[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB mod on not mod, what to expect vs CD player?

2006-06-02 Thread Phil Leigh

BB - I think we are basically agreeing.
I am not a fan of v. expensive interconnects/mains cables etc - but I
can hear a difference between OK cables and rubbish cables.

My amplifier remark was a bit flippant (I apologise) but I do strongly
believe that the cables are as much part of the overall systems as the
output transistors or the regulation caps (for example). Not every amp
sounds the same - that's what I was really trying to say.

Phil Leigh

Phil Leigh's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=85
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB mod on not mod, what to expect vs CD player?

2006-06-01 Thread Phil Leigh

buddhabreath Wrote: 
 Of course DB testing discriminates between different! It is a basic
 scientific procedure to ensure perceptive bias does not enter into a
 result. better is in the mind of the receiver - but often times that
 better goes away under DB conditions. 


The point I was trying to make is exactly what I wrote... that DB
testing does not discriminate between better and different - not
that it doesn't discriminate between different and identical! 

different vs better is all in the mind (regardless of the
methodology of the comparison).

As for hearing mechanisms...actually the ear is an astonishingly
sophisticated transducer coupled to an analogue computer of (so far)
indescribable complexity. Other than in quite broad terms we all
perceive the world differently (thank goodness). So in other words, ANY
kind of third-party testing/comparison/evaluation is inherently flawed
and you should only buy things that make YOU happy or satisfied, no
matter what anyone else says or measures. There is NO science or
religion that can  replace your own ear/brain and how it evaluates
something within your personal frame of reference. Unfortunately, we
live in a world of external irrational influences that prey on our
minds and continually threaten to undermine our independant judgement.
I would only use reviews or bench testing as a guide to something being
really bad/faulty/unreliable. 

If you don't believe that cables (or, more significantly, the design,
quality of materials and topology used in the active components of a
system) can possibly make any difference to what you hear that's fine.
Although, logically that would imply that the first amplifier ever made
was good enough...

Your gasoline analogy is not correct. If the pipe is too wide/narrow,
kinked or if the inner surface is not formed properly, turbulent flow
and irregular pressure can result that may affect the performance of
the downstream engine components - and ultimately the car itself. It's
not that the nature of gasoline is changing. You are describing a
mechanical system not an electrical one. In an electrical system there
are other factors to take into account that can indeed change the
nature of the gasoline - RFI, EMI etc etc can all interact with and
thus change the actual waveform. So unfortunately, as any second year
EE student would know and any AV professional does know, it's not just
about LCR. The materials, quality of construction and efficiency of
shielding all play a part in preserving the integrity of the complex
signals passing through the cable. Any cable has the potential to
degrade the signals - the trick is to minimise the degradation.
Alternatively, you can design cables with a suitable LCR to act as a
crude tone control...you'll certainly hear the difference with those!

As usual, YMMV.

Richidoo - looks like you better treasure those SACD's you've got coz I
can't see a  massive release program on the horizon. It looks like
hi-res consumer audio formats are turning into a dead duck from the
industry's point of view (IMHO). I guess the problem is
twofold...actually 16/44.1 can be pretty good and whilst SACD/DVD-A
are clearly capable of more accurate reproduction, do we really care? -
a silver disc is just a silver disc and we've already got them. The
general perception is simply ho-hum, a better mousetrap. Really a
radically different physical format with better ergonomics and a
different cost base was required to make the world sit up and take
notice ... oh, and what's all this MP3/iPod stuff anyway?

Phil Leigh

Phil Leigh's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=85
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB mod on not mod, what to expect vs CD player?

