CS>CODEX / how to contact your CONGRESSPERSON

2005-07-06 Thread oldgl...@bigcountry.net
Hi Nenah,

Who is this sold-out-soul in Texas?  I would like to keep up with who is
'one of them', since I live in Texas.

Might have wasted my time today but at least I made the effort.

Thank you,



> I phoned mine, first off living in Texas you don't
> stand a chance:O. His website of course praises CAFTA
> to the hilt and when I talked to his office, I asked
> her if he might be interested in "what" about CAFTA I
> did not like and she said basically "no, he has made
> up his mind." I asked her why on his website he is so
> dishonest as to not even tell his constituents what is
> snuck into CAFTA, why he does not inform them. Got
> nothing for that question.
> You need to phone them people, they are not going to
> read all the last minute email or, do both then
> --- Nenah Sylver  wrote:
>> - Original Message -
>> From: Paula Perry
>> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
>> Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2005 10:52 AM
>> Subject: CS>help for a sty and also regarding CODEX
>> ...Also want to say that the situation regarding
>> CODEX is looking pretty
>> grim. I hope everyone is contacting their
>> representative in Congress to
>> protest CAFTA. Please become informed if you haven't
>> already. It should be
>> coming out for a vote July 11th in the House.
>> ===
>> To find out who your Congressmember is and to send a
>> message to him/her, go
>> to:
>> http://www.house.gov/writerep/

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS> CODEX / how to contact your CONGRESSPERSON

2005-07-06 Thread Z

Hi William,

Yeah I know. I already rub my hands in eager anticipation for all the 
oportunities it will
create. you know people are gonig to want their vitamins. we get to be an 
illegal Vitmin C
dealer :-)

Take care,

> If Codex goes through, and our "government" rolls over for this outrageous
> control of human rights, it will spawn the biggest underground bootleg 
> market since prohibition.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>silver protein and clustered water

2005-07-06 Thread Betsy Coffey
I posted someting a while ago about silver protein. IF
anyone knows the answer to my question please reply. I
am concerned about it. Also, would Willards Water be
considered clustered water?
Just wanted to report that I have been reading some
responses that senators are writing to people
regarding the codex issue. The replies are indicitive
of people in power that are obviously uninformed about
nutrition, medical issues,the difference between the
safety of prescription drugs versus nutritional
supplements, and also, I feel indifferent to the wants
and needs of the majority. ONe of the letters stated
that people need to eat better and that relying on
nutrition supplements and vitamins will discourage
this. Are we really reduced to human beings that
cannot make informed intelligent decisions regarding
our own health? They also have made comparisions to
the dangers of the stimulant that was in dietary
supplements a while back, That was one case and the
supplement was removed. How many people die from using
vitamins and minerals compared to prescription drugs?
I feel like alot of the responses I have read are just
 letters filled with platitudes and placative
statements. I think it boils down to big drug
companies control and monetary gain.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>A source of free magnets

2005-07-06 Thread Duncan Crow
> hard drives have very very strong magnets inside them 
> too...

Unfortunately, hard drive magnets are both north and south on each 

Duncan Crow

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>silver to whiten teeth?

2005-07-06 Thread FRANK CUNS-RIAL
Hi angel nest,
The conversion formula is correct. I think you need to investigate the degree 
of cellular absorption of silver. 
  - Original Message - 
  From: angel nest 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2005 6:42 AM
  Subject: CS>silver to whiten teeth?

  hello guys,

  i think i'm going to order the ionic white teeth whitening system, as soon as 
i get some more info from the vendor...

  but in reading about it, this caught my eye and i thought it was odd and 
wonder if it makes sense to any of y'all ?
  >>What is Ionic about Ionic white? 

  The gel contains silver ions which activate when exposed to the harmless blue 
led light. The silver ions cause the active bleaching 


  how could silver ions have any whitening effect combined with any kind of 

  what do you think?



2005-07-06 Thread Betsy Coffey
I agree with Nenah. We have to speak up and write to
as many congressmen as we can. I made a phone call to
one of the representatives and they answered
immediately(I was quite surprised) I was able to
verbally express my concerns on the vitamin and
supplement issue. I am also emailing and writing as
many letters as I can. I think we at least have to try
to stop this. It is our basic right. Thank you to the
person who posted the http://house.got/write/rep web
site. I reposted it on another forum. I think that
sometimes people dont know who their representative is
and how to go about writing a letter. This web site
makes it very simple.

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The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>A source of free magnets

2005-07-06 Thread VEGANEXUS256
In a message dated 06/07/2005 02:36:35 GMT Daylight Time, f...@atlanticbb.net 

hard drives have very very strong magnets inside them 
<< Subj: Re: CS>A source of free magnets
 Date:  06/07/2005 02:36:35 GMT Daylight Time
 From:  f...@atlanticbb.net (FRANK CUNS-RIAL)
 Reply-to:  mailto:silver-list@eskimo.com";>silver-list@eskimo.com
 Excellent idea. Thanks for sharing the free magnet idea Terry
 - Original Message - 
 From: "Terry Chamberlin" 
 Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2005 4:19 PM
 Subject: CS>A source of free magnets
 > Whenever I can, I disassemble old, dead microwave
 > ovens. They contain round, donut-shaped magnets about
 > 2-1/4" - 2-3/4" across. VERY STRONG. I place a jar of
 > water on top of one of these and the water has a
 > different consistency.
 > Terry
 > __
 > Do You Yahoo!? >>

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Magnetized Water

2005-07-06 Thread alltogethernow
I'm Con-vinced I could prove the different improvement in my CS/h202
using the magnets taped to my bottle- to an intellectually honest
 I drank the water before and after, with out "intending" to find a
 I was pleasantly surprised by the absence of metal/bleach taste.
 Today, the same occured with a different batch, and the all day as
 I'll try and pour it from the magnet bottle, into a glass, let it sit a
bit, and drink- to see what happens..  

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2005-07-06 Thread Shirley Reed
  I routinely use CS in the eye straight.  Just
put a few drops in the corner of each eye, open,
roll and dab.  Might sting a little, but is very
refreshing.  Haven't had a stye in many years,
but it does wonders for children's pink eye and
any kind of eye irritation.  Best wishes.  pj

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The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Magnetized Water

2005-07-06 Thread scl...@netzero.com

 I don't quite understand the science behind it but there is a lasting and 
discernable difference in the taste and smoothness/slickness of water that is 
pulsed with a northern magnet (Sota MPG5). Using this water to make CS makes 
for better tasting CS and possibly more bioavailable CS. It would be nice if 
there were some sort of experiment that could verify this.

