[freenet-chat] noderef irc bot

2006-06-20 Thread David McNab

The latest pyfcp (pyFreenet) now has a small experimental program called

If you run it without arguments, it'll create an IRC bot which:
 - logs into irc.freenode.net #freenet-refs
 - announces itself
 - interacts with users who /msg or /privmsg it
 - accepts noderefs from users, and reciprocates with its own ref
 - detects other bots joining the channel, and automatically swaps
   noderefs with them
 - is hard-wired to quit after swapping 10 noderefs (we're not keen on

First time you run it, it'll prompt you with a few questions, then save
to ~/.freenet_ref_bot. Subsequent runs will just use this file and skip
the prompts.

Much easier than all that menial copying/pasting of refs between irc
client and browser

Have fun.

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[freenet-chat] save freenet - stop using frost

2006-06-19 Thread David McNab

Hi all,

I know I'm not alone in feeling frustrated at seeing most of my peer
nodes backed off most of the time.

I blame frost, especially with the high priority frost tends to use, and
its relentless KSK-thrashing.

One or both of two things needs to happen:

1) frost drops its priority to 5 or 6

2) people stop using frost

Freenet is not ready for a messaging system such as frost, and won't be
till 0.8 and the new publish/subscribe features. In the meantime,
anonymous messaging IMHO is better done via I2P or Tor.

Your thoughts?


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[freenet-chat] USK question(s) and weirdness

2006-06-18 Thread David McNab

When I insert a site with uri [EMAIL PROTECTED]/name/0, the URI that
comes back with the PutSuccessful is [EMAIL PROTECTED]/name/n, where n is
the latest rev number.

But on inserting with uri [EMAIL PROTECTED]/name/49, the URI that came
back was [EMAIL PROTECTED]/name/49, and a fetch to
[EMAIL PROTECTED]/name/49 is the one I've just inserted.

Does this mean that any given USK edition (or the latest edition) can be
'overwritten'? Also, does it mean that edition 0 is a 'magic number',
which on insert, means 'insert to the next available edition', and on
retrieve, means 'fetch the latest available edition'?

The USK wiki page at http://wiki.freenetproject.org/FreenetUSKPages is
in need of explanatory updates.

If someone can post some clarifying comments in reply to this post, I'd
be willing to update the wiki.

Kind regards

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[freenet-chat] new freesite - Freenet Name Services

2006-06-18 Thread David McNab
Hi all,

I've just put up a freesite which explains all about this 'Freenet Name
Services' thing I've been working away at:


Site includes introduction, tutorial/walkthrough and theory.

Kind regards

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[freenet-chat] ANN: pyfcp 0.2.2, with 'name services'

2006-06-17 Thread David McNab

Announcing a new minor release of pyfcp, version 0.2.2

With this release, I've added a 'name services layer', which works as a
proof of concept for shareable lists of bookmarks.

With pyfcp 'name services', you can set up local 'name services', and
add to these services a set of records mapping human-readable names to URIs.

For example, I have an entry called 'darknet', which maps to the
'Darknet Index' freesite. If I do 'fcpget darknet', I get the default
page. If I do 'fcpget darknet/docs.html', I get the Darknet 'Documents'

This 'name services' idea can also be thought of as a system of sharable
bookmark lists. Once you've created a local 'name service', you can
export it with the 'fcpnames listservices' command, so others can import
it with the 'fcpnames addpeer' command. Then, others will be able to do
lookups, and where their local name services fail, the lookup will try
your in-freenet name service.

A 'namesite' is a set of freenet USK keys, with a shared SSK public part.

For example, if name service 'foo' has the public URI '[EMAIL PROTECTED]',
and contains records 'cat - [EMAIL PROTECTED]', and 'dog - [EMAIL 
there will be two keys in freenet:
 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]/cat/0 (containing the string [EMAIL PROTECTED]), and
 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]/dog/0 (containing the string [EMAIL PROTECTED])

This framework is so simple it should be easy to implement in other
languages (and hopefully even finally end up in node code).

More is explained in the manpage for the 'fcpnames' command-line program
within the release distribution.

 - svn: project pyFreenet
 - freenet:
[EMAIL PROTECTED],E9uFCy0NhiTbR0jVQkY77doaWtxTrkS9kuMrzOtNzSQ,AQABAAE/pyfcp/0
 - web: http://www.freenet.org.nz/pyfcp



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[freenet-chat] #freenet needs more ops

2006-06-17 Thread David McNab

There's been a few unmitigated tards cruising #freenet and trolling with
various stupidities.

For many hours in the day, there are no active ops, and no way to kb
said tards.

Could the existing ops, nextgens, toad, sanity et al please appoint a
couple of more ops, who can have a presence when the existing ops are
away? Preferably some people residing between +8 and -6 timezones?

Kind regards

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[freenet-chat] ANN: pyfcp0.1.8 (+freesitemgr)

2006-06-13 Thread David McNab

Announcing release of version 0.1.8 of pyfcp (with freesitemgr freesite
insertion tool).

Main change is a complete rewrite of freesitemgr:

 - freesitemgr now uses the node global queue

 - 'freesitemgr update' now just submits inserts to the queue and exits
   once these inserts have been sent to the node (it no longer waits
   for the node to notify completion)

 - queued inserts have persistence=forever, so should survive node
   restarts (that is, if the node doesn't forget)

 - if node still has Alzheimer's (forgets queued items), freesitemgr
   will detect this and resubmit

 - subsequent runs of 'freesitemgr update' now reconcile the stored site
   state against the retrieved queue info, so you can also use
   'freesitemgr update' to poll the insert states of your freesites

 - freesitemgr no longer uses ~/.freesites, it now stores everything in
   ~/.freesitemgr/*, in much more readable/hackable files

It is recommended that once you get your freesites set up, you stick the
command 'freesitemgr update' (or 'freesitemgr -v update') into your crontab.

Doze users please note - no attempt has yet been made to test
freesitemgr in a doze environment. That's the next item on my todo. YMMV.

Download locations:
1. svn, from 'pyFreenet'
2. web, via www.freenet.org.nz/python/pyfcp
3. freenet, via
[EMAIL PROTECTED],E9uFCy0NhiTbR0jVQkY77doaWtxTrkS9kuMrzOtNzSQ,AQABAAE/pyfcp/0

If you hit any problems, please file a bug on mantis against project
(https://bugs.freenetproject.org/) against project 'PyFreenet'.


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[freenet-chat] ANN: pyFreenet v0.1.7, new freesitemgr

2006-06-11 Thread David McNab

I've just released version 0.1.7 of pyFreenet

The most significant change is a major rewrite of the freesitemgr
freesite insertion utility.

freesitemgr now features 'resumable' operation. This means that if it is
interrupted half-way (by the user pressing Ctrl-C, or the node dying),
it can be re-run, and it will pick up where it left off. This means that
users inserting large freesites can just keep trying if the node keeps
dying, and eventually they'll get the full freesite in.

Also, freesitemgr now stores its info in the *directory* ~/.freesitemgr,
 instead of the *file* ~/.freesites. To import your existing sites, get
their private URIs out of ~/.freesites, and add them into the new
freesitemgr with 'freesitemgr add'.

Other changes:
 - cleaner logging/verbosity options
 - default priority for all operations is now 3 (gets were failing
   at priority 4)

Any bugs? Post them to the pyFreenet bugs page on mantis

Download sites:
[EMAIL PROTECTED],E9uFCy0NhiTbR0jVQkY77doaWtxTrkS9kuMrzOtNzSQ,AQABAAE/pyfcp/0


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[freenet-chat] freedisk: pre-Alpha testers wanted

2006-06-02 Thread David McNab

This is a call for pre-alpha testers for freedisk, the Freenet virtual
disk framework.

What I'll need you to have is:
 - curiosity and interest
 - a few bits of spare time on and off over the next few weeks
 - freenet 0.7 set up and working somewhere on your LAN
 - a linux-based OS
 - root access to this OS (for installation of packages)
 - ability to build kernel modules

What I'll need you to do for this stage of testing is:
 - install a small number of third-party packages, one of which (FUSE)
   needs you to build/install/load a kernel module
 - install the pyfcp package, which includes the Freedisk framework
 - report to me by email or IRC re any problems you run into
 - play around with the freenetfs
 - go through a few iterations of reinstalling pyfcp as I sort out
   the wrinkles

Anyone interested, please contact me off-list using my other email
address: rebirth at orcon dot net dot nz


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Re: [freenet-chat] ANN: freedisk (freenet filesystem) pre-alpha

2006-05-26 Thread David McNab
Conrad J. Sabatier wrote:
 Not intended in any way to detract from your work, but what is the
 intended purpose or use for this?

Not intended in any way to detract from your question, but does it matter?

Kind regards

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Re: [freenet-chat] ANN: freedisk (freenet filesystem) pre-alpha

2006-05-26 Thread David McNab
David McNab wrote:
 Conrad J. Sabatier wrote:
 Not intended in any way to detract from your work, but what is the
 intended purpose or use for this?
 Not intended in any way to detract from your question, but does it matter?

Well, for a more constructive answer - what I'm hoping is to work
towards a 'virtual disk in freenet' kind of idea.

The longer range aim is where a user can create a SSK keypair, and store
this encrypted on their PC. Upon entry of a passphrase, the filesystem
would hold the decrypted keypair in memory, and use it (as USK@ keys) to
implement a hierarchy of files/directories totally within freenet.

In concept, it would work a little bit like PGPdisk, but with all
content distributed throughout the freenet. The user would be able to
use their familiar applications (eg OpenOffice) and save documents
within their freenetfs directory. For instance, saving a document to
/mnt/freenet/mydir/documents/protest-plan.doc, would result in such
'file' being inserted into freenet as a CHK@, then added to the manifest
for their private USK@ key, then the manifest reinserted upon sync.
OpenOffice would be none the wiser.

In addition, the user would be at liberty to disclose his public key to
others, to give others the ability to 'mount' the directory readonly.
Also, maybe give some trusted others the private key to allow them to
mount the directory read/write.

It's early days yet. I'm still sorting through options for how to do
these 'directory mounts' *within* the freenetfs.


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Re: [freenet-chat] Towards a Freenet Filesystem

2006-05-23 Thread David McNab
Joel Salomon wrote:
  How do you report bad key format or splitfile error or any
  Freenet-specific error with the simple FS interface?

 That's easy.
 return false;
 And how do you report *which* error it was?  (Is it worth retrying the
 file, or checking for a mis-copied key, or what?)

One idea that comes to me is to allow read of /errors/read/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm intending to keep a memory cache of recent requests, keyed by URI,
such that this error info can be reliably retrieved.

Another thought is to cache some retrieved keys into the host
filesystem, with hashed filenames and encrypted contents, to speed up

Anyway, if you refer to the wiki page I put up (FreenetFS), you'll see
that the mimetype issue has been addressed.

Any further thoughts, either as replies to this thread, or hacks to the
wiki page, are most welcome.

Thanks for the input so far. Please keep it coming.

Kind regards

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[freenet-chat] Towards a Freenet Filesystem

2006-05-22 Thread David McNab

Your ideas are needed.

I'm in the early stages of implementing a linux filesystem for freenet,
based on the FUSE (userspace filesystem) framework.

The idea is to empower users and app developers, so they can type:

  $ mount -t freenetfs /dev/fuse /mnt/freenet -o options

or alternatively, have in their /etc/fstab the entry:

  /dev/fuse /mnt/freenet freenetfs options 0 0

and end up with freenet mounted at /mnt/freenet

The purpose is to allow seamless integration with freenet of any
application which accesses the filesystem. One use of this would be
allowing people to edit sensitive OpenOffice documents, and store
the files completely within freenet, and allow others to read these

So far, I'm thinking through some options for a directory tree model,
and here's what I've got so far:

 - the root (d'oh)
 - returns empty directory listing
  /keys/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/name
  /keys/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/name/version
 - performs a GET of the given key from freenet, and allows it
   to be read like a file. First line is mimetype\n
  /privatekeys/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/name
 - the filename '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' is the private key
   corresponding to /keys/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/name
 - reading from this file produces a single line, the equivalent
   public key
 - writing to this file performs a freenet PUT. First line written
   should be mimetype\n, then the raw key data
 - a pseudo-directory allowing commands to be sent to the fs, via
   reading/writing pseudo-files
 - reading this file produces an SSK@ keypair
 - contains a set of named subdirectories, where the mapping of
   physical freenet key to logical name is governed by config
   file settings, such as:

 fred=freenet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/name
 mary=freenet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/name

   so reads from '/usr/fred/' become a read to
   '/keys/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/name, and writes to /usr/fred
   become a write to '/privatekeys/[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.

If anyone gets some ideas to improve this model, please reply to this


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[freenet-chat] FreenetFS (freenet filesystem) WIKI

2006-05-22 Thread David McNab

Since my mention of freenetfs has aroused some discussion and worthy
thoughts, it felt right to put up a wiki page.

The page is FreenetFS (http://wiki.freenetproject.org/FreenetFS), and is
linked from the 'Specifications' page which is linked from the main wiki

All sane (and productively insane) contributions welcome. Simplicity,
elegance and intuitiveness preferred.

Kind regards

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[freenet-chat] ANN: pyfcp 0.1.3

2006-05-20 Thread David McNab

I've just released PyFCP version 0.1.3

 - added 'fcpget' and 'fcpput' command-line apps for key retrieve
   and insert
 - minor bug fixes

Tarball, including installer, available from the PyFCP sites:



Please give me a yell if you find bugs, or want extra features...

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[freenet-chat] is Publishing the only Freenet Killer App?

2006-05-19 Thread David McNab

I've been reflecting on my years of intermittent involvement with the
freenet project, and trying to look at the bigger picture of Freenet's
place in the world, and the technical capabilities and limitations which
arise from Freenet's architectural model.