2006-06-01 Thread ezkcdude

The dynamic range of 16-bit recordings is 96 dB, which is readily
obtainable these days (that wasn't the case in the early 80's). The
dynamic range of 24-bit recordings is theoretically 144 dB! There are
probably very few, if any, natural recordings (i.e. not completely
synthesized) that have this dynamic range, and all but the most
expensive playback systems cannot reproduce this range. DVD took off
because even 50 year old t.v.'s could show a dramatic picture
improvement over VHS. The problem with SACD/DVD-A is that our stereos
can't readily take advantage of the new format (excluding
multi-channel, which hasn't really caught on for other reasons). These
hi-rez music formats were dead in the water ever since they were
initiated. I thank my lucky stars that I never spent big bucks
upgrading to these formats. Maybe they were right all along, CD:
perfect sound forever. (Well, good enough sound forever.)


SB3-Derek Shek TDA1543/CS8412 NOS DAC-MIT Terminator 2
interconnects-Endler Audio 24-step Attenuators (RCA-direct)-Parasound
Halo A23 125W/ch amplifier-Speltz anti-cables-DIY 2-ways + Dayton
Titanic 10 subwoofer

He's not hi-fi, he's my stereo.

ezkcdude's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2545
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB mod on not mod, what to expect vs CD player?

2006-06-01 Thread buddhabreath

Phil Leigh Wrote: 
 The point I was trying to make is exactly what I wrote... that DB
 testing does not discriminate between better and different - not
 that it doesn't discriminate between different and identical! 
 different vs better is all in the mind (regardless of the
 methodology of the comparison).

Phil, regarding the point of different vs. identical, I stand
corrected, perhaps I should read (and listen more carefully) and I
apologize for mis-reading that. 

Phil Leigh Wrote: 
 As for hearing mechanisms...actually the ear is an astonishingly
 sophisticated transducer coupled to an analogue computer of (so far)
 indescribable complexity. Other than in quite broad terms we all
 perceive the world differently (thank goodness). So in other words, ANY
 kind of third-party testing/comparison/evaluation is inherently flawed
 and you should only buy things that make YOU happy or satisfied, no
 matter what anyone else says or measures. There is NO science or
 religion that can  replace your own ear/brain and how it evaluates
 something within your personal frame of reference. Unfortunately, we
 live in a world of external irrational influences that prey on our
 minds and continually threaten to undermine our independant judgement.
 I would only use reviews or bench testing as a guide to something being
 really bad/faulty/unreliable. 

Well stated. I couldn't have said it better. My point was that the
hearing mechanism is delicate and that our hearing rolls off with
age. For example, I don't think that anyone needs tweeters that go up
to 30KHz, when most of us can hear much past 16KHz, as least I can't,
but I'm not a young kid any more, I just look like one. We agree the
magic of hearing happens in the mind. That little hammer, stirrup and
drum still seems pretty clunky and fragile to me. That doesn't make it
any less astonishig in my view.

Phil Leigh Wrote: 
 If you don't believe that cables (or, more significantly, the design,
 quality of materials and topology used in the active components of a
 system) can possibly make any difference to what you hear that's fine.
 Although, logically that would imply that the first amplifier ever made
 was good enough...

Well, we might have to part ways on some points Phil. Sure active
components can make a difference, like a good driver in a well designed
loudspeker enclosure - man can that make a difference! As for cables,
you've got me wrong there. The cables should have good LCR and
sheilding characteristics for the application. That might mean you need
heavier guage, better-shielded cables than typical zip or lamp
chord, but there's no need to pay a lot of money for exotic speaker
cables, that's just a racket. I don't understand how the first
amplifier ever made being good enough follows logically from this. That
seems to be a complete non-sequior. Perhaps you can explain.

For those that want this de-bunked, recommend Roger Russels article at


Roger is the Director of Acoustic Research at McIntosh Laboratory and
the originator of McIntosh Loudspekers. 

I quote from the article:

When confronted with the truth, believers do not want to hear about
it. They want to remain in the magical world of fantasy where they
think they can hear improvements in their wire, often arrived at by
making listening tests without adequate controls or understanding of
the problems involved. One of the prime tools in creating such a faith
for the average consumer is by capitalizing on fear and ignorance as in
many other things that aren’t readily apparent. There is fear that the
wire currently in use is not good enough. There is ignorance because
most people do not have scientific knowledge in this area and lack
adequate measuring equipment to prove otherwise.

