Re: [CGUYS] Senate Approves Digital TV Delay

2009-01-27 Thread Jordan

Tom Piwowar wrote:
Yes we all know that Stewart and his neighbors, clinging to their guns 
and religion, hold the monopoly on righteousness. 

No, No! Those people are my neighbors here in PA.

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Re: [CGUYS] Scanned

2009-01-29 Thread Jordan

Tom Piwowar wrote:

 This list is not about being stupid.


Damn! I knew I was in the wrong place!

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Re: [CGUYS] Resodding the mall, was Re: [CGUYS] Senate Approves

2009-01-29 Thread Jordan
If you do some research, or just watch the more informative news 
programs, you will find out that tax cuts do little or nothing to 
stimulate the economy. (and certainly nothing for people without jobs)

Check this graph:
Infrastructure, whether keeping up the Mall or updating the electrical 
grid is the best place for new spending.

Snyder, Mark (IT-EI) wrote:
That is an excessively pessimistic response to the idea of repairing the

Mall as one recovery project.  I would not think that looking around for
items of public importance that are suffering neglect is reckless, the
way the post implies.

An effective recovery package needs elements of both.  Letting people
keep more of their money seems to be a mantra for all seasons from the
right.  Does that idea ever get any rest?

Thank you,

Mark Snyder
-Original Message-
Perhaps we should wreck the Mall on a monthly basis!  Just think of how
we could grow the economy, constantly rebuilding it.  Even more, if we
break all the windows in the the museums along the Mall too.

But, heavens no, don't let people keep more of their money.  They'll
just bury it in old coffee cans in their back yard.


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Re: [CGUYS] Resodding the mall, was Re: [CGUYS] Senate Approves

2009-01-29 Thread Jordan
Not to mention the trillion and a half thrown away on a useless elective 
war which has inflamed the Middle East, that even Bush senior wasn't 
belligerent enough to get into!

gerald wrote:

did you post this during the bush adm?

why you out of the woodwork today?

compare this mess to the bush printing press?

did you call imholf or whoever your republican senator is when he did this?

did you write ugly letters to the wsj and scream bluddy murder when they 
cheered on the trillion dollar dump to the wall street big banks?

where WERE you?  why you out now??

i quit, you quit.

At 03:56 PM 1/29/2009, you wrote:

So recovery projects should not include a criteria for Things that are
Important to us (and that need repair)?  What should the criteria be?

I know that it's fashionable to be a Keynesian again, but I don't buy
into the notion that it's in our best interest to spend trillions of
dollars we don't have, so we can mortgage our relatively minor pain
today, so our kids and grand kids (and probably their grand kids) can
hopefully pay it off down the road.  That, and I'd rather carry my
cash in a wallet and not a wheelbarrow.

So are you proposing that by keeping all of Your Money, you will do a
better job at recovery than the gov't?

The government won't cause the economy to truly recover by spending
monopoly money, nor will I alone with my real dollars.  The economy
will recover the way it always does; incrementally and gradually
through normal economic activity.   The Treasury artificially propping
up home prices won't help with that, nor will propping up businesses
that should have rightfully gone under from their incompetence.

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Re: [CGUYS] Resodding the mall, was Re: [CGUYS] Senate Approves

2009-01-29 Thread Jordan

Tom Piwowar wrote:
did you write ugly letters to the wsj and scream bluddy murder when they 
cheered on the trillion dollar dump to the wall street big banks?

You forgot to mention those bundles of $100 bills that were tossed around 
with wild abandon (and no records kept). 

Hey, if we're willing to throw that kind of money away in another 
country and have nothing positive to show for it, (and lots if negative 
to show for it)we should be willing to put a couple trillion into the 
infrastructure of this country. It would be smart to borrow in order to 
make the country stronger.

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Re: [CGUYS] Resodding the mall, was Re: [CGUYS] Senate Approves

2009-01-29 Thread Jordan
The 700B TARP was intended ONLY to rescue the entire financial system 
so that the whole economy wouldn't collapse, and, as bad as things are 
now and may worsen, it has served that purpose. And the participants 
received LOANS, at hefty interest rates, which have a good chance of 
being repaid. If not, Uncle Sam is first in line to receive remaining 
assets if they go bankrupt.

Now, Obama and the Democrats trillion dollar dump is exactly that, a 
huge gamble that it will create jobs, when spending never has in the 
past. That trillion will come from the Chinese, and they may not 
continue lending, once all this spending causes inflation to rear its 
ugly head.

How do you think we got out of the last depression?
The WPA, Civilian Conservation Corps, and the National Recovery Act 
created jobs and made the country stronger. These jobs were bringing the 
country out of the depression before we got into the war.
TARP was throwing money at irresponsible people who were greedy and 
screwed the people of this country.

Stop getting your history from right wing media.

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Re: [CGUYS] Resodding the mall, was Re: [CGUYS] Senate Approves

2009-01-30 Thread Jordan

Thank-you Tom,

But honestly, I don't know why you bother with these guys. I know it is 
the duty of the informed to push back against the ignorant, especially 
after the disaster of the last 8 years, but where do you find the patience?

Tom Piwowar wrote:
Tax cuts are not spending.  The money is not the government's it is  
the taxpayer's money.

The neocon mantra. Irrational, but constantly repeated. Of course tax 
cuts are spending. To deny that is more cracked economics of the sort 
that got us into this mess.

There is direction - the direction of the individual.  What there is  
not is central direction with government overhead deducted.

More neocon mantra. That is no direction. Unless you turn all the 
recipients into zombies there will be no direction to the spending. It 
will be random. A tax cut is much like walking down the street handing 
out $100 bills to all you meet. Too much will go for beer and bling. It 
will dissipate our limited resources.

Are you arguing that the government is more efficient and should  
direct all spending?  I think the Soviets tried that for a while.

More neocon mantra. You careen from one extreme to the other. Both 
extremes are nonsensical. No the Soviets did not try it for a while. They 
ran their system on blind ideology, just as the neocons would have us do.

Do you know of a single corporation that simply gives money to its 
employees and tells them to freely do what they want? I think not. Then 
why do you insist that the government should be run this way? Sheer 

Nonsense - what proportion of the economy do you think should be  
directed by the government?  It is a simple question.

Only neocons and communists think that is a simple question.

A large part of of our non-economy is run by businesses, causing great 
problems. That is why health care is such a mess. Health care is not an 
economic good. In areas where the market does not function it is simply 
nuts to operate as if it does. There are some areas where the market 
functions well. Other areas where it never functions well. In the middle 
there are areas where the market sometimes functions and sometimes does 
not. That changes over time. It is certainly not simple.

There is also a role for rule making and enforcement. Laissez faire is 
what created the current economic mess. Can you name any sport that does 
not have a referee? Can you imagine what the Super Bowl would look like 
if the game were played with neocon rules? It would be absurd.

As it happens my child required thousands of dollars of medical  
expenses this past year, as did my wife.  My choice is paying those  
bills or saving for college.  Retirement is not even a consideration.   
Are my taxes still to low Tom?

That prooves the point. With health care (mostly a non-economic good) in 
the clutches of greedy corporations that is exactly what happens. They 
bleed the sick so they can engorge their bonuses. Look at how the 
Europeans run this. Their cost of delivery is far lower than ours and the 
quality of their results are much higher. None of what you describe would 
happen in a well run system. It doesn't happen to Europeans.

I think you need to read less propaganda, keep away from extremes, and 
find out more about how the world really works.


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Re: [CGUYS] Resodding the mall, was Re: [CGUYS] Senate Approves

2009-01-30 Thread Jordan

Steve at Verizon wrote:


I think you are misusing the term neocon. Most of what you disagree 
with the right on are conservative principles, such as minimal 

Neocons are a special breed of folks, who used to be liberal, but 
switched to being conservative (hence the neo) primarily for foreign 
relations concerns. Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Perle are primary 
examples of neocons. Ain't anything neo about Cheney or Bush; always 
been conservative. (Actually, many conservatives don't count Bush, 
with his out of control spending, huge Medicare drug program, liberal 
immigration policy, TARP, etc.)

If you just want to be pejorative, then just refer to those mean and 
nasty conservatives.
I think you are being pretty accurate about the neocons. Here is a very 
good article about the start of the neocon policies with Scoop Jackson 
in the 70s:

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Re: [CGUYS] Resodding the mall, was Re: [CGUYS] Senate Approves

2009-01-30 Thread Jordan

Tom Piwowar wrote:

Of course it wasn't the home sellers and home buyers.  They're just
innocent bystanders.

For the most part they are. Most people know less about buying real 
estate than they know about buying computers. Just look at how many 
people buy Windows because somebody told them to. If they knew what they 
were doing they would never do that. 
You do realize that you were sort of on topic for a moment there, don't 

Watch it buddy!

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[CGUYS] Taxes and good life

2009-01-31 Thread Jordan

I apologize to those who are sick of seeing non-computer stuff here.

I've mentioned before, the common knowledge that the people in countries 
there the taxes are high tend to feel more satisfied with life. So I dug 
up an article and a study to with charts and graphs that show this.
One talks about measures of well being, and is a pdf from Deutche Bank:
The other is an article from MSN Money that lists tax burdens of 
industrialized countries. (I know, it might be another Microsoft plot)

Interesting stuff.