A qoute from the quantum balancing website:

"Structured water is good for you, your pets and your plants all by itself, and 
it's great for making colloidal silver. So how do you go about making it and 
will it be as good as the "commercial" kind? For the answer to that let me just 
say that water can only be structured so far and no further. The methods we'll 
show you will produce various amounts of structuring, with the "best" being 
'way up there'. As to the "how", let's take a look at what we know. 

Water is not one solid mass of liquid. It actually consists of layers. When 
these layers slide by each other, as when they are shaken or otherwise 
turbulent, the surfaces of the layers are susceptible to absorbing an 
electromotive force or energy. We've already seen that some sort of force or 
energy from the moon affects them but so do other types of energy. The energy 
derived from prayer has proven to be effective as does the energy from a person 
deliberately visualizing a beneficial white light entering the water from his 
hands or eyes. (Both have been proven via an electron microscope). 

A magnetic field, applied at this time, also has a definite effect. (Our 
waterline magnets do exactly that). But before we jump to any conclusions, 
consider one other factor. Maurice Vogel was a researcher who worked for 
General Electric. He wrote one of the earliest definitive tests on magnetism. 
He discovered that water swirled in a clockwise vortex (like when you stir it 
swiftly with a spoon) develops its own magnetic field of .07 gauss and becomes 
a permanent magnet! (That's why Daryl Tichy creates a vortex around a specially 
cut crystal. The crystal enhances the magnetic field thru a piezo electric 

So what does all this mean? It means that you can structure water in several 
different ways; by simply shaking it vigorously; by shaking it while i's within 
a magnetic field; by running it thru or over small obstructions (like quartz 
crystal pebbles) which create tiny eddies or vortexes behind each pebble; by 
doing this same thing while in a magnetic field; by creating a vortex in the 
water or by creating a vortex and applying a magnetic field to it at the same 
time. All of these things will result in varying degrees of structure within 
the water. 

Which of these methods will produce the maximum efficient structuring? Let's 
look at the worst first. Simply putting the water into a closed container, 
placing 2 magnets on either side of the container and shaking vigorously for 1 
minute will produce a slight structuring - hardly enough to bother with. 

The vortex combined with the magnetic field is the best. Providing you remember 
to take into account the Zeta potential - one of the 5 essential factors that 
determines a colloid's life and effectiveness. Too much of a magnetic charge 
can make your structure (and its resulting colloid) almost worthless. In 
between is the stirring method. Put the water into a cup or glass and stir it 
with a magnet, swiftly enough for a vortex to form in the liquid. Stir for 30 
seconds. Let the water stand for 6 minutes at least. This produces structuring 
four times better than the shaking method. Repeat the stirring method after the 
first 6 minutes and you'll make it almost as good as the funnel method, which 

With the funnel method you acquire a funnel that produces a vortex of swirling 
of the water as it empties. Not all funnels will do this. The swirl should be 
in a clockwise direction. Attach one or two magnets to the outside of the 
funnel, on opposite sides, down near the narrow end, with the positive side and 
negative sides in toward the funnel. Pour the water thru the funnel (making 
sure of the swirling action). Let stand at least 6 minutes and repeat. This 
method produces an excellent structure, but it only works well if you're doing 
a quart or more at a time.

If you don't want to make your own funnel device, just get one of our new Water 
Vortex Magnetizers which utilizes a geometrically correct magnet array along 
with a very powerful vortex imploder."

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>response to Hillary - CS safety

2005-07-06 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Jason said,
"When we're done, we are drinking a water that is
purer than Reverse Osmosis Water, purer than stream
water, purer than any substance accept glacial water
and rain water."

Actually, what we make is purer than any of the above,
as both of the last two above are polluted from our
Earth’s atmosphere. When we distill water to make CS,
it is as pure as we can realistically get it.

Hillary, the key point here to remember is that the
EPA has NO information about the CS we make (EIS).
They know nothing. They have no reports, no
statistics, nothing. Everything they discuss, every
recommendation they make is about silver salts,
compounds and proteins. They refuse to acknowledge
that there even IS a pure, electrically isolated
colloidal silver, let alone that there is a difference
between one form and another.

For the EPA to set standards or make recommendations
about “silver ingestion” is ridiculous. The only thing
they know anything about are toxic forms of silver,
and they refuse to even consider that there might be a
safe, non-toxic form of silver. 

Scientists Robert H. Demling and Robert E. Burrel have
established the fact that particle size changes all
the dynamics of silver’s interaction with other
metals, minerals and the human body. Silver particle
size and purity is the key to its safety.


What we make with pure water and pure silver is
another breed of cat, with its own rules and its own
operating principles.

The only similarity between EIS and the toxic silver
compounds that the EPA discusses is the use of the
name, “silver”. The EPA is not talking about 5 mcg. of
EIS, it is talking about 5 mcg. of silver nitrate or
other silver protein. It has no recommendations about
EIS, being unwilling to admit to its existance.

The FDA says it has NO reports of EIS hurting anyone,
anytime, anywhere, ingesting any quantity.

You are surrounded on all sides and regularly,
frequently applying, ingesting and inhaling substances
that are more toxic and dangerous than EIS. Every
20-minute ride in your car causes you to inhale more
poison than 100 gallons of EIS. Every commercial fruit
or vegetable has more poison on it than 100 gallons of

Do you see what I mean?

Sorry for the rant. This stuff we make is safer than
most other things in life.


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The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver List archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>PUBLIC Off-Topic LIST??????????

2005-07-06 Thread Marmar845
In a message dated 7/6/2005 9:03:35 AM Central Standard Time, 
miss...@prodigy.net.mx writes:
OK, everybody, let's google hillary and see wat she's so mortified about.

CS>(Fwd) Newsmakers Story

2005-07-06 Thread Duncan Crow

Newsmakers Story

Invision receives U.S. Patent for ionic silver complex  

Ionic silver is well known to be a very powerful and very
broad-spectrum antibacterial agent. 

05/07/05 Invision International Health Solutions, Inc., a pioneer in 
the field of ionic silver use as an antimicrobial in humans, 
announced the issuance of a U.S. Patent on its "ionic silver complex" 

The use of ionic silver in medicine and industry has been growing 
rapidly in recent years due to its broad-spectrum antimicrobial 
qualities, the lack of toxicity to humans and the fact that ionic 
silver is not prone to causing resistant strains. Ionic silver is 
well known to be a very powerful and very broad-spectrum 
antibacterial agent. In addition, evidence is mounting that silver 
ions have powerful antiviral effects as well. A recent university 
study suggested ionic silver to be effective against the SARS virus. 
In Europe, ionic silver is a medically approved treatment used to 
combat systemic viral conditions, including the common cold and flu.  