That's my bottom line.

Phil Leigh Wrote: 
 Your gasoline analogy is not correct. If the pipe is too wide/narrow,
 kinked or if the inner surface is not formed properly, turbulent flow
 and irregular pressure can result that may affect the performance of
 the downstream engine components - and ultimately the car itself. It's
 not that the nature of gasoline is changing. You are describing a
 mechanical system not an electrical one. In an electrical system there
 are other factors to take into account that can indeed change the
 nature of the gasoline - RFI, EMI etc etc can all interact with and
 thus change the actual waveform. So unfortunately, as any second year
 EE student would know and any AV professional does know, it's not just
 about LCR. The materials, quality of construction and efficiency of
 shielding all play a part in preserving the integrity of the complex
 signals passing through the cable. Any cable has the potential to
 degrade the signals - the trick is to minimise the degradation.
 Alternatively, you can design cables with a suitable LCR to act as a
 crude tone control...you'll certainly hear the difference with those!

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB mod on not mod, what to expect vs CD player?

2006-05-31 Thread buddhabreath

Phil Leigh Wrote: 
 3) My wiring is very good so obviously my imagination must also be
 good. Let's try the converse argument - if you can't hear any
 improvement, your system (or ear/brain interface) must be defective...
 4) Amongst many other things (too boring to discuss again) DB testing
 doesn't discriminate between better and different. Anyway, beyond
 entry-level all CDP's, DACs, amps are rather good these days...the two
 biggest audible impacts will be in changing speakers or applying room
 correction. Without RC you're not hearing anything like what the artist
 intended anyway, so no amount of tweaking cables or even major
 components will help.

Of course DB testing discriminates between different! It is a basic
scientific procedure to ensure perceptive bias does not enter into a
result. better is in the mind of the receiver - but often times that
better goes away under DB conditions. 

Mr. Fredrickj is exactly correct - this is why audiophile reviews will
not touch this. They rely on suckers who don't understand what a second
year EE student does, namely that anyone who pays big bukcs $$ for power
cords or cables is a fool. The circuitry doesn't care how the power is
transported anymore than your care engine cares what kind of hose the
gasoline came in. The only thing to worry about with cabling are
capacitance, resistance and inductance. For longer runs a heavier guage
cable is required and shielded cables for noisy environments. Very

However, Mr. Leigh is correct in my view on one point: it is indeed
about the ear/brain interface. As you all will know, the ears are
rather clunky mechanisms that send electrical signals to the brain
where they are interpreted and invariably that mechanism falls off in
effectiveness as we age. In other words, hearing is in the brain. This
is the same brain that decided to purchase $5,000 cables in a fancy
presentation box, so if that brain is alredy convinced it will hear a
difference it will! That same brain will not be willing to participate
in a double blind test of that same cable because it will find that the
sound cannot in all probablitiy be distiguished from run-of-the mill zip
cord for 19 cents a foot.

Believe what you want, hear what you want if it makes you happy.
Believe that the world is 6000 years old and that the president is a
great man. Whatever floats your boat. Just understand that there are
people out there that take advantage of ignorance or delusion in the
marketplace and in politics and people get taken for their money every


P.S. The power supply is just fine for the little box fer cryin' out
loud. Just as designed. Help me out here Slim Devices! Jeez!


buddhabreath's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=5743
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB mod on not mod, what to expect vs CD player?

