[cas-user] service manager application authorization via LDAP

2013-08-01 Thread Paul B. Henson
We are testing out CAS; so far I have successfully installed 3.5.2 and 
configured it to authenticate against our LDAP directory.

By updating the sec:user-service configuration to include my username, I 
am able to access the service management application. However, I would 
like to configure it to do authorization based on LDAP group membership, 
not statically listed usernames.

Following the guide at:


I replaced sec:user-service with sec:ldap-server and 

org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating 
bean with name 'scheduler' define
d in ServletContext resource 
[/WEB-INF/spring-configuration/applicationContext.xml]: Invocation of init m
ethod failed; nested exception is 
org.springframework.beans.factory.CannotLoadBeanClassException: Cannot
find class 
for bean with name 'ldapServer' defined in null; nested exception is 
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.springframework.secur


I determined I needed to add a dependency on spring-security-ldap, so I 
updated my pom.xml:


and rebuilt, resulting in:



After beating my head against the wall for a while, I figured out that 
somehow adding this dependency resulted in multiple versions of some 
jars ending up in the war maven created:


I tried changing the version from 3.1.4.RELEASE to 3.1.0.RELEASE to 
match the version of spring-security-core that I guess cas depends on, 
which got rid of the duplicated spring-security-core jar but still left 


If I remove the dependency on spring-security-ldap, there are no 
duplicated spring jars.

What am I doing wrong here? java gives me a headache .

Thanks much…

Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.csupomona.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@csupomona.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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Re: [cas-user] service manager application authorization via LDAP

2013-08-01 Thread Paul B. Henson
On Thu, Aug 01, 2013 at 07:21:54PM -0700, Paul B. Henson wrote:

> After beating my head against the wall for a while, I figured out that 
> somehow adding this dependency resulted in multiple versions of some 
> jars ending up in the war maven created:

I managed to work around this by adding explicit exclusions to pom.xml:







Is that really what needed to be done? Seems awfully manual as a process;
scan war for duplicate jars and go list them one by one?

Then I had the error:

Error creating bean with name 'casAuthenticationProvider' defined in 
ServletContext resource [/WEB-I
NF/spring-configuration/securityContext.xml]: Cannot resolve reference to bean 
'userDetailsService' while
 setting bean property 'userDetailsService'; nested exception is 
BeanDefinitionException: No bean named 'userDetailsService' is defined

Looks like there's a typo on the configuration wiki page? The example config
is listed as
sec:ldap-user-service id="userService"
evidentally it should be
sec:ldap-user-service id="userDetailsService"

Well, now I'm getting "Access Denied", so I guess the job for tomorrow is
to figure out how to map an ldap group into the role the service
management app wants to see to authorize access...

Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.csupomona.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@csupomona.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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Re: [cas-user] service manager application authorization via LDAP

2013-08-02 Thread Paul B. Henson
On 8/1/2013 10:54 PM, Misagh Moayyed wrote:
> Thanks for catching the typo. I updated the wiki.

Cool. In the example, it lists "${spring.security.ldap.version}" for the 
version, but the built will fail unless that is defined somewhere. I 
suppose for someone with maven experience that will be obvious, but 
before my crash course yesterday ;) I would have just copied it 
literally and ended up with:

[ERROR] 'dependencies.dependency.version' for 
org.springframework.security:spring-security-ldap:jar must be a valid 
version but is '${spring.security.ldap.version}'. @ line 44, column 13

and been confused. Is there any way for the cas pom configuration to 
define versions that are inherited by the local pom? Otherwise, you have 
to go figure out what version of spring the version of cas you are 
building uses, and what version of spring.security.ldap is appropriate 
for it. Ideally a user would just have to add a dependency and not worry 
about coordinating the version.

I get the impression not many people actually try to do LDAP 
authorization for the services manager? I think we're going to end up 
using the JSON backend and not edit the entries through the GUI anyway. 
I understand in CAS 4 the service manager app is separate, rather than 
bundled, we probably won't install it at that point. However, the 
current version has a statistics panel that might be interesting to look 
at, so it seems worth getting going.

> I am guessing that the version of spring that "spring-security-ldap"
> depends on is different than what other dependencies in the pom use. (You
> could check this by running mvn dependency:tree from the command prompt)
> and so because it doesn't find them, it needs to exclusively bring them
> down. Excluding them manually is the way to prevent that.

Yes, that is the case. Perhaps I'm mistaken, but I didn't think it was 
possible for a given java application to use more than one version of a 
given class? So if two different versions of the same jar exist, it's 
going to use whichever one it finds first?

If that is true, isn't it rather broken to build a war with multiple 
versions of the same jar? It seems maven should complain rather than 
letting somebody go install a war with potentially undefined behavior.

Even without the extra spring LDAP dependency, I find multiple versions 
of three jars in my war:


Interestingly, unlike the case with spring LDAP, I don't find them in
the dependency list? I'm not sure where they are coming from.

Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.csupomona.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@csupomona.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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[cas-user] fault-tolerant/redundant/HA CAS deployment

2013-08-02 Thread Paul B. Henson
I finished setting up an initial standalone CAS server, and am now 
moving on to getting redundant servers set up behind a load balancer.

The first page of the documentation 
(https://wiki.jasig.org/display/CASUM/Home) says:

Additionally, session state replication is unnecessary since tickets 
stored in the registry contain the authenticated state of users, which 
allows a CAS server node to fail without users losing their SSO session 

OTOH, the documentation on clustering 
(https://wiki.jasig.org/display/CASUM/Clustering+CAS) says:

Since CAS stores the login information in the application session we 
need to setup session replication between our Tomcat instances.

It looks like the main page of the documentation was never updated after 
the transition to Spring Webflow 2.0+, which per the clustering page 
lost the ability to store sessions on the client side?

So my understanding of the current state is that you must replicate both 
tomcat sessions as well as use a replicated ticket registry to 
accomplish clustering?

We are initially planning to deploy 2-3 instances in our local data 
center, but eventually plan to deploy at least one at our remote DR 
site. From an initial review of the available ticket registry 
implementations, it looks like either the ehcache or memcache options 
would best suit our needs (I don't really want to involve a database in 
our CAS deployment). Is either of those better supported/more popular 
than the other?

It looks like the default for both ticket registry replication and 
tomcat session registration uses multicast with autodiscovery, without 
any apparent encryption/authentication/authorization layer? I wouldn't 
be on board with that just in my own data center :), for replication to 
the remote DR site that's definitely a no go. The cluster page says 
"Implementing clustering introduces CAS server security concerns", which 
is understandable, but I can't find any documentation or discussion as 
far as alleviating them? For those people doing clustering, what 
approaches are you taking to make the replication secure?

Thanks for any feedback…

Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.csupomona.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@csupomona.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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Re: [cas-user] fault-tolerant/redundant/HA CAS deployment

2013-08-05 Thread Paul B. Henson

On 8/5/2013 1:43 PM, Aaron Bennett wrote:

Did you get any decent response from this?

Not yet; but I did send the initial query late on a Friday, so I'm 
hoping maybe a few will trickle in over the course of the week :).

compose a similar email when I saw yours.  I'm hoping I can just use
an mmcache ticket registry and let a hardware Load Balancer take care
of the session stuff, but the documentation is a little outdated and

Yes; it's a touch disappointing that a security product doesn't have a 
little bit better documentation on setting it up securely ;), but open 
source documentation is only as good as the people that contribute to 
it, so I suppose if I get a reasonably secure replication mechanism set 
up I should add it to the wiki...

Right now I'm prototyping ehcache based ticket replication, initially 
with the manual peer discovery and no transport security just to make 
sure it works and see what the traffic pattern is like. Once I get it 
working I'm probably going to try and tunnel it through ssh port 
forwarding to encrypt the transport layer. It would be nice if the 
replication partners could actually authenticate/authorize each other 
directly, but if I can get them to listen on/connect to loopback and 
pass all the traffic through the ssh tunnel that will probably be good 

Once I get that working, I'm probably also going to try and cluster the 
underlying tomcat sessions. While a load balancer with sticky session 
support can work around not replicating that data, if you drop a server 
all of the people with sessions on that one will have to re-authenticate 
on the other one. Depending on your requirements that might be fine, but 
I'd rather avoid it.

Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.csupomona.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@csupomona.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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[cas-user] ehcache logging

2013-08-05 Thread Paul B. Henson
I'm testing out ehcache based ticket replication, and it seems the
ehcache code logs connection failures at DEBUG level:

2013-08-05 17:44:39,624 DEBUG
[net.sf.ehcache.distribution.ManualRMICacheManagerPeerProvider] -
Looking up rmiUrl //ned:41001/org.jasig.cas.ticket.ServiceTicket through
exception Connection refused to host: ned; nested exception is: 

If I end up going into production, I'd really prefer to see at least
warnings, if not errors, if for some reason the cache peers are failing
to communicate (say, for example, a firewall rule was misconfigured).
There's a *lot* of debugging logs that don't really need to be seen on a
production system, so I'd rather not leave it at such a high log level.

I'm guessing there's no way to fix this short of recompiling that code?
And it appears that's in upstream ehcache code, not cas specific code?

For those using ehcache, how do you keep track of communications
failures or other ehcache issues?


Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.csupomona.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@csupomona.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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Re: [cas-user] fault-tolerant/redundant/HA CAS deployment

2013-08-06 Thread Paul B. Henson

On 8/5/2013 7:37 PM, Pierce, Eric wrote:

The tomcat session is only used during the initial authentication -
it's just there to keep track of where the user is in the webflow
during login.  Once a user has authenticated and the TGT has been
sent, the tomcat session isn't needed.

If you lose a server, anyone who is in the process of logging in will
see the login screen again, but as long as the ticket registry is
replicated, anyone who has a CAS session will be fine.

Ah, I think I misunderstood the documentation and the various mailing 
list messages I read then. I was under the impression that not 
replicating tomcat session state would result in all users having to 
re-authenticate if they hit a different server. And I was actually 
seeing that behavior during testing, but it turns out that was because I 
had a typo in my ehcache config and it was successfully replicating 
service tickets but not TGT's 8-/.

Once I fixed that, I was able to failover between the two test servers 
without having to re-authenticate once I had acquired a TGT.

So the window of failure caused by not replicating tomcat session state 
is only as big as the amount of time between the user first loading the 
form requesting authentication and then submitting it; given that, I 
don't think it's worth the extra effort to replicate tomcat sessions 
after all.

Thanks for the clarification…

Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.csupomona.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@csupomona.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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Re: [cas-user] ehcache logging

2013-08-06 Thread Paul B. Henson

On 8/5/2013 8:15 PM, Scott Battaglia wrote:

This isn't really a long term solution but you should be able to set
your default logging level to WARN and then set
net.sf.ehcache.distribution.ManualRMICacheManagerPeerProvider explicitly
to DEBUG.  This will at least show them in the production logs.

Ah, I didn't think of that; currently I have all of net.sf.ehcache set 
to DEBUG. OTOH, I wonder what other logging in the other pieces of that 
package they have at DEBUG that I'd probably want to see…

Thanks for the suggestion…

Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.csupomona.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@csupomona.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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[cas-user] reload log4j config dynamically

2013-08-06 Thread Paul B. Henson
I've externalized my log4j config, and ideally would like to be able to 
dynamically reload it when it changes without having to restart cas.

It looks like there are a handful of different ways in general to have 
log4j watch its config file and reload it, is there any specific one 
that would work best within cas?


Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.csupomona.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@csupomona.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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Re: [cas-user] fault-tolerant/redundant/HA CAS deployment

2013-08-06 Thread Paul B. Henson

On 8/6/2013 2:13 AM, Jérôme LELEU wrote:

For those who complain about the "poor" documentation, I advice you
to search accross the mailing lists.

I did spend a fair amount of time on Google, and poking through the 
mailing list archives. I did find some helpful information, but nothing 
really authoritative or comprehensive. Perhaps I missed some of the 
threads, if there are really good discussions of the topics, maybe links 
to the threads could be added on the wiki page to make them easier to find?

Memcached is more performant than EhCache globally, but what really
makes the difference is the serialization through the Kryo library
(instead of the Java serialization).

My concern on memcached is that it shards the tickets, and if you lose 
any given memcached node, users will be affected and have to 
reauthenticate. From that perspective, ehcache, with a fully distributed 
cache, seems preferable.

Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.csupomona.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@csupomona.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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Re: [cas-user] Clustering and TGC Visibility

2013-08-06 Thread Paul B. Henson

On 8/6/2013 7:55 AM, Whittaker, Geoffrey wrote:

p:cookieDomain in ticketGrantingCookieGenerator.xml and
warnCookieGenerator.xml on both servers is set to the same value.

