code more readable.

 Easy to do, can go in for 2.0.

You need type throwback on operators as well, of course.

   What are killer features you dream of?
  Only one: an interactive top-level where output is presented via
  graphical elements (e.g. a scene graph) and is no longer limited to just
  ASCII text. This would give OCaml the graphical capabilities of
  Mathematica's awesome notebook front-end.

 How would you like that to work?

It is a logical progression from building your own GUI toolkit. You represent 
graphics using scene graphs. Everything in an interactive session is 

Re: [Caml-list] What does Jane Street use/want for an IDE? What about you?

2008-10-31 Thread Jon Harrop
On Monday 20 October 2008 14:19:40 Kuba Ober wrote:
 what do you guys use for your development environment?

I use Emacs but I hate it.

 What would be the minimal set of functionality that would make you happy for
 an IDE?

. Written in OCaml using OCaml's own lexer and parser to save effort and make 
it possible for others to help develop it without losing their hair.

. A proper GUI (where options can be set using the mouse).

. Mainstream key bindings, e.g. CTRL+S for save.

. Jump to definition.

. Graphical throwback of the type of the subexpression under the mouse pointer 
or in the current selection.

. Graphical throwback of the documentation related to what is under the mouse 

. Graphical throwback of errors and, in the case of type errors, optional 
highlighting of previous unification points.

. Refactoring, e.g. changing the name of a definition in all occurrences.

. Autocompletion that handles structural types in LablGTK code and operators, 
i.e. when the user types + present options for int +, float +., 
num +/ and any other operators that begin with +.

. Represent an OCaml project as a tree of modules that happen to have the 
first level stored as files.

. Performant enough to handle projects with hundreds of thousands of lines of 

. Parallel so seven of my cores aren't idle while I'm waiting.

. The ability to hide the tail of +., +/ etc. operators to make numerical code 
more readable.

 What are killer features you dream of?

Only one: an interactive top-level where output is presented via graphical 
elements (e.g. a scene graph) and is no longer limited to just ASCII text. 
This would give OCaml the graphical capabilities of Mathematica's 
awesome notebook front-end.

Dr Jon Harrop, Flying Frog Consultancy Ltd.

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Re: [Caml-list] What does Jane Street use/want for an IDE? What about you?

2008-10-25 Thread DooMeeR

Another possibility is:

let x = begin fun z -
end my_list in

It's quite compact, doesn't run into the margin, is consistent with 
tuareg, but might be less readable.

Romain Bardou

Dave Benjamin a écrit :

Romain Bardou wrote:

let x = (fun z -

I tend to write this sort of thing as:

let x =
(fun z -

which, as you may notice, still can't be done with tabs alone due to 
the extra space after the opening parenthesis. I'm curious what you 
all think of this coding style, which seems on one hand to be 
excessively... um, vertical? but it does seem to strike a balance 
between Tuareg's indentation rules and the problem of running into 
the margin too quickly.

BTW, If you keep the function on the first line, it's a bit more 
compact, but the indentation no longer tells the truth about the real 

let x =
  (fun z -

This is why I tend to put the function on a line of its own as soon as 
things start to wrap.


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Re: [Caml-list] What does Jane Street use/want for an IDE? What about you?

2008-10-25 Thread Jacques Garrigue
Using labels makes this kind of code more readable.

  open StdLabels

  let x = my_list ~f:
begin fun z -
end in

Jacques Garrigue


 Another possibility is:
 let x = begin fun z -
 end my_list in
 It's quite compact, doesn't run into the margin, is consistent with 
 tuareg, but might be less readable.
 Romain Bardou
 Dave Benjamin a écrit :
  Romain Bardou wrote:
  let x = (fun z -
  I tend to write this sort of thing as:
  let x =
  (fun z -
  which, as you may notice, still can't be done with tabs alone due to 
  the extra space after the opening parenthesis. I'm curious what you 
  all think of this coding style, which seems on one hand to be 
  excessively... um, vertical? but it does seem to strike a balance 
  between Tuareg's indentation rules and the problem of running into 
  the margin too quickly.
  BTW, If you keep the function on the first line, it's a bit more 
  compact, but the indentation no longer tells the truth about the real 
  let x =
(fun z -
  This is why I tend to put the function on a line of its own as soon as 
  things start to wrap.
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Re: [Caml-list] What does Jane Street use/want for an IDE? What about you?

2008-10-25 Thread Martin Jambon
DooMeeR wrote:
 Another possibility is:
 let x = begin fun z -
 end my_list in
 It's quite compact, doesn't run into the margin, is consistent with
 tuareg, but might be less readable.

Now I generally tend to use this:

let x = (
fun z -
  ) my_list

I find that the most significant barrier is of psychological nature.
This formatting of parentheses is unnatural in natural languages and in

Other than that, it's no different from curly braces as used in the
C-like syntaxes.

The additional 2 or 3 lines are generally negligible and introduce some
vertical spacing which improves readability.



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Indentation (was Re: [Caml-list] What does Jane Street use/want for an IDE? What about you?)

2008-10-25 Thread Martin Jambon
Daniel Bünzli wrote:
 Le 25 oct. 08 à 14:43, Martin Jambon a écrit :
 Now I generally tend to use this:

 let x = (
fun z -
  ) my_list
 I think the best solution is to name your anonymous function, as the
 guidelines suggest [1].

It says: Justification: Much clearer, in particular if the name given
to the function is meaningful.

I think that's true for typical functional code which follows some clear
logic or model.

In many cases it's not possible to give a meaningful name to such a
function and defining it out of the current block can make things
needlessly hard to follow.

