[313] don't forget the glowsticks!

2002-01-28 Thread chrise

 and I dont endorse the drug culture thats been paralleling the techno scene
 in the US for 3-4
 years now.

wow, people have been using drugs while listening to techno for 3 whole
years? i thought that trend started last june!

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Re: [313] jeff mills

2001-11-23 Thread chrise
 have you guys heard his new track the bells? it's rockin!
 !!Troll Alert!!

whoa, you caught me!

and here i thought i was being sly.

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[313] jeff mills

2001-11-22 Thread chrise

have you guys heard his new track the bells? it's rockin!


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RE: [313] DJ Mags Top 100 DJs

2001-11-03 Thread chrise

 hey wait...someone said only 1 dj from detroit.  well i would like to
 consider Richie Hawtin from detroit...even though canada is kinda far away
 from there, it is still close enough for me.  a couple of bucks drive ain't
 that far from detroit...

yeah, windsor is much closer to detroit at 1.7 miles than belleville (home
of the belleville three) is at 29.1 miles.

in fact, you'd probably pay more in gas driving to detroit from magic
juan's birthplace of techno home than you would for the bridge or tunnel
toll coming from rich's home. i guess it depends on whether or not you're
driving the fuel efficient detroit techno ford focus.


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Re: [313] FnalScratch package price

2001-11-02 Thread chrise
 Subject: Re: [313] F!nalScratch package price
  how much is the software without the laptop?
 It will be free.  Thanks to our friends at Rad!um (et al) and peer to peer
 traders like Kzaa and Morpheu5, no one will ever need to buy software again
 (or until there is a universal distributed app system).

a whole hell of a lot of good it'll do you without the hardware that goes
along with it, too.

 Since we're all OK with pirating music, why continue discussing the cost of
 FS software?  Are we all suddenly concerned about supporting software
 programmers, manufacturers and distributors?

i think you're making a lot of foolish assumptions with this statement.


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Re: [313] FinalScratch package price

2001-11-02 Thread chrise
 You can run beos and windows on the same system.. On mac it used to come
 with a little application you run that boots the system into beos. Too bad
 beos has not that many apps but its pretty nice to use.

only finalscratch pro will run on BeOS.  The commercial version,
according to the email N2IT sent out a couple days ago, will run on linux.  

i can forward the email if anyone's interested.


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[313] Finalscratch info (fwd)

2001-11-02 Thread chrise

here's the mail from n2it, minus the order form. I think you can find that
on their page if you want it.



-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2001 09:19:36 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Finalscratch info

Hello DJ,

You have visited our website and left your address, sometimes with very
interesting remarks about FINALSCRATCH. In the consumer version, running
under Linux, FINALSCRATCH will be available early next year. But, a PRO
version, called FINALSCRATCH ProFS, running under BeOS is sold as a
completely configured system right now. We ship it with selected tracks from
the catalogue of Plus 8 and Definitive Records. You can have it and play it
in a week!

Check out the attached offer and order form to see the complete package that
we offer. Than fill out the form or go to www.finalscratch.com to download
an order form, fax it to us and we'll contact you to deal with the details.

Order now, there is only a limited number of ProFS systems available.

With kind regards,

N2IT Development

Jan Abercrombie

Note: it could have happened that someone else filled in your e-mail address
on our web page, without your consent. In this case we apologize for the
inconvenience and ask you to contact us so that we can remove your e-mail
address from our database.

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2001-10-22 Thread chrise

 Mr. Woolums has taken the words RIGHT OUT OF MY MOUTH!
 How advanced is a piece of equipment that can finally do today what certain 
 Detroit Djs could do 12 years ago?
 Where is the progress in TALENT? All this does is make it easier for djs who 
 lack the ability to do it by hand.
 Instead of raising the bar, they lowering it and trying to step over.

I totally agree! computers are totally ruinging electronic music! I mean,
where's the TALENT in pushing some buttons, or twisting a knob? whatever
happened to what a few guys, ONLY IN DETROIT, did 12 years ago, like PLAY

That's what techno music is about, RAW SKILL. anything that makes it
easier for someone to express tehmselves creatively, like say a computer,
is a CRUTCH. it's BULLSHIT. it should be MOCKED.

How can some foolish upstart who's not even from detroit, some moron
canadian, possibly think he can start calling himself a so-called tecno
dj when he uses a COMPUTER? I for one, am shocked an appalled!

who's up for a turntable jam session! come to my house in belleville, only
in detroit!

back and proud,
jeff mills

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Re: [313] 2 Free CD's

2001-09-20 Thread chrise
 not funny...

i bet dj magda could make a funnier website!


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Re: [313] WTC - Nostrodamas prediction

2001-09-13 Thread chrise
 There is no way i could understand someone would believe that
 Nostradamus predicted this. He wrote so generic things that they would
 fit in whatever situation possible. Remember in the 80's, people were
 telling that Nostradamus predicted heavy-rock? yeah, sure..

nostradamus predicted parts of our bowling game last night when he wrote
the child of light's third numbers will be seven and three.

lo and behold, my buddy matt rolled a seven and a three in the third

er, yeah., sorry.

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Re: [313] Anyone know about Finalscratch (maybe OT)

2001-08-15 Thread chrise

   This is where I see a market for something like Final Scratch; you can 
 leave your precious,
 limited-edition, glow-in-the-dark vinyl, autographed  hand-numbered record 
 at home  still take
 the music on that record with you. Maybe you take along a few mp3's of stuff 
 that you don't own
 (naughty!) or can't find, or something you just wrote yourself. I doubt it's 
 expected or even
 intended to mark the end of the vinyl record industry. It's a means of 
 *playing* digital media,
 *not* a means of distribution, so I don't follow these Napster comparisons. 
 If you look at the
 setup area of the website you'll notice the mixer still has the phono ins set 
 up for playing
 records the old-fashioned way. (Back in my day, sonny..)

