Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

@Sam, I'm afraid I find that more than a little insensative, sinse whatever the case this is a loaded situation and throwing around imprications won't help anyone. your free to act as you wish, however harshness probably will just make matters worse in this case. For this reason I'm going to close this topic sinse what has been said has been said, and further acid comments won't help anyone.On a general level, I will say I'm truly ashamed of this community, of the instant assumption to "blaime the victim" and begin mud slinging and condemnning especially when said victim has come forward with at least part of the truth. It's not really surprising that people prefer to contact myself  privately when met with these sorts of accusationns and suspicions.This sort of mob mentality and nastiness is truly disgusting, and makes crimes such as those commited here all the easier by isolating the very people most a
 t risk, and not treating anyone with the compassion or sensativity they deserve. Here's hoping there is an end to this, and I very much hope for the sake of other victims that nobody else in this community suffers this sort of abuse if this is the kind of reception they recieve!


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

@Sam, I'm afraid I find that more than a little insensative, sinse whatever the case this is a loaded situation and throwing around imprications won't help anyone. your free to act as you wish, however harshness probably will just make matters worse in this case. For this reason I'm going to close this topic sinse what has been said has been said, and further acid comments won't help anyone.On a general level, I will say I'm truly ashamed of this community, of the instant assumption to "blaime the victim" and begin mud slinging and condemnning especially when said victim has come forward with at least part of the truth. It's not really surprising that people prefer to contact myself  privately when met with these sorts of accusationns and suspicions.This sort of mob mentality and nastiness is truly disgusting, and makes crimes such as those commited here all the easier by isolating the very people most a
 t risk, and not treating anyone with the compassion or sensativity they deserve. Here's hoping there is an end to this, and I very much hope for the sake of other victims that nobody else in this community suffers this sort of abuse if this is the sort of reception they recieve!


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

Hi dark. I completely understand what you are saying and I can't just change any decision. I also thought I could very well trust lori, until this happened. Reguardless of the logs, and anyone, isn't it kind of creapy that the night I tell her all of this her friend from england took an overdose of something and is now dead? If this person exists, who is she? That's what I feel is most concerning just to me now, is this friends very sudden, and very brushed off death. I'm not trying to get annoying with this hole thing and if I am please tell me and i'll be quiet hahaha, but really I think this random death is quite concerning in my opinion.


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

I believe Lori because I have known her to be trustworthy, and because her story has been confirmed, and because she'd shared this information with me in several ways, and the belief that all of these methods wcompromised as well as that of the person who confirmed Lori's story quite independently is stretching credulity. I actually have nothing against Walter, up until this point I barely new the man, and I didn't ban him because I hated him or didn't believe him but because I believe him to be a danger to the community who is making this forum an unsafe place.


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nibar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

So you believe Lori cause she is member longer than Walter?


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nibar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

Dark how you know those account is not Lori?


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

I repeat the behaviour for which Walter has been banned goes rather beyond survive the wild or any logs from this weekend. I've had two  accounts from two different people both corroborating,and both also detailing the abuse of another, hence why I deam Walter to be dangerous. As I said, Sam can do what he sees fit, and I will do the same, though I will add the severity of these actions go rather beyond just "A mistake" into criminal areas.I'll also say that "this lori person" as blind  wizard put it is someone who's been a valuable member of this community for actually far longer than Walter, not only is this the first time she's made  such accusations, but she's also been backed up by another source, which is proof enough for me.


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : blink_wizard via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

Holy shit! I just saw every post in this topic and I think Sam is correct about all of this stuff. And trust me, I've seen people who come up with ridiculous things to not do something or as a cover. But, whenever this was, Sunday, I think, her "friend" was being picked on from this Walter guy that I don't know, and 4 days later being dead? Um, I'm sorry, but I highly doubt that.I would imagine that someone or herself would post on this topic saying that her friend died. Actually never mind that, but still. Its just hard to believe.Another thing you could do is go in to his computer and go to his appdata and look at Skype, and there are files with all the accounts he's ever been logged in, and if these Skype accounts don't appear, well, they don't exist. and actually, I just looked back to the post on his twitter witch is basically the same post he posted in this topic, and it looks to me like these accounts don't exist.And yes, the Skype application for windows can be hard to use when searching up a Skype name, but I just did it with my mac and no results were found.What other things prevent this from basically saying that this Walter guy is telling the truth?Its all there, in the logs. Even if this Lori person were to show a log that looked correct, that doesn't mean anything. I could now go and  say "Guys, Sam was doing bad things to me on STW and sending me messages on Skype about doing stuff to me", and post a log that I completely changed.I'll give you an example: note this message was not sent by Sam Tupy, ever.On 3/9/16, at 2:25 PM, Sam Tupy wrote:> I fucking hate you for playing STW and guess what? If you get on STW, I'll ban your IP address, and I'll harm your computer with a virus.There, just made a fake message up. And actually, what he really said was this: On 3/9/16, at 2:25 PM, Sam Tupy wrote:> I already responded to that topic in audiogames.netSo, I would like to know, what things prevent from proving that this guy is  telling the complete and honest truth?And no one is perfect in this world, no one! Even if this guy did some things that you all didn't like, I don't think that banning him off this forum was necessary. Everyone makes mistakes, including me. I  did some stuff to Sam back a long time ago when I was younger, doesn't mean I still do this sort of stuff.O, and where was UP even brought up in this topic? Random, but yeah.


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ishan Dhami via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

this topic should be closed for everyone!


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

FWIW I didn't see anything particularly private in the logs, and don't generally regard public IP addresses as private either (though understand those who do). Besides, it's not as if we give immunity to criminals, or don't have public courts. The Internet does indeed allow people to be anonymous or out of easy reach of the law, but you can't really conceal identifiable data about the Internet connection or the user, so there are remedies for communities like this one if it should come to that.


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

Actually Ishen I always try to be objective, as I said previously I have nothing against Walter personally and have barely interacted with him. the two friends Lori mentions aren't fake, I've got messages from both of them, so simply saying "she's lying" isn't an answer. I don't know what has happened with these logs or why Sam has decided that due to an Ip Lori must be lying about everything! whether off or on Survive the wild, but I can only do what I think best in this situation, which is what I have done.Oh, and though Walter's actions would be considered criminal in several countries, we can't just involve the police, partly because that would be a hugely distressing and difficult process for all involved, but mostly because Walter is in South Africa,  and everyone else is scattered across the world. This is one way in which the internet is used by bad people, to be anonymous and get away with things, which is wh
 y we have moderators and other responsable people to sort things out.


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ishan Dhami via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

ultra power topic was closed I will find it and report it. this topic should be closed right now I agreed with dark. But not for the banning walter. Maybe what will the intention of Miss lori here but the ID is fake the friend is imaginery and sam's evidenses are enough that what she want and what she has done. In the second point of view maybe her friend exists and used her IP to log in. I think this should be handled with police. till then your decision will be respected. when the report was submited by the ciber investigation then mods can change their decision. a Mod should like a scientist who don't have views who see a thing as it look like. Well walter was banned what will you get then? If I will be banned then also what will you get? people use to go and come but fairly not the help your thoughts or principles.You have to be an objective at this moment. so from this po
 st I pledge that I will close this topic. I will never post on this topic. and you should follow this if you want peace and unity.


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : bee_songkran via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

Hi guys!I've just done read all the post at here already.First for lori I think I also know her as well.Even though I did not talk to her by personal but she seem to be cool though.As I used to play game with her at the swamp.And at the conversation that I used to talk with her at the swamp.Even though we play with her, sometimes it's might not so suitable though.But she never ever to make such a thing like that before.I mean create such a topic like that.And for Walter I also know him as well.Luckily I also the one that also play that game too.Because sometimes I have to help my thai player to get out of the bug or something happen in the game.That's why I have to contact him quite often regarding of that.Because I don't wanna disturb sam that's why.For walter I also know he is a nice guy.He try to help nubie player as well.So that's why I so hard to tell 
 who is real or fake.But of course I also disagree as well if someone try to disturbing a girl player in the game, without respecting.I hope this kind of topic will give a good learning curve for the new admin in the future in whatever game that going to be.Hope thing will get sattle down soon.All the best!Bee!


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

Well I will say in fairness Lori claims the logs have been changed, also bare in mind some of this (particularly the stuff with Lori's friend), was via skype anyway and is on the accouts of several testamoniesI've recived from a number of people. While quanin does have a point about the over reaction of society, I have to make my own decision here based on the evidence I've see, my knolidge of the people invlved n and Sam has to make his. Whatever decision I make, believe certain people will assume I have a hatred for Walter in some way, which is pretty crazy given that I barely interacted with the man up until now, but hay I'm not looking for approval I have to do what I think best so Walter is staying banned from the forum as I cannot be sure that he isn't a danger to the community, end of story. Sam feels differently having been convinced otherwise, s
 o what he does is his decision, there's not much else left to say on the matter, indeed I'm tempted to close thise topic sinse I suspect all that will now happen will be lots of unnecessary flaming of myself, Lori, Walter and pretty much everyone else who has an opinion on this matter, and for Lori and the others I'm rather sad (whatever happened to compassion?), indeed the fact that the first reaction from people at the report of abuse is "oooh someone must be lying because this person is a good admin" and not sympathy for someone in distress makes me ashamed to be a part of this community, sinse whatever the truth of who did what to whom it's an extremely stressful situation all around, and the fact that people respond with condemnation and bitching is just plane disgusting.


