Re: [vox-tech] Setting foreground window from command line

2007-12-01 Thread Jonathan Stickel

Chris Jenks wrote:


  I'm looking for a way to cause a specific window to move to the 
foreground when a shell script is run. My googling is returning very 
little signal to noise! I'm running pretty much stock Gutsy ubuntu. 
Any pointers?



Here is some c++ code that does it in a visualization application.  It 
has been a long time since I looked at the details, but this might start 
you looking in the right direction.  This commands are in standard X11 
headers/libraries I think.

 XRaiseWindow(window->GetDisplayId(), window->GetWindowId() );

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Copying data from Windows share to Linux server *with* original date stamps and permissions

2007-10-19 Thread Jonathan Stickel

Richard Burkhart wrote:

Anyone have suggestions on a set of shell commands I can pipe together to:
 - Batch transfer multiple files & directories from a windows (server 
2000) machine onto a Linux machine
 - Maintain as many of the original file permissions as will make it 
across the samba link
 - Maintain the original file save dates from the windows side (the 
first time I did a mass cp, it changed all the target-file dates to the 
day of the copy)
 - Set the archive bit on the source media, so that if I have to do this 
again to catch updates I can just grab updated files.

Last night google led me to a website describing a way to start with 
tar, pipe that output to a couple of  commands to transfer to the new 
machine, then un-tar it out to the new drive.  Unfortunately, I can't 
find that page again -- and until I go home, I won't be able to check my 
browser history.

Suggestions?  Help?  Por favor?

Richard B.

You might want to check out rsync.  Something like "rsync -vrt" will at 
least save preserve the time information.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] NVIDIA drivers

2007-06-04 Thread Jonathan Stickel

hajhouse wrote:

I've avoided NVIDIA's video cards like the plague for the last few
years, because I really dislike the idea of being tied to a proprietary
driver. Now I am faced with a problem: basically the only
high-performance video available on laptops is NVIDIA. I know about the
proprietary binary-only drivers that will provide full 3d acceleration.
I don't play games but I do use 3d data visualization (not realtime).
What I would like to know is: if for whatever reason NVIDIA stop
supporting the Linux drivers, will I be SOL and stuck with an
unaccelerated card? Or is there a viable Free alternative that will
provide at least some acceleration? (There is this: --- anyone tried it?) What about
emulating the GPU in software (assuming a fast dual-core CPU)?

I have been using NVIDIA video cards for awhile now in Linux.  The 
proprietary driver works very well and is the same for all GeForce cards 
since 5000 series.  I think most distributions have good support for the 
drivers as well.  The only drawback, as you mention, is that the driver 
is not open.  However, I think the benefit to risk ratio is high, and 
therefore I continue to use them.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Num lock key never locked

2007-04-26 Thread Jonathan Stickel
You might look around for settings in your desktop environment.  In 
KDE's control center you can choose the num lock to be 'on', 'off', or 
'unchanged' when logging in.


Tim Coddington wrote:

On my new 'puter, E4300 Intel CPU, 2Gb, SATAII, AsRock ConRoe945G-DVD
motherboard (Yea, I can help burn DVD's if I get my burner working).

newly loaded with Ubuntu 6.1

It would be nice to make the num-lock key come up in a locked state so the
keypad would be useful to enter numbers on right away.  I go into the BIOS
setup utility and alter the value that I think should accomplish this, but
each time boot is complete, the num-lock is off.  Does Linux have
something that toggles it off, thus overriding BIOS initial setup when it
vox-tech mailing list

vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] mouse is too fast

2007-03-01 Thread Jonathan Stickel
I've got a ps/2 mouse on a desktop that makes the pointer move too 
quickly in Linux:  the pointer moves too far for a corresponding 
physical movement of the mouse.  I've turned acceleration off, and it is 
still too fast.  By googling, I've found two things to try.  The first 
is to set the mouse resolution in the X11 config file, like

Option "Resolution""256"

However, this does not make any difference for me.  I read that this 
used to work before X11 version 4 (and Xorg-X11), but not anymore.  The 
other recommended method is to set the acceleration to a fractional 
value, e.g.

$ xset m 1/2 1

This doesn't do anything on my computer either.  It seems the lowest the 
actual acceleration will be is 1/1, even though "xet q" displays the 
fractional value I entered.  Any ideas?  It seems someone would have 
fixed this obviously buggy feature by now, but apparently not!  FWIW, 
the mouse moves at what feels to be the correct rate in Windows on the 
same computer, at about half the speed it moves in Linux.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] [OT] Numerical algorithms in C

2007-02-02 Thread Jonathan Stickel


I use Octave all the time for numerical work 
(  Although it is meant to be used 
as a command line interpreter, I believe many or all the routines can be 
called from within C++.  Here is a FAQ that says something about this:

And here is another document talking about Octave and c++:

If you are unfamiliar with Octave, there might be a bit of learning 
before you can do what you are asking.  However, I doubt you will find a 
free numerical package that supports as many numerical routines or has 
as many active users and developers.


Peter Jay Salzman wrote:

Is there something equivalent to LAPACK or NAG in C?  Something free (as in
beer is OK by me).

I need some high powered stuff like SVD factorization, linear solvers that
specialize in rank deficient problems, n-th order polynomial least curve
fitting, rank tolerant matrix equation solvers, etc.

I know something like NAG (don't want to pay for it) and LAPACK (don't want
the headache of interfacing with fortran if I don't have to) has them.  I've
seen something called LAPACK++, which would be my next choice if something
in C isn't available.

Can anyone grant me temporary access to a machine with NAG?  That would work


vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] usb to parallel printer cable

2007-02-01 Thread Jonathan Stickel

I made a symlink /dev/lp0 -> /dev/usb/lp0 and it seems to be working now.


Jonathan Stickel wrote:
Has anyone used a printer with a usb to parallel cable?  Although I see 
that /dev/usb/lp0 exists, CUPS does not show any USB or parallel devices 
when I try to add a printer.  Printing works in Windows by printing 
through the USB001 "virtual printer port".

vox-tech mailing list

vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] usb to parallel printer cable

2007-02-01 Thread Jonathan Stickel
Has anyone used a printer with a usb to parallel cable?  Although I see 
that /dev/usb/lp0 exists, CUPS does not show any USB or parallel devices 
when I try to add a printer.  Printing works in Windows by printing 
through the USB001 "virtual printer port".

vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] more adventures with power supplies

2007-01-27 Thread Jonathan Stickel
In my haste to replace my blown computer 
I bought a no-frills Compaq desktop (Presario SR1917CL) for cheap.  I 
also wanted a Nvidia graphics card to play some games, and chose the PNY 
GeForce 7600 GS, mainly because it seemed to have the highest 
performance to power use ratio.  The box spec'd a 300 W PSU minimum for 
the single card.  This is what the PC had, and so I thought I would be 
OK.  Although PSU total wattage suggestions of many high-end Nvidia 
cards aren't too bad (400-500 W) many have 12 V requirements of 20 A or 
even much higher.  Browsing at Frys, I had a hard time finding any 
reasonably priced PSU that gave more than 18 or 19 A on the 12 V power 

I plugged in the graphics card, and everything seemed to be working 
great, at least in Windows.  While installing Linux (Gentoo), however, 
the SATA hard drive would very occasionally stop communicating.  This 
made me concerned, but memory testing and various hard drive tests all 
passed.  Now the most interesting part:  my self-built kernel, without 
an initrd, would not boot, no matter what I tried!  The auto-generated 
kernel with an initrd would boot OK.  Again, the graphics card was 
operating flawlessly, now in Linux.  Finally, suspecting inadequate 
power, I pulled the graphics card.  Sure enough, the hard drive issues 
went away, and even my self-built kernel would boot!  I thought this was 
quite interesting; somehow the hard drive power needed when booting 
without an initrd was enough to cause a failure.

I immediately went out and bought a better power supply (Antec 650 W, 19 
A on the 12 V loop), and everything is working together just fine now. 
Hopefully this will help and warn some of you about power requirements 
of Nvidia graphics cards.  While it is tempting to get the latest and 
greatest card, beware of the cost of replacing your power supply too!

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] blown power supply = fried MB and HDs

2007-01-18 Thread Jonathan Stickel

Bill Broadley wrote:

Jonathan Stickel wrote:

Anyway, I am wondering if there is still any hope in recovering the 
data on the hard drive.  From what I can tell, the drive is not even 

There is no fuse that I know of, and if it's not even trying it sounds 


up.  The bios tries to detect it, but it times out.  My guess is that 
the drive platters are OK, but the circuitry to run the drive is 
damaged  in some way.  Perhaps just the power circuit is bad.  Is 
there anything I can try?  I know I could send the drive out to a 
recovery service to the tune of several hundred dollars, but my data 
isn't worth that much; just sentimental stuff and a huge inconvenience

If it's worth it to you I'd buy as exact a replacement drive as humanly
possible, ideally the same company and size disk.  Google or ebay for
older drives if the normal channels don't have them.  Then transplant
the entire motherboard (right up to the leads that power the motor and
head).  It's a fairly simple operation on most disks... torx drivers
are often required (but cheap).  I've done this successfully once or twice,
and unsuccessfully at least once.

If it works definitely get the info off immediately in a most important
first kind of method.  Definitely do not power cycle or reboot after the
drive works.

We will check into this.  Thanks to all who responded with sympathy and 
suggestions!  I'll report back if we have any luck.

vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] blown power supply = fried MB and HDs

2007-01-16 Thread Jonathan Stickel
I went to turn on my 3 yr old custom built desktop on Friday, there was 
a load "crack" sound, and the computer would not boot.  After spinning 
the dvd drives, it would immediately reboot; no bios display or 
anything, even after clearing cmos and unplugging all the drives.  I 
eventually traced it to a blown capacitor in the power supply.  I went 
and bought a new power supply, installed it, and got the same behavior. 
 OK, the motherboard is fried; went back out and bought a whole new 
computer.  I installed my old hard drive to find that it is fried too! 
Now I am really unhappy: several years of photos, game data, personal 
files are all gone! :-(

In a confluence of bad timing, you may recall about a month ago that my 
hard drive was acting up (in hindsight, maybe related to a failing power 
supply).  So I installed the hard drive I had been using to for a 
backup.  I hadn't got around to establishing a new backup procedure yet, 
but I was going to over the weekend, honest!  I thought if the drive 
were to go bad, I would get some warning.  I've learned several lessons 
from this: do not build a computer from cheap parts and especially do 
not use power supplies with the "raidmax" brand.  Do not go more than 24 
hours without having some form of a backup.  If part of a system is 
acting funny, the whole thing may blow without warning.

Anyway, I am wondering if there is still any hope in recovering the data 
on the hard drive.  From what I can tell, the drive is not even spinning 
up.  The bios tries to detect it, but it times out.  My guess is that 
the drive platters are OK, but the circuitry to run the drive is damaged 
 in some way.  Perhaps just the power circuit is bad.  Is there 
anything I can try?  I know I could send the drive out to a recovery 
service to the tune of several hundred dollars, but my data isn't worth 
that much; just sentimental stuff and a huge inconvenience

vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] failing hard drive...

2006-12-08 Thread Jonathan Stickel
It looks like I have a failing hard drive.  I've never experienced this 
before; I guess I have been lucky.  The hard drive is a 160 GB Maxtor 
ATA drive purchased and installed in a custom built desktop pc a few 
years ago (2003?).

The first partition is NTFS with winXP installed.  I have several more 
partitions for Linux and data (reiserfs and FAT32).  Only the NTFS 
partition is experiencing problems at the moment.  Windows no longer 
boots.  Using the repair console of the windows installation disk, a 
chkdsk /r reports "unrecoverable errors".  Not trusting windows tools, I 
ran Maxtor's PowerMax self-booting utility.  An advanced scan reports 
"device is failing" with not much more information.  File system checks 
of all the other partitions report no errors.

So I must have bad sectors somewhere in the physical region of the first 
partition.  Will this problem get worse and propagate to my other 
partitions?  I see several non-free programs on the web that advertise 
recovery of bad sectors.  Does anyone know about these?  I'm not about 
to drop $50 for software that /might/ fix my drive when I can go buy a 
replacement drive for $50.  So my last question(s):  any recommendations 
for a replacement drive?  Are Maxtor drives considered "low end"?  I'm 
stuck with PATA since my motherboard does not have SATA.  I bought it 
just before that technology became standard.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] LATEX, ucthesis.cls and changes in font size

2006-12-05 Thread Jonathan Stickel


I did not use the ucthesis class.  Instead, I used the book class and 
added formatting commands to force the document to follow the UC 
requirements.  I can send you a template file offlist if you like.


Dylan Beaudette wrote:


I am attempting to use the ucthesis.cls document class for my MS thesis, but 
have run into a bit of a snag in terms of altering font size. Commands like 
\tiny \scriptsize etc. do not seem to have any effect within a verbatim 
environment. I did not have this problem when using a different document 
class. Ideally I would like all verbatim blocks to be slightly smaller than 
the rest of the text so that they don't take up as much room on the page.

here is a link to some of the details:


vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] dual-boot machine / vmware / SATA drives...

2006-09-25 Thread Jonathan Stickel

short:  You can run a virtual machine via VMWare using a raw drive on SATA.

long:  I have a laptop with a SATA drive.  The first partition is NTFS 
running corporate windows xp.  Later partitions are for gentoo Linux.  I 
have a dual-boot setup using grub.  Inside Linux I run a VMWare virtual 
machine which accesses the NTFS raw partition.  When I boot the virtual 
machine, I see my entire grub menu as if I were booting the computer 
itself.  I just make sure I choose windows then, although if I 
accidentally choose Linux, I simply get an error.  In windows I have two 
"device profiles" one called "real" and one called "virtual".  I choose 
virtual when I am running the virtual machine, of course.  When I set 
this all up, I remember I had to manually hack one of the vmware config 
files to make the SATA work.  You can find the info in the vmware 
forums, I think.  The other problem that came up was the windows xp 
authorization: it may think you have installed it twice due to the 
greatly different device profiles.  Once I managed to get around that, 
it hasn't bothered me since.  Now everything works seamlessly except for 
some occasional networking issues.

Hope some of this helps.


Dylan Beaudette wrote:

Hi everyone,

recently purchased a new machine for the lab, and have plan on using it for 
the following : 

two SATA drives, one with WinXP the other with Debian Linux. 

Right now it boots into Linux by default, and will provide remote-login 
services among other things to our lab members. The Windows XP install was 
going to be accessed via VMware, with linux as the host operating system of 
course, for people who actually sit down at the machine. I was planning on 
accessing the first SATA disk in raw mode as opposed to creating a virtual 
disk for windows to live in. however, according to the vmware docs, raw 
access mode will not work with SCSI disks. with kernel 2.6 SATA devices 
appears as SCSI devices- so it seems that this approach will not work.

one possible work-around would be to dump windows on the first disk, format 
with ext3, and create a large VMware virtual disk in its place. This option 
should work fine.

one small problem (?) -- my bootloader (grub) is stored in the MBR of the 
first SATA disk, will re-partitioning this disk destroy the MBR ? and if so, 
how can i safely restore it ? 

any comments / thoughts -- I am pretty sure that the above is reasonable, but 
I would sure appreciate any other options!


vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] 10 year old monitor finally died

2006-09-04 Thread Jonathan Stickel

Jimbo wrote:
I knew it was going but thought I had a little bit more time.  Bought 
new monitor (Samsung syncmaster 203b)  and am worried about starting 
debian on old monitor settings.  Will things auto detect?  How bout the 
nvidia video card I just installed?

If no auto detect can I edit some files w/o booting into kde first?  I 
do know what the horizontal and vertical refresh rates are so I'm not 
going into this blind.