Just to clarify the involvement of cookieDomain in clustering, it looks 
like out of the box there is no explicit cookiedomain set in these 
files? And on my browser, the cookie domain is the FQDN of the CAS server.

Assuming your cluster members are behind a load balancer or in some 
other way all respond to the same name, there's no need to explicitly 
set cookieDomain, correct? You only need to set that if your individual 
cluster members are accessed explicitly (ie, cas1.cas.test.org, 
cas2.cas.test.org) in which case it would need to be set to the common 
subdomain (cas.test.org)?


Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.csupomona.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@csupomona.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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Re: [cas-user] reload log4j config dynamically

2013-08-06 Thread Paul B. Henson

On 8/6/2013 11:34 AM, Misagh Moayyed wrote:

CAS should support that behavior already. The log4j configuration is set
to refresh at minute intervals. You can override the interval by defining
a "log4j.refresh.interval" in your cas.properties file. The value is in

Ah, I didn't notice that; I didn't expect it to be so easy ;).


Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.csupomona.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@csupomona.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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Re: [cas-user] fault-tolerant/redundant/HA CAS deployment

2013-08-07 Thread Paul B. Henson

On 8/6/2013 2:13 PM, Andrew Morgan wrote:

As others have said on the mailing list before, is it really that big of a
deal if people have to reauthenticate?

If there is no concern about users reauthenticating, why not just skip 
CAS completely and have them authenticate directly to each app ;)?

But on a more serious note, if there is an option that avoids failure 
for a certain scenario, and one that doesn't, barring other criteria 
clearly the first option is preferable.

It sounds like one criteria in which memcached might beat ehcache is in 
generating less network traffic for the replication. For our 
circumstances, whether that outweighs the simplicity of not including 
another moving part and the greater reliability of a fully replicated 
cache is yet to be determined.


Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.csupomona.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@csupomona.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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Re: [cas-user] fault-tolerant/redundant/HA CAS deployment

2013-08-07 Thread Paul B. Henson

On 8/7/2013 7:08 AM, Jérôme LELEU wrote:

Memcached processes can crash but it never happens for us

It's not just a matter of unplanned downtime; we deploy updates and 
patches and do other routine maintenance on a regular basis. With the 
memcached ticket registry, if we intentionally pull out a server for 
maintenance, cache data is lost. With ehcache, it is not.

At this point, my short comparison list is:

native java, no extra moving parts (+)
fully replicated cache (+)
potentially more bandwidth intensive (-)

extra piece to install/configure (-)
lost data on failure (-)
potentially less bandwidth intensive (+)

Neither one has any built in security for replication, so they both will 
require either ssh tunnels or point-to-point VPNs for the communications 

Definitely interested in more bullet points either way :).


Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.csupomona.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@csupomona.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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[cas-user] Show of hands – clustering? Which backend?

2013-08-07 Thread Paul B. Henson
I'm still reviewing the clustering options for CAS, I haven't been able 
to get a feeling for how popular each option is. If you are currently 
clustering CAS, could I trouble you just to reply with which backend you 
are using?


Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.csupomona.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@csupomona.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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[cas-user] Re: [cas-user] RE: [cas-user] Show of hands – clustering? Which backend?

2013-08-08 Thread Paul B. Henson

On 8/7/2013 11:50 AM, Danner, Mearl wrote:

Using ehcache on a test cluster. It is what we will implement in

Cool. Could I trouble you to share your ticketRegistry.xml and 
ehcache.xml? I pieced mine together from the outdated wiki and various 
mailing list and blog postings, and I don't have complete confidence in 
it :).

I originally instantiated the EhCacheManagerFactoryBean with an 
externalized configLocation of /etc/cas/ecache.xml, it found that 
configuration and appeared to create the cas specific cache pieces, but 
then it also completed it couldn't find classpath:ecache.xml and said it 
was configuring based on ecache-failsafe.xml. I ended up moving my 
configuration to classpath:ecache.xml, which got rid of the failsafe 
warning, but it still looks like it's reading the configuration twice 
instead of just once.

It also seems to only be bootstrapping the service ticket cache on 
startup, not the ticket granting ticket cache.

Have you/are you planning to do any tuning of the garbage collection 

We chose because we wanted replicated ticket registries.

That does seem preferable, barring any negatives that might outweigh the 
increased fault tolerance.

Our implementation will be self-contained to our datacenter/dmz so we
are not concerned with securing the replication traffic.

Two of the nodes will be in our local data center, but we also plan to 
have a third at our DR site on the other side of the state. In general, 
even though our local network can for the most part be trusted, I try 
not to have sensitive data flow across it unencrypted. I ended up 
configuring ssh port forwarding tunnels to secure the data flow for the 
ehcache replication. Seems to working reasonably well, although RMI is a 
pain and you have to tell java it's running on "localhost" so it doesn't 
tell the remote client to connect to it directly rather than through the 
tunnel. I've also been unable to get the local RMI listening ports to 
bind to loopback rather than wildcard, ideally you would only be able to 
connect to them from the local machine. We do have a host-based firewall 
preventing access, but still, ideally :). It looks like that might only 
be possible with custom coding.

Replication traffic isn't a particular issue for us.

Us either, our local nodes will either be gigabit connected, or in our 
vmware cluster connected with virtual 10G, and our remote DR node will 
be at our sister campus Sacramento State. Both of us have 10G 
connections to the CENIC backbone network most educational sites in 
California use, so I don't think the remote traffic will have any 
problems either.


Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.csupomona.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@csupomona.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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Re: [cas-user] fault-tolerant/redundant/HA CAS deployment

2013-08-08 Thread Paul B. Henson

On 8/7/2013 11:59 AM, Scott Battaglia wrote:

You do realize you will have to configure and tune any solution :-)

Well, yah :).

Before comparing solutions, I would recommend defining your requirements
and your tolerance for failure (if you have not).  For example, Is it
acceptable that if a node (that has > 99.9% uptime) goes down, a user
must re-authenticate?  Is that extra .1 worth whatever the cost? I can't
answer that for you.

I can't answer that for *myself* yet, as I lack sufficient information 
to do so. Both ehcache and memcached are open source with no direct 
cost, so the cost will be any additional CPU or bandwidth requirements 
for one versus the other, or any additional time requirements for 

At this point, I am prototyping ehcache, as I don't think the 
potentially greater bandwidth will be an issue for us. If the 
complexity, difficulty, or reliability of ehcache becomes an issue, then 
I'll consider falling back to memcached as an alternative.


Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.csupomona.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@csupomona.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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Re: [cas-user] fault-tolerant/redundant/HA CAS deployment

2013-08-08 Thread Paul B. Henson

On 8/7/2013 12:18 PM, Aaron Bennett wrote:

What we're planning for scheduled maintenance, is using memcached-tool
to push a given server's cache to another server before shutting it down
for maintenance... something as simple as this..

./memcached-tool localhost dump  | nc  11211

My (limited and possibly inaccurate) understanding of memcached, 
specifically the client implementation for CAS, is that a particular key 
is hashed, and based on the outcome of that, the client looks for it on 
a specific node. So I'm not sure what good a copy of the data on another 
node will do if the client doesn't know to look for it there?

Do you specifically pick the other node to transfer it to based on 
calculating what the backup node hash would be for the failed node? And 
in a failure mode, does the client actually try to do an initial read 
from the backup node, or just write out new data to it?

Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.csupomona.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@csupomona.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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[cas-user] Re: [cas-user] Re: [cas-user] Show of hands – clustering? Which backend?

2013-08-08 Thread Paul B. Henson

On 8/7/2013 12:25 PM, Tom Poage wrote:

Ehcache over RMI w/ automatic peer discovery.

Thanks for the info; more detail in a previous reply, but would you mind 
sharing your ticket registry and ehcache configuration?

Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.csupomona.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@csupomona.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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Re: [cas-user] Show of hands – clustering? Which backend?

2013-08-08 Thread Paul B. Henson

On 8/8/2013 6:10 AM, Marvin S. Addison wrote:


Thanks for providing this documentation; it's a bit more up to date and 
more understandable than the actual official wiki :). Maybe it could be 
integrated into the official site as to be easier to find…

Memcached, no repcache. I went to a fair bit of trouble to justify why
memcached alone is sufficient for most HA setups. Please read the
following documentation, particularly the "High Availability
Considerations" section:

I do see that memcached can be "good enough". However, abstractly, it 
seems ehcache is "better", at least in terms of fault tolerance. What 
I'd be more interested in reading would be an enumeration of 
negativities or downsides of ehcache that outweigh its increased 
resilience :). So far the only one I've really seen is increased 
bandwidth utilization.


Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.csupomona.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@csupomona.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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Re: [cas-user] RE: [cas-user] Show of hands - clustering? Which backend?

2013-08-08 Thread Paul B. Henson

On 8/8/2013 7:29 AM, Carlos Fernandez wrote:

We're using Ehcache with manual peer configuration and disk persistence.

So far it seems the unofficial poll shows a higher percentage of ehcache 
versus memcached deployments. At the risk of becoming repetitive :), 
would you mind sharing your ticket registry and ehcache configs?

Previously we used JPA for the ticket and service registry, but a massive
dump taken by the database server cured us of that.

Yes, it seems using JPA just moves your fault tolerance problem from CAS 
to the database server...

We also use Tomcat session replication even though our load balancer does
session persistence, since it was easy to configure and doesn't add to the

I was initially going to set that up, but once it became clear that only 
covered a fairly tiny failure window, given I'm tunneling the 
replication traffic it didn't seem worth the extra effort.

Thanks much…

Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.csupomona.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@csupomona.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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[cas-user] Re: [cas-user] Re: [cas-user] Re: [cas-user] RE: [cas-user] Show of hands – clustering? Which backend?

2013-08-08 Thread Paul B. Henson

On 8/8/2013 11:52 AM, Tom Poage wrote:

I tripped on that one--the TGT config is not inheriting from the
abstract definition. I added a 'parent':

Cool, thanks for the tip. Would you mind sharing the rest of your 
configuration so I can see if you fixed anything else I have broken :)?


Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.csupomona.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@csupomona.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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[cas-user] size of TGT and service tickets in cache

2013-08-13 Thread Paul B. Henson
Does anybody have a rough estimate of the approximate size of tickets in 
ehcache once they've been serialized and stored? I'd like to roughly 
correlate the number of tickets allowed in the cache with memory usage 
and vice versa.


Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.csupomona.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@csupomona.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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[cas-user] caching attributes?

2013-09-12 Thread Paul B. Henson
So I'm trying to get CAS to retrieve attribute from LDAP, and ideally 
cache them to decrease load. I'm looking at:


and trying to figure out how to set the size of the cache and the TTL.

It seems I need to use the userInfoCache property to tell it what cache 
to use. I've found some examples that use 
org.jasig.portal.utils.cache.MapCacheFactoryBean for this, which has a 
property "cacheFactory", but I haven't found any examples for that 

Am I missing some obvious documentation somewhere? My google-fu is 
failing me, I've been flailing at this for a couple of hours and really 
made no headway on understanding how to configure this caching.


Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.csupomona.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@csupomona.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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[cas-user] group membership attribute

2013-09-13 Thread Paul B. Henson
I'd like to include group membership as one of the attributes in our CAS 
deployment. However, we don't currently implement the memberOf attribute 
in our LDAP deployment, to get a users groups, you need to query on 
memberUid= and enumerate the groups returned.

I thought I had worked out a way to do it within the persondir framework:




This does work, to a degree; a memberOf attribute is added to the user, 
but only a single one, for the first group returned by the query.

Is there any way to get this to populate attributes based on all of the 
results of the query, rather than just the first one? Or perhaps a 
better more recommended way to add a group membership attribute from an 
LDAP directory without the memberOf attribute populated for the user object?


Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.csupomona.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@csupomona.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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Re: [cas-user] group membership attribute

2013-09-13 Thread Paul B. Henson
On Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 01:14:38PM -0700, Paul B. Henson wrote:

> This does work, to a degree; a memberOf attribute is added to the user, 
> but only a single one, for the first group returned by the query.

Hmm, seems I'm not the first one to think of this:


Unfortunately, this ticket from 2011 is still unresolved :(.

I guess I need to either look into implementing the openldap memberOf
overlay or try out the MergingLdapPersonAttributeDao class attached to
the ticket.

Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.csupomona.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@csupomona.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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Re: [cas-user] caching attributes?