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : quanin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

Two things real quick, then I'm going to do my damnedest to try and look away from this cluster of a train wreck.First, a little story with a degree of personal experience. And no, you don't get to hear about the experience. True or not, if a woman, any woman, for any reason, even hints that someone of the opposite sex has been harassing, threatening, coming on too strong, whatever you want to call it, there's no discussion. There's no let's talk it over and get to the root of it. There's this was said, and I believe her, so get gone and don't send a postcard. This doesn't just happen on this forum. This happens legally as well. Girl says "my boyfriend assaulted me," and it doesn't matter if 6 people say he just stood there and let her scream at him. She says she was assaulted, end of story, your court date's in two weeks. I don't care if Walter actually did half of what was said or not. And at the end of the 
 day, it doesn't actually matter. True or not, it's out there, and because of that, Walter gets to live that down until maybe everyone here gets over it. If he's guilty, then awesome and it's well deserved. But if he's not, and this was just done for attention, all I'm gonna say is if he didn't have mental difficulties before, you're damn right he's got them now.Secondly, whether or not Walter did half of what's been said here. Seriously? That's one of your admins? I know the blind community's got a somewhat limited selection, but come on. Okay, so maybe he's not the sexually harassing stalker type. As said above it's a little bit late now to be asking that question, but just for grins, maybe. You want to talk evidence? There's enough logged evidence in this thread that at the very least he's a powertripping egotist. And you let that have clearly unrestricted access to presumedly important systems.
  And for your efforts, you get... well... scroll up. I've quit playing games I was a part of for *years* when the admins got power hungry. I'll be damned if I'll start playing one where I know they are. At the very least, this thread has served as a warning to me--and I don't even fit his supposed demographic. STW doesn't screen its admins, and as a result, the admins make the rules on the fly. Even if this Walter didn't do half of what was said. Good for him. But if the next one does, this little episode has just made it a whole lot less likely anyone's going to say a word. Laurie can catch some of the blame for that, sure. However, so can Dark, and so can Walter, and so can Sam. For that matter, so can the very long list of people who were immediately in favour of the banhammer, no questions asked. Congratulations, folks.Now, Dark can do his thing, Sam can do his thing, and Laurie can... well... do whatever she does when she's not bei
 ng harassed on STW. And the rest of you spectators can grow up already. Christ almighty there's got to be *something* more interesting than two opposing sob stories. And I'll gladly take that opinion to the banned list if Dark wants me to.


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

@Ishan: if you know about UltraPower clones, then please report them. We can remove those from the forum.


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

What the... And ehe woke up. I'd sent her a message about how I felt about the situation and her doing this, and that I wanted to talk to her friend from england, and she said something about taking an overdose of something and that her friend was now dead, just great. I asked her if it wasn't to much to ask if I could have her friends skype name. She said that her friend didn't have skype, wouldn't know how to use it. But in walters chat log and he said this before I even looked at that log, her friend from england told walter her mik was broken when walter wanted to hear her voice, then said she was going to call lori on skype. And if you think i'm being a bastard by saying this i'm really sorry but... Do you really think this happened? her friend now being dead? Dead? I think that if she were dead, if she even exists, lori unless she has absolutely no feelings what so ever which I bet she does, I think she would have had a lot harder time with it t
 han telling me that she took a massive overdose and was now dead, just great. Just great? I question that. It scemes a bit vague. If someone actually lost there life I would be very sorry for posting this but... this night is sure a quinsidence that she is now dead after I posted this and the vagueness lori used with me makes me kind of  uncomfortable. I mean... @lori if your reading this, I really hope that one of your friends didn't loose there life, I really do. I say the things above because of what scemed to have just happened, and I hope you all understand my goal is not to be a bastard, but isn't this... Is she trying to make me feel bad? Or did this really happen? This is very disturbing and again if someone lost there life because of this situation or even at all, then... well, i'd be praying. But that doesn't sceme true. I'm actually a bit worried about it my self now, and i'd like to say again being a bastard with no heart isn't my 
 intension. But I wonder now if lori is atempting to do to me what she claims walter did? I bet many of you know lori better than I do, so I was hoping I could possibly get an answer. It's very worrying.


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

What the... And ehe woke up. I'd sent her a message about how I felt about the situation and her doing this, and that I wanted to talk to her friend from england, and she said something about taking an overdose of something and that her friend was now dead, just great. I asked her if it wasn't to much to ask if I could have her friends skype name. She said that her friend didn't have skype, wouldn't know how to use it. But in walters chat log and he said this before I even looked at that log, her friend from england told walter her mik was broken when walter wanted to hear her voice, then said she was going to call lori on skype. And if you think i'm being a bastard by saying this i'm really sorry but... Do you really think this happened? her friend now being dead? Dead? I think that if she were dead, if she even exists, lori unless she has absolutely no feelings what so ever which I bet she does, I think she would have had a lot harder time with it t
 han telling me that she took a massive overdose and was now dead, just great. Just great? I question that. It scemes a bit vague. If someone actually lost there life I would be very sorry for posting this but... this night is sure a quinsidence that she is now dead after I posted this and the vagueness lori used with me makes me kind of  uncomfortable. I mean... @lori if your reading this, I really hope that one of your friends didn't loose there life, I really do. I say the things above because of what scemed to have just happened, and I hope you all understand my goal is not to be a bastard, but isn't this... Is she trying to make me feel bad? Or did this really happen? This is very disturbing and again if someone lost there life because of this situation or even at all, then... well, i'd be praying. But that doesn't sceme true. I'm actually a bit worried about it my self now, and i'd like to say again being a bastard with no heart isn't my 
 intension. But I wonder now if lori is atempting to do to me what she claims walter did?


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

Yeah, I understand dood.


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : blindndangerous via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

That's good that you grew from that and learned from that.  I'm not saying that I don't forgive you, we all make mistakes, just be careful of what you say.


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

Hi. @blinddangerous if you look back on the stw forum which I think you may have, you will know that I very very much regret doing that. I was not experienced with adminship and I should have looked at what it would intale being an admin first, but I always have said my apologies have been out there about that situation and I wish not to force anyone to accept apologies. I my self believe I have grown sence then, but weather you believe that is true is completely your choise. I always hope people forgive me for that IP address mistake, but I also understand if that can not be forgiven by some people.


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ishan Dhami via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

I know when walter and noone are there. but he help rather also whenever he come online he asks about your mood. He is a cool person. well said sam agreed you. Lori pasted fake logs I think.


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : blindndangerous via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

"About the data posting, I personally feel that I have posted nothing very private, I don't usually post publicly, private things on my game,"...Except when you posted peoples IP addresses in a public chat.  Maybe you've grown since then, I don't know.


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

BTW sorry if i'm posting to much, Theres just a lot of activity. @blinddangerous, I totally understand what your saying. I have atempted to say that I can only go off of the information I know and that's exactly what i'm doing. Though I encourage it I never wish to force any reports from anyone, but i'm only trying to post fact, which I can only do with the data that is provided to me.


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ishan Dhami via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

I never cried in the game. the fault of diana killed me one time but I know that it is a game not my life. In my life I don't know that you are you or not. I am still in the favour of sam. well appeal to the moderators that closed this topic and make your decision.


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

And if people also think i'm getting to harsh/posting to much i'd be glad to know and fix that, but I just believe that justice should be handed to the right person in this situation and though it may not be true, what if walter is getting hammered because of impersonation/ fake logs etc? For me, that would suck. I've had similar experiences and it's felt horible so I only wish to help and not cause issues and if I am i'd love to know and fix it. About the data posting, I personally feel that I have posted nothing very private, I don't usually post publicly, private things on my game, however, this doesn't really look private, and the reason I posted it is because nothing looks real. And if you guys think that I have posted sensitive information, i'd be glad to delete the post no problem. But I will say and you can ask walter, the people in the call I was in while composing my post fully incurraged me to post the evidence, so I actually didn
 't just randomly decide to post everything. Again though if i'm going to far please let me know so I can stop, as I wish not to cause problems but instead help in any way I can.


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : blindndangerous via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

"I'm sure there are many female players on stw and he's never targeted any of them."You know this how?  Show me proof of that Sam.  How do you know that he's never targeted anyone but Lory?  Maybe Lory is just the only one whose spoken up?