I think digital distribution will eventually push out vinyl and cd and
every other form of music distribution... but we're talking a long time in
the future.  clearly finalscratch is an indicator of this trend, as is
napster.  but there are a lot of economic concerns that'll need to be
sorted out first, not to mention the cultural ones that've been brought up
so loudly here.

it'll be a slow transition, and we won't see it happen for a good 10 or 15
years. for now, i see finalscratch as more of a practical thing than
anything. if you're going on a world tour where you do 4 to 6 hour sets
every night (as rich and many other djs do), which would you rather lug
around? hundreds of pounds of vinyl or a 4 pound notebook?  you can carry
the laptop on the plane, not worry about it getting lost in transit,
listen to your tracks on the plane, whatever.

in the future I'm sure we'll see things like finalscratch being able to
control your favorite music software, further allowing the blending of
live pa and dj set.  or who knows what else.  i can't see anything that
extends your creative capabilities the way this does as anything but a
good thing.


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Re: [313] MONOLAKE in NYC tomorrow!!

2001-08-13 Thread chrise
 A special recording session with
 MONOLAKE  (Chain Reaction, Monolake Records, Berlin)

i saw monolake here in chicago on saturday, and I highly reccomend
going.  tickets in chicago were $25 and it was well worth it even at that


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Re: [313] New Detroit Label

2001-07-20 Thread chrise
 Earth to web designers: please feel welcome to use all the proprietary
 web display tools you want, but don't make them mandatory and don't
 lock out the 50% of your potential visitors who don't have them, have 
 low bandwidth, or have low tolerance for designer egomania.
 I'm hardly the only one who is irate about this:

way to cite dr. nielsen.

in response:


313 is hardly the appropriate forum for this.

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[313] sweet!

2001-07-18 Thread chrise

a on richie's dick thread!

hopefully this'll liven things up on the list... it's been pretty quiet

keep up the good work!


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[313] dillinja/cybotron

2001-05-31 Thread chrise

fyi, dillinja has been using the cybotron name since at least 1997, when
silver blade was released on grooverider's prototype years compilation.

so i'd call this a rather timely display of outrage.


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Re: [313] my boring take on the fhttp://demf

2001-05-30 Thread chrise
 Someone actually asked me who Inner City was! I was dumbfounded...all I 
 could do was sing a couple of tunes to them. No luck. No knowledge.
 I was soaking them up though (need to tell my friends back home). Once in a 
 lifetime experience. Plus Byron Stingely was a nice surprise (eventhough his 
 great falsetto voice was barely audible from where I was down in the crowd).

I really don't think that's all that shocking... remember there was a
point when all of us didn't know who inner city was.

anyway, i had a good time... not as good as last year, but i don't think
there's much that can live up to last year :)

oh, and damn you all for getting into jak!


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Re: [313] all access special guest

2001-05-30 Thread chrise

 who was the special guest at Planet E's All Access party?

kenny dixon jr. played, and i don't think he was listed on the
lineup... so i guess that'd make him the special guest?


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[313] my demf photos are up

2001-05-30 Thread chrise


they're on photopoint too, so if for some reason you want to order prints,
you could do that :P

not all of them will be of interest to everyone, i suppose... but
regardless, enjoy.


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Re: [313] Fwd: demf

2001-05-24 Thread chrise
 Hey did anyone else get this message (see below)? I've been out sick for a 
 couple of days so I was wondering.

I got it.  s/he also wrote me from a hotmail account, asking me about the
t-shirts i was thinking of making at one point.


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RE: [313] considerable schedule change (DEMF)

2001-05-23 Thread chrise

 Mixmaster Morris is not a hip hop DJ or a turtntable wizzard : normally he 
 plays in chill-out arena's...

that's all well and good, but we're talking about mixmaster *MIKE*


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[313] buy one and enhance you demf experience!

2001-05-23 Thread chrise


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Re: [313] )demf update - K.Hand

2001-05-23 Thread chrise
 I hate it when sites run scripts so you can't grab images from them... I
 was gonna snatch the K.Hand pic. Just a minor inconvienience, I still got
 it anyways.

it works real well on a mac browser, i just dragged it to the desktop.

i'm most impressed with the midi tunes though.


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Re: [313] Best post ever

2001-05-23 Thread chrise

 YOu should have read it a little better the album is called Confield.

uh, wouldn't that be the whole joke?

like, the reason it was funny, y'know?



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Re: [313] Best post ever

2001-05-23 Thread chrise

anything by public effairs.

no, don't tell me to check the archives. 

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[313] DEMF guide for palm/html!

2001-05-22 Thread chrise


So i spent a few hours formatting the demf guide in html that's optimized
for viewing on a palm pilot or similar device.  (that is, it's just text
and a little graphic).

it's at http://www.postraveclub.com/demf.html.

If you've got a palm pilot with avantgo software, all you have to do is
log in at www.avantgo.com and choose create new channel. put in the
address listed above, and make sure you've got link depth set to
3.  includ images if you want, or don't.  There's just a little demf logo
at the top, you're not missing much if you don't include it.  Then you
just need to save the channel, and sync your pilot.  That's all there is
to it.

I'm relying on you all to error-check things for me, and email me with any
corrections.  PLeas don't write asking for help getting it onto your pda
though :)



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Re: [313] DEMF schedule for the palm VII

2001-05-22 Thread chrise
 DEMF schedule for the Palm VII!
 everyone please thank Chris Ege for the original html docs this was taken
 from!  ...I just basically recompiled as a web clipping app for the palm

please also thank mike taylor for compiling the information in the first

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[313] demf faq on PDAs

2001-05-21 Thread chrise
 Any chance someone wants to convert the FAQ to a Palm/Visor readable file,
 or suggest a means to view the file on my Visor Platinum?

you can just copy the text out, and paste it into a memo on palm desktop,
and then sync it up.  

A better option would be if someone ever gets it coded into html you could
set it as a custom channel on avantgo.  That way (if the person who put it
into html was so inclined) you could have bold headlines, and they could
put in index points for different sections.  

maybe I'll get bored and do this tonight or something.  I'll keep you all


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Re: [313] sickness without recovery

2001-05-18 Thread chrise
 I guess we know now, why Carl was relieved of duties BEFORE the event.  So 
 that whomever, could have control of extra money at the last chance.  I'll 
 bet Bacardi and miller came to carol marvin and told her they would pay her 
 x amount of dollars, and Carl said no way, thus leading to situation we 

carl is creative director until the end of this years' festival.

