[JOYnet] kauna and makhotso!:-)

2001-09-22 Thread sheril daniel

hi everyone!
i just wanted to introduce two dear friends of mine
who recently joined joynet.  
Kauna, is doing an honours programme in IT, and is
from namibia.  She did her undergraduate studies in
namibia itself.  Makhotso is doing her masters in
journalism, and she is from Lesotho.  She did her
undergrad in USA.  
We are all in the same hostel here at Rhodes (South
Africa), and basically that's how we met eachother!
They are both very very sweet and talented people with
so much to give!  and i am so glad that God has led
them to joynet.  
Right now, Makhotso is down with a terrible flu and
has'nt got much of a voice!  please please pray for
her that she gets well soon and can return to her work
as soon as possible.  Kauna has just recovered from
her flu!  And please pray for us, that we can have
good christian fellowship with eachother and that our
friendship gets more and more strenghtened in the
much love

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No Subject

2001-09-22 Thread sheril daniel

sorry i forgot to mention their email ids
you can mail kauna at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and makhotso


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2001-10-20 Thread sheril daniel

hi everyone,
i have been tensed up and worried for two weeks now
regarding my first presentation on the research work i
had been carrying out from the begining of the year. 
to be honest, i was terrified at even imagining me in
front of that enormous audience!  but all through i
kept hearing God say, "it's my battle not yours".  i
obviously dd'nt believe Him becase i carried on being
nervouus about it and especially more as the days grew
nearer.  Anyway,ijust thank God for my friends who
just prayed for me and trusted God for me!  today was
the presentation and i am just amazed at the
results!!!  the truth is, ii was shaking so badly that
i couuld barely hold the pointer.  and so was my
voice.  after the prese4ntation ii thot everyone
clapped in sympathy for me, you know!  like "oh poor
girl, well atleast she finished her speach!" sort of
thing!  buut everyone kept coming back to me with
coments liike "you spoke very clearly and
uunderstandably!".  "your tone was just rght"  and
thngs like that!  "we enjoyed it".  Everyone's
comments emphasised the clarty of my voice! my friends
who watched the whole affair swear they could not hear
any kind of shakiness in my voice or see my hands
shivering or any sort of thing!
I asked God for the strenght to stand in front of that
audience, but i feel really dumb in front of Him now! 
obviously i hadn't understood what He'd been tellng me
the whole time!  or rather, i was too worried about my
self that i dd'nt notice what He'd been trying to tell
me the whole time!!!  "IT'S MY BATTLE NOT YOURS!".  
see, the thing is, i've battled with a very crippliing
fear of speaking in public for a very long time, and
have refused to let anyone help me on that.  so when i
came here to do my masters in research pharmacology,
ii knew that 'd have to be able to present my work and
i had told God then that because He had brought me to
this fiield, it wouuld be His duty to bring me out! 
in every aspect, you know!  
so i find it funny now to look back on my presentation
and realse that although i had done it, the output was
definitely not mine!  i mean, i was the one sayng it
and i couuuld hear myself, but obvously my audience
did not hear me the way ii heard myself.  they heard
me the way God wanted me to sound!  praise God for
that!  Praise God that He really is faithful to all
His promises!
wiith love,

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Re: [JOYnet] JOYnet

2001-10-22 Thread sheril daniel

this is iin reply to jeni's letter.
i am not a catholic, ii'm an anglican. i've been in
association wth the catholic church for about fouur
years so ii'm familiar but i don't really know alot
about it.  and although jesus youuth is a catholic
movement, i feel that as a young christian i am a
"jesus youth".
and no, i don't thnk that the bible is just a whole
lot of symbolic stories.  i believe the bible is "the
word of God".  and yes, if you believe that Jesus
christ died for you, shed his blood for your sins, and
rose up from the dead on the third day, and if you
beleve that He is Your savour, in faith, you are
in Jesuus,

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> HI my name is Jeni, and i am new to this community. 
> I am 16 years old and i 
> live in milwaukee, wisconisin (of course in the US).
> I have been debating a few things lately, since I am
> in the proccess of being 
> confirmed catholic.  But i go to a luthern
> highschool, and i dont know if all 
> the beliefs of being catholic fit with the lessons i
> learn everday during 
> class at school.
> like being a catholic i'm supposed to believe that i
> have to do works, that 
> the bible is just symbolistic and most of the
> stories are not even real, and 
> that all of these saints are above us.
> but luthern beliefs tell me that all i need is faith
> and the bible word for 
> word is right.  I would just like to hear what all
> of you think about this, 
> and what is wrong and right about catholic beliefs
> because i'm not sure i 
> will even end up confirming at the end of the year. 
> thanx
> jeni
> wisconsin
> us

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No Subject

2001-10-26 Thread sheril daniel

dear everyone!
i have an exam to write in two hours time, and i just
wanted to ask all of you to please pray for me.  t's
an open book exam, but everythng is differrnt from the
way i studied in india, and i don't have an idea
abouut what kind of questions are likely to come. this
is a pre registration exam for pharmacists in
thanks so much, i'll let you know how it goes soon
after the exam!
with love, in Jesus!

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[JOYnet] thanks!

2001-10-28 Thread sheril daniel

thank you all for your prayers.  my exam did not
really go very well, but i am trusting God!  
with love,

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[no subject]

2001-11-15 Thread sheril daniel

dear friends,
i hope you're all having a good day!  i need your
prayers... i'm not having a good day at all, infact
for the past couple of days, i have not been able to
shake off this terrible weight off my shoulders.  as
some of you probably know, i'm doing research in a
lab.  the other day i noticed that one of a pair of
sample holders that was given to my care, had
dissapeared very mysteriously.  although it was given
to me, it was something that everybody used, so now i
have no idea where it has gone to.  i don't know who
else to ask, because no one has been comng to the lab
for the past few days.  where it has gone to, I HAVE
NO IDEA!  i dread havng to report it missing to the
lady in charge becase this is the second time, that i
will have to report a breakage or loss on my behalf,
except that this time, it was'nt me.  but anyway she
is not in at the moment so that will have to wait. 
the worse part is that i need it for my work and now
everythng may have to come to a standstill...
i really need you all to pray that i wll be able to
fnd that cuvette in time.  please please please!
with love in Jesus,
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[JOYnet] something to think about

2001-11-21 Thread sheril daniel


*Finally, on National TV Billy Graham's daughter was
being interviewed 
the Early Show and Jane Clayson asked her "How could
God let something 
this happen?" And Anne Graham gave an extremely
profound and insightful
response. She said, "I believe that God is deeply
saddened by this, 
just as
we are, but for years we've been telling God to get
out of our schools, 
get out of our government and to get out of our lives.
And being the
gentleman that He is, I believe that He has calmly
backed out. How can 
expect God to give us His blessing and His protection
if we demand that 
leave us alone?" I know there's been a lot of email
going around in 
to 9/11/01, but this really makes you think. If you
don't have time, at 
least skim through it, but the bottom line is
something to think 

In light of recent events...terrorists attack, school
shootings, etc. 
see* , I think it started when Madeline Murray O'Hare
(she was 
her body was found recently) complained she didn't
want any prayer in 
schools, and we said OK.

Then, someone said you better not read the Bible in
school...the Bible 
says thou shalt not kill; thou shalt not steal, and
love your neighbor 
yourself. And we said, OK.

Then, Dr. Benjamin Spock said we shouldn't spank our
children when they
misbehave because their little personalities would be
warped and we 
damage their self-esteem (Dr. Spock's son committed
suicide) and we 
said, an expert should know what he's talking about so
we said OK.

Then, someone said teachers and principals better not
discipline our 
children when they misbehave. And the school
administrators said no 
member in this school better touch a student when they
because we
don't want any bad publicity, and we surely don't want
to be sued 
(There's a big
difference between disciplining and touching, beating,
humiliating, kicking, etc.) And we said, OK.

Then someone said, let's let our daughters have
abortions if they want, 
they won't even have to tell their parents. And we
said, OK.

Then some wise school board member said, since boys
will be boys and 
they're going to do it anyway, let's give our sons all
the condoms they 
want, so
they can have all the fun they desire, and we won't
have to tell their 
they got them at school. And we said, OK.

Then some of our top elected officials said it doesn't
matter what we 
do in
private as long as we do our jobs. And agreeing with
them, we said it 
doesn't matter to me what anyone, including the
President, does in 
private as
long as I have a job and the economy is good.

And then someone said let's print magazines with
pictures of nude women 
call it wholesome, down-to-earth appreciation for the
beauty of the 
body. And we said, OK.

And then someone else took that appreciation a step
further and 
pictures of nude children and then stepped further
still by making them
available on the Internet. And we said OK; they're
entitled to their 

And then the entertainment industry said; let's make
TV shows and 
that promote profanity, violence, and illicit sex. And
let's record 
music that
encourages rape, drugs, murder, suicide, and satanic
And we said its just entertainment, it has no adverse
effect, and 
takes it seriously anyway, so go right ahead.
Now we're asking ourselves why our children have no
conscience, why 
don't know right from wrong, and why it doesn't bother
them to kill
strangers, their classmates, and themselves.

Probably, if we think about it long and hard enough,
we can figure it 
out. I think it has a great deal to do with "WE REAP
"Dear God, Why didn't you save the little girl killed
in her 
Sincerely, Concerned Student... AND THE REPLY "Dear
Concerned Student, 
I am
not allowed in schools".
Sincerely, God.

Funny how simple it is for people to trash God and
then wonder why the
world's going to hell. Funny how we believe what the
newspapers say, 
question what the Bible says.

Funny how everyone wants to go to heaven provided they
do not have to
believe, think, say, or do anything the Bible says.
Funny how someone can say, "I believe in God" but
still follow Satan 
who, by the way, also "believes" in God.

Funny how we are quick to judge but not to be judged.

Funny how you can send a thousand 'jokes' through
e-mail and they 
like wildfire, but when you start sending messages
regarding the Lord, 
think twice about sharing.

Funny how the lewd, crude, vulgar and obscene pass
freely through 
cyberspace, but the public discussion of God is
suppressed in the 
school and

Funny how someone can be so fired up for Christ on
Sunday, but be an
invisible Christian the rest of the week.

Are you laughing?

Funny how when you go to forward this message, you
will not send it to 
on your address list because you're not sure what

[JOYnet] please pray...

2001-11-28 Thread sheril daniel

hi everyone,
today when i went back to hostel for a quick nap after
my luunch something terrible happened.  i was sleeping
when i heared someone screaming and was not only
startled but i just jumped out of bed and ran
downstairs.  i could'nt even imagine why anyone would
scream so much, unless maybe there was a fire, but
still... .  went downstars to find one of ouur friends
crying, apparently when she opend one of the closets
to the bathroom she found another hostel mate huddled
in there and she looked "really scary".   we don't
really know what rose (the person who was in the
closet) was doing, but we know it's not good.  she has
been very depressed over the past months, not talkng
to anyone, lockng herself n her room and pretending to
not be in, etc.  at hostel we five girls usually had
prayer meetings on wednesdays and rose used to come
for that, but after a while she just stopped.  i know
that she was angry with us cuz she told someone that
we were laughing at her.  i really don't know why she
would think that.  but since her close friend in our
group could'nt get her to talk, i just assumed that i
would'nt be able to.  atleast if i had tried maybe i
would'nt feel so guilty right now.  anyway, our 
hall warden managed to open the door and get her out, 
i havent seen her because i heared that it was not a
pretty sight and the girl who saw her has'tn stopped
crying since...  i believe she looks like she's had a
stroke.  and she may have attempted suicide or
something we don't know.  
but at this stage 'm just askng all of you to please
pray for rose, to get over it, and that we will all be
able to get over this and manage to talk to her.  well
more importantly, that she will open her heart to
Jesus again and let Him heal her.  obviously there is
some psychological problem wiith her because she had
been telliing soemone things lke she sees "us"
standing at her bed and laughing at her etc.  

with love in Jesus,

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[JOYnet] Re:

2001-12-02 Thread sheril daniel

i don't think that abortion is condemned only by
catholics or anyother christian church. it is a moral
issue which society of all origins have to deal with. 
not just a "christian issue".  and people, christian
or non-christiian all have varying opinions on it. 
there are huge numbers of non-christians who are of
the opiinion tthat it should not be allowed.  and many
christians who feel that "the mother has to have the
right to chose".  
i'm sorry i don't know much about law, to talk about
it, but i thnk that as christians we are accouuntable
for our actions as well as the actions that we should
have done but we did'nt do.  The outcome of the case
is in God's hands becase ultimately He is in control. 
Whatever the outcome, and however slim the chances
that it would be in "our" favour, we should fight for
what we believe is right in God's eyes.  I think.  and
above all PRAY that His Will be done.
with love in Jesus

--- Lina Mathew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i am a law student doing my postgraduation in
> Bangalore. during the past
> few days, i happened to receive mails from other
> friends in jy and also
> saw in the joynet the news on the endeavour to scrap
> the Medical
> Termination of Pregnancy Act in kerala.
> please keep in mind that even though i am not a
> Catholic(i'm Orthodox), i
> have full respect towards the Catholic Church as it
> stands today and my
> statements are not made with a view to disparage any
> organisation ,
> institiution or movement and should not be tried to
> be read between the
> lines. this is just an opinion from the legal
> perspective, as a student
> of human rights in the present epoch of time.
> it is my view that the point is that the presence of
> such an Act gives
> the freedom to choose to individual, which is a
> symbol of a
> non-restrictive society where the freedom of choice
> can be freely
> excercised. i doubt whether the Act will be scrapped
> as such, as the
> scrapping of such an Act would symbolise going back
> to the Dark Ages
> where the Catholic Church imposed restrictions in
> all walks of personal
> and spititual life .even in muslim countries in
> the present day one
> can find legal systems  which mix religion and
> morals with law.
> .however, law is different from beliefs. law has to
> take into account a
> variety of beliefs prevalent in society and attempt
> to strike a just
> balance between the conflicting interests, be it the
> ideas of various
> religious groups or atheist groups, or the human
> rights of the fetus or
> the mother .
> of course, this does not mean that i, personally, as
> a Christian
> believer, consent to abortion as a matter of
> principle .but , as a
> lawyer, i do not think that law should force people
> to do something which
> is up to their personal freedom to decide. Even God
> has that attitude
> when He says somewhere in the Bible,"i have put
> before you two ways,
> blessing(good) and curse(evil), life and death.
> choose blessing and
> life,  if you will" or words to that effect..in
> essence, He says that
> He is not restricting your freedom to choose evil,
> though He would
> definitely prefer you to choose good. the question
> naturally arises as to
>  why God has done like this...IF He is God, then why
> not make people
> choose good alone?the answer lies in that it's
> because He is  a just
> God and He has created man in His likeness and image
> which includes the
> capicity of full exercise of all rights, which
> includes the right to
> freedom of choice..! ... that is why He has made
> such a categorical
> statement as above.
> the remedy lies with us Christians...are we prepared
> to take the
> commitment of on a personal not committing abortion
> or practicing
> abortive or anti-fetal activities that snuff out
> life, and on a community
> level of promoting respect towards the right to life
> of the unborn
> through outreacha nd educative practises, and also
> on the spiritual realm
> of waging war on these elements through fasting and
> prayer on an
> individual or corporate basis...herein lies the
> challenge---to will
> to choose blessing, rather than snuffing out the
> right to choose curse.
> this is my humble personal opinion on this
> issuei'm sure to hear a
> lot of dissent from the religious community with
> regard to this
> position...whether abortion is tantamount to murder
> is also a disputed
> issue in law as there are disputing views of various
> pressure groups as
> to the existence of life as a human being  in an
> embryo and when exactly
> does life as a human being start in a fetus so as to
> grant it human
> rights...science has not given any concrete view so
> far as to when life
> as a human being starts---there are again
> conflicting views on this ,
> according to each pressure group.it is the
> responsibility of the lawmaker
> to glean an impartial and truthful opinion as to
> these issues,which is a
> very  difficult a

Re: [JOYnet] cloning

2001-12-02 Thread sheril daniel

Embryo cloning is a process similar to what happens in
the body when twins or triplets are formed from the
original cell.  It duplicates the process that nature
uses to produce twins or triplets. One or more cells
are removed from a fertilized embryo and encouraged to
develop into one or more duplicate embryos.  So just
as we know twins or triplets have souls, so cloned
embryos would have souls.