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Re: [CGUYS] Taxes and good life

2009-01-31 Thread Jordan

John Emmerling wrote:

Some general observations (I make some assertions without proof, feel free
to provide contradictory data):
1.) Compared to other western countries, Americans are significantly more

religious.  Religious folk seem to see life's problems as being between
themselves and God, and don't have much use for the government.  BTW I don't
mean this as a criticism.
I don't think it's rational to view life through a God lens, or make 
decisions based on religious beliefs. The middle east is what you may get.

2.) The US has always embraced small town and rural culture and disdained
urban life. 

I don't agree.

 Rural and small-town people typically depend on themselves,
their family, and their neighbors for survival, and don't have much use for
the government.

The rural areas of Europe do this to a far greater degree than here.

  In other western countries, the urban elite seem to have
more influence, and they look down on country folk as backward.  And urban
existence, with its dependence on a complex infrastructure, depends heavily
on having an effective government (go visit Mogadishu if you don't believe

I believe this is more true here.

3.) Americans have come to expect government initiatives to fail.  They
consider a career working for the government (except in the areas of law
enforcement and national security) as a refuge for the incompetent.  Largely
a self-fulfilling prophecy.
The radical right has worked for years to make people believe this. But 
it doesn't have to be that way.

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Re: [CGUYS] gmail offline

2009-01-31 Thread Jordan

Google was broken for a while this morning:

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Re: [CGUYS] Taxes and good life

2009-01-31 Thread Jordan

Matthew Taylor wrote:

On Jan 31, 2009, at 12:05 PM, Jordan wrote:

John Emmerling wrote:
Some general observations (I make some assertions without proof, 
feel free

to provide contradictory data):
 1.) Compared to other western countries, Americans are 
significantly more

religious.  Religious folk seem to see life's problems as being between
themselves and God, and don't have much use for the government.  BTW 
I don't

mean this as a criticism.

I don't think it's rational to view life through a God lens, or 
make decisions based on religious beliefs. The middle east is what 
you may get.

Wow - for many people religion = moral code of ethics.  What should 
inform their decisions?
Either you are moral or you are not. It comes from empathy. There is 
even some evidence that there is a genetic element to this.

2.) The US has always embraced small town and rural culture and 
disdained urban life.

I don't agree.

Which part?  Certainly the US has embraces small town and rural 
culture in a big way.

  As for disdained urban life, certainly a part of US society does and 
has, clearly another part has embraced it.

Rural and small-town people typically depend on themselves,
their family, and their neighbors for survival, and don't have much 
use for

the government.

The rural areas of Europe do this to a far greater degree than here.

Citations please.

For starters, watch travel shows.

 In other western countries, the urban elite seem to have
more influence, and they look down on country folk as backward.  And 
existence, with its dependence on a complex infrastructure, depends 
on having an effective government (go visit Mogadishu if you don't 


I believe this is more true here.

More true than in Europe with its much higher population density?
The need for a good government can be more important in rural areas 
where there is less economic incentive for developing infrastructure.
Again travel shows and reading about communities and social structure in 
Europe show a respect for farmers and what they do and how they do it. 
The general population in Europe is much more interested in good healthy 
food than here.

3.) Americans have come to expect government initiatives to fail.  They
consider a career working for the government (except in the areas of 
enforcement and national security) as a refuge for the incompetent.  

a self-fulfilling prophecy.

The radical right has worked for years to make people believe this. 
But it doesn't have to be that way.

I am neither radical right nor left.  My experience with government, 
both personally and as a contractor to, has not left me with a 
positive impression of government.  

Then Bush and the boys were successful!
If you want to see documentation of this, read _The Wrecking Crew_ by 
Thomas Frank or check out this article about the book:

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Re: [CGUYS] Resodding the mall, was Re: [CGUYS] Senate Approves

2009-01-31 Thread Jordan

Tom Piwowar wrote:

It was a natural (and expected) correction to an artificially inflated
market.  Plenty of blame to go around.  But, you go right ahead with your
banker fetish.

Once again you cherry pick examples and omit the critical part of the big 

The major part of the housing crisis was triggered by banks that were too 
quick to foreclose. If they had worked out the mortgages, most of the 
houses would still be occupied and money would be flowing to the banks. 
Instead they foreclosed and now have bupkis.

The rest of us are hurt because there are too many empty houses on the 

The situation will self-correct in phase II. The now empty houses are now 
being raided by scavengers. First they pull the appliances. Then they 
come back for building parts. Third pass rips out the electric wiring for 
the copper and any metal plumbing. The resulting house is unsellable and 
uneconomic to repair.

Local communities need to get tough on these banks. They need to send out 
building inspectors and levy hevy fines on banks that fail to maintain 
the property they own. For many communities this would be a money maker. 
A fine capitalistic incentive to enforce the laws.

Bankers are idiots. They should be compelled to give back the fat bonuses 
they paid themselves.

But, of course, this was all caused by deregulation and blinders about 
the results.

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Re: [CGUYS] Resodding the mall, was Re: [CGUYS] Senate Approves

2009-01-31 Thread Jordan
 Giving a poor person a hand up becomes income 
This reminds me of a fact that few of us in the US seem to grasp: When 
the poor can do better and thrive, it benefits society as a whole.

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Re: [CGUYS] Resodding the mall, was Re: [CGUYS] Senate Approves

2009-01-31 Thread Jordan
I think you are agreeing with me, but I'm not sure what countries you 
are referring to.
Not that you need my endorsement, but one of the things that the truly 
religious have traditionally done is provide help for the poor.

As You Have Done Unto the Least of These, You Have Done Unto Me
Then there's the thing about throwing the money lenders out of the temple.
An interesting parallel to our current situation.

Rev. Stewart Marshall wrote:
I prefer to help those who need it than do what many eastern countries 
do.  Nothing.


At 03:48 PM 1/31/2009, you wrote:
This reminds me of a fact that few of us in the US seem to grasp: 
When the poor can do better and thrive, it benefits society as a whole.

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Re: [CGUYS] Resodding the mall, was Re: [CGUYS] Senate Approves

2009-01-31 Thread Jordan

Rev. Stewart Marshall wrote:

Tom the factory this is happening at is 60 miles from me.

It is more than just lax government.  It is lack of regulation.  GREED 
again because the company did not care about the product it sent out.

It has come to light that the company had a shipment rejected by 
Canada earlier this year.  This should have been the fist tip off 
something was wrong.  Again government agencies did not communicate 
with others.

Doesn't lax government naturally result in lack of regulation.

This reminds me of the nasty stuff coming out of China as a result of 
it's experiment with capitalism.

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Re: [CGUYS] cut and paste a pdf

2009-02-01 Thread Jordan
I just downloaded a doc from the Fannie Mae web sit called q12008.pdf 
and was able to cut and paste freely.
The pdf download add-on for Firefox would not open it in Firefox but 
Preview on Mac OS X had no problem.

gerald wrote:

it is a document of public record the FannieMae 10Q(quarterly report).  i 
presume it is made with  Adobe software as the feds have long been a big 
supporter and user of the pdf format and usually do not allow funny programs 
into house.

i cannot imagine they would lock it.  however, when i try to do cut and paste 
in foxpro, the cut and paste are sort of beiged out.

i tried to open the document in photoshop and security wanted the master password  so i guess the document is locked. 


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Re: [CGUYS] Resodding the mall, was Re: [CGUYS] Senate Approves

2009-02-01 Thread Jordan
And everybody still seems to be ignoring the fact that tax cuts are 
about the least effective way to help the economy.

Chris Dunford wrote:] On Behalf Of Steve at Verizon

I have no complaint with a progressive tax system.
The difference is that in the past we collected less 
income tax from the poor and now we don't collect any 
income tax from the poor but give our income tax money 
to them.

Well, I'm not sure what this has to do with Obama. Your complaint has to do
with our basic fiscal system, not with Obama. He didn't create or control
the system you don't like, nor is he radically changing it. Complaints that
he wants to redistribute the wealth ignore that fact that we already do
that, and he had nothing to do with it. You might as well accuse Bush of
wanting to redistribute wealth, since this is the system that was in place
during his two terms. Reagan's, too.

Y'all are acting like he has some radical, wild-eyed plan to soak the rich
and give it all to the poor. He doesn't. It's just tweaking. (And by the
way, under Obama's plan, even the top 1% will have lower average rates than
they did in the 90s--so much for soaking the rich.)

It's just not all that different from what we've been doing for lo these
many years, and yet somehow Obama is a Marxist. It makes no sense. 

Now we have beaten to death the point that they pay 
other taxes, you seem to approve of giving out income 
tax money to the working poor to compensate for the 
other taxes they pay.

We've beaten it to death, yet you still insist on sticking the word income
into these complaints? They point is, they pay federal taxes, and they're
going to get some of it back. No one is getting back more than they paid,
which is what the conservative media are implying.


I would prefer that those other taxes be lowered for the poor instead

Me too. Unfortunately, it takes time for tax rate reductions to have any
effect. Rebates are essentially retroactive tax rate decreases, surely?


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Re: [CGUYS] cut and paste a pdf

2009-02-01 Thread Jordan

No problem copying and pasting with Preview.

gerald wrote:


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Re: [CGUYS] Resodding the mall, was Re: [CGUYS] Senate Approves

2009-02-01 Thread Jordan

OK, not everybody!

Tom Piwowar wrote:
And everybody still seems to be ignoring the fact that tax cuts are 
about the least effective way to help the economy.

One of my first posts likened tax cuts to spreading money around 
randomly, with no purpose. 