Since I've been using Linux (~2002), I've not seen a monitor go up in 
smoke due to incorrect settings.  Maybe some old-school linuxers can 
give some horror stories, but I don't think you have much risk in just 
trying out your new monitor with your old settings.  Then you can make 
adjustments by editing /etc/X11/xorg.conf.

I would usually just wipe out my hard drive 

Yikes!  Talk about using a hammer when a jeweler's screwdriver is all 
that's needed!

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Unable to login as root

2006-07-20 Thread Jonathan Stickel

Chris Horsting wrote:

Jonathan Stickel wrote:

Chris Horsting wrote:

Jeff Newmiller wrote:

Chris Horsting wrote:

I was having problem accessing website from fedora 4.0 box, so I 
thought it might be a user permission problem. When I tried to 
login as root, Fedora did not let me login.  Also, regarding the 
Internet connection, I am able to get site like google, but

For your root login issue, are you trying to login to Gnome, KDE, or 
something else?



I am login into KDE.

OK, around KDE 3.4, the default is you cannot login to KDE as root. 
Find where the file kdmrc is located:

$ locate kdmrc

Mine is at /usr/kde/3.5/share/config/kdm/kdmrc.  Open it up in a text 
editor and change any and all lines that read




Save the file and restart X.  Then you can login as root.


vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Unable to login as root

2006-07-18 Thread Jonathan Stickel

Chris Horsting wrote:

Jeff Newmiller wrote:

Chris Horsting wrote:

I was having problem accessing website from fedora 4.0 box, so I 
thought it might be a user permission problem. When I tried to login 
as root, Fedora did not let me login.  Also, regarding the Internet 
connection, I am able to get site like google, but

Your question is a bit unclear... "but" isn't a complete 

If you cannot get to some websites, your network routing tables or
DNS configuration may be broken.  If that is the case then the "ping"
command will have problems with those host names as well... but if "ping"
works, then it is more likely a browser configuration problem.

Browsing: User permissions on an internet client machine don't normally
affect your ability to browse the web... though if you are setting up
a website on a hosting service then user permissions may be a problem
on that server.

Superuser access: I don't use Fedora, but you can usually only log in
as root from selected devices and you don't say whether this is remote
or local, or in X or via console. Try logging in as a normal user and
use "su" or "sudo" to accomplish your administrative tasks. Some
distributions (like Ubuntu) have given up on root logins and only
allow administration to be performed with sudo.

Serving: If you are trying to perform administrative tasks on a computer
that is serving web pages to the internet at large, and are having
difficulty getting root access when you know the password, it is
possible that your box has already been "owned" and it is time to backup
and wipe the hd.

I ping, and  I there was a 
connection at and, but with   Also, I used FireFox on my window box and was able to 
reach apache. Also,  both computers use the same connection.  Thanks for 
telling me about not be able to login as root.  In Fedora 3.0, it was 
possible to login as root.  Right now, I have a new hard drive and I was 
planning to re-install fedora 4.0.  May be that will solve my problem.


For your root login issue, are you trying to login to Gnome, KDE, or 
something else?

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] GUI Suggestions for CD and DVD burning Question

2006-06-10 Thread Jonathan Stickel
I saw some of your emails about k3b, but didn't have time then to 
respond.  Did you ever just try using it as root?


Chris Horsting wrote:

Thanks for everyones advice on how to solve my k3b problem.  However, it 
did not work.  I guess I try the 1.0 version. So, What are the options 
for GUI CD burning for Fedora Core 4.0. Currently, I am using Xcdroast. 
That some times works.  What about Nautilus?

vox-tech mailing list

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] graphical front-end to bibtex files

2006-03-07 Thread Jonathan Stickel

Dylan Beaudette wrote:

On Tuesday 07 March 2006 11:26 am, Matt Roper wrote:

On Tue, Mar 07, 2006 at 10:05:32AM -0800, Dylan Beaudette wrote:

Hi everyone,

At home, on my mac there is a nice tool for working with bibtex files.. i
am searching for something similar for Linux at work... Anyone have a
favorite interface to bibtex files that will run under X11 ?


I'm a big fan of JabRef:

It's actually a Java application, so it should work on any platform, not
just Linux.


thanks for the input! 

looks like jabref will do the trick!  In fact, i just input about 30 articles 
in half the time it would have otherwise taken!

Sounds like you are satisfied, but I'd also like to mention 
Pybliographer (  Basically has the same 
features as JabRef, but a different look and feel.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] PNG tweaking - how to 'kill' RGB in 100% transparent pixels

2006-03-05 Thread Jonathan Stickel
Have you looked at ImageMagick's "convert" utility?  It is a fairly 
powerful tool with many options.  As a brute-force method, converting to 
some format that doesn't support transparency, and then back again, 
might work for you.


Bill Kendrick wrote:

So I've got 355-and-counting PNG images in Tux Paint's 'stamps' collection.

Many of these were photos which were resized, and had the backgrounds
removed (using the Eraser and selection tools in The GIMP), and then saved
as RGBA PNG files.

By default, I GIMP saves PNGs with the following option set:
"Save color values from transparent pixels."

This is nice for editing later, since you can use the Eraser tool
in 'Anti-erase' mode, to bring those pixels page.
(In other words, when erasing, Gimp doesn't touch the RGB channels, just
the Alpha channel.  A solid erase simply makes Alpha 0.  Anti-erase brings
it back to 255.)

However, this is NOT nice when you no longer care about the erased pixels,
as it just ends up being wasted space in the PNG.  By that I mean the PNG
compression is wasting its time and energy (and disk space) worrying about
the RGB channels of pixels which are 100% transparent.

If it were a solid color, it would compress a lot more.
(I believe Gimp uses its, or the PNG's, "background" color when you
uncheck the "Save color values from transparent pixels" option.)

While I could simply load up all 355 PNGs into The GIMP and resave
them one by one -- making sure the "Save color values..." is unchecked --
that would take a long time.  Additionally, since the project is growing,
and I don't really feel like keeping track of which PNGs are "golden",

I was hoping to make a script that I could run on occasion (say, before
release, or after adding a batch of new PNGs).  My initial thought was
to use "pngcrush."

I have one immediate problem.  Debian/sid's pngcrush is currently b0rked:

  Warning: versions are different between png.h and png.c
png.h version: 1.2.7
png.c version: 1.2.8
  pngcrush: relocation error: pngcrush: symbol png_read_data, version PNG12_0
  not defined in file with link time reference

Worse, though, is that "pngcrush" on a Debian/stable machine I have
access to doesn't seem to actually remove the 100% transparent pixels,
nor do I see any obvious means by which to do so.  (The best crushing
I get on "stamps/animals/birds/ostrich.png" is 0.17%, if I recall correctly.)

NetPBM is pretty useless to me for this problem, since the PPM format
doesn't support Alpha -- it's only RGB.  ImageMagick's "convert" didn't
seem useful, either.

Aside from writing my own C app that loads a PNG and then rewrites it
(altering the RGB to some solid color for every 100% transparent pixel),
does anyone out here have any suggestions?

(I'm not against writing my own C app, but... if it's been done already,
why bother? ;^) )


vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] windows support, unfortunately

2006-02-07 Thread Jonathan Stickel

Peter Jay Salzman wrote:

Thankfully, I have good news to report.  I called IT this morning, and got
someone MUCH more reasonable.  He thought it was "admirable" that I only use
open source tools in my day to day job (I don't think I mentioned this, but
I'm a programming quant for a Wall street firm).  I mentioned what the other
guy said about FF, and he said the other guy was crazy (I think that's
"business speak" for "moron").   ;-)

Anyway, he said that developers and programmers are given admin access as a
matter of policy.  The problem, as we suspected, was my permissions changed.
He gave me admin access again, and now everything is back to normal.  Dunno
what caused the change in perms to begin with.  Gremlins perhaps.

Almost everything.  For some reason, Gaim isn't displaying its application
window, but I don't think that has anything to do the previous problems.  I
know its running because there's an instance in the task manager, but it
simply doesn't display its window.  Wierd.  But that's the biggest problem I
have, so I'm pretty happy right now.  I'm not going to worry about it ATM.

I may go the VMware route anyhow.  Or perhaps I'll just request a Linux
workstation.  I kinda don't want to ask too many questions for now.  It's
only my 3rd week.  :)

Great to hear your problems are solved!  I am in nearly the same 
position as you: recently hired at a company with very restrictive 
computer policies.  I've been pushing the limits even more than you, 
though, since I dual-booted my company issued computer with Gentoo 
Linux.  So far IT folks have quietly ignored that I have done this, even 
when they took my computer to service some software in Windows.  Right 
now I mostly work in Windows and am in the process of getting things to 
point where I can work mostly in Linux.  Still, I have periods of 
paranoia where I envision Windows getting borked and having my laptop 
taken away to have its harddrive "re-imaged".  But a little paranoia is 
good motivation to be careful and have a good backup strategy.  Hope 
things are going well for you with your job.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] using windows pathnames in cygwin

2006-01-31 Thread Jonathan Stickel

Peter Jay Salzman wrote:

On Tue 31 Jan 06,  1:37 PM, Micah J. Cowan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

On Tue, Jan 31, 2006 at 04:28:15PM -0500, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:

In cygwin, I'd like to type "vi /etc/profile" and have gvim come up,
editing /etc/profile without necessarily running X.  That means I need
to rely on a win32 installation of gvim, rather than the gvim that comes
with cygwin.

I've installed win32 gvim in C:\Program Files\vim, but when I do:

  /cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/Vim/vim64/gvim.exe /etc/profile

gvim comes up with:

  "Cannot open swap file for \etc\profile", recovery impossible

and I find myself editing an empty file.  Eventually, I'd like to make
"/usr/bin/vi" an alias for "/cygdrive/c/Program

Is there a way to use win32 gvim from within cygwin and have the
pathnames work out?

Crap. Probably not. What I'd recommend is writing a wrapper script that
translates the paths for you. Which might be more work than it's really

Myself, I've been using the X version of gvim under cygwin. I hate using
the DOS-console-running-bash method; I could never get the control
sequences to work the way I wanted. So, I always have X running with xterm
anyway; might as well take advantage of it.

i've never really used cygwin before.  how exactly is X supposed to work?

i've run 'startx' just because i didn't know what else to do.  got something
that looked like an xterm and was able to run cygwin's gvim from that.  but
it seems ... very unsatisfying.

is there a way to just let cygwin take over the entire window?

how do you have your cygwin/windows environment set up?  i'd like to emulate
someone's setup who has something comfortable.  don't have the luxury
anymore for massive experimentation like i used to.

I recently started trying to use cygwin myself.  While Googling I 
noticed a lot of recommendations to use the rxvt terminal.  It seems 
fine, like xterm but with a sidescroller bar.  I also discovered that X 
and an x-based terminal can be started immediately by running:


I edited this file to start the rxvt terminal rather xterm.  This is now 
what I execute whenever I want to use cygwin now.  I quickly get an rxvt 
terminal that can launch x-apps if desired.

I did read that you can start X in such a way that you get a big X 
window that takes up the screen.  I don't have much use for this myself. 
 Two resources I found helpful were:

Hope this helps.  Sorry if I repeated information that someone else 
gave; I didn't take time to read all the posts to this thread :(

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] xfig and connector lines

2006-01-26 Thread Jonathan Stickel

Mark K. Kim wrote:

On Wed, 25 Jan 2006, Jonathan Stickel wrote:


have the most experience with xfig.  I just realized, though, that xfig
does not seem to support connector lines: lines that connect objects and
stretch appropriately if those objects are later moved.  This web
article says xfig CAN do this:


Here's an example:

  1. Create two rectangles.

  2. Select the "polyline" drawing tool.

  3. Connect two rectangles using the polyline.  Insert at least
 two joints.

  4. Select the move tool.

  5. Select the "Smart Links" button on the bottom of the window.

  6. There are three options: "Off", "Move", and "Slide".

The "Move" and "Slide" options cause different move behaviors.  One of
them probably works the way you want it to.


That's it! Thanks!


vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] xfig and connector lines

2006-01-25 Thread Jonathan Stickel
As part of my new job I will need to make engineering drawings.  My 
coworkers are using M$ Visio for this.  Naturally, I wanted to see if 
free software could work as well for me.  Dia seems a good choice, but I 
have the most experience with xfig.  I just realized, though, that xfig 
does not seem to support connector lines: lines that connect objects and 
stretch appropriately if those objects are later moved.  This web 
article says xfig CAN do this:

but I spent 2 hours on google and poking around in xfig, and I cannot 
figure out how!  Does anyone on this list know how to do connector lines 
in xfig?

vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] linux, lotus notes, palm os handheld

2006-01-02 Thread Jonathan Stickel
I just started a full-time job as a scientist/engineer at a very large 
international company.  For networking and personal computers, "everyone 
gets the same thing" and "everyone does the same thing".  This means 
Dell, Windows, Lotus Notes, and no alternatives.  I didn't even get 
admin privs on my laptop until I filed appropriate paperwork!

Anyway, I quickly dual-booted the laptop so that I have a choice between 
the corporate windows and Gentoo Linux.  But in order to use Linux on a 
day-to-day basis, I must be able to access my email and calender via the 
Lotus Notes system.  Also, I am dependent on my PDA (palm os), which I 
will need to sync with Lotus Notes or equivalent.  So here are the two 
scenarios I can think of:

A)  Install Lotus Notes in Linux via CrossOver Office.  Lotus Notes is 
rated "silver", so this should work for the most part.  However, it is 
unlikely that communicating with a PDA would ever work with a CrossOver 
Office installed application.

B) Use native Linux email/calendering software such as Evolution or 
Kontact.  These will sync with PDAs, but how do I access the Lotus Notes 
data on my company servers?  Does anyone know if Lotus Notes uses 
standard network protocols (pop3, smtp, M$ exchange) or if it is 

So, I would love to hear suggestions, experiences, etc.  If I can't make 
something work, I am afraid I will end up using windows at work 90% of 
the time, if not more!

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] printing 4 pages per single page

2005-12-10 Thread Jonathan Stickel

I've had success with this tool (a perl script).

I notice there is an updated version from the one I've been using.


Peter Jay Salzman wrote:

I recently discovered psnup, which allows me to print 4 pages of postscript
to 1 page of text.

The text is sometimes hard to read because it's so small.  psnup has a scale
factor (which I can't figure out: it appears that a scale factor of .5 means
"normal scale"???).  However, if I scale too much, the postscript pages on a
physical page begin to "overlap".

What I'd really like is some utility that allows me to cut the margins of a
pdf or ps file.  This would allow me to use a larger scale factor and not
have the pages overlap each other.

I'm thinking something like gimp's crop tool.  Its "autoshrink" option,
which auto-crops to a box that *just barely* surrounds the content,  would
be ideal.  Of course, I can't use gimp on a 100 page postscript document,
but this is what I'd like to do.

Are there any utilities out there that would:

   1. crop blank margins of a ps or pdf file

   2. crop margin dimensions specified by me (not ideal, but I could take
  out a ruler and measure the margins myself).


vox-tech mailing list

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] linear algebra: equivalent matrices

2005-12-07 Thread Jonathan Stickel

Hi Pete; nice to see you on the list again.

Peter Jay Salzman wrote:

Posted to vox-tech since this is a CS topic.  I'd like to verify some things
which I think are true.

Consider the set of all square matrices of rank n.  The determinant of M,
det(M), forms an equivalence class on that set.  The equivalence relation is
defined by:

   A ~ B  iff  det(A) == det(B)(1)

Now, like vectors, matrices are always expressed in a basis, whether we
explicitly say so or not.  So when we write the components M, we should
really write M_b where b represents the basis we chose to express M in.  We
can express M_b in a different basis, say M_a, by a rotation operation:

   M_a = S^{-1} M_b S

where S is an orthogonal "rotation matrix".  However, no matter what basis
we express M in, det(M) remains constant.  Therefore, we get an equivalence
class on the set of square matrices of rank n based on whether we can rotate
one matrix into another.  The equivalence relation is defined by:

   A ~ B  iff  A = S^{-1} M_b S(2)

Did you write this equation correctly?  I would expect something like

   M_a ~ M_b  iff  M_a = S^{-1} M_b S

for _some_ orthogonal matrix S, which determines the basis for M.  There is
one rotation matrix S that will make M_b diagonal.  That rotation matrix is
formed by the eigenvectors of M_b.