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

I think the reason it's still hear is because there are now a lot of people who dislike walter. I'm wondering if this is right? Wouldn't it suck to have everyone dislike you when you've at least not tried doing anything rong? Again, maybe walter did do something, but I doubt it. I've known him for a while and this never came up until like 2 weeks ago. And I think steve has a point as well, why would walter just target lori? Why? I'm sure there are many female players on stw and he's never targeted any of them. But that's beyond the point. I've posted all evidence I could gather and I firmly at this point believe that lori has done something for some reason to walter. All of the evidence is truely what I posted here, theres no more, and if it was modded this way... Most of this was what lori gave me, she gave her self up basicly. And if she'd mod it to make it so that I'd suspect her, well, hmmm. I doubt she'd do that anyw


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mektastic via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

I don't know the parties involved, but I think that a discussion about harassment is in order. I could only stand to read a couple of pages of all of this, and I've come to some conclusions.First of all, I don't care who you are or what you've been through, if you can't manage to show some basic social etiquette when it comes to how you treat people online, you can find another pool to play in.  I've been in various online communities for years and years.  We're taught to accept that if there are wandering hands, overtly sexual comments, etc, that we should just grin and bear it. After all, the person/people are just joking/teasing/showing you that you are special etc etc.  Spare me.Secondly, there is no way on this good green Earth that I would ever play a game where the administration gleefully tossed private info from skype/email/PM on an open forum for all to see.  That says a lot about ethics.Third, s
 ome people are so cute the way that they seem to think that these forums are some sort of democracy.  You don't have to like a moderator's decision, but that's when you write  constructively to said moderator about it. In any event, they don't have to change their mind just because you want them to.Finally, the way that a developer of a game responds to this or other unpleasantness when it comes to their game community is going to say a whole lot more than any other response.  It's either going to make or break your community.Once upon a time, a more passive and  less assertive me played an rp game. I was so excited to start this new character and dig in to those features.  I was new to  how the whole rp concept worked as it came to muds, but at that point, I'd been playing those play-by-email games for years.  Someone started roleplaying raping my character.  I was horrified and had no idea of how t
 o handle the situation.  I didn't emote back, but I sent them a tell saying that I felt very uncomfortable. Uncomfortable didn't even cover it.  I was frozen there, unsure of what to do, feeling panicked and sick to my stomach and shaking uncontrollably in my chair. The person sent a tell back saying that they could do whatever they wanted to my character, regardless of my feelings, and I was a female and needed to just take it.  I then realized an invisible staff member was in the room because they lost their link.  This sent several messages to me in about two seconds. The player had zero respect for me as a person. Yes, those types of games can have some bad consequences for your character, but if a player says 'Hey I am uncomfortable with this, can we come up with an alternative/fade to black', then the other person should do just that, unless they are some sort of bottom-feeding unfeeling troglodyte. The other message was that the staff w
 as okay with it, even when they could see that I was upset.That is the first and last time that I have ever cried because of actions someone took in a game. I cried. I'm embarrassed to even say that, but the emotions that churned up in me were awful. Even just writing about it makes my stomach churn.I logged on to the game the next day to talk to a higher level immortal about what happened, and they brought down the ban hammer. They banned the player, fired the immortal that just watched after they did admit that they'd seen the logs of my tells asking this player to please stop, and they had a come to Jesus talk with their playerbase and expanded their policies. Because of the actions of the rest of the staff, and after a lot of thought, I stayed on that game for seven years.  So your response matters.So, I hope that people do the right thing, and please, please be good to each other.  The community is a healthier, more vibrant place for it.


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

Haven't chimed in on this topic, and I'm not going to chime in anymore after this. Now that things are apparently settled, I suggest that Sam, Walter, Laurie and whoever else may be involved take this off forum... at this point it isn't even strictly game related anymore, and personal attacks and the like are pointless to put on an internet forum where most people who respond are just sitting behind their computers. I don't know if Laurie or walter are both lying, or one of them is right... but from Sam's long post, I'd say let the evidence speak for itself... and let's drop this subject and get back to gaming discussion which is what this forum is supposed to be.


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

aside from the chat logs slj, some other forms of evidence, from the server tell the trooth. for example, the ID's of alondra and astra. I don't make those, that is the same computer on both accounts seperatly. And when I was looking at the logs, I checked mod dates, etc. They don't look modified, but the thing is when you put everything together, that's when it scemes really wierd. I am telling you as the coder of survive the wild, my logging system did not write that PM. It only shows up in that short log snippet lori sent me, written in a form that my logger doesn't write in. She cut this snippet out of a lot, if she's trying to proove something to me... Why would she mod the log.


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

Well, again, yet an other situration where people don't know who's telling the trooth. The chat logs should tell the trooth, but you never know if they have been modified. Does the server have a huge chat log? I think that's the only way the trooth can be told.


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ishan Dhami via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

well said sam! so astra's and the other character is the same one.Smartees well what do you do dark? because the ID number sam pasted is looking like the same one. lori duncan's fight in skype is looking without any reason. and Now she is afraid of banning [[wow]] dood. nice. first you creat the topic and then go to the bed and seeing what is going on. at last of my point. Walter should not use the word "fucking bitch" it is abusive and should not be tolerated but he did not break down the rules of the forum. I think Mr dark will see this and perhaps he can change his decision.


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

Listen up. No one's being called wrong here, I'm not using this to shove my opinion down your throat and demanding you except it as truth, but I just hope to clarify some stuff, maybe re point some stuff that may have been skimmed over in the first read of post 1 or others. Also, I'm still in agreement as I was earlier that temporarily banning Walter until this investigation proves him innocent or indeed if it does is okay.But, here are some quotes to mull over, and what made me personally get doubts. And again, these are my soul interpretations.1. "he'd tell my friend she was worth nothing, then tell me he hadn't said any such thing, even though I have the evidence my friend sent me to prove he was lying."I am personally unable to properly justify this since it was her friend, and the "proof" was sent and not necessarily experienced, and we have no way of knowing the proof was actually sent.2. "she had Wal
 ter grilling her, thinking she was me with another account."  Right. How convenient he picked your friend instead of the other 40 or so players. Just your friend.3. "now my main concerne is that other girls might receive the same treatement as myself and my friends have done"  Just girls, huh? Like all players go on games on which most communication is made through text and verbal communication is minimal though it exists, and advertise they are girls only to be hounded by big bad, Walter. Also again, out of the 40 some odd players, and that's just the max I've personally seen, just, Lori and her friends alone.4. "I have now recieved two private accounts of Water's behaviour, both of which tally, and one of which was by someone who is too afraid to actively speak out in public, afraid of actual physical harm or blackmail or worse."  Good move for the ban Dark, again we appreciate your concern for ou
 r safety on this forum. However, sounds more to me like the, well, you know, anti Walter fuse has been lighted and now we have more and more of them just now conveniently making that hugely bold step to tell of their Walter induced blackmail and threat filled misery to a gaming forum administrator. Nope, not the police, and not when it started, but the gaming forum administrator, and the day after someone else complained.  Again. I sincerely apologize if I'm sounding like an insensitive snob, I'm not attempting to sound like that at all. I'm just not fully buying into all of this.


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

Listen up. No one's being called wrong here, I'm not using this to shove my opinion down your throat and demanding you except it as truth, but I just hope to clarify some stuff, maybe re point some stuff that may have been skimmed over in the first read of post 1 or others. Also, I'm still in agreement as I was earlier that temporarily banning Walter until this investigation proves him innocent or indeed if it does is okay.But, here are some quotes to mull over, and what made me personally get doubts. And again, these are my soul interpretations.1. "he'd tell my friend she was worth nothing, then tell me he hadn't said any such thing, even though I have the evidence my friend sent me to prove he was lying."I am personally unable to properly justify this since it was her friend, and the "proof" was sent and not necessarily experienced, and we have no way of knowing the proof was actually sent.2. "she had Wal
 ter grilling her, thinking she was me with another account."  Right. How convenient he picked your friend instead of the other 40 or so players. Just your friend.3. "now my main concerne is that other girls might receive the same treatement as myself and my friends have done"  Just girls, huh? Like all players go on games on which most communication is made through text and verbal communication is minimal though it exists. Also again, out of the 40 some odd players, and that's just the max I've personally seen, just, Lori and her friends alone.4. "I have now recieved two private accounts of Water's behaviour, both of which tally, and one of which was by someone who is too afraid to actively speak out in public, afraid of actual physical harm or blackmail or worse."  Good move for the ban Dark, again we appreciate your concern for our safety on this forum. However, sounds more to me like the, well, y
 ou know, anti Walter fuse has been lighted and now we have more and more of them just now conveniently making that hugely bold step to tell of their Walter induced blackmail and threat filled misery to a gaming forum administrator. Nope, not the police, and not when it started, but the gaming forum administrator, and the day after someone else complained.  Again. I sincerely apologize if I'm sounding like an insensitive snob, I'm not attempting to sound like that at all. I'm just not fully buying into all of this.


