[proletar] Re: Majikan Sumiati Biadab! (Otak anjing "Roman Proteus"

2010-11-17 Thread Jusfiq

Omongan "Roman Proteus" yang berotak anjing dihadapan tubuh TKWI yang babak 
belur disiks orang Arab.

Betul)betul nista.

Kerak kenistaan.

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "Roman Proteus"  wrote:
> Resepnya bayangin si Rosa jadi TKW
> -Original Message-
> From: "blubps" 
> Sender: proletar@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2010 17:38:30 
> To: 
> Reply-To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [proletar] Re: Majikan Sumiati Biadab!
> kok bisa berpikiran lugu gini resepnya apaan, nih?
> blub!
> --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "Roman Proteus"  wrote:
> >
> > Salah om
> > 
> > Pemerintah RI gak pernah kirim TKW TKI
> > Mereka dengan suka rela pergi sendiri nyari makan
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > -Original Message-
> > From: "sunny" 
> > Sender: proletar@yahoogroups.com
> > Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2010 11:07:05 
> > To: 
> > Reply-To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
> > Subject: [proletar] Majikan Sumiati Biadab!
> > 
> > Refleksi : Dalam jangka waktu kurang lebih 35 tahun sejak dikirim TKI  ke 
> > Arab Saudia hingga kini sudah banyak Sumiati menjadi korban kebiadaban.  
> > Agaknya rezim berkuasa NKRI memiliki sama falsafah dengan para majikan dan 
> > oleh karena itu terus menerus dikirim TKW menjadi umpan perbuatan 
> > kebiadaban. 
> > 
> > http://www.republika.co.id/berita/breaking-news/nasional/10/11/16/146992-majikan-sumiati-biadab
> > 
> > Majikan Sumiati Biadab!
> > 
> > Selasa, 16 November 2010, 03:08 WIB
> > 
> > REPUBLIKA.CO.ID,BANDUNG--Kepala Badan Nasional Penempatan dan Perlindungan 
> > Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (BNP2TKI) Moh Jumhur Hidayat  menyebut keluarga 
> > majikan TKI Sumiati Salan Mustafa di Arab Saudi biadab karena telah 
> > menyiksa wanita berusia 23 tahun asal Nusa Tenggara Barat itu."Tindakan 
> > keluarga majikan pada Sumiati itu merupakan bentuk penyiksaan yang keji 
> > atau biadab," kata Jumhur melalui surat elektronik dari Jakarta, Senin, 
> > menanggapi kasus penyiksaan terhadap Sumiati.
> > Sumiati kini dirawat intensif di Rumah Sakit Raja Fahd di Madinah, Arab 
> > Saudi, setelah mengalami penyiksaan sekaligus digunting mulutnya.Jumhur 
> > telah memerintahkan aparatnya segera menangani kasus Sumiati itu, 
> > berkoordinasi dengan Perwakilan RI di Jeddah terkait perkembangan kasus 
> > maupun perawatan terhadap Sumiati, termasuk mengurus hak-hak Sumiati 
> > terkait ganti rugi materiil serta nonmateriil.
> > 
> > Ia menegaskan BNP2TKI akan terus memonitor agar korban mendapatkan 
> > perawatan maksimal bagi pemulihan kesehatan fisiknya, di samping mendesak 
> > proses hukum terhadap majikan Sumiati dilakukan seadil-adilnya.
> > 
> > Ia meminta kepolisian di Arab Saudi bisa secepatnya menyeret pihak majikan 
> > dan memberi sanksi hukum seberat-beratnya. Kasus Sumiati itu, lanjut 
> > Jumhur, sudah dilaporkan ke Kepolisian Distrik Madinah melalui rumahsakit 
> > yang merawat Sumiati, dua pekan lalu.
> > 
> > Sumiati bekerja di keluarga majikan di Madinah sejak Juli 2010 namun 
> > dikabarkan kerap disiksa secara kasar sehingga terluka pada sekujur tubuh, 
> > wajah, dan kedua kakinya.
> > 
> > Ia menilai kasus yang menimpa Sumiati itu tidak bisa lagi ditoleransi 
> > karena secara langsung ataupun tidak telah menghina martabat bangsa maupun 
> > melecehkan nilai kemanusiaan tersebut."Tindakan seperti ini jelas tidak 
> > pantas kita terima, dan saya yakin pemerintah Arab Saudi akan memajukannya 
> > ke ranah hukum demi kehormartan negaranya," kata Jumhur.
> > 
> > Red: Krisman Purwoko
> > Sumber: ant
> > 
> > Share39  Berita terkait
> >   a.. PRT di Bawah Umur Rentan Jadi Korban Kekerasan
> >   b.. Menkumham: Penyiksaan Dalam Penjara Perbuatan Biadab
> >   c.. Pemerintah RI akan Monitor Kasus dan Pengobatan Sumiati
> >   d.. Pemerintah Kutuk Penganiayaan TKI Sumiati di Arab Saudi
> > 
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[proletar] ahabat Dengan Sapi Pak Presiden

2010-11-17 Thread sunny
Refleksi : Kalau penduduk berpendapatan cukup untuk hidup, mereka bisa  makan 
daging tiap hari, teristimewa yang berpendapatan rendah atau  mereka miskin 
tidak perlu tunggu hari raya baru bisa mencicp daging sedekah dari kaum berada.


Bersahabat Dengan Sapi Pak Presiden
Rabu, 17 November 2010 12:58 WIB | Artikel | Pumpunan | Dibaca 369 kali
F.X. Lilik Dwi Mardjianto

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Dua ekor sapi itu berada di dalam komplek Masjid 
Istiqlal, Jakarta, Rabu pagi. Keduanya diikat dengan tali kekang pada bagian 
leher dan kepala. Kemudian, tali kekang itu diikatkan pada dua batang pohon.

Kedua sapi itu berada di dalam taman, tepat di samping salah satu pintu masuk 
masjid yang konon paling besar se-Asia Tenggara itu.

Pintu masuk itu adalah pintu khusus karena akan dilewati oleh Presiden Susilo 
Bambang Yudhoyono dan Ibu Ani Yudhoyono. Presiden dan Ibu negara berada di 
Masjid Istiqlal untuk menunaikan shalat Idul Adha 1431 H.

Dinding di sekitar pintu masuk itu berhias kain warna-warni. Warna merah, 
putih, dan biru sangat dominan di ruangan itu.

Sejumlah pejabat negara dan beberapa pasukan pengamanan bersiaga di lokasi 
tersebut. Bahkan, taman tempat dua ekor sapi itu berada juga tak luput dari 
penjagaan khusus.

Singkat kata, dua ekor sapi yang akan dikurbankan itu beruntung. Bagaimana 
tidak? berdasar pantauan, hanya 

dua sapi itu--selain tentunya para pejabat negara--yang bisa berada di dekat 
presiden saat orang nomor satu itu memasuki Istiqlal. Sementara itu, hewan 
kurban yang lain ditempatkan jauh dari pintu masuk tersebut.

Maklum saja, dua ekor sapi itu adalah hewan kurban yang diserahkan oleh 
Presiden Yudhoyono dan Wakil Presiden Boediono kepada pengelola Masjid Istiqlal.

Meski berada di taman dan dekat dengan pintu masuk bagi presiden, kedua sapi 
itu terlihat tidak begitu nyaman.

Kedua hewan kurban itu beberapa kali mengibaskan ekor ke segala arah. Mereka 
bahkan kadang memukulkan ekor ke bagian tubuh tertentu.

Mereka hentakkan kaki keras-keras, sambil sesekali mendongakkan kepala ke atas 
sehingga tali kekang yang membelenggu mereka menegang.

Sapi-sapi itu terlihat berusaha menghilangkan tanah basah yang melekat pada 
kaki mereka, dengan menghentakkan kaki atau mengoleskan tanah itu ke pohon atau 
bagian tubuh yang lain.

Hanya sebagian kaki-kaki sapi itu yang kotor. Selebihnya, kedua sapi itu tampak 
putih bersih. Tidak ada bercak tanah basah atau kotoran lain melekat pada tubuh 
hewan tambun itu.

Adalah Wahyu Yunus yang mampu mengenali gerak tubuh sapi-sapi tersebut. Dia 
bahkan berani menegaskan, kedua sapi itu tidak merasa nyaman berdiri di tanah 
basah yang mengotori sebagian kakinya.

"Biasanya mereka berdiri di atas karpet karet," katanya tenang.

Bersama saudaranya, Muqorrobin Yunus, Wahyu bagaikan sahabat karib kedua sapi 
itu. Mereka begitu mengenal tingkah laku dan kebiasaan dua hewan kurban itu.

Wahyu Yunus dan Muqorrobin Yunus adalah kakak beradik yang didaulat untuk 
merawat sapi pesanan Presiden dan Wakil Presiden.

Bersama ayah mereka, Wahyu dan Muqorrobin mengelola bisnis perawatan sapi di 
kawasan Mampang, Jakarta Selatan.

Menurut Wahyu, bisnis yang dikelola keluarganya selalu diminta oleh pihak 
Istana Kepresidenan untuk merawat sapi khusus, terutama setiap kali presiden 
dan wakil presiden akan berkurban pada Hari Raya Idul Adha.

Dengan bangga, Wahyu Yunus mengaku telah merawat "sapi kepresidenan" yang 
dijadikan hewan kurban sejak Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono menjadi presiden pada 

Yunus bersaudara merawat sapi milik Presiden dan Wakil Presiden selama kurang 
lebih satu bulan, sebelum dikurbankan di Istiqlal.

Kakak beradik itu membagi pekerjaan untuk menunaikan tugas mulia tersebut. Sang 
kakak, Wahyu Yunus, bertugas mengurus sapi milik Presiden Yudhoyono. Sedangkan 
si adik, Muqorrobin Yunus, bertugas merawat sapi pesanan Wakil Presiden 

Meski ada pembagian tugas, mereka saling membantu dalam bekerja. 

Setiap sapi memiliki sifat berbeda, kata Muqorrobin Yunus. Untuk tahun ini, 
sapi milik Presiden Yudhoyono dan Wakil Presiden Boediono cukup emosional.

"Mereka kadang marah, tidak mau dipegang bagian tubuh tertentu," katanya.

Menurut Muqorrobin, sapi-sapi itu juga tidak senang jika tidak ditempatkan di 
tempat yang tidak senyaman lokasi perawatan.

Dia kemudian menjelaskan, sapi-sapi pesanan itu tidak nyaman berdiri di atas 
tanah basah di samping Istiqlal karena keduanya biasa berdiri di lantai yang 
dilapisi karpet yang terbuat dari karet.

Meski demikian, Yunus bersaudara memperlakukan sapi-sapi "istimewa" itu laiknya 
sahabat. Mereka merawat dan memberikan makanan khusus.

Mereka juga memandikan sapi-sapi itu secara rutin terutama menjelang dibawa ke 
Istiqlal, tempat penyerahan sapi dari Presiden Yudhoyono kepada pengelola 

Selain itu, kakak beradik itu juga menyediakan makanan sehat. Secara rutin, 
mereka menyediakan kulit jagung, ampas tah

[proletar] Tawang berotak anjing budak Arab....

2010-11-17 Thread Jusfiq

Tawang berotak anjing budak Arab masih saja belm sangguyp melihat kenyataan 



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[proletar] Copet Gentayangan di Masjid Istiqlal

2010-11-17 Thread sunny
Refleksi : Maklumlah. Giliran musim panen pencopet, sebab pada hari kerja 
adalah musim panen buat koruptor.

Eid mubarak!


Copet Gentayangan di Masjid Istiqlal
Rabu, 17 November 2010 11:40 WIB | Peristiwa | Umum | 


Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Sejumlah umat Islam yang menjalankan Shalat Idul Adha 
di Masjid Istiqlal, kehilangan telepon selulernya karena digondol pencopet.

Di Pos Keamanan Masjid Istiqlal, sebanyak enam orang mengadukan kehilangan 
telepon selulernya.

Salah seorang warga yang mengaku kehilangan telepon selulernya, mengaku dirinya 
kehilangan HP Blackberrynya saat hendak meninggalkan masjid.

"Saya kehilangan HP pas mau meninggalkan masjid," kata Didi, warga Bekasi.

Walhasil petugas setempat berhasil mengamankan satu pencopet yang berhasil 
ditangkap oleh pengunjung.

Pencopet itu menjadi bulan-bulanan pengunjung yang merasa kesal dengan aksi 
pencopet itu.

Seperti diketahui, puluhan ribu warga Jakarta memadati Masjid Istiqlal untuk 
menjalankan Shalat Idul Adha.

Kepadatan itulah yang dimanfaatkan oleh para pencopet.
Baca Juga
  a.. Kamis, Pembagian Daging Kurban di Istiqlal
  b.. Masyarakat Turki Sumbang 300 Ekor Kambing

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[proletar] Kamis, Pembagian Daging Kurban di Istiqlal

2010-11-17 Thread sunny

Kamis, Pembagian Daging Kurban di Istiqlal
Rabu, 17 November 2010 12:06 WIB | Peristiwa | Umum | 

(ANTARA)Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Pembagian daging kurban di Masjid Istiqlal, 
Jakarta Pusat akan mulai dilakukan pada Kamis (18/11) mulai pukul 05.00 WIB 
yang ditandai dengan pengambilan lima ribu kupon oleh masyarakat.

"Mulai pukul 05.00 WIB Kamis (18/11), sudah pembagian dengan sebelumnya 
pengambilan kupon di lima loket untuk perempuan dan lima loket untuk pria," 
kata Ketua Badan Pelaksana Pengelola Masjid Istiqlal (BPPMI), Mubarok, di 
Jakarta, Rabu.

Jumlah hewan kurban di Masjid Istiqlal untuk Hari Raya Idul Adha tahun ini 
sebanyak 17 ekor sapi dan 318 ekor kambing.

Dua dari 17 ekor sapi itu, merupakan sumbangan dari Presiden Susilo Bambang 
Yudhoyono bersama keluarga dan Wakil Presiden Boediono beserta keluarga.

Sisanya merupakan sumbangan, antara lain, dari gubernur DKI Jakarta, wakil 
gubernur DKI Jakarta, menteri kelautan, dan menteri agama. 

Ia menyebutkan teknis pembagian daging kurban itu, setiap orang harus mengambil 
kupon yang tersedia di loket kemudian mendapatkan pembagian daging sembari 
mencelupkan jarinya ke tinta guna mencegah warga yang mengambil dua kali jatah 

Ia juga mengimbau kepada masyarakat yang nantinya tidak kebagian daging kurban 
untuk memahami dan tidak merasa kecewa. 

"Kami memohon pengertiannya (kalau nantinya ada warga yang tidak kebagian jatah 
daging korban)," katanya.

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[proletar] Red workers, green trains make Hajj easier - for some

2010-11-17 Thread sunny
Ref: As Gorge Orwell says : We all are equal, but some are more equal than 


Red workers, green trains make Hajj easier - for some
  By Imran Garda in November 13th, 2010. 

More than two million people kick off the Hajj pilgrimage today by heading out 
east from Mecca to Mina, a tent city on a majestic scale that's only in use 
once a year. ??Once there, a series of rituals take place, involving visits to 
the valley of Muzdalifa, Mount Arafat to sincerely ask for forgiveness and 
erase one's previous sins, and the Jamarat where pilgrims will stone the devil 
- satan or al-shaytaan in Arabic.?

"Symbolic" stoning is the intention theologically, to provide a physical outlet 
for each pilgrim's personal battle with the temptations of worldly possessions, 
the ego and other such evils that hinder submission to God and purity of 

However during a visit on the lesser "Umrah" pilgrimage that I made here seven 
years ago, where I could inspect the Jamarat devoid of crowds six weeks after 
the Hajj had ended, I noticed spray-painted graffiti on one of the concrete 
pillars, reading "PUSH" (I think it meant to say "BUSH") and another saying 
"SHARON". The sight made me question whether the concrete devil wasn't actually 
THE devil for some passionate pilgrims who pelted it.
Devils and former US and Israeli politicians aside - the mass exodus from Mecca 
to Mina and all the back-and-forth scrambling of rich and poor among the 
eclectic, more-than-one-billion strong global Muslim population, is taxing. For 
the sincere pilgrim - and also for authorities. 

These mini-journeys within the big spiritual odyssey can take up 12 hours each, 
and often are quicker by foot that by bus or car - in nerve-wracking 
bumper-to-bumper traffic.
Two billion dollar railway

A Saudi solution has been to unveil the Mashair rail project. It cost them 
nearly $2bn, and will eventually replace thousands of cars and buses and ease 
congestion at the holy sites.
It is a line that has three stations at each Arafat, Muzdalifa and the Jamarat. 
It won't be touching Mecca yet, but in the long-term Saudi officials plan for 
it to not only reach Islam's holiest site but also the second holiest  - 
Madina, the city of the Prophet -  over 300km away.
It will only operate at 35 per cent capacity this year and will incrementally 
expand its services over each forthcoming Hajj. 

I met up with Habib Zein Al Abideen - the "Chief of Central Directorate for 
Development of Project" at the central office site for the Mashair project and 
asked him why the train line, was, according to rail definitions, only a 
"light" rail and not something more substantial. 
"It is not a light rail, it is mass transit!" he half-reprimanded, 
half-educated me. "It is big - 70,000 persons per hour. This is not light!"
Exuberant, pleasant and conversant in English, Arabic and German (as he chatted 
to the German consultants in his office), he was confident that in the 
long-term, the "big problem" of "too many cars and buses" could finally be 
overcome by the railway line. 
The line is impressive. Modern, elegant and in many places above-ground so as 
not to disturb the flow of pilgrims on foot - these lime-green trains zip 
through stations where announcements can be heard in English and Arabic for 
passengers to "mind the gap" - between the platform and train - though I 
couldn't find any gap. Nonetheless it pricked my nostalgia for Leicester Square 
station in London.
Controversial Sino-Saudi partnership

Some 14,000 of the 20,000 workers who built (and continue to expand) Mashair 
are Chinese. Chinese contractors were the best bidders to clinch this lucrative 
contract. The Sino-Saudi partnership hasn't been without controversy though. In 
October, 16 of those workers were arrested and deported back to China. 

Their crime was to strike, over pay and poor working conditions. I quizzed 
Habib Zein Al Abideen about the events of October. He became visibly uneasy, 
and irritated at the very mention of this. 
"This happens sometimes, in each country, we have not any big problems 
actually..."  And then, recovering like a train momentarily diverting off-track 
onto a new line, "What is important is this project it is finalised for the 
Stage One in just one year."
I wondered about the Chinese workers that I saw at the Arafat station. They 
were neither Hui nor Uighur - the Chinese ethnic-Muslim groups. Although some 
media reports noted that about 1,600 of the railway workers converted to Islam 
recently, what about the almost twelve and a half thousand others? 

Had they received a special dispensation by the Saudi government to work on the 
sites, explicitly forbidden to non-Muslims for 1400 years? Had they done 
"symbolic" (we see that word crop up again) conversions like the two French 
paratroopers who 

[proletar] CNN: Sri Lankan officials await response in maid torture case

2010-11-17 Thread Jusfiq
Tawang berotak anjing nggak sanggup tuh menatap kenyataan ini...

Sri Lankan officials await response in maid torture case
By the CNN Wire Staff

* Saudi authorities have not confirmed arrest of couple accused of torture
* Maid is Sri Lankan; delegation from her country is in Saudi Arabia
* Doctors remove 18 nails from maid's arms, legs, forehead
* She was attacked after complaining of being overworked, officials say


* Sri Lanka

(CNN) -- Despite reports that a Saudi couple accused of torturing a Sri Lankan 
housemaid was arrested, Saudi authorities have not verified the action, a Sri 
Lankan official told CNN.

The Saudi employer and his wife were reportedly arrested this week in Riyadh, 
Saudi Arabia, after allegations they hammered nails into the maid's body, 
according to officials at the Sri Lankan External Affairs Ministry.

But two days later, "No one from the Saudi government has confirmed to us that 
they have been arrested," said Nimal Ranawaka, counselor for employment and 
welfare at the Sri Lankan Embassy in Riyadh.

Saudi Arabian authorities could not be reached immediately for verification. 
The two suspects have not been named.

Doctors at a Sri Lankan hospital operated for three hours last week to remove 
18 nails and metal particles allegedly hammered into the arms, legs and 
forehead of a maid by her Saudi employer.

Dr. Kamal Weeratunga said the surgical team in the southern town of 
Kamburupitiya pulled nails ranging from about 1 to 3 inches from Lahadapurage 
Daneris Ariyawathie's body. He said doctors have not yet removed four small 
metal particles embedded in her muscles.

"She is under heavy antibiotics but in a stable condition," Weeratunga said.

Sri Lankan officials, meanwhile, met with Saudi diplomats in Colombo to urge an 
investigation into the incident.

"It was cruel treatment which should be roundly condemned," said L.K. Ruhunuge 
of the Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment.

He said the Sri Lanka government has forwarded to Saudi authorities a detailed 
report on the incident including statements from Ariyawathie.

Ruhunuge and two other officials arrived in Saudi Arabia to meet with Saudi 
officials about the matter. The delegation arrived in Riyadh on Monday and will 
be in the country for another two days.

Ariyawathie left Sri Lanka on March 25 to work as a housemaid in Riyadh after 
the bureau registered her as a person obtaining a job from an officially 
recognized job agency.

She was held down by her employer's wife while the employer hammered the heated 
nails, Ruhunuge said. She apparently had complained to the couple that she was 
being overworked, Ruhunuge said.

The nails were hammered into her arms and legs while one was on her forehead, 
he said.

Several countries across the Middle East and Asia host significant numbers of 
migrant domestic workers, ranging from 196,000 in Singapore to about 1.5 
million in Saudi Arabia, according to a report published earlier this year by 
Human Rights Watch.

Many of the domestic workers are poor Asian women from Sri Lanka, Indonesia, 
India, Bangladesh, the Philippines and Nepal. Widespread abuse has been 
documented by global human rights groups.

Common complaints include unpaid wages, long working hours with no time for 
rest and heavy debt burdens from exorbitant recruitment fees, said the Human 
Rights Watch report.

CNN's Iqbal Athas contributed to this report.
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[proletar] Surabaya Kaya Peninggalan Sejarah

2010-11-17 Thread wawan


SURABAYA, KOMPAS.com - Dengan mulusnya, tentara NICA (Netherlands Indies Civil 
Administration) mendompleng tentara Inggris (sekutu) saat masuk Indonesia 
pascakemerdekaan 17 Agustus 1945. Kedatangan tentara ini bertujuan untuk 
melucuti tentara Jepang yang menyerah pada Amerika Serikat setelah peristiwa 
bom atom Hiroshima dan Nagasaki.

Selain itu, tentara sekutu dan NICA ini pun berusaha agar Indonesia kembali 
menjadi jajahan Belanda. Tujuan para tentara ini pun menggerakkan perlawanan 
rakyat dalam mempertahankan kemerdekaan. Salah satunya perlawanan rakyat paling 
bersejarah adalah peristiwa 10 November 1945 yang kini diperingati sebagai Hari 

Jika Anda berkesempatan mampir ke Surabaya, tempat terjadinya peristiwa 10 
November 1945, tidak ada salahnya Anda melakukan wisata sejarah menyusuri 
daerah-daerah yang berhubungan dengan Hari Pahlawan. Kompas.com berkesempatan 
ikut dalam program Surabaya Heritage Track untuk menelusuri beberapa bangunan 

Gedung Internatio
Jika mendengar kisah tentang Hari Pahlawan, momen paling melekat dalam ingatan 
adalah peristiwa perobekan bendera Belanda yang terjadi di Hotel Yamato. Namun 
ada kisah bersejarah penting lainnya, yaitu tewasnya pimpinan tentara Inggris, 
Brigadir Jenderal Aubertin Mallaby. Banyak orang yang mengira bahwa Mallaby 
tewas di Jembatan Merah, tapi sebenarnya peristiwa ini terjadi di sekitar area 
Gedung Internatio yang dibangun tahun 1920.

Tempat inilah yang menjadi markas bagi tentara sekutu. Hingga kini sosok pemuda 
Indonesia yang menembak Mallaby masih misteri. Kematian Mallaby menjadi awal 
meletusnya pertempuran 10 November 1945. Gedung Internatio berdekatan dengan 
Gedung Cerutu dan Gedung Polwiltabes Surabaya.

Gedung Cerutu
Gedung ini dibangun pada tahun 1916. Retno, pemandu program Surabaya Heritage 
Track, menjelaskan bahwa Gedung Cerutu dulunya adalah kantor perusahaan gula. 
Karena bentuk menaranya yang seperti cerutu, gedung ini pun dijuluki sebagai 
Gedung Cerutu.