It feels clear to me that the ability to publish and retrieve freesites
and single content files anonymously is the One Great Freenet Killer App.

Publishing of freesites, as well as casual publishing/retrievable of
single content files like images, documents etc, is extremely scalable.
Flogs (freenet weblogs) are scalable because they can work like
freesites. Even RSS feeds are scalable.

My question is - are there any other uses of freenet which, in
real-world practical terms (with n percent of nodes running transiently,
and m percent of nodes on limited bandwidth), can perform effectively
and reliably at scale?

I ask, because after getting my pyfcp lib into a stable state, as well
as the 'freesitemgr' freesite insertion client app, I'm feeling a bit
dry on ideas at the moment.

I've thought of resurrecting FreeMail, and adapting it to the new FCP
interface, but I'm concerned about the fact that its design is based on
relentless KSK@ queue thrashing. I don't even know if FreeMail is
scalable. It certainly didn't work in Freenet 0.4-0.5. I tried several
retry algos, but none of these managed to lift it into a state where
message delivery became reliable. So I'm concerned about the possible
detrimental effect that a rebirthed FreeMail could have on the
fledgeling 0.7 network.

Is there scope to talk about a new keytype, something like a QSK@ (queue
space key), which would spare nodes and the greater network from being
hammered by endless ClientGet requests for mostly nonexistent KSKs?

A native queue-oriented key type, optimally supported within the core
node, would IMHO open up a lot of scope for new application concepts for

Your thoughts?


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[freenet-chat] ANN: freesitemgr - freesite insertion app

2006-05-17 Thread David McNab
Hi all,

Thanks to recent fixes in 0.7 (r8751 and later), I am now in a position
to announce the release of 'freesitemgr', a simple console-based
freesite management application.

freesitemgr allows for easy creation and insertion of new freesites, and
based on site hashes, intelligently reinserts existing freesites when
changes are detected.

freesitemgr is released as part of pyfcp, whose official freesite is now:

[EMAIL PROTECTED],E9uFCy0NhiTbR0jVQkY77doaWtxTrkS9kuMrzOtNzSQ,AQABAAE/pyfcp/1

(note URI change - previous URI was compromised by my carelessness with
a bug posting).

Also, the pyfcp freesite is mirrored on

Any bugs, queries, issues, suggestions etc, please email me

Kind regards

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[freenet-chat] ANN: freesitemgr - freesite insertion app

2006-05-17 Thread David McNab
(apologies if you're seeing this twice - I posted before and it didn't
seem to get through)

Hi all,

Thanks to recent fixes in 0.7 (r8751 and later), I am now able
to announce the release of 'freesitemgr', a simple console-based
freesite management application.

freesitemgr allows for easy creation and insertion of new freesites, and
based on site hashes, intelligently reinserts existing freesites when
changes are detected.

freesitemgr is released as part of pyfcp, whose official freesite is now:


(note URI change - previous URI was compromised by my carelessness with
a bug posting).

Also, the pyfcp freesite is mirrored on

Any bugs, queries, issues, suggestions etc, please email me

Kind regards

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[freenet-chat] ANN: freesitemgr and PyFCP 0.1.2

2006-05-16 Thread David McNab

Announcing a whole new refactored PyFCP, together with a whole new
client app 'freesitemgr'.

freesitemgr is a console app that makes it easy to insert freesites, and
manages a single freesites config file. Invoking 'freesitemgr -h' shows
all the options.

Also, owing to freenet0.7's chronic inability to insert my pyfcp
freesite (it always seems to get to 8 out of 9 succeeded, then hangs
forever), I'm now mirroring the pyfcp site on the mainstream web at

Kind regards

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[freenet-chat] question - node throttling limit

2006-05-16 Thread David McNab

I'm really needing to constrain my bandwidth usage, since out here in
the boonies of the world, I'm paying $2/GB.

Question is - would setting 'node.outputBandwidthLimit' to 2K or even 1K
result in a node that essentially Doesn't Work (TM)?

Even at 2K, (assuming 2K downstream as well), this amounts to 10GB/month
= $20 surcharge.

If such throttling would cripple the node, what's the effective minimum
I could throttle it to while still having a working node?

Kind regards

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[freenet-chat] ANN: PyFCP now ready for use

2006-05-12 Thread David McNab

Hi Python hax0r5,

I've just checked into svn a whole new version of pyfcp, which should be
good enough for use in freenet client development.

 - very simple intuitive API
 - all primitives support synchronous, asynchronous and callback-based
 - includes an XML-RPC server module, which exposes FCP primitives over
 - includes a 'sitemgr' module, very useful for command-line
   (or cron-based) freesite insertion
 - now with full API documentation

 - implement support for persistent jobs

If you find bugs, please check your patches into svn. If you don't have
svn access, or if you're not confident to fix the bugs, give me a yell.


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Re: [freenet-chat] ANN: PyFCP now ready for use

2006-05-12 Thread David McNab
Ian Clarke wrote:
 David, can you add a link to this in the Library Implementations section
 of this page:


Also, I've added wiki pages:

 - FreenetTipsAndTricks (linked from front page)
 - FreenetDevTools (linked from front page)
 - InsertingFreesitesWithCron (linked from tips'n'tricks page)


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[freenet-chat] Q: transient nodes and freesite insertions

2006-05-11 Thread David McNab

I've got a cron job which, once a day:
 1. starts a transient freenet node
 2. lets the node 'settle' for 60 seconds
 3. does a round of freesite insertions
 4. sits for another 60 seconds
 5. shuts down the node

Given that the node has at least a couple of good connections to peers,
is this a safe setup?

In other words, will the transience of the node impact on the ability of
others to reach the inserted freesites? If so, then is there an amount
of time I should leave the node running after the freesite inserts which
will mitigate such impacts?

Thanks in advance for your replies


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[freenet-chat] my 0.7 feedback

2006-05-10 Thread David McNab
Hi all,

I've been away from freenet for some time, largely due to the
frustration caused by Freenet's pathological unreliability in the
0.4,0.5 era as I was trying to get Freemail to work reliably.

In the last couple of weeks, I've been dabbling with 0.7, and have been
in the process of implementing pyfcp (a python library for clients to
access freenet via FCP), and development has taken a couple of orders of
magnitude less time and effort (and pain) compared to its counterpart on

I want to say that with the new architecture of 0.7, I feel my energies
and enthusiasm have regenerated (after feeling burned out and
disillusioned with 0.4-0.6). So congratulations, lots of bouquets, and
lots of fine wine/malt whisky/sticky buds/funny mushrooms/etc to the
architects and developers.

In particular, some of the features I'm really enjoying are:

 - transparent splitfiles handling within the node - no more of this
   dragging the client through the entrails of this complicated process

 - FCP's 'ClientPutComplexDir', making freesite insertion an absolute

 - the USK keytype, and its transparent management within the node. This
   rocks so goddam hard - no more tedious freesite insertion schedules,
   no more annoying metadata construction, no more sites dropping off
   if the author misses an insertion deadline

 - Metadata.ContentType - marvelously simple and to the point. In
   99.95% of cases, no more metadata than this is needed

 - fproxy's improvements, and ability to manage lots of stuff via
   the web interface

Guys, you've won me back as a client writer, and I'm sure you'll win
back a lot more people as word of 0.7's atonements gets out.

David (aum)

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[freenet-chat] ANN: freesite inserter, plus pyfcp updates

2006-05-10 Thread David McNab
Hi folks,

I've updated svn with a better, cleaner, sexier pyfcp (FCP client
library for Python).

Along with that, I've included a little prog called 'sitemgr', which
works as a simple console-based, cron-able freesite inserter, and which
keeps a hash of each freesite to prevent unnecessary insertions.


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Re: [freenet-chat] (amended) HOWTO: firefox 'freenet:' protocol handling

2006-05-08 Thread David McNab
Florent Daignière (NextGen$) wrote:
 * David McNab [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2006-05-08 14:10:31]:
 Ian Clarke wrote:
 On 7 May 2006, at 18:04, David McNab wrote:
 Ian Clarke wrote:
 So websites that use this will only work with users that have Firefox
 and have installed the plugin?
  Isn't it preferable to encourage people
 to use the normal prefix?
 Seems we've got two imperfect options:

 1) Dump user into a sea of broken links if they choose not to have their
 fproxy at
 In which case the user will have some idea of why they are getting
 broken links, as they will have made a conscious decision to change
 their fproxy address.


 2) Dump user into a sea of broken links if they choose not to use an
 extensible open-source browser
 Its not our job to punish the 90% of web users that don't agree with
 your preferred choice of web browser.  Worse, we would also be punishing
 those people that do agree with your choice of web browser, but who
 don't have the appropriate plugin.

 Both scenarios suck, but IMHO the latter sucks a lot less.
 Both scenarios are similar in terms of the poor user experience, the
 differentiator is which is more likely.  Going with freenet:-style urls
 is much more likely to lead to scenario 2 than sticking with our current
 approach is to lead to scenario 1.
 /me stifles the temptation to write an fproxyproxy
 It exists ! :)
 Try to set up your browser to use fproxy as an HTTP proxy server ;)
 IMHO it's even better in term of security as you're SURE that no
 external link could be loaded by your browser.

The latest version of SwitchProxy for Firefox allows 2-click proxy
switching, so I've already got my fproxy configured in there.


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[freenet-chat] req: firefox plugin

2006-05-07 Thread David McNab
Hi all,

Given the rise to prominence of Firefox as The One True Wholesome
Browser, is there anyone in the Freenet community who might be inspired
to write a Firefox plugin to handle freenet URLs?

How I'd see a plugin working:

 * configuration includes:
- host, port for an Fproxy
 * handles 'freenet:' type URLs, in the address bar,
   in bookmarks, in clickable links, and sends such
   requests over to the nominated fproxy
 * possibly stick a tiny freenet 'hops' (white rabbit) logo
   in the browser status bar, with a red circle/stroke if the
   FProxy is not reachable

Anyone here with firefox plugin skills who might be motivated?


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[freenet-chat] HOWTO: firefox 'freenet:' protocol handling

2006-05-07 Thread David McNab

A 2-minute recipe for getting Firefox to handle 'freenet:'-style URLs,
so that mainstream web pages can link to freesite pages without worrying
about fproxy access specifics.


Allow mainstream websites to contain abstracted freenet links such as:

  a href=freenet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]hot freenet stuff here/a

without needing to prefix the href with fproxy address details, such as:
 'href=http://localhost:/[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.

This can be valuable, since many users don't have their fproxy on
localhost: (myself for instance, since i run my freenet node on a
headless server on the other side of my LAN). For such users, links on
mainstream websites with 'href=http://localhost:;' will be broken.

This recipe allows the specifics of fproxy access to be buried within


1) Stick the following script somewhere in your system:

 /path/to/firefox -remote openURL(http://localhost:/$1)

Call it (say) /usr/local/bin/firefox_freenet (we'll refer to the path
later on)

If your fproxy is not on 'localhost:', change accordingly.

If you're still in the Redmond Prison, use instead the script:

 c:\pathto\firefox.exe -remote openURL(http://localhost:/%1)

and write this into a .BAT file somewhere on your disk, say,

2) Within firefox, type into the address bar 'about:config'

3) within the displayed pane, do:

  (i) right-click, New, String.
  For preference name, enter:
  And for value, enter:

  (in windows hell, enter c:\firefox\firefox_freenet.BAT)

  (ii) right-click, New, Boolean
   For preference name, enter:
   And for value, enter:

  (iii) right-click, New, Boolean
   For preference name, enter:
   And for value, enter:

You're done.

Test it out by entering into your firefox address bar the URL:



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[freenet-chat] (amended) HOWTO: firefox 'freenet:' protocol handling

2006-05-07 Thread David McNab


A 2-minute recipe for getting Firefox to handle 'freenet:'-style URLs,
so that mainstream web pages can link to freesite pages without worrying
about fproxy access specifics.


Allow mainstream websites to contain abstracted freenet links such as:

  a href=freenet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]hot freenet stuff here/a

without needing to prefix the href with fproxy address details, such as:
 'href=http://localhost:/[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.

This can be valuable, since many users don't have their fproxy on
localhost: (myself for instance, since i run my freenet node on a
headless server on the other side of my LAN). For such users, links on
mainstream websites with 'href=http://localhost:;' will be broken.

This recipe allows the specifics of fproxy access to be buried within


1) Stick the following script somewhere in your system:

 /path/to/firefox -remote openURL(http://localhost:/$1,new-tab)

Call it (say) /usr/local/bin/firefox_freenet (we'll refer to the path
later on). Chmod it to execute permission.

If your fproxy is not on 'localhost:', change accordingly.

If you're still in the Redmond Prison, use instead the script:

 c:\pathto\firefox.exe -remote openURL(http://localhost:/%1,new-tab)

(all on one line)

and write this into a .BAT file somewhere on your disk, say,

2) Within firefox, type into the address bar 'about:config'

3) within the displayed pane, do:

  (i) right-click, New, String.
  For preference name, enter:
  And for value, enter:

  (in windows hell, enter c:\firefox\firefox_freenet.BAT)

  (ii) right-click, New, Boolean
   For preference name, enter:
   And for value, enter:

  (iii) right-click, New, Boolean
   For preference name, enter:
   And for value, enter:

You're done.

Test it out by entering into your firefox address bar the URL:



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Re: [freenet-chat] (amended) HOWTO: firefox 'freenet:' protocol handling

2006-05-07 Thread David McNab
Ian Clarke wrote:
 So websites that use this will only work with users that have Firefox
 and have installed the plugin?
  Isn't it preferable to encourage people
 to use the normal prefix?