Big finale:

The equivalence classes defined by relation (1) are epimorphic to the
equivalence classes defined by relation (2).  If we place a restriction on S
that it must have a determinant of +1 ("proper" rotations), then the two
sets of equivalence classes are isomorphic.

What this is really saying is that, when viewed as the sides of a
parallelopiped, a matrix will always have the same area no matter what basis
you choose to express it in.

How accurate is all this?  In interested in the lingo as well as the ideas.

Looks fine to me.  In my PhD work (almost done!) I deal with 2nd order 
tensors for continuum mechanics theory.  I've actually had to specify 
and use rotation matrices explicitly in some of my numerical methods.



PS- Whether a rotation is S^{-1} M_b S or S M_b S^{-1} depends on how your
favorite linear algebra author defines his/her rotation matrices.
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vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Dual-Boot

2005-09-08 Thread Jonathan Stickel


Answering your questions, we did have a dual-boot on RHEL and windows at
the install fest.  I did try to upgrade to fedora with the fedora disks,
and it hasn't worked since.

My specific question was whether, during the Fedora upgrade, everything 
seemed to go OK, that there were no error messages during the upgrade 

To start windows, I have the bios boot from hdd0.  Booting from hdd1 gets
me a grub window.  Hdd2 is a disk boot failure, and SCSI gives me windows.

I think you are going about things incorrectly.  You shouldn't need to 
go into BIOS to do anything!

The windows does not give me a boot menu, though I tried to set one up at
every chance I had.

There are a lot of partitions, one reason being I wish to save the
existing home file, on the hdc hard-drive.

I am considering swapping the master/slave hard drives, leave the slave
off, and set up linux on the new master.  (There is nothing to save

Again, I think this is the cause of your trouble.  You shouldn't be 
swapping hard drives around.  The first partition on the master drive 
should be windows.  Linux can be anywhere else.  The Linux install 
should have replaced the boot loader on the master boot record (MBR) of 
the master drive.  From what you are saying, it seems that this is the 
missing piece.  Grub can be re-installed on the MBR if you are careful 
and know what you are doing.  Otherwise you can reinstall Fedora and it 
should take care of it for you (choose to install Grub on the MBR, not 
somewhere else!)

Feel free to call, I can call back to save the toll charges, as my e-mail
is at the library.

I am very busy, but I may try to call tonight.  Unfortunately, your 
problems are probably not easily solved over the phone.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Dual-booting my computer

2005-09-02 Thread Jonathan Stickel


I am trying to dual-boot Linux and Windows. When I try to open the Linux

partition, I get GRUB, and I don't know what to do.  I am attempting to
save my prior partition (Redhat).

Windows is currently working on the computer.
What exactly is the problem when you try to start Linux? I get the start
of the grub program, and a prompt.

There is no error message.

I tried to find the answer in Knopix Hacks, and Sams Fedora book.

I have Knoppix, and the Linux is a Fedora that I was given at my second

install fest.

How do you start windows?  Do you choose it from a boot menu?  Is Linux
in that menu also?

I seem to remember now from the installfest.  At one point you had it 
functioning with dual-boot windows and RHEL.  Is that correct?  Did you 
try to "upgrade" to fedora using the fedora disks?  Did that seem to go OK?

With a little more information, we should be able to get you up and 
running soon!

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] FireWire and Ethernet Confusion on Debian

2005-08-31 Thread Jonathan Stickel
On my gentoo box I have a file "/etc/hotplug/blacklist".  Kernel modules 
in there are not loaded when hotplug runs.  If I had your problem, I 
would put "eth1394" in that file.


Marc Elliot Hall wrote:

My little mini-ITX Via-based Debian box is giving me spasms today. It
seems that, on bootup, *sometimes* it finds an IEEE-1394 (AKA FireWire)
port before the RJ45 (AKA Ethernet) connector. Networking is provided by
Via Rhine II (in case there's a driver issue I don't know about). 

I'll spare you the gory details about dmesg | grep eth and so forth ;-)

This would be no big deal, except Debian wants to call the FireWire 
port ETH0 and assign it an IP address. Okay, I can work around that 
by assigning the Ethernet jack ETH1 and giving it a different address 
using ifdown, ifup, ifconfig, etc. This is a pain, particularly if I 
do an unattended reboot and can't SSH in. 

To make matters more confused, at other boot times, Debian ignores the 
FireWire port and gives the network jack ETH0 and an IP. 

Now, I'm not particularly well-versed in Debian's boot process; but I
*thought* that having an entry like this:

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
name Ethernet LAN card

in /etc/network/interfaces should make the appropriate startup scripts
find the network jack and assign it correctly. Obviously, I'm missing

What else, and where, should I have configured to make Debian stop
trying to run Ethernet-over-FireWire?

This guy:

had the same issue as I've got, and ended up with the same short-term
fix I discovered, but nothing permanent.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] replacing firefox 1.0 with firefox 1.06

2005-08-17 Thread Jonathan Stickel

Chris Horsting wrote:

Jay Strauss wrote:

Chris Horsting wrote:

I used a script.

Chris, take it from someone who has learned the lesson first hand, 
provide detail to your questions.  Including (but not limited to):

Distro and version
an accurate description of the steps you took and the results

If you do not show that you took the time and the effort to give 
someone a chance to help, they won't give you the effort in return.

I suspect that anyone on this list that can help you (which excuses 
me) needs to know:

1) what linux distribution you are running
2) what version
3) did you use some sort of package like and rpm or deb, or from source
4) did you write this "script" you talked about (which I doubt), or 
did it come this the code you installed

5) where did the new version get installed, where is the old version
6) what's your path

vox-tech mailing list

1) Fedora
2) Version 3.0

This helps a lot!  You can remove the fedora install of firefox by

# yum remove firefox


# rpm -e firefox

3) The Name of the file  is firefox-1.0.6.installer.tar.gz
4) The script came with the package
5) The new version is at /home/chris/firedir/firefox-installer/  and the 
application is x-shellscript.  I do not know where the old version is at.
6)  I am not sure about path.   Where the new version is installed to me 
would be that path.  Also, I have a symbolic link from the firefox 
installer directory to my desktop directory.

7)  I got the package from

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vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] CPU stepping

2005-08-17 Thread Jonathan Stickel

Bill Kendrick wrote:

So, last night I went to remind myself how fast Melissa's Thinkpad T20 was,
and when I did "cat /proc/cpuinfo" I saw ~204MHz, which is about 500MHz
slower than I remembered it being. :^)

I also saw "stepping: 3", so I guess the thing had kicked down a few speeds
for power consumption.  The thing is, it was plugged in at the time.
I tried with both the 'good' and 'bad' (doesn't hold a charge very long)
batteries, to no avail.

On my gentoo laptop, I have purposely installed something called
"powernowd".  It works with the kernel modules "cpufreq_userspace" and 
"cpufreq_powersave" to scale the cpu speed to reduce power consumption. 
 When I am idle, I get 498.387 Mhz.  When I run something significant 
(e.g. glxgears), I get my full spec, 1196.131 Mhz.  I'm not sure if this 
is related to your issue or not, but have you checked cpuinfo when 
running a full cpu load?

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Fwd: Device Error

2005-08-17 Thread Jonathan Stickel
I just tested this on a Fedora box I have, and I get the same error.  It 
looks it can be ignored, though.  Just click "OK" and then click on 


Bill Kendrick wrote:

Bruce Winterhalder posted this from a non-subscribed address, so I'm
passing it along to the list for him...

- Begin forwarded message -

Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2005 09:49:10 -0700
From: Bruce Winterhalder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Device Error

A few months ago I attended an install fest to have Linux put onto my
IBM X40, dual boot laptop.  With some help from Tux Magazine I have been
quite happily finding my way through a transition from dependence on MS
I have Kernel#2.6.11-1.35_FC3 as the Fedora Core operating system, and
KDEbase 6:3.4.2-0.fc3.2 for the desktop environment.  I update all
installed packages weekly using Synaptic.
The desktop, particularly Konqueror, is the source of a new and minor
	If I click on the devices tab in Konqueror I get the error message:

"Cannot find parent item media:/ in the tree.  Internal error"  This
prevents me, for instance, from getting to a flash drive, something that
worked flawlessly until yesterday.
I have tried reinstalling KDEbase but believe the reintall is aborted
by an "APT system report. E: Error while running transaction. . .already
installed."  In any case, that hasn't addressed the problem.
I would appreciate suggestions about solving this.  Thanks in advance,
and thanks in retrospect for the Installfest that got me moving in this

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] slightly-OT : OSS to find peaks in dataset

2005-08-16 Thread Jonathan Stickel

Dylan Beaudette wrote:

Hi everyone,

I a wondering if anyone on the list has used some open source software to 
locate local maxima in a data set. would something like octave do this?

It would be easy to write a simple Octave function to find your local 
maxima.  All local maxima would be where the slope changes sign, of 
course.  Then you could threshold those maxima so that only peaks above 
a certain value are returned.


here is an example dataset, (plotted with gnuplot of course)

any ideas would be appreciated!!


vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] using linux laptop with projector...

2005-08-13 Thread Jonathan Stickel
Someone else may have a better answer, but one thing you can try is to 
directly edit /etc/X11/XF86Config (or xorg.conf) and set your desired 
resolution there.  After editing the file you will need to restart X for 
the changes to occur.  Not as dynamic as your previous method, but it 
should work.


Boris Jeremic wrote:

Hello There,

I want to use my laptop (RedHat 9) when I make presentations. I used to 
be able (with old laptop) to change screen resolution from (current 
1600x1200) to whatever will the (outside) projector accept (usually 
800x600 or so...) It used to work (again on old laptop) with CRTL-ALT + 
or - and the resolution would change.

When I use CRTL-ALT + or - now, the actual area of screen changes and 
thus I loose part of screen (it shrinks toward middle part of screen so 
that for example 800x600 is middle quarter of screen only). The big part 
of X window is lost (top menu bar...) and so I cannot use it to show PDF 
presentations, but have to (Yack) reboot to windows and show PDF there 
(I use LaTeX, and foils, slides or beamer classes to make those PDFs...).

Any suggestion on what to do to get this change in resolution, while 
maintaining the screen size (and coverage) would be appreciated.

Thanks, Boris

vox-tech mailing list

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Fwd: installing firefox and Tar.gz files

2005-08-12 Thread Jonathan Stickel


Your linux distribution, if you keep it up-to-date, should provide a 
recent version of Firefox.  That is the best way to upgrade.

If you want to use a downloaded tar.gz, first expand it.  In konqueror 
you can do this by right clicking and choosing "extract".  I forget the 
command line way to do it.  There should be a readme or install file 
inside that will tell you what to do.


Bill Kendrick wrote:

Chris here posted to vox-tech from a non-subscribed address.

- Forwarded message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Date: Thu, 11 Aug 2005 19:04:31 -0700
From: Rose Horsting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: installing firefox and  Tar.gz files

I have downloaded a new version of firefox and I am woundering I do 
install it so that I replace the older version.


- End forwarded message -

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] USB-DVD burner

2005-08-10 Thread Jonathan Stickel

Richard Harke wrote:

My wife has an external USB DVD reader/writer which I
thought I'd try. I get some lines in dmesg when I power it up
but I can't find it with dvdrecord -scanbus
I have an ATAPI CD burner which works fine. I suspect that its
presence may interfere with the USB model. I've googled until
I'm google-eyed. I found one persons remark that he had it
working fine now, the hard part was determining the /dev
to use. He didn't say what worked, however.

I've had a USB dvdrw drive working, but it was awhile ago.  I've been 
using K3b for cd/dvd burning for so long that I don't know how to do 
command line troubleshooting of optical drives anymore.  Most everything 
"just works" with K3b.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] sound and FedoraCore 2.6.10

2005-07-22 Thread Jonathan Stickel

Thanks for the note.  Did this resolve your sound problem?


William Andrew wrote:

On the 16th of this month I had FedorCore 2.6.10 installed on my 
ThinkPad T22

at the Davis Installfest and along the way the sound disappeared.

Today I found this and thought it worth posting, just for FYI

Wm. Andrew
the retired guy

vox-tech mailing list

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] WiFi problem

2005-07-18 Thread Jonathan Stickel
For those who might be able to help, the chipset is "Texas Instruments 
ACX 111".  There is an open-source driver 
( which I've previously 
used successfully with a PCI wifi card on another computer (same chip, 
different brand card).  Everything looked fine with William's card; 
module modprobes, led on the card lights, iwconfig can change settings, 
but it wouldn't communicate with nearby WAPs.

I updated to the latest kernel before installing the driver.  Maybe 
wireless-tools needs to be updated.  The only other thing is maybe I 
didn't get the firware setup correctly (firmware sits in a /usr/share 
folder and gets loaded with the module, I think).


P.S.  William, you should save your receipt because you may need to get 
a different card.  These problems are very typical with Linux and wireless.

William Andrew wrote:

I have a WiFi problem

I went to the installfest on July 16 and got super help from
Jonathan Stickel who got me hooked up with FedoraCore
(works great) and did the background on my WiFi card,
it's a (Texas Ins. chip) got lots of help from Chris McKenzie
as well, but the ultimate test was a WiFi hot spot and nothing.

I'm in Vacaville but would meet someone in Davis at a
WiFi location to see what can be done to make this work.

Had hoped to take this with me on Vacation in August for
the ultimate test - any help would be much appreciated.

Thanks   Wm. Andrew
vox-tech mailing list

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] [getting OT] R statistics language (and Beamer)

2005-07-14 Thread Jonathan Stickel

Mark K. Kim wrote:

On Thu, 14 Jul 2005, Norm Matloff wrote:


On Wed, Jul 13, 2005 at 12:31:04PM -0700, Norm Matloff wrote:

R/S+ is multiplatform (the various Unixes, Windows, Macs).

So, anyone want to do a talk on this language at LUGOD some time!? :)

Seems like this question was asked a few months ago. :-)

I might volunteer at some future time.  Meanwhile, as I said, there is
my mini-tutorial, at

Thank you for the tutorial.  From scanning through the tutorial, it looks
like R does things for which I use MATLAB.  What are the strengths and
weaknesses of R and MATLAB in comparison to each other besides the price?

I honestly haven't given R a spin yet, although I've known about it for 
a long time.  But if you are interested in a free alternative to Matlab, 
you should look at Octave (  I use it for 90% of my 
numerical work lately.  For many simple things it is 100% matlab compatible.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Disturbing XP Error Message

2005-07-14 Thread Jonathan Stickel
That message usually results when someone logs into XP, logs off but 
leaves their session open, and then someone else logs in.  If he is the 
only one using the computer, that does sound suspicious.  Regardless, 
from the "control panel" -> "users" he can turn off "fast user 
switching" or whatever it is called (I don't have WinXP in front of me).


Robert G. Scofield wrote:
My son runs Windows XP.   He is home for the summer.  During the school year 
his laptop has been connected to the U.C. Santa Cruz dorm "Resnet" system.  
At home his laptop is in his room where he has a wireless connection to the 
Internet by way of a router.

Recently he has been getting this very disturbing error message when he shuts 
off his computer:

"Other people are logged on this computer.  Shutting down Windows might cause 
them to lose data.  Do you wish to continue?"

He says that he is not connected to any file sharing programs or computers.  
I've heard that XP itself spies on its users.  Does anybody have an idea of 
what's going on here?

Thank you.


