Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter vs. Resolution Audio Opus 21 CD Player

2007-07-10 Thread amcluesent

The Transporter sounds quite good in that it is very even across the
frequency range...

Hmm, the reviewer seems to prefer the CD player as it emphasises the
bass; as his listening choices were indie rock/pop I guess that sounds


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Any good mods for Transporter out there? Validated?

2007-07-10 Thread tomjtx

Hypnotoad;213374 Wrote: 
 I expect the OP wanted to hear people for them and against them, their
 experiences and their reasons for their opinions. But the OP probably
 did not want to hear one group bashing the other because of their
 methodology in listening. Tomjtx's last post added nothing
 I am rightly corrected on the objective vs. subjective issue. I am not
 sure what this methodological issue is called.

To the contrary, my post pointed out that the poster may be subject to
bias and/or placebo effect and is unwilling to do a simple test to rule
out those factors.

I, therefore, find it difficult to give his comments credence.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-10 Thread hammer65

I have been an audiofile for many years and tried a lot of different
equipment both transistor/valve amplifiers, dynamic/electrostatic
speakers. Some of my friends are constructors of HiFi-equipment and I
have lend my ears for many critical listening sessions. 
It's very sad that you Seanadams has an negatively attitude to
critisism. Isn't it important as a constructor/inventor to be
openminded and try to listen to critical voices. Even if our problem
sounds rather strange. I have contacted a friend/researcher at the
Royal Institute of Technology here in Stockholm for help with the
measurement. Maybe this measurement will tell us if everything is
placebo or not.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Any good mods for Transporter out there? Validated?

2007-07-10 Thread Patrick Dixon

tomjtx;213399 Wrote: 
 To the contrary, my post pointed out that the poster may be subject to
 bias and/or placebo effect and is unwilling to do a simple test to rule
 out those factors.
 I, therefore, find it difficult to give his comments credence.

The problem with these 'simple tests' is that they are so simple as to
be completely unrepresentative of the way that we normally listen to
music.  They can't therefore be scientifically valid.

Patrick Dixon

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Any good mods for Transporter out there? Validated?

2007-07-10 Thread harmonic

tomjtx;213399 Wrote: 
 To the contrary, my post pointed out that the poster may be subject to
 bias and/or placebo effect and is unwilling to do a simple test to rule
 out those factors.
 I, therefore, find it difficult to give his comments credence.

Did you try comparing the two transporters as transports only or did
you not ?

It might be true that the analog part is impossible to make better even
do i find it hard to imagin since ther are companys that have made state
of the aret transports and players since the late 80`s 

But my experince is purly what it sounds like as a transport

I can see where this is heading and so far i have been called a complet
lier and that the differences  i heard with two transporters is purly my
imagination and there for i must be a complet idiot.

As i said it before im a seasoned audiophil and i dont get fooled

When i had the stock  transporter  i listended to it for 4 hours a day
for 2 weeks and every time it had a sligt glarness to the sound in the
top , and it was there all the time
The the aberdeen transporter where installed and the glare was gone
simple as that when i/we installed the stock one in the glare came back
its actually very simple  you see when the differece is profound enourgh
you dont neeed blindfold.

People tend to spend a huge amounth of money on cables that have some
pretty excotic explanitaions going on and people eat it and here tiny
differences  .
Now here we have a company that CLEARLY  improved the preformans off
the transporter as transport  why is that so bad ?

I have gamut l3 speakers tact millennium mk3 linn klimax 500 solos  and
sonus faber cremonas speakers  my system is high resolution top notch


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-10 Thread AndyC_772

I don't think it's that Sean has a negative attitude to criticism -
quite the opposite, in fact. I think it's just that, given a detailed
technical knowledge of how the equipment works, he can't see any reason
whatsoever for the behaviour you're claiming. Nor can I. (And thank you
Sean, it's nice to see actual science used in a hi-fi discussion for

I'm sure we can all agree that the sound that exists in your room
depends on the electrical signal that comes out of the back of your
Squeezebox - yes? So, for that sound to change, the electrical signal
that comes out of your Squeezebox must also change. Agreed?

Here's the difficulty. Sean has explained that 'switching the
Squeezebox off' doesn't really do anything but change what's displayed
on the screen. The hardware that drives the SPDIF output continues to
do so, it just drives out zeros rather than music. There's no subtle
internal change that occurs.

In fact, given that you're using an external DAC, there really are very
few variables that the SB could possibly affect even if it were designed
to do so.

- it could transmit a different pattern of ones and zeros. This would
be a bug, and a dead easy one to spot simply by recording the SPDIF
output digitally and comparing before/after.

