paginator helper - link in a tag

2013-10-15 Thread Bernardo Berg
how to apply a class to the link contained in the wrapping tag?
previously mentioned at
using cakephp 2.0

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Re: Using multiple domains on one app to create four seperate sites

2010-10-01 Thread Bernardo Vieira
You can use apache's namevirtualhost directive plus server aliases to point all 
the domains to the same web root. After that all you have to do is inspect the 
hostname in the $SERVER super global and use that to switch the app's theme 
(this gives you the flexibility to have domain specific layouts, views and 
elements) or just switch the layout. A good place to deal with this is the 
beforefilter callback.

On Oct 1, 2010, at 9:26 AM, Jacob wrote:

 Hello all,
 I am working on a website for a company, which needs five different
 websites. The five websites use the same database and mostly the same
 records. For site specific records there is a 'company' column in the
 table. With a parameter a function will know what records to get.
 The current setup exists of one app on the webroot en 4 others in a
 sub directory. This was the easiest way to solve the problem, but it
 has a down site. As the development is in a final stage, the
 controllers and views are modified a lot. For every change the other
 four apps need to be changed also.
 My question is:
 Is there a way to create the illusion of five different websites while
 it is actually one app? For example, based on the domainname used, the
 layout changes? (that would be the best solution I think) But is it
 possible en how should this be done?
 Best regards,
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Re: Xampp Lite and CakePHP error

2010-03-15 Thread Bernardo Vieira
Just configure the propper timezone in php.ini date.timezone setting:
date.timezone = America/Sao_Paulo

On Mon, Mar 15, 2010 at 12:59 PM, Celso wrote:

 I am migrating my cakephp app from USBwebserver to xampplite and i
 getting this error:


 It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings. You are
 *required* to use the date.timezone setting or the
 date_default_timezone_set() function. In case you used any of those
 methods and you are still getting this warning, you most likely
 misspelled the timezone identifier. We selected 'America/Sao_Paulo'
 for '-3.0/no DST' instead [CORE\cake\libs\cache.php, line 570]

 Anyone Help me?

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Re: Subdomain Auth Problem

2010-03-08 Thread Bernardo Vieira
You also need to set the realm of the session cookie to your domain
(it defaults to the hostname) and set the security level of the
security component below 2

On 3/8/10, Kyle Decot wrote:
 Well my is set to database in my core.php file. Also, I
 did $session-read() on my www page and I get all of my auth info,
 however if I do the same thing on, then auth is now
 empty. Any ideas on next steps to take towards solving this? Thanks

 On Mar 7, 8:36 pm, Nabil Alsharif wrote:
 My first guess would be that you lost session data when you went to the
 subdomain. Maybe because the session cookies weren't sent with the
 requests going to the subdomain or maybe something else, I'm can't see
 whats happening on your servers The point is it's easy to check if
 the session was lost, that wold be the first thing I'd look at. Good

 On Sun, 2010-03-07 at 15:25 -0800, Kyle Decot wrote:
  Yep. It's all one Cake App. Any ideas?

  On Mar 7, 11:43 am, cricket wrote:
   A subdomain is usually a completely separate site. Do you already
   the same Cake app serving all of your subdomains?

   On Mar 6, 5:34 pm, Kyle Decot wrote:

I have a couple different subdomains on my site but I am having
problems w/ the Auth Component. I login fine under the standard www
subdomain but then if I go to a different subdomain, then I am no
longer logged in. How do I make sure that my Auth login persists
across all of my subdomains?

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Re: Subdomain Auth Problem

2010-03-08 Thread Bernardo Vieira
I have it in my beforeFilter callback in app_controller:
$this-Cookie-domain = '.mydomain.tld';

Note that the '.' before your domain name is what tells the browser that the
cookie is valid for *.mydomain.tld.

On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 4:50 PM, Kyle Decot wrote:

 Where do I set the realm for the session cookie? The security level in
 my core.php file is set to low.

 On Mar 8, 6:47 am, Bernardo Vieira wrote:
  You also need to set the realm of the session cookie to your domain
  (it defaults to the hostname) and set the security level of the
  security component below 2
  On 3/8/10, Kyle Decot wrote:
   Well my is set to database in my core.php file. Also, I
   did $session-read() on my www page and I get all of my auth info,
   however if I do the same thing on, then auth is now
   empty. Any ideas on next steps to take towards solving this? Thanks
   On Mar 7, 8:36 pm, Nabil Alsharif wrote:
   My first guess would be that you lost session data when you went to
   subdomain. Maybe because the session cookies weren't sent with the
   requests going to the subdomain or maybe something else, I'm can't see
   whats happening on your servers The point is it's easy to check if
   the session was lost, that wold be the first thing I'd look at. Good
   On Sun, 2010-03-07 at 15:25 -0800, Kyle Decot wrote:
Yep. It's all one Cake App. Any ideas?
On Mar 7, 11:43 am, cricket wrote:
 A subdomain is usually a completely separate site. Do you already
 the same Cake app serving all of your subdomains?
 On Mar 6, 5:34 pm, Kyle Decot wrote:
  I have a couple different subdomains on my site but I am having
  problems w/ the Auth Component. I login fine under the standard
  subdomain but then if I go to a different subdomain, then I am
  longer logged in. How do I make sure that my Auth login persists
  across all of my subdomains?
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Re: Guide on creating first application

2009-12-10 Thread Bernardo Vieira
What's your model name for the utilizadores table? My guess is CakePhp's
inflector is not dealing very well with the portuguese plural rules
Utilizador - Utilizadores. You could get the portuguese inflections
maintened by the portuguese/brazilian cakephp community

On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 10:50 AM, Délsio Cabá wrote:

 Hi all,

 I am about to create my first application with cakephp.
 Actuallly I'm an experienced php programmer.

 I already went to the guide on creating the blog application.

 Find attached my database structure.

 As you can see I have many relationships.

 I tried through the console creating the forms, but for some reason I can't
 get them to work, I get this error when I try to add a new record:

 *Notice* (8): Undefined property: Utilizadore::$Utilizadorescategoria 
 [*APP/controllers/utilizadores_controller.php*, line *51*]
 Code | Context

 $this-data = $this-Utilizadore-read(null, $id);
 $utilizadorescategorias = 

 $id   =   1

 UtilizadoresController::edit() - APP/controllers/utilizadores_controller.php, 
 line 51
 Object::dispatchMethod() - CORE/cake/libs/object.php, line 125

 Dispatcher::_invoke() - CORE/cake/dispatcher.php, line 240
 Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE/cake/dispatcher.php, line 206
 [main] - APP/webroot/index.php, line 83

 *Fatal error*: Call to a member function find() on a non-object in *
 * on line *51*

 All I need to now is to have forms to fill all those tables.


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Re: Find from multiple similar tables

2009-10-29 Thread Bernardo Vieira
I don't think there is a very cakeish way to do this, of course you could
use a UNION statement in your sql query but then you wouldn't get any of the
benefits from the ORM.

On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 5:23 PM, wrote:

 I have two tables:


 The two tables are the same but old data from houses are moved to
 houses_stat by a cron job.

 Now I want to find all houses in both tables where price equals

 A find in one table would be:
 $houses-find(all, array(conditions = array(price = 1000)));

 but how do I lookup data in both tables in one find?

 How do I do that?

 Do I need to use some kind of bindModel  or?

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Re: Fulltext and Order By

2009-08-22 Thread Bernardo Vieira
You have to include a the fields array in your query, and add a new field
for the score column. The only drawback is that once you supply a fields
array to your query cake no longer builds it for you automatically, so, in
order to achieve the SELECT * effect you'd have to include all the fields
from your movie table. Naturaly you can do this looping the Model:;_schema
hash. Here's a method I use (place it in your model):
function fulltextsearch($query) {
$fields = array();

$conditions = MATCH(Movie.movie_name) AGAINST('$query');

foreach (array_keys($this-_schema) as $field) {
$fields[] = sprintf(%s.%s,$this-alias,$field);

$fields[] = sprintf(%s AS score,$conditions);

$order = array('score DESC','Movie.year DESC');

return $this-find('all', compact($fields,$conditions,$order));

On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 9:36 AM, Shaun wrote:

 I would like to edit the following MySQL statement to use CakePHP

  MATCH(movie_title) AGAINST('$keywords') AS score
  FROM movies
  WHERE MATCH(movie_title) AGAINST('$keywords')
  ORDER BY score DESC, movie_year DESC

 The idea is to order the movies by search relevancy, but when there is
 a Hollywood remake of an old movie (same title, same relevancy), the
 newer movie should appear above the older movie, sorted by movie_year

 I have a model called Movie.  As of now, the database is being queried
 like this:

 $conditions = array(MATCH(Movie.movie_name) AGAINST('$keywords'));
 $matches = $this-Movie-find('all', array('conditions' =
 $this-set('movies', $matches);

 The results are ordered by the fulltext relevancy, but how can I order
 by both fulltext relevancy and movie year?  I'm not sure how to assign
 the fulltext results to a fake field called score.  Thanks.

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Re: views management

2009-07-15 Thread Bernardo Vieira

Theming you app is a piece of cake ;). All you have to do is set a 
couple of controller fields:
class MyController extends AppController {
var $view = 'Theme';
var $theme = 'mytheme';

then in your views and webroot directories you´d create:

Then as long as you stick to using cake helpers for css, images, 
javascript and so on the framework is smart enough to look for whatever 
asset you require in the correponding theme directory and move up the 
tree into the base directory if it's not found. This is quite handy as 
it allows you to customize only the necessary bits for your new themes. 
You can also employ some theme switching code in one of AppControllers 
callbacks to allow for user selectable themes or configuration based themes.

As for maintining admin views in separete folders, I can't recall  any 
way of doing it, but then again I've never needed this type of 
functionality. You could probably manage to do it setting the $viewPath 
field in the controller but I haven't tried it. Another thing you could 
do is create an admin theme and have something like this in your 

beforeFilter(0 {
if (isset($this-params[Configure::read('Routing.admin')])  
$this-params[Configure::read('Routing.admin')]) {
   $this-view = 'Theme';
   $this-theme = 'admin';

shahgeb wrote:
 Hy i am new to cakephp. I want to maintain different directories for
 admin view and client view, meanwhile i want to make themeable as

 any idea from seniors ???



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Re: When/how do you publish Bakery articles?

2009-07-15 Thread Bernardo Vieira

Bert Van den Brande wrote:
 Since I also use EclipsePDT as my Cake dev environment I'm very
 interested in this article :)

 On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 4:02 PM, wrote:
 I wrote a tutorial on CakePHP + EclipsePDT autocomplete almost a month
 ago and it hasn't been published yet.  If there's a submittal/workflow
 I'm not aware of, let me know.




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Re: Searching and filtering on id -- problem with form behavior (forms helper)

2009-07-15 Thread Bernardo Vieira


echo $form-input('',array('type' = 'text'));

Have you tried something like that?

geste wrote:

 I have a table where the primary key, id is not autoincremented, but
 is in fact a 6-digit real value.  I want to give people the ability
 to search and filter by ID and a few other fields like budget_name.
 I have implemented a filter component that I found (here:
 and it all works well up to a point, but I am encountering problems
 with the way forms helper works by default.  I'll give 2 examples:

 If I add the following form bits to my index view:

 echo $form-create('Budgets',array('url'=array('action'='index')));
 echo $form-input('id');
 echo $form-input('budget_name');
 echo $form-end('Search');

 both inputs appear but neither are applied by the filter when I hit
 search.  So I got the notion to qualify each input with the model name
 like so:

 echo $form-create('Budgets',array('url'=array('action'='index')));
 echo $form-input('');
 echo $form-input('Budget.budget_name');
 echo $form-end('Search');

 Now I get 1 input for budget_name and searching/filtering works, but
 the input for id no longer appears.  I looked at the generated HTML
 and the input for id is made hidden (as in this example):

  form id=BudgetsAddForm method=post action=/app/budgets/index
 fieldset style=display:none;input type=hidden name=_method
 value=POST //fieldset
 input type=hidden name=data[Budget][id] value= id=BudgetId /
 div class=input textlabel for=BudgetBudgetNameBudget Name/
 input name=data[Budget][budget_name] type=text maxlength=30
 value= id=BudgetBudgetName //div
 div class=submitinput type=submit value=Search //div/

 So, am I right in assuming that forms helper handles id in this
 conventional way (make it hidden) and is there a way to override this
 without breaking general behavior of forms helper.  I looked at the
 1.2 Cookbook and I only found a hidden method, no unhidden method.


 (apologies for my formatting. I wasn't sure how Google Groups handle
 in-line code snippets.  Automagically, I think.)



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Re: When/how do you publish Bakery articles?

2009-07-15 Thread Bernardo Vieira
Cool... following that thread you pointed out I realized that I've done 
all that already following Mark Story's blog post [1]. I  was really 
hoping for a better way to autocomplete models for controllers, have  
you made any progress in that area? As apps grow it becomes a real 
burden to keep updating thoes phpDoc blocks to get autocomplete to work. 
I think cake's dynamic loading of models doesn't really help in that area.
Anyway, thanks for the link and I look forward to your article.

GravyFace wrote:
 Found it -- the original source (well, some of it) from the following
 convo a few years ago; this is what I based my Bakery article on
 (which I should edit it and give due credit):

 Check out voidstate and schneimi's comments further down.

 On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 12:01 PM, Bernardo wrote:

 Bert Van den Brande wrote:

 Since I also use EclipsePDT as my Cake dev environment I'm very
 interested in this article :)

 On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 4:02 PM, wrote:

 I wrote a tutorial on CakePHP + EclipsePDT autocomplete almost a month
 ago and it hasn't been published yet.  If there's a submittal/workflow
 I'm not aware of, let me know.




