Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

2008-09-19 Thread Larry Sacks
Now it is time to get rid of Cox and Comcast.

We might not agree on everything Tom, but I wholeheartedly agree with
you here!

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Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

2008-09-18 Thread Rev. Stewart Marshall

We will and we wont.

Three things I see missing from the mix nowadays which made ATT so powerful.

Manufacturing.  None of the companies today not even the New ATT 
have manufacturing capabilities today.  In the old days AT did all 
their own manufacturing.  Not a p[hone sold, installed,used on the 
ATT network was made by an outside company.  Even teh wire they used 
to run lines was all ATT manufactured.  None of it exists anymore.

Bell Labs.  I am not sure what happened with Bell Labs but they were 
a premiere research arm at one time. I think someone has mentioned it 
here before but the transistor and some other stuff came out of Bell Labs.

ATT long lines.  I am not sure what happened to that one 
either.  Long Lines was were a lot of the money was.  The biggest 
fight was over who got paid and how much for long distance 
connections and coverage.  MCI made heir money by reselling long 
distance between certain points.  They undercut AT by using high 
volume points to make their money.  I am not sure who controls the 
long distance lines anymore.  But there is no loner the strangle hold 
that ATT once held.

We are seeing a convergence once again but it is a different 
convergence than what it was.  Cell coverage and Home coverage.


At 12:03 AM 9/18/2008, you wrote:
Well, it soon will be under either the same or another name.  The

whole reason SBC rebranded itself as ATT after they bought
the old ATT was that people didn't know SBC from a hole in the
wall but they DID know ATT.  No it's not the same company.

But it's all a part of what WAS the Bell System.

Verizon chose to call itself Verizon when it bought GTE, not when
it bought NYNEX.  Then it was still Bell Atlantic.  When we bought
MCI at a fire-sale price we got UUNET and MCI, but we were not
going to call ourselves WorldCom or MCI.

Alcatel/Lucent (and Telcordia) are on the table as I see it.

I know what happened, my question is why we had to jump through
these hoops to get back to where we were in 1984.

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

2008-09-18 Thread Larry Sacks
Tell me about it.

In 2003, I bought a cell phone plan with ATT Wireless.  They've since
been bought out by Cingular who has since changed their name to ATT.  

When calling in for questions, I'm still in the habit of asking if the
person is a blue or orange agent as the blue agents were from ATT
and the orange are from the Cingular side of the house.  

The blue agents are still friendly and helpful.  The orange agents
would rather rain agent orange down on you than help you.

-Original Message-
From: Computer Guys Discussion List
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Rev. Stewart
Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2008 9:34 PM
Subject: Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

In 1984 Judge Green forced ATT to divest itself of the baby 
bells.  They all became separate and independent companies who no 
longer had to buy equipment from ATt etc.

After 1984 Western Electric became ATT manufacturing (I know my dad 
worked for them at this time)  The plants got smaller and smaller 
because the baby bells did not have to buy from mama bell anymore and 
all did their own thing.  I believe that there are no phones 
manufactured in the US anymore.  Most of the old Western plants are all

Later on AT manufacturing got spun off as Lucent, they combined with 
Avaya (sic) and then they got absorbed by Alcatel.

ATT got ealner and worse off.

The Baby Bells have become bigger than their parent and yes they are 
converging back.  No doubt about it, but the new ATT is not the old


At 11:21 PM 9/17/2008, you wrote:
By the way the ATT they talked about in the article no longer 
exists.  The new ATT is actually one of the baby bells that was 
divested in 1984.

Are you sure about that?  Start by clicking on some of the links.

You should be done reading by say, late October.  And I know
you're a fast reader.
Early in my career an older and wiser employee said, You think
the phone company broke up?  You're wrong.
Culturally Verizon/Nynex/Bell Atlantic/GTE/MCI and SBC/Bell
South/Ameritech/ATT/Pacific Telesis, and Qwest are basically
all Bell System components.

Except that now they all play in all arenas as far as transport is
concerned.  Equipment and RD are still separate but convergence
is inevitable.

We are heading in the direction of what we had before all of the

I'm going to get in trouble for saying that.

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Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

2008-09-18 Thread Larry Sacks
 The solution may be as simple as to void all exclusive franchises and
 any legislation that keeps communities from entering the market to
 market inefficiencies that may cause them to get bypassed. 

Or... go running to ISPs that don't have limits and don't plan to use

Which ones are those?  The smaller, independent firms.  In Northern
California is a 15 (or so) year old firm called Sonic.Net that currently
doesn't have and doesn't plan on imposing limits.

I just have to get SBC (the local baby bell that bought out ATT) to
acknowledge that maybe, just maybe the static on my phone lines is
*their* problem.  Once that's licked, I'll gleefully switch to Sonic.Net


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Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

2008-09-18 Thread Constance Warner
Bell Labs.  I am not sure what happened with Bell Labs but they were 
a premiere research arm at one time. I think someone has mentioned it 
here before but the transistor and some other stuff came out of Bell

Does Bell Labs still exist?  Depends on what you mean by Bell Labs. I
saw a PBS program (a Nova, I think) in which Bell Labs veterans of the
50's, 60's, and 70's complained that the atmosphere and working
conditions had changed so much, just before they left, that it was no
longer possible to do the same kind of breakthrough research that had
been possible under the more generous support that had been provided
earlier.  As far as THEY were concerned, Bell Labs had ceased to exist.

However, the laboratories continued in various forms and through various
mergers after the breakup of ATT, with some impressive achievements.

This year, the current form of Bell Labs (Alcatel-Lucent) stopped
research in basic science and announced that research in the future
would concentrate on applied research in marketable areas.  This narrow
focus on applied research is not in the spirit of the earlier Bell Labs.

So did the breakup of ATT kill Bell Labs?  Maybe, maybe not.  The
earlier Bell Labs has been portrayed as a scientific utopia, which it
may well have been.  But few corporations are anywhere near that
generous, and it's probably unrealistic to expect utopias to last.

--Constance Warner

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Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

2008-09-18 Thread Rev. Stewart Marshall

That explains that.  If it is part of Alcatel Lucent it is a dead horse.

Western Electric did some of their own testing research (I visited 
the plant a lot as my dad worked there, and even I worked there one summer)

They manufactured almost 100% of what went into the phone, even down 
to the screws.

Not many companies do that anymore.