2006-05-31 Thread richidoo

I feel that SB3 with a linear power supply, played through a full range
(30-30k or better) very dynamic speaker/amp combo is hard to beat. You
won't hear the benefits of the PS upgrade unless your system is
transparent and dynamic enough to allow the greater dynamic range of
the upgrade to show through. But this is the audiophile forum, and so
some of us do actually have systems sensitive enough to reveal a large
improvement by canning the stock wart for a 5V/3A linear PS. If you
have a mid-fi rig like a good receiver, the improvement you will hear
will be in the smoothness and more natural sound on acoustic
instruments. The dynamics and ultra lows will not be evident and so
that diminishes the value of the upgrade for some people. It doesn't
mean that the upgrade is not improving the quality of the input signal

SB is vastly better than my $250 Samsung universal player on CDs, but
the Samsung does sound pretty darn good on SACDs. I can only imagine
what a decent SACD player is like.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB mod on not mod, what to expect vs CD player?

2006-05-30 Thread opaqueice

fredrickj Wrote: 
 I should point out that my testing (blind) of the stock SB3 compared to
 a CD transport thru a DAC, was testing the digital out only.  I didn't
 buy the SB3 for its DAC.  The ps upgrade may well make sense for the
 DAC but agian, it didn't test the DAC output.

One point here is that, according to something Sean Adams (SD CEO) said
a while back, the PS upgrade is more likely to affect the digital out
than the analogue.  That's because the DAC gets its power after several
steps of regulation, starting (IIRC) with 14V to power the display.  So
the wallwart is several steps removed from the  DAC power.


opaqueice's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4234
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB mod on not mod, what to expect vs CD player?

2006-05-29 Thread highdudgeon

For some reason, laws against fraud and false advertising seem to miss
the audio industry for a mile. I'd love to see a parts list and English
language explanation.

And, in fact, Stereophile had a bit full of panic a while back when the
New York State AG's office started to look into some of these issues.

It really is all quite shameless.


SB3, Lavry DA10, Sony DVP 555es, Bel Canto Pre2, Carver Sunfire, Rane
DEQ60L, Harbeth Monitor 40s, ACI Force subs

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB mod on not mod, what to expect vs CD player?

2006-05-29 Thread fredrickj

Phil Leigh Wrote: 
 Well Fredrick...you've managed to open more cans of worms than a major
 explosion in a worm-canning factory...in one post!.
 1) why do you own the ridiculously expensive Audio Note? - did you
 audition it first?
 2)Then either most people you know have substandard hearing (unlikely)
 or your system is not as resolving as you believe it to be. I think the
 SB3 sounds BETTER than many top-end CDP's via its digital i/f.
 3) My wiring is very good so obviously my imagination must also be
 good. Let's try the converse argument - if you can't hear any
 improvement, your system (or ear/brain interface) must be defective...
 4) Amongst many other things (too boring to discuss again) DB testing
 doesn't discriminate between better and different. Anyway, beyond
 entry-level all CDP's, DACs, amps are rather good these days...the two
 biggest audible impacts will be in changing speakers or applying room
 correction. Without RC you're not hearing anything like what the artist
 intended anyway, so no amount of tweaking cables or even major
 components will help.
 5)Why would a bunch of speaker designers care about the SB? - surely to
 them its just another source. IF, as you assert, it's no different to a
 CDP (and I notice that you carefully avoid mentioning any specific
 examples) I can't imagine why they would be even remotely interested?
 I didn't mean to rant but posts along the lines of I'm right and the
 rest of you are deaf aren't very helpful. It's hardly a scientific

I should point out that my testing (blind) of the stock SB3 compared to
a CD transport thru a DAC, was testing the digital out only.  I didn't
buy the SB3 for its DAC.  The ps upgrade may well make sense for the
DAC but agian, it didn't test the DAC output.

That said I pretty much agree with you on most points.  My equipment
and my hearing are variables to be considered.  It might be wise
however to test the results yourself before assumming my hearing or
equipment accounts for the inability to hear the difference between the
stock SB3 and a high quality CD transport through several high end

My point was not to challange anyone but to affirm the claim that
anyone with a good DAC can now load all their music on their computer
and listen to it without any compromise in sound, with a stock SB3.  No
need to go out and spend more money on upgrades.  Unless of course one
just wants to spend money for something bigger.


fredrickj's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=5645
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB mod on not mod, what to expect vs CD player?