- the electrical characteristics of the driver could change, giving
more or less noise, jitter, overshoot or other recognised degradation
of a digital signal. These are defined by the choice of driver, PCB
layout and clock source - hardware parameters that are set when the SB
is manufactured. Fiddling with the remote won't change those.

I don't think anyone's saying that you don't hear a difference - only
that it's virtually impossible for the Squeezebox to actually be
behaving differently when it sounds 'good' vs 'not so good' to your


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-10 Thread Robin Bowes
hammer65 wrote:

 It's very sad that you Seanadams has an negatively attitude to
 critisism. Isn't it important as a constructor/inventor to be
 openminded and try to listen to critical voices. Even if our problem
 sounds rather strange. I have contacted a friend/researcher at the
 Royal Institute of Technology here in Stockholm for help with the
 measurement. Maybe this measurement will tell us if everything is
 placebo or not.

Sean doesn't have a negative attitude to criticism. He is just getting
frustrated that you still haven't proved that this phenomenon actually
exists even though he has suggested ways you might do that.

It's not for Slim Devices to discount every crackpot
idea/suggestion/fault concerning their products. It's up to those who
put forward the idea/suggestion/fault to demonstrate unequivocally that
it exists and provide a mechanism to reproduce it. If you can do that
then I'll bet dollars to dough nuts that Sean would be the first to take
notice and work on fixing the issue.


audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Any good mods for Transporter out there? Validated?

2007-07-10 Thread harmonic

Patrick Dixon;213424 Wrote: 
 The problem with these 'simple tests' is that they are so simple as to
 be completely unrepresentative of the way that we normally listen to
 music.  They can't therefore be scientifically valid.

I tend to agree with you but that dossent mean that the there are no
improvments made in the aberdeen transporter and what i am clearly are

I will conduct a tripel dubbel blind test  with my transporter when it
returns from abeerdeen components both with my linn klimaxes and as
transport only with my tact millenium.

But i think that it dossent matter really  because i think that there a
psy effect going on here and that is that people like to beleive that
what the are buying is made as good as it can 
,the whole  .the sound will supasse even the most excotic player, and
bit perfect, makes people hypnotized  and comfortbly ,

And when somone comes and say hey this guy can swap asome  parts and it
sounds alot better   it rumbles ther there safe littel world and the
quickly convinces them self that better sstick to what the  company
and i see it over and over again.

people can beleive whatever the like   best but really its not me thats
the fool here


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Any good mods for Transporter out there? Validated?

2007-07-10 Thread darrenyeats

Cool it guys. He said he's going to do a blind test, so let's now wait
for the results before flaming any more.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-10 Thread darrenyeats

On one hand, I agree we can't go much further without a blind test.

AndyC_772;213429 Wrote: 
 I think it's just that, given a detailed technical knowledge of how the
 equipment works, he can't see any reason whatsoever for the behaviour
 you're claiming.

On the other hand, you are shooting down someone's experience based on
whether someone can see a reason for it or not. Actually that is not
a scientific approach either.

So I urge hammer65 to do some significant blind testing so we can move
on to a conclusion, or to more productive discussion.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-10 Thread aubuti

hammer65;213420 Wrote: 
 I have been an audiofile for many years and tried a lot of different
 equipment both transistor/valve amplifiers, dynamic/electrostatic
 speakers. Some of my friends are constructors of HiFi-equipment and I
 have lend my ears for many critical listening sessions. 
 It's very sad that you Seanadams has an negatively attitude to
 critisism. Isn't it important as a constructor/inventor to be
 openminded and try to listen to critical voices. Even if our problem
 sounds rather strange. I have contacted a friend/researcher at the
 Royal Institute of Technology here in Stockholm for help with the
 measurement. Maybe this measurement will tell us if everything is
 placebo or not.
Sean *is* being open minded. He has explained how the SB is designed,
what different functions do, and reported on his own measurements and
listening tests. He and others in the forum have also patiently
explained how to test things yourself.

So far you not only haven't proven anything, but you haven't even
presented any serious data, or even given the impression that you are
willing to provide data to back up your claim. One supposed blind test
with N=5 is it. Why not *do* some of the tests that have been
suggested, such as recording and comparing the digital output, post the
data here, and then we can discuss the issue. If you can't back up your
claims with real data then there is nothing to investigate further.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Any good mods for Transporter out there? Validated?

