Re: [Flightgear-devel] field of view script

2003-12-09 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Andy Ross writes:
> Jim Wilson wrote:
> > Ummm...why does this matter?
> Why wouldn't it? :)

It would be nice to be able to at least be able overzoom and simulate
a telephoto lens (as before.)


Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] field of view script

2003-12-09 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Andy Ross writes:
> This is mind bogglingly easy to fix.  But what is the desired
> behavior?  What I want is a limit that will tell me when I've zoomed
> to as far as a human pilot would actually be able to see from the
> cockpit.
> What do you guys want?  If you want to overzoom only from the
> non-cockpit views (which aren't "realistic" anyway), then we can
> predicate it on the current view number.  If you want to ignore the
> feature, we can make a simple preference property.  If you want both,
> then we need to decide on a more complicated interface.
> Again, IMHO it's a realism thing.  Computer monitors don't have the
> spacial resolution that an eye does, so we have to allow for zoom.
> But pilots don't usually have telescopes in the cockpit, so it should
> by default be limited to something approximating real life.

>From my perspective the issue is flexibility and differentiating
between "policy" and "capabilities".

I also don't think the "realism" argument should trump everything
else.  We do a *lot* of things for the sake of convenience.  Is
starting up in flight on a 7 mile final realistic?  Is teleporting to
the other side of the world realistic?  Is accelerating time
realistic?  Is landing a helicopter on a 747 wing realistic?  For that
matter, is flying under a bridge something a person would
realistically do in real life?  Is being able to swivel my view (aka
head) in multiple 360 degree circles a realistic thing?  Perhaps it
would be better not to answer that one. :-)

There are a lot of cases where convenience, training value, or the
limits of a PC computer will trump "realism".

There is other cases such as fidelity of the flight dynamics where we
do want realism to trump everything else.

Then there are grey areas where it's not exactly clear.  Do we always
want to fly at the "real" time for our current location, or do we want
to be able to control the time of day and choose night when it's day
to practice night flying, or select day when it is night so we can do
some nice sight seeing?

I think it's very clever to be able to figure out the maximum real
world resolution a pilot would have, but perhaps the little poppup
message would say "overzoom xyz" when you get past the real world
physical limitation.

Being able to zoom way in is at least useful for taking screen shots
and debugging scenery construction problems.  In real life there
exists some pretty amazing cameras and telescopes so it's not entirely
unrealistic to allow arbitrary zooms.  Even from a cockpit view you
might consider that a passenger has some super telephoto lens on their
camera, and the air is still, etc.

Maybe we want to some day simulate the camera view from a UAV.  It's
not inconceivable that such a camera would have significant telephoto
abilities and be mounted on some sort of gyro stabilization platform.


Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] NMEA output (i.e. faking a gps receiver for use with other moving map/gps software)

2003-12-09 Thread Curtis L. Olson
I just commited some fixes to the NMEA output to make it more usable.

This allows FlightGear to to pretend it is a gps and send fake gps
sentences out the serial port.  You can then feed the other end of the
serial cable into something running some real moving map/gps software
and that software thinks it is talking to a real gps located at your
current virtual flightgear position.

My fixed include:

1. I switched to the correct line terminators (\r\n)
2. I fixed a variety of careless formating errors.
3. I added a faked GSA sentence along with faked HDOP and VDOP and

>From the FlightGear end, you can activate the nmea output using the
following flightgear command line option:

   --nmea=serial,out,1,/dev/ttyS0,4800  (for the unix folks)
   --nmea=serial,out,1,COM1,4800(for the dos folks)

Substitude with the actual serial port you are plugged into of course.

Just for fun I downloaded FlightMaster which is a palm pilot
application intended for real pilots.  With my palm pilot in it's
cradle and connected to the appropriate serial port it was able to
receive the gps strings from flightgear and was properly tricked into
thinking it was talking to a real gps.

This isn't quite as good as connecting up a real Garmin 196 or 430,
but if you already have a palm pilot or other pda, it's a lot
cheaper. :-)

FlightMaster is shareware ($40) so if you use it, definitely send them
their $$$, they were very helpful in helping me track down my problems
in the NMEA output code.


Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Scenery testing

2003-12-09 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Erik Hofman writes:
> Jon Stockill wrote:
> > I've just been having a look at some of the new airports I've generated,
> > and I've noticed an error with the new ufo model - the great big red
> > anti-collision light from the front is missing ;-)
> Heh, I noticed that too recently.
> I was mostly busy doing other stuff today, I'll see if I can get it 
> updated soon. If some one else feels like doing some updates to it, then 
> don't hessitate to do so.

Can we double the power, add some animation, and perhaps more loosely
couple the power plants?  Now is when we really could use the ability
to drop ordinance.  I don't have the POH in front of me, but I would
think that those particular engines would certainly need to expel
spent fuel now and then.


Curt. (Unless you are the lead dog, the view never changes)
Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] [OT re] Perthon -- Python to Perl Language Translation

2003-12-10 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Jonathan Richards writes:
> On Tuesday 09 Dec 2003 9:37 pm, Norman Vine wrote:
> >
> >
> > :-)
> Interesting - I don't often see two (purportedly) equivalent pieces of code 
> together like that.  I put both examples into files: the python is 668 bytes, 
> whereas the perl is 1074.  Is python really that much more terse than perl, 
> or is it an artefact of the translation?   I have a mildly pathological 
> attraction to terse languages; I learned APL *many* years ago, and I have 
> been known to do real-world (if not terribly professional) stuff with Icon: 

There's a better way to compare languages:

Minimal perl By Dave Rolsky (140 Bytes):

  $b=sub{([EMAIL PROTECTED]||No)." bottles of beer on the wall\n"};
  warn map{&$b.substr(&$b,0,18)."\nTake one down, pass it around\n".&$b(0).$/}0..98

Minimal python By Oliver Xymoron (133 Bytes):

  a,t="\n%s bottles of beer on the wall","\nTake one down, pass it around"
  for d in range(99,0,-1):print(a%d*2)[:-12]+t+a%(d-1 or'No')

Icon version by Scott E Gilbert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

  procedure main()
t:= table("bottles")
t[1]:= "bottle"
every n:= 100 to 1 by -1 do {
  write(n, " ", t[n], " of beer on the wall.\n",
n, " ", t[n], " of beer.\n",
"Take one down, Pass it around.\n",
n-1, " ", t[n-1], " of beer on the wall.\n"


Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: Cockpit Hardware Building (was: Re: [Flightgear-devel] F-16 cockpit)

2003-12-10 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Manuel Bessler writes:
> OK, No problem. Maybe we should really consider a mailinglist for that as Al
> has mentioned. Even if it'll be very low traffic. 
> The question would be whether this would/could be hosted officially
> along the other fgfs list, or if we should set up something independet
> of
> Curt?

It's not a ton of work to setup a new mailing list, however, you might
consider just jumping on board with an existing home cockpit group
such as  That would make more sense to me since they've
already gone to a lot of effort to collect like minded people.

> My idea would be something like this:
> "flightgear-hardware" -- "discussions about hardware interfacing to
> flightgear, hardware design, and interface software"
> Whadda'y'all think ?

If there is some overwhelming desire to add a flightgear-hardware
list, I can do that, but definitely consider jumping on board with the group.  They could benefit from your knowledge and
resources and I'm sure you could benefit from theirs.


Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Taxiway / Apron lighting advice wanted.

2003-12-10 Thread Curtis L. Olson
David Luff writes:
> Now, that I've edited a few taxiways, I could do with some advice on
> airport lighting before sending them off to Robin Peel.  Documentation on
> taxiway lighting seems quite (very) hard to come by, so could some airport
> users give me some advice for various classes of airports.

I'm no expert so if someone has better information, please share it.

> Do aprons have edge lighting?  Do large GA airports typically have
> taxiway edge / center lighting?  Small GA airports?  Do taxiways
> tend to be lit either all or none, or just the main ones sometimes.

I don't think there are hard and fast rules for this.  Ultimately real
people spend real time and real money installing real lights.  So a
lot of times, smaller airports with smaller budgets have no taxiway
lighting at all.  KDEN has all it's taxiways very well lit, and has
the green centerline lights pretty much every where.  That is a newer
airport.  KMSP doesn't have nearly the same amount of green centerline
lighting.  It is a bit older airport.  I'm guessing things like
centerline lighting need to be installed when the taxiway is built.
The surest approach would be to go poke around the actual airport, or
pay close attention when you fly in/out for real.  If you found the
airport adminstrator and explained what you wanted to do, you might be
able to get some good information from them ... maybe a lighting or
wiring diagram?  That would tell you pretty quick which taxiways were
lit and which ones had centerline lights.  If you don't want to go
through all that effort, you probably have to just make your best

For what it's worth, a couple weeks ago I had a chance to visit a
driving sim at the KMSP airport.  They used their simulator for
training emergency and utility vehicle drivers.  Their MSP airport
model is *very* impressive.  They have every surface, every light,
every sign modeled exactly as it is in real life.  Their vendor came
out and took something like 3000 digital photos for use in the 3d
models.  They of course had access to all the airport diagrams.  They
even put in the 5 tunnels and made them drivable.

I don't expect that we would go to that level of detail, but if you
can find the right person, and say the right sorts of things, that
kind of information is probably available for most airports.

> A few screenshots of the first one I've finished BTW:
> with the first 2 showing the current FG runways, and the final 3 the edited
> airport.

Looks great.

Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Taxiway / Apron lighting advice wanted.

2003-12-10 Thread Curtis L. Olson
David Megginson writes:
> Possibly, but from what I've heard, the main reason for centreline lighting 
> on runways is to support Cat II and III ILS approaches (down to a 50 ft 
> ceiling); probably, the same applies to taxiway lighting, since you'll have 
> ground ops in *extremely* low visibility.

I was actually talking about the green centerline lighting on
taxiways.  DAFIF and FAA do a pretty good job of defining this sort of
thing for the actual runways, but little data is available for

> My home airport, Ottawa, is fairly busy (including two ILS approaches and 
> lots of big airliners), but we do not have runway or taxiway centreline 
> lighting anywhere.  Montreal/Dorval has centreline lighting on one runway, I 
> think, but I don't remember seeing it on the taxiways when I flew in at 
> night, and that's Canada's #2 airport.
> I think that the best thing to do would be to leave taxiway centreline 
> lighting out by default, and only include it when you have positive 
> information that it's present in real life (probably only a few airports in 
> any country).  I'd be very surprised to see it anywhere that wasn't a major 
> airline hub.


Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: [BUG] simgear/io/sg_socket.cxx: funny code

2003-12-12 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Melchior FRANZ writes:
> BTW: reverting the last patch and going back to revision 1.2 fixes
> the bug. But it does still not explain the "client" zombie.

Strange, someone suggested this as a fix.  Note that previously,
read() and readline() were not consistant.  the patch made them
consistant.  The patch also supposedly fixed a bug for someone.
Something is obviously screwy here.  Anyone know what's going on with
this section of code?

Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Terrasync not working correctly?

2003-12-14 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Matevz Jekovec writes:
> Ok, I run fgfs with the following arguments:
> --fg-root=/home/matevz/fgfs/data
> --atlas=socket,out,1,localhost,5500,udp
> --fg-scenery=/home/matevz/fgfs/data/Scenery
> --airport=LJLJ
> and I run
> nice terrasync -p 5500 -d /home/matevz/fgfs/data/Scenery
> And I found myself in the ocean.
> Terrasync outputs:
> pos = 0,0
> lat = 0 lon = 0
> lat_dir = 0  lon_dir = 0
> mkdir -p /home/matevz/fgfs/data/Scenery/e000n00
> rsync --verbose --archive --delete --perms --owner --group 
> /home/matevz/fgfs/data/Scenery/e000n00/e000n00
> And that's it.
> Emm... advice? Looks like fgfs isn't reporting to terrasync the right 
> coordinates to download? (LJLJ is in e010n040 world chunk)

It might be possible that FlightGear is sending data out port 5500
before the FDM is fully initialized.  I'd suggest letting it run until
it looks like it has stopped rsyncing.  And don't forget there is a
chicken and egg problem where if you start up in a brand new area,
FlightGear will initialize, not find scenery, and generate ocean tiles
before terrasync has a chance to download the tiles.  For now I
suggest starting up flightgear, letting terrasync kick off it's
downloading, then quite and restart FlightGear adn you should now pick
up the newly downloaded tiles.  We used to have a way to flush the
tile cache, and reload it from scratch, but I think that got lost
along the way during a code refactoring.


Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Terrasync not working correctly?

2003-12-15 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Hi Matevz,

I was able to run rsync fine last night after my first reply to your
problem so I believe the rsync server should be working just fine.


Matevz Jekovec writes:
> Curtis L. Olson wrote:
> >Matevz Jekovec writes:
> >  
> >
> >>Ok, I run fgfs with the following arguments:
> >>--fg-root=/home/matevz/fgfs/data
> >>--atlas=socket,out,1,localhost,5500,udp
> >>--fg-scenery=/home/matevz/fgfs/data/Scenery
> >>--airport=LJLJ
> >>
> >>and I run
> >>nice terrasync -p 5500 -d /home/matevz/fgfs/data/Scenery
> >>
> >>And I found myself in the ocean.
> >>
> >>Terrasync outputs:
> >>pos = 0,0
> >>lat = 0 lon = 0
> >>lat_dir = 0  lon_dir = 0
> >>mkdir -p /home/matevz/fgfs/data/Scenery/e000n00
> >>rsync --verbose --archive --delete --perms --owner --group 
> >> 
> >>/home/matevz/fgfs/data/Scenery/e000n00/e000n00
> >>
> >>And that's it.
> >>Emm... advice? Looks like fgfs isn't reporting to terrasync the right 
> >>coordinates to download? (LJLJ is in e010n040 world chunk)
> >>
> >>
> >
> >It might be possible that FlightGear is sending data out port 5500
> >before the FDM is fully initialized.  I'd suggest letting it run until
> >it looks like it has stopped rsyncing.  And don't forget there is a
> >chicken and egg problem where if you start up in a brand new area,
> >FlightGear will initialize, not find scenery, and generate ocean tiles
> >before terrasync has a chance to download the tiles.  For now I
> >suggest starting up flightgear, letting terrasync kick off it's
> >downloading, then quite and restart FlightGear adn you should now pick
> >up the newly downloaded tiles.  We used to have a way to flush the
> >tile cache, and reload it from scratch, but I think that got lost
> >along the way during a code refactoring.
> >  
> >
> Ok, I let it wait this time and terrasync returned a weird error:
> pos = 0,0
> lat = 0 lon = 0
> lat_dir = 0 lon_dir = 0
> mkdir -p /home/matevz/fgfs/data/Scenery/e000n00
> rsync --verbose --archive --delete --perms --owner --group 
> /home/matevz/fgfs/data/Scenery/e000n00/e000n00
> rsync: failed to connect to Connection timed out
> rsync error: error in socket IO (code 10) at clientserver.c(83)
> mkdir -p /home/matevz/fgfs/data/Scenery/w010s10
> rsync --verbose --archive --delete --perms --owner --group 
> /home/matevz/fgfs/data/Scenery/w010s10/w001s01
> rsync: failed to connect to Connection timed out
> rsync error: error in socket IO (code 10) at clientserver.c(83)
> mkdir -p /home/matevz/fgfs/data/Scenery/e000s10
> rsync --verbose --archive --delete --perms --owner --group 
> /home/matevz/fgfs/data/Scenery/e000s10/e000s01
> Now maybe there's a problem on my side because of the router, but I 
> doubt it. I'll take a look later today. Is rsync server running fine on 
> - Matevz
> Curtis L. Olson wrote:
>   cite="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">
>   Matevz Jekovec writes:
> Ok, I run fgfs with the following arguments:
> --fg-root=/home/matevz/fgfs/data
> --atlas=socket,out,1,localhost,5500,udp
> --fg-scenery=/home/matevz/fgfs/data/Scenery
> --airport=LJLJ
> and I run
> nice terrasync -p 5500 -d /home/matevz/fgfs/data/Scenery
> And I found myself in the ocean.
> Terrasync outputs:
> pos = 0,0
> lat = 0 lon = 0
> lat_dir = 0  lon_dir = 0
> mkdir -p /home/matevz/fgfs/data/Scenery/e000n00
> rsync --verbose --archive --delete --perms --owner --group 
> /home/matevz/fgfs/data/Scenery/e000n00/e000n00
> And that's it.
> Emm... advice? Looks like fgfs isn't reporting to terrasync the right 
> coordinates to download? (LJLJ is in e010n040 world chunk)
> It might be possible that FlightGear is sending data out port 5500
> before the FDM is fully initialized.  I'd suggest letting it run until
> it looks like it has stopped rsyncing.  And don't forget there is a
> chicken and egg problem where if you start up in a brand new area,
> FlightGear will initialize, not find scenery, and generate ocean tiles
> before terrasync has a chance to download the til

[Flightgear-devel] Kool site of the day ...