Gedung Polwiltabes Surabaya
Gedung Polwiltabes Surabaya sangat unik. Karena dari awal dibangun, tempat ini 
adalah kantor kepolisian, baik pada masa kolonial Belanda, masa Jepang, hingga 
saat ini. Hanya namanya saja yang berubah-ubah. Bangunan ini berdiri pada tahun 
1850. Di bawah bangunan terdapat penjara bawah tanah. Konon, ada terowongan 
bawah tanah yang menghubungkan gedung ini dengan penjara Kalisosok.

Jembatan Merah
Siapa yang tak kenal lagu keroncong "Jembatan Merah"? Tentu lagu yang sangat 
familiar. Jembatan yang melintas di atas Kali Mas ini mulanya dibangun untuk 
menghubungkan Surabaya sebelah timur dengan sebelah barat. Sebelah timur 
merupakan area pedagang dan pelaut asing.

Saat ini, kawasan tersebut menjadi area pecinan dan di sebelahnya terdapat 
kawasan komunitas Arab. Sementara itu di sebelah barat dulunya merupakan 
kawasan pemerintahan kolonial Belanda. Jadi menurut Retno, Jembatan Merah 
dibangun bukan untuk kepentingan militer. Saat pertempuran melawan tentara 
Belanda dan Sekutu, para arek-arek Suroboyo bertahan di kawasan Jembatan Merah.

Tugu Pahlawan
Tugu Pahlawan merupakan ikon kota Surabaya. Monumen ini dibangun untuk 
memperingati Hari Pahlawan. Tugu Pahlawan terletak di tengah Taman Kebonrojo, 
di seberang kantor Gubernur Jawa Timur. Saat memasuki kawasan monumen ini, Anda 
akan disambut dengan patung Soekarno dan Hatta, lengkap dengan tulisan-tulisan 
perjuangan seperti "Merdeka atau Mati". Monumen ini diresmikan oleh Presiden 
Soekarno pada tahun 1952.

Di dekat tugu ada piramida dari kaca. Di bawah piramida ini terdapat museum. 
Untuk masuk ke bagian museum Anda cukup merogeh kocek Rp 2.000. Di museum ini 
Anda dapat menyaksikan patung peraga dan ukiran yang menggambarkan peristiwa 10 
November 1945. Selain itu ada pula koleksi pidato Bung Tomo dan rekaman suara 
Bung Tomo saat menolak ultimatum tentara sekutu yang mengharuskan rakyat 
Surabaya menyerah. Menurut Abdullah, pegawai museum ini, akan ada penambahan 
koleksi berupa mobil Bung Tomo.

Selain tempat-tempat di atas, Anda juga dapat mengunjungi Hotel Majapahit, yang 
sejak awal dibangun dan melewati masa Belanda, Jepang, hingga kini selalu 
berfungsi sebagai hotel. Saat hotel ini bernama Hotel Yamato, terjadi peristiwa 
perobekan warna biru pada bendera Belanda hingga menjadi merah putih, bendera 

Anda juga bisa mendatangi kawasan Jalan Kali Sosok untuk melihat penjara 
Kalisosok yang ditakuti dan dibangun pada masa Gubernur Jenderal Herman 
Williams Daendels. Bangunan yang tembok-temboknya kini dipenuhi mural termasuk 
saksi sejarah peristiwa 10 November 1945. Para tahanan Kalisosok ikut serta 
dalam pertempuran ini.

Untuk mendapatkan pengalaman napak tilas yang lebih komprehensif, Anda bisa 
menggunakan bantuan biro wisata yang banyak terdapat di Surabaya. Anda juga 
bisa mengunjungi Balai Pemuda Surabaya di persimpangan Jalan Pemuda, yang 

[proletar] CNN: Saudi system 'abuses foreigners'

2010-11-17 Thread Jusfiq
Tawang berotak anjing itu tidak malu-malu menjilat kebiadab orang Arab...

Tawang itu sungguh menjijikkan.


Saudi system 'abuses foreigners'
The rights of foreign workers in Saudi Arabia are being abused not only by 
employers but by the country's legal system, an advocacy group has claimed.

A report by Human Rights Watch decries what it calls the failure of the Saudi 
justice system to provide redress.

It speaks of workers who face torture, forced confessions and unfair trials 
when they are accused of crimes.

But the Saudi embassy in Washington said the report "grossly exaggerates" a few 
instances of abuse.

"The kingdom... takes the issue of human rights very seriously and we continue 
to make progress in this regard," it said in a statement.


The 135-page report by the New-York based group catalogues abuses it says are 
suffered by a predominantly Asian labour force that makes up more than one 
third of the kingdom's population.

" My father, an Indian citizen, was underpaid, even though he was more 
qualified than his co-American and British workers "
Maria Frank, New York, USA
"Migrant workers in the purportedly modern society that the kingdom has become 
continue to suffer extreme forms of labour exploitation that sometimes rise to 
slavery-like conditions," it says.

It describes the case of 300 women from India, Sri Lanka and the Philippines 
who cleaned hospitals in the country's second city, Jeddah.

They worked 12-hour shifts, six days a week, and at night were locked in 
crowded dormitory-style accommodation where 14 women shared one small room.

Human Rights Watch says abuses on women are particularly disturbing.

"Some women workers that we interviewed were still traumatised from rape and 
sexual abuse at the hands of Saudi male employers," the report says.

The watchdog also recorded executions of foreign workers whose families only 
learned of the death sentence after it had been carried out.


Saudi Arabia's labour minister recently said there were between eight and nine 
million foreign workers in the country - a much higher figure than previous 

Most are from the Indian subcontinent and South-East Asia.

While Human Rights Watch focuses on what it considers the pressing need for 
judicial reform, the International Crisis Group (ICG) urges the country's 
ruling princes to make a much stronger commitment to political reform.

Faced with a string of attacks over the last year by radical Islamists, the 
government, it says, has been tempted to cling to the political status quo.

The ICG report calls that a self-defeating strategy.

The government needs to repair its legitimacy, which the report argues has been 
badly battered by the closed and arbitrary nature of the political system, the 
concentration of wealth and power in the hands of the ruling family, and the 
corruption and profligacy of many of its members.

Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2004/07/15 14:34:19 GMT


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[proletar] Manifesto of the Congress to the Peoples of the East

2010-11-17 Thread wawan
Manifesto of the Congress to the Peoples of the East

On September 1, 1920, in the city of Baku, the capital of Azerbaidzhan, a
congress of representatives of the peoples of the East was held. Our congress
was attended by 1,891 delegates from the following countries: Turkey, Persia,
Egypt, India, Afghanistan, Baluchistan, Kashgar, China, japan, Korea, Arabia,
Syria, Palestine, Bukhara, Khiva, Daghestan, Northern Caucasia, Azerbaidzhan,
Armenia, Georgia, Turkestan, Ferghana, the Kalmuck Autonomous Region, the Tatar
Republic, and the Far Eastern District.

The Congress of the Peoples of the East was convened by the Communist
International. Every peasant, every toiler, needs to know what the Communist
International is. It is a union of workers and peasants, of the Communists of
the whole world, which has set itself the aim of smashing the power of the rich
and bringing about the complete equality of all. At the Second World Congress of
the Communist International, held in Moscow in August 1920, the following
countries were represented: America, Britain, France, Austria, Italy, Spain,
Poland, Bohemia,' 07 Yugoslavia, Hungary, Switzerland, Belgium, Holland,
Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Bulgaria,
Turkey, Persia, India, China, japan, Korea, Indochina, Georgia, Azerbaidzhan,
Armenia, Khiva, Bukhara, Afghanistan, Argentina, Russia, the Ukraine.

The Communist International wants to put an end not only to the power of the
rich over the poor but also to the power of some peoples over others. For this
purpose the workers of Europe and America must unite with the peasants and other
working elements of the peoples of the East.

The Congress of representatives of the Peoples of the East calls on these
peoples to realise such unity, which is needed for the liberation of all the
oppressed and all the exploited.

Peoples of the East! Six years ago there broke out in Europe a colossal,
monstrous slaughter, a world war in which 3 5 million human beings were killed,
in which hundreds of big towns and thousands of other centres of population were
devastated, a war which ruined all the countries of Europe and subjected all its
peoples to the torment of unheard-of want and unprecedented starvation.

This colossal conflict has hitherto been carried on mainly in Europe, affecting
Asia and Africa only partially. The war was fought between European peoples,
with the peoples of the East participating in it only to a relatively small
extent. Some hundreds of thousands of Turkish peasants, deceived by their
rulers, who acted for the benefit of the German imperialists: two or three
million Indians and Negroes, bought like slaves by the British and French
capitalists and, like slaves, hurled to their deaths on the fields of France,
far-distant and strange to them, in the service of the interests, alien and
unintelligible to them, of the British and French bankers and industrialists.

But although the countries of the East remained aloof from this gigantic
conflict and the Eastern peoples played only an insignificant part in it,
nevertheless this war was fought not only for the countries of Europe, not only
for the countries and peoples of the West, but also for the countries and
peoples of the East. It was fought for the partition of the world, and chiefly
for the partition of Asia, of the East. It was fought to decide who was to rule
over the countries of Asia and whose slaves the peoples of the East should be.
It was fought to decide whether the British or the German capitalists should
skin the peasants and workers of Turkey, Persia and Egypt.

The monstrous four-year carnage ended in victory for France and Britain. The
German capitalists were crushed, and along with them the German people were
crushed, destroyed and doomed to starvation. Victorious France, almost all of
whose adult population had been wiped out by the war and all of whose industrial
areas had been devastated, was bled white by the struggle and left quite
powerless after its victory. As a result of the colossal, barbarous slaughter,
imperialist Britain emerged as the sole and omnipotent master of Europe and
Asia. Britain alone in all Europe was still able to muster sufficient strength,
for it had waged the war with other peoples' hands, those of the enslaved
peoples, the Indians and Negroes, it had waged the war at the expense of the
colonies it oppressed.

Being left the victor and the omnipotent master of half the world, the British
Government proceeded to carry out the objectives for which it had waged the war
— to consolidate its hold on all the countries of Asia and to enslave, fully and
finally, all the peoples of the East.

With no-one to hinder them, and fearing no-one, the handful of greedy
banker-capitalists who are at the head of the British state, casting aside all
shame, set about openly and brazenly reducing to slavery the peasants and

[proletar] Cuba and UK in anti-drug smuggling talks

2010-11-17 Thread sunny

15 November 2010 Last updated at 17:33 GMT 
Cuba and UK in anti-drug smuggling talks
By Michael Voss BBC News, Havana 
 HMS Manchester has spent the past six months working to combat drug smuggling 
Continue reading the main story The British navy is holding talks with Cuba on 
how to strengthen counter-narcotics operations in the Caribbean. 
The talks come as HMS Manchester entered the country's main port, becoming the 
first Royal Navy warship to visit Cuba since the revolution. 

A Cuban honour guard and navy band playing Viva la Revolution welcomed the ship 
as she docked in Havana Bay.

Ship Commander Rex Cox said the visit aims to strengthen collaboration on 
counter-narcotics and disaster relief.

Cuba lies in a strategic position spanning the main sea routes between South 
America and the United States. 

The communist-run island has long cracked down on both drug use and smuggling. 

There is some co-operation with the US but Washington has yet to respond to 
offers from the Cuban government to formalise and expand these arrangements. 

HMS Manchester, a Type 42 British destroyer, has spent the past six months in 
the Caribbean working on anti-drug smuggling operations. This led to the 
seizure of 240kg (530lb) of cocaine off the Colombian coast. 

There is a contingent of US Coast Guard aboard since drug arrests at sea are 
prosecuted under US law. 

It is believed that the US government has given them permission to take shore 

Related stories
  a.. Country profile: Cuba
  b.. Cuba timeline

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[proletar] Backward Europe and Advanced Asia

2010-11-17 Thread wawan
Published: Pravda No. 113, May 18, 1913. Published according to the Pravda text.
Source: Lenin Collected Works, Progress Publishers, 1977, Moscow, Volume 19,
pages 99-100.

V. I. Lenin

The comparison sounds like a paradox. Who does not know that Europe is advanced
and Asia backward? But the words taken for this title contain a bitter truth.

In civilised and advanced Europe, with its highly developed machine industry,
its rich, multiform culture and its constitutions, a point in history has been
reached when the commanding bourgeoisie, fearing the growth and increasing
strength of the proletariat, comes out in support of every thing backward,
moribund and medieval. The bourgeoisie is hying out its last days, and is
joining with all obsolete and obsolescent forces in an attempt to preserve
tottering wage-slavery.

Advanced Europe is commanded by a bourgeoisie which supports everything that is
backward. The Europe of our day is advanced not thanks to, but in spite of, the
bourgeoisie, for it is only the proletariat that is adding to the million-strong
army of fighters for a better future. It alone preserves and spreads implacable
enmity towards backwardness, savagery, privilege, slavery and the humiliation of
man by man.

In "advanced" Europe, the sole advanced class is the proletariat. As for the
living bourgeoisie, it is prepared to go to any length of savagery, brutality
and crime in order to uphold dying capitalist slavery.

And a more striking example of this decay of the entire European bourgeoisie can
scarcely be cited than the support it is lending to reaction in Asia in
furtherance of the selfish aims of the financial manipulators and capitalist

Everywhere in Asia a mighty democratic movement is growing, spreading and
gaining in strength. The bourgeoisie there is as yet siding with the people
against reaction. Hundreds of millions of people are awakening to life, light
and freedom. What delight this world movement is arousing in the hearts of all
class-conscious workers, who know that the path to collectivism lies through
democracy! What sympathy for young Asia imbues all honest democrats!

And "advanced" Europe? It is plundering China and helping the foes of democracy,
the foes of freedom in China!

Here is a simple but instructive little calculation. A new Chinese loan has been
concluded against Chinese democracy: "Europe" is for Y\"uan Shih-kai, who is
preparing a military dictatorship. Why does it support him? Because it is good
business. The loan has been concluded for about 250,000,000 rubles, at the rate
of 84 to a 100. That means that the bourgeois of "Europe" will pay the Chinese
210,000,000 rubles, but will take from the public 225,000,000 rubles. There you
have at one stroke—a clear profit of fifteen million rubles in a few weeks! It
really is a "clear" profit, isn't it?

What if the Chinese people do not recognise the loan? China, after all, is a
republic, and the majority in parliament are against the loan.

Oh, then "advanced" Europe will raise a cry about "civilisation", "order",
"culture" and "fatherland"! It will set the guns in motion and, in alliance with
Y\"uan Shih-kai, that adventurer, traitor and friend of reaction, crush a
republic in "backward" Asia.

All the commanders of Europe, all the European bourgeoisie are in alliance with
all the forces of reaction and medievalism in China.

But all young Asia, that is, the hundreds of millions of Asian working people,
has a reliable ally in the proletariat of all civilised countries. No force on
earth can prevent its victory, which will liberate both the peoples of Europe
and the peoples of Asia.

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[proletar] Tangisan Demokrasi bagi Aung San Suu Kyi

2010-11-17 Thread wawan
Saya ingat terhadap dua hal thd suu kyi ini,
1. ketabahannya untuk tetap berpendirian teguh tidak keluar dari myanmar ketika
suaminya meninggal.

2. Teman saya di PIJAR, yaitu Christian Evert pernah menemuinya di Myanmar, lalu
ditahan disana, dan kemudian setelah dibebaskan, beritanya muncul di halaman
utama kompas, Evert mencium tanah ketika turun dari pesawat.

SYDNEY, KOMPAS.com — Sejumlah warga Australia menangis melihat pembebasan yang
mengharukan dari tokoh demokrasi Myanmar, Aung San Suu Kyi. Kabar tersebut
disampaikan Perdana Menteri Australia Julia Gillard, Senin (15/11/2010).

Gillard yang mewakili parlemen nasional mengatakan, duta besar pemerintahnya di
Myanmar telah mengirimkan pesan pribadi yang mewakili perasaan warga Australia
kepada Suu Kyi yang berusia 65 tahun.

"Saya yakin, banyak warga Australia yang menangis tersedu melihat ketegaran
sosok luar biasa Suu Kyi saat ia disalami para pendukungnya karena pada akhirnya
dibebaskan," ujar Gillard.

"Perasaan kami saat ini mendukung wanita yang luar biasa dan berani itu. Dia
merupakan pejuang yang hebat dan tabah bagi demokrasi di Myanmar," katanya.

"Saya yakin semua anggota di pemerintahan menginginkan dia untuk mendapatkan
ucapan selamat atas kinerja dan ketangguhannya, yang saya percaya menjadi
panutan bagi warga Australia," tambah Gillard.

Gillard mengatakan, walaupun Suu Kyi telah dibebaskan, perjuangan bagi demokrasi
yang sebenarnya di Myanmar belum selesai.

Menurut Gillard, warga Australia dan pemerintahnya sangat berharap bahwa mereka
dan warga Burma (Myanmar) pada suatu hari akan menyadari demokrasi dan keadilan
atas hal yang telah diperjuangkan.

"Inilah waktunya perayaan bagi Suu Kyi. Namun, saat ini juga merupakan waktu
untuk mengetahui bahwa masih banyak hal yang harus diselesaikan untuk mencapai
kebebasan dan demokrasi di Myanmar," tambah Gillard.

Perdana Menteri itu mengulangi desakan pemerintah kepada junta Myanmar untuk
membebaskan 2.000 tahanan politik lainnya yang masih dalam penahanan.

"Kami kembali mendesak Pemerintah Myanmar untuk melaksanakan pemilu yang bebas
dan adil agar warga Myanmar mendapatkan hak sederhana mereka yaitu memilih
perwakilan dan pemerintahan mereka," ujar Gillard.

Para pemimpin dunia telah memuji pembebasan Suu Kyi yang terlambat dan
memperingatkan junta untuk tidak menghalangi pemenang Nobel perdamaian yang
telah membawa kemenangan bagi partainya pada 1990 yang tidak pernah diakui oleh
junta Myanmar itu.

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[proletar] Surat Perintah Eksekusi Tareq Aziz

2010-11-17 Thread sunny
Surat Perintah Eksekusi Tareq Aziz
Diterbitkan 17 November 2010 - 11:24am 
BAGDAD (ANP) - Presiden Irak Jalal Talabani Rabu (17/11) menolak menandatangani 
surat perintah eksekusi untuk mantan menteri luar negeri dan wakil perdana 
menteri Tareq Aziz, 74 tahun. 

Akhir bulan lalu pengadilan Irak memvonis mati Aziz. Aziz berperan penting 
dalam rezim diktator Saddam Hussein. Aziz divonis mati karena terlibat 
pengusiran dan pembasmian partai-partai religius. Dari tahun 1983 hingga 1991 
ia menjabat menteri luar negeri dan dari 1979 hingga 2003 Aziz menjadi wakil 
perdana menteri.


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[proletar] Re: Surat Perintah Eksekusi Tareq Aziz

2010-11-17 Thread wawan
ini artinya pemerintahan iraq tidak begitu saja mengabulkan keinginan amerika?

kalau benar begitu...ya bagus..

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "sunny"  wrote:
> http://www.rnw.nl/bahasa-indonesia/bulletin/surat-perintah-eksekusi-tareq-aziz
> Surat Perintah Eksekusi Tareq Aziz
> Diterbitkan 17 November 2010 - 11:24am 
> BAGDAD (ANP) - Presiden Irak Jalal Talabani Rabu (17/11) menolak 
> menandatangani surat perintah eksekusi untuk mantan menteri luar negeri dan 
> wakil perdana menteri Tareq Aziz, 74 tahun. 
> Akhir bulan lalu pengadilan Irak memvonis mati Aziz. Aziz berperan penting 
> dalam rezim diktator Saddam Hussein. Aziz divonis mati karena terlibat 
> pengusiran dan pembasmian partai-partai religius. Dari tahun 1983 hingga 1991 
> ia menjabat menteri luar negeri dan dari 1979 hingga 2003 Aziz menjadi wakil 
> perdana menteri.
> © ANP/AFP 
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[proletar] "Masyarakat Kebanjiran Air, Pejabat Kebanjiran Duit"

2010-11-17 Thread sunny
Refleksi : Dengan lain kata, masyarakat ditimpa malapetaka, pejabat dilimpahi 


Selasa, 16 November 2010 

"Masyarakat Kebanjiran Air, Pejabat Kebanjiran Duit"
Dari Seminar Menata Samarinda Menuju Center Of Indonesia 


  KESALAHAN dalam mengeluarkan kebijakan akan berakibat fatal. Apalagi jika 
kesalahan tersebut terjadi dalam hal penataan kota. Akibatnya masyarakat 
  KALIMAT di atas merupakan satu dari banyaknya pemaparan yang disampaikan 
sejumlah pemateri nasional dalam Seminar Sehari Menata Samarinda Sebagai 
Ibukota Kaltim Menuju Center Of Indonesia, kemarin.

  Kegiatan yang merupakan kerjasama Saamarinda Pos - Real Estate Indonesia 
(REI) dan KADIN Kaltim ini menghadirkan beberapa pemateri berkompeten serta 
menjadi bagian dari jalannya penataan kota di Samarinda.
  Diantaranya Dr Antonio Ismail M Arch yang juga arsitek Citra Niaga hingga 
sempat meraih penghargaan internasional bernama Aga Khan Award. Sementara 
pembicara lainnya adalah ahli tata kota yang juga mantan Rektor Universitas 
Diponogoro (Undip), Prof Eko Budiharjo, anggota DPR RI asal Kaltim Dr Hetifah 
dan Walikota Samarinda Dr H Achmad Amins.

  Seminar yang dipandu wartawan senior Kaltim Post, Sumurung Silaban ini, 
berjalan menarik dan mampu memikat peserta hingga akhir acara. Dalam 
penyampaiannya, Antonio menyayangkan kebijakan penataan kota yang dilakukan 
pemerintah sejak 10 tahun terakhir.

  Indikasi tersebut, terlihat dari semakin minimnya hutan kota hingga 
menyebabkan berkurangnya daerah resapan air. "Kota yang ideal harus ditunjang 
kawasan hijua yang rapi," terang Antonio. Selain itu, ia juga menyoroti kondisi 
Sungai Mahakam yang kian tidak terawat. Menurutnya, hal tersebut sangat 
bertentangan dengan kultur masyarakat Samarinda di mana Sungai Mahakam 
merupakan denyut nadi utama dalam menggerakkan perekonomian. "Jadi kalau Sungai 
Mahakam justru terkesan dikesampingkan itu sama saja membunuh masyarakat 
sendiri," tukasnya.

  Hal yang menarik justru diutarakan Prof Eko Budiharjo. Ketua Dewan Kota 
Semarang ini mengatakan, Samarinda sebagai ibu kota provinsi tidak memiliki 
nilai sejarah. Hal tersebut terlihat dari tak adanya kawasan yang menjadi 
identitas asli Kota Samarinda.

  Dia juga menuturkan, Sungai Mahakam merupakan anugerah yang kurang 
mendapat perhatian dari pemerintah. Pembangunan Samarinda yang dibelah oleh 
sungai besar seharusnya tidak timpang. "Artinya pembangunan di seberang juga 
harus mendapat perhatian yang prioritas," ulasnya.

  Dia mengingatkan, pentingnya peran pengambil kebijakan dalam menata kota. 
Sebab kebijakan yang salah dipastikan akan berdampak besar. "Kalau orang yang 
salah bisa ditembak mati lalu dikubur. Tapi kalau penataan kota yang salah 
masyarakat yang merasakan akan lebih banyak. Karena tidak ada kuburan untuk 
kota yang salah," urainya.

  Untuk itu, dia mendesak agar sistem perizinan dalam menata kota harus 
lebih diperketat. Katanya, pejabat pengambil kebijakan jangan asal meneken izin 
baru dengan landasan kepentingan yang lain.
  "Karena kalau mental perizinan mengacu pada kepentingan, akhirnya akan 
terjadi masa di mana masyarakan kebanjiran air dan pejabat kebanjiran duit," 
terang Eko Budiharjo.

  Mendengar pemaparan tersebut, Calon Walikota Samarinda terpilih Syaharie 
Jaang dan wakilnya Nusyirwan Ismail yang turut hadir berjanji akan 
mengaplikasikan rekomendasi dari seminar ini.
  "Kita sangat mendukung acara semacam ini, karena sebagai bahan masukan 
yang sangat berarti. Namun untuk mewujudkannya tentu tidak dapat dengan biaya 
APBD. Karena itu, peran serta swasta sangat dibutuhkannya," pungkas Jaang. 
(Abdurrahman Amin)

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[proletar] Bahaya di Balik Minuman Energi

2010-11-17 Thread wawan
Bahaya di Balik Minuman Energi
Rabu, 17 November 2010 | 18:28 WIB
Besar Kecil Normal

TEMPO Interaktif, New York - Penggemar minuman energi harus berhati-hati. Meski 
sangat populer, orang harus memperhatikan kandungan isinya karena satu botol 
minuman itu ternyata dapat mengandung lebih banyak kafein dibanding secangkir 
kopi. Studi yang dilakukan ilmuwan Amerika itu juga mengungkapkan bahwa 
kombinasi kafein dengan bahan-bahan lain berpotensi mengundang risiko, semisal 
minuman energi yang mengandung alkohol.

