[CTRL] Fwd: Clinton's African Renaissance?

1999-02-04 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 -Caveat Lector-

  forwarded message 
 Date: Tue, 2 Feb 1999
 Subj: ForeignCorrespondent
Where is Clinton's "African Renaissance"?

   Foreign Correspondent

Inside Track On World News
 By International Syndicated Columnist  Broadcaster
  Eric Margolis [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Where is Clinton's "African Renaissance"?
 by Eric Margolis
 January 31, 1999

 NEW YORK - Last March, President Bill Clinton went hunting for
 black votes back home by staging a highly-publicized safari to

 Clinton, who was accompanied by a 1,000-strong entourage
 more fitting to a Chinese Emperor, proclaimed ` a new
 African renaissance.'

 `Africa's  accomplishments,' Clinton effused, `grow more
 impressive each month.'

 Ten months of impressive accomplishments later, more than
 half of black Africa is convulsed by war, slaughter, or

 Sudan, the largest nation, is torn by civil war. So, too,
 Sierra Leone, where drug-crazed rebels chop off the hands
 and feet of their victims.  Eritrea and Ethiopia are warring
 over a barren border region - `like two bald men fighting
 over a comb,' one wit noted. Tribal warfare rages in Uganda,
 Guinea-Bissau, Congo Brazaville, and Liberia. Rwanda is a
 mountain of bones.

 But the most interesting conflicts are in Congo(ex-Zaire),
 and Angola. They offer a striking sense of deja vu:

 Seven armies are battling over Congo, Africa's treasure
 house of gold, copper, gemstones, and cobalt. Congo's 30,000
 man `army' has never been more than gangs of uniformed
 thugs. So current dictator, Lumumbaist-marxist revolutionary
 Laurent Kabila, called in troops from fellow, left-leaning
 African states: 4,000 Angolans, 3,500 Zimbabweans, 1,000
 Chadians, 1,000 Sudanese, and 8,000 Hutus who led the
 massacre of 500,000 Tutsi in their native Rwanda.

 Opposing this leftist coalition are anti-Kabila Congolese,
 led by the delightfully-named Wamba dia Wamba,  backed by
 4,000 Ugandan regulars, and 6,000 Tutsis warriors from the
 eastern Congo, and from the Rwandan army. White mercenaries
 from South African and Europe are being employed by all
 sides.  Powerful US, Canadian, and European mining companies
 bankroll the Congo fighting.

 War has erupted again in neighboring Angola.  Though twice
 the size of France, oil, mineral, and diamond-rich Angola
 has only 11.3 million people. If properly managed and
 farmed, its lush central plateau could feed ALL of black
 Africa. Instead, wretched, dirt-poor  Angola has endless
 civil war, armies of refugees, pockets of starvation,
 spreading HIV epidemic -  which Cuban soldiers took back to
 their island in the 1980's - and millions of uncharted land

 UN efforts to make peace and form a coalition government
 between Angola's two warring factions, the communist MPLA,
 and anti-communist UNITA, totally failed.  The Angolan civil
 war, which began in 1975, has resumed full force.
 Completing the deja vu, Cuban troops have once again landed
 in Angola to support the  marxist regime in Luanda.

 I twice covered the Angolan  war, including big, fierce
 battles at Cuito Cuanavale, and Mavinga, that pitted Angolan
 communist soldiers, backed by 55,000 Cuban mechanized
 troops, Cuban piloted MiG's,  and thousands of Soviet, East
 German, and Bulgarian military advisors, against Gen. Jonas
 Savimbi's UNITA army, supported by South Africa and CIA.

 By fascinating coincidence, I learned years later in Moscow
 that my driver, a retired Red Army colonel, had been in a
 forward position during the same battle for Cuito: I had
 been firing 122mm rockets at his strongpoint. His unit had
 been firing back at us with heavy mortars.

 At the Cold War's end, the US abandoned its ally, Gen.
 Savimbi, and backed the communist regime in Luanda. Angola
 became one of America's most important suppliers of high-
 grade oil.  Since then, the US has used the UN to try to
 disarm, discredit,  and neutralize UNITA, whose anti-
 communism and free-market advocacy, had become inconvenient.
 The Clinton Administration fed the US media  a steady stream
 of anti-UNITA stories designed to isolate the movement and
 pave the way for its demise. Clinton's black supporters
 railed against UNITA for having once accepted aid from
 white-ruled South Africa.

 Savimbi, a multi-lingual PhD, was, I discovered, one of
 Africa's most intelligent, impressive, capable leaders, and,
 notably, the only one who ever is one time. But he was
 shunned by the US, which was content to deal with the
 communoist regime so long as it suplied oil. Sustained by
 back-country  diamond fields, discreet aid from Zaire's late
 chief, Gen. Mobutu,  and his Ovambundu tribe, which makes up
 nearly half Angola's people, Savimbi soldiered on.  However,
 Congo's new  Kabila regime, quickly made an alliance with
 Angola's marxists, blessed by the US, and Zimbabwe's 

[CTRL] (no subject)

1999-02-04 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-

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Wednesday, February 3, 1999 Published at 16:46 GMT

IMF talks calm Brazil's markets

IMF talks calm Brazil's markets
Brazilian President Fernando Henrique Cardoso has met with senior negotiators
from the International Monetary Fund who are hammering out possible solutions
for the country's deep financial crisis.

After the meeting, he said that "the situation in Brazil is developing the way
we wanted ... with the return of confidence in the markets."

The real, the Brazilian currency, has held steady on foreing exchange markets
following the appointment of a former aide to international financier George
Soros as the country's new central banker on Tuesday.

The IMF's First Deputy Managing Director Stanley Fischer and other fund
officials had a working breakfast with President Cardoso in the official
presidential residence in Brasilia.

Also attending the breakfast were Brazilian Finance Minister Pedro Malan and
the newly-nominated president of the central bank Arminio Fraga Neto.

Picture: [ image: width=150]

The President later told reporters that it was "not crucial" that the IMF
speed up a second $9bn instalment of international loans for Brazil because
the country's foreign currency reserves were at a "comfortable" level.

However the government hopes Mr Fischer's presence will accelerate the release
of a second slice of the $41.5bn international loan package assembled by the

High interest rates

The two sides must first negotiate new targets for Brazil's budget, interest
rates and foreign exchange rules following its surprise devaluation three
weeks ago.

The IMF has given a clear signal that it expects Brazil to keep its interest
rates high to defend the currency.

"Clearly the tightness in monetary policy will continue," said IMF Deputy
Managing Director Alassane Ouattara. "Our experience in Asia has shown that it
is important to see a firm monetary framework at the beginning of a crisis."

Brazil raised its interest rates to 39% on Monday. But the continuation of
high interest rates could send the Brazilian economy into a deep recession
this year.

More credible banker?

Mr Fraga is a former central bank official who has until recently directed the
speculative activities of Soros Fund Management, the powerful investment
vehicle of the international billionaire George Soros. He replaces former
central bank chief Francisco Lopes, who lasted just three weeks in the job.

He was international affairs director at the central bank between 1991 and
1992 under former President Collor de Mello, before joining the Soros Fund in

He has now severed all his links with Mr Soros and "there is no relation
between his opinions and those of his former boss," according to Brazil's
Finance Minister Pedro Malan. Mr Soros has been advocating some sort of
international currency coordination recently.

Picture: [ image: width=150]

Mr Malan said that the appointment "in no way represents any change in the
direction and orientation of economic policy." He said further changes would
be announced at the central bank shortly.

Mr Fraga's appointment was seen by economists as giving Brazil's economic
policy more credibility in international financial markets.

"He's a very serious man," said Inter-American Development Bank economist
Ricardo Hausmann. "I think if he announces an economic programme...it will
have a lot of credibility, and I think that we're seeing that right now as we
speak in the strengthening of the real."

And a foreign exchange dealer added: "A guy with practice in the market is
going to help a lot more than somebody who just knows theories."

Mr Fraga will only take over when he is confirmed by the Brazilian Senate in
hearings which will begin on 22 February following the Carnival holiday.

Until then, the central bank's International Affairs Director Demosthenes
Madureira de Pinho Neto would serve as interim head.

Meanwhile the Finance Minister revealed that he had submitted his own
resignation, but it had been refused.

"I will remain in the position as long as I have the benefit of the
president's confidence," Mr Malan said.

Real on the rebound

The real meanwhile was trading at 1.77 - 1.79 to the dollar on Wednesday. It
had gone as low as more than 2.0 reals to the dollar on Friday, a devaluation
of more than 40%.

The Sao Paulo stock exchange, the largest in South America, was up 1.4% in
early trades on Wednesday. It closed down 1.79% on Tuesday.

The embattled currency has recovered since panic eased about weekend rumours
that the government was planning extreme measures such as freezing bank

Re: [CTRL] Pentagon Wants Emergency Authority Within USA

1999-02-04 Thread Sno0wl

 -Caveat Lector-

On 2 Feb 99, , Teo wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 2/2/99 7:10:38 PM Eastern Standard Time,

  But civil libertarians and some Administration officials fear that such
  military power could slowly expand to threaten the privacy, liberty and
  lives of private citizens.  Defenders of the plan, including Pentagon
  officials, insist that it would do no such thing and that the nation
  needed homeland defense to deal with terrorists armed with deadly germs,
  chemicals and skills for attacking the nation's key computer networks.

  Military officials added that they had no intention of usurping
  civilian control.

  "Our only appropriate role is in support of civil agencies that have
  the primary responsibility for law and order and emergency response,"
  John J. Hamre, the Deputy Secretary of Defense, said in an interview.

 Are they supposed to say; "Yeah, we want to grab control and will do so as
 soon as it is feasible."?  Give me a break, the military says it is not
 interesting in seizing civil control!  It will indeed mean an interference
 with our rights and privacy.  Any time the military intervenes it means that
 people are displaced, lives are lost, and privacy, and freedoms are lost.

Does this create some interesting new conflict between FEMA and the Pentagon?


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] KGBing the USA

1999-02-04 Thread Source - Richard

 -Caveat Lector-

What is this in relationship to??

Eric Stewart wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-

Why are you taking the prosecutors side in wanting to get rid of grand
This is a research list and as such, I consider a vast majority of what
I post on the list to be subject to examination by all on this list.  I
have had to post this disclaimer several times since joining this list
and tire of it.
Where did you get the information you are basing the above on?
The author's name is on the post.

