Re: Re: (313) Kraftwerk on tour

2003-11-20 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Does anyone fancy going to the Brussels concert? I got me tickets yesterday. 
High risk of more Technotourists being present...



PS I'd be quick if you want tickets for the Brussels show. I saw plenty of 
people on a forum who had already bought some...

>Anyone know if tickets are available for Barcelona yet? The Belgian ones 
>are already on sale from
>>Barcelona for me - only two hours away on a plane - takes longer to get to
>>London Village
>>20/11/03 3:43 PM Blackman, Ryan (UKEKT)[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>where's the UK?
>>>-Original Message-
>>>From: Martin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>Sent: 20 November 2003 3:39
>>>To: 313
>>>Subject: (313) Kraftwerk on tour

RE: (313) Plea from a digest reader ...

2004-04-13 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
also Re. New Mills, S/N etc.


You posted about people including original messages etc. with replies
(asking them not to).  I (and others) have also put in requests about this.
You then go on to ask:

"Does that sound like a reasonable request, or should I just give up on
trying to read the digests and subscribe to the normal list ?"

Dunno if you were joking or not but honestly, based on my experience, I
advise you to do it.  I made this switch and it is now so much easier to
quickly scan to see if a post's of interest or not.  It helps if you're in a
position to set your e-mail package up (I used "Rules Wizard" in Outlook,
don't know about other packages) to redirect 313 stuff to a special folder
where it sits not clogging up your regular Inbox - a bit like the digest!  I
got back to work today after Easter to be faced with a rather large number
of mails - mostly about colour [we can spell it that way if we want because
it's our language ;-) ] - which I soon made short work of!  Incidentally
this also fixes the mails that come out as undecipherable code in the digest
(which I guess means it's something to do with the way the digest is
compiled which scrambles them).

Finally, re. Sean Deason's mail, I thought it amusing (not really) that the
minutiae of discussion regarding one artist's views and peoples views of his
views leaves us without the contributions of another who I have records by.

Peace to all
It is my intention to offend no one

RE: (313) Plea from a digest reader ...

2004-04-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ooops...forgot the shameless self advertising:

For those in the Manchester (UK) area I'm involved in a party this Saturday

Check for more.

At least it's on topic as although a mixed bag we'll play some 313 tunes

In fact the more people of this list that come the more I'll be able to get
away with.

And since it's free (donations to sound system gratefully accepted) I guess
I can be forgiven.


RE: (313) radio playlist - 25/4/04

2004-04-26 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I really like the Private Pressings record - normally I won't pay the high
price Peacefrog ask for these things (many previous posts on this I know)
but this really appeals to me.

And the same is true for the Narcissist album, well into some of the tracks.

Also on previous posts - is there another Kenny L album coming?  Seem to
remember seeing word of an album titled Kaleidoscope on here.  Or maybe this
was a previous title for Narcissist?  Anyone any info?

What's the FSK meets Shake you mention? I don't know about this one.


-Original Message-


Some interesting stuff about at the moment -

Kenny Larkin private press - tasty! anyone else had a listen yet?

FSK meets Shake LP is good. Shake not in evidence on all tracks, but
good throughout.

New Two Lone Swordsmen LP featuring Weatherall on vocals! Still not
got my head totally round this one, but definitely worth further

RE: (313) Claro Intelecto (Ai Records/UK)

2004-04-27 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Yes, it be a good un!  Thursday?


(313) music info utilities

2004-04-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Resending below as it didn't seem to take the first time (guess due to what
the "server acting weird" thread posts are saying):


Can anyone give me information on sites that are useful for searching for
discographies?  I know of Discogs but maybe they are more house / techno
based as I was searching for info on Creative Source (70s soul / funk) (not
313 I know but I'm sure info about such sites would be useful to list
members), trying to find which of their albums their single "You Can't Hide
Love" was from but couldn't.  Any suggestions for similar sites with a wider
range of info?


RE: (313) music info utilities

2004-04-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>the LP you need is actually called "Creative Source" (by Creative Source)

Dang it, I think that baby costs around £60!  Oh well off to Gemm and
Netsounds to see if I can find a bargain.

RE: RE: (313) music info utilities

2004-04-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>please don't spend £60 on that, it's a £20 - £25 piece at worst (prob less
in the states)!


Cheers for the warning, I'd seen 2 copies on Netsounds, £60 and £100.
However in keeping with what you say there are a few copies round $30 on
Gemm, I bought the cheapest at $20.  Cheers for the info and to Alex for his
helpful posts.



2004-04-30 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Still no re-release of 'Six Nine' by 69? :-(

>It's still my favourite 69 track

Or how about being even bolder (= not very bold at all since all these
things sell, even at the premium charged for 4 Jazz Funk Classics) and
pressing previously unreleased stuff like Puntang (my favourite 69 track).
Surely it would be good to have stuff on vinyl which hasn't been pressed
before while repressing previously released stuff?



2004-04-30 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>where's this one available Francis?

>Not sure I've heard it.


It isn't available alas - my point really.  I can't really tell you a lot
about this, maybe somebody else on the list knows the facts and will correct
my ill informed and badly remembered (= I may be making it up) version of
things which is: it looked like it was going to come out on R&S about 10
years ago, it was on a demo cassette of tracks from forthcoming R&S albums,
also on there were Juan's "I Wanna Be There" from "Deepspace" which hadn't
come out then and similar tasters for albums by Tournesol, Jacobs Optical
Stairway, Ken Ishii, all of which dropped and some R&S classics.  I think at
the time there was something about a 69 album coming but whether that was
the "Sound Of Music" CD compilation of Planet E stuff on R&S which people
have mentioned in some recent posts or a whole lost 69 album (unlikely but
an anxiety inducing thought) I don't know.  Anyway it's a brilliant track,
I've heard 2 versions the one on the cassette above and one C2 played when
he did Radio 1's "Essential Mix" of that time.  OH MY GOD, after an hour and
a half, as he's building up to the end, he drops this long drawn out (20
minute? seemed like it) version, starting with background noises from the
other version just building for ages before it finally kicked.  Definite
goosebump moment.


(313) Stacey Pullen in Leeds tonight?

2004-04-30 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PS.  Any UK peeps here going to Stacey Pullen in Leeds tonight?  Making my
way over from Manchester on my lonesome and would be glad to bore / amuse
anyone else with my space cake fuelled chatter.

RE: (313) akufen question

2004-04-30 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I've got a recent remix he did of a track called 'Blue' by Plej.

It's ace.


RE: (313) bad pressing alert

2004-05-06 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Remember the early 90s, when pressing 4 or even more tracks per side was
>common for LPs (check out many Trax LPs licensed to PRT, etc)? Whilst there
>was some weakness in volume, it's nowhere near as bad as the repress in
>question sounds. So it is definitely a duffer.

I agree.  I'm not the big fan some are of spreading recordings over more and
more pieces of vinyl till you get CDs spread over 4 (or 2 x 4 packs, 'surely
not'? - Reprazent's first album) packs of vinyl.  OK maybe I'm just old and
still think in terms of what came out on a single piece of vinyl in the 70s
or 80s as an album, but I have some of those that weigh in at 35 mins a side
and while I'm not pretending they're really suitable for modern DJ/club use
you can mix with them, normalise the level from them without running out of
mixer gain control and most importantly they sound good, better than the
poorer of today's bootlegs.
I know some people want everything pressed at increasingly higher levels but
there's a limit to how much you can deflect a stylus by before you encounter
problems (a limit that is sometimes passed on current pressings).
So don't while some may not like anything over 15 mins on one side it still
has a kind of appeal to me when I see a current artist album (Dwele, Ms.
Dynamite) released on single vinyl rather than a multi pack.  I can drop it
on my turntable and start making my tea or relax with a book without having
to turn it over every 7 minutes!  I can fit more music in my box too.


RE: (313) Kevin Saunderson & Carl Craig last weekend in London

2004-05-06 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Didn't Carl Craig - bless him - play Beyonce's contagious Chi-lites
>samplin'- Crazy In Love?

Yes, I heard him play it at Supercondutor in Leeds:

Because it's a great track!!!

As are several Destiny's Child tracks, "Rock Your Body" and even "Can't Get
You Out Of My Head".

Replies calling me a MoFo unnecessary - I know this already.

I'm fine about slagging The Prodigy and "electroclash bobbins" though.

(313) reception still dodgy?

2004-05-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Are other peeps still having problems getting stuff posted / receiving
posts?  I posted yesterday, never received my own post, thought it hadn't
made it and was about to repost when I got replies.  Today I'm finding
replies to posts 10 posts before the original message.


RE: (313) forgotten EP's

2004-05-11 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Future"! (don't have the C2 mixes just an older copy) "Out Of The Storm

Just goes to show one mans forgotten track is another's record box staple
(both of those are with me).  Wonder what I'll rediscover next week that the
two of you have had on solid rotation for the past 5 years?!


RE: (313) digital producers

2004-05-11 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>I'm just reading yesterdays thread and (looking back at Alex's original
>review) wondering why it is that the same comments haven't been levelled at
>Scion? It sounds like they used pretty much the same set up?