"Minuman energi dapat mengandung gula hingga seperempat cangkir, dan kadar 
kafein yang jauh lebih tinggi daripada secangkir kopi," kata John Higgins dari 
University of Texas Medical School di Houston, Amerika Serikat.

Laporan yang dipublikasikan dalam Mayo Clinic Proceedings itu memaparkan bahwa 
kandungan kafein dalam minuman energi berkisar dari 70 hingga 200 miligram (mg) 
per 470 mililiter (ml). Sebagai perbandingan, kadar kafein dalam secangkir kopi 
240 ml adalah 40-150 mg, bergantung bagaimana cara penyeduhan.

Minuman energi juga kerap tak mencantumkan unsur-unsur lain di dalamnya, 
seperti stimulan herbal guarana, asam amino taurine, mineral, vitamin, dan 
tumbuhan obat lainnya, yang ada kemungkinan dapat berinteraksi dengan kafein.

Masalah lain yang patut diwaspadai adalah bagaimana interaksi itu dapat 
mempengaruhi denyut jantung, tekanan darah, dan bahkan status mental, terutama 
ketika dikonsumsi dalam porsi besar, atau dikombinasikan dengan alkohol. 
Termasuk bagaimana pengaruhnya bila minuman itu dikonsumsi oleh atlet.

Higgins dan koleganya mengkaji literatur medis tentang minuman energi dan 
kandungannya antara 1976 dan 2010, namun riset mengenai dampak kesehatannya 
sangat sedikit. Beberapa studi menunjukkan bahwa minuman itu dapat meningkatkan 
tekanan darah dan denyut jantung, tapi bukti pengaruhnya yang lebih serius, 
semisal serangan jantung, kejang, dan kematian, tidak dapat 

Sejumlah negara Eropa, yaitu Norwegia, Denmark, dan Prancis, melarang peredaran 
Red Bull setelah sebuah studi menunjukkan bahwa tikus yang diberi taurine 
memperlihatkan perilaku ganjil, termasuk gangguan mental dan menyakiti diri 
sendiri. "Kita bukan tikus, namun konsumsi bahan tersebut memang berasosiasi 
dengan perilaku berisiko tinggi," kata Higgins.

Minuman energi kerap dipromosikan dan digunakan oleh para atlet untuk 
memberikan dorongan ekstra. Tapi Higgins dan timnya mencatat bahwa berdasarkan 
efek kafein dan senyawa lain terhadap tubuh, minuman energi dapat mendatangkan 
risiko dehidrasi serius bagi orang yang mengkonsumsinya. "Peluang dehidrasi dan 
kenaikan tekanan darah membuat air atau minuman olahraga rendah oktan, yang 
mengandung elektrolit, mineral, dan karbohidrat sebagai pilihan yang lebih 
baik," ujarnya.


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[proletar] Re: Manifesto of the Congress to the Peoples of the East

2010-11-17 Thread Jusfiq

Dan ini sering dilupakan oleh orang Indonesia ...

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "wawan"  wrote:
> http://www.marxists.org/history/international/comintern/baku/manifesto.htm
> Manifesto of the Congress to the Peoples of the East
> On September 1, 1920, in the city of Baku, the capital of Azerbaidzhan, a
> congress of representatives of the peoples of the East was held. Our congress
> was attended by 1,891 delegates from the following countries: Turkey, Persia,
> Egypt, India, Afghanistan, Baluchistan, Kashgar, China, japan, Korea, Arabia,
> Syria, Palestine, Bukhara, Khiva, Daghestan, Northern Caucasia, Azerbaidzhan,
> Armenia, Georgia, Turkestan, Ferghana, the Kalmuck Autonomous Region, the 
> Tatar
> Republic, and the Far Eastern District.
> The Congress of the Peoples of the East was convened by the Communist
> International. Every peasant, every toiler, needs to know what the Communist
> International is. It is a union of workers and peasants, of the Communists of
> the whole world, which has set itself the aim of smashing the power of the 
> rich
> and bringing about the complete equality of all. At the Second World Congress 
> of
> the Communist International, held in Moscow in August 1920, the following
> countries were represented: America, Britain, France, Austria, Italy, Spain,
> Poland, Bohemia,' 07 Yugoslavia, Hungary, Switzerland, Belgium, Holland,
> Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, 
> Bulgaria,
> Turkey, Persia, India, China, japan, Korea, Indochina, Georgia, Azerbaidzhan,
> Armenia, Khiva, Bukhara, Afghanistan, Argentina, Russia, the Ukraine.
> The Communist International wants to put an end not only to the power of the
> rich over the poor but also to the power of some peoples over others. For this
> purpose the workers of Europe and America must unite with the peasants and 
> other
> working elements of the peoples of the East.
> The Congress of representatives of the Peoples of the East calls on these
> peoples to realise such unity, which is needed for the liberation of all the
> oppressed and all the exploited.
> Peoples of the East! Six years ago there broke out in Europe a colossal,
> monstrous slaughter, a world war in which 3 5 million human beings were 
> killed,
> in which hundreds of big towns and thousands of other centres of population 
> were
> devastated, a war which ruined all the countries of Europe and subjected all 
> its
> peoples to the torment of unheard-of want and unprecedented starvation.
> This colossal conflict has hitherto been carried on mainly in Europe, 
> affecting
> Asia and Africa only partially. The war was fought between European peoples,
> with the peoples of the East participating in it only to a relatively small
> extent. Some hundreds of thousands of Turkish peasants, deceived by their
> rulers, who acted for the benefit of the German imperialists: two or three
> million Indians and Negroes, bought like slaves by the British and French
> capitalists and, like slaves, hurled to their deaths on the fields of France,
> far-distant and strange to them, in the service of the interests, alien and
> unintelligible to them, of the British and French bankers and industrialists.
> But although the countries of the East remained aloof from this gigantic
> conflict and the Eastern peoples played only an insignificant part in it,
> nevertheless this war was fought not only for the countries of Europe, not 
> only
> for the countries and peoples of the West, but also for the countries and
> peoples of the East. It was fought for the partition of the world, and chiefly
> for the partition of Asia, of the East. It was fought to decide who was to 
> rule
> over the countries of Asia and whose slaves the peoples of the East should be.
> It was fought to decide whether the British or the German capitalists should
> skin the peasants and workers of Turkey, Persia and Egypt.
> The monstrous four-year carnage ended in victory for France and Britain. The
> German capitalists were crushed, and along with them the German people were
> crushed, destroyed and doomed to starvation. Victorious France, almost all of
> whose adult population had been wiped out by the war and all of whose 
> industrial
> areas had been devastated, was bled white by the struggle and left quite
> powerless after its victory. As a result of the colossal, barbarous slaughter,
> imperialist Britain emerged as the sole and omnipotent master of Europe and
> Asia. Britain alone in all Europe was still able to muster sufficient 
> strength,
> for it had waged the war with other peoples' hands, those of the enslaved
> peoples, the Indians and Negroes, it had waged the war at the expense of the
> colonies it oppressed.
> Being left the victor and the omnipotent master of half the world, the British
> Government proceeded to carry out the objectives for which it had waged the 
> war
> — to consolidate its hold on all the countries of Asia an

[proletar] Menyebut Rusa Sebagai Kuda

2010-11-17 Thread sunny

Minggu, 14 November 2010 

Menyebut Rusa Sebagai Kuda
Zhi Lu Wei Ma 

  SAAT Qin Shihuang (kaisar pertama Dinasti Qin) sekarat, putra sulungnya, 
Fu Su sedang berada dalam peperangan. Sehingganya hanya putra keduanya, Hu Hai, 
Perdana Menteri Li Si dan komandan militer Zhao Gao saja yang mendampinginya 
saat itu. Setelah sang kaisar mangkat, ketiga orang ini sepakat untuk 
menyampaikan perintah palsu kepada Fu Su, yang membuatnya tewas bunuh diri. 
Dengan ini, Hu Hai langsung mendapatkan tampuk kekaisaran dan memberikan gelar 
kepada dirinya sendiri sebagai "penerus".

  Hu Hai tidak memiliki kecakapan dalam melakukan apapun, sehingga dirinya 
harus selalu meminta nasehat dari Zhao Gao. Ini membuat Zhao Gao kian berkuasa 
setiap harinya. Apalagi setelah Zhao Gao menjebak dan menghabisi Li Si beserta 
seluruh keluarganya, untuk kemudian mengangkat dirinya sebagai perdana menteri. 
Semakin lama semakin nampak bahwa Zhao Gao berencana untuk mengambil alih tahta 
dalam waktu dekat, tentu saja dengan menggulingkan Hu Hai.

  Ini kian nampak ketika pada suatu hari dia menunjukkan kepada Kaisar Hu 
Hai seekor rusa totol, namun malah menyebutnya sebagai kuda. Ketika Hu Hai 
menyanggah ucapannya dengan mengatakan bahwa hewan itu adalah rusa dan bukan 
seekor kuda, Zhao Gao dengan otoriternya mengatakan kepada semua pejabat 
kerajaan di sana bahwa "ini jelas-jelas adalah seekor kuda".

  Seluruh pejabat dan Hu Hai yang takut dengan sentakannya tidak berani 
membantah hal tersebut dan terpaksa mengiyakan dengan menyebut rusa itu sebagai 
seekor kuda. Kini, seseorang yang seringkali mengutarakan kebohongan namun 
dengan tegas memaksakan ucapannya tersebut bisa disebut dengan idiom "Menyebut 
Rusa Sebagai Kuda". (dragono halim)

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Anjing tua tukang TIPU Re: [proletar] Re: Majikan Sumiati Biadab! (Otak anjing "Roman Proteus"

2010-11-17 Thread Roman Proteus
Eh anjing tua bangsat

Elo gila ya

Gua ngomogin di milist bukan di depan TKW

Dasar anjing gila elo

Ngeloco dulu sana deh

-Original Message-
From: "Jusfiq" 
Sender: proletar@yahoogroups.com
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2010 09:37:35 
Reply-To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [proletar] Re: Majikan Sumiati Biadab! (Otak anjing "Roman Proteus"

Omongan "Roman Proteus" yang berotak anjing dihadapan tubuh TKWI yang babak 
belur disiks orang Arab.

Betul)betul nista.

Kerak kenistaan.

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "Roman Proteus"  wrote:
> Resepnya bayangin si Rosa jadi TKW
> -Original Message-
> From: "blubps" 
> Sender: proletar@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2010 17:38:30 
> To: 
> Reply-To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [proletar] Re: Majikan Sumiati Biadab!
> kok bisa berpikiran lugu gini resepnya apaan, nih?
> blub!
> --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "Roman Proteus"  wrote:
> >
> > Salah om
> > 
> > Pemerintah RI gak pernah kirim TKW TKI
> > Mereka dengan suka rela pergi sendiri nyari makan
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > -Original Message-
> > From: "sunny" 
> > Sender: proletar@yahoogroups.com
> > Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2010 11:07:05 
> > To: 
> > Reply-To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
> > Subject: [proletar] Majikan Sumiati Biadab!
> > 
> > Refleksi : Dalam jangka waktu kurang lebih 35 tahun sejak dikirim TKI  ke 
> > Arab Saudia hingga kini sudah banyak Sumiati menjadi korban kebiadaban.  
> > Agaknya rezim berkuasa NKRI memiliki sama falsafah dengan para majikan dan 
> > oleh karena itu terus menerus dikirim TKW menjadi umpan perbuatan 
> > kebiadaban. 
> > 
> > http://www.republika.co.id/berita/breaking-news/nasional/10/11/16/146992-majikan-sumiati-biadab
> > 
> > Majikan Sumiati Biadab!
> > 
> > Selasa, 16 November 2010, 03:08 WIB
> > 
> > REPUBLIKA.CO.ID,BANDUNG--Kepala Badan Nasional Penempatan dan Perlindungan 
> > Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (BNP2TKI) Moh Jumhur Hidayat  menyebut keluarga 
> > majikan TKI Sumiati Salan Mustafa di Arab Saudi biadab karena telah 
> > menyiksa wanita berusia 23 tahun asal Nusa Tenggara Barat itu."Tindakan 
> > keluarga majikan pada Sumiati itu merupakan bentuk penyiksaan yang keji 
> > atau biadab," kata Jumhur melalui surat elektronik dari Jakarta, Senin, 
> > menanggapi kasus penyiksaan terhadap Sumiati.
> > Sumiati kini dirawat intensif di Rumah Sakit Raja Fahd di Madinah, Arab 
> > Saudi, setelah mengalami penyiksaan sekaligus digunting mulutnya.Jumhur 
> > telah memerintahkan aparatnya segera menangani kasus Sumiati itu, 
> > berkoordinasi dengan Perwakilan RI di Jeddah terkait perkembangan kasus 
> > maupun perawatan terhadap Sumiati, termasuk mengurus hak-hak Sumiati 
> > terkait ganti rugi materiil serta nonmateriil.
> > 
> > Ia menegaskan BNP2TKI akan terus memonitor agar korban mendapatkan 
> > perawatan maksimal bagi pemulihan kesehatan fisiknya, di samping mendesak 
> > proses hukum terhadap majikan Sumiati dilakukan seadil-adilnya.
> > 
> > Ia meminta kepolisian di Arab Saudi bisa secepatnya menyeret pihak majikan 
> > dan memberi sanksi hukum seberat-beratnya. Kasus Sumiati itu, lanjut 
> > Jumhur, sudah dilaporkan ke Kepolisian Distrik Madinah melalui rumahsakit 
> > yang merawat Sumiati, dua pekan lalu.
> > 
> > Sumiati bekerja di keluarga majikan di Madinah sejak Juli 2010 namun 
> > dikabarkan kerap disiksa secara kasar sehingga terluka pada sekujur tubuh, 
> > wajah, dan kedua kakinya.
> > 
> > Ia menilai kasus yang menimpa Sumiati itu tidak bisa lagi ditoleransi 
> > karena secara langsung ataupun tidak telah menghina martabat bangsa maupun 
> > melecehkan nilai kemanusiaan tersebut."Tindakan seperti ini jelas tidak 
> > pantas kita terima, dan saya yakin pemerintah Arab Saudi akan memajukannya 
> > ke ranah hukum demi kehormartan negaranya," kata Jumhur.
> > 
> > Red: Krisman Purwoko
> > Sumber: ant
> > 
> > Share39  Berita terkait
> >   a.. PRT di Bawah Umur Rentan Jadi Korban Kekerasan
> >   b.. Menkumham: Penyiksaan Dalam Penjara Perbuatan Biadab
> >   c.. Pemerintah RI akan Monitor Kasus dan Pengobatan Sumiati
> >   d.. Pemerintah Kutuk Penganiayaan TKI Sumiati di Arab Saudi
> > 
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Anjing tua tukang TIPU Re: [proletar] Re: Majikan Sumiati Biadab! (Otak anjing "

2010-11-17 Thread Jusfiq

Tidak bisa membantah apa yang saya tulis  "Roman Proteus" yang dungu kayak 
anjign dan korban kibulan orang Arab primitif itu lantas cuap-cuap kayak nonok 
bebek yang baru dientotin monyet bonobo seperti dibawah ini.

Saya ulang menyampaikan apa yang  saya tulis dan yang tidak bisa dibantah nya:

> Omongan "Roman Proteus" yang berotak anjing dihadapan tubuh TKWI yang babak 
> belur disiks orang Arab.
> Betul)betul nista.
> Kerak kenistaan.

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "Roman Proteus"  wrote:
> Eh anjing tua bangsat
> Elo gila ya
> Gua ngomogin di milist bukan di depan TKW
> Dasar anjing gila elo
> Ngeloco dulu sana deh
> -Original Message-
> From: "Jusfiq" 
> Sender: proletar@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2010 09:37:35 
> To: 
> Reply-To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [proletar] Re: Majikan Sumiati Biadab! (Otak anjing "Roman Proteus"
> Omongan "Roman Proteus" yang berotak anjing dihadapan tubuh TKWI yang babak 
> belur disiks orang Arab.
> Betul)betul nista.
> Kerak kenistaan.
> --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "Roman Proteus"  wrote:
> >
> > Resepnya bayangin si Rosa jadi TKW
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > -Original Message-
> > From: "blubps" 
> > Sender: proletar@yahoogroups.com
> > Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2010 17:38:30 
> > To: 
> > Reply-To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
> > Subject: [proletar] Re: Majikan Sumiati Biadab!
> > 
> > kok bisa berpikiran lugu gini resepnya apaan, nih?
> > 
> > 
> > blub!
> > 
> > 
> > --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "Roman Proteus"  wrote:
> > >
> > > Salah om
> > > 
> > > Pemerintah RI gak pernah kirim TKW TKI
> > > Mereka dengan suka rela pergi sendiri nyari makan
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > -Original Message-
> > > From: "sunny" 
> > > Sender: proletar@yahoogroups.com
> > > Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2010 11:07:05 
> > > To: 
> > > Reply-To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
> > > Subject: [proletar] Majikan Sumiati Biadab!
> > > 
> > > Refleksi : Dalam jangka waktu kurang lebih 35 tahun sejak dikirim TKI  ke 
> > > Arab Saudia hingga kini sudah banyak Sumiati menjadi korban kebiadaban.  
> > > Agaknya rezim berkuasa NKRI memiliki sama falsafah dengan para majikan 
> > > dan oleh karena itu terus menerus dikirim TKW menjadi umpan perbuatan 
> > > kebiadaban. 
> > > 
> > > http://www.republika.co.id/berita/breaking-news/nasional/10/11/16/146992-majikan-sumiati-biadab
> > > 
> > > Majikan Sumiati Biadab!
> > > 
> > > Selasa, 16 November 2010, 03:08 WIB
> > > 
> > > REPUBLIKA.CO.ID,BANDUNG--Kepala Badan Nasional Penempatan dan 
> > > Perlindungan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (BNP2TKI) Moh Jumhur Hidayat  
> > > menyebut keluarga majikan TKI Sumiati Salan Mustafa di Arab Saudi biadab 
> > > karena telah menyiksa wanita berusia 23 tahun asal Nusa Tenggara Barat 
> > > itu."Tindakan keluarga majikan pada Sumiati itu merupakan bentuk 
> > > penyiksaan yang keji atau biadab," kata Jumhur melalui surat elektronik 
> > > dari Jakarta, Senin, menanggapi kasus penyiksaan terhadap Sumiati.
> > > Sumiati kini dirawat intensif di Rumah Sakit Raja Fahd di Madinah, Arab 
> > > Saudi, setelah mengalami penyiksaan sekaligus digunting mulutnya.Jumhur 
> > > telah memerintahkan aparatnya segera menangani kasus Sumiati itu, 
> > > berkoordinasi dengan Perwakilan RI di Jeddah terkait perkembangan kasus 
> > > maupun perawatan terhadap Sumiati, termasuk mengurus hak-hak Sumiati 
> > > terkait ganti rugi materiil serta nonmateriil.
> > > 
> > > Ia menegaskan BNP2TKI akan terus memonitor agar korban mendapatkan 
> > > perawatan maksimal bagi pemulihan kesehatan fisiknya, di samping mendesak 
> > > proses hukum terhadap majikan Sumiati dilakukan seadil-adilnya.
> > > 
> > > Ia meminta kepolisian di Arab Saudi bisa secepatnya menyeret pihak 
> > > majikan dan memberi sanksi hukum seberat-beratnya. Kasus Sumiati itu, 
> > > lanjut Jumhur, sudah dilaporkan ke Kepolisian Distrik Madinah melalui 
> > > rumahsakit yang merawat Sumiati, dua pekan lalu.
> > > 
> > > Sumiati bekerja di keluarga majikan di Madinah sejak Juli 2010 namun 
> > > dikabarkan kerap disiksa secara kasar sehingga terluka pada sekujur 
> > > tubuh, wajah, dan kedua kakinya.
> > > 
> > > Ia menilai kasus yang menimpa Sumiati itu tidak bisa lagi ditoleransi 
> > > karena secara langsung ataupun tidak telah menghina martabat bangsa 
> > > maupun melecehkan nilai kemanusiaan tersebut."Tindakan seperti ini jelas 
> > > tidak pantas kita terima, dan saya yakin pemerintah Arab Saudi akan 
> > > memajukannya ke ranah hukum demi kehormartan negaranya," kata Jumhur.
> > > 
> > > Red: Krisman Purwoko
> > > Sumber: ant
> > > 
> > > Share39  Berita terkait
> > >   a.. PRT di Bawah Umur Rentan Jadi Korban Kekerasan
> > >   b.. Menkumham: Penyiksaan Dalam Penjara Perbuatan Biadab
> > >   c.. Pemerintah RI akan Monitor Kasus dan Pengobatan Sumiati
> > >   d.. Pemerintah Kutuk Penganiayaan TKI Sumiati di Arab Saudi
> > > 
> > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[proletar] Re: Surat Perintah Eksekusi Tareq Aziz

2010-11-17 Thread hardjantosri
Perlu anda2 tahu bahwa Partai bath nya Sadham Husein itu sekular bukan partai 
agama.Jadi Amrik itu mateni konco dewe.


--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "wawan"  wrote:
> ini artinya pemerintahan iraq tidak begitu saja mengabulkan keinginan amerika?
> kalau benar begitu...ya bagus..
> --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "sunny"  wrote:
> >
> > http://www.rnw.nl/bahasa-indonesia/bulletin/surat-perintah-eksekusi-tareq-aziz
> > Surat Perintah Eksekusi Tareq Aziz
> > Diterbitkan 17 November 2010 - 11:24am 
> > BAGDAD (ANP) - Presiden Irak Jalal Talabani Rabu (17/11) menolak 
> > menandatangani surat perintah eksekusi untuk mantan menteri luar negeri dan 
> > wakil perdana menteri Tareq Aziz, 74 tahun. 
> > 
> > Akhir bulan lalu pengadilan Irak memvonis mati Aziz. Aziz berperan penting 
> > dalam rezim diktator Saddam Hussein. Aziz divonis mati karena terlibat 
> > pengusiran dan pembasmian partai-partai religius. Dari tahun 1983 hingga 
> > 1991 ia menjabat menteri luar negeri dan dari 1979 hingga 2003 Aziz menjadi 
> > wakil perdana menteri.
> > 
> > © ANP/AFP 
> > 
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >

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[proletar] Tawang berotak anjing & TKWI

2010-11-17 Thread Jusfiq

Tawang berotak anjing dan penjilat pantat orang Arab itu tidak serign 
menunjukkan kegelisahannnya dihadapan kebiaaban yang dialami oleh TKWI yang 
disiksa oleh orang Arab yang luar biasa biadabnya.

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[proletar] Re: Surat Perintah Eksekusi Tareq Aziz

2010-11-17 Thread Jusfiq
Jadi Amerika TIDAK memerangi Islam di Iraq..

Bilang tuh ke ndeboost 

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "hardjantosri"  wrote:
> Perlu anda2 tahu bahwa Partai bath nya Sadham Husein itu sekular bukan partai 
> agama.Jadi Amrik itu mateni konco dewe.
> S.Har.
> --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "wawan"  wrote:
> >
> > ini artinya pemerintahan iraq tidak begitu saja mengabulkan keinginan 
> > amerika?
> > 
> > kalau benar begitu...ya bagus..
> > 
> > --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "sunny"  wrote:
> > >
> > > http://www.rnw.nl/bahasa-indonesia/bulletin/surat-perintah-eksekusi-tareq-aziz
> > > Surat Perintah Eksekusi Tareq Aziz
> > > Diterbitkan 17 November 2010 - 11:24am 
> > > BAGDAD (ANP) - Presiden Irak Jalal Talabani Rabu (17/11) menolak 
> > > menandatangani surat perintah eksekusi untuk mantan menteri luar negeri 
> > > dan wakil perdana menteri Tareq Aziz, 74 tahun. 
> > > 
> > > Akhir bulan lalu pengadilan Irak memvonis mati Aziz. Aziz berperan 
> > > penting dalam rezim diktator Saddam Hussein. Aziz divonis mati karena 
> > > terlibat pengusiran dan pembasmian partai-partai religius. Dari tahun 
> > > 1983 hingga 1991 ia menjabat menteri luar negeri dan dari 1979 hingga 
> > > 2003 Aziz menjadi wakil perdana menteri.
> > > 
> > > © ANP/AFP 
> > > 
> > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> > >
> >

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[proletar] Re: Surat Perintah Eksekusi Tareq Aziz

2010-11-17 Thread Jusfiq
Jadi Amerika TIDAK memerangi Islam di Iraq..