At 01:30 PM 9/18/2008, you wrote:

Does Bell Labs still exist?  Depends on what you mean by Bell Labs. I
saw a PBS program (a Nova, I think) in which Bell Labs veterans of the
50's, 60's, and 70's complained that the atmosphere and working
conditions had changed so much, just before they left, that it was no
longer possible to do the same kind of breakthrough research that had
been possible under the more generous support that had been provided
earlier.  As far as THEY were concerned, Bell Labs had ceased to exist.

However, the laboratories continued in various forms and through various
mergers after the breakup of ATT, with some impressive achievements.

This year, the current form of Bell Labs (Alcatel-Lucent) stopped
research in basic science and announced that research in the future
would concentrate on applied research in marketable areas.  This narrow
focus on applied research is not in the spirit of the earlier Bell Labs.

So did the breakup of ATT kill Bell Labs?  Maybe, maybe not.  The
earlier Bell Labs has been portrayed as a scientific utopia, which it
may well have been.  But few corporations are anywhere near that
generous, and it's probably unrealistic to expect utopias to last.

--Constance Warner

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

2008-09-18 Thread Rev. Stewart Marshall
My dad was one of those manager-engineers, and managed an Industrial 
Engineering department.  He helped make the lines run efficiently, 
but also well.

Even for line workers pay was good.  I made 5.50 an hour 30 years 
ago.  That was as a summer college (well I was in grad school) 
student working on the line.  They had a program where they would 
hire the children of workers for the summer to give them summer 
employment.  (both of my brothers worked there at one time.  That 
summer there were two of us plus my ad, all working different 
shifts.) They also had college loan programs for employees to help 
put their kids through school.

Oh did I mention their credit union?  They were a top class outfit at 
the time.  By the way they also had top flight security.  No one got 
in without an ID and no one walked out with a package unless it was 
inspected.  (Remember this was 30 years ago.)

Got one of my first computers (IBM) from my dad.  They sold ATT 6300 
refurb's to employees at a huge discount.

For that day as a middle level manger my dad earned well.  (I 
actually earn less than my dad did in actual dollars not event taking 
in account inflation etc.)

Western Electric was a great company in it's day.


At 05:54 PM 9/18/2008, you wrote:

Not directly, but certainly indirectly. As a regulated utility ATT was a
haven for manager-engineers. There was an emphasis on making things the
right way. After the break up the reformed companies were flooded with
MBAs who disdained technology, knowing that the best way to make money
was to slash the workforce, slash research, and manipulate the stock

So they went from one extreme to the other.

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

2008-09-18 Thread Tom Piwowar
Regulated public utilities worked well.  It limited the ability of 
utilities to just raise rates to increase returns, and limited them 
to request rate increases when they could prove increased costs.

Regulated public utilities stopped working well when their regulators got 
politicized by the neo-cons. Look at the FCC. This was once run by 
manager-engineer types whose goal was to make the technology work to the 
benefit of the owners of the airwaves (and those owners were the American 
people). Then the neo-con jihad replaced the manager-engineer types with 
sleasy pols. Their goal was to help jack up the share prices of megacorps 
owned by friends and contributors. Ditto for the financial regulators.

We need to get the pols back out of the regulatory agencies and put 
engineers, scientists, economists, and other smart people in charge.

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Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

2008-09-18 Thread Eric S. Sande
Not directly, but certainly indirectly. As a regulated utility ATT was a 
haven for manager-engineers. There was an emphasis on making things the 
right way. After the break up the reformed companies were flooded with 
MBAs who disdained technology, knowing that the best way to make money 
was to slash the workforce, slash research, and manipulate the stock 

So they went from one extreme to the other.

Not really, I would have noticed.  I think.

I'm actually in it because I like playing around with a really big
ass network and some bitchin' cool technology.

This place is hacker heaven with climate control, I love my job.

The culture really hasn't changed that much from the Bell days.

We may have a fair number of MBAs scuttling around but most
of the management did it the hard way and came up from the
ranks, at least in core telecom.

Our CEO started out as a cable splicer's assistant.  Twenty-five
years ago I was a directory assistance operator.  Those aren't
bad jobs, either.  That was the Bell System way. 

I'm not saying it was a perfect system or that it is a perfect 
system, it's hierarchial to a military extent.  But when you have a

responsibility to maintain and manage a national communications
infrastructure that's the way it has to be.

I don't know how anyone else runs their business.  I don't honestly
care.  I know bad decisions and bad regulation have happened in
the past and will likely happen in the future.

I have to play the cards I have today and do it by the book that
has been written by all the managers, engineers, and other 
personnel  that have come before me.  Sometimes I get to add

or edit a page in the book.

Sometimes I get to reward emerging talent.  I really like to be
able to promote deserving people.

At the end of the day I absolutely have to be responsible for the
continuing, reliable operation of the network.  We're still a
regulated public utility.

Which is hard for a former free-range hacker to grasp, but if I
can get used to it I guess it isn't hard to imagine that others can.

I speak only for myself.


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Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

2008-09-18 Thread Eric S. Sande
Back then we were at the point where a regulated monopoly was no longer 
serving the public good. ATT and become ossified. We had a 
communications network that only allowed voice communication when the 
world was opening up to communication between machines.

I'm building out as fast as I can.  I can see an eight-ball when I'm
behind it and the bus is coming, thanks.

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Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

2008-09-17 Thread Jeff Wright
 Is pursuing a murderer or a thief micromananging? How about those
 meddlers in the fire department? Should we not let fires rage free?

Oh my.  Being a half-assed govt created and approved monopoly is now the
equivalent to that of a violent criminal?  Has Comcast actually committed a

You must be a pip at your neighborhood watch meetings. I saw you not come
to a complete and full stop at the stop sign the other morning and YOU, you,
your hedges are exactly 1 inch over the height allowed by association rules!
Guards!  GUARDS!

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Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

2008-09-17 Thread Tom Piwowar
Oh my.  Being a half-assed govt created and approved monopoly is now the
equivalent to that of a violent criminal?  Has Comcast actually committed a

You are quite a spinner. Here we go for another round of Thank You for 
Not Smoking.

I think the events in the financial markets over the last few days should 
have refocused our attention on what should be considered criminal.

If I were to drive a car recklessly and cause you to leave the road and 
be injured that would be a criminal act. In fact, just the first part 
would be criminal.