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RE: [313] considerable schedule change (DEMF)

2001-05-18 Thread chrise

 kid koala gets a half hour???

kid koala probably only wants a half hour... scratch dj sets rarely go
longer than that.

 why is juan booked for an hour and derrick 2???

maybe because magic juan's dj sets aren't all that magical? *shrug*


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Re: [313] Re: no subject

2001-05-17 Thread chrise
 i forget where the name comes from but it refers to bottom of the sea, which
 is where you will be residing after you and/and your vessel sink

it's also where you'll be residing if you dare to ask who drexciya is on
the 313 list!



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[313] demf carl craig t-shirts and silkscreen question

2001-05-16 Thread chrise


this is very off-topic, but at the same time somewhat on-topic.  the
powers that be may smite me for it, but what's new?

I've got a really nice silkscreen sitting around here, as well as some
emulsion that's still good, and some suitable silkscreen ink.  But I don't
have access to an exposing unit.  I'd make up a few (NO DON'T ASK ME FOR
ONE.) carl craig supporting t-shirts if i had a way of exposing the

So does anyone have experience in the ways of ghetto-exposure?  Basically
I'm thinking a whole lotta lamps, or just plain old sunlight.  Trust me,
you really don't want me to try to hand-stencil them :P

anyway thanks...  this may be off-topic but it's for a good cause... a
cause that is, by the way, on-topic!  :)



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Re: [313] miss information

2001-05-16 Thread chrise

 wow, i guess i can get rid of that confusing reason software and just use my

yes, please do get rid of that confusing reason software.

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[313] Derrick May an arrogant prick! Re: [313] Carl Craig Fired!

2001-05-11 Thread chrise
 'We let him know that we are one, and he has our support, but we just 
 want Detroit to be recognized at the festival, said May. Everybody's 
 coming here to be down with the source -- not the people who imitate the 

I was going to point out this quote as well... who the hell on that lineup
does derrick may consider an imitator? True, it's not detroit
talent. But I don't see anyone on there that I'd even remotely call a
detroit imitator.  It almost sounds like he's trying to imply that
anything not from detroit is inherently an imitation.  I'd like to think
he doesn't have his head that far up his ass, but it's hard to see what
else he'd mean.

True, the lineup isn't as representative of detroit talent as it was last
year, but I'd hardly call anyone on there an imitator.


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Re: [313] Carl Craig Fired!

2001-05-11 Thread chrise
  Did anyone else find it funny that none of the performers are listed in
   Ford's massive ad campaign?
 Yes! I've noticed and i guess more power to them, but it is quite dis-

where the hell would they put them all?  there's like 60
performers!  They'd have to be in like 8 point type to fit them all in
any sort of print ad.  I'm pretty sure it was a conscious decision to list
the performers in alphabetical order such that there's no hierarchy of
headliners vs supporting acts, so that makes it a little hard for ad
designers to pick out a select few to put in an ad. If carl craig, as
creative director, had decided to highlight a few performers as
headliners, then I'm sure they would've been mentioned in ad campaigns.

I know you're all looking for every chance to demonize ford for their
involvement, but i think this is more grasping at straws than
anything.  Why don't you wait and see how things turn out?  Then if it
sucks afterwards, complain all you want.  I might even join in.


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Re: [313] DEMF Discussion + Pole on Sonox

2001-05-11 Thread chrise
 Can you all please move the DEMF discussion over to the
 listgeeks list? That's what it's there for. Subscribe here:

talking about a detroit electronic music festival on a detroit electronis
music mailing list is so very off-topic.

can we please go back to talking about george bush and whether or not
we're allowed to mention gear?

thanks, because i wouldn't want to alienate any subscribers.


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Re: [313] FW: [fb] has anyone ever heard of these guys?

2001-05-10 Thread chrise

 Probaly sonar - Barcleona . Spain 14-16 June.
 Check :

nah, it's this:


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2001-05-04 Thread chrise
 Juan spinning records on a stage that is built out of the back end of a real 
 Ford Focus to close the DEMF.  Hmm-mm a little cheesy, maby,  but the rumors 
 are flying and it could possibly happen...

how about if they made a stage out of a fake ford focus car? would that be 
better?  I think the back end is a little narrow to hold 3 turntables
and a mixer anyway... how about you diagram how this stage is going to

oh and let me guess, you made this rumor up yourself?

Re: [313] All Your Base Are Belong To Us (?)

2001-05-01 Thread chrise
 Hey Gang-
 Any y'all seen this one? F**kin' wierd (as well as really stupid and 
 annoying)... ?!?!!!?

no, i don't think anyone's seen this one yet.

anyone seen that hamster dance? it's crazy!

Re: [313] Jori Hulkkonen

2001-04-27 Thread chrise
 I just got a copy of his new album When no one is watching We are
 invisible and really dig it. Other than his mix on Turbo, can anybody
 recommend anything else or point me in the direction of a website?

i highly reccomend the live @ semifinal mix you can find on napster.  I
think it's recorded off norwegian or finnish radio.  anyway, it's
excellent stuff.

I know there are some good sites with interviews out there... try
searching for him on google.


Re: [313] Re: ezmlm response/gear talk

2001-04-25 Thread chrise
 People unsubscribing from this list when they get 100+
 emails/day mostly about CD burning software is also
 natural. This is not a production list, and there are many
 other lists better suited to that topic with a membership
 that's more likely to answer your questions, or you can
 just read the FAQs. A lot of people on this list don't care
 about gear. They only care about music. It's best that we
 not alienate them and keep the discussion focused on the
 topic at hand when better forums exist for gear questions. 

Personally, I find a few messages about something I may or may not care
about (gear, in this case) to be far less alienating than people telling
me what I am and am not allowed to talk about in a public forum. 