2003-12-16 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Kim Komando has FlightGear listed as her "kool site of the day".

Klick on "Kim's Kool sites" followed by "Go to today's kool site."

Looks like we are experiencing the "Kim Effect", but our server is
holding together. :-)

Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] latest AI tricks

2003-12-17 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Norman Vine writes:

Nice ... :-)

Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: [Flightgear-users] Slackware, USB, CH yoke

2003-12-17 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Andy Ross writes:
> > As always, everything seems quite 'trivial' to those who haven't
> > actually tried to do it.  Hurry up and build a running robot too
> > while you're at it..
> Plonk.  Does anyone with a real clue have an answer for this?

Sorry, not me.  I was waiting until after I get finished up the flight
simulator to start work on my running robot ... although my master's
degree project involved parallel algorithms for pre-calculating paths
for a 7 degree of freedom robotic arm and simulating the proposed
motion.  Does that count for anything?

Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: Cockpit Hardware Building

2003-12-18 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Alan King writes:
>Rudder pedals.  Been a while since I was at the controls in a Cessna 
> etc, how much control throw is normal?  With a one foot seperation 
> between the pedals 4" seems like a lot, maybe too much.  Currently have 
> 2" in and 2" out for the 4" total, but can easily shorten it up, feels 
> like I'd have a foot in the engine.

I seem to recall that on a C172, the maximum rudder travel is about
+/- 1.75 inches from the neutral point.


Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: Cockpit Hardware Building

2003-12-18 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Alan King writes:
>Yes it is.  But the control feedback in the simulator EXACTLY 
> matching real life is not critical.  For that matter a Cessna rudder 
> probably doesn't exactly match a P-51 rudder either, but I have no 
> doubts that learning rudder on said Cessna prepares you for 80 or 90 
> percent of how to use a P-51 rudder.  Exact matches aren't critical, 
> simply having some feedback and learning that you must pay attention to 
> the feedback and develop a feel for what is right for a particular plane 
> is most of it.  With the sim plane being a bit different from the real 
> plane, you're simply learning two different planes.  It's still quite 
> useful to have the basic feedback even if it's not exact.
>And I'm not aware of any even $10 mil simulators that are more than 
> approximately real, even with a driven motor proper G forces have a 
> noticable effect on your legs, yet are incompletely modeled.  There's 
> only so much you can effectively do without getting in a real plane, I'm 
> just going for the basic 80 percent of it and leaving the other 5 or 10 
> percent that could possibly be done on the ground alone.  It should 
> still be quite effective for the cost.

The FAA defines tolerances that a sim builder needs to meet in order
to be certified.  Control forces are something they definitely pay
attention to.  Rudder force for some manuever might need to be within
5 lbs of the real thing for instance.  But if it takes 4 lbs of force
in the real airplane, that leaves you a bit of latitude.


Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] WGS84 changes

2003-12-18 Thread Curtis L. Olson

Why don't we go ahead and commit one of these since both sound a lot
better than what we have now.  Then we could do some timing tests and
see if we need to consider trading precision for faster performance.



Andy Ross writes:
> Norman Vine wrote:
> > Yes,  this was written before the 'standard' was adopted and we just
> > adopted it.
> >
> > I suggest that we use the attached geoc <-> geod transforms or a
> > massaged version of them to reflect what we want for an interface
> >
> > Note these are arguably 'the current standard' slightly modified by me
> > to just use WGS84 and to return the Earth radius at location
> This one (geoc->geod, the reverse transform is easy, and essentially
> identical to mine) is about 4x faster than the one I wrote, with a
> symmetric error about 1000x worse (7mm after a double transform,
> instead of 6nm).
> I like (most of, see below) the code size, which is very small.  I
> can't find that paper on the web, though, so unfortunately the
> algorithm is (literally, heh) greek to me.  Do you have a pointer to a
> copy?
> The implementation worries me a bit, though.  There's an elaborate
> dance that it does to try to special case the poles, which as far as I
> can tell is purely an attempt to avoid a divide by zero in the
> argument to atan().  (Pet peeve. That's what atan2() is for, ugh.)
> There is "error" checking for situations that shouldn't be errors
> (latitudes with magnitudes greater than 90° have an unambiguous
> interpretation and *can* occur in practice due to integer conversion
> issues, they aren't errors).
> Quite honestly, I like mine better.  Mostly because I wrote it and
> understand it better, obviously, but also because of the accuracy.
> The performance difference is real but IMHO irrelevant, and a ~1cm
> error is *just* at the limit of what a gear collision implementation
> can tolerate.  Stiff gear might have compression distances of only
> 10cm or so, which makes that spurious 7mm into a noticeable bump.
> Andy
> ___
> Flightgear-devel mailing list

Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] sample script

2003-12-19 Thread Curtis L. Olson
If anyone is interested in "external" scripting of FlightGear, I've
added another quick example to $fgsrc/scripts/perl/examples/

The script will reset FlightGear to a particular
airport/runway at a fixed interval (i.e. every 5 minutes.)  It also
sets the time of day to noon and makes sure the engine get's started.

This might be useful for a demo environment where you have a line of
kids wanting to take turns ...


Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: LiveCD for FGFS - suggestion

2003-12-21 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Martin Spott writes:
> Melchior FRANZ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > * Martin Spott -- Sunday 21 December 2003 00:07:
> >> I tend to include OpenSource drivers only, no proprietary stuff. 
> > I understand, but then the whole effort is pretty useless. There are
> > too many nVidia card users, and no open source 3D drivers for them.
> As you already said:
> "[...] The problems with licenses of different proprietary graphic
> cards aren't such a great motivation."
> I second that. Why shouldn't people use cards with OpenSource drivers
> for a presentation of an OpenSource flight simulator ?
> FlightGear developers are _that_ much careful when it's about including
> other people's work. Why shouldn't they take the same care for their
> graphics card drivers ?

The problem is that the best quality, highest performance cards are
either made by nvidia and ATI with binary only drivers.  The
open-source drivers have flaws and are lower quality.  I don't mean
that as a criticism, it's just that the in-house nvidia/ati developers
have a huge advantage over the open-source developers in terms of
access to card info and assistance with problems.  These binary only
drivers are given away for free; I personally don't have a problem
with using them.  People have to work and feed their families too.
Open-source is great, and I'm proud to be part of one of the larger
open source projects out there.  But personally, I don't mind if
FlightGear runs on top of proprietary operating systems or drivers
such as Mac OS, sgi, windows, solaris, or a binary nvidia driver on
linux.  There needs to be a balance between idealism and pragmatism.


Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: LiveCD for FGFS - suggestion

2003-12-21 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Martin Spott writes:
> Jon Stockill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > And the open source drivers don't support some of the newer ATI cards.
> Sorry, why do you buy cards that are not supported by OpenSource
> drivers ? You are developing OpenSource software, why don't you take
> care of that. I can't accept this as a valid argument.
> I do look out for drivers _before_ I buy a card for my or my customers'
> PeeCee (currently I don't even own a PC  ;-)

Is it sgi machines that you run on?

Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: LiveCD for FGFS - suggestion

2003-12-21 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Martin Spott writes:
> Not many, but on the other hand you won't have much trouble with the
> BIOS when you think about a standalone FlightGear CD. Dealing with a
> bunch of different kernel modules for autodetecting different vendors'
> cards might prove to end in a huge mess. This _is_ very pragmatic
> thinking,

I don't think this big mess is the fault of vendors with binary
drivers.  OpenGL support on Linux has historically been a big mess and
it's still a pain to get going on a lot of systems and especially for
new users.  Much of this is because Linux/XFree86 just didn't have
infrastructure to support it in the early days when 3d cards started
to become available for pc's.  If there had been a driver standard
when all this started, I'm sure companies like nvidia would have
adopted it.  But there wasn't (DRI was under development, but it just
wasn't there quickly enough.)  Nvidia chose to go their own route so
they could get drivers out the door.

But this discussion is getting very "political" and we do a *lot*
better if we concentrate on FlightGear rather than politics!


Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: LiveCD for FGFS - suggestion

2003-12-21 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Alex Perry writes:
> From: Martin Spott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Jon Stockill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > And the open source drivers don't support some of the newer ATI cards.
> > Sorry, why do you buy cards that are not supported by OpenSource
> > drivers ? You are developing OpenSource software, why don't you take
> > care of that. I can't accept this as a valid argument.
> > I do look out for drivers _before_ I buy a card for my or my customers'
> > PeeCee (currently I don't even own a PC  ;-)
> There is little point making a Linux based LiveCD of FGFS, if it can only be
> used on specific computers that a knowledgable person has already checked.
> With that constraint, we might as well either
> (a) do a full manual install of Linux with the driver downloading, or
> (b) use the Windows version of FGFS and set the CDROM up for AutoRun.
> Remember, the idea of the LiveCD was that people could use it at home.
> >From the pragmatic point of view, if (b) is the right way to go,  I've got
> no objections to making the script up on a Linux machine then burning a
> copy of the standard AutoRun FGFS image with the new script file inserted.
> I won't be able to _use_ the CDROM myself, but I can still hand it out ...


For what it's worth, the cd distribution I've assembled has a ready to
run copy of windows flightgear on it.  Just pop in the cd, double
click on the runfgfs.bat file and you are up and running.


Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: LiveCD for FGFS - suggestion

2003-12-22 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Hi Martin,

Martin Spott writes:
> Especially the mess with NVidia's drivers is the manufacturer's fault.
> ATI at least _tries_ to conform with the standards proposed by the DRI.
> With ATI you can copy the DRI driver module and the kernel module
> (after tweaking the build script) to the appropriate places.
> With NVidia (at least the last time I looked at their drivers) you have
> to:

I will address these points, since they are mostly false and/or

> a) Unload the kernel's GART module during the autodetection and load
>NVidia's special kernel module,

Nvidia's kernel module does have an AGP driver, but it is smart enough
to not activate this portion of the driver if the linux GART module is
already there.  As far as I know it has always been this way.
Depending on your system, one or the other may work better for you
though, so the nvidia readme encourages try the "other" one if you
have problems with the first.  And nvidia does provide full source for
their own kernel module.

> b) replace the OpenGL libraries,

Yes this is allowed.  Unfortunately XFree86/Mesa don't (or at least
didn't) put the opengl libs where the linux standard said they should,
nvidia did.  That causes a huge mess if you have multiple opengl libs
on your system and you aren't sure which one's your app is picking up.
Like I say, this was a big mess before nvidia got involved.
Especially consider that prior to that, the only way to do opengl in a
window on linux was with a voodoo3 card.  To get this running, you
pretty much had to grab XFree86 cvs tree and build it yourself.  This
was 100x harder to get running than the approach nvidia used.

> c) run a special X Server.

Nvidia gives you a new driver (nvidia vs. nv) for your X server, but
you have never needed a special X server.

> _This_ is what I'd call a huge mess.

I will continue to assert that what nvidia was trying to plug into was
already a huge mess in terms of supporting hardware accelerated opengl
within XFree86.  This is a hard problem and many smart people were
struggling with it.  They came up with a reasonable solution, DRI, but
it just wasn't ready to go when nvidia was ready to go.

You at least have to credit nvidia for going out on a bit of a limb at
the time to even support linux.  This was *huge* for people who had
been struggling along with voodoo1,2,3 cards and were living with very
frustrating bugs in Mesa or in mesa's interface to the voodoo cards.

Suddenly along came nvidia and we were able to get fast and correct
rendering for the first time ever under linux.  This was huge!  I
personally am very greatful to nvidia for this.  They made linux a
viable 3d platform.

> I don't like ATI's approach either but these guys show that things
> could have been done at least in a significant better way.  Yes,
> there was no 3D standard for Linux when 3D boards for PeeCees became
> affordable. But NVidia's driver effort was very late as well.  They
> _would_ have had the chance to stick to DRI standards but they
> simply don't have any interest into doing anything different from
> "their own way".

nvidia's effort was a *lot* earlier than ATI's.  Yes there was some
disappointment that they didn't follow the DRI standards, but I think
you can make a plausible argument that the DRI standard was not fully
fleshed out when nvidia started developing their linux drivers.

I still don't see how any of this rises to the level of causing
someone to boycott their company.

And as you say, you are running hp, sgi, and ibm machines.  I can't
imagine every byte of code on those machines is fully open source.  If
you are actually running all open source operating systems and drivers
on all these machines, then you are definitely not doing any opengl on
those machines.

Again, I see absolutely no problem with running the vendor's os, or
linux or whatever you want on those machines, but I find it a bit odd
that you are arguing so strongly for others to not run any proprietary
code or drivers, when clearly you must be doing this yourself.


Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: LiveCD for FGFS - suggestion

2003-12-22 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Martin writes:
> It became sort of a hobby to collect used Unix workstations. I have
> an Octane with MXI graphics and TRAM as workplace at home, but this
> machine (only 195 MHz) turned out not being able to keep up with
> recent development. Its CPU is simply too slow and can't cope with
> all the trees and buildings.  I still wonder why this brings the
> machine to its knees because there are a lot of applications out
> there, displaying fancy stuff on such a machine at reasonable frame
> rates. Maybe these applications' characteristics are not comparable
> to flight simulation and the software probab=F6y is specifically
> optimized for SGI's graphics subsyste= m.
> I also have a HP Visualize C240 (donation from a customer) but this
> one also has only 200 MHz CPU cycle. I have an RS6k with 200 MHz
> (per CPU, eight of them) which won't serve, the SPARC has only 90
> MHz (maximum, depending on what CPU set I put into it). The old
> Motorola based machines will be _waaay_ too slow.

Hi Martin,

So should I assume that you are running fully open-source operating
systems, and fully open-source drivers on all your own hardware?


> I have e workplace at a customer's location with a PC where I
> plugged my own graphics card which serves as temporary FlightGear
> testbed,

I would love to hear which card/drivers you are using at your
customer's location.  Are there any rendering bugs?  Any odd xserver
crashes?  What kind of performance are you getting compared to nvidia.

If you have found a rock solid, high performance, correctly rendering
open-source solution, I'm sure a lot of people would love to hear the
specific details.

For my day job I manage a research driving sim.  We run linux on all
our visual channels and are using nvidia hardware/drivers.  For this
system we can't tolerate driver crashes or rendering errors.  This
system isn't for play or hobby or expermentation, it is for doing
real, paid research so it needs to work all the time.  (To be fair,
there are many other reasons why it doesn't work all the time, but
none of them are video/3d/driver related.)

If there is a 3d card with open-source drivers that could perform as
well as nvidia in a do-or-die environment, I'd like to hear about it,
because to date, I have yet to see anything else that compares.


Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] LiveCD for FGFS - suggestion

2003-12-22 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Martin Spott writes:
> I never owned an NVidia card, so I can't compare performance. Maybe
> someone else has the opportunity to do that: Currently I have a
> Radeon7500 plugged into a Pentium3/600 (I believe this one is still
> running at 66 MHz external clock) with standard SuSE-9.0 XFree (built
> from XFree86- and the daily CVS build gives me 10 fps when
> sitting on the default location at noon.

Ideally what I like to shoot for is a solid 60hz.  If you set your
monitor to refresh at 60hz and then lock the rendering to the vblank
signal, (and you can get a solid 60hz out of flightgear) then you get
extremely smooth and fluid frame rates.  It's *really* nice.  It makes
those little frame rate blips and glitches seem incredibly annoying
after you've seen FG running at a solid 60hz.

> I've seen quite a lot of rendering errors and crashes during
> _development_ of the DRI (I've been testing DRI CVS trees almost since
> I got the first Radeon) and by trying out experimental features (T&L).
> The only drawback was the official release of XFree86-4.3, which was
> released with a completely outdated and buggy Radeon driver. David
> Dawes knew that when he did the release   :-/
> Linux distributors knew that as well and put a working one into their
> distros (as far as I remember). XFree86-4.4 will be an excellent choice
> as long as you stick to boards up to Radeon9200 (I'd have to look up
> these numbers because I didn't bother to remember).
> What people have already been suggesting in the 'early days' and what I
> refused to believe for quite a long period (which partially made me
> purchase my first SGI): The performance of the graphics card appears
> to have very little influence on the frame rate of FlightGear. At least
> I wasn't able to recognize any significant change when switching
> between these cards I mentioned above. Even the early PCI cards did a
> remarkable good job - with stock XFree86-4.x.

The newer cards are faster.  What that gives you is the ability to run
at higher resolutions and still maintian your target frame rate.  Or
it gives you the ability to turn up the FSAA and still hit your target
frame rate; or turn up anisotropic texture filtering and keep your
frame rates going.

FSAA can make a big difference in reducing aliasing artifacts and
anisotropic texture filtering can make the texture (especially the
runway marking textures) much sharper.  Definitely play with
these features if you haven't.

Unfortunately, the older middle-ages cards, just don't have the
horsepower to run these more advanced features at high resolution and
still keep a decent frame rate.  In my mind, that is the big win for
the newer cards.