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Re: $javascript-link(main.js) doesn't work

2009-03-04 Thread Bernardo Vieira

Try *echo *$javascript-link('*main*');

sulong wrote:
 Hi, I am new to cakephp. I want to add a script/script tag to the 
 head the page. I add the

 ?php echo $scripts_for_layout ?

 in the layout's head/head block, and 


 in the view.

 But I can not see any script tag in the output html. Why?


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Re: Hard problem on a save operation

2009-02-16 Thread Bernardo Vieira

You should either check if $this-data is present before running the 
save operation or if you need to access results from the model before 
the save method you show use find instead of read. wrote:
 I have this situation.
 I use cake 1.2 stable.
 I have a save operation on a model.
 Now if I make a read operation on a model before the save operation I
 get that in the $this-data I have also data that come from the read
 How can I avoid this situation?
 Many  Thanks



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Re: containable and (left/inner) JOINS

2009-01-20 Thread Bernardo Vieira

Maybe that's the queue to develop a new 'Joinable' behavior based on the 
Containable behavior.

Mark (Germany) wrote:
 i guess i did forget to mention that i already tried that
 but it gets totally ignored.

 and besides this fact, i would already be happy if it would do any
 (e.g. left) join
 instead of producing many thousand queries where it would be only

 do you have a simple approach to that one?
 with this trick conditions-array(
 inside the containable arrays it does not work either (sql errors)

 On 19 Jan., 19:01, rtconner wrote:
 I think you misunderstand what the containable does. Your complaint is
 with model bindings in general, and not with this behavior.

 In any case, I'll leave you to expiriment and learn, but I wanted to
 tell you, to do an inner join in cake you use the config..
 'type'='INNER' in your binding definition.


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Re: Defining website structure with CakePHP

2009-01-19 Thread Bernardo Vieira

Take a look at wildflower cms, it's a cakephp based cms that does that.

Stuart wrote:
 I've been reading about the MVC approach, and am considering moving to
 cakePHP as I think it would speed up my development in the long term.
 One thing I can't quite fathom - how does one structure their website
 with CakePHP?

 Is the normal approach to store the page hierarchy as a Tree? (http://

 The website is a mixture of dynamic/static content, and ideally I'd
 like to store the static content in the database so it's editable, but
 then I wasn't sure how to handle when a page wasn't static... would
 the tree have to store a link to a separate PHP page with the dynamic
 code in? Any examples of how others have gone about this?

 Thanks for any responses.



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Re: Nicer way to make a link to show/hide elements?

2009-01-18 Thread Bernardo Vieira

If you just need to show / hide content you can do something like this:
echo $html-link('Show/Hide','#',array('id' = 'togglelink'));
div id=toggle_content style=display: none
pQuisque volutpat arcu et dolor? Vestibulum eu odio id neque 
laoreet tempus./p

Nancy wrote:
 Hi Miles!

 I did look at $ajax-link, fooled around with it for what seemed like
 hours, and couldn't figure out how to have it just show/hide the div
 without specifying a url or link to some controller function/view.

 An example would be great if you've got the code in your fingertips.

 On Jan 18, 3:41 pm, Miles J wrote:
 You dont have to use $html-link. Just write the anchor element

 $html-link is usually used for internal linkings and routing.

 BUT you may take a look at $ajax-link.


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Re: XAMMP for Windows with cakePHP

2009-01-18 Thread Bernardo Vieira

mod_rewrite comes disabled in xampp by default, have you checked it? 
Edit c:\xampp\apache\conf\httpd.conf, uncomment to mod_rewrite line, 
restart apache and have fun.

Sharmo wrote:
 I am not sure if my first post worked. I am therefore posting again.

 I am using XAMPP for Windows as my localhost server.

 When I try tho view my application after baking it. There is no CSS
 or images being renered.

 I have tred the forums at both XAMPP and PHPVideotutorials without

 Please help.





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Re: Insertar un archivo en la carpeta app del cake

2009-01-16 Thread Bernardo Vieira

try putting it in your app/webroot folder.

garza2002 wrote:
 Querria insertar un archivo html independiente del cake en la carpeta
 app del cake. El problema es que me da erro como de no conexion con la
 base de datos cuando intento acceder a el: por ej: localhost/cake/app/
 prueba.htm. Es como si tuviese que darle permiso desde algun sitio del
 cake...como si estuviese capado la opcion de acceder a archivos
 independientes de cake.
 Sabeis si hay algun sitio q controle esto?

 Un saludo y gracias



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Re: How to trip error manually...

2009-01-16 Thread Bernardo Vieira

You can use Model::invalidate();

Johnathan Henderson wrote:
 Is there a way to activate and set the text of a $form-error outside
 a validation rule?  I've got some complicated validation logic in the
 controller and I would like the error to show near the offending field
 instead of using setFlash.



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Re: Beginner: Cake PHP and XAMPP (windows)

2009-01-15 Thread Bernardo Vieira

Xampp comes with mod_rewrite disabled by default. Edit 
c:\xampp\apache\conf\httpd.conf, uncomment the LoadModule mod_rewrite 
line, restart apache and you should be good do go.

Celso wrote:
 Hello! I am new in cakephp, I am with a proposal to replace the asp by
 php here in my work. Tentei,
 but does not work in XAMPP ...




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Re: A new discussion about controllers which extend another-controller-other-than-AppController

2009-01-15 Thread Bernardo Vieira

Just one question though, why can't you just use app_controller for 
this? Or better yet, for added flexibility, put whatever you need in a 
component and use it in the controllers where you need remoting 

Graham Weldon wrote:

 Better than including php files, use the CakePHP App::import() and
 ClassRegistry::init() methods.
 These locate, include and in the case of the ClassRegistry, instantiate and
 return the object for you.

 You would in this case, do something like:

 App::import('Controller', 'RemotingController');
 class RemotingUsersController extends RemotingController {
/// implementation

 Run a few tests with that, but its my understanding that this method should
 make the components available for the RemotingUsersController class.
 If not, ensuring that the __construct() passes back to the parent should
 ensure that the parent class is processed properly, but this should happen
 by default.

 Try the App::import() and let me know how you go with the components.


 On Thu, 15 Jan 2009 12:47:58 -0800 (PST), caminante wrote:
 Being released 1.2 final version of CakePHP, I opened this discussion
 to try to bring some light together to this issue.

 My need:
 What's in the subject of this discussion; I have a couple of special
 controllers to be called from flash (through cakeswxphp). What I need
 is those controllers extending a RemotingController (with it's set
 of thingies for communication with flash) which in turn extends
 AppController. Sounded easy when I thought it, it's a common practice
 in OOP and I cannot see why it wouldn't be implemented in an OOP
 framework as CakePHP. Let's see:

 1) class RemotingController extends AppController {}   // dir: app/ or
 2) class RemotingUsersController extends RemotingController {}   //
 dir: app/controllers/

 When I make a request to an action in RemotingUsersController, Class
 'RemotingController' not found, either putting it at app/ or app/
 controllers/. Ok, CakePHP didn't noticed RemotingController class

 There are a couple of (old or even antique) discussions on the
 (from 2005)
 and a more recent one:
 (from mid 2007)

 Neither seemed to found a (nice?) way to do this and according to
 dates, they were discussing on different stages in the evolution of
 the framework.
 I applied something said in the first one, suggesting the following:

 class ChildController extends ParentController {}

 The requirement for the php file with my RemotingController class
 would work fine (though not being a pretty/frameworkian solution, but
 I can live with that). Now my class seems to be recognized by Cake but
 I have another problem: The components I declare for this class don't
 work (Call to a member function requestedWith() on a non-object, for
 example). Seems that leaving a little bit the CakePHP rigorous-
 mechanics/convention-over-configuration of Cake, there are some
 things that stop working automagically, such as automatic components

 My questions:
 How, then, can I initialize components? (and maybe why there's nothing
 in the book on this subject?)
 What can be the most practical and conventional way of doing what I
 Are others there that achieved good results with this?




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Re: Two alphaNumeric validation on model, but I get a preg_match error on line 187, [CORE/cake/libs/validation.php]

2009-01-14 Thread Bernardo Vieira

I stumbled upon this error once as well. As it turns out, some versions 
of php - most notably the stock centos php package - are compiled 
without the -enable-unicode-properties. Since the alphaNumeric rule uses 
preg_match with the /u you get this error. You have two options, either 
recompile php and its dependencies from source, or write your own regex 
without the u switch.


Gwoo wrote:
 try a different key name.



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Re: Accessing a directory

2009-01-12 Thread Bernardo Vieira

Have you tried to put the livehelp folder inside your webroot folder? 
The stock .htaccess rules for the webroot folder are as follows:
IfModule mod_rewrite.c
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?url=$1 [QSA,L]
That means it tries to find the file/script inside the webroot folder 
before rewriting the url to cake's index script.

Unite wrote:
 I have tried
 IfModule mod_rewrite.c
 RewriteEngine On
 RewriteBase /
 RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/livehelp/(.*)$
 RewriteRule ^.*$ - [L]
 IfModule mod_rewrite.c
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule^$ app/webroot/[L]
RewriteRule(.*) app/webroot/$1 [L]

 but this didnt work either. any suggestions?

 On Jan 12, 4:07 pm, Unite wrote:
 IfModule mod_rewrite.c
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule^$ app/webroot/[L]
RewriteRule(.*) app/webroot/$1 [L]

 thats my .htaccess. so how would I do it? Dont know much
 about .htaccess. Thanks

 On Jan 12, 4:00 pm, Kappa wrote:

 Why not configuring properly the .htaccess ? put a rule before the
 cake routing,
 in that way it will not be remapped in /app/webroot
 On Jan 12, 2:33 pm, Unite wrote:
 On my servers WWW directory I have cakephp installed and it works. My
 problem is I want to now add a comercial product to my site that gets
 accessed commercial
 package). How or where would I put the livehelp folder so it has the
 affect As far as cakephp goes i know its
 trying to interpret /livehelp as a controller. So where do i put live
 help so I can have the desired effect. thanks.


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Re: Simple String Manipulations?

2009-01-10 Thread Bernardo Vieira

Best place to handle this is in your model's beforeSave() callback:

ingenious paradox wrote:
 I'm very new to cake and I was hoping someone could demonstrate the
 code necessary to take a form field input value and convert it to
 uppercase. I know this is simple with the ucwords() function, but for
 some reason I just can't get it to work properly.
 I read that you have to perform your own methods before cakes
 execution of built in functions so I tried the beforeFilter() and no

 Some where in referencing the correct variable, converting it, and
 then passing it back to the array that cake creates I'm screwing
 things up. I simply want to take a word and capitalize it before it
 gets stored in my database.




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Re: Preferred Modal Library?

2009-01-09 Thread Bernardo Vieira

I've been using livepipe controls ( 
for prototype since I've haven't taken the leap into jQuery or Mootools 
yet (shame on me). It works pretty well for modals, inline popups, 
hoverboxes, lightboxes etc.

WebbedIT wrote:
 Just after a general opinion of what is the best Modal js library to
 use with Cake?

 I have been looking at LightWindow but it seems to have a lack of
 support and doesn't work when passing URLs to it without a file

 I am now investigating ModalBox but just wondered what you guys were
 using?  Or do you create your own Modals?


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Re: Any built in way to do lazy deletes?

2009-01-09 Thread Bernardo Vieira

Try the delatable behavior. Not built in, but close.

Arthur Pemberton wrote:
 Lazy deletes being setting a field appropriately so that the row is
 'deleted' but still in the database.


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Re: id as primary db key

2009-01-05 Thread Bernardo Vieira

You can set Model::primaryKey to whatever field you need ;)

steveh wrote:

 I'm a bit new to CakePHP (Java guy from the way back time)and all was
 going well and I have been very happy with the framework until I
 am trying to simply html-link a column record in a table to a view.
 Pretty basic stuff and I have done it a dozen times, with test dbs
 that have always had an index key of id. The problem is, my new db has
 a primary key index called refindKey not id. In the Cake PHP docs and
 a books I have looked at it appears that Cake is enamored with id as
 an index. I don't exactly control the db (it's generated by a Kapow
 robot). All works correctly until the sql fires and it wants to
 append .id to the query string. Here is an extract from the tail of
 the query error dump. Nowhere in the code do I mention id for anything
 so Cake id auto-assuming something.

 .WHERE `Zldinput`.`id` =

 All of this is pretty standard stuff exept refindKey has replaced id

 function view($refindkey = null) {
   $this-Zldinput-refindkey = $refindkey;
   $this-set('zldinput', $this-Zldinput-read());

 and a index.ctp with the html-link
 ?php echo $html-link($zldinput['Zldinput']['refindKey'],/zldinputs/
 view/.$zldinput['Zldinput']['refindKey']); ?
   /td  ..

 The view action provides the correct URL whe the table element is
 selected so the correct parameter is passed.


 where the big hairy integer is the refindKey

 Am I missing something very basic here. How do I get around the id db
 key issue. I can't believe that Cake would have a mandatory
 requirement of a index named id per what I have read.

 Any help and pointers to the deeper inner workings would be greatly

 Cheers, Steve



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Re: List users who are logged in

2009-01-05 Thread Bernardo Vieira

AFAIK you'd need to create custom login and logout actions in your users 
controller to keep a list of logged in users.

jmmg77 wrote:

 I'm using Cake 1.2 RC3 and the Auth component.

 Is there a way to simply list the user accounts that are logged in.
 Or, is there a way to check if a particular userid is logged in?