2013-09-13 Thread Paul B. Henson

On 9/13/2013 6:25 AM, Marvin S. Addison wrote:

I would exercise caution with this approach. CAS natively employs
attribute caching; attributes are only fetched on user authentication,
so attributes are naturally cached for the duration of the SSO session.

Ah, I did not realize that the attributes were cached with the TGT. That 
does indeed make caching attributes at the persondir level much less 

In most cases that's at least once per day which is arguably too long
for certain kinds of authorization data.

Yes, I'll have to mention this to our security group to take into 
account when deciding how long a TGT should last. It would be nice to 
have a feature that would not require the user to re-authenticate but 
would refresh their attributes more frequently (I'd probably go with 

That said, we use Ehcache in a custom attribute resolver to cache
attributes during the authentication pipeline.

I'm already using ehcache to replicate tickets between load balanced 
servers. While I might end up not implementing caching for the LDAP 
queries, could I trouble you to share your configuration if only so I 
can understand how it's supposed to work :)?

I'm going to go on record and say I hate Person Directory. The only way
I figure things out is by reviewing source:

I can't say I'm very fond in general of the Java XML bean configuration 
methodology 8-/, it makes my head hurt :(.

Thanks much for the information…

Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.csupomona.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@csupomona.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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Re: [cas-user] caching attributes?

2013-09-13 Thread Paul B. Henson
On Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 01:16:30PM -0700, Marvin Addison wrote:

> Here's the cache configuration we use for our custom resolver:
> p:cacheName="PrincipalCache"
> p:eternal="false"
> p:overflowToDisk="false"
> p:maxElementsInMemory="100"
> p:timeToLive="5"
> p:timeToIdle="5">
> />

Cool, thanks. So to integrate that into the cachingPersonAttributeDao
config, you'd just set the userInfoCache property to "principalCache"?

Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.csupomona.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@csupomona.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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Re: [cas-user] caching attributes?

2013-09-13 Thread Paul B. Henson
On Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 01:44:43PM -0700, Marvin S. Addison wrote:
> > So to integrate that into the cachingPersonAttributeDao
> > config, you'd just set the userInfoCache property to "principalCache"?
> I'm not certain since I've never used that component, but it certainly 
> sounds like it would work. Seems easy enough to try.

How are you integrating the cache into persondir if you're not using the
persondir cache object? Are you inserting the cache somewhere in the
ldap lookup pipeline instead so the LdapPersonAttributeDao object thinks
it's doing an ldap lookup but hits the cache instead?

Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.csupomona.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@csupomona.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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RE: [cas-user] caching attributes?

2013-09-17 Thread Paul B. Henson
> From: Marvin Addison [mailto:marvin.addi...@gmail.com]
> We developed a custom resolver to meet our needs. I believe it uses
> PersonDirectory under the hood but the details are not based on any
> existing PD component.

Ah, gotcha. Thanks for the info...

Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.csupomona.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@csupomona.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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RE: [cas-user] caching attributes?

2013-09-18 Thread Paul B. Henson
> From: Marvin S. Addison [mailto:marvin.addi...@gmail.com]
> > So to integrate that into the cachingPersonAttributeDao
> > config, you'd just set the userInfoCache property to "principalCache"?
> I'm not certain since I've never used that component, but it certainly
> sounds like it would work. Seems easy enough to try.

Hmm, trying to do that resulted in a failure:

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.springmodules.cache.key.CacheKeyGenerator

So I added spring-modules-cache to my maven dependencies and tried to rebuild, 
which failed:

[WARNING] The POM for gigaspaces:gigaspaces-ce:jar:5.1-1603-000 is missing, no 
dependency information available
[WARNING] The POM for jini:jsk-lib:jar:2.1 is missing, no dependency 
information available
[WARNING] The POM for jini:jsk-platform:jar:2.1 is missing, no dependency 
information available
[WARNING] The POM for jini:mahalo:jar:2.1 is missing, no dependency information 
[WARNING] The POM for jini:reggie:jar:2.1 is missing, no dependency information 
[WARNING] The POM for jini:start:jar:2.1 is missing, no dependency information 
[WARNING] The POM for jini:boot:jar:20060125 is missing, no dependency 
information available
[WARNING] The POM for jini:webster:jar:20060125 is missing, no dependency 
information available
[WARNING] The POM for jboss:jboss-cache:jar:1.2.4 is missing, no dependency 
information available
[WARNING] The POM for jboss:jboss-common:jar:4.0.3 is missing, no dependency 
information available
[WARNING] The POM for jboss:jboss-jmx:jar:4.0.3 is missing, no dependency 
information available
[WARNING] The POM for jboss:jboss-minimal:jar:4.0.3 is missing, no dependency 
information available
[WARNING] The POM for jboss:jboss-system:jar:4.0.3 is missing, no dependency 
information available
[WARNING] The POM for jcs:jcs:jar: is missing, no dependency information 
[WARNING] The POM for xpp3:xpp3_min:jar: is missing, no dependency 
information available

Per this fairly old mailing list posting, it seems spring-modules-cache is less 
than intelligent about dependencies:


Evidently  Spring Modules have been deprecated by Spring Extensions as well.

This is really more of a persondirectory issue than a CAS issue, so I thought 
I'd try their mailing list, but the user list mentioned at:


simply no longer exists, and the developer list has not had a message posted 
since 2012 8-/. And the last commit to the github repo is from early January:


Is this project still under development?

In any case, I've wasted way too much time trying to figure out how this 
caching is supposed to work. I guess if we have a load issue in the future I'll 
just drop in more LDAP servers .

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RE: [cas-user] caching attributes?

2013-09-19 Thread Paul B. Henson
> From: Scott Battaglia [mailto:scott.battag...@gmail.com]
> I can't promise anything but I'll see if we can easily convert persondirectory
> to use Spring 3's cache apis.

If that will make it any easier to actually use, that would be much appreciated 
:). It would be nice if the documentation could also include a couple of 
examples of working configurations, perhaps it's just my lack of java 
background but it's a bit mystifying how to get all the pieces to work together.

Thanks much...

Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.csupomona.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@csupomona.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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[cas-user] mod_auth_cas release?

2013-10-01 Thread Paul B. Henson
It looks like the last mod_auth_cas release ( is over three
years old. Reviewing the changes since then, there are at least a few I
think I'd like to have. Are there any plans to cut a new release, or is
mod_auth_cas switching to the "just use the latest git checkout"
philosophy some projects have started advocating?


Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.csupomona.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@csupomona.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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Re: [cas-user] mod_auth_cas release?

2013-10-01 Thread Paul B. Henson
On Tue, Oct 01, 2013 at 02:12:42PM -0700, Misagh Moayyed wrote:
>I would definitely welcome a binary release. The build process can be a
>bit tedious and long, specially to prepare the environment.
>Sounds like we might need a decent CI tool to at least publish
>snapshots somewhere. Bamboo? Travis?

I don't really care about a binary release, just a stable version of the
source so distributions can update their packages and so people
compiling it themselves aren't using dozens of different "versions of
the day" as is prevalent in some projects which don't release...

Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.csupomona.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@csupomona.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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RE: [cas-user] caching attributes?

2013-10-02 Thread Paul B. Henson
> From: Scott Battaglia [mailto:scott.battag...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 01, 2013 7:58 PM
> I looked at migrating to Spring 3's caching APIs and its more effort than I
> expected it to be.  I'll have to defer it for now.

Our applications group contracted Unicon to help them out with uPortal 
deployment, I spent a little time today with them discussing our CAS 
implementation. I've actually got two issues with CAS and attribute caching - 
this issue, that I can't really see a clean way to implement persondir 
attribute caching within a  CAS context, and then that CAS itself caches 
attributes too long, I think there should be a way to have attributes refreshed 
more often than you might want to have the lifetime of the TGT. We came to the 
conclusion that potentially the best approach moving forward would be to have 
CAS stop storing attributes with the TGT, but instead do a fresh lookup of them 
for every service ticket granted, along with fixing persondir caching to work 
better with CAS. This would allow you to separate your session timeouts for 
TGT's from attribute cache timeouts, the former configured within CAS and the 
latter based on your persondir cache configuration.

Unicon said this is something they could potentially work on for us and 
contribute back to CAS/persondir. I'm not sure how much effort it would 
actually require; our applications group tends to have a fairly large budget 
for consulting, so I'm hoping I might be able to shoehorn this CAS enhancement 
into their uPortal deployment budget ;)... Plus, they had actually budgeted for 
Unicon to configure/deploy CAS for them, and I kind of already went and did 
that, so at the very least that chunk of change should be available...

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[cas-user] multi valued attributes in CAS 2.0 protocol

2013-10-09 Thread Paul B. Henson
I modified CAS per the wiki:


to deliver attributes using the CAS 2.0 protocol. One of these is a multivalued 
attribute, and I was having a problem getting it to work with an application 
that I initially blamed on the application, but on further investigation:


[eoc_essential, employee, member, 

It looks like CAS is sending a multivalued attribute as a single xml value 
consisting of the individual values separated by commas wrapped inside of 
square brackets?

I found one link that seems to indicate this is expected behavior:


But reviewing the source code for the official PHP CAS client, it seems to 
expect multivalued attributes to be encoded in XML in the more usual way of 
actually having multiple XML entries:





What is the "unofficial official" way of handling attributes in the CAS 2.0 
protocol? Should I complain to the application vendor that they are not doing 
the right thing, or do I need some different modification to 
casServiceValidationSuccess.jsp other than the one listed on the wiki that will 
encode the attributes in a different way?

Thanks much...

Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.csupomona.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@csupomona.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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RE: [cas-user] multi valued attributes in CAS 2.0 protocol

2013-10-10 Thread Paul B. Henson
> From: Marvin S. Addison [mailto:marvin.addi...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2013 6:18 AM
> I honestly don't know. The official mechanism for attribute release is
> via the SAML 1.1 protocol. Attribute release will be officially
> supported in the CAS 3.0 protocol spec:

My understanding was that despite it being the "official" mechanism, SAML is 
for the most part deprecated, and most people are extending the CAS 2.0 
protocol to supply attributes rather than using SAML. I'd like to get the 
server to do what the average client is going to want :)...

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RE: [cas-user] multi valued attributes in CAS 2.0 protocol

2013-10-10 Thread Paul B. Henson
> From: Tom Poage [mailto:tfpo...@ucdavis.edu]
> Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2013 8:30 AM
> The attribute string "[ foo, bar, baz ]" looks suspiciously like the result 
> of a
> toString() on a collection.

The jsp code on the wiki:


does look like it pretty much spits out value, I'm not 
that familiar with jsp, is it likely that attr.value is a collection, being 
converted to a string? In which case perhaps the jsp could be modified to 
detect that it is a collection and do another foreach to split it up and write 
out each value separately rather than concatenated? Or is it more likely that 
attr.value is already a flattened out string when it is referenced in the jsp?

> Both flavors of SAML represent attributes as roughly:

Well, in this case that only matters if the average CAS 2.0 attribute extended 
client likes them that way :). Looking at the php CAS client, it accepts a 
variety of different attribute encodings, none of which seem to match the 
example on the wiki as far as how to enable it on the server-side 8-/...


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RE: [cas-user] multi valued attributes in CAS 2.0 protocol

2013-10-11 Thread Paul B. Henson
> From: Marvin S. Addison [mailto:marvin.addi...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Friday, October 11, 2013 6:35 AM
> Absolutely not. It may be deprecated at some (distant) future date, but
> many folks are happily using the SAML support in many clients for
> attribute release. No server or client customizations needed.

Hmm, that's the impression I got after a meeting with Unicon, perhaps I 
misunderstood them.

In any case, it looks like the client I'm trying to get to work (ezproxy) 
doesn't support SAML :(, so I'm stuck with unofficial CAS 2.0 attributes.

Did you by any chance have the opportunity to look at the other email I sent on 
this subject as far as whether or not the variable within the jsp file has 
already been flattened, or if there is the potential to tweak the jsp to 
iterate over it and generate separate entries for each value rather than 
flatten it?

Thanks much...

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RE: [cas-user] multi valued attributes in CAS 2.0 protocol

2013-10-11 Thread Paul B. Henson
> From: Marvin S. Addison [mailto:marvin.addi...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Friday, October 11, 2013 11:08 AM
> You mean this:
>[a, b,
> c]

No, I meant the post containing the underlying jsp code that generated it:


This code does appear to generate one entry for each attribute, containing 
whatever attr.value is. My curiosity is whether the attr.value variable is a 
collection at this point in the jsp, and the escapeXml call is what is 
flattening it (in which case the jsp could potentially be modified to detect it 
is a collection and do an additional foreach to break them out separately) or 
if the variable attr.value is already flattened by the time the jsp sees it, in 
which case it would need to be fixed somewhere else.