Silver ion compounds have been introduced in recent years for 
antimicrobial use in food-handling materials, medical devices, 
surface disinfectants, wound-care products, industrial materials, 
textiles, and more. In all cases, the key is the carrier agent that 
is used to stabilize the silver ions and "time release" them at the 
desired location in the given environment.  

The patented technology is designed to utilize naturally occurring 
substances, such as citrate, to achieve optimal delivery and release 
of silver ions in the human body, in a highly efficient and entirely 
safe manner. Silver ions, while being lethal to single-celled 
microorganisms, are harmless to human cells and, in fact, are 
increasingly being used in wound care due to their remarkable ability 
to facilitate the healing of tissue. The patented technology provides 
for a completely safe product due to the efficient delivery, 
introducing a minute quantity of silver to the body -- less than what 
may exist in a person's average drinking water intake as a naturally 
occurring mineral. The difference is that this new technology is 
designed to deliver the silver as active silver ions with 
antimicrobial ability.  

/1 995&edate=07/04/2005


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS> CODEX / how to contact your CONGRESSPERSON

2005-07-06 Thread Debbie Mcdonald
I phoned mine, first off living in Texas you don't
stand a chance:O. His website of course praises CAFTA
to the hilt and when I talked to his office, I asked
her if he might be interested in "what" about CAFTA I
did not like and she said basically "no, he has made
up his mind." I asked her why on his website he is so
dishonest as to not even tell his constituents what is
snuck into CAFTA, why he does not inform them. Got
nothing for that question. 
  You need to phone them people, they are not going to
read all the last minute email or, do both then

--- Nenah Sylver  wrote:

> - Original Message - 
> From: Paula Perry
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2005 10:52 AM
> Subject: CS>help for a sty and also regarding CODEX
> ...Also want to say that the situation regarding
> CODEX is looking pretty 
> grim. I hope everyone is contacting their
> representative in Congress to 
> protest CAFTA. Please become informed if you haven't
> already. It should be 
> coming out for a vote July 11th in the House.
> ===
> To find out who your Congressmember is and to send a
> message to him/her, go 
> to:
> http://www.house.gov/writerep/

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver List archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Magnetized Water

2005-07-06 Thread Ode Coyote

>In the first case, I got a dull blue/gray colloidal gold which tended to 
>have some precipitate which fell out over a period of a few days.
>Another batch was made the same except that I attached four strong 
>magnets to the outside of the glass jar holding the water while making 
>the CG.  The magnets all had the north pole side facing in toward the 
>center of the jar.  This one produced CG which was a brilliant amethyst 
>color and which has not produced any precipitate over a 6 month period.
##  And there were no other variables?  Try it again a few hundred times
running concurrent batches both with and without magnets while eliminating
any other differences. Then see if you get the same results with a prayer
group instead of magnets or lack of magnets and/or group. [ode]
>Putting the magnets on a blue/gray batch after it was produced did not 
>make a difference that I was able to detect by visual observation.
>CS>Magnetized Water
> * From: Andy Gill wrote:
> * Date: Mon, 4 Jul 2005 08:18:26
>I wanted to run something by the "brain trust" on the silver-list.  I 
>recently read an
>email  newsletter (http://www.jonbarron.org/documents/water.htm)  by Jon 
>Barron on "Water".
>In this a newsletter he talks about improving the bio-availability of 
>water by magnetizing
>it.  He also shows a low cost way to do it yourself (appealling to us 
>alternative health mavericks).
>I have begun to make my own "magnetized" water and as Jon wrote (see 
>excerpts below) the water
>IS noticably different "wetter?".
>My questions are:
>1.  If the magnetizing does indeed improve bioavailability, could it 
>improve the uptake (bioavailability)
>of CS therefore enhancing its effects?
>2.  Which would be a better: Use magnetized water to make CS or make CS 
>and then magnetize?
>3. Could the magnetizing of CS impair, neutralize or lessen its effects?
>Andy Gill
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>The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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>Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
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>List maintainer: Mike Devour 
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Re: CS>Magnetized Water

2005-07-06 Thread Ode Coyote
 I rather doubt that a magnetic field will change the number of electrons
on a nucleus.
 It would have to add at least 2 electrons to change the ionic charge of a
silver ion. Adding one makes a metallic particle with no ionic charge.
 Having a free electron running about in water is, like, impossible? [It
takes some doing to get an electron to transverse a vaccuum...as an electron.]

All the 'scientific' studies I have read concerning 'aligning' water
molecules with magnetics indicate that the effect vanishes within
nanoseconds after removing the field.

 On the other hand...
 Studies done on 'healing hands' indicate that there is some sort of
magnetic effect and that 'power of intent' can maintain that effect..or
counter it...or destroy it.
So, if you do see a lasting difference, it might not be that brief exposure
to the 'magnet' causing it to stay around, but some 'nonlocal'
consciousness directed property of magnetic fields in general.

'Free' silver ions don't last long in EIS [CS].  They do find anions.

Also, never underestimate the power of suggestion where opinions are
 Con-vinced is still conned. [not placing "bad" connotations on the word
'conned'. Con-fidence is a state of mind proven valid by its application.]

 Selective perception just might be the greatest..and most unavoidable..
power there is.

"Fact" may just turn out to be a relative absence of dissent and "science",
a means to garner agreement.


At 08:30 PM 7/4/2005, you wrote:
>In my experience with magnetics I don't see a problem using magnetized
water to make ionic colloidal silver, however to expose ionic cs to a
magnetic field would disturb the electrical charge in the charged particles
in the solution that are drawn to the opposite polarity in an
>The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org
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>Silver List archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
>Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
>OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html
>List maintainer: Mike Devour 
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Re: CS>Magnetized Water

2005-07-06 Thread Ode Coyote
 Put a straight one on a piece of wood and float it in a bowl of water.  In the Northern Hemisphere, the North Pole will swing North and repel any other North Pole of any other magnet. [I might have that backwards, but that's the idea]

Or..put the magnet end near a compass.


At 08:04 PM 7/4/2005 +, you wrote: 

In a magnet ,how can one tell which side is north???
-- Original message from Andy Gill : -- 

I wanted to run something by the "brain trust" on the silver-list.  I recently read an email  newsletter (http://www.jonbarron.org/documents/water.htm) by Jon Barron on "Water".  In this a newsletter he talks about improving the bio-availability of water by magnetizing it.  He also shows a low cost way to do it yourself (appealling to us alternative health mavericks).  I have begun to make my own "magnetized" water and as Jon wrote (see excerpts below) the water IS noticably different "wetter?".  