I can think of 4 cases:

1. anonymous function that fits on one line
2. anonymous function that doesn't fit on one line (my original example)
3. named function defined locally using let-in
4. named function defined globally using let

I don't use (3) very much since:
* it still causes the outermost function definition to be very long and
hard to follow like (2),
* and it's okay to define a function globally (4) because there is no
serious risk of global namespace pollution, thanks to the module system.

I think (3) is most useful for defining named functions that depend on a
lot of locally-defined values. This creates a closure, which is often
acceptable performance-wise, instead of having to make each parameter of
the function explicit.

In performance-critical code or maybe imperative code in general, it
feels good to control when closures are created. In such cases, avoiding
local functions helps.



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Re: [Caml-list] What does Jane Street use/want for an IDE? What about you?

2008-10-23 Thread Hugo Ferreira


Kuba Ober wrote:

What would make me switch: a way to highlight the error when compiling,
highlighting the line, a stronger highlight for the character range
reported by the compiler, taking in consideration the tab mode used (real
tab, n spaces) to interpret the value returned by the compiler.
the error message in an infobulle and a log area.

That's actually nearly what Camelia has right now. Right now Camelia
insists on not dealing with tabs at all -- it converts them all to
spaces. This feature has to go obviously, and it's a few-liner to
convert between characters (which include tabs) and columns.

What do you mean with this? Reason I ask is that in OcalIDE an option to
save files with spaces only, was added because it allows one to 
simultaneously edit files in various editors, each with its own tab

length. If not, indenting is not maintained. I myself think that
avoiding tabs altogether is a good solution.

Hugo F.

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Re: [Caml-list] What does Jane Street use/want for an IDE? What about you?

2008-10-23 Thread Romain Bardou

That's actually nearly what Camelia has right now. Right now Camelia
insists on not dealing with tabs at all -- it converts them all to
spaces. This feature has to go obviously, and it's a few-liner to
convert between characters (which include tabs) and columns.

What do you mean with this? Reason I ask is that in OcalIDE an option to
save files with spaces only, was added because it allows one to 
simultaneously edit files in various editors, each with its own tab

length. If not, indenting is not maintained. I myself think that
avoiding tabs altogether is a good solution.

I agree.

Even without changing your editor, you can change the tab length.

Moreover, if the editor uses tabs and counts them as more than one 
character (default behavior of emacs) it won't be able to locate errors 

Finally, when you use backspace to delete one space and suddenly it 
deletes eight of them because it was actually a tab, it's annoying 
because it's unpredictable.

Altogether, this means that if you edit a file and put tabs in it, it 
may work for you, but it may annoy the people you give your file to :p

Romain Bardou

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Re: [Caml-list] What does Jane Street use/want for an IDE? What about you?

2008-10-23 Thread Thomas Gazagnaire
I would prefer to not have an editor which modify completely the file I am
working on (ie. automatically replace tab by spaces). When working on big
project, you cannot assume that everybody use spaces-based editor, and you
still want to minimize the diff size of your patches.


2008/10/23 Romain Bardou [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 That's actually nearly what Camelia has right now. Right now Camelia
 insists on not dealing with tabs at all -- it converts them all to
 spaces. This feature has to go obviously, and it's a few-liner to
 convert between characters (which include tabs) and columns.

 What do you mean with this? Reason I ask is that in OcalIDE an option to
 save files with spaces only, was added because it allows one to
 simultaneously edit files in various editors, each with its own tab
 length. If not, indenting is not maintained. I myself think that
 avoiding tabs altogether is a good solution.

 I agree.

 Even without changing your editor, you can change the tab length.

 Moreover, if the editor uses tabs and counts them as more than one
 character (default behavior of emacs) it won't be able to locate errors

 Finally, when you use backspace to delete one space and suddenly it deletes
 eight of them because it was actually a tab, it's annoying because it's

 Altogether, this means that if you edit a file and put tabs in it, it may
 work for you, but it may annoy the people you give your file to :p

 Romain Bardou

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Re: [Caml-list] What does Jane Street use/want for an IDE? What about you?

2008-10-23 Thread Hugo Ferreira

Thomas Gazagnaire wrote:
I would prefer to not have an editor which modify completely the file I 
am working on (ie. automatically replace tab by spaces). When working on 
big project, you cannot assume that everybody use spaces-based editor, 
and you still want to minimize the diff size of your patches.

That is the whole issue. If you work in a big project wherein everyone
can you use their own tab length, maintaining consistent indentation
is difficult (if not impossible). As Romain Bardou pointed out, you
can even use the same editors with differing tab length. Real messy.
And the bigger the project and the longer it needs maintenance the worse
it gets.

BTW, I believe all editors are space based :-)



2008/10/23 Romain Bardou [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

That's actually nearly what Camelia has right now. Right now
insists on not dealing with tabs at all -- it converts them
all to
spaces. This feature has to go obviously, and it's a
few-liner to
convert between characters (which include tabs) and columns.

What do you mean with this? Reason I ask is that in OcalIDE an
option to
save files with spaces only, was added because it allows one to
simultaneously edit files in various editors, each with its own tab
length. If not, indenting is not maintained. I myself think that
avoiding tabs altogether is a good solution.

I agree.

Even without changing your editor, you can change the tab length.

Moreover, if the editor uses tabs and counts them as more than one
character (default behavior of emacs) it won't be able to locate
errors correctly.

Finally, when you use backspace to delete one space and suddenly it
deletes eight of them because it was actually a tab, it's annoying
because it's unpredictable.

Altogether, this means that if you edit a file and put tabs in it,
it may work for you, but it may annoy the people you give your file
to :p

Romain Bardou

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Re: [Caml-list] What does Jane Street use/want for an IDE? What about you?