Why should some fat cat who pays himself $1,000,000/day not be held 
responsible for operating a company recklessly in a manner that causes 
huge losses to the nation's economy, causes innocent people to lose their 
jobs, homes, savings, pensions, etc. and leaves the government holding 
the bag for $trillions?

With Comcast and their ilk we are seeing new storm clouds on the horizon. 
Instead of upgrading their networks they downgrade our service, lie about 
the technology, and corrupt our governing system to perpetuate their 
thievery. Their greedy mismanagement is going to crash the USA's 
information economy. 

Acting today could right the system with mininal impact. Waiting until we 
discover that the USA has slipped way behind the rest of the world in 
this vital field will put the country into a position not unlike the 
current financial crisis, except fixing it will be a lot harder and 

The solution may be as simple as to void all exclusive franchises and any 
legislation that keeps communities from entering the market to correct 
market inefficiencies that may cause them to get bypassed. Another 
solution would be to enforce universal service to eliminate cherry 
picking and to set minimum service standards (network neutrality, no 
caps, no throttling, etc.).

As we have seen with FIOS and they systems now spreading in Europe and 
Asia, broadband can be a lot better and cheaper than it is in tha USA.

What kind of nonsense is it when companies lie to us about the high cost 
of a product that is demonstrably cheaper to produce than even a year 
ago! We're quibbling about 2Mb, 6Mb, 10Mb service while they're testing 
1Gb service in Amsterdam and in Sweden!


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Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

2008-09-17 Thread Steve Rigby

On Sep 16, 2008, at 9:45 PM, Tom Piwowar wrote:

If Comcast is a regulated public utility and you pay your bills do  

really have the right to cut off your service for any other reason?

  I do not believe that Comcast is a publicly regulated utility, at  
least not around where I live.


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Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

2008-09-17 Thread Rev. Stewart Marshall

Cable companies are not anywhere.

Cable companies operate at the whim/franchise agreement of a local community.

Nothing about them is a regulated utility.

That is why Phone Companies have screamed about what Cable can get 
away with while they are regulated.


At 10:36 AM 9/17/2008, you wrote:
  I do not believe that Comcast is a publicly regulated utility, at

least not around where I live.


Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

2008-09-17 Thread John Emmerling
On Wed, Sep 17, 2008 at 11:45 AM, Steve Rigby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sep 17, 2008, at 9:44 AM, Tom Piwowar wrote:

 Why should some fat cat who pays himself $1,000,000/day not be held 

  The pit bull with lipstick is gonna roll into DC and correct all of this
 with her big 'ole moose guttin' knife.  In the meantime, just chill.  Help
 is on the way.


Awesome!  I will start holding my!

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Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

2008-09-17 Thread Larry Sacks
-Original Message-
From: Computer Guys Discussion List
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of John Emmerling
Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2008 10:22 AM
Subject: Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

On Wed, Sep 17, 2008 at 11:45 AM, Steve Rigby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sep 17, 2008, at 9:44 AM, Tom Piwowar wrote:

 Why should some fat cat who pays himself $1,000,000/day not be held

  The pit bull with lipstick is gonna roll into DC and correct all
of this
 with her big 'ole moose guttin' knife.  In the meantime, just chill.
 is on the way.


Awesome!  I will start holding my!

In the interest of equal opportunity political whining...

Don't worry about this, Barack and Biden will make everything all
better.  In the meantime, just chill.  Help is on the way.   

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Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

2008-09-17 Thread Constance Warner
BTW, Palin will be VICE President if McCain is elected.  If that
happens, let's hope he stays healthy and that she doesn't try to pull a
Cheney.  Incidentally, she has turned against and betrayed nearly every
political figure who has ever helped her, so if McCain is elected, it
could be an interesting four years.  (BTW, as far as an improved
internet or wireless network goes: she has a record of not funding
infrastructure, other than a hockey rink that left the town of Wasilla
in debt.)

Pit bull is a pretty good description.

(OT Warning: posting a link to a news story at the BOTTOM of this email,
on Palin  Wasilla under her watch.  If you don't want anything OT,
please avoid it.)

--Constance Warner

On Wed, Sep 17, 2008 at 11:45 AM, Steve Rigby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sep 17, 2008, at 9:44 AM, Tom Piwowar wrote:

 Why should some fat cat who pays himself $1,000,000/day not be held

  The pit bull with lipstick is gonna roll into DC and correct all of
 with her big 'ole moose guttin' knife.  In the meantime, just chill.
 is on the way.


Awesome!  I will start holding my!

Here's the OT link:

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Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

2008-09-17 Thread Steve Rigby

On Sep 17, 2008, at 1:37 PM, Larry Sacks wrote:

In the interest of equal opportunity political whining...

Don't worry about this, Barack and Biden will make everything all
better.  In the meantime, just chill.  Help is on the way.

  Absolutely.  We would not want to leave any of our hot air laden  
politicians out of the solution.


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Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

2008-09-17 Thread Rev. Stewart Marshall
My connection is that nothing much will happen NO MATTER WHICH of the 
two major party candidates are elected.

We will not elect anyone who wants to change the status quo.  They 
will just move around the deck chairs a little on the cruise ship.


At 01:29 PM 9/17/2008, you wrote:

  Absolutely.  We would not want to leave any of our hot air laden
politicians out of the solution.


Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

2008-09-17 Thread Roger D. Parish

At 1:46 PM -0500 9/17/08, Rev. Stewart Marshall wrote:

My connection is that nothing much will happen NO MATTER WHICH of 
the two major party candidates are elected.

We will not elect anyone who wants to change the status quo.  They 
will just move around the deck chairs a little on the cruise ship.

That's awfully cynical for a man of the cloth! I thought you guys 
(and gals, nowadays) were all about hope?

Lovettsville, VA

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Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

2008-09-17 Thread Rev. Stewart Marshall

Yes but not in the things of man.

My hope is built on nothing less, than Jesus and his 
righteousness.  That is how the hymn is sung.

I pray for my leaders and such, but I do not put my faith in them 
dangerous thing, putting faith in man.


At 02:24 PM 9/17/2008, you wrote:

That's awfully cynical for a man of the cloth! I thought you guys 
(and gals, nowadays) were all about hope?

Lovettsville, VA

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

2008-09-17 Thread Jeff Wright
 The solution may be as simple as to void all exclusive franchises and
 any legislation that keeps communities from entering the market to correct
 market inefficiencies that may cause them to get bypassed. 