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Re: [CGUYS] Resodding the mall, was Re: [CGUYS] Senate Approves

2009-02-01 Thread Jordan

Tom Piwowar wrote:
If you remember, in 2006, Iraq was at its worst. Highest US and Iraqi 
casualties, general concensus (at least on the left) that Iraq was in a 
civil war. Harry Reid stated that the war was lost. The left was 
vehement about giving up on this mess and leaving the Iraqis to just 
fight it out among themselves. They were horrified of the Bush proposal 
to escalate the war with a surge and the counter-insurgency policy of 
Gen. Betrayus. Obama tried to stop the surge with the Act cited. And at 
that time, he was with the left on wanting a date certain to withdraw, 
the idea being that it would put pressure on the Iraqi government to 
take charge of their own affairs.

Iraq did not start to calm down until we started seriously discussing a 
definite withdrawal date. Doing that changed the discussion. It made it 
clear to the Iraquis that we were not intending to occupy them forever. 
This changed many Iraqui's attitudes.

Bush also got rid of the nutty ideologue Rumsfeld and replaced him with 
the rational Gates. Having someone in charge who is rational is a big 

The radicals also overplayed their hand. The Iraquis grew madder at them 
than they were at the US. They figured out that working with the US they 
could get rid of the radicals and then the US woud leave.

It took a while for rationality to take hold. If only we could be so 
successful with the cons/neocons.

The American military also threw wads of hundred dollar bills at the 

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Re: [CGUYS] Resodding the mall, was Re: [CGUYS] Senate Approves

2009-02-01 Thread Jordan
If anyone is interested in a well documented and easy read, with lots of 
graphs, about the recovery after 1933, go here:
Scroll down to The Great Depression, Pt. I - IV

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Re: [CGUYS] Resodding the mall, was Re: [CGUYS] Senate Approves

2009-02-02 Thread Jordan
Palin is great for the media because she's such a wacko. It seems to me 
that if you aren't aware of that, then you just aren't paying attention.

Specifically, you mentioned small government. If you go here:
and look for an article starting with Palin As Reformer, you can get 
some background on her.
Both as mayor of Wasilla and as governor, Palin has aggressively sought 
federal earmarks, and has a friendlier relationship with indicted GOP 
senator Ted Stevens than one would expect for a good-government 
crusader. She has fired employees who she sees as disloyal. And, in a 
move reminiscent of the Bush-Cheney White House, she has stonewalled 
legitimate efforts by the legislature to uncover the truth in the 
Trooper-Gate affair.

The article goes on to list some more of her reformist credentials. Each 
item on the list includes links to articles to back it up.

Have fun!

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Re: [CGUYS] Resodding the mall, was Re: [CGUYS] Senate Approves

2009-02-02 Thread Jordan

As far as Palin's religion goes, check out this article:
It's called Palin's Movement Urges 'Godly' To 'Plunder' Wealth of The 

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Re: [CGUYS] Resodding the mall, was Re: [CGUYS] Senate Approves

2009-02-02 Thread Jordan

Matthew S. Taylor wrote:
And now you reference the Huff Po?  Do you read anything that is not 
an organ of the left?
Everything I gave a link to had links to generally well researched 
articles sighting points of fact. Research things down to the facts. The 
fact speak for themselves.

Sounds like you only trust the talking points from Rush and Fuax News.

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Re: [CGUYS] Resodding the mall, was Re: [CGUYS] Senate Approves

2009-02-02 Thread Jordan

Matthew S. Taylor wrote:
McCain was never in the least bit tempting for me (due to his 
attitudes toward mere free speech and such) until he picked Palin.  
Then I seriously thought about voting for her for her small government 
views in spite of her cultural conservatism.

All I can say is WOW!!

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2009-02-04 Thread Jordan
I don't understand. Sorting by thread in Thunderbird keeps every subject 
separate. Am I missing something?

Ralph wrote:

I have two gmail accounts - my regular one that I download into
Thunderbird, and this one that I read online.  Since the online Gmail
interface collates messages by Subject line, it removes the need to
subscribe using the Digest option. Those voluminous threads you refer
to, appear as one-line that can be easily skipped, if you wish.


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Re: [CGUYS] Resodding the mall, was Re: [CGUYS] Senate Approves

2009-02-04 Thread Jordan

b_s-wilk wrote:

Medium-sized family-owned farms are the most efficient in the 
long-run. They get fewer subsidies [by %] than the large factory 
farms. Mid-sized farms not only have high yields, they also protect 
the land, with farmers living on the farms, unlike corporate farms. 
Corporate lobbies are putting smaller farms out of business. The US 
corporate farms throughout Latin America have lower costs but are 
significantly more destructive to the land and the people [ex.: 
pineapples in Costa Rica, fish farms in Chilean desert, cattle in 
Brazilian rainforest]. It's in the best interests of everyone except 
corporate agribusiness to protect mid-sized family farms because they 
are our future.

Giant agri-business, with the support of our government, has been mining 
our soil for many years now. Healthy soil is a living thing. Much of our 
top soil and organic matter is gone. The rich farmland of our midwest is 
a dieing shadow of its former self due to chemical use and corporate 
farming methods.
Thanks to lobbyists from Monsanto and other chemical companies, the farm 
subsidies have been designed to put small farms out of business and 
promote GM seed and chemicals.
NAIS ( National Animal Identification System) was designed to put the 
small farms raising animals out of business and encourage producing your 
meat and eggs in cruel and inhumane conditions.
Due to corporate lobbying many of the regulations regarding our food are 
without regard to health or sustainability of the land, animals or 
consumers, and with the intension of making life difficult for small 
local producers.

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Re: [CGUYS] Audio transfer

2009-02-06 Thread Jordan
I've been using Audio HiJack and Fission from RogueAmoeba for years and 
it seems like good stuff to me. You could check it out:

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Re: [CGUYS] Taxes and good life

2009-02-07 Thread Jordan

Rev. Stewart Marshall wrote:
Many of us religious types do not identify with their so-called 
religious beliefs.

They claim religious underpinning but are not really religious.
Hence, the ironic speculations during the Bush years about who would 
Jesus torture or what would Jesus drive.

Maybe you would also agree that there are millions of people who are not 
religious at all who are at least as virtuous as those who claim to have 
great faith.

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Re: [CGUYS] Daisy-chain wired/wireless hubs/routers?

2009-02-10 Thread Jordan

Mike Sloane wrote:
I have an office with an 8-port Ethernet router on a broadband cable 
connection. I have been requested the ability to provide some wireless 
capability temporarily  (for outside auditors). I have a spare 4-port 
wired/wireless Linksys broadband router, and I was wondering if I 
could daisy-chain the latter to the former by using a cross-over 
cable between one of the Ethernet ports on each unit. I know that I 
can daisy chain Ethernet hubs this way, but have not ever tried to do 
it with wireless (802.11a/b/g/n) connections.

My other thought is to plug the wired/wireless into the broadband 
connection and then patch the 8-port hub into that.

Before I start chasing the impossible dream, I was wondering if 
anyone had tried it or had any thoughts.
Maybe you've already done whatever you are going 
to do but I was
browsing through the pdf user manual for my D-Link 
router and saw their
instructions for connection to another router. It 
seems to back up what

others said here.

D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual
If you are connecting the D-Link router to another 
router to use as a

wireless access point and/or switch, you will have
to do the following before connecting the router 
to your network:

• Disable UPnP™
• Disable DHCP
• Change the LAN IP address to an available 
address on your network. The

LAN ports on the router cannot
accept a DHCP address from your other router.
To connect to another router, please follow the 
steps below:
1. Plug the power into the router. Connect one of 
your computers to the

router (LAN port) using an Ethernet cable.
Make sure your IP address on the computer is (where xxx is

between 2 and 254). Please see the
Networking.Basics section for more information. If 
you need to change

the settings, write down your existing settings
before making any changes. In most cases, your 
computer should be set to

receive an IP address automatically in
which case you will not have to do anything to 
your computer.
2. Open a web browser and enter 
and press Enter. When

the login window appears, set the user
name to Admin and leave the password box empty. 
Click Log.In to continue.
3. Click on Advanced and then click 
Advanced.Network. Uncheck the Enable

UPnP checkbox. Click Save.Settings
to continue.
4. Click Setup and then click Network.Settings. 
Uncheck the Enable DHCP

Server server checkbox. Click Save.
Settings to continue.
5. Under Router Settings, enter an available IP 
address and the subnet

mask of your network. Click Save.Settings to
save your settings. Use this new IP address to 
access the configuration

utility of the router in the future. Close the
browser and change your computer’s IP settings 
back to the original

values as in Step 1.
Connect to Another Router
Secton  - Installaton
6. Disconnect the Ethernet cable from the router 
and reconnect your

computer to your network.
7. Connect an Ethernet cable in one of the LAN 
ports of the router and

connect it to your other router. Do not plug
anything into the Internet port of the D-Link router.
8. You may now use the other 3 LAN ports to 
connect other Ethernet

devices and computers. To configure your wireless
network, open a web browser and enter the IP 
address you assigned to the

router. Refer to the Configuration and
Wireless Security sections for more information on 
setting up your

wireless network.

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[CGUYS] Router security

2009-02-10 Thread Jordan
I am experimenting with WPA wireless security on my D-Link router. I 
thought it was working but then it stopped incoming or outgoing email. 
Web browsing was still working well. Email worked again when I shut 
security off.
I have not seen anything yet that addresses problems or any particular 
settings for enabling email.

Any suggestions?
I'm using OS X 10.5 and Thunderbird.