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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From: Eric Stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:  Re: [CTRL] KGBing the USA

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fascism - The future of the New World

1999-02-04 Thread Source - Richard

 -Caveat Lector-

Teo One Thousand wrote:


 The world is a crazy place folks (as i 'm sure everyone on this list
;-) ) and it's easy to lock ourselves in our homes, sit at our computers
(which are actually more powerful weapons than we think!!) and look to
past. It's time to look to the future and realise where we are heading.

 Richard B. 

Richard this was an excellent post!  Some comments I would make are that
it is
ultimately unclear (at least in my mind) who really does run the show,
it is the corporations or the politicians.  The rise of corporatism and
sublimation to fascistic agendas is very true and has been going on for
time now.  Your comments vis a vis the third world are excellent
of a principal that some will not see, and that is that fascism is not
just a
military dictatorship that one can hang ones hat of defiance upon, but
it is in our lives every day when we eat a Chiquita banana, or buy some
corporate product.  Corporations are promoting an agenda, just as you
so very well, with their think tanks, and their advisory boards.  I
would like
to illustrate one other thing and that is the UN and the IMF.  The UN
has as a
matter of course many NGA (Non-Governmental Agencies) in attendance at
meetings.  These groups are probably dominated by corporations, there to
promote their agenda.  The IMF forces economic plans onto sovereign
(really taking away their sovereignty in the bargain) that are devised
corporations and run by international bankers.

Thanks Teo, it's nice to know i am not alone (may i also thank William
Tunstall - most gracious). I do agree with your comments on the UN and the
IMF to an extent and will make my case over the weekend. It is a difficult
subject to resolve and much easier to come up with questions instead of
realistic answers. It would be nice to hear from others on the lsit
regarding this discussion.

While still on the subject, we have an early example that shows exactly
how corporate hegemony is to be exercised.  One of the Candian Provinces
(was it Ontario?) passed a "no fault" auto-insurance law: an extremely
efficient and inexpensive way to deal with liability claims arising from car
crashes.  Under the NAFTA-like agreement between USA  Canada, an American
insurance company sued and succeeded in forcing Ontario to drop their
legally adopted insurance scheme!  The European Commission is similarly
beginning to push its nose increasingly into what many would consider to be the
"internal affairs" of European countries.

Before anyone sends me flames minimizing the extent of such intrusions up
tillnow, please note that these super-national structures are very much
in "sales mode", and are therefore currently on "good behavior".  When
their power is consolidated -- for example when the European currency
eventually 'kicks-in' -- and it's too late for nations to back out, then be
prepared for a strong
downward pressure on workers rights and progressive programs -- you can
see the future, and it is the third world.  The American Civil War shows
what happens when states, which thought they had voluntarilty joined a
federal union, try to withdraw.

The Internet is a potentially powerful tool to help the people of the
world understand the predicament they're in, by "going around" the mass media
and the well-publicized pronouncments of the "spin-to-order" corporate
"think tanks" (Personally, I think "policy bordello" is a more appropriate
label than "think tank".)

The net also has tremendous limitations and is imminently vulnerable to
suppression, as we have seen recently in the USA, Denmark, Hong Kong, and
Italy, and as S.314 and S.390 (!) forebodes for the future.  I'm not one of
those crypto-anarchists who sees networking as the "ultimate tool of
democracy" -- those guys are living in a virtual-reality dream world.  But,
until we start making effective use of the Internet for democratic purposes,
it's OURSELVES who are setting the limits -- not the authorities.  After
they kick us off the net, then we can blame THEM.  Those of you barricaded
in with your PGP arsenal might as well move to Waco and buy an AK-47, the
two weapons and refuges will be equally useless in any real struggle.

Everywhere capital is looking for new markets to develop, the US
government has announced the "Discovery of Cyberspace": the latest "unoccupied"
territory to be conquered and exploited.  You have to admire their chutzpa,
in openly publishing a "Magna Carta", which lays out how Cyberspace is to
ceded to a new generation of Robber Barons, as insulated as possible from
responsible public oversight.

Thus the post-war corporate third-world paradigm finally sends its
marines to the beachheads of Cyberspace.  It may be time for us Internet natives
to have an appropriate pow-wow before we, in our turn, are wiped out. Any
CTRL suggestions ?

Richard B.



1999-02-04 Thread J FROST

 -Caveat Lector-

One writes:

The Drug War is marketed as the only way to "save our children." Yet,
years into the most protracted and expensive experiment in Prohibition in
history, illicit drugs are more available on the streets, on our
and in our school yards than ever. What are the real consequences of
disastrous policies? Click on any topic at right to learn more about
gone wrong, and how we can fix it.

Prohibition is the problem. You can be part of the solution. Join DRCNet
today, and SAY NO to the Drug War -- your voice makes a difference.
   drug-related HIV/AIDS and needle exchange
kids and the drug war
chronic pain management
people of color and the drug war
drug treatment
medicinal marijuana
more coming soon!
Why not make robbery, rape and murder legal.
Because those are crimes against persons...I am arguing for
decriminalizing victimless crimes...
When women are raped by those in a stupor
When people are killed in wrecks by those in a stupor
When dopers are in a stupor robbing and killing people
are there no victims?
It is not legal to be drunk and drive?

Of course it is illegal to be drunk and driving but
after one becomes drunk, they get in a stupor and their
logic/fears/reflexes are lost. Their fear of being caught
drunk or doped up .. their common sense is lost...
so because it was legal for them to get drunk, they
got in a stupor and because they got in a stupor
*  It cost the rest of us money out of our pockets to pay
   for their stupor.
*  It cost injury and death to thousands of innocent each
year for their right to be in a stupor.

 Victimless crimes?
*  Tell me why non drunks have to pay billions of dollars
for extra cops to catch and lock up drunks (who are involved
   in legal dope)
*  Tell me why innocent people killed by drunks aren't victims?
*  Tell me why the families of innocent victims are not victims of

Legal drunks ... Legal dope users  so then the government
makes their slaughter, assaults, rapes legal ?
Most rapes, etc., are NOT done by drunks...or by dope users...
Duh, did you miss 48 hours last week. What amount of rapes
did they reveal happened while the pervert was in a stupor?

and the statistics on all the criminals in prison, 80% of them
were stupid on booze/dope when they committed their crimes.
So you ARE arguing for reinstution of Prohibition, aren't you?  Just come
out and admit it.
NO, prohibition could never work in a government in which the politicians
are mob bosses on the take.
The only way prohibition would ever work is by having the death penalty
for drunks/dope users and the death penalty for those who get rich
With in a year there would be about 2000 executions and after perverts
knew they could not get away with it or buy their way out of it, it would
almost non existent.
After that time the perverts would stop killing themselves and innocent
With in 10 years there would be over 15 times more lives saved than those
NO, I am not stupid enough to think it will ever happen in a corrupt
in which the perverts have their rights at the loss of the rights of the
I know innocent people will never have their rights in America, I only
point out
that perverts and their bleeding hearts are an evil force in an evil

It does not matter that it will not be changed, establishing the faces of
the evil
is my only point.
"Making dope legal will stop crime"

 Double Duh
Booze is legal and on the cop videos and in our newspapers we see
grocery stores broken into, we read about people being killed by
drunks who are just getting enough money to get drunk.
How do they know that the crimes were done by those who are alcoholics?
Because they admitted to that reason, because they were caught stealing
booze, because the muggers beating/killing their victims were drunks/dope
users who were not robbing to by a tv, fix their car or to send money to
They beat and rob victims in order to get their next stupor.
They were stupid on dope or booze while committing their crimes !

How do I know, because that is what the FACTS state.
they wouldn't have to do if heroin, etc., were available CHEAPLY to them
via a government program...
We'd also cut down on the incidencense of diseases which are spread via
the sharing of needles...
Take a look at the documentary on needle park and see what a crock this

Who is going to pay for the government doctors, offices and dope...


1999-02-04 Thread J FROST

 -Caveat Lector-

I am also not going to be drawn into a debate about the merits of
the ACLU's position on a variety of matters because they, like all
organizations, have an agenda to promote.  I would say that they
definitely do
display hypocrisy about some issues, but it does not negate the
good that they do lobbying congress for protection of civil liberties,
preserving privacy rights, and preserving property rights

The aclu are nothing but a bunch of lawyers so it has a turd base.

Lawyers get rich by keeping conflicts going between people, so
there is nothing about morality.
Preserve liberties.. from who but a bunch of other lawyers.

I do not in the least push religion in any schools. I only point out
their corruption to show that the aclu are a bunch of punks doing
the bidding of the party punks.

 The constitution states:
Congress (bs) shall make no laws respecting the establishment of religion

I don't ask you to defend them (I like lots of the stuff you write)
I only ask you to pose the question why
#1  They lie about "separation between church  state" being
   in the constitution.
#2  It is the aclu who takes away the constitutional right/liberty when

The word "church" is no where in the constitution, the word is religion.

The government has declared hindu, humanism and even witch craft to be
tax exempt religions.
It is ONLY the christian brand of religion that is banned in schools.

They teach yoga, they have libraries full of books on witch craft,
situation ethics is humanism, "social studies" is an integration of
It would be ok to have a halloween party and dress up like some ghost,
vampire or witch, but if some kid dressed up like a bible character his
ass would be in a sling.

The aclu is just a good cop / bad cop game in which a bunch of lawyers
cause conflict so they can get rich on people's fears and outrage.
The aclu does not fight for all people's rights, they are representatives
of corrupt politicians and perverts while they fight to destroy the
of their most hated christians.

They do a lot of good? Look in any prison, there are thousands of
criminials who have helped others and have done a lot of good.
One is not manifest to be evil because the good they do but by
their evil.
The aclu is just a group of politician underground puppets.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Pentagon Wants Emergency Authority Within USA

1999-02-04 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 2/4/99 1:35:03 AM Eastern Standard Time,

 Does this create some interesting new conflict between FEMA and the

Wow, can't you just imagine us saluting to "El General Presidente."   Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Foster, NSA and Banks (Part 19)

1999-02-04 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-

   Allegations Regarding Vince Foster, the NSA, and
Banking Transactions Spying, Part XIX

  by J. Orlin Grabbe

The triangular trade in early American history involved slaves
picked up from the African coast, transported to the Caribbean to be
exchanged for sugar, and the sugar then transported to the American colonies
to be exchanged for rum.