I don't see how the absence of an admin actively envorcing rules makes
everyone think it's their job to be list-vigilantes, enforcing the
(intentionally vague, i'd assume) faq as they interpret it.  Note that the
self policing mentioned in the faq PROBABLY means police
yourself. This is, of course, my interpretation. But i find it pretty
hard to believe that anyone could interpret self police to mean police
others. Also, please refer to the line that says building a gate around
a community is never the answer.

What if i said track IDs shouldn't be allowed, because a large percentage
of the subscribers aren't djs, and don't care for that kind of thing?  Am
I any more right than you?  

Not only are abstract discussions of what's on-topic the most off-topic
thing I can think of, they discourage the open dialogue that makes a
mailing list good.

did i humiliate anyone this time?


Re: [313] and at the end of the day, it's still a ford (found on

2001-04-24 Thread chrise
 it should also say underneath bad ass boys drive bad ass toys
 which the other day, my roommate and i saw a sticker that said that on a 
 NEON. i'm kinda perplexed by that. i am wondering if the guy was being 
 serious or facetious since i didn't really get much of a look at the driver. 
 my guess is that since it was in cincinnati, the chance that the driver 
 actually had a sense of humor is slim to none. :P

getting even further off-topic

I saw a MALIBU the other day... not even a nice malibu, just a crappy
family sedan.  And it had a huge chevy sticker in the back and around it
it said bad ass GIRLS drive bad ass toys.  First off, your car isn't a
bad ass toy, and second of all, if you want to change boys to
girls, you've gotta change toys too or you just look dumb.

oh yeah, uh, she was listening to strings of life, or something. yeah. i'm
still on-topic arent I?!


Re: [313] live recording

2001-04-23 Thread chrise
 What is a good program for recording my own live set on the pc.  Windows 
 sound recorder has a 60 second time limit.  I need to record a whole set and 
 eat up my hard drive because I love to mix so much and I'd like to spread my 
 glory across the world.  

you can get a trial version of cool edit 2000 and use that.

otherwise, there's the nasty horrible evil software piracy route, which
would lead you to a copy of sound forge.  but that's immoral, of course. I
won't tell you how to do it.


RE: [313] Why Im Not Going To DEMF (Autechre)

2001-04-22 Thread chrise

double-spaced to show how grave this matter really is?

who said it was a joke in the first place?





On Sun, 22 Apr 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dear people 
 would like to laugh with you - but why is that one so funny ? 
 this joke is comparing black culture with farmer culture -
 - is that the joke about it ?   
 - thanks, 
 it ?s based on an old kind of joke-structure, 
 creating a scurrile situation mixed with situations in real life, 
 to make people and problems in reality look silly.  
 In this case it wasn?t that crazy funky fresh and 
 it was also focusing some serious statements about racism 
 which did get reflected here on the list some weeks ago...
 try to understand: 
 making jokes about it is destructive
 It?s good when people talk and keep saying their opinions   
 about racism, cause this subject is difficult for many to talk 
 about it, as it?s also about feelings like fear and hate 
 and it?s about - you  .  always 
 It would be great if people go to the DEMF and talk 
 about it there over and over and over again ...
 it?s important to keep on talking, to learn, to realise, 
 to stop and to avoid racism and for you to watch your own steps 
 it?s a very strange move to start making jokes and to make 
 people look silly in this case, even when you think it?s funny 
 talk about it too, if you have something to say 
 but stop making weak jokes about it 
 I do wonder about your motivation to pick out those subjects 
 for this master-piece of work with humor ?
 and beside all that, the joke was also making people 
 look ridiculous, who are searching, trying to do something and  
 facing some consequences as they are going through life 
 realise - these people almost don?t exist in 2001 anymore 
 It?s the era of  new economy - no rules - no consequences 
 but I guess you won?t listen anyway. 
 ok, go ahead funnies. 
 In the meantime let?s wait for some of you 
 ending up in the never-economy.  
 to those, who are too handy and bloated to move, 
 yes you, keep on laughing - 
 sarcasm is gonna f*ck you up 
 GMX - Die Kommunikationsplattform im Internet.
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Re: [313] tech-no at DEMF?

2001-04-20 Thread chrise
 To state the obvious: why source these guys when you have Alan Oldham - in
 town? An originator of this sound and from Detroit?
 The Last DJ On Earth *still rocks* my stereo.

to state the even more painfully obvious, why don't you throw your own 
damn electronic music fesitval? then you can book dee jay tee one thousand 
all you want!

alternately, you could stay home.

originate this,


Re: [313] tech-no at DEMF?

2001-04-20 Thread chrise
 Can I ask why you are singling me out for a fairly innocuous statement and
 humiliating me publicly?

is it really that humiliating to be flamed on an internet mailing
list?  It's happened to me hundreds of times in the short while that i've
been active on this list!

It's the norm, really.  Just because your opinions align closely with the
majority of the active posters on here doesn't mean it won't happen to

ten records

2001-04-20 Thread chrise

not necessarily my top ten, I'm just going to flip through my crates and
see what comes up.

cylob - living in the 1980s - rephlex
laid back - white horse - sire
dub taylor - i can't (fall in love with another one) - force tracks
giovani and mosler - vol 2 - ?? (anyone know who this is?)
dr. rockit - cafe flore 12 - lifelike (second side skips! grr!)
slam - past sessions/future theories comp - soma
riley and clay - red light express - bush
plus 8 classics 2x12
matthias schaffhauser - lido hotel - force tracks
daft punk - one more time - virgin (?) i don't own this, but sadly enough
i'm tempted to go buy it... damn thing keeps coming up on my playlist at
work and gets stuck in my head!

plus any other good electro/house/techhouse/not-so-drummy techno you might

the cd and/or mp3 collection is a whole other story, though.


latest addition to demf lineup announced

2001-04-20 Thread chrise


Re: [313] NI traktor

2001-04-17 Thread chrise
 has anyone used NI new digital djing pgm traktor? i have messed around with 
 the demo, but it's pretty limited.