As you point out, FG currently isn't using any advanced rendering
tricks of the newer cards.  Someday we'll probably want to look into
some spiffier graphical effects, but hey, people need a reason to buy
MSFS.  We aren't here to put anyone out of business. :-)


Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Merry Christmas

2003-12-24 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Merry Christmas from Minnesota.

I just received this so I thought I'd pass it along in case other's
hadn't seen it yet ...

Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'

Twas the night before Christmas and out on the ramp,
Not an airplane was stirring, not even a Champ.
The aircraft were fastened to tiedowns with care,
In hopes that come morning, they all would be there.

The fuel trucks were nestled, all snug in their spots,
With gusts from two-forty at thirty-nine knots.
I slumped at the fuel desk, now finally caught up,
And settled down comfortably, resting my butt.

When the radio lit up with noise and with chatter,
I turned up the scanner to see what was the matter.
A voice clearly heard over static and snow,
Called for clearance to land at the airport below.

He barked his transmission so lively and quick,
I'd have sworn that the call sign he used was "St. Nick."
I ran to the panel to turn up the lights,
The better to welcome his magical flight.

He called his position, no room for denial,
"St. Nicholas One, turnin' left onto final."
And what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a Rutan-built sleigh, with eight Rotax reindeer!

With vectors to final, down the glideslope he came.
As he passed all the fixes, he called them by name:
"Now Ringo! Now Tolga! Now Trini and Bacun!
On Comet! On Cupid!" What pills was he takin??

While controllers were sittin' and scratchin'  their heads,
They phoned up my office and I heard it with dread.
The message they left was both emphatic and dour;
"When the fat guy pulls in, have him please call the tower."

He landed like silk, the sled runners sparkling.
And I heard, "Left at Charlie," and "Taxi to parking."
He slowed to a taxi, turned off of three-oh,
And stopped on the ramp with a "Ho-ho, ho-ho."

He stepped out of the sleigh and smiled at my shock,
As I ran out to meet him with my best set of chocks.
His red helmet and goggles were covered with frost,
And his beard was all blackened from reindeer exhaust.

His breath smelled like peppermint, gone slightly stale,
And he puffed on a pipe, but he didn't inhale.
His cheeks were all rosy and jiggled like jelly,
His boots were as black as a cropduster's belly.

He was chubby and plump, in his suit of bright red,
And he asked me to "fill it, with hundred low-lead."
He came dashing in from the snow-covered pump,
I knew he was anxious to be drainin' the sump.

I spoke not a word but went straight to my work,
And filled up the sleigh, without being a jerk.
>From the restroom he returned with a sigh of relief,
Then picked up a phone for a Flight Service brief.

And I thought as he silently scribed in his log,
These reindeer could land in an eighth-mile fog.
He completed his pre-flight, from the front to the rear.
Then he put on his headset and I heard him yell, "Clear!"

And laying a finger on his push-to-talk,
He called up the tower for clearance and squawk.
"Take taxiway Charlie, the southbound direction,
Turn right three-two-zero at pilot's discretion."

He sped down the runway, the best of the best,
"Your traffic's a Grumman, inbound from the west."
And I heard him proclaim as he climbed through the night,
"Merry Christmas to all! I have traffic in sight."

- Anonymous -

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] SimGear CVS - error

2003-12-27 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Ok, should be fixed ...

> Am Samstag, 27. Dezember 2003 15:55 schrieb Jacek:
> > I have just tried to update from cvs:
> >
> > 
> > cvs update: Updating simgear/compatibility
> > cvs update: Updating simgear/compatibility/MIPSpro721
> > cvs update: failed to create lock directory for
> > `/var/cvs/SimGear-0.3/SimGear/simgear/compatibility/MIPSpro721'
> > (/var/cvs/SimGear-0.3/SimGear/simgear/compatibility/MIPSpro721/#cvs.lock):
> > Permission denied
> > cvs update: failed to obtain dir lock in repository
> > `/var/cvs/SimGear-0.3/SimGear/simgear/compatibility/MIPSpro721'
> > cvs [update aborted]: read lock failed - giving up
> >
> > I have never seen this before. Any suggestion?
> > Regards, Jacek.
> >
> >
> I have the same problem.
> I decided to wait until the problem is fixed. :)
> Best Regards,
>  Oliver C.
> ___
> Flightgear-devel mailing list

Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] SimGear CVS - error

2003-12-27 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Erik Hofman writes:
> Curtis L. Olson wrote:
> > Ok, should be fixed ...
> >>>(/var/cvs/SimGear-0.3/SimGear/simgear/compatibility/MIPSpro721/#cvs.lock):
> >>>Permission denied
> Do you have any idea what is causing these problems?
> As far as I can tell everything went smooth.

When new directories are created, they don't seem to automatically get
the correct group id.  I haven't had time to look into the problem.

Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Re: [Flightgear-cvslogs] CVS: data/Aircraft/dc3/Models, 1.7, 1.8 dc3-dpm.xml, 1.10, 1.11

2003-12-29 Thread Curtis L. Olson
David, (Andy?)

It appears that in the latest cvs, we have lost the ability to control
the engines independently.  Previously you could type 
  ... etc. to select an engine.  Then '{' and '}'
would select the magnetos.  Finally, "space bar" would kick in the
starter motor for as long as it was depressed.

This seems to only work for , but applies to all engines, not
just the first one.

Any ideas?

Also, the dc3 model animation appears to still have some references to
engine[0] for the right prop animation.  I will commit a fix for that.



David Megginson writes:
> Update of /var/cvs/FlightGear-0.9/data/Aircraft/dc3/Models
> In directory baron:/tmp/cvs-serv4608/Models
> Modified Files:
> dc3-dpm.xml 
> Log Message:
> Add a propeller disk for the right propeller as well.
> Select propeller disk at 500 rpm or above.
> Index:
> ===
> RCS file: /var/cvs/FlightGear-0.9/data/Aircraft/dc3/Models/,v
> retrieving revision 1.7
> retrieving revision 1.8
> diff -C2 -r1.7 -r1.8
> *** dc3-dpm.ac20 Nov 2003 10:03:37 -  1.7
> --- dc3-dpm.ac29 Dec 2003 21:34:32 -  1.8
> ***
> *** 8339,8340 
> --- 8339,8571 
>   32 0.5 0.5
>   kids 0
> + OBJECT poly
> + name "RightPropeller.Fast"
> + loc -0.729208 -1.53638 -2.90127
> + numvert 33
> + 0 0 1.55
> + 0 0.30239 1.52022
> + 0 0.593159 1.43201
> + 0 0.861134 1.28878
> + 0 1.09602 1.09601
> + 0 1.28878 0.861133
> + 0 1.43201 0.59316
> + 0 1.52022 0.302391
> + 0 1.55 0
> + 0 1.52022 -0.30239
> + 0 1.43201 -0.593159
> + 0 1.28878 -0.861134
> + 0 1.09602 -1.09601
> + 0 0.861134 -1.28878
> + 0 0.593159 -1.43201
> + 0 0.30239 -1.52022
> + 0 -1.19209e-007 -1.55
> + 0 -0.30239 -1.52022
> + 0 -0.593159 -1.43201
> + 0 -0.861134 -1.28878
> + 0 -1.09602 -1.09601
> + 0 -1.28878 -0.861134
> + 0 -1.43201 -0.593159
> + 0 -1.52022 -0.30239
> + 0 -1.55 4.76837e-007
> + 0 -1.52022 0.302391
> + 0 -1.43201 0.59316
> + 0 -1.28878 0.861134
> + 0 -1.09602 1.09601
> + 0 -0.861134 1.28878
> + 0 -0.593159 1.43201
> + 0 -0.30239 1.52022
> + 0 0 0
> + numsurf 32
> + SURF 0x20
> + mat 3
> + refs 3
> + 0 1 0.5
> + 1 0.990393 0.597545
> + 32 0.5 0.5
> + SURF 0x20
> + mat 3
> + refs 3
> + 1 0.990393 0.597545
> + 2 0.96194 0.691342
> + 32 0.5 0.5
> + SURF 0x20
> + mat 3
> + refs 3
> + 2 0.96194 0.691342
> + 3 0.915735 0.85
> + 32 0.5 0.5
> + SURF 0x20
> + mat 3
> + refs 3
> + 3 0.915735 0.85
> + 4 0.853553 0.853553
> + 32 0.5 0.5
> + SURF 0x20
> + mat 3
> + refs 3
> + 4 0.853553 0.853553
> + 5 0.85 0.915735
> + 32 0.5 0.5
> + SURF 0x20
> + mat 3
> + refs 3
> + 5 0.85 0.915735
> + 6 0.691342 0.96194
> + 32 0.5 0.5
> + SURF 0x20
> + mat 3
> + refs 3
> + 6 0.691342 0.96194
> + 7 0.597545 0.990393
> + 32 0.5 0.5
> + SURF 0x20
> + mat 3
> + refs 3
> + 7 0.597545 0.990393
> + 8 0.5 1
> + 32 0.5 0.5
> + SURF 0x20
> + mat 3
> + refs 3
> + 8 0.5 1
> + 9 0.402455 0.990393
> + 32 0.5 0.5
> + SURF 0x20
> + mat 3
> + refs 3
> + 9 0.402455 0.990393
> + 10 0.308658 0.96194
> + 32 0.5 0.5
> + SURF 0x20
> + mat 3
> + refs 3
> + 10 0.308658 0.96194
> + 11 0.15 0.915735
> + 32 0.5 0.5
> + SURF 0x20
> + mat 3
> + refs 3
> + 11 0.15 0.915735
> + 12 0.146447 0.853553
> + 32 0.5 0.5
> + SURF 0x20
> + mat 3
> + refs 3
> + 12 0.146447 0.853553
> + 13 0.0842652 0.85
> + 32 0.5 0.5
> + SURF 0x20
> + mat 3
> + refs 3
> + 13 0.0842652 0.85
> + 14 0.0380602 0.691342
> + 32 0.5 0.5
> + SURF 0x20
> + mat 3
> + refs 3
> + 14 0.0380602 0.691342
> + 15 0.00960734 0.597545
> + 32 0.5 0.5
> + SURF 0x20
> + mat 3
> + refs 3
> + 15 0.00960734 0.597545
> + 16 0 0.5
> + 32 0.5 0.5
> + SURF 0x20
> + mat 3
> + refs 3
> + 16 0 0.5
> + 17 0.00960739 0.402455
> + 32 0.5 0.5
> + SURF 0x20
> + mat 3
> + refs 3
> + 17 0.00960739 0.402455
> + 18 0.0380602 0.308658
> + 32 0.5 0.5
> + SURF 0x20
> + mat 3
> + refs 3
> + 18 0.0380602 0.308658
> + 19 0.0842652 0.15
> + 32 0.5 0.5
> + SURF 0x20
> + mat 3
> + refs 3
> + 19 0.0842652 0.15
> + 20 0.146447 0.146447
> + 32 0.5 0.5
> + SURF 0x20
> + mat 3
> + refs 3
> + 20 0.146447 0.146447
> + 21 0.15 0.0842651
> + 32 0.5 0.5
> + SURF 0x20
> + mat 3
> + refs 3
> + 21 0.15 0.0842651
> + 22 0.308658 0.0380602
> + 32 0.5 0.5
> + SURF 0x20
> + mat 3
> + refs 3
> + 22 0.308658 0.0380602
> + 23 0.402455 0.00960733
> + 32 0.5 0.5
> + SURF 0x20
> + mat 3
> + refs 3
> + 23 0.402455 0.00960733
> + 24 0.5 0
> + 32 0.5 0.5
> + SURF 0x20
> + mat 3
> + refs 3
> + 24 0.5 0
> + 25 0.597545 0.00960738
> + 32 0.5 0.5
> + SURF 0x20
> + mat 3
> + refs 3
> + 25 0.597545 0.00960738
> + 26 0.691342 0.0380603
> + 32 0.5 0.5
> + SURF 0x20
> + mat 3
> + refs 3
> + 26 0.691342 0.0380603
> + 27 0.85 0.0842652
> + 32 0.5 0.5
> + SURF 0x20
> + mat 3
> + refs 3
> + 27 0.85 0.0842652
> + 28 0.853553 0.146447
> + 32 0.5 0.5
> + SURF 0x20
> + mat 3
> + refs 3
> + 28 0.853553 0.146447
> + 29 0.915735 0.15
> + 32 0.5 0.5

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: [Flightgear-cvslogs] CVS: data/Aircraft/dc3/Models, 1.7, 1.8 dc3-dpm.xml, 1.10, 1.11

2003-12-29 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Andy Ross writes:
> Curtis L. Olson wrote:
> > David, (Andy?)
> >
> > It appears that in the latest cvs, we have lost the ability to control
> > the engines independently.
> This one is mine.  The recent Nasal stuff contains a rework of the
> engine handling to allow for arbitrary numbers of engines, and avoid
> the "why are there 10 engines on the skyhawk?" issue.

The engine selection code seems to work ok based on examining the
property tree.

It seems like the stepMagnetos() and startEngine() routines must be at
fault.  But I agree, from an initial reading, I don't see any obvious

I see this also with --aircraft=c310 which I believe is a jsbsim

> > Previously you could type... etc. to
> > select an engine.  Then '{' and '}' would select the magnetos.
> > Finally, "space bar" would kick in the starter motor for as long as it
> > was depressed.
> Let me take a look.  I presume you're seeing this with the DC-3?  The
> code (selectEngine(), stepMagnetos() and startEngine() in
> controls.nas) looks more or less correct at first reading.  I'm pretty
> sure I remember testing this with a multiengine aircraft...

Ok, thanks for looking into this, hopefully it is something simple.

Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: [Flightgear-cvslogs] CVS: data/Aircraft/dc3/Models, 1.7, 1.8 dc3-dpm.xml, 1.10, 1.11

2003-12-29 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Jon S Berndt writes:
> On Mon, 29 Dec 2003 15:49:30 -0600
>   "Curtis L. Olson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >David, (Andy?)
> >
> >It appears that in the latest cvs, we have lost the ability to control
> >the engines independently.  Previously you could type 
> >  ... etc. to select an engine.  Then '{' and '}'
> >would select the magnetos.  Finally, "space bar" would kick in the
> >starter motor for as long as it was depressed.
> Was this an FDM-dependent problem? Or, was it for all FDM's?

It appears (to me) to be a property setting problem.  Andy, does nasal
have the ability to dump console output for temporary debugging?

Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: [Flightgear-cvslogs] CVS: data/Aircraft/dc3/Models, 1.7, 1.8 dc3-dpm.xml, 1.10, 1.11

2003-12-29 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Andy Ross writes:
> Curtis L. Olson wrote:
> > David, (Andy?)
> >
> > It appears that in the latest cvs, we have lost the ability to control
> > the engines independently.
> This one is mine.  The recent Nasal stuff contains a rework of the
> engine handling to allow for arbitrary numbers of engines, and avoid
> the "why are there 10 engines on the skyhawk?" issue.
> > Previously you could type... etc. to
> > select an engine.  Then '{' and '}' would select the magnetos.
> > Finally, "space bar" would kick in the starter motor for as long as it
> > was depressed.
> Let me take a look.  I presume you're seeing this with the DC-3?  The
> code (selectEngine(), stepMagnetos() and startEngine() in
> controls.nas) looks more or less correct at first reading.  I'm pretty
> sure I remember testing this with a multiengine aircraft...

For what it's worth, I can control the engines independently if I
manually manipulate the correct properties, so this has to be some
problem with the nasal scripts not setting the properties correctly.


Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: [Flightgear-cvslogs] CVS: data/Aircraft/dc3/Models, 1.7, 1.8 dc3-dpm.xml, 1.10, 1.11

2003-12-29 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Andy Ross writes:
> Curtis L. Olson wrote:
> > David, (Andy?)
> >
> > It appears that in the latest cvs, we have lost the ability to control
> > the engines independently.
> This one is mine.  The recent Nasal stuff contains a rework of the
> engine handling to allow for arbitrary numbers of engines, and avoid
> the "why are there 10 engines on the skyhawk?" issue.
> > Previously you could type... etc. to
> > select an engine.  Then '{' and '}' would select the magnetos.
> > Finally, "space bar" would kick in the starter motor for as long as it
> > was depressed.
> Let me take a look.  I presume you're seeing this with the DC-3?  The
> code (selectEngine(), stepMagnetos() and startEngine() in
> controls.nas) looks more or less correct at first reading.  I'm pretty
> sure I remember testing this with a multiengine aircraft...


The following line is failing in the stepMagneto() and startEngine()
functions.  If the first engine is selected, this returns 1 for every
engine.  If any other engine is selected, this returns 0.

select = sel.getChild("engine", i);

Could there be a bug in this form of getChild()?