 I know I can use $session-check('') or $this-Auth-User
 ('id') to check if the current user is logged in, but this is not what
 I need here.



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Re: How to change default mailer Email component link

2009-01-05 Thread Bernardo Vieira

It's not advisable to change code directly in cake's core files. Cake is 
designed in a way that pretty much everything is customizable on a per 
application basis. Furthermore the  xMailer property  is not actually 
visible in the email body, it only appears in the email's headers which 
are normally tucked away in most email clients so you shouldn't have to 
worry about that. To adjust your email layouts you should edit 
app/views/layouts/email/html/default.ctp and 

xeroxss wrote:
 Hi!, I'm new to Cake PHP and i'm trying to change the link in the
 email being sent by the cake php framework.
 I change the definition in the following line of the email.php in the
 /cake/libs/controller/components/email.php but I'm still seeing the
 same message even if  I deleted my cache. Is there additional files
 where I need to change it. Thanks!

 EmailComponent::$xMailer = 'CakePHP Email Component'

 Definition at line 192 of file email.php.



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Re: New Install Does Not Show Graphics

2009-01-05 Thread Bernardo Vieira

The actual path to .so files varies in the various linux distros. Scan 
through your httpd.conf and look for the extensions/modules path and see 
if exists in that path (from the directory listing you 
provided I'm guessing /usr/local/apache2/modules).

reidster wrote:
 Thanks for the reply.
 My httpd.conf does not have mod_rewrite enabled.  I checked the doc in
 the aforementioned url, but could not locate the .so file.  This does
 not exist in my apache install.  Do I need to re-configure apache?


 [r...@localhost apache2]# ls
 bin  build  cgi-bin  conf  error  htdocs  icons  include  lib  logs
 man  manual  modules
 [r...@localhost apache2]# pwd

 On Jan 4, 5:29 pm, Steven Wright wrote:
 Do you have mod_rewrite enabled on your apache server?

 -Original Message-
 From: [] On Behalf

 Of reidster
 Sent: Sunday, January 04, 2009 4:24 PM
 To: CakePHP
 Subject: New Install Does Not Show Graphics

 I am new to CakePHP.

 I have downloaded version, renamed the cake directory and moved
 it to the root of the apache directory (htdocs).

 When I navigate to the cake php website for this directory. I receive a
 listing of all the files in this directory.  I do not see the expected cake

 Any ideas as to what is wrong?

 PHP Version 5.2.8
 Linux 2.6.18-92.1.22.el5 #1 (CentOS 5.2)

 Apache and PHP are working.  I can get to webpages on this host.

 Thanks for your input.



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Re: Using the named parameters

2009-01-05 Thread Bernardo Vieira

Slightly (but not by a big margin) shorter version:
$var = ife($this-params['named']['var'],$this-params['named']['var']);

gearvOsh wrote:
 Is this the only way to access named parameters without throwing a

 $var = (isset($this-params['named']['var'])) ? $this-params['named']
 ['var'] : '';

 Is there some sort of function to get named params that im overlooking?


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Re: How to change default mailer Email component link

2009-01-05 Thread Bernardo Vieira

That is coming from the email layout, which can be found at 
app/views/layouts/email/(html|text)/default.ctp. Here's what the stock 
html/default.ctp looks like:

title?php echo $title_for_layout;?/title

?php echo $content_for_layout;?

pThis email was sent using the a 
href=;CakePHP Framework/a/p

Remove or replace the link and you're good to go.
The xmailer property on the other hand will show up in the header:

Subject: The subject
X-Mailer: CakePHP Email Component
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=alt-
Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2008 02:03:57 -0430 (VET)
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

xeroxss wrote:
 Hi Bernardo, thanks for the reply maybe in other versions the xmailer
 property is tucked away. but this time it's showing on the email body.
 and not on the header. Below is what I get from the mailer. I'm using
 the latest version of cake.

 Hi xeroxss,
 Thank you for signing up in our service. To complete the sign up
 process please click on the link below:
 Confirm your account

 This email was sent using the CakePHP Framework

 This is what is inside my confirmation.ctp under the /app/views/

 Hi ?php e($name); ?,br /
 Thank you for signing up in our service. To complete the sign up
 process please click on the link below:br /
 a href=http://?php e($server_name) ??php e($html-url(array
 ('controller' = 'users', 'action' = 'confirm'))) ?/?php e($id) ?/
 ?php e($code) ?Confirm your account/a

 Any other ideas?

 On Jan 5, 11:34 pm, Bernardo Vieira wrote:
 It's not advisable to change code directly in cake's core files. Cake is
 designed in a way that pretty much everything is customizable on a per
 application basis. Furthermore the  xMailer property  is not actually
 visible in the email body, it only appears in the email's headers which
 are normally tucked away in most email clients so you shouldn't have to
 worry about that. To adjust your email layouts you should edit
 app/views/layouts/email/html/default.ctp and

 xeroxss wrote:
 Hi!, I'm new to Cake PHP and i'm trying to change the link in the
 email being sent by the cake php framework.
 I change the definition in the following line of the email.php in the
 /cake/libs/controller/components/email.php but I'm still seeing the
 same message even if  I deleted my cache. Is there additional files
 where I need to change it. Thanks!
 EmailComponent::$xMailer = 'CakePHP Email Component'
 Definition at line 192 of file email.php.


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Re: How to change default mailer Email component link

2009-01-05 Thread Bernardo Vieira

That is coming from the email layout, which can be found at 
app/views/layouts/email/(html|text)/default.ctp. Here's what the stock 
html/default.ctp looks like:

title?php echo $title_for_layout;?/title

?php echo $content_for_layout;?

pThis email was sent using the a 
href=;CakePHP Framework/a/p

Remove or replace the link and you're good to go.
The xmailer property on the other hand will show up in the header:

Subject: The subject
X-Mailer: CakePHP Email Component
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=alt-
Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2008 02:03:57 -0430 (VET)
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

xeroxss wrote:
 Hi Bernardo, thanks for the reply maybe in other versions the xmailer
 property is tucked away. but this time it's showing on the email body.
 and not on the header. Below is what I get from the mailer. I'm using
 the latest version of cake.

 Hi xeroxss,
 Thank you for signing up in our service. To complete the sign up
 process please click on the link below:
 Confirm your account

 This email was sent using the CakePHP Framework

 This is what is inside my confirmation.ctp under the /app/views/

 Hi ?php e($name); ?,br /
 Thank you for signing up in our service. To complete the sign up
 process please click on the link below:br /
 a href=http://?php e($server_name) ??php e($html-url(array
 ('controller' = 'users', 'action' = 'confirm'))) ?/?php e($id) ?/
 ?php e($code) ?Confirm your account/a

 Any other ideas?

 On Jan 5, 11:34 pm, Bernardo Vieira wrote:
 It's not advisable to change code directly in cake's core files. Cake is
 designed in a way that pretty much everything is customizable on a per
 application basis. Furthermore the  xMailer property  is not actually
 visible in the email body, it only appears in the email's headers which
 are normally tucked away in most email clients so you shouldn't have to
 worry about that. To adjust your email layouts you should edit
 app/views/layouts/email/html/default.ctp and

 xeroxss wrote:
 Hi!, I'm new to Cake PHP and i'm trying to change the link in the
 email being sent by the cake php framework.
 I change the definition in the following line of the email.php in the
 /cake/libs/controller/components/email.php but I'm still seeing the
 same message even if  I deleted my cache. Is there additional files
 where I need to change it. Thanks!
 EmailComponent::$xMailer = 'CakePHP Email Component'
 Definition at line 192 of file email.php.


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Re: ModelBaker ... umm... yummy

2009-01-04 Thread Bernardo Vieira

Maybe cakeapp?

Drinkspiller wrote:
 There was a web based thing floating around I saw posted on this group



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Re: HABTM retrieving help

2009-01-04 Thread Bernardo Vieira

If I understood correctly you're trying to paginate realated HABTM data 
based on some condition on the join table? Have a look at
Just a side note: if you want to follow cake's conventions, the join 
table should actually be named players_teams.

gearvOsh wrote:
 I know how to pagination, but.

 I would like to do the pagination from the Team model, but the data I
 need to access is in the TeamsPlayer model. Understand?

 On Jan 4, 8:01 am, Smelly_Eddie wrote:
 You would read the Cake Manual section on pagination which answers all
 your questions.

 On Jan 3, 10:30 pm, gearvOsh wrote:

 Heres my tables and relations:
 Team-belongsTo: Country, State
 Team-hasAndBelongsToMany: User (the players on a team, table =
   `id` int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment,
   `status` enum('approved','pending') NOT NULL default 'pending',
   `name` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
   `tag` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
   `urlName` varchar(30) NOT NULL,
   `website` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
   `irc` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
   `about` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
   `servers` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
   `logo` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
   `createDate` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
   `state_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
   `country_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
   `created` datetime default NULL,
   `modified` datetime default NULL,
   PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
   KEY `state_id` (`state_id`),
   KEY `country_id` (`country_id`)
 CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `teams_players` (
   `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
   `team_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
   `user_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
   `role` enum('leader','captain','member') NOT NULL default 'member',
   `status` enum('approved','pending') NOT NULL default 'pending',
   `joinDate` int(10) NOT NULL,
   PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
   KEY `team_id` (`team_id`),
   KEY `user_id` (`user_id`)
 Ok if I do a basic Team-find() all the data is returned correctly.
 Now the problem im running into is how do I grab all teams that I am
 part of, and paginate it at the same time? Since the user_id values is
 in TeamsPlayer, im getting confused on this. Any help would be


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Re: putting 2 modules on the same page

2009-01-02 Thread Bernardo Vieira

There are a few ways you can achieve this, depending of course what sort 
of data your're handling. Normally a login box doesn't require any model 
data so you can just make it into an element and have 
$this-element(...) [1] wherever you need your login box to appear. If 
you need to access model data on all your modules you can either use [2] 
the all required models in your controller and pass the data to your 
view or use requestAction [3] to fetch data for another controller.


bmaorlo wrote:
 Hi , I wonder if this is possible  ,
 lets say i have 2 modules
 1. login box = i made it on folder http://localhost/cake/login/log
 2. news box = i made it on folder http://localhost/cake/news/show

 Now i want to make 1 page that will conteins both of the modules , let
 say that ths url of this page will be

 i want to design the index.php and place there both of the modules ,
 every one of them should act like he act on his own adress but working
 toghether on the same page .
 is that possible ?

 Thanks ahead.



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Re: ModelBaker ... umm... yummy

2009-01-02 Thread Bernardo Vieira

Wrap a gtk ui around bake and you're half way there ;)

DM wrote:
 Holy Cow, this thing looks freakin awesome! Does any other framework
 have anything close to ModelBaker?

 IMHO, if this thing takes off, this could add a ton of new people into
 the community. I'll definitely be downloading this thing on Monday.




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Re: Reverse relations?

2008-12-31 Thread Bernardo Vieira

User belongsTo Country?

gearvOsh wrote:
 I know how to do relations for foreign keys, but I cannot figure out
 how to do this.

 In my users table, I have a column called state_id and country_id. I
 tried a hasOne country but that does not work. It looks for a user_id
 on the Country table that matches the user id, I need it the other way
 around. I need the country_id on the user table to match the id on the
 country table. How would I go about this?


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Re: Controller members

2008-12-31 Thread Bernardo Vieira

It's not matter of inheritance, the problem is that helpers aren't meant 
to be used in controllers. The $helpers array only tells the dispatcher 
which helpers to load when rendering the view. Try this:

function test() {

echo $javascript-object($myvar); wrote:
 Confused about inheritance here.

 Here is the helpers var from Cake's controller file.
 var $helpers = array('Html', 'Form', 'Javascript', 'Ajax');

 AppController extends this so I think that the helpers should be
 available there.

 My controller AjaxtestsController extends Appcontroller and so they
 should also be available there

 However when I do the following:
 $this-set('myvar', $this-javascript-object($arr));
 $this-set('myvar', $javascript-object($arr));

 I get the following error:

 Notice (8): Undefined property: AjaxtestsController::$javascript [APP
 \controllers\ajaxtests_controller.php, line 26]

 Code | Context

 $arr  =   array(
   item 1,
   item 2

 $this-set('myvar', $this-javascript-object($arr));

 AjaxtestsController::edit() - APP\controllers
 \ajaxtests_controller.php, line 26
 Object::dispatchMethod() - CORE\cake\libs\object.php, line 115
 Dispatcher::_invoke() - CORE\cake\dispatcher.php, line 245
 Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE\cake\dispatcher.php, line 211
 [main] - APP\webroot\index.php, line 88

 Fatal error: Call to a member function object() on a non-object in C:
 \htdocs\caketest\app\controllers\ajaxtests_controller.php on line 26



 class AjaxtestsController extends AppController

   var $helpers = array('Javascript');

   function index()
   $this-pageTitle = 'Index Page';

   function view()
   $this-pageTitle = 'View Page';

   function edit()
   $this-pageTitle = 'Edit Page';

   $arr = array('item 1', 'item 2');

   $this-set('myvar', $this-javascript-object($arr));





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Re: How to remove execution duration output !-- 1.6278s --

2008-12-30 Thread Bernardo Vieira

One thing you could do is include the request handler component in you 
app_controller and  then in you app_controller's beforeFilter have 
something like:
function beforeFilter() {
if ($this-RequestHander-isAjax()) {
That way you can suppress debug messages for ajax calls and retain them 
for everything else.

Jon Bennett wrote:
  Is this not simply a case of turning down your debug level?   This
  should stop that data being produced, but I haven't gotten around to
  using ajax calls so I'm yet to cross this bridge.

