Re: [java.util.Map] How can I alter a java.util.Map while I am iterating it

2006-03-23 Thread Antonio Petrelli

temp temp ha scritto:

I get this Map from a collection and collection might have 1000 or more  Maps 
so I first iterate over this  collection retrieve the map and  then iterate 
over this map  so creating a new Map for each  iteration  is this a good design 

Surely it is not a good design, but that is up to you. You asked a thing 
and I answered. Maybe you have to turn your question inside-out: Why are 
you putting keys as non-uppercase strings, when you need it?
Maybe you could implement a java.util.Map in a case-insensitive way, 
where the key must be a string, and it does not matter what its keys 
case is. But again this is up to you, I cannot do your homework :-P


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Re: [OT]

2006-03-23 Thread Tamas Szabo

for ArrayList it is.

But you should code to interfaces so you can change the implementation
without any problems.

Anf if your a is declared as a List then you won't know.
The for loop is faster for an ArrayList but it can't be faster for a linked
listed for example.

If you take it on step further you can use Iterators on all Collections, the
for will work only for loops.

I am always using Iterator and a is always declared as a List.


On 3/24/06, Neil Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
> This ons is off topic again.
> When I loop for an arraylist I normally use the the first option as it
> seems
> to me that it will execute the quickest. I know supposedly I should use
> the
> foreach loop.
> All that I want to do is go through the list no adding new elements or
> anything.
> Am I correct to say that the first option is best in this case?
> for (int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++) {
> System.out.println(a.get(i));
> }
> for (Iterator iter = a.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
> System.out.println(;
> }
> Regards
> Neil Meyer
> -Original Message-
> From: Frank W. Zammetti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 14 March 2006 05:31 PM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [OT]Struts - AJAX, best solution
> On Tue, March 14, 2006 9:32 am, Ashish Kulkarni said:
> > Hi
> > I have a couple of questions below
> > 1 What is the best soluction to have struts and AJAX
> > work together?
> > I have read about DWR, Java Web parts, AjaxAnywhere,
> > But which is the good one, and why?
> Well, of course I'm going to say AjaxTags in Java Web Parts :)  I think it
> is unique among AJAX solutions at this time because it is almost entirely
> declarative.  There is (in most cases) zero client-side code to write, yet
> it also offers a great deal of extensibility to make it even more
> powerful.  This makes it, I think, attractive to many people, those that
> don't quite have the client-side skill but have a ton of server-side
> skill.  It can in essence grow with your Javascript skills.
> However, I will say that I recently used DWR for a project and I totally
> love it!  It's very clean, very easy (*IF* you have some Javascript
> knowledge) and really, in my experience, works very well.  It also offers
> some ready-made integration with popular libraries like Struts, Spring and
> Hibernate.  I have no problem at all recommending DWR (I liked it so much
> that I'm hoping at some point I can contribute to it).
> (FYI, because of the extensibility AjaxTags in JWP offers, I'm thinking of
> writing a handler to integrate with DWR, so you'll be able to use it, to a
> limited degree at least, in the same declarative fashion).
> Dojo also gets a lot of rave reviews, as does Scriptaculous.  I think it
> all depends on what your looking to accomplish... DWR and JWP are a bit
> more low-level than some of the others... for instance, they don't offer
> widgets and such.  If your after some of the more high-level things like
> widgets and special effects and such, Dojo and Scriptaculous are
> definitely worth exploring.
> > 2 What is better for response XML file or comman
> > delimeted string, or build HTML in action class and
> > pass it to java script to replace it.
> Very much depends on what your doing.  I will say that contrary to the X
> in AJAX, my experience has been that people tend to NOT use XML at all.
> XML parsing on the client is a somewhat expensive operation, so certainly
> if your returning more than a small chunk of XML, you might want to
> consider if XML is the best choice.  In the end though, it depends on what
> your returning.
> (FYI: I'm not sure this is common knowledge, but I wrote a client-side
> implenentation of Commons Digester, which can be found in Java Web Parts.
> It doesn't offer the full Digester capabilities of course, but if you like
> Digester for XML parsing, as I do, you may want to have a look).
> > 3 Also if i have my own java script to do Ajax
> > what do i return in Action class, normally in action
> > class i do
> > mapping.findForward("success"); after loading the
> > form, this will redirect response to the required JSP.
> > How does this change in AJAX, how do i reload only
> > part of JSP.
> You can do one of two things... first, you can render the entire response
> in your Action, and then return null.  This tells Struts that teh response
> is fully formed and no forward/redirect is required.
> Alternatively, and again I'm not so sure this is common knowledge, you can
> simply forward to a JSP like always and allow IT to render the AJAX
> response.  For instance, if your rendering some XML, how easy is that to
> do with JSTL and Struts tags?  Pretty easy!  No need to write a bunch of
> out.println's in an Action, just use a JSP!  The client doesn't know how
> the response was generated, it just takes the response as-is.
> Hope that helps!
> Frank
> --
> Frank W. Zam


2006-03-23 Thread Neil Meyer
Hi All,

This ons is off topic again. 

When I loop for an arraylist I normally use the the first option as it seems
to me that it will execute the quickest. I know supposedly I should use the
foreach loop. 

All that I want to do is go through the list no adding new elements or

Am I correct to say that the first option is best in this case? 

for (int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++) {

for (Iterator iter = a.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {

Neil Meyer

-Original Message-
From: Frank W. Zammetti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 14 March 2006 05:31 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: [OT]Struts - AJAX, best solution

On Tue, March 14, 2006 9:32 am, Ashish Kulkarni said:
> Hi
> I have a couple of questions below
> 1 What is the best soluction to have struts and AJAX
> work together?
> I have read about DWR, Java Web parts, AjaxAnywhere,
> But which is the good one, and why?

Well, of course I'm going to say AjaxTags in Java Web Parts :)  I think it
is unique among AJAX solutions at this time because it is almost entirely
declarative.  There is (in most cases) zero client-side code to write, yet
it also offers a great deal of extensibility to make it even more
powerful.  This makes it, I think, attractive to many people, those that
don't quite have the client-side skill but have a ton of server-side
skill.  It can in essence grow with your Javascript skills.

However, I will say that I recently used DWR for a project and I totally
love it!  It's very clean, very easy (*IF* you have some Javascript
knowledge) and really, in my experience, works very well.  It also offers
some ready-made integration with popular libraries like Struts, Spring and
Hibernate.  I have no problem at all recommending DWR (I liked it so much
that I'm hoping at some point I can contribute to it).

(FYI, because of the extensibility AjaxTags in JWP offers, I'm thinking of
writing a handler to integrate with DWR, so you'll be able to use it, to a
limited degree at least, in the same declarative fashion).

Dojo also gets a lot of rave reviews, as does Scriptaculous.  I think it
all depends on what your looking to accomplish... DWR and JWP are a bit
more low-level than some of the others... for instance, they don't offer
widgets and such.  If your after some of the more high-level things like
widgets and special effects and such, Dojo and Scriptaculous are
definitely worth exploring.

> 2 What is better for response XML file or comman
> delimeted string, or build HTML in action class and
> pass it to java script to replace it.

Very much depends on what your doing.  I will say that contrary to the X
in AJAX, my experience has been that people tend to NOT use XML at all. 
XML parsing on the client is a somewhat expensive operation, so certainly
if your returning more than a small chunk of XML, you might want to
consider if XML is the best choice.  In the end though, it depends on what
your returning.

(FYI: I'm not sure this is common knowledge, but I wrote a client-side
implenentation of Commons Digester, which can be found in Java Web Parts. 
It doesn't offer the full Digester capabilities of course, but if you like
Digester for XML parsing, as I do, you may want to have a look).

> 3 Also if i have my own java script to do Ajax
> what do i return in Action class, normally in action
> class i do
> mapping.findForward("success"); after loading the
> form, this will redirect response to the required JSP.
> How does this change in AJAX, how do i reload only
> part of JSP.

You can do one of two things... first, you can render the entire response
in your Action, and then return null.  This tells Struts that teh response
is fully formed and no forward/redirect is required.

Alternatively, and again I'm not so sure this is common knowledge, you can
simply forward to a JSP like always and allow IT to render the AJAX
response.  For instance, if your rendering some XML, how easy is that to
do with JSTL and Struts tags?  Pretty easy!  No need to write a bunch of
out.println's in an Action, just use a JSP!  The client doesn't know how
the response was generated, it just takes the response as-is.

Hope that helps!


Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies
AIM: fzammetti
Yahoo: fzammetti
Java Web Parts -
Supplying the wheel, so you don't have to reinvent it!

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Re: [FRIDAY] Re: has struts reached the saturation

2006-03-23 Thread Dakota Jack
I flat don't believe this.  Who, what, where, when, etc?

On 3/23/06, Dave Newton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jonathan Revusky wrote:
> > I have no recollection of having wronged you in any specific way.
> You sprayed then, you spray now. No change. "They" told me not to feed
> the trolls then, they tell me not to feed the trolls now.
> >> I really don't believe we're so far apart on this: I think the bar for
> >> commiting to Struts is too high as well. At the same time, I would
> >> definitely _not_ give commit rights to anybody that asked for them, and
> >> the project would be better off for it.
> > How do you know for sure? Has this hypothesis ever been tested?
> Not on Struts, as I have essentially zero say on how it's run.
> But on other projects, yes: opening projects has, in my experience, led
> to lower quality and/or too much overhead in keeping the quality high.
> YMMV, of course, and hopefully other folks haven't had to deal with the
> messes I have--and those were messes generally internal to a company
> (albeit pretty large ones).
> Mind you I don't claim that having easier access to commit rights is a
> bad idea; I just think it has to be monitored more closely than I've had
> time to deal with in the past.
> Dave
> -
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"You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it float on its back."
~Dakota Jack~

Re: formbean of double type value chages when submitting the form

2006-03-23 Thread Laurie Harper

fea jabi wrote:

In struts config

type="org.apache.struts.validator.DynaValidatorForm" dynamic="true">


In prepare action I am not doing anything with the data.



Dispatch action :
public ActionForward save(ActionMapping mapping,
 ActionForm form,
 HttpServletRequest request,
 HttpServletResponse response)
 throws IOException, ServletException {
   DynaValidatorForm frm = (DynaValidatorForm)form;

   ActionMessages messages = (ActionMessages)frm.validate( mapping, 
request );

   if ( messages != null && !messages.isEmpty() ) {
   saveErrors(request, messages);
   setUp(request, frm);
   return (mapping.findForward("validationFailed"));
   }else {
   if(isTokenValid(request, true)) {

   return mapping.findForward("successSave");

When the page get displayed the value in the textfield for netRevenue is 
Blank i.e the textfield in empty.

When I debug and see netRevenue value is null.

But when the click a submit button the value is changed to 0.0. The 
textfield has 0.0 value in it.

When I debug, when it comes to the very first statement of save method 
before validating itself in Dispatch action i.e

DynaValidatorForm frm = (DynaValidatorForm)form;

itself the value of the netRevenue is 0.0 instead of null.

Not sure why it's null before and 0.0 when I validate.

can someone explain me why it's so? and how to make the values be same 
before and after clicking on submit button save.

This is normal behaviour, and is a result of the way Struts populates 
the form bean from the request parameters. Struts uses BeanUtils under 
the covers to handle conversion from request parameter string values to 
your form bean property types. The standard way to handle a value that 
can't be converted to a Double is to return a place-holder default, 0.0.

You have two options: 1) you can configure BeanUtils to return a 
different default (or null); this will avoid the 0.0 value, but you 
still wont get the user-submitted data back if it's a string value that 
can't be converted to Double; 2) you can change your form bean property 
type to String instead of Double.

Option 2 is almost certainly what you want, since that's the only 
possible way of redisplaying all possible invalid inputs.


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Re: Breadcrumb Trails

2006-03-23 Thread Laurie Harper

Caroline Jen wrote:

I have found taglibs to do breadcrumb trails for
servlet and JSP technology.

Is there breadcrumb trails code available for the
Struts technology?  I mean that I plan to create a
list of links that has a horizontal orientation on a
web page.  It shows users where they are in the
hierarchy of a site, starting with the home 
page and drilling down to the current section or page.

There's nothing in Struts itself, but there are solutions available. 
Have a look at Struts Layout; another possibility may be Struts Menu?


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Re: formbean of double type value chages when submitting the form

2006-03-23 Thread Laurie Harper

fea jabi wrote:

In struts config

type="org.apache.struts.validator.DynaValidatorForm" dynamic="true">


In prepare action I am not doing anything with the data.



Dispatch action :
public ActionForward save(ActionMapping mapping,
 ActionForm form,
 HttpServletRequest request,
 HttpServletResponse response)
 throws IOException, ServletException {
   DynaValidatorForm frm = (DynaValidatorForm)form;

   ActionMessages messages = (ActionMessages)frm.validate( mapping, 
request );

   if ( messages != null && !messages.isEmpty() ) {
   saveErrors(request, messages);
   setUp(request, frm);
   return (mapping.findForward("validationFailed"));
   }else {
   if(isTokenValid(request, true)) {

   return mapping.findForward("successSave");

When the page get displayed the value in the textfield for netRevenue is 
Blank i.e the textfield in empty.

When I debug and see netRevenue value is null.

But when the click a submit button the value is changed to 0.0. The 
textfield has 0.0 value in it.

When I debug, when it comes to the very first statement of save method 
before validating itself in Dispatch action i.e

DynaValidatorForm frm = (DynaValidatorForm)form;

itself the value of the netRevenue is 0.0 instead of null.

Not sure why it's null before and 0.0 when I validate.

can someone explain me why it's so? and how to make the values be same 
before and after clicking on submit button save.

This is normal behaviour, and is a result of the way Struts populates 
the form bean from the request parameters. Struts uses BeanUtils under 
the covers to handle conversion from request parameter string values to 
your form bean property types. The standard way to handle a value that 
can't be converted to a Double is to return a place-holder default, 0.0.

You have two options: 1) you can configure BeanUtils to return a 
different default (or null); this will avoid the 0.0 value, but you 
still wont get the user-submitted data back if it's a string value that 
can't be converted to Double; 2) you can change your form bean property 
type to String instead of Double.

Option 2 is almost certainly what you want, since that's the only 
possible way of redisplaying all possible invalid inputs.


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Re: [FRIDAY] Re: has struts reached the saturation

2006-03-23 Thread Dave Newton
Jonathan Revusky wrote:
> I have no recollection of having wronged you in any specific way.

You sprayed then, you spray now. No change. "They" told me not to feed
the trolls then, they tell me not to feed the trolls now.

>> I really don't believe we're so far apart on this: I think the bar for
>> commiting to Struts is too high as well. At the same time, I would
>> definitely _not_ give commit rights to anybody that asked for them, and
>> the project would be better off for it.
> How do you know for sure? Has this hypothesis ever been tested?

Not on Struts, as I have essentially zero say on how it's run.

But on other projects, yes: opening projects has, in my experience, led
to lower quality and/or too much overhead in keeping the quality high.
YMMV, of course, and hopefully other folks haven't had to deal with the
messes I have--and those were messes generally internal to a company
(albeit pretty large ones).

Mind you I don't claim that having easier access to commit rights is a
bad idea; I just think it has to be monitored more closely than I've had
time to deal with in the past.


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Re: [OT]Loading Image Problem

2006-03-23 Thread Vinit Sharma
It's always better to use context root to access web site content instead of
using ../.. in the path. For eg, your application context root is MyApp and
your images folder is a part of WebContent folder in Websphere, then image
src should be:

This will always access image by looking at the context root instead of
looking for a relative path.


On 3/24/06, Caroline Jen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am able to show a image in the web page; say, page
> A, when the page is first loaded.  To load the image,
> I specified something like:
> [CODE]
>  alt="expand">
> [/CODE]
> After drilling down the hierarchy of the web site
> (i.e., navigating further) and then coming back to
> page A, the same image at the same place in page A
> cannot be loaded, and I got this X.
> What should I do to fix the problem?  Thank you.
> __
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Vinit Sharma

Re: [FRIDAY] taking this discussion somewhere else

2006-03-23 Thread James Mitchell

LMAO..I like this one:

James Mitchell
EdgeTech, Inc.
Skype: jmitchtx

On Mar 23, 2006, at 8:35 PM, Hey Nony Moose wrote:

Hey Nony Moose wrote:

It's FRIDAY, have a bloody laugh for crying out loud!

here ... take your pick: 

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Re: Consequences of open commit privileges (was: has struts reached the saturation)

2006-03-23 Thread James Mitchell

I like your analogy, however I disagree with the following:

> Core Struts people are moving to JSF/Shale ...