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Re: [CGUYS] router security

2009-02-11 Thread Jordan

B1suncat wrote:

Does WPA security close ports for mail? Different ports for secure email -- in, 
port 995 (SSL), out 587/465 (TLS/SSL) for TBird server settings.


Sent from my iPod Touch

Well, you are just so cool!

I'll keep reading up on what it might do as far as messing with ports. 
It might have just been a glitch.

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Re: [CGUYS] Router security

2009-02-11 Thread Jordan

Tom Piwowar wrote:
I am experimenting with WPA wireless security on my D-Link router. I 
thought it was working but then it stopped incoming or outgoing email. 
Web browsing was still working well. Email worked again when I shut 
security off.

You need to find out what your router does when you turn security on. My 
router has several screens that list and control what security does when 
it is turned on. Probably the most important screen is the one that 
controls ports. Different services pass through the router via these 
numbered ports. Port 80 is for HTTP (Web browsing). Port 25 is the 
standard port used for SMTP connections (the outbound part of email). 
Etc. Your router's screen will probably list the most common port numbers 
and define them. Before you turn on security you need to check the list 
of ports that your router is set to block and adjust it to your needs.
I left security off yesterday and let the router set it up with its 
wizard last night and everything is working well. I don't know if the 
email problem after the first try was a glitch or if there is something 
I did not do when I set it up manually.
I learned to have a distrust of wizards in my Windows years, and I 
still always try to do things manually just because it helps me learn 
what going on, and nothing gets messed with that I don't want messed with.

Thanks Tom and Betty

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Re: [CGUYS] Redefining history [was: Taxes and good life]

2009-02-11 Thread Jordan
Thank you Betty, db, Vicky, and others. It's good to read the thoughts 
of some more true patriots here.

A distillation of what Betty referred to regarding Raygun and his 
methods occurs now:
the way things work on the right blogosphere, some radical winger will 
say something twisted or half true or just fabricated. Then 3 other 
right wing sites will repeat the lie and site each other as sources. 
Then this lie will appear in the mainstream press as if it were an 
established fact. Check former conservative David Brock's web site Media 
Matters to see occurrences of this and lots of other shenanigans that 
are going on.

The legendary example is Chalabi and the White House Iraq group telling 
Judy Miller that there were WMDs, she puts a story about it in the NY 
Times, and Chaney sites it as fact.
Rush Limbaugh, Drudge, and Fox News do this all the time. It's called 
the echo chamber.
If you do any reading at these places, try to check their sources down 
to verifiable research, studies, or reports.

If you read on the left blogosphere, Media Matters, TPM Muckraker, and 
Huffington Post you'll typically see links to legitimate researched reports.

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Re: [CGUYS] router security

2009-02-11 Thread Jordan

Tom Piwowar wrote:
No WPA and ports are distinct. WPA should not mess with email, ports 
certainly can. I should mention that some ISPs block the standard email 
prots, so you have to use special non-standard ports they designate. 
Security for such ports woule need to be set up manually.
Interesting: After about 17 hours, I just had another problem sending 
and receiving email. This time I checked the online gmail and sure 
enough, gmail was having a problem. It could be that both these 
occurrences where gmail problems.

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Re: [CGUYS] Redefining history [was: Taxes and good life]

2009-02-11 Thread Jordan

Steve at Verizon wrote:
You keep forgetting that we do not elect a president by popular vote. 
Get the Constitution changed if you want it that way. And it was 7 
Justices who overruled the Fla Supreme Courts decision (The 5-4 vote 
was for remanding it back to them).

Oh, OK. It's better if there were 7 crooked judges.

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Re: [CGUYS] router security

2009-02-11 Thread Jordan

Jeff Miles wrote:
I'm hardly as in the know as either Tom or Jeff W, but my 
experience has been, contrary to all the hype it gets, gmail is very 
unreliable. Thankfully I only have one address hooked to them and my 
mail program checks it at the same time it checks all the others. 
Gmail seems to have problems at the very least once a week.

I'm sorry your gmail breaks so often.
Including the 2, yesterday and today,(assuming yesterday was their 
problem) I've had a problem 3 times. I'll keep an eye on them though, as 
I tinker with security.

I am using 995 for incoming and 587 for outgoing.

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Re: [CGUYS] Redefining history [was: Taxes and good life]

2009-02-11 Thread Jordan

Matthew Taylor wrote:
Now we get to the heart of the matter.  Crooked = disagrees with your 

Got it.

Please try to resist the impulse to say such ignorant things.

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Re: [CGUYS] Redefining history [was: Taxes and good life]

2009-02-12 Thread Jordan

Thank you Chris,
Unless a person is actually broadminded, curious, or both, they won't 
look at a site like MM and see for them selves what we are talking 
about. If they are not broadminded or curious they'll resort to knee 
jerk responses and never look or understand, no matter how many times 
you tell them.

By the way, there's a new article on Kos documenting how the right 
manipulates the media and scares the public in just the way we are 
talking about here.

Chris Dunford wrote:

Didn't notice him saying that he limited his sources to these, did you?

The conservatives love to refer to Media Matters as a left wing smear
site. The problem with this is, MM documents *everything* it says with
links to external materials, often to original sources. It's pretty hard to
call something a smear when it uses original documents to prove that what
you said was wrong. Well, I guess it's not *that* hard, since O'Reilly and
others do it constantly.  Repetition-makes-truth in action.

The conservative commentators keep talking about how the rescue bill
includes $4.something billion for ACORN; MM documents the falsity of this
using links to the bill itself. Bernie Goldberg butchers the Brokaw/Rose
interview; MM provides links to the actual interview so you can see what
Brokaw really said. Limbaugh keeps saying that Obama favors infanticide
(seriously); MM provides links to the original Illinois bill, Obama's
comments, and the recorded vote showing that many Republicans took the same
position. It goes on and on and on.


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Re: [CGUYS] router security

2009-02-12 Thread Jordan

Thanks for all the input.
The problems I have experienced are of little or no consequence so far. 
I was just tinkering with router security to gain a better understanding 
of it. Now it seems likely that the problem was not with the router at all.
If indeed the problem is totally with gmail, it is still of little 
consequence, since it is isolated to a short period of time on 2 days. 
Yesterday when I had the problem, I went to a gmail help page and there 
was a message apologizing and explaining the problem. I'll see if there 
is a problem again today.

Thanks again.

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Re: [CGUYS] Redefining history [was: Taxes and good life]

2009-02-12 Thread Jordan

Matthew Taylor wrote:

I have not seen MM's take on Obama's support of infaticide, but it is 
real.  I have read the original bill.  I have read the final bill 
after it was modified to meet Obama's and other's objections.  At the 
end of the day it was legal in Illinois for living infants to be 
allowed to die with no medical or pallitive assistance and that was a 
position Obama preferred as a matter of law.  In what way is that not 
support for at least passive Infanticide?  It matters not at all to 
the question of O's views that some R's also supported it.
Obama and other opponents said the bills posed a threat to abortion 
rights and were unnecessary because, they said, Illinois law already 
prohibited the conduct that these bills purported to address.

Read something other than right wing smear sites.

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Re: [CGUYS] Redefining history [was: Taxes and good life]

2009-02-12 Thread Jordan

mike wrote:

Well this can be said in both directions, I don't see many of my liberal
friends who populate the Kos and MM and Huffington post spending much time
at conservative blogs...these blogs are just lying liars who lie.  Very open
minded.  Generally speaking most people gavitate towards views they already
hold, it's disconcerting to spend time challanging ones own views, this is a
human trait, not a left or right wing one.

On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 7:47 AM, Jordan wrote:


Thank you Chris,
Unless a person is actually broadminded, curious, or both, they won't look
at a site like MM and see for them selves what we are talking about. If they
are not broadminded or curious they'll resort to knee jerk responses and
never look or understand, no matter how many times you tell them.

By the way, there's a new article on Kos documenting how the right
manipulates the media and scares the public in just the way we are talking
about here.

Perhaps you missed the post below. Try actually going to and reading 
left and right sites and see if and how they back up what they say. Then 
decide who is more legitimate.

The way things work on the right blogosphere, some radical winger will 
say something twisted or half true or just fabricated. Then 3 other 
right wing sites will repeat the lie and site each other as sources. 
Then this lie will appear in the mainstream press as if it were an 
established fact. Check former conservative David Brock's web site Media 
Matters to see occurrences of this and lots of other shenanigans that 
are going on.

The legendary example is Chalabi and the White House Iraq group telling 
Judy Miller that there were WMDs, she puts a story about it in the NY 
Times, and Chaney sites it as fact.
Rush Limbaugh, Drudge, and Fox News do this all the time. It's called 
the echo chamber.
If you do any reading at these places, try to check their sources down 
to verifiable research, studies, or reports.

If you read on the left blogosphere, Media Matters, TPM Muckraker, and 
Huffington Post you'll typically see links to legitimate researched 

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Re: [CGUYS] Redefining history [was: Taxes and good life]

2009-02-12 Thread Jordan

Jeff Wright wrote:


There are many fine elements to the libertarian point of view.
They are also the party of I've got mine, screw you way of thinking. 
That is not what this country should be about and it would be disastrous 
in our current economic situation.