2008-10-23 Thread Vincent Hanquez
On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 12:01:00PM +0100, Hugo Ferreira wrote:
 Thomas Gazagnaire wrote:
 I would prefer to not have an editor which modify completely the file I 
 am working on (ie. automatically replace tab by spaces). When working 
 on big project, you cannot assume that everybody use spaces-based 
 editor, and you still want to minimize the diff size of your patches.

 That is the whole issue. If you work in a big project wherein everyone
 can you use their own tab length, maintaining consistent indentation
 is difficult (if not impossible). As Romain Bardou pointed out, you
 can even use the same editors with differing tab length. Real messy.

tab has no length. projects tab-indented (not talking about alignment here),
is the only consistant choice that permit everyone in this same project
to use any *representation* they want for their indentation (8 spaces, 2
spaces, 4 spaces, 11 spaces, ...) without making a mess.


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Re: [Caml-list] What does Jane Street use/want for an IDE? What about you?

2008-10-23 Thread Romain Bardou

tab has no length. projects tab-indented (not talking about alignment here),
is the only consistant choice that permit everyone in this same project
to use any *representation* they want for their indentation (8 spaces, 2
spaces, 4 spaces, 11 spaces, ...) without making a mess.

Sure, this would work if you could force everyone to follow this 
convention AND that your indentations are always a multiple of the same 
number of spaces. Unfortunately, the later does not seem to hold for 
OCaml programs. For instance:

let x = (fun z -

IMO this is ugly and I try to avoid this indentation style, but it is 
not always easy and it is the behavior of the Tuareg mode (OCaml mode 
for emacs), and I think the vim OCaml mode too.

Romain Bardou

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Re: [Caml-list] What does Jane Street use/want for an IDE? What about you?

2008-10-23 Thread Kuba Ober
On Wednesday 22 October 2008, you wrote:
 Thanks, I tried it and I love the simplicity vis-a-vis eclipse's
 baroqueness. But am I missing something?
 When I type in a line of caml followed by a CR the cursor lines up all
 the way to the left rather than indenting
 on the next line. Once I'm doing I can hit the indent button and all
 is well but I'm wondering if there is a way to
 get it to indent for me as I go along. (Otherwise the code looks funky
 as I write it.)

This is perhaps a bug in the code. I don't have time nor incentive
to fix the 1.2 code line, which uses Qt3 (and Qt3 portability classes in Qt4),
but it's there in the SVN repository and the world is free to send me patches

I am aware of most of these problems and my primary goal is to eliminate
silliness and follow the principle of least astonishment.

Cheers, Kuba

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Re: [Caml-list] What does Jane Street use/want for an IDE? What about you?

2008-10-23 Thread Kuba Ober
  What would make me switch: a way to highlight the error when compiling,
  highlighting the line, a stronger highlight for the character range
  reported by the compiler, taking in consideration the tab mode used
  (real tab, n spaces) to interpret the value returned by the compiler.
  the error message in an infobulle and a log area.
  That's actually nearly what Camelia has right now. Right now Camelia
  insists on not dealing with tabs at all -- it converts them all to
  spaces. This feature has to go obviously, and it's a few-liner to
  convert between characters (which include tabs) and columns.

 What do you mean with this? Reason I ask is that in OcalIDE an option to
 save files with spaces only, was added because it allows one to
 simultaneously edit files in various editors, each with its own tab
 length. If not, indenting is not maintained. I myself think that
 avoiding tabs altogether is a good solution.

This is likely to erupt into a flamewar ;) I will leave it to the user to 
choose. I have no preference personally, and this is a matter of taste
and people get religious about it: so no point arguing either way.

I will support space-only mode, mixed space-tab mode, and also different
indent styles between expressions/statements and within them. Basically
whatever emacs/vi does, I will do as well, leaving it to the user to choose.

Depending on time constraints, the full gamut of choices may be relegated
to 2.1, but I have it all on my mind.

Cheers, Kuba

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Re: [Caml-list] What does Jane Street use/want for an IDE? What about you?

2008-10-22 Thread Kuba Ober
 What would make me switch: a way to highlight the error when compiling,
 highlighting the line, a stronger highlight for the character range
 reported by the compiler, taking in consideration the tab mode used (real
 tab, n spaces) to interpret the value returned by the compiler.
 the error message in an infobulle and a log area.

That's actually nearly what Camelia has right now. Right now Camelia
insists on not dealing with tabs at all -- it converts them all to
spaces. This feature has to go obviously, and it's a few-liner to
convert between characters (which include tabs) and columns.
The editor widget in Qt has a good text document model, and
iteration/selections are implemented via a text cursor class.
It's very easy to have multiple, even overlapping selections -- they
are all handled by the editor code, pretty much transparently.

 An integrated ocamlbrowser (the standard TK tend to jiggle and hang on my

OK, I'm adding this to my feature list. I didn't even know ocamlbrowser
existed (never quite made it through the manual, I'm afraid).

 An integrated small terminal window.

It's there.

 A mean to prevent you from the obscure error message about the very last
 char of the file, that after (for a beginner) 10 minutes of nervous fight
 you end up discovering in the first half of your file a missing syntax.
 I've been told emacs tuareg do that, maybe your autoindent mode already do

I presume you're talking about missing closing elements (parentheses etc.).
Yes, they can be automatically highlighted.

 Will test camelia 2.0 for sure.

I will first release 1.90, which will be an alpha, then a few releases later
we'll have a beta, and then 2.0 ;)

I know for sure now that 1.90 release will be a single executable that can
be run from anywhere, which will make it more convenient to test.

Cheers, Kuba

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Re: [Caml-list] What does Jane Street use/want for an IDE? What about you?