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

So guys, i'm happy to say that this topic can come to well, kind of, a happy ending. Have you guys ever considered this? That maybe someone has made this topic to bring walter down? That maybe someone made this topic just... well... well just to be mean? Just to... Just to... You get the point here. Well, I decided to jump into the drama stream and investigate my self, and it's time to show how lori, someone who we thought we could trust, like and well respect, has just betrayed all of us, stw, and walter. Oh walter, lori, what have you done to him. Now before you stop reading this post and think i'm pointing fingers, i'd incurrage you to read threw the entire post, as it is pretty much prooven that lori is lying to all of us and well, what. trying to create drama? ruin walters online life? something? Well, let's get started. Let's show you what I mean. Let's just start with the least amount of proof, and build it up, all together. Also sorry if I sound really rediculis, but i'm excited because practicly everything is prooven. Given in this post will be loggs, whiped of any sensitive information, and posted so you can see what I mean. So basicly, I demote walter, he wants to know why, and I send him this message he apparently sent to lorry that lory sent to me, coppied out of her chat_history.log file. And, as we'd expect for someone who was doing something bad, walter continuassly denied it. I tried everything to make him know that I knew it was true. Yes, I lied a little bit to him, told him about how I matched the IP addresses of the PM sender and his current IP. I told him they matched. Usually this will finily make any guilty person just give up, because they think I know everything. I never checked the server, and walter never gave in. He sounded like he was panicking, trying to tell me he didn't do it. So I asked him if I could do stuff. At this point he let's me into his computer and incurrages me to do absolutly anything I want, even install a virus if need be. Of course I didn't do that, but I looked at many things. And now, we backtrack. Before I demoted walter, I talked to lorry and she said she was going to send me the logs. And instantly, things were... kind of, strange? She said she'd never gotten around to it, but she was now uploading the logs and would send me a dropbox link once uploaded. And she atempted to tell me when she started the upload. She explained it would take a while because of her bad internet and they would be getting a replacement/upgrade in a week. Finily, about 10 minutes later... From lori duncan, uploading now, it's taking a while because our internet connection sucks, sent on Thursday, March 10, 2016 4:25:08 PMFrom lori duncan, … 20log.txt, sent on Thursday, March 10, 2016 4:30:52 PMAnd that was the first log. Encase the db link becomes unavailable, the log text is belowToday's log, threat warning.rm says what do you need the help of admins for? 8:56:24 PM, 3/10/2016out of character, astra says i've found a bug, i'm cooking over a fire but it's not crackling 8:56:26 PM, 3/10/2016out of character, MayanaStorm says hmm, strange. did you try logging off and back on? 8:56:39 PM, 3/10/2016out of character, amine says k stay there 8:56:43 PM, 3/10/2016out of character, Agent-jonsin says it is the fire that became unuseble 8:56:44 PM, 3/10/2016out of character, astra says i'm hearing the frying sound, so the cooking is working, but no background crackle 8:56:46 PM, 3/10/2016out of character, MayanaStorm says sometimes the sounds won't play properly and you have to restart the client 8:56:52 PM, 3/10/2016out of character, Shadan says log out and in 8:56:59 PM, 3/10/2016out of character, Agent-jonsin says that can also happen yes 8:57:01 PM, 3/10/2016pm from Agent-jonsin, fuck off, my terrorist friends will find you, fuck off and leave me alone or elseout of character, astra says oh, ops, lol ok 8:57:07 PM, 3/10/2016out of character, MayanaStorm says no. if the fire is unusable you can't cook on it. the fire just isn't playing sounds in this case 8:57:14 PM, 3/10/2016out of character, Shadan says oh god the lag almost kills me 8:57:20 PM, 3/10/2016out of character, Agent-jonsin says ok? 8:57:20 PM, 3/10/2016out of character, Shadan says the lag while fighting 8:57:29 PM, 3/10/2016out of character, astra says ah it's back now 8:58:19 PM, 3/10/2016Campero a m  o    s que  o grita     r    a  ito     8:58:25 PM, 3/10/2016 on goku say  fkds{fa dkasjflkña fakl el dani le tubo que ba  r   a confi uración d l sk, porque  ú y t   gritos,xd 8:58:28 PM, 3/10/2016out of character, Agent-jonAnd that's the contents of that TXT file. 5 minutes to upload, huh? You could upload that much in 2 minutes or less on dial up. That alone isn't that wierd but... In the PM, did you notice... anything odd? Even I didn't at first, but look closely. As a hint, heres how the stw logging system writes pm's to 

Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ishan Dhami via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

ban who made ultra power's clone. Ban who used insensitive language. ban who is offensive for females. everything should be banned. but you cannot ban love, respect, devotion and dedication. Many tried but noone got success. If you want to try then try it. but I know then what will happen.


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ishan Dhami via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

Hi dark sir! I will never agree with you in this topic. well my question to ethen  sir In JNU some students protested against the army and they want to immortalised the terrorist Afzal guru How will you look that? I repetedly said that only the way of love can turn a wayward person. I am proud of my country. Where non violence is the main principle and we love that kind of persons who hates us. punishment is for a crime and not for a criminal. ThanksIshan


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : MikeFont via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

[[wow]], I have never had an account onSTW, and after reading that log I don't plan on ever seaking one. Nothing personal towards Sam.And its not even so much what Walter said in that log, it just seems very spammy and there's clearly no language filter. Not that I'm some goody goody, its the combonation of trash talk and spam really turns me off after a while. lolAll that off to one side. I'm seriously shocked and saddened to hear that Lori and anyone else related to this situation has been hurt, stalked and cyber bullyed. But to have it come from within our own audio games / blind community is extremely disturbing.I know that sometimes, with blindness some mental / amotional baggage tends to manifest. I've played many RPGs and muds, been apart of beta teams for audio games, and subscribed to several game lists. So I know blind people can be just as inflamitory or snippy as anyone else. But this is a seriously extreme case!Even 
 though, we, the people who happened to be blind have to field our fair share of negativity and sometimes outright hostility from the sighted world, its insane to realize some of us feel the need to torcher each other going through the same challenges in life. And in a game setting, where everyone's just trying to spend some time away from the real world and relax... Its infuriating!From all that I've read, I support you Dark and the steps you've taken to protect the rest of the community, and thank you for it.Plus, I trust Dark's grasp on the situation, and I believe him to be a man of integrity. That's good enough for me, and it'll have to be for anyone who disagrees.I do hope justice is served somewhere other then this forum.Lastly, I'm really glad I read beyond the first few post on page 1 of this thread. I w
 as beginning to despair, heh, so thanks to the rest of you for restoring my faith in the blind community in reading all of your decent responses to this mess.


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : blindndangerous via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

Would that still apply for people outside the US?


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

Actually, Dark, if I am not mistaken, under Title XVIII, chapt. 41, sec. 873 of the United States Code, Walter could be arrested for blackmail. The section states, "Whoever, under a threat of informing, or as a consideration for not informing, against any violation of any law of the United States, demands or receives any money or other valuable thing, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both." I'm not sure if this qualifies, but it may.Also, under Title XVIII, chapt. 47, sec. 1030 of the united states code, Walter could also be arrested for fraud and related activities connected to computers. While he didn't steel anything, he did forceably gain access to Lory's friend's computer by using threats and basically forcing her into submission, which could fall under this section. The entire section is quite long. It is posted below for your reference.(a) Whoever—(1) having knowingly accessed a computer without authorization or exceeding authorized access, and by means of such conduct having obtained information that has been determined by the United States Government pursuant to an Executive order or statute to require protection against unauthorized disclosure for reasons of national defense or foreign relations, or any restricted data, as defined in paragraph y. of section 11 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, with reason to believe that such information so obtained could be used to the injury of the United States, or to the advantage of any foreign nation willfully communicates, delivers, transmits, or causes to be communicated, delivered, or transmitted, or attempts to communicate, deliver, transmit or cause to be communicated, delivered, or transmitted the same to any person not entitled to receive it, or willfully retains the same and fails to deliver it to the officer or employee of the United States entitled to receive it;(2) intentionally accesses a computer without authorization or exceeds authorized access, and thereby obtains—(A) information contained in a financial record of a financial institution, or of a card issuer as defined in section 1602(n)? of title 15, or contained in a file of a consumer reporting agency on a consumer, as such terms are defined in the Fair Credit Reporting Act (15 U.S.C. 1681 et seq.);(B) information from any department or agency of the United States; or(C) information from any protected computer;(3) intentionally, without authorization to access any nonpublic computer of a department or agency of the United States, accesses such a computer of that department or agency that is exclusively for the use of the Government of the United States or, in the case of a computer not exclusively for such use, is used by or for the Government of the United States and such conduct affects that use by or for the Government of the United States;(4) knowingly and with intent to defraud, accesses a protected computer without authorization, or exceeds authorized access, and by means of such conduct furthers the intended fraud and obtains anything of value, unless the object of the fraud and the thing obtained consists only of the use of the computer and the value of such use is not more than $5,000 in any 1-year period;(5) (A) knowingly causes the transmission of a program, information, code, or command, and as a result of such conduct, intentionally causes damage without authorization, to a protected computer;(B) intentionally accesses a protected computer without authorization, and as a result of such conduct, recklessly causes damage; or(C) intentionally accesses a protected computer without authorization, and as a result of such conduct, causes damage and loss.(6) knowingly and with intent to defraud traffics (as defined in section 1029) in any password or similar information through which a computer may be accessed without authorization, if—(A) such trafficking affects interstate or foreign commerce; or(B) such computer is used by or for the Government of the United States;(7) with intent to extort from any person any money or other thing of value, transmits in interstate or foreign commerce any communication containing any—(A) threat to cause damage to a protected computer;(B) threat to obtain information from a protected computer without authorization or in excess of authorization or to impair the confidentiality of information obtained from a protected computer without authorization or by exceeding authorized access; or(C) demand or request for money or other thing of value in relation to damage to a protected computer, where such damage was caused to facilitate the extortion;shall be punished as provided in subsection (c) of this section.(b) Whoever conspires to commit or attempts to commit an offense under subsection (a) of this section shall be punished as provided in subsection (c) of this section.(c) The punishment for an offense under subsection (a) or (b) of this section is—(1) (A) a 

Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : arjan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

I am neither a mod nor familiar with either of the parties involved, but I do think the right decision was made. For those people who claim Walter should have been warned first, ask yourself this question. What would you do if some person on here posted a topic claiming it was a new game release, when in fact it was a bunch of viruses which damaged a lot of computers. Would you warn them first before banning them? I sincerely hope not.While the evidence might be questionable to the public that in no way means there wasn't enough reason to ban someone.I also have to agree with David, the fact that people give you stuff does not automatically make them a good person, and I find some of the first posts to this topic extremely distasteful. I am quite shocked that some people don't consider for a moment before posting something. I'm not saying that all accusations of stalking etc should automatically be classified as true, but dismissing them outright like th
 at is just very insensitive.