> I admit that doesn't look correct but I'm not certain. What reference
> did you follow for customizing the casServiceValidationSuccess.jsp file?

I copied it from the wiki:



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RE: [cas-user] multi valued attributes in CAS 2.0 protocol

2013-10-11 Thread Paul B. Henson
> From: William G. Thompson, Jr. [mailto:wgt...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Friday, October 11, 2013 11:51 AM
> Since you brought up the Unicon meeting I figure I'll just respond
> here in this thread.   Sorry if I gave you the wrong impression
> regarding the official status of /cas/samlValidate.

Possibly I misunderstood you; the question was more or less whether most 
applications would do samlValidate and I didn't need to worry about the custom 
jsp extension, or if most applications only worked with CAS 2.0 attribute 
extensions, and the rough answer was more or less the latter. Which, at least 
in the case of ezproxy, seems to be true so far :).

> This thread might be of some help with OCLC.
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/jasig-cas-user/QsW2eeA6WYw

Yeah, that looks like basically what I'm doing. The ezproxy client sees the 
attributes being returned by the custom jsp with no problem, it's just that 
multi valued attributes are getting flattened out into a single value which is 
less than ideal. And that's definitely on the CAS side, not the ezproxy side, 
as can be seen in the returned XML.


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RE: [cas-user] multi valued attributes in CAS 2.0 protocol

2013-10-11 Thread Paul B. Henson
> From: Marvin Addison [mailto:marvin.addi...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Friday, October 11, 2013 1:40 PM
> Missed that. That JSP code absolutely will not work with the attribute
> parsing code in phpCAS HEAD revision. Here's the source for the

That's an annoying inconsistency, given that piece of the wiki describing the 
jsp modification is entitled "Accessing attributes using phpCAS" ;).

> I think the comment makes it pretty clear the expected XML format,
> which matches my recollection. You'll need an inner loop to unroll
> attribute values that contain collections.

It sounds like the jsp has access to the un-flattened collection then, so I 
guess if nobody on the list who writes jsp in their sleep steps up, I'll go 
hack at it...


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RE: [cas-user] multi valued attributes in CAS 2.0 protocol

2013-10-11 Thread Paul B. Henson
> From: William G. Thompson, Jr. [mailto:wgt...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Friday, October 11, 2013 5:36 PM
> You'll want to take a look at this:  https://issues.jasig.org/browse/CAS-1283

That code looks suspiciously similar to the code on the wiki; I don't really 
see how that would not also flatten out multivalued attributes into a comma 
separated list as opposed to enumerating them separately?

I guess the jsp foreach is smart enough to do the right thing if you give it 
just a simple string rather than a collection, as:


seems to do what I want:







And yay, ezproxy successfully parses this...

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Re: [cas-user] Integrate CAS with Openldap

2013-10-19 Thread Paul B. Henson
On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 07:03:10AM -0700, Geo P.C. wrote:
>We installed CAS Server 3.5.2 and configured https. Now we need to
>integrate this CAS server with our openldap server. Please let us know
>how we can integrate with it. We refereed this url:

Integrate how? As an authentication source? Or as an attribute source?
Or both?

>From the authentication perspective, I just added this bean to the top
of deployerConfigContext.xml:




and updated the authenticationManager bean authenticationHandlers to include:


If you can't staticly determine the DN of your users from just the username,
you won't be able to use the FastBindLdapAuthenticationHandler, you'll
need to use the one that searches for a user to find the DN before

You'll also need to pull in the cas-server-support-ldap dependency. The
only really clean way to do this it seems is via the maven overlay


The documentation isn't quite there, so it might take a few rounds before
you get it all sorted out. If I get some time, I'll try to go back through
my recent install and make note of all the things the wiki was missing or
had outdated information on and do some updating...

Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.csupomona.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@csupomona.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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Re: [cas-user] Integrate CAS with Openldap

2013-10-21 Thread Paul B. Henson
On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 05:15:22AM -0700, Geo P.C. wrote:
>Than you very much for your reply. I configured as you said and now CAS
>is authenticating with LDAP but after login we are getting as "CAS is
>Unavailable.There was an error trying to complete your request. Please
>notify your support desk or try again."

It looks like you updated the credentialsToPrincipalResolvers to include
the CredentialsToLDAPAttributePrincipalResolver bean? I believe that is
no longer required for the current version of CAS, you must have picked
it up from obsolete documentation.

>  class="org.jasig.cas.authentication.principal.CredentialsToLDAPAttributePrincipalResolver">

I didn't change that section at all on my setup. Try putting it back to
what the default config contains...

Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.csupomona.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@csupomona.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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RE: [cas-user] multi valued attributes in CAS 2.0 protocol

2013-10-23 Thread Paul B. Henson
> From: William G. Thompson, Jr. [mailto:wgt...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2013 9:18 AM
> Sorry I was clearer...the pointer to CAS-1283 was a more of a
> suggestion to engage on that ticket...presumably to incorporate your
> enhancements.

Ah, okay; I updated the ticket with a comment indicating it currently does not 
handle multivalued attributes and included the sample code adding an additional 
loop to avoid flattening them out.

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RE: [cas-user] Demo CAS Protocol Support in Shib IdPv3

2013-11-14 Thread Paul B. Henson
> From: Marvin Addison [mailto:marvin.addi...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Friday, November 08, 2013 7:07 AM
> I have a working demo that showcases basic CAS protocol v2 support in
> the Shib IdPv3.

Hmm, interesting; is this just an exercise in seeing whether or not it could be 
done, or are there plans to make it so functional as to negate the need to run 
a separate CAS server if you already have shibboleth deployed?

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[cas-user] shib-cas-authenticator

2014-01-21 Thread Paul B. Henson
We are looking at using unicon's shib-cas-authenticator package to integrate 
our existing shibboleth deployment into our new CAS deployment. Reviewing the 
documentation at:


it seems it wants to embed configuration into the WAR file. I've never really 
understood the fascination in the Java community with embedding configuration 
into binaries 8-/, it makes it rather difficult to package and deploy at scale 
:(. I have production, dev, and test CAS servers, as well as corresponding 
shibboleth servers, and I'd really like to build *one* WAR file to deploy on 
all of them, and have the specifics of the configuration maintained in external 
configuration files.

Is there any easy way to externalize the configuration the documentation says 
to embed in cas-authentication-facade/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml and 

One thing that's nice about shibboleth is that the default configuration does 
externalize configuration into the filesystem rather than try to embed it in 
the WAR file...


Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.csupomona.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@csupomona.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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RE: [cas-user] shib-cas-authenticator

2014-01-22 Thread Paul B. Henson
> From: Dan Webb [mailto:d.w...@derby.ac.uk]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2014 12:21 AM
> Yeah we're having the same problem here with dev and production using the
> same war. Using two different wars would easily lead to configuration drift.

Typically in an enterprise deployment, you have a package management system, 
and a configuration management system. With almost everything else I work with, 
I can easily create a binary package of an application, which can then be 
automatically installed anywhere it needs to be, and configure it as necessary 
automatically through our configuration management system.

But anytime I have to touch anything involving enterprise JavaBeans, it seems 
to involve bending over backwards and jumping through hoops to try to avoid 
having to compile a specific binary for each and every single system on which 
it needs to be deployed :(. For our CAS servers I ended up having to have a 
custom post install for the package that swaps out config files in the WAR with 
ones from the file system before copying it into the webapps directory . 
Maybe I'll have to do the same thing here. It would make things so much easier 
if the WAR file simply referenced an external configuration file...

I'm sure I'm not exactly winning friends and influencing people with Java rants 
in what's likely a Java friendly forum ;), but as long as I've got my grumpy 
old man hat on, what's with all the different build utilities? This one uses 
ant, that one uses maven, hey, look, gradle! On top of trying to fit a square 
self-contained java app peg  into my round enterprise systems management hole, 
I've got to set up and figure out a completely new build environment every 

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RE: [cas-user] shib-cas-authenticator

2014-01-22 Thread Paul B. Henson
> From: Tom Poage [mailto:tfpo...@ucdavis.edu]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2014 1:17 PM
> Maybe not the prettiest/correct/... way, but one thing we did was to
> allow overriding Spring configuration in the file system, using a
> parallel directory structure analogous to that in the war, and setting a

Hmm, that looks promising, the three files I am overriding are


So what would happen if you put a copy of deployerConfigContext.xml in 
:${cas.home:/etc/cas}/spring-configuration/? Or added 
:${cas.home:/etc/cas}/spring-configuration/deployerConfigContext.xml to the 
param list? Could you use an external file system source to override that too?

Thanks for the tip...

> >   
> > contextConfigLocation
> > 
> >   /WEB-INF/spring-configuration/*.xml
> >   /WEB-INF/deployerConfigContext.xml
> :${cas.home:/etc/cas}/spring-configuration/spring-configuration/*.xml
> > 
> >   
> Then ${cas.home} contains e.g. directories 'classes' and
> 'spring-configuration' (my understanding with Spring is "last one wins").

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[cas-user] Hazelcast ticketRegistry

2014-02-18 Thread Paul B. Henson
Has anybody tried out Unicon's relatively new Hazelcast ticketRegistry backend 
available in their cas-addons package? It looks very promising and should be 
more scalable and higher performance than ehcache (which we are currently 
using) particularly when you are using secure point-to-point links rather than 
multicast for communication.

I've started playing with it in our dev environment and would be interested in 
feedback from anyone who might have deployed it already, or would be interested 
in discussing configuration tuning...

Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.csupomona.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@csupomona.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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Re: [cas-user] LDAP: Bind vs FastBind

2014-02-21 Thread Paul B. Henson
On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 12:14:17PM -0800, Tom Poage wrote:

> The username/principal is exposed through service ticket validation as
> entered at the login page, so if the client enters "Fred" one time and
> "FRED" another, it'll match the same LDAP entry, but to any
> case-sensitive app downstream, it looks like two different clients.
> Ended up implementing a CredentialsToPrincipalResolver:

We kludged it and just tweaked the CAS login page to lowercase the
username before submitting it :). Should catch 99% or more of the

Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.csupomona.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@csupomona.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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Re: [cas-user] LDAP: Bind vs FastBind

2014-02-25 Thread Paul B. Henson
On Sat, Feb 22, 2014 at 05:07:29AM -0800, Marvin Addison wrote:

> We should probably support this via configuration in the components we
> ship. There's a slot for hooking an arbitrary transformation on
> username prior to authentication [1], but I don't believe we ship a
> component that does case transformation. Seems a lowercase transformer
> would solve 99% of use cases. Please file a Jira if you're in
> agreement.

CAS-1430, thanks...

Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.csupomona.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@csupomona.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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RE: [cas-user] ehcache replication - resources question?

2014-03-14 Thread Paul B. Henson
> From: Aaron Grant
> Sent: Friday, March 14, 2014 6:03 AM
> We were considering replicating our CAS tickets using ehCache and were
> wondering how many other folks did this and did you see a considerable
> jump in your memory or cpu usage on your CAS servers?

We originally deployed a two node cluster using ehCache; it mostly works but I 
wasn't particularly happy with it. If you are using unicast, as opposed to 
multicast, there is an as yet unfixed bug that severely impacts scalability, it 
reduces performance in a two node cluster and renders a three node cluster 
simply intractable.

I recently tried out Unicon's relatively new hazelcast ticketRegistry, it's a 
lot simpler to configure compared to ehCache and works a lot better.


I'm planning to swap out our existing two node ehCache cluster in a couple of 
weeks with a three node hazelcast cluster.

I don't like to pass credentials in plaintext over the wire, as ehCache didn't 
support any type of encryption, I ended up tunneling its traffic with ssh. 
Hazelcast supports two different modes of encryption, SSL and symmetric, but 
unfortunately neither of them seem reliable under load. For my new cluster, I 
ended up setting up ipsec tunnels between the nodes and leaving the encryption 
to the OS rather than the replication library, that turned out to work very 

If you are just starting, personally I would recommend trying out hazelcast 
before ehCache.

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[cas-user] annoying responses

2014-03-14 Thread Paul B. Henson
Every time I send a message to this list, I get dozens upon dozens of automated 
responses from vacation messages and out of office responders. This is almost 
the only list for which that happens. Is there some configuration that could be 
set to make this stop? It is extremely annoying.