Seems we've got two imperfect options:

1) Dump user into a sea of broken links if they choose not to have their
fproxy at


2) Dump user into a sea of broken links if they choose not to use an
extensible open-source browser

Both scenarios suck, but IMHO the latter sucks a lot less.

Anyone else got an opinion on this?


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Re: [freenet-chat] (amended) HOWTO: firefox 'freenet:' protocol handling

2006-05-07 Thread David McNab
Ian Clarke wrote:
 On 7 May 2006, at 18:04, David McNab wrote:
 Ian Clarke wrote:
 So websites that use this will only work with users that have Firefox
 and have installed the plugin?
  Isn't it preferable to encourage people
 to use the normal prefix?

 Seems we've got two imperfect options:

 1) Dump user into a sea of broken links if they choose not to have their
 fproxy at
 In which case the user will have some idea of why they are getting
 broken links, as they will have made a conscious decision to change
 their fproxy address.

 2) Dump user into a sea of broken links if they choose not to use an
 extensible open-source browser
 Its not our job to punish the 90% of web users that don't agree with
 your preferred choice of web browser.  Worse, we would also be punishing
 those people that do agree with your choice of web browser, but who
 don't have the appropriate plugin.
 Both scenarios suck, but IMHO the latter sucks a lot less.
 Both scenarios are similar in terms of the poor user experience, the
 differentiator is which is more likely.  Going with freenet:-style urls
 is much more likely to lead to scenario 2 than sticking with our current
 approach is to lead to scenario 1.

/me stifles the temptation to write an fproxyproxy


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[freenet-chat] ANN: Paper on SSK Keypair Applications

2004-08-20 Thread David McNab
I've written a tutorial guide to the SSK keypair format, and some ways 
in which SSK keypairs can be used for other applications.

Hopefully it might save some time for other developers, and open up some 
options for use in Freenet-related (and possibly non-freenet peripheral) 

The document is at http://www.freenet.org.nz/ssk.html.
I invite Freenet experts to review it for correctness and completeness.
chat mailing list

[freenet-chat] Re: [freenet-dev] Java

2003-05-25 Thread David McNab
On Sun, 25 May 2003 02:36:34 +0200
Frank v Waveren  wrote:

  n (n -> infinity)
> > Gripe(i) Java is...

The best thing, IMO, that's ever been added to Java is the Python

Called 'Jython', it's actually a python interpreter in Java, that allows
Python code to interact seamlessly with Java.

What I'm saying is that there might be an excellent case to use this
mechanism to gradually migrate the Freenet codebase over to Python - it
can be moved one class at a time, without undue drama.

Once Fred's fully in Python, there'll be some huge advantages.

For one, Python programs can be readily built into binaries that run on
their target system without needing a Python environment.

For another, interfacing Python to C is effortless and painless,
especially given Pyrex - the Python/C interface language. Python code
can compile to vanilla C, and be incrementally optimised for speed.

For another, Java is just Pascal with a makeover, and a pretty bad one
at that. Python is a way cool language, that lets you get the job done
with far less effort and much more fun.

So what I'm proposing is an incremental migration away from Java and
towards a Python/C blend. Python for the comfortable effortless
abstraction, and C for the raw bit-bashing grunt. A big argument in
favour of this is that it's not an all-or-nothing deal - stable working
code can be released at many different points along the migration path.



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[freenet-chat] Is there a freenet homepage, or a FAQ page?

2003-04-14 Thread David McNab
Kinda makes me curious - how someone can fine the freenet chat list
email address without having visited the homepage.

On Mon, 2003-04-14 at 22:49, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> Angel Gabriel (badmangabriel at lycos.co.uk) wrote:
> > I know this is kinda silly to ask, but I only have POP access to the net
> > at the moment, but I'd like to know if such a site exists.
> http://freenetproject.org/
Kind regards


leave this line intact so your email gets through my junk mail filter

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chat at freenetproject.org

[freenet-chat] New Law may make Freenet illegal

2003-03-28 Thread David McNab
Pray that this doesn't happen.

But a story in today's Slashdot,
talks of several states passing laws which, amongst other things, would
make it illegal to 'concel... from any service provider... the existence
or place of origin or destination of any communication.

Could this be interpreted as making Freenet's stealth routing illegal?


chat mailing list

Re: [lists] Re: [freenet-chat] New Law may make Freenet illegal

2003-03-28 Thread David McNab
I'm no expert on US constitution and law.

But on thinking about this, it looks like a case of the legislature
vesting a huge amount of power into the executive and judiciary.

Because if the legislation is overly broad and ambiguous, the whole
thing will turn into a merry dance of ISPs and govt departments taking
action against individuals, leaving it to judges to determine whether
the interpretation in question is fair or not.

I can imagine thousands of test cases examining countless scenarios, and
judges actually making up the law as they go along.

Given the Supreme Court's historical legal blunder in ruling against the
Eldred v Ashcroft constitutionality challenge (of the Disney Copyright
Forever Act), I don't think the judiciary can actually be trusted to
rule fairly.

The only winners will be those who can afford the best lawyers, and the
lawyers themselves.

Real 'democracy' - one dollar, one vote!

Tell me, is this where the USA is generally headed? Implementing a slow
transition to straight-out plutocracy via vague legislation vesting
power in the judiciary?


On Sat, 2003-03-29 at 13:01, Seth Johnson wrote:
 It would make caller ID blocking illegal, wouldn't it?  I had my phones
 installed with all-call blocking (i.e., I don't transmit my phone number to
 others be default, and I have to explicitly turn it on to get through to
 somebody with who blocks private calls).
 They were required to provide this option back when they first started
 installing Caller ID and running those hysteria-provoking ads about
 Seth Johnson
 Greg Wooledge wrote:
  David McNab ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
   But a story in today's Slashdot,
   talks of several states passing laws which, amongst other things, would
   make it illegal to 'concel... from any service provider... the existence
   or place of origin or destination of any communication.
   Could this be interpreted as making Freenet's stealth routing illegal?
  Based on that wording, it would make all of the following unlawful:
   * Steganography
   * Network Address Translation (NAT)
   * Freenet
   * Mixmaster networks
   * Regular old snail mail without a return address on the envelope
  ... and probably much, much more.
  Greg Wooledge  |   Truth belongs to everybody.
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |- The Red Hot Chili Peppers
  http://wooledge.org/~greg/ |

 Part 1.2Type: application/pgp-signature
Kind regards


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[freenet-chat] Urgent: time for Freenet to prove itself

2003-03-26 Thread David McNab
If there's anyone in the Arab world, or otherwise in a position to
access http://english.aljazeera.net, now's a great opportunity to prove
the worth of Freenet and mirror this site into a freesite.

AlJazeera is presently under attack, and there's no reason to expect
that further attacks won't follow.

I had my first glimpse of this site 2 days ago before the attacks
started. From what I can see, it offers a refreshingly unique
perspective on the whole Iraq deal.

No, it's not a sabre-rattling jihad-chanting organ of muslim propaganda.
The AlJazeera news organisation seems to be making a genuine sincere
effort to adopt a truly neutral and objective position.

At this time, it's vital that the world internet population have access
to a diversity of points of view on the current Iraq situation. There
are some who believe that the present practice of 'embedding'
journalists in fighting units (and under rule of command) may be
compromising the objectivity of news coverage. This concern may not be
without merit.

So here's an opportunity to prove that Freenet is not just a naughty
dark hidey hole for late night one-handed typing.

If I had reliable access to the website, I'd be inserting a freesite

So if you can get english.aljazeera.net, how about mirroring it into a
freesite and getting the word out.


chat mailing list

Re: [freenet-chat] Urgent: time for Freenet to prove itself

2003-03-26 Thread David McNab
On Thu, 2003-03-27 at 18:01, Ian Clarke wrote:
 I have thought about this too - unfortunately I think it will be 
 difficult to get the site while it is being attacked/slashdotted.
 Ideally, if we could get someone at Al Jazeera to publish it such that 
 publishing continues even if their WWW site goes offline, *that* would 
 be cool.  Anyone got an email address or phone number?

Rather a severe attack when even the nameservers can't be reached.

I couldn't find any contact info for any of their Middle Eastern
offices, but did make contact with their Washington office, and sent
them an email telling them about Freenet's resistance to censorship, and
offering to mirror their site(s) into Freenet.

Phone number (Wash DC): 202-393-1333

Their main email address is being DDoSed, but I feel it would be ok to
post here an address of one of their journalists (assuming that nobody
in the Freenet community would have any desire to spam or DDoS him):
His email is [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 On Thu, Mar 27, 2003 at 12:37:13PM +1200, David McNab wrote:
  If there's anyone in the Arab world, or otherwise in a position to
  access http://english.aljazeera.net, now's a great opportunity to prove
  the worth of Freenet and mirror this site into a freesite.
  AlJazeera is presently under attack, and there's no reason to expect
  that further attacks won't follow.
  I had my first glimpse of this site 2 days ago before the attacks
  started. From what I can see, it offers a refreshingly unique
  perspective on the whole Iraq deal.
  No, it's not a sabre-rattling jihad-chanting organ of muslim propaganda.
  The AlJazeera news organisation seems to be making a genuine sincere
  effort to adopt a truly neutral and objective position.
  At this time, it's vital that the world internet population have access
  to a diversity of points of view on the current Iraq situation. There
  are some who believe that the present practice of 'embedding'
  journalists in fighting units (and under rule of command) may be
  compromising the objectivity of news coverage. This concern may not be
  without merit.
  So here's an opportunity to prove that Freenet is not just a naughty
  dark hidey hole for late night one-handed typing.
  If I had reliable access to the website, I'd be inserting a freesite
  So if you can get english.aljazeera.net, how about mirroring it into a
  freesite and getting the word out.
  chat mailing list

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[freenet-chat] New pyFreenet release

2003-02-24 Thread David McNab
Hi all,

Just a quick note to announce the release of pyFreenet 0.2.

This version completely obsoletes vers 0.1.

Now features:

* Full FEC/Splitfiles support (thx to Fish/GJ for their code which
  I've gratuitously ripped and absorbed into the pyFreenet classes)
* Removed all dependency on fcptools
* More comprehensive API documentation
* Full self-test suite
* Python installer script

Download available from http://www.freenet.org.nz/pyFreenet, and
in-freenet (see TFE freesite, scroll to pyFreenet)

(Ahh, at last I can now get on with writing some actual useful Freenet


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Re: [freenet-chat] New Freenet Search Engine

2003-02-23 Thread David McNab
On Mon, 2003-02-24 at 09:53, Marion Bates wrote:
 Hi David,
 That's way cool, thanks for posting the url. It's quite speedy. I can't think of
 any suggestions for improvement, except possibly adding a how I did this page. 

The 'How I Did This' is so trivial that perhaps it's better being shared

In ht://dig, the only hack required was disabling the URL handling code
that censors out double slashes '//' in Freenet URIs. With this done,
the spider is now capable of fetching text and html content via fproxy.

With that in place, I set the spider 'htdig' loose, with the Total
Freedom Engine (TFE) as the starting URL. Via fproxy, htdig recursively
pulls all the text and html documents it can find.

As for the search interface on the web server side, I've added 2 fields:
fproxy host and port. This is for people (like myself) who have a node
running 24/7 on a server box, but turn off their workstation box when
not in use. If you enter anything in these fields other than the default, a PHP script edits the URLs in the search results to
point to your LAN's internal address for your fproxy gateway (useful
also for those of you at work who VPN to your home boxen and visit
fproxy for your daily hit of anime pr0n).

Result is that you can then just click on a url and have it come up.
(Please take note - website/freesite authors - hard-coding
'http;//' into URLs on freesites or mainstream web pages
is very unacceptable practice - the correct way to link to someone
else's freesite is with href set to '/[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.

The first index was built with a server timeout of 30 seconds. While
that's generous for mainstream web servers, it's way short for fproxy,
given freenet lag. So a spider is presently running with a new timeout
of 180secs, which should glean some more results.

The very act of spidering these pages will change their routing within
Freenet - and will have a tendency to bring to life a lot of the more
rarely-visited freesites. Most of what comes up in searches should
actually be reachable through Freenet, as a result of the pages being
requested and indexed.

After the spider's present run, I'll set up the scripts to automatically
zip up the search database and insert the database itself into Freenet,
so that others can feed it into their own htdig program. Ultimately, I'd
like to build up a totally in-freenet search system, whereby a GUI app
(for *nix and Windoze) is distributed with it. Aiming for the app to
support other people's search portals as well.


 Thanks also, by the way, for your earlier compliments regarding the website.
 Much appreciated by at least _one_ of the web editors.  :)  
 -- MB

chat mailing list

Re: [freenet-chat] Fproxy failing with FEC

2003-02-22 Thread David McNab
As it turns out, the problem is the Galeon browser.

The file inserted and retrieved fine with Konqueror

But it might be worth looking into why Galeon is disliking the file.


On Sun, 2003-02-23 at 19:18, David McNab wrote:
 I did a splitfile FEC insert with fishtools, and tried to retrieve it
 with fproxy. Fproxy complained that 'The image
 http://localhost:/servlet/SFRequest//__ID__..' cannot be
 displayed, because it contains errors.
 Wanting to confirm/eliminate fishtools as a suspect, I inserted another
 large file into my node with fproxy, then retrieved it back with fproxy
 - same error.
 It's not a good look when the main Freenet client - fproxy - is unable
 to insert then retrieve the same file :(
 Can anyone suggest what's going on here?
 Is fproxy stuffed? Is it just the insert code, or the
 retrieve/reassemble code, or both?
 Or is there a chance my datastore is stuffed?
 What's the confidence level in FProxy's FEC splitfiles insert and
 Are there any tools, libs or clients (apart from fishtools) that are
 consistently and successfully inserting *and* retrieving splitfiles?
 Is the whole FEC thing actually working out as a net positive in
 PS - I'm using Sun JDK 1.3, and Fred code, on Debian Unstable
 with a 256MB datastore
 chat mailing list

chat mailing list

[freenet-chat] The new freenetproject.org website

2003-02-21 Thread David McNab
Hi all,

/me was really hating the mid-grey background of the old sight - had to
keep turning off colours in Galeon to read the old one.