2007-07-10 Thread truckfighters


so what MODs do we have yet:

- transporter MOD from aberdeen/mauimods

and I found the upcoming transporter TUBE (!) MOD
(according to manufacturer to be finalized this month!)

check it out here:;topicseen#new

surely a tube mod will bring some warmth and like sean said distortion
(harmonic?) + even more noise level into the sound. but yes, if it
sounds better to my ears and the details and dynamics are still there,
I'll be with it.

here some more info (just some facts!):
we are working on a (TRANSPORTER) mod that replaces the stock analog
stage with our own Class A analog stage.  I expect to offer a mod with
internal PS and single-ended tube stage (6H30 tube) for ~ $1250 US and
a mod with external PS and balanced tube stage, for ~ $2K US.

does any one has any experience with former stuff from
and the sound quality?


| Transporter | REDGUM RGASil OCC Silver Interconnects | REDGUM
RGi120ENR AMP | REDGUM LS Cable | BW Nautilus 802 D |
 Live musicians at the end of my room! 

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Any good mods for Transporter out there? Validated?

2007-07-10 Thread harmonic

seanadams;213366 Wrote: 
 I forgot to mention also that what sounds good to you might in fact be a
 bunch of added distortion or noise, a non-linear frequency response, or
 simply a couple more dB of amplitude. All easy to do by hacking the
 analog stage, intentionally or not. Heck, most people like the sound of
 How can more distorsion in a digital signal  result in less glare ?
 Keep in mind that im not using the analog stage at all in my system the
 tact millennium is basicly a dac with amplifire so a transport  is the 
 only thing needed.
 I did use the transporter as preamp/player with a icepowr amp and Nad
 amp and heard no audioble glare.
 When it returns i will hear it on my new 25.000 usd klimax solos


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter vs. Resolution Audio Opus 21 CD Player

2007-07-10 Thread PhilNYC

I am a former Resolution Audio owner and dealer, and the Opus 21 is
still one of my favorite CD players; it is one of the most
natural-sounding players I've heard, with very refined high frequency,
smooth midrange, and full-bodied presentation.  In contrast to the
SonicFlare review, my only complaint about it was that I didn't feel it
had the bass speed to really make it sound impactful relative to other
CD players in the price range.

Compared to the Transporter, I will admit to preferring the sound of
the Opus 21 (and at nearly twice the price, you would expect the Opus
21 to sound better).  I thnk the Transporter is likely a bit more
precise, but does not have the organic sound quality that has made
the Opus 21 famous.  That said, I think the differences between high
end digital sources like the Transporter and the Opus 21 are
incremental, as compared to the dramatic differences you'd find between
different speakers, amps, and preamps.  So for the $1500 price
difference between the Transporter and Opus 21, you could probably find
an external DAC that would close the gap even further, maybe even
surpassing it.


Sonic Spirits Inc.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Any good mods for Transporter out there? Validated?

2007-07-10 Thread S-Man

seanadams;213337 Wrote: 
 Quoi? Are you suggesting noisier power supplies sound better?

I didn't say that!

I have tried at least 5 versions of opamp based regulators (including
ones I've designed myself many years ago before the Jung versions
appeared) and have not been happy with the subjective results of any of
them. I don't know why this should be because logic dictates they should
be excellent. Maybe they struggle to deal with vhf noise effectively? 
I don't know the answer, but my preference is to use other types of

I'm in the minority, but there are others who hold a similar view:


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-10 Thread vrobin

hammer65;213420 Wrote: 
 I have been an audiofile for many years and tried a lot of different
 equipment both transistor/valve amplifiers, dynamic/electrostatic
 speakers. Some of my friends are constructors of HiFi-equipment and I
 have lend my ears for many critical listening sessions. 
 It's very sad that you Seanadams has an negatively attitude to
 critisism. Isn't it important as a constructor/inventor to be
 openminded and try to listen to critical voices. Even if our problem
 sounds rather strange. I have contacted a friend/researcher at the
 Royal Institute of Technology here in Stockholm for help with the
 measurement. Maybe this measurement will tell us if everything is
 placebo or not.

Don't be upset in anything... apart from some little jokes, everybody
there had been open minded and respectful. You don't need to contact
royal institute and claim your friends all call you golden hear... Just
do the little mesurements asked since a few days now and show the
results there...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Any good mods for Transporter out there? Validated?

2007-07-10 Thread Robin Bowes
harmonic wrote:

 When it returns i will hear it on my new 25.000 usd klimax solos

Ah, I see. They cost $25,000 so they must be good.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-10 Thread Phil Leigh

Sean - isn't it the case that a difference between the two states is
that the  SB buffer will stay full during power on/off whereas the
buffer will be flushed and then start to refill during the initial
moments of playback after a track skip?