 That will do it - but, it's a html comment, so it won't be visible
 even via ajax, so what's the issue, when you go to production mode, it
 vanishes anyway.



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Re: Small problem passing variables

2008-12-30 Thread Bernardo Vieira

getLastInsertID() and getInsertID() are both equivalent model functions (please 
note the capitalized d in both of them). You can pass this to the view using 
set() in the controller as you would pass any other variable, however it 
doesn't feel quite right to do this. What I would do in your position is use 
the session component to store the user's id and then before calling save on 
subsequent models I wound fill the data array with the value from the session. 

Steppio wrote:
 Thanks to everyone for the responses its been a big help, i am still
 stumped however, are getInsertID and getLastInsertID model functions?
 If so how would i pass these to the views?

 On Dec 29, 4:22 pm, Webweave wrote:
 I think you meant $this-User-getLastInsertId();

 On Dec 28, 9:59 am, Troy Schmidt wrote:

 I don't know about the Auth component as i haven't used it alot.  But
 that would get the last inserted ID.  I would just set that variable
 and include it in the view for the future steps.
 Otherwise it looks like 'user_id' isn't set yet for user
 On Dec 28, 11:11 am, Steppio wrote:
 Hello everybody, i am totally new to Cake and am finding it quite
 difficult to understand all the different parts of it. At the moment
 i'm trying to make a three part user registration process, firstly
 with the username and password fields, then onto details about the
 user, then on to duties they wish to undertake on the site. The only
 problem i am having is once the username and password are created it
 creates an ID in the users tables, referenced to my other tables as
 'user_id'. What i cannot quite figure out is how, once a user is
 created, would i get that user_id into the duties view? What i am
 doing at the moment is shown below:
 function add() {
 if (!empty($this-data)) {
 if ($this-User-saveAll($this-data)) {
 $this-Session-setFlash(__('Your Username 
 and Password have been
 saved', true));
 $cookie = array();
 $cookie['user_id'] = 
 } else {
 $this-Session-setFlash(__('Your Username 
 and Password could not
 be saved. Please, try again.', true));
 ^users_ controller^
 I then call this in the 'duties/add' view with:
 $user_id = $session-read('User_id');
 echo $form-input('user_id',array('value' = $user_id ));
 The only problem with this is Cake returns a select box populated with
 all of the id's in the user tables. All i want is the ID that has just
 been created.
 This is probably a very simple problem but i've been reading alot on
 the internet and just cannot understand how to do it. Any help and
 advice would be greatly appreciated!!
 Yours hopefully,


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Re: How to give label when we take input type is file and how to give titles to your pages in cakephp

2008-12-30 Thread Bernardo Vieira

Find answers to all your questions in one place, no emailing required:

mona wrote:
 How to give titles to your pages in your layout where to give that
 and i m taking input type file and i want to give name as attachment
 on my view how to give this in label


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Re: Model data in all views

2008-12-30 Thread Bernardo Vieira

I think your best bet is to use requestaction on the categories 
controller and include an element on your default layout, have a look at

Daniel wrote:
 Hi there, sorry to bother you with what is probally a very simple
 question, but I'm new to cake and having some trouble getting to grips
 with it.

 I'm working on a simple e-commerce site for an assignment at
 university, I have a Category model set-up, which is going to be used
 to group products together.

 I've set-up a default.ctp file for my layout, and I wanted to be able
 to have the list of categories, from the model, display within the
 default.ctp file, so it's shown on every page of the site. It's going
 to be an unordered list, which links to the relevent page to display
 the products within that category.

 Thank you.



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Re: Newby: Basic file structure for website CMS

2008-12-28 Thread Bernardo Vieira

Have a look at prefix routing:
What you'll end up with is, for example:
// enable admin routing

NewsController {
function index() {
   // this is public
function view() {
   // also public
function admin_add() {
   // private
function admin_edit() {
   // also private
And your views/news directory would have:

The resulting urls for these actions are: (index action maps to / by default)

All you need now is some sort of authentication and authorization 
mechanism to protect your admin actions.

danwednesday wrote:

 I'm brand new to php and the MVC style of development.  I've read some
 of the cakephp documentation and it makes sense in theory, so I'm keen
 to push on.  However, the first task I've set myself is to build a
 simple website and CMS for displaying and administering news
 articles.  I have built the back-end (CMS) based on the same blog
 application in the cakephp documentation, but my problem is I don't
 know how to deal with the file structure to make the CMS files
 distinct from the website files.

 What I want to do is have my website files so they're accessible in
 the domain root.  e.g. and  I want the CMS
 files though to appear within an 'admin' folder, e.g.http:// and

 Do I put all models/views/controllers in the same files in the app
 folder, or do I create directories in the app folder and have lots of
 different model/view/controller files?

 Thanks folks!



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Re: Where to place new layout page

2008-12-28 Thread Bernardo Vieira


mona wrote:
 Can anybody tell me where to place my new layout page in cakephp so
 that i call in my login function to use that layout


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Re: HTML 4 specific CakePHP?

2008-12-27 Thread Bernardo Vieira

gearvOsh wrote:
 In CakePHP you can choose the Doctypes of XHTML or HTML but the
 taglist is all XHTML, which then causes markup errors.
It shouldn't be too much of hassle to create  a html4 helper based on 
the existing html helper. If  you create your helper extending the 
existing html helper, basically all you'd have to do is copy/paste the  
tags array (lines 45-98 in 1.2 final) into your newly created class and 
change as necessary.

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Re: count no of rows.

2008-12-27 Thread Bernardo Vieira

You can also optmize it a bit further and use countercache
Alexandru Ciobanu wrote:
 majna wrote:
 tipo :(
 $count = $this-Project-Message-findCount(array

 findCount() is deprecated. Use find('count') instead.



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Re: % in url params

2008-12-18 Thread Bernardo Vieira

You shoul urlencode('90%') I suppose. Anyway, wouldn't it be better to  
use named parameters? That way you get cake's pretty urls and the html 
helper does the urlencoding as necessary for you.

fito wrote:
 Hi friends.

 I've been using cake for some months, but it was today the first time
 I tried to invoke a controller method with a % character in the url.
 Something like this:

 $html-link('Example', '/controller/method?width=90%')

 The link was well-formed but response from the server was something

 Not Acceptable. The page you've requested doesn't exists... 

 does anyone know why?



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Re: A way to lost your session in Cake 1.2RC3 :-)

2008-11-12 Thread bernardo

At some point in time it was the intention that session ids would not
be renewed for ajax requests.
From changeset 5982: Sessions id are not longer renewed if a request
is from Ajax, or from requestAction(); When Security.level (1.2) or
CAKE_SECURITY (1.1) is set the 'high' renewing of Session id only
happens if request is 2 seconds after the last request.

The 2 seconds threshold is still there in 1.2 RC3.

On Nov 11, 7:37 am, AD7six [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Nov 11, 8:15 am, Serge Rodovnichenko [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Thanks, Gwoo. This helps :-)

  Where to get more information about behavour of security levels?

  I think in 'high' level Cake performs a Referrer checks. This is why I
  lose sessions in case described above.

 It does, but that probably isn't relevant. With high security the
 session id changes on each request (as mentioned previously in the

 So normally you would have:

 GET / sessionid = void
  sessionid #1 created
 Response / sessionid = #1
 GET /abc sessionid = #1
  sessionid changed to #2
 Response /abc sessionid = #2 - updated
 GET /def sessionid = #2
  sessionid changed to #3
 Response /def sessionid = #3 - updated
 GET /xyz sessionid = #3
  sessionid changed to #4
 Response /xyz sessionid = #4 - updated

 with the sessionid stored in the cookie client side (obviously). On
 the server the session id changes as soon as the request is received.
 Irgo if you send two or more concurrent requests without waiting for
 the response e.g.:

 GET / sessionid = void
  sessionid #1 created
 Response / sessionid = #1
     GET /abc sessionid = #1 - session doesn't exist
      - session id #2 generated, session id #1 deleted
     GET /def sessionid = #1 - session doesn't exist
      Response /def or redirect /users/login sessionid = #new

 It isn't quite so simple, but in principle that's what you're looking
 at. If you set security to medium, the session id persists for the
 life of your browser session, hence concurrent requests will not cause
 you to loose your session.


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Re: Whats up with prototype and Cake 1.2?

2008-11-07 Thread Bernardo Vieira

Do you have the Javascript helper on whatever controller you're using?

Ed Drain wrote:
 I get the following error:
 Line 31 is the one with the javascript-link part.

 Whats wrong with this?

 *Notice* (8) javascript:void(0);: Undefined variable: javascript 
 [*CORE\cake\libs\view\layouts\default.ctp*, line *31*]

 Code javascript:void(0); | Context javascript:void(0);
 $___dataForView   =   array(
   page = home,
   subpage = null,
   title_for_layout = Home,
   content_for_layout = h2Release Notes for CakePHP 
 a href=;Read the release notes 
 and get the latest version /a
   span class=notice successYour tmp directory is writable./span/p
   span class=notice successThe emFileEngine/em is being used for 
 caching. To change the config edit APP/config/core.php /span/p
   span class=notice successYour database configuration file is 
   span class=notice successCake is able to connect to the 
 h3Editing this Page/h3
 To change the content of this page, edit: APP/views/pages/ /
 To change its layout, edit: APP/views/layouts/ /
 You can also add some CSS styles for your pages at: APP/webroot/css./p
 h3Getting Started/h3
   a href=;strongnew/strong CakePHP 1.2 
 href=;The 15 min 
 Blog Tutorial/abr /
 h3More about Cake/h3
 CakePHP is a rapid development framework for PHP which uses commonly known 
 design patterns like Active Record, Association Data Mapping, Front 
 Controller and MVC./p
 Our primary goal is to provide a structured framework that enables PHP users 
 at all levels to rapidly develop robust web applications, without any loss to 
 br /
   lia href=;Cake Software Foundation 
   ulliPromoting development related to CakePHP/li/ul/li
   lia href=;The Show /a
   ulliThe Show is a weekly live internet radio broadcast where we 
 discuss CakePHP-related topics and answer questions live via IRC, Skype, and 
   lia href=;The Bakery /a
   ulliEverything CakePHP/li/ul/li
   lia href=;Book Store /a
   ulliRecommended Software Books/li/ul/li
   lia href=;CakeSchwag /a
   ulliGet your own CakePHP gear - Doughnate to Cake/li/ul/li
   lia href=;CakePHP /a
   ulliThe Rapid Development Framework/li/ul/li
   lia href=;CakePHP Manual /a
   ulliYour Rapid Development Cookbook/li/ul/li
   lia href=;CakePHP API /a
   ulliDocblock Your Best Friend/li/ul/li
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   ulliOpen Development for CakePHP/li/ul/li
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   lia href=;CakePHP 
 Google Group /a
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   scripts_for_layout = ,
   cakeDebug = ,
   html = HtmlHelper
 HtmlHelper::$tags = array
 HtmlHelper::$base = /gradebook
 HtmlHelper::$here = /gradebook/
 HtmlHelper::$params = array
 HtmlHelper::$action = display
 HtmlHelper::$data = NULL
 HtmlHelper::$_crumbs = array
 HtmlHelper::$__docTypes = array
 HtmlHelper::$helpers = NULL
 HtmlHelper::$webroot = /gradebook/
 HtmlHelper::$themeWeb = NULL
 HtmlHelper::$plugin = NULL
 HtmlHelper::$namedArgs = NULL
 HtmlHelper::$argSeparator = NULL
 HtmlHelper::$validationErrors = NULL
 HtmlHelper::$__tainted = NULL
 HtmlHelper::$__cleaned = NULL
 HtmlHelper::$_log = NULL,
   form = FormHelper
 FormHelper::$helpers = array
 FormHelper::$fieldset = array
 FormHelper::$__options = array
 FormHelper::$fields = array
 FormHelper::$requestType = NULL
 FormHelper::$base = /gradebook
 FormHelper::$webroot = /gradebook/
 FormHelper::$themeWeb = NULL
 FormHelper::$here = /gradebook/
 FormHelper::$params = array
 FormHelper::$action = display
 FormHelper::$plugin = NULL
 FormHelper::$data = NULL
 FormHelper::$namedArgs = NULL
 FormHelper::$argSeparator = NULL
 FormHelper::$validationErrors = NULL
 FormHelper::$tags = array
 FormHelper::$__tainted = NULL
 FormHelper::$__cleaned = NULL
 FormHelper::$_log = NULL
 FormHelper::$Html = HtmlHelper object,
   session = SessionHelper
 SessionHelper::$helpers = NULL
 SessionHelper::$__active = true

Re: How do I represent a habtm where the join table has extra information?

2008-11-04 Thread Bernardo Vieira

This might come in handy when it comes to manipulating the extra data on 
the join table:

Adriano Varoli Piazza wrote:
 Thanks for both the answers. I'm now dealing with the right way to
 name the model and controller for that join table. It looks like I'm
 doing something wrong somewhere...

 On 4 nov, 11:41, hydra12 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Take a look here:
 Look especially at the 'with' key when you define your HABTM
 relationship.  It says in the docs:

  with: Defines the name of the model for the join table. By
 default CakePHP will auto-create a model for you. Using the example
 above it would be called RecipesTag. By using this key you can
 override this default name. The join table model can be used just like
 any regular model to access the join table directly.

 If you define your with field, you should be able to use your join
 table just like you would any other table.