I see some lists set the header X-Auto-Response-Suppress: All, whereas others 
have Precedence: bulk, or some other mechanism to inform auto responders not to 
respond. Nothing like that is available for this list?

Ironically, my first submission of this message had a subject that included the 
words out, of, and office, and it was rejected by the list management software 
8-/. However, the auto responses I'm talking about come directly to me, not to 
the list.


Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.csupomona.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@csupomona.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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Re: [cas-user] annoying responses

2014-03-16 Thread Paul B. Henson
On Sun, Mar 16, 2014 at 10:22:43AM -0700, Marvin Addison wrote:
> > Is there some configuration that could be set to make this stop?
> Not for messages sent to your directly for what are hopefully obvious
> reasons. I have gmail filters to delete them. For a couple years I
> attempted to politely contact these people to let them know; of many
> handfuls of emails written I think I got a couple "Oh, thanks for
> letting me know." Clearly it was a waste of time.

Yeah, some people are oblivious . But this is the only list I'm
subscribed to from which I receive such a barrage of autoresponses, and
I can't imagine there are no oblivious people on the numerous other
lists I'm a member of.

There's no option with whatever list software in use to add a Precedence
header or other indicator for autoresponders to key off of? Almost all
my other lists have such headers, and I rarely receive autoresponse
bombs from them.


Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.csupomona.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@csupomona.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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RE: [cas-user] annoying responses

2014-03-17 Thread Paul B. Henson
> From: Misagh Moayyed
> Sent: Monday, March 17, 2014 1:00 AM
> Marvin, could you plz share your filtering rules? I am looking at the list
> admin interface and I see we have an option to setup "match phrases" to
> reject messages. We could do this for all 3 of the cas lists.

That might help; however, most of the objectionable "not available" messages I 
see come directly to me, not through the list.

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RE: [cas-user] annoying responses

2014-03-17 Thread Paul B. Henson
> From: Marvin Addison
> Sent: Monday, March 17, 2014 2:33 AM
> I'll forward the suggestion to the mailing list admins at UW Madison
> for consideration. Takes a few days to get to the right person but
> I'll follow up when I get a response.

Great, thanks. Obviously it's no big thing in the overall scheme of things, but 
every little bit helps :).

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RE: [cas-user] Blackboard Integration

2014-03-17 Thread Paul B. Henson
> From: Richard Frovarp
> Sent: Monday, March 17, 2014 9:24 AM
> You probably want the logout of a single system to log the user out of CAS.
> Otherwise you could have surprising SSO's happen.

I dunno, it seems it would kind of defeat the purpose of "single sign-on", if 
every time you stop using a single application you've got to sign on again to 
use a different one...

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RE: [cas-user] Blackboard Integration

2014-03-17 Thread Paul B. Henson
> From: Curtis Long [mailto:curtis.l...@dc-uoit.ca]
> Sent: Monday, March 17, 2014 9:49 AM
> We considered not having Bb sign users out of CAS, but I don't think that it 
> is
> intuitive if you have a large loosely connected applications like Bb.  For
> example, a student logs out of Bb, and then types the URL to go back to the
> app directly (say a friend wants to login).  Since the CAS session would 
> still be
> there, they would be automatically logged in as though they had never
> clicked 'Log Out' with the same user?  May make sense if you have tighter
> integration going on, or good communication about closing browsers and
> cookie security, but something to consider.

Don't almost all web apps say something along the lines of "you have been 
logged out of your session, please close your browser to complete the log out 
and maintain security"?

Ideally each application session logout page could be updated with a note 
describing that a single sign-on session is still in force and provide a 
separate link to log out of CAS if so desired. I think it pretty much breaks 
SSO if any application you stop using destroys your central  SSO session.

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RE: [cas-user] Blackboard Integration

2014-03-17 Thread Paul B. Henson
> From: Richard Frovarp
> Sent: Monday, March 17, 2014 2:19 PM
> But it isn't stop using an application (unless a timeout there forces a
> logout of CAS). It's actually logging out of the application, and the
> user desiring to remove their access to the system. What good is logging
> out of an application if the only step required to get back in is
> clicking the login button?

Consider two scenarios:

1) You have a single sign-on session, access blackboard, and then log out of 
blackboard, but retain your single sign-on session. You then click back to 
blackboard, and are transparently logged back in.

2) You have a single sign-on session, but gained from accessing some other 
application, you have had absolutely no interaction with blackboard at all. You 
click on a blackboard link, and are transparently logged in.

Is #1 surprising, but #2 is not? They are both inherent artifacts of having a 
valid single sign-on session.

> A surprising SSO is you logging out of a website, me sitting down,
> clicking login, and then being you. That isn't the point of SSO.

There are really two ways to look at "SSO". The first is that you simply use 
the same username/password pair for every single service, even if you have to 
authenticate separately to them. The second is that you authenticate once, and 
then can access every service without authenticating again.

Which one are you trying to implement? Because if you are trying to implement 
the latter, then having an application "logout" destroy your single sign-on 
session is what would be surprising.

Basically, in the context of a global single sign-on session providing access 
to all applications, the concept of "logging out" of a particular application 
is no longer valid. Either you are "logged in" to everything, or you are 
"logged out" of everything. And it seems the proper solution isn't to have any 
single application destroy the entire session, but rather stop having 
"application" logouts, and instead have each individual application logout page 
go to a central CAS page where a user can select to destroy their session or 

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RE: [cas-user] Blackboard Integration

2014-03-18 Thread Paul B. Henson
> From: Richard Frovarp
> Sent: Monday, March 17, 2014 5:36 PM
> Imagine this scenario. You are logged into Blackboard, you click logout. You
> get up, another person sits down at that same machine with the same
> browser session.

I'm not familiar with the specifics of the blackboard "logout" page, but almost 
every single web app I've ever used, when you click on the logout button, takes 
you to a page saying you are logged out and that you should close your web 
browser for security purposes, or to clear your session, or for whatever.

If the blackboard page says something like that, and the user did not close the 
web browser, then I guess they got what they deserved. If the blackboard page 
does not say something like that, then it should, as regardless of the state of 
CAS there is potentially sensitive data in the cache or cookie store that might 
be accessible before the browser is closed.

> There is SINGLE sign on (SSO) and SAME sign on. The second is same sign on.

Wikipedia disagrees with you:


"Single sign-on (SSO) is a property of access control of multiple related, but 
independent software systems. With this property a user logs in once and gains 
access to all systems without being prompted to log in again at each of them."

As does the open group, although their relevance nowadays might be questionable:


"Single sign-on (SSO) is mechanism whereby a single action of user 
authentication and authorization can permit a user to access all computers and 
systems where he has access permission, without the need to enter multiple 

I'd never heard of "Same Sign-On" before, from the few Google hits that result 
from searching for it it appears to be some terminology Microsoft made up. They 
seem to like co-opting acronyms, I remember when we were running DCE/DFS and 
they introduced their "Dfs" product...

> The idea is to implement the system to fit the needs of your institution.
> Single sign off is certainly not one of them for us, and I suspect that many
> other schools would find the same, especially if session timeouts are going
> to trigger them.

We have single sign off disabled as well, that's actually recommendation in the 
default CAS config.

I agree in any case that this is a bit of a complicated subject, and the 
intersection of the technology with the usual caveats of training users is 
going to be a bit of a mess .

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RE: [cas-user] Blackboard Integration

2014-03-18 Thread Paul B. Henson
> From: Richard Frovarp
> Sent: Monday, March 17, 2014 5:46 PM
> One other thought. Your proposed method may end up essentially being a
> "Do you really want to logout?" sort of system. If the typical workflow for
> most of the users is to be logged into one application, then logout and be
> done, it becomes are "Do you really want to logout?" type system. If they
> are typically logged into multiple CAS based services at a time, then it has 
> the
> flavor you are after. It really comes down to the average workflow of your
> users.

The powers that be here are planning to deploy uPortal, and pretty much make 
every other service subservient to it, whether through portlets or by only 
putting the link to the service on uPortal. So I think at least at our site you 
will be guaranteed to be logged into at least two applications, uPortal and 
what ever you actually wanted to use...

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RE: [cas-user] Blackboard Integration

2014-03-18 Thread Paul B. Henson
> From: Richard Frovarp
> Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2014 2:41 PM
> That's not necessarily disagreeing with me. That's describing true SSO,
> because user's aren't prompted.
> theirs, as it makes the most sense to me. If you use the same
> credentials to login to two completely different places (and the same
> credentials are by design), I call that same sign on. I steadfastly
> refuse to use the SSO acronym or single sign on term for any system that
> asks for credentials again.

It seems we had a communications breakdown, as I said:

"There are really two ways to look at "SSO". The first is that you simply use 
same username/password pair for every single service, even if you have to   
authenticate separately to them. The second is that you authenticate once, and  
then can access every service without authenticating again."

You then said:

"There is SINGLE sign on (SSO) and SAME sign on. The second is same sign on."

However, in my description, the "second" was the one where you authenticate 
once, and then not again.

So it sounds like we agree on SSO, but simply failed to successfully negotiate 
the description ;).

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RE: [cas-user] ehcache replication - resources question?

2014-03-19 Thread Paul B. Henson
> From: Scott Massari
> Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2014 8:49 AM
> What bug are you referring to?


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RE: [cas-user] Blackboard Integration

2014-03-19 Thread Paul B. Henson
> From: Rex Roof
> Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2014 7:31 AM
> this points out a very frustrating issue with blackboard's default CAS
> implementation:
> you either 1) get SSO but are forced to do cas logout,
> or 2) you aren't forced to do cas logout but the user has to type their
> password when they use CAS to access blackboard.

I'm sure anybody who's ever actually used blackboard is quite used to being 
frustrated 8-/.

Our blackboard admin forwarded me a thread from the blackboard administrators 
mailing list about this. Evidently somebody asked blackboard to fix it, so you 
could change those two settings independently, and they said the customization 
fees blackboard wanted were prohibitively expensive. Seriously? Update the GUI 
not to grey out one checkbox when the other one isn't selected?

Blackboard sucks. I wish we would switch to Moodle...

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Re: [cas-user] annoying responses

2014-03-21 Thread Paul B. Henson
On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 09:14:01AM -0700, Marvin Addison wrote:

> The header "X-Auto-Response-Suppress: All" has been added to each of
> the lists.  Let me know how this works for you and we can make changes
> to other lists as you see fit.

"has" or "will be"? I don't see it on any of the messages posted today.

Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.csupomona.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@csupomona.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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Re: [cas-user] annoying responses

2014-03-24 Thread Paul B. Henson
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Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.csupomona.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@csupomona.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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RE: [cas-user] annoying responses

2014-03-24 Thread Paul B. Henson
> From: Paul B. Henson
> Sent: Monday, March 24, 2014 2:35 PM
>-Auto-Response-Suppress as opposed to Precedence? I know the latter
> doesn't get discarded. I'd be curious if other people who are either
> stuck using exchange or have an Ironport mail appliance are also losing
> this header, if a sizable fraction of users don't get the header passed
> through then their auto-responders will still misbehave...

Huh, the only annoying auto response I got to this message was an exchange out 
of office message from a colleague who also works here 8-/. Maybe I will go bug 
our ironport and exchange administrators as to why one of those is eating this 
header .

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Re: [cas-user] CAS + Shibboleth Integration Best Practices

2014-05-05 Thread Paul B. Henson
On Mon, May 05, 2014 at 06:33:32AM -0700, Ben Branch wrote:

>I currently have about 3 projects that may require us to implement some
>form of CAS+Shibboleth integration.

We've been running shibboleth for years, and recently deployed CAS. Our
management decided they want to use CAS as the authoritative
authentication system on campus, so we configured our existing
shibboleth deployment to delegate authentication to CAS. Out of all the
various options, at least for our purposes, the "Shibboleth IdP External
Authentication via CAS plugin" framework from Unicon seemed to be the


This is an updated version of a previous implementation, it hasn't been
out very long, but we're currently running it in production (the current
2.0 release has a couple minor bugs, so we're actually running
2.0.1-SNAPSHOT at commit 3e0fa2aebfe6ca9da430687caee0125636118bdf). So
far we haven't had any issues with it.

Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.csupomona.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@csupomona.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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Re: [cas-user] Microsoft Dreamspark

2014-06-11 Thread Paul B. Henson
On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 04:52:07PM -0700, Bryan E. Wooten wrote:
>Has anyone integrated CAS with this?

Do you mean the webstore hosted by Kivuto at onthehub.com?

We used shibboleth for that, but currently delegate shib auth to CAS, so
indirectly we have it integrated with CAS ;).

Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.csupomona.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@csupomona.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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RE: [cas-user] CAS integration with Shibboleth IDP

2014-08-07 Thread Paul B. Henson
> From: Ted Fisher
> Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2014 12:03 PM
> No, I don't want to prompt the user at each auth attempt.  Once they have
> authenticated with CAS I only want the IDP to get a new ST at each auth,
> which is what is not happening.  I want the IDP to depend on CAS to

What method are you using to integrate CAS and shibboleth? I am using unicon's 
shib-cas-authn2 implementation:


And it works exactly as it sounds like you want, every time shibboleth needs to 
authenticate it pokes CAS, which then either requires an authentication or if 
there is a valid TGT presented it issues a new ST with no authentication 
required. I assume you removed the PreviousSession login handler in the 
shibboleth handler.xml configuration?

Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.csupomona.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@csupomona.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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[cas-user] CAS ISAPI filter configuration

2014-09-09 Thread Paul B. Henson
One of my colleagues has an application that runs under IIS that he would like 
to use central authentication for. Unfortunately, the company is not interested 
in integrating CAS support into their application. However, it does currently 
support delegating authentication to IIS and integrating into Windows domain 

Based on my limited understanding of that infrastructure, I thought we should 
be able to use the CAS ISAPI filter to make this application use CAS rather 
than Windows domain authentication (with a caveat; I assume the application is 
looking for the standard remote_user header, the application would need to 
either need to be modified to support looking for the authenticated username in 
a custom header, or we would need to binary edit it to change the header it 
currently looks for).

He has it installed and mostly configured, but he is not sure what to set the 
"Service URL"  to, and neither am I. In a CAS transaction, the service URL is 
where the CAS server sends a browser after it gives out a service ticket after 
successful authentication, and that URL is then responsible for consuming the 
service ticket, validating it with CAS, and then providing access to the 
underlying application. But given in this case the application has no idea it 
is using CAS, shouldn't the "Service URL" functionality be handled by the CAS 
ISAPI filter itself somehow?

Or am I misunderstanding how the CAS ISAPI filter is supposed to work?

Any hints on how to appropriately configure this would be much appreciated.


Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.csupomona.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@csupomona.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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RE: [cas-user] CAS ISAPI filter configuration

2014-09-10 Thread Paul B. Henson
> From: John Gasper
> Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2014 8:39 AM
> (This is very much like how the .NET Client works). It could be that you can
> set the service url to be whatever you want CAS Server to redirect the
> browser back to.

Ah, interesting; if that is the case, the documentation could stand to have a 
little more clarity :). I will have him give that a try and see what happens, 
thanks for the suggestion...

Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.csupomona.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@csupomona.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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RE: [cas-user] CAS ISAPI filter configuration

2014-09-10 Thread Paul B. Henson
> From: Ourada, John
> Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2014 8:47 AM
> Beware of the CAS ISAPI filters that exist... They don't terminate headers
> correctly and Chrome will complain and not continue.
> UC Davis had the best one out there (IMO), but aren't able to support it
> anymore.

Actually, version 2.2  was released on Nov 25, 2013, with a change list of 
"Chrome interoperability issue fixed". I'm not sure what their long-term plans 
are as for supporting it, but I believe they have fixed at least the issue with 

> If the IIS version is high enough (7 and 8, I believe), you can use the .net 
> client to perform the authentication.  I did this on a test server and was in 
> the
> process of convincing the vendor to try it, but they were able to switch to
> use ezproxy.

You can use the .net client without cooperation from the application actually 
being authenticated?

> There is some documentation on jasig on how to make this work.

What documentation are you referring to? The only documentation I see for the 
.net client says "The .NET CAS client integrates with ASP.NET applications by 
customizing the application web.config file" and "Ensure it is deployed to the 
/Bin directory of the Web application", both of which seem like things that 
would require the cooperation of the actual application, as opposed to the 
ISAPI filter, in which the authentication is completely handled by IIS itself?


Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.csupomona.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@csupomona.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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RE: [cas-user] CAS ISAPI filter configuration

2014-09-10 Thread Paul B. Henson
> From: Ourada, John
> Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2014 1:17 PM
> Use this as a starting point:
> https://wiki.jasig.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=35389878

Cool, thanks for the pointer. I will forward this to my colleague and see if it 
would work better for him than the ISAPI filter.

Thanks much...

> Don't worry about PHP or FastCGI.  If you basically read through the
> instructions, you end up with  the server variables being passed to the
> application.  I had it working with a test version of a .net app that didn't 
> have
> any setup with CAS. Unfortunately, I have taken down the system where I did
> my testing.

Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.csupomona.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@csupomona.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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RE: [cas-user] HA architectures for CAS

2014-10-15 Thread Paul B. Henson
> From: Adam Causey
> Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 11:43 AM
> I am looking into the HazelcastRegistry.  It seems fine so far in a test
> environment, but I have not load tested it.  A few others indicated they are
> using it in a production environment.  It's very easy to setup.

I've been running a three node Hazelcast CAS cluster for about a year or so, 
it's been great (thanks unicon!). Performs well, and I've had no problems with 
it. The only caveat was that I was unable to get the bundled Hazelcast 
encryption working. I ended up using IPsec tunnels to route the cluster traffic 
to be secure on the wire, that worked out great, even better than the bundled 
Hazelcast encryption. If you don't care about the cluster traffic being secure 
on the wire it won't be an issue for you…

Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.csupomona.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@csupomona.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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RE: [cas-user] HA architectures for CAS

2014-10-15 Thread Paul B. Henson
> From: Adam Causey
> Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 11:46 AM
> I should mention that my solution does not include replication for the
> services registry, which is my next step.  So I will be interested in what 
> works
> for you.

We use the unicon json services registry. The file is stored in our distributed 
configuration management system and automatically pushed out to all the boxes 
when it changes. The boxes are configured to reload it within 10 minutes or so 
I think. Trying to have some kind of clustered/replicated database backend for 
that seems a bit overkill.

Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.csupomona.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@csupomona.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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RE:[cas-user] CAS and BlackBoard

2014-12-15 Thread Paul B. Henson
> From: Stephen Meier
> Sent: Monday, December 15, 2014 1:41 PM
> Has anyone tried to setup BlackBoard to authenticate against CAS? I have
> configured the CAS server settings in blackboard, however, when I click the
> login link, the CAS server redirects to a blank page.

Our blackboard administrator configured the native CAS client and it seems to 
be working okay. It does force you to choose between either ignoring an 
existing CAS session and always requiring a username/password when accessing 
blackboard, or accepting an existing CAS session without requiring 
reauthentication but destroying the session when you click the blackboard 
logout link 8-/. Seems kind of stupid.

I don't really know the details, I could put you in touch with our blackboard 
administrator off-line if you would like.

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RE: [cas-user] CAS server release v3.5.3

2015-01-22 Thread Paul B. Henson
> From: Jérôme LELEU
> Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2015 6:49 AM
> Yes indeed, you should upgrade to close the vulnerability if you use LDAP
> authentication.

You know, if you're going to announce a "holy crap upgrade now" security issue, 
it would be nice to get a little advance notice that it's coming 8-/.

I don't quite understand this vulnerability. According to the announcement 
(http://seclists.org/oss-sec/2015/q1/205), it says "CAS Server 3.5.2 allows 
remote attackers to bypass LDAP authentication via crafted wildcards".

Then under the description it says "A valid username and password required." It 
further says "The login will be sucessfully only if the ldap bind search return 
one unique member."

If you need to know a valid username and the correct password for that 
username, how exactly are you "bypassing" authentication? It sounds like if you 
specify a wildcard that matches one and exactly one identity in your directory, 
*and* you supply the correct password for that identity, you successfully 
authenticate? Again, I don't understand how that can be considered to bypass 
authentication? It looks like the only ramification is that you can 
successfully authenticate with a string that isn't exactly the username, and 
that string is then presumably provided to the application you are trying to 
authenticate to? So instead of the application thinking the user "henson" 
logged in, it would think the user "hens*" logged in? Presumably undesirable, 
with potentially unknown ramifications depending on the application, but still 
not bypassing authentication.

Also, I can't seem to reproduce it on my deployment. The LDAP wildcard "henso*" 
matches one and exactly one entry in my directory. If I type "henso*" and my 
correct password into the CAS login form, it tells me it is invalid.

If I try the example in the announcement:

curl -k -L -d "username=henso%2A&password=X" 

All I get in return is the CAS login page.

Is this vulnerability dependent on how you have LDAP configured? I am using the 
FastBindLdapAuthenticationHandler mechanism. I don't believe there is any way 
for this vulnerability to apply to my configuration, as attempting to directly 
bind with the provided wildcard will always fail. Perhaps the vulnerability is 
only applicable to people using the BindLdapAuthenticationHandler, which would 
perform a wildcard search and find an entry which it would then try to bind as?

Please clarify the issues surrounding this vulnerability so users can respond 
appropriately. My initial impression is that if you are using the 
FastBindLdapAuthenticationHandler you are not affected, so perhaps instead of 
announcing "You must upgrade if you use LDAP authentication" you should 
announce "You should upgrade if you are using the BindLdapAuthenticationHandler 
for LDAP authentication"? I also don't think the CVE should have a title that 
it bypasses authentication, as you're hardly bypassing authentication if you 
are required to know the username and password for the account 8-/. More 
accurately, it seems you can simply misrepresent your username to an 


Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.cpp.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@cpp.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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RE: [cas-user] CAS Client Proxy distributed cache size

2015-01-22 Thread Paul B. Henson
> From: Adam Causey
> Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2015 10:57 AM
> I am setting up a CAS proxy on a client that is clustered and am using the
> ehcache clustering option to distribute the PGTs between nodes.

Personally I would recommend the Hazelcast clustering option over the ehcache 
mechanism… Any particular reason you are going with ehcache?

Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.cpp.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@cpp.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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RE: [cas-user] CAS server release v3.5.3

2015-01-22 Thread Paul B. Henson
> From: Andrew Morgan
> Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2015 12:42 PM
> You aren't effected when you use FastBindLdapAuthenticationHandler.

Thanks for confirming my initial analysis.

> It's hard to call this a vulnerability, which is probably why they didn't
> release it as such.  More like, "here's CAS v3.5.3 which fixes a security
> related bug."

Well, I woke up a bit late this morning and found an announcement in my inbox 

"You must notice that there is a security fix for the "LDAP login with 
wilcards" attack (CVE-2015-1169). You must upgrade if you use LDAP 

That already has the buzzwords "security fix" and "must upgrade". Then I looked 
up the CVE, which includes the title "allows remote attackers to bypass LDAP 
authentication via crafted wildcards".

How can anybody not reasonably interpret the two of those as "Oh shit my CAS 
servers are Swiss cheese and are going to allow unauthorized access to random 
people" 8-/?

And then it turns out after a panicked investigation that only some LDAP 
configurations are vulnerable (not including mine), and even if vulnerable, 
other than some theoretical issue with confusing a client, there's really not 
much of a security problem going on. So rather than "MUST UPGRADE NOW!", It's 
more like "IF you use BindLdapAuthenticationHandler, you should probably 
upgrade soon to avoid potential as yet unknown issues".


Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.cpp.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@cpp.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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RE: [cas-user] CAS server release v3.5.3

2015-01-22 Thread Paul B. Henson
> From: J. Tozo
> Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2015 1:06 PM
>  Its can be considered a minor weakness because it makes easier to 
> successfully

You know what you don't do for a "minor weakness"? Publish a CVE with a title 
including "allows remote attackers to bypass LDAP authentication via crafted 
wildcards". Because you know what it means to "bypass authentication"? It means 
you don't have to authenticate, and can gain access to resources without 
knowing a valid username/password. Which made it seem pretty silly to get to 
the middle of your posting and see " A valid username and password required".

Really? If I know a username and password, I can "bypass" authentication for 
*that* user? Wow, that's serious 8-/. Not.

> perpetrate a bruteforce attack. Using common passwords and guessing the
> username using the wildcards.

Then perhaps you should've titled your CVE "allows remote attackers to more 
easily bruteforce access with limited knowledge of usernames"? Of course, given 
the limitation that the wildcard must match one and exactly one user kind of 
limits even that vulnerability.

>  A valid username and a password is required to you simulate if you system 
> have
> or not this vulnerability.

Actually, all that is required to determine whether or not your implementation 
has this vulnerability is to look at your configuration and see if you're using 
the FastBindLdapAuthenticationHandler or the BindLdapAuthenticationHandler. If 
it's the former, you are simply not vulnerable. Period. And even if the latter, 
there is no "authentication bypass" occurring.