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

Moderation! To Ishen and Nibar, your quite free to be angry with my decision and question it, but your comments towards Lori and the others who have come forward,  show an incredible insensativity here and a missunderstanding of just how damaging emotional abuse is. Feel free to be angry and to dislike the decision, but please express your anger in a less harmful way otherwise you are making  an already extremely bad situation worse. As to the decision itself, Slj is correct. I have been told things in confidence by Lori and others, and my decision was based on those confidences, which of course I can't share for obvious reasons. It wasn't a decision I made lightly. If people don't like that decision, well that's up to them, however as Ironcross said, a few hurt feelings aren't a reason to let a potential risk continue, anymore than a criminal would be kept out of gaol because it might upset her/his mother. I hav
 e explained my reasons for deciding to act as I did, and there's not a lot else I can say, particularly sinse certain people seem to have already made up their minds. In which case, I suggest just letting the matter drop and moving on rather than taking yet another round trip on the flame war wagon .


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

If Walters private message to Dark got posted here on the forum, then it'll be much worse for Walter, and the people who are involved. I don't think that's going to happen, because one of the persons Dark have got a private message from have said that he or she both needs and wants to remain unknown. So, properly mainly because of that reason, Dark is not going to post Walters private message here on the forum. An other reason: Private messages are private for a reason. They are not public, and shall not be given out to the public. When you send someone a private message, then you don't expect the message appears on a public forum.If you don't like Darks desission or if you think he's a bad and unfair moderator, well, fair enough. But as soon as you don't know what Walter have said to Dark privately and what others have said to Dark in private messages, then you can't really mean much about Walters bann from the forum. Sometimes a mode
 rator needs to do not so nice things on the forum, and this situration is just, really crap.So for those who still think that Walters ban is unfair, it's sad that you can't see a situration from more than one side. What do I think? Well, I have nothing to say. Why? Because I don't know what Dark has been told privately. The only thing I know is that I'm glad that Dark do care about this forums members security, which in this situration must be a not that nice thing to do.


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

To the people asking for open justice, I think it's also worth pointing out for the record that Dark appointed the moderators to help him, and we are no more aware of the situation than the rest of the forum. Dark is the chief mod, he decided to act on his own intuition, and his decision is final. We are trusting Dark's judgement, by necessity. I hope more details do eventually come to light, but shouting about it won't change the situation. Dark has stated that he feels it was necessary and also that he couldn't reveal more information. Until that changes, I'm inclined to believe that Dark has most likely taken the right course of action, and suggest that people refrain from questioning the situation further without more information to hand.


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

Yes Nibar, we all know why you are angry.  Just because you are angry does not mean Walter will be unbanned.  I think everyone involved just needs to accept what has happened, and let it go.


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nibar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

I angry cause dark band Walter out warningUnband walter


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

Ishan and Nibar, please be more careful with what you say.  I understand that you are not happy with Dark's decision to ban Walter, but there is no reason to swear or continue to push the issue.  There is a language barrier, but a few things that were said almost seem to be threats, so all I'm asking is that you please be careful so that no one misunderstands you.


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : seb2314 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

@Ishan Dhami: dark clearly stated that he has legitimate reasons to ban him from the forum and those reasons are and should definitely be understood by all of us. @nibarI don't think asking to unban walter is going to change anything to be honest. Let's move on


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

To those stating that Walter's ban should be lifted or whatever because either he didn't receive a fare chance or because he's nice to you...  Nope. Actually, when a person in power is accused of a crime, during the investigative process they are put on leave. Take teachers, for instance. So while we don't know whether Walter did as he is being accused, he definitely does not! Need to be let back in here.


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : seb2314 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

@Ishan Dhami: dark clearly stated that he has legitimate reasons to ban him from the forum and those reasons are and should definitely be understood by all of us. I don't think asking to unban walter is going to change anything to be honest


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ishan Dhami via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

you know niber justice should be happen whether it should be walter or lori. dark should be light now. if anyone prove that walter is a criminal then show us. show publically what he said in his podcast. show whether he banned anybody. show he abused someone. show everything for walter. Lori its time for party! drink dance and chill [[wow]]! with your friend go the club celebrate that you have said and walter was banned. the moderators areyou know what I mean.


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nibar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

I agreeDark only want to ban Walter. All here is lighing Walter is a good guy better than mister dark and Lori. FuckUnband walter or all only want to see him band.Go to hellDark I know many hackers hereUnband walterI can tell you much criminally guys hereunband walter


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ishan Dhami via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

Hi iron cross sir! Do you have any kind of proof of walter that he use abusive language? at dark Why you don't ban jomexter for posting ultra power's clone?  all the members used abusive language in ultra power's topic then why you don't ban them justice should clear as white. ThanksIshan


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ishan Dhami via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

What do you mean Dark?  if I am a registered user of your forum since 10 years and will say that someone behaviour is offensive do you ban that kind of person.? I am not a mod and not an authority but still have this question could you share that what both the members written you? because there is going an alinement of walter VS lori. Sir it is kindly requested that you should unban this guy for what reason the reason you should be symphatised with him. lastly My question for all of you members pplease answer this technically. when lori raised this issue you all said that walter should be banned. But If you know that walter is misbehaving so why don't you complain previously? I am saying this because not for the walter but for the honest attitude should be taken. you cannot get advantage of someone's sympathy and concern for the long time. ThanksIshan


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

Personally, I hope Walter's ban is a permanent one, and I  hope people in the position to give adminship privileges for their games do not, and I repeat do not allow him in that position ever again. He has shown his true colors and while I do not know him personally, or have I ever had trouble with him, I've seen enough to know that these kind of people rarely improve, I think he has the potential to be quite nasty, and abusive, and that doesn't just go away. He would first have to admit he has anger issues and seek out professional help, and over years, not days, weeks or even months, he may become well again under counseling, or a combination of that and medications. The people who say unban him, unban him are children, or adults acting like children and can't see past their own noses, or don't want to, that is very selfish. For even if one person was on the blunt end of Walter's abusive behavior, that is enough to justify the ban in my opinion
 . And like I said, I hope the people in the position to look for staff or admin material give him a wide birth from now on. Someone who abuses women is a predator, and predators need to be leashed and kept away so their behavior can't affect anyone. Well, their thinking is women are small, and weak, well now maybe he will learn they're not as Lori was able to bring his deeds to the light. Oh, and for those who think that yelling or belittling isn't abuse, or is not in the same category as the laying of hands, it is all one and the same, and it is abhorrent behavior. We as a society know that emotional or verbal abuse can be just as strong as physical abuse and that means I think that the right decision has been made to ban him from the forums so he can no longer perpetrate that kind of thing.


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nibar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

Dark. You don't answer my questionI don't trust you. How I know more members have speak to you?un band walter


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

To everyone who is talking about logs and such. this issue of Walter's behaviour  goes a bit beyond Survive the wild, which is exactly why I took the action I did. No, I don't usually react like this, but neither do I usualy hear several people describing this kind of thing, behaviour which could see Walter up on criminal charges were he in the Uk. Were this just normal bad behaviour on the forum or disturbing the peace I generally would give a warning first as people know, but when people (long time members in fact), are telling me they don't feel safe, then something needs to be done.No I will not move this topic, and to be honest I don't really see the relevance of that anyway. I'm also very pleased that sam is taking this seriously with regards to Survive the wild, sinse obviously it's a great game and it'd be a regular shame if the behaviour of one person ruined it for everyone else.I would only consider remo
 ving Walter's ban if I were convinced Walter is not a danger to the members of this forum, and given what I have heard from several accounts that does not seem likely, particularly sinse just because someone is a nice person in public doesn't stop them from doing very nasty things to others in private, (most psychopaths are known to be extremely charming).


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

To everyone who is talking about logs and such. this issue of Walter's behaviour  goes a bit beyond Survive the wild, which is exactly why I took the action I did. No, I don't usually react like this, but neither do I usualy hear several people describing this kind of thing, behaviour which could see Walter up on criminal charges were he in the Uk. Were this just normal bad behaviour on the forum or disturbing the peace I generally would give a warning first as people know, but when people (long time members in fact), are telling me they don't feel safe, then something needs to be done.No I will not move this topic, and to be honest I don't really see the relevance of that anyway. I'm also very pleased that sam is taking this seriously with regards to Survive the wild, sinse obviously it's a great game and it'd be a regular shame if the behaviour of one person ruined it for everyone else.