The triangular trade in modern times involves the exchange of
some third world raw material (oil, gold) or agricultural product
derivative (coca processed into cocaine, or opium processed into heroin),
for first world armaments and high technology, facilitated by cash or a
cash-like intermediary which is laundered through banking or financial

Does the current Whitewater investigation simply involve a turf
war, a battle for market share, in the modern triangular trade?  Does one
component of this war consist of a feud between families, reminiscent of
the Hatfields and the McCoys?

Think of the parallels between Arkansas and Pittsburgh.

A.  Bill Clinton, with the financial backing of Don Lasater and
Jackson Stephens, ran Little Rock like a Mafia don.

B.  Richard Scaife, using his own fortune, runs Pittsburgh like a
Mafia don.

A. The friends of Bill Clinton were involved in supplying weapons
to the Contras.

B.  The friends of Richard Scaife were involved in supplying weapons
and nuclear-related technology to Iraq.

A.  Many of the Arkansas companies involved were represented by
the Rose law firm.

B.  Many of Iraq's nuclear suppliers are represented by the law
firm of Buchanan Ingersoll P.C.

A. The Arkansas money was laundered through Don Lasater's bond
business, Jackson Stephens' Worthen bank, and the ADFA.

B. The Pittsburgh money was laundered through Mellon Bank.

A.  Faced with media exposure, the Little-Rock based Systematics
(Alltel Information Services), a supplier of banking software, hires a New
York detective firm named Proust and Killman to monitor its critics.
Proust is said to have been sacked by Richard Helms as a CIA renegade.

B.  Faced with media exposure, the Pittsburgh-based Mellon Bank,
scheduled to face a RICO-suit for money laundering on August 28, hires a
New York detective firm named Proust and Killman to monitor its critics.
Proust is said to have been sacked by Richard Helms as a CIA renegade.

A.  Vince Foster was a behind-the-scenes manager of a Systematics-
related money-laundering project.  According to a confidential report,
"When considered in comparison to BCCI in its original conceptual intent,
Systematics is several steps ahead of the capability of Financial General,
BCCI, BNL's grey book operations and any of the CASA de Cambios that are
currently servicing the lesser needs of the covert/illegal money trades
domestically and internationally.  To state this very simply, don't own
the bank or the financial institution that has to maintain its accounta-
bility under regulatory scrutiny--own the computers, financial software
and employees which operate the back office for the banks and financial

B.  Vince Foster, at the time of his death,  was in possession of
nuclear-weapons related materials. He had his executive assistant, Deborah
Gorham, place in Bernard Nussbaum's safe two notebooks from the National
Security Agency.  One of these was blue, indicating nuclear-related secrets.
NSA's responsibilities include communications security for strategic weapons
systems such as the Minuteman missile so as to prevent unauthorized
intrusion, interference, or jamming, and responsibility for developing the
codes by which the President must identify himself in order to authorize a
nuclear strike.

According to Anthony Kimery, in an article entitled *Fostergate
Continued*, scheduled to appear in the September issue of *Media Bypass
Magazine*, on the day of his death Vince Foster left the White House around
1:00 p.m., "to meet a man employed by a company involved in construction
of signals intelligence collection facilities for the National Security Agency
(NSA) . . . Allegedly under investigation by the FBI for contract fraud, the
firm's Little Rock office was where the tag to the vehicle driven by the
man was registered."

A.  Hillary Clinton, while one of the chief litigators of the Rose
law firm and wife of Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton, was a director of
Wal-Mart, said to have been utilized in the Little Rock money-laundering

B.  Hillary Clinton, while one of the chief litigators of the Rose
law firm and wife of Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton, was a director of
Lafarge corporation, whose Marblehead, Ohio subsidiary Standard Lafarge is
said to have been utilized in the transport network to ferret machine tools
and nose cones out of Pittsburgh and into Canada for shipment to Iraq.

Re: [CTRL] Pentagon Wants Emergency Authority Within USA

1999-02-04 Thread Teo One Thousand

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 2/4/99 1:35:03 AM Eastern Standard Time,

 Does this create some interesting new conflict between FEMA and the


I don't think so.  The military is behind much of FEMA, IMO.  However there
may be something to look into in this regard if you believe the secret
government, faction one and faction two, military stories that you hear about
from time to time.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-02-04 Thread Teo One Thousand

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 2/4/99 5:34:59 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The constitution states:
 Congress (bs) shall make no laws respecting the establishment of religion
I think I made it clear in my post that I agree with you here, there IS NO
separation of church and state in the Constitution.  It is how the courts have
interpreted a doctrine.  They have taken the easy way out by separating church
and state so as NOT to be all inclusive.  It is not necessarily a good thing.
Additionally, I think, and I am in no way trying to defend the ACLU, that they
may only tackle cases they have a chance of winning, thus they would not sue
the Congress for it's prayers, though they are probably against it.  We still
have "In God We Trust" on our money, even though many would not agree with the

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-02-04 Thread Teo One Thousand

 -Caveat Lector-

It is hard to follow your schizophrenic posts, with talk back and forth on the
issue, but I will respond thus.  Driving while intoxicated is a choice you
make, there are consequences for that choice, that you MAY hurt someone.  I
may go out and kill someone today just cause I feel like it, does that mean I
should be restrained in my house simply for that reason?  I am not defending
ones right to drive drunk, because I don't want to be killed by a drunk driver
any more than you do, but it is still a penalizing of POTENTIAL wrong which is
nowhere supported in our system of law.
Drugs have been assailed for years at a tremendous cost and what do we have
now, more people on drugs and a worse situation.  At the least stop the
insanity of a huge military expenditure (against the Posse Comitatus anyway)
to combat this and do something else.  The answer does not necessarily have to
be legalization, but what we have now is crap, period.
As for registering and living in areas free from "perverts" well, that is
something that others have tried to no good end.  Since under your scheme
whatever goes against my grain is "perverted" I should have the right to be
free from all of the nefarious influences.
I suspect you were being somewhat facetious?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Air Force to court martial mechanic who has refused anthrax ...

1999-02-04 Thread Teo One Thousand

 -Caveat Lector-

I have an interesting question regarding this issue, that might explain the
military's reasoning on it.  I don't necessarily support this view but put it
out there for thought.
In WAR TIME a commanding officer has the right, indeed duty to order his men
to do dangerous things that may get the me killed, he may even have to order
them to do something that will virtually certainly get them killed.  Therefore
a soldier has no right to go against this since it undermines the command and
nature of armed conflict.
That might explain the rationale of an army who wants to court-martial men who
refuse thus, BUT we are not at war (or maybe we are and it is just
unacknowledged) we are in PEACETIME, thus the need for orders that are life
threatening is not apparent, so why would someone be compelled to take this

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-02-04 Thread 1lls0081


Clinton could be named.


Click Here to
Visit our Sponsor

Canadian Blood Victims
File Suit,Consider 
Naming Clinton 


We are seeking justice here, says Michael McCarthy,
spokesperson and lead plaintiff in a $1 billion lawsuit launched in Toronto Thursday by
the tainted-blood victims. The lawsuit names the federal Canadian Government and two
companies, Connaught Laboratories who manufactured blood products for the Canadian
hemophiliacs, and Continental Pharma Cryosan who bought contaminated plasma from an
Arkansas prison and sold it to Connaught Laboratories. 

The lawsuit against the Canadian parties in the blood scandal is only the beginning. In a
development that may portend trouble for the beleaguered President Clinton, the victims
are now considering legal action in the United States. 

We are looking at our legal rights in the United States regarding protecting our
rights to launch legal actions against the parties that were responsible for what happened
to us. If the governor of Arkansas, Bill Clinton, was involved in the collection of plasma
in anyway, he needs to respond to what his involvement was. Certainly, we'll seriously be
looking into naming him in a lawsuit if it is determined that he played a role in what
happened to us, McCarthy says. 

Leonard Dunn, president of Health Management Associates, the firm that had a state
contract to collect blood from Arkansas prisoners, served as finance chairman of Bill
Clinton's 1990 gubernatorial campaign. 

The Washington Weekly caught Michael McCarthy for a short interview just before a Thursday
press conference to announce the filing of the suit. 

MCCARTHY: Today at 3 o'clock we will launch a lawsuit on behalf of victims of hepatitis C,
like myself, who were regular blood users in the Canadian blood system. I'm a hemophiliac,
and I took blood products in the years from 1980 to 1984 and was infected with Hepatitis C
through those products. I exclusively took Connaught products from the Connaught
Laboratories here in Toronto. They made hemophiliac product Factor VIII. 

The story was uncovered by Justice Krever in the Krever inquiry into the tainted blood
tragedy of Canada that was started in 1994 and ended in 1997. He heard testimony on why so
many Canadians were infected, through the blood system, with AIDS and hepatitis C. Through
this investigation, documents and facts came forward that were not known before. Krever
uncovered that prisons in the U.S., in particular prisons in Arkansas and Louisiana, had
high risk prison plasma collection facilities. When they couldn't find buyers for this
high risk plasma, they phoned around the world and ultimately found a broker in Montreal,
Continental Pharma, who would take this high risk plasma. 

You must remember that by the end of 1982, the FDA had told all the blood banks and
fractionators in the U.S. that prison plasma was unsuitable to use for products in the
U.S., and they complied. When this happened, there was no market for prison plasma until
they found a broker in Montreal that would accept it. There was a loophole that allowed
them to send it up to Canada. We are talking thousands of liters of high risk prison

We know that the FDA shut down the HMA--the private company that ran the plasma center
within the Arkansas prison facility--a couple of times due to flagrant violations of
plasma collection procedures. There was some label tampering and there are allegations
that some inmates were given drugs instead of money for donating blood. Krever points out
in his final report that there were two recalls from Connaught labs. A total of 4500 vials
went out to the hemophilia community in Canada and only 450 were returned. The rest were
put in our veins. This was all tainted product that was made from U.S. prison plasma. 

So with that in mind, what we are doing in our lawsuit is that we are naming Continental
Pharma, the federal government, and Connaught Laboratories in a $1 billion lawsuit on
behalf of the thousand hemophiliacs who were exposed to this high risk prison plasma. We
are seeking justice here. 