That's not true for everyone.  The whole reason Shale is not Struts  
2.0 in the first place is that a majority of the Struts leadership  
decided that JSF should not be the future direction for Struts.  Some  
people still have not bought into JSF and some probably never will.

For me, I wish I had the time to mess around with JSF/shale, but that  
doesn't mean I am 'moving to JSF/Shale'.  Several months ago I  
thought I was going to be working on a JSF project, but it turned out  
that we went with Struts 1.2.7 instead.

James Mitchell
EdgeTech, Inc.
Skype: jmitchtx

On Mar 23, 2006, at 4:54 PM, Michael Jouravlev wrote:

On 3/23/06, Jonathan Revusky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

In order to be able to offer something
reasonably state of the art, the Struts community is basically
abandoning the Struts 1.x codebase and inviting the Webwork people  
The Webwork 2.2 codebase then gets rechristened "Struts Action  
2". But what has happened is definitely a failure of the Struts  

to stay competitive technically.

You like to write a lot, but you don't like to read. You don't find
searching for answer yourself quite entertaining too. I will try again
to explain the possible reason for Struts->WebWork move, as *I* see

Core Struts people are moving to JSF/Shale, leaving the original
Struts Classic niche up for grabs. This niche could (and still can) be
taken by a "next best thing in action frameworks" whatever it may be,
WebWork or Stripes or Spring MVC or something else. In this case the
public perception would have been that Struts lost the battle.

Struts guys made a smart move bringing WebWork in as Struts 2.0. The
name is preserved and all that is related to the name is preserved
too, not just software but people as well. This way Struts originators
and committers retain their respectable status, while WebWork guys get
the market: "I was a Struts committer once" - "Oh, cool! I've heard
that version 2.0 will be really a leap forward". Very, very nice deal
for all interested parties.

Committers work on new interesting stuff, releaving themselves from
boring 1.x maintenance. Six years, are you kidding? After all, they
work on a new product now, so it will be beneficial for the community
too. WebWork guys get the recognition, the market and the influence.
Struts Action users get new version of the framework. Who cares that
it was called WebWork before?

Struts Classic needs/needed a serious makeover anyway, so why not to
take others' code instead? Do you care that Pontiac GTO is actually a
Holden Monaro, which is heavily based on Opel Omega? GM did not have
anything like it anyway, they killed Camaro/Firebird because it was a
farm tractor not a sports car. Bringing in GTO was an answer to public
demand for a new muscle car. Was this a reasonable choice? Um, for
"true" Camaro aficionados, maybe not. For them, Camaro will probably
be revived in couple of years.

But software is not exactly like automotive industry anyway. GM does
not give away GTO for free.


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[ANNOUNCE] Struts 1.2.9 (General Availability)

2006-03-23 Thread Niall Pemberton
The Struts team is pleased to announce the release of Struts 1.2.9 for
General Availability. This release is primarily to fix three security issues
which have been identified and supersedes the earlier 1.2.8 version as the
latest official release of Struts from The Apache Software Foundation. For
more information on the security issues and solutions please see the release
and upgrade notes.

The binary, source and library distributions are available from the Struts
download page:

The Release Notes are available on the Struts web site at:

Please check the wiki for the latest information on upgrading:

Niall Pemberton

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Re: [FRIDAY] taking this discussion somewhere else

2006-03-23 Thread Hey Nony Moose
Hey Nony Moose wrote:

>It's FRIDAY, have a bloody laugh for crying out loud! 
here ... take your pick:

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[NSC] taking this discussion somewhere else (was: has struts reached the saturation)

2006-03-23 Thread Hey Nony Moose
[NSC] = No Struts Content ... a tagging that I've seen used on other
lists ( N?C ) where ? = initial of the lists name

Emmanouil Batsis wrote:

> Hello,
> As a mortal user i would suggest that all this discussion to be taken
> somewhere else,

There have been a few similar calls for this. I already suggested taking
it to this forum:
but the members of that list might violently resist the infusion of grit
in their list.

> but i have a strong feeling that the motives behind this and many
> other thread posts during the last few months are actually fed by the
> visibility of the mailing list itself. 

and I too think that's perhaps why it is still here.  perhaps the more
enduring combatants want the discussion to *be* this publicly visible,
rather than in a quiet corner of the E.
I once even constructed a new userlist purely to house an OT flame war
on a public list, and not one person shifted camp.  The commentators
notes were similar ... it was the notability of the list itself which
kept the flamers from leaving the venue.
(To all, not specifically Emmanouil)
I think DJ has a credible point, HILODMWWASPE (hidden in lashings of
decorative malice, which we all somehow perversely enjoy).  Use your
filters.  And ignore threads (noobs: if you're not thread-keen, think
"subject") that you *know* contain this debate.  Go on! live a little! 
delete an email without reading it, based only on the subject or the
sender!!!  it's quite therapeutic.

 Microsoft Moose  (NOT!)
It's FRIDAY, have a bloody laugh for crying out loud!  (er that's right,
you TITS (There In The States) are half a spin of the earth behind The
Clever Country, it's probably thursday night.):)

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Re: Consequences of open commit privileges (was: has struts reached the saturation)

2006-03-23 Thread Michael Jouravlev
On 3/23/06, Jonathan Revusky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Michael Jouravlev wrote:

> In the above you say you will "try again" to explain this. I have no
> recollection that you ever tried to explain it to me before.

It was in the other longer thread :)

> > Core Struts people are moving to JSF/Shale, leaving the original
> > Struts Classic niche up for grabs.
> Well, this means that nobody wants to work on the Struts 1.x codebase.
> Why? I presume because it's considered to be technically obsolete.
> Why is the Struts 1.x codebase technically obsolete?

Is GM's 3.8L pushrod technically obsolete? It is still used by GM and
is loved by many. Do you remember Oldsmobile Intrigue, introduced in
1997, I think. It had 3800 pushrod first, then in about two years the
engine was replaced with new shiny 3.5L 24-valve Shortstar. Where is
Oldsmobile now? Where is Shortstar now? (hint: both discontinued).

I do not defent Struts 1.x codebase, I just say that technical pros
and cons sometimes matter less than cost to produce, cost to maintain
and availability of repair shops. Oldsmobile clientelle was not ready
for complex and expensive high-rpm DOHC engine.

> One problem is that the whole thing seems to have intent to deceive
> behind it. A casual observer will believe that Struts Action 2 is the
> continuation of the Struts 1.x codebase and the work of the Struts
> community. It is not. It is a codebase that was a competing product,
> developed by a different community.

Casual observers want software for free.

> > Six years, are you kidding? After all, they
> > work on a new product now, so it will be beneficial for the community
> > too. WebWork guys get the recognition, the market and the influence.
> > Struts Action users get new version of the framework. Who cares that
> > it was called WebWork before?
> Well, what you're saying, Michael is basically: "Yeah, isn't this great
> marketing?"

Yeah, isn't it? I think it is. It's now or never. Because when people
start to move to Java5 massively, they will look at simpler
alternatives that use annotations and other new stuff. I still use
JDK1.4, so these alternatives are not for me.

> Maybe it is, but you're talking like a marketing guy, not an engineer.

Maybe I should move forward then, to big-window office away from my cubicle :)

> The intent behind this is to mislead people.

Nah. The intent is to break away, keeping/repairing the good image of
Struts and of what is related to Struts.

> I see intent to deceive. And that does not set well with me.

As long as you keep it for yourself to muse about, that's ok. Keep the
pitchfork in the barn ;)


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Re: Consequences of open commit privileges (was: has struts reached the saturation)

2006-03-23 Thread Jonathan Revusky

Michael Jouravlev wrote:

On 3/23/06, Jonathan Revusky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

In order to be able to offer something
reasonably state of the art, the Struts community is basically
abandoning the Struts 1.x codebase and inviting the Webwork people in.
The Webwork 2.2 codebase then gets rechristened "Struts Action Framework
2". But what has happened is definitely a failure of the Struts people
to stay competitive technically.

You like to write a lot, but you don't like to read. You don't find
searching for answer yourself quite entertaining too. I will try again
to explain the possible reason for Struts->WebWork move, as *I* see

In the above you say you will "try again" to explain this. I have no
recollection that you ever tried to explain it to me before.

In any case, I appreciate the explanation. Thank you. However, I have
the honest impression that I understood all of this already by now.

Core Struts people are moving to JSF/Shale, leaving the original
Struts Classic niche up for grabs. 

Well, this means that nobody wants to work on the Struts 1.x codebase.
Why? I presume because it's considered to be technically obsolete.

Why is the Struts 1.x codebase technically obsolete?

This niche could (and still can) be
taken by a "next best thing in action frameworks" whatever it may be,
WebWork or Stripes or Spring MVC or something else. In this case the
public perception would have been that Struts lost the battle.

Well, as far as I can see, that perception would be correct. There has
been a failure to keep Struts up to date with the state of the art. That
is what is behind the move of Webwork over here.

Struts guys made a smart move bringing WebWork in as Struts 2.0. The
name is preserved and all that is related to the name is preserved
too, not just software but people as well. This way Struts originators
and committers retain their respectable status, while WebWork guys get
the market: "I was a Struts committer once" - "Oh, cool! I've heard
that version 2.0 will be really a leap forward". Very, very nice deal
for all interested parties.

One problem is that the whole thing seems to have intent to deceive
behind it. A casual observer will believe that Struts Action 2 is the
continuation of the Struts 1.x codebase and the work of the Struts
community. It is not. It is a codebase that was a competing product,
developed by a different community.

The whole thing is structured so as to create a maximum of confusion
about what really happened. This is an objection that I lay out here:

Committers work on new interesting stuff, releaving themselves from
boring 1.x maintenance. 

Well, maintaining 1.x is quite uninteresting because it has become
technically obsolete, due to a failure to keep up with other things in
the space, like Webwork. There seems to be a "beg the question" fallacy
in what you're saying.

Six years, are you kidding? After all, they
work on a new product now, so it will be beneficial for the community
too. WebWork guys get the recognition, the market and the influence.
Struts Action users get new version of the framework. Who cares that
it was called WebWork before?

Well, what you're saying, Michael is basically: "Yeah, isn't this great

Maybe it is, but you're talking like a marketing guy, not an engineer.
The intent behind this is to mislead people. The casual observer will
think that this Webwork codebase is the continuation of Struts 1.x.
Eventually, people will even point to Struts Action 2 (i.e. Webwork) as
an example of how well "the Apache way" works. However, it is not an
example of that. The whole thing is an example of a project that
presumably followed the so-called Apache Way failng to stay competitive
technically with another project that was developed outside ASF.

I see intent to deceive. And that does not set well with me.

Jonathan Revusky
lead developer, FreeMarker project,

Struts Classic needs/needed a serious makeover anyway, so why not to
take others' code instead? Do you care that Pontiac GTO is actually a
Holden Monaro, which is heavily based on Opel Omega? GM did not have
anything like it anyway, they killed Camaro/Firebird because it was a
farm tractor not a sports car. Bringing in GTO was an answer to public
demand for a new muscle car. Was this a reasonable choice? Um, for
"true" Camaro aficionados, maybe not. For them, Camaro will probably
be revived in couple of years.

But software is not exactly like automotive industry anyway. GM does
not give away GTO for free.


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Re: Consequences of motor vehicle heresy (was Consequences of open commit privileges (was: has struts reached the saturation))

2006-03-23 Thread Hey Nony Moose
(caveat: it's a joke, i have no actual emotional investment in cars or
any other childish "my X is better than yours" manifestation)

Michael Jouravlev wrote:

>Do you care that Pontiac GTO is actually a
>Holden Monaro, which is heavily based on Opel Omega? 
The Holden Monaro is a uniquely AUSTRALIAN piece of gear! We've been
making V8's that ROCK since the 50's and if there's a single bolt on
that device that isn't hand crafted at Fisherman's Bend, millions of
Aussies will be burning their citizenship papers the next time Skaifey
rolls the HRT onto the grid.
Most of Holden's other stock is badge engineered from OS, but NOT the
Kingswood! er... sorry, NOT the Commodore, and especially NOT the Monaro!

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Re: [FRIDAY] Re: has struts reached the saturation

2006-03-23 Thread Jonathan Revusky

Dave Newton wrote:

Jonathan Revusky wrote:

I already am spending too much time on this [...]


2. I know that there is significant animosity towards me here [...]

My animosity towards you is from years ago, actually; 

I remember that vaguely, yes. Still feeling animosity over that, eh?

You think I wronged you in some way then, I guess. What precisely is 
your grievance, Dave? I guess I could go look it up. I have no 
recollection of having wronged you in any specific way.

But anyway, you brought it up. What precisely is your grievance against 
me from back when? I'm curious, and actually, I would imagine that other 
people reading this are mildly curious too.

I won't speak for
anybody else.

Well, you seem to have learned your lesson on that then. :-)

From whence From whence Is the Shakespearean festival nigh?

Ooo! A zinger! Forsooth!

It's just mind-boggling to be trying to answer this kind of question

I imagine that it is, for you... trying to imagine how an open-source
project that was developed for somebody else's use might not be
obligated to listen to anybody else.

Well, maybe not. But if that is the case it would also seem to mean that 
all this stuff about "building community" that Ted Husted keeps pointing 
to is a bunch of empty posturing.

It appears as though you believe that if someone is willing and able to
pitch in that they should have commit rights, which is not really the
same thing.

As a practical matter, it basically means giving people commit rights.
Trying to let people work on stuff while keeping them at arm's length
just is unlikely to work for long. If you're going to let someone do
some work, yeah, you have to open the door and let them in.

I really don't believe we're so far apart on this: I think the bar for
commiting to Struts is too high as well. At the same time, I would
definitely _not_ give commit rights to anybody that asked for them, and
the project would be better off for it.

How do you know for sure? Has this hypothesis ever been tested?

Even in the limited scope of this mailing list I have seen some pretty
frightening code--I would _not_ want the authors of said code to be able
to inject similar code into the project, and I would _not_ want to have
to surf the repository regularly to remove or fix it.

You don't have to regularly "surf" the repository. There is a 
disposition that all these projects use where people on the dev list get 
email notifications of commits. If you are a more established team 
member person who has kind of "taken ownership" of a certain part of the 
code and some new kid on the block commits some change there, you would 
tend to review it carefully.

There is no need to be continually surfing the repository on a regular 
basis to check for whether bad code was committed meanwhile. You get 
these commit notifications and you can look through them.

Jonathan Revusky
lead developer, FreeMarker project,

At the moment, I think it is mostly because this whole dysfunctional
scene exerts a morbid fascination on me. It's actually funny in a very
dark humor sort of way, you know.

On this we are in perfect agreement :)


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Re: [FRIDAY] Re: has struts reached the saturation

2006-03-23 Thread Dakota Jack
Lord, Al, do you realize you have just concluded that it is impossible to
fail to see what a product is or does from a website?  This is not like
you.  Usually you make sense.  But, this is right along the lines of a
Newton (Dave) or a Mitchell (James).  Oh, wait, it was Mitchell.  LOL
Sorry, Al.  I thought you had lost your mind.

On 3/23/06, Al Eridani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 3/23/06, James Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > You claim that someone who hits the website cannot understand what the
> > product is or does.  How can you claim this unless you actually DO
> > understand what it is and therefore it must be confusing for someone who
> > doesn't.
> This is hilarious beyond words. More double-speak a la "we had to destroy
> the village in order to save it" (US Government, circa 1970).
> > Do you see the difference?
> Frankly, no. The difference between what and what?
> But, wait... probably you also think that to be able to claim that one
> cannot
> see the difference one must actually DO see the difference...
> -
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"You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it float on its back."
~Dakota Jack~

Re: [FRIDAY] Re: has struts reached the saturation

2006-03-23 Thread Dakota Jack
The "bar" to committing on Struts is NOT the issue.  The issue is the mess.
I cannot agree more with Jonathan.  It is s good to hear from someone
who sounds mature and sensible.