Bilang tuh ke ndeboost 

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "hardjantosri"  wrote:
> Perlu anda2 tahu bahwa Partai bath nya Sadham Husein itu sekular bukan partai 
> agama.Jadi Amrik itu mateni konco dewe.
> S.Har.
> --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "wawan"  wrote:
> >
> > ini artinya pemerintahan iraq tidak begitu saja mengabulkan keinginan 
> > amerika?
> > 
> > kalau benar begitu...ya bagus..
> > 
> > --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "sunny"  wrote:
> > >
> > > http://www.rnw.nl/bahasa-indonesia/bulletin/surat-perintah-eksekusi-tareq-aziz
> > > Surat Perintah Eksekusi Tareq Aziz
> > > Diterbitkan 17 November 2010 - 11:24am 
> > > BAGDAD (ANP) - Presiden Irak Jalal Talabani Rabu (17/11) menolak 
> > > menandatangani surat perintah eksekusi untuk mantan menteri luar negeri 
> > > dan wakil perdana menteri Tareq Aziz, 74 tahun. 
> > > 
> > > Akhir bulan lalu pengadilan Irak memvonis mati Aziz. Aziz berperan 
> > > penting dalam rezim diktator Saddam Hussein. Aziz divonis mati karena 
> > > terlibat pengusiran dan pembasmian partai-partai religius. Dari tahun 
> > > 1983 hingga 1991 ia menjabat menteri luar negeri dan dari 1979 hingga 
> > > 2003 Aziz menjadi wakil perdana menteri.
> > > 
> > > © ANP/AFP 
> > > 
> > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> > >
> >

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[proletar] Germany tightens airport security over attacks threat

2010-11-17 Thread Jusfiq

BBC News Europe

17 November 2010 Last updated at 13:30 GMT

Germany tightens airport security over attacks threat
Police and guard dog at Berlin's main railway station (17 November 2010) Extra 
security measures will remain in place until further notice, the interior 
minister said

Germany is increasing security at airports and railway stations in light of 
"concrete indications" of terrorist attacks being planned for the end of 

Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere said it followed a tip-off from another, 
unnamed country.

Germany had information on "sustained efforts" by Islamist extremists to carry 
out attacks, he said.

He said the extra security would remain in place "until further notice".

"There are grounds for concern, but not for hysteria," Mr de Maiziere told a 
news conference in Berlin.

The federal police force has been ordered to step up checks at airports and 
train stations, he added.
Yemen connection

Mr de Maiziere said Germany had received a tip-off after two parcel bombs were 
intercepted en route from Yemen to the United States last month.

One of the bombs was despatched via the German city of Cologne but was 
intercepted in the UK.

The Yemen plot showed "the adaptability and the persistence of terrorists in 
pursuing their aims," Mr de Maiziere said, and also underlines "the reliability 
of some leads."

Germany would not allow international terrorism to constrict its way of life or 
liberal culture, he said.

Last year, twelve militants vanished from Hamburg, some to resurface in 
Northern Pakistan where at least one, but not all were killed in an American 
drone attack.

Some of the new security measures would be clearly visible, Mr de Maiziere 
said, but others would not.

The BBC's Stephen Evans, in Berlin, says a month ago, Germany was dismissive of 
American warnings of attacks. That feeling has now gone.

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2010-11-17 Thread sunny
Refleksi : Susah atau tak mungkin mendapat petinggi NKRI yang tidak korupsi 
selain itu kalau ada petinggi  mau menjadi pemimpin KPK harus jujur dan berani, 
sebab banyak orang termasuk sobat dan sahabtnya akan dimasukan ke keranjang 
penangkapan koruptor, jadi tak perlu tergea-gesa, sabar subur. Para koruptor 
belum selesai menimbung harta. 

Bagi pemimpin KPK jujur nan berani harus juga siap dan tahu diri bahwa 
sewaktu-waktu bisa  diturun dari tahta, sebab musuhnya tidak sedikit dan juga 
bukan orang-orang lemah syahwat dalam herarki kekuasaan negara. Mereka 
mengangkat dan mereka pun bisa menurunkan dikau, karena mereka berfungsi 
sebagai Allah yang menciptakan manusia dan juga berhak memanggil pulang 
ciptaannya ke liang kubur. 


Pemberantasan Korupsi Terhambat 

Zainal Arifin Mochtar, Direktur Pusat Kajian Antikorupsi (Pukat) UGM. 
Selasa, 16 Nopember 2010

JAKARTA (Suara Karya): Berlarut-larutnya penunjukan Jaksa Agung definitif dan 
tidak segera dipilihnya dua calon pimpinan Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) 
oleh DPR akan memperburuk citra dan menghambat kinerja pemberantasan korupsi. 

Hal itu diungkapkan pengajar Fakultas Hukum Universitas Gajah Mada (UGM) 
Mohammad Fajrul Falaakh, anggota Komisi III DPR Eva Kusuma Sundari dan Ahmad 
Yani serta Direktur Pusat Kajian Antikorupsi (Pukat) UGM, Zainal Arifin 
Mochtar, dalam kesempatan terpisah kemarin. 

Menurut Fajrul, kelambanan menunjuk pejabat Jaksa Agung definitif dan seorang 
pimpinan KPK akan memengaruhi kinerja pemberantasan korupsi. "Karena keduanya 
saling menopang dalam pemberantasan korupsi," kata Fajrul. 

Anggota Komisi Hukum Nasional (KHN) itu menyatakan kelambanan DPR untuk 
melakukan uji kepatutan dan kelayakan (fit and proper test) terhadap dua calon 
pimpinan KPK, Busyro Muqoddas dan Bambang Widjojanto, jelas memengaruhi kinerja 
dan citra lembaga tersebut. 

"Walaupun pimpinan KPK itu bersifat kolektif-kolegial, karena kurang satu, maka 
tentu saja kecepatan penanganan kasusnya akan berkurang," kata Fajrul. 

Sementara itu, citra lembaga tersebut juga akan makin buruk. Begitu juga 
tingkat kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap KPK, ikut menurun. 

Pada pemilihan pimpinan KPK, Fajrul juga menilai akan memengaruhi citra DPR 
sendiri, khususnya keseriusannya dalam memberantas korupsi. 

Alasannya, sebelum ini, DPR menolak keras peraturan pemerintah pengganti 
undang-undang (perppu) untuk penunjukan tiga pimpinan KPK yang waktu itu diisi 
oleh Tumpak Hatorangan Panggabean, Mas Achmad Santosa, dan Waloejo. "Dulu 
mereka tolak perppu, sekarang dengan dasar hukum yang lebih permanen, mereka 
juga tidak segera memilih. Karena itu, tidak salah jika ada kecurigaan bahwa 
ada transaksi politik dalam pemilihan pimpinan KPK," kata Fajrul. 

Namun, Eva Kusuma Sundari membantah ada transakasi politik atas tidak kunjung 
dilakukannya uji kepatutan dan kelayakan tersebut. "Tidak ada deal politik. 
Saya sepakat, Komisi III memprioritaskan uji kepatutan dan kelayakan terhadap 
Busyro dan Bambang," kata Eva. 

Percepatan pelaksanaan uji kepatutan dan kelayakan, menurut Eva, dengan 
mempertimbangkan semakin habisnya waktu yang diberikan kepada DPR untuk 
melakukannya. Menurut Eva, DPR hanya diberikan waktu selama satu bulan untuk 
melakukan uji kepatutan dan kelayakan sejak kedua nama tersebut diterima dari 
pemerintah. Tenggat itu jatuh pada 30 November 2010. 

Mengenai perdebatan masa kerja pimpinan baru KPK yang akan diuji, Eva berjanji 
akan membicarakannya dengan rekannya di Komisi III. Saat ini terjadi perdebatan 
masa kerja pimpinan tersebut. Ada yang sepakat satu tahun saja dan ada yang 
mengusulkan sekaligus empat tahun masa kerja. 

Eva termasuk anggota Komisi III yang setuju dengan masa kerja pimpinan baru KPK 
selama empat tahun. "Dasarnya adalah pertimbangan efisiensi," kata dia. 

Alasannya, biaya melakukan seleksi calon pimpinan KPK, menurut Eva, sangat 
besar. "Jika dengan masa kerja yang hanya setahun, tidak sebanding dengan biaya 
yang dikeluarkan," kata Eva. 

Kinerja yang semakin tindak menentu juga terjadi di Kejaksaan Agung. Hanya 
mengandalkan Darmono sebagai pelaksana tugas (Plt) jaksa agung, menurut anggota 
Komisi III DPR RI, Ahmad Yani, akan memperburuk kondisi pemberantasan korupsi 
pada khususnya, dan penegakan hukum pada umumnya. 

"Sesungguhnya omong kosong juga bahwa para jaksa agung muda itu independen. 
Karena, untuk mengeluarkan SP3 (surat perintah penghentian penyidikan) 
misalnya, harus melalui jaksa agung definitif," kata Yani. 

Perilaku mereka pun, menurut Yani, tampaknya lebih mementingkan kepentingan 
pribadi daripada kepentingan penegakan hukum secara luas. Contohnya, menurut 
dia, adalah soal deponeering kasus Bibit Samad Rianto dan Chandra Marta Hamzah. 
Sebelumnya, Jaksa Agung Muda (JAM) Pidana Khusus M Amari mengindikasikan 
Kejaksaan Agung (Kejagung) akan mengeluarkan deponeering setelah Mahkamah Agung 
(MA) menolak permohonan pe

[proletar] Jelang Idul Adha, Harga Daging Rp 95.000/Kg

2010-11-17 Thread sunny
Refleksi : Apakah daging berharga Rp. 95.000/kg ini murah atau mahal? Kalau 
murah bagus sekali, tetapi kalau mahal berarti kaum miskin makan daging sekali 
atau dua kali setahun, berkat kasih sayang kaum berada. 

Apakah tidak bisa diatur agar kaum miskin melarat bisa makan daging sesuai 
seleranya dan kapan saja mau makan? Bagaimana caranya?


Jelang Idul Adha, Harga Daging Rp 95.000/Kg
Posted in Ekonomi & Keuangan by Redaksi on November 16th, 2010 
Medan (SIB)
Menjelang Hari Raya Idul Adha harga daging mencapai Rp 95.000 per kilogram, 
naik Rp 20.000 dari harga normal yakni Rp 75.000/kg di beberapa pasar 
tradisional di Medan, seperti di Pasar Sambu Medan, Pajak Sore, dan Pajak 
Sambas dan lain-lain. Kenaikan tersebut disebabkan semakin banyak konsumen yang 
membeli daging sapi untuk persiapan perayaan haji, Rabu (17/11).

Menurut Abdullah, pedagang daging sapi di pasar Sambu Medan, harga naik sejak 
Sabtu (13/11) tapi masih berkisar antara Rp 80.000 hingga Rp 85.000 per 
kilogram. "Hari ini sudah mencapai Rp 95.000 per kg dan kemungkinan besok (hari 
ini) harga akan naik lagi diatas Rp 95. per Kg," katanya.

Rima, salah seorang ibu rumah tangga yang berbelanja daging mengatakan, membeli 
daging menjelang lebaran Idul Adha merupakan tradisi keluarga. "Gimana lagi ya, 
setiap hari raya Haji saya pasti beli daging, karena sudah tradisi," katanya. 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[proletar] CNN: Unbreakable: Building disaster-proof cities

2010-11-17 Thread utusan.allah

Unbreakable: Building disaster-proof cities
By Dr. Sanjay Gupta, CNN Chief Medical Correspondent

* Ten months after the Haiti earthquake, there's been little progress on 
the rebuilding front
* The rebuilding of Kobe, Japan, following a similarly devastating 
earthquake in 1995 could be instructive for Haiti
* Currently half of the world's population lives in cities -- a figure 
expected to skyrocket in the coming decades

Kobe, Japan (CNN) -- When I look back on the year 2010, I will remember 
spending so much of the year in disaster zones. Between Haiti and Pakistan 
alone, I spent months on the ground seeing firsthand the aftermath of an 
earthquake and floods.

So much of the discussion in Haiti now is about rebuilding. Yet even 10 months 
later, plans seem poorly drawn out and little progress has been made. No doubt 
it is a monumental task, but whenever I speak to experts, they tell me it is 
worth evaluating the lessons learned in Kobe, Japan.

In 1995, a 6.9 magnitude earthquake hit the port city and lasted 20 seconds. In 
that short period, 200,000 buildings were destroyed and nearly 5,500 lives 
lost. Hundreds of thousands of people were displaced.

At the time Kobe was cited as an example of "urban planning focusing on 
convenience, efficiency and growth while neglecting safety and security." The 
question facing officials in Kobe at that time -- is the same one officials in 
Port-au-Prince are asking. Can we rebuild a city quickly that is also safer 
than the one that was destroyed?

I decided to travel to Kobe to see for myself. After being on the ground, the 
answer seems to be "yes." It took 10 years to rebuild here, which is relatively 
speedy by international standards. More importantly, the new buildings are 
"disasterproof," using techniques to isolate the building from the shaking 
ground during an earthquake.

The construction itself relies on metal plates and special materials to allow 
movement of the building and to prevent collapse. There has also been a 
significant investment in the ecosystem, which can provide natural buffers to 
mitigate floods and storm surges.

Another lesson was to decentralize critical urban functions, including 
hospitals, so that an entire critical response sector would not be eliminated 
during a natural disaster. And, throughout all of this, the survivors of the 
earthquake were placed at the center of reconstruction to help design the new 
communities on which they would be dependent.

As things stand now, half the world's population lives in cities, and that 
number is expected to skyrocket in the coming decades. It is called 
urbanization, and health organizations all over the world, including the World 
Health Organization, have taken notice. Because of the dense population and 
significant building construction, urban areas are the most vulnerable to 
natural disasters.

The challenge now for cities like Port-au-Prince is not to just rebuild as 
safely and expeditiously as possible -- but to create a city that is safer than 
the one before the earthquake. Here in Kobe, there is proof that it can be done.
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[proletar] Re: Islam Mengajari Umatnya Berbohong !!!

2010-11-17 Thread Wong
Sejauh saya membaca postingan pak Tawang dll, pertanyaan saya masih tetep tidak 
terjawab secara gamblang. Pertanyaan saya adalah apa salahnya salaman atau 
bersentuhan kulit dengan non muhrim, sehingga harus di larang.

Dari jawaban pak Tawang yang muter muter ngalor ngidul saya coba menyimpulkan 
bahwa salaman atau bersentuhan kulit dengan non muhrim itu dekat dengan zinah, 
sehingga harus dilaramg. Jika kesimpulan saya tidak tepat mohon di luruskan.

Kalau bersalaman saja sudah dianggap berzinah, bagaimana dengan orang yang 
berdesak desakan di kereta api?, di sana sangat mungkin antara pria dan wanita 
saling bersentuhan, bagaimana juga dengan bis kota, bagai mana juga antara 
seorang sekretaris dengan bosnya yang sangat mungkin berdua dua dalam satu 
ruangan, tentu hal itu juga harus di larang. ditambah aturan bahwa wanita tidak 
di perkenankan keluar rumah tanpa desertai muhrimnya , ini menyebabkan wanita 
tidak dapat bekerja dalam sistem seperti itu.

Oleh karena itu saya katakan atruan Islam semacam itu tidak cocok dengan adab 
dan kebudayaan modern


Oleh karena itu saya katakan aturan Islam semacam itu tidak  
--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "hardjantosri"  wrote:
> Salahnya oleh RI itu nglanggar KUHP,Kitab UU Hukum Sekular,masak kamu LSM gak 
> ngerti bahwa Ariel & Cut Tari nglanggar KUHP.
> Kalau mau nanya lebih jauh tanyanen si pembuat KUHP ngapo kok ngentot2 dewek 
> kok dilarang.
> S.Har.
> --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "Jusfiq"  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > And so what?
> > 
> > Apa salahnya Cut tari ngentot sama Ariel, mereka itu suka sama suka.
> > 
> > Ngentot itu sungguh tidak ada salahnya asal suka sama suka dan tidak ada 
> > orang lain yang dirugikan.
> >  
> > --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "hardjantosri"  wrote:
> > >
> > > Pasti Cut Tari dan Ariel Peterpan dulu mulainya dari cuman salaman,lalu 
> > > dekep dekep-an,lalu mol mol-an lalu bikin B.F.
> > > Clinton dg Monica Lewinsky dulu mula2 gur salaman ,lalu cikipa 
> > > cikipa,lalu French Kissing ,lalu gulat,lalu geger sampai MPR nya nuntut 
> > > Clinton.
> > > Makane larangan Islam itu bunyinya:Jangan kau dekati Zina.Jadi baru 
> > > mendekati saja wis dilarang.Sebab kalau sudah OK sama OK gak akan kuat 
> > > menahan.
> > > 
> > > S.Har.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "Wong"  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Lah iya, memang mohrim dan non muhrim itu hanya istilah yang ada hanya 
> > > > di Islam tok, diluar itu yo ndak ada.
> > > > 
> > > > tetapi di dalam abad modern ini sangat lumrah dan umum jika orang 
> > > > bertemu saling salaman, malah yang sudah akrab saling cipika cipiki 
> > > > baik sesama muhrim maupun non muhrim. oleh karena itu saya bertanya apa 
> > > > salahnya jika antara muhrim dan non muhrim saling bersalaman? coba 
> > > > gunakan nalar, sampeyan mingkem kan?, ndak mau jawab kan? sudah biasa, 
> > > > paling paling ngeles.
> > > > 
> > > > Opo sampeyan ndak malu, punya menteri kok guoblog kayak badut, menjadi 
> > > > bahan tertawaan uwong sak jagad rat. kalo saya merasa isin, malu, wong 
> > > > sudah jadi mentri kok kayak gitu. apakah aturan tidak boleh salaman 
> > > > dengan non muhrim tidak perlu dipikri ulang. GD kan seorang muslim, 
> > > > kiyai lagi tapi dia salaman juga dengan non muhrim. BK juga muslim, 
> > > > tapi dia salaman dengan Cyndi Adam, mungkin malah numpaki ha ha ha .
> > > > 
> > > > Rahayu
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "hardjantosri"  wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > Soalnya hanya Islam yg ada istilah muhrim dan non muhrim.
> > > > > Non Muhrim itu bukan hanya yg boleh dikawin tapi dilarang sentuhan 
> > > > > kulit dg kulit.Gak boleh dokter kandungan lanang kok ngrogoh tempat 
> > > > > yg paling pribadi wanita non muhrim.Hanya agama kebenaran yg ada 
> > > > > aturan begitu.Kalau kamu kan opo2 boleh.
> > > > > 
> > > > > S.har.
> > > > > 
> > > > > --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "Wong"  wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Kebenaran apaan? wong itu dagelan yang paling lucu, menjadi 
> > > > > > tertawan seluruh dunia. apanya yang benar coba?
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > sekarang saya tanya apa salahnya pria bersalaman dengan wanita?
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > Rahayu
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "hardjantosri"  
> > > > > > wrote:
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > Ya memang mau mempertahankan kebenaran itu sama dg menggengam 
> > > > > > > bara,yg gak kuat sok dilepas.
> > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > S.Har
> > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "Wong"  wrote:
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > Ya begitulah sulitnya mengaplikasikan dan melaksanakan ajaran 
> > > > > > > > Islam, itu memang sulit karena ajaran Islam tidak sesuai dengan 
> > > > > > > > kebudayan modern.
> > > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > > Seandainya saja TS gak mau salaman sama nyonya Obama, tentu 
> > > > > > > > menyinggung perasaan, mungkin juga bosnya TS yaitu SBY akan 
> > > > > > > > marah karena TS berani menying

[proletar] Cuisine hailed a cultural treasure

2010-11-17 Thread sunny

Cuisine hailed a cultural treasure 

November 18, 2010 
UNESCO has declared French cuisine one of the world's cultural treasures, the 
first time gastronomy has been added to a list aiming to protect intangible 
slices of a nation's heritage.

Experts from the UN cultural organisation said France's multi-course 
gastronomic meal, with its rites and its presentation, fulfilled the conditions 
for featuring on the list.

The ''world intangible heritage'' list, which until now numbered 178 cultural 
practices - including the Royal Ballet of Cambodia and Mexico's Day of the Dead 
festival - was drawn up under a 2003 convention, now ratified by 132 countries.

The UNESCO experts singled out French gastronomy as a ''social custom aimed at 
celebrating the most important moments in the lives of individuals and groups''.

France's ambassador to UNESCO, Catherine Colonna, hailed the inclusion, saying 
it ''makes a contribution to cultural diversity''.

''The French love getting together to eat and drink well and enjoy good times 
in such a manner. It is part of our tradition,'' she said.

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[proletar] President to protect Saddam deputy

2010-11-17 Thread sunny

President to protect Saddam deputy 
November 18, 2010 
PARIS: The Iraqi President, Jalal Talabani, said he will never sign the 
execution order for the former deputy prime minister Tariq Aziz, despite his 
being sentenced to death last month over the persecution of Shiite groups after 
the first Gulf War.

''No. I will not sign this kind of order because I am a socialist,'' Mr 
Talabani, a Kurd, told France 24 television during an interview.

''I feel for Tariq Aziz, because he's an Iraqi Christian, and he's also an 
elderly person over 70 years old. That's why I will never sign this execution 

Mr Talabani's statement comes after calls from both Russia and the Vatican for 
Iraq to not carry out the death sentence on humanitarian grounds, noting his 
age and recent health problems. The 74-year-old has reportedly suffered two 
heart attacks since the Saddam regime fell.
Aziz, who had been a former deputy to the dictator Saddam Hussein, turned 
himself in to US forces in April 2003. He was jailed for 15 years in 2009 for 
the 1992 execution of 42 Baghdad wholesalers. He was also given a seven-year 
term in August 2009 for his role in expelling Kurds from Iraq's north.

As Saddam's principal spokesman, the bespectacled Aziz - the only Christian in 
the now executed dictator's inner circle - was a recognisable figure 
internationally whose rise was attributed to unswerving loyalty to his master.

His family, now in Jordan, has repeatedly called for his release from custody, 
saying he was in poor health, suffering from heart and respiratory problems, 
high blood pressure and diabetes.

But in an interview earlier this year, Aziz remained defiant. ''Wars are wars, 
and there are reasons for them,'' he said. ''Saddam did not lie. He did not 
change the facts.

''He is someone for whom I have a great respect and love. He is a man who 
history will show served his country.''

Named foreign minister in 1983 and then deputy prime minister in 1991, Aziz was 
believed to have wielded little real power in decision-making.

But he became one of the regime's best-known figures abroad as his master's 
voice who matched his US peers in debate.

In early 2003, Aziz embarked on a high-profile tour of European capitals in a 
failed bid to prevent the US-led invasion.

His strong command of English, learnt at university, not only ensured that the 
anglophone media turned out to listen, but also gave him a platform to deliver 
fierce tongue-lashings guaranteed to make diplomats squirm.

With his defiant tone and ever-present Cuban cigar, Aziz gave the impression he 
would defend Saddam to the end.

Agence France-Presse

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[proletar] Big jet takes off with 100 orders

2010-11-17 Thread sunny


Big jet takes off with 100 orders

By Wang Zhouqiong (China Daily)
Updated: 2010-11-17 07:18

A Chinese-made J-10 fighter jet, with new markings, is prepared for flight as 
three J-10 fighter jets get airborne in formation during the China 
International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition, which opened on Tuesday in 
Zhuhai, Guangdong province. Cui Meng/China Daily
ZHUHAI, Guangdong - China's challenger to Boeing and Airbus announced the first 
100 orders for its single-aisle commercial aircraft from four Chinese airlines 
and two leasing companies, revving up global competition in the domestic 
aviation market, predicted to be worth more than $450 billion over the next two 

The breakthrough orders for the 160-seat C919 were placed at the Zhuhai air 
show by four of China's major carriers - Air China, China Eastern, China 
Southern, Hainan Airlines - and the airplane leasing company General Electric 
Capital Aviation Services of the United States as well as a Chinese leasing 

The aircraft's producer, Commercial Aircraft Corp of China (COMAC), did not 
give details of how many planes each prospective buyer had ordered, nor of the 

It is the first time buyers have committed to the aircraft, which COMAC expects 
to start building next year, followed by a maiden flight in 2014 and first 
delivery in 2016. "The customer signing lays a market foundation for the C919, 
which has smoothly entered the engineering development phase," Zhang Qingwei, 
COMAC chairman, said in a statement. 

A similar deal for Airbus or Boeing jets would be worth about $7 billion at 
list prices, but aircraft are normally sold at a discount of at least 20 
percent and analysts said China would have to work hard to woo foreign 

The plane's designer Wu Guanghui said on Monday that the company is expecting 
more than 2,000 orders from domestic and international buyers. 

The plane is a prospective competitor to Boeing 737 and the Airbus A320, 
particularly in the domestic market where the two global aircraft manufacturing 
giants currently dominate. 

"In the US, Boeing takes the lead. In France, it is the Airbus. I hope one day 
the C919 can dominate our home market," said Liao Quanwang, executive 
vice-president of the development research center at the Aviation Industry Corp 
of China (AVIC). He was speaking during an air show media conference at which 
he gave AVIC'S outlook on the industry over the coming decades. 