When cloning an embryo for organs, what happens is,
DNA from an embryo is removed and replaced with the
DNA from an adult animal. Then, the embryo is
implanted in a womb and allowed to develop for about
14 days.  After this, cells are removed from the
embryo with the intent of producing a tissue or organ
for transplant back into the person whose DNA was
taken.  this technique is considered advantageous
because tthere will be no limit to the supply of
organs for transplant.  one wouuld'nt have to be on
any waiting list for compatible organ donors and since
the organ has the person's original dna, there will be
no need to take immunosupressants.  however, the
embryo dies during the process of taking those cells
needed to produce the organs.  

Every human being has dignity and purpose before the
Lord.  I don't think that we would be acknowledging
that if we agree to cloning an embryo, take out the
organ one needs and then kill it.  It is simply a case
of killing one being for the survival of another.  

--- biju_francis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> dear all,
>What anu stanley says is true, but what about
> using these cells they 
> can create limbs,heart or other parts which can be
> useful for the donor 
> from whom the cells are taken.
>   whether such things should also be banned?
> expecting your views
> Biju francis

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[JOYnet] Re: lina

2001-12-03 Thread sheril daniel

absolutely lina!
i know what youu'retrying to say and i agree.  i only
meant that despite how bleak chances maybe, we should
do what we think is right in God's eyes because
uultimately it is all in His hands and we will have to
answer to Him one day about the actions we did and
those we did'nt do.  Sometmes thngs may not work out
the way we want them to.  But i don't think God
expects us to change the world, i think He just wants
us to do our small part, the rest is not up to us, but
up to Him.  
and yes, prayer is the most powerful weapon that we
have against the devil and his kingdom.  let's all use
that optimally!

Grahamstown, South Africa

--- Lina Mathew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> dear sheril,
> yes, i certainly do agree with you as a person who
> believes in Christ,
> and as a human being, too. however,through my
> previous letter,  i just
> wanted to state how law can look at the issue--the
> balancing of interests
> factor, and why we who believe so stongly on
> the issue of anti- abortion
> should not get upset if we see apparent indifference
> from the legal
> system.
>  let's all pray that by our concerted efforts, this
> barbaric practice of
> abortion and the law permitting it becomes a dead
> letter law (the Dowry
> Prohibition Act , through the concerted efforts of
> all--both Christians
> and non Christians, has become a dead letter
> lawHence please do
> understand that it is not  law which can do
> anything, but the beliefs and
> value systems of the people on which it is
> imposed) if we can rise up
> to the challenge of convincing others that abortion
> is wrong, let's do it
> whole - heartedly and with one voice. however
> ,especially because we are
> Christians, remember that  it is wrong to impose our
> views on others ,
> even though we know are right and they are
> wronganyway, we can only
> say ,'where sin increases, grace abounds more...'
> we should certainly fight for our rights, but
> sometimes when such
> fighting is futile, we should be wise enough to
> realise this,stop wasting
> our time when when we reealise its futility, and
> instead direct our
> energies towards fighting on a different plane
> altogether.('the effectual
> prayer of a righteous man has great worth. elijah
> was a man lie we are;
> he prayed that ift should not rain , and it did not
> rain for three years.
> then he prayed that it should and it did rain' )
>  we know that we are the ultimate winners in
> spiritual warfare.if the
> devil can beguile the minds of the population and
> confuse them so that
> they exercise their freedom to choose evil which
> will lead to their
> death, and being the prince of the world, he has
> power over those whose
> eyes have been blinded to the gospel of Christ and
> basic common sense and
> human rights or whatever you call it, then of course
> , we have the best
> option of  attacking  the devil on a plane that he
> has been defeated long
> ago...as Christians, we have failed to realise this
> right of ours for a
> very long time, hence the devil had been granted a
> foothold for
> generations to beguile people to exercise their
> freedom to practice of
> various sins, like abortion, pornography, suicide,
> homosexuality,
> euthanasia and so onit's just like what happened
> to Eve.God put a
> tree in the garden and said do not eat its fruit.why
> did God put the tree
> in there? why did He not guard the tree wit! h
> whatever angels with
> spinning spears or swords or whatever , so that Eve
> could not eat the
> fruit ? why did he allow the serpent to speak to
> Eve? if He was God ,
> He could have prevented man from
> falling...understand the crux of the
> matter--that God did not prevent man from exercising
> his freedom to
> choose evil.
>  law can only try to  balance the varous interests.
> and this balance
> tends to tilt towards where the majority interests
> lie. hence the passing
> of various human rights conventions to safeguard the
> minority interests.
> i would humbly bring to your notice that so far no
> international
> convention has been passed granting rights to the
> unborn. The Convention
> on the Rights of the Child, 1989, mentions the word
> 'abortion' but grants
> no rights to the unborn child against getting
> aborted. without a
> consensus on this issue in the international level,
> i'm afraid that it
> would be too much to expect anything concerted to
> come out of our
> activities in the legal sphere out here.
> it was the fault of previous generations of
> Christians all round the
> world that human beings have been beguiled to pay
> scant respect to
> life,so,  now our task of convincing is very
> difficult, given the
> existing social practices and literature on these
> issues which are for
> and not against the the practice of human restraint
> and the voluntary
> curbing  of the freedom to choose what is considered
> to be bad according
> to general moral standards of most societie

Re: [JOYnet] me dowry and my cows!!! (ente mail No4)

2001-12-07 Thread sheril daniel

hey guys!  

did you know that in south africa and some other
southern african countries, there is somethng similar
to the dowry system, except it is called "lobola" and
it is not the girl who has to give for marriage, but
the guy!  :)  and it is usually in terms of cows!
it is a custom whereby cattle is given by the "boy" to
the father of the bride as a "compensation" for the
"loss" of his daughter!  number of cattle will depend
on her "marriageability".  emphasis is also  sometimes
placed on the education of the prospective bride.
sometimes the lobola can be other types of livestock
like horses, but "modern" ppl often ask for money!  
The money received by the bride's family is used to
help the young bride set up house. Lobola is also a
gesture of gratitude on the part of groom's family for
looking after and bringing up the young bride. 

this custom is firmly rooted in black society and so
greatly valued for the protection it offers the bride.
The modern usage of Lobola does not always have a
happy outcome, however; there are many instances when
families use Lobola to acquire money to pay their
debt. Worse still, some men see women as "goods" that
have been paid for. This creates a marital climate
that is not conducive to trust and love.

so there!  dowry and lobola are part of particular
cultures.  i guess it is when they are not looked at
wth the right attitude that they become an "evil".  

--- jose mathew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi .. u wondeful people.. it is me again...
> (if any of u hav problems with me  numbering the
> mails
>  pl. tell me.. i will do something about it  ok)
> well i am fine here.  thankx for all those mails u
> sent me.. some of those mails made my eyes to be
> filled with tears...
> to be very honest i enjoy joy net more than ever
> now.
> (so those of u dont send mails to joy net start
> sending now and enjoy it.. it is from my own
> experience  ho...)
> well today i thought of adding something to the
> discussion going on.. i.e dowry(hope this is the
> right
> spelling) i am soo poor at spelling. so do not
> get
> surprised if u find some strange words)
> couple of months back some of my australian friends
> asked me about the indian marriages. so i hav to
> explain the concept of dowry to them. it was funny
> to
> see the feelings on their faces.(any way latter on
> some of the guys told me that they r planning to
> come
> to india to get married! )
> then a week latter one of my friend came to me with 
> a
> chapter from a sociology text book, telling  me
> something about the dowry system, its origin etc. i
> found that it was a very early primitive tribal
> practice, where often it was goods not money was
> given
> to the boy by girls parents. also the book said
> mainly
> animals were used  as dowry viz, cows,  goat  etc. 
> as i was reading the matter my friend out of his
> total
>  innocence asked me how much cows will i be getting
> on
> the day of my marriage!!!(latter on i realised that
> he
> missed the point when i told the group early that it
> was money not goods  in India)
> so my advise for u guys is that care ful when u
> demand
> dowry.. u may become like Krishna of Hindu mythology
> chaising the cows all your life!
> n.b:now when u come for my mariage do not look for
> cows out side the church.. Ok  
> lov u all heaps   
> God bless you all
> jos mathew  australia 
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> http://in.groups.yahoo.com

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[JOYnet] hi everyone! :)

2001-12-13 Thread sheril daniel

hi everyone!

this mail is long overdue i know and i appologiise for that.  Thank you all for 
praying for Rose.  She is now at home (Uganda) and i hope that we can continue prayng 
for her to become alright soon.  i wiill let you all know if i get any further news.  

i've been busy with work here at the labs, and i'm trying very hard to wind up for the 
year, so i can go home on monday.  i'm looking forward to a long overdue "rest"!!!  i 
don't know how often i'll be able to mail or check my mails at joynet once i get home 
so i'd like to wish you all in advance a very merry christmas!  I hope that it turns 
out to be special for each one of us!  

And before i forget, i must add that i have been finding this "daily verse" thing 
really wonderful!  i think it's "thomas george" who's sendiing it?  please don't 

with much love in Jesus


Grahamstown, South Africa
Check out Yahoo! Shopping and Yahoo! Auctionsfor all of your holiday gifts!

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[JOYnet] prayer request.................

2002-01-09 Thread sheril daniel

 hi friends,
this is a prayer request from ligimol joseph who is a close friend of mine, and she 
asked me to post this request on joynet for her.  please read below
with love
  ligimol joseph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

Note: forwarded message attached.

my sheryl,how are you?let me ask one prayer request to you.its for lincychechys 
daughter.she has heart  problem(transposition of great arteries) now she is admitted 
in the hospital.may be she had operation in the middle of this month.so can you please 
ask prayer request in the joynet-thanks-ligimol
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[JOYnet] hi all! i'm back!

2002-03-04 Thread sheril daniel

dear friends!

so good to be back again!  sorry, i had to unsubscribe from joynet a few months back 
because i knew i would'nt be accessing the mail for a while.  i was busy with my 
internship which took two months.  now that i'm finished, i am back at university to 
complete the course i was doing in the first place!

thank you all for your prayers which really strenghtened me during my internship 
hours.  i am glad to be back again, but i only arrived last night so i'm still trying 
to sort out my stuff and get settled!

with love


grahamstown, south africa
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Re: [JOYnet] Why good things happen to bad people?