On 3/23/06, Dave Newton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jonathan Revusky wrote:
> > I already am spending too much time on this [...]
> Agreed.
> > 2. I know that there is significant animosity towards me here [...]
> My animosity towards you is from years ago, actually; I won't speak for
> anybody else.
> > From whence From whence Is the Shakespearean festival nigh?
> Ooo! A zinger! Forsooth!
> > It's just mind-boggling to be trying to answer this kind of question
> > really
> I imagine that it is, for you... trying to imagine how an open-source
> project that was developed for somebody else's use might not be
> obligated to listen to anybody else.
> >> It appears as though you believe that if someone is willing and able to
> >> pitch in that they should have commit rights, which is not really the
> >> same thing.
> > As a practical matter, it basically means giving people commit rights.
> > Trying to let people work on stuff while keeping them at arm's length
> > just is unlikely to work for long. If you're going to let someone do
> > some work, yeah, you have to open the door and let them in.
> I really don't believe we're so far apart on this: I think the bar for
> commiting to Struts is too high as well. At the same time, I would
> definitely _not_ give commit rights to anybody that asked for them, and
> the project would be better off for it.
> Even in the limited scope of this mailing list I have seen some pretty
> frightening code--I would _not_ want the authors of said code to be able
> to inject similar code into the project, and I would _not_ want to have
> to surf the repository regularly to remove or fix it.
> > At the moment, I think it is mostly because this whole dysfunctional
> > scene exerts a morbid fascination on me. It's actually funny in a very
> > dark humor sort of way, you know.
> On this we are in perfect agreement :)
> Dave
> -
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"You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it float on its back."
~Dakota Jack~

[OT]Loading Image Problem

2006-03-23 Thread Caroline Jen
I am able to show a image in the web page; say, page
A, when the page is first loaded.  To load the image,
I specified something like:

After drilling down the hierarchy of the web site
(i.e., navigating further) and then coming back to
page A, the same image at the same place in page A
cannot be loaded, and I got this X.

What should I do to fix the problem?  Thank you.

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Re: Consequences of open commit privileges (was: has struts reached the saturation)

2006-03-23 Thread Michael Jouravlev
On 3/23/06, Jonathan Revusky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In order to be able to offer something
> reasonably state of the art, the Struts community is basically
> abandoning the Struts 1.x codebase and inviting the Webwork people in.
> The Webwork 2.2 codebase then gets rechristened "Struts Action Framework
> 2". But what has happened is definitely a failure of the Struts people
> to stay competitive technically.

You like to write a lot, but you don't like to read. You don't find
searching for answer yourself quite entertaining too. I will try again
to explain the possible reason for Struts->WebWork move, as *I* see

Core Struts people are moving to JSF/Shale, leaving the original
Struts Classic niche up for grabs. This niche could (and still can) be
taken by a "next best thing in action frameworks" whatever it may be,
WebWork or Stripes or Spring MVC or something else. In this case the
public perception would have been that Struts lost the battle.

Struts guys made a smart move bringing WebWork in as Struts 2.0. The
name is preserved and all that is related to the name is preserved
too, not just software but people as well. This way Struts originators
and committers retain their respectable status, while WebWork guys get
the market: "I was a Struts committer once" - "Oh, cool! I've heard
that version 2.0 will be really a leap forward". Very, very nice deal
for all interested parties.

Committers work on new interesting stuff, releaving themselves from
boring 1.x maintenance. Six years, are you kidding? After all, they
work on a new product now, so it will be beneficial for the community
too. WebWork guys get the recognition, the market and the influence.
Struts Action users get new version of the framework. Who cares that
it was called WebWork before?

Struts Classic needs/needed a serious makeover anyway, so why not to
take others' code instead? Do you care that Pontiac GTO is actually a
Holden Monaro, which is heavily based on Opel Omega? GM did not have
anything like it anyway, they killed Camaro/Firebird because it was a
farm tractor not a sports car. Bringing in GTO was an answer to public
demand for a new muscle car. Was this a reasonable choice? Um, for
"true" Camaro aficionados, maybe not. For them, Camaro will probably
be revived in couple of years.

But software is not exactly like automotive industry anyway. GM does
not give away GTO for free.


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Re: ajax with struts

2006-03-23 Thread Mark Lowe
On 3/23/06, Frank W. Zammetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> The first thing I would suggest is this is one of those cases where the
> X in AJAX probably isn't appropriate.  Remember that there is NO
> requirement to use XML when doing AJAX (although I suppose it isn't AJAX
> then strictly speaking).
> Take Google Suggests for example.  They are not passing back XML, they
> are actually passing back, if memory serves, a chunk of Javascript that
> they execute.  I seem to recall it being just a Javascript array that is
> used to populate the dropdown, but I may not have all the details right.
>   The point though is that it isn't XML.
> Aside from that, one thing Google does too is they actually throttle the
> requests.  I don't have all the details, I just heard it explained once
> at a user group meeting, but basically, the faster a person types, the
> LESS requests go across, and that is dynamically calculated.
> Another thing you can do is write the code such that the request will
> only fire X number of milliseconds after the last keyUp is received.
> Maybe wait half a second after keyUp, and if a keyDown fires in the mean
> time, you reset the counter.  You would have to balance things so that
> the delay doesn't lead to a poor user experience, but I think that can
> be done. (I just saw Rick's reply as I was typing this, he makes the
> same basic suggestion).
> On the server-side, if possible, implement some sort of caching.
> Without knowing what kind of data you are using in your autocomplete, I
> can't make any specific suggestions.  But basically, if you can cache a
> subset of the most frequently used data on the server, then you won't
> have to hit the database as often.  Maybe its even possible to cache the
> entire database contents on the app server?
> At the end of the day there are two considerations: how many requests
> you make of the server, and what the server actually has to do to
> service the request.  If this is a LAN/WAN application, you will find
> the greater bottleneck is almost certainly what the server has to do.
> If it's Internet-based, the opposite may be true.  One bit of advice is
> to not assume you have a problem at all!  In this case you may, but do
> some basic testing first.  I've seen people assume that AJAX is horrible
> for network traffic when just the opposite wound up being true.  Then
> again, I've seen people who assumed just the opposite and got burned :)
> Frank
> Joel Alejandro Espinosa Carra wrote:
> > Hello all,
> >
> > I'm coding a simple action that retrieves some data from the database in
> > order to create an xml object for an ajax-based autocomplete field, I'm
> > worried about the load of the database beacuse this action is called
> > from a javascript event "onkeyup()" this means that the action will be
> > executed every time when user press a key in the field, is there an
> > other way to do this in order to increase the performance?

If your results aren't going to be large you could do a greedy query
on the first letter, and store the results as a javascript array
(sending the results as a javascript array may also be easier than
sending an xml). When a keyup happens on subsequent letters you could
search the javascript array rather than calling an action. There would
be a little more work on the javascript side, but you'd bother the
server less.


> >
> > pd. this is not a must-have requirement but I want to know what is the
> > best way to do this.
> >
> > Best regards.
> >
> --
> Frank W. Zammetti
> Founder and Chief Software Architect
> Omnytex Technologies
> AIM: fzammetti
> Yahoo: fzammetti
> Java Web Parts -
> Supplying the wheel, so you don't have to reinvent it!
> -
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Re: [FRIDAY] Re: has struts reached the saturation

2006-03-23 Thread Al Eridani
On 3/23/06, James Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> You claim that someone who hits the website cannot understand what the
> product is or does.  How can you claim this unless you actually DO
> understand what it is and therefore it must be confusing for someone who
> doesn't.

This is hilarious beyond words. More double-speak a la "we had to destroy
the village in order to save it" (US Government, circa 1970).

> Do you see the difference?

Frankly, no. The difference between what and what?

But, wait... probably you also think that to be able to claim that one cannot
see the difference one must actually DO see the difference...

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Re: [FRIDAY] Re: has struts reached the saturation

2006-03-23 Thread Dave Newton
Jonathan Revusky wrote:
> I already am spending too much time on this [...]


> 2. I know that there is significant animosity towards me here [...]

My animosity towards you is from years ago, actually; I won't speak for
anybody else.

> From whence From whence Is the Shakespearean festival nigh?

Ooo! A zinger! Forsooth!

> It's just mind-boggling to be trying to answer this kind of question
> really

I imagine that it is, for you... trying to imagine how an open-source
project that was developed for somebody else's use might not be
obligated to listen to anybody else.

>> It appears as though you believe that if someone is willing and able to
>> pitch in that they should have commit rights, which is not really the
>> same thing.
> As a practical matter, it basically means giving people commit rights.
> Trying to let people work on stuff while keeping them at arm's length
> just is unlikely to work for long. If you're going to let someone do
> some work, yeah, you have to open the door and let them in.

I really don't believe we're so far apart on this: I think the bar for
commiting to Struts is too high as well. At the same time, I would
definitely _not_ give commit rights to anybody that asked for them, and
the project would be better off for it.

Even in the limited scope of this mailing list I have seen some pretty
frightening code--I would _not_ want the authors of said code to be able
to inject similar code into the project, and I would _not_ want to have
to surf the repository regularly to remove or fix it.

> At the moment, I think it is mostly because this whole dysfunctional
> scene exerts a morbid fascination on me. It's actually funny in a very
> dark humor sort of way, you know.

On this we are in perfect agreement :)


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Re: ajax with struts

2006-03-23 Thread Frank W. Zammetti


The first thing I would suggest is this is one of those cases where the 
X in AJAX probably isn't appropriate.  Remember that there is NO 
requirement to use XML when doing AJAX (although I suppose it isn't AJAX 
then strictly speaking).

Take Google Suggests for example.  They are not passing back XML, they 
are actually passing back, if memory serves, a chunk of Javascript that 
they execute.  I seem to recall it being just a Javascript array that is 
used to populate the dropdown, but I may not have all the details right. 
 The point though is that it isn't XML.

Aside from that, one thing Google does too is they actually throttle the 
requests.  I don't have all the details, I just heard it explained once 
at a user group meeting, but basically, the faster a person types, the 
LESS requests go across, and that is dynamically calculated.

Another thing you can do is write the code such that the request will 
only fire X number of milliseconds after the last keyUp is received. 
Maybe wait half a second after keyUp, and if a keyDown fires in the mean 
time, you reset the counter.  You would have to balance things so that 
the delay doesn't lead to a poor user experience, but I think that can 
be done. (I just saw Rick's reply as I was typing this, he makes the 
same basic suggestion).

On the server-side, if possible, implement some sort of caching. 
Without knowing what kind of data you are using in your autocomplete, I 
can't make any specific suggestions.  But basically, if you can cache a 
subset of the most frequently used data on the server, then you won't 
have to hit the database as often.  Maybe its even possible to cache the 
entire database contents on the app server?

At the end of the day there are two considerations: how many requests 
you make of the server, and what the server actually has to do to 
service the request.  If this is a LAN/WAN application, you will find 
the greater bottleneck is almost certainly what the server has to do. 
If it's Internet-based, the opposite may be true.  One bit of advice is 
to not assume you have a problem at all!  In this case you may, but do 
some basic testing first.  I've seen people assume that AJAX is horrible 
for network traffic when just the opposite wound up being true.  Then 
again, I've seen people who assumed just the opposite and got burned :)


Joel Alejandro Espinosa Carra wrote:

Hello all,

I'm coding a simple action that retrieves some data from the database in 
order to create an xml object for an ajax-based autocomplete field, I'm 
worried about the load of the database beacuse this action is called 
from a javascript event "onkeyup()" this means that the action will be 
executed every time when user press a key in the field, is there an 
other way to do this in order to increase the performance?

pd. this is not a must-have requirement but I want to know what is the 
best way to do this.

Best regards.

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies
AIM: fzammetti
Yahoo: fzammetti
Java Web Parts -
Supplying the wheel, so you don't have to reinvent it!

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Re: Consequences of open commit privileges (was: has struts reached the saturation)

2006-03-23 Thread Dave Newton
Jonathan Revusky wrote:
>> Now we're leaving empiricism for speculation.
> No, because the above propositions can, in principle, be put to an
> empirical test.

If it _hasn't_ been put to an empirical test then it's speculation.

> Obviously, it is completely natural to wonder whether Struts 1.x
> development would not be in a healthier state if it had been easier
> for new people to get involved.

Wondering is a natural human phenomenon. I assume you meant that it's
natural to wonder if the dev _would_ be in a healthier state if it had
been easier; I wonder both. We'll never know, though, will we.

> When was your youth? I am in my early forties. Am I in my youth?

O. I guess I would have thought you'd be further along by now, but
we all progress at our own rate, and that's okay.

> If you do something and fail, you have to humbly accept advice from
> people. 

Says who?

You sure like those absolutes, huh.

> In an open source project, somebody who thinks he can pitch in and
> contribute should have a chance to do so.

Even in Apache, they have a chance to do so.

Doesn't mean it'll happen, though.

> That is why, yes, this closed club stuff deeply offends me on some level.

Maybe some counseling would be in order.

> [...] members of the Struts PMC do not behave like seasoned adults. 

I like seasoned adults, but with more paprika than most prefer.

> Obviously, if somebody gives you feedback on your work, you thank them
> and consider it. (Or at least say you'll consider it...) 

Hey, I think FreeMarker sucks.

You're welcome?


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Re: ajax with struts

2006-03-23 Thread Rick Reumann

Joel Alejandro Espinosa Carra wrote the following on 3/23/2006 3:45 PM:

I'm worried about the load of the database beacuse this action is
called from a javascript event "onkeyup()" this means that the action
will be executed every time when user press a key in the field, is
there an other way to do this in order to increase the performance?

When you capture onKeyUp() start some sort of timer, so that the user 
has to pause for at least maybe 2 seconds(?) before you hit the server. 
This way if the user is just typing along quickly that ajax event won't 


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ajax with struts

2006-03-23 Thread Joel Alejandro Espinosa Carra

Hello all,

I'm coding a simple action that retrieves some data from the database in 
order to create an xml object for an ajax-based autocomplete field, I'm 
worried about the load of the database beacuse this action is called 
from a javascript event "onkeyup()" this means that the action will be 
executed every time when user press a key in the field, is there an 
other way to do this in order to increase the performance?

pd. this is not a must-have requirement but I want to know what is the 
best way to do this.

Best regards.

Ing. Joel Alejandro Espinosa Carra
CINVESTAV CTS - Centro de Tecnología de Semiconductores
Tel. +52 (33) 3770-3700 ext. 1049 

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Breadcrumb Trails

2006-03-23 Thread Caroline Jen
I have found taglibs to do breadcrumb trails for
servlet and JSP technology.

Is there breadcrumb trails code available for the
Struts technology?  I mean that I plan to create a
list of links that has a horizontal orientation on a
web page.  It shows users where they are in the
hierarchy of a site, starting with the home 
page and drilling down to the current section or page.

Thanks in advance.

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Expression Language

2006-03-23 Thread David M Sledge
Do EL expressions only evaluate to String and primitive types?  I have code
similar to the following in my jsp.




Where uriList is an object of type java.util.List only containing objects, and where uriValueMap has only objects as
keys and has for values objects with the property someProperty.


As a result, I end up getting the following exception:


javax.servlet.ServletException: Invalid argument looking up property:
""; of bean: "uriValueMap"


Is there any way to preserved the type as a lookup key?




David M. Sledge

Analyst/Programmer Specialist

LTER Network Office

Dept. of Biology, MSC03 2020
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM  87131-0001



Re: It's about basic human standards of behavior to some extent

2006-03-23 Thread Jonathan Revusky

Dave Newton wrote:

Jonathan Revusky wrote:

Maybe that's what you meant to say but you didn't have the intestinal
fortitude to say it so you posted the asinine stuff about a patch.

Oooo! Me! Me! Pick me!

Put up or shut up!

I'm leaning towards the "shut up" myself, but that didn't work years ago
on the Velocity list, either :/

Let's get some first principles clear here. I do not owe you anything.
I have no recollection of ever having incurred an obligation to you or
your colleagues in any way whatsoever. 

Hey, guess what--the Struts committers don't owe _us_ anything, either!

James was very insistently asking me why I didn't work on this or that. 
He was talking quite literally like I owed him something. And that was 
when I pointed out that I didn't owe him anything.

I was not asking James for anything.

Well, I did suggest that he "owed" me a "thank you". But that's more to 
do with basic graciousness and so on.

But James, here is how a well brought up adult reacts when somebody
offers him something.

He says "thank you".

Not if I offer anthrax or a kick in the nards... really depends on what
is being offered and how.

Even then you might as well say "No, thank you." It's better to be 
polite. :-)

Jonathan Revusky
lead developer, FreeMarker project,

This public thread has fostered some private correspondence where
people  just say stuff to me like: "My god what a disastrous state
this Struts project is in". There are a lot of people who think this.

There are a lot of people that think you're a dork, too, as evidenced by
_my_ mailbox, including a couple of folks that remember the Velocity
list BS, too.

Note that, given your behavior, if I did once care, by this point, I
would have given this up as a lost cause and not care any more. That
much is for sure.