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vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] [fwd] backup solutions for 3 people

2005-06-29 Thread Jonathan Stickel

Karsten M. Self wrote:


I've never really used tape drives, but my one experience was not good. 
 Someone else backed up data to a tape on a mid 90s unix machine, I 
think.  I needed the data about a year ago.  We were unable to access 
the data because we were clueless about how the tape was formatted, what 
software utility wrote to the tape, etc.  The computer that wrote to the 
tape was long gone.

From this experience, it seemed that there is no standard when it comes 
to tape formatting, reading, and writing.  Has this changed?  If not, 
they don't seem that useful to me.

vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] Evince

2005-06-24 Thread Jonathan Stickel
I just came across yet another ps/pdf viewer called Evince 
(  I'm pretty excited about it 
since it comes close to acroread in rendering and behavior.  Plus it 
reloads documents with a keystroke; in acroread you must close and open 
documents to reload.  It loads fast, too.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] "File->Send Link" on Firefox?

2005-05-24 Thread Jonathan Stickel
It works for me, probably because I've configured Firefox to use 
Thunderbird by adding the line

user_pref("", "thunderbird");

to the file ~/.mozilla/firefox/


Bob Scofield wrote:
Firefox on Windows comes all set up so that one can bring up an e-mail program 
by clicking on an e-mail link on a web page, and one can send a web page by 
clicking File->Send Link.  But these two features are not automatically set 
up in Firefox for Linux.

I want to set Firefox up so that it brings up Kmail.  After Googling I've 
learned that are are about three different ways to get Kmail to work if you 
click on an e-mail link in a web page.  One of these is quite simple, and 
I've successfully got Kmail working when I click on an e-mail link in a web 

But here's the problem that I, and others on the web, have found.  We still 
can't get File->Send Link to work on Firefox for Linux.  Does anybody here 
know how to do this?

Of course all these features work for Konqueror.  But I think Firefox is a 
better browser than Konqueror.

Thank you.
vox-tech mailing list

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] tell gnuplot to use a single X11 window

2005-05-23 Thread Jonathan Stickel

Peter Jay Salzman wrote:

On Mon 23 May 05,  2:55 PM, Dylan Beaudette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

Hi everyone,

is there any good way to get gnuplot to send its output to a single window, 
such that any successive plots update an existing X11 window?

i have looked over the gnuplot man page, and can't seem to find what i am 
looking for.

while it is a little ridiculous, i like to keep track of my progress while 
writting with this little script:

while `true`; do wc -w main.tex | awk '{print $1}' >> word_count ;\
echo "set ylab 'words'; set xlab 'minutes'; \
plot 'word_count' with lines notitle" | gnuplot -persist;\
sleep 60; done

this produces a nice little graph updated once a minute. however, gnuplot on 
linux produces a new window with every plot. on OSX it is possible to keep 
all output in a single window* .

* there is a bit of a difference on OSX, as an application called AquaTerm is 
being used to render the output, not X11.

any ideas on how to do this with regular X11?


I had the same problem.  My fix was to write a small perl script to wrap

around gnuplot.

The script writes a small gnuplot script and then invokes gnuplot with the

When it comes time for a new plot, the script rewrites the gnuplot script,
kills all instances of gnuplot, and re-runs gnuplot with the new gnuplot

It works surprisingly well.


PS- The data is output of a time evolution partial differential equation.
It creates a "movie" of the time evolution of a quantum wavefunction.  Very

Are either of you familiar with octave (  It is 
essentially a high level numerical programming language.  It uses 
gnuplot as it's primary plotting interface and, by default, plots 
everything in the same window.  You could probably write your scripts in 
octave if you were interested in doing so.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Install windows in linux Red Hat Enterprise

2005-05-23 Thread Jonathan Stickel


I'm sorry you didn't get everything solved at the Installfest.  If you 
must use Peachtree, it does look you will need to run Windows.

While the other two responses are correct and helpful, for beginner 
users of Linux I am going to recommend a brute force method:

1) back up your data
2) boot the windows install CD
3) delete all partitions on your hard drive
4) make a single partition for windows (~10GB)
5) install windows on that partition
6) install linux on another 10GB, leaving some unpartitioned space if 
7) make another partition that is formated fat32; this can be used by 
both windows and linux

It is a shame you have to delete your existing linux with this method. 
However, trying to work around it while installing windows could lead to 
all sorts of trouble that could take a long time to resolve.


Stanley Price wrote:

In order to run Peachtree, I need to install a windows operating system.
When I installed the linux on the hard drive, I have five partitioned 
sections.  Two are:

   none   95,164,  with 0 used, marked dev/shm
   /dev/hda5   104170, 0 used, marked tmp1

How do I install windows on the system? I am running a 686 AMD 
processer, (with too little RAM at the moment), and Red Hat Enterprise.

Stanley Price
vox-tech mailing list

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Re: [vox-tech] grub not finding root partition

2005-05-20 Thread Jonathan Stickel
Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
On Fri 20 May 05, 11:27 AM, David Hummel <> said:
On Fri, May 20, 2005 at 11:08:19AM -0400, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
On Fri 20 May 05, 11:03 AM, David Hummel <> said:
On Fri, May 20, 2005 at 10:45:32AM -0400, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
Grub seems to work for my Debian kernels:
  title		Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.6.8-2-686 
  root		(hd1,0)
  kernel		/vmlinuz-2.6.8-2-686 root=/dev/hda6 ro 
  initrd		/initrd.img-2.6.8-2-686

But not for a home compiled kernel:
  title		Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.6.11
  root		(hd1,0)
  kernel		/vmlinuz-2.6.11 root=/dev/hda6 ro 

When I try to boot 2.6.11, the kernel can't find the root filesystem and
If the root filesystem is on /dev/hda, then the drive should be hd(0,0).
should be: (hd0,0)
But then how is the Debian stock kernel finding the root filesystem?  That
entry was installed by Debian.  How is it working if it points to (hd1,0)?
Good question.  Do you have a separate /boot partition?  Where is it?
This configuration indicates that its the first partition on /dev/hdb,
which seems odd, since your / is on /dev/hda6.  For instance, if your
/boot is on /dev/hda5, the root line should be (hd0,4).

I really wish grub used standard device names.  :(
root filesystem is on /dev/hda6
boot partition is on /dev/hdb1
   title		Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.6.11
   root		(hd1,0)
   kernel		/vmlinuz-2.6.11 root=/dev/hda6 ro 

So I take it that "root (hd1,0)" doesn't mean "where to find root filesysetm",
but rather, "where to find the kernel".
Yes, I believe this is correct.

And I'm guessing that "root=/dev/hda6 ro" must be kernel arguments, which
would mean "root=/dev/hda6" gives the location of the root filesystem.
If this is the case, then the word "root" has two meanings in the grub
config file, which is really awful.  :(
Yes, also correct, and it causes unnecessary confusion, which is a shame.

ps- I was able to boot with 2.6.11.  The problem was that I used a Debian
kernel to form the base for a "make oldconfig".  Debian ships with ext3 as a
module since it uses initrd.  I rebuilt the kernel with ext3 bolted in, and
it boots.
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] grub not finding root partition

2005-05-20 Thread Jonathan Stickel
Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
New install.
Grub seems to work for my Debian kernels:
   title		Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.6.8-2-686 
   root		(hd1,0)
   kernel		/vmlinuz-2.6.8-2-686 root=/dev/hda6 ro 
   initrd		/initrd.img-2.6.8-2-686

But not for a home compiled kernel:
   title		Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.6.11
   root		(hd1,0)
   kernel		/vmlinuz-2.6.11 root=/dev/hda6 ro 

When I try to boot 2.6.11, the kernel can't find the root filesystem and
I don't know grub very well -- anyone have a guess what's going on?
Here is a typical grub entry for me, if it helps:
root (hd0,1)
kernel (hd0,1)/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.10-gentoo-r6_4-19-05 root=/dev/hda5
I notice you don't specify an initrd for your custom kernel.  My guess 
is you missed specifying 'y' rather than 'm' for something important, 
something that's required for your root filesystem.  I've done that a 
few times, and that's the error message I get.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] emacs formatting

2005-05-13 Thread Jonathan Stickel
I'm an amateur when it comes to emacs hacks, but I suspect you'll need
to add appropriate lines for each mode to your ~/.emacs file.  Probably
cut and paste will do much of it, though.
Charles McLaughlin wrote:
I am hoping someone can point me in the write direction.  I want to 
change how emacs formats code.  I'm very picky about spacing and 
brackets.  If I have to make the change for every mode that is fine, but 
I'd prefer to make the change once and have it apply to all types of 
code I use.  The modes I'm mainly concerned about now are C/C++, PHP and 

Here is an example of how I like to format things:
but in some situations emacs formats code like this:
apparently most of the world formats code like this:
if(foo) {
That just doesn't work for me though. :)
Thanks in advance for any advice.
vox-tech mailing list
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] [OT] Windows Question for Relative

2005-05-11 Thread Jonathan Stickel
Bob Scofield wrote:
Here's one final question.  As part of my missionary work I'm taking my SuSE 
CD's.  But it just dawned on me that while I have set up dual boot systems 
several times in the past, it has always been with Windows 98.  Are there any 
special difficulties in setting up a dual boot with XP?

From my experience, the only difference is that win98 uses FAT32 while 
winXP uses NTFS for filesystems.  Should you need to reduce the winXP 
partition non-destructively (usually you do), you'll need partitioning 
software that handles NTFS.  Also, Linux cannot (easily) write to NTFS, 
so you'll want to make a separate FAT32 partition for sharing files 
between windows and Linux.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] [OT] Windows Question for Relative

2005-05-08 Thread Jonathan Stickel
Bob Scofield wrote:
Here's a painful question, but I feel justified in asking it for two reasons:  
(1) it's not for me, but for my sister; and (2) I'm doing some Linux 
missionary work directed at her.

My sister has a relatively new (one year or so) Dell computer running XP.  It 
has always run very slowly.  I've made some suggestions which have not 
worked, such as running Spybot.  I think she's defragged.  I think she's 
cleaned up with Norton Clean Sweep. 
We could use some more information here to know whether it is really 
slow or just not meeting expectations.  My guess is it probably is 
slower than it should due to the usual virus/spyware and possibly just 
having to many things loading into memory.  It does sound like the right 
things have been done for virus and spyware, but maybe some were missed. 
 You also want to stop useless programs from auto-running, especially 
realplayer, quicktime, and the like.  Look for those icons in the 
taskbar.  Also, ctl-alt-del will give you a taskmanager and cpu-meter. 
Use that to see if rogue programs are using cpu and memory.

I'm going up to her house in Eureka next weekend and she's asked me to try to 
look into the problem.  The only thing I can think of is to see if she's got 
some memory resident programs that I can close down.  Other than that my 
recommendation is for her to take it into a computer repair shop.

Does anyone have any other ideas of things I can look into?  Is there any 
reason to think that reformatting and reinstalling would help?  (I'll take my 
SuSE 9.2 CD's up there just in case.)

Yes, a reinstall might help, but use a raw WinXP cd, NOT what came with 
Dell.  That one will likely install all kinds of extra crap and you will 
be no better off than before.  Also, don't connect to the internet 
unless you are on a NAT-firewall until you get windows updates through 
Service Pack 2.

And, certainly, installing Linux is the best solution. :)
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Gnome "Failed to Init HAL" - Lost internet, cdrom and usb

2005-05-03 Thread Jonathan Stickel
If at some point you upgraded any of those packages via apt-get or 
synaptic, the downloaded rpm file might reside in 
/var/cache/apt/archives.  Then again, maybe not because apt-get will 
delete them once they get uninstalled.

Otherwise it sounds like you need to recover from a self-booting linux 
cdrom.  If you put Fedora disk 1 back in, you can run an "upgrade" which 
will bring you back to an original off CD install; this won't overwrite 
user data.  Another option is to boot with Knoppix, download the rpms 
you need to a known place on the harddrive, reboot to partially 
functional Fedora, and install them.

tech_dev(Alex Mandel) wrote:
So I was trying to configure a scanner and I used synaptic to install 

This unistalled hal, gonme-volume-manager, hotplug etc. (Didn't quite 
realize what I was doing)

So I go to boot up the machine to work on it today and I get a "Failed 
to initialize HAL" with a haywire usb mouse, no ethernet and no cdrom.

How do I undo the damage, I know I need to reinstall HAL etc. but I 
can't access the cd or the internet to get the package.

(Making life miserable for myself)
vox-tech mailing list
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Rant: LaTeX graphics programs

2005-04-29 Thread Jonathan Stickel
Peter Jay Salzman wrote:

Sure thing, but I have to warn you -- these aren't the most complicated
diagrams in the world.  That's partially why I got used to writing my own
picture environment stuff (and after using it for so long, I've become fast
at it.)  It was always faster to DYI than to figure out xfig's atrocious

Here's three documents that should show a nice cross section of the type of
stuff I'd like to do with graphics programs (all this stuff except for were done by hand.  The document was done with xfig
(Jon and Mark, thank you for converting me.)
If you have any suggestions, I'd definitely be appreciative.
One of my problems with xfig and dia is that I haven't figured out how to
put mathematics in my diagrams.  Something like:
   \put(50,65){$\vec{F} = \fder{p}{t}$}
which would be trivial when drawing my own diagrams.  I suppose I could
insert it in the .eepic file that xfig generates, but the whole point is to
try to do this in a wysiwyg manner.
Even if it means just clicking on the screen to open up a box and type the
equation myself (which is what I'd prefer --- I'm light years faster doing
typeset math than any human being can be using a lyx/MS Word equation
I only see a figure in (using gv); looks nice.
Anyway, the ability to put latex typeset labels on my figures is 
precisely the reason I use xfig and not some other program (like 
Inkscape).  Again, there are a few different ways to proceed.  My 
current method is to type latex commands in text boxes in my xfig 
figure.  I make sure to choose "latex fonts" (not postscript fonts; 
there is a box to choose), and I have the "special" flag checked.  This 
part is in the manual:
As the manual suggests, you can then export this as ps/latex, both 
parts.  I used to do that.  Instead, I now use the program "fig2ps" 
found here:
This converts the fig file directly to ps/eps/pdf with all latex 
commands processed beautifully!  You can even use a latex header file 
with personal commands defined, e.g. I redefine the /vec command.  It's 
not quite wysiwyg; the latex commands often take up more space than the 
final text output, so sometimes it takes a little trial and error to get 
correct placement.  Still, it works great for me.

P.S.  I can send examples offlist if you like (I've never setup a 
website of my own :().
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Rant: LaTeX graphics programs

2005-04-29 Thread Jonathan Stickel
Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
On Fri 29 Apr 05, 10:46 AM, Jonathan Stickel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
My hat is off to anyone on this list who is actually handy with this
Well, I think I'm rather handy with Xfig.  It certainly does have a way 
of doing things that is quite different from most "drawing" programs. 
But once I figured out its quirks I actually like it.  The only thing 
that gets to me is when typing in a box, the mouse cursor MUST stay in 
the box.
My hat's off to you.   ;-)

I don't suppose you have any idea how to generate something that looks like
a mechanical spring (a coil)?  Can't find it in any libraries.
I can actually use Dia's inductor coil (a spring is an inductor of sorts).
But there are things I need in xfig that I can't do with Dia.  Dia is really

Is it possible to use Dia's coil and turn it into a library element for xfig
(so I can scale it and all that good stuff).  That would make me really
really happy...
I'd forgotten about the library feature!  Anyway, I found a spring in 
xfig:  Electronic/Schematic/Coil.  Also, I discovered that Dia exports 
in xfig format.  So if you get something you like in Dia, including its 
libraries, you can export it to xfig.  In particular, you can export a 
library object as xfig, then place it where xfig looks for libraries, 
and you have a new xfig library object!