>When I saw Scion in London I didn't hear the old 'he's reading his
>email/playing minesweeper' comments once. I think it's got something to do
>with how animated the artist is behind the laptop. Scion were standing and
>one of them actually moved quite a bit.

1.  I second Robin's reply about using controllers etc.

2.  They just looked more into what they were doing - staring with intense
concentration at their screens rather than (in Claro's case) what looked
like partial interest while waiting for the track to end so he could press
go on the next.

3.  They were just so **mn good that I was too busy being blown away to
compare techniques anyway.

I should point out that though I may have just criticised the expression on
Claro's face while he was doing his stuff I thought he rocked it (though not
as much as Scion!).

RE: (313) digital producers

2004-05-11 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Let's all punch the air, do handstands, headstands and spins and pay no
>attention at all to what we're doing then!

Maybe "concentrated" would be a better word than "animated"?
just showing they're feeling it in one way or another.

Neil's point about it being the same deal with DJs is a very good one but I
kind of apply the same rule to them too.

(313) GANGSTER BASS, INC. - detroit / 04.27.2003

2003-04-24 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

APRIL 27th, 2003 - sunday:

DOORMOUSE[milwaukee/addict records]
OTTO VON SCHIRACH [miami/schematic records]
BASECK [los angeles/darkmatter, tigerbeat6]

3rd st. saloon
701 w. forest st.
detroit, mi
phone: 313-831-3434
time: 10p - 2a
cost: $5


more info:

Re: (313) FW: A number of names interview @

2003-05-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Let's see if my reply reaches the list...  (sent Thursday 11h33 CET) 


 "Jongsma, K.J." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Since John Osselaer e-mail is not reaching this list for some weird reason
>iam posting this for him:

Re: RE: (313) Retrovert details -> Blake Baxter

2003-05-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 "Jongsma, K.J." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I've heard him play a DJ set several times, when he plays house he is
>f**king amazing. 

> I totally agree on this. Get Blake to play house (and a bit of techno, 
classic stuff) and you'll have the time of your life. Get him for a straight 
techno set and you might walk out. 

RE: (313) Every Dog 4

2003-05-10 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ou're right Max. It came up during my first talk with Robert:

" 1995 : Nighttime World 1, which was supposed to be H&M : Every Dog Has It's 
Day, released in 2000. Originally Jeff and I were supposed to record tracks for 
that album : Every Dog Has It's Day back in '93. Jeff can be erratic at times, 
he changes minds, but I had already done tracks. These tracks were good so I 
decided to make an album out of it."


PS Does anybody have an idea why I can't send to the list from my Outlook, but 
can reach the list from my online mailbox of the same account?

-Original Message-
From: Max Duley / ARCart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: zaterdag 10 mei 2003 13:49
To: 313
Subject: RE: (313) Every Dog 4

I'm sure I read somewhere that the Every Dog material is old, from the 
early-mid 90s. I I think I read that in a Robert Hood the 
printed version of Overload? Am I hallucinating or can anyone confirm?

(313) New gallery at Hood & Scan 7

2003-05-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi list,

We now have a new gallery online at 

It are pictures of the Transistor party at 013 in Tilburg, Holland on Sat. 
March 8, 2003 featurig Scan 7 and Robert Hood.

Here's the direct link for those pressed for time:


I'll see some of you soon in Detroit. Looking forward to that!



Re: RE: (313) Technotourist on Derrick May

2003-05-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thanks for the nice words guys. 

Klaas-Jan and I will be at the Techno Brings People Together event today in 
Detroit (Detroit Historical Museum). If you are in town and you would like to 
meet us drop by.

Sorry to the folks who expected us at the Laura Gavoor benefit last night. We 
could not make it anymore.


 "Brendan Nelson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I would just like to say, I agree completely.
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Odeluga, Ken [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: 21 May 2003 13:06
>> Subject: (313) Technotourist on Derrick May
>> file=index&req
>> =viewarticle&artid=29
>> Guess you've all read it by now - if not you really should.
>> Best interview of it's kind I ever read I think.
>> John, well done. To say the least!
>> Ken

(313) New Mix Available.

2003-05-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
There is a new mix available at the website:

Greg Mudge - Untitled Mix (128k mp3 - 51m:17s)

Greg hosts several weekly events in Detroit, namely Third Street Sundays,
Powertrain at Foran's Irish Pub, and Assembly at Corktown Tavern. He
regularly exposes local talent at quality events, and has also hosted such
performances as Himawari, Shawn Rudiman, and Dan Doormouse. His recent
forays into production and remixing have resulted in remixes of Portishead,
Madness, and The House Master Boyz. GM. 51:17.

Old mixes archived. Let the downloading commence.

Upcoming Sets By:
Anthony 'Shake' Shakir
Clark Warner
Derek Plaslaiko
DJ Kage

Direct Link:


*  *
* Movement Afterparties listed at *
*   Courtesy of the Detroit Family Mailing List*
*  *

mail2web - Check your email from the web at .

RE: (313) modern myths

2003-06-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I don't know about Ugly Edits 4, but Mohagani 2 is available at Melodies &
Memories in Eastpointe. +1.586.776.2396; ask for Terrence Parker.


mail2web - Check your email from the web at .

Re: (313) Mutek broadcasts

2003-06-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ah sweet! 

If only Mutek wasn't the week after the festival in Detroit... I guess there 
are no plans to bring this festival to Europe? 

Here's some info from Kompakt on events in Cologne:

Sa. 7th of June 2003


LIVE: Richard Davis aka Junkie Sartre (Punktmusic, UK)
DJS: Triple R (Traum/Trapez,Kompakt, Köln)
Strobocop (Karaoke Kalk, Koeln)
Beginn: 23 UHR

Sensor Club, Siegburgerstr. 110 , Koeln

Thurdsday 19th of June


Richie Hawtin (Plus 8/ Minus, NYC)
Triple R (Traum/Trapez/Kompakt, Koeln)
Strobocop (Karaoke Kalk, Koeln)  

Sensor Club, Siegburgerstr. 110 , Koeln

Studio 672
20th of june
M. MAyer, Superpitcher
Live: Luomo

Venloerstrasse. 40, 50672 Koeln


 diana potts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>The fione people of Mutek have put up some sets for
>broadcast. Sets include Pole and Telefon Tel Aviv.
>Do you Yahoo!?
>Yahoo! Calendar - Free online calendar with sync to Outlook(TM).

Re: (313) Copenhagen Record Shops

2003-07-16 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Unfortunately "Loud 2" (the better of the two), "Baden Baden" (my
favourite), and "Street Dance" have all folded in the last few months,
(Nobody bought their CD's anymore and the vinyl sale wasn't enough to keep
them afloat)... there's only "Loud" left :(

Original Message:
From: Roland van Oorschot [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2003 12:12:18 +0200
Subject: Re: (313) Copenhagen Record Shops

At 12:06 16-7-2003, Jens wrote:
>Loud(house) - Hyskestræde 9
>Loud2(tech, electro etc.) Magstræde
Yeah... Loud Music is nice!
I was there during my vacation a few years ago.
Loads of 313 stuff. I bought my DJ Rolando mix cd there =)
Nice to see that there are 2 Loud shops now.




mail2web - Check your email from the web at .

(313) PR person for artists

2003-08-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I was wondering if anybody knew of PR peeps that represent (electronic music) 
artists without a booking agency being tied in with it. 



Re: RE: (313) Boogymann on Superhuit.

2003-08-11 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
What's that buzzing sound in the distance? Is it da digital killer bees? 


 Ryan Snowden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Sounds like someone taking the piss to me
>That or someone who's actually looking for a law suit


(313) Pictures Clone labelnight and Rotterdam online

2003-08-20 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi list,

We now have our pictures of the Clone labelnight online. We also added a 
gallery with pictures of the record store, some architectural landmarks in 
Rottedam and some Technotourists.

Go to > gallery

Or for direct access:



Re: Re: (313) The sky is falling... REJOICE

2003-08-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It's funny, the exact same thing was discussed last Friday afternoon in 
Rotterdam among a bunch of 'older' music lovers. We are all waiting for the 
bubble to burst so things can get back to 'normal' again. 

Have a nice, super-star-dj-free weekend,


 Matt MacQueen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>from the article:
>"Through the mid-1990s these club promoters were global brands, doing 
>big festivals and brand extensions. Now we are moving away from the 
>overblown to the grassroots and the up and coming DJs. People no longer 
>want to listen to cheesy anthems"
>this "news" is the best I've heard in ages... if the prediction comes 
>true.  The lack of connection at "superstar" DJ gigs just got worse and 
>worse.  I'm more than happy to watch the Keoki's of the world die on 
>the vine, while the guy playing REAL tracks at local bars and weeklies 
>will always be digging deeper and harder to bring new fresh underground 
>music to speakers near you, (for people who actually care).  Those 
>"stars" at the top get complacent, the club accountants start calling 
>the shots and the music suffers because of it - no surprise. Support 
>your local sound system, if you are the kind of person who likes to go 
>out, throw your own night at a local pub instead -- real recognizes 
>YOU (reading this email) are the performer *and* the audience... it's 
>about time the DJ scene has overthrown (again) the rockstar/stadium 
>performance paradigm, it was getting out of hand.  Can we move past the 
>club-branded water bottles, vacation packages, cell-phone plans and  
>and get back to the underground music please?   That whole superclubs 
>thing, the lack of connection to most electronic music DJs and fans I 
>know was remarkable, while the underground DIY energies will 
>consistently remain on a low boil.
>Matt MacQueen

Re: RE: (313) jeff mills at lost yesterday + free mix

2003-08-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thomas Brinkmann does dj. He uses dual-tonearm decks and throws in records with 
geometrical scratches that he uses to create rhythms.