By God, there's hope for you yet.  Maybe the idiot king of the FCC, Kevin
Martin, can abuse his powers for good for a change and do just that.  It
would probably fall apart in the first court case, but waiting for counties
and municipalities to give up their fat franchise fees, well, Godot, would
get there first.

Take 'em kicking and screaming out of the 1950's, I say.

 Another solution would be to enforce universal service to eliminate cherry
 picking and to set minimum service standards (network neutrality, no
 caps, no throttling, etc.).

Oo, so close.  So much for hope.  

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Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

2008-09-16 Thread Steve Rigby

On Sep 16, 2008, at 9:21 AM, Jeff Wright wrote:

Or, allow competition in the market instead of perpetuating the  
same idiotic

guvmint-enforced monopoly scheme.

  Are these monopoly schemes that are enforced by the government  
actually hatched by the corporation to whom the government has  
capitulated?  In other words, in the county where I live, Cox has the  
monopoly.  Was the concept of providing a monopoly to some entity  
solely the idea of my local government, or were corporations pushing  
the concept upon the government through their lobbyists and political  
donations, with Cox managing to come out on top?


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Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

2008-09-16 Thread Constance Warner
This issue is getting noticed:

On WAMU right now (NOT the Computer Guys): a program on limiting
bandwidth (and spam laws).


--Constance Warner

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Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

2008-09-16 Thread mike
Hopefully this show is more knowledgeable then CG is.  None of the guests at
present with Kojo seem to know much at all about any computers, at least
with Tom there you could get good mac info between the occasional windows is
dog doodoo rant.

Small example...Allison said google chrome had no bookmarking feature, after
being corrected she amended that well yes it was there but burried.  Burried
right at the top next to the address bar.  Then she said something about
liking a new feature where you could search in the same field as where you
input web addresses, only it isn't a new feature it's been in FF for some

I note  these small things just because of the general unfamiliarity with
computers they seem to have. As if they don't actually use them or the
programs they talk about...they just have read things about something called

I keep thinking there must be guests out there with more knowledge, I listen
to most of Leo Laporte's twit casts, as well as his radio show at times.
The guy has a big brain on macs and windows.  He can't be the only one.  I
hope at some point WAMU will get at least one on the panel that knows what
they are doing.


On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 9:10 AM, Constance Warner 

 This issue is getting noticed:

 On WAMU right now (NOT the Computer Guys): a program on limiting
 bandwidth (and spam laws).


 --Constance Warner

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Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

2008-09-16 Thread Larry Sacks
8 years of failure isn't enough for you true believers? After stripping

the People of their legal protections they let the corporate giants run

amuck. What we got is in the daily news -- a crumbling economy. 

Did you 'cc' this to Craigslist's Rants and Raves   

Surf over 
to Google news and see what responsible journalists are reporting. Stop

reading fantasy-land bloggers.

Do you mean the responsible journalists that write for Washington
Post, the NY Times, CNN, etc?  Or were you referring to some other

Seems most journalists write what they think you should think and not
the facts.  

I know it's difficult not to get caught up in the story and want to let
your feelings run amok, but really, journalists *should* be impartial in
their writing.  

Shame they rarely ever do  


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Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

2008-09-16 Thread Snyder, Mark (IT CIV)
A rant that could use a healthy dose (okay, any dose) of fact-checking

Thank you,

Mark Snyder
-Original [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Larry Sacks

Seems most journalists write what they think you should think and not
the facts.  

I know it's difficult not to get caught up in the story and want to let
your feelings run amok, but really, journalists *should* be impartial in
their writing.  

Shame they rarely ever do  

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Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

2008-09-16 Thread Jeff Wright
 If you want the market to rule you can't allow oligopoly to rule. Pushing
 both simultaneously is crazy talk. Yes, when reality is right there in
 front of you and you keep preaching fantasy-land politics instead on
 well-established economics that is crazy talk.

You and your ilk created the damaged situation by supporting
politicians that allowed decades of local monopoly control of cable
and phones and and now you don't like the results?  Too bad.  Stop
voting for people who promise you free ponies.

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Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

2008-09-16 Thread Jeff Wright
  Are these monopoly schemes that are enforced by the government actually
 hatched by the corporation to whom the government has capitulated?  In other
 words, in the county where I live, Cox has the monopoly.  Was the concept of
 providing a monopoly to some entity solely the idea of my local government,
 or were corporations pushing the concept upon the government through their
 lobbyists and political donations, with Cox managing to come out on top?

Who knows which came first, but the scmucks at the local level bought
into the flawed idea that only way anyone could get cable is if they
gave the cableco a monpoly to recoup the costs of laying the cable.
The infrastructure has long been installed and costs long ago
recovered, but even now, as in the case in Monkey County MD, you can
sell cable services only if the powers that be magnanimously deign to
allow you to do so, as was the case with Verizon.

And Comcast fought them every step of the way to maintain their
stranglehold.  (Which led to one corrupt and/or dunderheaded council
member in to pronounce that competition doesn't work a whole *3
months* (!) after Verizon was granted permission to compete, because
Verizon only managed to wire a couple thousand homes in that time.)

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Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

2008-09-16 Thread Paula Minor
Or, allow competition in the market instead of perpetuating the  
same idiotic

guvmint-enforced monopoly scheme.

Yeah, I know, crazy talk.

That's heresy! ;-)
Competition in the market..bite your tongue.


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Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

2008-09-16 Thread Larry Sacks
(Which led to one corrupt and/or dunderheaded council
member in to pronounce that competition doesn't work a whole *3
months* (!) after Verizon was granted permission to compete, because
Verizon only managed to wire a couple thousand homes in that time.)

Are the Council critters required to file FPPC (Fair Political Practices
Commission) statements (or anything) showing campaign contributions?  If
so, go through 'em (yeah, I know, it can take a good deal of time) but
you might find some information the local newspaper (or blog) might find


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Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

2008-09-16 Thread Paula Minor
Note that if they can gat away with that, they can do anything else  

please. Next they will be sending you a list of approved partner
websites where traffic won't be counted against your bandwith cap.

Only option I see is local: getting the neighbors together to let the
local pols know that Comcast is reneging on its charter commitments  

its charter should be voided. Let a more honest company take over its

Comcast will argue that Federal regs preempt local control.