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Rant: LaTeX graphics programs

2005-04-29 Thread Jonathan Stickel
Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
I need to vent frustration.
Xfig has got to be the single most un-user friendly piece of software I've
ever seen.  I experience physical pain everytime I use it.
It's NOT a hyperbole to say that I can do most diagrams faster by coding the
picture environment by hand than drawing the equivalent diagram with xfig.
Maybe if xfig developers stole the Gimp interface things would be better.
As it stands, it looks like a musty UNIX(TM) application from the 80's.
Looks like Xaw or something.  Congress should do something useful for a
change, like outlawying the X toolkit.
My hat is off to anyone on this list who is actually handy with this
Well, I think I'm rather handy with Xfig.  It certainly does have a way 
of doing things that is quite different from most "drawing" programs. 
But once I figured out its quirks I actually like it.  The only thing 
that gets to me is when typing in a box, the mouse cursor MUST stay in 
the box.

Dia's interface is OK, but doesn't give me a lot of control over the
objects.  Its font stuff almost never works right when you view the final
LaTeX dvi/postscript.  Dia also seems to have wierd scaling issues when
exporting to tex format.  Also, Dia is WYSIAWYG (what you see is almost what
you get).
What I really want is a program like Macromedia Flash that can export to a
LaTeX picture environment format.
There are dozens of different ways to get a figure into Latex.  I prefer 
to create an eps/pdf which I then insert, and it doesn't matter so much 
to me how that eps/pdf is created as long as it looks right.  It seems 
that you want figures to be a Latex picture that you input.  One 
possibility is to make an eps with some other program (Dia?), convert to 
xfig with 'pstoedit', and then convert the xfig to Latex picture.  I 
know it's not ideal, and maybe the figure gets garbled along the way, 
but you could try it.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] GUI mail client recommendation

2005-04-26 Thread Jonathan Stickel
Bob Scofield wrote:
On Tuesday 26 April 2005 10:12, Micah Cowan wrote:
One thing that is nice, though, is that I can configure it to share the
same mailboxes between Windows and Linux.

I use Thunderbird for my business email, and Kmail for my personal email.  I 
love Kmail.

But I have a question about sharing mailboxes.  I do this.  This is a great 
feature because I can be in Linux and check my business email and have access 
to the Thunderbird Windows mailboxes.  But I am using Windows 98.   Isn't 
there some problem doing this with Windows XP?

I assume you are pointing your mail client in Linux (Kmail or 
Thunderbird??) to look at mail folders on you Win98 partition.  This 
works fine since Win98 installs on FAT32.  WinXP (by default) installs 
on a NTFS partition.  However, if you have a 3rd partition that is 
FAT32, you can tell both your windows mail client and your linux client 
to use mail folders on that partition.  I do this at home, but I haven't 
checked email in windows in nearly a year.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] GUI mail client recommendation

2005-04-26 Thread Jonathan Stickel
Richard Crawford wrote:
On Tuesday 26 April 2005 09:02, Dylan Beaudette wrote:

I like Kmail.

I do, too.  I used to use Evolution, but switched back in January when I 
switched from GNOME to KDE.  I haven't looked back since.

I am sure Kmail is a fine choice, but I've been using Thunderbird for 
quite awhile, and Mozilla mail before that.  Thunderbird is light, 
feature rich, and runs great in many different WMs and even different 
OSs.  Some features you may (or may not) enjoy in Thunderbird:  threaded 
view of mail, full header viewing, ability to add custom headers, 
stripping of html content, and built in spam filtering.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Changing the print resolution of JPEG images by script

2005-04-09 Thread Jonathan Stickel
Haven't been following all the details, but I'd like to add what I do 
with image files (e.g. jpeg) in LaTeX.  I simply convert them to .eps or 
.pdf and then include those instead, which are scalable (within reason). 
 How you do the conversion greatly dictates the final quality, of 
course.  Imagemagick has been satisfactory in the past.  You might be 
able to print them to postscript or pdf files as well from within an 
image viewer.

Henry House wrote:
På lördag, 09 april 2005, skrev Ryan:
On Friday 08 April 2005 05:24 pm, Ken Herron 
|lugod| wrote:

Henry House wrote:
One of the more common operations that I need to do with JPEG images is
to change their print resolution so that when printed (e.g., as included
figures in a LaTeX document) they print at 300 dpi (for example) instead
of 72 dpi.
To start with, DPI (dots per inch) implies that each pixel has a
physical size, 1/72 of an inch or whatever. As far as I know, JPEG
images have a size in pixels (e.g. 106 by 64 pixels for the watertower
image on the LUGOD home page), but the pixels have no inherent physical
size. Something outside of the image--probably the software used to
embed the image into the document--is deciding how large the image
should appear on the page. I would expect that you can adjust that, ie
tell the software how large to print the image or what DPI to use.
JPEG files include DPI as metadata, which is used by some programs. I suspect 
it would be fairly trivial to write a program that changes this.

Yes, the print resolution is definately withing the JPEG file, thoughsince
the programs like Gimp and PDFTeX that understand print resolution as
distinct from  pixel resolution do not have access to any other metadata
beyond that in the file  itself.
Some investigation with google turned up this:
   "Most digital cameras produce EXIF files, which are JPEG files with
   extra tags that contain information about the image. The EXIF library
   allows you to parse an EXIF file and read the data from those tags."
This looks promising.

vox-tech mailing list
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Re: Forwarding SMB through SSH - RESOLVED

2005-04-07 Thread Jonathan Stickel
Troy Arnold wrote:
BTW, this is my preferred solution:
\\dubhe\pub  /pub  smbfs  credentials=/etc/samba/,uid=troy,gid=troy
where /etc/samba/ looks like:
This has the added advantage that the credential file does not have to
be readable by anyone other than root.
OK, I like this and it works for me.  But can someone explain why umask, 
dmask, and fmask options don't work with smbfs?

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] GUI for Camera on Sarge?

2005-04-07 Thread Jonathan Stickel
I think you are on the right track.  I've noticed also with Fedora that 
it automatically edits /etc/fstab when usb storage devices are attached 
or removed (cameras sometimes behave as storage devices).  I'm not sure 
what daemon does this, but I don't think it is submount.  It might be 
something called "HAL" that was mentioned previously on this list.

A simpler thing to do is just add the right line to /etc/fstab 
permanently, yourself.  Then you can have an icon on your KDE desktop to 
mount/unmout the device (/dev/sda1).  You will, however, need the 
correct options, including "user(s)" which allows non-root users to mount.

Bob Scofield wrote:
I had some questions arising out of my effort to set Sarge up like SuSE, which 
allows me to drag and drop pictures from a digital camera to my hard drive.  
On SuSE I just go to the My Computer icon, and click on an icon for a USB 
disk.  This all happens in the Konqueror web browser.

A few weeks ago Bill gave Pete directions on how to set up the My Computer 
icon on KDE.  I've followed those directions, but have been unsuccessful in 
getting an icon that will give me a GUI access to the camera.

The first problems I encountered were permissions problems; e.g. "Only root 
can mount /dev/sda1 on /media/camera."  I still haven't solved these 
problems.  It's confusing because /dev/sda1 seems to have the same 
permissions on SuSE and Debian.  But I have become interested in the 
following issue.

One error message is something like "/dev/sda1 is not found in fstab or mtab."  
In SuSE the following entry automatically appears in mtab any time that the 
camera is plugged into the usb port:  
"/dev/sda1 /media/usb-0039731344:0:0:0p1 subfs rw,no 
exec,nodev,sync,procuid,iocharset=utf8   0   0."  In my cheesy way, I began 
putting variations of this entry into my Sarge fstab.  I got different error 
messages, but became interested in the one that said that the Sarge kernel 
had no support for subfs.

After Googling, I came across this website:
I am starting to think that SuSE is automatically mounting the usb port when 
the camera is attached because of "Submount."  The web site claims that Sarge 
is one of the distros that has a binary form of Submount available.  But I 
can't find such a package on the Debian website.  So here are my questions:

1)  Do people agree that it's Submount that is allowing SuSE to automatically 
mount the usb port when the camera is plugged into the computer?

2)  Does anybody know if Sarge has a Submount package that can be gotten with 

3)  Is anybody dragging and dropping camera photos from the camera to the 
computer on Debian?  If so, how do you set this up?

I may be back later for the permissions issues.
vox-tech mailing list
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] external HD

2005-03-22 Thread Jonathan Stickel
Donald Greg McGahan wrote:
Dmitriy wrote:
On Monday 21 March 2005 10:35, Jonathan Stickel wrote:

Ah, you must be using Fedora 3.  Fedora 3 has someone neat deamon
running that detects when a usb mass storage device is plugged in,
creates a mount point in /media, AND automatically edits /etc/fstab.
That part is desktop independent.  You can then create a desktop device
icon in KDE that mounts and umounts the device.
Or maybe just Gnome. That could be Gnome Volume Manager. I think it's 
been part of gnome since 2.8, but not too sure.
It uses HAL/D-bus to listen to various HAL events and mount new 
devices or download pics from the camera,play a CD/DVD,burn a CD, etc...

I haven't seen any stuff from KDE doing HAL/D-bus integration.
But then again I haven't really kept up with what KDE does these days.
Fedora might have some other daemon that does similar thing, maybe 
with less features.


So seems the best thing for me is to stay away from hopping between 
Gnome and KDE. A sound KISS solution.
Donald Greg McGahan

What about using automount?
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] external HD

2005-03-21 Thread Jonathan Stickel
Donald Greg McGahan wrote:
Henry House wrote:
På måndag, 21 mars 2005, skrev Donald Greg McGahan:

Can KDE mount an external device when attached to usb kind of like 
Gnome does.

KDE can "mount" any device that the Linux kernel recognizes as 
mountable by
calling the appropriate command to do so. But is not exactly accurate to
speak of KDE mounting filesystem (that word has a specific meaning 
to KDE). I think you refer to associating a mounted filesystem with a
convenient desktop icon?


Yes, and the mount directory is created dynamically in /media rather 
than /mnt and no fstab entry is present.

Ah, you must be using Fedora 3.  Fedora 3 has someone neat deamon 
running that detects when a usb mass storage device is plugged in, 
creates a mount point in /media, AND automatically edits /etc/fstab. 
That part is desktop independent.  You can then create a desktop device 
icon in KDE that mounts and umounts the device.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] BibTex related question

2005-03-20 Thread Jonathan Stickel
Dylan Beaudette wrote:
Just started using bibtex to help with the organization of citations in 
papers and the like... i am currently using the bibtex style called 
"named" with the command:

... as suggested on this website:
my intent was to get citations that look like (author, year) ... the 
"named" style was the closest that I could get, however the citations 
end up looking like [author, year] ...
Did you try "apalike"?  That's a standard one.  There are many styles 
available, but finding the right one can be difficult.  Unless it is a 
requirement, numbered references are much prefered over author-date.

any ideas on how to get the more traditional (author, year) style?
PS: for anyone using macos X there is a great application called 
"Bibdesk" which can help manage your .bib file. Anyone know of a similar 
tool for Linux?

I use pybliographer, but there are many other bib management programs 

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] linux on Mac iBook

2005-03-19 Thread Jonathan Stickel
Jonathan Stickel wrote:
Rick Moen wrote:
Quoting myself:
Quoting Jonathan Stickel ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

Someone wants to install Linux on a Mac iBook (i.e. PowerPC arch.) 
at the installfest Saturday.  This is new to me.  Any 
recommendations, especially in regards to distribution?  For new 
users, I often go with Fedora.  I see that the test version of 
Fedora 4 is out with a version for PPC.  I'll probably go with that 
unless I'm advised not to.

That would probably work fine.

You might want to stick to Fedora Core 3, though[1].  The FC4 "test1"
images have been getting pretty frightful reviews.
If you're an LWN subscriber, see this, for example, from Ladislav
Bodnar of Distrowatch:  (Bodnar
test-installed and then laboriously fixed breakage in the x86_64 image.
That obviously doesn't necessarily reflect on the brand-new PPC
addition, but I'd be wary.)
[1] Yes, I know it wasn't officially supported until the FC4 images.
But there were ISOs, e.g.:

Thanks for pointing this out.  I'll go stop the ppc FC4 download right 
now and get the fc3 isos.

It turned out that the FC3 ppc disk 1 wouldn't boot, so I have 4 useless 
disks.  Fortunately, I had also downloaded Ubuntu (hoary) for PPC, which 
did boot and install OK.  Well, X wouldn't work right away, but Mike 
Simons fixed that.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] xhost+: Why you should NEVER DO THAT

2005-03-18 Thread Jonathan Stickel
Richard Harke wrote:
On Friday 18 March 2005 18:12, Jonathan Stickel wrote:
Richard Harke wrote:
When I first installed firefox it refused to run. After googling about I
found the advice to do xhost +. Based on this thread I should have
rejected the advice leaving me with two alternatives:
1:   download the firefox source and debug it.
2:   apt-get purge firefox  (followed by a nasty email to somewhere)
Have you tried firefox directly downloaded from
No, I didn't. Which seems like a reasonable thing to do. But it is not such
a small matter. One probably ought to remove or purge the version from
debian first, then at some point you will need to uninstall the version before re-installing the debian version (after the problem
is fixed) While I am not rule bound about using only deb packages, I have 
found that apt-get does a surprisingly good job while my experience with
tarballs has varied from easy to nightmare.

I understand your reluctance.  I try very hard myself to install 
programs only through my distribution's interface.  But for FireFox, I 
think the install is a binary, probably wrapped in a shell script.  It 
shouldn't be as onerous as a tarballed source.  But, yeah, it's best if 
you can figure out your Debian specific problem.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] xhost+: Why you should NEVER DO THAT

2005-03-18 Thread Jonathan Stickel
Richard Harke wrote:
On Friday 18 March 2005 16:12, Karsten M. Self wrote:
The history of secure applications development is largely divided into
two groups:
1. Those who anticipate hostile environments, design for scenarios in
   which no two components trust one another, and correctly implement
   failsafe, trust, integrity, and encryption procedures.
2. Those who've been the source of multiple compromises.
Paranoia pays off here.  Safe practices pay off.  Even those who _are_
paranoid and cautious suffer breakins (the good ones will let you know
that this has happened).  The truely frightening are those who deny the
problem exists _and_ fail to recongize a compromise when they see it.
When I first installed firefox it refused to run. After googling about I found
the advice to do xhost +. Based on this thread I should have rejected the 
advice leaving me with two alternatives:

1:   download the firefox source and debug it.
2:   apt-get purge firefox  (followed by a nasty email to somewhere)
Have you tried firefox directly downloaded from
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] linux on Mac iBook

2005-03-18 Thread Jonathan Stickel
Rick Moen wrote:
Quoting myself:
Quoting Jonathan Stickel ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

Someone wants to install Linux on a Mac iBook (i.e. PowerPC arch.) at 
the installfest Saturday.  This is new to me.  Any recommendations, 
especially in regards to distribution?  For new users, I often go with 
Fedora.  I see that the test version of Fedora 4 is out with a version 
for PPC.  I'll probably go with that unless I'm advised not to.
That would probably work fine.

You might want to stick to Fedora Core 3, though[1].  The FC4 "test1"
images have been getting pretty frightful reviews.
If you're an LWN subscriber, see this, for example, from Ladislav
Bodnar of Distrowatch:  (Bodnar
test-installed and then laboriously fixed breakage in the x86_64 image.
That obviously doesn't necessarily reflect on the brand-new PPC
addition, but I'd be wary.)
[1] Yes, I know it wasn't officially supported until the FC4 images.
But there were ISOs, e.g.:
Thanks for pointing this out.  I'll go stop the ppc FC4 download right 
now and get the fc3 isos.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] linux on Mac iBook

2005-03-17 Thread Jonathan Stickel
Dylan Beaudette wrote:
On Thursday 17 March 2005 03:23 pm, Jonathan Stickel wrote:
Someone wants to install Linux on a Mac iBook (i.e. PowerPC arch.) at
the installfest Saturday.  This is new to me.  Any recommendations,
especially in regards to distribution?  For new users, I often go with
Fedora.  I see that the test version of Fedora 4 is out with a version
for PPC.  I'll probably go with that unless I'm advised not to.
Anyone able to come help with a PPC install on Saturday?