So you don't care and are participating in your own mental masturbation?

The interesting question is why anybody would offer you guys anything
at all. Basically, the lot of you behave like an ungracious, ill-bred
bunch of punks.

Towards you and a few select others, perhaps. It isn't really the
prevalent attitude, though.

This is already getting too long. 

That, at least, is indisputable.


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Re: [FRIDAY] Re: has struts reached the saturation

2006-03-23 Thread Jonathan Revusky

Dave Newton wrote:

Jonathan Revusky wrote:

As regards insults, there is a difference of perspective here. My own
feeling is that in all of my posts I have exercised a great degree of

Unless you count being able to state your view concisely.

There are 2 basic reasons that my messages tend to be longer than they 
might be otherwise.

1. It's actually more time consuming to write a shorter message. At 
least if the message is to make the same points. I already am spending 
too much time on this, so I am not going to spend 2 or 3 times as much 
time to edit down the messages.

2. I know that there is significant animosity towards me here and if I 
leave any gap for somebody sink their teeth into, they will. So I build 
up my arguments in a more painstaking, detailed way than I would otherwise.

[...] people literally claim that the managers of the project do not
have to listen to criticism. 

They don't! Perhaps they _should_ (and, quite frankly, I believe they
_do_, but I don't expect them to _act_ on it).

I still do not understand from whence this obligation comes.

From whence From whence Is the Shakespearean festival nigh?

Oh, you mean you don't understand where this obligation comes from.

I read this and it just blows me away. I guess you have a point of 
sorts. Nobody explicitly mentions an obligation to behave according to 
the dictates of common sense.

Suppose the PMC decided that their goal was actually to make Struts 
worse -- instead of eliminating bugs, to introduce new ones.

You could similarly ask "from whence the obligation comes" to try to 
make the software better rather than worse. But nobody has a conversatin 
about that because it's just crazy, right? Everybody just figures that 
if you have an ongoing development effort, it is to make the thing 
better, not worse. For example, I bet that none of the "How ASF works" 
sorts of pages that Ted Husted might point you to bother to explicitly 
say that the point of ongoing development is to make the product better 
rather than worse.

It's just a given.

Similarly, all this stuff on the pages about community, that 
development is "community-based" or whatever. Well what does that mean, 
for people not to listen to one another? I mean, aren't there things 
that one just takes as a given?

It's just mind-boggling to be trying to answer this kind of question 

I strongly believe that a guiding principle the basic idea of open
source is that if someone is willing and able to pitch in, they should
have the chance to do so.

It appears as though you believe that if someone is willing and able to
pitch in that they should have commit rights, which is not really the
same thing.

As a practical matter, it basically means giving people commit rights. 
Trying to let people work on stuff while keeping them at arm's length 
just is unlikely to work for long. If you're going to let someone do 
some work, yeah, you have to open the door and let them in.

Jonathan only arrived in this community part way through this thread,
hopefully he'll get bored and leave soon.

Well, the truth is that hanging around here is not a very enriching

So... um... why are you still here?

At the moment, I think it is mostly because this whole dysfunctional 
scene exerts a morbid fascination on me. It's actually funny in a very 
dark humor sort of way, you know.


Jonathan Revusky
lead developer, FreeMarker project,
FreeMarker group blog,


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Re: Consequences of open commit privileges (was: has struts reached the saturation)

2006-03-23 Thread Jonathan Revusky


Jonathan Revusky wrote:

George Dinwiddie wrote:

Scott Adams has made his fortune displaying the cynical view of managers
that you describe.  Indeed, from the point of view of the technical
staff or others with limited access to those managers, it often looks
like decisions are being made very arbitrarily.  In some cases, they
actually are.  Incompetent managers are probably as common as
incompetent developers.

In reality, most managers do have a brain and use it.  Most managers are
not merely trying to avoid drawing attention to themselves so they can
draw a salary for doing no work.  Believe it or not, most managers take
their jobs seriously and make the best decisions they can given the
knowledge they have and the circumstances in which they make them.  By
"knowledge they have" I don't mean technical ignorance.  Sure, some are
quite ignorant technically and most do not have the detailed technical
knowledge of a developer, but they also have knowledge of non-technical
issues of which most developers are rather ignorant.

The question under discussion is whether managers who opt for Struts 
have, typically, much notion of the process by which this software was 
developed. Based on what experience I have of interacting with corporate 
type people, my bet is that usually they don't. In some cases, maybe 
they do, but that would be a comparative rarity.

That is why I don't easily believe that if Struts were to adopt a more open
approach to letting people commit code that it would affect corporate
adoption that much, simply because the corporate people, by and large,
do not know that much about how open source software really is developed.

You yourself seem to be operating under various misconceptions in this 
regard. You have, from what I see, a misplaced confidence in the 
procedures that allowed the current committers to actually become 
committers. I get the feeling that you don't have a sense of just how 
arbitrary the whole thing is.

Anyway, supposing for the sake of argument that what you believe is 
true, then this leads to another basic question.

Would such a belief be well founded? (I mean the belief that it would 
somehow become riskier to use Struts, say, if the barriers to 
becoming a 
committer were drastically lowered.)

Now we're leaving empiricism for speculation.

No, because the above propositions can, in principle, be put to an 
empirical test.

The one thing that's clear is that technical progress on Struts ground 
to a halt and they were superseded technically by Webwork, which was not 
developed at ASF.

So, what is not speculative at all, is that the development process did 
not have very good results. In order to be able to offer something 
reasonably state of the art, the Struts community is basically 
abandoning the Struts 1.x codebase and inviting the Webwork people in. 
The Webwork 2.2 codebase then gets rechristened "Struts Action Framework 
2". But what has happened is definitely a failure of the Struts people 
to stay competitive technically.

Meanwhile, in my following of this discussion, it is clear that there 
are people who were able and eager to pitch in and work on the code, 
who, due to this process, were unable to. Obviously, it is completely 
natural to wonder whether Struts 1.x development would not be in a 
healthier state if it had been easier for new people to get involved.


This is actually the question that interests me. If people 
believe this 
but it's not true, then well... you know, should one 
condition one's 
behavior based on other people's misguided beliefs? Or 
actually, in this 
case, the misguided beliefs you are speculating that certain other 
people may hold...

You've extrapolated several suppositions, here.  Who says their beliefs
are misguided? 

Reread it carefully, Geoge. I didn't say that they were definitely 
misguided. I just said they might be. "If people believe this but it's 
not true, should one condition one's behavior on people's misguided 

It was the first part of a conditional. You didn't quite grasp that, it 

 I presume from these statements that you're rather

young.  In my youth, I tended to believe that those who didn't agree
with my beliefs were misguided.  And I was not shy of telling them so.

When was your youth? I am in my early forties. Am I in my youth?

But even supposing that I am right and they are wrong (and I no longer
believe that these are boolean values), I am unlikely to convince them
by announcing that they're all wrong.  They will naturally think, "On
the one hand, I have this kid without the experience to understand the
issues which I'm balancing telling me that I'm wrong.  

Well, in this exact case, you're unlikely to convince them of anything. 
These are people who simply don't listen. Could this possibly be lost on 
you at this point, George? :-)


On the other
hand, my view of the world and the way it works ha

RE: html:option on a nested collection

2006-03-23 Thread Wang, Hansen
Do something like this:

You also need to add "action" property to your app class. This is to
hold the input specified by 


-Original Message-
From: Shoukat, Faisal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2006 10:37 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: html:option on a nested collection

I have this working using the following code:

   String literal =(String) act;



But as you can see I am using java in the jsp: can anyone advise of some
other way of doing this

-Original Message-
From: Vinit Sharma [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 23 March 2006 15:35
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: html:option on a nested collection

Try using:

If act is the third element in the list apps.

On 3/23/06, Shoukat, Faisal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> When I do the below in the form it submits 
> {exampleFormBean.apps.actions.act}
> As the value.  I have a getter defined for apps in the formbean and in

> apps there is a getter for actions.
> There is no getter for act as this is deifined in the iterate tag
> Still stuck!!
> -Original Message-
> From: Vinit Sharma [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 23 March 2006 15:01
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: Re: html:option on a nested collection
> You can use EL extention of html tag and use something like this:
>  name="act"/>
> Assuming getters are defined for all properties.
> Regds,
> On 3/23/06, Shoukat, Faisal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Guys,
> >
> >
> >
> > I have a formBean which has a collection of objects within it called
> Apps.
> > Each App object has several fields with one of these fields being a 
> > collection or list of Strings.
> >
> >
> >
> > ExampleFormBean properties are
> >
> >
> >
> > String Name
> >
> > String Class
> >
> > String Student
> >
> > List apps
> >
> >
> >
> > Each app object looks like this
> >
> > String first
> >
> > String second
> >
> > List actions.  --- This is a collection of Strings
> >
> >
> >
> > I am trying to display the actions of the app object in a drop down
> list.
> > But am having a few problems with the option tag.
> >
> >
> >
> > So far I have this:
> >
> > 
> >
> >
> >
> > 
> >
> > > indexId="index">
> >
> >   > name="act"/>
> >
> >
> >
> > 
> >
> >  
> >
> >
> >
> > This code displays the drop down with the correct string values
> > However where I have put one above as the option value I actually 
> > want
> to
> > put something like the actual String i.e: .
> >
> >
> >
> > Does anyone know how I can do this. I have tried html:options and 
> > optionscollections but could not get them to work.
> >
> >
> >
> > If the suggestion is to go with nested tags please provide an 
> > example as
> I
> > could not get far with this either.
> >
> >
> >
> > Secondly, If I submit the form but have modified two rows from the 
> > drop down when I get to the action class how can I know which rows I

> > have
> modified.
> >
> >
> >
> > Thanks in advance
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Vinit Sharma

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Vinit Sharma

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this message for malicious and inappropriate content and none was found.
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RE: Re: Consequences of open commit privileges (was: has struts reached the saturation)

2006-03-23 Thread George.Dinwiddie
Jonathan Revusky wrote:
> George Dinwiddie wrote:
> > There are many companies using Struts for far 
> > more important things than simple websites.  I believe that many of 
> > these companies would be unwilling to trust Struts for 
> > these uses if 
> > the project were to greatly open up the commit privileges.
> You really believe that, huh? I don't know. I am very skeptical about 
> this because I just find it hard to believe that... well... certain 
> kinds of pointy-head managers who insist on using Struts or 
> some other 
> well known thing have very clear ideas about the processes by which 
> these software products were actually developed. I see a lot 
> of it is a 
> herd mentality, essentially. "Everybody else is using this 
> thing so it's 
> the 'safe choice'." (i.e. "Nobody can fire my ass for recommending 
> Oracle, say, because everybody else is using Oracle, but if I 
> recommend 
> that we use Acme RDBMS, that nobody has heard of, my ass is on the 
> line")
> OTOH, maybe what you say is true. I can only speculate about 
> the basis 
> on which other people make decisions.

I presume that you've never worked in a corporate environment.
Proceeding on that assumption, let me explain a little to you.

Scott Adams has made his fortune displaying the cynical view of managers
that you describe.  Indeed, from the point of view of the technical
staff or others with limited access to those managers, it often looks
like decisions are being made very arbitrarily.  In some cases, they
actually are.  Incompetent managers are probably as common as
incompetent developers.

In reality, most managers do have a brain and use it.  Most managers are
not merely trying to avoid drawing attention to themselves so they can
draw a salary for doing no work.  Believe it or not, most managers take
their jobs seriously and make the best decisions they can given the
knowledge they have and the circumstances in which they make them.  By
"knowledge they have" I don't mean technical ignorance.  Sure, some are
quite ignorant technically and most do not have the detailed technical
knowledge of a developer, but they also have knowledge of non-technical
issues of which most developers are rather ignorant.

> Anyway, supposing for the sake of argument that what you believe is 
> true, then this leads to another basic question.
> Would such a belief be well founded? (I mean the belief that it would 
> somehow become riskier to use Struts, say, if the barriers to 
> becoming a 
> committer were drastically lowered.)

Now we're leaving empiricism for speculation.
> This is actually the question that interests me. If people 
> believe this 
> but it's not true, then well... you know, should one 
> condition one's 
> behavior based on other people's misguided beliefs? Or 
> actually, in this 
> case, the misguided beliefs you are speculating that certain other 
> people may hold...

You've extrapolated several suppositions, here.  Who says their beliefs
are misguided?  I presume from these statements that you're rather
young.  In my youth, I tended to believe that those who didn't agree
with my beliefs were misguided.  And I was not shy of telling them so.

But even supposing that I am right and they are wrong (and I no longer
believe that these are boolean values), I am unlikely to convince them
by announcing that they're all wrong.  They will naturally think, "On
the one hand, I have this kid without the experience to understand the
issues which I'm balancing telling me that I'm wrong.  On the other
hand, my view of the world and the way it works has done pretty well for
me so far."  Do you doubt everything you've learned when someone walks
up and says you're wrong?

I thought not.

Is your lack of success in convincing someone that they're wrong their
problem or yours?  Do you want to do something about that lack of
success?  Or do you like that status quo?

If you like futile arguments, then you seem to be doing a fine job on
your own.  But if you want to argue more effectively, then I can suggest
the AYE Conference (  And
if you can't find the time or money to attend, there's still lots of
good information in the blogs and articles of the people who put on that
conference--more than you could assimilate in a lifetime.

> Well, what I see is that there are people here (not just me) 
> seriously 
> questioning whether the so-called "Apache Way" is really all it's 
> cracked up to be. In response, you have people saying: "This 
> is how the 
> Apache Way works" or simply pointing to some document 
> somewhere in the 
> same way that a religious fundamentalist would quote scripture.

Do you want to contribute to Struts and feel excluded?  Or are you
morally indignant based on higher principles?  I can't figure this out.

As for the technology, and the rules of running the project, in both
cases I'm glad that the wide world provides more than one choice.  I'm
glad t

Re: [FRIDAY] Re: has struts reached the saturation

2006-03-23 Thread Henri Yandell
On 3/23/06, Emmanouil Batsis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> As a mortal user i would suggest that all this discussion to be taken
> somewhere else, but i have a strong feeling that the motives behind this
> and many other thread posts during the last few months are actually fed
> by the visibility of the mailing list itself.
> Anyway, just wanted to say the noise in some threads makes it impossible
> to filter the actual info in them. I think thats where the value of the
> thread largely degrades making it useless (well, for me at least).
> Manos


I encourage anybody to email me privately, or with a list of cc's, for
further discussion. I think I've made my point as a non-Struts
committer at the ASF that there is an awareness of the community
issues and that Struts are doing every right currently.

I encourage Jonathan or anybody else to start a constructive thread on
improving the Struts message on the website.

But now we've passed 100 threads on a user list, it's probably time to
let it die. Take your replies off-list and sort out differences there.


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Re: Strange Form Reset Behavior

2006-03-23 Thread Marcio Ghiraldelli

   Thanks to the newbie Struts 1.2 FAQ, I realized what I was doing wrong. 
Now I'd understood how to prepopulate the ActionForm in the Action, and use 
Reset method only for View independent initialisation.




- Original Message - 
From: "Marcio Ghiraldelli" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Struts Users Mailing List" 
Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2006 11:05 AM
Subject: Re: Strange Form Reset Behavior

   In the example below, the "FirstAction" action is responsable for 
getting a list from the db and pass it to the form "Form".

   During the execution of the "action.First" class, doesn't exists yet 
any instance of the form. When the "action.First" class redirects to the 
"form.jsp", after loading the refered list, there exists an action="/FirstActionSubmit"> and here the Struts creates a new instance of 
the form.

   So, how can I pass the list loaded in the "FirstAction" to the "Form", 
without using request?

   The form instance is only created in the view!

   - puzzled! -




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Re: Sometimes, you post something worth reading...

2006-03-23 Thread Dave Newton
> If not, then please be courteous enough to send a private email.  Because 
> maybe, just maybe, it's not that important to have the last word in a 
> public forum.

Sez you.



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Sometimes, you post something worth reading...

2006-03-23 Thread DGraham
PREFACE:  "You" is slang for a nice Southern "You all."  :)

I can't speak for anybody else, but I don't have an "inability to handle 
email".  Or maybe I do, and I just don't know how to code a filter to 
determine when you are posting crap, and when you aren't.

Regardless, I'm generally interested in trying to help people and 
genuinely interested in being helped.  But the fact is that the previous 
week had a poor signal/noise ratio and I've been able to do neither.