/me looks at new freenetproject.org website.

Credit to the webmasters.

Great effort! :)
Smart professional design.
Nice to see the new look'n'feel consistency with the FProxy page.

10/10 for everything, guys.


chat mailing list

[freenet-chat] Freenet crypto question

2003-02-10 Thread David McNab
Given the (public, private) keypair that is used for inserting and
retrieving SVK@ and SSK@ keys:

Is there any encryption method that can encrypt an arbitrary block of
data, using only an SSK pubkey, such that the data can only be decrypted
with the corresponding privkey?

If so, what would the algorithm be?
Is there any code lying around from which such encryption could be done?


chat mailing list

[freenet-chat] Things seem quiet

2003-02-10 Thread David McNab
Hi all,

On coming back to the Freenet project, I see some things have changed.

On one hand, there's a deathly quiet in these mailing lists, and in
the #freenet IRC channel.

But on the other hand, there's this vast array of new freesites and
index sites.

Two very conflicting indications about the health of the project.

Lastest fred code seems to be behaving itself nicely with no surprises.
Much better than when last I looked 3 months ago.

To save me from the arduous task of combing through months of email
archives, does anyone want to offer some comments on the state of play
in the Land of Hops?


chat mailing list

[freenet-chat] Re: packaging fcptools for debian

2002-03-05 Thread David McNab
Hi Robert,

Tuesday, March 05, 2002, 3:24:55 AM, you wrote:

RM> Hello!
RM> I've been looking at you program, which looks very nice.
RM> Is it okay for you if I package it for the Debian
RM> distribution?
RM> If so, please tell me where can I find the sources. The
RM> source tarball in the website only contains binaries,
RM> and in Freeweb's CVS there's nothing on fcptools.
RM> Thank you,
RM> p.s. please keep the CC to 134137 at bugs.debian.org
RM> when responding

Thanks for your email.
I've been very inactive with FCPtools of late.
Maintenance has been taken over by Jay Oliveri
(Jay Oliveri ), who is doing an excellent job with
tidying up, autotooling etc.

Please liase with Jay, but I'd be grateful if you can keep me
in the loop.

Source has been moved under the Freenet project CVS, which you can
browse at

If I can be of any help, please let me know.

Lastly, are you targetting it just for Debian Unstable, or are there
plans for it to move to Debian Stable in due course?


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Chat at freenetproject.org

[freenet-chat] Re[2]: [freenet-tech] Re: Crash in new Fred code?

2002-03-05 Thread David McNab

>> So you see, there is really *no* JVM that can be relied on.

GB> Could this "mangling" be responsible for recent Fred crashes?

I've kept pretty quiet of late, largely as a result of running out of
enthusiasm in light of the 0.4 transition hassles amongst other

But this feels like an appropriate time to toss in my 2c worth at the
risk of possibly offending some people.

My thoughts on the matter?
Re-code the whole fucking thing in C or C++ !!!
And clean up the design in the process.

Wipe out the whole java CVS, and instead put up a few snapshot
tarballs to aid the C re-developers.

Vet every release candidate on the following criteria:

1) Clean-compiles on:
   - Debian (stable, testing and unstable)
   - Redhat 7.2 and Mandrake 8.x
   - xxxBSD
   - unmodified Cygwin
   - MSVC optional

   **without requiring a single line of code, autoconf, makefile or
   other script to be touched**

2) Works on all of the above platforms

3) Any 3rd-party libraries used must be mirrored in the Freenet CVS,
   and also conform to the above.

   None of this "well, you can get lib from www.somewhere.com, but
   to compile it, you'll need the updated headers from jim's archive
   at www.fuckyou.cs.edu, but don't forget, you'll need to recompile
   gcc with the patches from mary's ftp (which is only up 3 hours a
   day) at www.getlost.net)"

   Maybe now is a good time to rescue this wonderful idea called
   Freenet out of the abyss of vapourware.


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[freenet-chat] Censorship

2002-02-08 Thread David McNab
MJR> Do these hackers contend that the majority of ADD cases should be
MJR> left untreated? Or should they be treated differently, and how so?

>From my experience with the illness, and from seeing other people's
recovery, the cure for children lies in teaching parents to stop
'living on the surface' and dealing with a bulk of suppressed
emotional tensions. This is based on a marked tendency for kids to
pick up on their parents' 'stuff'.

Recovery in adults may require the person to get a bit of temporary
distance from their family, while they learn to recognise and release
dysfunctional patterns they've grown up with, and effectively
re-invent themselves without family interference. Once healing has
been achieved, family relationships can then resume (that is, if the
person who's healed actually *wants* to resume such relationships).


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[freenet-chat] Censorship

2002-02-08 Thread David McNab
Hi krepta,

Friday, February 08, 2002, 12:43:20 PM, you wrote:

kjc> CoS is attacking people left and right, not only because of Copyright
kjc> infringement but also because of thier claims that the Public School
kjc> system and the Medical community conspired to invent a mental illness,
kjc> ADD/ADHD, and use that so-called false diagnoses to make Millions of
kjc> dollars by scamming the public.  This is totaly rediculous, and I KNOW
kjc> this because I have suffered from ADD my whole life, and there IS NO CURE
kjc> for anyone over the age of 5, I think.  The only absolute CURE is a
kjc> method of reorganizeing the brain while it is still doing a LOT of
kjc> developing and changeing.  Once that process of development slows down,
kjc> and patterns have become pretty much set, there is no way to reverse the
kjc> disorder or retrain the brain to deal with it.

I grew up with symptoms completely consistent with the diagnostic
protocols for ADD/ADHD, and now enjoy a life completely free of that
condition. I do owe my healing to a process seen in some quarters to
be at least as controversial as CoS. Using a similar process, my wife
freed herself of diabetes and epilepsy.

In most areas, I feel that CoS are a PoS.
But I (reluctantly) have to support them in these particular claims.
If the ADD/ADHD 'labels' had existed during my childhood, I would have
been fed the amphetamines etc to 'manage' the condition, in which
case, I doubt I would have had any capability to heal in the way I am
now healed.


kjc> And of course, the CoS thinks that the only way to deal with kids and
kjc> adults with this so-called fake disorder is to do "hands on assists", or
kjc> have them just join the CoS.

kjc> I normaly don't try to flame or bash people based on their beliefs, if
kjc> you want to believe something, go ahead, I don't care.  But I have a
kjc> MAJOR problem when people try to enforce their beleifs on others, or try
kjc> to hurt, either psychologicaly, physicaly, or financialy, anyone with
kjc> different beliefs, or opinions.  Unless the hurting is socialy necessary
kjc> in order to prevent a person or group of people from causing more harm
kjc> than they already have.

>> You are right, not running any blockers at all *is* the better 
>> defense, 
>> so why would we put code in Freenet that makes it easier for people 
>> to 
>> write and run blockers (and is of little other practical use)?

kjc> Exactly, why should Freenet developers attempt to make censorship of the
kjc> network they are trying to create easier?  It is illogical.  This network
kjc> is supposed to FIGHT censorship, in all forms, and at all times.  It
kjc> would be either hypocritical or stupid or both to tout the
kjc> anti-censorship that Freenet is supposed to represent, meanwhile trying
kjc> to make censorship easier to accomplish.

>> Not at all, the CoS lawyers have proof that they got the documents 
>> from 
>> his node, whether he subsequently deletes them is irrelevant.

kjc> All the CoS has to do is INSERT one of these illegal documents, to be
kjc> certain that they are in fact in existance on Freenet, then request those
kjc> same documents and track down the exact nodes from which they were able
kjc> to recieve the documents and prosecute the people running those nodes. 
kjc> Easy.  They don't have to prove Who put the data on freenet in the first
kjc> place, so it doesn't even matter whether THEY did it or not.  All they
kjc> have to prove is that the node operators KNOWINGLY ran and used a piece
kjc> of software that allowed the illegal dissemination of their copyrighted
kjc> material.  Thus proveing that copyright law has been broken by the
kjc> defendants.  Easy.

>> And your assertion that our motive is to sweep the problem under 
>> the
>> carpet by removing this command is also disgusting, because I have 
>> made
>> it clear several times during this debate, as have others, that it 
>> will
>> still be possible for people to hack their nodes to add this kind 
>> of
>> functionality, but that doesn't mean we should make it easier for 
>> them. 

kjc> I still don't understand how it is possible to KNOW exactly which
kjc> encrypted keys in the datastore are the ones you supposedly want to
kjc> delete.  Why not just delete the datastore?

>> It has been pointed out over and over again that this command is a 
>> terrible way to confirm insertion of content, the best way is to run 
>> two 
>> nodes.

kjc> This is all about insertion confirmation?!  That's easy, all you have to
kjc> do is have two seperate nodes.  Insert useing one node, with it's own
kjc> individual datastore, then shut it down and run your other node to try to
kjc> retrieve that same data, if it arrives, you know it inserted on the
kjc> network.  Man, that's child's play, easy as pie, the simplist thing in
kjc> the world!! :)

>> Firstly, you don't need this - there are better ways, and secondly, 
>> you 
>> should be glad that we put the goals of the project ahead of 

[freenet-chat] GRR!

2002-01-31 Thread David McNab
DTG> % I don't know much, if anything, about Christian Science, but this is
DTG> If you're interested in finding out, surf over to
DTG>   http://www.tfccs.com/
DTG> or
DTG>   http://www.spirituality.com/
DTG> and look around.

Hmmm, looks pretty viable to me :)

One thing I can say is that the CCS crowd are fortunate to have got
their whole show on the road so long ago.

I speculate that if something like CCS was being introduced now, then
the Church of Orthodox Medicine would fight it tooth and nail and most
likely squash it. Constitutional guarantees of Freedom of Religion
wouldn't be much help.

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[freenet-chat] GRR!

2002-01-30 Thread David McNab
To misappropriate George Orwell:
"If there is hope, it lies with the actuaries".

You can almost bless those cloistered mathematical priests of the
insurance companies. They're so morally neutral, and you can always
trust them to stick to the statistical tables of What Actually
Happens, as opposed to the prevailing politics of the day.

Actuaries will do *anything* to save their insurance employers a buck.
For example, the actuaries who now instruct their companies to charge
more for 'hacker' insurance if the client uses Windows than if they
use Linux.

DTG> As an added bonus, Christian Science treatment is covered under many
DTG> health insurance plans.

I don't know much, if anything, about Christian Science, but this is
probably the strongest endorsement of Christian Science that can be
got from the mainstream system at present.


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[freenet-chat] GRR!

2002-01-29 Thread David McNab
kjc> On Primetime Thurstay, an ABC News magazine, or whatever you call it, I
kjc> became very upset at their story about "Alternative Medicine".
kjc> And they are on a Holy Crusade against products like Cancema, and the
kjc> people who make them.  May they rott in HELL!
kjc> All I can say is, WTF!
kjc> Ok, I'm done with my rant. :)

Your rant is valid. I'd just love to hear another
hundred million Americans starting to sing to the same tune.

But don't forget the usual catch-phrase used by some drug dealers
whenever they're busted - they say "I don't make people take this
stuff - I'm just catering to an existing demand".

Underneath the complex matrix of legal, social, economic and
governmental factors, there's one single thing that keeps this corrupt
medical status quo in place - public demand.

The reason why mainstream medicine enjoys its Microsoft-like market
dominance is the public demand for instant gratification - the desire
to 'change and stay the same'. Or as Jello Biafra put it, "Give me
convenience or give me death". [The Windows versus Linux scenario very
closely mirrors the mainstream medicine versus alternative health

Amongst the alternatives, a common aspect of treatment is the
need for clients to open themselves to some different ways of
thinking and changes in lifestyle, and to accept a greater level of
understanding of and responsibility for their health. People, on the
whole, are simply not willing to do that past a certain superficial

The resistance to change in thinking/lifestyle starts to approach the
resistance to change of religion. For example, If there were thousands
of formally documented cases of people being cured of cancer by, say,
becoming Seventh Day Adventists, how many people would make the
switch, and how many would choose to die instead?

Every person who seeks the 'quick fix', the 'pill to make the problems
go away for now', is voting to keep the existing corrupt medical
establishment in place, and in effect sentencing their brothers and
sisters to unnecessary risk of death and suffering.

As for me, my wife and I routinely heal ourselves of any health
conditions which may emerge. We haven't been to doctors in over 8
years, and sure don't anticipate ever going to them again. The drug
companies will never get even a cent from us again.


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[freenet-chat] War on Internet Freedom (was: About Me!)

2002-01-23 Thread David McNab
TM> The actual GUI pretty much taken care of for GNU/Linux; KDE can
TM> approach (and in some places, exceed) the user-freindlyness of a
TM> Windows desktop.

Yes and no.

Having extensively used both Linux and W--dows desktops, I find the
W--dows GUI to be far more ergonomically comfortable. Lots of simple
little things, like mouse responsiveness, speed of menu popups,
response of software to mouse moves/clicks, even colouring. For some
strange reason, the Linux colours always look a bit bland and
amateurish, lacking the professional graphic design that has obviously
gone into W--dows.