I might be able to come. Regardless, i would certainly recommend 
Debian/Testing for this machine. I have been running it on my powerbook G3 
now for a couple of years. Also, the Debian-PPC mailing list is VERY active.

If you can come help, I'll burn a PPC sarge net-install disk.  As you 
may have guessed from another thread today, I'm not all that big on 
Debian, but I am happy to let others try.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] YAST equivalent on Debian?

2005-03-17 Thread Jonathan Stickel
Rick Moen wrote:
Quoting Jonathan Stickel ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

Debian's installation process is difficult and requires intimate
knowledge of how linux works.

Which of the couple of dozen installers for Debian are you referring to?
Please see:  "Installers" on
See, that's the beginning of the problem.  What installer to use?  Why 
isn't there a standard one that "just works"?  I've tried the woody 
net-install, the sarge net-install, and libranet.  The libranet install 
broke after I changed the repositories to sarge and tried to upgrade. 
Yes, probably shouldn't have done that, but the "correct way" was 
certainly not clear.

In order to have an up-to-date system, you risk instability (with the
testing or unstable tree), or must resort to 3rd party "backports".

Debian-testing in my experience, has proven much more stable over the
years than, say, Mandrakelinux, Fedora, or (in its day) Red Hat 7.x-9.
Perhaps you can describe the ways in which your experience has differed.
I find Fedora 3 to be very stable and usable "out of the box".

Just my view.  Maybe I've never given it a fair chance since every 
install I've tried has failed.

Wait, now I'm confused.  Was the experience that your claim about
"risk[ing] instability" was based on gained using machines that _other_
people installed, then?  Or were you speaking from zero experience?
Yes, I admit I have "epsilon" experience, where epsilon is some small 
but finite number (bad engineering joke).  I'm mostly going by all the 
"debian is broke" traffic that I see go by on this list.

vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] linux on Mac iBook

2005-03-17 Thread Jonathan Stickel
Someone wants to install Linux on a Mac iBook (i.e. PowerPC arch.) at 
the installfest Saturday.  This is new to me.  Any recommendations, 
especially in regards to distribution?  For new users, I often go with 
Fedora.  I see that the test version of Fedora 4 is out with a version 
for PPC.  I'll probably go with that unless I'm advised not to.

Anyone able to come help with a PPC install on Saturday?
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] YAST equivalent on Debian?

2005-03-17 Thread Jonathan Stickel
Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
Datapoint: I have tried, and failed, to install Gentoo twice.  I never
failed to install Debian.
Yep, I know, everyone is shaped by their experiences.  I've tried, and 
failed, with Debian about 3 times.  The last time was about the time I 
first tried Gentoo... which worked for me!  Had Gentoo not worked, for 
whatever reason, my views may have been polarized to be totally different.

Perhaps part of the story is what I expected from Debian vs. Gentoo.  I 
expected Debian to "just work" due to its maturity, user base, and 
target audience.  Gentoo, on the other hand, advertises itself as a guru 
distribution.  Going in with that understanding, and carefully reading 
the documents, I came out on the other side a happy camper.

Nonetheless, it is beyond my comprehension why Debian stable is 3 years 
old.  That is an eternity in the world of open source software.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] YAST equivalent on Debian?

2005-03-17 Thread Jonathan Stickel
Karsten M. Self wrote:
on Mon, Mar 14, 2005 at 12:33:06PM -0500, Peter Jay Salzman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
On Mon 14 Mar 05,  9:31 AM, Bob Scofield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
Of course I do not expect much sympathy from Debian users for this type of 
computing.  But after Ken's answer to my question about apt upgrading to new 
versions of open source applications (eventually to Open Office 2.0, for 
example) I marvel at what Debian is up to.  It is clearly economically 
suicidal for commercial distros to have apt.  While Debian is considered 
geekware, it has tremendous potential to the non-technically inclined.

Interesting thought.  While my understanding is that apt has been ported to
other distros, like Connectiva (which is now owned by someone else) my sense
is that it hasn't really caught on.  Maybe it doesn't have the blessing of
the distros to which it was ported.

Those who fail to understand Debian Policy are forced to reimplement it.
Policy - The Special Sauce
This is the crux, the narthex, the throbbing heart of Debian and
what makes it so utterly superior to all other operating systems.
Policy is defined. It is clear. It is enforced through the tools you
use every day. When you issue apt-get install foo, you're not just
installing software. You're enforcing policy - and that policy's
objective is to give you the best possible system.
In danger of starting a flame war, I am going to give my view of Debian. 
Debian is in fact based on wonderful ideas, but it has horrible 
implementation.  Its rigid policy and arrogant developers end up making 
it difficult to use for the general user.  It's stable release is nearly 
3 years old.  Debian's installation process is difficult and requires 
intimate knowledge of how linux works.  In order to have an up-to-date 
system, you risk instability (with the testing or unstable tree), or 
must resort to 3rd party "backports".

Just my view.  Maybe I've never given it a fair chance since every 
install I've tried has failed.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Spyware For Linux?

2005-03-15 Thread Jonathan Stickel
Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
On Tue 15 Mar 05, 11:13 AM, Bill Kendrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
On Tue, Mar 15, 2005 at 10:46:15AM -0800, Jonathan Stickel wrote:

It bothers me that Fedora turns sshd on by default.
A naive user could set a silly root password, and 
they'll be cracked in a few hours.
Does it allow root to SSH in by default?  (I've seen setups which 
do /not/.)
Jonathan, I think this is overcautious.

There is no concept of absolute security.  Security all about compromise:
What inconveniences are you willing to suffer through in the name of keeping
your system secure?  That's the question we all ask, implicitly or
Installing a daemon to allow remote login to your computer, I feel, falls
well on the side of acceptable for most uses of a computer.
If you're installing a system that needs to be SO secure that an ssh daemon
is undesirable, your kung-fu is probably good enough that you're well aware
sshd got installed and you know how to disable it.
At that level, either your kung-fu is good enough of you hire a professional
staff to take care of your IT.
Oh, I agree with you.  Most of us want to have ssh ability.  I'm 
thinking of all the newbies I help install linux for who have no idea 
that a remote login is even possible.  Then they complain about having 
to use root all the time, and they change the root password to something 
silly, like "root".  Then they get hacked through ssh and exclaim "I 
thought you said Linux was secure!"

I think that if you want ssh, you will know what it is and will know to 
enable it.  It just occurred to me, though, that Fedora's firewall 
automatically blocks the ssh daemon.  So Fedora is secure by default 
after all.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Spyware For Linux?

2005-03-15 Thread Jonathan Stickel
It is clear that Linux doesn't have a spyware or virus problem.  I've 
been wondering, though, about the frequency of compromised Linux systems 
of home users.  By compromised, I mean an someone's entered illegally 
through a backdoor and is running whatever they want.  Occasionally I 
hear of it happening with power Linux users running all kinds of 
internet services, but does it happen with home users?  Can it happen if 
they don't use any network daemons?  It bothers me that Fedora turns 
sshd on by default.  A naive user could set a silly root password, and 
they'll be cracked in a few hours.

I kind of watch Gentoo security announcements.  Many of them deal with 
denial of service (DOS) attacks where a program running as nonroot could 
hang the computer.  How often does this happen?  I'm less concerned 
about this one because I would notice right away and fix it.  A 
comprised system can go undetected for awhile and mean lots of clean up 

Mark K. Kim wrote:
It's "anti-spyware" program, not spyware program.  Spyware programs slow
down your computer.
Linux doesn't have spyware.  So no, you don't need anti-spyware software.
Even Windows doesn't need one if you know what you're doing.  My Windows
system as well as my parents' run perfectly fine without any typical
slowdown you see on a spywared systems.  Stop clicking on random things on
the web especially stupid ads and downloading illegal software and free
software you've never heard of and using bad e-mail readers!
On Tue, 15 Mar 2005, Bob Scofield wrote:

A friend of mine was recently complaining that her Windows computer was too
slow.   She said it ran much faster after running a spyware program.
My son just sent me a message he received from the U.C.S.C. computer people.
They advised running spyware to speed up computers.  So here are my
questions.  Does Linux need spyware?  Is there spyware available for Linux?
Also, check this passage out from the U.C.S.C. post:
"Microsoft's Internet Explorer has been the target of many of the bad guys
attempting to ruin your web browsing experience. Use of the Firefox web
browser is great way to keep your web surfing as smooth as possible.  You can
download it from";
vox-tech mailing list

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] YAST equivalent on Debian?

2005-03-14 Thread Jonathan Stickel
Bob Scofield wrote:
I've been doing a lot of thinking about the use of Debian for newbies and 
bewbies.  Bill's directions to Pete on how to set up "My Computer" on KDE 
takes care of one thing.  Something like YAST would take care of another.  
And something that partitioned as easily as YAST and Mandrake would be still 

I believe synaptic has already been mentioned on this thread.  Is it 
what you want?  I use it to manage Fedora installs (via apt-rpm in the 

Of course I do not expect much sympathy from Debian users for this type of 
computing.  But after Ken's answer to my question about apt upgrading to new 
versions of open source applications (eventually to Open Office 2.0, for 
example) I marvel at what Debian is up to.  It is clearly economically 
suicidal for commercial distros to have apt.  While Debian is considered 
geekware, it has tremendous potential to the non-technically inclined.

Yes, of course, "rolling updates" completely eliminates upgrade 
purchases.  The concept is not totally revolutionary, though. 
User-based linux distros have been doing it for some time, Debian and 
Gentoo being the most prominent.  I'm able to do rolling updates with 
Fedora, now too, which is a hybrid user-base, commercially supported 
distribution.  Even commercial companies offer rolling updates under 
yearly contract licensing rather than single-purchase licensing.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Re: please help

2005-03-12 Thread Jonathan Stickel
Thanks a bunch Pete.  I'll email him off list and encourage him to come 
to our installfest next Saturday.

Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
Mike called me.  His home directory was essentially empty [1].  I had him
read to me the contents of "mount".  Nothing was mounted on /home, as I
I had him cat out /etc/fstab to learn the partition that /home resides on.
It was /dev/hda6.  I had him mount /dev/hda6 onto /home, and that seemed to
work.  He went into KDE and was able to access his homework.
The laptop has no floppy, but does have a flash card, so he has the means to
copy his homework to another computer and print it out.  So that takes care
of the immediate problem.
I told him to email me a copy of /var/log/dmesg and /var/log/messages, so
I'm waiting for that to try to figure out why this problem happened in the
first place.  I'll report back when I receive these files.
He also told me that his wireless network card doesn't work on the laptop.
He was under the impression that he needed to recompile the kernel to get it
working.  I told him that I seriously doubt a kernel recompile is necessary.
Turns out he hasn't been to a LUGOD meeting.  I told him that if he took his
laptop to the next LUGOD meeting, there would be 30 people falling over
themselves to help get his network card working.
[1] He actually created a temporary user while trying to figure out what was
happening.  Since /home wasn't mounted, the temp user's home directory is
located in /home (but is not in the /home partition, if you get my drift).
I didn't tell him to delete the directory because /home was already mounted
at that point, and I didn't want him to change anything until his homework
is safe and sound on another machine.
On Fri 11 Mar 05,  9:13 AM, Jonathan Stickel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
I just called Mike to see if I could help him quickly by phone.  It 
seems like his home directory has disappeared, and he says a file system 
check did not fix things.  This is probably outside the scope of my 
expertise.  Is someone able to help him?

Michael Siminitus wrote:
1- Michael Siminitus, [address, phone removed] â call anytime -ASAP 

2- see full specs at:

2- Mandrake 10.
3- I cannot log on, except as root or the new user I created. The error 
I keep getting is:
* There was an error setting up inter-process communications for KDE. 
The message returned by the system was:
Could not read network connection list.
Please check that the âdcopserverâ program is running

4- sorry, it's on my laptop and I can't retype that whole thing.
5- I have a paper trapped in the machine I need to turn in tomorrow. I 
don't know if it is possible, but it would be GREAT if I could bring the 
laptop to someone tomorrow morning who could help out.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] KDE config (was Apt-get vs. Dselect)

2005-03-11 Thread Jonathan Stickel
Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
On Fri 11 Mar 05, 10:27 AM, Bill Kendrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
On Fri, Mar 11, 2005 at 10:11:30AM -0800, Bob Scofield wrote:
All I know is that I was overwhelmed by aptitude.  I'm told to put a + or - 
next to a package, but I'm given 14,000 plus packages to look at.  I much 
prefer apt-get.  If I was interested in learning what packages were available
I'd probably bring up a browser and check out the relevant package category 
on the debian website, and then bring up a terminal window and apt-get what I
wanted.  But I realize that I do things differently.  
Or just use a GUI apt tool, like kio-apt for KDE. ;^)
You can just type, e.g., "apt:/search?python" to search for all packages
with python in the name, or just type "apt:/" to get a little form interface.
(See the screenshots at the URL above.)

As long as you bring up KDE, I have a couple of questions.  I've been using
KDE for a day now, and I can't figure out a few things:
1. I want a desktop icon similar to "My Computer" that has shortcuts to
   various filesystems like /usr/local, /home, /C, /D, etc.  How can I
   generate such a thing?
Konqueror, as a filesystem, may do nearly what you want, as is.  Do you 
have a "home" icon on your desktop or in your kmenu?  By default, this 
just brings you to your home directory.  You can point konqueror 
anywhere you want, and then save "view profile" under settings.  Also, 
on the side bar is a number of icons that show links to different 
places.  One is "devices" which shows links do different mountpoints. 
Another is "root filesystem", which shows "/", of course.

You could make a directory with symlinks to whatever you want, and have 
konqueror startup there.

2. How do I change the font displayed underneath icons?  The standard KDE
   font, aside from not being my cup of tea, is too big for my liking.
If you are not yet familiar with KDE's control center, check it out. You 
can adjust most KDE fonts there.  Also, the fonts for part of konqueror 
can be changed in konqueror by "configure konqueror" from the settings menu.

3. How do I get "sloppy focus"?   Sloppy focus is like Unix focus: when the
   cursor goes over a window, the window gains focus.
   However, in Unix focus, when the cursor leaves the window (without
   hovering over another window), the window loses focus.  In sloppy focus,
   when the cursor leaves the window (without hovering over a new window)
   the window *remains* focused.
   This allows me to keep a window's focus *and* click on the desktop.
dunno this one
4. I hate to ask this, maybe embarrased is a better word, but is it possible
   to use MS Windows 95 icons in KDE?  The default KDE icons are too fancy.
   I want something less ornate.  Less busy.  I really loved the icons (and
   widgets) that came with MS Windows 95.  Is it possible to use those icons
   in KDE?
You can choose different icon sets in the control center.  You can 
install more icon sets using your distribution or directly from

5. Is it possible to configure artsd to become a client of esd (the
   Enlightenment Sound Daemon) rather than trying to grab /dev/dsp directly?
You can mess with how arts works in the control center (sounds & 
multimedia - sound system).  I think this is an option, but it used to 
not work.  Things are better since KDE 3.3.

   Better yet, is it possible to tell KDE applications to use esd instead
   of artsd?
Possibly.  In the control center under system notifications, you can 
specify which player to use.  For awhile I used "aplay", i.e. alsa 
directly.  Now I am back to using arts since aplay won't do .ogg and .mp3.

Also, I really recommend using alsa with the "dmix" plugin 
(  This will help 
with sound mixing.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] please check that the dcopserver program is running (was Re: please help)

2005-03-11 Thread Jonathan Stickel
All theses suggestions are great, but is someone willing to give him a 
call since it is urgent?  Email me offlist, and I will give you his 
phone number.