The orders for the C919 are seen as a vote of confidence in China's 
decades-long quest to develop large passenger jets. 

"If the product is good it will sell. The airlines will not take delivery and 
operate this aircraft unless it's competitive," Laurence Barron, Airbus China 
president, said at the news conference. 

Boeing said it welcomes competition as a catalyst for innovation. 

"The C919 is a good thing and there is room for competition," said James Simon, 
vice-president of Boeing China commercial-airplane sales. "It makes all of us 
do our job better and build more efficient aircraft." 

China's fast growing economy has created a booming market for plane makers and 
both AVIC and COMAC forecast growing demand for aircraft. 

By the end of September, turnover in the aviation sector had increased by 28.9 
percent nationwide, with passenger transportation up by 17.8 percent and cargo 
transportation up by 29.9 percent year-on-year, according to the outlook 
released by AVIC. 

Increased spending power among the population will generate a major aviation 
market, second only to the US, it forecast. 

The country needs 4,265 new aircraft in the coming two decades - 3,371 large 
and medium jets and 894 regional aircraft, according to AVIC, with passenger 
turnover expected to grow annually by 8.3 percent and cargo transportation by 
9.8 percent. 

COMAC also issued its forecast for the next two decades and predicted a market 
with 4,439 civil aircraft with a value estimated at more than $450 billion. 

COMAC predicted the country's large aircraft fleet will jump to 3,750 in the 
same period. 

Single-aisle jets and regional aircraft will be the major models flying the 
domestic routes, said Dang Tiehong, director of market research at COMAC. 

Brazilian aircraft manufacturer Embraer forecast a demand of about 950 new 
regional jets over the next 20 years in China. 

Wang Huazhong and Reuters contributed to this story. 
China Daily 

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[proletar] Re: Big jet takes off with 100 orders

2010-11-17 Thread Jusfiq

Jadi ingat burung besi bikinan orang islam Habbie yang dibarter dengan beras 

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "sunny"  wrote:
> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2010-11/17/content_11559774.htm
> Big jet takes off with 100 orders
> By Wang Zhouqiong (China Daily)
> Updated: 2010-11-17 07:18
> A Chinese-made J-10 fighter jet, with new markings, is prepared for flight as 
> three J-10 fighter jets get airborne in formation during the China 
> International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition, which opened on Tuesday in 
> Zhuhai, Guangdong province. Cui Meng/China Daily
> ZHUHAI, Guangdong - China's challenger to Boeing and Airbus announced the 
> first 100 orders for its single-aisle commercial aircraft from four Chinese 
> airlines and two leasing companies, revving up global competition in the 
> domestic aviation market, predicted to be worth more than $450 billion over 
> the next two decades. 
> The breakthrough orders for the 160-seat C919 were placed at the Zhuhai air 
> show by four of China's major carriers - Air China, China Eastern, China 
> Southern, Hainan Airlines - and the airplane leasing company General Electric 
> Capital Aviation Services of the United States as well as a Chinese leasing 
> firm. 
> The aircraft's producer, Commercial Aircraft Corp of China (COMAC), did not 
> give details of how many planes each prospective buyer had ordered, nor of 
> the prices. 
> It is the first time buyers have committed to the aircraft, which COMAC 
> expects to start building next year, followed by a maiden flight in 2014 and 
> first delivery in 2016. "The customer signing lays a market foundation for 
> the C919, which has smoothly entered the engineering development phase," 
> Zhang Qingwei, COMAC chairman, said in a statement. 
> A similar deal for Airbus or Boeing jets would be worth about $7 billion at 
> list prices, but aircraft are normally sold at a discount of at least 20 
> percent and analysts said China would have to work hard to woo foreign 
> airlines. 
> The plane's designer Wu Guanghui said on Monday that the company is expecting 
> more than 2,000 orders from domestic and international buyers. 
> The plane is a prospective competitor to Boeing 737 and the Airbus A320, 
> particularly in the domestic market where the two global aircraft 
> manufacturing giants currently dominate. 
> "In the US, Boeing takes the lead. In France, it is the Airbus. I hope one 
> day the C919 can dominate our home market," said Liao Quanwang, executive 
> vice-president of the development research center at the Aviation Industry 
> Corp of China (AVIC). He was speaking during an air show media conference at 
> which he gave AVIC'S outlook on the industry over the coming decades. 
> The orders for the C919 are seen as a vote of confidence in China's 
> decades-long quest to develop large passenger jets. 
> "If the product is good it will sell. The airlines will not take delivery and 
> operate this aircraft unless it's competitive," Laurence Barron, Airbus China 
> president, said at the news conference. 
> Boeing said it welcomes competition as a catalyst for innovation. 
> "The C919 is a good thing and there is room for competition," said James 
> Simon, vice-president of Boeing China commercial-airplane sales. "It makes 
> all of us do our job better and build more efficient aircraft." 
> China's fast growing economy has created a booming market for plane makers 
> and both AVIC and COMAC forecast growing demand for aircraft. 
> By the end of September, turnover in the aviation sector had increased by 
> 28.9 percent nationwide, with passenger transportation up by 17.8 percent and 
> cargo transportation up by 29.9 percent year-on-year, according to the 
> outlook released by AVIC. 
> Increased spending power among the population will generate a major aviation 
> market, second only to the US, it forecast. 
> The country needs 4,265 new aircraft in the coming two decades - 3,371 large 
> and medium jets and 894 regional aircraft, according to AVIC, with passenger 
> turnover expected to grow annually by 8.3 percent and cargo transportation by 
> 9.8 percent. 
> COMAC also issued its forecast for the next two decades and predicted a 
> market with 4,439 civil aircraft with a value estimated at more than $450 
> billion. 
> COMAC predicted the country's large aircraft fleet will jump to 3,750 in the 
> same period. 
> Single-aisle jets and regional aircraft will be the major models flying the 
> domestic routes, said Dang Tiehong, director of market research at COMAC. 
> Brazilian aircraft manufacturer Embraer forecast a demand of about 950 new 
> regional jets over the next 20 years in China. 
> Wang Huazhong and Reuters contributed to this story. 
> China Daily 
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Post message: prole...@egroups.com

[proletar] The hero who saved 400 orphans

2010-11-17 Thread sunny

The hero who saved 400 orphans
By Yan Weijue (chinadaily.com.cn)
Updated: 2010-11-15 14:10

Children mourn their father Zheng Chengzhen at his simple memorial service. 

A group of children mourn in front of the portrait of their deceased 
adoptive father, pondering life without the man who saved 400 children from 
the streets.

Zheng Chengzhen died from pulmonary heart disease and organ failure at a 
hospital in Jinan, East China's Shandong province early on the morning of 
November 14. He was 63. Scores of people paid tribute at his simple memorial 
service to a man who gave his life to rescuing waifs and strays from his 
local area.

Most showed concern for his current nine children, aged from six to 15, who 
were deprived of their father figure overnight.

"The children will be sent to the city's shelter center. The accommodation 
will not be a problem as we have arranged three nurses to look after them," 
said an official with the city's civil bureau. "They will not pay a penny 
for education as before. And a special car will pick them up for school."

However, the children's future is still not guaranteed, as the shelter 
center only provides temporary accommodation for the orphans.

For more than 20 years, Zheng has been taking care of street children who 
had ran away or been abandoned by their families. He helped raise more than 
400 children without any returning to the streets.

  A picture of Zheng Chengzhen. [Photo/readmeok.com]

  Zheng Chengzhen with one of his adopted children walks on a street in 
Jinan, Shandong province. [Photo/readmeok.com]

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[proletar] BBC: Antimatter atom trapped for first time, say scientists

2010-11-17 Thread Jusfiq
BBC News Science & Environment

17 November 2010 Last updated at 18:07 GMT

Antimatter atom trapped for first time, say scientists
By Jason Palmer Science and technology reporter, BBC News
Alpha detector (Niels Madsen) Flashes of light were detected as the antimatter
"annihilated" with matter

Antimatter atoms have been trapped for the first time, scientists say.

Researchers at Cern, home of the Large Hadron Collider, have held 38
antihydrogen atoms in place, each for a fraction of a second.

Antihydrogen has been produced before but it was instantly destroyed when it
encountered normal matter.

The team, reporting in Nature, says the ability to study such antimatter atoms
will allow previously impossible tests of fundamental tenets of physics.

The current "standard model" of physics holds that each particle - protons,
electrons, neutrons and a zoo of more exotic particles - has its mirror image

The antiparticle of the electron, for example, is the positron, and is used in
an imaging technique of growing popularity known as positron emission

However, one of the great mysteries in physics is why our world is made up
overwhelmingly of matter, rather than antimatter; the laws of physics make no
distinction between the two and equal amounts should have been created at the
Universe's birth.
Slowing anti-atoms

Producing antimatter particles like positrons and antiprotons has become
commonplace in the laboratory, but assembling the particles into antimatter
atoms is far more tricky.

That was first accomplished by two groups in 2002. But handling the
"antihydrogen" - bound atoms made up of an antiproton and a positron - is
trickier still because it must not come into contact with anything else.

While trapping of charged normal atoms can be done with electric or magnetic
fields, trapping antihydrogen atoms in this "hands-off" way requires a very
particular type of field.

"Atoms are neutral - they have no net charge - but they have a little magnetic
character," explained Jeff Hangst of Aarhus University in Denmark, one of the
collaborators on the Alpha antihydrogen trapping project.
Continue reading the main story
"Start Quote

I'm delighted that it worked as we said it should... it shows that the dream
from many years ago is not completely crazy"

End Quote Professor Gerald Gabrielse Harvard University

"You can think of them as small compass needles, so they can be deflected using
magnetic fields. We build a strong 'magnetic bottle' around where we produce the
antihydrogen and, if they're not moving too quickly, they are trapped," he told
BBC News.

Such sculpted magnetic fields that make up the magnetic bottle are not
particularly strong, so the trick was to make antihydrogen atoms that didn't
have much energy - that is, they were slow-moving.

The team proved that among their 10 million antiprotons and 700 million
positrons, 38 stable atoms of antihydrogen were formed, lasting about two tenths
of a second each.
Early days

Next, the task is to produce more of the atoms, lasting longer in the trap, in
order to study them more closely.

"What we'd like to do is see if there's some difference that we don't understand
yet between matter and antimatter," Professor Hangst said.

"That difference may be more fundamental; that may have to do with very
high-energy things that happened at the beginning of the universe.

"That's why holding on to them is so important - we need time to study them."

Gerald Gabrielse of Harvard University led one of the groups that in 2002 first
produced antihydrogen, and first proposed that the "magnetic bottle" approach
was the way to trap the atoms.

"I'm delighted that it worked as we said it should," Professor Gabrielse told
BBC News.

"We have a long way to go yet; these are atoms that don't live long enough to do
anything with them. So we need a lot more atoms and a lot longer times before
it's really useful - but one has to crawl before you sprint.

Professor Gabrielse's group is taking a different tack to prepare more of the
antihydrogen atoms, but said that progress in the field is "exciting".

"It shows that the dream from many years ago is not completely crazy."

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[proletar] Muslims Divided on Marking Holy Day but United in Their Idul Adha Devotion

2010-11-17 Thread sunny

Muslims Divided on Marking Holy Day but United in Their Idul Adha Devotion
Amir Tejo, Dofa Fasila& Antara | November 17, 2010


Residents line up for meat at a distribution point in Pejompongan, Jakarta. (JG 
Photo/Safir Makki) 

Jakarta. Idul Adha this year was marked in Indonesia with tens of millions of 
people celebrating the day one day earlier than the official date. 

The Muhammadiyah, the country's second-largest Islamic organization with 30 
million followers, marked the day on Tuesday, while the official day was 

The Muhammadiyah relies on astronomical calculations to determine its date. 

Muhammadiyah chairman Din Syamsudin conducted his Idul Adha prayers in front of 
East Java governor's office in Surabaya before thousands of followers. 

In his sermon, Din reminded the congregation of a recent Muhammadiyah edict 
that said meat from the slaughtered animals be given to the survivors of the 
flashflood and landslides that hit Wasior in West Papua on Oct. 4, the 
earthquake-triggered tsunami in the Mentawai Islands and the eruption of Mount 
Merapi in Central Java and Yogyakarta. 

He said Muhammadiyah had collected 1,000 animals, including 200 cows, to donate 
for sacrifice in Yogyakarta, one of the regions hardest hit by the eruption. 

East Java Governor Soekarwo and his deputy, Saifullah Yusuf, attended the Idul 
Adha prayers on Wednesday, the date officially declared by the government. 

In Jakarta, thousands of devotees thronged the Istiqlal Mosque from dawn, 
forming long queues because of the strict security checks in place for the 
visit of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to perform his Idul Adha prayer. 

Also present were the first lady, some cabinet ministers and ambassadors from 
Muslim countries. 

Yudhoyono donated one cow to the mosque, which sacrificed 17 cows and 318 

Vice President Boediono, who is overseas, also donated a cow. 

The meat will be distributed today and the organizing committee has issued 
5,000 coupons that entitle the holders to receive one kilogram. 

Prayers at City Hall this year were held without Governor Fauzi Bowo, who is on 
the hajj pilgrimage. His deputy, Prijanto, conducted his prayer at the Istiqlal 
as part of the president's retinue. 

City Secretary Fadjar Panjaitan said the fact that some Muslims marked Idul 
Adha on Tuesday "should not become a subject of debate," and that Muslims 
should remain united. 

The Jakarta administration this year donated 180 cows and 473 goats for 

Meanwhile, the holiness of the day did not mean a holiday for thieves. 

At least six devotees who had taken part in the morning prayer at the Istiqlal 
Mosque reported to the mosque's security post that they had lost their 

One of the pickpockets was caught in action by the crowd at the mosque and was 
thoroughly beaten up before police could rescue him.

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[proletar] FPI Mars Peace and Quiet in Christian Medan City

2010-11-17 Thread sunny

FPI Mars Peace and Quiet in Christian Medan City
Aidi Yursal | November 17, 2010

Jakarta. Hundreds of Islamic hard-liners in Medan took to the streets on 
Tuesday evening, storming clubs and other establishments they deemed an affront 
to Muslims preparing to celebrate Idul Adha, the Day of Sacrifice. 

Members of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) sent customers fleeing when they 
marched into cafes and bars in the predominantly Catholic North Sumatra 

"We strode into these places while chanting the takbiran [or overnight prayers] 
over some loudspeakers," said Abdul Muthalib Daulay, chairman of the FPI's 
Medan chapter. 

"We called on the owners of the establishments in question to respect the 
Muslims trying to observe Idul Adha." 

The FPI, known for launching raids and fierce protests, "would never have used 
violence to shut the places down," Abdul said. 

"We just went there to remind the people not to tarnish the night before Idul 
Adha with any immoral acts," he said, adding that the FPI had deemed these 
places of entertainment as "dens of iniquity." 

Abdul called his group "polite and humane" and said the protests, which began 
after sunset prayers and ended at midnight, prompted the establishments in 
Medan to shut down "spontaneously." 

Police said they had monitored the mob's movements and that there were no 
reports of violence against the customers. 

Abdul said the protest was justified since the police issued an advisory ahead 
of the festival - celebrated on Tuesday and Wednesday, due to varying dates 
given by Muslim organizations - for bars and cafes to stay closed on Tuesday 

"I'm really proud of the way the police cooperated with us [by merely 
monitoring us] and I'd like to thank them for helping us in our mission," he 

Muslims mark the annual feast, which begins after hajj pilgrims descend from 
Mount Arafat in Saudi Arabia, with animal sacrifices to feed the less fortunate.

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[proletar] Editorial: A Time to Remember Those Less Fortunate

2010-11-17 Thread sunny
Reflection : Of course it is good that there is a  time to remember those less 
fortune,  but it  is neither satisfactory nor solution for them to come out of 
their unfortunate and misery condition.


Editorial: A Time to Remember Those Less Fortunate
November 15, 2010

More than two million Muslims from every corner of the globe will gather on 
Mount Arafat today as they complete one of the five pillars of Islam, the hajj. 
It is a ritual that bonds Muslims from around the world as they stand 
temporarily stripped of their worldly possessions. 

Dressed simply in a single white cloth, the pilgrims, rich and poor, stand 
equal in the eyes of God as they reflect on their lives on earth. 

Completing the pilgrimage is a powerful experience for Muslims as it helps them 
to focus on what is essential and redirect their lives if necessary. 

All able-bodied Muslims must perform the hajj at least once in their lifetime 
if they can afford to do so. 

Meanwhile, Muslims not on the hajj can still share in the event by sacrificing 
a goat and distributing the meat to the poor on the following day, Idul Adha. 

The Day of Sacrifice is a special time for Indonesian Muslims as they show 
their concern for the less fortunate. 

Thousands of animals will be sacrificed throughout the country with the meat 
being distributed to those who are unable to afford meat on a daily basis. 

Unlike Idul Fitri, Idul Adha is a more somber event, a time for reflection and 

Muslims use this occasion to pray and look deep inside themselves, and in 
following the Prophet Ibrahim, who was willing to sacrifice his son to obey 
God, they submit themselves to the will of God. 

The central message of Idul Adha is that of sacrifice and not allowing the 
trappings of modern life to distract us. 

That message is applicable to Muslims and non-Muslims alike and it should be 
adhered to every day, not just on Idul Adha. 

This is especially relevant in today's Indonesia where our consumer-oriented 
society sometimes forgets the true meaning of life. 

Too many of us are absorbed in our own narrow worlds and forget the need to 
also think of those who may be less fortunate. 

This must change if we are to create a nation that is built on brotherhood, 
tolerance and empathy. 

The hajj is the greatest pilgrimage on earth and it brings millions of people 
together in one spot at one particular time. 

After returning from their pilgrimage, Indonesians should share their 
experience and wisdom with their fellow citizens. 

Having experienced a deep emotional and spiritual awakening, they must strive 
to influence others to take the right path. 

Faith is a very personal matter, but given Indonesia's religious and ethnic 
diversity, both Muslims and non-Muslims alike can share in the blessings of 
Idul Adha. 

The message is applicable to all Indonesians who believe in caring for their 
fellow human beings. 

We wish all our Muslim readers Selamat Idul Adha.

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[proletar] Indonesian Maid Was Horribly Tortured, Yudhoyono

2010-11-17 Thread sunny
Refleksi : Persiden Filipina, Auroyo,  pergi untuk mengurus masalah 
warganegranya yang diperlakukan tidak adil di Saudia Arabia, Tetapi, Indonesia 
mengirim menteri. Insyaalloh tidak dianggap sepi oleh pihak Saudi dan  semoga 
pula sang menteri berhasil maksudnya, sekalipun tipis harapan, mengingat 
arogansi Arab Saudia.  


Indonesian Maid Was Horribly Tortured, Yudhoyono
Jakarta Globe | November 16, 2010

Jakarta. Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has ordered the Ministry 
of Foreign Affairs to spare no efforts in pursuing justice for migrant worker 
Sumiati binti Salan Mustapa, who was brutally tortured in Saudi Arabia.

"It was horrible torture that happened to our sister, Sumiati," Yudhoyono said 
during a cabinet meeting at the Presidential Palace on Tuesday. "I want the law 
to be upheld and an all-out diplomatic effort." 

The president also demanded the ministry form a team to travel to Saudi Arabia.

"I want to make sure Sumiati receives the best treatment and medication. She 
should also be examined by our own medical team," he said. 

Yudhoyono said the ministry should take action not only in regards to the abuse 
case, but also to other aspects regarding the presence of Indonesian workers in 
Saudi Arabia. 

"I have instructed the foreign minister to respond quickly and properly," he 

The Saudi Arabian Embassy in Jakarta could not be reached for comment.

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[proletar] Re: Islam Mengajari Umatnya Berbohong !!!

2010-11-17 Thread hardjantosri
Pak Wong kok gak percoyo.Mulainya KD bisa digondol pengusaha Timor Timur itu 
mula2 dari salaman dulu,lalu cikipa cikipi.Lalu si Pengusaha itu melihat KD kok 
lebih aduhai dari bininya soale kan bajunya KD memperlihatkan curvacuousnya.La 
akirnya masing2 cerai.
Makane mantu saya begitu nikah disuruh berhenti dari Perusahaan asing (gajinya 
malah lebih gede dari anak saya).Tapi wedok jam 19.00 malam harus didalam lift 
dg non muhrim itu rawan.Yo akirnya mantu saya rela keluar.Tapi suaminya  juga 
kalau kekantor gak boleh naik KA biar gak suk2-an dg non muhrim,disuruhnya 
pakai mobil walaupun menghadapi macet.
la sekarang cucu saya ada yg ngasuh mamahnya sendiri,itu jauh bedanya kalau 
diasuh pembantu yg hanya bisa ngasih makan,tapi kalau mendidik yo kudu mamahnya 

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "Wong"  wrote:
> Sejauh saya membaca postingan pak Tawang dll, pertanyaan saya masih tetep 
> tidak terjawab secara gamblang. Pertanyaan saya adalah apa salahnya salaman 
> atau bersentuhan kulit dengan non muhrim, sehingga harus di larang.
> Dari jawaban pak Tawang yang muter muter ngalor ngidul saya coba menyimpulkan 
> bahwa salaman atau bersentuhan kulit dengan non muhrim itu dekat dengan 
> zinah, sehingga harus dilaramg. Jika kesimpulan saya tidak tepat mohon di 
> luruskan.
> Kalau bersalaman saja sudah dianggap berzinah, bagaimana dengan orang yang 
> berdesak desakan di kereta api?, di sana sangat mungkin antara pria dan 
> wanita saling bersentuhan, bagaimana juga dengan bis kota, bagai mana juga 
> antara seorang sekretaris dengan bosnya yang sangat mungkin berdua dua dalam 
> satu ruangan, tentu hal itu juga harus di larang. ditambah aturan bahwa 
> wanita tidak di perkenankan keluar rumah tanpa desertai muhrimnya , ini 
> menyebabkan wanita tidak dapat bekerja dalam sistem seperti itu.
> Oleh karena itu saya katakan atruan Islam semacam itu tidak cocok dengan adab 
> dan kebudayaan modern
> Rahayu
> Oleh karena itu saya katakan aturan Islam semacam itu tidak  
> --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "hardjantosri"  wrote:
> >
> > Salahnya oleh RI itu nglanggar KUHP,Kitab UU Hukum Sekular,masak kamu LSM 
> > gak ngerti bahwa Ariel & Cut Tari nglanggar KUHP.
> > Kalau mau nanya lebih jauh tanyanen si pembuat KUHP ngapo kok ngentot2 
> > dewek kok dilarang.
> > 
> > S.Har.
> > 
> > --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "Jusfiq"  wrote:
> > >
> > > 
> > > And so what?
> > > 
> > > Apa salahnya Cut tari ngentot sama Ariel, mereka itu suka sama suka.
> > > 
> > > Ngentot itu sungguh tidak ada salahnya asal suka sama suka dan tidak ada 
> > > orang lain yang dirugikan.
> > >  
> > > --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "hardjantosri"  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Pasti Cut Tari dan Ariel Peterpan dulu mulainya dari cuman salaman,lalu 
> > > > dekep dekep-an,lalu mol mol-an lalu bikin B.F.
> > > > Clinton dg Monica Lewinsky dulu mula2 gur salaman ,lalu cikipa 
> > > > cikipa,lalu French Kissing ,lalu gulat,lalu geger sampai MPR nya nuntut 
> > > > Clinton.
> > > > Makane larangan Islam itu bunyinya:Jangan kau dekati Zina.Jadi baru 
> > > > mendekati saja wis dilarang.Sebab kalau sudah OK sama OK gak akan kuat 
> > > > menahan.
> > > > 
> > > > S.Har.
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "Wong"  wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > Lah iya, memang mohrim dan non muhrim itu hanya istilah yang ada 
> > > > > hanya di Islam tok, diluar itu yo ndak ada.
> > > > > 
> > > > > tetapi di dalam abad modern ini sangat lumrah dan umum jika orang 
> > > > > bertemu saling salaman, malah yang sudah akrab saling cipika cipiki 
> > > > > baik sesama muhrim maupun non muhrim. oleh karena itu saya bertanya 
> > > > > apa salahnya jika antara muhrim dan non muhrim saling bersalaman? 
> > > > > coba gunakan nalar, sampeyan mingkem kan?, ndak mau jawab kan? sudah 
> > > > > biasa, paling paling ngeles.
> > > > > 
> > > > > Opo sampeyan ndak malu, punya menteri kok guoblog kayak badut, 
> > > > > menjadi bahan tertawaan uwong sak jagad rat. kalo saya merasa isin, 
> > > > > malu, wong sudah jadi mentri kok kayak gitu. apakah aturan tidak 
> > > > > boleh salaman dengan non muhrim tidak perlu dipikri ulang. GD kan 
> > > > > seorang muslim, kiyai lagi tapi dia salaman juga dengan non muhrim. 
> > > > > BK juga muslim, tapi dia salaman dengan Cyndi Adam, mungkin malah 
> > > > > numpaki ha ha ha .
> > > > > 
> > > > > Rahayu
> > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > > --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "hardjantosri"  wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Soalnya hanya Islam yg ada istilah muhrim dan non muhrim.
> > > > > > Non Muhrim itu bukan hanya yg boleh dikawin tapi dilarang sentuhan 
> > > > > > kulit dg kulit.Gak boleh dokter kandungan lanang kok ngrogoh tempat 
> > > > > > yg paling pribadi wanita non muhrim.Hanya agama kebenaran yg ada 
> > > > > > aturan begitu.Kalau kamu kan opo2 boleh.
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > S.har.
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "Wong"  wrote:
> > > > > > >
> >

[proletar] Re: Jelang Idul Adha, Harga Daging Rp 95.000/Kg

2010-11-17 Thread hardjantosri
Walaupun daging gak naikpun tetep aja yg miskin gak akan beli daging.Tapi sapi 
mahal itu kan nguntungke peternak.Jadi Islam itu apik mBon.