QUESTION: So you are only suing Canadian parties in this? 

MCCARTHY: We are seriously looking at our legal rights regarding the American involvement
in our tragedy. We'll be seeking legal advice to see if legal action is appropriate. We
certainly feel that an investigation should be called upon in the U.S. to ask why, if this
plasma that wasn't suitable for domestic use in the United States, the FDA allowed it to
come up to Canada to be put in innocent arms up here. There has to be some sort of


1999-02-04 Thread Brown, Jeremy

 -Caveat Lector-

I have to jump on this one here. I think that punishing someone for the
potential to do wrong, in a case such as this, IS the right thing to do.
You mentioned that you may go out and kill someone because you feel like it
(hypothetically, of course).  I think, based on that rationale, that you
should be restrained.  If a person displays homicidal tendencies, as well as
an inability to understand the ramifications of their actions, then they
should indeed be kept under some sort of lock and key.  If you drink, your
judgement is impaired, right? You are no longer able to understand or fully
comprehend your actions or the consequences thereof. You get behind the
wheel of a car, a very dangerous piece of machinery, and you are running the
very high risk of killing or hurting yourself and (worse) other people.  You
wouldn't let a crazy person walk through a shopping mall  with a loaded
pistol, correct? Yet, we see nothing wrong with letting hundreds of weekend
warriors out and about with their mental faculties no less hampered with a
far more dangerous and destructive piece of equipment at their fingertips.
Drunk drivers are a danger and a menace. If we could nip the problem at its
source, perhaps alot of lives that have already been lost (a very good
friend of mine's among them), could have been spared.

 -Original Message-
 From: Teo One Thousand [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, February 04, 1999 11:27 AM

  -Caveat Lector-

 It is hard to follow your schizophrenic posts, with talk back and forth on
 issue, but I will respond thus.  Driving while intoxicated is a choice you
 make, there are consequences for that choice, that you MAY hurt someone.
 may go out and kill someone today just cause I feel like it, does that
 mean I
 should be restrained in my house simply for that reason?  I am not
 ones right to drive drunk, because I don't want to be killed by a drunk
 any more than you do, but it is still a penalizing of POTENTIAL wrong
 which is
 nowhere supported in our system of law.
 Drugs have been assailed for years at a tremendous cost and what do we
 now, more people on drugs and a worse situation.  At the least stop the
 insanity of a huge military expenditure (against the Posse Comitatus
 to combat this and do something else.  The answer does not necessarily
 have to
 be legalization, but what we have now is crap, period.
 As for registering and living in areas free from "perverts" well, that is
 something that others have tried to no good end.  Since under your scheme
 whatever goes against my grain is "perverted" I should have the right to
 free from all of the nefarious influences.
 I suspect you were being somewhat facetious?

 CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
 screeds are not allowed. Substance-not soapboxing!  These are sordid
 and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
 frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:

 To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Skeptic News Thursday #1

1999-02-04 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990204a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with : are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Space mirror to sparkle over world. Russian hopes of brightening the Sib-
erian winter by reflecting sunlight from a mirror in space will be tested
again. http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_271000/271224.stm
# Mirror in sky: http://cnn.com/TECH/space/9902/03/space.mirror/index.html

@ Also: Space mirror groundtrack: http://www.energialtd.com/znamya.htm
@ Znamya 2.5 experiment timetable: http://src.space.ru/inform1-e.htm
@ Znamya space reflector: http://www.space-frontier.org/EVENTS/Znamya/

# Mir's Mirror a No-Go. The Mir space station's troubles with a giant light-
casting mirror apparently mean Russia's north will remain shrouded in wint-
ertime gloom. http://www.wired.com/news/news/technology/story/17729.html

: Will it work or will it won't? Is obliterating night a good idea? Can you
adapt to All DayTime All The Time? Would everything's cycles be thrown off?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Pluto stays a planet. (BBC) Pluto is to remain a planet and not be
reclassified as a minor body. And they said it couldn't happen here -
see http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_271000/271832.stm
# It's official: no 'demotion' for planet Pluto -
see http://cnn.com/TECH/space/9902/03/pluto.saved.reut/index.html

@ Also: Postcard from Pluto: http://www.wrightworks.com/pluto.htm
@ IAU Pluto status page: http://www.ss.astro.umd.edu/IAU/div3/pluto.shtml
# Pluto will have 'dual citizenship':
# Pluto may be demoted:

: If little Pluto can be a planet, can I be one too? Should Rush Limbo be
launched into orbit and declared a planetoid? Would you like to be a planet?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Look: 3D TV with no goggles. (BBC) An advanced display screen, which could
allow you to move around a three-dimensional virtual world without goggles,
has been developed. 3D videos can be stored on ordinary VHS tapes - see

@ Also: 3D displays review
# Classic TV gets digital future
# Just a second!

: At what point will fantasy landscapes become really virtually real? Do you
want entertainment to be indistinguishable from reality? What *is* reality?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Rodents make human sperm. (BBC) Researchers in Japan claim to have made
rats and mice produce human sperm. Can the sperm can fertilize human eggs?

# Also: Are you a man or a mouse?
# Chemical tricksters may revolutionise contraception
# Sperm treatment trial urged
# Genetic concerns over fertility treatment
# Controversy over fertility wonder technique

: Would you want a mouse for a father? Are there certain advantages? Would a
mouse-father spank, cheat, drink, gamble, nurture, bond, take out the trash?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

ban the controversial book "The Satanic Verses," has reportedly granted a
visa to author Salman Rushdie for the first time since the 1980s. India,
Rushdie's birthplace, banned "The Satanic Verses" after it provoked angry
protests from Muslims in 1988. Rushdie wouldn't rewrite history - see

*** Slain gay student's parents comment. CHEYENNE, Wyo. (AP) The parents of
Matthew Shepard, the gay college student beaten to death last October, say
they don't want his death used by activists to further any political agenda.
"It's a very frightening concept as a parent that your son now becomes a
martyr, a public figure for the world. "He's just our son." See

: Does your religious/political/economic/ethical system promote censorship,
assassination, intolerance? Do all or most such systems act thusly? Why?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Spicy Links:

@ The Satanic Army: http://www.ultinet.net/~harwer/religion.htm
@ AMERICAN GHOST SOCIETY: http://www.prairieghosts.com
@ PSYCHIC FEDERATION: www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/8097/index.html
@ Patterson Sasquatch Film: http://come.to/pattersonfilm
@ Mystery aircraft: 

Re: [CTRL] Anyone Know Latin?

1999-02-04 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

A guy I know from  bbs.sfbg.com says:

I'd say, "Respondeant ipsi equites". Others might tweak the word order.
Thanks for asking!!

Hey, any suggestions on how to find out about the activities of a
Military Advisory Group in Bangkok in 1958, running CIA-directed missions
into Laos and Burma? May not have actually existed. May have asked you
about this before, in which case, ignore.

Hope your listmate likes his answer. Why in heaven did he need it?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-02-04 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-






Donations for this skywriting event as well as for  two Superbowl banner
planes were raised in a matter of days from partiscipants on the noted
Internet political web site, FreeRepublic.com.  Members of the site, with
screen names like "Seeking the Truth", "Thomas Paine", "Clinton's a Liar" and
"Ayn Rand",  comment on current events, news columns, and articles.

The organizer of this event, Gene McDonald, a Boca Raton, FL resident,
states, "This is truely a grass roots response. The people sending their
contributions are informed and aware of the felonies that have been committed
by Clinton and they want the Senate to uphold the Constitution and  remove him
from office." He  has received hundreds of donations ranging from $ 3.00  to
$ 201.00 in addition to  thousands of emails  and letters with suggested
messages to put on the banner and skywriting planes.

 Gene McDonald

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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1999-02-04 Thread Brown, Jeremy

 -Caveat Lector-

Ed, I think you were too busy nailing together your soapbox to pay attention
to what I wrote and you missed my point entirely. I agree that you have the
right to do whatever you want to your body, and nowhere in my post did I
challenge that.  The issue I was raising was that once you get behind the
wheel of a car, you have now brought people into the equation who did not
ask to be a part of your choices or actions.  That's when it becomes less an
issue of freedom than an issue of public safety, something that should be
monitored and protected. I never EVER said that the government could or
should be able to dictate what we as individuals choose to do or not do. And
I think if you had actually read and comprehended what I said, instead of
seeing it as a means for you to drape yourself in the American flag shout
about how the government is seeking to control you, you would have seen that
for yourself.

In the future, perhaps it is you who should apply a little common sense.


 -Original Message-
 Sent: Thursday, February 04, 1999 1:26 PM
 Subject:  Re: [CTRL] **DOPE SUPPORTERS**

  -Caveat Lector-

 If I want to go to the hardware store, pick up a can of gold spray paint,
 bring it home and spray it into a bag and inhale..THAT'S MY RIGHT!!!  I
 would be incredibly stupid, but it's still my right to do to my body what
 want to do.  If I get all screwed up on paint fumes and get into a car..my
 rights end because my "choice" would jeopardize other innocent people. Do
 you understand about "freedom of choice"?  People have to and should be
 accountable for their own actions if their actions interfere with other
 people's rights, privacy and lifestyles.  If my actions don't effect
 but myself, and I practice my choices in the privacy of my own home, then
 nobody, especially the hypocritical government, has any right to tell me
 what I can and cannot do to my own body...PERIOD!

 The War on Drugs is about MONEY and CONTROL!!!  Alcohol, Pharmaceutical
 Poison and Tobacco are alright but smoking a dried out plant isn't?  The
 on Drugs is a fraud and people are finally seeing that by the results of
 Medical Marijuana initiatives.  Use common sense and see this issue for
 it is and support freedom of choice!