Ken Bloom wrote:
On Fri, 11 Mar 2005 09:13:10 -0800
Jonathan Stickel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I just called Mike to see if I could help him quickly by phone.  It 
seems like his home directory has disappeared, and he says a file
system check did not fix things.  This is probably outside the scope
of my expertise.  Is someone able to help him?

Michael Siminitus wrote:
1- Michael Siminitus, [address, phone removed] ___ call anytime -ASAP 

2- see full specs at:

2- Mandrake 10.
3- I cannot log on, except as root or the new user I created. The
error I keep getting is:
* There was an error setting up inter-process communications for
KDE. The message returned by the system was:
Could not read network connection list.
Please check that the ___dcopserver___ program is running
4- sorry, it's on my laptop and I can't retype that whole thing.
5- I have a paper trapped in the machine I need to turn in tomorrow.
I don't know if it is possible, but it would be GREAT if I could
bring the laptop to someone tomorrow morning who could help out.

I'm not a KDE person, but my first suggestion would be to move the .kde
directory out of the way and see if that fixes the problem.
He could also try
 * logging in to GNOME instead of KDE
 * logging in from the command line
If he succeeds at logging in from GNOME, but needs kword (and kword
fails with the same problem as his login) then he will at least be in a
position to run dcopserver manually.
--Ken Bloom

vox-tech mailing list
vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] Re: please help

2005-03-11 Thread Jonathan Stickel
I just called Mike to see if I could help him quickly by phone.  It 
seems like his home directory has disappeared, and he says a file system 
check did not fix things.  This is probably outside the scope of my 
expertise.  Is someone able to help him?

Michael Siminitus wrote:
1- Michael Siminitus, [address, phone removed] – call anytime -ASAP 

2- see full specs at:

2- Mandrake 10.
3- I cannot log on, except as root or the new user I created. The error 
I keep getting is:
* There was an error setting up inter-process communications for KDE. 
The message returned by the system was:
Could not read network connection list.
Please check that the “dcopserver” program is running

4- sorry, it's on my laptop and I can't retype that whole thing.
5- I have a paper trapped in the machine I need to turn in tomorrow. I 
don't know if it is possible, but it would be GREAT if I could bring the 
laptop to someone tomorrow morning who could help out.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] xfig export for latex (was inkscape)

2005-03-01 Thread Jonathan Stickel
Henry House wrote:
På tisdag, 01 mars 2005, skrev Jonathan Stickel:

I just installed inkscape to check it out.  It looks really nice; more 
inuitive editing than xfig.  However, I primarily make vector drawings 
to import into latex documents.  Xfig supports that very well, including 
ways to include latex math.

I doubt that you will find LaTeX integration potential of that quality in
Inkscape, alas.
I'm curious, how do you produce a diagram that TeX can process? (I assume
that by the above you mean that you are exporting your drawings into
something that can be inserted directly into LaTeX, versus plain old
EPS that is embedded by reference and inserted at printing time by DVIPS.)
I've never gotten it work, probably because I am not using the right
combination of packages in LaTeX and export format in xfig (there are eight
export formats that appear to be LaTeX-related).
There are many ways to go about this:
1) You can just export a eps/pdf and include that directly, but this is 
not convenient if you want to process latex math in the figure.  You can 
"replace" text in the figure with the 'psfrag' package, but I found that 
cumbersome.  This is probably the best (only?) option if you want to use 

2) You can export ps/pdf with the text separate in a latex file 
("combined ps/latex").  Then you input the latex file in your document, 
which has its own includegraphics command.  This works fairly well, 
except that I like to have standalone pdfs I can look at.

3) What I've started doing recently is using a script called fig2ps 
(also includes fig2pdf and fig2eps):  This processes your fig file, 
translates any latex text, and creates a standalone eps/pdf.  This I 
include in my latex document as usual.

BTW, I used to use latex->dvipdfm (rather than dvips), but now I use 
pdflatex exclusively.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] inkscape

2005-03-01 Thread Jonathan Stickel
Micah Cowan wrote:
Henry House wrote:
[Inkscape's] native format is a subset of SVG.
[] indicates modificiation of original quote.
IIRC, sodipodi, which I found out a few days ago became Inkscape(?), 
could read in any SVG and would preserve markup it didn't fully 
understand, even through modifications and changes.

I'm not actually sure about that: but I do remember using it to edit 
some hand-written SVG into which I had placed arrow-style line-endings. 
Sodipodi didn't understand the arrows, but didn't mess with 'em, either.

I just installed inkscape to check it out.  It looks really nice; more 
inuitive editing than xfig.  However, I primarily make vector drawings 
to import into latex documents.  Xfig supports that very well, including 
ways to include latex math.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] another PS2PDF question [solved]

2005-02-28 Thread Jonathan Stickel
Dylan Beaudette wrote:
On Monday 28 February 2005 12:46 pm, Jonathan Stickel wrote:
Dylan Beaudette wrote:
Well, after a little bit of googling, it looks like there was a rather
simple solution. Since ps2pdf14 and epstopdf were just sending some
pre-defined parameters to ghost script, it is possible to setup the gs
environment, and then call epstopdf:
export GS_OPTIONS=-dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress
epstopdf --nocompress file.eps
This will produce a PDF of the correct page size, without JPEG
compression on embedded images!
I don't know if your images are color or not, but your solution is not
sufficient when dealing with embedded color images (at least for me).
I've found that I need to edit the "epstopdf" script.  The two lines
that deal with "GSOPTS" need to be changed to:
my $GSOPTS = "-dAutoFilterColorImages=false
-dColorImageFilter=/FlateEncode ";
$GSOPTS = "-dEncodeColorImages=false " unless $::opt_compress;
In fact, it is OK to compress the images as long as Flate encoding is
used rather that JPEG.  The above edit does this.

Ah... Interesting. I wonder how or if the "-dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress" setting 
and the ones that you suggested are related. Before trying your method my 
images were looking good, with a final PDF size of 6.4Mb. After altering my 
epstopdf script as you suggested, the PDF file is 54Mb, and the images *seem* 
to be the same however it would take a bit of research to find out just 
how different they are. Any suggestions on a good place to search for 

Using my suggested hack, try "epstopdf foo.pdf", i.e. allow the default 
compression flag to stay on.  You should get a compressed (smaller) 
file, but the image should still be "crisp".

The best doc I can find is  This, with trial 
and error, lead me to my suggestion above.  From what I can tell, the 
"prepress" setting has the same color image encoding options as the 
others, so I don't think the results will be much different.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] another PS2PDF question [solved]

2005-02-28 Thread Jonathan Stickel
Dylan Beaudette wrote:
Well, after a little bit of googling, it looks like there was a rather simple 
solution. Since ps2pdf14 and epstopdf were just sending some pre-defined 
parameters to ghost script, it is possible to setup the gs environment, and 
then call epstopdf:

export GS_OPTIONS=-dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress
epstopdf --nocompress file.eps
This will produce a PDF of the correct page size, without JPEG compression on 
embedded images!

I don't know if your images are color or not, but your solution is not 
sufficient when dealing with embedded color images (at least for me). 
I've found that I need to edit the "epstopdf" script.  The two lines 
that deal with "GSOPTS" need to be changed to:

my $GSOPTS = "-dAutoFilterColorImages=false 
-dColorImageFilter=/FlateEncode ";
$GSOPTS = "-dEncodeColorImages=false " unless $::opt_compress;

In fact, it is OK to compress the images as long as Flate encoding is 
used rather that JPEG.  The above edit does this.

Just for the record, this allows one to create a poster in something like 
Inkscape (, an opensource page layout program, and 
then save the file as an EPS. Unfortunately this EPS file is not easily sent 
to a printer (tried opening it in Illustrator 10, and there were numerous 
propblems in terms of printable area, etc.), thus the above method will 
create a JPEG compression-less PDF which can easily be printed from a PDF 

How does inkscape compare to xfig?
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Help - Grub error 21

2005-02-23 Thread Jonathan Stickel
Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
Hi all,
My computer at work is a WinXP system.  Yesterday I used a Debian Sarge
official installer to make the system into a dual boot system.  Everything
went fine until the reboot.  When the system reboots, I see:
   Grub loading stage 1.5
   Grub loading, please wait...
   Error 21
The system doesn't boot at all.
My guess is the grub install got messed up.  You can try re-installing 
grub from a linux self-boot CD.  I've done this a couple times using 
Knoppix, so I know it works.  Once Knoppix boots up, get a terminal, 
become root, and run "grub".  Then do something like (pasted from gentoo 
install manual):

grub> root (hd0,0)  (Specify where your /boot partition resides)
grub> setup (hd0)   (Install GRUB in the MBR)
grub> quit  (Exit the GRUB shell)
You can do tab completion for the "hdx,x" part to see if everything is 
detected properly.  I /think/ grub uses BIOS info for this (but I could 
be wrong).

Grub will also fail very early if it can't find your /boot/grub/menu.1st 
file.  I would double check that it exists and looks correct.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Intermittent Sound Issues under Fedora Core 2

2005-02-15 Thread Jonathan Stickel
While Linux can produce quality sound fairly easily, applications that 
run on Linux do not like to share the sound.  Your type of problem is 
quite common and drove me crazy for a long time.  I suspect that "arts" 
(KDE's sound server) is competing with XMMS for the use of ALSA (actual 
hardware sound driver).  You probably want to enable the "dmix" plugin 
for ALSA:
This may not immediately solve your sound problem, but it is a step in 
the right direction.  I've found it necessary to configure "esound" 
(another sound server) to use dmix, and then I use the esound plugin in 

The only problem with sound mixing that I have now is 
Mozilla/Firefox/Thunderbird hanging sound once in awhile.  They also use 
esound, BTW

Marc Elliot Hall wrote:
This issue falls under the "annoying quirks" category rather than
"mission critical failure"...
My desktop system at work is Fedora Core 2 with a 2.6.5-1.358 stock 
kernel, running KDE 3.2. Most of the time, it works great. I do my 
development work with xmms running so I can listen to music on my 
headphones and tune out the ambient noise in the office. 

However, at seemingly random intervals, always at the end of a song on
my xmms playlist, xmms stops playing and (ALSA? artsd?) generates this 

couldn't open audio
Please check that
your soundcard is configured properly
you have the correct output plugin selected
no sound program is blocking the soundcard
Sometimes there's an accompanyng alert tone, sometimes not. Xmms doesn't
crash... it just stops playing. When this happens, sometimes I
immediately try to click play again; other times I simply continue with
whatever I was doing until It's convenient to ctrl-tab over to xmms and
press play then. And, again, sometimes pressing play immediately starts
the music right up. But other times, the dialog re-asserts itself and I
get no joy.
Sometimes when this happens, I've selected a different xmms output
plugin, and other times I've just left it on ALSA. It seems to make no 
difference in the behavior. And *always*, if I wait long enough, xmms 
will allow me to continue listening. Sometimes after only one click of 
the play button, sometimes not for ten minutes. 

A quick search of Google Groups reveals nothing that seems to pertain;
RedHat's documentation doesn't cover this; I found a troubleshooting
script here:
which doesn't seem to uncover anything out-of-the-ordinary (other than
not being able to find lsmod and lspci)...
ALSA Audio Debug v0.0.8 - Tue Feb 15 11:07:02 PST 2005
Linux mhall 2.6.5-1.358 #1 Sat May 8 09:04:50 EDT 2004 i686 i686 i386
Loaded Modules 
bin/./ line 10: lsmod: command not found
Modprobe Conf -
alias snd-card-0 snd-intel8x0
install snd-intel8x0 /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install snd-intel8x0 &&
/usr/sbin/alsactl restore >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
remove snd-intel8x0 { /usr/sbin/alsactl store >/dev/null 2>&1 || : ; };
/sbin/modprobe -r --ignore-remove snd-intel8x0
Proc Asound ---
Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Version 1.0.4rc2 (Tue Mar 30
08:19:30 2004 UTC).
Compiled on May  8 2004 for kernel 2.6.5-1.358.
0 [I82801BAICH2   ]: ICH - Intel 82801BA-ICH2
 Intel 82801BA-ICH2 at 0xd800, irq 10
  0: [0- 0]: ctl
 25: [0- 1]: digital audio capture
 16: [0- 0]: digital audio playback
 24: [0- 0]: digital audio capture
  1:   : sequencer
 33:   : timer
cat: /proc/asound/hwdep: No such file or directory
00-00: Intel ICH : Intel 82801BA-ICH2 : playback 1 : capture 1
00-01: Intel ICH - MIC ADC : Intel 82801BA-ICH2 - MIC ADC : capture 1
Dev Snd ---
controlC0  hwC2D0midiC0D4  midiC2D0  midiC3D4  pcmC0D4c  pcmC1D2c
pcmC2D0c  pcmC2D6c  pcmC3D4c
controlC1  hwC2D1midiC0D5  midiC2D1  midiC3D5  pcmC0D4p  pcmC1D2p
pcmC2D0p  pcmC2D6p  pcmC3D4p
controlC2  hwC2D2midiC0D6  midiC2D2  midiC3D6  pcmC0D5c  pcmC1D3c
pcmC2D1c  pcmC2D7c  pcmC3D5c
controlC3  hwC2D3midiC0D7  midiC2D3  midiC3D7  pcmC0D5p  pcmC1D3p
pcmC2D1p  pcmC2D7p  pcmC3D5p
hwC0D0 hwC3D0midiC1D0  midiC2D4  pcmC0D0c  pcmC0D6c  pcmC1D4c
pcmC2D2c  pcmC3D0c  pcmC3D6c
hwC0D1 hwC3D1midiC1D1  midiC2D5  pcmC0D0p  pcmC0D6p  pcmC1D4p
pcmC2D2p  pcmC3D0p  pcmC3D6p
hwC0D2 hwC3D2midiC1D2  midiC2D6  pcmC0D1c  pcmC0D7c  pcmC1D5c
pcmC2D3c  pcmC3D1c  pcmC3D7c
hwC0D3 hwC3D3midiC1D3  midiC2D7  pcmC0D1p  pcmC0D7p  pcmC1D5p
pcmC2D3p  pcmC3D1p  pcmC3D7p
hwC1D0 midiC0D0  midiC1D4  midiC3D0  pcmC0D2c  pcmC1D0c  pcmC1D6c
pcmC2D4c  pcmC3D2c  seq
hwC1D1 midiC0D1  midiC1D5  midiC3D1  pcmC

Re: [vox-tech] ps2pdf problems

2005-02-14 Thread Jonathan Stickel
FYI, there is also "epstopdf", part of tetex, which does well for me.
Dylan Beaudette wrote:
Hi everyone,
ps2pdf normally produces nice PDF files from an EPS document... however, some 
of the time it produces a PDF that is on its side, or partially off the 
printable area... but the results seem to vary based on the pdf viewer that i 
am using.

here is a quick sample:
EPS image:
result from ps2pdf (and viewed in xpdf):
is there some way to form ps2pdf to produce a portrait PDF?
thanks in advance,
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] a firefox question

2005-02-08 Thread Jonathan Stickel
Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
On Thu 03 Feb 05, 12:10 PM, Matt Roper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
On Thu, Feb 03, 2005 at 10:01:50AM -0800, Jonathan Stickel wrote:
These have been some interesting discussions about FireFox.  One thing 
Pete originally complained about that hasn't been discussed is the 
opening of new windows when you would rather they would go to another 
tab.  This often frustrates me as well.  From what I can tell, this 
occurs when some java happy web designer wraps a link with javascript to 
open a new window.  Left-clicking on these links opens the content in a 
new window, as expected.  Middle-clicking on the link opens a blank tab 
with the javascript in the location bar.  Since java code is not a valid 
location, nothing opens.  I hope this gets fixed in future versions.
I believe the Tab-Mix plugin
( will solve this
problem.  It also adds several other useful options for configuring tab
On my system, this extension noticeably slows down FF!  But on the page for
tab-mix, there's a reference to another extension called "single window"
which looks like it does what I want:
I ended up using "Tabbrowser Preferences"
Actually, it was the first I tried, and I am happy with it so far.
The other major issue I've had is getting "mailto" links in Firefox to
use Thunderbird, and getting "url" links in Thunderbird to us Firefox.
The "Launchy" extension didn't work at all.  Instead, a simple solution
is to add some lines to the the "user.js" files for both.  In
~/.mozilla/firefox/, add the line
user_pref("", "thunderbird");
and in ~/.thunderbird/ add the lines
user_pref("", "firefox");
user_pref("", "firefox");
user_pref("", "firefox");
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] a firefox question

2005-02-03 Thread Jonathan Stickel
These have been some interesting discussions about FireFox.  One thing 
Pete originally complained about that hasn't been discussed is the 
opening of new windows when you would rather they would go to another 
tab.  This often frustrates me as well.  From what I can tell, this 
occurs when some java happy web designer wraps a link with javascript to 
open a new window.  Left-clicking on these links opens the content in a 
new window, as expected.  Middle-clicking on the link opens a blank tab 
with the javascript in the location bar.  Since java code is not a valid 
location, nothing opens.  I hope this gets fixed in future versions.