My questions are:
1.  If the magnetizing does indeed improve bioavailability, could it improve the uptake (bioavailability) of CS therefore enhancing its effects?
2.  Which would be a better: Use magnetized water to make CS or make CS and then magnetize?
3. Could the magnetizing of CS impair, neutralize or lessen its  effects?

Andy Gill

"Magnetizing your drinking water breaks its surface tension, making it wetter and more useable by every cell in your body. In addition, there's a strong secondary benefit. Applying a magnetic field to water cannot only make it wetter, but it can also raise its pH (up to a full point, depending on the water).."

"The difference is not subtle. Over the past couple of years, Kristen and I have had at least 100 people over our house who have taste tested the water. First they take a drink of the water that comes from our filter. Then they taste the same water that has been magnetized. NOT ONE of those 100 has failed to notice the difference. The standard comment is, "It tastes wetter." The difference is that pronounced!"

Small cluster (magnetized)  water significantly enhances your body's ability to absorb nutrients (including all of the vitamins and minerals). And it also aids remarkably in any detoxification programs you run. (As a side note, it also makes any prescription drugs you take more "effective" for the very same reasons -- something to keep in mind if you use such things.)"  Excepts from "Water" by Jon Barron

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Re: CS>help for a sty

2005-07-06 Thread Paula Perry
Thanks for writing!
- Original Message - 
From: "Marshalee" 
Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2005 11:23 AM
Subject: Re: CS>help for a sty

> Dear Paula,
> Mine went away with straight CS applied to the sty, and about 1/3 cup 
> taken internally a day as a preventive. It worked just fine!
> BTW, 1/2 teaspoon won`t do much, if that is all you swallow...
> (Mine is home made, about 18 PPM CS.)
> Marshalee
> > Does anyone have any suggestions for getting rid of a sty in the eye? 
> > I have been taking a half a teaspoon of the CS twice a day. Would you 
> > also dilute it and put it directly on the sty? Does anyone have any 
> > other thoughts or solultions?
> >  
> >
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org
> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Silver List archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
> Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
> OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> -- 
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> Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
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Re: CS>off topic

2005-07-06 Thread rose
i think it just depends on how google archives it...if you google brooks bradley
silver list it will take you right to his post...or any of the other members.
apparently the web crawler for the ot list has done the archiving just a little

a rose...

Re: CS>Multimeter usefulness

2005-07-06 Thread Max Sanders
You guys are great as usual, thank you.  So I was
after a simple way to measure or estimate or even
compare my end result.  Previously I was holding the
electrodes the same distance apart and placing them in
the brew getting a reading of ohms to help decide the
brew readiness.  I would take from 20-50 ohms with a
clear batch and a bit of fuzz forming to give it the
thumbs up and consider it good and ready.  

Would measuring current be better (or both) for making
that kind of crude determination?

--- Ode Coyote  wrote:

>  So long as the elecrodes are always the same size
> and distance apart and
> parallel, an ammeter will get repeatability between
> batches.
>  Deduct starting current [highly variable depending
> on water quality] from
> desired ending current.
>  That alone won't say much about what the PPM is,
> just that it's nearly the
> same from batch to batch.
> Ode
> At 07:37 PM 7/1/2005 -0700, you wrote:
> >
> >How useful is a multimeter in relation to the
> silver
> >concentration? For ex. a cheap yellow one?  I have
> >been checking in on this great list as long as I
> have
> >been making and using the Silver Brew and do not
> >recall seeing this addressed directly.  It seems
> >obvious that it has, so forgive the redundancy if
> so.
> >
> >I should have inquired long ago as I have been
> using
> >one since I started making my own a couple of years
> >ago, and use it with time, solution color,
> electrode
> >fuzziness, laser pointer light, and the state of my
> >active inventory, along with intuition, stages of
> the
> >moon, and reading my tea leaves in urine.  So you
> see
> >I have such a wide array of inaccurate measures I
> >assume that the sum or average of these absolutely
> >obligates perfection.
> >
> > 
> >
> >--- Tad Winiecki  wrote:
> >
> >> ---Max Sanders wrote---
> >> >
> >> >I have 2 daughters in Costa Rica (tropics) and
> one
> >> >especially is prone to these infections.  Does
> >> anyone
> >> >have a suggestion for a cranberry substitute
> that
> >> may
> >> >be available in Costa Rica/tropics?  They have
> CS
> >> in
> >> >limited quantity and use it as well as GSE.
> >> >
> >> >Maz
> >> 
> >> Here is a list of herbs for Cystitis from
> >> "Energetics of Western Herbs",
> >> Peter Holmes-
> >> Agrimony
> >> Bearberry
> >> Birch
> >> Blackberry
> >> Caraway seed
> >> Celery seed
> >> Chicory
> >> Cleavers
> >> Grapevine
> >> Lavender oil
> >> Meadowsweet
> >> Melilot
> >> Mint
> >> Parsley seed
> >> Pasque flower
> >> Pipsissewa
> >> Ribwort plantain
> >> Rosemary
> >> Sarsaparilla
> >> Shepherd's purse
> >> Thyme oil
> >> Veronica
> >> Wood Betony
> >> 
> >> Also a formula for Kidney Cleanse Detox Tea-
> >> 
> >> In blender put equal amounts of:
> >> 
> >> Ground Juniper berries
> >> Cornsilk
> >> Uva Ursi leaves
> >> Parsley root and leaf
> >> Carrot tops
> >> Dandelion leaf
> >> Horsetail herbs
> >> Goldenrod flower tops
> >> Orange peel
> >> Peppermint leaf
> >> Hydrangea root
> >> Gravel root
> >> Marshmallow root
> >> 
> >> Blend and use to make detox tea.
> >> 
> >> Store in glass jar out of light.
> >> 
> >> Dosage:
> >> 2 cups of the tea consumed 15 minutes after doing
> >> your Liver/Gall
> >> Bladder Flush. It can also be drunk at any other
> >> time during the day, as
> >> many cups as desired.
> >> Put 1 tablespoon (medium) or 2 tablespoons
> (strong)
> >> of this tea into 20
> >> ounces of distilled water. Be sure to use only
> >> stainless steel or glass
> >> cookware. Let the tea sit in the water overnight.
> In
> >> the morning heat up
> >> to a boil, reduce heat and let simmer for 15
> >> minutes. Strain the herbs,
> >> do not discard them, let cool a bit but use hot.
> Put
> >> the used herbs back
> >> into the pot, add 1 tablespoon of fresh herbs and
> 20
> >> ounces of pure
> >> water. Let sit overnight and repeat whole process
> >> again. Keep adding new
> >> herbs to old ones for three days, then discard
> all
> >> herbs and start over.
> >> 
> >> Hope this helps,I don't know if they are
> available
> >> in Costa Rica, there
> >> would be a similar list of tropical plants that
> >> would work.  Nancy
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> --
> >> The Silver List is a moderated forum for
> discussing
> >> Colloidal Silver.
> >> 
> >> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> >> http://silverlist.org
> >> 
> >> To post, address your message to:
> >> silver-list@eskimo.com
> >> Silver List archive:
> >>
> http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
> >> 
> >> Address Off-Topic messages to:
> >> silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
> >> OT Archive:
> >>
> >> 
> >> List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> >> 
> >> 
> >
> >
> > 
> >Yahoo! Sports 
> >Rekindle the Rivalries. Sign up for Fantasy
> Football 
> >http://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com
> >
> >
> >
> >-- 
> >No virus found in this incoming message.
> >Check