I've used it some, it seems to be the most capable all-software mp3 mixer
out there.  of course it comes nowhere near mixing with vinyl (or
finalscratch, i'm assuming) - but you can easliy throw together a nice set
with it.  I do like the filters built into the software too.  

I'd say it's a pretty fun piece of software, but not really good for live
performances or anything.


RE: [313] T-Shirt Voting

2001-04-12 Thread chrise
  I've voted already. BUT what happened to the
 submissions from last year??? There was a nice morse
 code that wasn't so obvious as well as some other
 I was surprised to only see four (five?) selections on
 this page.

i was surprised too...  last year there were so many entries.  And it's
not like there wasn't enough time to design them this time.  Maybe people
were discouraged by the fact that they didn't get printed last year?

*shrug* there were some good ones last year, oh well.


Re: [313] vinyl: not for me; but mp3 cds are.

2001-04-11 Thread chrise

 I think alot of the quality of the audio goes out the window after digital
 Something I don't understand here - so much music is made with samplers and
 other digital devices, so presumably the sound coming out is quantised to
 16-bit/44.1KHz by definition anyway - how can writing that quantised sound
 onto vinyl suddenly give it a better dynamic range / quality ?

exactly - even the tracks made with all analgue synths and drum machines
are generally mastered to DAT, which is if i remember right 16 bit 44khz,
same as CD.  

then again, maybe those people who make vinyl masters know some sort of
magic that un-quantizes your digital recording?  yeah, that must be it.

cause, y'know, vinyl is better.

i hate technology, that's why i play techno!

Re: [313] vinyl - digital

2001-04-11 Thread chrise
 i've heard that rubbing toothpaste on the data side of of a scratched cd
 will take out many of the skips.

unlike the other ones, this actually works - it works as a polishing
agent.  you can buff out a lot of the scratches, just not the really deep

remember to wash the toothpaste off before you play it!

help me out here!

2001-04-04 Thread chrise

hey, i'm a litle unclear on the rules.. is a chinaman allowed to steal
music from an arab?

Re: [313] tristan opens the can of kerosene [LONG)

2001-04-04 Thread chrise
 Is this the first thread ever that won't die once someone mentions 
 And would someone please boot this Chrise fella? (S)he is contributing
 nothing but kerosene.

i thought i'd substitute chinamen and arabs in place of nazis.  I assumed
the absurdity of the statement would be glaringly obvious, but I forgot
which list I was posting to..

i think the someone you're referring to would be the list
administrators.  feel free to write them at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  alternately, you can try telling me if you have
a problem with something i say.  that's how problems are usually resolved.
then again, i can understand why you'd be intimidated by my kerosene to
the point where you'd be so AFRAID to approach me directly that you just
couldn't do it.


opening the other frequently recurring 313 can of worms

2001-04-04 Thread chrise


the program that's destined to take all the art out of our art has
finally launched its website, and we can expect the world to end


laura gavoor drives a ford focus

2001-04-03 Thread chrise

 Here's one for the records:  Ford Focus is sponsoring a Techno tour 
 (cutesy-cute) starring our boy Moby and not ONE Detroit artist who were 
 asked to participate WITHOUT PAY simply to substantiate their grooovy 
 new tag line.  Coming to a theatre near you.

you might have noticed talk of another little cutesy-cute thing that
ford focus is sponsoring? I'm not going to name names here, but I think if
you think about it hard enough, you'll remember it.

then again, as detroit is the motherland of techno, ford should be obliged
to acknowledge it and only it when hoping to sell units to 
twentysomethings, right?

Re: [313] The Truth Hurts Sometimes

2001-04-03 Thread chrise

 I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't see it for myself...

the truth is always most credible when it comes from someone using an
assumed name.  

if you're so sure of your truths, why don't you post them under your real

Re: [313] Moby is a Soul Sampler

2001-03-30 Thread chrise

 An d as for Mute records, what black artists do they have??
 Nuttin but the truth,

nuttin but a dead horse,


Re: [313] DEMF update

2001-03-29 Thread chrise

 What happen with Moodymann?
 Last year his Demf-Set was revolutionary,perhaps the
 art of deconstruction of Moody is too much for DEMF

or maybe he played last year, and they wanted to vary the lineup so they
booked other people?

nah, must be the revolutionary deconstruction other big word thing.

Re: [313] DEMF Press Conference

2001-03-29 Thread chrise

 Do they sell those posters at the event? I'll need about 1000 to wallpaper 
 my apartment.

last year they were $25 a piece.  they were really nice posters, and i
really wanted one, but not for that price!

that'd be a pretty pricey wallpaper job.


Re: [313] DEMF mills?

2001-03-29 Thread chrise

 The way I see it is... most promoters in the US dont want to pay that much
 for Mills..  in Europe... its no problem.  Why on earth would he want to
 come to the US to make less then he can in Europe, but then again.. its not
 about the money.. its about the music.. right?

i think it's also about not having to deal with the incompetent
high-school aged promoters and generally unappreciative crowds at large
scale events (read: raves) in the states.

Having said that, I think there's plenty of promoters and venues in the
states that he wouldn't have those kinds of problems with.  So I'm not
disagreeing with th statement that he's a greedy bastard, but the
impression I've got is that it's generally a better experience all around
when you play in europe.  

there's a lot of people I'd rather see than mills... and most of them are
on that lineup :)



2001-03-28 Thread chrise

anyone heard of this guy moby i think he's called?  rumor has it he
taught the bellevue three all there is to know about music, and now he's
some sort of lounge singer?

anyway, i haven't heard much talk about him, and i thought i'd see what
people had to say.

ps - i heard he's playing at a big rave in ann arbor at the end of
may?! DUMF or something? phat!

Re: [313] Juan - MasterMix

2001-03-22 Thread chrise

 I have that CD and the coupla mistakes just show me that even the best have
 off moments. The CD itself is nice.

but is it really appropriate to sell your off moments?  

btw, whatever claims planetxusa.com may make, the vinyl copy is mixed,

Re: [313] !313 [313] Booth for DEMF

2001-03-15 Thread chrise

 damnit, no free shampoo and conditioner gift packs..

yeah, but the free heavy machinery gift pack should be sweet.

 pantene isn't sponsoring it this year, okay?  mitsubishi heavy
 machines and 5 european telecommunications co's are.  so why don't we
 all get out of the clouds.