Maybe you've forgotten how this topic started:
I've mentioned before, the common knowledge that the people in countries 
there the taxes are high tend to feel more satisfied with life. So I dug 
up an article and a study with charts and graphs that show this. One 
talks about measures of well being, and is a pdf from Deutche Bank: 
The other is an article from MSN Money that lists tax burdens of 
industrialized countries. (I know, it might be another Microsoft plot)

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Re: [CGUYS] Redefining history [was: Taxes and good life]

2009-02-13 Thread Jordan

Ray Rheault wrote:

I've concluded after reading through this thread that you may be (and there are plenty of 
contenders) the winner of the Legend in His Own Mind award.  I congratulate 

Well put Ray!
The way this discussion died reminds me of a conversation at a picnic 
of my wife's stamp club. It was a few years ago and we were talking 
about the Iraq war. Some thought it was a good thing, some knew it was 
a disaster. Then the wife of one of the members said something like we 
can trust Bush because he is a man of god. Conversation stopped. 
There's not much sense in trying to have a rational discussion with 
someone with blind faith.

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Re: [CGUYS] Redefining history [was: Taxes and good life]

2009-02-13 Thread Jordan

Vicky Staubly wrote:

On Fri, 13 Feb 2009, mike wrote: 

That's a ridiculous headline (World Not Running Out Of Oil). I can
see World Not Running Out Of Oil As Quickly As Predicted, or even 

Not Running Out Of Oil In This Century. But, as I'm not aware of
new reserves of oil being generated underground, we will run out 
eventually. And, I feel safe in saying, we will run out of oil sooner

than we will run out of solar power (something on the order of 5 billion
years from now). Even the article itself really only addresses the next

Many countries in the world are developing rapidly. (China in 
particular) They tend to want to live like we do, meaning in particular, 
many millions more cars. The article doesn't seem to address that.

To say nothing of the pollution that these new oil extraction methods cause.
Anyone who is well informed about this subject understands the 
precarious energy era we are heading into.

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Re: [CGUYS] Solar Energy and Redefining history

2009-02-13 Thread Jordan
Also, the evacuated tube solar collectors you can get now are much more 
efficient at extracting energy from the sun than pv collectors. They 
don't make electricity but they are great for home and hot water 
heating. I've seen them producing fairly hot water on a cloudy day.

Check it out:

b_s-wilk wrote:

In the '80s, after we built our solar house, the nuclear power 
industry put out a series of expensive TV and full page magazine and 
newspaper ads with this message: Solar will be a wonderful source of 
energy in maybe 30 to 50 years, and until then, you can use clean 
nuclear power [US Council for Energy Awareness]. I'd sit in our 75 
degree greenhouse on a sunny cold 15 degree winter day, watching those 
astroturf ads on TV. As a result people built more sparsely 
insulated 1950's style homes, ignored the solar industry and wasted 

I live in Maryland. We don't get much sun in the winter. The house is 
a passive solar design that cost around 3-5% more than neighboring 
homes. Our backup heat is propane. Since you probably have little 
direct involvement with the solar industry, it's not surprising that 
you would say that you need a sunny climate to use solar energy. It's 
being used in Manitoba and Saskatchewan where combined solar and 
super-insulation with air to air heat exchangers can reduce winter 
energy consumption by over 50%. Swedes also use solar ponds.

Every house in the southern and southwestern United States could use 
solar for heating, cooling and hot water, but few do. Most buildings 
in the rest of the US could use passive solar and some form of 
super-insulation as retrofits, and especially in new construction, 
plus photovoltaics [but that usually requires subsidy]. The technology 
is good, available, and affordable, but the subsidies are almost 
nothing compared to what oil, gas, nuclear, coal industries get. Might 
change if enough people get accurate information and ignore the 
naysayers. Perhaps alternative energy should be subsidized at the same 
level as fossil fuels and nukes, or get rid of all subsidies and see 
which technologies survive longest.

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Re: [CGUYS] What? Me Worry? - DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! [was Redefining history]

2009-02-17 Thread Jordan

db wrote:

Can you buy those 65 mpg clean diesels in the US?  Who makes them... VW?

No, you can't.
Google 65 mpg clean diesels to see articles.
I saw articles on a Ford, and a Mini, and a VW.

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[CGUYS] Batteries rebuilt

2009-02-19 Thread Jordan
Some time ago, there was discussion on the list about getting 
rechargeable batteries rebuilt. I can't remember if anyone came up with 
a link to such a service.
My wife came upon a web site by a guy named Kevin Kelly that I've been 
checking out. ( He has a section called cool tools where 
someone put in an entry about a company called Primecell.
I might try them out for the batteries for an old 7.2V Makita that I've 
had for about 15 years.

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2009-02-21 Thread Jordan

Rev. Stewart Marshall wrote:

This is a better video

The Hummer was originally designed for the Military and off road use.  
It has a wider track and was not really designed for civilian use on 
the highway.  (In other words, it was not made to be a hauler of 
things, but a mover of people.)  It also has a number of 
configurations it can be used as (Ambulance, pickup, High Pickup, 
stake truck, people hauler etc.)
As far as I know, for many years the Hummers sold to the public are 
just Chevy Tahoes with an extra heavy, super unaerodynamic body. I've 
actually read that the #1 complaint from Hummer owners iscan you 

Poor gas mileage!

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2009-02-21 Thread Jordan

Rev. Stewart Marshall wrote:

It also allowed GM to manufacture and produce the variations called 
Hummer 2 and Hummer 3 (I think) which were based on civilian frames 
etc.  (The Tahoe) Some were manufactured where I grew up in Shreveport 
LA GM Plant which made the S-10/Canyon (Hummer 3).

The terminator was one of the first to popularize the original Hummer 
during Desert Storm.

If you have ever driven one, (I have) they are big honking vehicles 
and not all that comfortable.  I am sure they spruced it up for the 
civilian market, but I would not be interested.  It was made for off 
road use (I have had it in the woods and it is great there, can do 
almost a vertical climb.) as I said has a wide track and sits very 
high. But it is not economical.

Read the wikipedia article and then look at the GM site and the AM 
General site for more info.
I've been reading quality car magazines (Car and Driver, Road and Track) 
for 35 years and they've had several test drives of the various Hummers. 
Definitely not very desirable or practical vehicles.

The Hummer was always a rich boys toy, and may I add owning one was a 
statement of masculinity (Sorry Terminator.)
On the contrary, they are probably a good indicator of impotence, not to 
mention ignorance.

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[CGUYS] Mac Printer problem

2009-03-09 Thread Jordan

I've been having a problem using a printer on a network.
The printer, a Canon ip6600, is connected to a Macbook Pro running 10.5 
and the other Macs running 10.4, see that printer in Print and Fax in 
System Preferences. The Macbook runs the printer normally and is set to 
share the printer, but the other Wi-Fi connected Macs will not print 
anything. When I try I get a spinning beachball, and the app I'm trying 
to print from has to be force quit.
It seems like there must be some setting that is screwed up or that I've 
forgotten. I haven't had trouble before. The only thing that is 
different is a new D-Link router.

Any ideas?


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[CGUYS] Mac Printer problem

2009-03-09 Thread Jordan
OK, I downloaded and installed a new driver from Canon on one of the 
computers and at least it's talking directly to the printer and 
printing. But the one my wife uses would not even run her text editing 
programs after trying to print from them and having to force quit them. 
She won't let me tinker with it right now, so I'll have to find out 
later if those apps will straighten out.
The printing problem first appeared when she tried to print from 
Appleworks. (yes I know it's an antique, but she won't switch) But then 
I could not get it to print from Bean either. When I tried to add the 
printer in Print and Fax, I could see at the bottom of that utility 
that it wanted me to select a driver, but since I had printed from that 
computer to this printer before, I didn't understand why I had to select 
a driver.


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[CGUYS] Mac Printer problem

2009-03-09 Thread Jordan

OK, installing the new driver fixed everything.
I still don't understand why it needed a new driver.
Thanks for all your help!

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Re: [CGUYS] Best touch typing tutor software for OS X ?

2009-03-24 Thread Jordan
I've tinkered with this a few times. I don't know how good it is 
compared to anything else, but it does help and it's free.

Obviously, the learner has to be online when they are using it.

db wrote:
Does anyone have any experience with the various touch typing tutorial 
software available for OS X and can recommend one over the others ?

I am trying to make a purchase recommendation for an older person who 
never learned to touch type and wants to learn now.

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Re: [CGUYS] Laptop Hunters

2009-03-29 Thread Jordan

I can't believe this has gone on so long.
This was a dumb ad, based on the thinnest of premises, designed to lure 
the simplest of sheeple.

katan wrote:

She wanted a Mac? In a *Microsoft* commercial? I believe the point of
her going to an Apple store was to show that there isn't much choice
there for less than $1K. She probably knew that going in.


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Re: [CGUYS] First Place? [Was: Not cool enough [was re: Laptop Hunters]

2009-04-05 Thread Jordan

Please tell me where you have read that American autos are high quality.

Rev. Stewart Marshall wrote:
I think the answer to this one is similar to one I have seen for 
decades.  YMMV (Your Mileage May Vary)

Consumer Reports would always knock and rate US produced Autos all the 
time.  The only auto with high quality was made in Japan or Germany.

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Re: [CGUYS] First Place? [Was: Not cool enough [was re: Laptop

2009-04-06 Thread Jordan
I've been a car nut all my life and been reading about cars in 
newspapers, Road and Track, Car and Driver, and Consumer Reports for 40 
years. I've owned around 15, and driven and ridden in a couple dozen 
more. I'm sure many or most people disagree with me but my perception is 
that as far as quality and reliability goes, cars from the far east and 
many of the European makers are clearly better that the Americans makes.
There is often talk in the media about improvements in satisfaction of 
American car buyers, but as far as customer surveys go, the ones I've 
seen still indicate that the American makers are still well behind in 
the satisfaction ratings.