2002-03-07 Thread sheril daniel

i agree with bensi in saying that being good or bad is
a relative term.  it is not in us to judge but God is
the ultimate and only judge of who is good and who is
bad. so it is not up to us to even contemplate "why
good things happen to bad people" because who are we
to judge someone and say "he or she is  bad person"? 
but inspite of our sins, why do good things happen to
us?  that is God's Grace isn't it?!  All good things
come from God.  nothing bad is from God.  

grahamstown, south-africa

--- Bensi Chacko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear Friends,
>We have discussed why good people also suffer.
> More puzzling is the fact 
> that good things happen to bad people. The truth,
> however, is that being 
> "good" is relative. We are only good in relation to
> the standard of what is 
> bad, for the sight of God we are all sinners. "If we
> say, ‘ We have never 
> sinned,’ we make Him a liar, and His word has no
> place in us" (1 Jh 1:10).
>  In Jer 6:13, the prophet Jeremiah said:
> "For, from the least to 
> the greatest, they are all greedy for gain; prophet
> no less than priest, all 
> of them practice fraud." Isaiah adds in Is 64:15,
> "We have all been like 
> unclean things and our upright deeds like filthy
> rags. We wither, all of us, 
> like leaves, and all our misdeeds carry us off like
> the wind."  Not our 
> worst but our best is a filthy rag, infested with
> impurities. Our generosity 
> is mixed with self-interest, our passion for justice
> with our lust for 
> vengeance, our love for God mixed with fear of God.
>In chapter four of his book "Problem of
> pain", C.S. Lewis listed 
> a few reasons why good people suffer. He explained
> that man is good 
> ontologically (by existence). God did not create
> defective images for Him, 
> however defaced they may be. This is the reason why
> man is worth more than 
> any gold or treasure in the world. But although man
> is ontologically good 
> morally he is not. We are all sinners. The world is
> a battlefield strewn 
> with broken treaties, families, promises, marriages,
> vows, lives, and 
> hearts. We are good stuff gone bad, a deformed
> masterpiece and a rebellious 
> child of God. We are not only imperfect creatures
> who need to grow; we need 
> to lay down our weapons. Suffering reminds us of the
> most obvious and 
> evident truth which we oftentimes forget- that we
> are not gods.
>If we are truly good by existence, it
> should not be difficult 
> to recognize our moral weakness. This is humility:
> truth and justice. The 
>  Justice tells us that we deserve nothing else
> but humiliation, 
> persecution, contempt, capital punishment etc.
> because we are NOTHING. 
> Moreover the good things God has lent to us were
> mainly used for our own 
> selfish interests and not for His glory, for the
> honor of the Blessed 
> Mother, and for the salvation of souls. This was the
> case of Adam and Eve, 
> who committed the original sin and handed it down to
> us, their offspring. 
> Justice tells us too that since all good thing come
> from God, it is but 
> fitting that all glory, honor , praise, and
> thanksgiving be given to Him 
> forever and always. The love of Christ, therefore,
> is only possible for the 
> humble: "It is not the healthy who needs the doctor,
> but the sick…. I came 
> to call not the upright but the sinners"(Mt 9:12).
> Jesus, the physician, 
> gives us the effective medicine – the Good News. But
> He tells us first the 
> bad news, that we are sick.
>Unfortunately many of us refuse to believe
> that we are sick or forget 
> that we are sick. In the same vein, pharisseeism is
> evident among those who 
> rejoice and say: "I am better than others because I
> pray, I give alms, I 
> receive communion regularly. I am no thief, gambler,
> or murder." But the 
> minute they are asked to leave their comfort zone
> for a life of sacrifice to 
> atone for sins, they refuse, because they have
> become attached to 
> materialism, secularism, and hedonism.
>   This is the reason why some authentic messages
> of God as revealed by 
> Our Blessed Mother (e.g. Fatima) are rejected even
> now by some bishops, 
> priests, and lay people. Mother Mary tells us all to
> make sacrifice, to turn 
> our backs from a too comfortable lifestyle and to be
> in solidarity with the 
> poor. She tells us to do whatever Jesus tells us.
> "Jesus Christ, if He were to live with us
> now as He did in 
> Jerusalem, would blush at the extravagant way we
> live. As God He owns the 
> whole world but He opted to live in poverty while on
> earth" ( Fr. Edgardo).
> Bensilal Chacko.
> DE, USA.
> Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device:
> http://mobile.msn.com

[JOYnet] wants and needs

2002-03-09 Thread sheril daniel

i think that our God is also understanding of our
wants.  He is our father, He understands everything,
and provides us with even our wants.  but in His will.
 ofcourse, when He sees htat our wants coincide with
what He wants for us, then, not.  but i don't feel
guilty for ever asking Him for my "wants" because i
know that if He thinks its' good for me, He will give
it to me.  sometimes there is a thin line between
wants and needs.  not always... but sometimes.  
"the lord is my shepherd, i'll not want
He makes me to lie down in green pastures, 
he leads me beside still waters
for his name sake"
Psalm 23 vs 1

grahamstown, south africa

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Re: [JOYnet] reply to Shija's doubt - One Church

2002-03-13 Thread sheril daniel

the bible does tell us that the church is christ's body and there is only one church.  
as christians we are all scattered in different churches, but that is because people 
have different ideas about worshipping.  i don't think it is up to anyone to judge 
another church.  but like shija, i've always thot that surely God would like His 
church to be One and not so many...!  however after thinking about it, i came to the 
conclusion that we are not really seperated as such.  we are all part of the body of 
christ because we are "CHRISTIANS".  
Just like people in the world all have diffenrt cultures and live accordingly,  an 
individual is different in so many aspects, the way he is brought up, his or her 
family, surroundings, culture etc.  people are more comfortable with a certain way of 
praising and worshipping God, and that may not be what another set of ppl are 
comfortabke with.  I think hte main thing to look at is " is Jesus being givien the 
praise, is the emphasis on Him or something else"  .  If a individual is born in 
christ, he or she is part of Christ, part of his Body.  Where he or she fellowships as 
a church is not as important as long as he or she is fellowshipping in a "christian" 
Perhaps the first church was called catholic, i don't know much about that.  i do 
think that its a shame that the church became so divided.  but i don't think that any 
other christian church in God's eyes is in anyway inferior to the catholic church.  
God looks into hte heart of His people.  i enjoy attending other denomination churches 
too.  i'm originaly a marthomite, but i enjoy attending catholic services, csi 
services and other church services once in a while.  i do this because i know that 
only by getting to know another church, or way of worshipping CHrist, can we get over 
any kind of prejudice taht we may perhaps have concerning it.  and i have come to the 
conclusion that we as various denominations all come under one church as CHRISTIANS.  
That is what everything we do is all about.  CHRIST.  i hope by sending this mail, 
i've not offended anyone, it's just my opinion and we are all entitled to an opinion.  
grahamstown, south africa
  Alfred Samji <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hello. I'm re-writing my earlier mail on 
the subject because I felt that the 
earlier one was not presentable or readable.

When Christ first instituted the church He said to St. Peter,

"Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-jona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it 
unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. And I say also unto thee, That 
thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of 
hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give unto thee the keys of the 
kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in 
heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven 
"(M't:16:17 to 19).

Authority such as 'the keys to the kingdom' along with the authority to bind 
and to loose on earth was in the Old Testament times also given to those 
whom the Lord appointed as rulers of His people Israel (Isaiah 22:20 to 23).

A similar authority is given to St. Peter with a promise that whatsoever he 
shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever he loose on 
earth shall be loosed in heaven, by the Supreme authority i.e. Christ, the 
owner of the authority. 'Christ the owner of the key of David, and he that 
openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth;(Re:3:7).

In Matthew 16:17 to 19 Christ appoints St. Peter as the new ruler of the new 
Israel, His church, giving him the keys to the kingdom and authority to bind 
and to loose denoting the authority as ruler, with a promise that the gates 
of hell shall not prevail against it. The church is Christ's body (1Co:12:12 
& 13; Eph 5:30). There is only one
body / church(Eph 4:4; 1Cor 12:12).

This church instituted by the Lord Himself and with St. Peter as the 
appointed ruler is 'Catholic' meaning universal, i.e. it is spread across 
the universe and not just confined to a country or state, as Christ had 
commanded to make disciples of 'all the nations' (Matt 28:19).

We have a His promise that He is with the church 'always, even unto the end 
of the world'.

The Second vatican Council says about 'other churches' and
non-Christians' as below;

""The Catholic Church professes that it is the one, holy catholic and
apostolic Church of Christ; this it does not and could not deny. But in
its Constitution the Church now solemnly acknowledges that the Holy Ghost is 
truly active in the churches and communities separated from itself. To these 
other Christian Churches the Catholic Church is bound in many ways: through 
reverence for God's word in the Scriptures; through the fact of baptism; 
through other sacraments which they recognize.

The non-Christian may not be blamed for his ignorance of Christ and his 
Church; salvation is open to him also, if he s

[JOYnet] friends............:)

2002-03-29 Thread sheril daniel

dear friends,

i just reached home for the easter weekend and i'm mailing to wish you all much 
happiness this easter and the rest of the year! for those of you who are studying away 
from home and who will be home this vac, is'nt it an absolute joy to be home among 
family and friends, and familiar surroundings?! I hope that this will be a time of 
reflection for all of us. Reflecting on all the gifts and blessings that our sweet 
father has given us. Home, family, education, love. Most precious of all, His dearly 
beloved son, and the victory of His resurrection! Have a Blessed Easter!

with love in Jesus,


South - Africa
Yahoo! Greetings - send greetings for Easter,  Passover

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[JOYnet] thank you all!

2002-04-04 Thread sheril daniel

dear friends,

thank you all for the loving and prayerful bday wishes i recieved on my bday. its been 
a few days since then, but only now i have been able to read thru all of them because 
i did not have much access to the net while i was at home for easter. 

my birthday was lovely and i am looking forward to each new day that God gives me in 
the hope that He will hold my hand and lead me thru just like He has been doing for 
the past 24 years. 

Much love in Jesus

sheril daniel

grahamstown, south africa
Yahoo! Tax Center - online filing with TurboTax

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[JOYnet] clones: true??

2002-04-10 Thread sheril daniel

hi guys!

recently there was an email from someone claiming that the first human clone is being 
developed in some muslim country. unfortunately i deleted it, but i would lke to know 
who sent it, and how valid is this news? 

with love in Jesus

sheril daniel

grahamstown, south africa
Yahoo! Tax Center - online filing with TurboTax

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[JOYnet] met these people??

2002-04-19 Thread sheril daniel

my dear brothers and sisters in Jesus

its been a long time since i put in a mail for joynet so i don't know if all of u 
remember me, but i'm sure some of u do...! i've been very busy with work,but have 
always made a point of checking my mail reading most of my joynet mails. i see there 
has been a stop to the introductions to new joynet members..is it because 
there are so many new members? well please let me take the liberty of introducing two 
newcomers. actually they are not new anymore, but i still want to say something about 

One is Rubina John Kadanthode. Rubina studied her degree in pharmacy in india at SME 
Puthupally and since her parents and the rest of her family is in south africa, (like 
me) she came down here to do her masters. now she is in my university doing her 
masters in research in neuroscience. This is the same course that i am doing too, but 
last year, i was very lonely in terms of not having a fellow JY or a malayalee friend 
in my dept and i had been praying that God would rectify this situation. so u can 
imagine my delight at having her work in the same lab as me and live in the same 
residence (opposite rooms)! we also studied together in the same university though we 
were in different centres. but we are able to relate to each other alot and help each 
other too. So it's really great fun having her around. Rubina is a wonderful person to 
hang out with and i really think u all should get to know her! Rubs, welcome to 
joynet! You can mail rubina at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

The next person i'm sure many of you know quite well cuz she's always asking questions 
on joynet! Shija Daniel. Shija is my sweet little sister, who is doing her third year 
(soon will be going into fourth year) in biomedical instrumentational engineering in 
Coimbatore. Avinashlingam University. Shija studied in south africa uptil matric 
(predegree) and then went to india cuz i was still there doing my degree. but after i 
left, she had been quite lonely there and i had been encouraging her to join a prayer 
group. i'm glad that she has found a prayer group in coimbatore that she feels 
comfortable with, and that she is also a member of joynet! i'm also very glad that she 
has found her self some very good friends and she is growing up into a lovely, 
responsible young woman! By the way, shija has a talent for singing so JY's in 
coimbatore, make use of her! :) Please pray for her to be able to grow spiritually in 
the Lord and to develop her God given talents fully. Her id is shija!

okay i think this mail is quite long so i'm going to sign off now! Thanks for reading. 
I just want to take this opportunity to thank all my lovely lovely JY friends who have 
been supporting me thru prayers and encouragement! i love you all so much!

much love in Jesus

sheril daniel   :)

grahamstown, south africa
Yahoo! Tax Center - online filing with TurboTax

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[JOYnet] oops!

2002-04-19 Thread sheril daniel

sorry, i made a mistake with shija's id, its [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Yahoo! Tax Center - online filing with TurboTax

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[JOYnet] child rape

2002-04-24 Thread sheril daniel

dear friends in Jesus

child rape is a new and terrifying problem which is growing by the day here in south 
africa. i don't know how many of u are aware of this problem, but i'm jsut mailing u 
to give u an idea and ask you to keep these innocent children of south africa in your 

The rape of the nine-month-old baby by six men in Upington at the end of 2001, 
followed by the discovery of a seven-month-old baby who had been raped and left for 
dead in a suburb of Capetown in November, 2001, were some of the first cases of child 
rape that was brought to public attention.

many of these rapes are by perpetrators who have been infected with the HIV virus. the 
reason given by many is thier belief in what is now known as "the virgin myth". the 
belief that having sex with a virgin will cure a man of AIDS. The younger the virgin, 
the more potent the cure. Many innocent children have been infected with AIDS in this 
way, suffered enormously and even died in these cruel rapes. This myth is not 
restricted to South Africa.( Apparently the same is true for India and Jamaica, and 
these are underlying reasons ffor the increase in child prostitution. .)

The violent past of this country is also blamed. Many south africans have been 
brutalised by the political violence in their past, and this violence is now being 
directed at women and girls. Please take a minute to pray for these children who are 
being traumatised in so many dimensions which are so horrific that they are just 

with love in Jesus

sheril daniel

grahamstown, south africa




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[JOYnet] sick :(

2002-04-27 Thread sheril daniel

dear friends

i'm down with some sort of eye infection, and can't open my eyes for long, very 
painful. its so bothersome, please pray for me. haven't seen the doctor yet, but will 
do if it gets worse.last night was terrible and rubina was looking after me. today her 
eyes are also abit red :o !!! please pray for us, cuz we have so much work to do and 
can't afford to spend more days in bed. today went to the san and instilled some eye 
drops so its abit better now, that's why i thot i'd quickly mail you guys. hope you 
all are enjoying your weekend!

love in Jesus


grahamstown, south africa
Yahoo! Health - your guide to health and wellness

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[JOYnet] alright now :) Praise God!!!

2002-04-29 Thread sheril daniel

dear dear friends!

thank you so much for praying and for your sweet mails! rubs is fine. and so am i, 
now. today was much better and i did not feel the "sting" in my eyes so much as 
yesterday. infact i'm sure i'm fine. Praise God!!! now that i'm back to normal, i'm 
bracing myself for monday, when work starts in full swing! i'm not complaining! it's 
so good be well!!! and i'm listening to mummy and wearing my specs full time ;) 

much love in Jesus


grahamstown, south africa
Yahoo! Health - your guide to health and wellness

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Re: [JOYnet] My Redeemer Laughs!! My Redeemer Laughs!!

2002-05-07 Thread sheril daniel

 absolutely so! He is a God of love, laughter and happiness! And I love the sense of 
humour and the happiness that we all get from our Heavenly father after we acknowledge 
ourselves as His children! have'nt u noticed that christians who have a good 
relationship wiht their Father are so much more light hearted and jovial than the rest 
of the world?!  
In Jesus
sheril daniel
Grahamstown, South Africa
  Ravi Vaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hi Joynetters,
I totally agree with JJ and welchy,our god is a god of happiness.
St francis of sales ( Don Bosco was inspired by his life to start the salesians) used 
to say :" A Sad Saint is a sorry Saint."
he also once said."u can attract more flies with a spoonful of honey than a barrelful 
of vinegar".
Don Bosco said "Run, Jump,play,laugh,sing ,shout but dont sin.."
One of the funny things i encountered while reading the bible was this..(I hope no one 
is offended).
Why is davids wifes name bathseba...?
becuase he saw her while she was having bath.
Bad PJ but totally original

Love and Prayers

Josun Jose wrote: Yeah buddies I agree with Welchy! My Jesus too is the haha hehe type!