I have to admit that after 4 straight hours using a Linux desktop, I'm
more tired than after 4 hours using a W--dows desktop. In that respect
alone, Linux feels like an early model Ford with hard suspension and
quirky brakes/shift/clutch/steering, where W--dows feels more like a
comfortable Mercedes or BMW sedan. 

Quite understandable, since W--dows is far more profit driven, so
project managers will be more responsive to aesthetic/ergonomic
considerations, the factors that mean fuck-all to techies but affect
Joe User's overall experience and enjoyment.

Hopefully one of the commercial Linux companies like RH or Mandrake
might find the $$$ to recruit a really good graphic designer.

So far, the most ergonomically refined Linux desktop I've seen is
Ximian/Gnome. Now *that's* a class act in comfortable GUI design.

TM>   The actual installation is what is holding back 
TM> GNU/Linux.

Does it ever!
Still too 'technocentric', and with major gaps.
Although Mandrake's installers (especially 8.x) easily rival all the
W--dows installers for ease and success rate. Mandrake also strikes a
good balance between bleeding edge and stability.

Now, an installer based on Mandrake which auto-installs Ximian would
be a candidate for Joe Public.

However, there's the chronic problem of device drivers, mostly the
fault of the 3rd party hardware vendors and their failure to provide
adequate Linux support. With many devices, drivers only exist because
some mega-smart hackers reverse-engineer the hardware with CROs,
datascopes etc.


* Alcatel SpeedTouch USB DSL 'modem':
   * W--dows installation - 45 seconds, works first go
   * Linux installation - days or weeks of rebuilding
 kernel, hacking the TCP/IP stack, sourcing PPPoATM drivers and
 lots of other stuff. Lots of hacking code.

* Matrox Marvel G200 MJPEG Video Capture/Out card
   * W--dows installation - 4 minutes, including reboot, works first
   * Linux installation - no drivers exist

* One HP scanner
   * W--dows - 4 minutes including reboot, effortless OCR from then on
   * Linux - add some symlinks, hack some config files, scanning ok
 but no OCR

TM>   Can your mom install any of the distributions (pick one, any one
TM> will do) of GNU/Linux?  Can your mom install Windows (any
TM> version)?  The answer is most likely no to both questions,  
TM> and it will likely remain that way because an OS installation is,
TM> by its very nature, a very complex task. 

Yes, due mostly to diversity of hardware and software options

TM> Therefore, I come to the conclusion that GNU/Linux will not win
TM> until you can walk into Best Buy or CompUSSR and grab a GNU/Linux
TM> box off the shelf with everything pre-installed.  

Or until some major retailer puts its cajones on the chopping block,
takes a risk, and aggressively markets a Linux box, using the
significantly lower system cost (no S/W fees) as a competitive
advantage. Maybe Gateway would still be healthy if they'd tried this.

 David mailto:david at rebirthing.co.nz

Windows XP
XP = eXterminating your Privacy
Please don't use Windows XP!

Defend your online freedom

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[freenet-chat] War on Internet Freedom (was: About Me!)

2002-01-22 Thread David McNab
>> the 90s' most significant
>> movie, The Matrix,

GW> Of course, only a geek would consider that statement to be true.

Touche'! :)

But there was a surprising number of non-geeks who were equally taken
with the film.

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[freenet-chat] War on Internet Freedom (was: About Me!)

2002-01-22 Thread David McNab
>> Hardly anyone sees that in with the existence of the Internet it
>> is going to imposable to control the flow of information, period.
>> The only way to stop this flow of information is to ban people all
>> together from the Internet. Any sort of censorship and copy
>> protection is going to be defeated, plain and simple.

There's one major factor that will determine the outcome of the 'War
Against Internet Freedom' - the mass user.

In the 60s through 80s, geekiness was a social stigma - personified by
'nerds' with their pocket-protectors, thick-rimmed glasses and
programmable calculators, never ever getting the girls.

Interestingly, in the 90s, geekiness started to become quite hip, even
to the extent that the main character of the 90s' most significant
movie, The Matrix, is the geekiest of the geek.

IMO, what will determine the outcome of this war is whether the mass
users will take it on themselves to gain even just a slightly deeper
understanding of what the Internet is from a technical point of view,
and not regard the 'under the hood' matters as the realm of social

Linux by its very nature strongly encourages technical learning, but
for every Linux box on the desktop, there are 50 W--dows boxes, with
an operating system that increasingly encourages technical ignorance.

So it's up to everyone with even an ounce of technical know-how to
educate everyone they can, to the best of their ability, to start
comprehending the issues involved, and making purchasing decisions
that encourage, rather than discourage, internet freedom.

For instance,

* Prefer Linux
* If one *must* have windows, then *don't* buy XP
* Learn how to determine if any new hardware has any copy
restrictions, and don't buy it
* Boycott ISPs that impose restrictions of any kind
* Set up blacklists of ISPs and web hosts that cave in to threats (eg
from Church of Scientology)
* Stop buying CDs and DVDs, especially from labels that deploy
* Attend more live gigs and other performances
* Don't buy VCRs or hire videos that resist copying

If the masses vote with their wallets, and reject any technology that
compromises the free exchange of material, the War will become a
foregone conclusion.

 David mailto:david at rebirthing.co.nz

Windows XP
XP = eXterminating your Privacy
Please don't use Windows XP!

Defend your online freedom

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[freenet-chat] Does Content on Demand have a Future?

2002-01-22 Thread David McNab
kjc> On Sun, 20 Jan 2002 12:44:42 -0600 Mark J Roberts  writes:
>> Timm Murray:
>> > If you want, you could get a TV-in card that is compatible with
>> > Video4Linux and a big hard drive (40-80 GB).
>> What's worth watching?

kjc> Lots of things.  Alias is GOOD!!  And OMG I LOVE Dark Angel!!! :)

Dark Angel is ok, but there's only one program *really* worth
watching. 'La Femme Nikita'. That is one truly intelligent and
absorbing show, full of seething intricate psychological undercurrents
and satisfying plot lines. Makes all other shows/movies in that whole
'spy' genre look pathetic in comparison.

 David mailto:david at rebirthing.co.nz

Windows XP
XP = eXterminating your Privacy
Please don't use Windows XP!

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[freenet-chat] Does Content on Demand have a Future?

2002-01-21 Thread David McNab

TM> If you want, you could get a TV-in card that is compatible with Video4Linux 
and a big 
TM> hard drive (40-80 GB).  Unless you find the right software, you wouldn't 
get the full range of features you'd get on a TiVo (like skipping commercials), 
but it'll record of the TV just fine.  In
TM> fact, my VCR is on the fritz (it only records in black & white, which could 
TM> probably be fixed by a good cleaning), so I'm thinking about replacing it 
with a TV-in 
TM> card.

Be sure to get a TV-in card that does MJPEG compression on the fly,
and also does TV out as well.

I bought a Matrox Marvel G200 that cost similar to a new VCR, or
perhaps a bit lower. My only complaint is that it's a bit flaky on
Windows 2000 (only runs well on Win98), and there aren't any decent
linux drivers for it yet.

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[freenet-chat] Does Content on Demand have a Future?

2002-01-20 Thread David McNab
Simple solution to winning the war.

* Hardware with good storage and transfer capacity
* Bandwidth that allows 2-way transfer without excess restriction
* If $$ allows, support agreements with open-source developers

* Hardware or bandwidth which inhibits information transfer in any way
* Proprietary software
* Untransferable content

* Open source developers
* Advocates such as EFF
* Content producers who allow/facilitate sharing of works

Teach everyone else to recognise the difference, and do the same.

 David mailto:david at rebirthing.co.nz

Windows XP
XP = eXterminating your Privacy
Please don't use Windows XP!

Defend your online freedom

Version: 2.6


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[freenet-chat] question about FreeWeb

2002-01-14 Thread David McNab
Hi Lucas,

Monday, January 14, 2002, 10:07:22 AM, you wrote:

LG> question: what binds the different files in a FreeWeb site together?  I 
LG> that either it's all in a single archive or that there's a data file with
LG> metadata about all the subpages.

LG> ??

LG> thanks in advance.

FreeWeb searches for an index.html file in the top level of the
directory being inserted.

If index.html exists at top level, FreeWeb assumes the user has
indexed all the other files appropriately.

If index.html doesn't exist, then FreeWeb generates an index.html
which simply lists, with hyperlinks, all the files found in the
directory and its subdirectories.

Hope this adequately answers your question


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[freenet-chat] source of spam

2002-01-10 Thread David McNab
J> Hey guys, I've got an off topic question for ya.
J> Is it possible to remove our email addresses from the email archives?
J> I know that I started getting spam when I first posted on this list, because
J> it was the first list I've ever joined (haven't been online since
J> compuserve), and the spam started after that.
J> When I search for my email address on the net, the archived messages come
J> up, and I'm certain that's how my addresses are getting into the spam.
J> I'm also switching ISPs so I can get some anti spam features, but I figure
J> this probably affects all of us, not just me.

Hey, what would the internet be if we weren't always getting inundated
with "grow your penis to 19inches" and "This really worked for me, make
$2.5m by this time next week" and "Find out who your neighbour's
screwing" and "Help - nigerian govt officials need to stash
$3million" etc etc

Email would get awfully quiet!

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[freenet-chat] Status of bandwidth throttles??

2002-01-10 Thread David McNab

I've been away from freenet for a while.

Does anyone know if the bandwidth throttles on 0.4 are now able to
function without guzzling all the resources of the host machine?

I used to run a 24/7 0.4 node, but I took it offline because it was
simply chewing up too much traffic. When I set the bandwidth throttle
options, the 0.4 node proceeded to consume all available system
resources, and ultimately bring down my (mandrake linux) box.

Has this bug been fixed yet?
I'd really like to once again run a permanent freenet node.
But I can't do it unless the node can function properly under
bandwidth throttling.


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[freenet-chat] deep philosophical question

2002-01-06 Thread David McNab
IMO, there should be laws passed that all unsolicited promotional
material have the string 'SPAM:' at the start of the subject field, to
allow easy filtering.

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Re[2]: [freenet-chat] OT: Idiot Sighting

2001-10-28 Thread David McNab

Hi Chuck,

Monday, October 29, 2001, 5:57:38 AM, you wrote:

CB Hehe, 
CB That is one for the books.
CB Here is one for you. Neighbor came over in a panic Complete Hysteria
CB I asked him what was wrong. He said he was browsing a naughty site then
CB all of a sudden a window came up and said.
CB You have Preformed an Illegal Operation
CB (Ye ole infamous illegal op screen from windows.)
CB He told me he didnt want to go to jail that he didnt do anything
CB wrong but look at some of those naughty photo's.

This is a good example of the skill levels we need to cater to with
visible Freenet components.

 David mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Defend your freedom of online speech


Here is a series of keywords designed to jam up the Carnivore
email surveillance system. Please create a similar signature
for your own emails, and re-arrange the words (including this
paragraph) to waste the time of those who want to breach your
privacy. Everyone knows that actual terrorists are not so dumb
as to leak out sensitive intelligence with plaintext emails
anyway. Here are some words likely to activate Carnivore:
Nuclear anthrax airline weapon Allah Kabul Usama bin Laden
attack Iraq Saddam Hussein operative tempest sniffer grenade
munitions mossad jihad smallpox spores command bomb virus
president CIA surveillance Baghdad
Use your imagination and add your own words here


Version: 2.6


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Re: [freenet-chat] anarchists in america

2001-10-22 Thread David McNab

From: Greg Wooledge [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Man, that mailbox must get umpteen quadzillion emails a day. I wonder what
filtering software they're using.

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Re: [freenet-chat] Question - Windoze Email Clients

2001-10-21 Thread David McNab

 Eudora does not have that bug.

I'm afraid it does - version 5.1 does anyway.
Still the same attachments problem.


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Re: [freenet-chat] anarchists in america

2001-10-20 Thread David McNab

From: martin chao [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I'm now unsubscribing from this list. Good bye and
 good riddens to you scum. 

I shudder to imagine what kind of childhood he had :(


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[freenet-chat] Question - Windoze Email Clients

2001-10-20 Thread David McNab

Does anyone know of a good Windows email client that can read email sent
from linux clients without having to open them as attachments?

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[freenet-chat] yet more Real Programmers

2001-10-18 Thread David McNab

Yeh - I know you've heard them all, but here's a few more...

n: Real Programmers don't write documentation. The code *is* the

n+1: Real Programmers use short identifier names. If it was hard to write,
it should be hard to understand.

n+2: Real Programmers only write in Java because they're pushed into it.
They'd actually prefer to write directly in java bytecode, but they
compromise and write source because everyone else is such a wimp.

n+3: Real Programmers don't like GUIs. GUIs are for windoze wimps and have
no place on Real Computers.

n+4: Real Programmers don't use GUI web browsers like netscape or mozilla
(see n+3 above).

n+5: Real Programmers don't use curses-based browsers like links. curses is
a sell-out to windoze weenies.

n+6: Real programmers don't use pathetic editors like vi or emacs. They use
cat (or, if they're mentally tired, ed).

n+7: Real Programmers don't believe in browsers at all. They telnet into
port 80, key in the headers, and read the raw html that comes back. That's
quite enough. With pictures, they know all the picture formats, and can see
the picture from looking at the od dump.

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[freenet-chat] DMCA/SSSCA/Software Patents from 1950

2001-10-18 Thread David McNab

From David McNab:
A Hypothetical Question:
If the system of software patents, plus the DMCA and SSSCA, had been
written into law
in 1950, what would have happened in the computer industry since then?
Think about it.

From: Scott Haman
 I am working on a research
 paper covering the DMCA law. I was
 wondering if it might be possible if you could give
 a statement or even a partial answer to your query.
 Any time you could spare would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Scott,

Thanks for your email.

A few things I would envisage if DMCA, SSSCA and software patents had
arrived in the 1950s:

1) Pace of technology - would have been slower.