Here's an interview with the good man:

If I can find the time in the coming weeks I'll try to type out the interview I 
did with him around the time of the Soul Centre release.


 "Odeluga, Ken" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>i'm quite certain that mix was done by someone else. didn't it say that on
>>the cd? (i gave mine away after encoding it)
>I don't think so. I'm sure also, that I read some feedback on this list abt
>Brinkmann djing once ... I understand that he's got some eccentric
>techniques ...

(313) Minimal recommendations

2003-09-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi folks,

It looks like I'll be heading to Cologne on Saturday. This came up only 
yesterday when an ex-colleague asked me to drive along.

I'm really excited to be able to go to Kompakt again, but since I'll have 
limited time I was wondering if some of you could give me some recommandations 
for nice minimal stuff. I'm talking about the more funky, punchy, bleepy 
screepy stuff, think Daniel Bell (own stuff and mixcd's), Akufen, Safety 

I've never been into online record shopping so I have no clue whether there are 
sites where I could hear some samples of a variety of these records?

All advise much appreciated. Thanks in advance,


(313) 09.07.2003. five years of the abuse.

2003-09-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
5 YEAR anniversary party
SUNDAY, SEPT. 7th, 2003

hell, we didn't think we'd be around this long either. buy us a drink? it's
party time. in conjunction with the addict records 'autobismal piledriver'
tour, low res records and g.mudge present:

DOORMOUSE - live [addict records]
STUNTROCK - live [clfst, addict records]
DJ BASECK - [darkmatter soundsystem]
ADJUST - live [low res records]
DELIEN - live [low res records]
DJ TWEEQ [low res records, oj's sushi bar]

$5 / 9PM
3rd st. saloon.
701 w. forest st.
detroit, michigan, usa.
phone: 313-831-3434


this time and always, live computers, crap flinging and record playing will
be standard protocol. your attendance is necessary. 9pm is when it starts,
bring $5 to assure your admittance.


(313) Fuse gallery up at

2003-09-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
We now have a gallery of the famous Belgian techno club Fuse online at The pictures were taken last Saturday when Neil Landstrumm 
was the headliner of the evening. 

Go to and click gallery or for those with little 
time on their hands:



Re: Re: (313) 313 on DVD ?

2003-09-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>This October Jeff Mills' The Exhibitionist DVD should be released.

---> It has been postponed till January. 



(313) Planetaria remixed by Miguel Lara

2003-09-13 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Planetaria remixed by "Miguel Lara presnets IONIC!"

Re: (313) new daniel bell

2003-09-17 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>has anyone heard the new daniel bell lp - blip, blurp, bleep - on logistic?

--> It's a compilation of his classic material. And the last three tracks are 
more recent (two of his mixcd tracks)

Losing Control
Electric Shock
Work That S***!
Flying Saucer
Baby Judy
Squirrel Bait
Rhodes 2



Re: RE: (313) new daniel bell

2003-09-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Butterfly Effect appeared on the Tresor 7 compilation (Tresor 123).



 "Odeluga, Ken" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>... Ah well, it wd have been even nicer to have some of those Tresor tra
>on vinyl, like 'The Butterfly Effect' ... licensing issues I guess ...
>>-Original Message-
>>From: Mark S. Krüx [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2003 10:13 PM
>>Subject: Re: (313) new daniel bell
>>It's worth it for Squirrel Bait alone...been lookin' for that one:)
>>- Original Message -
>>Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2003 1:00 PM
>>Subject: Re: (313) new daniel bell
>>> when is this coming out? i looked at a few online stores but could not
>>find it.
>>> the track list looks great.
>>> if it had spocks brain it would even more killer...
>>> it would be nice to have to carry, instead of the 12s
>>> scotto
>>> > >has anyone heard the new daniel bell lp - blip, blurp, bleep - on
>>> >
>>> > --> It's a compilation of his classic material. And the last three
>>tracks are
>>> > more recent (two of his mixcd tracks)
>>> >
>>> > Bleep
>>> > Phreak
>>> > Losing Control
>>> > Electric Shock
>>> > Schitzo-squelch
>>> > Work That S***!
>>> > Flying Saucer
>>> > Beep
>>> > Baby Judy
>>> > Squirrel Bait
>>> > Rhodes 2
>>> > Untitled
>>> > Goodbye
>>> >
>>> > Cheers,
>>> >
>>> > John
>>> > >
>>> > >fab
>>> > >
>>> >
>>> >

(313) 09.28.03: LENA/HIMAWARI farewell solo performance in detroit - TONIGHT

2003-09-28 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
yes it's true, we need to send the HIMA kids back home (for top secret
classified reasons, of course), in fact TAKESHI is already in japan busy
setting up operation headquarters. LENA has been so gracious to take the
time from her busy globe-trotting schedule to come back to detroit one last
time for one last show.

join us at third st. saloon this evening (sun, sept. 28)  and say goodbye to
LENA before she leaves for tokyo with a 'farewell to detroit' solo

Sunday, September 28th
Third Street Saloon, Detroit

LENA from HIMAWARI - rematter/low res
ADJUST - rematter/low res
GR3YMAN  - rematter/low res
TWEEQ - low res/super steak buffet/satan

Third st. saloon.
701 W. Forest

(313) Gallery Ten Days Off festival at

2003-09-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi list,

We now have a picture gallery of the Ten Days Off festival up at  Ten Days Off actually runs for 11 days during the annual 
summer festivities in Ghent. The line-up is very strong and varied; it brings 
the best of different currents in electronic dance music. We were there for 
quite a number of the 'Days' and took some pictures. > gallery > Ten Days Off

Or for a direct link click:



(313) New Mix Available from

2003-10-27 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For Immediate Release:

Now available from

Jason Patrack – The Steamy Affair Mix 
128K .mp3 - Available for both download and stream

Jason Patrack began DJing in early 1999 at the age of 17.  "The first real
form of electronic music that I was introduced to was Chicago house, by
some friends from school that had been into the music scene for a few
years." Shortly after Jason began DJing, he discovered Detroit techno and
immediately fell in love.  From that point on, techno has been the main
style of music that he plays.  After crafting his DJing style, Jason began
playing at some Detroit area clubs and parties in 2001.  Some of the places
Jason has played include One-X (Detroit), Nova Afterlounge (Pontiac), The
Heidelberg (Ann Arbor), Level Lounge (Chicago), the Metro Times booth at
Detroit’s 2003 Movement festival, and many underground and loft parties by
315 Productions.  Jason brings a quick finesse style of mixing to his
sets-- he defines his sound as being a mixture of different styles of
techno: "When I'm playing, I like to mix up some harder stuff, some
electro, some harder minimal, and some deeper more melodic Detroit type
techno-- to take people on a bit of a musical journey of sorts… too many
techno DJs these days just bang it as hard as they can at the same
intensity level their whole set. I find that to be very uninteresting-- I
like to bring people up, down, and back up again.”  Some of Jason's techno
influences include Richard Hawtin, Robert Hood, Derrick May, and the
Advent.  Other musical influences range from Prince to Nine Inch Nails to
classic Motown. Currently, Jason is learning the production side of the


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(313) Dj 3000 interview at

2003-10-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hello list,

We now have an interview with Dj 3000 (Submerge) online at

In this interview with Dj 3000 talks about his background, 
his commitment to Submerge and what they stand for, his own label and new 
mix-cd, but also about some other aspects of life in the electronic music 

Go to > interviews > Dj 3000

or click this link:



(313) Entire Collection Available [Limited].

2003-11-13 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The entire set of exclusive mixes are available once
again, so for anyone that missed out on the first few... get them now. 128K
mp3, burnable mixes free for download.

01 Christian Bloch - Detroit Mix for
02 Mike Grant - Live at the Blue Room
03 Matthew Mangold - You Got the One That Goes Like This?
04 Lee Herrington - Its Odd
05 Matthew Mangold - Second Derivative Test
06 Greg Mudge - Untitled Mix for
07 Kage - Nature of Textures
08 Ryan Elliott - 29for313
09 Element.8 - Live at the Nefarious Booth; Movement 2003
10 Mike Perry - Dried Shoes
11 A.Garcia - Untitled Mix for
12 Jason Patrack - The Steamy Affair

They will eventually all go back to RealAudio archives to make room for the
next wave of mixes by:

Anthony 'Shake' Shakir
Clark Warner
Colin Zyskowski (LIVE)
Derek Plaslaiko


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RE: [313] - Adult Only # 12 and 313?