2008-10-22 Thread David Teller
On Wed, 2008-10-22 at 08:42 -0400, Kuba Ober wrote:
  An integrated ocamlbrowser (the standard TK tend to jiggle and hang on my
 OK, I'm adding this to my feature list. I didn't even know ocamlbrowser
 existed (never quite made it through the manual, I'm afraid).

For information, we have the beginning of a ocamlbrowser replacement in


David Teller-Rajchenbach
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Re: [Caml-list] What does Jane Street use/want for an IDE? What about you?

2008-10-22 Thread David Teller
Le me be more specific: we're not working on a ocamlbrowser replacement.
We're just working on a on-line help system. In turn, this help system
could be useful for someone wishing to write a ocamlbrowser replacement.


On Wed, 2008-10-22 at 23:56 +0200, David Teller wrote:
 For information, we have the beginning of a ocamlbrowser replacement in
David Teller-Rajchenbach
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Re: [Caml-list] What does Jane Street use/want for an IDE? What about you?

2008-10-22 Thread Peng Zang
Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday 21 October 2008 03:31:26 pm Till Varoquaux wrote:
 There is a mix of Emacs,vim,texmate and other esoteric editors being
 used here. We are all free to choose what we use but I think a lot of
 us decide to cope with a steeper learning curve in order to gain more
 flexibility (there's a big difference between hacking as your day job
 and coding for a one term class). Dethroning emacs (or vim or )
 might therefor be a bit of a challenge. That being said a fair amount
 of advanced IDE features can be oloaded to external tools (in the
 spirit of ocamlwizard). I would really love to see a user friendly IDE
 interfacing with such a tool (with the heavy lifting done in an
 external tool so that other editors could also benefit cheaply from
 advanced features like refactoring).

 We tend to work with really large code bases and cannot allow editors
 we use to dictate the way we build and/or structure our tree. This
 means that emacs/vim are currently closer to our needs than
 eclipse/visual studio. This, however, might be very different for

I agree.  There are many different use cases, different types of developers 
with different goals and styles.  Putting most of the heavy lifting into 
external tools so that can be integrated into any editor would be a great 
boon across the board.

Actually, how did ocamlwizard go?  I seemed to have missed the OSC results.  
The proposal looked promising..

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tags (Was: [Caml-list] What does Jane Street use/want for an IDE? What about you?)

2008-10-21 Thread Florian Hars
Robert Morelli schrieb:
 The emacs tags system didn't work for you?

There is no way to produce tags files for emacs that does actually work, no?
exuberant-ctags doesn't support caml, otags is still on 3.09 and ocamltags
doesn't understand files in directories...

Am I missing something?

- Florian.

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Re: [Caml-list] What does Jane Street use/want for an IDE? What about you?

2008-10-21 Thread Dmitry Bely
On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 5:19 PM, Kuba Ober [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have questions to the kind folks at Jane Street,
 and others who use OCaml for commercial/non-research
 development: what do you guys use for your development
 environment? What would be the minimal set of functionality
 that would make you happy for an IDE? What are killer features
 you dream of?

I really like OcaIDE (
It's Eclipse plugin so Windows is fully supported (including graphical
debugging). IMHO it's (almost) ready for commercial development. Many
features are very convenient: hyperlink jumps, code outline, type
tooltip on mouse hoovering, completion etc. Give it a try.

- Dmitry Bely

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Re: [Caml-list] What does Jane Street use/want for an IDE? What about you?

2008-10-21 Thread Christian Stork
(I know it's off-topic, but anyway...)

You should be happy to find out about Yi, an editor written in Haskell:

On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 05:02:46PM -0600, Robert Morelli wrote:
 PS: Almost exactly the same pattern of poor quality and glacially slow 
 development has plagued the TeX/LaTeX
 world over the past few decades and I believe the issue is the same. If 
 anything, the foundations of TeX are
 even worse than of Emacs. That's another place where someone with an 
 understanding of modern language
 design could make an enormous contribution.

I wholeheartetly agree and think of this each time I use TeX!

Chris Stork Support!
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Re: [Caml-list] What does Jane Street use/want for an IDE? What about you?

2008-10-21 Thread Kuba Ober
  I really like OcaIDE (
  It's Eclipse plugin so Windows is fully supported (including graphical
  debugging). IMHO it's (almost) ready for commercial development. Many
  features are very convenient: hyperlink jumps, code outline, type
  tooltip on mouse hoovering, completion etc. Give it a try.

 In other words, Dmitry's short list for Camelia is OcalIDE's feature's
 list ;-)

 Seriously, give it a try. It's a good way to see how things could be

I will give it a try, prepare a feature list, and ask people to vote on
priorities. I will follow Joel Spolsky's feature selection process. This
will happen no earlier than 30 days from now, as getting Camelia into shape
is my first priority, extra features will come later.

Cheers, Kuba

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Re: [Caml-list] What does Jane Street use/want for an IDE? What about you?

2008-10-20 Thread Mark Shinwell
On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 09:19:40AM -0400, Kuba Ober wrote:
 I have questions to the kind folks at Jane Street,
 and others who use OCaml for commercial/non-research
 development: what do you guys use for your development

vim in an xterm for me :)

 What are killer features you dream of?

Something along the lines of Jun Furuse's ocamlspotter work, with good
editor integration, is probably highest on my list at the moment.


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Re: [Caml-list] What does Jane Street use/want for an IDE? What about you?

2008-10-20 Thread Thomas Gazagnaire
 What are killer features you dream of?

Clearly, the ability to click on a function to go to the place where it is
defined is the only reason why I switched from emacs to Eclipse ... And I
would be very happy to switch to a faster IDE because Eclipse is so slow on
big project.