Intellectual property restrictions would pose huge barriers to the 'young
bloods', who have traditionally been a major source of inspiration and

I suspect that it would have taken till approx the year 2020-2040 for
technology to reach the level it reached in 2001 without these restrictions.

Most or all of the basic conceptual building blocks of software would be
under private ownership, with heavy licensing fees inposed on all
programmers using these.

This is akin to a situation in music where all song structure elements such
as riffs and chord progressions are privately patented - for example, 12-bar
blues owned by Virgin Records, II-V-I-IV swing progression owned by Polydor,
VI-II owned by EMI, the standard I-IV-V owned by Sony etc. No composition or
live performance of songs using these progressions, even original songs,
without heavy royalty payments. Result? A smaller choice of music, far less
live gigs available, most entertainment venues with video jukeboxes only.
Ridiculous I know, but it does fit with the software situation.

In such a 'DMCA in 1950' regime, I would see all personal computers being
leased from large corporations, with their cases securely locked - any
attempt to open a case would send a 'security violation' message to central
servers, resulting in arrest and large lawsuit. In fact, such computers
would be more akin to 'internet appliances'. The ISP would also be the
hardware and software vendor.

For convenience, let's call these ISPs-hardware/software providers 'ISVs' -
Information Service Vendors.
I guess there would be a cartel of approx 1-7 such ISVs superfically
competing, but largely in sync.

These 'internet appliances' would not allow the use of any software that
isn't licensed by the ISV central servers. Anyone wanting to be a programmer
would face huge fees and licensing requirements, and technical programming
information would be guarded like 'state secrets'. In fact, independent
programmers wouldn't exist - all programmers would be employees of companies
large and rich enough to afford the licenses. The only programming allowed
would be a level of really basic scripting/automation, at the price of an
extra monthly fee.

As for allowed software, business packages like word processors, database
etc would be leased by the hour. Earlier versions would be cheaper than more
recent versions.

No software would be capable of being installed and used independently. All
software would 'phone home' to the ISV and shut down if the user's account
wasn't up to scratch.

Ditto for hardware. No hardware can be installed unless supplied by the ISV.

Hard disks on the 'appliance' would be the property of the ISV. Even if your
machine had a 100GB drive, you would pay a monthly 'data rental' according
to the space you are using.

To use removable media, you would pay a levy for every time you burn a CD.
If you insert a CD into your friend's appliance, its checksum will be sent
to the ISV server and vetted before your friend can access it.

As for creation of your own media - video, music, art etc - be prepared to
You would pay according to the bitrate - CD-quality audio bitrate of
192kbps+ would be charged at a premium. Lower quality eg 16kbps would be
cheaper. All your work would be sampled and sent to ISV central servers and
checked for copyright compliance. If cleared of possible violations, you
would only own about 10% of the copyright, because a usage condition of the
ISV would require you to sign away most of your own intellectual property

Your screen would carry advertising. At different times, your entire screen
may fill up with advertising.
Perhaps if you pay a bigger monthly fee, you may not have to put up with
full-screen ads. Pay even more, and you get to use more of your screen area
for programs and less for ads.

You wouldn't be able to run any kind of server unless you paid a big extra
monthly payment, plus an extra fee for every 'hit' on your server. You'd
also pay according to the size of your site - the more pages, the more data,
the more you pay. And pay. And pay. If you want to use snazzy features like
frames, or mouseover events, you pay more. You can only choose from a set of
web templates, priced according to aesthetic appeal.

Privacy would be non-existent. Your emails would be read by humans

[freenet-chat] Slashdot needs Freenet category with Hops

2001-10-17 Thread David McNab

I look forward to the day when I visit slashdot and see a story on Freenet,
with the 'hops' logo at the top right of the story - ie freenet having its
own category on /.

Chat mailing list

Re: [freenet-chat] Slashdot needs Freenet category with Hops

2001-10-17 Thread David McNab

Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2001 7:25 AM
Subject: Re: [freenet-chat] Slashdot needs Freenet category with Hops

 Would it be possible to add FreeNet into something like Squid so that any
 web browser inside a LAN that is already set to use our Squid proxy server
 would be able to request FreeNet objects without needing to run nodes on
 every machine or to configure each machine to use a special FreeNet

Very much, YES! :)
Have a look at fcpproxy. It's in freenet CVS - more precisely,
Contrib/fcptools/fcpproxy (NOT Freenet/Contrib/...).

fcpproxy in its present form is a hack of the Junkbusters proxy server. It's
got a hook that recognises when an http request should go to Freenet, and
instead requests the key using the ezFCPlib C functions.

No doubt Squid can be easily hacked in a similar way.


Chat mailing list

[freenet-chat] Re: [freenet-devl] Uprizer Decloaks

2001-10-17 Thread David McNab

From: Acrimon Beet [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Nor would I be bothered if it were called Muhammed spinning around in 
 Jesus's bum hole with a crucifix in each hand
 That may not be so good for marketing though.

Not good for lifespan either, if Salman Rushdie is anything to go by.

Chat mailing list

Re: [freenet-chat] Re: [freenet-devl] Uprizer Decloaks

2001-10-17 Thread David McNab

From: Kevin A. Burton [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Karma is a very difficult concept to understand and to even appreciate.
 buddhists spend their entire lives trying to wrap their brain around it.
 a product after this, while good for you company, doesn't do anything to
 the concept :(.

As far as I understand (or have tried to understand), the literal
translation of karma is action, but with a negative connotation akin to
disturbance or distortion, even entropy. Action introducing distortion
to the universal flow, where such disturbance reverberates through the
collective consciousness and returns to its originator in an amplified form.

One example of karma could be:

A programmer writes some code which is poorly structured and painful to
Other programmers trying to maintain this code experience great mental
discomfort at trying to understand it, and suffer a reduced overall quality
of life.
A chain of events happens, and eventually this programmer finds himself
being assigned to maintaining a huge volume of Microsoft .NET (shared
source) code written in C#, worse and more unreadable than any code he wrote
himself, and being held responsible for trying to find and weed out
Microsoft's security weaknesses, working 19 hours/day, and finally burning
out with a nervous breakdown.

Devout Hindus spend great energies striving to reduce or even eliminate
karma from their lives, so karma is certainly not a desirable commodity.

Chat mailing list

Re: [freenet-chat] Slashdot needs Freenet category with Hops

2001-10-17 Thread David McNab

  That's ridiculous. Run _one_ node per LAN.

 Only 2GB of Freenet storage for a LAN that may have terabytes of
 unused hard drive space on desktop systems?  Why?

Tavin is presently re-writing the datastore code, which will allow the
creation of massive datastores which will physically exist as a set of 2GB

AFAIK, Tavin will be releasing the updated code within about a week.


Chat mailing list

Re: [freenet-chat] Slashdot needs Freenet category with Hops

2001-10-17 Thread David McNab


 Would/is it be possible to serve files in place? Rather than packing them
 into cache files? Something more Napster/Gnutella like just because it
 seems painful to have to have two copies of the same files on my hdd.

There are heavy legal problems with that:

1) It becomes possible to censor freenet, which makes it answerable to the
2) If your PC gets hacked or confiscated, the datastore may contain
unencrypted files which are illegal in your country. You could go to jail,
or even be executed for possession of certain files in certain countries

Freenet encrypts the datastore and consolidates it into one or more large
files for very good reasons:
1) No one can determine exactly what's on your disk, not even you. Not
unless you request a given key at htl 0 while your node is disconnected.
2) There is no way you can eliminate any file from the datastore without
destroying the whole store. That keeps freenet uncensorable, and eliminates
the ability to monitor content (such ability is necessary for a node
operator to be answerable to the DMCA).
3) You cannot be held responsible for the contents of your datastore,
because it can't be proved that you requested or inserted such materials.
Legally, you should be able to fall into the category of a 'caching online
service provider'. Here, freenet provides a level of 'plausible


Chat mailing list

[freenet-chat] New FreeWeb now released

2001-10-11 Thread David McNab

Hi all,

Especially, hi to Freenet users enslaved within Windoze.

After much drama with fcptools, I've finally turned some attention to

It's a relief to (at last) release a new version of FreeWeb, compatible with
Freenet 0.4

In fact, from now on, FreeWeb will no longer support freenet 0.3.
Please don't anyone ask me to reinstate 0.3 support.

Instead, FreeWeb fully supports freenet 0.4, including the generation of

Many bugs and other quirks have been fixed, and (I hope) all the 0.3-isms
are now gone from the user interface.

So why not give it a try?

If it seems to work slowly, blame the node. There ain't nothin' slow about
FreeWeb itself.

If anything fscks up though, then please set the message detail level to
'debug', wipe the logfile, reproduce the bug and send me the logfile.

When you first run it, use a really low htl (like, 0 or 1) and a small site,
till you get used to how it works. When you can insert small sites ok, then
try the bigger sites.

But please hold off from inserting really big sites straight off. Get your
sites established small, and build up.
Freenet 0.4 is having multiple embolisms at the moment due to many people
attempting CD-sized inserts.

Have pHUn! :)

Chat mailing list

Re: [freenet-chat] how to move lots of files online?

2001-10-10 Thread David McNab

One major problem is the current limitation in freenet 0.4 which, while it
consolidates its data store into a single file, can only work with one such

Most operating systems and java interpreters can only support 2GB files.

This results in a severe restriction which  IMO *must* be overcome before
freenet 0.5 is released. 0.5 desperately needs to be able to run n datastore
files, each up to 2GB in size. This is not a 'nice to have', it is
*absolutely essential*. 2GB is not large in today's terms.

If you feel impatient, you could create 50 freenet nodes on your machine,
each with a 2GB datastore. Configure each node to use a different FNP port
and FCP port.

Break up your collection into 'sub-freesites', each with 2GB or less of data
in total.

Insert each 'sub-freesite' into each respective node at htl=0.

Then, create a 'master freesite' which contains links to the other
freesites. Insert this master freesite into one or more of the nodes with
htl of 5 to 15.

Then, aggressively promote this master freesite. Send its address to every
freesite operator you can find, and post its address to this list.

Hopefully, demand will result in the sub-freesites propagating around

But, in conclusion, 100GB is a hell of a lot of data for the current state
of 0.4, and the tiny number of nodes currently online. You might want to
create just one 2GB 'sub-freesite', plus the master freesite, and insert
these. Wait till your regular inserts keep going through successfully, then
add the next 'sub-freesite' to your insert script.

Perhaps it's good you've only got 56k of bandwidth. Inserting any faster
than that would paralyse freenet in its current state.


- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2001 3:39 PM
Subject: [freenet-chat] how to move lots of files online?

 I have roughly 100gigs of images I want to make available on FreeNet. I
 have already been working on a special site that indexes the images and
 will later index movies, music, sound effects, various types of documents,
 etc also. I no longer can get broadband Net access where I live now so it
 all has to go over a 56k modem. Any suggestions?

 Michael McGlothlin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Chat mailing list

Chat mailing list

[freenet-chat] Re: License of ezFCPlib

2001-10-10 Thread David McNab

 My vote: the ezFCPlib dir under fcptools be LGPL.

Too late - they are GPL

If a commercial developer wishes to use ezFCPlib, they're welcome to apply
to me for a license (which I can issue, since as the author I am exempt from
the GPL).
Offers above $1,000,000 considered.


- Original Message -
From: Jay Oliveri [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2001 6:30 PM
Subject: Re: License of ezFCPlib

 On Wednesday 10 October 2001 03:04 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Zitiere David McNab [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
if you turn ezFCPlib
into GPL every program that is linked against it
has to be released under GPL, too. (thinking of
programs that are closed source at the moment)
LGPL does avoid that problem.
   Problem? What problem?

 Basically, releasing a library under the GPL means no one can make
 their own freenet client and use the library unless it's also released
 under a GPL compatible license.

 It's common to release libraries (like libezfcp.a) under the LGPL so
 that commercial applications can make use of the library as well.

 The rest of the tools (freeweb as well) should remain pure GPL as they
 already are.

 My vote: the ezFCPlib dir under fcptools be LGPL.

 Jay Oliveri  In the land of the blind,
 GnuPG ID: 0x5AA5DD54  the one-eyed man is king.

Chat mailing list

[freenet-chat] Re: License of ezFCPlib

2001-10-09 Thread David McNab

Hi Karl,

Thanks for your email

 if you turn ezFCPlib
 into GPL every program that is linked against it
 has to be released under GPL, too. (thinking of
 programs that are closed source at the moment)
 LGPL does avoid that problem.

Problem? What problem?
ezFCPlib was created initially as part of FreeWeb.
Since FreeWeb was created initially under GPL, then GPL also applies to

 It's not clear under which LICENSE ezFCPlib resides

In the source headers, it's clearly stated that ezFCPlib is GPL.
As you're probably aware, ezFCPlib source was recently relocated to the
Freenet project cvs, which is also GPL.

I did think about the licensing issues, and considered the LGPL option.
The conclusion I came up with was that the whole Freenet concept was
conceived in the spirit of truly free software, and integrity to that vision
needs to be upheld.

While some may feel that LGPL offers client writers more 'freedom', the only
extra 'freedom' is the ability to write non-free software
To me, that feels like writing a constitution for a new democratic
government, and writing in provisions enshrining the powers of a facist
government should people choose such (eg Germans voting in Hitler). The US
founding fathers tried hard to not allow this, and even they have largely

To me, an LGPL on ezFCPlib goes completely against the spirit of the Freenet
In fact, I (and others I'm sure) would seriously question the motivations of
anyone who would want to publish non-free Freenet software !