> If you need to upgrade or not your server its up to you to decide!

That's true. And you know what I would appreciate to help me decide? Accurate 
vulnerability assessment and reporting. Perhaps some advanced notice a security 
update is coming out. As opposed to an email delivered in the middle of the 
night (at least in my time zone), which says there is a "security fix" for 
CVE-2015-1169 and "You must upgrade if you use LDAP authentication." And an 
artificially inflaming title for said CVE declaring there is a "remote attacker 
authentication bypass" vulnerability. I had better things to do this morning 
then spend two hours in a panic worried my authentication systems were 
susceptible to a serious security vulnerability. When in actuality other than 
your theoretical "bruteforce more easily" issue, even if your system is 
"vulnerable" to this, there is no known practical security implication thereof. 
And anybody using the fast bind implementation is simply not vulnerable.

Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.cpp.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@cpp.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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RE: [cas-user] CAS server release v3.5.3

2015-01-23 Thread Paul B. Henson
> From: J. Tozo
> Sent: Friday, January 23, 2015 10:28 AM
> I was not aware of the issue wasn't present in the fast bind ldap 
> authentication
>  because I discovered it in my own deployment, a year ago.
> I thought reasonable to write a small report about it, the
> way i see it could hit my own environment.

If you did not fully understand the vulnerability, you should not have 
requested a CVE, and you should not have posted an inaccurate announcement to a 
security list. What would have been "reasonable" would have been to post this 
to the cas-users mailing list for discussion. There is an (understandable) 
assumption that "security researchers" will actually *research* a vulnerability 
before requesting a CVE, and post an accurate analysis. You posted a poorly 
written half-ass embarrassment with a flagrantly false title which didn't even 
come close to rigorously describing the underlying issue.

> You cant deny Its a authentication issue in an authentication system

I never denied it's an authentication bug in an authentication system. What I 
*said* was that it is in no way an authentication *bypass*. Let me help you out:


In a security report such as you posted, typically the definition used would be 
"A means of circumvention". Tell me, how exactly does this issue let you 
"circumvent" authentication? You need to know a sufficient amount about the 
username to construct a wildcard that matches it, exactly it, and nothing else 
in the user base, *and* you need to know the password for that user. That's not 
bypassing or circumventing authentication. I get the impression you are not a 
native English speaker, which is excusable, but if you want to play in the big 
leagues and post vulnerability reports to security mailing lists, you need to 
understand the terminology sufficiently to accurately use it.

> if you really believe that there is no practical
> security implication, so we have nothing to talk.

You have described no practical security implications, other than a fanciful 
attempt at how it might be used in a brute force attack. I do not believe there 
is any practical security implications because none have been demonstrated. 
*You* are the one that seems to think this is a serious security issue, *you* 
are the one that needs to explain why. So clearly if we have nothing to talk 
about, it is because *you* can't think of any.

>  if you spent two hours to
> figure out if your system is vulnerable or not I think you have another 
> problem

I did not spend two hours figuring out if my system is vulnerable. Once I 
reviewed in more detail your report it was fairly obvious it was not. What I 
did spend two hours doing was actually analyzing the problem, what you 
should've done before reporting it, and posting to the mailing list regarding 
it. The only problem I had was wasting time cleaning up the mess you made with 
an unprofessional and incompetent security report.

> you do not like the way its written, pay someone to write the security 
> reports as
> you wish (or do it by yourself) and stop complaining about to do your job in a
> public mail list, if its not good then just quit.

If you don't want to receive constructive criticism, maybe you shouldn't post 
your crap on public mailing lists.

It's pretty clear you are just some kid who thought it would be "cool" to get a 
CVE and publish a security report. I'm frankly surprised Mitre even gave you 
one, I thought there was at least some limited assessment of reports before 
assignment. So your response to "you did a bad job on this" is "I would've done 
it better if you paid me"? Hah. I'm not complaining about my job, I'm 
complaining about yours 8-/. Like it or not, when you request a CVE and publish 
an official report, you are beholden to the community to do a reasonable job 
and there are actual consequences to your actions.

The next time you decide to publish a security issue, I hope for your sake and 
everyone else's you actually spend the time to analyze and fully understand it, 
and write an accurate report with a reasonable assessment of the true 
vulnerability and exposure risks.

Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.cpp.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@cpp.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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RE: [cas-user] CAS Client Proxy distributed cache size

2015-01-23 Thread Paul B. Henson
> From: Adam Causey 
> Sent: Friday, January 23, 2015 7:07 AM
> I originally was going with ehcache since there is a TicketStorage
> implementation already available, but then realized how easy it would be to
> create my own Hazelcast version.

I'm not sure what you mean about creating your own version? I am using the 
unicon implementation:


Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.cpp.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@cpp.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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RE: [cas-user] CAS server release v3.5.3

2015-01-23 Thread Paul B. Henson
> From: Marvin Addison
> Sent: Friday, January 23, 2015 11:59 AM
> Paul, I get your frustration and I can sympathize.

Thanks. Sorry I did get a bit grumpy; I had some maintenance work scheduled for 
Thursday morning, and by the time I sorted out that this was not a critical 
security issue needing immediate attention I ended up having to postpone it 

> On balance, we felt it best to have a patched version available for
> download _prior_ to the CVE getting published.

Absolutely. It just would have been nice had the announcement of the patched 
version more accurately assessed the vulnerability and criticality thereof.

> As for the CVE text itself, I have
> no idea where it came from. I don't believe it came from the core dev team.

It appears to have come from J. Tozo allegedly of the "Alligator Security 
Team". If you Google that, you find a couple of other posts attributed to that 
group, but the authors of those posts identified themselves with 
@alligatorteam.org addresses as opposed to this guy, whose address appears to 
be junior...@gmail.com.

Interestingly, he posted a very similar "exploit" in a different software 


However, that one is labeled a "Web LDAP Injection", which is a touch more 
accurate. (Hey J. Tozo, why isn't that issue, almost identical to this one, 
also an "authentication bypass"?)

While it was clear you guys did not write the CVE, you did reference it in your 
official announcement, which gave it some implicit authority and assumption of 
accuracy which it clearly did not deserve.

Given CAS is authentication software, typically a critical part of an identity 
management infrastructure, I guess I was holding you guys to a bit of a higher 
standard in terms of handling security issues :). This was certainly a bug, a 
bug deserving of being fixed, and worth an upgrade if you are affected. But it 
is in no way an "authentication bypass", and it hardly deserves to be scheduled 
as an emergency "must" update.

Anyway, to end on a more positive note; CAS is great software and has been 
working very well for us. We much appreciate the work that goes into it and I'm 
sorry I was a bit harsh on you guys regarding this incident.


Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.cpp.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@cpp.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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RE: [cas-user] CAS server release v3.5.3

2015-01-23 Thread Paul B. Henson
> From: J. Tozo
> Sent: Friday, January 23, 2015 1:52 PM
> So you saying if I bruteforce a CAS server with a common password list and
> achieve an authentication within the user h*. that is not a authentication
> bypass?

Yes, that is exactly what I'm saying.

> nice, in your world maybe.

Actually, I believe any competent security researcher or analyst would agree 
with me. Please feel free to find one who does not and reference them.

So from your perspective, if I go bruteforce gmail with your address 
junior...@gmail.com and a password list, and eventually determine your 
password, then access your mail with your password that I have discovered, I 
have "bypassed authentication"?

That is ridiculous. When you bruteforce an account, and then access it using 
the credentials you have discovered, you are actually performing authentication 
with those credentials, not bypassing it. Bypassing, if you would bother to 
read the definition I provided, inherently involves something not occurring, 
being routed around, or avoided.

You're not avoiding authentication, authentication is certainly not occurring. 
You are *performing* authentication with valid credentials, regardless of how 
you obtained them.

And the chances of you being able to exploit this issue using the username "h*" 
are infinitesimally small, as there would have to be one and exactly one 
account that starts with an h, as if the wildcard matches multiple accounts 
authentication fails.

So yes, this issue does allow you to potentially specify less than an exact 
username in an attempted authentication. But given the limitation that the 
wildcard must match one and only one account, you need to know so much about 
how the usernames of the entity being attacked are distributed it provides 
minimal excess leverage over a plain jane brute force attack using actual 

> You can cry, kicking around, panic, call me incompetent or whatever ad
> hominem you want

Actually, I am writing clear, grammatically correct, and well presented logical 
arguments and analysis making my case. It is rather you who are projecting the 
image of a child in a tantrum beating their hands and feet on the ground 
because someone has the audacity not to agree with them.

> this still is an authentication bypass.

No, it is not. And if you want to make anybody believe it is, you're going to 
need to do more than just keep crying "Yes it is! Yes it is! Yes it is!", you 
are going to need to present an actual analysis and logical argument 
demonstrating how this vulnerability meets the security industry standard 
understanding of bypassing authentication. You haven't done that, and you won't 
be able to do that, because it does not.

> If you dont agree,
> ask the dev team to rollback the update

That would be silly. I've never once claimed this was not a bug, nor that it 
did not deserve to be fixed. It absolutely is a bug, and I wouldn't even argue 
it is not a security bug. However, it is a minimal issue with minimal exposure 
and little vulnerability in practice. It did not deserve being treated like a 
critical issue requiring immediate attention.

> and ask mitre to revoke the CVE.

I suppose I wouldn't even argue it doesn't deserve a CVE, at least if the 
description were accurate and actually contained an analysis of the underlying 
issue. But a CVE attached to your drivel? That probably should be revoked.

> And last, this flame will lead us to nowhere, haters gonna hate and i will 
> not feed
> this troll anymore.

Nothing will make me more happy than if you stop beating this dead horse and 
wasting my time. You wrote a poorly constructed inaccurate CVE with minimal 
analysis and an artificially inflammatory title that resulted in a rushed 
security announcement mischaracterizing the vulnerability. Deal with it. Try to 
do better next time.

Also, I'd have to care about you to hate you ;), so drop the persecution 

Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.cpp.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@cpp.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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RE: [cas-user] CAS server release v3.5.3

2015-01-23 Thread Paul B. Henson
> From: J. Tozo
> Sent: Friday, January 23, 2015 3:35 PM
> http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21682946

Nice try (just to be polite), but sorry, fail.

The title of the IBM bulletin is "Brute-force attack in ClearQuest Web". The 
detailed description is "IBM Rational ClearQuest could allow a remote attacker 
to bypass security restrictions, caused by an error in the login form. An 
attacker could exploit this vulnerability using brute-force techniques to gain 
access to a user's account."

The actual CVE (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2014-3101) 
description is "The login form in the Web component in IBM Rational ClearQuest 
7.1 before, 8.0.0 before, and 8.0.1 before does not 
insert a delay after a failed authentication attempt, which makes it easier for 
remote attackers to obtain access via a brute-force attack."

So exactly what in any of that are you interpreting as "bypassing 
authentication"? While the IBM description does indeed include the word 
"bypass" (but note the actual CVE does not), it says the issue allows you "to 
bypass security restrictions", not "bypass authentication".

If you actually read the bulletin, you will see the problem under discussion is 
that the web form did not have any mechanism to alleviate against a brute force 
attack. You could feed it usernames and passwords as fast as the network would 
allow you to. Honestly, I don't even know if that could be classified as an 
"error in the login form" so much as the lack of an anti-brute forcing feature.

While you did manage to find a document that contained the words "bypass", 
"bruteforce", and "authentication", it really has no bearing on your CVE nor in 
any way supports or defends your position that your CVE in any way describes a 
vulnerability that "bypasses authentication". For the most part, your 
presentation of this document simply further solidifies my opinion on your lack 
of understanding of security concepts and basic terminology, as well as your 
inability to analyze and properly classify security vulnerabilities.

But feel free to try again. I suppose shooting fish in a barrel isn't very 
sportsmanlike, but sometimes it does offer a perverse level of enjoyment. And 
perhaps is even a bit cathartic after the annoyance you caused me yesterday 

Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.cpp.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@cpp.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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Re: [cas-user] CAS Client Proxy distributed cache size

2015-01-24 Thread Paul B. Henson
On Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 02:03:39PM -0800, Misagh Moayyed wrote:
> I think Adam is talking about the sharing and distribution of PGTs on the 
> client side for which there are ehcache and memcache implementations 
> available when the app is clustered. There is no implementation yet 
> available that is based on hazelcast for the client.

Ah, my bad, I misread this thread and thought it was talking about
clustering on the server side.

Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.cpp.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@cpp.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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Re: [cas-user] CAS server release v3.5.3

2015-01-24 Thread Paul B. Henson
On Sat, Jan 24, 2015 at 01:08:46AM -0800, Jérôme LELEU wrote:

>I planned not to interfere in this discussion, but seriously we should
>stop it now.

Sorry for the noise. Assuming the other party gives up trying to defend
his inaccurate CVE, I've got nothing else to say about it.

>I made the announcement and I reviewed and agreed to the CVE: so I'll
>take my full part of responsability if things are not clear.

You really agreed to the characterization of this as an "authentication

>No "critical" word. Maybe I should have said "minor".  I did not say
>"you should upgrade NOW!".

"Must" has quite a different connotation than "should". And while your
announcement didn't contain "critical", the CVE referenced claimed there
was an "authentication bypass", and what sysadmin isn't going to take
"security fix" "must update" and "authentication bypass" as anything but
a critical issue?

>I think "LDAP login with wildcards" is a reasonable description.

I agree. With your announcement exactly as it was, and a CVE entitled
more along the lines of "LDAP login with wildcards allows authentication
with partial username match" there wouldn't have been such an inaccurate
sense of urgency.

>I don't think we can always imagine all use cases and data topology, so
>one must be careful and upgrade to 3.5.3, even it's not in a hurry.

Yes, it's generally a best practice to run the most recent stable
version of a software package, after appropriate review of changes and
testing, and deployment scheduled for a regular maintenance window.
Which we will likely do. The issue was, intentionally or not, the
combination of the announcement and the inaccurate CVE gave an
impression that this was an important update that needed attention ASAP,
possibly even requiring an emergency out of window update. Am I really
the only one here that read the announcement, looked up the CVE, and
initially came to that inaccurate assessment?

>we haven't created a CVE, I'm sure someone would have blame us for

CVE's are given to issues minor or critical, so I've no complaints about
the CVE per se, just that it was poorly written.

>But, above all, I'd like to remind you about the great efforts and
>the good will of the volunteers of the CAS community. We deserve
>more clemency (we are not all in the same timezones and are not all
>fluent in English) and courtesy.

I believe I already mentioned in another message in this thread how much
we appreciate the CAS software and the efforts of the developers. While
from a constructive criticism perspective the official CAS
announcement could have been handed better, the primary issue was the
misleading CVE title.

I probably could have dealt with this a bit more diplomatically, the
interruption to my planned schedule and fallout therefrom put me in a
bit of a bad mood, and for that I apologize.

Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.cpp.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@cpp.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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Re: [cas-user] CAS server release v3.5.3

2015-01-24 Thread Paul B. Henson
On Sat, Jan 24, 2015 at 02:43:59AM -0800, Yuri Ticini wrote:

>Congratulations buddies, you managed to turn a simple release
>announcement containing a relevant security fix into one of the biggest
>bikeshedding episodes I've seen recently

Bikeshedding? Really? A member of a mailing list for *security* software
thinks it's *bikeshedding* to insist on an accurate description,
assessment, and analysis of a *security* issue? Sheesh. I guess maybe I
should have taken this discussion over to oss-security or

>just because of an annoyed
>fella that didnât like the description of the CVE. Cry me a river whiny

Annoyed? Absolutely. Whiny? Please. Grumpy maybe, but whiny no. And it's
not "didn't like" as in "I don't like the color red", it's "inaccurate"
as in "completely misleading and misusing technical terminology with a
standard definition in the security community".

>Can we get back to work now? I already updated all my CAS deployments
>while you had this crappy conversation.

Never heard of a killfile? Nobody put a gun to your head and forced you
to read it, if you don't actually care about the underlying details of
the bugs fixed in a new version you already updated to, feel free to
skim on past. I guess you don't have a very rigorous testing process if
you've already dropped this into production in a couple days. I haven't
updated my CAS deployments because, well, this crappy conversation
demonstrated quite clearly I didn't need to.

Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.cpp.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@cpp.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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Re: [cas-user] CAS server release v3.5.3

2015-01-24 Thread Paul B. Henson
On Sat, Jan 24, 2015 at 08:17:08PM -0800, Yuri Ticini wrote:
>Oh man, are you still here insisting with this bullshit? How old are
>you, fourteen?
>Does that mean you're above all these people? If that's
>the case, why you're keeping your silly sysadmin job? Go for the gold
>man, you're probably a rare genius!
>And apparently you don't even understand how LDAP
>searches work with wildcards, so why bother?
>Ah, and one more thing: trying to justify your recent douche behavior
>on "a bit of a bad mood" is coward. Go find yourself a therapist.
>I'm following your advice and
>forwarding messages from you to Junk. I'm not interested at all in what
>you have to say. Therefore, feel free to try to pretend to be smart and
>superior responding to this

Throw unfounded petty insults right and left and then say don't bother
to reply because you won't read it? Doesn't matter to me you won't see
this, but for the people that do I think that speaks for itself.

And for the record, I've had off-list correspondence with a number of
people, some of them directly associated with the project, who agree
with me the announcement was poorly handled and the CVE poorly written.
It seems I'm just the only one with the lack of tact to call it out in

Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.cpp.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@cpp.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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Re: [cas-user] CAS and EZproxy

2015-02-12 Thread Paul B. Henson
On Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 04:30:59PM +, Chris Adams wrote:

> I have read documentation for using CAS with Ezproxy and it seems to
> agree with some postings on this list. However, I am missing something
> and thought someone here might want to weigh in.

We use CAS for ezproxy with attributes for authorization, our config
looks like:

LoginURL https://auth.csupomona.edu/cas/login
ServiceValidateURL https://auth.csupomona.edu/cas/serviceValidate
Group NULL
Test //*/cas:csupomonaEduPersonAffiliation employee ; Group +authorized
Test //*/cas:csupomonaEduPersonAffiliation student ; Group +authorized
Test //*/cas:csupomonaEduPersonAffiliation leave_student ; Group +authorized
Test //*/cas:csupomonaEduPersonAffiliation emeritus ; Group +authorized
NoGroups; Deny unauthorized.html

When I load a proxied URL such as:


I get redirected to CAS:


and after authenticating, end up at the proxied page:


We've never had an issue with it. I'm not sure what's causing your
double authentication, maybe some other part of the config?

Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.cpp.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@cpp.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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Re: [cas-user] Recommendations for CAS/LDAP integration work

2015-03-16 Thread Paul B. Henson
On Mon, Mar 16, 2015 at 04:07:46PM -0700, Andrew Morgan wrote:

> We are big fans of Unicon (http://unicon.net).  They are very involved in 
> the open source community surrounding Identity Management.  You'll find 

I'd second that opinion; while we deployed CAS with in-house staff, our
apps group had them out to help with a uportal deployment. We also use
their hazelcast ticket registry backend and their shib-cas-authn2 plugin
to delegate our shibboleth idp authentication to CAS. I've found every
unicon staff member I've been in contact with to be skilled, professional,
and amazingly helpful even for non-paid interactions, I can't imagine
you could go wrong engaging them.

Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.cpp.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@cpp.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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Re: [cas-user] Casifying Shib (idP)

2015-03-18 Thread Paul B. Henson
On Wed, Mar 18, 2015 at 05:03:53PM +, Niva Agmon wrote:
> We looking to implement CAS as the Authentication provider for Shib
> IDP.

Have you looked at Unicon's shib-cas-authn2 package?


That's what we use and it works great. As I recall it was also fairly
easy to set up.

Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.cpp.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@cpp.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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Re: [cas-user] Casifying Shib (idP)

2015-03-19 Thread Paul B. Henson
On Wed, Mar 18, 2015 at 10:34:49PM +, Niva Agmon wrote:

> javax.security.auth.login.LoginException: No LoginModules configured for 
> ShibUserPassAuth
> at javax.security.auth.login.LoginContext.init(LoginContext.java:287) 
> ~[na:1.6.0_32]
> at 
> javax.security.auth.login.LoginContext.(LoginContext.java:432) 
> ~[na:1.6.0_32]
> Thanks again for any help or tips.

Hmm, did you update handler.xml?

Here's what mine looks like:


Basically, I commented out the "UsernamePassword" login handler to disable
shib's native auth, added the "shib-cas:CasLoginHandler" to enable CAS
auth, and disabled the "PreviousSession" handler as session state is
handled on the CAS side, not the shib side.

As I recall, the instructions are pretty accurate. Update web.xml, create
the external properties file, update handler.xml... Install the
idp-cas-invoker and cas-client-core jars, and you should be good to go.

If you double check these steps and it still doesn't work you might try
asking on the shib list, there's some crossover between this one but
they might have a better idea on this shib specific error.

Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.cpp.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@cpp.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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[cas-user] OT: change email in jira

2015-04-17 Thread Paul B. Henson
We're changing our domain name, and I need to update my email in the
jasig issue tracker. However, I don't see an email address listed on my
profile page? Based on the jira help, it should be. I know it has my old
address as I've received email in the past and the avatar section shows

Am I missing something?


Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.cpp.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@cpp.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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[cas-user] CASifying web applications

2015-04-22 Thread Paul B. Henson
We're at a point in our CAS deployment where we'd like to start
converting some of our existing applications to use it, and I'd
appreciate some feedback on the best path to do so.

It seems there are two types of webapps under consideration, those that
do no authentication at all on their own and rely entirely on web
service based authentication, and those that have no web server
authentication and implement auth entirely on their own.

For web server auth, it looks like the only real solution is
mod_auth_cas (https://wiki.jasig.org/display/CASC/mod_auth_cas) for
Apache? Anyone currently using this that might be able to comment on how
well it works, how reliable it is, etc? It looks like it doesn't support
proxy authentication, but we only have one app that needs that. Does
anyone know if this module works as-is under Apache 2.4? According to
the docs, some 2.2 modules work fine under 2.4, while others require
updates for certain changed API's.

If the app is mod_perl based, or mod_perl can be added just for
authentication, it looks like there are two options:


Any opinion/consensus on which of these is better, and how they compare
to mod_auth_cas? It looks like both of these support proxy auth, which
makes them presumably beat out mod_auth_cas for that use case.

For applications which do their own authentication, it looks like phpCAS
(https://wiki.jasig.org/display/CASC/phpCAS) is the officially supported
solution for php based apps?

For perl based applications, I see there's only an unofficial client
available (https://github.com/Unicon/cas-perl-client). The last update
is over 3 years ago, and the documentation is a bit lacking. There are
no better solutions for CAS via perl?

We have one app that will need to do proxy auth, it's part of our idm
infrastructure. The client facing front end is on a windows box,
currently doing forms based auth and proxying the plaintext credentials
to a mod_perl based web service via apache ldap authentication. To
CASify this, our webapps group will presumably use the .net CAS client
to authenticate the browser and then use CAS proxy auth to authenticate
the end user to the web service. We are flexible on this as to whether
the auth is done by the web server or integrated into the app itself. As
mod_auth_cas doesn't do proxy auth, that is ruled out. Any thoughts on
whether it would be cleaner to use one of the mod_perl based solutions
to do the proxy auth at the web server level vs a perl CAS client in the

Thanks much...

Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.cpp.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@cpp.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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RE: [cas-user] CASifying web applications

2015-04-23 Thread Paul B. Henson
> From: Waldbieser, Carl
> Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2015 6:20 AM
> We are using mod_auth_cas in front of a couple web apps, and it works pretty
> much as you would expect.  Since it is a fairly decoupled integration with 
> your
> web app, the "log out" links in your web app will tend not to work the way one
> might expect.

Cool, thanks for the feedback. The majority of the applications we would switch 
to mod_auth_cas already use web server-based authentication, so they don't 
really have logout buttons, that shouldn't be a problem.

> I can't speak to the perl modules you mention, but a lack of activity is not
> necessarily a bad thing.  CAS is a relatively simple and straightforward 
> protocol.
> The code for a CAS client should tend to stabilize pretty quickly.

True; although CAS 4 has been out for a while, with a new version of the 
protocol. Not seeing any changes at all for 3-4 years, whether bug fixes, 
enhancements, or updated protocol support, makes one concerned they are not 
really maintained.


Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.cpp.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@cpp.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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RE: [cas-user] CASifying web applications

2015-04-23 Thread Paul B. Henson
> From: Christopher Myers
> Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2015 6:31 AM
> For the Java CAS stuff, you may want to check out the "sample" webapp
> provided here: https://wiki.jasig.org/display/CASC/JA-
> SIG+Java+Client+Simple+WebApp+Sample - it gives you a really good, simple
> overview of how stuff is set up.

We don't currently have any java apps in need of CASification, but I'll keep 
this in mind, thanks.

Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.cpp.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@cpp.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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