2002-02-09 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Also, Ladbroke was the name of the race track that recently closed down just 
outside the city limits. Ladbroke DRC to be precise. I think this is probably 
just coincidence, as I doubt there would be any reason for an Oak Park horse 
track to be significant in the title of an import house record. Good tune, 
though-- I should dig it back out of the crate... haven't played that one in 
damn near a year. I was curious about the same thing, though, when I heard it.


Original Message:
From: Odeluga, Ken [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2002 12:05:56 -
Subject: RE: [313] - Adult Only # 12 and 313?

For what it's worth, Ladbroke Grove is in a trendy part of London - if you
didn't know. Least it used to be trendy until it got famous, house prices
went up and the subculture could no longer afford to live there ... Notting
Hill is very near it, see?

>-Original Message-
>From: Mark S Flintoft [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 11:56 AM
>To: 313
>Subject: [313] - Adult Only # 12 and 313?
>Well once again I can't sleep,  and as I often do when that happens I
>started playing some records.  The last record I pulled out was...
>Vinyl Line   West Station   Adult Only AO 12 (though it says AO11 in the
>I usually play the B side which is a nice smooth house cut
>co-produced by C.
>Carrier and one of my favorite house producers Jef K called Stamper
>Anyways long story short,  this morning I decided to play the A side and in
>the first breakdown of the first track there is a computer sounding female
>vocal that states 'Enter Area Code 313' before the track kicks back in...
>It's kind of strange as the label art is what appears to be Osaka Japan's
>subway system,  while the info side has a few generic skyscrapers on it.
>So I am wondering,  what this little 313 snipet is doing on a
>record with no
>obvious 313 ties (at least to my over-tired brain;)?  The track titles are
>A1 West Station,  A2 Ladbroke Groove and B1 Stamper Square...any Detroit
>signifigance to those??  Is Osaka's area code 313 too??;-)
>Not that I actually expect any answers,  I just thought I'd share...
>Off to try and get some zzs,

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RE: [313] dan bell - in the park

2002-02-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I'd like more info on this release as well.  On a broader scale, what is Dan 
Bell up to these days?  Last time I saw Theo Parrish he mentioned Dan was 
living in Germany, is this still the case?


Original Message:
From: Neil Wallace [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 14:18:34 -
Subject: [313] dan bell - in the park

anyone know any details about when/where this was released and if it is
still available - it is a nice downtempo track with a vocal saying "flowers
and bees and birds and trees"



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RE: [313] dan bell - in the park

2002-02-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
yes, he's still in germany, and i've heard that he also has a new album coming 
out soon. most recently released are a poker flat title, and one of the ratio 
remixed singles featured his work.


Original Message:
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 09:28:54 -0500
Subject: RE: [313] dan bell - in the park

I'd like more info on this release as well.  On a broader scale, what is Dan 
Bell up to these days?  Last time I saw Theo Parrish he mentioned Dan was 
living in Germany, is this still the case?


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[313] k seeking m from .de

2002-02-26 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

(sorry folks :/)


my old email got tanked while i was out of town..this is my new one

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RE: Re: [313] Current 02.23.02 (Octave One Feature)

2002-02-28 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>Octave One will be doing a Live PA for Mixworks

to clarify for those of you coming tonight, it will be more of an extended
DJ set than a traditional live PA from what I understand.

why is it being promoted as live then? *confused*

having literally seen bad music on _three_ coast in the last _month_ i 
desperately need to be inspired


(has crocuses and snowdrops buried in snow in her yard :/ )

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[313] porters vs touch

2002-04-02 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

: .....:..:..::touch /v/ to leave a mark or impression
:  ...  :.  ..   ::  ...:..::
:  .:.::..:
:  .:voted [best thursday night]: real detroit weekly
:  :.

well not to cause a ruckus but i would vote for porter's over the 
nectarine..way better vibe in my opinion (or maybe it's just less focus on 
alcohol? )..both are showcasing quality talent though

-k *inserting an anything but expert opinion*

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[313] Congress to consider licensing fees; Take Action.

2002-04-02 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-this seems rather 313 relevant considering the number of musicians etc.


(thig write my sorry ass :)

This is a follow-up to my message last week about the online fees
that threaten to close down independent webcasters, including
Allston-Brighton Free Radio.

In that message, I urged you to contact your legislator to educate
them on the issue.
It turns out that the U.S. House Judiciary Subcommittee on Courts,
the Internet, and Intellectual Property is taking the issue under
consideration and has requested public comment on digital music &
copyright issues. Comments must be received by April 8, 2002.

Once again, the issues at stake are the free flow of information,
music and the concept of Fair Use, all of which are threatened by the
expansion of the power of the copyright and the grab for a quick
buck. This effects not only webcasters, and musicians who are not at
the top of the music biz heap, but is part of a growing push to
restrict how individuals in their _own homes_ can use information,
including MP3 files.

If you want a sample letter to refer to, please let me know, but the
sending of sample letters is far LESS effective than even a short and
simple note composed by you.

Your letter should be sent to:

  Hon. Howard Coble, Chair
   Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet & Intellectual Property,
   House Judiciary Comittee
   fax: +1 202-225-3673
The submission deadline is April 8, 2002, 5pm (EST)

Suggested salutation:
Dear Chairman Coble and Members of the Subcommittee:

Steve ProvizerCitizens' Media Corps
451 Cambridge St.  Allston-Brighton Free Radio
Allston, MA 02134   Broadcast: 1670 AM
617-232-3174   Webcast:
Radio Studio:  <>

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FW: Re: [313] Europe/US Electroclash Magic Bus rant

2002-04-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

*groan* i really thought this was a joke at first...

m you know i love the way you think and you have all my respect but honestly 
this is the WORST proposed thread and i just hope people don't actually start 
filling up my mailbox with it

-k *terrified*

blub, sorry - it´s late and it´s in english and where was the 313-link ?

ohem: Underground Resistance ? yes - what means underground to you ?

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[313] greening of detroit speaker (local only)

2002-04-10 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
hink this is a pipe dream, I don’t think it’s pie in the sky. There 
are definitely parts of this that are very practical, parts of it that can be 
put in place,” Pothukuchi said.”

For Pitera, that sort of response is both encouraging and a bit daunting.

“We never expected this to take on such momentum so quickly,” he said. “What we 
need to do now is work on the specifics. If we don’t, this is going to fall 

Community input

Chris Pomodoro, one of six students who helped create the Adamah plan over a 
four-month period in the spring of 2000, says the experience has changed his 

“When we went out into the community and talked to people about the project, it 
was exciting,” he recalled. “You could see that their own ideas were being 
sparked, that you could not only do this, but that you could also do this and 
this and this. It was a way of helping empower the people who live there, a way 
of providing a more powerful way of approaching city planning. I wasn’t like 
some corporation coming in and saying, ‘We want to build a factory here.’”

Pomodoro grew up in Farmington Hills observing Detroit from a distance, so the 
survey provided a fresh view of the city.

“It was surreal,” he says. “You’d be standing in these vacant lots, with fields 
of grass growing, and see pheasants go running by, and in the distance you 
would see the skyline with the RenCen standing there.

“There’d be a lot of junk from dumping, and all sorts of bad things in the 
area. But I also saw it as a beautiful thing. When you look at all this vacant 
land and abandoned housing, Detroit is like the land of opportunity. I could 
never afford to buy a building in New York or Chicago or San Francisco.”

Now a graduate with degrees in architecture and civil engineering, Pomodoro is 
working at the Design Center and shopping for property on the east side.

“It’s possible to buy a building here, and turn it into a community for artists 
and designers.”

It’s also an opportunity to remain a part of the project he helped start.

“This is a continuing thing,” he said. “If it starts moving to the point where 
projects are being done, it needs to be as inclusive as possible, with a 
continuing dialogue among people in the community. Hopefully, I’ll be one of 
those people soon.”

To learn more about the Adamah project, phone the Boggs Center at 313-923-0797, 
or visit its Web site at

Curt Guyette is Metro Times news editor. He can be reached at 313-202-8004 or 

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FW: Re: [313] greening of detroit speaker (local only)

2002-04-10 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


it's in ferndale..address is on the website


Original Message:
From: Lester Kenyatta Spence [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 13:50:52 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: [313] greening of detroit speaker (local only)

green party headquarters WHERE?  in detroit?

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[313] FW: [REMATTER] april 22nd / HIMA @ halcyon / brooklyn, nyc, usa

2002-04-11 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
insert ad rock "hello brooklyn..."

Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2002 15:24:03 -0700
Subject: [REMATTER] april 22nd / HIMA @ halcyon / brooklyn, nyc, usa

monday, april 22nd, 2002
live performance and video at HALCYON in brooklyn

too cool for the real world, the REMATTER crew is gonna be all up in the
place, while HIMA throws down and tears up this cute 'record store/coffee
bar/modern artifact' location, MONDAY NIGHT APRIL 22nd.

get out the good stuff, its been a while since HIMAWARI rocked the new york
city... see you there!