I couldn't agree more, Tom.  But getting MY neighbors to join in an  
effort to fight Comcast is an exercise in futility.  I live in Big  
Business country and with the exception of maybe 2 other people in a  
neighborhood of over 100 families, I am vastly outnumbered.  Signs I  
put in my yard just asking for the protection of Habeas Corpus, no  
political signs, are stolen immediately.   The one neighbor I am in  
touch with who would agree that this (comcast's edict) is wrong would  
tell me he is afraid to draw attention to himself.  I live amongst  
sheep and wolves.
Does anyone know what Verizon's policy is regarding bandwidth?  Do  
they also restrict it?  I could go back to their slower service over  
the phone lines if Comcast kicks me off.

 Continuity of Government: a nice way to say Martial Law so the  
sheep don't get scared.

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Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

2008-09-16 Thread Tom Piwowar
Does anyone know what Verizon's policy is regarding bandwidth?  Do  
they also restrict it?  I could go back to their slower service over  
the phone lines if Comcast kicks me off.

From an engineering point of view, I think there would be little 
incentive to cap FIOS because it does not have the same flaws as cable 
provided broadband. Of course they still could apply caps as a means of 
charging extra for something that costs them almost zero. Evil has no 

We had the cable vs DSL/fiber discussion here a few months ago and our 
cable fan bois insisted that cable provided broadband was not technically 
flawed and severely bandwidth limited. We now see that cable can not 
carry the load.

Of necessity, as more people sign up for cable provided broadband, the 
caps will get lower and lower and lower.

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Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

2008-09-16 Thread Steve Rigby

On Sep 16, 2008, at 2:35 PM, Paula Minor wrote:

Does anyone know what Verizon's policy is regarding bandwidth?  Do  
they also restrict it?  I could go back to their slower service  
over the phone lines if Comcast kicks me off.

  How would a Comcast subscriber know when that usage limit has come  
close to being exceeded?  Does Comcast provide subscribers with  
notifications about how much or how little usage they have left  
before being kicked off?  Is it the subscribers duty to keep tabs  
on all their bandwidth usage?


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Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

2008-09-16 Thread Tom Piwowar
I live in Big Business country and with the exception of maybe 2 other 
people in a neighborhood of over 100 families, I am vastly outnumbered.

The world is full of people who are not paying attention or with 
ideologically clouded minds. Ironically, your Big Business neighbors 
will probably be among the first sheep to be shorn. And, alas, you along 
with the rest of the herd. 

So sad that the best we can hope to achieve is an oligopoly.

We have just about arrived at a state like Terry Gilliam depicted in 
Brazil. You need something like its renegade heating engineer to help 
you conquer the malfunctioning technology.

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Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

2008-09-16 Thread Tom Piwowar
How would a Comcast subscriber know when that usage limit has come  
close to being exceeded?  Does Comcast provide subscribers with  
notifications about how much or how little usage they have left  
before being kicked off?  Is it the subscribers duty to keep tabs  
on all their bandwidth usage?

They let you know at sentencing. This reminds me of a story by Franz 

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Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

2008-09-16 Thread Tom Piwowar
Who knows which came first, but the scmucks at the local level bought
into the flawed idea that only way anyone could get cable is if they
gave the cableco a monpoly to recoup the costs of laying the cable.
The infrastructure has long been installed and costs long ago
recovered, but even now, as in the case in Monkey County MD, you can
sell cable services only if the powers that be magnanimously deign to
allow you to do so, as was the case with Verizon.

That was realistically true back in 1970. But as recently covered in our 
RAID discussion, times change, technology advances, and behavior should 
change accordingly.

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Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

2008-09-16 Thread Jeff Wright
 That was realistically true back in 1970. But as recently covered in our
 RAID discussion, times change, technology advances, and behavior should
 change accordingly.

Except that ther powers that be thinking hasn't changed.  If you have
to ask for permission to compete then you don't have a free market and
you shouldn't be too surprised with the results.

Maybe you should be expecting more from your legislators instead of
trying to micromanange an industry so that the results are just

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Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

2008-09-16 Thread mike
Maybe your cable can't, Cox out here has more then enough.  Limiting
bandwith has nothing to do with ability to serve.

More people on cable does not mean less bandwith.

On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 12:25 PM, Tom Piwowar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 We had the cable vs DSL/fiber discussion here a few months ago and our
 cable fan bois insisted that cable provided broadband was not technically
 flawed and severely bandwidth limited. We now see that cable can not
 carry the load.

 Of necessity, as more people sign up for cable provided broadband, the
 caps will get lower and lower and lower.

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Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

2008-09-16 Thread Tom Piwowar
Maybe you should be expecting more from your legislators instead of
trying to micromanange an industry so that the results are just

Is pursuing a murderer or a thief micromananging? How about those 
meddlers in the fire department? Should we not let fires rage free?

Why should an evil monopolist be allowed to ravage the country just 
because they are a corporation? Where in your holy book is it written 
that corporations get a pass?

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Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

2008-09-16 Thread John Duncan Yoyo
On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 9:07 AM, Tom Piwowar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 We got out notification email today from Comcast telling us that we
 will be restricted to 250 gb  /mo bandwidth usage beginning Oct. 1.
 It doesn't say what they'll do if we go over.

 Only option I see is local: getting the neighbors together to let the
 local pols know that Comcast is reneging on its charter commitments and
 its charter should be voided. Let a more honest company take over its

I wonder what would happen if a significant percentage of the subscribers
went over one month?  I'm guessing that they couldn't afford to lose that
much business.

 Comcast will argue that Federal regs preempt local control.

Aren't public utilities such as cable companies granted a limited time to
the right to the exclusive franchise?
John Duncan Yoyo

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Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

2008-09-16 Thread Larry Sacks
Maybe your cable can't, Cox out here has more then enough.  Limiting
bandwith has nothing to do with ability to serve.

True.  But it has everything to do with justifying charging more for a

More people on cable does not mean less bandwith.

But, more people on cable means more profits!  

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Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

2008-09-16 Thread Rev. Stewart Marshall
It is my understanding that the local municipality negotiates 
contracts with the cable companies and they have to meet specific 
goals and or marks to keep the franchise.

I know locally Charter just about lost their franchise when the local 
municipality had their accounts audited and it turned out Charter had 
shorted them a number of years in a row, plus there were some other 
marks that had not been met, plus local unhappiness with Charter.