I don't know a Jesus who's crabby and a dull witted. If Jesus was that kind,
you can be sure he won't get me. he can forget having someone like jj to
follow him.

I've heard from the mouths of my father and Jos Mathew, Chicago "always
develop a sense of humor! Don't look as though u've been baptized in vinegar
and confirmed in sulphuric!" I love to hang around with people who have a
fine tuned sense of humour. It improves my face value!

The people who have made the biggest impact on my life were mainly people
who have a fine tuned sense of humour along with integrity.

I've got a gr8 friend of mine whos a priest, a holy priest. Sometimes I
wonder if his middle name is spelt as H-U-M-O-R! He's got a great sense of
it! For any sentence he can put a chuckle on the face of his hearers. I
remember once I met him after he had a minor accident- he fell from a height
and dislocated his ankle. I entered his room and he was there with a cast on
his leg. I proffered my hand saying " I'm sorry father it seems u had a bad
fall!" and he retorted in mock disbelief "oh no, don't get me wrong, I had a
wonderful fall. only the landing was poor!!"

Another time he had to board a train but due to the traffic jam we arrived
at the railway station as the train started picking speed. We frantically
tried to jump into the last compartment but unfortunately missed. He was a
bit annoyed and he muttered. "these trains should never have last
compartments, and even if they do have it should be somewhere in the

After I came to the lord, one of the gifts he's given me is the gift of
Laughter. I've learnt to laugh at myself. I'm a very impetuous person by
nature. And a bit short tempered too. But when I look back at the follies I'
ve made. I just sit back and laugh. Even when I remember some incidents
where I was apparently hurt, laughter comes to my heart.

Folks at home and other places have all taken me to be a bafoon. I've always
been the butt of jokes for people around. Once I was so hurt becoz of the
way people used to pull my leg. I went to my mom & dad and said "people are
poking fun at me so much I'm feeling hurt!" and they told me with their
parental wisdom" if you can't beat them, join them!, have fun, laugh with
them too!" My parents may have been failures in other areas, but in this
area they've been a thumping success!. All the half dozen of us kids have
learnt how to laugh at ourselves. I've got so used to making a fool of
myself and laughing at my follies that it just doesn't matter these days.

There's this chorus many of you may know "Our God is an awsome God.." Well,
i alter it sometimes and i sing

My God is a funny God,
He reigns from heavn above,
with wisdom (humor), power and love
My God is a funny God. (can u see a 100 watt smile across the face of

Never take life too seriously; you'll never come out of it alive!ok. It is
my humble opinion that people who don't have a sense of humour will have
time in life only for inner healing retreats and nothing else!. I feel very
sorry for such poor souls. Just imagine spending about 300 hundred rupees
every other week for patching up the wounds that they've inflicted on
themselves becoz of an impoverished sense of humor!!. Every Jesus youth
should have a healthy sense of humor, otherwise you may soon be on the
highway to bankruptcy, both financial as well as emotional, and there's
nothing funny about that!

Learn to Laugh! after all our Lord is a funny lord!

Love and prayers in Jesus,

Josun Jose/New Delhi/India

- Original Message -
From: welchy 
To: joy net 

Re: [JOYnet] Pray for Priests

2002-05-13 Thread sheril daniel

 yes i think it is necessary that we should spend some time praying for christian 
priests because they are meant to be the spiritual leaders for "lay" people and very 
often the layman doesn't realise that they are also ordinary human beings. they are 
ordinary ppl just like all of us, who have recieved the calling to lead different 
lives with sometimes more responsibility than others. the power that is invested in 
their lives makes them more accountable and gives them greater responsibility. so it 
is up to us to pray for our leaders.

but i don't think that wrong doings of a priest should be "covered" up just to save 
the image of a church or a particular denomination. action should be taken. i am not 
condemning anyone and i am not saying that if a priest does wrong he should be 
condemned. but it shold be made known. in the past this was not done so that is why 
such incidences continued. i'm talking here, mainly about the child abuse that many 
priests have been acused of. sexual child abuse. if this is covered up, who suffers? 
maybe the church retains its image, but who suffers? the children. innocent children. 
if such things are made public, and priests are punished in the same way as any human 
being would be punished if they were caught of the same crime, such incidences would 
definitely be curbed. like i said earlier, when saying this, i am not condemning 
anyone. we are all human beings and capable of sin. but when david sinned, even though 
he was so beloved in God's eyes and even though he was forgiven!
, he sufferd teh consequence did'nt he? his child born of sin died. God has given us 
power but with it, responsiblity too. so if we don't act as responsible children, we 
will suffer for it. 

hence just as we pray for our families, friends etc, we should pray sincerely for the 
leaders that God has chosen for his flock that they will be responsible leaders and 
lead their lives according tot hte vocation they have chosen and the calling htey have 
recieved. we should also be responsible toward ourselves and our children, and when 
such incidences are knon, we should not try and hide it for the sake of our church. 
the church should not be based on lies. 

in Jesus

sheril daniel

grahamstown, south africa

Hello Joynet Friends,

I am from Cochin, Kerala, India. These days I am mostly at my parents' house
in the village, Kumbalanghi. The evenings are quite relaxed, with a long dip
in the pond and sometimes a walk near the river side. At about 9pm I spend
quite some time in intercession. I pray for Jesus Youth all over, especially
those with responsibilities in it and those who have asked for prayer. I
remember Joynetters and many faces in it and it goes on, International JY
conference in Canada, the Rex Band trip, etc are uppermost in my mind.

But one intention comes back to my mind again and again, that is, the need for
urgent prayer for priests. "The harvest is plentiful . . . . Pray the Lord of
the harvest . . " (Mt. 9: 37)

Let me share some of my thoughts so that a few of you readers may respond.

We have to pray for priests. Priesthood, I believe, is a wonderful invention
of the Holy Spirit. I think of many great priests I know, some of them in this
network, Joynet. Some Bishops are very close to my heart. I very well know
that one priest alive in Spirit is indeed a mighty force for the building up
of the Kingdom. All over the world a great number of priests are doing this
wonderful work of God, and we have to pray for Priests. "I do not pray for
these only, but also for those who believe in me through their word" (Jn. 17:

When I hear about failures in the life of some priest, I again say we have to
pray for priests. They are called for a big mission and they have responded.
They were set apart and were given support and training. But they are from
among us and need our support. While talking to a big group of priests two
weeks back, one of them was sharing from his heart, 'Sir, don't forget, we are
human. We need your love and support'. We have to pray for priests.

I dream of a wide network of people who will love the Church, love the priests
and earnestly pray for them. "If two of you agree on earth about anything they
ask . . ." (Mt. 18:19). I can never do the wonderful amount of God's work that
any single priest does. (Though sometimes some priests tell us that many of us
Jesus Youth do much more than any of them, I believe that our effectiveness
comes from our sharing of the work of these priests.) Even if I cannot work
like a prist, I can surely have a share of the abundant graces of priesthood
by loving and praying for priests. "He who receives a prophet because he is a
prophet shall recieve a prophet's reward. . . even a cup of cold water . .
shall not lose his reward." (Mt. 10:41).

I don't have a complete idea, but we must have a network 

[JOYnet] Awesome God!

2002-05-15 Thread sheril daniel






This inspiring story came to us  by e-mail from Arnold  Raubenheimer,  a retired 
mission doctor 
 and gynaecologist living in  South  Africa. 
This story, with its message of hope, was  sent to Arnold recently by a friend of his, 
a mission doctor serving  somewhere in Africa. 


One night I had worked hard to help a  mother in the labor ward;  but in spite of all 
we could do, she died  leaving us with a tiny  premature  baby and a crying 
two-year-old  daughter. We would have 
difficulty keeping the baby alive, as we had no  incubator. (We had no  electricity to 
 run an incubator.)  We also had no special feeding  facilities. Although we lived on  
the equator, nights were often chilly  with treacherous drafts.  One  student  midwife 
 went for the box we had for such babies and the cotton wool the baby  would  be  
wrapped in. Another went to stoke up the fire and 
 fill a hot water bottle. 
She  came  back shortly in distress to tell me that  in filling the bottle,  it  had  
burst. Rubber 
 perishes easily in tropical climates.  "And it is our last hot water  bottle!" she 
exclaimed.  As in the West it is no good crying over  spilled milk, so in Central  
Africa  it might be considered no good crying  over burst water bottles. They do not 
grow on trees, and there are  no drugstores down 
 forest pathways. 
 "All right," I said, "put the baby as  near the fire as you safely  can,  and sleep 
between the baby and the door  to keep it free from  drafts. Your job is to keep the 
baby  warm."  The following noon, as I did most days, I  went to have prayers with any 
of the orphanage children who  chose to gather with Me. I  gave the  youngsters 
various suggestions of things  to pray about and told them  about 
 the tiny baby. I explained our problem  about keeping the baby  warm enough, 
mentioning the hot water bottle.  The baby could so easily die if it got chills. I 
also told them of the  two-year-old sister, 
 crying  because her mother had died. During the prayer time, one  ten-year-old  girl, 
 Ruth, prayed with the usual blunt  conciseness of our African  children. "Please, 
God," she prayed, send 
 us a water bottle. It'll be no  good tomorrow, God, as the baby will be dead, so 
please send it 
this  afternoon."  While I gasped inwardly at the audacity of the prayer, she added by 
 way of 
 a  corollary, "And while You are about it,  would You please send a  dolly for  the 
little girl  so she'll know You really love her?" As  often with children's  prayers, 
I  was put on the  spot. Could I onestly say, "Amen?" I just did not believe that God  
could  do  this. 

 Oh, yes, I know that He can do  everything. The Bible says so. But  there  are 
limits, aren't there? The only way God could answer this  particular  prayer would be 
by sending me a parcel from the 
 homeland.  I had been in Africa for almost four  years at that time, and I had never, 
ever received a parcel from home. Anyway,  if anyone did send me a parcel, who would 
put in a hot water  bottle? I lived on the equator! 
Halfway through the afternoon, while I was teaching in the nurses' training school, a 
message was 
 sent that there was a car at my front door. By the time I reached home, the car  had 
gone, but there, on verandah, was a large twenty-two pound  parcel. l felt tears 
pricking my eyes. I could not open the parcel alone, so I sent for the orphanage  
children. Together we pulled off the string, 
carefully undoing each knot. 
We folded the paper, Taking care not to tear it unduly. Excitement was mounting. Some 
thirty or 
 forty pairs of eyes were focused on the large cardboard box. From the top, I lifted 
out brightly colored,  knitted jerseys. Eyes sparkled as I gave  them out. 

Then there  were the knitted bandages for the leprosy patients, and  the children 
looked a little bored. Then came a box of mixed raisins and  sultanas - that would 
make  a batch of buns for the weekend. Then, as  I put my hand in again, I  felt 
the.could it really be? I grasped it and pulled it out-yes, a brand-new,  rubber 
hot water bottle. I cried. I had  not asked God to send it; 
 had  not truly believed that He could. Ruth  was in the front row of  the  children. 
She rushed forward,  crying out, "If God has sent the bottle,  He must have sent the  
dolly,  too!" 
 Rummaging down to the bottom of the box,  she pulled out the  small,  beautifully  
dressed dolly. Her eyes shone! She had never doubted. Looking up at  me,  she asked: 
"Can  I go over with you, Mummy, and give this dolly to that little girl,  so  she'll  
know that Jesus really loves her?"   That parcel ha

[JOYnet] Re: the hail mary of a protestant

2002-05-16 Thread sheril daniel

dear friends,
i am very hurt by this story.
i have read it on joynet before. for obvious reasons i find this story very 
prejudiced. this person is portrayed as a hero, well and good. and yes, it is a story 
promoting intercession thru mother mary. well and good. but what gives this man the 
right to condemn the faith of the protestant church? is he a priest? then he should 
know that salvation is through our lord Jesus Christ. i am a marthomite. hence i 
suppose i would be classified under the "protestant" group of churches. one "separated 
from the true church of christ founded on the rock (Peter) and against whom the gates 
of hell shall never prevail" as quoted in the story. I AM SORRY, BUT I REFUSE TO 
BELIEVE THAT! as marthomites we believe in salvation through Jesus Christ. He died for 
each one of us on the cross. He shed His blood for my sins. He was whipped for my 
sicknesses. He suffered so that i would be saved. if this is the basis of a church 
(besides catholic church) i don't see why that church would be "separate!
d" from christ. i don't believe that as a marthomite, i am in any way less entitled ot 
the kindom of God than a catholic based on whether i pray to mary or not.
there are differences in some beliefs, yes. like in our church we do not intercede 
thru mother mary. but we do revere her as a holy mother. we do not think of her as an 
ordinary woman. no. but where in the bible does it say that if u don't pray to mther 
mary you will not go to heaven? see, i'm not saying one church is right or another is 
wrong. it is not up to me to condemn any religion either. Jesus said that true 
religion is looking after widows and orphans. the religious culture, the laws of the 
church, the ceremonies, the way in which ppl pray, these are not the most important 
things. what is most important is whetehr you have accepted Jesus as your personal 
saviour or not. everything else is there to lead u to him not to condemn other 
churches. even praying to mother mary. is she there to take the importance or is she 
there to guide children to Jesus? i like to think it is the latter. maybe it is 
difficult for some catholics to accept the fact that as christians, God is!
 not looking at what church one comes from, what background one has, or what way one 
prays. He is looking at the heart. do you have Jesus in there or not. i am not saying 
that protestants are not always biased against catholics. we are the generation that 
has to change all of this bitching and bickering between both churches. as christians 
we are one. if that is not the attitude that u have, then that must change first. i am 
not a catholic but the reason why i am in joynet is not because i want to be a 
catholic. but it is because i am a young christian who wants fellowship with other 
such christians. 

in Jesus

sheril daniel

grahamstown, south africa



The Hail Mary of a Protestant
(A true story)

A little six-year-old Protestant boy had often heard his Catholic 
companions reciting the prayer "Hail Mary." He like it so much 
that he copied it,memorized it and would recite it every day. 
"Look, Mommy, what a beautiful prayer," he said to his mother one 

"Never again say it," answered the mother. "It is a superstitious 
prayer of Catholics who adore idols and think Mary a goddess. 
After all, she is a woman like any other. Come on, take this Bible 
and read it. It contains everything that we are bound to do and 
have to do." From that day on the little boy discontinued his 
daily "Hail Mary" and gave himself more time to reading the Bible 

One day, while reading the Gospel, he came across the passage 
about the Annunciation of the Angel to Our Lady. Full of joy, the 
little boy ran to his mother and said: "Mommy, I have found the 
'Hail Mary' in the Bible which says: 'Hail full of grace, the Lord 
is with thee, blessed art thou amongst women.' Why do you call it 
a superstitious prayer?"