(But as the author of ezFCPlib, It remains my prerogative to issue an LGPL
license to anyone. If you *first* make a $50 million donation to the Freenet
project, and $5 million to me for my time, and persuade the RIAA, MPAA and
BSA to do the same annually, I'll 'consider your application' and get back
to you 'Real Soon Now'.)


- Original Message -
From: Karl Dietz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2001 6:31 AM
Subject: License of ezFCPlib

 Hello David,

 just a suggestion that comes up from talking on

 It's not clear under which LICENSE ezFCPlib
 resides. FreeWEB is GPL, but if you turn ezFCPlib
 into GPL every program that is linked against it
 has to be released under GPL, too. (thinking of
 programs that are closed source at the moment)
 LGPL does avoid that problem.

 Regards, Karl

Chat mailing list

[freenet-chat] Galeon!! - Windows Installer

2001-10-06 Thread David McNab

Galeon, if you're the guy who sent the windows 
freenet installer to CofE, could you please email me or email this group as soon 
as you can.

Your installer is excellent - it's the best Windows 
one yet - but it's of no use to us and cannot be released, without full source 

Can you please either:
1)commit your source to cvs, or
2)zip up all the source and send it as an 
attachment to me or this mailing list, or
3)put it up on a web server and send the URL 
to me or this mailing list.

Otherwise, if it's not you who built it, could the 
installer writer please come forward.

Sebastian, how are you progressing with your 

Folks, let's get it together - we need a unified 
effort here.


[freenet-chat] FCPtools now with AutoSplit support

2001-10-04 Thread David McNab

Hi all,

I've checked into CVS a new version of the fcptools 
(freenet CVS, in Contrib/fcptools), which now supports auto-splitting of all 
inserted files.

Since auto-split is implemented completely in the 
ezFCPlib library layer, all client software which uses fcpPutKeyFromFile() will 
inherit the autosplit functionality with no changes needed (except a new 
parameter to fcpStartup()).

Summary of changes

1)fcpStartup() now launches a 'splitfile 
insert manager' thread, which manages and dispatches all splitfile insertions. 
This manager thread maintains a queue of all file insert jobs, and spawns 
further insert threads as needed.

2)All files are split if they exceed the 
default chunksize (256k). This can not be overridden.

3)Default thread limit for chunk insertions 
is 8 for the whole process

4)New command line arguments recognised by 
fcpput and fcpputsite:
 -sssize of 
splitfile chunks in bytes ('k','m','g' at end recognised, eg 
 -st maximum 
number of splitfile threads, default 8

5)Modules fcpSetHost.c and fcpSetHtl.c 
removed, consolidated into fcpSetParam.c

6)Splitting is *not* done with 

7) Splitting is *not* donefrom streamed key 
insert (fcpOpenKey()/fcpWriteKey()/fcpCloseKey())

8)Splitting *is* donewhen key is 
inserted via fcpPutKeyFromFile()

9) The global variable 'int fcpSplitChunkSize', if 
set before calling fcpStartup(), governs the splitfile chunk size (default 

10) fcpStartup() parameters change:
int fcpStartup(char *host, int port, int 
defaultHtl, int raw, int maxSplitThreads)

11) Obviously, fcpput and fcpputsite now insert 
splitfiles, automatically and transparently. There is no way to override 
filesplitting for large files.

12) Lots of debug messages available if tools are 
run with '-v 4'.

Status - I've spent the last day and a half weeding 
out bugs and stress-testing. The whole thing seems to be holding up well on 
Linux and Windows, even with big jobs.

Probably infinite. If you find bugs, please find 
the simplest possibleway to consistently reproduce them, run the 
applicable tool at full verbosity ('-v 4'), capture the output to a file, and 
send the file to me, along with your OS information etc. Feel free to 'censor' 
out any SSK private keys if necessary.


Re: [freenet-chat] FCPtools now with AutoSplit support

2001-10-04 Thread David McNab

Oh, I forgot to mention - once all this autosplit 
stuff fully stabilises, fcpputsplit will be deleted, since it will no longer 
been needed.

  - Original Message - 
  To: Freenet 
  Chat ; Freenet Development 
  Sent: Friday, October 05, 2001 1:11 
  Subject: [freenet-chat] FCPtools now with 
  AutoSplit support
  Hi all,
  I've checked into CVS a new version of the 
  fcptools (freenet CVS, in Contrib/fcptools), which now supports auto-splitting 
  of all inserted files.
  Since auto-split is implemented completely in the 
  ezFCPlib library layer, all client software which uses fcpPutKeyFromFile() 
  will inherit the autosplit functionality with no changes needed (except a new 
  parameter to fcpStartup()).
  Summary of changes
  1)fcpStartup() now launches a 'splitfile 
  insert manager' thread, which manages and dispatches all splitfile insertions. 
  This manager thread maintains a queue of all file insert jobs, and spawns 
  further insert threads as needed.
  2)All files are split if they exceed the 
  default chunksize (256k). This can not be overridden.
  3)Default thread limit for chunk insertions 
  is 8 for the whole process
  4)New command line arguments recognised by 
  fcpput and fcpputsite:
   -sssize of 
  splitfile chunks in bytes ('k','m','g' at end recognised, eg 
   -st maximum 
  number of splitfile threads, default 8
  5)Modules fcpSetHost.c and fcpSetHtl.c 
  removed, consolidated into fcpSetParam.c
  6)Splitting is *not* done with 
  7) Splitting is *not* donefrom streamed key 
  insert (fcpOpenKey()/fcpWriteKey()/fcpCloseKey())
  8)Splitting *is* donewhen key is 
  inserted via fcpPutKeyFromFile()
  9) The global variable 'int fcpSplitChunkSize', 
  if set before calling fcpStartup(), governs the splitfile chunk size (default 
  10) fcpStartup() parameters change:
  int fcpStartup(char *host, int port, int 
  defaultHtl, int raw, int maxSplitThreads)
  11) Obviously, fcpput and fcpputsite now insert 
  splitfiles, automatically and transparently. There is no way to override 
  filesplitting for large files.
  12) Lots of debug messages available if tools are 
  run with '-v 4'.
  Status - I've spent the last day and a half 
  weeding out bugs and stress-testing. The whole thing seems to be holding up 
  well on Linux and Windows, even with big jobs.
  Probably infinite. If you find bugs, please find 
  the simplest possibleway to consistently reproduce them, run the 
  applicable tool at full verbosity ('-v 4'), capture the output to a file, and 
  send the file to me, along with your OS information etc. Feel free to 'censor' 
  out any SSK private keys if necessary.

Re: [freenet-chat] Freenet Community Meeting

2001-10-04 Thread David McNab

From: Ian Clarke [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 At the O'Reilly P2P Conference in Washington DC.  It will be free, and
 all are welcome.

Is a cyber-cam link out of the question?

Failing that, would it be possible to video the proceedings, edit it down to
highlights and stick some MPEGs/DivXs on a web server somewhere/


Chat mailing list

Re: [freenet-chat] FCPtools now with AutoSplit support

2001-10-04 Thread David McNab

From: Ian Clarke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Any  progress on the new FreeWeb built around fcpputsite?  That would be
 real boost to the number of Freesites on 0.4.

That's less of a feature issue and more of an internal maintenance issue.

I say this because FreeWeb automatically inherits the new auto-split
functionality, since it's using the 'fcpPutKeyFromFile()' primitive (see my
previous email).

So FreeWebbers can just dive in now and insert their huge sites, safe in the
knowledge that big files will automatically split up.

Yes - it'll be more ideal for FreeWeb to be using fcpputsite, but I say
again, it's an internal maintenance issue. FreeWeb's site management has
always been vastly superior to that of fcpputsite. If anything, the real
requirement is adding FreeWeb's (non-gui) functionality to fcpputsite.


Chat mailing list

[freenet-chat] NodeConfig - critical update

2001-09-30 Thread David McNab

Hi all

NodeConfig, the windows gui node config utility, 
has had a critical update.

From now on, any parameters which are not (yet) 
understood by the configurator, will be lumped together and written out 
unchanged to the end of the freenet.ini file.

This allows new parameters to be added to the java 
configurator in complete safety, and ensures that the configurator won't drop 
such parameters from the file.

Nevertheless, I still ask that any developers 
adding new parameters to the node, to please just write a quick email to this 
list to notify these parameters, so that support for them can be added to 
NodeConfig for users' convenience.


[freenet-chat] NOTICE - FCPtools moved to Freenet CVS

2001-09-28 Thread David McNab

Hi all,

I'vemoved all the key FCPtools code out of 
FreeWeb CVS and into the freenet project's official CVS, under 

You can access via cvs/ssh, or browse the tree 

I've relinquished ownership of 

1) fcptools is multi-platform and written in 
straight C, versus FreeWeb which is shamelessly windows-only and only compiles 
in MS Visual C++

2) FCPtools is being used by a much larger audience 
than FreeWeb. So it's accommodation on the FreeWeb site is no longer 

3) I want (to hobx's revulsion) to concentrate on 
windows GUI stuff.

4) It would be lovely to see fcptools benefit from 
a larger community's involvement in its evolution.

Please note:

1) FCPtools will soon be removed from the FreeWeb 

2) Anyone working on FCPtools, please get CVS 
access to the Freenet project (if you haven't 

3) Please Please - DO NOT commit anything to 
FreeWeb CVS form now on - instead, commit to Freenet CVS

4) If anything in Contrib/fcptools on Freenet cvs 
is broken, then fix it - I apologise - don't revert to the copy on the FreeWeb 

Folks, enjoy fcptools. It gives me great pleasure 
to hand it over to the wider freenet community. May it empower client-writers 
everywhere, and help Freenet to reach a bigger audience faster.

But*please* keep it 
If you're linux-only, and you make any substantial 
changes, then please arrange for someone with msvc (sebastian, myself, \x90 and 
many others) to integrate your changes into the windows build.
This is serious.


[freenet-chat] NodeConfig update

2001-09-26 Thread David McNab

Just a quick note to say that the windows node 
config utility has been slightly updated - the spinner controls now work, and 
have built-in 'smarts' - eg bandwidthLimit and 
inputBandwidthLimit/outputBandwidthLimit work in mutual exclusion.



[freenet-chat] Freenet windows executable

2001-09-23 Thread David McNab


Just a quick one to say that I've revived the 
Freenet EXE file, built from recent CVS, and shall update it 


Running the exe file is equivalent to:
c:\jdk1.3.1_1\jre\bin\java.exe -classpath 
"c:\program files\freenet.jar" Freenet.node.Node

No need to set up CLASSPATH. No need to download a 
huge jvm. No need to type in long commands. Just run freenet.exe, and launch 
your favourite freenet client (fmb, fcpputsite, fcpproxy etc).

1) Make sure that freenet.ini is in the same 
2) you can supply arguments - eg 'freenet 
--configure' or 'freenet -export mynode.ref'.

The exe file uses the windows jview inbuilt 
Seems to work fine with 0.4.

Any problems please let me know.


[freenet-chat] Please re-send mail

2001-09-13 Thread David McNab

Anyone who has sent me any mail, to this message's return address, or to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] over the last week, could you please re-send it.

As part of the move of weaning myself off windows, I inadvertantly deleted 
all email received over the last 7 days.


Chat mailing list

[freenet-chat] Fwproxy, FCPtools - major update

2001-08-04 Thread David McNab


After much slaving, fwproxy is now working well on 0.4 freenet.
Memory leaks are now gone (nobody has detected any at this time).

Also, the old FreeWeb functionality has been revived, so you can use fwproxy
as your browser proxy.

Web-blocking is turned on and off with the URL http://free/block?password
and http://free/noblock?password, where 'password' is a mandatory password
chosen by you with the '-w' command line option.

I recommend using fwproxy as your proxy since it will safeguard you from
http web bugs
Note that web blocking is on by default.

fwproxy and the other fcptools are at

Note - no splitfiles support yet - coming soon.


Chat mailing list

Re: [freenet-chat] Re: p2p = child-endangerment

2001-07-31 Thread David McNab

From: Daniel Åborg [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Your ideas are obviously aimed at ruining the foundations of our

Quite often, old buildings are not viable for renovation, since they have
decayed to the very root.
In such cases, the Architect must tear down the whole building and start
afresh with a new design.

 and must be crushed. Prepare to be terminated.

Not without a bloody fight, brother! :)

 You are obviously insane. Do you not realize that if we were actually
 to deal with the root of the problem, people would have to take
 responsibility for things. There would be no one to blame for the
 symptoms of their lack of doing so apart from themselves. For christs
 sake, they would even have to consider the effects of their actions!



 * On 31 Jul 2001 10:30 CEST, philipp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Of course it is a problem, when children receive porn vids instead
  of britney spears songs And of course it is a problem, if
  children are able to see sexviolence at the TV. But come on, guys,
  we all know the solution to this kind of problems isn´t called
  V-Chip or any law that forbids the usage of P2P apps. We need
  PARENTS who actually deserve this term = parents who take care of
  their kids. A V-Chip can´t do this. Laws neither.

 You are obviously insane. Do you not realize that if we were actually
 to deal with the root of the problem, people would have to take
 responsibility for things. There would be no one to blame for the
 symptoms of their lack of doing so apart from themselves. For christs
 sake, they would even have to consider the effects of their actions!
 Your ideas are obviously aimed at ruining the foundations of our
 society and must be crushed. Prepare to be terminated.


 Daniel Åborg  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Chat mailing list

Chat mailing list

[freenet-chat] Need YOUR Ideas

2001-07-30 Thread David McNab

Hi all,

I need *your* ideas!

I've just read through a government discussion paper at
http://www.med.govt.nz/buslt/int_prop/digital/index.html which will be used
as a basis for updating New Zealand's Copyright Act for the digital age.