If I rewrite the function to avoid using getChild() things work again,
for instance:

startEngine = func {
sels = props.globals.getNode("/sim/input/selected").getChildren("engine");
engs = props.globals.getNode("/controls/engines").getChildren("engine");
count = size(sels);
if (size(engs) < count) {
count = size(engs);
for(i=0; i

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: [Flightgear-cvslogs] CVS: data/Aircraft/dc3/Models, 1.7, 1.8 dc3-dpm.xml, 1.10, 1.11

2003-12-29 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Andy Ross writes:
> Sure, there's a print() function which uses SG_LOG; for exactly this
> purpose.  There's even a fancy dump() method on a property node that
> you can use to dump a property tree to the console.

Ok, thanks, I eventually found it.  Quite useful, thanks. :-)

> It turns out to be a missing feature in the C++ code.  The
> Node.getChild() function worked for the getChild(name) variant, but
> silently ignored the second argument for a getChild(name, index).  I
> just forgot to write it, apparently. :)
> An additional issue was that the number of /sim/selected/engines[n]
> properties (one) in the default configuration didn't match the
> actual number of engines, so engine 2 would always look
> "unselected".  I fixed this via a Nasal hack that patches things up
> after initialization, but we should consider unifying these trees
> somehow (for example, by putting the selected properties under
> /controls/engines).

I will vote for moving this into the tree with the engine controls.
That should make the code a bit simpler.  


Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Output/Input of IGC files for FG

2003-12-29 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Pablo J. Rogina writes:
> I was following the FG evolution since a long time, and I´m now willing to
> to get involved to Flightgear. I think is quite a project where I´m to be
> able to merge two of my hobbies: aviation and computing.
> In order to contribute, I've selected to provide FG with the ability to
> read/write IGC files, a format developed by the International Gliding
> Commission used mainly in flight recorders aboard sailplanes in order to
> register the flight during a tournament.
> I´ve posted the same goal back in August 2002, but several personal
> considerations made me unable to write the appropiate code. Now I'm released
> from some obligatons, and hope to have enough time to indeed complete this
> feature.
> I think allowing FG to read/write IGC files could provide some new
> capabilities, to mention a few:
> * Replay actual flights recorded with real flightrecorders: this will allow
> pilots to review their flights from within FG, being able to watch to the
> environment, the instruments, etc. that somehow could be missed to them
> during the actual flight (as they´re busy trying to do their best flight)
> * Record a simulated flight in whatever plane used in FG and then visualize
> that flight in 3D through several available commercial and also open source
> software (KFlog or GPLIGC
>  This add a new
> dimension (altitude) over plotting the course over a map (using for example
> Atlas).
> * For flightrecorder manufacters, could allow using FG as a simulation
> engine to test their recorders
> If you think the proposal is acceptable, I´ll start to work on it. Any
> project leader/developer who I have to report to?
> Thanks in advance for your attention.
> Pablo J. Rogina

Hi Pablo,

This sounds interesting and useful.  Feel free to email me about it
offline, but it sounds like you just need to add a protocal module in
$fgfs/src/Network/ (this is maybe growing into a slight misnomer, but
that is where you'd want to put it.)


Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Terrain shadows and VASI

2003-12-29 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Hoyt A. Fleming writes:
> A month or so ago I noticed that the VASI lights vary based upon the pitch
> of the aircraft.

This is a bug (or implimentation limitation) or whatever you want to
call it.  It's high on the todo list to be fixed.

> Over the holiday break, I noticed that the terrain shadows also vary
> based upon the pitch of the aircraft.

Strange, I've never noticed this myself.  Can you describe some simple
procedure to demonstate the problem.  I just went up for a test flight
and wasn't able to notice anything along these lines.

> I spent a couple of hours tracing the lighting code but did not
> locate any location to compensate for the pitch of the aircraft.  If
> anyone can provide a pointer to the appropriate routine to fix the
> lighting problem, I am willing to take a crack at it.

The only thing I can think of is if there are specular attributes
associated with the terrain surface, these may cause lighting changes
when the view direction changes.  But I don't see this happening


Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Repeatable VASI light observations

2003-12-29 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Originally I tried to leverage an environment mapping trick to
impliment the VASI.  However, my understanding of how this work was
not quite right, nor was the understanding of the person who suggested
this trick in the first place.  The result is that the VASI is
dependent on the view direction, and not on your relative position to
the VASI.  This is clearly wrong and I need to backup and do it over.
This is high on my todo list, but it will involve a substantial amount
of effort to do correctly.  There is no trivial fix to be had here.
We need a complete reimplimentation from scratch.  I was hoping for
some time over the holidays, but most of my time is getting sucked up
with family obligations and events and get togethers.  And my wife
thinks she should be seeing progress on our basement remodeling



Dave Perry writes:
> I have posted this observation before.  but since the topic came up 
> again, I will post this again.
> I have the "hat switch" configured so it allows smooth changes in vies 
> as if I am moving my head (hen inside the plane) or moving my view point 
> and view direction in an outside view.
> When in an outside view
> 1.   If  my vasi view line is below the center of the aircraft, all the 
> lights are white.
> 2.   If my vasi view line is above the center of the aircraft, all the 
> light are red.
> 3.  If my vasi view line passes throught the center of the aircraft. 
> half the lights are red and half are white.
> Its as if the light color is determined by where the aircraft is 
> relative to my line of sight to the vasi lights instead being determined 
> by where the aircraft is relative to the 3 degree line.
>  From the normal inside view, all the lights stay red as the center of 
> the aircraft is still below my eyes (i.e. plane location is below the 
> line of sight to the vasi lights). 
> If I knew where to look in the code, I would look to see if the wrong 
> decision reference is being used (plane location wrt line of sight 
> instead of plane location wrt 3 degree line).
> Hope this helps,
> dave
> ___
> Flightgear-devel mailing list

Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Repeatable VASI light observations

2003-12-29 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Dave Perry writes:
> When in an outside view
> 1.   If  my vasi view line is below the center of the aircraft, all the 
> lights are white.
> 2.   If my vasi view line is above the center of the aircraft, all the 
> light are red.
> 3.  If my vasi view line passes throught the center of the aircraft. 
> half the lights are red and half are white.
> Its as if the light color is determined by where the aircraft is 
> relative to my line of sight to the vasi lights instead being determined 
> by where the aircraft is relative to the 3 degree line.
>  From the normal inside view, all the lights stay red as the center of 
> the aircraft is still below my eyes (i.e. plane location is below the 
> line of sight to the vasi lights). 
> If I knew where to look in the code, I would look to see if the wrong 
> decision reference is being used (plane location wrt line of sight 
> instead of plane location wrt 3 degree line).

I did some work this evening in simgear/flightgear to track some
additional vasi positional information so that I can then compute the
angle and correct color.  This is a first stab and the result is a
gross simplification of what really happens.  There are some things I
still need to research adn think about, and an item or two I know
isn't quite right.  But the vasi/papi lights are now colored by your
approach angle and not your view angle which is a big improvement.

I'll need to spend some more time on this to get the remaining issues
ironed out, so please don't panic if they don't look quite right yet.


Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Repeatable VASI light observations

2003-12-30 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Curtis L. Olson writes:
> I did some work this evening in simgear/flightgear to track some
> additional vasi positional information so that I can then compute the
> angle and correct color.  This is a first stab and the result is a
> gross simplification of what really happens.  There are some things I
> still need to research adn think about, and an item or two I know
> isn't quite right.  But the vasi/papi lights are now colored by your
> approach angle and not your view angle which is a big improvement.
> I'll need to spend some more time on this to get the remaining issues
> ironed out, so please don't panic if they don't look quite right yet.

Ok, I'm still up ... I was on a roll so I kept going.  I just checked
in one more round of changes that will properly color the
upwind/downwind bars of the VASI and the 4 individual lights of the

This should be a significant improvement over what we had previously.


Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] DC-3 3d cockpit

2004-01-05 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Josh Babcock writes:
> Actually, I think that I nuked the base makefile by unzipping the patch 
> in that directory.  That brings me back to the original problem, which 
> is that I can't log into the CVS repository.  I guess I'll just keep 
> trying.  I tried applying the patches to the regular plib distribution 
> and they compiled alright, but after rebuilding flightgear i didn't see 
> any changes.

Plib is hosted at source forge and apparently they are still
struggling with spotty access to the cvs repository.  I think that if
you keep trying you will eventually get through.  Otherwise, I think
they also make a snapshot of the latest source available for ftp/http


Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Glideslope on KSFO 28R ?

2004-01-05 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Victoria Welch writes:
>   I've been burried here lately and haven't had a chance to try 
> someplace else yet, but is there no glideslope on the ils there or 
> do I have a problem?  The glide slope indicator never uncages - 
> just stays centered (c172, C310).

The glide slope should be working.  Are you sure you have the proper
ILS approach frequency dialed in (i.e. 111.70 for KSFO, 28R), or did
you leave the VOR frequency active (115.70)?

> But the VASI works now :-) :-) :-) so all is not lost except in low 
> vis approaches :).

Isn't that why you always bring along a duck and a cat?  The cat
always lands on his feet so you can always figure out which way is
up.  I forget what you use the duck for.  That reminds me, I still
want to try tying two cats together back to back and dropping them to
see what happens.

Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] c172-610x

2004-01-06 Thread Curtis L. Olson

Try this:

fgfs --aircraft=c172-610x-jsbsim

Intentionally, the c172-610x doesn't have an internal fdm definition
so it only works if the fdm information is coming from some external
source.  To say it another way, the c172-610x *allows* you to specify
an external fdm source which is very important for one project I'm
involved in.

However, I can see the confustion this arrangement might cause, so I
have shuffled the naming around just a bit.  So now you can run:

fgfs --aircraft=c172-610x
fgfs --aircraft=c172-610x-jsbsim

And the original c172-610x is renamed to:

fgfs --aircraft=c172-610x-null

In this last one, I've explicitely requested the null fdm so it won't
die on startup.  It will come up and do nothing until you start
feeding it data externally.



Gerhard Wesp writes:
> Hi,
> I just wanted to try out the c172-610x with the HighRes-Panel, but
> somehow it doesn't work for me:  The FG window appears, some messages
> (pasted below) also, and then all of a sudden without apparent cause FG
> stops (at ``JSBSim startup beginning''):
> FlightGear:  Version MSVC7-WIN32-0.9.3
> Built with Microsoft Visual C++ version 1300
> Scanning command line for: --fg-root=
> fg_root = c:/Program Files/FlightGear-0.9.3/data/
> Reading global preferences
> Finished Reading global preferences
> Unable to detect the language
> Selecting language: C
> Reading localized strings from c:/Program 
> Files/FlightGear-0.9.3/data//Translations/strings-default.xml
> Scanning command line for: --aircraft=
> aircraft = c172-610x
> Reading default aircraft: c172-610x from c:/Program 
> Files/FlightGear-0.9.3/data//Aircraft/c172/c172-610x-set.xml
> Processing config file: c:/Program Files/FlightGear-0.9.3/data//system.fgfsrc
> initializing cloud layers
>  texture = c:/Program Files/FlightGear-0.9.3/data//Textures/Sky/overcast.rgb
>  texture = c:/Program Files/FlightGear-0.9.3/data//Textures/Sky/broken.rgba
>  texture = c:/Program Files/FlightGear-0.9.3/data//Textures/Sky/scattered.rgba
>  texture = c:/Program Files/FlightGear-0.9.3/data//Textures/Sky/few.rgba
>  texture = c:/Program Files/FlightGear-0.9.3/data//Textures/Sky/cirrus.rgba
> Cannot open file: c:/Program Files/FlightGear-0.9.3/data//Scenery/Objects.txt
> Skipping bad material entry params
> Tile not found (Ok if initializing)
>  JSBSim Flight Dynamics Model v0.9.4
> FlightGear aborting
> [cfg file spec v1.60]
> JSBSim startup beginning ...
> The contents of my system.fgfsrc is:
> --fg-root=C:/Program Files/FlightGear-0.9.3/data
> --fg-scenery=C:/Program Files/FlightGear-0.9.3/data/Scenery
> --control=mouse
> --browser-app=webrun.bat
> --disable-splash-screen
> --disable-intro-music
> --enable-random-objects
> --disable-sound
> --disable-hud-3d
> --enable-enhanced-lighting
> --enable-distance-attenuation
> --bpp=32
> --time-match-local
> --log-level=warn
> This is the 0.9.3 binary installed on Windows XP.
> Thanks for any help!
> -Gerhard
> ___
> Flightgear-devel mailing list

Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] c172-610x

2004-01-06 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Gerhard Wesp writes:
> > fgfs --aircraft=c172-610x-jsbsim
> Already tried this on the Windows version, didn't work too.

Strange, it works for me here.

> I've now just installed the Linux Debian packages (0.9.3) by Ove
> Kaaven.  On this platform, I get:
> debian ~% fgfs --aircraft=c172-610x-jsbsim
> FlightGear:  Version unknown version
> Built with GNU C++ version 3.3
> Scanning command line for: --fg-root=
> fg_root = /usr/share/games/FlightGear
> Reading global preferences
> Finished Reading global preferences
> Unable to detect the language
> Selecting language: C
> Reading localized strings from
> /usr/share/games/FlightGear/Translations/strings-default.xml
> Scanning command line for: --aircraft=
> aircraft = c172-610x-jsbsim
> Reading default aircraft: c172-610x-jsbsim from
> /usr/share/games/FlightGear/Aircraft/c172/c172-610x-jsbsim-set.xml
> Error reading default aircraft: Failed to open file
>  at /usr/share/games/FlightGear/Aircraft/c172/c172r-jsbsim-base.xml

Strange, I'm not sure what to say, other than it is working for me
here under Debian gnu linux.

> Note that c172-610x-jsbsim doesn't exist in --show_aircraft!

It is showing up for me here.  Maybe somehow it didn't get included in
the official release ??

Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] c172-610x

2004-01-06 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Gerhard Wesp writes:
> > And the original c172-610x is renamed to:
> > 
> > fgfs --aircraft=c172-610x-null
> > 
> Which gave me the idea of trying
> fgfs --aircraft=c172-610x --fdm=null
> and this works!  Looks great!  But it's upside down!!  How can I change
> this?

There should be a property in the -set.xml file that controls if the
panel is flipped or not.

> Also, would it be possible to give a FDM explicitly on the command line for
> --aircraft=c172-610x?

It used to be, but at some point we moved towards defining all this in
the .xml files and I don't think we can override the fdm choice from
the command line anymore.

Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] DC-3 3d cockpit

2004-01-06 Thread Curtis L. Olson
You should also check *very* carefully to make sure you don't have a
stray packaged copy of plib installed on your system somewhere.  If
that was built with a different version of the compiler (very
plausible) then you would see errors similar to what you are