On another occasion he found that beautiful Salutation of St. 
Elizabeth to the Virgin Mary and the wonderful canticle MAGNIFICAT 
in which Mary foretold that "the generations would call her 
blessed."He said no more about it to his mother but started to 
recite the "Hail Mary" every day as before. He felt pleasure in 
addressing those charming words to the Mother of Jesus, our 

When he was fourteen, he one day heard a discussion on Our Lady 
among the members of his family. Every one said that Mary was a 
common woman like any other woman. The boy, after listening to 
their erroneous reasoning could not bear it any longer, and full 
of indignation, he interrupted them,saying:
"Mary is not like any other children of Adam, stained with sin.No! 
is the Mother of Jesus Christ and consequently Mother

[JOYnet] rubs and i

2002-05-22 Thread sheril daniel

dear friends

we (rubina and i) really need your prayers on what i'm going to tell you about. we are 
in a department where the only help and support we get is from God. and last year, i 
got a bursary which was able to cover my fees for university. this year the fees went 
high and the bursary covers only a portion. now we heared that there is an opportunity 
to apply for a higher bursary and cancel the first one. but there are many opposing 
forces in the dept against our applying for it. it would take ages to explain all 
that. anyway i'm just going to meet the dean of research to ask him for his permission 
and his advice. from what he says i will know whetehr i can apply for it or not. under 
normal circumstances my supervisor should be the one to do all this, but in the 
present circumstances not only will he not co operate, but he is also against me doing 
this. i only see it as a way of helping my parents out with paying my fees. the only 
way i can win this bursary is thru prayer. if htat i!
s God's will. so i need you all to pray for rubina ad i. rubs is going to speak to 
prof about it now. i am running to the dean before he leaves the office. the last date 
for submitting this application is monday (31'th of may) so i have to rush. 

please please please pray!!! we need this so badly. 

love in Jesus

sheril daniel

grahamstown, south africa
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[JOYnet] <<<<<<>>>>>>>

2002-05-26 Thread sheril daniel

all you precious computer boffins please contact me! my computer at home is infected 
with the following:




we have norton antivirus and f-secure. the norton has quarentined the nimda one. i 
don't know about the otehrs. fsecure keeps detecting them. but both can't disinfect. 
and i don't think the trojan and exploit whatever its called is quarentined cuz its' 
not in that folder. ayoo! i'm so worried! please help and tell me if theres any 
site i can go to which will do the disinfection! :( 

love in Jesus

sheril daniel

grahamstown, south africa
Yahoo! - Official partner of 2002 FIFA World Cup

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[JOYnet] <<<>>>> PART II

2002-05-26 Thread sheril daniel


 i forgot to mention in the first part of <<>> that i understand very 
little  computer lingo so please use ordinary language when advicing me..! and pls 
help me fast cuz i need to get this out of this pc before i leave for grahamstown, i'm 
at home now for the weekend. problem is, my parnts know less than me about internet, 
viruses and disinfection (which is scary, actually, cuz i know VERY LITTLE!!) so i 
need to get rid of it for them. 


sheril daniel

grahamstown, south africa
Yahoo! - Official partner of 2002 FIFA World Cup

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[JOYnet] hi all!

2002-07-17 Thread sheril daniel

dear friends!

its been a while since i've mailed to u all but have been going thru some of the 
maiils on joynet. i have been busy here with all sorts of work. but am fine by God's 
grace. i will be writing some important examinations from aug 12 till aug 16. honestly 
speaking i'm not one for studying and exams! hearing about exams gives me the shivers! 
please pray that i will be able to study well from today onward and rwite well. it is 
so important that i pass them because they are  my registration exams and only if i 
pass will i be able to work next year. i will be given a post in my home place here, 
if i pass and i really need to start working now. 

its very cold here now and most of us in the dept prefer doing our work beneath 
blankets in our own rooms and near the heater! 

Heres' wishing all of u a lovely day!

in Jesus

sheril daniel

grahamstown, south africa
Yahoo! Autos - Get free new car price quotes

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[JOYnet] Re:

2002-07-26 Thread sheril daniel

In response to Anita's mail, I think that was an interesting story and very relevant 
I remember when we used to have prayer groups during my undergrad years in SME 
(Kottayam) and sometimes when someone did not agree with someone else's point of view 
or behaviour, especially when it was from the so called "leaders" I was tempted to 
stop coming for all those prayer meetings. I don't remember who it was but someone 
told gave me a lovely piece of advice. "Don't let the focus of your prayer group be on 
anyone else but the 'real leader' Jesus Christ".
Diversity will always be present in any group of people because we are all individuals 
and we all have our own beautiful way of thinking and reasoning. However when we 
concentrate on ourselves and our thoughts, when pride takes over, or when we become so 
narrow minded that we think only we are right, our original focus shifts to a new one. 
the new focus could be anything related to the group, it  could be another individual, 
it could be one's own glorification, anything, but that is immaterial. what is 
important is that we realise what the point of our group meeting was in the first 
place and readjust our vision and our energies to our original focus point.
with love in Jesus
sheril daniel :)
grahamstown, south africa
anitha dsouza wrote:My dear friends,

Just want to share with you a story for reflection. 
It would be nice if we could read the story carefully
, think, pray and reflect about it and share our
inspirations with our beautiful group…..which I am
sure will help many of the prayer groups all round. 
So please do share your thoughts after you have gone
through this,

Once, there were two angels, the good one named
Gabriel and the one who had stood against God whose
name was Lucifer; both of them went on to tour the
whole world.
As they came across a small village, both of them
happened to glance at a poor villager, ploughing his
fields, singing joyfully the spiritual hymns that he
had often heard in the church.

They both knew that, he was a simple and a humble man,
who was pure in heart and did no harm to anybody. 
Gabriel was indeed pleased to see him, so joyfully
absorbed in his work and decided to reward him more,
so that he would be an effective instruement of
As the farmer went on ploughing, Gabriel threw down a
little ‘ grace of evangelization’ towards his path. 
The farmer suddenly caught hold of the grace, gave
thanks to the Lord , left his plough in the fields and
ran into the village, with His new found mission to

Gabriel, being very pleased with the farmers response,
challenged Lucifer, ‘See, how eager the Lords people
are, to carry out their missions on earth. This
person is going to be a great evangelizer and is going
to draw more and more crowds towards the kingdom of

At this challenge, Lucifer laughed out loudly, and
threw back another challenge at Gabriel.
‘You say, this person is going to draw vast crowds
towards the kingdom of heaven;
You know what I will do? I will wait, till he goes to
his village and starts telling everybody of his new
found grace. And then, more and more people will be
attracted towards him; and his teaching; he will make
fellow believers and finally He will form a large
group of people, who will gather every now and then
for their fellowship gatherings, there will be praise
and worship and singing of hymns in those

Gabriel was indeed pleased when he heard all of this
from Lucifer, He started imagining the great group
which will focus on worshipping the Lord and telling
others about their faith.

It was then, that Lucifer continued his talk,
‘And when the group is all set and ready and well
I will put my seeds of jealousy, greed for power,
hatred and misunderstandings in that group, and start
of with simple diversity of ideas which will later
form into major arguments and finally when the group
is disrupted, I will bring all those large crowds of
people towards me.
Thus, with your single seed of grace, I will make vast
number of followers for myself.’

Gabriel was angry and furious on hearing this and said
sternly ‘THIS WILL NEVER HAPPEN.’ And they parted
their ways, each waiting eagerly to see what the
outcome was going to be………

My dear friends, this was only a story, but does it in
some ways reflect truth in our fellowship
It was a challenge between good and evil…….
We too, may be members of various prayer groups, cell
groups…..and the like…..
Diversity of ideas can come in our groups too…..
When such situations arise, whom shall we allow to win
the challenge….? The good or the evil? When we
see certain things which affect the harmony of the
groups taking place withen our groups, what are the
steps that we can take to prevent the devil from
having his victory……?
love in christ,
Yahoo! He

[JOYnet] Fwd: (Fwd) Trust

2002-08-02 Thread sheril daniel

wrote:From: "J.Coupe" 

Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2002 12:06:49 +0200
Subject: (Fwd) Trust


The only survivor of a shipwreck was washed up on a small, uninhabited
island. He prayed feverishly for God to rescue him, and every day he scanned
the horizon for help, but none seemed forthcoming. Exhausted, he eventually
managed to build a little hut out of driftwood to protect him from the
elements, and to store his few possessions. But then one day, after
scavenging for food, he arrived home to find his little hut in flames, the
smoke rolling up to the sky. The worst had happened; everything was lost.
He was stunned with grief and anger. "God how could you do this to me!" he
Early the next day, however, he was awakened by the sound of a ship that was
approaching the island. It had come to rescue him. "How did you know I was
here, the weary man asked his rescuers". We saw your smoke signal, they
It is easy to get discouraged when things are going bad. But we shouldn't
lose heart, because God is at work in our lives, even in the midst of pain
and suffering. Remember, next time your little hut is burning to the ground
it just may be a smoke signal that summons the grace of God.

For all the negative things we say to ourselves, God has a positive answer
for it:

You say: "It's impossible"
God says: All things are possible (Luke 18:27)

You say: "I'm too tired"
God says: I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28-30)

You say: "Nobody really loves me"
God says: I love you (John 3:16 & John 3:34)

You say: "I can't go on"
God says: My grace is sufficient (II Corinthians 12:9 & Psalm 91:15)

You say: "I can't figure things out"
God says: I will direct your steps (Proverbs 3:5-6)

You say: "I can't do it"
God says: You can do all things (Philippians 4:13)

You say: "I'm not able"
God says: I am able (II Corinthians 9:8)

You say: "It's not worth it"
God says: It will be worth it (Roman 8:28)

You say: "I can't forgive myself"
God says: I Forgive you (I John 1:9 & Romans 8:1)

You say: "I can't manage"
God says: I will supply all your needs (Philippians 4:19)

You say: "I'm afraid"
God says: I have not given you a spirit of fear (II Timothy 1:7)

You say: "I'm always worried and frustrated"
God says: Cast all your cares on ME (I Peter 5:7)

You say: "I don't have enough faith"
God says: I've given everyone a measure of faith (Romans 12:3)

You say: "I'm not smart enough"
God says: I give you wisdom (I Corinthians 1:30)

You say: "I feel all alone"
God says: I will never leave you or forsake you (Hebrews 13:5)


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[JOYnet] my week ahead

2002-08-10 Thread sheril daniel

dear friends

the next week ahead is going to be a major test for me! i'm going to P.E. (Port 
Elizabeth) to write four papers for my pharmacy registration exams. I have'nt finished 
any of the work but i'm just trusting God to bring me through. Pleaase pray for me. i 
have already startd praising God for my results! its going to be abit lonely without 
being able to check my inbox and find all those lovely Joynet mails. but i'm staying 
in a convent and there are two malayalee sisters there too, so i am actually looking 
forward to meeting all of them and staying a whole week there! i'm sure the Lord has 
arranged all of that specially knowing how lonely i'll be if it wer'nt so!

so here's my farewell to all of you for next week. see you all (online ofcourse :) ) 
when i get back on the 19'th of aug. by the way my exam dates are on 12, 14, 16, 19 of 
august. my dear sweet prayer partner arunii, i will mail u wehn i get back too! oh and 
good to see you're back josun! we've all missed your mails on joynet!

lots and lots of love in Jesus,

sheril daniel

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[JOYnet] Light to my path

2002-09-03 Thread sheril daniel

dear friends

i just love this picture of Jesus and when i found one on the net i thot i should show 
you guys. i'm sure its one you've all seen but its just one of those pictures that 
never loses its touch! it reminds me of the promise of the Lord to be a light to our 
path in life.

love in Jesus

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[JOYnet] making pancakes

2002-10-23 Thread sheril daniel
Making Pancakes

Six -year-old Brandon decided one Saturday
morning to fix his parents pancakes. He
found a big bowl and spoon, pulled a chair
to the counter, opened the cupboard and
pulled out the heavy flour canister,
spilling it on the floor.

He scooped some of the flour into the bowl
with his hands, mixed in most of a cup of
milk and added some sugar, leaving a floury
trail on the floor which by now had a few
tracks left by his kitten.

Brandon was covered with flour and getting
frustrated. He wanted this to be something
very good for Mom and Dad, but it was
getting very bad.

He didn't know what to do next, whether to
put it all into the oven or on the stove
and he didn't know how the stove worked!).

Suddenly he saw his kitten licking from the
bowl of mix and reached to push her away,
knocking the egg carton to the floor.

Frantically he tried to clean up this
monumental mess but slipped on the eggs,
getting his pajamas white and sticky.

And just then he saw Dad standing at the
door. Big crocodile tears welled up in
Brandon's eyes.

All he'd wanted to do was something good,
but he'd made a terrible mess. He was
sure a scolding was coming, maybe even a
spanking. But his father just watched him.

Then, walking through the mess, he picked
up; his crying son, hugged him and loved
him, getting his own pajamas white and
sticky in the process.

That's how God deals with us. We try to do
something good in life, but it turns into
a mess. Our marriage gets all sticky or we
insult a friend, or we can't stand our job,
or our health goes sour.

Sometimes we just stand there in tears
because we can't think of anything else to
do. That's when God picks us up and loves
us and forgives us, even though some of our
mess gets all over Him.

But just because we might mess up, we can't
stop trying to "make pancakes" for God or
for others. Sooner or later we'll get it right,
and then they'll be glad we tried...

Please pass some of this love on to
otherssuppose one morning you were
called to God; do all your friends know you
love them?

I was thinking... and I wondered if I had
any wounds needing to be healed, friendships
that need rekindling or three words needing
to be said, sometimes, "I love you" can heal &
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Re: [JOYnet] Controversial versus?