227 smith street (between butler and douglass)
carroll gardens, brooklyn 11231
718-260-WAXY (718-260-9299)
subway F or G to bergen street

REMATTER MUSIC, its all that counts.

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RE: [313] Is Electronic Music dying? (was: Re: The committee vs. Carl Craig)

2002-04-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Original Message:
From: Greg Earle [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sun, 14 Apr 2002 10:48:54 -0700
Subject: [313] Is Electronic Music dying?  (was: "Re: The committee vs. Carl 

Last year, the sight of the crowd at the DEMF - seeing hundreds of thousands
of people out to see *my music*, ON MY OWN HOME SOIL - had me in tears.  (I
mean, let's face it, that many people in a place like, say, Holland, wouldn't
be quite so amazing - Techno and House are so well-integrated into the
popular culture over there.)

i would question whether or not those "hundreds of thousands of people" were 
actually out to see the music or to be part of a scene they heard about..i 
myself am skeptical remembering the quality of people there versus the year 
before..but then again maybe i'm just cynical :)

But now it's a year later and it seems like the stakes are higher ... the
lineups for these other Techno-oriented festivals seem to be getting
weaker ... which means that now, more than ever, having a strong DEMF
somehow seems even more important, against that backdrop.  To me, Techno
has always been truly "The Music Of The Future" - and I hate to see the
Future become something that starts to resemble the Past, which these
Audiotistic and Coachella lineups do.

again i disagree...maybe the music will improve if it stops being fodder for 
popular consumption...i know i make this comparison too much but again look at 
the history of jazz

Is Electronic music dying?  Of course not - but I'm worried that this "trend"
(if one can call it that) leads down the same path to Jazz - pushed to the
side, kept out of the limelight, only supported by the (small) subculture.

*chuckle* whoops..i hadn't read this a jazz person i say this is a 
_good_ lets _creativity_ blossom as opposed to being swayed by the 
needs/wants/desires of mainstream's mushy bland white bread vs 
small quantities of artisan bread

But then, that's just the thoughts of an old Punk idealist.  :)

wow..this is _so_ not a punk ideal..punk was a response _to_ popular culture 
"crap" (i put this in quotes cause i love cheesy disco at times :)and when 
people like debbie harry gained popular appeal they got totally bashed by punk 

interesting points raised here nonetheless


- Greg

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[313] scenes vs The Scene

2002-04-16 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Original Message:
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2002 15:27:54 +
Subject: RE: [313] Is Electronic Music dying? (was: Re: The committee vs. Carl 

Actually you touched on something that disturbed me greatly, the difference
in crowds between Demf 1 & 2.  It was the sight of such a diverse crowd
after the first Demf, all enjoying themselves and digging on the music, that
made it really seem like a landmark to me.  That diversity seemed to be lost
at the second Demf, and I'm curious as to why this was the case?  Anyone
have any thoughts on this?

that's pretty easy (imo) ..last year people raved about how great it was and so 
it attracted a large element of every idiot from missouri is 
showing up

In general, I thought that there was a preponderence of ravers at the last
festival who didn't necessarily know what they had even come to see.

yes..the first year we had people coming up to us telling us it was great to 
see people in UR gear, the second it was asking who they were

worst thing that could happen is that curious locals won't attend because
they percieve it to simply be some kind of "rave" thing.

On the other hand, thank God for the afterparties which more and more look
like they will become the real focus.

I will be very sad if I know longer see some of the great artists out with 
their kids in strollers...

I don't think that we should lose site of the fact that the detroit artists 
spent decades being undervalued and now their name is being institutionalized 
in this city, and are you really that suprised that it is being co-opted?


re: the post about certain types of music attracting teenagers it's called 
teenage angst, pick up a sisters of mercy cd sometime ;)

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RE: [313] scenes vs The Scene

2002-04-16 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

oh jesus...before more people get their joe boxers bunched up in a wad (or 
hanes her way for that matter) the subject at hand was _balance_


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FW: [313] Re: Off topic 313 posts

2002-04-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

no matter your own opinion on the matter, don't post.  Follow the rules of
the list or leave please.  If I cared enough about the world around me, I
wouldn't be relying on second-hand news on a techno mailing list.

i can relate this post to 313 in two notes :P

Lorie writes:

> This is bull sh!t. So if someone set off the atomic bomb or if someone hit
> the renaissance center in Detroit.. I better not inform 313 because its off
> the topic of Detroit techno.

a woman after my own heart *sigh*



*debating whether or not to shake or not to shake tonight*

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[313] demf website

2002-04-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

5 out of the 6 pics of dj's on the website are of richie

whitewashing at it's finest

*angry beyond measure*


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FW: Re: [313] demf website

2002-04-30 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

how do *you* know the reason why he is popular is because he's white?

because we take the time to think/study the world at a level that goes beyond 
the superficial...because we look at the world with a critical eye..because we 
care enough about humanity to study/learn/understand concepts of institutional 
priviledge etc..

i have nothing against richie..he is a great artist..he however has also 
benefitted greatly from racial priveledge.._that_ is what has made him more 
accessible and _that_ is what has made him popular and _that_ is why his 
picture gets overplayed



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[313] bob brown in urb

2002-05-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

i discovered bob brown while i was living in philly...he's just excellent both 
in technical skill and personality...a friend just sent me this article that 
came out in urb about him last month...if you ever, ever get a chance to catch 
him live i would do so.



  Bob Brown

  AGE: 25
  HOME BASE: Philadelphia, PA
  STYLE: Techno with soul
  DJING HOW LONG: Almost 10 years
  EQUIPTMENT: Three Technics 1200s, three Electrix 
EQ killers and a Rane 2016 Rotary mixer. For production, I do it all on my 
Apple Powerbook and my Yamaha NS-10Ms. FIRST PARTY DJED: Something I put 
together at a teen club called Fascinations in my hometown of Medina, OH. It 
was in 1992 when I was 16. This club was normally all commercial, but I talked 
to the owner and he let me play on a Friday. All 15 of my friends showed up. I 
finished with The Smiths' "Panic." INFLUENCES: My earliest influences were 
industrial guys like Alien Sex Fiend and Front 242. Then I heard 808 State's 
"Cubik" -- still aggressive, but more user-friendly.Then I went through a 
two-year phase where all I listened to was techno. Then I stated listening to 
hip-hop, old house and acid house and experimental noise like Zoviet France.
Bartz' "Subway" on Kanzlerampt
We found a concert hall that was willing to do a midnight-to-6 a.m. party. We 
had phenomenal talent: Theresidents included myself, Mace (a 10 year veteran of 
the decks), Mr. Kleen from Satellite and this local jack-of-all trades, 
Alexander/Adrock. Add guests like DJ Skull Hyperactive, Adam X and Dave Clarke, 
and you have what was the best techno talent in this country and abroad every 
week on a consistent basis.
  ON THE PHILLY TECHNO SCENE: During the days of 
Flight, Philly was on the forefront as far as techno parties. We were the first 
to bring a lot of acts to the East Coast, like Chris Sattinger and Regis. Soon 
enough, things changed, and now I am still bringing talent out, but the parties 
now are for 100 instead of 2,000. Once Philadelphia started enforcing its laws 
about clubs not staying open past 2 a.m., the scene has had to either go 
underground or use commercial venues and close at 2a.m.
  DREAM GIG: A bunch of screaming, dancing maniacs 
who beg for each record and thank me after the set when I've just played all 
the songs I wanted to hear. I love those dreams!
  SECRET TO A GOOD MIXTAPE: Forget about what a 
mix-tape is "supposed" to sound like and just let it rip.
  CAREER HIGHLIGHT: A close tie: the time I was in 
Glasgow, [Scotland,] for my first gig and stumbled upon huge posters with my 
name on them all around the city, or when I played in Albufeira, Portugal at 
Locomia [] until the sun started to rise over the private 

  All-Time Five:
  FIERCE RULING DIVA/Atomic Slide (Lower East)
  RICHARD BARTZ/Subway {Kanzlerampt)
  MESCALINIUM UNITED/We Have Arrived (Aphex)
  INNER CITY/Good Life (KMS)
  CARI LEKEBUSCH/Precious Moments (DJUPT)

  Current Chart:
  BOB BROWN/FW011 (Framework)
  SI BEGG/Welcome s)
  MICHAEL FORSHAW/Chan05 (Chan N Mike's)
  ERASE/Jack Your Body (Erase Music)
  DAVE TARRIDA/NH09 (Neue Heimat) Silicon Sampler
  (Resource) PACOU/Recent (Konsequent)
  THE APHORISM/Detangle EP (Mutter)
  DAMON VALLERO/Deviate EP (Electracom)

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[313] old house/acid

2002-05-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

if you are looking for acid house or classic house mixes paul is your 
man..believe me i've smooozed tapes out of the best of them and he is 
absolutely tops


Original Message:
Date: Tue, 07 May 2002 11:43:31 -0700
Subject: Re: [313] Re: Back to the Future and the Electro "revival"

> speaking of which, Im ready for an acid house revival.

I got an old 87/88 acid mix  U need a fast connection  its about 22mb's
bu proper old chicago acid house...