Josh Babcock writes:
> Hmm, I compiled and installed plib, then did a make clean, make and make 
> install on simgear, then a make clean on FlightGear, and the make for 
> Flightgerar still gives the same kind of error:
> g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../../src/Include -I../.. -I../../src 
> -I/usr/X11R6/include -DPKGLIBDIR=\"/usr/local/lib/FlightGear\" -g -O2 
> -D_REENTRANT -c -o viewmgr.o `test -f viewmgr.cxx || echo './'`viewmgr.cxx
> rm -f libMain.a
> ar cru libMain.a main.o fg_commands.o fg_init.o fg_io.o fg_props.o 
> globals.o logger.o options.o splash.o util.o viewer.o viewmgr.o
> ranlib libMain.a
> source='bootstrap.cxx' object='bootstrap.o' libtool=no \
> depfile='.deps/bootstrap.Po' tmpdepfile='.deps/bootstrap.TPo' \
> depmode=gcc3 /bin/sh ../../depcomp \
> g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../../src/Include -I../.. -I../../src 
> -I/usr/X11R6/include -DPKGLIBDIR=\"/usr/local/lib/FlightGear\" -g -O2 
> -D_REENTRANT -c -o bootstrap.o `test -f bootstrap.cxx || echo 
> './'`bootstrap.cxx
> g++ -DPKGLIBDIR=\"/usr/local/lib/FlightGear\" -g -O2 -D_REENTRANT 
> -L/usr/X11R6/lib -o fgfs bootstrap.o ../../src/Main/libMain.a 
> ../../src/Aircraft/libAircraft.a ../../src/ATC/libATC.a 
> ../../src/Autopilot/libAutopilot.a ../../src/Cockpit/libCockpit.a 
> ../../src/Cockpit/built_in/libBuilt_in.a 
> ../../src/Controls/libControls.a ../../src/FDM/libFlight.a 
> ../../src/FDM/Balloon/libBalloon.a 
> ../../src/FDM/ExternalNet/libExternalNet.a 
> ../../src/FDM/ExternalPipe/libExternalPipe.a 
> ../../src/FDM/JSBSim/libJSBSim.a ../../src/FDM/YASim/libYASim.a 
> ../../src/FDM/JSBSim/filtersjb/libfiltersjb.a 
> ../../src/FDM/LaRCsim/libLaRCsim.a 
> ../../src/FDM/UIUCModel/libUIUCModel.a ../../src/GUI/libGUI.a 
> ../../src/Input/libInput.a 
> ../../src/Instrumentation/libInstrumentation.a 
> ../../src/Model/libModel.a ../../src/Network/libNetwork.a 
> ../../src/Navaids/libNavaids.a ../../src/Scenery/libScenery.a 
> ../../src/Sound/libSound.a ../../src/Airports/libAirports.a 
> ../../src/MultiPlayer/libMultiPlayer.a ../../src/Objects/libObjects.a 
> ../../src/Replay/libReplay.a ../../src/Systems/libSystems.a 
> ../../src/Time/libTime.a ../../src/Environment/libEnvironment.a 
> -lsgclouds3d -lsgroute -lsgsky -lsgsound -lsgephem -lsgmaterial -lsgtgdb 
> -lsgmodel -lsgtiming -lsgio -lsgscreen -lsgmath -lsgbucket -lsgprops 
> -lsgdebug -lsgmagvar -lsgmisc -lsgxml -lsgsound -lsgserial -lsgstructure 
> -lsgthreads -lpthread -lplibpu -lplibfnt -lplibjs -lplibnet -lplibssg 
> -lplibsg -lplibul -lz -lglut -lGLU -lGL -lXmu -lXt -lSM -lICE -lXi 
> -lXext -lX11 -ldl -lm -lplibsl -lplibsm
> ../../src/Main/libMain.a(main.o)(.text+0x804): In function 
> `trRenderFrame()':
> ../../src/Scenery/scenery.hxx:369: undefined reference to 
> `ssgCullAndDraw(ssgRoot*)'
> ../../src/Main/libMain.a(main.o)(.text+0x844):../../src/Scenery/scenery.hxx:369: 
> undefined reference to `ssgCullAndDraw(ssgRoot*)'
> ../../src/Main/libMain.a(main.o)(.text+0x858):../../src/Scenery/scenery.hxx:369: 
> undefined reference to `ssgCullAndDraw(ssgRoot*)'
> ../../src/Main/libMain.a(main.o)(.text+0x1377): In function 
> `fgRenderFrame()':
> ../../src/Scenery/scenery.hxx:369: undefined reference to 
> `ssgCullAndDraw(ssgRoot*)'
> ../../src/Main/libMain.a(main.o)(.text+0x13b0):../../src/Scenery/scenery.hxx:369: 
> undefined reference to `ssgCullAndDraw(ssgRoot*)'
> ../../src/Main/libMain.a(main.o)(.text+0x13ce):../../src/Scenery/scenery.hxx:369: 
> more undefined references to `ssgCullAndDraw(ssgRoot*)' follow
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
> make[2]: *** [fgfs] Error 1
> make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/FlightGear-0.9.3/src/Main'
> make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/FlightGear-0.9.3/src'
> make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
> After re-installing the regular 1.6.0 distribution of plib and cleaning, 
> making and installing plib, SimGear and FlightGear, everything is back 
> the way it was before. Something is definitely broken with the patch, it 
> is the only thing that I changed between the two builds. Is it possible 
> that I picked up a bug in FlightGear from CVS recently and the plib 
> patch is activating it?
> Josh
> Andy Ross wrote:
> >Josh Babcock wrote:
> >  
> >
> >>OK, the snapshot file solves that problem, but I think that main.o >
> >>is failing to link.  See here:
> >>
> >>
> >
> >You swapped plib versions, but still have some SimGear and/or
> >FlightGear files compiled against the old one.  In general, C++
> >libraries aren't binary compatible across versions.  You need to do a
> >complete rebuild.
> >
> >Andy
> >
> >
> >___
> >Flightgear

Re: [Flightgear-devel] DC-3 3d cockpit

2004-01-07 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Jim Wilson writes:
> Andy Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> > Jim Wilson wrote:
> > > Note, I'm suggesting adding Andy's work to plib as an alternative
> > > optimizer function, not a replacement for the current code.
> > 
> > No need for this.  They produce identical results if you set the sharp
> > angle to 180 degrees.
> Theoretically yes, but are you sure of that?
> >  All someone needs to do is export the value via
> > the loader API.
> > 
> > I give up on the plib folks.  All reports are that the current version
> > of this patch produces better looking models in all cases.  Are there
> > any real-world cases where we want something different?
> Got me.  I'm not involved directly with that project.  I guess I'm taking the
> conservative approach.  We certainly aren't the only users.
> If the patch was finished, with the support for the old method (or an exact
> match as you mentioned above) then I can't imagine that the plib folks would
> not accept the patch.  Steve seemed to support the idea of alternate
> optimizers and like you said all reports are good.  When it is ready I'm sure
> all the Flight Gear folks including yours truly will lobby for it and it will
> get in.

I'd love to see this get into plib too.  Maybe it's time to ask about
it on the plib list and try and pin them down on exactly what their
objections are if any, and if there aren't any maybe a reminder or two
would be all it takes to get someone to apply the changes.

Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Dead links on the FG website

2004-01-08 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Frederic BOUVIER writes:
> Hi Curt,
> the 'Contributors' link give 404. The link 'thanks.html' should be
> 'thanks.shtml'. 

Thanks for catching this ...

Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] autopilot, maintaining elevation

2004-01-08 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Seamus Thomas Carroll writes:
> I am playing with the autopilot and maintaining an altitidue above sea 
> level works great.  Is there a method for maintaining an elevation above 
> the ground?

Ctrl-t will toggle a mode that attempts to maintain the current
altitude above ground.  The algorithm is very simplistic though and
doesn't take any sort of look ahead into consideration.  It only looks
at the current elevation above ground and tries to climb or decend to
achieve the goal elevation.


Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: CVS: data/Scenery/w130n30/w123n37 light-pat-1.rgb, NONE, 1.1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.6, 1.7 baybridge-fb.xml, 1.4, 1.5 ggb-fb.xml, 1.3, 1.4

2004-01-09 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Frederic BOUVIER wrote:
Thanks, glad to see you like it and it doesn't kill all the framerate.
For people that are not following CVS updates, check out :
The lights are brighter in FG than on jpeg but you will have an idea.
That remind me that I don't have pictures of the GoldenGate nor
the East span of Bay Bridge at night. If someone have some,
I am interested.
I'm waiting for the reflections of the bridge lights in the water.  I saw 
this in a commercial A320 sim once and it was a really neat effect.

Curtis Olson   Intelligent Vehicles Lab FlightGear Project
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] illuminated baybridge

2004-01-09 Thread Curtis L. Olson
David Megginson wrote:
Actually, if you're approaching a runway from about 90 degrees, it's the 
taxiway lights that you can see -- the runway lights are invisible until 
you're right overhead.
Yes, it's a subtle effect and you may not notice it unless you are 
looking for it specifically, but all runway lighting in FlightGear is 
directional.  In other words the lights are brightest when viewed along 
the direction they are pointing and dim out as you move perpendicular to 
them, and disappear when they are pointing the opposite direction.

This shows up most clearly in that you don't see the approach lighting 
of the opposite ends of the runways.  And the perpendicular runways are 
*much* dimmer than the ones you are aligned with.

Several of us put in quite a bit of effort to work out the graphical 
tricks to make that happen. :-)


Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Oh dear....

2004-01-09 Thread Curtis L. Olson
We probably should steer away from the political discussion stuff (on this 
forum) before we forget we are working on an open source simulator. :-)


Christian Mayer wrote:
David Megginson schrieb:

JD Fenech wrote:

This is pretty sad.

It's times like this when I start to consider relocating to Canadia 
to find a job and live there, much as I bash on it (jokingly, of 
course; it really wouldn't do to be bashing our 51st state).

Here's a local (New England) version of the same story, with details:

Note that the Staples clerk actually told the servicewoman and her son 
that instructional flying software was illegal, before he reported 
them to the police.

And guns are still legal...

I'm glad that I live in "old Europe"...

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Internationalization?

2004-01-10 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Lee Elliott wrote:
Heh - it seem to me that most of the kids here (UK) just speak pretty bad 
That depends on how you look at it.  You could say that english is whatever 
english speaking people are speaking these days.  Or you could flip that 
around and come up with some defined structure of english as it existed at 
some point in time (and then compare that with what people are speaking today.)

Of course you could argue all day long about current usage being unclear or 
imprecise since (err I mean because) "proper" english is usually much more 
clear and precise.  I'd suggest that we shoot any one who says "A whole 
'nother ..." instead of "Another whole ..." but I catch myself saying it too.

There are a lot of people who speak english as a 2nd or 3rd or 4th language 
who at least right better english in their emails than I could ever hope 
to. :-)  Having studied spanish every year of my life since probably 
kindergarten up through my junior year of high school, and now not having 
any hope of being able to follow (or participate in) a real time spanish 
conversation, I have a lot of respect for those that pop back and forth 
between multiple languages.  And I appreciate all of you who switch to 
english now and then so that I can understand what you are saying.

Curtis Olson   Intelligent Vehicles Lab FlightGear Project
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Duplicate node?

2004-01-11 Thread Curtis L. Olson
John Wojnaroski wrote:
Walking thru some code yesterday, I noticed the following:

In tilemgr.cxx at lines 319 and 321 there are two entries for adding taxi
lights. Is that what is intended?
Yeah you are right, there is a problem there.  I have checked in a fix to CVS.

Curtis Olson   Intelligent Vehicles Lab FlightGear Project
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] CVS building fails, do I have a problem here?

2004-01-11 Thread Curtis L. Olson

I don't see -lglut listed on the link command line.  You probably want to 
rerun the configure script and make sure that the glut test there succeeds. 
 If not, then look in your config.log to see exactly what failed.



Victoria Welch wrote:
Hi Folks,

  A couple days or so back I updated CVS and have not been able to 
rebuild FG since.  Not sure if I have a problem (most likely I 
think) or if there is a problem with CVS:
Configure Summary
Prefix: /usr/local
Debug messages: yes
Automake version: automake (GNU automake) 1.5
Using FGEnvironment
Building with multiplayer support
threads: yes
Making all in tests
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/vw/fgfs/FlightGear/tests'
gcc  -march=athlon-xp -O2 -g -fomit-frame-pointer -mfpmath=sse -pipe 
-D_REENTRANT  -g -L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -o gl-info  
gl-info.o -lMesaGLU -lGL -lXmu -lXt -lSM -lICE -lXi -lXext -lX11 
-ldl -lm  -ljpeg
gl-info.o(.text+0x147): In function `main':
/home/vw/fgfs/FlightGear/tests/gl-info.c:59: undefined reference to 
undefined reference to `glutInitDisplayMode'
undefined reference to `glutCreateWindow'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [gl-info] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/vw/fgfs/FlightGear/tests'
make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1


I do have glut:
{~/.fgfs} $ emerge -s glut
[ Results for search key : glut ]
[ Applications found : 1 ]
*  media-libs/glut
  Latest version available: 3.7.1
  Latest version installed: 3.7.1
  Size of downloaded files: 2,479 kB
  Description: The OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT)


So I am confused :-) - would much appreciate any comments on this 

Thanks & take care, Vikki.

Curtis Olson   Intelligent Vehicles Lab FlightGear Project
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] FlightGear mouse pad

2004-01-11 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Hof Markus wrote:
nice layout... is this a faked frame rate? ;-)
if not pretty good. how come?
Probably because Eric runs on sgi hardware. :-)

Curtis Olson   Intelligent Vehicles Lab FlightGear Project
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] CVS building fails, do I have a problem here?

2004-01-11 Thread Curtis L. Olson
From what you've sent I'm not seeing anything obvious, but perhaps you 
could send me a) the console output of running the configure script and b) 
your entire config.log file.  (Send these directly to me, not to the list.) 
 What OS are you running?


Victoria Welch wrote:
Hi Curt,

Thanks for the response.  I went through config log (~=2500 lines :) 
and am no more enlightended - see below :-(.

On Sunday 11 January 2004 14:14, Curtis L. Olson wrote:


I don't see -lglut listed on the link command line.  You probably
want to rerun the configure script and make sure that the glut
test there succeeds. If not, then look in your config.log to see
exactly what failed.

grep -inA 2 failed config.log | less

117:configure: failed program was:
118-| #ifndef __cplusplus
119-|   choke me
131:configure: failed program was:
132-| #line 2718 "configure"
133-| /* confdefs.h.  */
[ 24 more iterations of the last second one ]

configure: exit 0

I am not at all sure what I am looking for, but if it is saying I 
don't have c++, well true, but I do have:

{~/fgfs/FlightGear} $ g++
g++: no input files
apparent problems with glut?!?:
1233:configure:7842: checking for library containing 
1234-configure:7873: gcc -o conftest -march=athlon-xp -O2 -g 
-fomit-frame-pointer -mfpmath=sse -pipe -D_REE
NTRANT -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/X11R6/include -g -L/usr/local/lib 
-L/usr/X11R6/lib conftest.c -lMesaGLU
-lGL -lXmu -lXt -lSM -lICE -lXi -lXext -lX11 -ldl -lm  >&5
1235-/tmp/cc2M1u2j.o(.text+0xa): In function `main':
1236:/home/vw/fgfs/FlightGear/configure:7892: undefined reference to 
1237-collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
1238-configure:7876: $? = 1
1288:configure:7918: gcc -o conftest -march=athlon-xp -O2 -g 
-fomit-frame-pointer -mfpmath=sse -pipe -D_REE
NTRANT -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/X11R6/include -g -L/usr/local/lib 
-L/usr/X11R6/lib conftest.c -lglut  -l
MesaGLU -lGL -lXmu -lXt -lSM -lICE -lXi -lXext -lX11 -ldl -lm  >&5
undefined reference to `glXBindChannelTo
undefined reference to `glXQueryChannelD
undefined reference to `glXChannelRectSy
undefined reference to `glXChannelRectSG
undefined reference to `glXQueryChannelR
1294-collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
1295-configure:7921: $? = 1

Sorry to include so much stuff here, but I am lost :-(.

Is it possible that I have the wrong version of glut?  If so, I 
would think that configure would blow out ?!?!

Thanks & take care, Vikki.
Victoria Welch wrote:

Hi Folks,

 A couple days or so back I updated CVS and have not been able
to rebuild FG since.  Not sure if I have a problem (most likely
I think) or if there is a problem with CVS:
Configure Summary
Prefix: /usr/local
Debug messages: yes
Automake version: automake (GNU automake) 1.5
Using FGEnvironment
Building with multiplayer support
threads: yes
Making all in tests
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/vw/fgfs/FlightGear/tests'
gcc  -march=athlon-xp -O2 -g -fomit-frame-pointer -mfpmath=sse
-pipe -D_REENTRANT  -g -L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -o
gl-info gl-info.o -lMesaGLU -lGL -lXmu -lXt -lSM -lICE -lXi
-lXext -lX11 -ldl -lm  -ljpeg
gl-info.o(.text+0x147): In function `main':
/home/vw/fgfs/FlightGear/tests/gl-info.c:59: undefined
reference to `glutInit'
:60: undefined reference to `glutInitDisplayMode'
:61: undefined reference to `glutCreateWindow'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [gl-info] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/vw/fgfs/FlightGear/tests'
make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1

I do have glut:
{~/.fgfs} $ emerge -s glut
[ Results for search key : glut ]
[ Applications found : 1 ]
*  media-libs/glut
 Latest version available: 3.7.1
 Latest version installed: 3.7.1
 Size of downloaded files: 2,479 kB
 Description: The OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT)

So I am confused :-) - would much appreciate any comments on
this issue!
Thanks & take care, Vikki.

Curtis Olson   I

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Panel Building ?!?

2004-01-11 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Victoria Welch wrote:
  I'm thinking I want to get into building panels for FG aircraft.  
Either I am missing it or the tools for the job are vi, gimp, an 
XML reference and all the FG header files ?!?

  Any comments or suggestions appreciated!
I'll chime in with a couple comments.

First off, yes this definitely looks intimidating at first glance, but give 
it a chance.  Once you jump in and start working with the files, it's not 
nearly as bad as it might have first appeared.  After you stare at xml for 
a bit, it does start to make sense and becomes much more human readable.

I believe you can type "Shift-F3" to reload panel changes on the fly, so 
you can immediate test your change without needing to restart FlightGear or 
do any kind of compiling.  That is *extremely* convenient when you are 
tweaking the instruments.

There are numerous examples of panels, so in many case you could start by 
piecing together existing stuff.  That get's you up and running quickly and 
then you can make aircraft specific changes at your liesure.

So far, what I've said has mostly applied to 2d panels.  If you are 
interested in building 3d panels, then you'll probably want tips and advice 
from the 3d panel experts (which isn't me.) :-)



Curtis Olson   Intelligent Vehicles Lab FlightGear Project
Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Re: yf23 brakes

2004-01-12 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Andy Ross wrote:
So which wheels get controlled by the parking brake on the bo105,
harrier, or 747? :)
This same subject just came up a few days ago.  The real bug is that
we're trying to associate brake controls with individual wheels, which
is just wrong.  The only standard for brakes in aircraft is that there
is a left pedal, right pedal, and parking brake lever.  Everything
else is aircraft-specific and IMHO belongs in the FDM, not the control

I have standardized the control inputs with /controls/gear/brake-left, 
/controls/gear/brake-right, /controls/gear/brake-parking

I have updated the code, the aircraft definition files, and the keyboard / 
mice / joystick bindings.