So, I'm suggesting that everybody ask the following question of themselves 
before hitting "Send" (ESPECIALLY when you know you're in a pissin' 
"Will this email provide any value to any member of this list other than 

If not, then please be courteous enough to send a private email.  Because 
maybe, just maybe, it's not that important to have the last word in a 
public forum.


RE: html:option on a nested collection

2006-03-23 Thread Shoukat, Faisal
I have this working using the following code:

   String literal =(String) act;



But as you can see I am using java in the jsp: can anyone advise of some
other way of doing this

-Original Message-
From: Vinit Sharma [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 23 March 2006 15:35
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: html:option on a nested collection

Try using:

If act is the third element in the list apps.

On 3/23/06, Shoukat, Faisal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> When I do the below in the form it submits
> {exampleFormBean.apps.actions.act}
> As the value.  I have a getter defined for apps in the formbean and in
> apps
> there is a getter for actions.
> There is no getter for act as this is deifined in the iterate tag
> Still stuck!!
> -Original Message-
> From: Vinit Sharma [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 23 March 2006 15:01
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: Re: html:option on a nested collection
> You can use EL extention of html tag and use something like this:
>  name="act"/>
> Assuming getters are defined for all properties.
> Regds,
> On 3/23/06, Shoukat, Faisal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Guys,
> >
> >
> >
> > I have a formBean which has a collection of objects within it called
> Apps.
> > Each App object has several fields with one of these fields being a
> > collection or list of Strings.
> >
> >
> >
> > ExampleFormBean properties are
> >
> >
> >
> > String Name
> >
> > String Class
> >
> > String Student
> >
> > List apps
> >
> >
> >
> > Each app object looks like this
> >
> > String first
> >
> > String second
> >
> > List actions.  --- This is a collection of Strings
> >
> >
> >
> > I am trying to display the actions of the app object in a drop down
> list.
> > But am having a few problems with the option tag.
> >
> >
> >
> > So far I have this:
> >
> > 
> >
> >
> >
> > 
> >
> > > indexId="index">
> >
> >   > name="act"/>
> >
> >
> >
> > 
> >
> >  
> >
> >
> >
> > This code displays the drop down with the correct string values showing.
> > However where I have put one above as the option value I actually want
> to
> > put something like the actual String i.e: .
> >
> >
> >
> > Does anyone know how I can do this. I have tried html:options and
> > optionscollections but could not get them to work.
> >
> >
> >
> > If the suggestion is to go with nested tags please provide an example as
> I
> > could not get far with this either.
> >
> >
> >
> > Secondly, If I submit the form but have modified two rows from the drop
> > down
> > when I get to the action class how can I know which rows I have
> modified.
> >
> >
> >
> > Thanks in advance
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Vinit Sharma

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Re: [FRIDAY] Re: has struts reached the saturation

2006-03-23 Thread Dakota Jack
Sometimes I wonder if you are just not working on too little horsepower,
James.  Do you really, no kidding, honestly, think Jonathan was talking
about a business model here?  If so, I apologize for arguing with you.  If
not, try to be more genuine and to reply to what people are saying versus
these straw men you make up in your own mind.

On 3/23/06, James Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "Moreover, the fact that Struts was unable to stay competitive with
> Webwork even given the huge advantages you should have in terms of
> attracting collaborators, this seems to suggest that your model did not
> work very well."
> What model is that?  You base your "opinion in good faith" on unfounded
> principals.  The Apache way is not based on business models.  Apache is
> in the business of competing with anyone.  Why do you (and others) keep
> suggesting different?

"You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it float on its back."
~Dakota Jack~

Re: [FRIDAY] Re: has struts reached the saturation

2006-03-23 Thread Dakota Jack
When someone is telling you that you are going in the wrong direction, a
good answer is not "Help me go faster".

On 3/23/06, James Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Jonathan, I can't seem to find your patch to fix the website anywhere
> in
> >> bugzilla.  Can you point me to it?
> >
> > James, I understand that this is some kind of attempt at sarcasm. The
> > problem is that you're obviously not really thinking about what you're
> > saying.
> Oh, maybe you are right.  What I really meant to say is "put up or shut
> up".
> The only excuse for not helping is not knowing how or not having
> time.  And
> we have the "how" covered under the FAQ link, and since you are obviously
> a
> very successful part of Freemarker, I doubt this fits you.  So, again, why
> have you not offerred to help explain things better?  Did you just come
> here
> to complain?
> Trust me, your complaints do not affect the compensation I get from the
> ASF.
> I am richly rewarded for my contributions.  In fact, I still get dividends
> from time to time.  Just the other day I got an email from someone
> thanking
> me for helping with a particularly difficult issue they had struggled with
> until Google landed them on a response I had made a few months back, which
> helped them get to a solution much faster than they would have on their
> own.
> That's my currency.
> > Let's try to deconstruct what you're saying implicitly:
> >
> > A potential user hits your website and cannot, on the basis of the text
> > there, understand what the product is or does.
> I see, so you speak for EVERYONE now, correct?
> > You seem to be suggesting that this very same individual should offer a
> > patch to fix this issue.
> That's not what I said.
> You claim that someone who hits the website cannot understand what the
> product is or does.  How can you claim this unless you actually DO
> understand what it is and therefore it must be confusing for someone who
> doesn't.  Do you see the difference?
> Furthermore, for you to even suggest that this is confusing means that you
> actually do care about what people think about Struts.  Am I wrong?  If
> not,
> then why have you only offerred criticism and not a patch?
> >
> > Or in other words:
> >
> > The "bug" that a person reports is that the text on a website is
> basically
> > incomprehensible. He doesn't understand what you're talking about. So he
> > offers a patch so that *HE* now will understand WTF *YOU* are talking
> > about.
> See above explanation.
> >
> > Do you see the basis for Monty Python skit here?
> To use your own words, "Well, yeah... blah blah".
> >
> > Look, James, obviously it is up to the Struts people to explain clearly
> > what their product is.
> No, it isn't.  As Ted and others have explain NUMEROUS times in the past.
> We are here to scratch an itch!  We are here to build the software
> that
> WE want to use for OUR projects.  It just so happens that a few of us
> spend
> some extra time on documentation.  We are NOT obligated to do so.  If I'm
> wrong, then I must have missed that section in the ASF guidelines or
> bylaws.
> Maybe if we were JBoss Inc. or Spring21 we might have paid staff to keep
> the
> docs all prettified and such.
> >
> > Henri asked me specifically to say what my criticism of the website was
> > and I answered the question. I just said that you have to reconsider the
> > audience that the site is oriented towards.
> Aha, see, you do care.
> >
> > Do you think I'm wrong about this?
> >
> > Whether you do or not, should people who offer their opinion in good
> faith
> > ...
> LMAO!  Is that what you call it?
> > ... be subjected to this kind of lame, moronic sarcasm? To me, this just
> > doesn't seem like adult behavior.
> I see, well, among the more moronic things I've seen you say here more
> than
> once include:
> "Moreover, the fact that Struts was unable to stay competitive with
> Webwork even given the huge advantages you should have in terms of
> attracting collaborators, this seems to suggest that your model did not
> work very well."
> What model is that?  You base your "opinion in good faith" on unfounded
> principals.  The Apache way is not based on business models.  Apache is
> in the business of competing with anyone.  Why do you (and others) keep
> suggesting different?
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Jonathan Revusky
> > --
> > lead developer, FreeMarker project
> Even your signature block shows that you don't "get it".  Why do you claim
> "lead developer"?  Does that make you better than all of the others?  Or
> more important somehow?  When is the last time Craig put "lead developer"
> in
> his signature block?  Why doesn't Martin put "PMC Chair" under his name?
> Some people have misgivings about some kind of perceived power that comes
> with committership.  As if the larger the project, the more power or
> influence.  The real champions at Apache, or "lead developers" as you
> m

Re: [FRIDAY] Re: has struts reached the saturation

2006-03-23 Thread Dakota Jack
Try using a good browser.  I am not willing to change my life to suit your
apparent inability to handle email.

On 3/23/06, Emmanouil Batsis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> As a mortal user i would suggest that all this discussion to be taken
> somewhere else, but i have a strong feeling that the motives behind this
> and many other thread posts during the last few months are actually fed
> by the visibility of the mailing list itself.
> Anyway, just wanted to say the noise in some threads makes it impossible
> to filter the actual info in them. I think thats where the value of the
> thread largely degrades making it useless (well, for me at least).
> Manos
> -
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"You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it float on its back."
~Dakota Jack~

Re: [FRIDAY] Re: has struts reached the saturation

2006-03-23 Thread Dakota Jack
Lord, Mitchell, he said the problem was not the website.  Do you just take
jabs or do you every actually come up with a position and defend it?

On 3/23/06, James Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jonathan, I can't seem to find your patch to fix the website anywhere in
> bugzilla.  Can you point me to it?
> --
> James Mitchell
> Software Engineer / Open Source Evangelist
> Consulting / Mentoring
> 678.910.8017
> - Original Message -
> From: "Jonathan Revusky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2006 5:29 AM
> Subject: Re: [FRIDAY] Re: has struts reached the saturation
> > Henri Yandell wrote:
> >> On 3/22/06, Jonathan Revusky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> >>>Henri Yandell wrote:
> >>>
> maps to a PMC, which maps to a coding community, not to
> a codebase.
> >>>
> >>>Henri, I feel I should give you a bit of end-user feedback. I am not
> >>>active in any projects, but, obviously, it happens quite
> >>>frequently that I go visit the front page of a given apache.orgproject,
> >>>to check it out for whatever needs I have at that moment.
> >>>´
> >>>FYI, when I visit, I am not there for the PMC or
> whatever
> >>>ASF bureaucratic construct. I'm there for the code.
> >>>
> >>>In general, when I visit the front page of a project, I like to be able
> >>>to figure out what the thing is fairly quickly. This is definitely a
> >>>problem with Struts currently.
> >>
> >>
> >> So that's a website issue ie) how to join/find the community rather
> >> than an issue in how the community itself is structured.
> >>
> >> Do you have suggestions to improve the Struts website so that things
> >> are more clear? There's not a website at the ASF that couldn't be made
> >> a bit clearer.
> >
> > Well, just go to and look at it and imagine
> that
> > you don't know anything about what struts is. I put it to you that the
> > reader who hits your front page should not be supposed to know what the
> > thing is.
> >
> > What is strange about it is that whoever wrote the page tacitly
> recognizes
> > that it is a confused jumble and spends most of the page trying to
> > rationalize it. "Why two frameworks?" followed by "Why so many
> > subprojects?" What is also patently obvious is that the two rhetorical
> > questions are posed on the page, and never, AFAICS, answered
> > satisfactorily.
> >
> > And then the text there just assumes all kinds of insider knowledge that
> > the reader of the front page really IMHO should not be assumed to know.
> >
> > Now, you can go look at the page, Henri, and maybe you think it's okay.
> If
> > you do think the whole thing is really A-OK, then we have a difference
> of
> > opinion. Here is the basis of it:
> >
> > Who is the intended audience for this text?
> >
> > I guess we have different answers for that.
> >
> > (I could almost characterize it as that the author's intended audience
> in
> > "Why two frameworks?" and so on is himself!)
> >
> > I don't think this is a problem of website organization. The website
> > problem _reflects_ a deeper problem.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Jonathan Revusky
> > --
> > lead developer, FreeMarker project,
> >
> >>
> >>
> So:
> If Shale, Struts 1.x and Struts 2.x are being developed by the same
> community -
> >>>
> >>>Nah, my understanding is that this isn't really the case. There is a
> >>>Struts 1.x which is basically in maintenance mode. There is a Struts
> >>>Action Framework 2.x which is basically Webwork (until recently a
> >>>completely separate *competing* product developed outside of ASF) and
> >>>that's a completely separate team at the moment.
> >>
> >>
> >> Right, so two communities merging. This is all good - it's probably
> >> natural that you'll see the old hands maintaining the 1.2/1.3 releases
> >> instead of the Webwork guys, but who knows. Plus there will be new
> >> committers, maybe some who just focus on 1.3 because the community
> >> wants to keep it alive.
> >>
> >>
> >>>And Shale is something
> >>>with a completely different approach, and I assume, has a separate
> team.
> >>
> >>
> >> Team-wise, everybody in Struts has access to all the code. They're
> >> also using the same mailing list, and are components in the same
> >> Bugzilla project. All great ways to keep the community together.
> >>
> >> Looking at viewcvs quickly; I immediately see overlap. People
> >> committing to shale who are committing to action-1; and the same for
> >> action-2. There will definitely be a focus for each person - but it's
> >> easy to see cross-pollination at work.
> >>
> >> Struts is a cool community. The users are actively involved, in terms
> >> of answering and asking; people obviously care about the community -
> >> as shown by both your and Dakota's questions and by the desire of the
> >> committers to work to keep things together; and there's an active
> >> future happening plus legacy being a

Re: It's about basic human standards of behavior to some extent

2006-03-23 Thread Dave Newton
Jonathan Revusky wrote:
> Maybe that's what you meant to say but you didn't have the intestinal
> fortitude to say it so you posted the asinine stuff about a patch.

Oooo! Me! Me! Pick me!

Put up or shut up!

I'm leaning towards the "shut up" myself, but that didn't work years ago
on the Velocity list, either :/
> Let's get some first principles clear here. I do not owe you anything.
> I have no recollection of ever having incurred an obligation to you or
> your colleagues in any way whatsoever. 

Hey, guess what--the Struts committers don't owe _us_ anything, either!

> But James, here is how a well brought up adult reacts when somebody
> offers him something.
> He says "thank you".

Not if I offer anthrax or a kick in the nards... really depends on what
is being offered and how.

> This public thread has fostered some private correspondence where
> people  just say stuff to me like: "My god what a disastrous state
> this Struts project is in". There are a lot of people who think this.

There are a lot of people that think you're a dork, too, as evidenced by
_my_ mailbox, including a couple of folks that remember the Velocity
list BS, too.

> Note that, given your behavior, if I did once care, by this point, I
> would have given this up as a lost cause and not care any more. That
> much is for sure.

So you don't care and are participating in your own mental masturbation?

> The interesting question is why anybody would offer you guys anything
> at all. Basically, the lot of you behave like an ungracious, ill-bred
> bunch of punks.

Towards you and a few select others, perhaps. It isn't really the
prevalent attitude, though.

> This is already getting too long. 

That, at least, is indisputable.


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Re: [java.util.Map] How can I alter a java.util.Map while I am iterating it

2006-03-23 Thread temp temp
I get this Map from a collection and collection might have 1000 or more  Maps 
so I first iterate over this  collection retrieve the map and  then iterate 
over this map  so creating a new Map for each  iteration  is this a good design 
Thanks & Regards
Antonio Petrelli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  temp temp ha scritto:
> I have a  HashMap   with some data .I must alter  the Map by replacing 
> the keys with their upper case.
Ok first of all you cannot modify a HashMap while you are iterating it. 
But your problem has a solution.
Iterate the map and store into another map the key-value pair (with the 
key turned to uppercase)
Then clear the original map and then call "putAll"

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Re: [java.util.Map] How can I alter a java.util.Map while I am iterating it

2006-03-23 Thread Antonio Petrelli

temp temp ha scritto:

I have a  HashMap   with some data .I must alter  the Map by replacing the 
keys with their upper case.
Ok first of all you cannot modify a HashMap while you are iterating it. 
But your problem has a solution.
Iterate the map and store into another map the key-value pair (with the 
key turned to uppercase)

Then clear the original map and then call "putAll"

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[java.util.Map] How can I alter a java.util.Map while I am iterating it

2006-03-23 Thread temp temp
I have a  HashMap   with some data .I must alter  the Map by replacing the 
keys with their upper case.
 Map searchResultMap=   
  I was  trying to achieve this using ListIterator which provides set 
method .But after  the while loop when I print the 
  Map it is  the same Map without any change .My question is how can I   
alter   a java.util.Map while I am iterating it.
  Thanks  & Regards

New Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Call regular phones from your PC and save big.

Re: Get a list of defined Struts actions at runtime

2006-03-23 Thread Antonio Petrelli

Brantley Hobbs ha scritto:


At runtime I need to get a list of /all/ the actions that are defined in
Struts.  I'd rather not extract them directly from the conf file(s)
unless it's absolutely necessary, but I don't (readily) see an API for
doing this so I might be forced into it.

It seems a bit difficult but... It seems that ModuleConfigImpl has a 
list of ActionConfig, that is what you need.
The problem is that only ActionServlet can access to ModuleConfig. But 
you have to subclass ModuleConfigImpl to get the actionConfigList field, 
because it seems that there is no getter method.