Local municipalities hold the franchise in their hands and if enough 
local pressure is applied they can get terms changed and/or companies 
changed.  It all depends on how the franchise agreement is written.

Like locally all non profits must pay to have any of their activities 
advertised on the local access channel.  Most of the municipalities 
in our area do not charge non-profits to advertise, but then again 
they are not Charter.


At 05:48 PM 9/16/2008, you wrote:

Aren't public utilities such as cable companies granted a limited time to
the right to the exclusive franchise?
John Duncan Yoyo

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

2008-09-16 Thread Larry Sacks
I believe you're correct - the local municipality can hold Comcast (or
the cable provider to their contract and wield power over them with it)
accountable for the TV portion of the service.  The internet service is
something outside a city's purview.  

However, someone in the municipality can inquire about the service and
when they do, the cable company (in this particular case, Comcast) gets
very interested very fast.  After months of intermittent internet
service from Comcast, 1 phone call to the City Manager's Office earned
me an apologetic phone call from Comcast Government Affairs and 2 trucks
in my neighborhood looking and finding! the cause of the problem.  

-Original Message-
From: Computer Guys Discussion List
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Rev. Stewart
Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2008 4:04 PM
Subject: Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

It is my understanding that the local municipality negotiates 
contracts with the cable companies and they have to meet specific 
goals and or marks to keep the franchise.

I know locally Charter just about lost their franchise when the local 
municipality had their accounts audited and it turned out Charter had 
shorted them a number of years in a row, plus there were some other 
marks that had not been met, plus local unhappiness with Charter.

Local municipalities hold the franchise in their hands and if enough 
local pressure is applied they can get terms changed and/or companies 
changed.  It all depends on how the franchise agreement is written.

Like locally all non profits must pay to have any of their activities 
advertised on the local access channel.  Most of the municipalities 
in our area do not charge non-profits to advertise, but then again 
they are not Charter.


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Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

2008-09-16 Thread Larry Sacks
Maybe you should be expecting more from your legislators instead of
trying to micromanange an industry so that the results are just

Is pursuing a murderer or a thief micromananging? 

In and of itself no.  But should the legislators be pursuing a murderer
or a thief?  But legislators want everyone to know they're tough on
crime so they pass get tough on crime laws to show they're tough on
crime.  One problem is many of those laws tie judges hands and force
them to enact sentences harsher than deserved.  

When you get into an election year, then it gets really fun.  

How about those 
meddlers in the fire department? Should we not let fires rage free?

I recall there was some debate that the best way to prevent those
massive wild fires in remote areas was to let nature run its course and
not put the fires out when they happen.  

Why should an evil monopolist be allowed to ravage the country just 
because they are a corporation? 

I thought MS was the only evil monopolist ever talked about here.  I
know you don't like Windows but I hardly see it as ravaging the country.


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Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

2008-09-16 Thread Paula Minor

Does anyone know what Verizon's policy is regarding bandwidth?  Do
they also restrict it?  I could go back to their slower service over
the phone lines if Comcast kicks me off.

From an engineering point of view, I think there would be little

incentive to cap FIOS because it does not have the same flaws as cable
provided broadband. Of course they still could apply caps as a  
means of

charging extra for something that costs them almost zero. Evil has no
Unfortunately, FIOS isn't available at my home tho it IS just 3/4  
mile away!  When I temporarily tried the Verizon DSL the technician  
couldn't believe we didn't have it but we don't.  It's CONcast for  
high speed or nothing.

We had the cable vs DSL/fiber discussion here a few months ago and our
cable fan bois insisted that cable provided broadband was not  

flawed and severely bandwidth limited. We now see that cable can not
carry the load.
My download speed last night varied from 4874 kb/sec to 8676 kb/sec.   
It used to  be a lot faster.

Of necessity, as more people sign up for cable provided broadband, the
caps will get lower and lower and lower.

I'm afraid you are right about that.


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Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

2008-09-16 Thread Paula Minor
So, I wrote to Comcast today to let them know that this LONG time  
Comcast customer was going to have serious issues with their  
bandwidth limit because I would be backing up many hundreds of GB's  
of data to an online service and that was perfectly legal to do.  Was  
I going to be 'punished' by being banned for a year if I exceeded the  
limit several months in a row while I was backing up?
Here is the answer I got from themand it was patently obvious he  
wasn't answering my question/concerns at all.  And , yes, I have  
responded to them.

	Subject: 	Re: Web Form Submission: General Inquiry   

Date:   September 16, 2008 3:25:39 PM EDT

Dear Paula,

Thank you for your message concerning the Comcast High-Speed Internet
service.  My name is Jordea, I will be glad to assist you today.

We maintain an Acceptable Use Policy as part of our high-speed  
service. The policy describes what constitutes unacceptable conduct  

use of the service, including requirements regarding data usage. We?ve
had our Acceptable Use policy in place for years and the policy itself
remains the same. The only thing that is changing is now we?re  
going to

provide a specific number (250 GB) for what would qualify as excessive

We?ve been evaluating a monthly data usage threshold for quite some  

and we?ve heard from customers that they would like us to provide a
specific number for excessive use.  Excessive users consume
substantially more data than typical residential users?only less  
than 1%
of customers use excessive amount of data today.  It?s important to  

in mind that that the vast majority of customers don?t fall into the
excessive use category. To learn more about excessive use, you can  
go to
our FAQs page at 

The 250 GB monthly threshold will begin October 1, 2008.

You will continue to get the same amount of speed you?ve been getting.

Keep in mind that only a very small number of customers actually reach
250 GB in a month today. As part of our pre-existing policy, we will
continue to contact the top users of our high-speed Internet  
service and

ask them to curb their usage.

A typical residential high-speed Internet user doesn?t even come close
to using that amount of data. To put it in perspective, currently, the
median data usage by our high-speed customers is approximately 2 -  
3 GB
each month. 250 GB falls more into the excessive use category?going  

above and beyond typical Internet usage.

To reach 250 GB in a month, for example, a customer would have to  
do any

of the following:

Send 50 million emails (at 0.05 KB/email)
Download 62,500 songs (at 4MB/song)
Download 125 standard-definition movies (at 2 GB/movie)
Upload 25,000 hi-resolution digital photos (at 10 MB/photo)

There are a number of online tools you can use to measure your data
consumption. You can find such tools by simply doing a Web search ?  

example, you can search ?bandwidth meter? to locate some options.