 On Nov 4, 8:10 am, Anupom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I think having a separate model for your join table is okay in this case.
 And perhaps it's a must as you have a third foreign key involved in that
 join table.
 On Tue, Nov 4, 2008 at 6:00 PM, Adriano Varoli Piazza [EMAIL 
 I'm developing an app where I have two tables, let's call them items
 and people, where the relationship between them is HABTM. Plus, the
 individual relationships have extra info: this person is related to
 this item with a 'description' field.
 other fields
 other fields
 description (varchar)
 In the 'worst' case, the join table holds another foreign key to a
 table which holds extra info:
 other fields
 Now, I know this is convoluted, but I wanted to know which is the best
 way / standard practice to represent such a thing in cake? I've tried
 with a simple habtm association in the model, seen that I could use
 'with', also tried using hasmany on both models involved, and making
 an extra model for the join table, but I'm still not sure about how to
 go. I'd appreciate any help.
 Thanks in advance
 Anupom Syam


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Re: Broken image if shown with file_get_contents()

2008-11-02 Thread Bernardo Vieira

Maybe you forgot whitespace after closing a php tag.

Anupom wrote:
 It works fine here! Did you try exiting at the end of the action?

 On Sun, Nov 2, 2008 at 7:48 PM, Giaco [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 That doesn't work either. The path is correct, put the output gets
 scrambled. I think this is an encoding issue but I can't work around
 it and don't find anything on the web about it.

 Does this function work as expected with your cake installation? (I'm
 using UTF8)

 On Nov 2, 11:10 am, Anupom [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Can you please try with the following code?
  function view() {
  Configure::write('debug', 0);
  header('Content-type: image/jpeg;');
  echo file_get_contents(WWW_ROOT . 'img' . DS . 'folder'
 . DS .
  On Sun, Nov 2, 2008 at 4:36 AM, Giaco [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   for security reasons and on the fly resizing I route all picture
   requests to /images/view (images being the controller).
   But this function outputs only a broken image:
   /* images controller (for testing purposes no use of view and
   function view() {
  Configure::write('debug', 0);
  header('Content-type: image/jpeg;');
  echo file_get_contents(img/folder/test.jpg);
   When I don't send the header, I see the binary version of the
   What could this possibly be?
  Anupom Syam

 Anupom Syam


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Re: Problem on Error Handling with CAKEPHP

2008-10-29 Thread Bernardo Vieira

when debug = 0, AppError::missing*() methods don't get called, instead 
you should override ErrorHandler::error404()

 Is It someone that can help me?

 On 29 Ott, 15:25, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I would use the Error HAndling of CAKEPHP.
 I create a my function in app_error.php
 Now if I set the debug to 0 if I use this function I get always
 another page (I  think the error404 )
 If I set debug to 1 I get the right error's page but I get a
 performance's  worsening.
 What can I do ?
 Many Thanks


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Re: cakephp asterisk agi

2008-10-27 Thread Bernardo Vieira

How about symlinking  /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin into your vendors path?

samba wrote:
 does someone tried to mix akephp and asterisk?
 i want to use phpagi class working with cakephp. but asterisk phpagi
 sould remain in the /var/lib/astersik/agi-bin directory and cake php
 is in the /www directory.
 i want to develop some function in cakephp that require asterisk
 how can i take cakephp to /agi-bin directory or phpagi in vendors but
 still making it working with /agi-bin.
 thank for your help



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Re: need your help - project model

2008-10-24 Thread Bernardo Vieira

 I really dislike my work when I have cheated and built views after
 the models... The gui never turns out nice... feels like
 scaffolding :)

Hehehe, interesting... The thing is this kind of approach would never 
work for me. I'm a terrible designer, cake's scaffolding is wy 
better than what I would come up with. That's why I focus on modeling 
and programming and leave the views to the end, then I hand it over to 
the design guys and let them make it pretty ;). Naturally this is not a 
one way street. As you said tinkering the views often shapes up the 
controllers, requires some javascript of ajax integration, etc.

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Re: set_time_limit in Cake?

2008-10-24 Thread Bernardo Vieira

set_time_limit, when called from a script has effect only on the 
execution of that script/portion of code. You could call it anywhere in 
your app though IMHO set_time_limit(0) reeks bad design.

Liebermann, Anja Carolin wrote:
 Hi everybody!

 Is there a possibility to set the time limit for a script in CakePHP?

 With a normal PHP script which has a big execution time I set it to 
 to avoid error messages.

 Can I do the same with Cake without changing the seetings for the whole
 server? If yes where and how?

 Thank you in advance!




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Re: set_time_limit in Cake?

2008-10-24 Thread Bernardo Vieira

Very true, I was thinking about a page rendering script. As far as cli 
code goes, the ShellDispatcher construct method takes care of 
set_time_limit(0) for you.
ShellDispatcher::__construct( line 127 on 1.2 RC3):
function __construct($args = array()) {

 When I run something with php cli I have not noticed any normal time
 limit. I have had cron jobs run for 20 minutes without setting a

 Sure, set_time_limit is bad design for a page rendering script. But
 something that is supposed to crawl through 6-7 months of transactions
 for a web shop and create statistics is something else. There is no
 design in the world that will get you down under 30 sec. :)


 On Oct 24, 4:27 pm, Liebermann, Anja Carolin
 Hi everybody!

 Is there a possibility to set the time limit for a script in CakePHP?

 With a normal PHP script which has a big execution time I set it to
 to avoid error messages.

 Can I do the same with Cake without changing the seetings for the whole
 server? If yes where and how?

 Thank you in advance!



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Re: checkbox state

2008-10-23 Thread Bernardo Vieira

echo $form-input('MyModel.my_tinyint_field',array('value' = 1);

That should do the trick.

RyOnLife wrote:
 Pardon me for asking I simple question, that I really feel I should have been
 able to find an answer to, but...

 Using the form helper, how can I create a checkbox which always defaults to
 a checked state?

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Re: need your help - project model

2008-10-23 Thread Bernardo Vieira

Matthieu wrote:
 Hi everybody,

 I'm planning to make a web application, it's a kind of a social
 network. Would you know some guidelines to make this app from A to Z.
I want to build a space rocket, it's kind of a projectile... Just 
kidding. My point is you'll won't get much help by tossing a vague 
project idea on the list and expecting a how-to guide to just come out 
of the blue.
 Shall I start with the design, the data base or the php classes? Would
 you know a well-known model about it because I don't know where to
 start actually?
I take it you're not very familiar with CakePHP, I suggest you read 
through and try the tutorials in the example 
application section. That should get you up and running with CakePHP. 
Once you're ready to go on to your project, the natural way to get 
things done is:
1) Gather requirements / broad use cases. You'll end up with an idea of 
which pages you'll have and what they will do as well as an idea of what 
data you'll be handling. Don't try to be too thorough at this point or 
you'll be stuck here forever.
2) Sketch your database, use a graphical tool for this such as MySql 
Workbench. Pay attention to CakePHP conventions!
3) Pick a use case, bake the models you think you'll need for this use case
4) Scaffold your controller / views
5) Validate your model (i.e. make sure you're gathering all the required 
data for this particular use case and that the data is well related), 
repeat 2-4 until you're satisfied.
6) bake views and controllers, customize tem as necessary to fulfill 
this particular use case, don't be too rigorous on layout/design at this 
point, just make sure your views are well structured and functional
7) reevaluate your use cases, you'll probably find that you missed 
something, go back to 1 refine your use cases
8) repeat 1-7 until you run out of use cases
finally, once you're requirements are met, brush up your design and 
deploy your application.

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Re: Updating a list with AJAX - picking from one list box and updating another

2008-10-21 Thread Bernardo Vieira

You could write a oncomplete callback that deletes the entry from the 
source list with a second ajax call to update the database. Not very 
elegant though. Perhaps its just simpler to wrap both lists in a div and 
update the whole thing with just one ajax call.

tarapage wrote:

 I'm new to AJAX and to cake PHP, but am an experienced software
 developer.  I'm having trouble doing something that seems very
 simple.  I have two list boxes, both generated from a database.  I
 want to pick items from one list box and have them add to the other
 list box.  This is simple enough, I'm doing it with an link and using
 ajax to update the destination list once it is added to the database.
 I also need to remove that item from the source list when the person
 hits add.  I look at the documentation and it says that the update
 uses one DOM id to update, and I need to update 2 DOM ids off of this
 one action.  Here is an example.

 Source List   Destination List
 [ADD]  Entry 1
 [ADD]  Entry 2
 [ADD]  Entry 3

 When I click ADD On an entry, I want it to move to the destination
 list and be removed from the source listing.  So let's choose Entry 1.

 Source ListDestination List
 [Add] Entry 2 [Delete] Entry 1
 [Add] Entry 3

 I need this to happen with AJAX.  I can get the Add to work to go to
 the destination but I cannot do the Source change as well.  Any
 ideas?  Do I have to add another ajax call besides the ajax-link?

 Also, when I delete from Destination List I need it to go back to
 Source list.  So If I hit Delete on Entry 1 I need it to look like the
 original listing above...

 Source List   Destination List
 [ADD]  Entry 1
 [ADD]  Entry 2
 [ADD]  Entry 3

 All my entries in the source list are being read from the database
 tables (and I wouldn't want to actually delete them from the tables
 when the person adds them to the Destination List.  All of my
 Destination List items are stored in a table and can be physically
 deleted when I hit Delete button.

 Any ideas would be appreciated.



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Re: Saving self-referential-HABTM relationships...

2008-09-29 Thread Bernardo Vieira

I imagine it should work if you use different join tables for each HABTM 
relationship. Regardless of cakephp this is what I imagine you'd need in 
this situation (imagine what would happen if a user is both a friend and 
an admirer of another user).

var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array(
'Friend' = array('className' = 'User',
'joinTable' = 'friends_users',
'foreignKey' = 'friend_id',
'associationForeignKey' = 

'Admirer' = array('className' = 'User',
'joinTable' = 'admirers_users',
'foreignKey' = 'admirer_id',
'associationForeignKey' = 

wallerdm wrote:
 Dear All,

 Forgive me if this is covered elsewhere. I'm playing with cakePHP as
 an alternative to Rails and am getting to grips with it by creating a
 really simple social network app.

 I've got some nice authentication and user profiles sorted and that's
 all displaying great but now I've come to add the add as a friend
 functionality and I'm struggling.

 Every user in the users table has an id and I also have a table
 set up, users_users, to hold the self referential join. This table
 has a an id, a user_id and a friend_id.

 My user model contains the following...

 class User extends AppModel {

   var $name = 'User';
   var $hasOne = 'Profile';
   var $hasMany = array('Status' = array('order' = 'Status.created
 DESC' ));

   var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array(
   'Friend' = array('className' = 'User',
   'joinTable' = 'users_users',
   'foreignKey' = 'user_id',
   'associationForeignKey' = 
   'Admirer' = array('className' = 'User',
   'joinTable' = 'users_users',
   'foreignKey' = 'friend_id',
   'associationForeignKey' = 


 And my users_controller contains...

 class UsersController extends AppController {

   function addfriend($friend_id = null) {
   $user_id = $this-Session-read('User');
   $this-data['User']['id'] = $user_id['id'];
   $this-data['Friend']['id'] = $friend_id;
   echo 'saved';
   echo 'failed';


 Now I know that I've got the data element wrong for the database save
 because it isn't working and the SQL that's generated when you add a
 friend is incorrect.

 If you're logged in as a user with id 1 and want to become friends
 with the user with id 4 (http://localhost/network/users/addfriend/4),
 you get...

 data = Array ( [User] = Array ( [id] = 1) [Friend] = Array ( [id]
 = 4 ) )

 ...and the SQL from the CakePHP debug panel is...

 UPDATE `users` SET `id` = 1 WHERE `users`.`id` = 1

 Is anyone able to help me get this whole self-referential-HABTM
 relationship thing sorted?

 Thanks in advance.




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Re: How to handle multiple image-upload in the same model / form?

2007-10-09 Thread Bernardo Vieira

burzum wrote:

My problem is that i have a multipage-report, or better to say one big
report (table) with ~500 fields devided into some pages with a list of
pages to make it less confusing. Some of the pages contain 1 to 12
images. Now my question or problem:

How do i handle them in a good way?

Should i use an extra table to store them? How do i handle all the
photos in the same form? They have to appear on certain positions in
the report. So i must be able to identify them to set them in the
right position. Where do i put the handling in? Model? Any suggestions
for helpers, components, behaviors?

Usually I store images in the file system. I is generally faster and 
allows you to link directly to the image. To that end, does the trick 
very well:

It's required that the files are converted to jpg if they are no jpg,
saved in their original size for documentation purpose and that
thumbnails are created for the pages. I have to create another resized
version of the image for direct printing out of the browser (a view
for the photo filling a DINA4 page) and i have to include them in a
pdf of the report.

Assuming you have PHP with GD extensions, that shouldn't be a problem, 
you could add some methods to que component above, or derive your own 
component from it. To covert all images to jpg you'd hava a switch 
statement on the mime type and use the appropriate gd imagefrom

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Re: How to do mod_rewrite????

2007-10-08 Thread Bernardo Vieira

Make sure all .htaccess files are in place, also, in some cases you have 
to set RewriteBase to get mod_rewrite to work.

schneimi wrote:


not sure what version of Cake you use, but when I installed the latest
stable version of cakePHP, I was also very confused, mod_rewriting was
obviously working on my apache (tested it seperatly),  but no matter
what I tried, I didn't come to see any css effects on the cake site.

Well I could'nt solve the problem, but all looked nice after
installing Cake 1.2, so maybe thats an option for you too.


SIXS schrieb:

How do you actually set the mod rewrite. I  set it in sthe system httpd.conf, 
but I don't see the color in the cakephp page.
Is there another issue.
I have installed it several times and hve installed it in another system, 
both XP OS. I am going to install it on a Ubuntu system.