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nibar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

But did you gave him a warning dark?Lori post the log here I don't believe you.We are safe when we know dark don't banning walter or other people's out warningun band walter


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

Er, guys, the reason this topic is here is to alert others that this behayvure could effect others if they play stw, which has everything to do with gaming. If I were in darks shues I would have taken the same action, and he explained it far better than anyone else. Hounding him to unban walter or move the topic, if I understood the last post right isn't going to make a difficult situation better. Besides, its better to have been given warning so you know what your getting into, its no different to buying a car and receiving a notice before hand this car may suddenly speed out of control with out warning.


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

Just for the record, neither of the characters in the log were mine. It's not a case of, something happened to me, so Walter should be demoted, I was simply a bystander in the situation. I just don't think that's good behavior for an admin in any situation, game or otherwise. Nor was it my intent to start drama.I thought perhaps it would fit here, since some of what Walter was doing to these women seems to be based on his admin privaleges, but perhaps I was wrong. I'm sorry for diverting the topic if so.


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ishan Dhami via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

hello dark! enough rambling. The point is that this topic is not for a general game discussion and the point is about STW game not in the personally. these two persons lori and walter have to sort out first. Well agreed from niber then please unban walter and I hope if he mistook and misbehave he will not do this again. at least for one time. Please Dark? do this. I request you from my heart. court also allow the criminal to prove that he is not a criminal. and you are a god of lightness. If a god will do this which message will be shown to our forum members. Please unban him. maybe he will improve. Thanksishan


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

@Sam, Fare enough, I didn't know about any of this myself either until Lori and others bought it to my attention, indeed i'm a little shocked something this serious could go on given usually the audiogaming community is a comparatively pleasant one (and I'd like to keep it that way). @Ishen, I'm really not sure what your point is here I'm afraid, but I have made the decision and explained why. @Nibar, Walter did send me a private message, though it didn't really address the situation at all. I have explained why I acted as I did here already and there isn't much else to say, I have to think of this community and it's members safety first.


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nibar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

Un Band Walter. Dam you dark. Y you band him out warning?Un band Walter.


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ishan Dhami via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

yup my way around in english. you know what I am not a kid but still a struggler you have everything to tell me and correct I will give you lots of thanks in return. What? right? thanksishan


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : luciana . lu3a via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

@sljAnd, what if the admins just want people will like them, just because they're so kind, giving them stuff, nah, just feel up people's inventory?      Heh, I'm totally agree with you, just one thing: they're afraid, that people which didn't get their stuff, will blame, and tell about it to Sam, something like: bad admin, sam pleas remove him is bad admin I don wanna see him or her... Lol, I saw it many times though. But anyway, that's not the reasone. Players can do it, players can give stuff to other players. Admins can give stuff only if the player died cause crash or lag and eg a bear killed him / her.@Sam TupyMany people knows that you're busy with school, and coding. So people are afraid to destur
 b you .Thanks god, Lori isn't one of them.


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

Sounds like a kid who just finds it hard to communicate clearly in English. Don't think it's actually intended to be malicious.


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ishan Dhami via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

yup man I am serious I think that warning is not a good word instead of I think alert is the right word as far as the concern of my earlier post, I do have this thought and if somebody want to change then it will be appriciating and helpful.


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : blindndangerous via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

I can't tell if Ishan Dhami is trolling here or if he's being serious.


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : luciana . lu3a via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

@david_solomon1If this comment "he helped me a lot and I don't care, I like this guy..." related to me... Well, I actually said that: I didn't have any problems with him, but, I believe lori too, so I'm just neutral here.  And about this situation with taking grenades and etc: Well, now you know why I've left stw. Just entering there sometimes, to see the new civilisations updates   and, to chat with some friends which still are playing it. I don't even want to stay on the english channell, just via pm, so now I'm away of this thing, I really was sick of some people there and of some actions. I don't wanna insult this game, but before, it was much better than it is now.  And Walter was helpful, is helpful, and will be helpful, he has to fix something in his behavior, and to try to deal with Lori,., so.


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : luciana . lu3a via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

david_solomon1 wrote:I really have to agree with JeffB and dark here.Just saying that someone helped you out when you started a game so they should get a free pass when something like this comes up is a rather selfish outlook on things. As I see it, it's basically saying, well he helped me out, so who cares what he did to you? I like the guy. Especially if the person it happened to is a longstanding member of the community not prone to starting drama.I don't think Walter should have ever been made an admin, much less continue to be one, but my hands are tied on that issue. I think Walter is a dictator who makes up his own rules as he goes, and I've got a log to prove it happened at least once. Post is at the end, but be aware it's unedited and fairly long. I didn't want to edit anything out so it looks like I'm trying to make Walter out as a bad guy. No, it's not fair for someone
  to claim to want to fight with a sword and shield, and then break out guns and other stuff if he's losing. Unfortunately though, that's how things happen sometimes, deception is a part of life in a lot of cases. If this kind of thing isn't welcome on STW, it needs to be made official in a rules document somewhere, not just by the dictates of Walter. I see him using a lot of dictatorial moves here and not trusting the player on one side. For example, the player, Conner, says he won't use grenades, but instead of just taking him at his word and punishing him later, Walter decides to take all his grenades away, along with other stuff he had been given, or bought in some cases. I see this as an abuse of power if not backed by official rules, because who gets to decide what's fair in this situation? Even on a game, the admin are not God. Morals have to be set externally, or who gets to decide what's fair and what isn't? This is why most games I've
  played online have a rules document making everything very clear what is allowed and what not to do beforehand. Given that the game is called Survive the Wild, I think it makes perfect sense for someone to be able to challenge another person to a sword fight, and then break out guns later. Is it dishonorable? Yes. But to take away all of someone's hard earned items and then not return them until you feel like it, if at all? This is a blatant abuse of power if not backed by official laws. It's basically saying, I dictate the rules here, you're going to listen to me. There's a reason countries run by dictatorships don't usually allow it for long.I'll end this post with the log of what I see as abuse. But just writing this post off as drama because "Hey, Walter helped me out when I was a newbie," is not cool in any way. I do agree that everyone needs a chance for redemption, but redemption doesn't just mean helping people out because
  it makes you feel good, everyone's done that at some point or another. It means a complete and total change of behavior, total repentance, as it were. It means you spend time fixing your mistakes and if you fall back into old behaviors, apologizing and making it right instead of defending yourself, not the other way around.I've tried to keep this post as inoffensive as possible, but I fear I may have stepped on some toes anyway. I apologize in advance for doing so, but some things need to be said. On to the log:out of character, samD! says oh 12:55:37 PM, 1/20/2016out of character, Walter-2 says this will be my non admin char from now on 12:55:56 PM, 1/20/2016pm from Gomin. hi 12:55:56 PM, 1/20/2016out of character, samD! says oh 12:56:24 PM, 1/20/2016out of character, Walter-2 says so can enny one please tell sam when he comes on line I am looking very badly for him 12:56:49 PM, 1/20/2016out of character, Pyro709 sa
 ys is an admin around? 12:57:01 PM, 1/20/2016out of character, MarkAborde says isn't he on skype? 12:57:01 PM, 1/20/2016out of character, Walter-2 says no he is away 12:57:08 PM, 1/20/2016out of character, Pyro709 says can someone assist me for a moment? 12:57:09 PM, 1/20/2016out of character, MarkAborde says sure 12:57:15 PM, 1/20/2016out of character, Walter-2 says with? 12:57:17 PM, 1/20/2016out of character, MarkAborde says what is it? 12:57:26 PM, 1/20/2016out of character, Pyro709 says got some bugged items 12:57:29 PM, 1/20/2016out of character, MarkAborde says ah 12:57:33 PM, 1/20/2016out of character, cedersan says do I need to have the shield in my hand to  wear it? 12:57:42 PM, 1/20/2016out of character, Walter-2 says the only one on hear that can remove them is me 12:57:44 PM, 1/20/2016out of character, cedersan says and danny has not answered my skype in a long time. 12:57:57 PM, 1/20/2016
 out of character, MarkAborde says I haven't seen danny in a while 12:58:09 PM, 1/20/2016out of character, Michael says daniel standley 12:58:45 PM, 1/20/2016out of character, looshmack says you, are, a, beetrayer! 12:58:50 PM, 1/20/2016out of character, Michael says who is the trayder 

Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

I wasn't going to post here until I saw slj's message, thums up on that by the way. In regards to walter, I can understand where these people are coming from, as I myself have been on the receiving end when he's been in a bad mood if i've not done something he likes. In general I don't think giving items out is too bad of an idea, but so long as you do it in moddoration and so long as its not too detramental to the playing experience. The adjusting energy thing however, taking items away even though its rather rood to use them in a fight where you said you would only use shields and swords is a bit overkill. Yes, its unfair, but sometimes, life isn't fair no matter how you look at it to use grenades in a fight with swords. To though's who think that i'm attempting to drag walters name in the mud, please understand, I am taking no sides here, only speaking from my personal experience in the hope that it helps. Walter can be a nice guy, provid
 ed you don't get on his bad side. Once you do i've found that the results can varry and he does tend to fly off the handle, to put it lightly. As nice of an admin as he can be, its generally not a good idea to have admins who fly off the handle but who will give you free items.