Lemme know what u think


> -Joe
> fux
> - Original Message -
> From: "Suman Ganguli" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <>
> Sent: Monday, May 06, 2002 3:37 PM
> Subject: Re: [313] Re: Back to the Future and the Electro "revival"
>> following up on that NYTimes article, here's another NYC publication's
>> take on the 'electro revival', from the Village Voice website
>> ( last paragraph
>> is the most interesting one:
>> "Rewind! by Tricia Romano
>> You know the electro revival is officially over when one of the biggest
>> names in the rejuvenated genre turns up at his gig and plays nothing but
>> acid house.
>> That's what Ed DMX of DMX Krew did at the Tribeca Grand on Sunday night.
>> But as he started piling up the ACEEED, the dancefloor started piling up
>> with punters w ho were 'aving it, including Elliot Taub (a/k/a DJ
>> Ulysses), Satamile, and Melis sa of W.I.T.
>> Sitting in the corner was Flyer's Daniel Shumate, who I had to scold for
>> the pre vious night's faux pas. Mr. Shumate blabbered to the techno-geek
>> grapevine that Detroit techno DJ Derrick May was spinning at the
>> Foundation Crew's party at Groovejet. Of course, a Derrick May sighting is
>> almost as rare as spotting Salman Rushdie back when the Ayatollah wanted
>> his head. The rumor was believable only be cause promoter/DJ Kimyon has
>> ties to Detroit. But I'm beginning to believe that Derrick, like Santa
>> Claus, is not real. He wasn't there, alas."
>> -----
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[313] submerge may 25th problems w/ ordering?

2002-05-13 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

it sounds awesome but i can't get the ticket order to work..has anyone had 

Original Message:
From: jurren baars [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, 13 May 2002 16:59:49 +
Subject: [313] submerge may 25th

just saw this on the submerge website:

model 600 press conference by juan atkins at submerge on may 25th
The Soul Of Detroit:
eddie flashin' fowlkes, anthony 'shake' shakir and keith tucker discussing
the future of our beloved music [sounds interesting!]


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[313] veg[313] FOOD in Detroit

2002-05-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I used to eat vegetarian, but I now realize how cruel it is. besides theres
not much sport in it, I mean they're so weak they hardly put up much of a
struggle :^)

this poet chrystos writes a great one about lettuce in this fashion wrote:

> In Season - a nice veg restaurant in Royal Oak.  Often times they have nice
> specials.

in season is's a nice datey type of place me and a steady 
always tried hit while in town


> Not sure if these are both still open, but I remember them fondly.
> mark
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[313] dj dijital prototype mix 2

2002-05-17 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
desperately searching for this mix. Havn't been able to find it anywhere.
If anyone knows where to get it (its listed at recordtime but out of stock), or 
has a copy of it and wants to do a trade, get back to me on [EMAIL PROTECTED]
i have over 200 mixes available. All detroit orientated.

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FW: Re: [313] DEMF/Metro Times Article

2002-05-23 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

actually if you look at the article closely you would see that she was attacked 
not only for her actions but also for being female...anytime people use 
buzzwords like "too emotional" they are bringing sexism into the 
picture..having been on the receiving end of that sort of thing _far_ too many 
times (my favorite is "too aggressive") i just cant' condone it no matter who 
the person in question is..

i'm obviously not here to defend her but it really cheapened the article imo to 
resort to those sorts of tactics


Original Message:
From: Lester Kenyatta Spence [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 23 May 2002 00:29:06 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: [313] DEMF/Metro Times Article

On Wed, 22 May 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> if carol marvin was a man, someone would have kicked her ass by now.

then again there IS that


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[313] marmoset-demf

2002-05-30 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

did anyone see dave walker this year? ian? anyone?

i didn't see him and i usually do and i'll be sad to find out he wasn't there
.i at least knew ian was there by his post *waves from ann arbor*


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[313] submerge.panel

2002-06-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

yeah this is a little late but.

i was at the submerge panel saturday morning of demfit had a very "pro 
technology" flavor to it...imo that is rather problematic since technology has 
played a _large_ part in the rising levels of inequality both in the united 
states (the income of the poorest 20 percent of households has fallen in real 
terms by about 15 percent in the last 25 years) as well as in developing 
countries (increases in technology have led to globalization which has led to 
dramatic increases in inequity in these countries)..i understand that the 
panelists were not there to speak on such things but all of us have a 
responsiblity to understand our place in the world

back to the music


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RE: [313] [OT] Re: [313] submerge.panel and technology

2002-06-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Original Message:
From: James Hurlbut [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 05 Jun 2002 09:21:43 -0700
Subject: [313] [OT] Re: [313] submerge.panel and technology

I wasn't at the panel, but I disagree with the idea that technology is a
root cause of the massive inequality of the world.

did i say root cause? i said contributed to, played a large part in the 
_growing_ inequality..please don't just _react_ to what people write

I think technology is
neutral, it is a tool whose use can be motivated by greed and profit or by
social consciousness.

i totally agree...this concept has created what is called "appropriate use" 
what forms of technology will help people in developing countries..however 
numerous studies have shown that globalization thus far has increased the 
inequities not decreased and so to blindly be pro-technology w/o framing it is 
irresponsible imo

The current tide of "globalism from below", a
historic network of independent media reporters, organizers, and activists
exists today because of "widespread" deployment of communication technology
throughout the first and and parts of the third world. Events like the
World Social Forum at Port Alegro Brazil or the Seattle protests couldn't
have been organized without technology.

uh my housemate went to the first and i've been at every major wto 
addition as an activist i am well aware of the benefits technology ..the 
additions to my arsenal have had unmeasurable benefits

I'm not delusional, I know 3/5 of
the world's population doesn't have clean sanitation let alone have used a
telephone, but that's more of a reason we need to focus on getting
technology in the hands of the disempowered rather than wishing it would go
away. My two cents, back to techno.

i apologize if you read my statement ot mean i'm pro-luddite if you knew me you 
would realize that that concept is laughable..


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RE: RE: [313] OT: globalization [was: sumberge.panel]

2002-06-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

not whinging about "globalization"
as if it were something that could be stopped if only we got enough people
to sign petitions.

god i would so LOVE to see you say this in detroit, to a teamster, a uaw a town that had one of the most brutal strikes in history that went 
on for years and years (detroit free press)...would you then have the balls to 
go up to them to a group of them and say to their face "stop whining" *laughs*

the level of disrespect of this post doesn't warrant my time/enegy


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RE: Re[2]: [313] submerge.panel

2002-06-06 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Original Message:
From: Brian 'balistic' Prince [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2002 13:39:32 -0700
Subject: Re[2]: [313] submerge.panel

Wednesday, June 05, 2002, 12:17:08 PM, a knob was tweaked and out came:

>> technology hasn't changed dick.  People have simply NEVER been equal.  the
>> haves vs the have-nots has always been there, and in many cases to a worse
>> degree than it is now.  slavery?  caste systems?  serfs?  I'm sure someone
>> would argue that we're all slaves now to corporations, but life in general
>> for the entire world is better now than it was even 200 years ago, and i can
>> only see it continuing to get better BECAUSE of technology.

LKS> how would you measure this?

Average life expectancy, infant mortality rates, literacy, et cetera. do you believe the most country that is the most technologically 
advanced, the US, is sitting on top of these statistics because it's not

in my old neighborhoold of west philadelphia the infant mortality rate 
approached those of 3rd world countriesthese are the sorts of facts that 
have people protesting

you wanna know who has one of the best health care systems..cuba ..and that is 
_despite_ us embargos on supplies...

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RE: [313] Techno songs so good they make you cry....

2002-06-06 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Original Message:

There are others that do it to me but I can not think of them right now.

What songs do this to you?

i'll bite

_i believe_ so soulful/touching/heartfelt/innocent

this dnb song don't know the name has a refrain of "muusic is the melody, 
melody of life" with a guy talking in the background about a world w/o 
music..anyone know the name of this (btw it would be waay old)

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RE: Re: [313] Could it be on Africanism? Was - Re: [313] Re: Techno s ongs that you cry....