I hope this is a good hint.

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Re: It's about basic human standards of behavior to some extent

2006-03-23 Thread Antonio Petrelli

Jonathan Revusky ha scritto:

James Mitchell wrote:



Will you stop to flood this mailing list and continue this flame war in 
your private mail boxes, please? I think we all had enough of this.

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It's about basic human standards of behavior to some extent

2006-03-23 Thread Jonathan Revusky

James Mitchell wrote:
Jonathan, I can't seem to find your patch to fix the website anywhere 
in bugzilla.  Can you point me to it?

James, I understand that this is some kind of attempt at sarcasm. The 
problem is that you're obviously not really thinking about what you're 

Oh, maybe you are right.  What I really meant to say is "put up or shut 

Maybe that's what you meant to say but you didn't have the intestinal 
fortitude to say it so you posted the asinine stuff about a patch.

What I was commenting on, the confused message of the front web page is 
not a closed-ended technical issue that could ever be resolved by 
submitting a patch and you knew that. The comment about a patch was not 
made in good faith.

The only excuse for not helping is not knowing how or not having 
time.  And we have the "how" covered under the FAQ link, and since you 
are obviously a very successful part of Freemarker, I doubt this fits 
you.  So, again, why have you not offerred to help explain things 

Let's get some first principles clear here. I do not owe you anything. I 
have no recollection of ever having incurred an obligation to you or 
your colleagues in any way whatsoever. Some Struts users do use Struts 
in conjunction with FreeMarker, so I have some interest in what is going 
on in connected things in this space but I have never used Struts 

So, the basic tone of: "why haven't you done this or that yet?" is 
utterly and completely misplaced.

I do not even have to give you any feedback on your web page whatsoever.

But I did. I did something potentially helpful that I did not have to 
do. Very simply put: I don't owe you anything.

But James, here is how a well brought up adult reacts when somebody 
offers him something.

He says "thank you".

I really suggest that the next time somebody gives you any feedback on 
your work, this is the first thing you should make sure to say:

"Thank you."

These are very basic human standards of behavior.

This public thread has fostered some private correspondence where people 
 just say stuff to me like: "My god what a disastrous state this Struts 
project is in". There are a lot of people who think this.

Now, finally, watching you guys in action, I have come to the conclusion 
that, basically, the behavior here does not meet basic human standards. 
I guess a lot of it is immaturity, people who haven't learned to handle 

But, as a practical matter, if you behave like this, who on earth is 
ever going to give you any feedback on your website or anything else for 
that matter?

It is my considered opinion that if you develop anything, be it software 
or the website that describes the software or anything else, and you cut 
yourself off from considering any people's feedback, your activity will 
revert into something that is basically masturbatory.

Did you just come here to complain?

In the case we are discussing, I offered some good-faithed feedback 
regarding the front page of Actually, Henri Yandell 
explicitly asked me what I thought was wrong with the page and I told 
him. I thought it proper to answer his question. I believed he was 
asking the question in good faith and I answered the question in good 

Trust me, your complaints do not affect the compensation I get from the 
ASF. I am richly rewarded for my contributions.  In fact, I still get 
dividends from time to time.  Just the other day I got an email from 
someone thanking me for helping with a particularly difficult issue they 
had struggled with until Google landed them on a response I had made a 
few months back, which helped them get to a solution much faster than 
they would have on their own. That's my currency.

Let's try to deconstruct what you're saying implicitly:

A potential user hits your website and cannot, on the basis of the 
text there, understand what the product is or does.

I see, so you speak for EVERYONE now, correct?

James, this is surely a straw man. When did I say that I speak for 
everybody? Whatever I say is just my opinion. It so happens that on this 
and some other matters, I know that some people agree with me. But no, I 
just speak for myself.

You seem to be suggesting that this very same individual should offer 
a patch to fix this issue.

That's not what I said.

Whatever you said, you did ask me where my patch was. If I consider your 
explanation of what Struts is to be unclear, I am supposed to offer a 
patch that defines *your* project.

This is not reasonable by any stretch of the imagination. In any case, 
you know it was not reasonable. It was an exercise in sarcasm.

You claim that someone who hits the website cannot understand what the 
product is or does.  How can you claim this unless you actually DO 
understand what it is and therefore it must be confusing for someone who 
doesn't.  Do you see the difference?

No, that doesn't follow logically. Thin

RE: [ANN] JAVAWUG BOF XVI / Friday 3rd March 2006 @ 19:00 / Oracl e Ci ty of London

2006-03-23 Thread Pilgrim, Peter

I apologise to one and all. __Sorry__.

Peter Pilgrim
Organiser / Founder   ( JAVAWUG )
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 _ | (_)_\(_) \ / /(_)_\(_) \((_)/ / | | (_)) __|
| || |/ _ \  \ V /  / _ \  \ \/\/ /| |_| | | (_ |
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RE: html:option on a nested collection

2006-03-23 Thread Shoukat, Faisal
I don't see how the order of elements would matter because apps is a
collection within the formBean.  A get on this returns the actions
collection.  The action collection is just a list of Strings.  

The act variable you are speaking about is just something I have assigned as
an id in my logic iterate tag  : mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 23 March 2006 15:35
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: html:option on a nested collection

Try using:

If act is the third element in the list apps.

On 3/23/06, Shoukat, Faisal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> When I do the below in the form it submits
> {exampleFormBean.apps.actions.act}
> As the value.  I have a getter defined for apps in the formbean and in
> apps
> there is a getter for actions.
> There is no getter for act as this is deifined in the iterate tag
> Still stuck!!
> -Original Message-
> From: Vinit Sharma [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 23 March 2006 15:01
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: Re: html:option on a nested collection
> You can use EL extention of html tag and use something like this:
>  name="act"/>
> Assuming getters are defined for all properties.
> Regds,
> On 3/23/06, Shoukat, Faisal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Guys,
> >
> >
> >
> > I have a formBean which has a collection of objects within it called
> Apps.
> > Each App object has several fields with one of these fields being a
> > collection or list of Strings.
> >
> >
> >
> > ExampleFormBean properties are
> >
> >
> >
> > String Name
> >
> > String Class
> >
> > String Student
> >
> > List apps
> >
> >
> >
> > Each app object looks like this
> >
> > String first
> >
> > String second
> >
> > List actions.  --- This is a collection of Strings
> >
> >
> >
> > I am trying to display the actions of the app object in a drop down
> list.
> > But am having a few problems with the option tag.
> >
> >
> >
> > So far I have this:
> >
> > 
> >
> >
> >
> > 
> >
> > > indexId="index">
> >
> >   > name="act"/>
> >
> >
> >
> > 
> >
> >  
> >
> >
> >
> > This code displays the drop down with the correct string values showing.
> > However where I have put one above as the option value I actually want
> to
> > put something like the actual String i.e: .
> >
> >
> >
> > Does anyone know how I can do this. I have tried html:options and
> > optionscollections but could not get them to work.
> >
> >
> >
> > If the suggestion is to go with nested tags please provide an example as
> I
> > could not get far with this either.
> >
> >
> >
> > Secondly, If I submit the form but have modified two rows from the drop
> > down
> > when I get to the action class how can I know which rows I have
> modified.
> >
> >
> >
> > Thanks in advance
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Vinit Sharma

> The Northgate IS Content Screening and Inspection system has scanned this
> message for malicious and inappropriate content and none was found. Please
> take care
> when opening attachments even when these are expected and from known and
> trusted
> sources.

> -
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> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Vinit Sharma

The Northgate IS Content Screening and Inspection system has scanned this 
message for malicious and inappropriate content and none was found. Please
take care 
when opening attachments even when these are expected and from known and

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Re: html:option on a nested collection

2006-03-23 Thread Vinit Sharma
Try using:

If act is the third element in the list apps.

On 3/23/06, Shoukat, Faisal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> When I do the below in the form it submits
> {exampleFormBean.apps.actions.act}
> As the value.  I have a getter defined for apps in the formbean and in
> apps
> there is a getter for actions.
> There is no getter for act as this is deifined in the iterate tag
> Still stuck!!
> -Original Message-
> From: Vinit Sharma [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 23 March 2006 15:01
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: Re: html:option on a nested collection
> You can use EL extention of html tag and use something like this:
>  name="act"/>
> Assuming getters are defined for all properties.
> Regds,
> On 3/23/06, Shoukat, Faisal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Guys,
> >
> >
> >
> > I have a formBean which has a collection of objects within it called
> Apps.
> > Each App object has several fields with one of these fields being a
> > collection or list of Strings.
> >
> >
> >
> > ExampleFormBean properties are
> >
> >
> >
> > String Name
> >
> > String Class
> >
> > String Student
> >
> > List apps
> >
> >
> >
> > Each app object looks like this
> >
> > String first
> >
> > String second
> >
> > List actions.  --- This is a collection of Strings
> >
> >
> >
> > I am trying to display the actions of the app object in a drop down
> list.
> > But am having a few problems with the option tag.
> >
> >
> >
> > So far I have this:
> >
> > 
> >
> >
> >
> > 
> >
> > > indexId="index">
> >
> >   > name="act"/>
> >
> >
> >
> > 
> >
> >  
> >
> >
> >
> > This code displays the drop down with the correct string values showing.
> > However where I have put one above as the option value I actually want
> to
> > put something like the actual String i.e: .
> >
> >
> >
> > Does anyone know how I can do this. I have tried html:options and
> > optionscollections but could not get them to work.
> >
> >
> >
> > If the suggestion is to go with nested tags please provide an example as
> I
> > could not get far with this either.
> >
> >
> >
> > Secondly, If I submit the form but have modified two rows from the drop
> > down
> > when I get to the action class how can I know which rows I have
> modified.
> >
> >
> >
> > Thanks in advance
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Vinit Sharma
> The Northgate IS Content Screening and Inspection system has scanned this
> message for malicious and inappropriate content and none was found. Please
> take care
> when opening attachments even when these are expected and from known and
> trusted
> sources.
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Vinit Sharma

RE: html:option on a nested collection

2006-03-23 Thread Shoukat, Faisal
When I do the below in the form it submits

As the value.  I have a getter defined for apps in the formbean and in apps
there is a getter for actions.  

There is no getter for act as this is deifined in the iterate tag

Still stuck!!

-Original Message-
From: Vinit Sharma [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 23 March 2006 15:01
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: html:option on a nested collection

You can use EL extention of html tag and use something like this:

Assuming getters are defined for all properties.


On 3/23/06, Shoukat, Faisal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> I have a formBean which has a collection of objects within it called Apps.
> Each App object has several fields with one of these fields being a
> collection or list of Strings.
> ExampleFormBean properties are
> String Name
> String Class
> String Student
> List apps
> Each app object looks like this
> String first
> String second
> List actions.  --- This is a collection of Strings
> I am trying to display the actions of the app object in a drop down list.
> But am having a few problems with the option tag.
> So far I have this:
> indexId="index">
>   name="act"/>
> This code displays the drop down with the correct string values showing.
> However where I have put one above as the option value I actually want to
> put something like the actual String i.e: .
> Does anyone know how I can do this. I have tried html:options and
> optionscollections but could not get them to work.
> If the suggestion is to go with nested tags please provide an example as I
> could not get far with this either.
> Secondly, If I submit the form but have modified two rows from the drop
> down
> when I get to the action class how can I know which rows I have modified.
> Thanks in advance

Vinit Sharma

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message for malicious and inappropriate content and none was found. Please
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Re: [FRIDAY] Re: has struts reached the saturation

2006-03-23 Thread James Mitchell
Jonathan, I can't seem to find your patch to fix the website anywhere in 
bugzilla.  Can you point me to it?

James, I understand that this is some kind of attempt at sarcasm. The 
problem is that you're obviously not really thinking about what you're 

Oh, maybe you are right.  What I really meant to say is "put up or shut up". 
The only excuse for not helping is not knowing how or not having time.  And 
we have the "how" covered under the FAQ link, and since you are obviously a 
very successful part of Freemarker, I doubt this fits you.  So, again, why 
have you not offerred to help explain things better?  Did you just come here 
to complain?

Trust me, your complaints do not affect the compensation I get from the ASF. 
I am richly rewarded for my contributions.  In fact, I still get dividends 
from time to time.  Just the other day I got an email from someone thanking 
me for helping with a particularly difficult issue they had struggled with 
until Google landed them on a response I had made a few months back, which 
helped them get to a solution much faster than they would have on their own. 
That's my currency.

Let's try to deconstruct what you're saying implicitly:

A potential user hits your website and cannot, on the basis of the text 
there, understand what the product is or does.

I see, so you speak for EVERYONE now, correct?

You seem to be suggesting that this very same individual should offer a 
patch to fix this issue.

That's not what I said.

You claim that someone who hits the website cannot understand what the 
product is or does.  How can you claim this unless you actually DO 
understand what it is and therefore it must be confusing for someone who 
doesn't.  Do you see the difference?

Furthermore, for you to even suggest that this is confusing means that you 
actually do care about what people think about Struts.  Am I wrong?  If not, 
then why have you only offerred criticism and not a patch?

Or in other words:

The "bug" that a person reports is that the text on a website is basically 
incomprehensible. He doesn't understand what you're talking about. So he 
offers a patch so that *HE* now will understand WTF *YOU* are talking 

See above explanation.

Do you see the basis for Monty Python skit here?

To use your own words, "Well, yeah... blah blah".

Look, James, obviously it is up to the Struts people to explain clearly 
what their product is.

No, it isn't.  As Ted and others have explain NUMEROUS times in the past. 
We are here to scratch an itch!  We are here to build the software that 
WE want to use for OUR projects.  It just so happens that a few of us spend 
some extra time on documentation.  We are NOT obligated to do so.  If I'm 
wrong, then I must have missed that section in the ASF guidelines or bylaws.

Maybe if we were JBoss Inc. or Spring21 we might have paid staff to keep the 
docs all prettified and such.

Henri asked me specifically to say what my criticism of the website was 
and I answered the question. I just said that you have to reconsider the 
audience that the site is oriented towards.

Aha, see, you do care.

Do you think I'm wrong about this?

Whether you do or not, should people who offer their opinion in good faith 

LMAO!  Is that what you call it?

... be subjected to this kind of lame, moronic sarcasm? To me, this just 
doesn't seem like adult behavior.

I see, well, among the more moronic things I've seen you say here more than 
once include:

"Moreover, the fact that Struts was unable to stay competitive with
Webwork even given the huge advantages you should have in terms of
attracting collaborators, this seems to suggest that your model did not
work very well."

What model is that?  You base your "opinion in good faith" on unfounded 
principals.  The Apache way is not based on business models.  Apache is NOT 
in the business of competing with anyone.  Why do you (and others) keep 
suggesting different?


Jonathan Revusky
lead developer, FreeMarker project

Even your signature block shows that you don't "get it".  Why do you claim 
"lead developer"?  Does that make you better than all of the others?  Or 
more important somehow?  When is the last time Craig put "lead developer" in 
his signature block?  Why doesn't Martin put "PMC Chair" under his name?

Some people have misgivings about some kind of perceived power that comes 
with committership.  As if the larger the project, the more power or 
influence.  The real champions at Apache, or "lead developers" as you might 
put it, have earned the respect of others by helping out where it counts, 
not counting who has written more lines of code.

And just to make it clear, when I say "champions", I'm NOT talking about 
committers.  I'm NOT drawing a line down the middle of the page separating 
committers and non-committers as Dakota continues to claim.  The Struts 
community is alive and well and will continue to thrive under our

formbean of double type value chages when submitting the form

2006-03-23 Thread fea jabi

In struts config



In prepare action I am not doing anything with the data.



Dispatch action :
public ActionForward save(ActionMapping mapping,
 ActionForm form,
 HttpServletRequest request,
 HttpServletResponse response)
 throws IOException, ServletException {
   DynaValidatorForm frm = (DynaValidatorForm)form;

   ActionMessages messages = (ActionMessages)frm.validate( mapping, 
request );

   if ( messages != null && !messages.isEmpty() ) {
   saveErrors(request, messages);
   setUp(request, frm);
   return (mapping.findForward("validationFailed"));
   }else {
   if(isTokenValid(request, true)) {

   return mapping.findForward("successSave");

When the page get displayed the value in the textfield for netRevenue is 
Blank i.e the textfield in empty.

When I debug and see netRevenue value is null.

But when the click a submit button the value is changed to 0.0. The 
textfield has 0.0 value in it.