If you use multiple computers in your home, you should make sure to
measure and combine their monthly data usage to get an accurate  
read of

total data consumption for your entire account.

Thank you for choosing Comcast.  We value your business.


Comcast Online Customer Support


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Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

2008-09-16 Thread Paula Minor
 How would a Comcast subscriber know when that usage limit has come  
close to being exceeded?  Does Comcast provide subscribers with  
notifications about how much or how little usage they have left  
before being kicked off?  Is it the subscribers duty to keep tabs  
on all their bandwidth usage?

No, they do not let you know.  In the post I sent a bit earlier with  
the response from CONcast, it tells me that I can do a search online  
to find my own software for monitoring my own bandwidth usage and  
that I'll have to do it for every computer in the house and add them  
up myself.  THAT is not their problem.


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Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

2008-09-16 Thread Larry Sacks
Very nice Cut and Paste response that doesn't even being to address
anything you've asked.

For fun, check with your local City Manager's Office and voice your
concerns to them.  Explain you're just trying to backup tax records,
photos of your kids and other things you don't want to lose in case of a
fire.  Try to find something personal that will get them to hear you as
a concerned resident - that always helps.  Whatever you do, don't yell
or belittle them but appeal to them for help.  They might just call
Comcast.  It might do some good, but it might also be a waste of time...

Could be a fun experiment.   

-Original Message-
From: Computer Guys Discussion List
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Paula Minor
Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2008 4:48 PM
Subject: Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

So, I wrote to Comcast today to let them know that this LONG time  
Comcast customer was going to have serious issues with their  
bandwidth limit because I would be backing up many hundreds of GB's  
of data to an online service and that was perfectly legal to do.  Was  
I going to be 'punished' by being banned for a year if I exceeded the  
limit several months in a row while I was backing up?
Here is the answer I got from themand it was patently obvious he  
wasn't answering my question/concerns at all.  And , yes, I have  
responded to them.

   Subject:Re: Web Form Submission: General Inquiry   
   Date:   September 16, 2008 3:25:39 PM EDT

 Dear Paula,

 Thank you for your message concerning the Comcast High-Speed Internet
 service.  My name is Jordea, I will be glad to assist you today.

 We maintain an Acceptable Use Policy as part of our high-speed  
 service. The policy describes what constitutes unacceptable conduct  
 use of the service, including requirements regarding data usage. We?ve
 had our Acceptable Use policy in place for years and the policy itself
 remains the same. The only thing that is changing is now we?re  
 going to
 provide a specific number (250 GB) for what would qualify as excessive

 We?ve been evaluating a monthly data usage threshold for quite some  
 and we?ve heard from customers that they would like us to provide a
 specific number for excessive use.  Excessive users consume
 substantially more data than typical residential users?only less  
 than 1%
 of customers use excessive amount of data today.  It?s important to  
 in mind that that the vast majority of customers don?t fall into the
 excessive use category. To learn more about excessive use, you can  
 go to
 our FAQs page at 

 The 250 GB monthly threshold will begin October 1, 2008.

 You will continue to get the same amount of speed you?ve been getting.

 Keep in mind that only a very small number of customers actually reach
 250 GB in a month today. As part of our pre-existing policy, we will
 continue to contact the top users of our high-speed Internet  
 service and
 ask them to curb their usage.

 A typical residential high-speed Internet user doesn?t even come close
 to using that amount of data. To put it in perspective, currently, the
 median data usage by our high-speed customers is approximately 2 -  
 3 GB
 each month. 250 GB falls more into the excessive use category?going  
 above and beyond typical Internet usage.

 To reach 250 GB in a month, for example, a customer would have to  
 do any
 of the following:

 Send 50 million emails (at 0.05 KB/email)
 Download 62,500 songs (at 4MB/song)
 Download 125 standard-definition movies (at 2 GB/movie)
 Upload 25,000 hi-resolution digital photos (at 10 MB/photo)

 There are a number of online tools you can use to measure your data
 consumption. You can find such tools by simply doing a Web search ?  
 example, you can search ?bandwidth meter? to locate some options.

 If you use multiple computers in your home, you should make sure to
 measure and combine their monthly data usage to get an accurate  
 read of
 total data consumption for your entire account.

 Thank you for choosing Comcast.  We value your business.


 Comcast Online Customer Support


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Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

2008-09-16 Thread Steve Rigby

On Sep 16, 2008, at 5:00 PM, Jeff Wright wrote:

Except that ther powers that be thinking hasn't changed.  If you have
to ask for permission to compete then you don't have a free market and
you shouldn't be too surprised with the results.

  While I can perceive logic in your argument, the fact is that the  
corporation that holds an exclusive agreement within a jurisdiction  
to provide a certain service will fight tooth and nail to retain that  
exclusive arrangement.  Once they become King of the Mountain, most  
companies will make every attempt to prevent any challenge to their  
exclusive arrangement.  Corporations in such a position have no  
interest in free market principles.  The free market is for  


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Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

2008-09-16 Thread Rev. Stewart Marshall
Yes and no FCC did change some of the rules and many cable companies 
are just waiting at the door for a municipality to get upset and go 
looking for a new provider.

Just south of us is a municipality with 50-75K inhabitants.

I believe they have a choice between 3 different Cable operators.

This also allows them the choice of three VOIP providers.

One was a local Internet company that got bought out by Knology.

In some areas competition enhances and helps the residents get better 
service and better variety.


At 07:08 PM 9/16/2008, you wrote:
  While I can perceive logic in your argument, the fact is that the

corporation that holds an exclusive agreement within a jurisdiction
to provide a certain service will fight tooth and nail to retain that
exclusive arrangement.  Once they become King of the Mountain, most
companies will make every attempt to prevent any challenge to their
exclusive arrangement.  Corporations in such a position have no
interest in free market principles.  The free market is for


Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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**  policy, calmness, a member map, and more at  **

Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

2008-09-16 Thread Steve Rigby

On Sep 16, 2008, at 7:03 PM, Rev. Stewart Marshall wrote:

It is my understanding that the local municipality negotiates  
contracts with the cable companies and they have to meet specific  
goals and or marks to keep the franchise.