2002-11-03 Thread sheril daniel
dear friends
that mail is obviously meant to be a joke, and made in fun of christians and the bible 
in general. i don't think we should give it more attention that it deserves.
with love in Jesus
sheril daniel
Grahamstown, South Africa
 Mary Jacobs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Hi Vimal,

>From the tone of the letter you presented, it seems as though the writer is 
somewhat mocking the Christian faith and what we as Catholics believe. In 
fact, it's a bit disheartening to read it. The question of understanding 
the bible (whether it be literally or symbolically) is probably one that 
takes much study and insight. I'm sure any one of our learned reverend 
fathers on joynet can address the questions laid out by the writer, point by 
point. I remember being taught that we are supposed to live according to 
the New Testament. Perhaps others can shed a little more light to this?

Thanks,...Mary --Calgary, Canada

>From: "Vimal" 
>Subject: [JOYnet] Controversial versus?
>Date: Fri, 1 Nov 2002 10:58:23 +0530
>Hi every one,
>Please read the following text which i got from friend (he too is in 
>.The text doesnot justify homosexualiy implicitly but then points to some
>controversial versus which we find difficult and avoid quiet often. Don't 
>quiet often pray open the bible (looking out for quick decisions) get one 
>these worses gets degected and closed the bible. Here we have some worses
>which requires some explanation and understanding, and ofcourse there are
>plenty other such as, god orders to annihilate the whole of moabite tribe 
>their idolatry including the newborn ?. The words are not just limited to
>leviticus but through out the old testament. I thnk it's good idea to have
>some brain storm in this matter which will enhance our understanding of our
>bible. Looking forward to ur views and ideas .
>Luv and prayers
>Vimal Gracian
>Dear :
>Thank you for doing so much to educate people regarding God's Law. I
>have learned a great deal from your show, and try to share that
>knowledge with as many people as I can. When someone tries to defend
>the homosexual lifestyle, for example, I simply remind them that
>Leviticus 18:22 clearly states it to be an abomination. End of
>I do need some advice from you, however, regarding some of the other
>specific laws and how to follow them:
>1. When I burn a bull on the altar as a sacrifice, I know it creates
>a pleasing odour for the Lord - Lev.1:9. The problem is my
>neighbours. They claim the odour is not pleasing to them. Should I
>smite them?
>2. I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as sanctioned in
>Exodus 21:7. In this day and age, what do you think would be a fair
>price for her?
>3. I know that I am allowed no contact with a woman while she is in
>her period of menstrual uncleanliness - Lev.15:19-24. The problem is,
>how do I tell? I have tried asking, but most women take offence.
>4. Lev. 25:44 states that I may indeed possess slaves, both male and
>female, provided they are purchased from neighbouring nations. A
>friend of mine claims that this applies to Mexicans, but not
>Canadians. Can you clarify? Why can't I own Canadians?
>5. I have a neighbour who insists on working on the Sabbath. Exodus
>35:2 clearly states he should be put to death. Am I morally obligated
>to kill him myself?
>6. A friend of mine feels that even though eating shellfish is an
>abomination - Lev. 11:10, it is a lesser abomination than
>homosexuality. I don't agree. Can you settle this?
>7. Lev. 21:20 states that I may not approach the altar of God if I
>have a defect in my sight. I have to admit that I wear reading
>glasses. Does my vision have to be 20/20, or is there some wiggle
>room here?
>8. Most of my male friends get their hair trimmed, including the hair
>around their temples, even though this is expressly forbidden by
>Lev.19:27. How should they die?
>9. I know from Lev. 11:6-8 that touching the skin of a dead pig makes
>me unclean, but may I still play football if I wear gloves?
>10. My uncle has a farm. He violates Lev. 19:19 by planting two
>different crops in the same field, as does his wife by wearing
>garments made of two different kinds of thread
>(cotton/polyesterblend). He also tends to curse and blaspheme a lot.
>Is it really necessary that we go to all the trouble of getting the
>whole town together to stone them? -Lev.24:10-16. Couldn't we just
>burn them to death at a private family affair like we do with people
>who sleep with their in-laws? (Lev.20:14)
>I know you have studied these things extensively, so I am confident
>you can help. Thank you again 


2002-11-11 Thread sheril daniel
Hi all! Hope you are all doing well! This is a mail that a friend forwarded to me. 
"The Practice" is a law series about lawyers and their different cases. 

with love

sheril daniel

grahamstown, south africa

My name is Jim Neugent. I wrote to ABC (on-line)
> concerning a program
called "THE PRACTICE." In last nights episode,
one of the lawyer's mothers
decided she is gay and wanted her son to go to
court and help her get a 
 marriage license so she could marry her 'partner.'! I sent
 the following letter 
 to ABC yesterday and really did not expect a
but I did get one. My original message was:

 ABC is obsessed (or should I say abscessed) with
 the subject of 
 homosexuality. I will no longer watch any of your
 attempts to convince 
 the world that homosexuality is OK. THE PRACTICE
 can be a fairly good 
 show, but last night's program was so typical of
 your agenda. You picked 
 the dufus' of the office to be the one who was
against the idea of his 
mother being gay and made him look like a whiner
 because he had 
 convictions. This type of mentality calls people
 like me a "gay basher." 
 Read the first chapter of Romans (that's in the
 Bible) and see what the 
 apostle Paul had to say about it He, God and
 Jesus were all, as you 
 would say, 'gay bashers'. What if she'd fallen in
 love with her cocker 
 spaniel? Is that an alternative lifestyle? (By the
 way, the Bible speaks 
 against that, too.)

 Jim Neugent

 Here is ABC's reply from the ABC on-line
How about getting your nose out of the Bible
 (which is ONLY a book of 
 stories compiled by MANY different writers
hundreds of years ago) and 
 read the Declaration of Independence (what our
 nation is built on) where 
 it says "All Men are Created equal" --and try
 treating them that way for 
 a change!

 Or better yet, try thinking for yourself and stop
 using an archaic book 
 of stories as your lame crutch for your existence.
You are in minority in 
 this country and your boycott will not affect us
or our freedom of statement.

Jim Neugent's second response to ABC:

Thanks for your reply. >From your harsh reply,
 evidently I hit a nerve. 
 I will share it with all with whom I come in
 contact. Hopefully, the 
 Arkansas Democrat Newspaper will include it in one
of their columns and I 
 will be praying for you. -Jim Neugent

 Note: Wouldn't Satan just love it if people
 stopped using the Bible for 
a crutch? Please resend this to everyone in your
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Re: [JOYnet] Scientific Youth ?

2002-11-15 Thread sheril daniel
i don't think there is anything wrong in being scientific and christian together. A 
scientist can glorify God and can marvel at His creation through his or her 
profession. And thinking scientifically is also a wonder and an ability that God gives 
His children. but it is also important to be able to discern what goes and comes 
around, be it in the scientific world, or in the world of rituals that we often end up 
practicing. i don't really understand much about this vastushastra thing and so i 
won't comment much on it as such. However, one thing i am sure of is that, even within 
our culture, i mean, our hindu background that has lent us our culture, there is alot 
of wisdom. it is up to us christians to discern it and use what we can use and discard 
what we can't. 
alot of the wisdom of our ancestors who were hindus were expressed in the form of 
stories and gods, and these were perhaps to help "lay" people understand the concept. 
someone else in joynet also mentioned this i think, in that very often, what we  go on 
and on about as being paganistic, is probably a little truth that has been covered up 
in alot of "stories" about the "god of this and the god of that" just for the people 
of "those days" to understand i'm not saying that that its "okay" to follow the 
rituals of vastushara or whatever that is because i don't understand all the facts and 
i dn't have time now to look them all up. but i just feel that it is important to 
understand some of these concepts thouroughly and pray about it inorder to discern 
wisely whether as christians we can safely follow it or not. i'm sure that there are 
many such, besides the vastushara story that often plague many christian consciences. 
i have one question though. the ritual of women putting "bindi" or "potte". what do 
you think of that then? i'm sure many of you are aware that the hindus think of that 
as "the third eye of shiva". but it is more common among the catholic faith in putting 
it on, than any other faith among the christian denominations, in namude kerala. i 
always felt that the reason is just htat it is part of our kerala culture that 
malayalee mangamaar feel prettier when they put a potte. or feel dressed up or look 
complete with it. but think about it! i just put this through because i see alot of 
joynetters shredding up alot the vastushastra ideology on the basis that it is wrong 
to follow any culture of ours that is paganistic etc. well isnt' this originally 
paganistic? although some ppl say that they don't think of it as the third eye of 
shiva when they pt it, but only as a fashion statement. sorry i don't mean to divert 
the topic! just a thought that's all.
with love in Jesus
Sheril Daniel
Grahamstown, South Africa
 Jento Joy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Hello Sajith,

Forgive me if I am wrong.

We should never be a scientific youth. What we can or should be is a wise 

You see if you try say that just because there are some scietific aspects to 
Vasthushastra it should be accepted, it is not correct. In fact all the age 
old traditions of Hinduism are influencing the western culture and many 
other religions because it has a strong scientific foundations.

Science being manmade is an easy tool in the hands of the enemy. Many leaned 
men and scientists have finally ended up with GOD just because there comes a 
point when no answers are available.

All the healing therapies such as yoga, reiki, tachyon and what not can 
scientifically be good for you from the symptoms point of view. Because they 
are all energies and frequencies which are radiated to the body's affected 
parts. I think there were a lot of discussion pertaining to this subject 
previously on Joynet.

Frankly speaking it is not at all worth discussing about these a lot, 
because in that we are actually making the enemy's work easier.


Take Care,


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[JOYnet] NASA proves the bible is true!

2002-11-18 Thread sheril daniel
Hi dear friends! 

For all of you who think its not possible to be a scientist and a christian at the 
same time, heres' something really interesting! and it just shows that science leads 
to God and not that science is a different path. everything should and will lead to 
God. and i just feel that being a scientist, or having a scientific incline to the way 
one thinks, is also advantageous because God shows us and explains much through that. 
we can glorify Him through science and prove alot to the world we live in. That God is 
no myth, and the bible is the WORD. by the way, what i'm saying has nothing to do with 
vasthshastra (the current hot topic!!!). and i am so inspired by joseph uncle's mail 
about his personal experience and how he has depended solely on his faith and has not 
let any superstitions or "cultural beliefs" affect him in anyway. 

with love in Jesus



Subject:(Fwd) (Fwd) NASA Proves the Bible is true
Priority:   normal
Date forwarded: Mon, 18 Nov 2002 11:18:46 +0200

Subject:(Fwd) NASA Proves the Bible is true

For all you scientists out there and for all the students who have a 
hard time 
convincing these people regarding the truth of the Bible, here's 
something that
shows God's awesome creation and shows that He's still in control.

Did you know that the space program is busy proving that what has been
called "myth" in the Bible is true? Mr. Harold Hill. President of the
Curtis Engine Company in Baltimore Maryland and a consultant in
the space program relates the following development:
>   > >
>   > >I think one of the most amazing things that God has for us 
>   > >happened recently to our astronauts and space scientists at 
>   > >Belt, Maryland.
>   > >
>   > >They were checking the position of the sun, moon, and 
planets out
>   in
>   > >space where they would be 100 years and 1000 years from now. 
>   have
>   > >to know this so we won't send a satellite up, and have it 
>   into
>   > >something later on its orbits. We have to lay out the orbits 
>   terms of>
>   >the
>   > >life of the satellite, and where the planets will be so the 
>   thing>
>   >will
>   > >not bog down.
>   > >
>   > >They ran the computer measurement back and forth over the
>   centuries
>   > >and it came to a halt. The computer stopped and put up a red
>   signal, which
>   > >meant that there was something wrong either with the 
>   fed
>   > >into it or with the results as compared to the standards.
>   > >
>   > >They called in the service department to check it out and 
>   said.
>   > >What's wrong?" Well, they found there is a day missing in 
>   > >elapsed time. They scratched their heads and tore their 
>   There was no
>   > >answer.
>   > >Finally a Christian man on the team said. "You know, one 
time I
>   was
>   > >in Sunday School and they talked about the sun standing 
>   > >
>   > >While they didn't believe him they didn't have an answer 
>   So
>   > >they said, "Show us".
>   > >
>   > >He got a Bible and went back to the book of Joshua where 
>   found a
>   > >pretty ridiculous statement for any one with "Common sense".
>   > >they found the Lord saying to Joshua, "Fear them not. I have
>   delivered
>   > >them into thy hand : there shall not a man of them stand 
>   thee".
>   > >Joshua was concerned because he was surrounded by the enemy 
>   > >darkness fell they would overpower them. So Joshua asked the 
>   to make
>   > >the
>   > >sun stand still!
>   > >
>   > >That's right - "The sun stood still and the moon 
>   hasted
>   > >not to go down about a whole day!"
>   > >
>   > >The astronauts and scientists said. "There is the missing 
>   > >
>   > >They checked the computers going back into the time it was
>   and
>   > >found it was close but not close enough. The elapsed time 
>   > >missing back Joshua's day was 23 hours and 20 minutes - not 
>   whole
>   > >day.
>   > >
>   > >They read the Bible and there it was "about (approximately) 
>   > >These little words in the Bible are important. But they were
>   in
>   > >trouble because if you cannot account for 40 minutes you'll 
>   be
>   > >in trouble 1 000 years from now. Forty minutes had to be 
>   because
>   > >it can be multiplied many times over in orbits.
>   > >
>   > >As the Christian employee thought about it, he remembered
>   somewhere>
>   > >in the Bible where it said the sun went BACKWARDS.
>   > >
>   > >The scientists told him he was out of his mind, 

[JOYnet] The Pearly Gate

2002-11-29 Thread sheril daniel
The Pearly Gate

A man dies and goes to heaven. Of course, St. Peter meets him at the pearly gates.

St. Peter says, "Here's how it works. You need 100 points to make it into heaven. You 
tell me all the good things you've done, and I give you a certain number of points for 
each item, depending on how good it was. When you reach 100 points, you get in."

"Okay," the man says, "I was married to the same woman for 50 years and never cheated 
on her, even in my heart."

"That's wonderful," says St. Peter, "that's worth three points!"

"Three points?" he says. "Well, I attended church all my life and supported its 
ministry with my tithe and service."

"Terrific!" says St. Peter, "that's certainly worth a point."

"One point? Golly. How about this; I started a soup kitchen in my city and worked in a 
shelter for homeless veterans."

"Fantastic, that's good for two more points, " he says.