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Re: [Caml-list] What does Jane Street use/want for an IDE? What about you?

2008-10-20 Thread Andres Varon

On Oct 20, 2008, at 9:37 AM, Mark Shinwell wrote:

On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 09:19:40AM -0400, Kuba Ober wrote:

I have questions to the kind folks at Jane Street,
and others who use OCaml for commercial/non-research
development: what do you guys use for your development

vim in an xterm for me :)

What are killer features you dream of?

Something along the lines of Jun Furuse's ocamlspotter work, with good
editor integration, is probably highest on my list at the moment.

Being a vim user myself, good editor integration is also very  
important to me. My wish list has only one killer feature: smart  
autocompletion, that would really increase the productivity of new  
programmers and would make it easier to learn new modules.



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Re: [Caml-list] What does Jane Street use/want for an IDE? What about you?

2008-10-20 Thread Martin Jambon
Kuba Ober wrote:
 I have questions to the kind folks at Jane Street,
 and others who use OCaml for commercial/non-research
 development: what do you guys use for your development
 environment? What would be the minimal set of functionality
 that would make you happy for an IDE? What are killer features
 you dream of?

I'm working for (people search engine) and speaking on my own

I use 16 (4x4) virtual Fvwm desktops with free mouse movement between
them and a small map of the desktops in the lower-right corner (+
xosview). The majority of the population finds this disturbing, I'm not
really sure why. I hate clicking or typing to switch from a window to
another so I just move my arm in order to place the mouse cursor over
the right window in the right virtual desktop as shown on the map.
That's the feature I was dreaming of until I discovered its existence,
quite a long time ago.

There are no icons or toolbar. A left-click anywhere on the background
displays a menu with the applications I commonly use, and that's enough.

Here are graphical applications I use:
* standard 80x25 xterm for filesystem navigation, commands and remote
* 80xN emacs
* wider xterm for reading log files with less, grep, etc.
* ocamlbrowser
* web browser
* IM client
* email client

Build tools:
* omake for large OCaml projects (which represents now more than 95% of
my time)
* whatever-works for small or public projects

* from within emacs with tuareg-mode (C-c C-c) or from an (O)Makefile
(C-x C-e)
* middle-click on the error message or warning brings me directly to the
error location (killer feature)
* compiling now always with -dtypes; C-c C-t shows the type under the
cursor (killer feature; requires caml-mode installed if I remember

* emacs + tuareg-mode for OCaml
* still emacs for any other text format

* ocaml toplevel within emacs (C-x C-e to evaluate a phrase in tuareg-mode)
* or ocaml toplevel + xterm + ledit
* programs are run from an xterm
* I'm close to totally ignorant about ocamldebug. Maybe a graphical
interface would help (is there any?).

All of this is the best combination for me because I chose it myself
from the largest choice available. I must say I don't understand the
meaning or the need for the I in IDE. What I use is accessible using a
single monitor, a keyboard and a mouse + a desk + paper and pen.
Technically it is integrated on my desk, I have full control over it, it
is safe, it does what I want and never does what I don't want.

Now I hope someone will react and tell me the benefits of Integrated
but so far it looks to me that the close interaction between the build
system, the file system and the text editor is taken care of nicely by

 I'm trying to come up with a longer time plan for Camelia --
 this so far relegated, to the dismay of my wife and daughter
 -- to prolonging my morning showers, so I may as well ask
 around. None of those plans/feedback would have immediate
 effect, but I wouldn't mind it simmering for a bit.
 The reason I got into camelia is not only OCaml, but it
 seems like a small and manageable enough IDE to base
 other tools that I'm working on for various embedded
 architectures. In the long run, for Windows platform
 I will statically link it and literally have it be
 a single executable, so that it can be trivially
 shared, it would also make it easier to consume
 by people on locked-down computers where software
 installations are disallowed. Of course OCaml is another
 deal here, but you have to start with something :)

I would already be unhappy and underproductive with KDE, so don't even
mention Windows and its single virtual desktop. (How do people manage
20+ windows without using several virtual desktops? I can't because I
need to switch between them all the time)

The great thing about an all-in-one-app solution is that it makes it
possible to get started quickly, which is great for teaching a
programming language to inexperienced students.

For a daily use it seems to me like a source of frustration and waste of



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Re: [Caml-list] What does Jane Street use/want for an IDE? What about you?

2008-10-20 Thread Robert Morelli

Thomas Gazagnaire wrote:

 What are killer features you dream of?
Clearly, the ability to click on a function to go to the place where 
it is defined is the only reason why I switched from emacs to Eclipse 
... And I would be very happy to switch to a faster IDE because 
Eclipse is so slow on big project.

The emacs tags system didn't work for you?

I'm surprised that's the only thing you found useful in Eclipse, 
considering how primitive Emacs is.

Which brings me to my suggestion ...

Part of the reason Emacs is still so limited after nearly 30 years of 
development is that it is largely based on
emacs lisp, a very poorly designed lisp dialect that makes large scale 
development very difficult and
unreliable. Emacs lisp has all of the flaws that make large scale, 
loosely organized, collaborative development
a disaster. It's in fact rather astonishing how little progress Emacs 
has made over the years and I think it's a
great case study in how dramatic an effect poor up front design choices 
can have on long term development.

Unfortunately, most of the foundational unix-think technologies I use 
suffer from the same fatal
flaw: very poor programming language design built on top of very poor 
underlying architecture. That's certainly
the case with Emacs (along with bash, TeX, X, and pretty much every 
other unix technology).

What Emacs lisp does wrong is virtually a checklist of bad programming 
language design. On the

other hand, these are all of the things languages like OCaml do right.