--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "sunny"  wrote:
> Refleksi : Apakah daging berharga Rp. 95.000/kg ini murah atau mahal? Kalau 
> murah bagus sekali, tetapi kalau mahal berarti kaum miskin makan daging 
> sekali atau dua kali setahun, berkat kasih sayang kaum berada. 
> Apakah tidak bisa diatur agar kaum miskin melarat bisa makan daging sesuai 
> seleranya dan kapan saja mau makan? Bagaimana caranya?
> http://hariansib.com/?p=151827
> Jelang Idul Adha, Harga Daging Rp 95.000/Kg
> Posted in Ekonomi & Keuangan by Redaksi on November 16th, 2010 
> Medan (SIB)
> Menjelang Hari Raya Idul Adha harga daging mencapai Rp 95.000 per kilogram, 
> naik Rp 20.000 dari harga normal yakni Rp 75.000/kg di beberapa pasar 
> tradisional di Medan, seperti di Pasar Sambu Medan, Pajak Sore, dan Pajak 
> Sambas dan lain-lain. Kenaikan tersebut disebabkan semakin banyak konsumen 
> yang membeli daging sapi untuk persiapan perayaan haji, Rabu (17/11).
> Menurut Abdullah, pedagang daging sapi di pasar Sambu Medan, harga naik sejak 
> Sabtu (13/11) tapi masih berkisar antara Rp 80.000 hingga Rp 85.000 per 
> kilogram. "Hari ini sudah mencapai Rp 95.000 per kg dan kemungkinan besok 
> (hari ini) harga akan naik lagi diatas Rp 95. per Kg," katanya.
> Rima, salah seorang ibu rumah tangga yang berbelanja daging mengatakan, 
> membeli daging menjelang lebaran Idul Adha merupakan tradisi keluarga. 
> "Gimana lagi ya, setiap hari raya Haji saya pasti beli daging, karena sudah 
> tradisi," katanya. (M35/s)
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[proletar] Re: Tawang berotak anjing & TKWI

2010-11-17 Thread hardjantosri
La kan sudah dikasih aturan wedok jangan seatap dg non muhrim,kalau wedok 
melakukan ibadah haji saja kudu dikawal muhrim biar gak digado orang Arab.Yang 
nglanggar dan kebetulan terjadi hal yg tdk diinginkan jangan nyalahkan 
siapa2,soale wis dikandani kok nekat.
Misal sudah ada rambu: awas jalan licin.La tapi kamu malah ngebut,yo kalau 
glundung jangan nyalahin siapa2.


--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "Jusfiq"  wrote:
> Tawang berotak anjing dan penjilat pantat orang Arab itu tidak serign 
> menunjukkan kegelisahannnya dihadapan kebiaaban yang dialami oleh TKWI yang 
> disiksa oleh orang Arab yang luar biasa biadabnya.

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[proletar] Re: Surat Perintah Eksekusi Tareq Aziz

2010-11-17 Thread hardjantosri
Tapi dg adanya Amerika maka tiap hari pada bom2-an antara wong Iraq,padahal 
dulu terkendali.Jadi kesimpulannya Amerika tetep elek.


--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "Jusfiq"  wrote:
> Jadi Amerika TIDAK memerangi Islam di Iraq..
> Bilang tuh ke ndeboost 
> --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "hardjantosri"  wrote:
> >
> > Perlu anda2 tahu bahwa Partai bath nya Sadham Husein itu sekular bukan 
> > partai agama.Jadi Amrik itu mateni konco dewe.
> > 
> > S.Har.
> > 
> > --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "wawan"  wrote:
> > >
> > > ini artinya pemerintahan iraq tidak begitu saja mengabulkan keinginan 
> > > amerika?
> > > 
> > > kalau benar begitu...ya bagus..
> > > 
> > > --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "sunny"  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > http://www.rnw.nl/bahasa-indonesia/bulletin/surat-perintah-eksekusi-tareq-aziz
> > > > Surat Perintah Eksekusi Tareq Aziz
> > > > Diterbitkan 17 November 2010 - 11:24am 
> > > > BAGDAD (ANP) - Presiden Irak Jalal Talabani Rabu (17/11) menolak 
> > > > menandatangani surat perintah eksekusi untuk mantan menteri luar negeri 
> > > > dan wakil perdana menteri Tareq Aziz, 74 tahun. 
> > > > 
> > > > Akhir bulan lalu pengadilan Irak memvonis mati Aziz. Aziz berperan 
> > > > penting dalam rezim diktator Saddam Hussein. Aziz divonis mati karena 
> > > > terlibat pengusiran dan pembasmian partai-partai religius. Dari tahun 
> > > > 1983 hingga 1991 ia menjabat menteri luar negeri dan dari 1979 hingga 
> > > > 2003 Aziz menjadi wakil perdana menteri.
> > > > 
> > > > © ANP/AFP 
> > > > 
> > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> > > >
> > >
> >

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[proletar] Nigerian military rescue 19 hostages in Niger Delta

2010-11-17 Thread sunny

17 November 2010 Last updated at 23:34 GMT 
Nigerian military rescue 19 hostages in Niger Delta
 Mend says it is fighting for fairer distribution of Nigeria's oil money 
Nigerian troops have rescued 19 hostages kidnapped by militants in the Niger 
Delta this month, officials say.

Two Americans, two Frenchmen, two Indonesians and a Canadian were freed along 
with 12 Nigerians in a land, air and sea assault, said officials.

Security sources told the BBC the freed hostages were euphoric.

The operation was the first successful rescue of foreign captives in the Delta 
without any of the hostages being killed in the process.

It is not clear whether any militants were killed or wounded.

The foreigners were captured on 8 November, when gunmen attacked an oil rig 
belonging to London-based Alfren PLC. 

The eight Nigerians were seized on an ExxonMobil platform Akwa Ibom state a 
week later, in an attack claimed by Mend, a military group operating in the 

The BBC's Caroline Duffield in Lagos says the rescue operation marks a change 
in tactics by the Nigerian military, who worked in close co-operation with 
local contacts to free the captives.

Violence in the oil-rich Delta region has subsided since last year.

In the past, militants have cut the country's oil production by one-third, 
causing a spike in global oil prices. 

The government and many oil militants reached a ceasefire agreement last year 
in exchange for cash payouts and job training - but a small faction of Mend has 
resumed the kidnappings.

There were always fears that a new generation of militants would emerge which 
would ignore the ceasefire, says our correspondent.

There are also signs the amnesty is faltering, following a firebombing attack 
on the home of presidential adviser Timi Alaibe last week, she adds.

Mend says it is fighting so that more of Nigeria's massive oil wealth is used 
to benefit the Niger Delta area which produces the oil.

But criminal gangs have taken advantage of the region's instability to make 
money from ransoms paid by oil companies, and stealing oil.

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[proletar] Chinese Internet diversion was worrisome, report says

2010-11-17 Thread sunny

Chinese Internet diversion was worrisome, report says
By Ellen Nakashima 

For about 20 minutes in April, a state-owned Chinese telecommunications firm 
rerouted massive amounts of Internet traffic, including from U.S. military and 
government networks, through Chinese servers before sending it on its way, 
according to a Congressional commission report out today.

Evidence related to the incident does not indicate whether it was deliberate, 
but computer security researchers have noted the capability could enable 
"severe malicious activities," said the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review 
Commission in its latest report to Congress.

The incident affected traffic to about 15 percent of the world's Internet 
network routes, the report said. There are more than 300,000 such routes in the 
world, said Dmitri Alperovitch, vice president of threat research for the 
computer security firm McAfee Inc., who briefed the commission on the incident. 
Among those affected were sites owned by the U.S. Senate, the Army, Navy, 
Marine Corps, Office of the Secretary of Defense, Department of Commerce and 
the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, as well as commercial Web 
sites such as those for Dell, Yahoo!, Microsoft and IBM, the report said. 

When a server determines what route to use to speed data to its destination, it 
consults a "routing table" based on Internet service providers' announced 
routes for networks they host. In this case, China Telecom announced routes for 
tens of thousands of networks it did not own, including the US government 
sites, Alperovitch said.

A spokesman for the Chinese Embassy in Washington told Bloomberg News that the 
report was based on "unfounded, groundless information." Wang Baodong, the 
spokesman, repeated the government's longstanding position that "Chinese laws 
strictly forbid hacking or other illegal activities" on computer networks.

Whether the incident was intentional or not, Alperovitch said, the fact that 
China Telecom Corp. was able to reroute so much traffic through its network and 
then allow it to proceed to the final destination "without much impact is 
pretty amazing," he said. The delay in an email reaching its destination might 
be milliseconds, he said.

Alperovitch, who said McAfee was able to witness and monitor the redirection of 
the traffic, said the Chinese could have snooped on or even modified the 
traffic as it flowed through their pipes. They might also have been able to 
decrypt commercially encrypted files, he said.

Intentional or not, it is the largest successful "hijacking" or rerouting of 
Internet traffic ever, he said.

The incident is "cause for concern, not alarm," said Dale W. Meyerrose, who was 
chief information officer for the Office of the Director of National 
Intelligence in the Bush administration and is now a vice president for 
information assurance at Harris Corp. To snoop on the information, he said, 
"they don't have to divert traffic per se, though it could make it easier."

He said that classified U.S. military traffic would be encrypted using 
standards set by the National Security Agency, which he said are difficult to 

By Ellen Nakashima  | November 17, 2010; 11:25 AM ET 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[proletar] Re: omongan di proletar

2010-11-17 Thread johny_indon

nah kalau elu sekarang udah tau bahwa bank syariah juga diaudit 
oleh kap, berani ngga bilang bahwa komentar si ayub itu goblok ngga ketulungan? 

pertanyaan elu "apanya yg diaudit dari syariah" sebenernya 
punya unsur blo'on juga sih, tapi okelah, gua anggap aja 
itu pertanyaan beneran karena pengen tau, bukan pertanyaan 
retorik sok tau.

yg diaudit dari syariah tentu saja praktek2 syariahnya, apakah 
sudah sesuai kaidah syariah atau belum.
di bank indonesia ada direktorat khusus perbankan syariah, 
mereka punya unit pengawasan khusus perbankan syariah.

gimana, udah cukup sampe sini? apa masih mau ngeyel?

baru jualan asuransi aja udah ngerasa tau soal perbankan.
bikin mules gua aja lu pade.

sekarang tugas lu adalah nyariin si ayub yg kabur, gua pengen 
tau tu anak mau minta maaf apa ngga.

haleluya, kuya!

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, David Silalahi  wrote:
> bank syariah sebagai bank emang di audit, tapi kalo urusan
> syariahnya...apanya yang diaudit dari syariah?
> On 11/16/10, johny_indon  wrote:
> >
> >
> > si ayub o'on kemana nih? koq malah mabur bukannya menta maap.
> > atau jangan2 lagi sibuk ngantri daging kambing di istiqlal?
> >
> > --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "johny_indon"  wrote:
> >>
> >> ceritanya elu mau belain si musmus ya?
> >> koq tolol banget caranya.
> >>
> >> pai apaan sih? sejenis kue ya? apel pai gitu?
> >> mau sok jago tapi goblok.
> >>
> >> sono kelonan lagi sama si musmus, jangan lupa ajak
> >> ade kimhook, kesian dia cuman bisa meluk guling doang.
> >>
> >> http://www.syariahmandiri.co.id/en/2010/04/struktur-gcg/
> >>
> >> "Persetujuan atas Laporan Tahunan BSM termasuk Pengesahan Laporan Keuangan
> >> untuk tahun buku 2008 yang diaudit oleh Kantor Akuntan Publik Doli,
> >> Bambang, Sudarmadji & Dadang dengan opini "Wajar Tanpa Pengecualian" "
> >>
> >> --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, ayub yahya  wrote:
> >> >
> >> > ada juga di proletar yg ngomong, bank syariah juga diaudit
> >> > gw tanya sejak kapan ada bank syariah pakai jasa kap ??
> >> > hehehe.. baru tau arti 'kap' udah bangga...
> >> > udah tau apa tuh artinya pai ??
> >> >
> >> > kalo istilah 'kap' anak2 SD juga ngarti.. hehehe
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> -- 
> www.davidsilalahi.konsultanasuransi.com ; http://enjoy-hidup.blogspot.com/
> Asuransi Allianz terbaik 2010 di Indonesia,  INFOBANK:
> http://www.antaranews.com/berita/1277927039/infobank-umumkan-peringkat-perusahaan-asuransi
> Allianz, Top 20 The Biggest Company in the world:
> http://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/global500/2010/snapshots/7674.html
> Allianz, The most Admired Company in the World:
> http://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/mostadmired/2010/snapshots/7674.html
> Contact me for your A to Z insurance needs.

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[proletar] Re: Surat Perintah Eksekusi Tareq Aziz

2010-11-17 Thread Jusfiq


Tukang kibul.

Ada Amerika atau tidak orang Islam di Iraq sunni dan syiah itu tetap saja 
saling berbunuhan...

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "hardjantosri"  wrote:
> Tapi dg adanya Amerika maka tiap hari pada bom2-an antara wong Iraq,padahal 
> dulu terkendali.Jadi kesimpulannya Amerika tetep elek.
> S.Har.
> --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "Jusfiq"  wrote:
> >
> > Jadi Amerika TIDAK memerangi Islam di Iraq..
> > 
> > Bilang tuh ke ndeboost 
> >  
> > 
> > --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "hardjantosri"  wrote:
> > >
> > > Perlu anda2 tahu bahwa Partai bath nya Sadham Husein itu sekular bukan 
> > > partai agama.Jadi Amrik itu mateni konco dewe.
> > > 
> > > S.Har.
> > > 
> > > --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "wawan"  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > ini artinya pemerintahan iraq tidak begitu saja mengabulkan keinginan 
> > > > amerika?
> > > > 
> > > > kalau benar begitu...ya bagus..
> > > > 
> > > > --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "sunny"  wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > http://www.rnw.nl/bahasa-indonesia/bulletin/surat-perintah-eksekusi-tareq-aziz
> > > > > Surat Perintah Eksekusi Tareq Aziz
> > > > > Diterbitkan 17 November 2010 - 11:24am 
> > > > > BAGDAD (ANP) - Presiden Irak Jalal Talabani Rabu (17/11) menolak 
> > > > > menandatangani surat perintah eksekusi untuk mantan menteri luar 
> > > > > negeri dan wakil perdana menteri Tareq Aziz, 74 tahun. 
> > > > > 
> > > > > Akhir bulan lalu pengadilan Irak memvonis mati Aziz. Aziz berperan 
> > > > > penting dalam rezim diktator Saddam Hussein. Aziz divonis mati karena 
> > > > > terlibat pengusiran dan pembasmian partai-partai religius. Dari tahun 
> > > > > 1983 hingga 1991 ia menjabat menteri luar negeri dan dari 1979 hingga 
> > > > > 2003 Aziz menjadi wakil perdana menteri.
> > > > > 
> > > > > © ANP/AFP 
> > > > > 
> > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >

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[proletar] Re: Tawang berotak anjing & TKWI

2010-11-17 Thread Jusfiq

Itulah Islam: kalau ada perempuan yang tidak ditemani muhrimnya boleh 
diperkosa, boleh disika..

Makanya buat Tawang yang salah bukan orang Arab yang memperkosa TKWI, tapi TKWI 
yang pergi mencari nafkah tanpa ditemani muhrimnya.

Dan sesuai dengan itu, Tawang juga tidak gelisah melihat ada permepuan yagn 
diperkosa atau disiksa.

Di dunia kafir seperti Eropa, terlarang menyiksa atau memperkosa perempuan yang 
tidak ditemani muhrimnya.

Islam itu saya bilang dan saya ulang adalah agama yang hanya pantas untuk 
anjing dan binatang buas.

Dan Tawang itu memang juga buas kayak binatang buas.

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "hardjantosri"  wrote:
> La kan sudah dikasih aturan wedok jangan seatap dg non muhrim,kalau wedok 
> melakukan ibadah haji saja kudu dikawal muhrim biar gak digado orang 
> Arab.Yang nglanggar dan kebetulan terjadi hal yg tdk diinginkan jangan 
> nyalahkan siapa2,soale wis dikandani kok nekat.
> Misal sudah ada rambu: awas jalan licin.La tapi kamu malah ngebut,yo kalau 
> glundung jangan nyalahin siapa2.
> S.Har.
> --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "Jusfiq"  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > Tawang berotak anjing dan penjilat pantat orang Arab itu tidak serign 
> > menunjukkan kegelisahannnya dihadapan kebiaaban yang dialami oleh TKWI yang 
> > disiksa oleh orang Arab yang luar biasa biadabnya.
> >

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[proletar] Aljazeera: Death sentence for migrant worker

2010-11-17 Thread Jusfiq


Death sentence for migrant worker
Saudi Arabia is due to behead a Sri Lankan woman in a case that has focused 
attention on the plight of migrant workers.
Adithya Alles Last Modified: 16 Nov 2010 11:51 GMT

Barely a month into her job in Saudi Arabia, Rizana Nafeek was charged with 
killing her employers' baby [EPA]

When a relative approached Mohamed Nafeek in 2005 to explore the possibility of 
sending his eldest daughter, Rizana, to the Middle East as a domestic worker, 
the family thought its luck had finally turned for the better.

Poor, living in a ramshackle shack in Muttur, a coastal village in Trincomalee 
district 250km from the Sri Lankan capital Colombo, the family of six barely 
managed to survive on the meagre earnings Nafeek made as a wood collector.

Rizana, according to the family, agreed to the job. The relative took her to a 
recruitment agency. She then underwent 10 days of training before leaving for 
Saudi Arabia in May 2005.

But instead of changing the family's luck, Rizana's life turned inside out in a 
foreign land. Barely a month into her job, she was sitting in a jail charged 
with killing the four-month-old infant of her employers.

She was later found guilty and sentenced to die by beheading. She appealed her 
sentence and has spent the last five years in a Saudi jail. In October, news 
reached Sri Lanka that her sentence had been confirmed and would thus be 
carried out.

That news has generated renewed focus on the case of Rizana Fathima Nafeek, and 
the issue of Asian migrant workers getting a fair hearing in a foreign justice 
system, both here and internationally.

Mahinda Rajapaksa, the Sri Lankan president, has written to Saudi Arabia's King 
Abdul Aziz seeking a pardon. Similar appeals have been made by Amnesty 
International, the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) and other Sri Lankan 
and international advocacy groups.

Unfair proceedings

The AHRC says Rizana's trial was skewed against her, citing factors like 
language issues and competent legal support that often make it hard for migrant 
workers to ensure that they get fair proceedings. For example, the translator 
provided during Rizana's confession, which the AHRC maintains was taken under 
duress, was not a professional one, AHRC director of policy and development 
Basil Fernando points out.

"He was just someone from Karnataka [state] in India, who did not have any idea 
of the Tamil dialect that Nafeek spoke," Fernando said. The translator has 
since left Saudi Arabia.

Evidence indicated that the infant choked while Rizana was feeding him, in what 
was an accident and not intentional murder, Fernando adds.

No legal aid was extended to Rizana during the trial. The Sri Lankan embassy in 
Riyadh had contacted a lawyer only after her conviction. When it could not hire 
the lawyer due to government stipulations that prevent it from paying for legal 
services in a criminal case, the Hong Kong based AHRC moved in.

It has so far spent $30,000 in legal fees for the appeal of Rizana's verdict.

The case is complicated by the fact that Rizana was underage when she left for 
the Middle East. Some reports have suggested that she was 15, but her family 
told IPS she was 17 at the time of her departure. Either way, she was a minor 
below the age of employment when she left.

Rizana's forged passport became pivotal to her conviction when the courts went 
by details contained in that, and did not consider her birth certificate.

"The passport she used to enter Saudi Arabia gives her date of birth as 
February 1982 but according to her birth certificate she was born six years 
later, in February 1988," Amnesty International said in an October appeal.

"This would make her 17 years old at the time of the murder for which she has 
been convicted. According to Amnesty International's information, she was not 
allowed to present her birth certificate or other evidence of her age to the 
court, which relied instead on her passport and so considered her to be 23 
years old at the time of the crime," it added.

Victim of recruitment agencies

Advocates say that Rizana was a victim of recruitment agencies that send poor, 
untrained Sri Lankan women as unskilled domestic workers to the Middle East, 
including to countries like Saudi Arabia, which hosts some 500,000 migrant 
labourers from the South Asian island nation.

"We never heard from the agency [that sent Rizana to Saudi Arabia]. We only got 
a letter from the [Sri Lankan] embassy [in Riyadh] about the sentence," her 
mother Razina said.

Rizana's case came into the limelight after media reports highlighted her death 
sentence. AHRC officials told IPS that when Saudi Arabia's Supreme Court upheld 
the verdict, they heard the news not through the Sri Lankan embassy but through 
a well-wisher who had visited Rizana in jail. They now fear that if Saudi 
Arabia's king ratifies the sentence, there would no chance of pardon.

"There is every probability tha

[proletar] AHRC: Rizana Nafeek death sentence--concerns being expressed in Sri Lanka

2010-11-17 Thread Jusfiq

REISSUING UPDATE (World): Rizana Nafeek death sentence--concerns being 
expressed in Sri Lanka


Urgent Appeal Update: AHRC-UAU-042-2010

29 October 2010

[RE: AHRC-UAU-041-2010: SAUDI ARABIA/SRI LANKA: Death sentence on Rizana Nafeek 
WORLD: Rizana Nafeek death sentence--concerns being expressed in Sri Lanka

ISSUES: Right to life; death penalty

Dear Friends,

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) have been informed of the concerns 
being expressed within Sri Lanka and outside on the issue of death sentence on 
Razina Nafeek. His Excellency the President of Sri Lanka made a special appeal 
to His Royal Highness the King of Saudi Arabia for granting of pardon to her. 
The Muslims in Sri Lanka is reported to be holding prayer sessions on behalf of 
her praying for a mercy towards her. Given the urgency of the matter we are 
reissuing our Urgent Appeal and request more persons to write to the Saudi 
authorities requesting pardon for Rizana on grounds stated below.
We are reissuing this appeal due to this development.

In our previous appeal (AHRC-UAU-041-2010) we mentioned that Rizana Nafeek, who 
went to Saudi Arabia as a maid when she was 17 years old and was sentenced to 
death by a Saudi court on the allegation that she had killed an infant of her 
employer. However, she completely denied the charges and explained that the 
death occurred as an accident by suffocation while she was bottle feeding the 
child. As a result of intervention by human rights organisations an appeal was 
filed on her behalf and the death sentence was set aside.

A supreme body in Saudi referred the case back to the original court for 
reinvestigation. The court called for the person who took down her alleged 
confession. It was found that he was not a competent interpreter that carried 
out the translation and that it was someone who was, in fact, a sheep herder. 
The court issued summons for the person to be brought to the court for 
examination. It was then found that the person concerned was no longer in the 
country. Thereafter, the case was postponed for several years as the witness 
could not be located.

The Sri Lankan Embassy in Saudi Arabia has made statements from time to time 
stated that the embassy was closely following the case and was providing 
support to the young girl who was in prison. However, later it was almost 
impossible to get anyone to answer questions about the case from the Sri Lankan 
Embassy. Just yesterday, when the Embassy was contacted by an international 
press agency an Embassy spokesman stated that the case was still pending for 
consideration of pardon by the family.

However, on the same day the Arab News announced that the court in Dawi Dami 
has confirmed the death sentence. The report by Arab News did not give any 
further details.

The AHRC wrote to the High Commissioner for Human Rights to urgently intervene 
with the Saudi authorities for gaining pardon for the maid.

We once again urge you to intervene urgently and write to His Royal Highness, 
King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud. For previous references to this case, 
please also see: STM-003-2009, STM-258-2008, UA-207-2007, UP-097-2007, 
UP-093-2007; PL-023-2007, UG-004-2007.