"TWO POINTS!!" the man cries, "At this rate the only way I'll get into heaven is by 
the grace of God!"

"Come on in!"
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Re: [JOYnet] thoughts on JOYnet

2002-12-02 Thread sheril daniel
hmm true. but since we are a family, a close knit family of God's children, i would 
think that it would be okay to share one's personal needs too. i mean, that's also 
part of growing in the Lord isnt it? to have friends to share one's sorrows, needs etc 
besides the inspiring mails. having a seperate network for prayer requests is a great 
idea but i don't think that should be a strict restricting factor for sending mails to 
joynet because sometimes it depends on the context of the mail, the situation etc.  
okay, i think we should not use joynet to surf future marriage partners, that could 
turn out to be abit off the whole point! the emphasis would change completely! 
i just feel that personal needs are important because unless one is able to grow as an 
individual in Jesus it is not possible for one to help build others or evangelise. i 
feel that joynet, at this point in time, is serving the very important function of 
building us all individually. i mean, we all have wonderful, christian friends in this 
circle whom we can trust, who we know will pray for us, and with whom we can talk to. 
ofcourse global evangelisation is a very important aspect of christianity, but it 
starts with ourselves. 
and why can't we ask for financial help in joynet? no one is obliged to respond unless 
the Lord puts it in their heart too. we are a family. if someone has a particular 
need, perhaps the Lord has put it in their heart to put forward that need on joynet 
because He has already prepared someone else there to act as his vessel of provision. 
forwards, attachemnts and chain mails are very annoying and should definitely be 
avoided unless there is a specific objective or point to it all, which ultimately 
glorifies God. look there can be many rules about what to send and what not to send to 
joynet, but ultimately we've got to be abit sensible and above all, prayerful when we 
mail joynet. 
love in Jesus
sheril daniel
grahamstown, south africa
Mathew Joseph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Hi all,

Just adding to what Giju has wrote in the guidelines.

We need to have a clear idea about the vision of JOYnet.

JOYnet is a virtual family of people all over the world who
help and support each other in growing in their Christian life.

JOYnet has got more to do with "Community life"...
A spirit of sharing and supporting each other.
A spirit of encouraging and guiding each other in the love of God.

Our first priority will be global evangelisation.
Building lives on Christ
So, we will send mails which help people to grow in Christ.

So, all our personal needs go to the last priority.
Things like personal needs and personal prayer requests...
(yes, we have a dedicated list for that [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Things like finding our life partner...
(Yes, this is an important need. But JOYnet is not the place for that)

Things like financial needs and charity
(This is also important... But again, not in JOYnet
May be we will find some solution to work out this soon)

In a nutshell, in JOYnet, we will take up things which
are of interest to the whole group.
Things which are important in building the Kingdom of God.

All our personal needs and things take the back seat and lower priority

What do you say about this?? Does it make any sense?
Ofcourse, please feel free to tell if you disagree...

Mathew Joseph
Bangalore, India.

- Original Message -
From: "List Admin" 

Sent: Monday, December 02, 2002 1:58 PM
Subject: [JOYnet] To remind ourselves of the Mail etiquette in JOYnet

> Hi Friends
> Mathew has been repeatedly sending mails to remind us about some of that
> guidelines we follow in JOYnet to make it lively, to make the mails useful
> and at the same time to be in line with our mission.
> But we still deviate from these guideline sometimes, maybe because we
> know why these guidelines are set.
> 1) Send no attachments.
> Mail attachments are really dangerous. It can flood the mailboxes and
> sometimes (no, many a time !) these attachments carry virus. So let's
> getting hit by them! "Only Text" emails are cleaner, less bulky and can
> reach faster.
> Anyway attachments get deleted in the mail server before they are
> to the members of the list.
> 2) Mail Forwarding
> Do we need them? JOYnet is a forum/community where we discuss our own
> experience with Christ. So let's give more focus to write OUR OWN
> experience. Certainly many of the forward mails are good and inspiring,
> do we ever wish joynet to be a list where only mails from others are
> forwarded? We talk about others (is that called gossip ??) when we don't
> have words of our own. Even if we are inspired by a forward mail and if we
> still wish to let our fellow-JOYnetters kn

[JOYnet] Time for God - A poem

2002-12-06 Thread sheril daniel

I knelt to pray but not for long,  
I had too much to do.  
I had to hurry and get to work  
For bills would soon be due.  
So I knelt and said a hurried prayer,  
And jumped up off my knees.  
My Christian duty was now done  
My soul could rest at ease.  
All day long I had no time  
To spread a word of cheer.  
No time to speak of Christ to friends,  
They'd laugh at me I'd fear.  
No time, no time, too much to do,  
That was my constant cry,  
No time to give to souls in need  
But at last the time, the time to die.  
I went before the Lord,  
I came, I stood with downcast eyes.  
For in his hands God held a book;  
It was the book of life.  
God looked into his book and said  
"Your name I cannot find.  
I once was going to write it down...  
But never found the time"  
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[JOYnet] my thesis: obstacles

2002-12-12 Thread sheril daniel
dear joynetters

hope you are all doing well. its been a long time since i checked my mail and read any 
of your letters because i've been really busy with trying to finish writing up my 
thesis. and i think i've been mising out on alot of blessings. i really need your 
pryaers now dear friends. my thesis is finished. but there seems to be so many 
obstacles that keep jumping into my path. 

right now i'm so frustrated. i have burnt the whole thing on cd and was hopimng to 
give it to my supervisors today. however, for some strange reason, the printer won't 
print it, and it says "insufficinet memory to display the font" or something likethat. 
i tried on many computers in our dept. none of them are working. noiw its past 11 pm 
and i'm frantic. i need to give them this by tomoro otherwise i won't be able to go 
home even next week, and my mummy is at home alone right now waiting for me. i'm 
trying to convert it to pdf files, incase that will help, but i went to the lab where 
the computer having that facility is, and guess what? none of thekeys that are meant 
to open it, are working. i just don't know what to do. the first thing that came to 
mind was, tell joynetters to pray. so that's what i'm doing. i'm just trusting God to 
find me a solution. pls pray.

love in JEsus

Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now

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[JOYnet] my thesis and the obstacles (the rest of the story!!)

2002-12-13 Thread sheril daniel
dear joynetters

last night i mailed a very frantic note to joynet about the obstacles i was facing 
while writing up my thesis. well heres' the remaining of that story!

almost immediately after i mailed, i went back to my attempts at printing it out. the 
pictures i had scanned were too huge that the pc coudl'nt read it (or something like 
that). after many trials, it finally started printing bits and pieces. i was 
overjoyed! i quickly  checked my inbox and found an angelic mail waiting to minister 
to my anguished and despondent (and may i add, pathetic) mind. i almost cried when i 
read suma's (canada) mail. it was morinig there and she promised to get some of her 
friends to pray for me as well. i am sure God sent a precious angel down to me because 
from then on, everything started going well. i could'nt print out the pictures but 
thankfully the pictures i could'nt print out were black and white, so i just 
photocopied them. and finally i had two copies of my thesis ready to give my 
supervisors the following day. i left for residence at 2 am, tired, but joyful. and i 
must also tell you, God sent one angel to sit with me throughout the process !
and help me out with it, and walk me back to res at 2 in the morning! i really felt 
the providence of God and i knew in my heart that He would find a way for me to put in 
all the pics too!

so today i managed to get my thesis converted to pdf file, which converted a 11mb file 
to 2mb file. i'm sure all you IT and computer sci people already know this but to me, 
this was amazing! and i just test printed and it went perfectly! well, that's the 
power of prayer. some times even small things start bugging you and eventually end up 
as obstacles. at taht stage you may be so tired mentally and physically to even think 
straight. that's when God sends friends as angels to pray and to minister to you. and 
the moment you claim and believe with faith that He will make things work, its just 
smooth sailing from there on. i just want to thanjk everyoone else who prayed for me, 
and suma for sending me that loving and uplifting mail.

with love in JEsus

sheril daniel

grahamstown, south africa
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[JOYnet] my big day!

2002-12-17 Thread sheril daniel
dear joyful friends in Christ

Today is a big day for me and i want to share it with all of you too! After two years 
of struggles and heartaches at Rhodes University, today i will be submitting the fruit 
of it all, my thesis. i need your prayers that all goes well, i print enough copies 
and that all in all, my big day goes smoothly! i'm really excited and at the same 
time, slightly apprehensive. don't know why. maybe its just that i've waited for this 
day for long now and at one stage, i wasn't sure that it would happen this year. 

i know that all the credit goes to the Lord because He provided me with everything i 
ever needed! and He gave me wonderful friends like all of you to pray with.

with love in Jesus

Sheril Daniel

Grahamstown, South Africa
Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now

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[JOYnet] pls pray

2002-12-17 Thread sheril daniel
dear friends

i don't know why but most of my changes are not coming out and everything is totally 
messed up. please pray for me. i'm not sure what is going on. i'm talking about the 
printing of my thesis, by the way.

love in Jesus

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[JOYnet] My thesis: the saga

2002-12-17 Thread sheril daniel
my dearest joyful friends

for those of you who have been following the saga of my thesis preparation on joynet 
that has been over flowing the past couple of days :) i just want to let you know that 
God helped me print out all my stuff perfectly last night and today, it is bound and 
looking like a  real thesis finally! Praise God! and now i am going to submit it. 
thank you so much esp to those who kept responding and encouraging. and for all those 
who prayed for me. knowing that joynet cares means alot to me. 

i also thank the Lord for our new JY core team members and pray that God will 
strengthen them for Joynet. 

To all of you who will be spending christmas away from home and family, i pray that 
God will keep you close to His heart and that you will not feel the pangs of 
loneliness this christmas. I have always maintained that Christmas is the most 
beautiful season of the year, and is meant for sharing. sharing with family. As i pack 
up and prepare to go home, at the end of the year, to celebrate christmas with my mom 
at home, i would like to wish my joynet family a most memorable and significant 
christmas, full of love, sharing and joy! i also pray for broken homes right now, that 
people will be united in HIs love. although i don't come from a broken family, my dad 
and younger sister are in India at the moment spending chrstmas together, and mummy 
and i miss them both alot. so i can imagine how terrible it must be. 

I will surely join the prayer on friday at 2.30pm south african time. I may have to 
unsubscribe from joynet before i leave but it is because i may not be able to check 
mail as regularly at home. once again, wishing all of you a wonderful christmas. 
Primeson, heres' wishing you a gorgeous birthday today. Happy birthday to Suma, Siby, 
Hedy and Martin too! Thank you for being vessels of God's love to all of us at joynet. 
May God Bless you all! 

with much love in Jesus

Sheril Daniel

Grahamstown, South Africa
Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now

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[JOYnet] wedding bells!!!

2003-01-16 Thread sheril daniel
Dearest buddies in Jesus!

Before i say anything else, I would like to let you all know the wonderful news that 
rubina is getting married today. i'm sure many of you know Rubina John from her emails 
to joynet. I'm not sure of the exact details but only that the groom is Gigme Poulose, 
settled in America, but originally from Perumbavoor. Actually, by now the wedding must 
be over (10.00am) but its never too late to bless the couple with our prayers!

i just want to say, its so nice to be back in Grahamstown, and back in joynet again! i 
am starting this year off doing my doctrate, in the department of biochemistry. my 
field will be molecular biology. Please pray for me to be strenghtened by the Lord so 
that He will make me worthy of whatever He plans for me. I pray that all of you will 
be blessed with a beautiful and glorious year ahead! 

with love in Jesus

Sheril Daniel

Grahamstown, South Africa
Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now

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[JOYnet] the heart sees what the eyes can't

2003-01-22 Thread sheril daniel
dear joyful people in Jesus

i just came across this story which lifted my spirits up so much that i wanted to 
share it with all you precious children of God! Go on, read it! and Praise God!

Sometimes we get what we need and not what we want...

Once there were three trees on a hill in the woods.
They were discussing their hopes and dreams when the first tree said,
Someday, I hope to be a treasure chest. I could be filled with gold,
silver and precious gems and be decorated with intricate carvings. Everyone
would see my beauty.

The second tree said, Someday, I will be a mighty ship. I will take kings
and queens across the waters and sail to the corners of other world.
Everyone will feel safe in me because of the strength of my hull.

Finally, the third tree said,I want to grow to be the tallest and
straightest tree in the forest.People will see me on top of the hill and
look up to my branches, and think of the heavens and God and how close to
them I am reaching. I will be the greatest tree of all time, and people
will always remember me.

After a few years of praying that their dreams would come true, a group
of woodsmen came upon the trees. One came to the first tree and said,This looks like a 
strong tree, I think I should be able to sell the wood to a carpenter, and he began 
cutting it
down. The tree was happy, because he knew that the carpenter would make
him into a treasure chest.

At the second tree, one of the other woodsman said,This looks like a
strong tree. I should be able to sell it to the shipyard. The second tree was
happy, because he knew he was on his way to becoming a mighty ship.

When the woodsmen came upon the third tree, the tree was frightened,
because it knew that, if it was cut down, its dreams would not come true.
One of the woodsmen said,I don't need anything special from my tree,so
I'll take this one, and he cut it down.

When the first tree arrived at the carpenter's, he was! made into a feed
box for animals, placed in a barn and filled with hay. This was not at
all what he had prayed for. The second tree was cut and made into a small
fishing boat. His dreams of being a mighty ship and carrying kings had
come to an end. The third tree was cut into large pieces and left alone in the

Then years went by, and the trees forgot about their dreams. Then one
day, a man and woman came to the barn. She gave birth, and they placed the
baby in the hay in the feed box that was made from the first tree. The man
wished that he could have made a crib for the baby, but this manger would
have to do. The tree could feel the importance of this event and knew
that it had held the greatest treasure of all time.

Years later, a group of men got in the fishing boat made from the second
tree. One of them was tired and went to sleep. While they were out on the
water, a great storm arose, and the tree didn! 't think it was strong
enough to keep the men safe. The men woke the sleeping man, and he stood
and said Peace, and the storm stopped. At this time, the tree knew that
it had carried the King of Kings in its boat.

Finally, someone came and got the third tree. It was carried through the
streets, and the crowd mocked the man who was carrying it. Finally, the
man was nailed to the tree and raised in the air to die at the top of a hill.

When Sunday came, the tree came to realize that it was strong enough to
stand at the top of the hill and be as close to God as was possible,
because Jesus had been crucified on it.