So, my dream would be for someone to build a text editor with the same 
basic philosophy as Emacs,
cloning a good bit of its core functionality, but built on a sound 
architecture, and capable of dealing with
the demands of modern complex software systems, like IDEs. Roughly 
speaking, Emacs built on top of
a real language like OCaml, and with the capabilities of modern gui 
systems, networks, work flows,

etc. in mind.

It would of course be a total waste of time to start writing the 5000th 
text editor that goes nowhere. But
I think this would be a very worthwhile project if it is built with the 
goal of overcoming the failures of
Emacs through sound technology, appropriate design, and a mind to 
extensibility. The goal of building a
text editor that could serve as an IDE for OCaml would be a very good 
challenge to keep these goals

tested from an early stage.

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Re: [Caml-list] What does Jane Street use/want for an IDE? What about you?

2008-10-20 Thread Yitzhak Mandelbaum

On Oct 20, 2008, at 11:56 AM, David Teller wrote:

Just for the sake of bibliography, this reminds me of efuns [1] and
Chamo [2].



Does anyone know the status of either of these projects? Are they  
still actively maintained?


Yitzhak Mandelbaum

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Re: [Caml-list] What does Jane Street use/want for an IDE? What about you?

2008-10-20 Thread Peng Zang
Hash: SHA1

I have written smart autocompletion based on the toplevel in a mode I call 

I've never gotten around to announcing it because it takes time to polish up 
and write good doc... time that I haven't had of late.  However, I have been 
using it myself for a while and a handful of random people have emailed me 
about it and it works with them so, it may work for you.  Now seems as good a 
time as any to tell people about since I've held off for over a year saying 


On Monday 20 October 2008 10:33:28 am Andres Varon wrote:
 On Oct 20, 2008, at 9:37 AM, Mark Shinwell wrote:
  On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 09:19:40AM -0400, Kuba Ober wrote:
  I have questions to the kind folks at Jane Street,
  and others who use OCaml for commercial/non-research
  development: what do you guys use for your development
  vim in an xterm for me :)
  What are killer features you dream of?
  Something along the lines of Jun Furuse's ocamlspotter work, with good
  editor integration, is probably highest on my list at the moment.

 Being a vim user myself, good editor integration is also very
 important to me. My wish list has only one killer feature: smart
 autocompletion, that would really increase the productivity of new
 programmers and would make it easier to learn new modules.


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Re: [Caml-list] What does Jane Street use/want for an IDE? What about you?

2008-10-20 Thread Kuba Ober
 I use 16 (4x4) virtual Fvwm desktops with free mouse movement between
 them and a small map of the desktops in the lower-right corner (+
 xosview). The majority of the population finds this disturbing, I'm not
 really sure why. I hate clicking or typing to switch from a window to
 another so I just move my arm in order to place the mouse cursor over
 the right window in the right virtual desktop as shown on the map.
 That's the feature I was dreaming of until I discovered its existence,
 quite a long time ago.

 There are no icons or toolbar. A left-click anywhere on the background
 displays a menu with the applications I commonly use, and that's enough.

I already thought that Camelia and similar apps should provide essentially
two UI modes: the standard, all-exposed clutterface typical of most
applications, and a nakedface where just as you say there's just the main
window (or two), even without decorations, and nothing more.

Camelia provides panes for debugger and toplevel, so those of course could be
held in a virtual space in the nakedface model.

Heck, as far as I can imagine it, it souldn't be that big of a deal to have
the virtual desktops implemented in Camelia itself: depending on which 
direction and how fast the mouse crosses/touches the window edge from
inside, it changes the viewport to a different window.

I had similar mode in mind for a PCB editing application I'm working on, so
I do actually find your ideas appealing and worthwhile. Especially that
it's relatively trivial to implement little goodies like that. I vehemently
hate window decorations on CAD programs: that's why I liked the old
school applications like Protel for DOS, AutoCad, most of the stand-alone CAD
workstations: they displayed things full-screen since screen real estate
was really expensive, and often had single-key shortcuts to swap the screen
with a textmode interface for options, command input etc.

 Build tools:
 * omake for large OCaml projects (which represents now more than 95% of
 my time)

Will check on omake, for sure.

Thanks for the suggestions, keep them coming. I guess I have to think of
classic and naked interface modes for Camelia, then.


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Re: [Caml-list] What does Jane Street use/want for an IDE? What about you?

2008-10-20 Thread Richard Jones
On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 09:45:34AM -0600, Robert Morelli wrote:
 What Emacs lisp does wrong is virtually a checklist of bad programming 
 language design. On the
 other hand, these are all of the things languages like OCaml do right.

It'd be interesting to hear[1] what exact features of elisp are
counterproductive for large-scale collaborative programming.

I've not looked very closely at elisp, but assumed the reason that
emacs remains unconfigurable for most users is because it's Lisp,
not because of the particular dialect of Lisp.  Most programmers look
at Lisp and run a mile, and I don't think an OCaml editor will fare
much better if that is the case.

FWIW microemacs[2] used a C-like language for configuration and
extension, and this language was almost laughably incapable of doing
the most basic things.  You'd think that a language designed for an
editor would, you know, be able to handle at least strings properly,
but the microemacs programming language couldn't even do that.
Nevertheless at the electronics laboratory where I started out,
electrical engineers (totally unused/untrained as programmers) wrote
huge macros and extensions in this horrible language.


[1] Here or in a blog posting ...

Richard Jones
Red Hat

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Re: [Caml-list] What does Jane Street use/want for an IDE? What about you?

2008-10-20 Thread Kuba Ober
On Monday 20 October 2008, you wrote:
  What are killer features you dream of?