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Pagination component misbehaving in php4

2007-05-24 Thread Bernardo Vieira

Hi all!
I have a project that uses the Pagination component. It works perfectly
in my development environment, however when I uploaded the project to
the production server things went sour. The component seems to do it's
job, i.e. results get ordered, controlling the parameters via the url
works and elements/pagination.thtml gets rendered properly. The problem
is that the header links have mysteriously disappeared. I placed some
debug calls around the code and found that all calls to the pagination
component and helper methods get exactly the same data in both servers.
When I placed calls to debug inside PaginationHelper's sortBy() method I
found that in my development server the field _pageDetails is always
set, while in my production server it gets wiped out somehow, hence the
lack of header links. The puzzle is, why is this happening?
The project is exactly the same on both servers, the database is the
same, the only thing I could think of is some weirdness related to php
versions, my development server runs php 5.2.1 and the productions
server runs 4.3.11. Can anyone give me any clues?



PHP Version 5.2.1
$th[] = $this-Pagination-sortBy(...)
PaginationHelper-_pageDetails =
[importParams] =
[Defaults] = Array
[page] = 1
[show] = 10
[sortBy] = id
[sortByClass] = Clube
[direction] = ASC

[show] = 10
[page] = 1
[sortBy] = id
[sortByClass] = Clube
[direction] = ASC
[ajaxDivUpdate] = content
[ajaxFormId] =
[maxPages] = 9
[showLimits] = 1
[style] = ajax
[paramStyle] = get
[paramSeperator] = /
[url] = /clubes
[total] = 3237
[resultsPerPage] = Array
[0] = 10
[1] = 25
[2] = 50
[3] = 100

[pageCount] = 324
[previousPage] =
[nextPage] = 2

PHP Version 4.3.11
$th[] = $this-Pagination-sortBy(...)
PaginationHelper-_pageDetails =

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Re: How controller method, called by $ajax-dropRemote, can get ID of a dropped element.

2007-05-15 Thread bernardo

 ?= $ajax-dropRemote('droppable_id',
 'update'='droppable_id')); ?

Then you can use $this-params['form']['draggedid'] in your

On Apr 12, 8:08 am, Derim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I want to use drag and drop feature in my new CakePHP project.
 I spent most the day today trying to figure out how controller action,
 called by  $ajax-dropRemote can get id of the draggable element.
 Searching on google and manual didn't helped.

 Here is simplified version of code I use for dropRemote.
 ?= $ajax-dropRemote('droppable_id',
 'update'='droppable_id')); ?

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Re: Problem using the prototype function $F()

2007-05-07 Thread bernardo

Maybe php is interpreting $F as a variable, so try using single quotes
for the code block, like echo $javascript-codeBlock(' ...
$F(sectionName) ...

On May 7, 10:06 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I have this view:

 echo $javascript-codeBlock(
function createNewArticle(id) {
 var name = $F('sectionName');

 input type=text id=sectionName size=25

 When I try this view with my browser I get this error:

 Notice: Undefined variable: F in ..

 How I can resolve this ?

 Many Thanks

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Re: About the cakephp ajax's problem, work well at firefox, but not at IE7

2007-05-04 Thread bernardo

Check the ajax response, there are some warning messages. Note that
everything that is returned is pased to the element to be updated.
Just to see if that is the problem, set the debugging level to 0.

On May 4, 5:59 pm, seedme [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Can you help me?

 I want to using AJAX to populate the data based on the selected value.
 but the following codes work well at FireFox, but not display the
 populated data IE7.0 . Some can help me to find the solutions?

 My test website's link is

 I need the help ASAP. Thanks.

 For member register Action

 Country - State - City.

 At register.ctp file: I used the following code.
 echo $form-input('Member/country', array('class' =
 250px;', 'selected'='0', 'options'= $this-requestAction('/
 select') ));

 echo $form-input('Member/state', array('class' = 'required',
 'type'='select','id'='MemberState', 'style'='width:250px;',
 'onChange'='javascrip:getCityList(this.value)', 'options'=array( '0'
 = 'Select one state/province')));?

 function getStateList(sel){
   new Ajax.Updater('MemberState','/States/select/'+sel,
 {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true});}


 At states_controller.php:
function select($id = null){
   $this - RequestHandler - setAjax($this);
$id = $this-params['data']['form']['country'];
if(!is_numeric($id))$id = 2 ;
$statelists = $this-State-generateList(  country_id
 = $id ,
 ' ASC', null, '{n}', '{n}');

 At select.ctp:
 if (isset($statelists)  count($statelists)){
foreach($statelists as $key=$name) {
$results .= 'option value='.$key.''.$name.'/


$results = 'optionRe-select a Country! /option';


echo $results;

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Re: Prototype Ajax IE

2007-04-09 Thread bernardo

Try using a div instead of p for view.

On Apr 9, 3:52 am, Siasia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Here are the sources:
 Badly need help.
 I already lost nearly 5 hours banging by head against the wall trying
 to get this code work in IE.
 In FF and Opera everything looks great
 With server everything is ok:
 IE trying to get contents of Ajax response, responce returns valid
 result, but div view is not populated.
 This is not IE Ajax caching. I`m tottaly sure. Tryed different urls
 with timestamp and so on. It must return 'No results found' if call is
 JS works OK also. Spinner turning during call and view div is fading
 in as expected. But data isn`t updated with contents of Ajax call
 This all happens only in IE.
 Have I missed something?

 I have latest stable Cake, and latest prototype and scriptaculous.

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Re: How to stop Ajax triggered by onLoad event?

2007-04-08 Thread bernardo

You probably need to pass the callback functions to Event.observe in a
variable, so you can use that variable when calling
Event.stopObserving(). It's all explained in the prototype

Also read about Event.stop() which is used for a different thing.

On Apr 8, 12:12 am, skyblueink [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The code below, using prototype and Ajax, populates 3 divs.  But,
 once the page is loaded and Event.observing is acting, can I stop the
 populating with a click button? I thought Event.stop() and
 Event.stopObserving() should come, and did some tries but failed.

 div id=red/divscript type=text/
 javascriptEvent.observe(window, 'load',function(event)

 div id=blue/divscript type=text/
 javascriptEvent.observe(window, 'load',function(event)

 div id=orange/divscript type=text/
 javascriptEvent.observe(window, 'load',function(event)

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Re: IE7 Not Updating Ajax Divs

2007-04-03 Thread bernardo

Glad to help!

Be careful if you plan to upgrade to cakephp 1.2 because ajax-
observeField changed and its behavior is now different if frequency
is not set or is less than 1 second. See:

Also I think your code uncovered a bug in 1.2 when frequency is 0. I
reported it here:

On Apr 3, 12:37 pm, Christopher E. Franklin, Sr.
 Bah, found someone else's code that states if you put frequency to
 0.xx, it works in IE and it updates like a keypress.

 On Apr 3, 8:21 am, Christopher E. Franklin, Sr.

  Awesome, that worked.  Thanks a ton, bernardo!  I wanted it to update
  on each keypress so, I think I will have it check if it is FF or IE
  and set the value based on what browser the user is viewing the page
  in.  Unless anyone else knows of a way to make IE update faster.

  On Apr 2, 7:19 pm, bernardo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Have you tried with frequency  0
   Just a guess...

   On Apr 2, 7:59 pm, Christopher E. Franklin, Sr.

Well, after searching, I have found a script that you can bookmark to
debug XHtmlRequests for IE(7).  It shows that there are no requests
going through.  Wierd.
Further more, I have downgraded to prototype 1.5 (the one that's
supposed to work for everything) and nothing.  I have gone to other
sites that update ajax fine so there has to be an error in the code on
my side somewhere. Or possibly in Cake's code.  Didn't find anything
on Trac yet either.

Here is the script in case you're wondering.

On Apr 2, 2:45 pm, Christopher E. Franklin, Sr.


 I am having a small problem where the divs that need to be updated via
 ajax are not being updated in IE7.  It works fine in FF.

 I have searched this group and have found only one other question like
 this but, no answers.

 The wierd thing is, when I type something in a field, go to another
 page and then hit my browser's back button, you can see what is
 supposed to be in the div.  It's like it is only updating on a page

 Anyways, I am using cake, PHP5, Prototype 1.15 and 1.7.1

 Here is the code I am using.  Remember, this works fine in FireFox

 // /user/view/register.thtml

 echo div class=\required\span class=\userRegisterLabel\label
 for=\UserUsername\User Name:/label/spanspan class=
 \userRegisterField\ . $html-input('User/username', array (
 'size' = 30
 ))./spandiv id=\userRegisterUsername\/div/div;
 echo ;
 echo $html-tagErrorMsg('User/username', 'Username can only contain
 Letters, Numbers, Underscores(_) and/or Dashes(-).  The username must
 also between 3-25 characters long.');
 echo $ajax-observeField('UserUsername', array (
 'url' = 'check_registration_form/username/',
 'update' = 'userRegisterUsername',
 'frequency' = 0,
 'loading' =
 document.getElementById('userRegisterUsername').style.display =
 'loaded' =
 document.getElementById('userRegisterUsername').style.display =

 If you would like to see more code, just post here please.

 I will keep searching in the mean-time.  If I find an answer I will
 post here again for anyone who has this problem in the future.

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Re: IE7 Not Updating Ajax Divs

2007-04-02 Thread bernardo

Have you tried with frequency  0
Just a guess...

On Apr 2, 7:59 pm, Christopher E. Franklin, Sr.
 Well, after searching, I have found a script that you can bookmark to
 debug XHtmlRequests for IE(7).  It shows that there are no requests
 going through.  Wierd.
 Further more, I have downgraded to prototype 1.5 (the one that's
 supposed to work for everything) and nothing.  I have gone to other
 sites that update ajax fine so there has to be an error in the code on
 my side somewhere. Or possibly in Cake's code.  Didn't find anything
 on Trac yet either.

 Here is the script in case you're wondering.

 On Apr 2, 2:45 pm, Christopher E. Franklin, Sr.


  I am having a small problem where the divs that need to be updated via
  ajax are not being updated in IE7.  It works fine in FF.

  I have searched this group and have found only one other question like
  this but, no answers.

  The wierd thing is, when I type something in a field, go to another
  page and then hit my browser's back button, you can see what is
  supposed to be in the div.  It's like it is only updating on a page

  Anyways, I am using cake, PHP5, Prototype 1.15 and 1.7.1

  Here is the code I am using.  Remember, this works fine in FireFox

  // /user/view/register.thtml

  echo div class=\required\span class=\userRegisterLabel\label
  for=\UserUsername\User Name:/label/spanspan class=
  \userRegisterField\ . $html-input('User/username', array (
  'size' = 30
  ))./spandiv id=\userRegisterUsername\/div/div;
  echo ;
  echo $html-tagErrorMsg('User/username', 'Username can only contain
  Letters, Numbers, Underscores(_) and/or Dashes(-).  The username must
  also between 3-25 characters long.');
  echo $ajax-observeField('UserUsername', array (
  'url' = 'check_registration_form/username/',
  'update' = 'userRegisterUsername',
  'frequency' = 0,
  'loading' =
  document.getElementById('userRegisterUsername').style.display =
  'loaded' =
  document.getElementById('userRegisterUsername').style.display =

  If you would like to see more code, just post here please.

  I will keep searching in the mean-time.  If I find an answer I will
  post here again for anyone who has this problem in the future.

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Re: session handling set to database

2007-04-01 Thread bernardo

On Apr 1, 7:11 am, jyrgen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 is there any _gc probability / whatever php setting that is not
 overwritten by the cake session class, and has to be adjusted
 manually ?

 thx, jyrgen

session cleaning depends on these php settings:
session.gc_probability, session.gc_divisor and session.gc_maxlifetime.
As far as I can tell, cakephp only sets session.gc_probability.

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Re: session handling set to database

2007-04-01 Thread bernardo

I'm sorry, forget gc_maxlifetime, it think it's ignored when using the
The other two determine when __gc is called by php. If you add this:
ini_set('session.gc_divisor', 1); __gc will be called in every request
(not recommended for production, obviously).
Try adding some logging to __gc to see what's happening.

On Apr 1, 4:20 pm, jyrgen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 ...but wait, these settings are only relevant for the PHP internal
 session management, while cake brings its own gc routines.
 or does it behave similar to PHP sessions by taking these
 values into account ??
 sorry but i just don't get it. looking at the sources doesn't bring
 me any further here..

 thanks again, jyrgen

 ps. can somebody of the developer guys (nate?) make it clearer ?

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Re: Ajax Sortable List Confusion

2007-03-29 Thread bernardo

Try setting the id of the li to something like faq_1 faq_2 ... that is
they should end in an underscore and a number.

On Mar 29, 11:41 am, Dustin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I did my very best to search everywhere I could to solve this problem
 related to the $ajax-sortable helper.  Most of the posts are dated,
 so I apologize if I missed the answer somewhere else.

 Here's what I have:

 Controller snippets (related to this question):
 var $helpers = array('html', 'time', 'javascript', 'ajax');

 function saveOrder()
 echo made it!; //just to check and see that it made it for now
 //normally we would do some DB updating here instead
 *all my other actions work properly in this controller

 Order View:
 if (isset($javascript)):
echo $javascript-link('scriptaculous/lib/prototype.js');
echo $javascript-link('scriptaculous/src/scriptaculous.js');

 ul id=questions
 ?php foreach ($faqs as $faq): ?
 ?php echo li id=\ . $faq['Faq']['id'] . \ 
 5px; padding: 5px 5px; border: 1px solid #000; width: 500px; cursor:
 pointer;\ . $faq['Faq']['question'] . /li; ?
 ?php endforeach; ?