2006-05-28 Thread Phil Leigh

Well Fredrick...you've managed to open more cans of worms than a major
explosion in a worm-canning factory...in one post!.

1) why do you own the ridiculously expensive Audio Note? - did you
audition it first?

2)Then either most people you know have substandard hearing (unlikely)
or your system is not as resolving as you believe it to be. I think the
SB3 sounds BETTER than many top-end CDP's via its digital i/f.

3) My wiring is very good so obviously my imagination must also be
good. Let's try the converse argument - if you can't hear any
improvement, your system (or ear/brain interface) must be defective...

4) Amongst many other things (too boring to discuss again) DB testing
doesn't discriminate between better and different. Anyway, beyond
entry-level all CDP's, DACs, amps are rather good these days...the two
biggest audible impacts will be in changing speakers or applying room
correction. Without RC you're not hearing anything like what the artist
intended anyway, so no amount of tweaking cables or even major
components will help.

5)Why would a bunch of speaker designers care about the SB? - surely to
them its just another source. IF, as you assert, it's no different to a
CDP (and I notice that you carefully avoid mentioning any specific
examples) I can't imagine why they would be even remotely interested?

I didn't mean to rant but posts along the lines of I'm right and the
rest of you are deaf aren't very helpful. It's hardly a scientific

Phil Leigh

Phil Leigh's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=85
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB mod on not mod, what to expect vs CD player?

2006-05-28 Thread highdudgeon

Again...the audiophile version of the Squeezebox, which will be sold
through dealers, is due out in the not-too-distant future.  I think
this is a semi-open secret at this point.   Salient items are a digital
input, improved DAC, power supply,etc.  I'm sure it will be in a sleek,
sexy, metallic case, to help justify a far higher price point.

So, I guess what I'm saying is this: before spending hundreds or
thousands on mods, why not wait a few months?  In the meantime, the SB3
alone can be quite satisfactory.  You won't be pulling out hairs over
poor sound quality.

Much of this is subjective, of course, but there are those on this
forum, inlcuding me (please, no flames, no comments about my
non-revealing system, etc.), who have found the differences between the
SB3 and a high quality external DAC and the SB3 alone to be minimal. 
Ditto for power supplies.  The differences ARE there, to be sure, but
the price per square foot, as it were, is at Manhattan levels.  So...if
Slim Devices, who are obviously a bunch of very smart, very savvy, and
very competent people, come out with an audiophile friendly version,
I think it would be worth checking out.  Fewer boxes, nicer design,
equal or less money.


SB3, Lavry DA10, Sony DVP 555es, Bel Canto Pre2, Carver Sunfire, Rane
DEQ60L, Harbeth Monitor 40s, ACI Force subs

highdudgeon's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2195
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB mod on not mod, what to expect vs CD player?

2006-05-28 Thread Phil Leigh

Yes HD...you are probably right. Interesting times ahead!

Phil Leigh

Phil Leigh's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=85
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB mod on not mod, what to expect vs CD player?

2006-05-28 Thread ezkcdude

Maybe we need a Speculation and Rumors forum like they have over at
AppleNova. (He says with a toothy grin.)


SB3-Derek Shek TDA1543/CS8412 NOS DAC-MIT Terminator 2
interconnects-Endler Audio 24-step Attenuators (RCA-direct)-Parasound
Halo A23 125W/ch amplifier-Speltz anti-cables-DIY 2-ways + Dayton
Titanic 10 subwoofer

He's not hi-fi, he's my stereo.

ezkcdude's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2545
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB mod on not mod, what to expect vs CD player?