  Not so.  In the county where I live, the authorized cable  
provider has consistently, from the very beginning, failed to meet  
numerous benchmarks and goals, thus violating the terms of their  
contract, and they get poor marks from many of their subscribers that  
often result in official complaints being filed with Consumer  
Affairs.  In fact, the county had to create an office purely for  
cable complaints.

  The cable provider's contract with the county has never been  
seriously threatened despite these oft repeated failures.  The reason  
they have not been so punished?  It would be far too troublesome to  
introduce a new provider while simultaneously retaining full service  
for current cable customers.  Additionally, it may also be too  
expensive these days for anyone to install a new cable system while  
at the same time keeping the rates being charged customers from  
increasing.  In other words, it would just be a lot of hassle.


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Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

2008-09-16 Thread Rich Schinnell

At 08:05 PM 9/16/2008, you wrote:

Date:Tue, 16 Sep 2008 18:48:30 -0400
From:John Duncan Yoyo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Comcast puts on the brakes

I wonder what would happen if a significant percentage of the subscribers
went over one month?  I'm guessing that they couldn't afford to lose that
much business.

Has anyone figured out; when Comcast turns off your internet
access for excessive use, does that mean you still have to pay them 
for internet service?  Or would that fee now be considered a fine or penalty..

Sound to me that some fantail lawyer will break that up and make them
refund  your internet charges for any month that you can't use the service..

Not a sermon, just a thought..


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Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

2008-09-16 Thread Tom Piwowar
The cable provider's contract with the county has never been  
seriously threatened despite these oft repeated failures.  The reason  
they have not been so punished?  It would be far too troublesome to  
introduce a new provider while simultaneously retaining full service  
for current cable customers.  Additionally, it may also be too  
expensive these days for anyone to install a new cable system while  
at the same time keeping the rates being charged customers from  
increasing.  In other words, it would just be a lot of hassle.

We had that situation here in DC too. As of Jan 1 we will have a second 
provider: FIOS. It would be great to have somebody show up with WiMax too.

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Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

2008-09-16 Thread Tom Piwowar
Sound to me that some fantail lawyer will break that up and make them
refund  your internet charges for any month that you can't use the service..

If Comcast is a regulated public utility and you pay your bills do they 
really have the right to cut off your service for any other reason?

Can the power company shut you off for using too much electricity? Even 
if you don't pay your bill they have to go through a long process before 
cutting you off.

I guess the water company could fine you if you use too much during a 
drought, but I doubt they would be able to shut you off even then.

A big fat class action against Comcast would be a wonderful thing.

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Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

2008-09-16 Thread b_s-wilk
I live in Big Business country and with the exception of maybe 2 other 
people in a neighborhood of over 100 families, I am vastly outnumbered.

The world is full of people who are not paying attention or with 
ideologically clouded minds. Ironically, your Big Business neighbors 
will probably be among the first sheep to be shorn. And, alas, you along 
with the rest of the herd. 

So sad that the best we can hope to achieve is an oligopoly.

We have just about arrived at a state like Terry Gilliam depicted in 
Brazil. You need something like its renegade heating engineer to help 
you conquer the malfunctioning technology.

We're long past Brazil. This has to be Idiocracy. Why else would 
people be so hypnotized by a world of faux news, faux everything. So, 
it's sophomoric. That's the point. Drink the green stuff.

Then thank Comcast, et al, for overcharging us. Yes, sir. Thank you sir. 
Hit us again!

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Re: [CGUYS] Comcast puts on the brakes

2008-09-16 Thread b_s-wilk
Your broadband speed on cable will slow down as more people use it. 
Cable is like a party line on telephones 50 years ago. We have basic 
slow broadband, but it's as cheap or cheaper than dialup. Verizon gives 
that choice, if you catch the deal on the right day. It still sucks, 
just not as much as dialup.

The United States keeps getting further behind other countries that act 
like broadband is important to their economies--it is. Broadband 
companies are suffering from old ways of thinking. They can't/won't 
solve problems that aren't particularly complicated because it will cut 
into the profits that monopolies have allowed and enabled. They needed 
monopolies to develop the networks, but that system was supposed to 
expire--just not where I live, and not where Paula lives either.

It's the last few miles that are most expensive once the main grid is 
laid out. Cable vs. FIOS? It makes sense to make the rest wireless, or 
pooling resources to make the neighborhood the client instead individual 
homeowners. Your entire community can have faster, cheaper broadband by 
acting together and contracting to have a neighborhood network. It's 
been done in Virginia near Reston. The city of Lafayette, Louisiana is 
dealing with what happens when free markets end up not wanting to serve 
them at all, but they're finally getting municipal broadband.

The broadband companies have lobbyists to prevent free markets from 
cutting into their profits. Those same companies back things like 
Consumer Choice for Television Act in Louisiana and Georgia that strips 
municipal and parish governments from negotiating their own cable 
franchise agreements and gives that power to the Secretary of State 
who's already in the pocket of the corporations. Next thing the same 
kind of phony deregulation legislation will show up in other states like 
Indiana or Virginia, or nationally.

What kind of nonsense is it when companies lie to us about the high cost 
of a product that is demonstrably cheaper to produce than even a year 
ago! We're quibbling about 2Mb, 6Mb, 10Mb service while they're testing 
1Gb service in Amsterdam and in Sweden! It's only preliminary tests, but 
that's to improve service that's already faster than what we have 
here--and not limited by Gb or BS.

BTW, Comcast sends threatening letters to customers who use the 
unlimited service they contracted to receive, but doesn't tell them 
how much they've used until it they exceed the limit, whatever that means.

Does anyone know what Verizon's policy is regarding bandwidth?
Do they also restrict it?  I could go back to their slower
service over the phone lines if Comcast kicks me off.

From an engineering point of view, I think there would be little

incentive to cap FIOS because it does not have the same flaws as
cable provided broadband. Of course they still could apply caps as
a means of charging extra for something that costs them almost
zero. Evil has no bounds.

Unfortunately, FIOS isn't available at my home tho it IS just 3/4
mile away!  When I temporarily tried the Verizon DSL the technician
couldn't believe we didn't have it but we don't.  It's CONcast for
high speed or nothing.

We had the cable vs DSL/fiber discussion here a few months ago and
our cable fan bois insisted that cable provided broadband was not
technically flawed and severely bandwidth limited. We now see that
cable can not carry the load.

My download speed last night varied from 4874 kb/sec to 8676 kb/sec.
It used to  be a lot faster.

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