 Clearly, the ability to click on a function to go to the place where it is
 defined is the only reason why I switched from emacs to Eclipse

I think that Camelia can do that -- it already fetches type annotations from
OCaml to generate type tooltips for expressions, so probably fetching 
function definition locations is either already possible, or would require
a little bit of extra work. Goes onto my feature wishlist, and I will enter
it into Sourceforge's issue tracker for this project.

Cheers, Kuba

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Re: [Caml-list] What does Jane Street use/want for an IDE? What about you?

2008-10-20 Thread Kuba Ober
 It'd be interesting to hear[1] what exact features of elisp are
 counterproductive for large-scale collaborative programming.

 I've not looked very closely at elisp, but assumed the reason that
 emacs remains unconfigurable for most users is because it's Lisp,
 not because of the particular dialect of Lisp.  Most programmers look
 at Lisp and run a mile, and I don't think an OCaml editor will fare
 much better if that is the case.

 FWIW microemacs[2] used a C-like language for configuration and
 extension, and this language was almost laughably incapable of doing
 the most basic things.  You'd think that a language designed for an
 editor would, you know, be able to handle at least strings properly,
 but the microemacs programming language couldn't even do that.
 Nevertheless at the electronics laboratory where I started out,
 electrical engineers (totally unused/untrained as programmers) wrote
 huge macros and extensions in this horrible language.

I can understand that: Lisp does require wrapping your head around it.

Even its library deals with things and concepts that other languages
simply don't offer. Functions that do symbol interning/generation
or say destructuring-bind will elicit blank stares from most engineering
folk -- folk that otherwise may have no problem generating your everyday
C or Matlab code without even blinking. Lisp deals with programming at
a much more abstract level, IMHO -- you can of course write C-like
code in Lisp, but it just feels unnatural to do so, and rightly so.

While it may sound weird, your regular programming experience applies
only halfway to Lisp. The other, important half, you have to acquire
with use of the language. Switching from C or C++ to say Python is
easy, going to OCaml requires perhaps a book but is quite manageable
too, even Haskell IMHO is easier than Lisp! To learn Lisp the right
way you need basically two and a half books (two by Graham, and a
half of Practical Common Lisp), and some midnight oil ;) That's
been the case with me.

Cheers, Kuba

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Re: [Caml-list] What does Jane Street use/want for an IDE? What about you?

2008-10-20 Thread Maxence Guesdon
On Mon, 20 Oct 2008 13:15:52 -0400
Yitzhak Mandelbaum [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Oct 20, 2008, at 11:56 AM, David Teller wrote:
  Just for the sake of bibliography, this reminds me of efuns [1] and
  Chamo [2].
 Does anyone know the status of either of these projects? Are they  
 still actively maintained?


I maintain and develop Chamo but I miss time to do more. I use Chamo as
editor for all text files now (including ocaml code of course).


Maxence Guesdon
Service Expérimentation et Développements
INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt

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Re: [Caml-list] What does Jane Street use/want for an IDE? What about you?

2008-10-20 Thread Robert Morelli

Richard Jones wrote:

On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 09:45:34AM -0600, Robert Morelli wrote:
What Emacs lisp does wrong is virtually a checklist of bad programming 
language design. On the

other hand, these are all of the things languages like OCaml do right.

It'd be interesting to hear[1] what exact features of elisp are
counterproductive for large-scale collaborative programming.

I've not looked very closely at elisp, but assumed the reason that
emacs remains unconfigurable for most users is because it's Lisp,
not because of the particular dialect of Lisp.  Most programmers look
at Lisp and run a mile, and I don't think an OCaml editor will fare
much better if that is the case.

Because of its poor design, I lost the heart to try to program complex 
tasks in Emacs lisp quite
a while ago, so I don't have everything fresh in my mind. Perhaps Peng 
Zang who posted
in this thread about more recent work can comment on his experience. Let 
me point out that
Peng Zang's experience of withholding his code because it wasn't quite 
finished is very typical.
Unfortunately, Emacs lisp code is never really done. It's always in this 
state, exactly the kind of murkiness that people who favor languages 
like OCaml hate.
I have done the same thing, withholding code. Ironically, it's probably 
often people with decent
programming standards who withhold their code, with the effect you can 
surely predict.

As far as the problem being a dislike of lisp, no. I'm more of a static 
typing kind of guy, but good
implementations of Scheme are certainly respectable languages. Emacs 
lisp falls far short of that.
For instance, it has no true higher order functions, and makes an 
artificial distinction between function
values and data values. For that matter, it has a somewhat wacky 
smattering of types for its data values,
with a lot of redundant parallel functionality that's always getting in 
the way. It uses dynamic rather
than lexical scoping. Emacs lisp has no structured datatypes like 
records (only lists, arrays, and such),
nor even good conventions for how to simulate them.  Scheme dialects 
generally implement record types
with macros using a familiar pattern.  Speaking of macros, emacs lisp 
uses an unsafe kind of macro in
distinction to Scheme's hygienic macros.  There's also no notion of 
namespace in emacs lisp, nor any
concept of modularization, nor of object.  Emacs lisp conflates 3 
distinct notions into the symbol nil:
the empty list, the false boolean, and the symbol whose name is nil. 
Emacs lisp programmers
seem to embrace this confusion with zeal, and this is one of the many 
reasons why it's tedious

to translate Emacs lisp code into a higher quality lisp dialect.

Emacs lisp is closer to Common Lisp than Scheme in appearance. In my 
opinion, Common Lisp is an overly
complex language, a bit like the C++ of the lisp world. The philosophy 
of Scheme, which attempts to
boil down the basic language features to the most fundamental but 
powerful building blocks, is a much
more satisfying approach. But while there's a lot of junk and complexity 
in Common Lisp, there's
also quite a lot of powerful features to compensate. Not even that is 
true of Emacs lisp.