2006-05-28 Thread Wayne1

opaqueice Wrote: 
 What do you think of the Red Wine Audio mods?  
 There was a thread (over at audiocircle maybe?) a while back comparing
 Bolder SB mods to RWA which concluded that the RWA mod sounded
 (slightly) better than the Bolder.  Personally I would hesitate to buy
 a product from someone that markets such things as Bybee quantum
 purifiers, as Bolder does, but hey...

FWIW the review was quite some time ago. The owner of both units
(Zybar) has since sold his RWA SB. He has upgraded his power supply a
couple of times and now has one with all silver wiring and 4) Bybee
quantum purifiers inside ;-) He is using the SB2 from the digital
output into a TacT preamp/EQ. His speakers are Salk HT-3s. He has
Channel Islands D-200 mono-blocks and just received a BAT VK-500 amp.

If you wish to hear about a couple of direct comparisons between RWA
and BOLDER modded SBs with analog output mods, you can contact Double
Ugly and cryotweaks at AC. Both have owned or own RWA analog modded and
battery powered SB. Both have compared them to a BOLDER modded unit with


Wayne1's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1335
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB mod on not mod, what to expect vs CD player?

2006-05-28 Thread Wayne1

opaqueice Wrote: 
 I'm guessing (from the name and location) you're from Bolder Cable?  
 Would you care to comment on those Bybees?  I know it's a bit off-topic
 for this thread, but this (from http://www.bybeetech.com/ourtech.asp)
 is pure nonsense (and I _do_ know what I'm talking about here).  There
 simply ain't no such thing as quantum noise energy - and that sets
 off my snake oil alarm.

I do not care to comment on how Mr. Bybee chooses to describe his

I do know that they DO change the sound of circuits that they are used
in. I happen to like the changes. So do a goodly number of folk who
have tried them. Others do not.


Wayne1's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1335
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB mod on not mod, what to expect vs CD player?

2006-05-28 Thread highdudgeon

It has nothing to do with how he chooses to describe his widgets.  The
fact is, and I can also speak here with a respectable background in
physics, it is pure baloney.

Of course, you are free to like what you hear.  People also like Tice
Clocks and Mpingo disks and all the rest.  There was, too, that lovely
Stereophile account of a simple test that amounted to placing a pizza
box support, I think painted silver, on top of a CD player.  Listeners,
prompted to the magical quality of the tweak, loved what they heard.

The power of psychology...


SB3, Lavry DA10, Sony DVP 555es, Bel Canto Pre2, Carver Sunfire, Rane
DEQ60L, Harbeth Monitor 40s, ACI Force subs

highdudgeon's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2195
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB mod on not mod, what to expect vs CD player?

2006-05-28 Thread opaqueice

Anyone ever dissect one of these purifiers?  I suppose at $150 (or
whatever) a pop maybe not, but at least hook one up to a meter...  I'll
bet there's just some material in there with a bit of resistance, maybe
some inductance - just enough to screw up the frequency response a bit
and change the sound slightly (or maybe not, given the silver-pizza-box

In any case, if I were selling (or re-selling) these things I'd be just
a little bit catious.  There are laws to protect people against fraud
and false advertising.  Irrespective of whether or not this thing
improves sound, that description of how it functions might raise some


opaqueice's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4234
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB mod on not mod, what to expect vs CD player?

2006-05-27 Thread opaqueice

95bcwh Wrote: 
 I have already had my SB3 fully modded (analog + digital + battery power
 supply) by RedWineAudio, too late to change for now. But I plan to buy
 another unit when SB4 comes out...I will then ask Wayne to mod it for

What do you think of the Red Wine Audio mods?  

There was a thread (over at audiocircle maybe?) a while back comparing
Bolder SB mods to RWA which concluded that the RWA mod sounded
(slightly) better than the Bolder.  Personally I would hesitate to buy
a product from someone that markets such things as Bybee quantum
purifiers, as Bolder does, but hey...


opaqueice's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4234
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB mod on not mod, what to expect vs CD player?