I'm just exploring some avenues - My wife and 16-year old daughter
claimed to hear a difference (more  bass, more meaty sound) last
night much to my astonishment. I know this isn't very scientific...

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...

...SB3+TACT+Altmann+MF DACXV3/Linn tri-amped Aktiv 5.1 system and some
very expensive cables ;o)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Any good mods for Transporter out there? Validated?

2007-07-10 Thread Phil Leigh

harmonic;213464 Wrote: 
 No  the sound good and cost 25,000 usd
Regardless of their cost they are superb - just wish I could justify
buying them!

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...

...SB3+TACT+Altmann+MF DACXV3/Linn tri-amped Aktiv 5.1 system and some
very expensive cables ;o)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Any good mods for Transporter out there? Validated?

2007-07-10 Thread harmonic

Robin Bowes;213460 Wrote: 
 harmonic wrote:
  When it returns i will hear it on my new 25.000 usd klimax solos
 Ah, I see. They cost $25,000 so they must be good.

No  the sound good and cost 25,000 usd


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Upgrading the Power Supply

2007-07-10 Thread bert1e

Well I was highly suspect about a new power supply improving the sound.
Especially because I use the digital coax feed into my AV amp. But
after all these threads I decided there must be some merit. So I bought
the CPC one.

On initially listening there is a difference which I was amazed at. The
bass seems much 'richer' and sounds closer to my CD player. So I think
there has been an improvement.  My system is not high end but as an
upgrade I think the supply is an improvement.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] budget system help

2007-07-10 Thread flatface

I have just got my squeezebox 3 and have a Qnap 500GB on the way so I
now have to order the rest of my system as the SB is currently sitting
on an embarrassed mini-system. Living in Ireland so not many shops with
demo rooms (the main option is so I am relying on a
little research for my first system.

I have not found much info on the T515 but the SB3 would be the main
source. Does anyone have any suggestions on these setups?

I was thinking of:

Primary source: SB3
Secondary source + DVD: NAD T515 HDMI
Amp: NAD C352
external A/B speaker switch
Speakers A: Monitor Audio RS1
Speakers B: Monitor Audio BR2


Primary source: SB3
Secondary source + DVD: Cambridge Audio DVD89 HDMI
Amp: CA 640a v2
Speakers A: Monitor Audio RS1
Speakers B: Monitor Audio BR2


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Any good mods for Transporter out there? Validated?

2007-07-10 Thread tomjtx

truckfighters;213445 Wrote: 
 so what MODs do we have yet:
 - transporter MOD from aberdeen/mauimods
 and I found the upcoming transporter TUBE (!) MOD
 (according to manufacturer to be finalized this month!)
 check it out here:;topicseen#new
 surely a tube mod will bring some warmth and like sean said distortion
 (harmonic?) + even more noise level into the sound. but yes, if it
 sounds better to my ears and the details and dynamics are still there,
 I'll be with it.
 here some more info (just some facts!):
 we are working on a (TRANSPORTER) mod that replaces the stock analog
 stage with our own Class A analog stage.  I expect to offer a mod with
 internal PS and single-ended tube stage (6H30 tube) for ~ $1250 US and
 a mod with external PS and balanced tube stage, for ~ $2K US.
 does any one has any experience with former stuff from
 and the sound quality?

Modwright is unlike most other modders in that they also produce their
own line of gear which has garnered some excellent reviews.

They appear to be a very professional company.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-10 Thread JimC

hammer65;213420 Wrote: 
 I have been an audiofile for many years and tried a lot of different
 equipment both transistor/valve amplifiers, dynamic/electrostatic
 speakers. Some of my friends are constructors of HiFi-equipment and I
 have lend my ears for many critical listening sessions.

I think Sean has made it clear many times that he designed the SB3 and
transporter to faithfully reproduce the audio, without adding anything
to the signal that might color the sound.  Folks who create amplifiers
are very often looking to add/enhance particular dynamics in the audio.
Your friends may very well value your ears when it comes to telling
them if something sounds right to you.  That's perfectly fine, but
not at all relevant to the discussion of the DIGITAL OUTPUT STAGE on
the SB3.

Your claim is that the digital output on the SB3 has a problem.You
base this on human perception of the analog output (filtered through
your system and speakers).  Sean has tested the digital stage and can
see no problems.  He's basing this on measurement equipment connected
directly to the DIGITAL stage.  Human beings, no matter how much they
may want to believe otherwise, can be influenced in their perceptions. 
Measurement equipment is designed to isolate external influences and
provide an accurate picture.