 -Original Message-
 From: Brown, Jeremy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Thursday, February 04, 1999 12:06 PM

  -Caveat Lector-
 I have to jump on this one here. I think that punishing someone for the
 potential to do wrong, in a case such as this, IS the right thing to do.
 You mentioned that you may go out and kill someone because you feel like
 (hypothetically, of course).  I think, based on that rationale, that you
 should be restrained.  If a person displays homicidal tendencies, as well
 an inability to understand the ramifications of their actions, then they
 should indeed be kept under some sort of lock and key.  If you drink,
 judgement is impaired, right? You are no longer able to understand or
 comprehend your actions or the consequences thereof. You get behind the
 wheel of a car, a very dangerous piece of machinery, and you are running
 very high risk of killing or hurting yourself and (worse) other people.
 wouldn't let a crazy person walk through a shopping mall  with a loaded
 pistol, correct? Yet, we see nothing wrong with letting hundreds of
 warriors out and about with their mental faculties no less hampered with
 far more dangerous and destructive piece of equipment at their
 Drunk drivers are a danger and a menace. If we could nip the problem at
 source, perhaps alot of lives that have already been lost (a very good
 friend of mine's among them), could have been spared.
  -Original Message-
  From: Teo One Thousand [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Thursday, February 04, 1999 11:27 AM
   -Caveat Lector-
  It is hard to follow your schizophrenic posts, with talk back and forth
  issue, but I will respond thus.  Driving while intoxicated is a choice
  make, there are consequences for that choice, that you MAY hurt
  may go out and kill someone today just cause I feel like it, does that
  mean I
  should be restrained in my house simply for that reason?  I am not
  ones right to drive drunk, because I don't want to be killed by a drunk
  any more than you do, but it is still a penalizing of POTENTIAL wrong
  which is
  nowhere supported in our system of law.
  Drugs have been assailed for years at a tremendous cost and what do we
  now, more people on drugs and a worse situation.  At the least stop the
  insanity of a huge military expenditure (against the Posse Comitatus

Re: [CTRL] Anyone Know Latin?

1999-02-04 Thread Michael Estes

 -Caveat Lector-

Respondient ipse "equites"...

May mean "Repond as if equals." I don't think the equites is correct but apparently 
means equals. Sounds like a legal term.


On Thursday, February 04, 1999 10:30 AM, nessie [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
  -Caveat Lector-

 A guy I know from  bbs.sfbg.com says:

 I'd say, "Respondeant ipsi equites". Others might tweak the word order.
 Thanks for asking!!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-02-04 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-


EU Plan to Open Telecoms Comes Under Attack - The European Union is laying the
foundation for an agreement that will allow law enforcement officials to
eavesdrop on Internet, fax and mobile phone conversations and will force the
communications providers to foot the bill. . . . .  The plan, known as Enfopol
98, was tabled behind closed doors by the European Justice and Home Affairs
Council in December. Its purpose is to combat serious crime, such as drug
trafficking, child abuse and terrorism. . . . .  But it has been criticised by
the Green Party MEP, Ms Patricia McKenna, for what she described as its
"unacceptable" secrecy. . . . .  there is no clear definition of what
constitutes a serious crime, and that law enforcement officials do not have to
obtain a court order before an interception. . . . .  Enfopol will enable
police to track and record email and mobile phone calls across international
boundaries. . . . .  Internet service providers must provide police forces
with access to their computer systems so that they can track email traffic. .
. . .  The agreement also includes a memorandum of understanding between
Europe, the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Norway. So law enforcement
officials from any of these states can eavesdrop on each other's citizens. . .
. .

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[CTRL] Brazil, IMF in no rush to make next move

1999-02-04 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-

Brazil, IMF in no rush to make next move

After extending talks for a day, an IMF official split, leaving others to seal
new financial targets for 2nd loan to Brazil.


SAO PAULO -- Brazil and the International Monetary Fund are sending signals
that neither side wants to rush a fresh accord to restore stability after the
tumultuous devaluation.

Stanley Fischer, the IMF's first deputy managing director, left Brazil
Thursday night, one day later than originally planned, after a fifth day of
talks with Brazilian officials.

But news of more money to stave off an economic collapse may not come for
another week or more.

The rest of the IMF mission will continue meeting with Brazil's economic team
until the end of next week to seal new financial targets before the Latin
American nation can draw a second $9 billion installment of a $41.5 billion
credit line.

They must also devise a system to intervene in the currency market and
parameters for interest rates after Brazil was forced by the market to float
its currency three weeks ago.

"The work is naturally difficult because of the complexity of the Brazilian
economy, the variables that have to be analyzed," IMF spokesman Francisco
Baker told reporters Wednesday. President Fernando Henrique Cardoso said
Wednesday after meeting with the IMF team that talks were progressing but it
was not crucial that the IMF speed up the second disbursement. Mr. Fischer
remained silent since arriving Monday night and was not expected to make any
announcement before his departure. Brazil's leading financial daily Gazeta
Mercantil reported that talks were strained by IMF demands that Brazil make
more spending cuts and tax increases to offset the increase in debt with the
devaluation and higher interest rates.

The IMF had assembled the credit line with leading industrial countries in
exchange for a three-year fiscal austerity plan to more than halve the budget
deficit of 8% of gross domestic product.

The prickly Congress has already approved spending cuts of 8.7 billion reals
for 1999 and controversial tax increases. According to Gazeta, the government
does not think it can ask Congress for more.

The IMF is expected to recommend that Brazil maintain high interest rates as
an essential way to restore confidence in its economy, the world's eighth-

But that policy is finding resistance in Brazil because of the burden it puts
on debt servicing and an economy already headed for a contraction of around 5%
this year.

"With the size of the domestic debt and the uncertainties that exist in the
international markets about moratorium risk, sky-high rates would only serve
to increase insecurity rather than provide a solution," said influential
economic commentator Celso Pinto in Wednesday's Folha de S. Paulo newspaper.

Brazil has raised interest rates several times since it devalued the real in
the middle of last month. The central bank held rates at 39% on Wednesday, up
from 30% before the devaluation.

O Estado de S. Paulo newspaper said in its top editorial Thursday that a fresh
injection of IMF cash would allow the government to "finance in better
conditions, exchanging expensive loans in reals for cheaper credits in

"This highlights the importance of the release of resources in the IMF-
coordinated program," Estado added. Smoother market conditions and an economic
team refreshed with the appointment of new central bank chief Arminio Fraga
Tuesday may give the negotiators extra time.

Analysts said any signs of moves to curb currency volatility would help.

"The possibility of central bank intervention in the forex market should
result in stability or some further strengthening in the real in the short
term," said Joseph Petry, chief economist for Latin America at Salomon Smith
Barney, in a report.

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1999-02-04 Thread Brown, Jeremy

 -Caveat Lector-


   I admit I'm quite puzzled by your post. You say that I'm afraid of
freedom, however you have produced nothing to support that claim. What I am
afraid of is that more people, like my friend, will die because we all sit
by plucking daisies and turning our heads to something we can work together
to prevent. Also, you have said that a potential is not a crime. You're
right, but..(this may shock you)...DRUNK DRIVING IS  It's illegal! You
can't even have an open container in the car with you. That's the issue.
And, again, I'll try and explain it to you in simple terms. I agree that if
what you do does not harm anyone but yourself, by all means do it until you
drop dead. That was not what I am saying. I'm saying that when your actions
have negative impacts on those around you it becomes a problem. So please,
everybody...stop thinking that I'm challenging freedom. I'm not! I'm only
saying that there have been far to many good people cut down by drunk
drivers. Something needs to be done. And, MJ, for you to even use the term
"discrimination" in the same sentence as drunk driving is downright


 -Original Message-

 From: M. A. Johnson [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, February 04, 1999 3:20 PM
 Subject:  Re: [CTRL] **DOPE SUPPORTERS**

  -Caveat Lector-

 Brown, Jeremy wrote:
  The issue I was raising was that once you get behind the wheel of a
   you have now brought people into the equation who did not ask to be
   part of your choices or actions.

 When ANYONE gets in a car they *COULD* kill others -- whether they
 are drunk, drugged, LACK ABILITY, EXHAUSTED or otherwise.
 A potential is NOT a crime.

 Why the FEAR of freedom?

 Brown, Jeremy wrote:
  I never EVER said that the government could or should be able to
  dictate what we as individuals choose to do or not do.

 You JUST did above by supporting 'drunk driving' discrimination.

 ANY crime which does NOT involve the violation of another's property
 *IS* merely an exercise in control, serves to provide legislated advantage
 to one or more persons and/or a revenue source for the State.


 Thieves respect property. They merely wish the property to become their
 property that they may more perfectly respect it. -- G. K. Chesterton

 Government has no other end but the preservation of Property.
  -- John Locke

 CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
 screeds are not allowed. Substance-not soapboxing!  These are sordid
 and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
 frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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1999-02-04 Thread M. A. Johnson

 -Caveat Lector-

Jeremy Brown:
  The point I am trying (in vain, it would appear) to make is that there
  are people in the world who think nothing of starting the day by
  smoking a rock of crack and then driving a school bus.

How exactly is passing a Law which says one cannot 'smoke a rock
of crack' going to ensure 'people' are NOT going to then 'drive a
school bus'?

We have discriminatory drunk driving laws currently, but 'people' STILL
choose this behavior.


Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains.
 -- Jean-Jacques Rousseau

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] [Re: [CTRL] Air Force to court martial mechanic who has refused]

1999-02-04 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

Teo One Thousand [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  -Caveat Lector-

 I have an interesting question regarding this issue, that might explain the
 military's reasoning on it.  I don't necessarily support this view but put
 out there for thought.
 In WAR TIME a commanding officer has the right, indeed duty to order his men
 to do dangerous things that may get the me killed, he may even have to order
 them to do something that will virtually certainly get them killed.
 a soldier has no right to go against this since it undermines the command
 nature of armed conflict.
 That might explain the rationale of an army who wants to court-martial men
 refuse thus, BUT we are not at war (or maybe we are and it is just
 unacknowledged) we are in PEACETIME, thus the need for orders that are life
 threatening is not apparent, so why would someone be compelled to take this
The oath you take when you join the armed services makes no distinction
between peace and war. It simply states (I'm paraphrasing here, does anyone
have the exact wording?) "...I will faithfully obey the lawful orders of those
appointed over me..." IOW, you are bound to obey any legal order of a superior
officer. Refusal to obey a direct order--such as the order to get the anthrax
vaccine--is, bluntly, insubordination, and clearly violates the Universal Code
of Military Justice. If you refuse to be vaccinated, you have to expect to be

With that said, I have to point out that the dictates of conscience may indeed
lead you to disobey an order. This brings about a very tricky situation under
the U.S. Constitution: on the one hand, you are sworn to protect and defend
the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and
domestic; on the other hand, you are sworn to obey any lawful command of a
superior officer; on the third hand (it's getting complex here, folks), your
right as a United States citizen to hold controversial views *and act on the
basis of those views* is protected by the very Constitution you are sworn to
protect. It's a Catch-22 if I ever saw one.