Re: CS>

2005-07-06 Thread Jason

Hi Angel:

The EPA's oral calculations are theoretical calculations using a 
conversion equation, based on known toxicity thresholds taken from a 
number of different studies, all of which were conducted with high PPM 
compounds delivered via intraveneous injection or intramuscular injection.

These numbers are accurate based on the nature of their data.  You can, 
indeed, develop argyria with these dosage levels.  As little as one or 
two little bottles of silver citrate or silver nitrate have caused 
several cases of argyria or a significant silver build up in the body, 
especially when these products have been used intranasally.

The EPA has noted that if the body is subjected to 5 micrograms per kg 
per day of silver, then an individual falls into the risk category.  In 
this, they have done their job quite well.

However, EIS, electrically isolated silver, at a concentration of 0 to 
about ( a safe ) 30 PPM, is completely different from an organic 
molecule silver solution.

At one time, many years ago, I theorized that the body handles each of 
these compounds completely differently.  I didn't have much information 
regarding this hypothesis, but intuitively understood that it was correct.

Studies by very well qualified homeopaths in France have demonstrated 
that the body first becomes aware of the nature of a substance ingested 
into the body the moment it 'touches' saliva.  This effect can be 
measured within seconds by studying the feet.

I now strongly believe that the human body can definately distinguish 
between five classes of substances ingested:

Natural Organic molecules
Natural Inorganic molecules
   a) inert, b) bioactive
Toxic or unrecognized organic molecules
Toxic or unrecognized  inorganic molecules

Make no mistake that water, in its "best" state, is best described as a 
colloid.  When we're working with water in a pure state, the very subtle 
zeta potenial causes the H2O molecules to organize in six sided 
clusters, in essence, hexagonal formations.  These are not stable 
crystals, but rather, a tendency for natural formation based on quantum 
probability theory in a semi-chaotic environment. While we can "freeze 
time" to see these molecules, they are constantly dispersing and 
reorganizing.  Properly distilled water falls into this category.

With EIS, we're taking a very pure water, and adding ( ideally ) an 
extremely small amount of minute, negatively charged particles, as well 
as silver ions that ( again ideally ) are sharing electrons with hydrogen.

When we're done, we are drinking a water that is purer than Reverse 
Osmosis Water, purer than stream water, purer than any substance accept  
glacial water and rain water.

I recently received an email from an individual who began experiencing 
strange health symptoms.  He went to his doctor, and his doctor 
suspected silver toxicity as the cause.  The individual had hair 
analysis done ( not by any means my favorite method of toxicity analysis 
) and he was diagnosed with silver levels over 100X normal.  He had used 
less than one bottle of a high PPM silver compound product ( as directed 
) intranasally.

Contrast this to a very bad sinus infection I had last year, where I 
used nearly a gallon of EIS intranasally over a three day period to 
flush the sinus cavities, with no ill effects whatsoever ( but with 
very, very rapid relief from the infection ).

To try to come full circle here, it is the immune system itself which 
makes an actual DECISION on how substances ingested are dealt with in 
the body.  If the immune system determines that a substance ingested is 
toxic, then a systemic toxic response occurs.  This system is alot more 
complex than MD's and medical scientists currently realize, and is only 
now starting to be studied by genetic scientists.

The more the immune system is compromised, the more often a toxic 
response is seen.  Therefore, as the body breaks down, it is less 
capable of handling waste products, and soon all kinds of "allergic 
responses" occur to any number of substances, including electromagnetic 
energy, foods that at one time were fine for the body, etc.

Sometimes we ingest substances that confuse the system.  These are 
unknown substances, organic or inorganic molecules that the body must 
"learn" how to cope with.  A good example is inorganic calcium 
formulations.  Many of these formulations are used to try to "recalcify" 
the body.  As Raymond Dextreit pointed out in his manual "Earth Cures", 
the body recognizes the calcium content, but cannot correctly utilize 
the calcium; therefore, eventually, it causes unnatural deposits of 
calcium upon the bones resulting in the exact opposite of the intended 
effect:  weakening of the bones ( a change in bone density ).

Silver Nitrate, Silver Citrate, and other organic silver solutions are 
definately foreign substances in the body that will likely enduce a 
toxic response in the body, when considering high PPM

Re: CS> CODEX / how to contact your CONGRESSPERSON

2005-07-06 Thread William Missett
If Codex goes through, and our "government" rolls over for this outrageous 
control of human rights, it will spawn the biggest underground bootleg 
market since prohibition.

- Original Message - 
From: "Nenah Sylver" 

Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2005 10:14 AM
Subject: Re: CS> CODEX / how to contact your CONGRESSPERSON

- Original Message - 
From: Paula Perry

To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2005 10:52 AM
Subject: CS>help for a sty and also regarding CODEX

...Also want to say that the situation regarding CODEX is looking pretty 
grim. I hope everyone is contacting their representative in Congress to 
protest CAFTA. Please become informed if you haven't already. It should be 
coming out for a vote July 11th in the House.


To find out who your Congressmember is and to send a message to him/her, 
go to:


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver List archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>help for a sty and also regarding CODEX

2005-07-06 Thread Paula Perry
Does anyone have any suggestions for getting rid of a sty in the eye? I have 
been taking a half a teaspoon of the CS twice a day. Would you also dilute it 
and put it directly on the sty? Does anyone have any other thoughts or 

Also want to say that the situation regarding CODEX is looking pretty grim. I 
hope everyone is contacting their representative in Congress to protest CAFTA. 
Please become informed if you haven't already. It should be coming out for a 
vote July 11th in the House. In addition to ushering in CODEX guidlines and 
making them mandatory, I am also fearful of what powers and protection it is 
going to grant the GMO producers. Read,- seedsof deception.com for more 
information about genetically modified food ingredients if you think you can 
stomach it. 