See the problem?  Your claim about the digital stage is based entirely
in analog perception, while Sean has verified the digital output using
digital test equipment.  No one has disputed that YOU, personally,
PERCEIVE a problem, or that your friends, neighbors, and measurement
guys with royal pedigrees, PERCEIVE a problem.  The issue is simply
that you haven't given anyone enough data to confirm the problem.  

Can you please, please, please try the SCIENTIFIC methods of
recording/comparing that have been repeatedly suggested in this thread?

 It's very sad that you Seanadams has an negatively attitude to
 critisism. Isn't it important as a constructor/inventor to be
 openminded and try to listen to critical voices. Even if our problem
 sounds rather strange.

Actually, I've found Sean to be very open to input on his products. 
He's incredibly passionate about them being the best they possibly can
be and I've never seen him react negatively to someone who has
information that will help him make the product better.

 I have contacted a friend/researcher at the Royal Institute of
 Technology here in Stockholm for help with the measurement. Maybe this
 measurement will tell us if everything is placebo or not.

Excellent.  Can you PLEASE have him perform the tests suggested here? 
If you come back with a answer that he hears it too and haven't run
the tests that have been suggested, I'll have to lock this thread as
simply a very long, elaborate troll (and then I'll go have the hook
surgically removed).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-10 Thread seanadams

Phil Leigh;213469 Wrote: 
 Sean - isn't it the case that a difference between the two states is
 that the  SB buffer will stay full during power on/off whereas the
 buffer will be flushed and then start to refill during the initial
 moments of playback after a track skip?

That is right, but the point is that these are normal playback controls
that take place all the time. Power on/off does nothing special - it
just uses those same playback mechanisms to stop/pause/resume the audio
and put different pictures on the screen.

 I'm just exploring some avenues - My wife and 16-year old daughter
 claimed to hear a difference (more  bass, more meaty sound) last
 night much to my astonishment. I know this isn't very scientific...

I think there is also a lot of misunderstanding with respect to what
it's even possible to do accidentally do a digital signal. I can't for
example, implement the following:

if (powering_on) {

For two reasons. #1) The player simply has no notion of a power on vs
power off state. It is a thin client. It just puts stuff on the screen
and plays what the server tells it to play. and #2) meatiness, assuming
that means perhaps bass response or something, it not something that can
be applied to a digital signal without some very complex and deliberate
processing, the facilities for which do not even EXIST in the firmware.
It is just not possible to subtly modify a digital stream in such a way,
unless you really really try to. The only things you could accidentally
do is change the volume level and add some noise or crackling, and
those too would be immediately evident by looking at the data.

By contrast, in the analog world it is quite easy to make all sorts of
tweaks to the sound, intentionally or not, and it's even plausible that
some powering on behavior like components warming up might affect the
sound. Furthermore, some such changes can in fact be subtle and
difficult to detect by ear. I imagine Omega et al are old school
audiophiles who are carrying all these preconceived expectations with
them into the digital world where it simply doesn't work like that.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-10 Thread Skunk

seanadams;213508 Wrote: 
  I imagine Omega et al are old school audiophiles who are carrying all
 these preconceived expectations with them into the digital world where
 it simply doesn't work like that.

I remember reading somewhere that skipping back to track one, rather
than simply hitting play, improved the sound of some CD players. It was
the first thing that came to mind when I read the thread, but I couldn't
find any google references. 

Never did get around to trying that one out.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-10 Thread Triode

Anyone wanting to understand the slim architecture more and the impact
of powering off and on the player could try turning on the
d_slimproto_v debugging and looking at the lines which starts
sending.  This shows all the control frames sent from the server the

You will see that the difference between pausing and unpausing a track
and pausing, powering off, powering on and unpausing is minimal - just
a few different grfe (graphic i.e. display frames).  This is the reason
for the arguement that nothing special is happening by powering off...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-10 Thread AndyC_772

Skunk;213517 Wrote: 
 I remember reading somewhere that skipping back to track one, rather
 than simply hitting play, improved the sound of some CD players. It was
 the first thing that came to mind when I read the thread, but I couldn't
 find any google references. 
 Never did get around to trying that one out.