The moral of this story is that, when things don't seem to be going your way, always 
know that God has a plan for you. If you place your trust in Him, He will give you 
great gifts. Each of the trees got what they wanted, just not in the way they had 
imagined. We don't always know what God's plans a! re for us. We just know that His 
ways are not our ways, but His ways are always best.Sometimes the heart sees what the 
eyes can't.

with love in Jesus

Sheril Daniel

Grahamstown, South Africa
Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now

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[JOYnet] helllllllllllllllp! :o

2003-01-28 Thread sheril daniel
dear friends

i've been asked to write and submit a research proposal of roughly about 15 to 20 
pages for my doctrate (biochemistry) by 03 feb. i don't know enough for even one page, 
at this stage. since my degree and masters were in pharmacy field i'm still trying to 
learn the basics of biochemistry. i am sitting here trying to do something but am 
feeling abit down. please pray for me joynetters. i really need some upliftment right 
now. thanks so much.

with love in Jesus

Sheril Daniel

Grahamstown, South Africa

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[JOYnet] proposal feedback :)

2003-02-12 Thread sheril daniel
dear joynetters!

long time since i mailed you all! i've been sick for sometime ( i'd rather not go into 
the details!) but thankfully i'm still alive! anyway, remember i put in a prayer 
request for my proposal?! well guess what? i'm still busy with it! :) shortly before 
my deadline i became violently ill (no i was'nt looking for an excuse or pretending to 
be sick) and had to be taken home. i came back only on monday ( this week) and have 
been working on it ever since. 

the good news is, i can see things working out already. i am just claiming the 
promises of Jesus and all your prayers on my behalf. i know everything will work out 
and i just want to give you all a BIG net hug! A big thanks especially to all of you 
who mailed and sent me your love and encouragement. suma i owe you a mail. will get 
back to you soon! :) i will let you all know how things work out. josun, i got your 
mail and i will reply to you as soon as i've sorted out my current work! 

Mathew, thanks for your mail, i hope you got some feedback from Geo. Unfortunately i 
dont' know whats going on around here because i've been away for so long and just got 
back this week. i'll let you know if i get any details of Fr. Thomas's whereabouts. 

by the way, i wouuld like to share a scripture reading and interpretation that i got 
from the net. its beautiful.

lots of love in Jesus

Sheril Daniel

Grahamstown, South Africa

"Therefore do not worry and be anxious." Mathew 6/31

God is vehemently against worry. Jesus preached against it. Paul preached against it. 
The whole Bible preaches against worry because it was designed by Satan to produce 
stress, strain, and death. What are you supposed to do then with all the concerns you 
have about your problems? In 1 Peter 5:7, God says you should "cast them all upon 
Him." All. Not 75 percent of them. Not all of them but the ones about your kids. All 
of them!

Remember, though, God will not take your cares away from you. You have to give them to 
Him. Then you have to replace those worries with the Word. You are the one who has to 
keep your thoughts under control. But you can do it. The Greater One dwells within 
you. He is able to put you over. Commit to it. You'll never have to worry again.
Yahoo! Shopping - Send Flowers for Valentine's Day

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[JOYnet] thank you :)

2003-02-14 Thread sheril daniel
dear joyful friends :)

first of all, happy valentines day to all of you. i dont' know if this day should have 
any meaning in any of your lives but it just feels nice, with all the atmsphere of 
love around, to wish love and happiness to all of you! 

i hav'nt participated in our "thanks" week so i thot i'd put in a mail before it was 
too late! i guess i would have to thank the Lord for giving me the gift of life, first 
 and foremost. i was born healthy and into the care of two beautiful people whom i 
give thanks for too! i thank God for my beautiful sister and playmate, who came 
shortly after me. i thank God for sending me before hand to prepare the atmosphere for 
her! :)

i think it was when i was in grade 8 that i first met a group of people who were so 
fervent in their adoration for Jesus that they did not feel ashamed in anyway to show 
it. infact, they used to write messages such as "I'M ADDICTED TO THE RESURRECTED" over 
their notebooks, and you must remember that this is during their teens when peer 
pressure is most felt especially in our school to do drugs. it had such an impact on 
my mind that i realized that that was something i did'nt have. The courage to stand up 
for what i believed in. i am grateful for those people who first sowed the seed of 
change in my heart. until then, i did'nt htink i lacked much in my faith. in fact i 
hardly thot of my faith until then, cuz like many joynetters, i was born in a loving 
christian family and somehow took everything for granted. 

i thank God also for the tough times i had when i went to india to study my degree, 
leaving my parents, my sister, and the world i knew and was so comfortable with, back 
in south africa. it honestly was the most difficult period in my life. at certain 
points i almost wanted to run away from it all. but God sent angels to help me on my 
way. some of those angels were jesus youth kind of angels! :) 

i also thank God for putting me in positions where i did'nt want to be in but in my 
heart, knew that He wanted me to be in. i think that happens to many of us. times when 
you know that that's what He wants from you, but you struggle inward with him begging 
him to let go cuz you want the easy way out. well that's happend so much to me that 
i'm beginign to think my whole life has been exactly that!!! but i've never regretted 
it at the end of it, because i've gained so much and lost absolutely nothing.

 the most wonderful thing i'm learing from it all is how to be brave. and to see GOd 
pull great things out of a person like me who had no belief in myself. someone once 
said God likes putting "small" people in "big" situations to show how He can MAKE them 
capable of doing "great" things.

there are so many more things to say thanks for. but i don't know if all of us in 
Joynet have that much patience. well i hope you have enuf to read thru this atleast! 
if you tthought you did'nt but you managed to, welll there you go! that's what i was 
talking about! He makes us capable of "great" things! :)

love in Jesus

sheril daniel

grahamstown, south africa
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[JOYnet] i need a miracle

2003-02-22 Thread sheril daniel
my dear friends

this is me again, crying for another miracle. this time, its huge. i can't believe 
this has happened to me. i typed my research proposal perfectly and just came here 
tonite to do some finishing touches. something went wrong on the pc and it told me i 
can't save or something like that. since i had only made some slight changes i thot " 
okay fine, let it be. i'll close it and start all over again cuz it had been saved as 
"sherilsphdproposal" bforei itself. i closed it. then wehn i went back to my folder to 
open and start, the document dissapeared. 

i prayed that it was just an overlook on my part and shut down and tried again. still 
i can't find it. instead i find somehting called ~$fs phd proposal, and it has only 
some coded stuff on it. i don't know what to do. i'm really despearate. this is two 
weeks of work and i was supposed to submit it on long time back. finally i told my 
supervisor i would submit it on monday. i can't go to him without anything. i need you 
all to help me storm Heaven for Help. 

love in Jesus


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This mail is generated from JOYnet, a Jesus Youth mailing list.
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[JOYnet] Re: i need a miracle

2003-02-23 Thread sheril daniel
dear friends

thanks so much to all of you for your prayers. i havnt been able to retrieve thie file 
yet. tomoro is a working day so maybe i will get someone to try and help. in the mean 
time i'm trying to do as much as i can all over again so that hopefully i can submit 
something tomoro to my supervisor. if not, all i can do is tell him what hapend. and 
hope that he responds positively. i'm just so frustrated with what's going on. i don't 
know if there's a virus, cuz the f-secure scan hasnt detected anything. i will respond 
to you all personally later. once again htank you so much for your support. i love you 
all to bits.


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[JOYnet] St. Jude : Thank You!

2003-03-05 Thread sheril daniel
I would just like to acknowledge the prayer of St.
Jude before all of you. And publically thank him for
blessing me and praying for my intentions. Here is the
prayer. i'm writing it in english but its actually

Mashihayude snehithanum, vishwastha dasanum aaye
vishuda Judaslihaye. Ettavum kashtapedunne ennikuvendi
appekshikeneme. Yathoru sahayavum, phalasidhi yillathe
varunna sandharbathil ettavum thwarithavum (quick)
gochara aya (that  can be seen) sahayam cheyunethinnu
angekku visheshavidhiyayi kittiyirikunne anugrahathe
angu upayigikkaname. Ente ella avashiangalilum
especially (here, mention your need) angayude sahayam
nyan abyarthikkunu. Drishiappette judasleehaye, ange
sthuthikele lokam engum arrikamenum, angeyude
sahayethe nyan sada orkum ennum nyan promise 
cheyunnu. Amen.

with love in Jesus
Sheril Daniel

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Re: [JOYnet] St. Jude : Thank You!

2003-03-07 Thread sheril daniel
Dear Joynetters

 with my prayer to st. jude, i forgot to mention that this prayer must be prayerfully 
recited 9 times a day for 9 days, if you have a specific intention. On the 9'th day, 
you will get your miracle. 

with love in Jesus

Sheril Daniel

Grahamstown, South Africa


 Ur Loving Pal, Phil*n!h#C
-->   Original Message Follows---- From: sheril daniel To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: [JOYnet] St. Jude : Thank You! Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2003 01:57:34 -0600 I would 
just like to acknowledge the prayer of St. Jude before all of you. And publically 
thank him for blessing me and praying for my intentions. Here is the prayer. i'm 
writing it in english but its actually mallayalam!! Mashihayude snehithanum, 
vishwastha dasanum aaye vishuda Judaslihaye. Ettavum kashtapedunne ennikuvendi 
appekshikeneme. Yathoru sahayavum, phalasidhi yillathe varunna sandharbathil ettavum 
thwarithavum (quick) gochara aya (that can be seen) sahayam cheyunethinnu angekku 
visheshavidhiyayi kittiyirikunne anugrahathe angu upayigikkaname. Ente ella 
avashiangalilum especially (here, mention your need) angayude sahayam nyan 
abyarthikkunu. Drishiappette judasleehaye, ange sthuthikele lokam engum arrikamenum, 
angeyude sahayethe nyan sada orkum ennum nyan promise cheyunnu. Amen. with love in 
Jesus Sher!
il Daniel __ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Tax 
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[JOYnet] my miracle!

2003-03-26 Thread sheril daniel
my dear joybuddies!

you may or may not remember, but i've been posting mails inbetween consistantly 
requesting prayers for miracles in my life! especially with my struggles regardng the 
computer! hehehe! well, first of all, my research proposal got accepted, signed and 
shelved. now i can begin actual work. secondly, today i got the results of my masters 
work and heard that i passed with a distinction. let me tell you all, this is the 
first time im passing any big exam with a distinction! i'm so amazed i don't even know 
how to react, except to praise God overr and over again!

i guess it just shows that you when you fight a war it is not how many horses or 
equipment you have. Its who you have on your side. Is'nt it wonderful, absolutely 
fantastic news, to know that as children of God, our Father is always on our side in 
war! "Praise be to the LORD my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for 
battle" (Psalm 144 vs. 1,2). 

Thank you all so much for all your prayers and for encouraging me so much. i love you 

with love

sheril daniel

grahamstown, south africa

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Re: [JOYnet] Priests & Chastity

2003-04-04 Thread sheril daniel
Dear buddies

"True imitation of Jesus Christ is to remain chaste, poor and 

I just picked up something that i think is not very clear. From what i've quoted Bensi 
(above in bold) are you saying that that only applies to priests? As children of God 
we are all brothers and sisters of Christ, and imitating Christ is what God wants from 
all of us and not just priests. so in this case, i think chaste should not mean 
remaining virgins your whole life, but it should be within the context of marriage and 
as God willed it to be (morality, fidelity etc). 

St. Paul tells us in Corinthians 7:14, that 
are those who are called to be virgins. Let them who can remain virgins 
remain as such, for it is written (Rev 14:4):

I agree that that verse is from the bible and very relevant. But i feel that the call 
to remain a virgin is a personal one that God will give to the person. i odn't think 
it should be general as in, all priests Should be virgins, kind of thing. but i guess 
that's where alot of people will disagree with me, and ure welcome to tell me why. 
please don't bomb me guys!! :) 

I agree totally with someone who mailed saying that we should be praying for priests 
and those in leadership. we have that responsiblity, definitely. but i personally 
don't agree wtih the rule that priests should be virgins. i think that should be a 
personal decision made on the basis of their call from God. Youre welcome to correct 

love in Jesus

Sheril Daniel

Grahamstown, South Africa



Bensi Chacko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Dear Friends,

Since 1965, more than 80,000 priests have been laicized according to Fr. 
Florencio Testera, former dean of cannon law. In the USA, more than 2500 
priests since 1982 have sexually molested children. Many bishops were forced 
to resign from their offices after newspapers had exposed their sexual 

After having found several orphanages worldwide a certain priest, devoted 
all his time to his apostolate, which soon turned into a purely humanitarian 
activity. Because he was too busy, he found less time for prayer. Though he 
continued to celebrate mass, he neglected his meditation, Rosary, Confession 
and Holy Hours.

Soon, he began to drink. When wine no longer satisfied him, he was driven 
to sexual fantacies. But he was well known as a priest, so he could not be 
in sexual relationship with a women. He thought he should release his sexual 
urges either alone or with the children in the orphanage.

One victim followed another. It all become so obvious that the New York 
Times exposed his sexual abuses and accused him of pedophilia. His donors 
were shocked, the staff was appalled forcing the hierarchy to remove him 
from the orphanage he had supported for forty years. Truly, without 
Chastity, all good works come to an end.

Yet the opposite is also true. St. John Bosco established many 
orphanages- more than this priest in New York ever did. The big difference 
is Don Bosco remained chaste and holy. His life was a life of intense 
prayer. He would meditate from 1:00 am to 5:00 am daily; heard confession 
ten hours a day; celebrated Mass with great reverence as if each Mass was 
his last; and he would pray at least three Rosaries everyday and the 
Stations of the Cross. His chastity and sanctity brought many orphans to 
love God and the Virgin Mary. It was no surprise then that saints were 
nurtured in his orphanages. Even Virgin Mary would physically visit some of 
them. Don Boscos work has brought the Church many young saints such as St. 
Dominic Savio, Blessed Laura Vicuna, and hundreds of others.

"True imitation of Jesus Christ is to remain chaste, poor and obedient. 
Moreover the problem of unchastity among clerics cannot be solved by simply 
allowing priests to marry. St. Paul tells us in Corinthians 7:14, that there 
are those who are called to be virgins. Let them who can remain virgins 
remain as such, for it is written (Rev 14:4): " The virgins follow the Lamp 
wherever He goes" "(Fr. Bing Arellano)

Bensilal Chacko,DE,USA.

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