Re: [313] !313 [313] Booth for DEMF

2001-03-15 Thread chrise
 i was looking into getting a mitsubishi. maybe they'll give out free 
 cars??? yeah that's it. $30,000.00 for a booth and you get a free 
 mitsubishi spyder with every purchase. :-)

nah, it's the heavy machinery division.  your $30,000 comes with a

at least it'll be useful for getting out of hart plaza at midnight when
everyone's going home.

Re: [313] garnier set suggestions

2001-03-14 Thread chrise

 I was just rocking to the Fuse one, that has some *solid* mixing and great
 transitions and blending!!

wow, laurent garnier played in your basement too?

beating a dead horse,

Re: [313] OT nero burning schlong

2001-03-14 Thread chrise

drag your mp3 or wav or whatever from wherever it is to the new disc
window, double click on it, choose the tab that says indexes, splits, and
something else.  this will bring up a little diagram of the full
track.  click wherever you want a split, hit the split button.  if you
want exact control (you probably do), once you hit split you can hit edit
and type in an exact minute and second where you want the split to
happen.  repeat this process till you've got all the splits you want put
in there.

when you hit ok, it'll ask you if you want to split the file into
separate audio tracks.  choose yes - it won't split the actual
file.  Make sure you select all the tracks and set the gap between tracks
to 0 seconds, unless you like big gaps in the middle of your mix :P

of course, make sure that you either already own the mix you're splitting,
or that it's something that's unavailable for purchase :P


 Hi all
 the other day someone explained how to split a long mix and burn it to
 separate tracks in nero
 can you hit me up off list please?
 [flip the scrip and down pitch the speed]
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Re: [313] Booth for DEMF

2001-03-14 Thread chrise

 they also did not expect 1.5M people last year.

they also didn't *get* 1.5 million people. 1 million is a very generous
estimate.  But that's not really the point.

Think about it, do you actually think m_nus or any of the local clothing
stores actually did enough business that they could pay $30,000 for a
booth and still make a good profit?  and you you really think pop culture
media is the type of event promoter that'd jack their prices up to 10
times what they were last year?

yeah, maybe it's possible.  But I think it's a lot more likely that
$30,000 was a typo.

Re: [313] doppleroids

2001-03-12 Thread chrise
 just listening to elecktroids elektro world on warp and it sounds just
 like heinrich  rudolf .. The vocoder especially on japanese electronics ..
 is dopplereffect behind this?




Re: [313] taking off pants

2001-03-12 Thread chrise
 The DJs primary purpose is to expose music. That is the original
 history of DJing. It is how this all started. A lot of things have changed 
 since the early days of radio, but I fail to see how the DJs primary 
 obligation to expose artists has ever mutated.
 I'm sorry, I must disagree with you on this fine point. The primary purpose 
 of the DJ is to entertain an audience. If a DJ's primary purpose was to 
 expose artists then a DJ could play a set of terrible artists and do it 
 really poorly and yet they would still be doing their job well because they 
 are exposing artists.

well, by the same logic, a dj could put on a funny suit, make balloon
animals, and play crappy records, and still be doing his job well, because
they're entertaining their audience.

2 sides to every coin.

chris, waiting to see more djs in funny suits.

Re: [313] mp3 to cd with winamp

2001-03-08 Thread chrise

if the mix is only 78 minutes, just buy an 80 minute cd and burn it all on
to there.  no need to cut off the last 4 minutes.

or, if you're using nero (which i highly reccomend you do), you can choose
to overburn the cd - i think generally you can get about 85 minutes on an
80 minute cd... a certain crazy dutchman claims to have got 90, but that's

anyway, there's a free 30 day trial of nero at www.ahead.de, and it's
without a doubt the finest cd quthoring program i've used... at least for
this sort of thing.


On Wed, 7 Mar 2001, meta elpH wrote:

 If there is a 78 min mix and I only have a 74 min CD,
 then I use Winamp to chop off the last bit.  What you
 do is click on the little V that is next to your
 visualization display (either the moving bars or the
 moving line).  Then configure the output and select
 Nullsoft Disk Writer.  This takes anything Winamp
 plays and creates a wav file, it is sent to any
 directory you want.  Once this is set up, go to play
 the desired 78 minute MP3.  You won't hear anything
 because Winamp is crunching out a wav file AND THE
 TRICK IS: *STOP* the song just before it hits the 74
 minute mark.  Now you are ready to burn that CD, no
 other software needed!
 A problem that I encounter is that Winamp crunches the
 wav out FAST, and when I stop the file, I may not have
 stopped it in time.  No big deal, just try again.
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oh, mysterious drexciya

2001-03-08 Thread chrise

 d. thong,
 Ani is very right. The reason that people create so much mystery 
 behind their names is because they consciously decide to remain anonymous.

hasn't this been covered excessively on this list already? 

obviously the artists and anyone else who actually knows drexciya's true
mysterious identity aren't planning to reveal this information any time
soon.  So stop wasting your time getting all pissed off about it. 

besides, you all know you want to know just as bad as the people who ask.

derrick may's new toneshift music video

2001-03-08 Thread chrise



Re: [313] I need to vent for a moment...

2001-03-07 Thread chrise
 Where are you sending your waves as they record??  You *need* to send them
 in an no OS HD, and it *should* be 7200 rpm's.  But the real key is that
 there can NOT be any programs or op system on the disk you are recording to,
 not even a partitioned drive.  If you do, you run a huge risk of failure,
 unless you have a P4 or over clocked water cooled AMD 1.5 GHz and a gig of
 ram and a 10,000 rpm drive...

settle down, mister toneshift.

where exactly are you getting this information?  I record to my c drive
all the time, with a whole bunch of other processes running.