Robert F. Tatman
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1999-02-04 Thread M. A. Johnson

 -Caveat Lector-

Jeremy Brown:
 You say that I'm afraid of freedom, however you have produced nothing
 to support that claim.
Criminalizing driving while drunk infringes upon one's freedom to do
such.  While it may not be SMART to participate in such an action, if
*I* were to become 'shit-faced' and drive home without incident and
keeping it between the lines ... HOW have *I* infringed upon *YOUR*
property (life and its corolaries)?

Again, why are you afraid of freedom?

Jeremy Brown:
 What I am afraid of is that more people, like my friend, will die because
 we all sit by plucking daisies and turning our heads to something we
 can work together to prevent.
'Drunk driving' has been criminalized for many years.  Has it prevented
people from their own stupidity?  What of those people who lack the
ability to have a license (or their abilities have deteriorated) -- why do
we not FINE them or criminalize THEIR actions?  What of those exhausted
persons who exhibit LIKE characteristics of SOME intoxicated drivers?

Jeremy Brown:
 Also, you have said that a potential is not a crime. You're right,
 may shock you)...DRUNK DRIVING IS  It's illegal!
So are many items which should NOT.   Drunk driving like many 'crimes'
serve to raise revenue for the State.

 What is your point.

Jeremy Brown:
You can't even have an open container in the car with you. That's the
issue. And, again, I'll try and explain it to you in simple terms. I agree
that if what you do does not harm anyone but yourself, by all means
do it until you drop dead. That was not what I am saying. I'm saying
that when your actions have negative impacts on those around you
it becomes a problem.
ALL of your actions could be construed to impact those around you.
Should we do as Frosty and all live in his Authoritarian padded world
where we might be able to breathe without instruction from another?

Jeremy Brown:
So please, everybody...stop thinking that I'm challenging freedom. I'm
But you most certainly ARE.  *You* believe drunk driving is wrong ... so
you seek the Government's legalized use of FORCE to penalize others
who seek the Freedom to decide for themselves.

Jeremy Brown:
 I'm only saying that there have been far to many good people cut
 down by drunk drivers. Something needs to be done.
Why not simply EXECUTE those persons who 'kill' other persons?

Jeremy Brown:
 And, MJ, for you to even use the term "discrimination" in the same
 sentence as drunk driving is downright offensive.
The FACT that Joe would be fined for 'blowing a 1.0 BAL' if stopped
in a road block where Stan would be allowed to go through (even though
he had not slept in 72 hours) is discriminatory.   This is based upon
arbitrary whim and NOT on ability or lack therof.

That you refuse to see this reality is another matter.


Liberty is the only thing you cannot have unless you are
willing to give it to others. -- William Allen White October 24, 1940

We see that as soon as we surrender the principle that the state should
not interfere in any question touching on the individual's mode of life,
we end by regulating and restricting the latter down to the smallest
detail. The personal freedom of the individual is abrogated. He becomes
a slave of the community, bound to obey the dictates of the majority.
It is hardly necessary to expatiate on the ways in which such power
could be abused by malevolent persons in authority. The wielding of
powers of this kind even by men imbued with the best of intentions must
needs reduce the world to a graveyard of the spirit.
 -- Ludwig von Mises, "Liberalism: The Classical Tradition"
(The Foundation for Economic Education, Inc., 1995), p.54

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Clinton's Snoops Spies

1999-02-04 Thread Kris Millegan


Snoops and Spies   By Timothy W. Maier

The newest twist in the privacy wars: A federal regulatory
proposal would bring Big Brother to your bank, where he'd be
counting more than just your pennies the squirming beneath the

George Orwell had it right in his dystopia novel Nineteen
Eighty-Four, but he missed it by a decade. Big Brother wants
bankers to create a dossier on every account holder. And a
federal regulatory proposal dubbed "Know Your Customer" could do
just that by turning bank tellers into snoops. If it sounds like
something out of the X-Files, it isn't.  Look for it at a bank
near you.

Welcome to the Orwellian dawn of the 21st century, where the
lost age of Aquarius has become the new age of surveillance,
bolstered by electronic cascades of personal information that
are ever more readily accessible. Both liberals and
conservatives increasingly are concerned about a society they
fear is all too willing to surrender another layer of privacy in
exchange for a false sense of security.

Across the nation -- in Maryland, for instance -- camera cops
are replacing the squad car. In New York, witnesses are frisked
like suspects as part of a crackdown on violent crime.  In New
Jersey, critics charge that "Megan's Law," which requires child
sex offenders to register with the local cops, turns neighbors
into spies and vigilantes. In Chicago, U.S. Customs agents
routinely strip search and probe body cavities of black females
traveling internationally if authorities believe they fit a
certain profile.

Not personal enough? Ask your local motor-vehicle administration
if they are selling your driver's-license photograph and
personal data. Do you live in South Carolina or Florida? The
authorities there have sold some 17 million such photographs to
a New Hampshire company, claiming to be building a national
database to identify theft. On Capitol Hill, medical-identity
cards and even universal identity cards top political agendas,
while the Federal Communications Commission hopes to turn your
wireless telephone into a personal tracking device so the
government can keep tabs on you -- for your own good, of course.
And personal computers built by Intel Corp. were to contain
silicon chips allegedly to protect electronic transactions but,
as it happens, also to let marketers track consumers' every move
in cyberspace.

 So it should come as no surprise that your trusted banker has
been enlisted by Big Brother to help him watch every financial
move you make. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., or FDIC, the
Federal Reserve System, the Office of the Comptroller of the
Currency and the Office of Thrift Supervision are frighteningly
vague about how your banker should implement the program.
However, the rule published Dec. 7, Pearl Harbor Day, in the
Federal Register calls for uniform banking procedures to
identify customers, establish their sources of money, note their
"normal and expected transactions," watch for transactions that
are inconsistent with the customer's "normal and expected
transactions," report any transactions that are determined to be
suspicious and place limitations on amounts that can be
withdrawn at any one time.

The regulators say Know Your Customer snooping is for your own
good. The banks say hold it, they don't like it. It's costly and
burdensome and an invasion of privacy, says John Byrne, senior
counsel and compliance manager for the Washington-based American
Banker's Association, or ABA.  Byrne says it's not fair that
banks are required to do this while broker dealers, insurance
agencies and security dealers don't operate under the same
requirement. He sees it as a substantial cost to community
banks, which would be required to purchase hardware and software
programs to conduct all of the spying.  "We are concerned about
the language of the proposal," Byrne says. "It's an intrusive
requirement that banks are going to profile customers."

Why should bankers be turned into federal snoops? The proposal
is supposed to attack money-laundering techniques employed by
drug traffickers and other criminals who hide illegal profits.
Such methods include wire transfers, bank drafts and "smurfing,"
the practice of cutting transactions into lesser amounts that
don't have to be reported as suspicious under the $10,000
bank-reporting laws established under President Reagan.

Insight spoke with Richard Small, assistant director at the
Federal Reserve and author of the proposed regulation. He says
it won't be as costly as many bankers believe. Take that small
bank in Kansas, he says. "They know everyone. They know the
person. They may not have to tell them to show a driver's
license. They aren't going to have to buy a new computer or
software. We just want them to formalize their policy."

Small says most banks already have Know Your Customer programs
in place. In fact, a 1990 ABA survey claimed that 86 percent of
the ABA's membership already employed such policies. 

Re: [CTRL] Anyone Know Latin?

1999-02-04 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-

On Thu, 4 Feb 1999, nessie wrote:

 A guy I know from  bbs.sfbg.com says:

 I'd say, "Respondeant ipsi equites". Others might tweak the word order.
 Thanks for asking!!

Yes, that's much better. Thanks.

 Hope your listmate likes his answer. Why in heaven did he need it?

It's from "Knights of the Roundtable" in CNNS 2/3/99, where the
philosopher advises to "Let the knights themselves make answer."
It seemed like such good advice that I decided I'd codify it
into a basic principle (something handy to respond to critics.)

e.g. typical critic: "And what about this? And how about that?"

CNNS: "Respondeant ipsi equites." (Let the knights themselves
make answer.)

Here's the original article (attached) which has at the close
the philosophers good advice.


(CNNS, 02/03/99) -- In a  stunning development, a person or group
of persons connected  with  a  "Round  Table"  has  promoted  the
accusation  that  this  news  service  may  itself  be  part of a

The  keen eyes of the Round Table penetrated beyond what had been
covered in the CNNS press  release  dated Feb. 2, 1999 ("Parallel
Universe Entered"), and focused their attention instead  on  what
had  =not=  been  covered.   By  use  of this "negative template"
method, the Knights of  the  Round  Table uncovered missing facts
which have raised serious questions in some quarters.

The  "negative  template"  method  has previously been used by at
least one other researcher:   Peter  Dale Scott, in his excellent
book, "Deep Politics And  The  Death  Of  JFK."   In  that  book,
Professor  Scott (U of C, Berkeley) gives an example on how names
missing from  a  Justice  Department  list  piqued his awareness:
"...for a name to be missing from the Justice Department list was
itself a lead, fallible to be sure, that the [missing] name might
turn out to be that of a significant figure..."  [*Deep  Politics
and  the  Death  of  JFK*.   Berkeley:   University of California
Press, 1993. ISBN: 0-520-08410-1.]

Yes, the Round Table  Knights  admit,  the CNNS report, "Parallel
Universe Entered," does mention names such as  Gary  Sick,  Jimmy
Carter,  Sidney  Blumenthal,  and  Vernon  Jordan.  But, note the
Knights piercingly, the CNNS  article  FAILS TO MENTION that "all
are Council on Foreign Relations members."

And the Knights wonder:   Why  has  CNNS neglected to mention the
possibility that the ongoing scandal dramas in Washington, DC may
have been sponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations?

"When a group called Conspiracy Nation prints conspiracy articles
that make no mention or connection to the  group  sponsoring  the
conspiracy  the  conclusion  may  be  that  Conspiracy  Nation is
helping with  the  conspiracy,"  suggest  the  Knights.  And they
conclude ominously that "Conspiracy Nation  [may]  be  a  CFR/CIA
operation  to  find  people  'interested' in conspiracy theory so
that they can neutralize their efforts."