In addition to language deficits like these, the standard libraries of 
built in functions in emacs lisp
are quirky, limited, somewhat haphazardly organized, and buggy. And it 
executes in a single threaded

environment, which doesn't play well with gui and network features.


It is my opinion that Emacs is so poorly designed, and the existing base 
of Emacs lisp code is of
such low quality, that continuing to build on top of this foundation is 
doomed to produce the same
low quality of software at the same glacial pace as we've seen over the 
past 3 decades. My hope is
that people will in fact stop writing Emacs lisp and somehow, through 
some magic, a sizable community
can coalesce around a more intelligently designed editor platform. As 
always, the issue is the barrier
to entry in a world that's been dominated by two text editors since 
ancient times.

By the way, this message was written in Emacs, the editor I've been 
using for 25 years.

PS: Almost exactly the same pattern of poor quality and glacially slow 
development has plagued the TeX/LaTeX
world over the past few decades and I believe the issue is the same. If 
anything, the foundations of TeX are
even worse than of Emacs. That's another place where someone with an 
understanding of modern language

design could make an enormous contribution.

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Re: [Caml-list] What does Jane Street use/want for an IDE? What about you?

2008-10-20 Thread Peng Zang
Hash: SHA1

On Monday 20 October 2008 07:02:46 pm Robert Morelli wrote:
 Because of its poor design, I lost the heart to try to program complex
 tasks in Emacs lisp quite
 a while ago, so I don't have everything fresh in my mind. Perhaps Peng
 Zang who posted
 in this thread about more recent work can comment on his experience. Let
 me point out that
 Peng Zang's experience of withholding his code because it wasn't quite
 finished is very typical.
 Unfortunately, Emacs lisp code is never really done. It's always in this
 state, exactly the kind of murkiness that people who favor languages
 like OCaml hate.
 I have done the same thing, withholding code. Ironically, it's probably
 often people with decent
 programming standards who withhold their code, with the effect you can
 surely predict.

Let me first say that I've never written anything large in elisp, so take my 
views with a grain of salt.

I think for small extensions (eg. SOLID) elisp is fine.  Certainly it's not 
the best language, but it's better than writing C or Java, more fun than 
python and more straightforward than haskell.  A couple things bother me 
about it which I'll explain in more detail later.  The overall point is that 
elisp as an editor extension language is satisfising.  My reason for not 
announcing my code is that I developed it to scratch my own itch.  Thus, as 
soon as it worked well enough I stopped working on it.  I've always meant 
to make it more robust, write down its assumptions and requirements and 
document it for the benefit of the community at large; however, as perhaps 
many of you have experienced, things come up.  There's always a fire to put 
out, a paper deadline to meet, research to be done, etc...

As to lisp, well, I like the idea of lisp.  This includes dialects from scheme 
to sbcl to elisp.  The main issues that have irked me about elisp are the 
same ones that irk me about common lisp in general, eg. dual namespace (one 
for functions and one for values).  This was a stupid idea and it's 
irritating.  Lack of a good standard library is another complaint that I 
have.  But what can you do?  Elisp is a CL dialect.  Elisp's main 
differenciating aspect is dynamic scoping.  While for general programming I 
think it is a bad idea, for a DSL aimed at extending an editor, I have found 
it to be fantastically useful.  There may be a safer way to do the things 
elisp lets you do.  If there is, I would love it.  Unfortunately though, I 
haven't found an editor that has it.  In the mean time, Emacs remains the #1 
most extensible, configurable, and flexible editor I know.

In summary, elisp is fine for small things... better than many in fact.  I 
might even go out on a limb and say for really small things, it's really 
great.  It's not a great language though, and it has plenty of room for 


 As far as the problem being a dislike of lisp, no. I'm more of a static
 typing kind of guy, but good
 implementations of Scheme are certainly respectable languages. Emacs
 lisp falls far short of that.
 For instance, it has no true higher order functions, and makes an
 artificial distinction between function
 values and data values. For that matter, it has a somewhat wacky
 smattering of types for its data values,
 with a lot of redundant parallel functionality that's always getting in
 the way. It uses dynamic rather
 than lexical scoping. Emacs lisp has no structured datatypes like
 records (only lists, arrays, and such),
 nor even good conventions for how to simulate them.  Scheme dialects
 generally implement record types
 with macros using a familiar pattern.  Speaking of macros, emacs lisp
 uses an unsafe kind of macro in
 distinction to Scheme's hygienic macros.  There's also no notion of
 namespace in emacs lisp, nor any
 concept of modularization, nor of object.  Emacs lisp conflates 3
 distinct notions into the symbol nil:
 the empty list, the false boolean, and the symbol whose name is nil.
 Emacs lisp programmers
 seem to embrace this confusion with zeal, and this is one of the many
 reasons why it's tedious
 to translate Emacs lisp code into a higher quality lisp dialect.

 Emacs lisp is closer to Common Lisp than Scheme in appearance. In my
 opinion, Common Lisp is an overly
 complex language, a bit like the C++ of the lisp world. The philosophy
 of Scheme, which attempts to
 boil down the basic language features to the most fundamental but
 powerful building blocks, is a much
 more satisfying approach. But while there's a lot of junk and complexity
 in Common Lisp, there's
 also quite a lot of powerful features to compensate. Not even that is
 true of Emacs lisp.

 In addition to language deficits like these, the standard libraries of
 built in functions in emacs lisp
 are quirky, limited, somewhat haphazardly organized, and buggy. And it
 executes in a single threaded
 environment, which doesn't play well with gui and network