I've read lots of unlikely things about how to make equipment sound
better. Some of the more entertaining ones are at :)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] budget system help

2007-07-10 Thread amcluesent

Arcam Solo and BW CM-1 speakers - about £1500?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-10 Thread Phil Leigh

seanadams;213508 Wrote: 
 That is right, but the point is that these are normal playback controls
 that take place all the time. Power on/off does nothing special - it
 just uses those same playback mechanisms to stop/pause/resume the audio
 and put different pictures on the screen.
 I think there is also a lot of misunderstanding with respect to what
 it's even possible to do accidentally do a digital signal. I can't for
 example, implement the following:
 if (powering_on) {
 For two reasons. #1) The player simply has no notion of a power on vs
 power off state. It is a thin client. It just puts stuff on the screen
 and plays what the server tells it to play. and #2) meatiness, assuming
 that means perhaps bass response or something, it not something that can
 be applied to a digital signal without some very complex and deliberate
 processing, the facilities for which do not even EXIST in the firmware.
 It is just not possible to subtly modify a digital stream in such a way,
 unless you really really try to. The only things you could accidentally
 do is change the volume level and add some noise or crackling, and
 those too would be immediately evident by looking at the data.
 By contrast, in the analog world it is quite easy to make all sorts of
 tweaks to the sound, intentionally or not, and it's even plausible that
 some powering on behavior like components warming up might affect the
 sound. Furthermore, some such changes can in fact be subtle and
 difficult to detect by ear. I imagine Omega et al are old school
 audiophiles who are carrying all these preconceived expectations with
 them into the digital world where it simply doesn't work like that.

I'm with you all the way - thanks for the response. It's a shame that
the meat++ function can't be implemented - can I file an enhancement
request ;o)

Seriously, I know that the digital stream can't be accidentally
manipulated in a way that creates analogue phenomena such as dynamics,
frequency response changes or improved l/r imaging...

...but I wonder if there is some psycho-acoustic issue here that is
nothing to do with the SB. It struck me while I was attempting to test
this effect that if I hit rapidly pause and then unpause my brain
knows exactly what the next bit of music  is going to sound like.
Whereas, if I skip to another track or even (as I was doing) the
beginning of the same track I am  forcing my brain to do some odd
processing and maybe that is what is creating the perceived change in

Just a theory...

I have the same DAC as Omega - and at the weekend I chopped out the
unnecessary output muting transistors and damped the crystal and DAC
and the improvement was clear to my whole family straight away with no
discussion required. Maybe this is a DAC issue (although heaven knows

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...

...SB3+TACT+Altmann+MF DACXV3/Linn tri-amped Aktiv 5.1 system and some
very expensive cables ;o)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-10 Thread funkstar

jeffmeh;213513 Wrote: 
 I cannot resist
That, by the way, is genius :)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-10 Thread SoftwireEngineer

I have thought that the Squeezebox sounded better after a restart !!!
But I never tried hard to confirm this.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-10 Thread krochat

Phil Leigh;213540 Wrote: 
 Maybe this is a DAC issue (although heaven knows how).

I like this theory. The TacT RCS is known to get into a bad input
state where the sound quality is degraded. Cycling through the inputs
fixes the problem. How about trying powering the DAC off and on (or
maybe cycling the inputs) instead of cycling the SB3 and seeing if that
changes the sound?



SB3 (+linear) - Big Ben - TacT RCS 2.2X - 2xS2150 - Vandersteen 3a
Signature + TacT W210

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-10 Thread Phil Leigh

krochat;213580 Wrote: 
 I like this theory. The TacT RCS is known to get into a bad input
 state where the sound quality is degraded. Cycling through the inputs
 fixes the problem. How about trying powering the DAC off and on (or
 maybe cycling the inputs) instead of cycling the SB3 and seeing if that
 changes the sound?

I'll try it... but given the way the SB works (ie it doesn't actually
cycle at all) I'm not sure.

Bear in mind I have the TACT 2.2x whereas Omega doesn't...
Also I am using the Altmann gear between TACT and DAC.
Just so we all know - I'm totally unconvinced so far but I'm in the
midst of tweaking my DAC so I am doing lots of caefull listening.

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...

...SB3+TACT+Altmann+MF DACXV3/Linn tri-amped Aktiv 5.1 system and some
very expensive cables ;o)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-10 Thread Skunk

AndyC_772;213523 Wrote: 
 I've read lots of unlikely things about how to make equipment sound
 better. Some of the more entertaining ones are at :)

Yeah, to suggest that growing pot in the listening room will improve
the sound takes the cake. Wrote: 
 Plain piece of Blue paper under any vase of flowers or any pot plant in
 the listening room.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-10 Thread Bob Bressler

ah, the paper has to be Blue!