Thanks everybody,
Paula No virus found in this outgoing message.
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Version: 7.0.323 / Virus Database: 267.8.9/42 - Release Date: 7/6/05

Re: CS>help for a sty

2005-07-06 Thread Marshalee

Dear Paula,
Mine went away with straight CS applied to the sty, and about 1/3 cup 
taken internally a day as a preventive. It worked just fine!

BTW, 1/2 teaspoon won`t do much, if that is all you swallow...
(Mine is home made, about 18 PPM CS.)

Does anyone have any suggestions for getting rid of a sty in the eye? 
I have been taking a half a teaspoon of the CS twice a day. Would you 
also dilute it and put it directly on the sty? Does anyone have any 
other thoughts or solultions?

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver List archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Cold Fusion

2005-07-06 Thread Marshall Dudley
I am not sure why it would be big news, none of the other hundreds of
successes over the last 15 years ever became newsworthy.


"Jonathan B. Britten" wrote:

> A letter to the editor in today's newspaper (Daily Yomiuri)  mentioned
> a recent success in room-temperature fusion somewhere in California.
> I wonder whether that's correct;  seems it would be big news if so.
> A quick Google did not turn up anything definitive;  if anyone knows of
> something new I would be glad to hear.
> Thanks in advance;  I know some members follow this topic closely.
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org
> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Silver List archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
> Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
> OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS> CODEX / how to contact your CONGRESSPERSON

2005-07-06 Thread Nenah Sylver

- Original Message - 
From: Paula Perry

To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2005 10:52 AM
Subject: CS>help for a sty and also regarding CODEX

...Also want to say that the situation regarding CODEX is looking pretty 
grim. I hope everyone is contacting their representative in Congress to 
protest CAFTA. Please become informed if you haven't already. It should be 
coming out for a vote July 11th in the House.


To find out who your Congressmember is and to send a message to him/her, go 


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver List archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2005-07-06 Thread Paula Perry

- Original Message - 
From: newslet...@knowledgeofhealth.com 
To: p...@zoomnet.net 
Sent: Saturday, July 02, 2005 11:31 PM
Subject: Contact House of Representatives to stop CODEX (CAFTA)

Dietary Supplement Freedom Fighters, wherever you are, there is only one week 
to oppose CODEX in the House of Representatives

While everyone is distracted on a Holiday weekend, and away on vacations, and 
while vitamin supplement advocates are monitoring events in Rome (CODEX 
meeting), legislation pending before Congress (CAFTA) would essentially make 
CODEX restrictions on vitamin and mineral supplements binding as US law via the 
CAFTA trade agreement.  The Senate has already passed CAFTA, so you must 
contact the US House of Representatives to oppose CAFTA, in order to stop 
CODEX. the National Health Federation has the right information





July 2, 2005




The Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) Treaty will require the U.S., 
a member of the World Trade Organization, to revise our food laws and 
regulations based on Codex decisions. CAFTA would force harmonization of our 
dietary supplements and regulations to international standards, overriding the 
DSHEA Act of 1994.

The Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) and the even-broader Free 
Trade Agreement of the Americas (FTAA) are both modelled after the North 
American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). These agreements are typical 
bureaucratic monstrosities of "managed" trade that masquerade as free trade and 
would expand NAFTA to include first Central America and then the rest of the 
Americas in an economic "union."  True free trade would take a few pages of 
written text to enact ("eliminate these barriers to trade and these tariffs," 
etc.); all three of these agreements encompass thousands of pages of 
bureaucratic textual garbage sprinkled liberally with rules, regulations, and 
special-interest benefits. 

Buried in the language of CAFTA is Section 6 that would require of all its 
members that they form a Sanitary and Phyto-Sanitary (SPS) committee for the 
purpose of insuring ongoing harmonization under the terms of the SPS Agreement 
in the World Trade Organization (WTO).  You can find that text at the following 


If you then look at Article 3 of the WTO's SPS Agreement, you will read the 
following words: "To harmonize sanitary and phytosanitary measures on as wide a 
basis as possible, Members shall base their food safety measures on 
international standards, guidelines or recommendations." (emphasis added) And 
as you all know by now, Codex sets the international standards for food safety 
including vitamins & minerals.

So, CAFTA, which is set for a vote in the House of Representatives when they 
reconvene July 11th, 2005, is another critical link by which health-freedom 
haters hope to bypass the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 
and obligate the United States and Canada by treaty to harmonize to the harshly 
restrictive Codex vitamin-and-mineral standards. They cannot be allowed to 
succeed, and we at the NHF completely oppose these two treaties that would put 
a knife in the back of our health freedoms.


~CAFTA has already passed the Senate in a 54 to 45 vote on July 1st, 2005.
~Legislators have just recessed for one week, reconvening July 11, 2005.
~IMPORTANT- For House consideration, when they return, the Senate Bill 1307 
(click here to view bill), ratifying CAFTA, can be voted on without going to 
committee. It is on the House calendar and may be brought up at any time. 





Contact any member of the House of Representatives via 

Click here for Petition Opposition Letter.

P.O. Box 688, Monrovia, CA 91017 USA ~ 1 (626) 357-2181 ~ Fax 1 (626) 303-0642

Website:  www.thenhf.com  E-mail:  contact...@thenhf.com


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2005-07-06 Thread Paula Perry

- Original Message - 
From: "IAHF.COM" 
Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2005 9:23 PM