2002-06-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm hoping we don't cover all forms of bodilly excretion though. I
don't wanna start a laxitive techno thread. ;)

*chuckle* a friend of mine used to say

constipated? listen to deep house

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RE: Re: [313] Techno/House/whatever tunes that make you cry

2002-06-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Original Message:
Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2002 12:34:48 -0500
Subject: Re: [313] Techno/House/whatever tunes that make you cry

moving onto jazz are we

blue train coltrane
the enchanted tear rosand roland kirk

Oh yeah and Stevie Wonder, Miles Davis, John Coltrane, and Chet Baker's
version of "Time after Time"

  Michael.Elliot-Knight  To:  
  06/07/02 12:20 PMSubject:  [313] 
Techno/House/whatever tunes that make you cry 



South Street Player - Who Keeps Changing Your Mind (Strictly Rhythm) -
Byron Stingley-esq vocals really nail it shut

Ladyvipb - Life with Denise (Nuphonic) seriously cathartic percussive jam
with a beautiful melancholy piano

Digital Justice - It's All Gone Pearshaped (Fragile) This is space travel
to me

Kraftwerk - any live recording of them - esp. Tribal Gathering - to hear a
crowd roar at the beginning of each tune and at the end is spine tingling

There was some tune that Eddie "Old Skool" Fowlkes played at DEMF '01 - a
really gently flowing female vocal that sent chills up my spine and made me
feel like the whole universe expanded x10 right at that moment - and we
were at the center of it

Ian O'Brien - Dayride (Ferox)

Just about anything that Chris Gray touches

Thomas Dolby - One of Our Submarines and also Screen Kiss, The Flat Earth
and I Scare Myself off of The Flat Earth EP

Art of Noise - Close to the Edit and Moments in Love

Herbie Hancock - Rockit

UR - Afrogermanic mixed with the Swarm

New Order - "I feel so extraordinary"


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[313] stanton 680EL needle

2002-06-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

i have one i can send you for free

_needle only_


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[313] needle has found home

2002-06-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

i got a taker already

please don't send me emails



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FW: FW: Re: [313] submerge.panel

2002-06-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Original Message:
From: Kent williams [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2002 17:21:24 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Re: [313] submerge.panel

Err, not the place really to debate this, but it depends on the technology.
Technology is a tool. You can't point to a particular technology,

that's the whole point an _individual_ technology was not referred to..instead 
the generic word "technology" was bandied about without framing framing 
it i mean narrowing the context in which it was used so it left the audience 
member with the message

"technology is good"

I think (without having been there) that the Submerge panel were talking
about technologies -- like the Internet and music software  -- that has been
enabling for musicians ...

again it wasn't extracted like that...the rise of the internet and computer use 
is very much linked with the increase of what we refer to now as globalization

I'd like to hear more specific instances of where you thought the panelists
were 'pro-technology' in a way that conflicts with your concern (which I
share) with globalization.  I have a hard time thinking Juan Atkins was
singing the praises of genetically modified food crops and The Gap.

i don't think any of them _consciously_ didi just think it is very easy for 
us as people living in developed countries to spend our lives thinking of the 
positive aspects of the various technologies w/o having to think about the 
negative global aspects that is all i was trying to say..if in an ADD fit i 
didn't communicate that well then it wouldn't be the first (or last)


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[313] technosongs so good they make you cry

2002-06-11 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
d may "icon"
c craig "at les"
c craig/psyche "crackdown"
c young "impolite to refuse"
a oldham "detroit techno must be destroyed" (evil sounding but has hit the spot 
in the past!!)
mad mike "journey of the dragons"
mad mike "the illuminator"
chameleon "re:com" or dark energy "black strategy" UR050X2 (hidden in 
plainsight ep). I think its chameleon
drexciya often hits a soft spot
and of course UR "Final Frontier"
plus a number of other UR/red planet records. Raw emotion.

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[313] fragile

2002-06-11 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
acid eiffel L garnier
a must
should have been in my "cry" list

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RE: [313] modern music in baltimore - opinions

2002-07-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

i ordered most of my stuff when i was living in philly and shopping at
611..the staff turned over frequently and so did the committment to techno
wax and wane


Original Message:
Date: Mon, 8 Jul 2002 07:42:52 -0400
Subject: RE: [313] modern music in baltimore - opinions

I drive the 2.5 hours from D.C. to Philly to shop at 611 (sometimes to
Omuch broader range than Yoshitoshi, and a good backstock.  The guy I talked
to last time I was there (ack don't remember name) said that they will order
records for you, hold records, and/or if you drive up and they don't have
something in stock but will be getting it, would let you call in and then
ship it.  My favorite non-NYC record shop.  BUT, in the last couple trips I
made to 611 it seemed their techno section was shrinking, but no one who
worked there seemed to want to talk about it.  I'd definitely go check it
out though.


> -Original Message-
> From: JL Jones [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, July 08, 2002 7:07 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [313] modern music in baltimore - opinions
> Can you get a lot of the stuff that people mention on the
> list at 611??  I haven't been over in a bit, and worse yet
> I know someone who works there and never thought
> to ask if they have some of the stuff, until this thread
> came up...
> *sadly shakes head*
> Jim J.
> - Original Message -
> From: "FC3 Richards" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "'Andy Battle'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: <>
> Sent: Sunday, July 07, 2002 8:37 PM
> Subject: RE: [313] modern music in baltimore - opinions
> > to see.  Also, it always seemed to be worth it more to shop at 611
> in
> > Philly...I would drive from an hour south of DC to shop there.
> >
> -
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[313] i'm in the D

2002-07-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi everybody, especially those of you in Michigan. I finally moved here to
Detroit a little over a week ago. I promised to let some people know when i
was here, so to all of you; I"M HERE :) For booking, just shoot me a line...

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[313] paging ben / glass city records

2002-07-16 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
your email adress bounces, please hit me up again...

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[313] Real Player a different question

2002-07-20 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Can anyone recommend an AP this is capable of capturing real audio streams?

Thanx in advance!

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[313] FA: digigram vx pocket v2 pcmicia card

2002-07-26 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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[313] FW: Aug 3 Juan Atkins in DC

2002-07-28 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

why did i have to hear about this from some one in california? ;)

-k (will be there for atkins on the 3rd)

The Edge Nightclub
56L Street, SE Washington, DC
10$ before 11pm - 15$ after 11pm
10pm - 6am
Lineups below

::: NO STEREO ON JULY 27th ::

August 3rd
Main Room:  1 Year Clear Anniversary w/ Juan Atkins!
Juan Atkins (Metroplex) - Detroit
Dj Sun(Luvchild, D-Cubed, Ultraworld)
Edan + Hope (4twenty4, Clear)
Krishna   (5" Taint, Raven Productions, Metatrack)

Patio *** Tom B's Residency Officially starts TONIGHT!
Robbie Hardkiss (Sunburn, Boozy & Swan) -SF/Austin
Gavin Hardkiss aka ?Hawke¹
Tom B   (
Jay Tripwire(Northern Lights, Tango, Big Chief, Nightshift, Swag) -
Vancover, BC

Warehouse:   D'n'B Biotic Outbreak
Dylan  (Outbreak Records, Biotic, Faith In Chaos) -UK
Deinfamous   (The Syndicate, Drum Theory, Netwerk)
Tittsworth   (5" Taint,

August 10th -  Special Price - 15$

Main Room:  100% LIVE and Performing their NEW Show, Electric 
Electric Skychurch  (
T 1000  (Pure Sonik Records Detroit,,
Fused) -Detroit
Dj Bone (Subject Detroit Records) -Detroit
Tzeech(T.W.O.,, "The Others", Virus Radio)

Patio:  Sonar Invasion
Q Burns Abstract Message  (8th Dimension Records , Sonar) -Orlando
LoveGrove   (Sonar , Sonic Soul Productions)
Donny Burlin  (Sonar, Goodlove)
Dj Sketcher (5" Taint, Sketch Productions)

Warehouse: Stakka and Skynet!
Stakka and Skynet  (Underfire Recordings, - UK
Carlo  (4twenty4)
Tittsworth (5" Taint,

August 17th: Stereo's first "Special" night kicks off! "Surround
Sound" will feature: Kerri Chandler, Dj Heather, Doug Smith, East
Coast Boogiemen, Simply Jeff, Cause 4 Concern, Klute, Friction, 10Sui,
and many more!

5" Taint
Fax: 703 832 8480
C:(202)438 0028

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2002-07-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi Kids! 

Just a quick one to let you know that FLUX will return to London this 
summer at MASS in Brixton, with what promises to be a great party on August 
31st, to celebrate the end of the Summer and the launch of our brand new 
shiny record label. 

We are proud to welcome 3 of the most respected names in the business to 
provide the entertainment for you. From Detroit we bring you Stacey Pullen, 
and Gary Martin/GiGi Galaxy, and from home turf Londons very own Ben Sims 
will be joining Chris Finke and those crazy FLUX residents to make you 

So get ready to get down, get up and get down again for the return of FLUX! 

10pm-6am Saturday 31st August 2002 
@ MASS, Brixton, London 

Room 1 

STACEY PULLEN (Black Flag/Detroit USA) 
BEN SIMS (Hardgroove/Theory/Ignoma/UK) 

Room 2 

GARY MARTIN (Gi Gi Galaxy/Detroit USA) 
plus FLUX RESIDENTS: Aidy West, Ryan Blackman, PO-SKI, Val Tyne 


Tickets £13 on Sale from all the usual outlets, plus on line from Vinyl
Underground, Smallfish and all the usual outlets. 

FLUX RECORDINGS 001 - GARY MARTIN "SUMMER EP" out later this summer 
FLUX RECORDINGS 002 - DJ BONE to follow... 
FLUX RECORDINGS 003 - inc. UK GOLD to follow... 