When I debug, when it comes to the very first statement of save method 
before validating itself in Dispatch action i.e

DynaValidatorForm frm = (DynaValidatorForm)form;

itself the value of the netRevenue is 0.0 instead of null.

Not sure why it's null before and 0.0 when I validate.

can someone explain me why it's so? and how to make the values be same 
before and after clicking on submit button save.


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Re: html:option on a nested collection

2006-03-23 Thread Vinit Sharma
You can use EL extention of html tag and use something like this:

Assuming getters are defined for all properties.


On 3/23/06, Shoukat, Faisal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> I have a formBean which has a collection of objects within it called Apps.
> Each App object has several fields with one of these fields being a
> collection or list of Strings.
> ExampleFormBean properties are
> String Name
> String Class
> String Student
> List apps
> Each app object looks like this
> String first
> String second
> List actions.  --- This is a collection of Strings
> I am trying to display the actions of the app object in a drop down list.
> But am having a few problems with the option tag.
> So far I have this:
> indexId="index">
>   name="act"/>
> This code displays the drop down with the correct string values showing.
> However where I have put one above as the option value I actually want to
> put something like the actual String i.e: .
> Does anyone know how I can do this. I have tried html:options and
> optionscollections but could not get them to work.
> If the suggestion is to go with nested tags please provide an example as I
> could not get far with this either.
> Secondly, If I submit the form but have modified two rows from the drop
> down
> when I get to the action class how can I know which rows I have modified.
> Thanks in advance

Vinit Sharma

Re: [Shale] where to put the jsp pages and shale-blank app

2006-03-23 Thread Mark Shifman

Thanks for the information on disallowing direct access via chain-config!

I couldn't find any exceptions that were thrown while trying to access 

Craig McClanahan wrote:

I suspect an exception (due to not being able to directly access things
under /WEB-INF) is getting swallowed somewhere ... were there any exceptions
in the server logs?  If not, I'll need to investigate why this scenario is
not being reported correctly.
One way to protect against direct access to JSP pages is to define a

 element that protects them.  Another is to use Shale's
filtering capabilities.  There is an example of this in the /WEB-INF/chain-
config.xml file of the Shale Use Cases example app.  Note the section that
starts with the comment "Disallow direct access to JSP and JSF resources".
If you set up something like this inside the "preprocess" command of your
own chain-config.xml file, Shale will disallow access to any resource whose
context-relative path matches one of the specified regular expressions.




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html:option on a nested collection

2006-03-23 Thread Shoukat, Faisal
Hi Guys,


I have a formBean which has a collection of objects within it called Apps.
Each App object has several fields with one of these fields being a
collection or list of Strings.


ExampleFormBean properties are


String Name

String Class

String Student

List apps


Each app object looks like this

String first

String second

List actions.  --- This is a collection of Strings


I am trying to display the actions of the app object in a drop down list.
But am having a few problems with the option tag.


So far I have this:







This code displays the drop down with the correct string values showing.
However where I have put one above as the option value I actually want to
put something like the actual String i.e: .


Does anyone know how I can do this. I have tried html:options and
optionscollections but could not get them to work.


If the suggestion is to go with nested tags please provide an example as I
could not get far with this either.


Secondly, If I submit the form but have modified two rows from the drop down
when I get to the action class how can I know which rows I have modified.


Thanks in advance


Re: Strange Form Reset Behavior

2006-03-23 Thread Marcio Ghiraldelli

   In the example below, the "FirstAction" action is responsable for 
getting a list from the db and pass it to the form "Form".

   During the execution of the "action.First" class, doesn't exists yet any 
instance of the form. When the "action.First" class redirects to the 
"form.jsp", after loading the refered list, there exists an action="/FirstActionSubmit"> and here the Struts creates a new instance of 
the form.

   So, how can I pass the list loaded in the "FirstAction" to the "Form", 
without using request?

   The form instance is only created in the view!

   - puzzled! -




- Original Message - 
From: "Dave Newton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Struts Users Mailing List" 
Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2006 10:13 AM
Subject: Re: Strange Form Reset Behavior

Marcio Ghiraldelli wrote:

How? Supose I have a form with an select combo. The itens should be
populated with a database result. The only way I could acomplish this
is getting data on the Action before the form view, set the list in
the request, redirect to the view. Then, the view creates an instance
of the form, the reset is called and them it populates the data via
the request.

   How should I populate the form BEFORE Struts reaches the view, as
doens't exists an form instance before it??

The view doesn't create an instance of the form, the Action does, and
passes it to the view.

For instance, I have often used a simple subclass of Action as a base
class for all my actions that separates the execute method into
executeGet and executePost methods. This methods might share some
functionality in a certain Action, like populating a list for a drop-down.


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Re: AppServer comparison analysis (O/T)

2006-03-23 Thread netsql

Let me make it simple for all you noobs:

(It does PHP just like JSP, Groovy, 5x faster, easy reloader, used by 
most seniors on this list )

and most popular of the list:


Martin Gainty wrote:

By far the most complete AppServer comparison matrix I have seen
At the risk of sounding like Red Green.. Thanks Moose!


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Re: AppServer comparison analysis (O/T)

2006-03-23 Thread Martin Gainty
By far the most complete AppServer comparison matrix I have seen
At the risk of sounding like Red Green.. Thanks Moose!

- Original Message - 
From: "Hey Nony Moose" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Struts Users Mailing List" 
Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2006 5:33 PM
Subject: Re: AppServer comparison analysis (O/T)

> this covers the trivial end of the things you mentioned, but it seems to
> be a little stale these days.
> Martin Gainty wrote:
>>Good Morning All-
>>Has anyone come across any studies detailing comparisons of AppServers 
>>(supported name algorithms, supported security models, how many max threads 
>>are supported, J2EE support Servlet spec support?) etc ?
>>Sorry for the O/T thread
>>Many Thanks,
> -
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Re: Strange Form Reset Behavior

2006-03-23 Thread Dave Newton
Marcio Ghiraldelli wrote:
> How? Supose I have a form with an select combo. The itens should be
> populated with a database result. The only way I could acomplish this
> is getting data on the Action before the form view, set the list in
> the request, redirect to the view. Then, the view creates an instance
> of the form, the reset is called and them it populates the data via
> the request.
>How should I populate the form BEFORE Struts reaches the view, as
> doens't exists an form instance before it??

The view doesn't create an instance of the form, the Action does, and
passes it to the view.

For instance, I have often used a simple subclass of Action as a base
class for all my actions that separates the execute method into
executeGet and executePost methods. This methods might share some
functionality in a certain Action, like populating a list for a drop-down.


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Re: [FRIDAY] Re: has struts reached the saturation

2006-03-23 Thread Dave Newton
Jonathan Revusky wrote:
> As regards insults, there is a difference of perspective here. My own
> feeling is that in all of my posts I have exercised a great degree of
> self-restraint. 

Unless you count being able to state your view concisely.

> [...] people literally claim that the managers of the project do not
> have to listen to criticism. 

They don't! Perhaps they _should_ (and, quite frankly, I believe they
_do_, but I don't expect them to _act_ on it).

I still do not understand from whence this obligation comes.

> I strongly believe that a guiding principle the basic idea of open
> source is that if someone is willing and able to pitch in, they should
> have the chance to do so.

It appears as though you believe that if someone is willing and able to
pitch in that they should have commit rights, which is not really the
same thing.

>> Jonathan only arrived in this community part way through this thread,
>> hopefully he'll get bored and leave soon.
> Well, the truth is that hanging around here is not a very enriching
> experience.

So... um... why are you still here?


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Re: Strange Form Reset Behavior

2006-03-23 Thread Marcio Ghiraldelli
If you want to just return to the same page after you submit, then simply 
provide that as the return value in your Action and have it mapped just 
like you would for going to any other page in your flow. There is no 
difference what so ever. Maybe I'm confused what you are trying to 

   No, you're not confused. This is exatcly what I want, and what I tough. 
Simple like that.

You should be populating your form in the Action, not the reset.

   How? Supose I have a form with an select combo. The itens should be 
populated with a database result. The only way I could acomplish this is 
getting data on the Action before the form view, set the list in the 
request, redirect to the view. Then, the view creates an instance of the 
form, the reset is called and them it populates the data via the request.

   How should I populate the form BEFORE Struts reaches the view, as 
doens't exists an form instance before it??

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Re: [FRIDAY] Re: has struts reached the saturation

2006-03-23 Thread Emmanouil Batsis


As a mortal user i would suggest that all this discussion to be taken 
somewhere else, but i have a strong feeling that the motives behind this 
and many other thread posts during the last few months are actually fed 
by the visibility of the mailing list itself.

Anyway, just wanted to say the noise in some threads makes it impossible 
to filter the actual info in them. I think thats where the value of the 
thread largely degrades making it useless (well, for me at least).


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Re: Strategy for Controlling the Session Size

2006-03-23 Thread Julian Tillmann
thanks for all your ideas and advice especially the one with the filter was
very helpful. :)

ciao 4 now

> --- Ursprüngliche Nachricht ---
> Von: "Mark Lowe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> An: "Struts Users Mailing List" 
> Betreff: Re: Strategy for Controlling the Session Size
> Datum: Wed, 22 Mar 2006 23:56:20 +0100
> On 3/22/06, Michael Jouravlev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 3/22/06, Mark Lowe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Population of indexed properties is a nice gift, but then I cant think
> > > of many situations where needing to scope anything that extreme is
> > > required. A bean with simple properties will do
> > >
> > > 
> > > 
> > >
> > > takes care of any simple properties
> >
> > I don't want to argue with you either :) I use session-scoped
> > actionforms, so it is simpler for me to stick everything related to a
> > resource in an actionform.
> >
> > > Another consideration is the increased popularity of xmlhttprequest to
> > > have the client make requests, if a front end updates from the server
> > > at any intervals. All you need is are users leaving a browser window
> > > open to increase the amount of active sessions on the container.
> >
> > I don't use Ajax autoupdate. But even if I did I would use session to
> > store Ajax-related stuff. Otherwise when a user hits Reload button,
> > all stuff is gone. Check out Backbase Pet Shop demo. Apparently these
> > guys don't use session. Pet Shop is a demo, but I would not want to
> > lose my shopping cart because of accidental refresh.
> Yeah, i'd store ajax related requests the same as I would for non ajax
> requests as well.. And better an actionform than having n amount of
> attributes that are hard to keep track of. Cant say i see the value in
> a ajax shopping cart but interesting link.
> >
> > Michael.
> >
> > -
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> >
> >
> -
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RE: Download through Outputstream

2006-03-23 Thread Mabusela, Koketso K

Thanks for that tip. I will put a link to download if the download did
not start. I can download the file the main problem was the post

To execute my post condition, I just decided to call the execute methods
of those Action classes directly because calling them with a findForward
does not work because of the closed request.


-Original Message-
From: James Mitchell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 23 March, 2006 13:13
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Download through Outputstream

Hi Koketso, I don't think you are going to be able to do what you want,
least not the way you describe.  You won't be able to do anything server

side with the binary stream (pdf) response once it is complete and you
know on the client side when the pdf is finished or hung or whatever.
can't even guarantee that the user even downloaded it.  When prompted
for a 
download location, some browsers download in the background while the
decide where to put it, which they can always cancel at any point
during, or after the response is complete.

What you could do is present the user with a screen with something like
"Your download should begin in a moment, if it does not, click here" <-
link 'here' to the pdf download, all the while using a meta-refresh tag
that page that sends the user to the url to download the pdf.

That's pretty much how downloads are done at, and
others.  The difference would be that you would also present them with
instructions on the same page, what to do when the download was
The key is that you would want the user to be prompted to downloaded the

file, and not let it load in the window or they'll lose those
Worst case is that they don't read what you wanted them to do, but
the lesser of all evils in all approaches.

If anyone has a better solution, I'd love to hear it.

James Mitchell
Software Engineer / Open Source Evangelist
Consulting / Mentoring

- Original Message - 
From: "Mabusela, Koketso K" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2006 4:06 AM
Subject: Download through Outputstream


I am using struts and my application downloads data in a PDF file. To
make sure the download was successful I close the stream or flush it.
Now I want to continue with my session by forwarding to another Struts
action, unfortunately when the request is closed you cannot do a thing.
Is there a way to move to another Struts action in this scenario?

What if you want to give the user a confirmation screen with additional



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Re: [FRIDAY] Re: has struts reached the saturation

2006-03-23 Thread Jonathan Revusky

James Mitchell wrote:
Jonathan, I can't seem to find your patch to fix the website anywhere in 
bugzilla.  Can you point me to it?

James, I understand that this is some kind of attempt at sarcasm. The 
problem is that you're obviously not really thinking about what you're 
saying. Let's try to deconstruct what you're saying implicitly:

A potential user hits your website and cannot, on the basis of the text 
there, understand what the product is or does. You seem to be suggesting 
that this very same individual should offer a patch to fix this issue.

Or in other words:

The "bug" that a person reports is that the text on a website is 
basically incomprehensible. He doesn't understand what you're talking 
about. So he offers a patch so that *HE* now will understand WTF *YOU* 
are talking about.

Do you see the basis for Monty Python skit here?

Look, James, obviously it is up to the Struts people to explain clearly 
what their product is.

Henri asked me specifically to say what my criticism of the website was 
and I answered the question. I just said that you have to reconsider the 
audience that the site is oriented towards.

Do you think I'm wrong about this?

Whether you do or not, should people who offer their opinion in good 
faith be subjected to this kind of lame, moronic sarcasm? To me, this 
just doesn't seem like adult behavior.


Jonathan Revusky
lead developer, FreeMarker project

- Original Message - From: "Jonathan Revusky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2006 5:29 AM
Subject: Re: [FRIDAY] Re: has struts reached the saturation

Henri Yandell wrote:

On 3/22/06, Jonathan Revusky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Henri Yandell wrote: maps to a PMC, which maps to a coding community, not to
a codebase.

Henri, I feel I should give you a bit of end-user feedback. I am not
active in any projects, but, obviously, it happens quite
frequently that I go visit the front page of a given 

to check it out for whatever needs I have at that moment.
FYI, when I visit, I am not there for the PMC or 

ASF bureaucratic construct. I'm there for the code.

In general, when I visit the front page of a project, I like to be able
to figure out what the thing is fairly quickly. This is definitely a
problem with Struts currently.

So that's a website issue ie) how to join/find the community rather
than an issue in how the community itself is structured.

Do you have suggestions to improve the Struts website so that things
are more clear? There's not a website at the ASF that couldn't be made
a bit clearer.

Well, just go to and look at it and imagine 
that you don't know anything about what struts is. I put it to you 
that the reader who hits your front page should not be supposed to 
know what the thing is.

What is strange about it is that whoever wrote the page tacitly 
recognizes that it is a confused jumble and spends most of the page 
trying to rationalize it. "Why two frameworks?" followed by "Why so 
many subprojects?" What is also patently obvious is that the two 
rhetorical questions are posed on the page, and never, AFAICS, 
answered satisfactorily.

And then the text there just assumes all kinds of insider knowledge 
that the reader of the front page really IMHO should not be assumed to 

Now, you can go look at the page, Henri, and maybe you think it's 
okay. If you do think the whole thing is really A-OK, then we have a 
difference of opinion. Here is the basis of it:

Who is the intended audience for this text?

I guess we have different answers for that.

(I could almost characterize it as that the author's intended audience 
in "Why two frameworks?" and so on is himself!)

I don't think this is a problem of website organization. The website 
problem _reflects_ a deeper problem.


Jonathan Revusky
lead developer, FreeMarker project,


If Shale, Struts 1.x and Struts 2.x are being developed by the same
community -

Nah, my understanding is that this isn't really the case. There is a
Struts 1.x which is basically in maintenance mode. There is a Struts
Action Framework 2.x which is basically Webwork (until recently a
completely separate *competing* product developed outside of ASF) and
that's a completely separate team at the moment.

Right, so two communities merging. This is all good - it's probably
natural that you'll see the old hands maintaining the 1.2/1.3 releases
instead of the Webwork guys, but who knows. Plus there will be new
committers, maybe some who just focus on 1.3 because the community
wants to keep it alive.

And Shale is something
with a completely different approach, and I assume, has a separate 

Team-wise, everybody in Struts has access to all the code. They're
also using the same mailing list, and are components in the same
Bugzilla project. All great ways to k

Re: [FRIDAY] Re: has struts reached the saturation

2006-03-23 Thread Niall Pemberton
On 3/23/06, Jonathan Revusky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Niall Pemberton wrote:
> >
> > I don't believe this is true - from what I see Jonathan Revusky's only
> > desire is to see the demise of Apache -
> Very good, Niall. Since you're so good at reading my mind, could you
> tell me how I plan to bring this about?