The death sentence has been confirmed in the case of Rizana Nafeek. She was 
charged with strangling the 4-month-old child of the family for whom she worked 
as a housemaid. She was legally allowed only 30 days from the date of the court 
order to make her appeal. An appeal was made on her behalf by the intervention 
of human rights groups who paid for the lawyers and her death sentence was set 
aside pending appeal.

Rizana Nafeek was born on February 4, 1988 and comes from a war-torn, 
impoverished village. Here, many families, including those of the Muslim 
community try to send their under aged children for employment outside the 
country, as their breadwinners. Some employment agencies exploit the situation 
of the impoverished families to recruit under aged girls for employment. For 
that purpose they engage in obtaining passports by altering the dates of birth 
of these children to make it appear that they are older than they really are. 
In the case of Rizana Nafeek, the altered date, which is to be found in her 
passport now, is February 2, 1982. It was on the basis of this altered date 
that the employment agency fixed her employment in Saudi Arabia and she went 
there in May 2005.

She went to work at the house of Mr. Naif Jiziyan Khalaf Al Otaibi whose wife 
had a new-born baby boy. A short time after she started working for this family 
she was assigned to bottle feed the infant who was by then four months old. 
Rizana Nafeek had no experience of any sort in caring for such a young infant. 
She was left alone when bottle feeding the child. While she was

[proletar] SLT: Rizana Nafeek- The Sri Lankan Muslim Girl facing a unjust death penalty in

2010-11-17 Thread Jusfiq
Rizana Nafeek- The Sri Lankan Muslim Girl facing a unjust death penalty in 
Saudi Arabia. Let`s hope the Sri Lankan president will genuinely use his 
friendship and influence with the Arab states to pardon this wrongly convicted 
Sri Lankan girl.

Tuesday, 26 October 2010 - 9:06 AM SL Time  

Add Captions


Rizana was born on 4 February 1988 in Muttur, a war-torn and impoverished 
Muslim majority village in eastern Sri Lanka which was also affected by the 
recent Tsunami. She was still a schoolgirl when she was compelled by poverty to 
go to Saudi Arabia as a maid in May 2005. Though she was only 17 years old at 
that time, her passport, obtained by an irresponsible employment agent under 
false pretenses, gave her date of birth as 2 February 1982.

A few days after her arrival in Riyadh , Rizana was transferred by her sponsor 
to work in his family household in Dawadami, about 390 km west of Riyadh . She 
was sent to the house of Mr. Naif Jiziyan Khklafal Otaibi, whose wife had a 
baby boy who was then four months old. Soon after she started working for this 
family she was assigned to bottle feed the baby she was left alone when doing 
this task. Rizana Nafeek had no experience of any sort in caring for such a 
young infant, as she was only a child herself.


On 22 May 2005, while Rizana was feeding the child, he started choking. 
Panicking, she tried to soothe the child by rubbing his chest, neck and face, 
while shouting for help. Hearing her shouts the mother came running, but by 
that time the baby was either unconscious or dead. The family handed Rizana 
over to the police, accusing her of strangling the baby. At the police station 
there was no translator so she did not understand the charges brought against 
her. Rizana was made to sign a confession and later charges were filed in court 
of murder by strangulation.


On her first appearance in court she was told by the police to repeat her 
confession, which she did. Later, when she was finally able to talk to an 
interpreter, sent by the Sri Lankan embassy, she explained in her own language 
what actually happened. This version was also stated in court thereafter. 
According to reports, the judges who heard the case requested the father of the 
child to use his prerogative to pardon the young girl. But, the FATHER REFUSED 
TO GRANT SUCH PARDON. On that basis the court sentenced her to death by 
beheading. This sentence was made on June 16, 2007.


The last date of appeal was July 16. The total cost of the appeal is 40,000 US 
dollars or 150,000 Saudi Riyals. 13,333 US dollars has been given to the 
lawyers by the Asian Human Rights Commission as the Sri Lanka government has 
not given money for the appeal. A Sri Lankan government delegation led by 
Deputy Foreign Minister Hussein Bhaila is hoping to travel to Saudi Arabia to 
press for Rizana`s release.


The question is what can be done for someone who has not received proper legal 
representation, and from all accounts, appears to have been wrongly convicted. 
There are a number of human rights organizations working on the issue, 
including Amnesty and the Asian Human Rights Centre. Please do visit the AHRC 
site as it includes a call for ordinary people to take action on this issue. 
The site also goes in to more detail about the background of Rizana`s situation.


- Inform world-wide of the case and get them to relay pressure on the 
governments of the countries they live in to intervene. People in Europe and 
Australia could be very effective.

- Approach the British High Commission in Riyadh that a Commonwealth citizen 
needs assistance.

- Contact the Foreign Commonwealth Office and inform them a Commonwealth 
citizen needs assistance in Riyadh .

- Encourage the media, especially the international media, to give publicity to 
this case.

- Fax or email the Special Reporter on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary 
executions to take action.

- Ask `civil society` groups such as Centre for Policy Alternatives what they 
are doing about the case.

- The world community can do lot of things to help save the life of this girl. 
There are many petitions being filed.

You can find some petitions at:





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Just PIG berotak BABI Re: [proletar] Re: Tawang berotak anjing & TKWI

2010-11-17 Thread Roman Proteus
Kakek anjing bedebah gak tau diri

Ngegonggong gak mutu terus

-Original Message-
From: "Jusfiq" 
Sender: proletar@yahoogroups.com
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2010 02:00:45 
Reply-To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [proletar] Re: Tawang berotak anjing & TKWI

Itulah Islam: kalau ada perempuan yang tidak ditemani muhrimnya boleh 
diperkosa, boleh disika..

Makanya buat Tawang yang salah bukan orang Arab yang memperkosa TKWI, tapi TKWI 
yang pergi mencari nafkah tanpa ditemani muhrimnya.

Dan sesuai dengan itu, Tawang juga tidak gelisah melihat ada permepuan yagn 
diperkosa atau disiksa.

Di dunia kafir seperti Eropa, terlarang menyiksa atau memperkosa perempuan yang 
tidak ditemani muhrimnya.

Islam itu saya bilang dan saya ulang adalah agama yang hanya pantas untuk 
anjing dan binatang buas.

Dan Tawang itu memang juga buas kayak binatang buas.

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "hardjantosri"  wrote:
> La kan sudah dikasih aturan wedok jangan seatap dg non muhrim,kalau wedok 
> melakukan ibadah haji saja kudu dikawal muhrim biar gak digado orang 
> Arab.Yang nglanggar dan kebetulan terjadi hal yg tdk diinginkan jangan 
> nyalahkan siapa2,soale wis dikandani kok nekat.
> Misal sudah ada rambu: awas jalan licin.La tapi kamu malah ngebut,yo kalau 
> glundung jangan nyalahin siapa2.
> S.Har.
> --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "Jusfiq"  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > Tawang berotak anjing dan penjilat pantat orang Arab itu tidak serign 
> > menunjukkan kegelisahannnya dihadapan kebiaaban yang dialami oleh TKWI yang 
> > disiksa oleh orang Arab yang luar biasa biadabnya.
> >

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Just PIG berotak BABI Re: [proletar] Re: Tawang berotak anjing & TKWI

2010-11-17 Thread Jusfiq
Pergilah  berobat "Roman Proteus" 

Otak anda jelas sudah rusak.

Anda jelas sudah gila.

Ngomong asal ngaco.

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "Roman Proteus"  wrote:
> Kakek anjing bedebah gak tau diri
> Ngegonggong gak mutu terus
> -Original Message-
> From: "Jusfiq" 
> Sender: proletar@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2010 02:00:45 
> To: 
> Reply-To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [proletar] Re: Tawang berotak anjing & TKWI
> Itulah Islam: kalau ada perempuan yang tidak ditemani muhrimnya boleh 
> diperkosa, boleh disika..
> Makanya buat Tawang yang salah bukan orang Arab yang memperkosa TKWI, tapi 
> TKWI yang pergi mencari nafkah tanpa ditemani muhrimnya.
> Dan sesuai dengan itu, Tawang juga tidak gelisah melihat ada permepuan yagn 
> diperkosa atau disiksa.
> Di dunia kafir seperti Eropa, terlarang menyiksa atau memperkosa perempuan 
> yang tidak ditemani muhrimnya.
> Islam itu saya bilang dan saya ulang adalah agama yang hanya pantas untuk 
> anjing dan binatang buas.
> Dan Tawang itu memang juga buas kayak binatang buas.
> --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "hardjantosri"  wrote:
> >
> > La kan sudah dikasih aturan wedok jangan seatap dg non muhrim,kalau wedok 
> > melakukan ibadah haji saja kudu dikawal muhrim biar gak digado orang 
> > Arab.Yang nglanggar dan kebetulan terjadi hal yg tdk diinginkan jangan 
> > nyalahkan siapa2,soale wis dikandani kok nekat.
> > Misal sudah ada rambu: awas jalan licin.La tapi kamu malah ngebut,yo kalau 
> > glundung jangan nyalahin siapa2.
> > 
> > S.Har.
> > 
> > --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "Jusfiq"  wrote:
> > >
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Tawang berotak anjing dan penjilat pantat orang Arab itu tidak serign 
> > > menunjukkan kegelisahannnya dihadapan kebiaaban yang dialami oleh TKWI 
> > > yang disiksa oleh orang Arab yang luar biasa biadabnya.
> > >
> >
> Post message: prole...@egroups.com
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> Unsubscribe :  proletar-unsubscr...@egroups.com
> List owner  :  proletar-ow...@egroups.com
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[proletar] Aljazeera: Domestic workers in the Middle East

2010-11-17 Thread Jusfiq

Domestic workers in the Middle East
Their welfare is in the hands of their employers and tales of abuse are 
Last Modified: 23 Sep 2007 12:33 GMT

In countries that do not recognise the rights of
household servants, many face harsh conditions
In a case that has made global headlines, the fate of a young girl hangs in the 
balance as a delegation from her homeland pleads for her life. Rizana Nafeek, 
the daughter of a Sri Lankan wood cutter, faked her age in order to gain 
employment in Saudi Arabia and earn money for her family. Only 17, she soon 
found herself caring for a baby who choked to death while she was feeding him. 
She confessed to murder but claims it was under duress. Now her fate hinges on 
an appeal or a 'pardon' from the parents of the deceased baby. 

But the case of Rizana Nafeek is only one of thousands in the Middle East where 
workers, often from impoverished Asian countries, seek employment with the 
hopes of supporting their families back home. Working in countries that do not 
recognise the rights of household servants, their welfare is in the hands of 
their employers and tales of abuse and harsh conditions are numerous.

On Wednesday's Riz Khan we look into the plight of domestic workers in the 
Middle East and find out what, if anything, is being done to protect them. 
Joining the show from Beirut is Kanwal Tariq Hameed an experienced activist on 
behalf of domestic workers and from Washington DC Melanie Orhant, managing 
attorney for the 'Break the Chains Campaign' will also join the programme.

Watch this episode of Riz Khan here:

Watch this episode of Riz Khan Street Talk here:

This episode of Riz Khan aired on Wednesday 25 July 2007.

Don't miss Riz Khan live at 19:00GMT, when you can call with your questions and 
comments. Riz Khan is also shown every day at 00:00GMT, 05:00GMT, and 09:30GMT.

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Just PIG berotak BABI Re: [proletar] Re: Tawang berotak anjing & TKWI

2010-11-17 Thread Roman Proteus
Elo aja yang berobat kakek anjing

Kalau orang punya pendapat beda sama elo dibilang gila

Jadi elo gila kakek babi

-Original Message-
From: "Jusfiq" 
Sender: proletar@yahoogroups.com
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2010 02:39:24 
Reply-To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Just PIG berotak BABI Re: [proletar] Re: Tawang berotak anjing & TKWI

Pergilah  berobat "Roman Proteus" 

Otak anda jelas sudah rusak.

Anda jelas sudah gila.

Ngomong asal ngaco.

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "Roman Proteus"  wrote:
> Kakek anjing bedebah gak tau diri
> Ngegonggong gak mutu terus
> -Original Message-
> From: "Jusfiq" 
> Sender: proletar@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2010 02:00:45 
> To: 
> Reply-To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [proletar] Re: Tawang berotak anjing & TKWI
> Itulah Islam: kalau ada perempuan yang tidak ditemani muhrimnya boleh 
> diperkosa, boleh disika..
> Makanya buat Tawang yang salah bukan orang Arab yang memperkosa TKWI, tapi 
> TKWI yang pergi mencari nafkah tanpa ditemani muhrimnya.
> Dan sesuai dengan itu, Tawang juga tidak gelisah melihat ada permepuan yagn 
> diperkosa atau disiksa.
> Di dunia kafir seperti Eropa, terlarang menyiksa atau memperkosa perempuan 
> yang tidak ditemani muhrimnya.
> Islam itu saya bilang dan saya ulang adalah agama yang hanya pantas untuk 
> anjing dan binatang buas.
> Dan Tawang itu memang juga buas kayak binatang buas.
> --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "hardjantosri"  wrote:
> >
> > La kan sudah dikasih aturan wedok jangan seatap dg non muhrim,kalau wedok 
> > melakukan ibadah haji saja kudu dikawal muhrim biar gak digado orang 
> > Arab.Yang nglanggar dan kebetulan terjadi hal yg tdk diinginkan jangan 
> > nyalahkan siapa2,soale wis dikandani kok nekat.
> > Misal sudah ada rambu: awas jalan licin.La tapi kamu malah ngebut,yo kalau 
> > glundung jangan nyalahin siapa2.
> > 
> > S.Har.
> > 
> > --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "Jusfiq"  wrote:
> > >
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Tawang berotak anjing dan penjilat pantat orang Arab itu tidak serign 
> > > menunjukkan kegelisahannnya dihadapan kebiaaban yang dialami oleh TKWI 
> > > yang disiksa oleh orang Arab yang luar biasa biadabnya.
> > >
> >
> Post message: prole...@egroups.com
> Subscribe   :  proletar-subscr...@egroups.com
> Unsubscribe :  proletar-unsubscr...@egroups.com
> List owner  :  proletar-ow...@egroups.com
> Homepage:  http://proletar.8m.com/Yahoo! Groups Links

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[proletar] Negara Arab Palestina Adalah Yordania !!!

2010-11-17 Thread muskitawati
Negara Arab Palestina Adalah Yordania !!!
Yang paling tahu dan paling berwenang untuk menjelaskan urusan pertikaian Arab 
Palestina dan Israel hanyalah Inggris, karena Inggris itu adalah bekas penjajah 
wilayah Palestina selama ratusan tahun.

Kalo saja Inggris tidak kalah dari Jerman pada waktu perang dunia kedua 
tentunya penjajahan Inggris atas wilayah Palestina ini akan tetap berlangsung.  
Seperti juga India, wilayah Palestina ini pemiliknya yang syah adalah Inggris 
karena wilayah Palestina sejak pertama kali dijajah oleh Inggris tidak ada 
negara2 yang kita kenal sekarang selain banyak raja2 kecil yang saling membunuh 
diwilayah tsb.

Barulah usai perang dunia kedua, Amerika bisa menekan Inggris untuk melepaskan 
jajahan2nya diseluruh dunia yang antara lainnya adalah Palestina ini.

Berdasarkan catatan demografi Inggris, orang2 Arab di palestina ini adalah 
bekas prajurit2 Inggris untuk memerangi pemberontak2 Yahudi yang ingin mengusir 
penjajah Inggris.  Seperti juga tentara Gurkha Inggris, maka tentara Arab juga 
merupakan pasukan utama kerajaan Inggris dalam berbagai perang di Timur Tengah 
terutama dalam memadamkan pemberontakan2 Yahudi.

Demikianlah, populasi Arab sangat rendah di wilayah Palestina pada mulanya, 
tapi jadi meningkat jumlahnya setelah terjadinya penjajahan oleh Inggris.

Atas hasil demografi yang ada pada saat itu, sewaktu Inggris dipaksa Amerika 
menyerahkan mandatnya ke United Nation, maka tercatat bahwa wilayah ini 
populasinya campuran antara Arab dan Yahudi.  Atas dasar itulah Inggris sebelum 
perang dunia kedua menjanjikan sebuah negara bagi orang2 Yahudi kalo mereka mau 
membantu Inggris dalam memerangi Jerman.  Dalam hal ini kita sama2 tahu, 
ternyata orang2 Yahudi setia membantu Inggris hingga jadi korban Hitler.

Sayangnya, berakhirnya perang dunia kedua membuat Inggris bisa didikte oleh 
Amerika untuk memberi kemerdekaan bukan cuma kepada Yahudi tetapi juga kepada 
Arab.  Melalui UN inilah akhirnya wilayah Palestina ditetapkan 45% menjadi 
negara Arab Palestina (=Yordania) dan bagian yang 55% menjadi Yahudi Palestina 

Jadi ribut2 sekarang urusan konflik Arab dan Israel dalam memaksakan tambahan 
satu negara lagi yang disebutnya Palestina, bisa dipastikan tidak akan 
terwujud, karena Arab Palestina sesungguhnya sudah ada yaitu Kerajaan Yordania.

Penyelesaian yang paling adil, semua pengikut Hamas dan Abbas harus dipulangkan 
ke Yordania karena wilayah Yordania itulah negara Arab Palestina yang telah 
ditetapkan Inggris dan yang telah disahkan oleh UN.  Sebaliknya, pertikaian 
yang sekarang akan segera berakhir karena permasalahannya sangat jelas tidak 
bisa diputer balik.

Jadi kalopun negara2 Arab bermaksud menamakan negara Arab Palestina sebagai 
negara Palestina, tinggal mengganti nama Yordania saja menjadi nama baru 

Urusan Yahudi Palestina tidak mungkin diganggu gugat, dan tetap negaranya 
dinamakan "Israel".  Itulah sebabnya, dengan pemahaman inilah seluruh negara2 
didunia tidak mungkin, dan tidak masuk akal untuk mengakui negara baru sebagai 
negara sempalan "Palestina", apalagi agamanya Islam, padahal asal nama 
"Palestina" itu adalah berasal dari agama yang menyembah dewa dewi Filistine 
yang sangat dimusuhi Islam.

Sama halnya dengan Indonesia, India, dan Indo-China itupun merupakan nama yang 
diberikan oleh orng2 Barat yang diambil dari asal nama yang artinya agama Hindu.

Ny. Muslim binti Muskitawati.

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[proletar] Re: Surat Perintah Eksekusi Tareq Aziz

2010-11-17 Thread muskitawati
Iya, soal umat Islam saling membunuh sama sekali tidak ada kaitannya dengan 
Amerika, malah Amerika inilah yang telah lama berusaha mendamaikan semua umat 
Islam untuk jangan saling membunuh.

Tapi memang, pengaruh ajaran agama Islam yang mendominasi umat Islam sulit 
dilepas karena ajaran untuk saling membunuh sudah berlangsung sejak turunnya 
agama Islam dari Allah.

Allah inilah sumber ajaran saling membunuh itu buktinya dalam syahadat saja 
sudah jelas penuh permusuhan yaitu memusuhi mereka yang bukan menyembah Allah, 
keharusan hanya menyembah Allah tidak boleh menduakan yang lainnya.

Demikianlah, dizaman Sadam Hussein pun agama Islam kurdi selalu jadi korban2 
pembunuhan massal presiden Sadam Hussein yang akhirnya dijatuhi hukuman gantung 
oleh pemerintahan yang sekarang dimana presidennya justru penganut Islam Kurdi.

Bukan cuma di Irak tapi diseluruh dunia termasuk juga di Indonesia, dimana 
Islam Ahmadiah, Islam Kejawen, Islam Wetu Telu dan Islam2 lainnya juga menjadi 
korban pembunuhan2 massal disamping korban2 lainnya yang jumlahnya sampai lebih 
dari 10 juta orang yang notabene semuanya sama2 Islam meskipun saling menuduh 
sebagai Komunis.

Sebagai umat Islam kita seharusnya jujur terhadap kenyataan, seharusnya kita 
memahami bahwa perdamaian harus ditegakkan dengan satu2nya nilai yang paling 
Universal yaitu HAM bukan Syariah Islam yang terkenal biadab sejak zaman dulu.  
Akibat saling bunuh inilah jutaan bahkan puluhan juta umat Islam melakukan 
pelarian dari masing2 negaranya sekedar untuk menyelamatkan nyawanya di-negara2 
yang menegakkan HAM.

Ny. Muslim binti Muskitawati.

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "Jusfiq"  wrote:
> Penipu.
> Pendusta.
> Tukang kibul.
> Ada Amerika atau tidak orang Islam di Iraq sunni dan syiah itu tetap saja 
> saling berbunuhan...
> --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "hardjantosri"  wrote:
> >
> > Tapi dg adanya Amerika maka tiap hari pada bom2-an antara wong Iraq,padahal 
> > dulu terkendali.Jadi kesimpulannya Amerika tetep elek.
> > 
> > S.Har.
> > 
> > --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "Jusfiq"  wrote:
> > >
> > > Jadi Amerika TIDAK memerangi Islam di Iraq..
> > > 
> > > Bilang tuh ke ndeboost 
> > >  
> > > 
> > > --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "hardjantosri"  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Perlu anda2 tahu bahwa Partai bath nya Sadham Husein itu sekular bukan 
> > > > partai agama.Jadi Amrik itu mateni konco dewe.
> > > > 
> > > > S.Har.
> > > > 
> > > > --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "wawan"  wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > ini artinya pemerintahan iraq tidak begitu saja mengabulkan keinginan 
> > > > > amerika?
> > > > > 
> > > > > kalau benar begitu...ya bagus..
> > > > > 
> > > > > --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "sunny"  wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > http://www.rnw.nl/bahasa-indonesia/bulletin/surat-perintah-eksekusi-tareq-aziz
> > > > > > Surat Perintah Eksekusi Tareq Aziz
> > > > > > Diterbitkan 17 November 2010 - 11:24am 
> > > > > > BAGDAD (ANP) - Presiden Irak Jalal Talabani Rabu (17/11) menolak 
> > > > > > menandatangani surat perintah eksekusi untuk mantan menteri luar 
> > > > > > negeri dan wakil perdana menteri Tareq Aziz, 74 tahun. 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > Akhir bulan lalu pengadilan Irak memvonis mati Aziz. Aziz berperan 
> > > > > > penting dalam rezim diktator Saddam Hussein. Aziz divonis mati 
> > > > > > karena terlibat pengusiran dan pembasmian partai-partai religius. 
> > > > > > Dari tahun 1983 hingga 1991 ia menjabat menteri luar negeri dan 
> > > > > > dari 1979 hingga 2003 Aziz menjadi wakil perdana menteri.
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > © ANP/AFP 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> > > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >

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[proletar] Lagi-Lagi Islam Saling Berselisih!

2010-11-17 Thread siap murtad

 diduga  sebelumnya, perayaan Hari Raya Idul Adha berbeda.  Pemerintah, 
melalui  Kementerian Agama telah menetapkan 1 Zulhijah atau Idul Adha 
1431  Hijriyah jatuh pada 17 November 2010…   
 sidang isbat itu, awalnya muncul  perbedaan pendapat, namun akhirnya 
semua bisa menyetujui istikmal atau  menyempurnakan bulan Zulhijah 1431 
H, menjadi 17 November. 

  Dengan pengumuman pemerintah Idul 
Adha  tanggal 17 November, berarti berbeda dengan ketentuan Hari Raya 
Idul  Adha Muhammadiyah dan pemerintah di Negera-negara Timur Tengah 
yang  mengumumkan akan melaksanakan Idul Adha sehari sebelumnya, tanggal
 16  November 2010. 

Meski berbeda, Direktur Jenderal  
Bimbingan Islam Kemenag, Nazaruddin Umar mengatakan, persatuan antar  
ummat menjadi landasan utama dari penetapan tersebut. Karena itu, kata  
Nazsruddin, semua pihak diharapkan bisa memakluminya…  
 Lihat bagaimana Emosionalnya Mantan MENPORA Adyaksa Dault ketika 
mengomentari pertentangan tanggal Idul Adha dimana Pemerintah dan Negara
 Arab Saudi berbeda juga dengan Muhammadiyah. 
 obrolan di rumah makan Padang dari  seorang pengunjung yang makan, 
bertanya kepada ibu pemilik restoran, kapan  sich Idul Adha tepatnya? 
Tahun lalu kan sama penetapan tanggal Idul Adha? kok Tahun ini Beda?