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[313] armchair vacation series : detroit mi // v.1.0

2002-08-06 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
yes its official. you need to leave the house eventually, repeat as

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

AUGUST 11th, 2002 - sunday:

TWEEQ [detroit]
AV3RS1ON [detroit]
ADJUST [detroit]


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

AUGUST 23rd, 2002 - friday:

EMOTIONAL JOYSTICK [milwaukee/zod records]
CURTIS CHIP [milwaukee/zod records]

DESTRO [milwaukee/zod records]

G.MUDGE web site for more info, this is a FRIDAY night

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

AUGUST 25th, 2002 - sunday:

DOORMOUSE [milwaukee / addict records, planet-mu]
DELIEN [detroit / low res]

BASECK [los angeles - darkmatter soundsystem]


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

SEPTEMBER 8th, 2002 - sunday:

HEATH BRUNNER [detroit/vmax records, KMS records]
KERO [detroit/shitkatapult, b-pitch control, low res]

ISREAL VINES [detroit/vmax records]


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

SEPTEMBER 22nd, 2002 - sunday:

MATT DEMMON [ann arbor/eupholus records]
THEEQ [detroit/low res]

FISHEAD [winnipeg/northern hardcorps]


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

sunday night events make mondays seem tolerable, this is an ongoing
experiment at:

3rd st. saloon
701 w. forest st.
detroit, mi

time: 10p//2a

hosted by g.mudge & LOW RES records

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[313] drex. interview url and request for UR review

2002-08-06 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

forgive me if this has already been posted

also can anyone review UR at the f n f deal in CA recently?


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RE: [313] Washington DC

2002-08-09 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

DJ Bone and DJ T1000 (i forget who else) at

The Edge Nightclub 
56L Street, SE Washington, DC 
10$ before 11pm - 15$ after 11pm 
10pm - 6am 
Lineups below  

Original Message:
From: Koznarek, Mark [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Fri, 9 Aug 2002 10:40:56 -0400 
Subject: [313] Washington DC

Looking for help on clubs or events this weekend in Washington DC - 
in advance.

Mark Koznarek
Midwest Research

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RE: [313] Washington DC

2002-08-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

you might find something you don't want? ominous

*rolls eyes*

get over yourself and your bullshit attitude


Original Message:
From: FC3 Richards [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sat, 10 Aug 2002 04:07:54 -1100
Subject: RE: [313] Washington DC

yeah, but be careful what entrance you go might find 
you don't want to at Wet, which is the adjoining building...the entrances
aren't marked too clearly.

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[313] Flux Tickets now available!

2002-08-13 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For all UK peepz, FLUX tickets are now available on line at priced at a VERY reasonable £13

10pm-6am Saturday 31st August 2002
@ MASS, Brixton, London

Room 1
STACEY PULLEN (Black Flag/Detroit USA)
BEN SIMS (Hardgroove/Theory/Ignoma/UK)

Room 2
GARY MARTIN (Gi Gi Galaxy/Detroit USA)
plus FLUX RESIDENTS: Ryan Blackman, Po-Ski, Val-Tyne, Aidy West

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[313] blaktroniks article

2002-08-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
, instead of
[selling] 20 CDs to Amoeba, you send two or three. And let somebody
discover it and tell somebody else. And when they go to find it, if they
can't find it, then the search begins." | originally published: August 14, 2002  

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

off topic but dear to my heart..consider this a rider ;)

 Hear This  
Nina Hagen is the original disco diva 

Nina Hagen
Details: Sunday, Aug. 18 
Blue Period opens at 8 p.m., and Jenny and Omar from "Fake" spin throughout
the night 

Tickets are $18 advance, $20 at the door 

Where: DNA Lounge, 375 11th St. (at Folsom), S.F.

VH1 would like viewers to believe that Celine Dion and Mariah Carey are
divas. But the original disco diva, Nina Hagen, could bitch-slap the fake
smiles off both of them any day of the week. 

Berlin's reigning queen of the clubs has been around the proverbial block.
Since 1978 she has been releasing noisy, confounding disco and rock in both
German and English, as well as playing with everyone from Lene Lovich to
Giorgio Moroder to the Eurythmics' Dave Stewart. Lately, the 46-year-old
Hagen has been touring Europe, doing the occasional acting gig (on the
Sci-Fi Channel no less), and working on her autobiography (That's Why the
Lady's a Punk, due out in October). 

The last time I saw Hagen, she enthralled the mixed crowd at New York's
now-defunct Life club with cabaretlike renditions of Nirvana and Frank
Sinatra songs. Of course, Hagen's own eccentric numbers are the stuff of
underground legend -- including her biggest U.S. hits, "Universal Radio"
and "New York, New York." The latter tune remains one of the best
disco/punk hybrids of all time, with Hagen's playful, awe-inspiring voice
going from a dirty, sensuous growl to a fascinatingly discordant operatic
falsetto in seconds flat. Quite simply, without Nina Hagen there would be
no Diamanda Galás, no PJ Harvey -- hell, no Björk! Hagen is doing only
eight U.S. dates, and chances are she won't be back this way for some time,
so don't miss out. | originally published: August 14, 2002  







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RE: [313] Blaktronics/Elektic Soul Fest.

2002-08-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

check out the sf's online and there's links from there


Original Message:
From: Mxyzptlk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2002 17:43:59 -0500
Subject: [313] Blaktronics/Elektic Soul Fest.

Hey. I forwarded that post (written by Mr. Sherburne) to  a Bay area list 
and there was some interest - including a request for links, further 
information, etc. Anything, anyone? Thanks.


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[313] mix tapes

2002-08-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

loved this and thought i'd share it

from maximum rock and roll

"Part 2:  Tape Hiss= The Frequency of Love

A mixtape, warm with the sonic coloration of analog, carries with it a
sense of intimacy.  Every person's tape deck records at a different
signal-to-noise ratio, and the frequency of tape hiss varies from machine
to machine.  A mixtape holds the inaudible, subconscious personalization of
the user's machine in the form of an ultra-high-frequency signal riding
over the top of the music.  This subliminally perceived hiss is a result of
years of loving wear and tear on the user's machine..years of making
mixtapes for relations won and lost..years of musical discovery...TAPE HISS
carries with it the forethought of years of heartwrenching learning
experiences.  It is for this reason that the mixtape is more inherently
emotional vehicle for communication than a burned CD.

A CD is pristine digital audio...Zeros and ones sequenced in a manner that
reproduce sounds when read by a laser that converts those bits into audible
informations.  Yes, those sounds may carry with them certain ideas or
intentions, but there is something very cold and impersonal about a digital
recording.  A CD may be enjoyed equally as intensely as an audio tape, but
the format carries with it a sense of detached aloofness that sets it apart
from the vulnerablity of the mixtape.  A CD may scratch, causing the audio
to skip, but this is a very mechanical sort of defect...quite unlike the
humanity of a tape which can stretch out, warping the sound..tapes can get
dirty muffling the intentions of the recorded sound..tapes (like people)
can snap."

chris bickel

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[313] detroit, mi: 08/23 - zod records tour, 8/25 - doormouse/delien/baseck

2002-08-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
2-in-1 events this weekend = detroit (as if there werent enough things going
on that weekend already):

AUGUST 23rd, 2002 - friday:

EMOTIONAL JOYSTICK [milwaukee/zod records]
CURTIS CHIP [milwaukee/zod records]
FLASHBULB [chicago]

DESTRO [milwaukee/zod records]

G.MUDGE web site for more info.

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

AUGUST 25th, 2002 - sunday:

DOORMOUSE [milwaukee / addict records, planet-mu]
DELIEN [detroit / low res]

BASECK [los angeles - darkmatter soundsystem]


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

3rd st. saloon
701 w. forest st.
detroit, mi

TIME: 10p//2a



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Re: [313] Funk help

2000-09-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
on 9/19/00 4:14 AM, rob webb at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> can someone please (Tom C? Ian?) give me some recommendations of where to
> start?  praps half a dozen lp's i *need* to find?

I've tried not to recommend "best of" compilations, although none of them
would be bad.  There are a ton of funk compilations out now, too, and most
are worth it.  I've stuck with the tried and true names here.  I'll leave it
for others to pull out the rare 12" funk slabs...

70s must haves include:

Herbie Hancock:  Headhunters

Parliament:  Mothership Connection

Sly and the Family Stone:  Fresh

War:  All Day Music

Stevie Wonder:  Innervisions

Ohio Players:  Gold

Early 80s:

Herbie Hancock:  Future Shock

Cameo:  She's Strange

Prince:  Dirty Mind


Gap Band:  Gap Band III

That should give any funk-starved mind enough blowing.  ;^)

Re: [313] Funk help

2000-09-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
on 9/19/00 11:44 AM, lil' robbie at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> definitely hook up with some "stanley clarke".amazing bassist and
> composer...great feelim lost for album names but that shouldnt be a hard
> thing to find...
> bootsy is essential ..some interesting solo work from him for sure..

True.  I'll add two more based (bassed?) on these reminders:

Stanley Clarke:  School Days

Bootsy Collins:  What's Bootsy Doing?


Transmat Presents...

2000-09-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Tonight @ Temple

Transmat presents..

Kenny Larkin
Keith Kemp

21 and over - No cover

Temple: 344 W. Nine MIle Road - Ferndale - 248-414-7400
Two blocks west of woodward

Up coming events...

October 5th

Marques Wyatt (L.A.)

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