I did so on my old p133 with 64 megs of ram and a 5400rpm hard drive too,
and never had a problem.

as long as your drive defragmented and ample swap space before you start
recording, you'll be fine.

you don't have to pretend to be an expert on every topic, you know.

playa-hating since 96,

mixed up in the hague vol 2?

2001-03-05 Thread chrise


the clone website says mixed up vol 2 is out now... anyone seen it in
stores? I'd prefer to not have to order it from overseas.


Re: [313] fuse

2001-02-25 Thread chrise

all fuse sets are actually mixed by darw_n in his basement.

On Sat, 24 Feb 2001, Samuel Hobbs wrote:

 today i found a fuse dj set on napster.  it includes
 minus-orange, an e-dancer track and some other
 recognizable techno.  is richie hawtin starting to or
 has he ever performed live as fuse?  does anyone have
 any additionalinfo.
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Re: [313] Tha Mills thang

2001-02-23 Thread chrise

didn't you hear?

they fired mills.. instead it's gonna be a 6 hour wizard set by the


 I'm probably going to come in for the Wizard show, but before I click on
 Buy in Expedia ...
 First things first, are there any tickets left?
 I can either arrive late Thursday afternoon and stay until Sunday evening,
 or else arrive early Thursday morning on a late Wednesday night red-eye and
 ship back out Friday evening.  I'd save $109 if I stayed until Sunday, but
 that would obviously be negated if I had to stay at a hotel for 2 extra 
 If any of my peeps in Detroit that know me want me to stick around for the
 weekend, plz 2 speak up in the next 6 or 7 hours  :-)
   - Greg (Technotourist, West Coast Division)

Re: [313] ...this

2001-02-23 Thread chrise
 Is this the live @ FUSE mix?
 ooh ooh ...  gotta hear it!

calling my basement fuse is a passion of mine.

i cry when people belittle my life's work.

Re: [313] DEMF in Europe?

2001-02-20 Thread chrise

i heard a rumor that DEMF 2001 was going to be held in Parvez Wilson's
pants, and we're all invited!

On Tue, 20 Feb 2001, Parvez Wilson wrote:

 I heard from a pretty reliable source that...this thread is whack.
 give it a rest. please. The damn festival is going to be in the same place 
 it was last year and will be next year.
 So, please, take no more information from your reliable sources.
 If you know information about the festival, hey good for you. If you dont, 
 shut up and dont run your mouth with stupid ass off the wall speculation.
 Wake up, get on a plane, get a hotel room, enjoy the festival, and get out.

Re: [313] off topic: domain names

2001-02-19 Thread chrise

go to www.nsi.com and choose the whois function.


On Mon, 19 Feb 2001, Sean Deason wrote:

 anyone know how you can check on who owns a specific domain name? I just
 tried seandeason.com, kennylarkin.com, derrickmay.com, staceypullen.com, and
 a few other local techno artists, and all of the names are preregistered to
 someone else. I find it way to much of a coincedence that all of our names
 have suddenly been bought up (but not by us) :^(
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derrick may question

2001-02-15 Thread chrise

I'd like for someone to ask him what he thinks of the pedestal he's been
placed upon.


that and what color underwear he's wearing, hot damn!

another important derrick may question

2001-02-15 Thread chrise

if i was interviewing the innovator, I'd ask him if he knew if there was
going to be a DEMF 2001, and which hotel he suggested I stay in.


Re: [313] re: Derrick May questions?

2001-02-14 Thread chrise

 It was sad, because Derrick's set was so much better, and so completely over 
 their head.


keeping racial distinctions alive well into the 21st century,



2001-02-03 Thread chrise
 Umm, while you may very well deserve your opinion, sometimes it's best kept
 to yourself.

what, like when important people disagree? 

 Have some respect and even if you have none then shut the f*ck up!

criticism doesn't imply disrespect. when are people going to get that
through their thick skulls?

Re: [313] the LONG short of dj sets

2001-01-31 Thread chrise
 That's a bit of a generalised statement, there are a lot of bedroom dj's
 can perform a variety of tricks and skills that would work just aswell
 older established names.
 If they are that good, they need to come out of their bedrooms more often.

maybe they don't want to?

Re: [313] the longg dj set

2001-01-30 Thread chrise
 First off, I play everything from deep house to trance, with influence from
 techno.  So, I don't really expect to many people on here to like my sets,
 nor do I demand that.

do you play them LIVE AT FUSE and then share them on napster as such?

yeah, I thought so.

Dj Darwin LIVE @ FUSE - life feat. [keven(sic) saunderson, derrick may,
afex(sic) twin, adam beyer, marco carola, isolee, Timo Maas, Richie
Hawtin, rob hood, halo].mp3

deceptive titling is the mark of a true artist.


Re: [313] Ring ring ring ha ha hey!

2001-01-30 Thread chrise
   what about sweet exorcist - test tone
  What about The Bells???
 well, alarms from purpose maker series would be better imho, or perhaps
 the piano melody from changes of life or what was that tune called.. :)

how about speedy j - pullover?

ahh, if only i had a phone...


spammers grabbing addresses from 313?

2001-01-30 Thread chrise

i just got this email... the fact that they are just a couple of
guys doesn't make this kind of thing any more appropriate.

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2001 17:54:26 -
Subject: Greetings From Planet Novarum..!!

  We got your e-mail address from the 313 digest list. As you?re obviously
into your music, we thought you might be interested in a site dedicated to
quality controlled substances...
   We are very aware that mailing you direct is not the best way to draw
your attention to our outfit, but in the spirit of supporting the
underground, we hope you will not be offended.
  Please understand that we are just some guys trying to do something that
we believe in, and seeing as we all have the same shared passion...it would
be great if you would pass this on to any other like minded folk
all the best

  ...Supplying Quality Controlled Substances...

HQ: +44 1727 765269

Re: [313] attn: digital duds

2001-01-28 Thread chrise
 PLEASE people, can we give this a rest.
 This was one of the more unproductive threads on here recently.

oh, i'm sorry... i'll go back to something a little more appropriate.



hawtin acquaviva sets on napster?