> IAHF Webmaster: Codex Emergency, Breaking News, Whats New, What to Do
> IAHF List:
> A Mannatech distributor just sent me the following outrageous press
release from the Council for Responsible Nutrition which Mannatech is a
member of despite this being a total conflict of interest.
> (Mannatech's membership includes Monsanto, Wyeth, Pfizer, Bayer, BASF,
Cargill and numerous other huge pharma interests.)
> John Hathcock and Mark LeDoux at CRN are pathological liars from HELL.
> Here is their latest grossly misleading press release in the aftermath of
the July 4th Codex meeting and IAHF's analysis of it, along with
instructions on what we must do to defend health freedom which CRN is hell
> Council for Responsible Nutrition Press Release
> Contact: Judy Blatman at 202-204-7962
> -Consumers, Manufacturers Will Benefit-
> ROME, July 5, 2005 - The Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) yesterday
declared vitamin independence worldwide from arbitrarily-set standards for
supplement upper levels by approving and adopting the Vitamin and Mineral
Food Supplement Guideline during the meeting of the CAC in Rome.
> The result of a multi-year effort led in part by the Council for
Responsible Nutrition (CRN), one of the leading trade associations for the
dietary supplement industry, adoption of the guideline means the acceptance
of science as a rational approach, the freedom of trade for the industry,
and the increased freedom of choice for the public.
> The guideline specifies that maximum levels for vitamins and minerals in
supplement products in international trade are to be set on the basis of
safety evaluation through risk assessment, and not on the basis of
recommended dietary allowances (RDA).  The population reference intakes
(PRI) and RDAs are based on nutritional need, and are not scientifically
valid for assessing safety and setting maximums.
> CRN's analysis is that the guideline should improve the international
market for U.S.-made products, and contrary to the notions of some
alarmists, the guideline cannot override DSHEA for U.S. domestic policy.
> CRN's Chair of the International Trade and Market Development Committee,
Mark LeDoux, noted, "What we now have is a pathway to expand global access
for consumers of dietary supplements that is predicated on science.  Our
next steps will be to secure upper level guidelines that will assure safe
and adequate outcomes for consumers and that are determined in an open and
transparent process."
> CRN would have us believe that the "risk assessment" being done by the
World Health Organization and CODEX is "scientific" and an "improvement" on
> What CRN is NOT TELLING YOU is that the so called "Safe Upper Levels"
generated by the US National Academy of Sciences aren't the END POINT for
this risk assessment, they're only a BEGINNING POINT.
> American manufacturers easily buy in to what they want to hear, and its
not hard for them to buy into the LIE thats being foisted off on them
because the National Academy of Sciences "SUL"s aren't much different from
what American companies are currently allowed to sell as far as vitamin
potencies go.
> What CRN isn't telling us is that the fine print at Codex calls for these
"SUL"s to be further watered down by subtracting JUNK SCIENCE derived so
called "Nutrient Risk Factors" and additional JUNK SCIENCE DERIVED numbers
extrapolated from a mythical "Average Diet" that doesn't exist in real life.
> What they're not telling you is that ONLY the German Federal Institute of
Risk Assessment ("BfR" in German) has done the full MATH required by Codex
or that this entity is chaired by Dr.Rolf Grossklaus, the German Chair of
the Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses (the
person in charge of "FILLING IN THE BLANKS" on allowable potencies for
vitamins and minerals this coming November when CCNFSDU meets next in Bonn,
Germany (!!!)
> Check it out: Grossklaus's "Maximum Safe Permitted Levels" are even LOWER
than RDAs in many cases:
> The Alliance for Natural Health generated a White Paper which they
submitted to the World Health Organization which totally exposes the gross
LACK OF SCIENCE in what the WHO's "Nutrient Risk Assessment Project",
pointing out that WHO is only looking at the presumed "risks" posed by
dietary supplements, and they're NOT looking at BENEFITS at ALL (!!!)
> This White Paper has been signed off on by

Re: CS>codex question

2005-07-06 Thread Nenah Sylver

- Original Message - 
From: rose

To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2005 10:43 AM
Subject: CS>codex question

hi list,

when i posted my codex question forgot to do the subject line...i made it 
yesterday.  would anyone in the know please comment on the states rights 
thing in relation to codex...

i look to the insight of this list to collect opinions on if that would work 
to keep our supplements.  i have a friend in calif who is not worried about 
codex at all.  she would mention states laws but did not go into the detail 
of this post i found elsewhere...

comments PLEASE.

a rose...
We know that what the Federal government is doing is illegal. But that 
doesn't stop them. They make unconstitutional laws and since so many people 
are asleep, they acquiese and then it's a done deal!

There are TONS of laws on the books that are illegal but they are enforced. 
This is why I think it's so important to fight on as many fronts as we can.

Just my opinion...

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>codex question

2005-07-06 Thread rose
hi list,

when i posted my codex question forgot to do the subject line...i made it
yesterday.  would anyone in the know please comment on the states rights thing
in relation to codex...

i look to the insight of this list to collect opinions on if that would work to
keep our supplements.  i have a friend in calif who is not worried about codex
at all.  she would mention states laws but did not go into the detail of this
post i found elsewhere...

comments PLEASE.

a rose...

ps...i googled hilary...pretty damming stuff on reincarnation...jk.  don't worry
about it hilary...on the same page mike is talking about conspiracies and free
energy...i think they will come for him first *wink*.

Re: CS>

2005-07-06 Thread Ode Coyote
 Consider that the RFD is for silver in any form and RFDs are highly conservative numbers that include 70+ years of constant exposure.
Consider also that elimination rate is somewhere around 94% in 48 hours. 'Retention' is key.
8 oz a day at 20 PPM is considered a theraputic dose, not a preventative dose which would normally be a couple of tablespoons a day.
Prevention is not 100% at any dose.

Still, the FDA has no record of harm from EIS at any dose over any duration and there are many people who have dramatically exceeded your rate of intake for years at a time.

It never hurts to take time off, no matter what you're doing...unless there's some overpowering reason not to.

Better blue than dead? [That would be taking things to the extreme]
The real issue is, what's the minimum required to live well?


At 05:11 AM 7/4/2005 -0500, you wrote: 

Hi angelnest.
Your calculations are correct.
I do not know about the accuracy of the thresholds used in Europe. 
I personally think that 8 oz a day of 20 ppm CS for a lifetime is an absurd requirement. You might need to take 8 oz a day for a few days to deal with a critical condition, but a lifetime..?
I take one ounce of 5 ppm a day divided in several doses, when I need it. 
I do not know of any therapeutic preventive value of CS but if so I would never take 8 oz a day.
- Original Message - 
From: angel nest 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
Sent: Sunday, July 03, 2005 9:50 PM
Subject: CS>

But Frank...  I think I might be in trouble
What about this statement in one of Michael's emails...
 >>>The US-EPA publishes an oral reference dose (RfD) that
is based on a threshold for certain toxic effects such
as cellular necrosis. In units of micrograms per kg
per day and is an estimate of the maximum amount of
daily silver exposure that is not associated with any
deleterious effects over a lifetime. Current RfD for
oral silver exposure is 5 micrograms per kg per day.
An average (european) 70 kg man: = 350 µg/day>>>

That means that my 4.8mg-4800mcg daily is about 1500% more than the safe daily dose  !!  I'm about 50kg ~105lbs, so I should only be consuming 250mcg, right ???
Or am I missing something ???
Thanks again,
 To convert part per million (by weight) into miligrams in 8 oz. do the following:
One fluid oz.of CS equals about 30 grams.
 8 oz. of CS is therefore 240 grams in which you have 20 ppm.
 The grams of silver contained in your 8 oz,
 20x240/100=0.0048 gr or 4.8 miligrams.
 This asumes that the specific gravity of a ppm CS dispersion is 1.00.
 Hope it hels
 Frank Cuns-Ria

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Re: CS>Multimeter usefulness

2005-07-06 Thread Ode Coyote

 So long as the elecrodes are always the same size and distance apart and
parallel, an ammeter will get repeatability between batches.
 Deduct starting current [highly variable depending on water quality] from
desired ending current.
 That alone won't say much about what the PPM is, just that it's nearly the
same from batch to batch.