On the yasim side, the correct approach when defining a gear/wheel is to 
specify which combination of brake control affects it (left, right, parking)

I suppose at some point when we want to impliment anti-skid brakes or other 
complicated stuff we'll have to come back and rework this a bit.

There is an open issue with JSBSim because it has the concept of a "center 
brake" which doesn't directly map to the standard cockpit controls.  Right 
now I hardwire that to a value of zero.

I've probably missed something becuase this change propogated through a 
*ton* of files (and the compiler can't catch property name mismatches), so 
hopefully people can try their various aircraft and make sure all the 
braking related stuff continues to work correctly.


Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'
Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] [Fwd: Linux User & Developer Expo 2004]

2004-01-14 Thread Curtis L. Olson
FlightGear has been offered free .org booth space and a possible speaker 
slot at the Linux User & Developer Expo 2004.  This is Oct 20-21 at the 
Olympia Exhibition Centre in London, UK.  You don't necessarily need to be 
a developer to help with the booth, but a moderate working knowledge of 
FlightGear (and for this show, Linux) is always helpful.  Are there any UK 
people who might be interested in staffing a booth, bringing a pc, etc.? 
Anyone looking for an excuse to visit London next October?

Based on past experience we should try to get this organized early so we 
can get a booth.  If you register late, you either don't get a booth at 
all, or the booth you do get is in the mens room next to all the other late 
register-ers. :-)


Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'
--- Begin Message ---

Thanks to generous sponsorship space is available, FREE of charge for The
Flightgear in the .Org Village for Linux projects, groups & campaigns.

There is also the possibility of having a speaker slot in the conference 

The Linux User & Developer Expo 2004 will take place over two days, 20th
and 21st October at the Olympia Exhibition Centre in London, UK.

This year the .Org Village will be the largest ever and split into three 
distinct areas: Campaigns, User Groups & Projects/Distributions.

Space is limited so please contact me (Brian Teeman) as soon as possible.
Your project/group/campaign will be provided with exhibition space including 
electrics, storage  etc.

This is a great opportunity to promote your project to a large audience at
minimal (no) cost, and also to help make the .Org Village a lively discussion
and meeting place for the Linux community.

Now in its second year, Linux User & Developer Expo 2004 is the UKs
largest exhibition and conference dedicated to this open source
revolution. It brings together all the major players in the Linux
computing sphere to provide the definitive review of all the latest
products and services emerging around this rapidly developing technology.

For further details or to book your free space please contact me at 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or by phone on 0870 740 6575.

For further details on the exhibition see

If you are not the correct person who would deal with this in your organisation 
please forward this e-mail to them and to anyone else who you think might be

Brian Teeman - Sponsors of the .org Village.

--- End Message ---
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] [Fwd: Linux User & Developer Expo 2004]

2004-01-14 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Martin Spott wrote:
"Curtis L. Olson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

FlightGear has been offered free .org booth space and a possible speaker 
slot at the Linux User & Developer Expo 2004.  This is Oct 20-21 at the 
Olympia Exhibition Centre in London, UK.  You don't necessarily need to be 
a developer to help with the booth, but a moderate working knowledge of 
FlightGear (and for this show, Linux) is always helpful.  Are there any UK 
people who might be interested in staffing a booth, bringing a pc, etc.? 
Anyone looking for an excuse to visit London next October?

This should be a great opportunity for a European FG developer's
meeting (or sort of that),
We need to know as soon as possible if any one (in addition to Jon) can 
commit to being at this conference and can commit to helping with the booth 
so we can apply for and (hopefully) get booth space before it is all gone. 
 I think if we could get another one or two people to say they are pretty 
certain they can be there, then we could go ahead and lock in some booth space.


Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] [Fwd: Linux User & Developer Expo 2004]

2004-01-14 Thread Curtis L. Olson
David Luff wrote:
OK, that's a definate now :-)
Ok, so far here is what I have:

- Al West can definitely be there.
- David Luff can definitely be there.
- Jon Stockhill probably will be at the show and probably can help with the
- Matthew Law thinks he can be there but needs to clear it with his boss
- Jim Brennan might also be able to make it.
If your name is on this list and it shouldn't be, or I have the level of 
"definiteness" wrong, please let me know.  But I think with 2 definites, 1 
probably, and a "need to get permission first", plus another maybe, we 
probably have enough to go ahead and reserve a booth.  Sound reasonable?
Any additional volunteers are also welcome.  The more the merrier and the 
core staff always appreciates a bathroom break, or a chance to go look 
around the show themselves.  If it gets too crowded in the booth, you can 
just stand outside and pretend to look interested and ask questions.  Then 
everyone else will come over to see what's so interesting about our booth 
that it has a continual crowd.  Also note that this is a 2-day event so 
it's not quite as big a commitment as LWCE which can push four days.


Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Instrument Switching

2004-01-14 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Innis Cunningham wrote:
I guess this question is for David Megginson or Erik Hofman.
I would like to have the ability to turn instruments on and
off in the 2D panel XML file is this already possible.If so how?.
If not would it be a big job to add it to the panel XML code.
Thanks for any idea's.
You ought to be able to do this by wrapping the instrument up inside a big 

Curtis Olson   Intelligent Vehicles Lab FlightGear Project
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: Problems compiling plib

2004-01-17 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Christopher S Horler wrote:
I don't use many cvs commands, but one I use a fair bit is log.  However
I've never figured out how to make it only display the last e.g. 5 log
entries or from a certain date... if it doesn't do it it should...
I don't know if there is a command to display the last 5 log entries, 
although you could probably do this for an individual file pretty easily 
via the cvs web interface.

In general, I have had good luck with something like the following:

cvs log -d">10/15/2003   (that's MM/DD/)


Curtis Olson   Intelligent Vehicles Lab FlightGear Project
Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] IRC

2004-01-19 Thread Curtis L. Olson
For any of you interested in doing IRC, Nic Fischer has given us a channel 
on his IRC server.  Just connect up to and join the 
#flightgear channel.


Curtis Olson   Intelligent Vehicles Lab FlightGear Project
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] IRC

2004-01-19 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Arnt Karlsen wrote:
On Mon, 19 Jan 2004 15:21:24 -0600, 
"Curtis L. Olson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 

For any of you interested in doing IRC, Nic Fischer has given us a
channel on his IRC server.  Just connect up to and
join the #flightgear channel.

..hey!  Shouldn't we be coding instead?  Or is this the wee beginnings
of FG ATC, with voice, radarscreens and all?  ;-)
Sure IRC as an ATC start

curt> This is Cessna 42 Papa turn final
flyboy> lol
turky381> :-P
*** erik has signed off
jimbo> hey erik, is that you that just went into the tree, rotflmao
flyboy> lol
turky381> :-P
curt> I see some smoke off the end of runway 42
flyboy> lol
turky381> :-P
*** erik has joined #flightgear
flyboy> lol, you all in one piece?
turkey381> :-P
erik> just testing some f16 fdm changes
turky381> :-P
turky381> hey flyboy, beat you this time.
flyboy> lol
turky381> :-P

Curtis Olson   Intelligent Vehicles Lab FlightGear Project
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] [Fwd: Linux User & Developer Expo 2004]

2004-01-20 Thread Curtis L. Olson
David Culp wrote:
On Wednesday 14 January 2004 08:29 am, Curtis L. Olson wrote:

FlightGear has been offered free .org booth space and a possible speaker
slot at the Linux User & Developer Expo 2004.  This is Oct 20-21 at the
Olympia Exhibition Centre in London, UK.  You don't necessarily need to be
a developer to help with the booth, but a moderate working knowledge of
FlightGear (and for this show, Linux) is always helpful.  Are there any UK
people who might be interested in staffing a booth, bringing a pc, etc.?
Anyone looking for an excuse to visit London next October?

I've tried to find more information on this event on the web, but have had no 
luck.  There *is* an April 20-21 show.  Not the same one?
Yes, this is the show.  We were mistakenly told Oct, but in reality, the 
show is April 20-21.  Hopefully, everyone who was going to voluteer before, 
can still make it to on the correct date.


Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Proposed change to Terrain Following control

2004-01-20 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Lee Elliott wrote:
Hello All,

I'd like to propose a change to the way that the Terrain Following (TF) agl 
value is set and controlled.

Currently, when TF mode is selected, the current a/c agl value is used but I'd 
like to change this so that this value is set, and can be changed via the 
property tree.

What are people's thoughts on this?
Sounds reasonable.  Is the current height above terrain in the property 
tree someplace?

FWIW (and hopefully this doesn't mean major breakage) I've been considering 
some changes to the autopilot infrastructure to make it more flexible.  For 
instance, we (or at least I) could really use a mode to hold speed with 
pitch, or hold pitch with elevator.  And it would be nice to be able to 
support some of the more advanced FCS concepts that right now are only 
accessible to JSBSim models (things like yaw dampers, and other fly-by-wire 
type stuff.)


Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Changing a model format

2004-01-20 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Tim Jelliffe wrote:
Hi guys,
I have a general question regarding the creation of a model. I have been 
working on creating a model of a Learjet 55, using CATIA V5. This is 
mainly because I used this during my degree and am basically familiar 
with it. I am also determined to have a model which is as close to the 
real thing as possible. This means if the fuselage is 2m in diameter, I 
want the model to have a 2m diameter fuselage as well! CATIA is awesome 
for this. A screenshot is at
Looks very nice. :-)

The problem is that CATIA works with surfaces, as you can see in the 
pic, but things like blender and ac3d seem to use nodes. This makes it 
hard to convert into .ac format. I can save the file as either wrl, stp, 
igs, or cgr file formats. I have tried saving it as a wrl format, and 
using this directly in flightgear. The file size is around 2 Mb, and the 
frame rate drops from ~20 to ~2 fps. I have also tried using the demo 
version of AC3D, and saving directly into .ac format. This still gives 
very big files though.
One of the tough things about "real time" 3d modeling is figuring out how 
to do a nice looking model and at the same time keeping your polygon count 
low enough for real time rendering.

I'm guessing that some of your complex surfaces have zillions of little 
pieces in order to get the accuracy you are looking for.

One way to deal with this is called "LOD" or level of detail.  You can 
specify differently detailed models for viewing from different distances. 
You don't need 10k polygons when the aircraft is 10 miles away.  But when 
you are 10 meters away, you may want all that detail.

There are a lot of trade offs you probably have to accept when you start 
doing real time 3d modeling.  Often you can compensate for lower polygon 
counts with fancy textures.

I'm not a very good 3d modeler though so I'm sure there are others here who 
can give you much better advice than I can.


Curtis Olson   Intelligent Vehicles Lab FlightGear Project
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Proposed change to Terrain Following control

2004-01-21 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Roy Vegard Ovesen wrote:
Let me share my thoughts about the autopilot:

* I would like to see the autopilot move from c++ code into the 
instrument configuration xml-files.
This is my general plan.  Right now I have the autopilot config in a 
separate .xml file

* The autopilot should get input from other instruments (airspeed 
indicator, altimeter, attitude indicator, etc.), and not from 
/position/altitude-ft, /velocities/..., etc. That way the wing-leveler 
would be unuseable if the attitude indicator was "broken". Failures in 
the underlying instruments and systems would affect the autopilot.
Yup, each autopilot component will be able to take input from any property, 
and output to any other property.  As long as we have the instrument values 
modeled and placed in the property tree, we can use them.  The trick will 
be for someone who knows a little about autopilots to be able to tell us 
what inputs drive what functions.

* A PID-controller that can be accessed from the instrument 
configuration files. This could be used to build the autopilot 
controller structure as an instrument. This means that one could build 
different autopilot instruments for different aircraft. The Cub for 
example might have a simple autopilot with only heading hold and 
altitude hold. And because the Cub does not have an attitude indicator 
instrument, a wing-leveler would not be available. And in addition the 
heading hold would not be allowed to use roll information.
I've been hacking things out here a bit this evening and here's what I've 
come up with for a simple proportional wing leveler.  All of this is in a 
state of flux, is subject to change, and only exists on my local HD.

I'll intersperse some explanatory comments ...


Wing Leveler (Turn Coordinator based)








So if you set /autopilot/locks/heading = wing-leveler, this component will 
become active and start driving the turn rate to zero using the ailerons.

Here's a more complicated two stage heading bug follower (still using 
simple proportional control):

Heading Bug Hold (DG based) Calc Target Roll








Heading Bug Hold (DG based) (Calc target ailerons)








So that's what I've come up with so far.  Am I completely nuts?  Any 
suggestions?  I have no formal education in control theory, so what I know 
has been gleaned from here and there so I probably don't know much of the 
correct terminology and there are certainly tricks and things that I'm not 
aware of.

I'm hoping to do a good job of roughing in the flexible xml structure and 
interfacing to flightgear, then get some help on the control theory side 
from the experts.


Curtis Olson   Intelligent Vehicles Lab FlightGear Project
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Proposed change to Terrain Following control

2004-01-22 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Roy Vegard Ovesen wrote:
And I firmly believe that we _should_ use the instrument values because 
in my mind using /position/... and /velocities/... would be "cheating", 
theese perfect values are _not_ available in the real world.
I definitely agree.  We should have instrument values well modeled for the 
sorts of intruments typically found in smaller aircraft.

I have a masters-degree in control theory,
Ok, then I will depend on you to keep me from doing anything too stupid. :-)

I implemented (in jsbsim) a wing leveler or I should say a roll-angle 
holder that was roll-angle based. It's all a matter of preference, I 
think (turn coordinator based or roll-angle based or ...)
I believe that some real life wing levelers are based on the turn 
coordinator gyro which is why I did it that way.  I guess it boils down to 
how it's done in real life on which ever particular real aircraft we are 

In PID controllers an offset is often to set the working-point. The 
point where:
 offset = output => target - input = 0.
The aileron deflection that results in zero turn rate. This aileron 
deflection doesn't have to be zero, as we all have experienced :-)
Yes ...

Another application for the offset is to attatch it to the manual 
actuator, in our case the stick. This means that the pilot can still 
control the airplane when the autopilot is engaged ;-) , and when the 
autopilot is disengaged, the output = offset = stick => pilot is flying.
That's an interesting idea ... and shouldn't be all that difficult to 

A proportional only controller will _not_ be able to drive the turn rate 
to zero. If the working-point were zero aileron deflection, then this 
controller would work but, as stated earlier, the working point is 
moving around.
In general you need at least proportional and intgral components, in a 
controller, to avoid this static-error.
That is true, although for a typical C172 with it's laggy and inaccurate 
sensors, a proportional controller might just get you "close enough."  It's 
easy to spot small errors in a sim, but in real life there are usually much 
bigger errors that hide that last 0.2% that the "I" compensates for. :-)

But hopefully in the end, this will all be handled in the autopilot config 
file which leaves the choice up to the person building the autopilot.

This is called cascade control.
I assume that it is a reasonable approach if there's an official name for 
it. :-)

In stead of (or in addition to) having ,  and 
 components, I would like to see a  that 
incorporates all three and in addition features like anti-windup, 
reduced set point weighing, etc. Here's my suggestion:

(I'm not sure about the propert names)

  Roll Angle Controller







The  hack should be moved outside of the controller.
Do you have any suggestions for better ways to handle this?  For heading 
control, -370 degrees is a lot different than -10 degrees.  At some point 
in the pipeline, we need to be able to remap results.  Either we could 
build a ton of tiny building blocks (at which point we might be better off 
just writing the autopilot entirely in nasal) or we need to have a way to 
tell the controller to remap the results at various stanges in the pipeline.

A PID controller is very versitale, it can be a P, PI, PD or a PID 
controller by setting the proportional, integral and derivate gains, and 
in many applications a PI controller is good enough.

I have a PID controller algorithm from one of my textbooks, I could send 
it to you with lots of comments.
If it's not too much typing for you, it would be worth taking a look at.

With a PID controlle we should have the tools to build good autopilots. 
Then comes the art-of-tuning :-)
Yes.  I'm worried that I might end up breaking a lot of the existing 
tuning.  I will try not too, but it's something I'm nervous about.

I'm half tempted to commit what I have to CVS.  But that leaves a lot of 
autopilot stuff temporarily broken.  So, I'm leaning towards hacking on 
this until I've recovered 99% of the existing functionality before doing a 
cvs commit.  That gives others a bit less of an opportunity to track what 
i'm doing though.  I could send a tar-ball of changes if anyone is really 


Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'
Flightgear-devel mailing 

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Proposed change to Terrain Following control

2004-01-22 Thread Curtis L. Olson
David Culp wrote:
This thread is scaring me.  I hope we aren't deciding to hard-wire the 
autoflight inputs from panel instrument output?

The input choice will be strictly optional, right?
Figures, I just finished screwing the cowl back on ...