Stunned by the cynical perceptiveness of the Round  Table,  which
rivals  and  out-distances our own, this news service needed some
good  advice.We   therefore   turned   to   three  unemployed
philosophers of  our  acquaintance:   Glaucon,  Polemarchus,  and

CNNS:  These "Round Table" people,  whoever they are (I call them
the Knights of the Round Table), are saying that since I left out
certain details in a previous  press  release,  that  that  means
something.   It's  like  they've used Professor Scott's "negative
template" method and have discovered  some clues with it.  I turn
to you, wise ones, for your thoughts.

GLAUCON:  It is most pleasing to see  you  again,  Friend  Brian,
even though the season is cold.

CNNS:   But  why  call  me "Friend Brian"?  Could not the Knights
deduce from that, "He  really  means  *Comrade* Brian.  (And note
that his e-mail begins 'Big Red.')"

POLEMARCHUS:  True.  But by the Negative  Template,  this  rather
means (since it is stated openly) that such cannot be the case.

THRASYMACHUS:  But is the pointing out by  Friend  Brian  of  the
Friend/Comrade parallel a clever ruse, since it is he himself who
first  notices  the  connection?   Has  he introduced it so as to
mis-lead even the wise?

GLAUCON:  These thoughts are  deep,  and  go  in circles.  Let us
rather deduce from what we know.  For the Knights  of  the  Round
Table are written on in many tales.

THRASYMACHUS:  Around  the  year  500  A.D.,  German  tribes, the
Angles and the  Saxons,  conquered  the  Britons.   Many  of  the
Britons were slaughtered.  But some of the Britons escaped to the
mountainous country of Wales.  Then arose a mighty King, in South
Wales,  by  name  of  ARTHUR.   In  twelve  battles,  King Arthur
defeated the Angles and the Saxons.  It was King Arthur who had a
special group of Knights, who  sat  at a Round Table.  These were
called Knights of the Round Table.

POLEMARCHUS:  But since  

Re: [CTRL] [Re: [CTRL] Anyone Know Latin?]

1999-02-04 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

Michael Estes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  -Caveat Lector-

 Respondient ipse "equites"...

 May mean "Repond as if equals." I don't think the equites is correct but
apparently means equals. Sounds like a legal term.

Michael, here's the exact translation from the online Latin dictionary I
checked (http://lysy2.archives.nd.edu/):

eques -itis m. [a horseman , rider, cavalryman]; polit.,
 equites, [the knights, order  between senate and plebs];
 also collectively in sing.

The *equites* were the "second order" of Roman society, and correspond very
closely to "knights" in the sense Brian is using the word.


Robert F. Tatman
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] Anyone Know Latin?

1999-02-04 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-

On Thu, 4 Feb 1999, Michael Estes wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 Respondient ipse "equites"...

 May mean "Repond as if equals." I don't think the equites is correct but apparently 
means equals. Sounds like a legal term.

I also wondered about how the "t" crept in, to "eques". My Latin
dictionary has "eques" as "knight." But "eques" is singular. When
you want "knights" plural, the declension adds a "t."

eques, itis  (m and f): 1. Horseman, rider. 2. knight; equestrian
order. [Langenscheidt Pocket Latin Dictionary]

For "equal" my dictionary has "aequum," so I think he's right
that "Respondeant ipsi equites" means "Let the knights themselves
make answer."

Brian Redman
Editor, CNNS

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The 'responsibility era' - Texas Gov. George W. Bush talks:

1999-02-04 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.worldmag.com/world/issue/01-30-99/national_2.asp"WORLD
Jan. 30, 1999: The 'responsibility era'/A
The 'responsibility era'

Undeclared GOP presidential frontrunner, Texas Gov. George Bush, talks
about his cultural plan of attack

By Cal Thomas
On the eve of his inauguration for a second term as governor of
Texas-which few people believe he will complete-George W. Bush spent an
hour with me expounding on things one might expect from someone about to
run for president.

"We live in a cynical time," said the governor. "Underneath the polls
and focus groups, people have a sense of embarrassment over the behavior
of the president, regardless of their political party."

Still, he would "advise whoever the Republican candidate for president
is to talk about the future and not remind Americans about how
embarrassed they have been. I think one ought to say, 'I'm going to
conduct myself in office in a way that will make you proud' and then go
on and talk about what you intend to do."

He talked about some of the things he would do.

Social issues: "I think the major social issue facing America is to
change the culture from one that has said 'if it feels good, do it,' to
one I call the 'responsibility era.' This means each person has to be
responsible for loving your family, for your own decisions and actions,
and for loving your neighbor as yourself." He added that changing
welfare means not only providing less government assistance but also
more help from "an army of compassion" (his version of his father's
"points of light").

Abortion: "Part of our responsibility era understands the value of life.
I would hope the next leader would lead America to respect life at all
levels, including life of the unborn." Gov. Bush said for the Supreme
Court he would pick "people who interpret the law as opposed to writing
the law. Those are the types I've named to the bench in Texas. They are
not judicial activists but judicial scholars."

On his personal life: "While 20-30 years ago I was young and
irresponsible on occasion, the question that must be asked of anybody
who is going to be in a position of responsibility is, 'Have you learned
your lesson?'-not whether you made mistakes. Have you grown up? Are you
prepared to assume the responsibilities of whatever it may
be-fatherhood, husband, governor of Texas? And the answer to that is,
yes, in my case."

On taxes: Gov. Bush, who has cut taxes in Texas, said he's learned a
lesson from his father not to make categorical promises (the famous
"read my lips, no new taxes" speech). "One's credibility is paramount to
being a leader." He stated government doesn't need more money in times
of peace. "A tax cut makes sense," Gov. Bush said, "to keep the economy
going." He fears an economic slowdown because of the Federal Reserve's
"stretching fiscal policy by lowering [interest] rates to the point
where there

may not be enough incentive for consumption."

On school choice: He favors it for all schools, public, private, and
religious, "because school choice will make all schools better."

On the presidency: In a clear contrast to President Clinton, Gov. Bush
said, "I didn't grow up wanting to be president. When I was 14 or 15
years old, I wasn't trying to position myself to be president. I wasn't
that way when I was 21, or 31, or 41. I am struggling with this decision
because I understand duty, but I also understand what it means to
family. I don't wake up in the morning just dying to be president. I'm
as surprised as anybody about the polls and the speculation. I never ran
for governor to be president, but to be the best governor of Texas I
could be."

Gov. Bush told me he will decide something-at minimum an exploratory
committee-when the Texas legislature adjourns in June. Meanwhile, people
like former Defense Secretary Dick Cheney and former Secretary of State
George Shultz have paid visits to help him get ready. He used the word
"crusade" to describe what he thinks is needed to transform the country.
And he said if he does run he will do so in every primary state. He also
mentioned "vision," a word disparaged by his father. Gov. Bush said he
has one, and it's about bringing people together (he got 49 percent of
the Hispanic vote and a respectable number of black votes) because "I
went after them and showed them I care about them and their issues."

If he runs, he said he won't decide based on polls: "I've taken only one
poll as governor on my reelection. I've never taken a poll on what I
believe or to figure out how to position myself on issues. I just know.
How do you know to get married? You just know. I'll know. I've never
done this before, but I'll know."
-© 1999, Los Angeles Times Syndicate
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End


[CTRL] OEN 2/4/99

1999-02-04 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.aci.net/kalliste/"The Home Page of J. Orlin Grabbe/A

Impeached POTUS

A Clinton Story Too Hot to Handle

The rape of Juanita Broaddrick

The White House tried to pressure the Fox News Channel not to broadcast
a story about a woman who claims President Clinton raped her 21 years
ago and then coerced her into denying it under oath, network sources
said yesterday.
White House Press Secretary Joe Lockhart on Tuesday warned a Fox White
House correspondent not to run the story, noting that NBC News had
interviewed the woman in Arkansas and had not put the story on the air.

Fox ran the story anyway, and Internet scribe Matt Drudge yesterday
published Mr. Lockhart's unheeded words of warning, which the White
House did not categorically deny, but said were off the record.

Asked yesterday about pressuring the cable news network, Mr. Lockhart
said: "I'm just not going to discuss the private conversations I have,
even if others can't keep them private."

Mr. Drudge quoted Mr. Lockhart as telling Fox: "You guys will regret
this. Clinton haters have been putting this story out for a decade now,
as far back as the '92 campaign."

According to the Drudge Report on the Internet, Mr. Lockhart went on to
warn the correspondent: "If you go with the story after NBC News decided
not to, there won't be any argument about whether Fox News is right wing
or not."

James Kennedy, spokesman for the White House Counsel's Office, later
called Fox to argue that Mr. Lockhart's phone call had been off the
record, Mr. Drudge said. The network aired the story without using Mr.
Lockhart's quotes.

Persons close to the network said Mr. Drudge extracted the Lockhart
quotes from the network's computer system, but another person close to
Mr. Drudge said this was not so, that he obtained the quotes by talking
with "real live sources."

In any event, persons at the network confirmed the accuracy of the
quotes to The Washington Times yesterday.

The use of the quotes irked some Fox journalists, who intended to honor
the White House off-the-record request. Mr. Drudge declined comment.

Mr. Lockhart was asked by Bill Sammon of The Washington Times yesterday
at his regular White House briefing whether such pressure was
heavy-handed spin control or appropriate behavior for the White House
press secretary.

"If this is your way, your side way, to get into writing the story, go
ahead and write the story," Mr. Lockhart said. "I'm not going to help
you. You've already written it."

Helen Thomas of UPI then asked: "Did you pressure a network?"

Mr. Lockhart replied: "If any of you think I'm in a position to pressure
anyone, you give me more power than you think I have."

Bill Plante of CBS joined in the questioning: "Did you make the call, as
has been reported?"

Mr. Lockhart replied: "I'm just not going to discuss the private
conversations I have, even if others can't keep them private."

While persons close to Fox confirmed that the White House tried to spike
their story, others close to NBC insisted yesterday no such pressure had
been brought to bear by the White House. That has been the subject of
intense speculation in Washington for nearly a week. Some NBC
correspondents said the story, based on correspondent Lisa Myers'
lengthy interview last month with the woman in question, Juanita
Broaddrick, is still being corroborated and might well be broadcast.