Bob Bressler

Audio Note CDT-Two-Audio Note DAC5 + Slim Transporter-Spectral
DMC-20-Kassai amp-Audio Note AN Es

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Should I replace my cables every 1000 hours

2007-07-10 Thread mswlogo

Unless the surface oxidation gets between the connector and the wire.
The Green won't do anything to the sound.

Do you think high tension wires from power stations have to clean the
oxidation off the wires every so often?


Thinkpad XP SS  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF-COAX  Meridian 861V4 (Trifield,
Room corrected, Upsampled)  DSP5500 Mains, DSP5500HC Center, DSP33

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Any good mods for Transporter out there? Validated?

2007-07-10 Thread Hypnotoad

harmonic;213464 Wrote: 
 Its funny how people act on this forum  in real life hifi  gathrings
 its like going to a te party  when people are discussing

I suppose that is what I was trying to point out with my above post. I
am interested in getting a slimdevice of some sort and I find the forum
here actively unpleasant. That is really unfortunate. It makes me not
want to come here, which in turn makes it less likely that I'll buy a
Transporter. Of course, if I am convinced that it is the best, I will
go for it. But I am less likely to be convinced if I avoid the forum.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] rolling back slimserver

2007-07-10 Thread ratso

i have a question that could go in many different forums here, thought
i'd try it here. bolder suggests using version 1.5 of slimserver to
correct for phase issues (i think that's right, audiocircle's server is
down right now and i can't pull it up). anyways, the program written to
roll back to earlier slim builds is for pc and i have a mac, osx 10.4.
anyone know another way to do this or have other suggestions, i really
do not want to switch my speaker wires every time i change inputs.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DRC/Inguz and Microphone Calibration

2007-07-10 Thread muski

I recently had my Behringer ECM8000 microphone calibrated  by
Cross-Spectrum Labs with some interesting results (cost $50,  A very
different calibration file was the result.  See the attached graph --
green is the stock ecm8000.txt file that comes with DRC, red is the
calibration file for my ECM8000 with a Tascam US-122L preamp/USB
interface.  The calibrator's experience with about a dozen ECM8000s is
that though they show pretty good response (esp for the price), but
they are all over the place.

Haven't done a ton of listening with this, but immediately had to
switch from 'normal' to 'soft' -- it was just too bright and there was
some occasional weird digital distortion (maybe it was clipping). 
Further experimentation with different target curves now required.

Curious if others have had their mics calibrated and if the results
were as surprising.

|Filename: cal vs uncal.jpg |


SB3-Bryston BP25DA-Bryston 4B-SST-Watt Puppy 7s
Transporter-Headrom Max Balanced Amp-Balanced AKG701s

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] rolling back slimserver

2007-07-10 Thread snarlydwarf

Versions of the Squeezebox2/3 firmware after 15 -corrected- phase. 
Pre-15 the phase was backwards.

If a modder reversed your phase, then you have a choice:

1) Correct it by reversing the phase on your cables.
2) Correct it by using an ancient version of the firmware that is no
longer supported and doesn't support things like OGG or

If no one reversed your phase, then ignore the silliness.

I will leave it up to you which solution you wish.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] rolling back slimserver

2007-07-10 Thread ratso

yup of course all my files would also be OGG! oh well. maybe we'll get
lucky and sean will add an optional build we can download that reverses
phase. i give this place a lot of credit, they have always 
been pretty open to have people poking and prodding at their device.
very commendable.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] rolling back slimserver

2007-07-10 Thread snarlydwarf

Did someone mod your SB and reverse the phase?  That is the real

And if they did, just un-reverse it at the cables.

(Or use the digital output.)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-10 Thread JimC

Skunk;213590 Wrote: 
 Yeah, to suggest that growing pot in the listening room will improve the
 sound takes the cake.

Wow, that's a pretty egregious typo there... I believe the original
said: smoking pot in the listen room will improve the sound and make
you hungry for cake.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] rolling back slimserver

2007-07-10 Thread seanadams

snarlydwarf;213633 Wrote: 
 And if they did, just un-reverse it at the cables.

This is phase, or really _polarity_ he's talking about, not swapped L/R


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] rolling back slimserver

2007-07-10 Thread Pat Farrell
seanadams wrote:
 This is phase, or really _polarity_ he's talking about, not swapped L/R

And you can fix phase or polarity at one speaker by swapping the 
speaker leads.

But more importantly, there is no *real* reason to want to use ancient 
firmware such as version 15. And I can't imagine wanting to use 
SlimServer version 1.5, I've been using SlimServer for years and it 
started in the 5.x series then.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] rolling back slimserver

2007-07-10 Thread seanadams

Pat Farrell;213637 Wrote: 
 And you can fix phase or polarity at one speaker by swapping the 
 speaker leads.