The whole point of defining the autopilot via xml is so that we can a) set 
up wildly different configurations for different aircraft (like in real 
life.)  And also so we have the flexibility to connect in just about any 
type of input.

We would not connect directly from the panel instruments, that doesn't make 
much sense structurally.  However, in many cases, the autopilot should be 
driven by the same values the instruments are reporting (in other words, 
both the instrument and autopilot could be driven by the same underlying 
instrumenation model.)

Curtis Olson   Intelligent Vehicles Lab FlightGear Project
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Proposed change to Terrain Following control

2004-01-22 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Lee Elliott wrote:
I've been giving quite a bit of thought to look-ahead algorithms for terrain 
following.  The most straight forward way would be to take a number of 
look-ahead samples each frame, and simply take the highest point as the 
target alt.

Taking a lot of samples each frame can't be a good idea though so I've been 
thinking more about single look-ahead sample alogorithms.  These don't seem 
to be too tricky but they're pretty much limited to straight-line flight.  
It's possible that using several single-sample tracks might work for turns 
Let's say you were flying 240 meters/sec and generally in a straight line. 
 Let's also assume we are drawing 60 frames/sec.

That means we travel about 4 meters every frame.

Let's say we want to look ahead 10 seconds.  That is 10 * 240m/s = 2400 
meters we would have to look ahead.  Figuring a flat ground and the 
aircraft's pitch angle, figure the appropriate angle to point your radar or 
laser scaner.

Now if you do one terrain intersection lookup each frame and do it 2400 
meters ahead of you.  But, also keep the last 10 sec * 60 fps lookups in a 
buffer, then assuming you are flying in a straight line, once your buffer 
fills up, that gives you a set of elevation points in your path at 4 meter 
increments looking 2400m ahead.

If you turn, this blows the whole scheme so just don't turn. :-)

Perhaps after sensing a turn, you could wipe the buffer and start filing it 
in with one extra terrain intersection lookup per frame, and scan in a 
binary partitioning pattern ...

This would minimize computation cost and *might* work ...

Curtis Olson   Intelligent Vehicles Lab FlightGear Project
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] enrty and exit points of main loop

2004-01-23 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Snyder Adam D Civ AFRL/VACD wrote:
Not really, I just need to find a way to clean-up when I am finished.
Here's one option.  If you put all your code inside a class, then you 
should be able to put your clean up stuff into the class destructor.  That 
should automatically be called when the program exits.

Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] XGL

2004-01-23 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Martin Spott wrote:
Erik Hofman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I just read about an XML based 3d file format:
We might want to keep an eye on that.

I must admit that I didn't understand the advantage over existing 3D
object/scene description file formats,
I wonder if this is intended to be a better vrml?  Although it's not clear 
that the authors of xgl are aware of vrml ...

The thing about 3d file formats is that there's never one that does exactly 
everything you need.  So you might as well start a new format and toss it 
into the mix. :-)

Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] XGL

2004-01-24 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Erik Hofman wrote:
Well, here is a standard that *you* can actually try to influence ...
BTW. XML makes extending the existent layout without influencing the 
previous versions possible by nature.
All that would need to happen is for someon to write a plib reader/writer 
for the xgl format and then we can begin using it.  The modelers would have 
to figure out how to output in this format which could be a little trickier.

Curtis Olson   Intelligent Vehicles Lab FlightGear Project
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Possible typo in tilemgr.cxx line 180

2004-01-26 Thread Curtis L. Olson
David Luff wrote:
tilemgr.cxx contains the following block of code (lines 178 - 181):

xrange = (int)(vis / tile_width) + 1;
yrange = (int)(vis / tile_height) + 1;
if ( xrange < 1 ) { xrange /= 1; }
if ( yrange < 1 ) { yrange = 1; }
It looks to me like there might be a stray / sign in line 180?

Cheers - Dave

Flightgear-devel mailing list
That definitely looks like a typo.  Thanks for catching this.

Curtis Olson   Intelligent Vehicles Lab FlightGear Project
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] New autopilot

2004-01-27 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Innis Cunningham wrote:
This is what I dont understand what is wrong with the current system
which can do heading,V/S,wing leveler,vor/loc(nav),approach,and 
are these not accurate enough?.
Also how much more computing power will be required for what ever extra
detail may be involved.A 3D modeller would not even think of modeling the
insides of the engine or every rivit in the aircraft for the obvious 
reason that
the model would bring the computer to a halt.I am just wondering if this in
its own way is not doing the same thing.
Anyway the one question I would realy like answered is what is wrong with
the current system.If the answer is nothing then why change.
Famous Saying "if it an't broke don't fix it"
Functionally the current autopilot is ok, but the underlying algorithm is 
very basic.  Also, if you look through the code, it is a big hairy mess. 
And this was after a rewrite of the original C version.

The problem is that we need to do more with the autopilot than what it's 
doing right now.  For instance I want to be able to hold a specific pitch, 
or hold a specific speed with pitch.  I might also want to hold a target 
roll rate (like 1 degree/sec) for 20 seconds.

It would be possible to paste this onto the current system, but it's 
already a big mess of code in there and this will make just make the 
problem worse.

I understand that "if it aint broke, don't fix it" but if I have to "mess 
with a mess," I like to clean it up. :-)  That's not to say anything 
negative about the current autopilot contributors.  Just that I think the 
required functionality had long ago outgrown the infrastructure we had 
setup and so as people have added things, it's become quite a jumble.

Also, we have several people here knowledgable in the field of control 
theory and people that understand how autopilots are supposed to work.  Add 
that in with someone who (thinks he) understands the internals of FG and I 
think we have an opportunity to really improve the entire auto pilot 

That's where I'm coming from anyway ...


Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] New autopilot

2004-01-27 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Roy Vegard Ovesen wrote:
On Mon, 26 Jan 2004 13:13:44 -, Richard Bytheway 

That would be the responsibility of the autopilot designer. If he/she
designed a control structure that used two separate
controllers that acted
on the ailerons, that would be his/her problem. In fact it
might turn out
to be a good thing. ;-)
Does this imply that we also need a "summer" class/unit/module which 
can take the outputs from various controllers and sum them to feed to 
the "actuator"?

Yes, a "summer" class/unit/module would be a handy tool. A "gain" 
class/unit/module would also be usefull.
This would be for control mixing, right?  Elevons, ailerators, thrudders, 
and, flailerons, and that sort of stuff?  This should be a fairly 
straightforward extension to the current system I am working on.

Now I have a question for the expert.  I see two issues, and I'm curious 
about the best way to solve them.

Right now we have limits built into the altitude hold modules.  For 
instance, for the C172, I don't want to command a climb if the speed is 
less that 70 kts.  So I take the target climb rate and tail that off to 
zero as the speed goes down to 70.  It's a hack I know, but it seems to 
help.  Is there a better way to do that anyway given a "generic" pid 
algorithm?  Would we want to build in hooks to the "generic" pid algorithm 
so we can set up these sorts of limits?

As I understand it, the autothrottle predicts the airspeed 10 seconds ahead 
of time, and uses that as the input.  Would the differential component of 
the PID algorithm be able to account for this?  Would we want some code 
someplace that puts the predicted speed into the property tree for the 
generic pid algorithm to use, or would we want to build in some sort of 
property prediction ability into the pid algorithm (in case the 'd' 
component doesn't quite do what we want?)

Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Can we ban outlook users from the list?

2004-01-27 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Jim Wilson wrote:
Just a thought :-)
I got lectured once in a job interview (that obviously did not go well for 
me.)  The interviewer didn't like my answer on the future of computer 
security.  He asserted that in 6 months (this was > 10 years ago) that all 
security problems would be solved because business simply can't tolerate 
this sort of nonsense.  Market pressures would force vendors to fix all 
their bugs.

Fortunately (for MS) market*ing* pressure wins out over market pressure. 
And users are all too forgiving and tolerant of bugs and problems and 
security holes.  Being an effective monopoly definitely has it's upside.

Just my opinion of course.  I'm not speaking on behalf of the flightgear 
project here. :-)

I guess what amazes me is the incredible tolerance of the computing public.
I wonder what would happen if we gave our politicians the same amount of 
latitude that we give our computer software.  Or for that matter, gave each 
other the same amount of margin for error as we give our computer software. :-)

Of course, being a linux user means I don't tolerate this sort of crap in 
my software or in my politicians.  I expect nothing less than complete 
perfection. :-)

Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Can we ban outlook users from the list?

2004-01-27 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Cameron Moore wrote:
Yes, we can actually.  Just filter out this in Mailman:


Problem solved.  ;-P

Must  fight ... the ... urge ... to ...

Disclaimer.  We love our outlook users, just not the virus and security 
problems that seem to plague this particular piece of software. :-)

Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] New autopilot

2004-01-27 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Lee Elliott wrote:
Just a bit more grist for the mill - as if it were needed:)

One of the type of up-coming generations of a/c are likely to be controlled by 
thrust alone.  No moving control surfaces and probably tailess.

What I haven't figured out yet is if the concept's relying upon a very simple 
aerodynamic model, with lots of excess thrust, in which case simulating it 
might be possible(?), or it might rely upon clever aerodynamics, which I 
would have thought would be pretty difficult to simulate.

But bearing that in mind, the AP design and structure will need to be flexible 
enough to work with these sorts of a/c control systems.

I guess it also touches on the area of missile control systems too.
My understanding is that they will be doing a lot of thrust vectoring ... 
lots of research is/has been done in that area.

Curtis Olson   Intelligent Vehicles Lab FlightGear Project
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] New autopilot: Propulsion only FCS

2004-01-27 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Jon Berndt wrote:
My understanding is that they will be doing a lot of thrust
vectoring ... lots of research is/has been done in that area.

No. This paper describes tests on a B-747, C-17, and MD-11 using propulsion

Differential thrust (per side) induces a sideslip -> induces roll.

Changes in thrust (thrust line offset from CG in Z) induces pitch changes as
well as accel/decel.

Again, this is something that the JSBSim FCS components could handle - you
need building blocks.
I thought some were discussing this in the context of fighters of the 
future.  Just ignore me. :-)

Curtis Olson   Intelligent Vehicles Lab FlightGear Project
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] New autopilot

2004-01-28 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Roy Vegard Ovesen wrote:
I don't think this should be part of the PID algorithm. I think we 
should use your hack and apply it to the setpoint to the v/s or pitch. 
This means that we need some sort of if ... then functionality. I just 
started looking at Nasal, and I think that could be used for summing, 
gaining, if...then, etc.
That might be interesting.  Maybe we need an official "autopilot.nas" file 
so the parsing of the nasal code wouldn't have to happen each frame (even 
though it is lightning fast.) :-)

I think a hack is the way to go, and if we can use Nasal to do it we can 
implement this hack, the one-eighty-hack and any other hack that we 
might need.

By the way, did you get my reply with answers and the updated PID 
algorithm?? I'm not sure I got through your spam-filter.
Yes that got through, thanks.  For what it's worth, looking at my spam 
filter, I see that it is catching 1 new spam message every 7 minutes on 
average.  It's no fun being this popular. :-(  I'm guessing I do lose a 
legit email now and then, but a new spam message every 7 minutes all day 
every day just isn't anything I could deal with manually.

Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Question about the threaded tile loader

2004-01-28 Thread Curtis L. Olson
David Luff wrote:
Could someone please clarify my understanding of the threaded tile loader?
I'll take a stab at it. :-)

My initial pre-conception before reading the code was that the loader
thread would simply load the data from disk, and pass off a memory buffer
containing an image of the disk contents to the main thread.  I was also
under the impression gained somewhere in the mists of time that calling any
plib code in a separate thread was a bit of a no-no.
Both are reasonable assumptions, but we've tried to push our luck a bit.

Calling any opengl code from more than one thread in a program is a 
massively big no-no.[1]  It's important to note that loading a model that 
triggers loading a texture will trigger opengl calls, so you can never use 
the ssgLoadXYZ() functions from a separate thread.

[1] You can get away with it if you carefully protect each opengl call so 
you don't get your thread interrupted in the middle of an opengl call.  And 
you have to know exactly what you are doing in terms of how the opengl 
calls are interleaved.  Imagine two different people in your back seat 
giving you "left/right/straight" directions to two different destinations 
and interleaving the instructions together.  Any idea where you will 
actually end up?  Neither do I.  And most often in opengl land, you just 
crash the program.

But despite all the potential dangers, calling some plib code under some 
circumstances from a separate thread is ok if you are careful.  The main 
guideline is that you must be careful never to modify the scene graph while 
plib is trying to traverse it.

However, reading the code, it appears that there's actually quite a bit of
loading going on in the separate loader thread - from what I can see:
The separate thread loop is FGTileLoader::LoaderThread::run()

This calls FGTileEntity::load(...) when a tile needs to be loaded.

From this, FGTileEntity::obj_load(...) is called.

From this, sgBinObjLoad(...) is called.
And finally, from this sgMakeLeaf(...) is called.

Along the way, quite a bit of plib code is called, although as far as I can
see no openGL functions are called.
My question is, am I correct in thinking all of the above does indeed run
in a separate thread, and could someone please clarify what can and can't
run in a separate thread.
Some more specifics.  All the FG terrain textures are preloaded as part of 
the material library.  So we can load terrain and assemble the plib scene 
graph without needing to make any opengl calls.

We can get away with making a lot of plib calls in a separate thread if 
they are all referencing some newly created sub tree that is not connected 
into the main scene graph. That way, plib could never be rendering the tree 
we are fiddling with in the separate thread.

We use the idea of queues (first in, first out lists) to keep track of 
everything.  The queues are carefully designed to be thread safe and 
mutually exclusive and protected from concurrent access.  We use the idea 
of a work queue so a particular thread only has to lock the queue for a 
very short time.  Just long enough to grab the next thing to do, or just 
long enough to push something into the back of the line.  This way, threads 
really can't block each other for any substantial length of time.

When new tiles need to be loaded, they are pushed onto the back of a 
tile-load queue.

The threaded loader grabs the first entry off this tile-load queue and 
starts working on it.  It loads all the raw data off disk and builds an 
intermediate structure.  Then it traverses this structure building a plib 
sub branch.  The subbranch exists independently of the main scene graph. 
When the tile loader finishes building the structure.  It pushes it on a 
"please-connect-me-to-the-main-scene-graph" queue.

The main loop will check this queue regularly and hook anything it finds 
there into the main scene graph.

Occasionally, a tile can reference 3d models that require calling 
ssgLoadXYZ()  ... things like building, bridges, etc.  When the threaded 
tile loader runs into any of these, it will push the object onto a separate 
model loading queue for the main loop to handle.

The main loop checks the model loading queue and loads anything it finds 
there and connects it properly into the scene graph.  This could cause big 
pauses in the frame rate for large models, but we really don't have a 
choice unless we want to completely rewrite the plib model loaders which 
I'm not keen on doing.

There's some similar things that happens with deleting tiles.  To delete a 
tile, we disconnect the tile from the scene graph, and push it onto a 
"delete queue".

One thing to be aware of is that our "random object" placement system can 
generate parents with ***huge*** numbers of children (on the order of 
thousands.)  plib deals with these lists linearly which is perfectly fine 
until it comes time to delete entries.  It uses the delete the first and 
shuffle everything over one approach.  It is no

[Flightgear-devel] [OT] Ventura publisher (really old)

2004-01-28 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Ok, I'm abusing my powers here to ask a really [OT] question.  If anyone 
objects, you definitely wouldn't be out of line.  But it's easier to ask 
forgiveness than permission, right? :-)

I have some really old, as in ancient ventura publishing files that I'd be 
interesting at cracking open and at least extracting out the important 
stuff in order to convert to some more modern tool.

I'm seeing extensions like ".WP" and ".WS" which is probably text in word 
perfect and word star formats.

I'm also seeing extentions like .CAP .CHP .CIF .VGR .CHP .STY .GEM and .PLT

Does this ring a bell for anyone?  It's probably 10 year old stuff at 
least?  netbpm supposedly has a GEM converter, but these gem files are 
older than what the gemtopnm util supports.  Ughhh!

I should probably just rm * the whole lot, have a minute of silence, and 
get on with my life, but I thought I'd ask first 


Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] BUG: Fog disappears when looking towards sun

2004-01-29 Thread Curtis L. Olson
David Luff wrote:
There seems to be a problem with the fogging on my machine (Linux, NVidia card).  When the sun is in, or just out of, the field of view, the fog disappears and visibility is perfect.  This is most easily seen by starting at dawn or dusk, and with a low visibility (eg 5000), climb to about 1000ft agl and look or fly around, but happens with the default visibility as well, and I have seen it briefly at noon, but can't reliably reproduce it at noon.
Hi Erik. :-)

I'm seeing this too after a recent cvs update.  Must have something to do 
with the sun pre/post draw call back functions.


Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Question about the threaded tile loader

2004-01-30 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Martin Spott wrote:
"Curtis L. Olson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Occasionally, a tile can reference 3d models that require calling 
ssgLoadXYZ()  ... things like building, bridges, etc.  When the threaded 
tile loader runs into any of these, it will push the object onto a separate 
model loading queue for the main loop to handle.

The main loop checks the model loading queue and loads anything it finds 
there and connects it properly into the scene graph.  This could cause big 
pauses in the frame rate for large models, but we really don't have a 
choice unless we want to completely rewrite the plib model loaders which 
I'm not keen on doing.

O.k.   ;-)

I still dare to ask the question if _this_ is the effect of frame rates
falling near to one on the SGI when looking from south over KSFO in the
direction of SF downtown ? I'm pretty shure the Octane OpenGL hardware
could render the whole view at marvellous frame rates if it gets the
necessary geometry and texture data fed at the right point of time.
There are a lot of examples (demos as well as real applications) for
the SGI that testify incredible performance of the graphics subsystem
when the data that has to be rendered comes 'just in time'.
Hi Martin,

Model loading would only cause a temporary disruption for a few frames 
until all the models are loaded.  If you let the sim sit for a few seconds, 
the initial extreme stutters will go away and you should stabalize out to 
your ultimate frame rate.

Here's one thing that surprised me.  For a time in my life I was a unix sys 
admin managing sgi, solaris, and linux workstations at my university here. 
   This was starting in the early 90's.  At that time, sgi reigned supreme 
in the graphics world, and the perception anyways was that if you wanted to 
do something graphical, the sgi was the best place to do it.  Sun was 
definitely not as far along in terms of graphics horse power, and PC unix 
barely had a graphical window system at the time.

In 96/97 we got going with FlightGear and a big part of what made this 
possible was that PC's were just starting to get hardware accelerated 3d 
capabilities themselves with the amazing, stupendous voodoo1 cards.  Even 
better, these had linux support.  That's when the bell went off in my head 
and I really got fired up about the idea that we can make this FlightGear 
thing work for us.

Where I'm going with this ... is that after we had FlightGear established 
and had some running code, I went back and tried running it on our 
supremely powerful sgi graphical workstations.  We had lots of indy's 
floating around so I got FG compiled for irix and gave it a try.  Ugghh! 
Indy's have no hardware texture support at all.  FG crawled.  We had some 
indigo 2's also in our lab.  Certainly these would crank, but alas, they 
didn't have any hardware texture support either.  Finally we had a $250,000 
dual cpu onyx.  I tried running FG on that.  Yes!  It worked great.  I was 
getting a solid 60hz.  It was beautiful!  We also had some O2's floating 
around.  I was really disappointed with the performance we got out of them 
for FG.  No offense Erik!

What I learned though is that good hardware accelerated *texture* support 
came really late in the game for sgi, and from my experience only worked 
really well on the extremely high end machines.

I think initially sgi's approach was to concentrate good performance on 
non-textured 3d cad type applications.  I would speculate that if you got 
rid of all textures in FG, it would run much closer to how you think it 
should on sgi hardware.

When we got our first O2, it came with a slick "out-of-box experience" with 
neat and complex and interesting 3d demos and such.  But if you look 
closely, they didn't use much texturing in those demos, and they played a 
few tricks.

With FG, just about every surface in the entire world has  texture pasted 
on it.  And given that we can fly any where and look at our world from just 
about any perspective, we are limited in the number of tricks that we can 
play around with.

Customers of mine who use CATIA or UG on SGI (no, it's not me who's
installing these systems) load drawings of a whole car into their CAD
application. This is a procedure that takes about 5 hours on a 200/300
MHz CAD workstation (be it HP, IBM or SGI) - given the file server is
fast enough (I'm the guy who set up the file servers  :-)
These drawings are really _huge_, but once they are loaded the display
system is really snappy when it comes to modifying the view in whatever
way you like (rotating, zooming, adding or removing layers, views from
inside or outside ).
Do these drawings use any textures?  I'm guessing they don't.  Also, I bet 
a cad application can do a lot with culling pieces of the model out to 
reduce the rendering work load.

This leads me to the

Re: [Flightgear-devel] test

2004-01-30 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Andy Ross wrote:

Mail transaction failed. Partial message is available.

Oh no!  Curt's infected.

We have to kill him now.
Is that Oregon's answer to affordable universal health coverage? :-)

Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'
Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Autopilot update.

2004-01-31 Thread Curtis L. Olson
I'm tempted to commit my autopilot changes to cvs.

Here's what I have done so far.

- I've implimented Roy's suggested PID algorithm.  Compared to what we had, 
this algorithm is better behaved, is much more configurable, and much more 
tunable.  It can be made to do a much better job of easing into large 
control inputs rather than slamming the controls full stop.  It handles the 
 integrator windup problem.  And also impliments the "D" portion of the 
PID which we never had before.  For what it's worth the new algorithm works 
on the change in error from the previous frame rather than the absolute error.

- I have completely overhauled the autopilot config mechanism.  The 
autopilot and it's various modes are now configured via an xml data file. 
There is a global generic one that all aircraft will inherit, but this can 
be easily overridden with an aircraft specific AP config in the 
-set.xml file.  This has had a cascading effect on a lot of files 
(gui, input, controls, hud, etc.) that made reference to the HUD.

- newauto.cxx and newauto.hxx are now axed.  I will probably let them exist 
(but not be compiled) for a while in case there are any nuggets left in 
there that we still want to extract.

- I've rewritten the autopilot config dialog box to match my new updates.

- Here are the various modes that are currently implimented:

  Heading modes:
  - wing leveler
  - heading bug hold
  - true heading hold (the route manager manipulates the true heading)
  - Nav1 CDI hold
  Pitch/Altitude modes:
  - Pitch hold
  - AOA hold
  - Altitude hold
  - AGL hold (i.e. crude terrain following)
  - Nav1 GS hold
  Velocity modes:
  - Speed hold (by manipulating throttle)
  - Speed hold (by manipulating pitch)
- You can tweak the autopilot config/gains on the fly via a roundabout 
mechanism.  Open up the property browser and find the 
/autopilot/new-config/ tree.  Find the particular PID controller you want 
to manipulate and make changes.  Then select "Reconfig Autopilot" at the 
bottom of the Autopilot menu.  Right now the autopilot config sliders don't 

What I haven't done.

- I need to write up some documentation on the new PID algorithm, the 
meaning of the input parameters, and some basic strategies for tweaking the 

- I haven't set up (or ported) any specific autopilot configurations for 
existing aircraft, other than the C172.

- XML instruments that reference/control the autopilot will need to be updated.

- I haven't addressed issues of FCS systems.  That would be an interesting 
follow up of this project.  We would probably need to put an abstraction 
layer in between the control inputs and the control surface output.  For 
simple aircraft like the cub, these could be directly mapped, but for 
complex aircraft like an airbus, we could put a FCS in between.

So if I do a commit now, there might be some temporary breakage and a 
slightly different subset of functionality, but I think this will be a good 
stepping stone from which we can then move forward towards addressing the 
remaining issues.

Comments?  Any objections to committing my updates?


Curtis Olson   Intelligent Vehicles Lab FlightGear Project
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Autopilot update.

2004-01-31 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Jon Berndt wrote:
Does this make it any easier to bypass the FlightGear autopilot (and perhaps
soon-to-exist) FCS system, so the FDM could provide this functionality, if
desired - perhaps by simply not including an autopilot/FCS file or
definition through your new method? This is very important to the JSBSim
guys, to have that capability.
Not defining an autopilot for a particular aircraft (or defining a null 
autopilot) is trivial to do.

If the autopilot is defined within JSBSim, how will it be manipulated from 
FlightGear (as far as activating/deactivating the different modules or 
adjusting the reference/target points.)  What about things like route 
following (gps) or Nav CDI/GS holds?  How does that get communicated to JSBSim?


Curtis Olson   Intelligent Vehicles Lab FlightGear Project
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Autopilot update.

2004-01-31 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Jon Berndt wrote:
Yes this is where it gets complicated.  There are modes that are obviously
relevant to mere flight dynamics, such as attitude hold, heading select,
wings level, terrain following, etc. -- and even these use *sensor* inputs
as opposed to actual FDM aircraft state data. The other modes that are tied
more firmly to instrument/navigation/ILS etc. are of no interest to JSBSim.
So, the answer might be to allow a split. Unless I am mistaken, it seems
that ought not to be impossible.
I can't think of a reason why that wouldn't be straightforward and doable.

This question arises for several reasons, one of which is that I might want
to model "non-standard" craft (I'll leave it at that for the moment).  I
want to control it in a specified way without worry that the flight will be
affected in ways that I am unaware of -- that is, I'd like complete control
(and *know* that I have complete control).
I think it would be totally up to the aircraft designer how they want to 
impliment the FG autopilot vs the JSBSim autopilot or some mix of the two. 
 The FG side is completely reconfigurable on a per-aircraft basis.


Curtis Olson   Intelligent Vehicles Lab FlightGear Project
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Autopilot update.

2004-01-31 Thread Curtis L. Olson
David Culp wrote:
Comments?  Any objections to committing my updates?

It looks great, and I think the sooner it gets commited the better, so we'll 
have plenty of time to work with it before 0.9.4.

I already have a wish list :) mach hold, and vertical speed hold.
Ok, it's been at least an hour and no one has objected. :-)

I will try to follow up with some documentation this weekend still.

Curtis Olson   Intelligent Vehicles Lab FlightGear Project
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Autopilot update.

2004-01-31 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Norman Vine wrote:
Hmm... 1 hour 08 minutes on a weekend 

Was any discussion really wanted :-)
Being a volunteer and doing this on weekends and evenings, I've got to move 
quickly when I do get the chance.  I've been working hard on this and 
trying to factor in comments and suggestions made over the last week or 
two.  I was just giving people a last chance "speak now or forever hold 
your peace." :-)


Curtis Olson   Intelligent Vehicles Lab FlightGear Project
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Autopilot update.

2004-01-31 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Frederic Bouvier wrote:
Small glitch at run time :

route = 0D7673D8
Failed to load autopilot configuration:
CVS Updated and no generic-autopilot.xml
Gaahhh! I swear I added that file.  Ok, it's there now.  Sorry about that.

Curtis Olson   Intelligent Vehicles Lab FlightGear Project
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] CVS Compile

2004-02-01 Thread Curtis L. Olson

I just committed a variation of this (assuming I understood the problem 
correctly hopefully this will fix it.)  Otherwise just holler.


Frederic Bouvier wrote:
John Wojnaroski wrote:

 There has been a fix applied to both and
src/Cockpit/panel.cxx. Make rue those files are up to date and rerun
autoconf and configure before proceding.
I did a fresh CVS checkout late Saturday night (PST). I'll try again...

Okay,  started a fresh build with files dated:

14965 Jan 27 01:31
 28060 Jan 27 01:31 panel.cxx
 14313 Jan 22 10:42 panel.hxx
->/configure --with-threads
The config log shows that the test for truncf was successful but the

error is still there. Some sort of path/environment problem

Try the patch below


I:\FlightGear\cvs\FlightGear\src\Autopilot>cvs -z3 -q diff -u route_mgr.cxx
Index: route_mgr.cxx
RCS file: /var/cvs/FlightGear-0.9/FlightGear/src/Autopilot/route_mgr.cxx,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -r1.1 route_mgr.cxx
--- route_mgr.cxx   31 Jan 2004 19:47:45 -  1.1
+++ route_mgr.cxx   1 Feb 2004 16:21:02 -
@@ -21,11 +21,11 @@
 // $Id: route_mgr.cxx,v 1.1 2004/01/31 19:47:45 curt Exp $
+#include "route_mgr.hxx"
-#include "route_mgr.hxx"
 FGRouteMgr::FGRouteMgr() :
 route( new SGRoute ),

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Curtis Olson   Intelligent Vehicles Lab FlightGear Project
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] CVS Compile

2004-02-01 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Hi John,

Try configuring with out the -with-weathercm option.  Someone might need to 
go in and do some clean up there possibly.


John Wojnaroski wrote:
It's me again ;-)

 There has been a fix applied to both and
src/Cockpit/panel.cxx. Make rue those files are up to date and rerun
autoconf and configure before proceding.
I did a fresh CVS checkout late Saturday night (PST). I'll try again...

Okay,  started a fresh build with files dated:

14965 Jan 27 01:31
 28060 Jan 27 01:31 panel.cxx
 14313 Jan 22 10:42 panel.hxx
->/configure --with-threads
The config log shows that the test for truncf was successful but the

error is still there. Some sort of path/environment problem

Okay, that problem got cleared up, on to the next

ran ./configure --with-threads --with-weathercm

Upon compiling:

g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../../src/Include -I../.. -I../../src  -I/usr/
6/include  -g -O2 -D_REENTRANT -c -o atis.o `test -f atis.cxx || echo
In file included from atis.cxx:40:
../../src/WeatherCM/FGLocalWeatherDatabase.h:63: Main/fgfs.hxx: No such file
make[2]: *** [atis.o] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/SimFG/source/src/ATC'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/SimFG/source/src'
make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
Looking back it appears this file no longer exists in 0.9.3.

John W.
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Curtis Olson   Intelligent Vehicles Lab FlightGear Project
Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] New Autopilot Documentation

2004-02-01 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Roy Vegard Ovesen wrote:
I've slapped together a short document on controller tuning.

[ snip ]
Thanks Roy!

For everyone: I've integrated this into a larger document which attempts to 
explain the basic ideas behind control theory and then describes the 
specific PID algorithm we have implimented for FlightGear.  This 
information isn't strictly necessary for building aircraft specific 
autopilot configurations, but it's such cool stuff it's worth mentioning. :-)

The last two sections of the document describe the autopilot configuration 
file format and provides some specific tips for tuning the PID modules to 
work well for your specific aircraft.

There is a generic/example autopilot configuration which all aircraft will 
inherit by default.  So, aircraft designers don't necessarily need to 
create something from scratch.  99% of the time you should be able to copy 
an existing configuration from a similar aircraft and mostly be 99% done 
before you've even started.  But we need to boot strap ourselves and get a 
few well working config files for the various classes of aircraft before my 
previous statement is 99% true. :-)

This document is a first stab.  I'm sure it's full of mistakes and possible 
misunderstandings or oversites.  Hopefully there aren't too many outright 
falsehoods.  Feel free to submit feedback and corrections.  Original is in 
latex format.  I already know I need to work on the html formating of the 
description of the algorithm variables. :-)


Curtis Olson   Intelligent Vehicles Lab FlightGear Project
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] 3D aircraft model

2004-02-02 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Vivian Meazza wrote:
I've been amusing myself for the last couple of months creating a 3d model
of the Hawker Hunter. It's as accurate as I can make it, with a few minor
fudges for YASIM. Some views are at: 

Don't know if it is of any interest to you guys. It flies easily using
YASIM, but it's 7,500 vertices flying in close formation, so it makes my
Pentium III 866 creak a bit, especially around the Bay area.
Of course, it lacks a decent electrical, hydraulic, engine control system...
might get around to those sometime soon.
The instruments are very similar to those used in the Seahawk with which it
was a near contemporary, so it wouldn't be a major effort to produce a 3d
cockpit for that model, with Lee's permission... I have access to the
Pilot's Notes for that aircraft, so I might be able to come up with
something pretty accurate.
Hi Vivian,

Your Hawker Hunter looks great.  I'm sure many others would love to try 
flying it.  Since you are the author you get to decide how to distribute 
it, but I'm happy to add it to our aircraft cvs archives.  Feel free to 
send it to me [off-list] and I can commit it to CVS.  Also, I bet Lee would 
be happy to have someone help get him going on 3d cockpits.  He's been 
talking about A-10 texturing, so he must be getting bored. :-)


Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] New Autopilot Documentation

2004-02-02 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Richard Bytheway wrote:
A question. When defining a cascade controller, is it important that the
early stages of the controller go before the later stages in the config
Yes, this is the optimal arrangement.

> Alternatively, do the individual PID controllers get processed in
the order they appear in the config file each frame ...

... or are any
dependencies worked out behind the scenes?
No, the pid evaluator just runs each pid module in the order they are 
specified in the config file.

If order is important, I assume that you could get a 1 frame lag between
each PID stage if they are in the wrong order.
Yes, that is what would happen.


Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] 3D aircraft model

2004-02-02 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Vivian Meazza wrote:
I'll try to put it on a vertex reducing diet - what is a reasonable target?
It's a very complex model though, with a number of moving parts.
Once I've cleaned it up a bit, I'll send it to Curt off list - it'll be a
few days though.
Vivian, for a first release I wouldn't worry too much about polygon count. 
 If it turns out to be a serious problem, you could look at putting in the 
extra work to reduce the polygon count.  I think it's ok for FlightGear to 
have a range of aircraft with varying amounts of polygons.  We don't want 
to waste polygons needlessly, but as someone else mentioned, there are a 
number of simpler models available to people with less hardware power. 
Just like there are any number of simpler scenery areas as well.


Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'
Flightgear-devel mailing list

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