On first reading, it appears that the NZ Ministry of Economic Development is
taking a try to please all approach, and is aware that excessively
draconian laws will damage the ISP industry and severely piss off NZ
citizens. It seems to be taking a 'middle ground' of leaning towards a
DMCA-styled approach which would give ISPs guaranteed indemnity within
clearly defined parameters.

Why am I posting this to the list?
Because the laws havn't been passed yet - in fact, the Ministry is accepting
public submissions up until October 12.

There is an opportunity to help prevent New Zealand falling into the worst
of the DMCA mire.

I will definitely be making a submission with the following aims (though I
won't necessarily word them as explicitly as I do here):

1) Ensure that Freenet nodes are covered by the legal definition of an ISP

2) Ensure that Freenet is protected by 'safe harbour' provisions, so that
Freenet node ops are not held liable for content served from their PCs
unless it can be proven they were aware of such content.

3) Exempt ISPs from any obligation to act on infringement complaints, and
immunise them against any legal liability, unless:
(i) It is proven that the infringing material is actually copyrighted and
owned by the complainant (or party represented by the complainant)
(ii) It is proven that the infringing material is actually being trafficked
by the ISP
(iii) The complainant is, or is represented by, an individual (human) NZ
citizen or permanent resident who is willing to answer to criminal perjury
charges in the event that copyright infringement fails to be proved
(iii) It can be proven that the ISP has the ability to monitor and remove
the offending content with minimal effort, without disruption to other
services, and without invasion of privacy

4) Guarantee that in the event of a complainant failing to gain satisfaction
against an ISP, all 'upstream' ISPs are completely immunised from liability.
(for example, freenet node as an ISP, DSL provider as 'upstream ISP', DSL
provider is exempted from all liability).

5) Provide specific exclusions for any laws against 'cracking' software -
for instance, guarantee the legality of cracking software in cases such as:
(i) When cracking is necessary to view licensed works on other operating
systems (eg, the necessity of de-CSS for viewing DVDs on linux)
(ii) When cracking is required to make licensed works available in the event
of major system upgrade (for instance, a licensed user of Windows XP makes
major hardware upgrade, Windows XP refuses to run on new hardware, and
Microsoft won't supply a new activation key)
(iii) When inbuilt restrictions on the materials prevent fair use and

So, please generate ideas which can be used towards a submission.
Even if you're not a lawyer, your insights would help towards the
I have a lawyer client who I'll be asking for help from as well.

Thanks in advance

Chat mailing list

[freenet-chat] Forth (was: Re: [freenet-devl] Integration test: volunteer needed)

2001-07-26 Thread David McNab

From: Travis Bemann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
By the way, add Forth to that list (it is sad that Forth isn't used as

much as it should these days; Forth is a very simple but powerful

and fast ... snip

You're a man of good taste, Travis.
Forth used to be an old hacking favourite of mine in the early 80s.
I kinda gave it up because none of my employers would support it.

BTW - can you or anyone comment on whether any of the compilers listed on
http://www.forth.org/compilers.html are good/bad/otherwise?


Chat mailing list

[freenet-chat] CVS correction (was: New 0.4 Freesite Insertion Tool)

2001-07-26 Thread David McNab

Address for anon cvs access for the FCPtools is:
:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/freeweb
then you need to check out the module 'freeweb-src'

Apologies for earlier incorrect CVS address.


- Original Message -
To: FreeWeb Support [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Sent: Friday, July 27, 2001 00:07
Subject: [freenet-chat] New 0.4 Freesite Insertion Tool

 Hi all,

 Just announcing a new freenet client - 'fcpputsite'.

 Works on 0.4 freenet only.
 Compiles and runs on native linux, native windows, or windows/cygwin.

 Inserts a freesite into the 0.4 freenet.
 Simple, console-based, and straight to the point.
 No hype, no GUI, no fuss.
 Only 86kB (compared to FreeWeb's 3.5MB bloat).
 Check out help output (below).

 Available from FreeWeb CVS

:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/freeweb/freeweb-src/
 or http://cvs.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/freeweb/freeweb-src/

 CVS includes C source files and linux/windows/cygwin make/project files.
 Windows and linux (redhat + similar) binaries included as well.
 Requires ezFCPlib - you'll see this on the CVS - easy to compile.

 Here's the help output:
 fcpputsite - Insert a directory of files into Freenet as a freesite
 usage: fcpputsite [options] name dir pubKey privKey
 Options are:
   -h: display this help
   -htl val:use HopsToLive value of val, default 3
   -n addr: address of your freenet 0.4 node, default 'localhost'
   -p port: FCP port for your freenet 0.4 node, default 8481
   -v level:verbosity of logging messages:
0=silent, 1=critical, 2=normal, 3=verbose, 4=debug
default is 2
   -g:  DON'T insert a site - just create an SVK keypair instead
   -f numDays:  insert a map file numDays in the future, default 0 (today)
   -def file:   name of site's 'default' file, default is index.html
the default file MUST exist in selected directory
   -t threads:  the maximum number of insert threads (default 5)
   -a attempts: maximum number of attempts at inserting each file (default
 Required arguments are:
   name:name of site - more formally, the SSK subspace identifier
   dir: the directory containing the freesite
   pubKey:  the SSK public key
   privKey: the SSK private key


 Chat mailing list

Chat mailing list

[freenet-chat] New 0.4 Freesite Insertion Tool

2001-07-26 Thread David McNab

Hi all,

Just announcing a new freenet client - 'fcpputsite'.

Works on 0.4 freenet only.
Compiles and runs on native linux, native windows, or windows/cygwin.

Inserts a freesite into the 0.4 freenet.
Simple, console-based, and straight to the point.
No hype, no GUI, no fuss.
Only 86kB (compared to FreeWeb's 3.5MB bloat).
Check out help output (below).

Available from FreeWeb CVS
:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/freeweb/freeweb-src/
or http://cvs.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/freeweb/freeweb-src/

CVS includes C source files and linux/windows/cygwin make/project files.
Windows and linux (redhat + similar) binaries included as well.
Requires ezFCPlib - you'll see this on the CVS - easy to compile.

Here's the help output:
fcpputsite - Insert a directory of files into Freenet as a freesite
usage: fcpputsite [options] name dir pubKey privKey
Options are:
  -h: display this help
  -htl val:use HopsToLive value of val, default 3
  -n addr: address of your freenet 0.4 node, default 'localhost'
  -p port: FCP port for your freenet 0.4 node, default 8481
  -v level:verbosity of logging messages:
   0=silent, 1=critical, 2=normal, 3=verbose, 4=debug
   default is 2
  -g:  DON'T insert a site - just create an SVK keypair instead
  -f numDays:  insert a map file numDays in the future, default 0 (today)
  -def file:   name of site's 'default' file, default is index.html
   the default file MUST exist in selected directory
  -t threads:  the maximum number of insert threads (default 5)
  -a attempts: maximum number of attempts at inserting each file (default 3)
Required arguments are:
  name:name of site - more formally, the SSK subspace identifier
  dir: the directory containing the freesite
  pubKey:  the SSK public key
  privKey: the SSK private key


Chat mailing list

[freenet-chat] Apology (was: New 0.4 Freesite Insertion Tool)

2001-07-26 Thread David McNab

20 minutes after sending this last post, I realised that the binaries
weren't present in CVS.
Sorry about any confusion caused.

For your convenience, windows and linux (Redhat et al) binaries for all the
0.4 compatible FCP tools are now available from the FreeWeb site, and linked
from the FCPtools page at: http://freeweb.sourceforge.net/fcptools.html
These include:
* fcpputsite - cron'able command-line freesite inserter (0.4 only)
* fcpput - insert a single file (0.3,0.4)
* fcpget - retrieve a single file (0.3,0.4)
* fwproxy - FProxy-like web client (0.3,0.4)
* ezFCPlib - easy API for C clients (0.3,0.4)

Any bugs or problems - just contact me.


- Original Message -
To: FreeWeb Support [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Sent: Friday, July 27, 2001 00:07
Subject: [freenet-devl] New 0.4 Freesite Insertion Tool

 Hi all,

 Just announcing a new freenet client - 'fcpputsite'.

 Works on 0.4 freenet only.
 Compiles and runs on native linux, native windows, or windows/cygwin.

 Inserts a freesite into the 0.4 freenet.
 Simple, console-based, and straight to the point.
 No hype, no GUI, no fuss.
 Only 86kB (compared to FreeWeb's 3.5MB bloat).
 Check out help output (below).

 Available from FreeWeb CVS

:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/freeweb/freeweb-src/
 or http://cvs.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/freeweb/freeweb-src/

 CVS includes C source files and linux/windows/cygwin make/project files.
 Windows and linux (redhat + similar) binaries included as well.
 Requires ezFCPlib - you'll see this on the CVS - easy to compile.

 Here's the help output:
 fcpputsite - Insert a directory of files into Freenet as a freesite
 usage: fcpputsite [options] name dir pubKey privKey
 Options are:
   -h: display this help
   -htl val:use HopsToLive value of val, default 3
   -n addr: address of your freenet 0.4 node, default 'localhost'
   -p port: FCP port for your freenet 0.4 node, default 8481
   -v level:verbosity of logging messages:
0=silent, 1=critical, 2=normal, 3=verbose, 4=debug
default is 2
   -g:  DON'T insert a site - just create an SVK keypair instead
   -f numDays:  insert a map file numDays in the future, default 0 (today)
   -def file:   name of site's 'default' file, default is index.html
the default file MUST exist in selected directory
   -t threads:  the maximum number of insert threads (default 5)
   -a attempts: maximum number of attempts at inserting each file (default
 Required arguments are:
   name:name of site - more formally, the SSK subspace identifier
   dir: the directory containing the freesite
   pubKey:  the SSK public key
   privKey: the SSK private key


 Devl mailing list

Chat mailing list

Re: [Freenet-chat] Newsletter di Patnet

2001-07-24 Thread David McNab
Title: NewsLetter di Patnet

I've put up an English babelfish translation of 
this page at

I don't know why, but a copy of the italian page 
was also sent to my personal email address.



[freenet-chat] quick laugh on 0.4

2001-07-22 Thread David McNab

for a break from 0.4 stresses, feast your eyes on:

Thanks Mr Bad for the inspiration.

Chat mailing list

Re: [freenet-chat] more MSK delimiter proposals

2001-07-19 Thread David McNab

 What´s ht://dig doing wrong?

The question is whether it's actually wrong or not.
ht://dig has code which deliberately turns '//' to '/', arguing that certain
websites are improperly structured.
So naturally, in http://harpoonsearch.cjb.net , a Freenet search engine,
I've commented out such code, so URIs with '//' can be crawled.
But there's lots of proprietary software, even closed-source freeware, which
works brilliantly except for the '//'.

But that's only one argument against the '//' in freenet URIs.
The other argument is that some folks like to download entire freesites, and
browse them offline.
With any freesites stored offline, any links to other sites using the '//'
delimiter won't work - very annoying.
But with '!/', there won't be a problem.


- Original Message -
From: Volker Stolz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2001 10:28
Subject: Re: [freenet-chat] more MSK delimiter proposals

 In local.freenet, you wrote:
  6) '!/' - example SSK@blah/name!/index.html
  I'll support it parallel to '//' in FwProxy (which I expect to start
  on 0.4 in the next day or two), and see how the misbehaving 3rd party
  (such as ht://dig and Offline Explorer) behave, and report findings back

 What´s ht://dig doing wrong?
 Volker Stolz * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * PGP + S/MIME

 Chat mailing list

Chat mailing list

Re: [freenet-chat] more MSK delimiter proposals

2001-07-18 Thread David McNab

 6) '!/' - example SSK@blah/name!/index.html

Could be a winner :)

I'll support it parallel to '//' in FwProxy (which I expect to start testing
on 0.4 in the next day or two), and see how the misbehaving 3rd party progs
(such as ht://dig and Offline Explorer) behave, and report findings back to
this list.


- Original Message -
From: Stefan Reich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2001 09:54
Subject: Re: [freenet-chat] more MSK delimiter proposals

 From: Tavin Cole [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  well, people seem to have forgotten lately that the mapfile delimiter
  end in a '/' or relative linking breaks..

 ok, so

 6) '!/' - example SSK@blah/name!/index.html


 Chat mailing list

Chat mailing list

[freenet-chat] New 0.4-compatible client progs

2001-07-18 Thread David McNab

Hi folks,

To assist with 0.4 testing, I've released some FCP-based clients that are
working with 0.4 metadata

0) FreeWeb - pre-release version 0.1.4 - supports freenet 0.4 and freenet
0.3 metadata, available from http://freeweb.sf.net/index1.html It works on
Linux via Wine, if you tweak your Wine configs.
Hopefully I'll get around to writing a console-based platform-indepent
version, kinda like PutFiles.

1) fcpget - a simple command-line key retrieval prog

2) FwProxy - like FProxy, but working with 0.4. By default, FwProxy listens
on port , and talks to a node on localhost:8481, but command line args
can change this - run with -h for more info

3) ezFCPlib - an easy but powerful FCP client library, hacked to work with
0.4. No splitfiles support yet though, but it should be able to follow MSK
chains. HTML doco included.

A sample key you can use for testing on 0.4 is

Download linux/windows sources and makefiles for fcpget, FwProxy and
ezFCPlib from
http://freeweb.sf.net/fcpstuff.tar.gz Note - if compiling under (non-Cygwin)
windows, you'll need a '-DWINDOWS'
Watch out - some of the code is a bit rough - but should generally work ok.
FwProxy is prone to occasional crash - restart it if this happens.

It feels good to be surfing freenet 0.4 in a web browser.

So, there's no more excuses for not running a 0.4 node.
The more people running 0.4, the sooner it'll get debugged, and the sooner
all can benefit.


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