At 07:37 PM 7/1/2005 -0700, you wrote:
>How useful is a multimeter in relation to the silver
>concentration? For ex. a cheap yellow one?  I have
>been checking in on this great list as long as I have
>been making and using the Silver Brew and do not
>recall seeing this addressed directly.  It seems
>obvious that it has, so forgive the redundancy if so.
>I should have inquired long ago as I have been using
>one since I started making my own a couple of years
>ago, and use it with time, solution color, electrode
>fuzziness, laser pointer light, and the state of my
>active inventory, along with intuition, stages of the
>moon, and reading my tea leaves in urine.  So you see
>I have such a wide array of inaccurate measures I
>assume that the sum or average of these absolutely
>obligates perfection.
>--- Tad Winiecki  wrote:
>> ---Max Sanders wrote---
>> >
>> >I have 2 daughters in Costa Rica (tropics) and one
>> >especially is prone to these infections.  Does
>> anyone
>> >have a suggestion for a cranberry substitute that
>> may
>> >be available in Costa Rica/tropics?  They have CS
>> in
>> >limited quantity and use it as well as GSE.
>> >
>> >Maz
>> Here is a list of herbs for Cystitis from
>> "Energetics of Western Herbs",
>> Peter Holmes-
>> Agrimony
>> Bearberry
>> Birch
>> Blackberry
>> Caraway seed
>> Celery seed
>> Chicory
>> Cleavers
>> Grapevine
>> Lavender oil
>> Meadowsweet
>> Melilot
>> Mint
>> Parsley seed
>> Pasque flower
>> Pipsissewa
>> Ribwort plantain
>> Rosemary
>> Sarsaparilla
>> Shepherd's purse
>> Thyme oil
>> Veronica
>> Wood Betony
>> Also a formula for Kidney Cleanse Detox Tea-
>> In blender put equal amounts of:
>> Ground Juniper berries
>> Cornsilk
>> Uva Ursi leaves
>> Parsley root and leaf
>> Carrot tops
>> Dandelion leaf
>> Horsetail herbs
>> Goldenrod flower tops
>> Orange peel
>> Peppermint leaf
>> Hydrangea root
>> Gravel root
>> Marshmallow root
>> Blend and use to make detox tea.
>> Store in glass jar out of light.
>> Dosage:
>> 2 cups of the tea consumed 15 minutes after doing
>> your Liver/Gall
>> Bladder Flush. It can also be drunk at any other
>> time during the day, as
>> many cups as desired.
>> Put 1 tablespoon (medium) or 2 tablespoons (strong)
>> of this tea into 20
>> ounces of distilled water. Be sure to use only
>> stainless steel or glass
>> cookware. Let the tea sit in the water overnight. In
>> the morning heat up
>> to a boil, reduce heat and let simmer for 15
>> minutes. Strain the herbs,
>> do not discard them, let cool a bit but use hot. Put
>> the used herbs back
>> into the pot, add 1 tablespoon of fresh herbs and 20
>> ounces of pure
>> water. Let sit overnight and repeat whole process
>> again. Keep adding new
>> herbs to old ones for three days, then discard all
>> herbs and start over.
>> Hope this helps,I don't know if they are available
>> in Costa Rica, there
>> would be a similar list of tropical plants that
>> would work.  Nancy
>> --
>> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing
>> Colloidal Silver.
>> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
>> http://silverlist.org
>> To post, address your message to:
>> silver-list@eskimo.com
>> Silver List archive:
>> http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
>> Address Off-Topic messages to:
>> silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
>> OT Archive:
>> List maintainer: Mike Devour 
>Yahoo! Sports 
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CS>RE: silver-digest Digest V2005 #421

2005-07-06 Thread Info - Silver Colloids
 A, perfecto!

Please send the artwork to Overnight Labels with a copy to me.

Nice work John!

Frank Key

-Original Message-
From: silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2005 7:44 AM
To: silver-dig...@eskimo.com
Subject: silver-digest Digest V2005 #421

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver List archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2005-07-06 Thread angel nest
frank?  anybody?

nobody seemed to react to these statements posted here.  excpet me, that is !

did you all miss it or are you just tired of dealing with it?

i'm very concerned by it because the quantities identified by the epa (not that 
i hold them in higher esteem than the skunk in my yard !) and my daily 
consumption converted from 20ppms/8oz to mg are like 1500% different !

hard for me to imagine that the epa could really be that much off !

and i'm thinking that maybe the conversion equasion was wrong.

could somebody help please?

below is my original post


- Original Message - 
From: angel nest 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
Sent: Sunday, July 03, 2005 7:50 PM
Subject: Re: silver toxicity / Frank again

But Frank...  I think I might be in trouble

What about this statement in one of Michael's emails...
>>>The US-EPA publishes an oral reference dose (RfD) that
is based on a threshold for certain toxic effects such
as cellular necrosis. In units of micrograms per kg
per day and is an estimate of the maximum amount of
daily silver exposure that is not associated with any
deleterious effects over a lifetime. Current RfD for
oral silver exposure is 5 micrograms per kg per day.
An average (european) 70 kg man: = 350 µg/day>>>

That means that my 4.8mg-4800mcg daily is about 1500% more than the safe daily 
dose  !!  I'm about 50kg ~105lbs, so I should only be consuming 250mcg, right 

Or am I missing something ???

Thanks again,

  To convert part per million (by weight) into miligrams in 8 oz. do the 

  One fluid oz.of CS equals about 30 grams.
  8 oz. of CS is therefore 240 grams in which you have 20 ppm.
  The grams of silver contained in your 8 oz,
  20x240/100=0.0048 gr or 4.8 miligrams.
  This asumes that the specific gravity of a ppm CS dispersion is 1.00.
  Hope it hels
  Frank Cuns-Ria

CS>silver to whiten teeth?

2005-07-06 Thread angel nest
hello guys,

i think i'm going to order the ionic white teeth whitening system, as soon as i 
get some more info from the vendor...

but in reading about it, this caught my eye and i thought it was odd and wonder 
if it makes sense to any of y'all ?
>>What is Ionic about Ionic white? 

The gel contains silver ions which activate when exposed to the harmless blue 
led light. The silver ions cause the active bleaching 


how could silver ions have any whitening effect combined with any kind of light?

what do you think?