2006-05-26 Thread Loftprojection

Well I think I'm getting closer to the SB now.  Thanks for your input
guys.  I just bought myself an external DAC (an MHDT Paradisea) and
I've done some testing against my CPD (an Arcam CD23T).  Using the
Arcam as a full unit transport/DAC it is significantly better then
using my Paradisea fed by an optical out of my Audigy soundcard. 
However, when I use the Arcam as transport, then the Paradisea DAC is
different but as nice if not nicer then the Arcam's internal DAC.  This
demonstrate that using my portable PC with Audigy soundcard as a
transport is no good against a reputable CDP transport.  So I have to
get a new transport that will be at least equivalent to my CDP and
hopefully the SB3 will do the job!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB mod on not mod, what to expect vs CD player?

2006-05-22 Thread 95bcwh

squeezeme Wrote: 
 I went for the full analogue mod with platinum caps etc.
 I am using a DIY power supply measuring excactly 5v out. This does
 improve the sound slightly, it tightens the bass and smooths the highs,
 but in comparison to the mods it is minimal. With the modded unit every
 aspect is improved, it really is beyond what you would think the SB is
 capable of.
 Bite the bullet and get the mods and power supply.

I have already had my SB3 fully modded (analog + digital + battery
power supply) by RedWineAudio, too late to change for now. But I plan
to buy another unit when SB4 comes out...I will then ask Wayne to mod
it for me.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB mod on not mod, what to expect vs CD player?

2006-05-21 Thread Patrick Dixon

95bcwh Wrote: 
 Patrick, just curious what mod have you done to your SB3 to make it
 sound so good?
We just use the 'transport' element of the SB.  DAC, clocks, PSU,
analogue and (coaxial) digital output circuitry are all new boards.

Patrick Dixon


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB mod on not mod, what to expect vs CD player?

2006-05-21 Thread squeezeme

I have been using my Bolder modded SB2 for 2-3 weeks now and i am
astounded in the improvment in every aspect, I no longer use my Marantz
CDP that is better sounding than the stock SB. I use a Naim Nait 5i amp
and Dynaudio audience 62's and the quality is something i didn't think
I am not using the digital out as I don't think it can improve the
sound enough to warrant bying a DAC.
I also use a linear supply which is a very minor upgrade compared to
the modded SB


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB mod on not mod, what to expect vs CD player?

2006-05-21 Thread 95bcwh

squeezeme Wrote: 
 I have been using my Bolder modded SB2 for 2-3 weeks now and i am
 astounded in the improvment in every aspect, I no longer use my Marantz
 CDP that is better sounding than the stock SB. I use a Naim Nait 5i amp
 and Dynaudio audience 62's and the quality is something i didn't think
 I am not using the digital out as I don't think it can improve the
 sound enough to warrant bying a DAC.
 I also use a linear supply which is a very minor upgrade compared to
 the modded SB

Which bolder mod did you go for? You sounded like you're not using
Bolder's power supply, but I thought the vast improvement in SQ is due
to the power supply?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB mod on not mod, what to expect vs CD player?

2006-05-21 Thread squeezeme

I went for the full analogue mod with platinum caps etc.
I am using a DIY power supply measuring excactly 5v out. This does
improve the sound slightly, it tightens the bass and smooths the highs,
but in comparison to the mods it is minimal. With the modded unit every
aspect is improved, it really is beyond what you would think the SB is
capable of.
Bite the bullet and get the mods and power supply.


squeezeme's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1106
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB mod on not mod, what to expect vs CD player?

2006-05-20 Thread hal9000

Loftprojection Wrote: 
 Well when I'm talking about comparing the SB to CDP it's not as a
 transport only.  I mean more like a stock of fully analog modified SB
 versus a CDP (transport/DAC).  Like you I'm quite convinced that the SB
 as a transport with or without mods is probably a great tool that can
 match a lot of CDP as transport only if you have an external DAC. 
 It's when you use the SB as a whole that I'm not sure it can compete
 with good CDP.