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ishan Dhami via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

got this. at lukis I am 19 and from India. look at that. One raised and everyone chased. this is says following people without any reasons. nice do it I am watching the gameIn the forum.who says that games requires technical knowledge without it you can programme and you are seeing what the result is going. very good keep it up. thanks for the tricksters who made this game where everyone can chase you and you have charmed and see the results. I have warned the tricksters so noone can charm me from now onwords. enough said you understood let's switch to the another topic Which I have posted and divert it. go to my topic. and give your suggestion


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

Hi.[[wow]], damn I'm kind of shocked. Walter must really have done something extreme behind the scene to be banned from the forum. I have no idea on what he has done, but I'm shocked because I didn't saw that come, especially because of the way he have replied here in the topic. Personally I don't have anything against him, and Lori, you are just awesome!@Sam: Regarding Survive the wild, I have something which I hope you'll consider to make the game better for everyone:What are the rules for the admins in the game? If there currently aren't any rules, then I'll suggest that you make some very simple rules, and that needs to be done really fast.Is it okay to just remove items from other players if they are not cheating or braking any of the rules in the game? I'm not asking because Walter removed items from people, but just in generel. My second question is: Is it okay that an admin changes the players stats like the e
 nergy, hunger and thirst so it fits the other players, just because people wanna fight? Third question: Is an admins job to give out randomly requested items just because players are asking for it? In my opinion, that's an admin who is too powerful and  who don't really understand what the role of an admin really is.In my opinion, an admin is there to help if people have questions, if they get stuck, if their character is in a situration where only an admin is able to fix it, to help out newbies etc. Admins shouldn't even be able to change peoples characters like this, just because he/she feels like doing it, take items from people etc. What is the point of the game, if an admin just gives out stuff when requested? An admin should be nutrel and should never be on one of the players side, no matter what's going on. Finally, an admin should just act as an admin when it's the admin character which is logged in, and feel free to act like he/she normal
 ly would do when the admins normal player character is logged in.That's of course only my opinions, but I really recommend you to think about this as soon as possible, and make some admin rules to stop drama like this in the future.


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ishan Dhami via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

sorry to lori duncan! you said "warning to all who plays survive the wild have you specified females first? or this topic should require general gaming discussion? don't use trickster's charm because I have more power to resist.


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

Hi. @dark I agree with your stance on this hole thing. And in no way am I attempting to force information out of anyone on the forum. I never knew the situation got this out of control with walter. I'm meerly saying that if I don't get any reports, I can't do much on the part of stw. Sorry if I caused any misunderstandings. Because... well, I havn't scene walter do anything like this aside from a formensioned chat log mensioned in one of my previous post, and it had nothing to do with stw. I don't want peoples experience on stw to be ruined by bad admins on stw but with nothing said to me about it I can't do much. I totally get what you were saying with the criminal action thing and with what I know, agree.


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ishan Dhami via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

shit! walter is banned! well at the end O my god! What you have done. I hope that this will be the temporary one! sensitivity is the weapon which can kill every fighter and every brave person. in history this had many stories but this one I never expect. Maybe Lord will blessed you (expension needed) with viveka(presence of mind) I even don't want your thanks. Maybe this post is witty but you have understood what I have said. I did what I want to. Now did according to your wishes. But what? you tell me you knows rather haha I don't know still in the confusion. is this harsh? to post 22? Thanksishan


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

@Sam, whether Lori or the other people involved choose to give you details of what happened is up to them, however for myself my chief concern is for the safety of the members of this forum sinse people were telling me theye did not feel safe, and given some of the things I heard I'm not surprised. Normally I would totally agree that what is done on an online game or on skype stays off the forum for the most part (why we have the rule against complaining about game admins), however when this became about people's safety in a potentially criminal situation I felt action was needed, and i really don't! do this lightly.


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

Hi lorry, if you could chat me those logs i'd very much apreciate it. I truely never knew things had eskilated this far. My intent was to try to hopefully get it resolved with out having to demote someone but I guess I never understood how bad things had gotten. I will look at the logs and make my disision. I thought walter had done some things on survive the wild that was harmful to some people so I was going to tell him as I told all you guys that if he didn't stop things would happen, but I guess this goes beyond adminship. I can only ban people for what they've done on stw, so if you have stw logs that could be very helpful. I'm not sure what reports dark received and that is none of my buisness, but when it comes to stw... I need to know what's going on. I really wish I would have known about this sooner so I could have done something about it but I guess I never quite got the full scope of what was actually going on.


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : lori21 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

Hi, I'd just like to thank everyone including Dark for being on my side, and as to people who are against me and think I'm dragging Walter's supposed good name through the mud, well good for you for not being on the receiving end of his abuse, and I'm glad you haven't had to suffer what I and my friends have had too at Walter's hands.  Sam, don't worry about not getting involved sooner, I'd intended to send you this morning's log of stw, but hadn't gotten round to it with one thing and another, however it's saved along with all the others, for if it's needed.  Finally, the reason I'm not posting the logs here publically is because I don't wish to turn this into even more of a drama than it already is, and to people who stand by Walter, all I can say is never get on his bad side, and 2 make sure you know who your true friends are, friends who stand by you and look out for you, not just giver
 s of virtual things.


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

Moderation! I have now recieved two private accounts of Water's behaviour, both of which tally, and one of which was by someone who is too afraid to actively speak out in public, afraid of actual physical harm or blackmail or worse. This is now a matter of the safety of members of this community, and for that reason Walter has been banned. yes, Walter denies these allegations, but based on the facts I've heard a decision must be made and the safety of members of this community is my concern. Sam as admin of survive the wild is welcome to do as he sees fit, but I would recommend that people steer clear of Walter as an actively dangerous person who preys on emotionally vulnerable people. I am fairly sure complaints will be recieved about this, however as I said, member safety is my primary concern here, and I would recommend Sam make it his as well, whatever supposedly helpful things Walter has done in the past sinse as Ironcross says, most nast
 y people are very able to chalm what they want out of others.


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

Guys, I think we should stop bashing on walter, what I really care about, understabdibly, is what is happening on survive the wild. I do not wish to get into loads of unneeded drama, but like I said I will be talking to walter, have, a little, and if I get more reports of this, he will be instantly demoted as admin. The reason some people like him and some people don't is that he scemes to have very compartmentalized feelings. he feels and treets you one way, and someone else completely different. I've scene this a fiew times, but that's why. Again though I wish not to get into what's happening with walter and other people for the time being or at least in this forum topic, but rather how we can fix the admin issue/ussues. Someone said there are much worse admins and they still get away with a lot of stuff... well guys... I can't do anything about it if I have no reports of the admins actions. Please do not hesitate to report things to me, it's very m
 uch encouraged by me, because with out reports I can do almost nothing.


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : lori21 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

To the person who says walter is a nice guy and explains everything, it might seem that way, but from my and others experiences of him he is as has been stated by others than me, a power hungry, cold and calculating  person who gets kicks out of manipulating people whom he believes to be weaker than himself.  As reguards those comments you spoke to him about Sam, they weren't actually made during the stw podcast I did with him, but during a Skype call when he slated the recordings of 2 fellow podcasters, and although I know these 2 good people wouldn't give 2 hoots what anyone would think about their recordings, it still made me very angry, so I tried to tell Walter so in an adult manner, but received only fowel language in return.  Also, when he feels he can't get a grip on a situation anymore, that's when he turns on the emotional sob stories, which I'm heartly sick of, and just talking to someone like him who has no real compassion or hum
 an feelings isn't enough, he has to be the centre of attention, and woe betide you if you don't do things his way.  Finally, I'm not out to turn this into a witch hunt, I'm far too adult for that, my main intention is to warn any females logging onto stw to take care you don't get the same demanding treatement as Walter gave my friend.  He's an admin on that game, and as such, he should have respect for all players no matter who they are, and be adult enough to just mute anyone he didn't like, instead of trying to act all tough and saying he had ways and means of checking up on my friend.  That isn't the mark of a professional adult admin at all.  From Lori.


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nibar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

Walter is a good guy and I don't believe loriI think Lori is unbalanced.@dark y you don't talk with Walter before you said to Lori write here?I think you and Lori only want to band Walter and fix so peoyles don't want to talk with himIf you was a good moderator you should talk with Walter before you said to Lori to speak here


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

Right, look at this log, I had, and it seems to me that Walter is a guy on the power trip. Look how he gets in there and micromanages everything even though there's no need to do so. and he takes the grenades and stuff. He's one who gets high off the power it seems to me, and from that, its not too far a stretch that he could get abusive to female players. Its always the guys who put a nice front on who are evil. You ever seen a serial killer who was hated by everyone, naw, they are loved by the community. Now, that's a whole other issue and I'm not making those kinds of accusations, or putting Walter in that kind of category. I'm just saying, it seems to me he could be abusive from what I've seen in the log.