 ?php echo $ajax-sortable('questions', array('url' = 'saveOrder')); ?

input type=button value=Cancel
 onClick=window.location='../faqs'; /

 Using just those two simple snippets, I get the sortable list
 graphically working in the view.  In simple terms, I can drag the
 boxes around with no problem.  However, the sortable helper isn't
 doing anything.  The controller action saveOrder never get's called
 by the helper.

 Am I missing something obvious here?  As I understand it, this is the
 only code I need in the view to get it working properly, am I wrong?

 Firebug shows no errors and I don't see anything that looks out of
 place or wrong in the generated source (when the page is built).

 Thanks for your help in advance,

 Dustin Weber

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Re: Ajax Sortable List Confusion

2007-03-29 Thread bernardo

Your code looks ok to me now. Have you checked with firebug that the
ajax request isn't made?

On Mar 29, 1:13 pm, Dustin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 That made no difference.  The drag n' drop stuff graphically works,
 but it isn't contacting my saveOrder action in my controller.  I feel
 like I'm missing a bit of code somewhere that is the proverbial
 missing link.  Do I need something in my controller action saveOrder
 for it to know to expect Ajax calls?

 The view now looks like this:

 Order View:
 if (isset($javascript)):
echo $javascript-link('scriptaculous/lib/prototype.js');
echo $javascript-link('scriptaculous/src/scriptaculous.js');
 ul id=questions
 ?php foreach ($faqs as $faq): ?
 ?php echo li id=\question_ . $faq['Faq']['id'] .
 \ . $faq['Faq']['question'] . /li; ?
 ?php endforeach; ?
 ?php echo $ajax-sortable('questions', array('url' =
 'saveOrder')); ?
input type=button value=Cancel
 onClick=window.location='../faqs'; /

 Dustin Weber

 On Mar 29, 10:43 am, bernardo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Try setting the id of the li to something like faq_1 faq_2 ... that is
  they should end in an underscore and a number.

  On Mar 29, 11:41 am, Dustin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I did my very best to search everywhere I could to solve this problem
   related to the $ajax-sortable helper.  Most of the posts are dated,
   so I apologize if I missed the answer somewhere else.

   Here's what I have:

   Controller snippets (related to this question):
   var $helpers = array('html', 'time', 'javascript', 'ajax');

   function saveOrder()
   echo made it!; //just to check and see that it made it for now
   //normally we would do some DB updating here instead
   *all my other actions work properly in this controller

   Order View:
   if (isset($javascript)):
  echo $javascript-link('scriptaculous/lib/prototype.js');
  echo $javascript-link('scriptaculous/src/scriptaculous.js');

   ul id=questions
   ?php foreach ($faqs as $faq): ?
   ?php echo li id=\ . $faq['Faq']['id'] . \ 
   5px; padding: 5px 5px; border: 1px solid #000; width: 500px; cursor:
   pointer;\ . $faq['Faq']['question'] . /li; ?
   ?php endforeach; ?

   ?php echo $ajax-sortable('questions', array('url' = 'saveOrder')); ?

  input type=button value=Cancel
   onClick=window.location='../faqs'; /

   Using just those two simple snippets, I get the sortable list
   graphically working in the view.  In simple terms, I can drag the
   boxes around with no problem.  However, the sortable helper isn't
   doing anything.  The controller action saveOrder never get's called
   by the helper.

   Am I missing something obvious here?  As I understand it, this is the
   only code I need in the view to get it working properly, am I wrong?

   Firebug shows no errors and I don't see anything that looks out of
   place or wrong in the generated source (when the page is built).

   Thanks for your help in advance,

   Dustin Weber

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Re: Ajax Sortable List Confusion

2007-03-29 Thread bernardo

I'm sorry if this sounds too obvious, but there has to be some
response (maybe it is an error or not); in your controller you have:
echo made it!, where do you expect to see this? use firebug to see
the ajax request and the response and also the posted data. Also, if
you just want to update the database and not to render a view add:
$this-autoRender=false to saveOrder.

On Mar 29, 5:43 pm, Dustin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 According the Live HTTP Headers (application to check headers), the
 ajax request is being made, but there doesn't seem to be a response
 from the saveOrder action.  Is there some sort of code to hand the
 ajax request that needs to be in the saveOrder action?


 Dustin Weber

 On Mar 29, 11:44 am, bernardo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Your code looks ok to me now. Have you checked with firebug that the
  ajax request isn't made?

  On Mar 29, 1:13 pm, Dustin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


   That made no difference.  The drag n' drop stuff graphically works,
   but it isn't contacting my saveOrder action in my controller.  I feel
   like I'm missing a bit of code somewhere that is the proverbial
   missing link.  Do I need something in my controller action saveOrder
   for it to know to expect Ajax calls?

   The view now looks like this:

   Order View:
   if (isset($javascript)):
  echo $javascript-link('scriptaculous/lib/prototype.js');
  echo $javascript-link('scriptaculous/src/scriptaculous.js');
   ul id=questions
   ?php foreach ($faqs as $faq): ?
   ?php echo li id=\question_ . $faq['Faq']['id'] .
   \ . $faq['Faq']['question'] . /li; ?
   ?php endforeach; ?
   ?php echo $ajax-sortable('questions', array('url' =
   'saveOrder')); ?
  input type=button value=Cancel
   onClick=window.location='../faqs'; /

   Dustin Weber

   On Mar 29, 10:43 am, bernardo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Try setting the id of the li to something like faq_1 faq_2 ... that is
they should end in an underscore and a number.

On Mar 29, 11:41 am, Dustin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I did my very best to search everywhere I could to solve this problem
 related to the $ajax-sortable helper.  Most of the posts are dated,
 so I apologize if I missed the answer somewhere else.

 Here's what I have:

 Controller snippets (related to this question):
 var $helpers = array('html', 'time', 'javascript', 'ajax');

 function saveOrder()
 echo made it!; //just to check and see that it made it for 
 //normally we would do some DB updating here instead
 *all my other actions work properly in this controller

 Order View:
 if (isset($javascript)):
echo $javascript-link('scriptaculous/lib/prototype.js');
echo $javascript-link('scriptaculous/src/scriptaculous.js');

 ul id=questions
 ?php foreach ($faqs as $faq): ?
 ?php echo li id=\ . $faq['Faq']['id'] . \ 
 5px; padding: 5px 5px; border: 1px solid #000; width: 500px; cursor:
 pointer;\ . $faq['Faq']['question'] . /li; ?
 ?php endforeach; ?

 ?php echo $ajax-sortable('questions', array('url' = 'saveOrder')); 

input type=button value=Cancel
 onClick=window.location='../faqs'; /

 Using just those two simple snippets, I get the sortable list
 graphically working in the view.  In simple terms, I can drag the
 boxes around with no problem.  However, the sortable helper isn't
 doing anything.  The controller action saveOrder never get's called
 by the helper.

 Am I missing something obvious here?  As I understand it, this is the
 only code I need in the view to get it working properly, am I wrong?

 Firebug shows no errors and I don't see anything that looks out of
 place or wrong in the generated source (when the page is built).

 Thanks for your help in advance,

 Dustin Weber

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Re: addslashes or mysql_real_escape_string --both not working with double quotes

2007-03-28 Thread bernardo

If you are using version 1.1 be aware that addslashes in sanitize-sql
is inside a conditional: if (!ini_get('magic_quotes_gpc')) { ...
It seems that sanitize-sql is deprecated in 1.2 anyway.
But if you are sure that fckeditor is converting the quotes to quot;
why would they need to be escaped? databases have no problem dealing
with any of the characters in quot;

On Mar 28, 8:38 am, bingo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi bakers,

 I have one problem and a comment to make on sanitize-sql method..

 Problem: I am using fckeditor for users to add comments to a post.
 However, if the comment contain double quotes, MySQL saves only the
 part that appeared before the first double quote..For instance if my
 string is

 this is a test hello world --- mysql will save only -- this is a

 I am using sanitize-sql method but that is also not working...

 It seems the problem is the problem is with the fckeditor converts 
 to quot; and mysql is not able to handle it.

 Comment: I was looking on PHP forum and found that it is better to use
 mysql_real_escape_string if the intented use is to put the data in


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Re: AJAX - Possible to update DB with textarea content from the textarea onblur()??

2007-03-21 Thread bernardo

I think that's because using the prototype Form namespace directly
works on the form element.
You can try:
Form.Element.serialize('test123') or

On Mar 21, 8:02 am, quincy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Right, i have been trying various things with mixed success.  I am
 trying this: -

 echo $javascript-event(test123, blur, new Ajax.Request('/cms/
 function/test123', {parameters: Form.serialize('test123')} );,

 but i then get an error: -

 $(form).getElements is not a 
 Line 1690

 Now from this error it would beeasy to assume that my prototype
 library is in some way icorrectly installed, but all my other Ajax
 code is working (and there's lots of it) so i don't believe this is
 the case.  Has anyone else had this error?


 On 16 Mar, 16:00, bernardo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  It would be helpful if you can give more details of where exactly are
  you having problems: can you capture the event? can you make the ajax
  request and send the data to the controller? can you save the data?

  A straightforward way could be adding this to your view:

  ?= $javascript-codeBlock(EOD
  $('ControllerTextareaid').observe('blur',function() {
  new Ajax.Request('/controller/savetextarea', {
  parameters: Form.serializeElements([$('ControllerId'),$
  ); ?

  Note that this sends only the id and the textareafields.

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Re: CakePHP Session expiring problems...

2007-03-20 Thread bernardo

Then note what Grant Cox said. What you want is the server side
session to last for a long period, then it would seem that session
lasts until the browser is closed, but that is just because the
browser forgets the cookie.

Try using this: ini_set(session.gc_maxlifetime,14400);
and set CAKE_SESSION_SECURITY to high.

and setting the
On Mar 20, 8:55 am, Andre [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 That's right.

 By the way, the other framework I'm using is Code Igniter, and the
 custom PHP session library is this 
 The way I see it, it would be great to be able to port a Class like
 that in CakePHP. For some reasons, I don't like my session to last for
 more time than I need (oh well, one could always log out when he's

 On 20 Mar, 00:43, bernardo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I think that he refers to the default php behaviour when
  session.cookie_lifetime is set to 0, that means until the browser is

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Using Helpers in default layout

2007-03-20 Thread Bernardo Vieira

Hi all!
I've been trying to use helpers in the default layout, so I copied
pages_controller.php to my app's controllers dir, added the javascript
helper to the uses array, and added a call to the javascript helper in
/app/views/layouts/default.thml :

?php echo $javascript-link('myjs');?

but I get 'Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object' on
that line.
Am I missing something or is it not possible to use other helpers on the
default layout?

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Re: SQL logic

2007-03-20 Thread Bernardo Vieira

Have you tried:


class Category extends AppModel
  var $name = 'Category';

  var $hasMany = array('Story' =
   array('className' = 'Story',
 'limit' = '3')

class Story extends AppModel
  var $name = 'Story';

  var $displayField = 'story';

  var $belongsTo = array('Category' =
 array('className' = 'Category');

You might want to add more logic to you join in the Category model to be
more specific about which 3 stories you want to fetch, maybe add 'order'
and 'conditions' clauses

miggs escreveu:
 I was hoping someone here could give me a hand.  This seems like it
 should be simple, and I'm just over complicating things.  Basically,
 I've got 2 tables: stories and categories.  I want to query 3 stories
 from each category.  My structure is as follows:
   - id
   - category_id
   - story
   - id
   - category_name
 now, I can get it to work by first querying categories and getting all
 the unique ids and then running a seperate query for each of those ids
 with a limit of 3.  It just seems to me that there is probably a much
 better way to do this and I'm just not seeing it.  Any help would be
 most appreciated.


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Re: CakePHP Session expiring problems...

2007-03-20 Thread bernardo

I think that what you want to achieve is clear. But I think you have
to set the timeout to more than 20 minutes if you want someone to be
able to send a post more than 20 minutes after loging in, just for
trying set it to something really high, and also set the
session.gc_maxlifetime. No matter how long the session is kept on the
server side, the cookie will be lost in the client side when the
browser is closed (if session.cookie_lifetime is 0). ps: english isn't
my mother language either.

On Mar 20, 11:15 am, Andre [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 20 Mar, 14:34, bernardo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Try using this: ini_set(session.gc_maxlifetime,14400);
  and set CAKE_SESSION_SECURITY to high.

 That ini_set thing should be placed in cake/libs/session.php, right?

 If it's so, I've done it, but the problem persists.
 Maybe I'm dumb and I don't understand, or maybe I did not explain the
 problem correctly (english isn't my mother language).
 Say I've logged in and I start to write a post for my blog, and it
 takes 25 minutes. If I've set my session to timeout after 20 minutes
 (high security level), as soon as I press the submit button, I get
 redirected to the login screen, because the add method of my posts
 controller has a call to the following function at the first line:

 function checkSession()
 // If the session info hasn't been set...
 if (!$this-Session-check('User'))
 // Force the user to login

 $this-Session-check('User') returns false, thus making me lose my

 Thanks for your help, by the way, much appreciated ;-)
 But I'm starting to think that I'll be forced to make my sessions last
 for more time than I actually need, to solve my problem.

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Re: Using Helpers in default layout

2007-03-20 Thread Bernardo Vieira

sorry for hijacking the thread, won't happen again ;), and thanks for
the info, I'll give it a try.

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Re: A bug in View constructor ?

2007-03-19 Thread bernardo

This seems to be the official word:

On Mar 19, 3:17 pm, djiize [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Not sure, but I read somewhere that this will not be possible anymore
 to access controller in view, cause it breaks MVC rules.
 Any expert to confirm or not?