2001-01-26 Thread chrise

so i was looking around on napster and found a set of mp3s called richie
hawtin  john acquaviva - 10 years of plus8 records - now I assumed they
were just the plus8 classics cds but they're really big (40-70 mins
each) and when I downloaded part of one it appeared to be a dj mix, and
not of classic plus 8 stuff.  Anyone know what these really are?  There's
a whole lot of them too, several hours' worth of music altogether


Re: [313] attn: digital duds

2001-01-26 Thread chrise
 ill go up next to anyone with these cd inventions and well play out the real 
 issue-who got the crowd groovin, whos having a good time. you just have to 
 buy the plane ticket:

you'll go up against hawtin and acquaviva and their cd inventions?

sounds good, I'm sure it'll be the end-all, be-all litmus test of which is
the superior medium.


Re: [313] Future of DJ'ing, also anyone at MIDEM?

2001-01-22 Thread chrise

 Yeah, I am on the artform side. I think it will be the demise of DJing the
 day that it becomes a machine-led thing.

how is it any less of an artform when technology is involved?

I think the real issue here is unwarranted nostalgia holding us back from
a better experience.  How can you confidently state that there's no
art to mixing mp3s using finalscratch when you haven't even tried it,
and most likely haven't even seen anyone else try it?

What, just because it doesn't rely on a crappy, outdated, extremely
inconvenient technology, it's not as good?

It's not about finding song x on npaster vs finding song x on a
record and which is more rewarding - of course it's more rewarding to
find song x on vinyl.  but try to think of the possibilities that digital
mixing opens up - you could easily play your own songs, the ones you don't
want to spend $50 getting an acetate cut, or even more to have it actually
released.  You could work in live elements, you could do effects, the
creative control is only limited to what your computer can do.

And remember, this system works WITH your turntables - you can still bring
your records along and play them the same as you did before.  You're not
being asked to abandon vinyl here... just to accept the possibility that
vinyl is not the end-all, be-all of mixed music.

Please don't waste my time arguing practicalities like mp3s don't sound
as good or computers crash! - and don't waste my time telling me vinyl
is superior becuase it's what we've always used.  So what?  It's
romantic notions like that that'll hold the music back and let it
stagnate.  Of course there's room to acknowledge the past, but there's
also plenty of room to move forward...  the problem with accepting new
technology might be striking a balance between the two... but denying new
technology because it's not what we've always used is not the solution.

Re: [313] Digital Jockey vs. Disc Jockey (was: Future of DJ'ing, also anyone at MIDEM?)

2001-01-22 Thread chrise
 I totally agree, but what I'm saying is that you can have presence with
 equipment other than turntables. 
 How? It would have to be something that demands some kind of
 physicality. (Great debate by the way.)

well, the whole point of finalscratch is it still uses the
turntables... really the only stage presence you're losing if you use
that system is the turn around and dig in your record box part now
unless you really dig checking out a dj's butt (which is totally
understandable) I don't think it's all that big of a deal.

I wish the finalscratch page was still up - if they've really
launched the product like they apparently have, you'd think it would be
up.  It's pretty hard to explain quickly, but you get these special
records that you put on any turntable... these records then send a signal
to the computer which uses the signal to control the pitch, position, etc,
of the mp3 or cd audio or whatever.  You're still using vinyl, that's the
cool thing.  you're not just pushing buttons or whatever, you're playing
records, but you're playing mp3s.

here's an article:

Re: [313] THE WIZARD-Jeff Mills-MARCH 1

2001-01-16 Thread chrise
 This is an event that could ONLY happen here.  This is a one time 
 opportunity to see a side of a Detroit legend only spoken about in nostalgic 

I'm sure he won't cancel this time!

Re: [313] Anthems, was plastic dreams...

2000-12-23 Thread chrise
  We are Phuture - Phuture  (that DAMN rocketship track my friend M always
 who's the singer for that?  sounds like the erasure guy...

my copy says vocals by darrel lewis

it's also a HORRID pressing, anyone know if they're all like this?  I want
a better copy!


ishkur's guide to electronic music

2000-12-17 Thread chrise


it takes a loong time to load all the samples, the connections he draws
between various styles of music are at times pretty ridiculous, and
there's an obvious bias against some sorts of music, but all in all this
is a pretty cool little flash thingy.


Re: [313] UR and KDJ - What?

2000-12-16 Thread chrise
if you ain't down with drivin' a jaguar,
then maybe playstation will emulate
the experience for you.

so what you're trying to say is that it's a money thing?  that wealthy
people will own the UR version, while the less fortunate will be forced to
purchase the sony one?

Re: [313] well

2000-12-14 Thread chrise
 And 'progressive rock' was so immensely silly and annoying that
 forevermore the term will be deprecated.

hey now!

we all know prog rock was the true root of detroit techno!

not to mention, it RULES!

Re: [313] Re: [[313] well]

2000-12-14 Thread chrise

 My point being, its a descriptive word.

okay then, define progressive and explain how that definition relates to
the music you call progressive techno.


Re: [313] RE: R WE BEING EDITED???

2000-12-12 Thread chrise
 No. In order to censor you, the list admin would have to write a perl
 filter to intercept your mail to 313, and then fake the headers when he
 sent 'approved' email along to the list.  I don't think anyone involved
 could be arsed to go to that trouble.
 I don't know why your posts didn't show up but I do NOT think anyone's
 censoring you.

I think most likely it's due to the fact that (last i heard) hyperreal was
a pretty outdated machine, and it's handling basically every high-volume
list that's devoted to some aspect of electronic music or raves.  I know
it's had little glitches like this before - I wouldn't be surprised to see
your posts magically appear 4 days from now.  Hyperreal's just weird like
that sometimes.

At any rate, I don't even know who the admin of this list is.  And that's
how it should be - whoever s/he is, they're taking a very hands-off
approach to their position.  I highly doubt that there's any censorship
going on here.  

all this talk of hyperreal's making me nostalgic for vrave... *sigh*


test, please delete

2000-12-08 Thread chrise

if you're reading this, you like trance.

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