My SB2 easily bested the sound quality of both my Sony CDP's 9000ES and
999ES...mid level units for sure, but I was really shocked at how
noticeable an improvement the SB2 was.  I sold both CDP's over the last
6 months and invested the $$$ in oop DCC discs on eBay.  ;)


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB mod on not mod, what to expect vs CD player?

2006-05-20 Thread 95bcwh

Patrick Dixon Wrote: 
 I have actually done comparative demos for people with SB2/3s and
 external DACs against our 'modded' SB+.  In all cases the SB+ wins
 hands down.  External DACs included examples from Benchmark, Meridian
 and various NOS types.  YMMV.

Patrick, just curious what mod have you done to your SB3 to make it
sound so good?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB mod on not mod, what to expect vs CD player?

2006-05-18 Thread Phil Leigh

I'd go along with that Azur comparison - maybe even a bit higher up the
food chain for older CDP's.

Phil Leigh

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB mod on not mod, what to expect vs CD player?

2006-05-18 Thread davidcotton

I'd been using an all marantz combo (66 KI SIG amp and matching 63 KI
SIG cdp)quite happily, but the amount of discs overtaking my room was
starting to irritate me, which is why I went for the sb3/qnap combo.

I've been using an m-audio superdac between amp and sb3 and just sent
that off to have some mods done to that (all the basic op amps and
circuit board upgraded basically!).  I'd love to send off the sb3 to
somewhere like bolder, but not sure of the shipping costs from here in
the uk, plus theres something like an 8 week waiting list anyway!



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB mod on not mod, what to expect vs CD player?

2006-05-17 Thread Loftprojection

Phil Leigh Wrote: 
 On the contrary, I feel that the SB can exceed the capabilities of many
 exalted CDP's - or at least their transports. There are numerous good
 engineering reasons why this might theoretically be the case, but at
 the end of the day your ears (brain) have to decide.
 I know many will scoff at the SB beats Naim/dCS/Esoteric/(insert your
 fave transport here) hypothesis, but I've owned and been lucky enough
 to borrow many of the top drawer transports and I'm personally never
 going back...

Well when I'm talking about comparing the SB to CDP it's not as a
transport only.  I mean more like a stock of fully analog modified SB
versus a CDP (transport/DAC).  Like you I'm quite convinced that the SB
as a transport with or without mods is probably a great tool that can
match a lot of CDP as transport only if you have an external DAC. 
It's when you use the SB as a whole that I'm not sure it can compete
with good CDP.


Loftprojection's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=5525
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB mod on not mod, what to expect vs CD player?

2006-05-17 Thread dlite

As a full solution I would rate the Squeezebox as a good quality mid
priced player such as the Cambridge Audio Azur 640.  It wins for me in
it's flexibility and user friendly features.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB mod on not mod, what to expect vs CD player?

2006-05-16 Thread Phil Leigh

On the contrary, I feel that the SB can exceed the capabilities of many
exalted CDP's - or at least their transports. There are numerous good
engineering reasons why this might theoretically be the case, but at
the end of the day your ears (brain) have to decide.
I know many will scoff at the SB beats Naim/dCS/Esoteric/(insert your
fave transport here) hypothesis, but I've owned and been lucky enough
to borrow many of the top drawer transports and I'm personally never
going back...

On modding, I think the linear PSU is a minor improvement to the SB
transport - not earth shattering (but worth doing). I don't feel the
need to spend £'00's on exotic capacitors or digital  transformers -
and bearing in mind I am not using the SB DAC, there's only so much
that can be modded on the transport side...

I am so happy with the sound of my system now, I'm spending money on
source material (CD's for ripping) and backup disks and system

For me the two biggest changes I ever made  to my sound
quality/enjoyment were (in order)fully active speakers and room
correction. After that it's all been increasingly thin icing on top of
a very nice cake.

YMMV of course.

Phil Leigh

Phil Leigh's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=85
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