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : amara via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

[[wow]]... i can say i have walter on skype and i talk to him on STW and have never been treated badly or anything, i am sorry people r saying these things about him as he has never in any way treated me badly and i am a female, i do no he did tell us on skype someone hacked his account and was sending messages to people pretending to b him and i am glad he let me no. sorry i no this shouldn't b a topic on here but... i had to say this because i think with her having issues with walter and her putting them on here its dragging his name threw the mud and thats totally wrong of her... just because u guys r not friends and have your issues don't mean that everyone should think him a bad vial person like u say because he is not. Sam please don't listen to all this crap and the fact walter said he was sorry and it wasn't even him on skype shows he is a good person. as far as him being a admin he has never abused his possision as far as i have seen and i no a lot of 
 people that play and agree, i have however noticed that not walter but other admins have lost there temper and... said things they shouldn't b saying as a person in charge but if we complain about every little thing they do as admins what would b the point in having them because, everyone will find something wrong with someone and its quite senceless. as far as him helping her in the game after muting her that should b aloud admin or not... u shouldn't have to here people that talk about u your still human as long as he says he will still help if she needs it... and, as long as he will help and forfill his role as admin then he just like players and other admins should b able to mute people. i am sorry u had to deal with all this walter and everyone have a good day


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

Hey all. So let me start off by saying I had no idea things had gotten this bad. I actually had talked to walter about this situation as I told her I would, and the way the conversation had played out, it made it sceme like a misunderstanding. I got one chat log from lorry and she said she felt uncomfortable, and walter made it sould like he'd made a mistake and this log was to try to make her feel better. With lorries permission I or she can post this log here so you guys can get a better understanding. I completely forgot to tell lorry I had talked to walter, I did this right before I got into bed at like 3 in the morning my time. But basicly... that was all I heard about the situation. I knew walter had done some of this before and have talked to him about them. I had gotten the log of the grenades thing via email and talked to walter about it and never heard of that again. Remember I can only go off of what I see / reports. I only figured out about this topic very very re
 cently. I choose not to involve my self with personal issues, but I will have a very serious talk about all of this new information with walter, and make sure that nothing like this happens  when it comes to stw again. This thing with the new account was utterly rediculis and will not! Be tollerated! Again I will not get into the personal lives of lorry and walter on this situation but I can assure you all that stw will not be an area whare admins can make lives harder. If I continue receiving reports about walter after our talk, serious action will be taken acordingly. Again i'm sorry about not getting my self real involved with this earlier, like I said I only got all of this information as a hole now, so I have a hold host of info now to work with now on this.


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : walterjfw via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

please?Dark I send you a pm please look at it please?


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : walterjfw via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

I don't even have the software  installed on my pc to solve a capture and I only have 1 skype account  my skype ID is walterjfw I did not even try to contact her through skype after I got blocked and this how I work I might do menny thing wrongs in my life but not this.


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : walterjfw via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

With in the past 3 months I began changing thing how I work in my life. Because I rellized that I was doing some thing wrong. I regret all the things I did wrong. But just again I never made a skype account to try and contact lory again.


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : walterjfw via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

Dark Lori clamed I made another skype account to try to talk to her I did not do that.


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

@David, while I appreciate the comments, this  situation isn't really involved with Walters behaviour as regards the administrating of stw, eg, taking grenades from someone. That is an internal matter for the game admins to sort out, and were that the only type of issue here I'd likely have just suggested to Lori that she take it up with the other admins of stw or stop playing. It's the cyber stalking, manipulation and generally nasty behaviour towards lori and several other girls that is the issue.This isn't really something that can btracked e with log files sinse logs can be falsified fairly easily. Were such accusations made of an mod, I'd likely temporarily remove their mod status and possibly temporarily ban them while I questioned both parties and investigated the affair, and sute my actions accordingly while attempting to remain impartial.What Sam or other stw admins do is their business, however as I said p
 reviously, I encouraged Lori to speak up about this precisely because! these sorts of behaviours thrive on secrecy, and people should be made aware of what has happened, particularly because as I said previously, Lori has never made such accusations before and has been a long standing community member (Look at her date of forum registration , and also bare in mind she was on the audeasy list before she made her forum account).


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : walterjfw via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

Hi I just want to say this to all. lori's char send the following mesige to the game out of character, astra says i'm frozen, this is wierd and I made a  responce to this by sending a notification for all to see it.I Walter just want to tell every one that is on this game to day. Even if I have personal problems with the char Astra I would not do enny thing to her char in the game. This is the game so and if she send a admintell mesige I will help her. It is my job to do that. I just want every one to know


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : walterjfw via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

When the time comes I will review information that I am going to question


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : lukas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

I have nothing to say here as I don't know Lori, Walter or even STW all that well. Let me just ask two simple questions and make one brief remark.Ishan:1. How old are you?2. What country are you from?3. You said Lori should have contacted Dark privately before writing about this to the forum, and that she hasn't done so. If you read both of Dark's posts carefully an understood them, you would have known that she has in deed contacted Dark privately before writing here, and that Dark has even encouraged her to speak out publicly.Thanks,Lukas


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : walterjfw via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

I returned all conners grenades after the fight


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : walterjfw via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

That is a lie. I returned conners grenades and every thing he will tell you the same


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

I really have to agree with JeffB and dark here.Just saying that someone helped you out when you started a game so they should get a free pass when something like this comes up is a rather selfish outlook on things. As I see it, it's basically saying, well he helped me out, so who cares what he did to you? I like the guy. Especially if the person it happened to is a longstanding member of the community not prone to starting drama.I don't think Walter should have ever been made an admin, much less continue to be one, but my hands are tied on that issue. I think Walter is a dictator who makes up his own rules as he goes, and I've got a log to prove it happened at least once. Post is at the end, but be aware it's unedited and fairly long. I didn't want to edit anything out so it looks like I'm trying to make Walter out as a bad guy. No, it's not fair for someone to claim to want to fight with a sword and shield, and then break o
 ut guns and other stuff if he's losing. Unfortunately though, that's how things happen sometimes, deception is a part of life in a lot of cases. If this kind of thing isn't welcome on STW, it needs to be made official in a rules document somewhere, not just by the dictates of Walter. I see him using a lot of dictatorial moves here and not trusting the player on one side. For example, the player, Conner, says he won't use grenades, but instead of just taking him at his word and punishing him later, Walter decides to take all his grenades away, along with other stuff he had been given, or bought in some cases. I see this as an abuse of power if not backed by official rules, because who gets to decide what's fair in this situation? Even on a game, the admin are not God. Morals have to be set externally, or who gets to decide what's fair and what isn't? This is why most games I've played online have a rules document making everything very clear wh
 at is allowed and what not to do beforehand. Given that the game is called Survive the Wild, I think it makes perfect sense for someone to be able to challenge another person to a sword fight, and then break out guns later. Is it dishonorable? Yes. But to take away all of someone's hard earned items and then not return them until you feel like it, if at all? This is a blatant abuse of power if not backed by official laws. It's basically saying, I dictate the rules here, you're going to listen to me. There's a reason countries run by dictatorships don't usually allow it for long.I'll end this post with the log of what I see as abuse. But just writing this post off as drama because "Hey, Walter helped me out when I was a newbie," is not cool in any way. I do agree that everyone needs a chance for redemption, but redemption doesn't just mean helping people out because it makes you feel good, everyone's done that at some point or 
 another. It means a complete and total change of behavior, total repentance, as it were. It means you spend time fixing your mistakes and if you fall back into old behaviors, apologizing and making it right instead of defending yourself, not the other way around.I've tried to keep this post as inoffensive as possible, but I fear I may have stepped on some toes anyway. I apologize in advance for doing so, but some things need to be said. On to the log:out of character, samD! says oh 12:55:37 PM, 1/20/2016out of character, Walter-2 says this will be my non admin char from now on 12:55:56 PM, 1/20/2016pm from Gomin. hi 12:55:56 PM, 1/20/2016out of character, samD! says oh 12:56:24 PM, 1/20/2016out of character, Walter-2 says so can enny one please tell sam when he comes on line I am looking very badly for him 12:56:49 PM, 1/20/2016out of character, Pyro709 says is an admin around? 12:57:01 PM, 1/20/2016out of character,
  MarkAborde says isn't he on skype? 12:57:01 PM, 1/20/2016out of character, Walter-2 says no he is away 12:57:08 PM, 1/20/2016out of character, Pyro709 says can someone assist me for a moment? 12:57:09 PM, 1/20/2016out of character, MarkAborde says sure 12:57:15 PM, 1/20/2016out of character, Walter-2 says with? 12:57:17 PM, 1/20/2016out of character, MarkAborde says what is it? 12:57:26 PM, 1/20/2016out of character, Pyro709 says got some bugged items 12:57:29 PM, 1/20/2016out of character, MarkAborde says ah 12:57:33 PM, 1/20/2016out of character, cedersan says do I need to have the shield in my hand to  wear it? 12:57:42 PM, 1/20/2016out of character, Walter-2 says the only one on hear that can remove them is me 12:57:44 PM, 1/20/2016out of character, cedersan says and danny has not answered my skype in a long time. 12:57:57 PM, 1/20/2016out of character, MarkAborde says I haven't seen danny in a whi
 le 12:58:09 PM, 1/20/2016out of character, Michael says daniel standley 12:58:45 PM, 1/20/2016out of character, looshmack says you, are, a, beetrayer! 12:58:50 PM, 1/20/2016out of character, Michael says who is the trayder 12:59:00 PM, 1/20/2016out 

Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : walterjfw via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

To anser your question yes I would help lori if she needed my help. It is my job to do that so yes I would. Even if I muted her if Lori send a admintell mesige with a problem then yes I will help her with no problems. that is why I am there to help people.


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