 On 19 mar, 18:35, Gilles Dubois [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Version : CakePHP version

  The class constructor is waiting for an argument name $controller. The
  class has an attribute $controller. In previous versions, I was used
  to reach the controller from the view (eg in a .thtml file) using
  $this-controller. It doesn't work anymore with out-of-the-box CakePHP

  So I modified the View constructor to add : $this-controller =
  $controller; as shown below (third line) :

function __construct($controller) {
  if(is_object($controller)) {
$this-controller = $controller;
$count = count($this-__passedVars);
for ($j = 0; $j  $count; $j++) {
  $var = $this-__passedVars[$j];
  $this-{$var} = $controller-{$var};
  ClassRegistry::addObject('view', $this);

  Is it a bug ?

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Re: CakePHP Session expiring problems...

2007-03-19 Thread bernardo

On Mar 19, 7:39 pm, Grant Cox [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Do you mind expanding on which framework / language allows you to have
 sessions automatically expire when the browser is closed?  Do you just
 mean that the session has a very long server side timeout, and by
 closing the browser your own client just forgets its cookie (which
 really hasn't closed the session), or is there something more advanced
 going on?

I think that he refers to the default php behaviour when
session.cookie_lifetime is set to 0, that means until the browser is

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Re: cakephp and developer rates

2007-03-18 Thread bernardo

Walker's analysis makes sense. In economic terms: If by using a
framework you are able to produce the same simple web app in less
time, you may say that you have increased your productivity and as a
consequence you are able to reduce your costs and increase your
profit. It has nothing to do with the final price of the product you
are selling.

On Mar 18, 10:09 am, sixlaneve [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 might sounds like a stupid questions but...

 if cakephp is a rapid development framework (and it looks like), does
 it mean that developing a simple web app will cost less money?

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Re: AJAX - Possible to update DB with textarea content from the textarea onblur()??

2007-03-16 Thread bernardo

It would be helpful if you can give more details of where exactly are
you having problems: can you capture the event? can you make the ajax
request and send the data to the controller? can you save the data?

A straightforward way could be adding this to your view:

?= $javascript-codeBlock(EOD
$('ControllerTextareaid').observe('blur',function() {
new Ajax.Request('/controller/savetextarea', {
parameters: Form.serializeElements([$('ControllerId'),$
); ?

Note that this sends only the id and the textareafields.

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Re: Sanitize and hyphens

2007-03-08 Thread bernardo

But why do hyphens need to be escaped in the first place?

I looked at the function cleanValue (that is called by cleanArray) and
it makes several replacements, some of them look weird, for example:
$val = str_replace(!, !, $val);
$val = str_replace(', ', $val);

I guess the intention was to write something like $val =
str_replace(', #39;, $val); but were copied from some web page
and the entities got lost.

I prefer to stick to the regular php function htmlspecialchars;
writing your own wrapper for this function to operate on arrays is
very easy.

On Mar 7, 8:32 pm, squidliberty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have several areas of my site where it is necessary to sanitize
 large amounts of user form data. cleanArray() makes this process a
 breeze - however, I have found that it replaces hyphens ('-') with the
 htmlentity equivalent ('#45;'). This is a big problem for email
 addresses, which may contain hyphens.

 How should I be handling this? My best solution was to create a
 fixSafeChar() function to convert the hyphens back. But this seems
 pretty crude.

 Any suggestions? Is cleanArray() not the right function for the task?


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Re: Please help me understand URL and Routes in Cake

2007-03-04 Thread bernardo

For sort and filter you can certainly use query string parameters.
Have you tried that? I don't think you will any problem there.

For the problem of passing multiple units you don't need to use a
special separator, cakephp will pass anything matched by * as
additional arguments to your controller function.
For example if you have
$Route-connect('/units/*', array('controller' = 'units', 'action'

you can use

function view() {
$sort = $_GET['sort'];
$units = func_get_args();

On Mar 4, 4:27 pm, barduck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 No one?

 Surely someone can offer some additional insights on this.


 On Mar 1, 10:44 am, barduck  wrote:

  Thanks for the reply.

  I think I have better understanding of the Route functionality now.

  I am still not sure I understand the full potential of regular
  expressions in Route. I mean, I see how I can specify a regex in the
  matching part of the Route-connect() but in mod rewrite, I can use
  regular expression both in the matching and the substitutions part of
  the URL (the groups from the match can be used in the rewritten URL,
  using (...) in the pattern and $N in the substitution), can something
  like this be done in Route?

  I assume the colon is one way to do this, but does colon-param pattern
  always needs to come surrounded by slashes (/)? What about the
  asterisk I used in my route, how come it isn't being confused with the
  meaning of asterisk in regex?

  I am also not sure what is the best way to achieve what I described in
  my original post. One possible solution is to define one big parameter
  and parse it myself in my code using a delimiter I set.

  So I set unit1+unit2+unit3... as one big parameter and separate it in
  code myself by the plus signs. Then I set a Route rule to detect plus
  signs before the normal unit view match. I think this will work also
  for the parameters to the index view but I wonder if this is the right
  way to do this and whether cake can do it automatically for me?


  - barduck

  On Feb 28, 5:54 pm, Chris Lamb [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I understand that Cake does [routing] this in two phases, one
using apache mod rewrite to pass the rest of the path to cake and the
second one by Routes to further route the URL in cake internally. Is
this correct?


I assume that the major purpose of the Routes is to map URLs to
controllers, functions and parameters.


1. I've seen a colon (:) used in the manual in routes config (like /
blog/:action/* ). What is the special meaning of the colon? It isn't
mentioned anywhere.

   They are to control the parameters that are passed to the Controller.
   I think the syntax is a Ruby-ism. First, the general case. If your
   route is:


   then if the browser requested


   then $this-params['spam'] would contain the value 'eggs'. You can have
   more than one in the route. For example:


   gets you something like the default WordPress blog link structure.
   There are two 'magic' parameters, controller and action which, when
   set, decide which controller or action to call respectively. For
   example, the route:


   when called with:


   will call the view action with $this-params['spam'] set to eggs.

2. Can I use regular expressions in Routes like on mod rewrite? How?
The manual doesn't mention it.

   Just use regular Perl-compatible regexs.

3. Can I still use URL query string parameters using ? ? Or does
cake only use the /controller/action/param/param... convention?

   Cake has a different method of handling query string parameters. My
   advice is to construct a controller action to display $this-params and
   see how they are handled.

Hope I am making myself clear. Sorry for the long message.

   Hopefully someone else can help with the rest if the above does not
   help you solve the problem yourself. Note that the CakePHP source is
   very readable for a PHP program, so examining the dispatcher code may
   make sense than any of this.

   Best wishes,

Chris Lamb, Leamington Spa, UKGPG: 0x634F9A20


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Re: ajax editor and view

2007-03-03 Thread bernardo

On Mar 3, 8:45 am, sanjeevdivekar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am also in same trobule when i edit 2nd time i see test message!--
 0.0992s -- in text box.
 what u do with control.js?

What you are seeing is the debug timing information that cake php adds
when the debug level is set to 1. Remember that any output generated
will be added to the ajax response. Simply define debug to 0 and
you'll stop seeing it.

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Re: So confused

2007-03-01 Thread bernardo

You are right. There is a bug in the code used in the screencast. I
think the problem is that edit.thtml is copied from add.thtml but
forget to include the line  ?php echo $html-hidden('Post/id'); ? so
the id is not posted and the controller ends adding a new post. The
code in the manual is correct though.

I wonder how nobody noticed this before...

On Mar 1, 1:41 pm, skatona [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I must be losing it.

 I'm a veteran php web developer and a friend said cakephp was awesome
 so I've checked it out and gone through a couple screencasts.  Am I
 crazy, or is the Blog Tutorial screencast wrong?  More specifically,
 the Edit functionality does NOT edit a post.  It merely Adds one.

 Watch the screencast again.  You click Edit, it brings up the Title
 and Body textboxes with the information from that post, but when you
 edit it and save - it just creates a new post!  I thought Edit meant
 change, not give me the info so I can use it in another NEW post.

 Someone please help me out here.


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Re: findCount SQL errors

2007-02-28 Thread bernardo

On Feb 28, 6:15 am, Christopher E. Franklin, Sr.
 I will try that as well.  I thought that's what the sanitize-sql()

If you look at the definitio of sanitize-sql():

function sql($string) {
if (!ini_get('magic_quotes_gpc')) {
$string = addslashes($string);
return $string;

So my guess is that you have magic_quotes_gpc enabled and addslashes
is not being called.
Note that in cake 1.2 sanitize-sql has been deprecated and has
sanitize-escape instead, which in the case of mysql calls

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Re: findCount SQL errors

2007-02-28 Thread bernardo

On Feb 28, 7:50 am, AD7six [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Feb 28, 10:15 am, Christopher E. Franklin, Sr.[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I will try that as well.  I thought that's what the sanitize-sql()
  .  Maybe I am mistaken.

 If you use a string constraint, you are basically on your own from
 cake's perspective. If you use an array constraint, cake should take
 care of it for you. I bet this works, or at the very least does not
 generate errors:

 $this-matchResult = $this-Classified-findCount(array(
 Classified.text = $ad-text,
 Classified.editions = $ad-editions)

I don't think this works because it cuts the string at the first



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Re: ajax editor and view

2007-02-28 Thread bernardo

Make sure the spaces are not in your source files (before or after the
php tags) as these spaces will be added to the ajax response.

On Feb 28, 10:13 am, dhalsim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've put an ajax editor in my view and the problem I have is when I
 edit my field for the second or more time, the value in the text field
 is prefixed with sereval tabulation (I don't see directly the value in
 the input). I don't understand where they come from.

 this is a piece of my view :
 td class='info'
   p id=ajax_edit_nom?php echo $user['nom']; ?/p
 ?php echo $ajax-editor('ajax_edit_nom','/utilisateurs/ajax_update/'.
 $user['utilisateurid'].'/nom')); ?

 and my UtilisateursController with the ajax_update() method :

 function ajax_update($id,$sub)
 $value = $this-params['form']['value']; //new value
 to save

 $this-Utilisateur-id = $id;
 if (!$this-Utilisateur-saveField($sub, $value,
 $this-set('error', true);
 $user = $this-Utilisateur-read(array($sub), $id);
 $this-layout = 'ajax';

 and finally th ajax_update.thtml
 ?php e($value);?

 If anybody has an idea...

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Re: Form validation + Ajax ?

2007-02-28 Thread bernardo

google cache?

On Feb 27, 8:55 am, Mech7 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Does anybody know how i can reach the wiki? I found this link thru
 google but i can't acces it :(

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Re: findCount SQL errors

2007-02-27 Thread bernardo

You don't need to escape html characters. In fact doing that will give
you incorrect results because the escaped string will never match.
Html escaping will convert html special chars(') into
entities, but what you want is adding backslashes to the characters
that are illegal in the query.

So, I think you just need to use addslashes:

$this-Classified-findCount(Classified.text = ' . addslashes($ad-
text) . ' AND
Classified.editions = '$ad-editions');

On Feb 27, 10:03 pm, Christopher E. Franklin, Sr.
 Hrmm, I seem to have fixed it.

 The first time I tried this code, before I posted, it didn't work but,
 now it does.  Maybe I had a typo. /shrug

 Here is what I changed:
 $this-xmlID = $this-Classified-getNumRows();
 $this-matchResult = $this-Classified-findCount(text = 
 '.$this-MrClean-sql($this-MrClean-html($ad-text)).' AND editions = '.

 $this-data['Classified']['text'] = 


 My conclusion is that the sanitize-sql() really doesn't help if you
 have any html characters in your text.
 So, I convert the special characters using html() and the escape with
 I do the same thing on insert so, when I match the text, it should
 compare exactly.  There a few snags.  Some ads get by but, I can live
 with it.  I will just use strip slashes and html_special_chars
 functions to convert the text back to my original HTML formatted.

 Sorry for the bother and long posts

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Re: Sending forms in an html email

2007-02-26 Thread Bernardo Vieira


Yahoo may include scanners to strip out those action references in their
email servers in an effort to protect theis less than intelligent users,
so I don't really see a way around that. Another problem is that, even
if you do get the form past with the action tag intact you'll need to
use absolute urls, otherwise (assuming the user is viewing the email
from a webmail client) the /cake/goalsite/main/index/ url will resolve
to www.userswebailsite/cake/goalsite/main/index/.


Bootstrapper escreveu:
 What's the best way to send forms in an HTML email? I've seen it done
 before, but in my current attempt, Yahoo Mail is stripping out my
 action tag:
 form action=/cake/goalsite/main/index/ method=post
 form method=post
 Other email clients may do other nasty things. Any tricks here? Anyone
 know  a great tutorial?
 I know that including forms in email should be avoided, but my users
 are expecting it. It is a critical piece of my application.
 Thanks in advance!

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Re: Ajax tutorials

2007-02-23 Thread Bernardo Vieira

Check the group's history, there was a post earlier today with links to
just that.. :P

Junal Rahman escreveu:
 I want to use Ajax in Cakephp. Can anybody give me a link of example where i
 can see how to use Ajax in cake.

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Re: How did cake get the id of saved data

2007-02-13 Thread bernardo

On Feb 13, 9:40 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Before cake, whenever i save data into a row without specifying the
 id(auto incremental primary key). I cant get the id number back from
 mysql withouth doing a search. However, using cake's model-save, i
 get the model-id magically. Anyone actually knows how cake retrived
 the id key?

But you had the last_insert_id() mysql function for that purpose.

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