Tom Piwowar wrote:

Please tell me where you have read that American autos are high quality.

Where have you read that they are not? Should not the accuser be the one 
who must provide the evidence?


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Re: [CGUYS] First Place? [Was: Not cool enough [was re: Laptop Hunters]

2009-04-06 Thread Jordan

Alvin Auerbach wrote:

...from what I could tell.

As individuals, our car yarns are anecdotes. When Consumer Reports 
(CR) collects all of those anecdotes, they become statistics. CR has 
auto test engineers who test the cars in CR's own lab and on CR's own 
test track. No individual can do all of that. No individual can make 
the sound judgement of quality and performance and reliability that CR 
can, using their own tests and the data gathered from their readers; 
and data from government and insurance industry tests.

I agree.
But I still take some of their ratings of products with a grain of salt. 
I like the Mac, but it took CR a long time to say much of anything good 
about Apple computers.
I would not but any car that is not a station wagon. I also have never 
considered buying an SUV. That eliminates 95% of car models, and until 
recently pretty much all American cars. So I'd have to fish through a 
lot of their ratings to find anything to buy.
I don't think CR is much effected by public opinion, but they do rate 
and talk about products for the mainstream public. I think they take the 
perspective of the mainstream public. I'm not much a mainstream guy, so 
again 95% of what they talk about and rate, I would never buy.
I think the info CR provides is an excellent tool. You just have to use 
it an a way that makes it work for you.
After years of subscribing to CR I finally stopped the magazine and now 
I just pay a small yearly fee for access to their testing and ratings on 


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Re: [CGUYS] New Gear Question Regrading USB 3

2009-04-06 Thread Jordan
I read a bit about camcorders for a couple years until I was sure people 
were pretty happy with the AVCHD format that the hard drive camcorders 
use. I finally got one in January.
One thing I think Consumer Reports is good for is checking out the 
reliability of brands. When I was deciding to buy I looked at Canon, 
Sony, and Panasonic. I ended up getting a Canon HG20 which has a 60 GB 
hard drive. If you record at the camera's highest frame rate there is 
room for 5 1/2 hours. At the slowest rate you have almost 23 hours. I 
use a middle rate most of the time.
It downloads to the computer with USB 2. With a recording in a middle 
speed it seemed to me that it was downloading in something close to real 
time. In other words, if I had an hour of footage it took an hour to 
download. That seems slow, but I saw no reason to be irritated by it.
Blah, blah, blah, I can go on and on, but these points might give you a 
place to start.
I like getting stuff like this at Costco because I like the company and 
their policies. Obviously that severely limited my choices, but I'm 
pretty happy with what I got. The only thing I regret is that the camera 
I got does not have a viewfinder. I think this is a serious drawback if 
you'll be shooting a lot in bright sun. The LCD panel can be hard to see.
The best place I found to check out really thorough reviews of 
camcorders is

The insight and discussion of features that they have are great.
Beyond that you can look at reviews on the NY times web site and others.

Jordan wrote:
I am going to need to buy a new digital video camcorder.  With the  advent of 
USB 3.0 on the horizon, does anyone have a time frame for when this  
interface will be in usage on camcorders?  I don't want to invest in a  1080p 
camcorder with a firewire interface only to have it obsolete in 1-2  years.  I am 
given to understand that even Apple will not support firewire  by 2011.



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Re: [CGUYS] Another new Windows ad...

2009-04-07 Thread Jordan
Yes! When I saw that I was reminded of some results of a speed test I 
saw a year or two ago that showed that a Mac ran Windows faster than the 
Dell, HP and other Windows machines in the test. wrote:

  Just saw another new Windows ad on TV.  No Lauren.  A guy this time.
 He says that Macs are all about esthetics, not computing power.  He
wants a Windows machine because he is picky.  He is an elitist.



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Re: [CGUYS] Another new Windows ad...

2009-04-07 Thread Jordan

Tom Piwowar wrote:
G says Macs are all about esthetics and proves he isn't by selecting a 
really ugly computer. Like Lauren's, the computer he selects is huge, not
what most people today think of as a laptop. It is really a compact 
desktop. Does not look like something a picky person would buy. He gets 
a computer that is low-priced because it is undesirable. The computer 
gets big-number specs by using cheap parts. So once again the ad reeks of 

Apple does not need to run ads to respond. MS is digging a hole for 
itself with these ads. The ads demonstrate that Windows is for the 

But of course, this is why Windows is so successful. Most users are 
Also, how many people buy 17 notebooks. Isn't the percentage quite low? 
I can't help wondering if this is out of jealousy of the beautiful and 
powerful 17 Macbook Pro.(which I am using)

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Re: [CGUYS] Another new Windows ad...

2009-04-07 Thread Jordan

mike wrote:

..all the other users are just
sitting around saying, apple who?  They know who Apple is, it's just not on
their radar .


Is that the definition of cluelessness or ignorance?

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Re: [CGUYS] Firefox tabs

2009-04-11 Thread Jordan
Speaking of all this: I thought I found somewhere in Firefox (I think it 
was an about:config setting) that tells the page to scroll to where ever 
I click in the scroll bar. Sort of a scroll to here.
I can't find this setting now. Could I be mistaken? Does Firefox do this 
by default? I'd like to get Seamonkey to do it.


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Re: [CGUYS] Firefox tabs

2009-04-11 Thread Jordan
I was wrong. The setting is in OSX System Preferences/Appearance. I 
wonder why it doesn't work on Seamonkey?

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Re: [CGUYS] M$ [Was: iTunes: Crap or not.]

2009-04-15 Thread Jordan

David K Watson wrote:

This is a very common tactic of yours, claiming because Tom hasn't
said something about a behavior that he is condoning it.  In the first
place this is an invalid argument.  In the second place, why do you
want Tom to be the arbiter of other people's behavior on this list?
The proper person to complain to is the person who did it, so if you
want to properly address your complaint to the right person, why
don't you search through the list archives, find out who did it, and
complain directly to them, with a link to the offending post?  That
is the right thing to do, even if it is a little late.

It really is bad form to claim an offense without backing it up.

In other words, I am finding this line of argument tiresome, I don't 
that it is making any points for you, and I'd be really happy if you 

move to something more substantive.

Tiresome? I say infantile!
He needs a nap.

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Re: [CGUYS] M$ [Was: iTunes: Crap or not.]

2009-04-16 Thread Jordan

Chris Dunford wrote:
This is intolerable. 

Yes! What an outrage!
If I were you I'd quit this list!

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Re: [CGUYS] M$ [Was: iTunes: Crap or not.]

2009-04-16 Thread Jordan

Chris Dunford wrote:

This is intolerable.

Yes! What an outrage!
If I were you I'd quit this list!

I hope Tom never calls you a liar when you aren't. You might feel differently.

Honestly, I think you've been a bit thin skinned and over-reactive on 
this. Or maybe angry and  a little obsessed with putting Tom down.

It's just a list. Way too casual to be so offended about MS vs. M$.
This list used to be more of a friendly place most of the time. I find 
the attacks on Tom by you and Mutt and Jeff to be infantile. As often 
than not, they are attacks on Tom, rather than on the concepts he 
believes are valid. More like a nasty bunch of playground jerks that I 
would never have anything to do with in life.
I'm not sure why Tom bothers with these conversations. Maybe he's 
frustrated with what a cesspool the list has become, and he's just 
pushing back.

I understand that since I'm being down on you and your pals that it will 
be easy to dismiss what I'm saying. But I'm just venting and saying what 
feel about these exchanges.
Why do you seem so personally offended by attacks on MS and Windows. You 
are not MS. I'm sure you can find something better to think about.

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Re: [CGUYS] Camera query. Just curious.

2009-04-17 Thread Jordan
I have a Nikon Coolpix 5700. I still like to use a viewfinder most of 
the time, but one of the very cool things about this Nikon is that the 
display folds out and swivels like a camcorder display. This allows the 
user to hold the camera at the waist or where ever and view the display.
This camera is aging a bit as digital cameras go, it's slow compared to 
newer cameras. But the fold out viewer, raw capability, video 
capability, good picture quality, and general quality, make it the only 
still type camera I use. wrote:

  Digital camera folks!  Which manner of viewfinding do you use
and/or prefer?  Camera held out in front of you at arms length as you
stand or walk about looking like a zombie, or to use the actual
viewfinder if your camera has one?

  I'm a viewfinder person myself if for no other reason than any
camera is hard to hold steady when held at arms length.



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Re: [CGUYS] Frank/ CGUYS chatter [Was:In Defense of Idiots]

2009-04-17 Thread Jordan

Exchange-Outlook? EEEK!
(just kidding)

cguys mail goes to my cguys folder in Thunderbird. It's safely there to 
read when I am not doing things in the physical world. You know, that 
place on the other side of that door.

Snyder, Mark - IdM (IS) wrote:

In my Exchange-Outlook mailbox, I set up a simple rule to send all of
the list email to its own folder.  Keeps it out of my In Box folder, so
I only pay it any mind when I read or clean it out.  Seldom a bother.


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Re: [CGUYS] Camera query. Just curious.

2009-04-17 Thread Jordan
I am not up on recent designs. I just took a quick look at more recent 
Nikons at and did not see any with a swing out display. 
Back in 2002, when my camera was new, there were a couple Canon cameras 
that had this feature also. They were nice cameras too.