Bahkan tadi pagi ini (Kamis) baru dilangsungkan Sholat Id di tempat tertentu.  
Hari Minggu/Senin lalu, Jemaah Sakbandiyah di Padang melangsungkan Puasa dan 
Idul Adha. 
 hal ini saja, Dapat kita ketahui bahwa ISLAM adalah AGAMA PALSU dari 
NABI PALSU dan tentunya dari TUHAN yang PALSU.  Tak ada KEBENARAN MUTLAK
 dalam ISLAM dan AJARAN MUHAMMAD. Korban Hewan yang dilakukan umat Islam
 dan Yahudi sebenarnya menyimbolkan Anak Domba Yahweh yang akan menjadi 
KORBAN TEBUSAN bagi Dosa seisi Dunia yaitu Tuhan YESUS KRISTUS, sesuai 
dengan seruan Yohanes Pembaptis, Lihatlah Anak Domba Allah yang menghapus dosa 
dunia, sehingga korban Hewan sudah tidak diperlukan lagi.


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[proletar] Amnesty Appeals to Saudi over Indonesian Maid

2010-11-17 Thread sunny
Refleksi : Apakah MUI  dan FPI  cs tidak mau turut bersuara?


Amnesty Appeals to Saudi over Indonesian Maid
November 18, 2010

Amnesty International appealed to Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states on 
Wednesday to do more to protect migrant domestic workers after the alleged 
abuse of an Indonesian maid in the oil-rich kingdom.

The London-based human rights watchdog said the maid's treatment, which 
Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono on Tuesday described as 
"extraordinary torture," was all too characteristic of the plight of foreign 
workers in the region.

"Women who go to Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries to be domestic workers 
face abuse and exploitation," the watchdog's Middle East and North Africa 
director, Malcolm Smart, said.

"At the root of the problem is the failure of the governments of the Gulf 
states to uphold the rights of women migrant domestic workers. Workers from 
countries like Indonesia, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka underpin the Gulf 
states' economies -- it is high time that they got a fair deal," he said.

Sumiati Binti Salan Mustapa, 23, was reported to be in a stable condition on 
Tuesday in a hospital in the Saudi city of Medina, where she has been receiving 
treatment since November 8 for wounds including gashes to her lips and face 
caused by scissors.

The Indonesian president said he would dispatch a team to the kingdom to follow 
up on the case, a day after his government summoned the Saudi ambassador to 
express its deep concern.

Agence-France Presse

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Just PIG berotak BABI Re: [proletar] Re: Tawang berotak anjing & TKWI

2010-11-17 Thread Jusfiq

Pergilah berobat "Roman Proteus"

Otak anda jelas sudah rusak.

Anda jelas sudah gila.

Ngomong asal ngaco.

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "Roman Proteus"  wrote:
> Elo aja yang berobat kakek anjing
> Kalau orang punya pendapat beda sama elo dibilang gila
> Jadi elo gila kakek babi
> -Original Message-
> From: "Jusfiq" 
> Sender: proletar@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2010 02:39:24 
> To: 
> Reply-To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: Just PIG berotak BABI Re: [proletar] Re: Tawang berotak anjing & TKWI
> Pergilah  berobat "Roman Proteus" 
> Otak anda jelas sudah rusak.
> Anda jelas sudah gila.
> Ngomong asal ngaco.
> --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "Roman Proteus"  wrote:
> >
> > Kakek anjing bedebah gak tau diri
> > 
> > Ngegonggong gak mutu terus
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > -Original Message-
> > From: "Jusfiq" 
> > Sender: proletar@yahoogroups.com
> > Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2010 02:00:45 
> > To: 
> > Reply-To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
> > Subject: [proletar] Re: Tawang berotak anjing & TKWI
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Itulah Islam: kalau ada perempuan yang tidak ditemani muhrimnya boleh 
> > diperkosa, boleh disika..
> > 
> > Makanya buat Tawang yang salah bukan orang Arab yang memperkosa TKWI, tapi 
> > TKWI yang pergi mencari nafkah tanpa ditemani muhrimnya.
> > 
> > Dan sesuai dengan itu, Tawang juga tidak gelisah melihat ada permepuan yagn 
> > diperkosa atau disiksa.
> > 
> > Di dunia kafir seperti Eropa, terlarang menyiksa atau memperkosa perempuan 
> > yang tidak ditemani muhrimnya.
> > 
> > Islam itu saya bilang dan saya ulang adalah agama yang hanya pantas untuk 
> > anjing dan binatang buas.
> > 
> > Dan Tawang itu memang juga buas kayak binatang buas.
> > 
> > 
> > --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "hardjantosri"  wrote:
> > >
> > > La kan sudah dikasih aturan wedok jangan seatap dg non muhrim,kalau wedok 
> > > melakukan ibadah haji saja kudu dikawal muhrim biar gak digado orang 
> > > Arab.Yang nglanggar dan kebetulan terjadi hal yg tdk diinginkan jangan 
> > > nyalahkan siapa2,soale wis dikandani kok nekat.
> > > Misal sudah ada rambu: awas jalan licin.La tapi kamu malah ngebut,yo 
> > > kalau glundung jangan nyalahin siapa2.
> > > 
> > > S.Har.
> > > 
> > > --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "Jusfiq"  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > Tawang berotak anjing dan penjilat pantat orang Arab itu tidak serign 
> > > > menunjukkan kegelisahannnya dihadapan kebiaaban yang dialami oleh TKWI 
> > > > yang disiksa oleh orang Arab yang luar biasa biadabnya.
> > > >
> > >
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Post message: prole...@egroups.com
> > Subscribe   :  proletar-subscr...@egroups.com
> > Unsubscribe :  proletar-unsubscr...@egroups.com
> > List owner  :  proletar-ow...@egroups.com
> > Homepage:  http://proletar.8m.com/Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[proletar] Saudi Arabia Asks Indonesia Not to Overreact + SBY criticizes abuse of maid in Saudi Arabia

2010-11-17 Thread sunny
Refleksi : Pasti Saudia Arabia kentut pada kritik SBY, karena hanya kritik 
bukan mengutuk,  SBY tidak berani mengutuk karena tahu diri, takut dikurangi 
jatah jemah haji dan umroh, berikutnya dari segi ekonomi, Indonesia membutuhkan 
Saudia Arabia, karena Indonesia tidak mampu memberikan lapangan kerja kepada 
warganegaranya dan juga rakyat Indonesia miskin dan telah dikocok-kocok  dengan 
jampi-jampi al Arabia untuk menjadi "hamal" dengan kepercayaan bahwa di tanah 
yang disebut suci pasti banyak rejeki bahagia.  Orang miskin dalam anggapan 
para majikan disana ialah tidak berbeda dengan budak. Kata miskin itu sendiri 
berasalah dari bahasa Arab, jadi mereka tahu arti sebenarnya.


SBY criticizes abuse of maid in Saudi Arabia

The Associated Press, Jakarta | Wed, 11/17/2010 1:54 PM | National 

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono wants justice for a domestic worker who was 
allegedly tortured by her employers in Saudi Arabia.

The 23-year-old maid, Sumiati bini Salan Mustapa, has been hospitalized in 
Medina since Nov. 8, with burns all over her body, a fractured middle finger 
and cuts around her lips, reportedly made by scissors.

Yudhoyono said during a Cabinet meeting Tuesday in Jakarta that the 
"extraordinary torture" needs to be investigated.

"I want the law to be upheld and to see an all-out diplomatic effort."

More than 80,000 Indonesian domestic workers flock to Saudi Arabia every year. 
Rights groups say they, and other migrant workers, at times face slavery-like 
conditions and sexual abuse.


Saudi Arabia Asks Indonesia Not to Overreact
Posted on November 17 2010 by Kompas 

The  Saudi Arabian government  has called on the Indonesian government not to 
overreact to cases involving Indonesian migrant workers in Saudi Arabia as  
many aspects needed to be considered before they were fully investigated.  The 
call was made through the Saudi Ambassador to Indonesia, Abdulrahman 
Al-Khayyath, in an interview with ANTARA at his official residence on Wednesday 
evening.Al-Khayyath was interviewed on reports that an Indonesian migrant 
worker was tortured by her employer in Saudi Arabia. "I was  summoned by the 
Foreign Affairs Ministry here and received a protest note from the Indonesian 
government on the issue of torture of an Indonesian worker in Saudi Arabia. On 
behalf of the Royal Saudi Kingdom, I have expressed  our deep regrets over the 
case," said Al-Khayyath. 
The Royal Saudi Kingdom, he added, especially regretted the fact that the case 
had caused a furor in Indonesia at a time when the two countries were observing 
Idul Adha (Day of Sacrifice) and the  Hajj pilgrimage had reached its peak.  
The ambassador emphasized  the Saudi government would make sure  that the party 
 guilty of the torture of the Indonesian migrant worker, Sumiati, would be 
called to  account. Then, based on the evidence  currently being collected by  
law enforcers in Saudi Arabia, he or she would be taken to court.

"We are grateful to the Indonesian government, through the Foreign Affairs 
Ministry, for having entrusted the thorough investigation into the case to the 
law enforcement institutions in Saudi Arabia," Al-Khayyath said.

He added that Riyadh would like to see  the Indonesian government not overreact 
to the torture case considering the fact that there were more than 1.0 million 
Indonesians working in Saudi Arabia. Compared to the number, the percentage of 
negative happenings was very small. Al-Khayyath also said that the majority of 
Indonesian migrant workers in Saudi Arabia were satisfied  with their working 

Many workers who  had returned to Indonesia later came back to Saudi Arabia to 
work again. The average Indonesian migrant worker received  other  kinds of 
benefit  from his or her employer like being taken on vacation in Europe or 
other countries.

He said  the Saudi government was providing full legal protection for migrant 
workers, including those  from Indonesia. "We thank Indonesian migrant workers 
who work in  Saudi Arabia. But it should also be noted that they  were 
financially contributing a lot to their own country, said the ambassador. 
Elaborating, he said,  if each of the more than one million Indonesian workers 
sent home one hundred US dollars per month, it meant there was a monthly flow 
of   100 million dollars from Saudi Arabia to Indonesia.

"I think this is a huge amount of money, especially if it is accumulated over a 
year from the more than 1,0 million Indonesian workers there," he said.

With regard to the reaction in Indonesia on the issue, Ambassador Al-Khayyath 
asked the Indonesian government to understand that these days were not a 
suitable time for visits by ministers or high-ranking officials to  Saudi 
Arabia to check on the Sumiati case.  "Entrust it to u

[proletar] Re: Surat Perintah Eksekusi Tareq Aziz

2010-11-17 Thread hardjantosri
Setahu saya pembunuhan massal di RI itu jaman Mbah harta mateni 5000 PKI 
wan.Yang mateni tentarane mBah Harta.
Ahmadiyah belum ada yg dipateni.


--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "muskitawati"  wrote:
> Iya, soal umat Islam saling membunuh sama sekali tidak ada kaitannya dengan 
> Amerika, malah Amerika inilah yang telah lama berusaha mendamaikan semua umat 
> Islam untuk jangan saling membunuh.
> Tapi memang, pengaruh ajaran agama Islam yang mendominasi umat Islam sulit 
> dilepas karena ajaran untuk saling membunuh sudah berlangsung sejak turunnya 
> agama Islam dari Allah.
> Allah inilah sumber ajaran saling membunuh itu buktinya dalam syahadat saja 
> sudah jelas penuh permusuhan yaitu memusuhi mereka yang bukan menyembah 
> Allah, keharusan hanya menyembah Allah tidak boleh menduakan yang lainnya.
> Demikianlah, dizaman Sadam Hussein pun agama Islam kurdi selalu jadi korban2 
> pembunuhan massal presiden Sadam Hussein yang akhirnya dijatuhi hukuman 
> gantung oleh pemerintahan yang sekarang dimana presidennya justru penganut 
> Islam Kurdi.
> Bukan cuma di Irak tapi diseluruh dunia termasuk juga di Indonesia, dimana 
> Islam Ahmadiah, Islam Kejawen, Islam Wetu Telu dan Islam2 lainnya juga 
> menjadi korban pembunuhan2 massal disamping korban2 lainnya yang jumlahnya 
> sampai lebih dari 10 juta orang yang notabene semuanya sama2 Islam meskipun 
> saling menuduh sebagai Komunis.
> Sebagai umat Islam kita seharusnya jujur terhadap kenyataan, seharusnya kita 
> memahami bahwa perdamaian harus ditegakkan dengan satu2nya nilai yang paling 
> Universal yaitu HAM bukan Syariah Islam yang terkenal biadab sejak zaman 
> dulu.  Akibat saling bunuh inilah jutaan bahkan puluhan juta umat Islam 
> melakukan pelarian dari masing2 negaranya sekedar untuk menyelamatkan 
> nyawanya di-negara2 yang menegakkan HAM.
> Ny. Muslim binti Muskitawati.
> --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "Jusfiq"  wrote:
> >
> > Penipu.
> > 
> > Pendusta.
> > 
> > Tukang kibul.
> > 
> > Ada Amerika atau tidak orang Islam di Iraq sunni dan syiah itu tetap saja 
> > saling berbunuhan...
> > 
> > --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "hardjantosri"  wrote:
> > >
> > > Tapi dg adanya Amerika maka tiap hari pada bom2-an antara wong 
> > > Iraq,padahal dulu terkendali.Jadi kesimpulannya Amerika tetep elek.
> > > 
> > > S.Har.
> > > 
> > > --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "Jusfiq"  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Jadi Amerika TIDAK memerangi Islam di Iraq..
> > > > 
> > > > Bilang tuh ke ndeboost 
> > > >  
> > > > 
> > > > --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "hardjantosri"  wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > Perlu anda2 tahu bahwa Partai bath nya Sadham Husein itu sekular 
> > > > > bukan partai agama.Jadi Amrik itu mateni konco dewe.
> > > > > 
> > > > > S.Har.
> > > > > 
> > > > > --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "wawan"  wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > ini artinya pemerintahan iraq tidak begitu saja mengabulkan 
> > > > > > keinginan amerika?
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > kalau benar begitu...ya bagus..
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "sunny"  wrote:
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > http://www.rnw.nl/bahasa-indonesia/bulletin/surat-perintah-eksekusi-tareq-aziz
> > > > > > > Surat Perintah Eksekusi Tareq Aziz
> > > > > > > Diterbitkan 17 November 2010 - 11:24am 
> > > > > > > BAGDAD (ANP) - Presiden Irak Jalal Talabani Rabu (17/11) menolak 
> > > > > > > menandatangani surat perintah eksekusi untuk mantan menteri luar 
> > > > > > > negeri dan wakil perdana menteri Tareq Aziz, 74 tahun. 
> > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > Akhir bulan lalu pengadilan Irak memvonis mati Aziz. Aziz 
> > > > > > > berperan penting dalam rezim diktator Saddam Hussein. Aziz 
> > > > > > > divonis mati karena terlibat pengusiran dan pembasmian 
> > > > > > > partai-partai religius. Dari tahun 1983 hingga 1991 ia menjabat 
> > > > > > > menteri luar negeri dan dari 1979 hingga 2003 Aziz menjadi wakil 
> > > > > > > perdana menteri.
> > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > © ANP/AFP 
> > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> > > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >

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[proletar] Re: Negara Arab Palestina Adalah Yordania !!!

2010-11-17 Thread hardjantosri
memang Inggris itu bangsa elek kerjaannya njajahi uwong.La Israel itu dikasih 
tanah jarahan dari Inggris.Misalnya genduk dikasih duwit dari perampok ya 
dianggap penadah sebab duwit tsb tdk halal.Jadi tanah yg diduduki Israel 
sekarang ini tanah rampokan.


--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "muskitawati"  wrote:
> Negara Arab Palestina Adalah Yordania !!!
> Yang paling tahu dan paling berwenang untuk menjelaskan urusan pertikaian 
> Arab Palestina dan Israel hanyalah Inggris, karena Inggris itu adalah bekas 
> penjajah wilayah Palestina selama ratusan tahun.
> Kalo saja Inggris tidak kalah dari Jerman pada waktu perang dunia kedua 
> tentunya penjajahan Inggris atas wilayah Palestina ini akan tetap 
> berlangsung.  Seperti juga India, wilayah Palestina ini pemiliknya yang syah 
> adalah Inggris karena wilayah Palestina sejak pertama kali dijajah oleh 
> Inggris tidak ada negara2 yang kita kenal sekarang selain banyak raja2 kecil 
> yang saling membunuh diwilayah tsb.
> Barulah usai perang dunia kedua, Amerika bisa menekan Inggris untuk 
> melepaskan jajahan2nya diseluruh dunia yang antara lainnya adalah Palestina 
> ini.
> Berdasarkan catatan demografi Inggris, orang2 Arab di palestina ini adalah 
> bekas prajurit2 Inggris untuk memerangi pemberontak2 Yahudi yang ingin 
> mengusir penjajah Inggris.  Seperti juga tentara Gurkha Inggris, maka tentara 
> Arab juga merupakan pasukan utama kerajaan Inggris dalam berbagai perang di 
> Timur Tengah terutama dalam memadamkan pemberontakan2 Yahudi.
> Demikianlah, populasi Arab sangat rendah di wilayah Palestina pada mulanya, 
> tapi jadi meningkat jumlahnya setelah terjadinya penjajahan oleh Inggris.
> Atas hasil demografi yang ada pada saat itu, sewaktu Inggris dipaksa Amerika 
> menyerahkan mandatnya ke United Nation, maka tercatat bahwa wilayah ini 
> populasinya campuran antara Arab dan Yahudi.  Atas dasar itulah Inggris 
> sebelum perang dunia kedua menjanjikan sebuah negara bagi orang2 Yahudi kalo 
> mereka mau membantu Inggris dalam memerangi Jerman.  Dalam hal ini kita sama2 
> tahu, ternyata orang2 Yahudi setia membantu Inggris hingga jadi korban Hitler.
> Sayangnya, berakhirnya perang dunia kedua membuat Inggris bisa didikte oleh 
> Amerika untuk memberi kemerdekaan bukan cuma kepada Yahudi tetapi juga kepada 
> Arab.  Melalui UN inilah akhirnya wilayah Palestina ditetapkan 45% menjadi 
> negara Arab Palestina (=Yordania) dan bagian yang 55% menjadi Yahudi 
> Palestina (=Israel).
> Jadi ribut2 sekarang urusan konflik Arab dan Israel dalam memaksakan tambahan 
> satu negara lagi yang disebutnya Palestina, bisa dipastikan tidak akan 
> terwujud, karena Arab Palestina sesungguhnya sudah ada yaitu Kerajaan 
> Yordania.
> Penyelesaian yang paling adil, semua pengikut Hamas dan Abbas harus 
> dipulangkan ke Yordania karena wilayah Yordania itulah negara Arab Palestina 
> yang telah ditetapkan Inggris dan yang telah disahkan oleh UN.  Sebaliknya, 
> pertikaian yang sekarang akan segera berakhir karena permasalahannya sangat 
> jelas tidak bisa diputer balik.
> Jadi kalopun negara2 Arab bermaksud menamakan negara Arab Palestina sebagai 
> negara Palestina, tinggal mengganti nama Yordania saja menjadi nama baru 
> "Palestina".
> Urusan Yahudi Palestina tidak mungkin diganggu gugat, dan tetap negaranya 
> dinamakan "Israel".  Itulah sebabnya, dengan pemahaman inilah seluruh negara2 
> didunia tidak mungkin, dan tidak masuk akal untuk mengakui negara baru 
> sebagai negara sempalan "Palestina", apalagi agamanya Islam, padahal asal 
> nama "Palestina" itu adalah berasal dari agama yang menyembah dewa dewi 
> Filistine yang sangat dimusuhi Islam.
> Sama halnya dengan Indonesia, India, dan Indo-China itupun merupakan nama 
> yang diberikan oleh orng2 Barat yang diambil dari asal nama yang artinya 
> agama Hindu.
> Ny. Muslim binti Muskitawati.

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[proletar] Re: Negara Arab Palestina Adalah Yordania !!!

2010-11-17 Thread Jusfiq
Di Inggeris nggak sering tuh immigran disiksa atau diperkosa...

Beda dengan di Saudi Arabia.

Malah imigrannnya yang bikin onar dengan meledakkan bom di London misalnya. 

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "hardjantosri"  wrote:
> memang Inggris itu bangsa elek kerjaannya njajahi uwong.La Israel itu dikasih 
> tanah jarahan dari Inggris.Misalnya genduk dikasih duwit dari perampok ya 
> dianggap penadah sebab duwit tsb tdk halal.Jadi tanah yg diduduki Israel 
> sekarang ini tanah rampokan.
> S.Har.
> --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "muskitawati"  wrote:
> >
> > Negara Arab Palestina Adalah Yordania !!!
> >   
> > Yang paling tahu dan paling berwenang untuk menjelaskan urusan pertikaian 
> > Arab Palestina dan Israel hanyalah Inggris, karena Inggris itu adalah bekas 
> > penjajah wilayah Palestina selama ratusan tahun.
> > 
> > Kalo saja Inggris tidak kalah dari Jerman pada waktu perang dunia kedua 
> > tentunya penjajahan Inggris atas wilayah Palestina ini akan tetap 
> > berlangsung.  Seperti juga India, wilayah Palestina ini pemiliknya yang 
> > syah adalah Inggris karena wilayah Palestina sejak pertama kali dijajah 
> > oleh Inggris tidak ada negara2 yang kita kenal sekarang selain banyak raja2 
> > kecil yang saling membunuh diwilayah tsb.
> > 
> > Barulah usai perang dunia kedua, Amerika bisa menekan Inggris untuk 
> > melepaskan jajahan2nya diseluruh dunia yang antara lainnya adalah Palestina 
> > ini.
> > 
> > Berdasarkan catatan demografi Inggris, orang2 Arab di palestina ini adalah 
> > bekas prajurit2 Inggris untuk memerangi pemberontak2 Yahudi yang ingin 
> > mengusir penjajah Inggris.  Seperti juga tentara Gurkha Inggris, maka 
> > tentara Arab juga merupakan pasukan utama kerajaan Inggris dalam berbagai 
> > perang di Timur Tengah terutama dalam memadamkan pemberontakan2 Yahudi.
> > 
> > Demikianlah, populasi Arab sangat rendah di wilayah Palestina pada mulanya, 
> > tapi jadi meningkat jumlahnya setelah terjadinya penjajahan oleh Inggris.
> > 
> > Atas hasil demografi yang ada pada saat itu, sewaktu Inggris dipaksa 
> > Amerika menyerahkan mandatnya ke United Nation, maka tercatat bahwa wilayah 
> > ini populasinya campuran antara Arab dan Yahudi.  Atas dasar itulah Inggris 
> > sebelum perang dunia kedua menjanjikan sebuah negara bagi orang2 Yahudi 
> > kalo mereka mau membantu Inggris dalam memerangi Jerman.  Dalam hal ini 
> > kita sama2 tahu, ternyata orang2 Yahudi setia membantu Inggris hingga jadi 
> > korban Hitler.
> > 
> > Sayangnya, berakhirnya perang dunia kedua membuat Inggris bisa didikte oleh 
> > Amerika untuk memberi kemerdekaan bukan cuma kepada Yahudi tetapi juga 
> > kepada Arab.  Melalui UN inilah akhirnya wilayah Palestina ditetapkan 45% 
> > menjadi negara Arab Palestina (=Yordania) dan bagian yang 55% menjadi 
> > Yahudi Palestina (=Israel).
> > 
> > Jadi ribut2 sekarang urusan konflik Arab dan Israel dalam memaksakan 
> > tambahan satu negara lagi yang disebutnya Palestina, bisa dipastikan tidak 
> > akan terwujud, karena Arab Palestina sesungguhnya sudah ada yaitu Kerajaan 
> > Yordania.
> > 
> > Penyelesaian yang paling adil, semua pengikut Hamas dan Abbas harus 
> > dipulangkan ke Yordania karena wilayah Yordania itulah negara Arab 
> > Palestina yang telah ditetapkan Inggris dan yang telah disahkan oleh UN.  
> > Sebaliknya, pertikaian yang sekarang akan segera berakhir karena 
> > permasalahannya sangat jelas tidak bisa diputer balik.
> > 
> > Jadi kalopun negara2 Arab bermaksud menamakan negara Arab Palestina sebagai 
> > negara Palestina, tinggal mengganti nama Yordania saja menjadi nama baru 
> > "Palestina".
> > 
> > Urusan Yahudi Palestina tidak mungkin diganggu gugat, dan tetap negaranya 
> > dinamakan "Israel".  Itulah sebabnya, dengan pemahaman inilah seluruh 
> > negara2 didunia tidak mungkin, dan tidak masuk akal untuk mengakui negara 
> > baru sebagai negara sempalan "Palestina", apalagi agamanya Islam, padahal 
> > asal nama "Palestina" itu adalah berasal dari agama yang menyembah dewa 
> > dewi Filistine yang sangat dimusuhi Islam.
> > 
> > Sama halnya dengan Indonesia, India, dan Indo-China itupun merupakan nama 
> > yang diberikan oleh orng2 Barat yang diambil dari asal nama yang artinya 
> > agama Hindu.
> > 
> > Ny. Muslim binti Muskitawati.
> >

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