Rob Rogers wrote:
On Thu, Feb 03, 2005 at 06:24:26AM -0800, Lewis Perdue wrote:
I don't suppose anyone knows a hack that will allow Firefox to support a 
wheel mouse? I've gotten hooked on configuring mine to scroll down a page 
at a time. Firefox does not support, so I went back to Mozilla.

One of the annoyances to Firefox is it doesn't present nearly the
configuration options of Mozilla. The good thing is the options are
still there, just not available through the preferences interface. There
is an extension (the name of which I can't remember at the moment) that
fixes that problem. Luckily you can always manually configure it. Try
typing 'about:config' in the address bar. This brings up a page with
every possible configuration option and their current value. You can
then filter down to the mousewheel options by typing 'mousewheel' in the
filter bar. There are probably 3 options you're particularly interested
in here: mousewheel.withaltkey.action, mousewheel.withcontrolkey.action,
mousewheel.withshiftkey.action. Each one of course modifying what
happens when you use that particular key while scrolling the mousewheel.
You can double click on any of them and change the value. Setting to 1
makes the mousewheel scroll a page at a time. 2 is to go forward and
back in your history (equiv. to the forward/back buttons). 3 causes the
wheel to increase or decrease the font size (very handy on some sites
that set it way too small...I bind that to ctrl).
- rob
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Re: [vox-tech] Sarge Printing Problem

2005-01-28 Thread Jonathan Stickel
There are two things that should be simple and standardized in linux, 
but definitely are not:  sound and printing!  Both are getting better if 
you know what to do...

From my experience, cups is the way to go for printing.  I highly 
recommend the web interface for configuring, testing, and 
troubleshooting.  There are other guis available for running cups, but 
they don't always work correctly.  The web interface is often the same 
across most distros and usually works.  So if you haven't already, put 
localhost:631 in your browser's location bar.  If the cups daemon is 
running, you should get a menu to start working CUPS.  If you have a 
printer correctly installed, clicking on the "print test page" for that 
printer should give you a nice CUPS test page.

Robert G. Scofield wrote:
I've done a Sarge net install three times now, and it's quite an experience.  
I get a different set of packages even when I choose the same stuff to 
download.  I don't have sound and I can't print.  But I've got some stuff to 
read on sound, and will try to take care of that on my own.  But the printing 
is a mystery.

I can't print from the GUI (Gnome in this case.)  At first I could print from 
the command line using the command "lpr."  But after downloading the Cups 
packages "lpr" would not work.  What would work from the command line was 
"lpr -l."

Later nothing would print at all from the command line or GUI.  Then still 
ater when I would print from the GUI I'd get this:  "%!PS-Adobe-3.0 
%%BoundingBox:  (attend)  %%Creator:  OpenOffice."  That message would be 
followed by either a bunch of gibberish followed by blank pages, or just by 
the blank pages.

Now, for some reason, I am unable to print anything.  I can't print from the 
command line or the GUI.  I've also downloaded all the foomatic packages I 
can find.

So does anybody have any ideas as to what I might do? 

Thank you.
vox-tech mailing list
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Plextor PX-712A not working...

2005-01-13 Thread Jonathan Stickel
Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
On Thu 13 Jan 05, 11:26 AM, Dylan Beaudette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
On Thursday 13 January 2005 11:16 am, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
Can you post the output of:
  hdparm /dev/hda
  hdparm /dev/hdb
  hdparm /dev/hdc
  hdparm /dev/hdd
  hdparm /dev/hde
  hdparm /dev/hdf
  hdparm /dev/hdg
If any of the output says "no device" or something to that effect, don't
bother posting it.  IIRC, you have to run hdparm as root, even when you
just want to query the hardware.
all devices return a "No such device or address" error from hdparm. mount 
gives the same type of error.

That's hinky!
Time to start shooting with buckshot.  Maybe we'll hit something.
Can you tell me a little bit about your kernel?
Is it a distro supplied kernel?
Did you compile it yourself?
Do you have more than one kernel on this machine?
Where did THEY come from?
What mobo do you have?
Can you boot Knoppix and use your CD drive?
Can you boot Knoppix and try the test with mount/hdparm?
If Knoppix works, grab a copy of `lsmod`.
Can you cut and paste what "mount" responds with so I can see verbatim?
Please post /etc/fstab.
If I may interject, it seems to me like he did not build, or does not 
load, the correct kernel part for his ide driver.  For most of us on 
inexpensive, IDE hardware only, we wouldn't even be able to boot (been 
there, done that). He can still boot, though, because his harddrive is 
SCSI.  I could be wrong, though.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Debian Net Install Question

2005-01-05 Thread Jonathan Stickel
Very likely you burned a "data cd", since that is one of the selections 
in the initial k3b window.  Instead, you need to burn the iso image to 
the disk.  In k3b you can do this by selecting tools -> cd -> burn cd image.

Robert G. Scofield wrote:
I've been reading about the Debian network installation and decided to try it.  
As I understand it you download a relatively small file to burn to  a CD, and 
then later install what you need.

So I downloaded this file:  sarge-i386-netinst.iso
But when I burn it, it doesn't boot.  I downloaded it with Firebird, and there 
was no option to set the files to binary.  I assume that the files must have 
been set to binary by default.

I used K3B to burn the CD.  In Settings I checked the box for copying system 
files.  There was no special box to check for burning a bootable CD like 
there is in my Windows CD burner.  (I actually tried my Windows CD burner, 
and that led to a disaster which I won't get into here.)

So does anybody know what I've done wrong.  I know my BIOS is set for booting 
CD's because I was booting Knoppix last night.

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Re: [vox-tech] Kernel Panic

2004-12-23 Thread Jonathan Stickel
Robert G. Scofield wrote:
Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
Jonathan's suggestion is the most economical and likely to succeed.  
see what's inside of /boot.  I'm hoping there will be more than one 


Okay, with the duplicate system I had a hard time figuring out which was 
the "working" one.  So here's the info.  If the entry does not appear in 
white in /boot, then the color of the entry is in parentheses following 
the entry.  I hope my handwritten notes are correct.

boot (pale blue)
grug (blue)
initrd (green)
linux (pale blue)
linux-2.6.8-24.10-um (green)
symvers-2.6.8-24.10-i386-default.gz (red)
symvers-2.6.8-24.10-um-um.gz (red)
vmlinux-2.6.8-24.10-default.gz (red)
vmlinux (pale blue)
I'm wondering if I should have done a ls -l to get dates for these.
Yep, "ls -l" would be helpful, but for seeing which files are symlinks. 
  Hopefully you have 2 separate kernels available, "2.6.8-24.10-um" and 
"2.6.8-24.10-default", and that one is not a symlink to the other.  From 
your first post, the errors seemed to be about the "um" kernel.  Maybe 
we can try to boot the "default" kernel.  This will require some manual 
editing of grub.conf (or maybe menu.1st; on my system, menu.1st is a 
symlink to grub.conf).  Can you share a "ls -l" of /boot and /boot/grub?

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Kernel Panic

2004-12-23 Thread Jonathan Stickel
Don't panic because of a kernel panic!
Your system should be recoverable.  From what I can tell, the module for 
reiserfs in your new kernel is bad.  The simple solution is to use your 
previously working kernel.  Most linuxes keep old kernels around by 
default until you manually uninstall them.  Do you have options for 
different kernels when you boot?  If not, we'll need to look deeper.

Robert G. Scofield wrote:
I'm in big trouble.  I just updated my kernel with the SuSE update.  I 
now a get this error message when I boot:

"Loading kernel/fs/reiserfs/reiserfs.ko
reiserfs:  no version for 'struct-module' found: kernel tainted
reiserfs:  verson magic: '2.6.8-24.10-um gcc-3.3' should be 
'2.6.8-24.10-default 586 REPARMgcc-3.3'

insmod: error inserting 
'lib/modules/2.6.8-24.10-um/kernel/fs/reiserfs/reiserfs.ko:' :-1 Invalid 
module format

waiting for device /dev/hhdb2 to appear:  ok
rootfs:  major=3 minor=66 devn=834
kernel panic= not syncing VFS: unable to mount roof fs on unknown block 

I copied this from handwritten notes so it might not be exact.
Is there a simple way to fix this, or do I reinstall the whole system?
With my CD I can get to rescue mode with a prompt for root to issue 
commands, but I never know what to do.

If it's not worth messing with, let me know.
Thank you.
vox-tech mailing list
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Can a User Write To Windows Partition?

2004-12-11 Thread Jonathan Stickel
Rod Roark wrote:
On Friday 10 December 2004 11:01 pm, Bill Kendrick wrote:
On Fri, Dec 10, 2004 at 10:54:50PM -0800, Robert G. Scofield wrote:
It seems to me that I remember being able to use Open Office in Linux to write 
to Windows files.  But maybe it's my memory that is failing.  Does anybody 
know if it is possible for a mere user to write to Windows files, and if so 
what FSTAB entry will enable this?
A quick Google search came up with something that looks of use:
 "Share Partitions Between Linux and Windows HOWTO"

Right, I guess the umask option is the key.  My fstab entry
for this is:
/dev/hda1   /mnt/win  vfat  umask=0   0 0
Yes, something like this works fine for mounting fat partions.  My entry 
is more involved for some semblence of security:

/dev/hda8   /DataPart   vfat  defaults,uid=win,gid=win,umask=0020 0
This way only users in the "win" group can write to the partion.
Bob doesn't explicitly say, though, whether his windows partion is FAT32 
or NTFS.  If it's NTFS, the above fstab lines won't work.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] USB/Firewire HDDs with laptop

2004-12-08 Thread Jonathan Stickel
Are you wanting to boot Linux off the external drive?  I don't believe 
that is an easy thing to do.  You probably want to dual boot linux and 
windows on your internal drive.  If you need more space, you can 
subsequently set up mount points on the external drive for things like 
/home, /opt, /usr/local, etc.

Hi All,
Has anybody had experience with installing and using Linux on an external
drive (USB/Firewire) for a laptop.
I'm not ready to trash an existing HDD running M/S on newest laptop, and
an external drive is the cheapest solution.
I'm looking at installing CentOS ( a RHEL 3 free
port, necessary as I'm wanting to trial Oracle 10g. Unfortunately, only
the M/S laptop has enough ram (1GB) for it to work.
Any feedback or experiences would be most appreciated.
Ronald Bradford
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vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] problematic computer (when installing linux)

2004-11-16 Thread Jonathan Stickel
Can I assume you've googled about your particular hardware?  Maybe your 
CD/DVD just won't play nice with DMA.  One thing worth trying is to see 
how your computer behaves with KNOPPIX.  When booting knoppix, do:

knoppix dma
to enable dma support of your drives.  If everything works, then you 
know your hardware is OK as long as it gets detected/configured properly.

Dylan Beaudette wrote:
Hi everyone,
I have a machine here that is starting to drive me crazy. It is a Compaq
Pentiumm III class machine, with integrated everything, and a funky case.
I have tried just about every flavor of linux, and only 1 (SUSE 9.1) would
even install. Even after I installed it, any attempts by the OS to enable
DMA access to one of the CDROMS led to a nasty crash.
The CD drives function perfectly from windows, and in SUSE 9.1 when in it
DMA mode...However, every linux install CD barfs about half way though the
install process...
The offending IDE controller is an Intel 82801AA.
So it has come down to a couple options:
1. use windows, and put up with all the crap associated with it (obviously
not ideal)
2. re-install SUSE 9.1 and put up with broken DVD playback (needs DMA) and
funky sound
3. replace some of the hardware and install Debian / Yoper
My question to the list is: Does anyone know where one can get a hold of
some decent pentium III class hardware that I can use to put together a
working machine. Ideally a mini Shuttle-type system would be ideal, but
they seem to price out at about $400 minimum.
Any ideas?
vox-tech mailing list
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Slackware 10 Printing

2004-11-11 Thread Jonathan Stickel
Many HP Lasers work great with the standard postscript driver.  However, 
you may need the hpijs driver for the HP4L.  That's what I need for my HP4.

wild bill wrote:
OK, I give up.  I have been trying to set up my Slackware 10 
box to print on my old HP 4L for over a month with no 

I got my wheel mouse to work, sound was another challenge, 
and getting 1024 x 768 took a while.  But I am completely 
baffled with CUPS.  I moved from SUSE which had YAST to 
handle many of the arcane sytax/usage problems that are 
probaby the root of my problem.

The http://localhost:631/admin command to get to the gui 
apsfilter app is great BUT, what device url should I use 
for a workstation box?

bill wells
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vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Printing photos with KDE

2004-11-11 Thread Jonathan Stickel
I just looked at my CUPS web interface settings for an HP printer I 
have.  "Photo/4x6" is a choice of page size for me.  My guess is the 
printer driver you are using is lacking in this area.  I'm not sure 
about a solution.

Rod Roark wrote:
OK my wife has a Canon i860 printer on a Slackware 10.0 box.
It's got a suitable CUPS printer driver installed and
everything works great.  Almost everything.
Now she wants to print (borderless) photos on 4x6 photo
paper.  The printer came with a holder/feeder for the paper,
but I don't know how to tell KDE or CUPS about the custom
paper size (there's a handful of paper size choices, but 4x6
is not one of them), and/or what a suitable printing utility
would be.
Does anyone know how this is done?
-- Rod
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vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] simple backup and restore

2004-11-01 Thread Jonathan Stickel
I use rsync to keep the entire root filesystem of several computers 
identical.  See this post:
You could do similar to backup your entire root.
Ken Herron wrote:
You could use rsync to backup and restore. Rsync has flags to delete 
files from the destination that don't exist in the source.
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Re: [vox-tech] Histograms on GNU/Linux?

2004-10-26 Thread Jonathan Stickel
I use Octave for 99% of my numerical work lately (  It 
has functions to produce histogram/bar plots.  By default it uses 
gnuplot as its external plotter.

Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
I have a few numbers in OpenOffice that I'd like to make a histogram of.
It appears that OO has no histogram plotter.  Gnuplot doesn't seem to have
one either (there appears to be a patch, but I'd rather not go down that road
unless I have to).
It appears that Gnumeric can do histograms, but when I tried...
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] gnumeric 

   ** (gnumeric:5072): WARNING **: GnomePrint: Requested Arial1 but using Sans
   (Sans Regular 9.00)
   Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Note the warning had nothing to do with the segfault AFAIK.
How do people do histograms on Linux (other than than by hand?)  I'd prefer
suggestions that people USE rather than a mindless response invoking
freshmeat.  I wanna be able to ask you a question if I have one.  ;-)
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