It wasn't your mind I read, it was your blog. Is it not a reasonable
representation of your attitude then?

> Now, concretely, I just responded to Henri Yandell's question about the
> website. Would you prefer that I refrain from other similar comments? If
> you request that I refrain from further such criticism, I will respect
> your request.

Constructive criticism has value and is welcome. Unfortunately, as I
said previously, the valid points you make are lost in the noise.


> Regards,
> Jonathan Revusky

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Re: [FRIDAY] Re: has struts reached the saturation

2006-03-23 Thread James Mitchell
Jonathan, I can't seem to find your patch to fix the website anywhere in 
bugzilla.  Can you point me to it?

James Mitchell
Software Engineer / Open Source Evangelist
Consulting / Mentoring

- Original Message - 
From: "Jonathan Revusky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2006 5:29 AM
Subject: Re: [FRIDAY] Re: has struts reached the saturation

Henri Yandell wrote:

On 3/22/06, Jonathan Revusky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Henri Yandell wrote: maps to a PMC, which maps to a coding community, not to
a codebase.

Henri, I feel I should give you a bit of end-user feedback. I am not
active in any projects, but, obviously, it happens quite
frequently that I go visit the front page of a given project,
to check it out for whatever needs I have at that moment.
FYI, when I visit, I am not there for the PMC or whatever
ASF bureaucratic construct. I'm there for the code.

In general, when I visit the front page of a project, I like to be able
to figure out what the thing is fairly quickly. This is definitely a
problem with Struts currently.

So that's a website issue ie) how to join/find the community rather
than an issue in how the community itself is structured.

Do you have suggestions to improve the Struts website so that things
are more clear? There's not a website at the ASF that couldn't be made
a bit clearer.

Well, just go to and look at it and imagine that 
you don't know anything about what struts is. I put it to you that the 
reader who hits your front page should not be supposed to know what the 
thing is.

What is strange about it is that whoever wrote the page tacitly recognizes 
that it is a confused jumble and spends most of the page trying to 
rationalize it. "Why two frameworks?" followed by "Why so many 
subprojects?" What is also patently obvious is that the two rhetorical 
questions are posed on the page, and never, AFAICS, answered 

And then the text there just assumes all kinds of insider knowledge that 
the reader of the front page really IMHO should not be assumed to know.

Now, you can go look at the page, Henri, and maybe you think it's okay. If 
you do think the whole thing is really A-OK, then we have a difference of 
opinion. Here is the basis of it:

Who is the intended audience for this text?

I guess we have different answers for that.

(I could almost characterize it as that the author's intended audience in 
"Why two frameworks?" and so on is himself!)

I don't think this is a problem of website organization. The website 
problem _reflects_ a deeper problem.


Jonathan Revusky
lead developer, FreeMarker project,


If Shale, Struts 1.x and Struts 2.x are being developed by the same
community -

Nah, my understanding is that this isn't really the case. There is a
Struts 1.x which is basically in maintenance mode. There is a Struts
Action Framework 2.x which is basically Webwork (until recently a
completely separate *competing* product developed outside of ASF) and
that's a completely separate team at the moment.

Right, so two communities merging. This is all good - it's probably
natural that you'll see the old hands maintaining the 1.2/1.3 releases
instead of the Webwork guys, but who knows. Plus there will be new
committers, maybe some who just focus on 1.3 because the community
wants to keep it alive.

And Shale is something
with a completely different approach, and I assume, has a separate team.

Team-wise, everybody in Struts has access to all the code. They're
also using the same mailing list, and are components in the same
Bugzilla project. All great ways to keep the community together.

Looking at viewcvs quickly; I immediately see overlap. People
committing to shale who are committing to action-1; and the same for
action-2. There will definitely be a focus for each person - but it's
easy to see cross-pollination at work.

Struts is a cool community. The users are actively involved, in terms
of answering and asking; people obviously care about the community -
as shown by both your and Dakota's questions and by the desire of the
committers to work to keep things together; and there's an active
future happening plus legacy being actively maintained by both
contributors and committers.

Yes, shale and action might move apart as the months/years go by and
at some point they might want to separate, but right now it doesn't
look like an unhealthy situation to me. These things tend to evolve
quite happily - someone like yourself raises a question of whether
it's time to make an evolutionary leap, and the community responds. In
the case of this thread I think it's not time for the leap.


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Re: Download through Outputstream

2006-03-23 Thread James Mitchell
Hi Koketso, I don't think you are going to be able to do what you want, at 
least not the way you describe.  You won't be able to do anything server 
side with the binary stream (pdf) response once it is complete and you won't 
know on the client side when the pdf is finished or hung or whatever.  You 
can't even guarantee that the user even downloaded it.  When prompted for a 
download location, some browsers download in the background while the users 
decide where to put it, which they can always cancel at any point before, 
during, or after the response is complete.

What you could do is present the user with a screen with something like ... 
"Your download should begin in a moment, if it does not, click here" <- and 
link 'here' to the pdf download, all the while using a meta-refresh tag on 
that page that sends the user to the url to download the pdf.

That's pretty much how downloads are done at, and many 
others.  The difference would be that you would also present them with more 
instructions on the same page, what to do when the download was finished. 
The key is that you would want the user to be prompted to downloaded the 
file, and not let it load in the window or they'll lose those instructions. 
Worst case is that they don't read what you wanted them to do, but that's 
the lesser of all evils in all approaches.

If anyone has a better solution, I'd love to hear it.

James Mitchell
Software Engineer / Open Source Evangelist
Consulting / Mentoring

- Original Message - 
From: "Mabusela, Koketso K" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2006 4:06 AM
Subject: Download through Outputstream


I am using struts and my application downloads data in a PDF file. To
make sure the download was successful I close the stream or flush it.
Now I want to continue with my session by forwarding to another Struts
action, unfortunately when the request is closed you cannot do a thing.
Is there a way to move to another Struts action in this scenario?

What if you want to give the user a confirmation screen with additional



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Re: [FRIDAY] Re: has struts reached the saturation

2006-03-23 Thread Jonathan Revusky

Niall Pemberton wrote:

On 3/23/06, Henri Yandell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Struts is a cool community. The users are actively involved, in terms
of answering and asking; people obviously care about the community -
as shown by both your and Dakota's questions and by the desire of the
committers to work to keep things together; and there's an active
future happening plus legacy being actively maintained by both
contributors and committers.

I don't believe this is true - from what I see Jonathan Revusky's only
desire is to see the demise of Apache - 

Very good, Niall. Since you're so good at reading my mind, could you 
tell me how I plan to bring this about?

he has no interest in Struts
or Web Frameworks at all, except if they use/support his Freemarker 
templating tool. 

Well, to an increasing extent, they basically all do. The default 
presentation technology in Webwork a.k.a. Struts Action 2 is in fact 
FreeMarker. FreeMarker is also increasingly popular in Spring-land.

In general, I am interested in the web application space. It probably is 
true that I am largely concerned with things as they relate to FreeMarker.

Dakota on the other hand is a different matter - he
at least has been part of this community for a long time, although I
understood he now uses Spring MVC rather than Struts (I'm sure if I
have this wrong he will correct/clarify this). From what I see though,
neither is actually interested in Struts - except in a negative way.
The disappointing thing from my perspective is that the valid points
they make are lost in the noise of the insults and FUD they spread.

As regards insults, there is a difference of perspective here. My own 
feeling is that in all of my posts I have exercised a great degree of 
self-restraint. If I were to express forthrightly in modern English 
vernacular what I think of some of the people here, it would be 
rather ugly.

You have to understand that I am somebody who really believes that a 
core idea in open-source is that people who are willing and able to 
contribute should be allowed to do so. This whole line that you have to 
have some self-selected elite who keep everybody else's grubby unwashed 
hands off the code is to me something completely laughable and basically 

You have parts of the conversation where people literally claim that the 
managers of the project do not have to listen to criticism. I responded 
to this individual _respectfully_ I think. I suggested respectfully that 
he reconsider this viewpoint. I could have responded with much less 

As regards FUD, if I have said anything false, then address it. 
Otherwise, I think you should retract the statement, Niall.

I strongly believe that a guiding principle the basic idea of open 
source is that if someone is willing and able to pitch in, they should 
have the chance to do so.

Now, any approach should still be judged on results. What I consider 
amazing is that when this closed club approach has clearly failed, that 
you have had to accept that this community's work was not competitive 
with Webwork, you guys still talk with this level of arrogance, and 
still assert that the closed club approach is the right way.

You guys talk so much about meritocracy but do not accept the logic and 
structure of meritocracy in any real way. If you want to be arrogant, 
win the competition, produce the better framework. If you lose the 
competition, you have to be humble and consider your mistakes.

Jonathan only arrived in this community part way through this thread,
hopefully he'll get bored and leave soon.

Well, the truth is that hanging around here is not a very enriching 

Now, concretely, I just responded to Henri Yandell's question about the 
website. Would you prefer that I refrain from other similar comments? If 
you request that I refrain from further such criticism, I will respect 
your request.


Jonathan Revusky
lead developer, FreeMarker project,
FreeMarker group blog,


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RE: Download through Outputstream

2006-03-23 Thread Mabusela, Koketso K

I did design it that way initially, unfortunately it was declined. No
pop ups allowed.
Thanks for the reply.

-Original Message-
From: Thomas Joseph [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 23 March, 2006 12:36
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Download through Outputstream

Hi Mabusela,

Try popping up a new window (try out with target=new attribute for html
anchor element)that should call the action to generate PDF, while
with your rest of the action in the parent browser.


Thomas Joseph

> - Original Message -
>From: "Mabusela, Koketso K" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi
> I am using struts and my application downloads data in a PDF file. To
> make sure the download was successful I close the stream or flush it.
> Now I want to continue with my session by forwarding to another Struts
> action, unfortunately when the request is closed you cannot do a
> Is there a way to move to another Struts action in this scenario?
> What if you want to give the user a confirmation screen with
> info?
> Thanks

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Re: [FRIDAY] Re: has struts reached the saturation

2006-03-23 Thread Jonathan Revusky

Henri Yandell wrote:

On 3/22/06, Jonathan Revusky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Henri Yandell wrote: maps to a PMC, which maps to a coding community, not to
a codebase.

Henri, I feel I should give you a bit of end-user feedback. I am not
active in any projects, but, obviously, it happens quite
frequently that I go visit the front page of a given project,
to check it out for whatever needs I have at that moment.
FYI, when I visit, I am not there for the PMC or whatever
ASF bureaucratic construct. I'm there for the code.

In general, when I visit the front page of a project, I like to be able
to figure out what the thing is fairly quickly. This is definitely a
problem with Struts currently.

So that's a website issue ie) how to join/find the community rather
than an issue in how the community itself is structured.

Do you have suggestions to improve the Struts website so that things
are more clear? There's not a website at the ASF that couldn't be made
a bit clearer.

Well, just go to and look at it and imagine 
that you don't know anything about what struts is. I put it to you that 
the reader who hits your front page should not be supposed to know what 
the thing is.

What is strange about it is that whoever wrote the page tacitly 
recognizes that it is a confused jumble and spends most of the page 
trying to rationalize it. "Why two frameworks?" followed by "Why so many 
subprojects?" What is also patently obvious is that the two rhetorical 
questions are posed on the page, and never, AFAICS, answered satisfactorily.

And then the text there just assumes all kinds of insider knowledge that 
the reader of the front page really IMHO should not be assumed to know.

Now, you can go look at the page, Henri, and maybe you think it's okay. 
If you do think the whole thing is really A-OK, then we have a 
difference of opinion. Here is the basis of it:

Who is the intended audience for this text?

I guess we have different answers for that.

(I could almost characterize it as that the author's intended audience 
in "Why two frameworks?" and so on is himself!)

I don't think this is a problem of website organization. The website 
problem _reflects_ a deeper problem.


Jonathan Revusky
lead developer, FreeMarker project,


If Shale, Struts 1.x and Struts 2.x are being developed by the same
community -

Nah, my understanding is that this isn't really the case. There is a
Struts 1.x which is basically in maintenance mode. There is a Struts
Action Framework 2.x which is basically Webwork (until recently a
completely separate *competing* product developed outside of ASF) and
that's a completely separate team at the moment.

Right, so two communities merging. This is all good - it's probably
natural that you'll see the old hands maintaining the 1.2/1.3 releases
instead of the Webwork guys, but who knows. Plus there will be new
committers, maybe some who just focus on 1.3 because the community
wants to keep it alive.

And Shale is something
with a completely different approach, and I assume, has a separate team.

Team-wise, everybody in Struts has access to all the code. They're
also using the same mailing list, and are components in the same
Bugzilla project. All great ways to keep the community together.

Looking at viewcvs quickly; I immediately see overlap. People
committing to shale who are committing to action-1; and the same for
action-2. There will definitely be a focus for each person - but it's
easy to see cross-pollination at work.

Struts is a cool community. The users are actively involved, in terms
of answering and asking; people obviously care about the community -
as shown by both your and Dakota's questions and by the desire of the
committers to work to keep things together; and there's an active
future happening plus legacy being actively maintained by both
contributors and committers.

Yes, shale and action might move apart as the months/years go by and
at some point they might want to separate, but right now it doesn't
look like an unhealthy situation to me. These things tend to evolve
quite happily - someone like yourself raises a question of whether
it's time to make an evolutionary leap, and the community responds. In
the case of this thread I think it's not time for the leap.


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Re: Download through Outputstream

2006-03-23 Thread Thomas Joseph
Hi Mabusela,

Try popping up a new window (try out with target=new attribute for html
anchor element)that should call the action to generate PDF, while continue
with your rest of the action in the parent browser.


Thomas Joseph

> - Original Message -
>From: "Mabusela, Koketso K" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi
> I am using struts and my application downloads data in a PDF file. To
> make sure the download was successful I close the stream or flush it.
> Now I want to continue with my session by forwarding to another Struts
> action, unfortunately when the request is closed you cannot do a thing.
> Is there a way to move to another Struts action in this scenario?
> What if you want to give the user a confirmation screen with additional
> info?
> Thanks

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Struts + AVK

2006-03-23 Thread Raghuveer
Can anyone give more information on
AVK tests for my struts application


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Download through Outputstream

2006-03-23 Thread Mabusela, Koketso K


I am using struts and my application downloads data in a PDF file. To
make sure the download was successful I close the stream or flush it.
Now I want to continue with my session by forwarding to another Struts
action, unfortunately when the request is closed you cannot do a thing.
Is there a way to move to another Struts action in this scenario? 


What if you want to give the user a confirmation screen with additional




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Re: Regards ajax

2006-03-23 Thread deepak

- Original Message - 
From: "gomathi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2006 1:31 PM
Subject: Regards ajax

> Hi 
> I want to use ajax in my java application.How to use it.
> Any samples for one  jsp page that contains some fields.
> Kindly Regards
> gomes
> -
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Re: Validation Problem

2006-03-23 Thread Thibaut

Dave Newton a écrit :

Thibaut wrote:

In the WEB-INF/user/struts-config.xml



Your input page is an HTML file?

Yes it's just to test my "return mapping.getInputForward();" function.
But it does'nt seem to work ...

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[OT] Re: Regards ajax

2006-03-23 Thread Antonio Petrelli

gomathi ha scritto:
I want to use ajax in my java application.How to use it.

Any samples for one  jsp page that contains some fields.
Kindly Regards
Go to "Java based" section

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Re: Regards ajax

2006-03-23 Thread David Delbecq
Take a look at the dwr framework. It allows you to easily map server
object request to local forms / div
It's prety easy to use, and convert server dwr exposed objects to
javascript object, with similar method names. It pretty looks from
javascript point of view like having an asynchronous version of the
server object available locally :)

gomathi a écrit :

>I want to use ajax in my java application.How to use it.
>Any samples for one  jsp page that contains some fields.
>Kindly Regards
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Regards ajax

2006-03-23 Thread gomathi

I want to use ajax in my java application.How to use it.
Any samples for one  jsp page that contains some fields.
Kindly Regards

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Re: Multi-channels tiles

2006-03-23 Thread Antonio Petrelli

tonny bruckers ha scritto:

Does any one have a working example of the use of tiles multi-channels by
implementing the org.apache.struts.tiles.DefinitionsFactory interface?

Dimensions uses FactorySet to use the multi-channel facility of Tiles.

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