George Carr wrote:

Jordan [] wrote:

... one of the very cool things about this Nikon is that the
display folds out and swivels like a camcorder display. This allows the
user to hold the camera at the waist or where ever and view the


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Re: [CGUYS] Camera query. Just curious.

2009-04-17 Thread Jordan
Again, just looking quickly, here is the most recent Canon I came upon 
with the swing out display. This is a link to an extensive review. Click 
on the categories at the top:

George Carr wrote:

Jordan [] wrote:

... one of the very cool things about this Nikon is that the
display folds out and swivels like a camcorder display. This allows the
user to hold the camera at the waist or where ever and view the


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Re: [CGUYS] Microphone and recording software recommendations

2009-04-17 Thread Jordan

I like AudioHijack Pro from for recording.
I don't know anything about microphones.

Bill L'Hommedieu wrote:
I'm seeking recommendations for a microphone and recording software to 

Mp3 files. G4, Tiger.
Bill L'Hommedieu

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Re: [CGUYS] CNET Apple tops PC customer satisfaction survey | Apple - CNET News

2009-04-18 Thread Jordan
I'm hoping this doesn't spur a lot of nastiness again, but this is a big 
reason why Mac owners tend to feel more warmly about their computers.

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall wrote:

Apple is the only company to receive a 'good' rating in a Forrester Research 
customer satisfaction survey, followed by Gateway, HP, Compaq, and Dell. Read 
this blog post by Tom Krazit on Apple.

CNET: The source for computers and technology


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Re: [CGUYS] Camera query. Just curious.

2009-04-18 Thread Jordan

Here's a recent camera from Canon for $400 with that feature:

George Carr wrote:
Thanks for the info. Seems like a very nice camera but maybe a little too high-end for my needs. What I should do is get one of your old Nikons from eBay or some place. That fold-out display is such a good idea, one wonders why they are featured more? Maybe the term candid photos raises too many eyebrows these days... 
Thanks again.

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Re: [CGUYS] M$ [Was: iTunes: Crap or not.]

2009-04-18 Thread Jordan

Eric S. Sande wrote:

Obama so far has done nothing but take my money.

But less of it than Bush.

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Re: [CGUYS] M$ [Was: iTunes: Crap or not.]

2009-04-18 Thread Jordan

Maybe? You're not sure?

I agree that the bank bailout, initiated by the Bush administration, is 
bad and was done badly. But history has shown that the only way out of 
the kind of economic hole that the Bushies have dug us into is to spend. 
The people are tapped out, so the only one who can spend is the 
government. And the infrastructure of this country is in such bad shape 
that that can be a good thing. If the government does not spend, tens of 
thousands of businesses, (at least?) will close.

OK, I'm done.

Eric S. Sande wrote:

But less of it than Bush.

Yeah, maybe.  You are going to have to show me how
going deeper into debt to subsidize failure in the marketplace
is a good idea.

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Re: [CGUYS] Prepaid the Majority

2009-04-26 Thread Jordan
We use the Verizon prepay. Same deal as far as paying $100 and and the 
minutes don't expire for a year. Good service and good coverage, 
important since I'm out in the boonies most of the time. It's our only 
long distance service so it took 6 or 7 months to go through those minutes.
The most painful part is that the 1st call each day we use it has a $2 
access charge.

Tom Piwowar wrote:
The topic of pre-paid cell phone plans has been much discussed on the 
list, but I thought such plans were just an odd corner of the market for 
really cheap folks like me. I just read that 60% of T-Mobile's 
subscribers are on pre-paid plans. 

Average revenue per subscriber is in the mid $50s per month. That's what 
I spend per year on my pre-paid. So those monthly subscribers must be 
dropping serious dough on feeding their communication habits!

Very interesting.


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Re: [CGUYS] APPL vs MSFT Stats

2009-04-26 Thread Jordan

mike wrote:

  For most users it's not about ideaology, it's about what works.


You are describing Tom and Mac users in general

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Re: [CGUYS] Prepaid the Majority

2009-04-27 Thread Jordan
We've used all the methods you describe, and sometimes still use the 
10-10 #s. My wife used to use the cards from Costco, but she says big 
chunks of minutes would disappear, so she became suspicious of them.
We actually make so few calls that it's not a big deal. But I'll look 
into services that use the Verizon network.
I had Cingular years ago before I went to Verizon, and I must say that 
they have been pretty much a pleasure to deal with.

Thanks for the input.

b_s-wilk wrote:
Do you use your cell phone primarily at home for long distance? If you 
do, then using a calling card or dial-around number will save you a 
lot more than prepaid cellular. Use the cell away from home, use the 
card at home.

We picked up a Verizon 700 minute calling card for $20 at Costco. It's 
less than 3 cents a minute with no monthly or connection fee from land 
lines, no expiration. You have to read the fine print when you buy a 
card though. This one from Costco is the best we found even though the 
per minute charge is a little higher. Access number and PIN are 
programmed into our phones. We usually take almost a year to use all 
the minutes. Not a Costco member? Find a friend who is, and offer to 
buy lunch or dinner!

What kind of cellular reception does Sprint-Nextel have in your area? 
Try Virgin Mobile. ATT? Try Speak Out or Net10.

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Re: [CGUYS] Silverlight

2009-04-27 Thread Jordan

Tony B wrote:

Actually, Silverlight is supposed to be an alternative to Adobe's
ubiquitous Flash. In fact, it's the *only* alternative, as nobody else
has even attempted to offer one. I thought you were all opposed to
monopolies and all in favor of alternatives?


Are you naive or just making believe you are naive?
We've all seen how MS does things like lure the public in with an 
alternative to something and then alters it so that it only works for 
Windows users.

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Re: [CGUYS] Airport network not connecting with macbook

2009-04-29 Thread Jordan
Generally when a Mac does not see a network it has joined before and 
sees a new network, It will simply ask you if you want to join the new 
I suggest you call Apple and have them help you with your settings. If 
someone has messed with the settings or if your router is acting funny, 
it can be tough to nail a problem down.

Sandra Raredon wrote:

My mom recently upgraded from Ibook to MacBook, Leopard OS.  Everytime she
wants to use wi-fi , her new computer keeps trying to log on the old network
name.  She is using a new network, so there is a conflict now.  We tried to
go to the advance mode and delete the old network, but it keeps coming
back.  If I get a new Airport express (she was and is using the Aiport base
station now), the small plug in adapterwill that solve the problem?  The
problem is, I do not know anything about setting up networkall she wants
to do is use her macbook in the kitchen, and connect via wi-fi.   Does she
need another Airport base station or will an Airport express
work..thanks for helping!


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Re: [CGUYS] Apple One to One Training

2009-04-29 Thread Jordan
I too have seen and heard nothing but amazing things about training from 
But I think they might be able to continue their training service even 
with the increased volume. I bet a lot of people don't make maximum use 
of their available training time they pay for, and it gets people back 
in the store looking at all the great stuff to buy.

Tom Piwowar wrote:
One on One  a wonderful thing but it seems to me they will not be able 
to afford to keep doing it once Apple's current sales boom subsides...

I was thinking they would not be able to afford to keep doing it as their 
sales kept booming. Too many takers would swamp their capacity. 


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Re: [CGUYS] Apple Will Show You Net Books Done Right

2009-04-29 Thread Jordan

Chris Dunford wrote:
You write this condescending BS, but can't understand why people think 
Mac users are elitist?
Certain elements of society like to take words that mean perfectly good 
things and twist their usage into something undesirable.
What the heck is wrong with being elite? Wouldn't most people like to be 
elite at something? wouldn't you like to know elite people or use elite 

Look it up! It's not something to be avoided.

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Re: [CGUYS] Windows Vista out?

2009-04-30 Thread Jordan

Actually, it's pretty amusing.
And the indignant outrage is hilarious.

And by the way: Windows?. clean install?they should not 
be in the same paragraph.

mike wrote:

Vile?  Really?  Is that like you calling someone a thief or someone else a
gaybasher?  Grow up, Tom.  Your constant name calling is what is vile on
this list.  Why the whole list puts up with your abuse I have no idea.  I'm
wondering why I do myself.

On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 4:27 PM, Tom Piwowar wrote:


Whether or not Vista is buggy isn't relevant.

Finally the truth comes out.

All that is relevant is that M$ will be missing out on some much-needed
revenue if you don't run out immediately and buy. It is very wrong that
you want to deny M$ its due. Your are obviously being an uncooperative,
vile person.


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Re: [CGUYS] Windows Vista out?

2009-05-01 Thread Jordan

No. You've made, what is for you, the short trip from amusing to very sad.

For an interesting take on behavior and self-righteous indignation;

The Most Common (but Unstudied) Form of Self-Addiction
We all know self-righteous people. (And, if we are honest, many of us 
will admit having wallowed in this state ourselves, either occasionally 
or in frequent rhythm.) It is a familiar and rather normal human 
condition, supported -- even promulgated -- by messages in mass media.

While there are many drawbacks, self-righteousness can also be heady, 
seductive, and even... well... addictive. Any truly honest person will 
admit that the state feels good. The pleasure of knowing, with 
subjective certainty, that you are right and your opponents are deeply, 
despicably wrong.

Sanctimony, or a sense of righteous outrage, can feel so intense and 
delicious that many people actively seek to return to it, again and 
again. Moreover, as Westin have found, this trait crosses all 
boundaries of ideology.2

mike wrote:

Jordan, stop being an asshole.  Is that funny enough?

On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 5:06 PM, Jordan wrote:


Actually, it's pretty amusing.
And the indignant outrage is hilarious.