Except that would effectively reverse the phase of all your other
sources too. Of course, if you have a Squeezebox you wouldn't need
anything else, so I guess that's a moot point.  ;)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] rolling back slimserver

2007-07-10 Thread snarlydwarf

seanadams;213636 Wrote: 
 This is phase, or really _polarity_ he's talking about, not swapped L/R

Right, so swap red/black (not red/white).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Here is why no FF/RW

2007-07-10 Thread amey01

seanadams;211343 Wrote: 
 (spinning a new thread from
 This is about the same as complaining that you can't scratch on a CD
 player the same way you could on last century's phonograph... except
 that in this case it is a bit less obvious why you can't. It's clear
 from the tone of your comment that you don't care why, you just want it
 to work. That's fine, you can stop reading here, but in case anyone else
 wants to know, I will explain.
 Featuritis and stability and simply incompatible goals, and to make the
 assertion that ff/rw is an essential or trivial feature that must be
 implemented, while at the same time calling for software that just
 works, is not really constructive. Most of us have little or no need
 for scanning, and just because a CD player does it does not
 automatically mean it is a good idea to make Squeezebox do it.

Thank you for this great explanation! It's great to have some
understanding of how things are working in the background. My only
gripe is that *it says in the manual that it should work* - there is no
mention of it requiring special formats or anything else.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Here is why no FF/RW

2007-07-10 Thread amey01

thomsens;212715 Wrote: 
 People who think that it should work like a CD player should just get
 over it.  We just need a solution to move around songs easily.  Any
 reasonable solution is probably ok.
 I'm not going to respond to this snide stuff.  Point is that you are
 arguing from where the product is.  If you wanted to, you could have
 designed it day one to support it.  Perhaps that would involved more
 complex buffering and memory required to do it...and maybe GE instead
 of 10/100.  But, you chose not to and now the product has a deficiency.
 If I knew how to code it myself, I would have built the product myself
 and wouldn't be on this forum now would I?
 I mean no offense Sean - you've built an awesome product.  But, it has
 an unfortunate flaw that does drive me crazy...apparently there are
 others too.

Sorry - the last thing I was trying to be was snide. This is absolutely
correct - all we need is a reasonable and effective way to move around
songs. A method like on iPod where there is no audiable feedback is
just as good (for my needs anyway)! 

The only reason I locked on to the CD player part is because it is
perfectly clear to me that that is the way Slim Devices envisaged this
operating with their product in the first place. I make this assumption
because the manual states it - words to the effect of Hold the FF
button to skip forward within a song - is it not reasonable of me to
expect that I could follow this direction out of the manual and have an
expected outcome?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Here is why no FF/RW

2007-07-10 Thread amey01

seanadams;212721 Wrote: 
 I articulated as best I could why it is not feasible. If you have a
 better idea I am all ears, but I don't think it is reasonable to insist
 that it can be done without having any idea how.

I just want to state what a fantastic product the Squeezebox is. Let
that be on record. 

Now, I'm not insisting that FF/REW (or anything else) can be done -
BUT I am insisting that the Squeezebox will do what the manual says it
will do. 

I don't think that is unreasonable. 

Constructively, all I need is a way to move around songs - the iPod
scenario (choose a point in the song without audiable feedback) is


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-10 Thread Listener


My wife suggested a solution to the problem raised in this thread:

A Placebo Package download.  I understand that there might be some
engineering effort involved.  There will also be some marketing effort
to create suitable names for the package.  However, I think it will be
cost effective in the long run.  (And you don't have to re-engineer the
Placebo Package for every problem.)

In the meantime, keep doing real engineering.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Here is why no FF/RW

2007-07-10 Thread bephillips

amey01;213645 Wrote: 
 all I need is a way to move around songs 

So until slimdevices improves this, you should try the SongScanner
plugin, seems to be working great for me, provides just this
functionality. I'm having some trouble remapping it to the ff/rw button
hold, but this should be possible. You can also get to it pretty quickly
by moving it to the top level of menus in the player settings.


More than 33159 songs on 3246 albums by 2029 artists. 

Mostly flac, some mp3.

SlimServer Version: 6.5.3 - 12361
Mac OS X 10.4.10 (8R218) - EN - utf8
Perl Version: 5.8.6 darwin-thread-multi-2level
MySQL Version: 5.0.22-standard 

On a 1.2GHz G4 Mac iBook with 768MB RAM

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