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Re: [CGUYS] Windows Vista out?

2009-05-01 Thread Jordan
Please ask yourself why you reacted so radically? What is so threatening 
to you?

Did you read it? You are making Brin's point.

Jeff Wright wrote:

No. You've made, what is for you, the short trip from amusing to very sad.

For an interesting take on behavior and self-righteous indignation;

Interesting that you chose to use something from David Brin, one of
the most self-rightous and sanctimonious, priggish assholes in the SF
writer community.  Perhaps he tapped into his own expertise?

Anyhoo, OT.  But, I couldn't let that pass without noting the
galactic-sized irony.


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Re: [CGUYS] Firewall Logging: Are these a problem?

2009-05-01 Thread Jordan
My Mac has the one that ends with 631. There are 9 others. All beginning 
with tcp4 or tcp6.

I haven't found anywhere that talks about this stuff yet.

Alvin Auerbach wrote:

Here's what happened; what does it mean?

Macintosh:~ Alvin$ netstat -an | grep LISTEN
tcp6   0  0  fe80::1%lo0.631*.*LISTEN
tcp4   0  0  *.3829 *.*LISTEN
tcp4   0  0  *.*LISTEN
tcp6   0  0  ::1.631*.*LISTEN
Macintosh:~ Alvin$

On May 1, 2009, at 12:38 PM, Tom Piwowar wrote:

Having your computer listening is not such a good thing either. It might
actually do what's its told. Some of the most famous exploits run 

Windows come from that OS not following Mom's advice Don't listen to

To see what ports you Mac is listening to, type this in Terminal:

netstat -an | grep LISTEN

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Re: [CGUYS] Firewall Logging: Are these a problem?

2009-05-01 Thread Jordan
Aahh! tcp. Of course. I'm still curious to find out more about what they 
are. I'll experiment.


John Emmerling wrote:

A TCP listener is a process that accepts socket connection requests and
forks off dedicated sockets to complete the connections and allow
communication to proceed.  You can't have TCP/IP without one or more. The
presence of listeners, by itself, has no bearing on how secure the computer

On Fri, May 1, 2009 at 3:17 PM, Jordan wrote:


My Mac has the one that ends with 631. There are 9 others. All beginning
with tcp4 or tcp6.
I haven't found anywhere that talks about this stuff yet.


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Re: [CGUYS] Firewall Logging: Are these a problem?

2009-05-01 Thread Jordan

Do you know where info can be found about what is in the firewall log?
I have enable firewall logging and enable stealth mode checked and allow 
only essential services checked.

I'm curious. Not concerned.

Tom Piwowar wrote:
I would put it a little differently. The security of the listeners is one 
major factor that determines the security of the computer. 

When you can't trust the listeners you shut down their ports. Shutting 
down ports is a major function of firewalls. So what does that tell us 
about the security of the listeners? Not so good.


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[CGUYS] G5 iMac, usable parts?

2009-05-03 Thread Jordan
I'm opening up a G5 iMac that turned out to have a fatal glitch. A 
couple years ago I might have mentioned this problem iMac. After taking 
it to Apple a few times they sent me a new Intel iMac and didn't even 
want the G5 back.
So I've finally opened it up on this rainy day to get the hard drive out 
and am wondering what else I might be able to use out of it. There are 
2X .5gig memory sticks I'll likely never find a use for again, but I 
wondered if there was any way to put the optical drive in a case so it 
could be used externally.

Any ideas? Anything else I might get out of it before recycling?


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Re: [CGUYS] First time computer buyer

2009-05-05 Thread Jordan

Also, there's a referb 20 iMac on the Apple site for $800.

Tom Piwowar wrote:

He does not need this computer for anything related to his work.  I
have said it before here, and once again it has happened.  A computer
purchase is being predicated upon the erroneous and paranoid concept
that everyone else has one.  Queried about this, he says that he
fears not being able to get any help when he needs it if he gets
anything but a Windows computer. and from what he hears and
understands from others, he says he'll probably be needing a lot of

Take him to an Apple store. Check the schedule for the free classes they 
hold there. Get info on the one-on-one training (see posts here on that). 
Show him the Genius bar. Ask one of the store staff to explain Apple's 
support program. Show him a MacMini and note that you can get them for as 
little as $450 at ($499 at the Apple Online Store). Show him 
an iMac 20 (I just bought a new one for $850 through an Amazon 
affiliated dealer). 

Then take him to Best Buy and try to snag a sales person. Try to ask a 
few simple questions. Have him call Dell support in Bangalore and ask a 
simple question.

Tell him about malware and how he will have to devote time to keeping up 
his defenses or risk having his computer polluted. Have him call Geek 
Squad for an estimate on getting a PC deloused.

Have a serious talk with him about support and the kind of hamburgers 
everyone buys at McDonalds. 

The tell him he is a big boy and you expect him to suck it up and live 
with the consequences of his bad decisions and not bother you with it.

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[CGUYS] Reliability of cars

2009-05-05 Thread Jordan
We had a brief mention of the quality of American cars Vs foreign some 
time ago. Here is a blog writer who makes some good points:

This lack of durability of the Big Three vehicles receives almost no 
visibility. The fact that a car made by American workers with largely 
American-made parts in Tennesee lasts a decade or more with virtually no 
repairs or maintenance required while the 10-year old Big Three vehicle 
is either junked or a problem-riddled beater is the 800-pound gorilla 
in the room few have cared to discuss.

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Re: [CGUYS] First time computer buyer

2009-05-05 Thread Jordan
That was my experience. The 17 MacBook Pro I got last year is a refurb 
and was indistinguishable from a new Mac. No evidence that it had ever 
been touched.

Tom Piwowar wrote:

Also, there's a referb 20 iMac on the Apple site for $800.

I have found that Apple refurbs are very close to new. Humorously so. 
They pack them with the same care as new with everything wrapped in its 
little baggie and secured with twisty ties. Except the little baggies and 
twisty ties are obviously recycled too.


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Re: [CGUYS] Appleworks problem

2009-05-10 Thread Jordan
What do you think Norton is doing for you? Norton is notoriously quirky. 
The first thing I would do is get rid of Norton and all vestiges of it. 
Then restart, and reinstall Appleworks.

Then let us know if there is still a problem.

My wife still uses Appleworks and had a problem with it recently when 
she tried to print something. It was acting just as you describe. I 
could not really nail down the problem, but it must have had to do with 
its relationship to the printer driver. When I installed a new printer 
driver (Canon) the problem cleared up.

Stephen Brownfield wrote:
  My brother is having a problem with his Appleworks program.  He 
is running it on an eMac with OS 10.3.9.  The problem may have started 
after he tried to fix somethings with Norton.  This is the 
problem: when you launch Appleworks, you get the menus across the top, 
a blank toolbar, and no document or starting points.  If you go to 
choose an item from the menu, you get the spinning beach ball before 
you can choose anything. When you go to the Appleworks icon in the 
dock, click and hold on it you get application not responding and 
have to choose Force Quit to end it.  I tried to reinstall it, but the 
problem remained (before this install, I removed the file/application 
from the Application Folder). I assume that I need to remove some or 
all of the other Appleworks program files, not just the Application.  
How do I do this?  Any other advice in solving this problem would be 

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Re: [CGUYS] Appleworks problem

2009-05-11 Thread Jordan
I wasn't really saying his printer driver could be his problem, 
(although it's generally good to update the driver software once in a 
while) just that Appleworks can be cranky old software and it gets 

As others have said, trashing the pref file might help clear the confusion.

Stephen Brownfield wrote:

  I don't know where my brother got Norton.  I feel the same 
way as you do and haven't used it since OS 10.1/10.2.  I will talk 
with about the printer driver, because I believe that he does have a 
Canon printer.

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Re: [CGUYS] always never always

2009-05-12 Thread Jordan
First thing that comes to mind is to see if Firefox is clearing data 
when you quit it. You might also check your settings for the Gmail page. 
I rarely use it so I'm not very familiar with the settings there.

Jeffrey Myers wrote:

When I'm using Gmail in Firefox, I *always* get these messages telling me to
clik here if I *always* want to display images from this address or
*always*open this kind of file with a particular program.  So, I click
the box, but
the next time, I get asked the same question--*always.  *Gets kinda old.*


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[CGUYS] Chrome for Mac almost ready?

2009-05-14 Thread Jordan

I noticed this at
The Chromium web browser project which serves as the basis for Google's 
Chrome has started releasing early builds of the Mac version. While not 
complete, the builds work well enough to get an impression of the 
browser. CNet took a quick look at a build:

The software, available for download from the Chromium Web site, is 
incomplete and definitely buggy, as one would expect for a developer 
version that reflects all the latest changes programmers are making with 
the project. But for Mac users who've been clamoring for the software, I 
can tell you that overall, it works, and it shows glimmers of what I 
liked about the open-source browser on Windows.

The latest builds are kept in this directory in sequential order. If you 
are interested in testing it out, you should download the most recent 
build that you find. Updated builds are being added all the time.

Here's the link:
Scroll down for the latest. I'm trying it with the weather site I look 
at all the time and it's working perfectly so far.

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Re: [CGUYS] Revealed Truth

2009-05-16 Thread Jordan
While it _can_ be interesting to discuss hypotheticals and philosophy, 
you can also look at actual studies of society. It's all the rage in 
this country to rave about our high taxes, but one can read about what 
studies show a healthy society looks like.

This is the latest study by the OECD
This is an article about the study from

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