They contradicted Mr. Drudge's assertion that the story had been spiked.

Mrs. Broaddrick's attorney, William P. Walters of Greenwood, Ark.,
yesterday confirmed to The Washington Times that his client broke her
self-imposed press silence two weeks ago to tell her story on camera to

"They have not elected to run it as of yet," said Mr. Walters, who said
Mrs. Broaddrick was not paid for the interview. "We do not know if they
will run it."

FBI agents working for independent counsel Kenneth W. Starr visited Mrs.
Broaddrick in Arkansas in April to ask her about the incident, which is
said to have occurred when Mr. Clinton was the Arkansas attorney
general. Two investigators for the House Judiciary Committee impeachment
inquiry recently questioned Mrs. Broaddrick, who is referred to in legal
documents as "Jane Doe No. 5."

At issue is her claim that Mr. Clinton raped her in 1978. Her vivid
descriptions of a violent sexual assault were corroborated by a nurse
who said Mrs. Broaddrick told her during treatment that she was injured
by sexual intercourse with Mr. Clinton "against her will."

Mrs. Broaddrick was portrayed as the victim of a "brutal rape" in a
letter subpoenaed almost a year ago by Mr. Starr. That October 1992
letter, written to Mrs. Broaddrick by a friend named Phillip D. Yoakum
of Fayetteville, Ark., recalled unsuccessful efforts by himself and
Sheffield Nelson of Little Rock, a Republican candidate for governor of
Arkansas in 1992, to persuade her to go public with "how you resisted
until he ripped your 

[CTRL] Sex In Manga

1999-02-04 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.studioproteus.com/mangasex.html"Sex In Manga/A

This is the infamous article I wrote on Sex in Manga for the Comics
Journal many years ago, and recently updated for one of the final issues
of the old Manga Mania. That issue of the Journal has been sold out for
years, and Manga Mania is essentially unavailable outside of the U.K.,
so I thought I'd reprint the article here.


Sex in Japanese comics certainly began in the 1700's, with the
popularity of shunga, erotic woodblock prints produced in large numbers
for the next two hundred years. These prints were unabashedly graphic,
with the bodies of the people involved often being reduced to little
more than attachment points for the enormous genitalia. During the Meiji
Restoration period in Japan, shunga were frowned upon by the
authorities, who were anxious that Japan put on a "civilized" face
during its re-entry into the modern world. The regimes leading up to the
second world war were no more liberal, and it wasn't really until after
the Occupation was over that eroticism began creeping back into Japanese

Japanese comics did not seriously begin exploring erotic themes until
the sixties, with the collapse of the pay-library system (largely
brought about by the unexpected success of cheap comic magazines such as
Kodansha Publishing's Shonen Magazine). Artists working for the
pay-library system had already pioneered the depiction of graphic
violence, and had proudly declared that they were drawing gekiga ("drama
pictures"), not mere comics. In the search for realism (and readers), it
was inevitable that sex would soon make an appearance.

As the Japanese comics market diversified, sex spread beyond the gekiga
 to just about every conceivable niche in the marketplace. The gekiga
 continued their realistic and often violent depictions, but the other
major divisions in the manga world developed their own approach. Boy's
comics began to explore "cute" sex, mainly consisting of panchira
 ("panty shots") and girls in showers. Girls comics were more coy, with
little nudity, and the actual act depicted with such romantic restraint
as to be almost undetectable. Ladies comics were a little more bold, but
still emphasized romance over all else. Comics for women also featured
many homosexual love stories, which remain popular even today. Comics
dedicated to eroticism inevitably appeared, and in most of these, plot
and storytelling ran a distant second to the depiction of every sex act
you could imagine (and some you probably couldn't).

In order to understand why sex in manga is depicted as it is, one must
examine the laws and cultural background. Article 175 of the Japanese
Criminal Code provides the backbone of all anti-pornography legislation
in Japan, and has a number of peculiarities. Pubic hair and adult
genitalia cannot be depicted, and touching groins may not be shown.
However, "extremely cartoony" depictions of genitals are allowed,
leaving a very fuzzy loophole in the law. Another surprising aspect of
Article 175 is that children's genitals may be shown, a clause that some
feel has led directly to the interest in child pornography in Japan
(although the law restricts such to "artistic" nude portraits--no males
are allowed in the photograph, and no sexual activity of any kind).

As with anti-pornography laws in the United States, enforcement varies
widely. Each prefecture has its own statutes, and application of them is
often politically motivated. Attacks on pornography move in cycles,
often led by the PTA (surprisingly, more of a force in Japan than in the
United States). The first of such attacks on comics occurred in the
mid-fifties when the Campaign to Banish Bad Reading Matter burned some
comics along with cheap erotic magazines. But, as Frederik Schodt points
out in his superb book Manga! Manga!, "...the children kept reading, the
publishers held tight, and the parents eventually gave up." In 1968, The
PTA again moved to attack comics, goaded into action by Go Nagai's
hilarious sex comedy Harenchi Gakuen ("Shameless School"). Another storm
brewed up in 1979, with the publication of Mitsuo Matsuzawa's The Comics
That Have Ruined Japanese Minds. None of these had much effect, all in
all, and the artists and publishers kept pushing the limits.

However, in 1989 a serial killer named Tsutomu Miyazaki was caught after
raping and dismembering several pre-pubescent girls. The cameras of the
news media dwelt lovingly on his huge collection of comics, animation
and slasher movies, and panic set in in the comics field. However,
attention soon focused mainly on the slasher films, and the bulk of the
heat was applied to them. Comics had been let off the hook, but only

In 1990, Isako Nakao, a 50-year old mother of 


1999-02-04 Thread J FROST

 -Caveat Lector-

How exactly is passing a Law which says one cannot 'smoke a rock
of crack' going to ensure 'people' are NOT going to then 'drive a
school bus'?

We have discriminatory drunk driving laws currently, but 'people' STILL
choose this behavior.

No law stops crime, if so there would be no crime.
Law only stops those who fear getting caught.

When there is no law, no one needs to fear and what
ever act considered will be multiplied many folds.

Why the FEAR of freedom?
What a giggle, now perverts want to use "freedom" as their argument?

#1  Freedom is the right assert one's will.
#2  When there is a conflict of wills and one group has power to enact
   their will, then the other group loses their rights.

Freedom, liberty, rights .. just pretty words to declare who gets to have
their way.
When ever there is a conflict of wills, then one segment of society will
lose their rights in order that the other segment receive their rights.

If perverts get their rights to endanger innocent victims then the
segment of society will lose their rights not to live in fear of

If perverts have their rights to sicken/endanger/kill innocent people
innocent people will lose their rights to live.

If perverts get their rights to kill innocent people then the families of
those victims will lose their freedom not to have to bury their loved

If the non wreckless segment of society gets their rights/freedoms then
the perverts will lose their rights to intimidate, injure, sicken, kill
people and perverts will lose their freedom to make us pay higher taxes
to pay for their perverted deeds.

You want to talk about freedom  rights, fine
Either perverts get their freedom/rights at the expense of innocent
or innocent society will get their freedom/rights at the expense of

Let me see do I chose to take away the rights of innocent people to
live with out terror, injury, death ... to pay for the deeds of perverts
so the perverts can get their cookies off?

  Duh, what do you think?
Perverts don't give a damn about the rights of the innocent segment of
society that must pay for their perverted acts but the innocent segment
of society must care about the "rights/freedoms" of perverts to get
their cookies off?
 Right on Jethro


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Respondeant Ipsi Equites (fwd)

1999-02-04 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-

Respondeant Ipsi Equites

Let The Knights Themselves Make Answer

  "Let the Knights themselves  answer  what  they  say."
-- Glaucon, CNNS, 2/3/99

(CNNS, 02/04/99) --  As  we  await  the  circle  of talk bound to
issue from the Round Table Knights, CNNS hesitates to  divert  to
another timely story.

Previously, the Knights had crusaded for their cause by issuing a
series  of  rhetorical questions.  Mindful of the pre-eminence of
the *rhetores* in days of old, would it be disrespectful for this
news service to move on to something else, before the Knights had

But perhaps the noble Knights of the Round Table are now enjoying
some grog, and listening  to  a  tearful  ballad, whilst a comely
wench serves them their ale.  Drink hearty, O Knights!  While  we
await   the  outcome  of  their  future  talk,  CNNS  begs  their
indulgence for continuing on.

In previous editions of Conspiracy Nation, this news service  had
reported  on  a glaring CONFLICT OF INTEREST involving Ken Starr,
the independent prosecutor and  poster  boy for "left-wing" hate.
(For the "right-wing", Bill Clinton has replaced the Soviet  Evil
Empire  as  hate-magnet; for the "left-wing", Ken Starr fills the
gap left by Newt Gingrich.)

For example, in Conspiracy Nation (CN) 10.36  (March  22,  1997),
"Tom In Venice" (pseudonym) warned that

  Now  we  have  a  "smoking  gun."   Strategic  Investment's
  report, confirmed by  my  eastern,  Pentagon  source,  that
  fingers   Starr   as   the   lawyer   representingChina
  International   Trust   Investment   Corporation,   as   an
  unregistered  lobbyist.   Ladies  and  gentlemen,  that  is
  illegal.  That is influence peddling.  It is no wonder that
  Starr  and  his  gang  have  done  everything  they  can to
  *protect* Clinton, rather than prosecute him.

Agreeing with "Tom In Venice" was Sherman  Skolnick,  who  in  CN
10.43 also pointed out Starr's conflict of interest:  "Starr is a
lobbyist  for  China  International  Trust  and  Investment Corp.
(CITIC),  a  ministry  level  corporation  owned  by  the Chinese
government and reporting directly to the  State  Council  of  the
People's Republic of China," wrote Skolnick.

Confirming these reports is a story now appearing at the  NewsMax
web  site.   In  "Starr's  China  Connection"  (NewsMax, 2/4/99),
Jeremy Reynolds  writes,  in  part,  that  "A  Miami  attorney is
seeking the removal  of  Kenneth  Starr  as  Independent  Counsel
because  Starr,  at  the  same  time  he  was  investigating  the
Clintons,  worked  for  a  company  wholly  owned  by the Chinese

The China International  Trust  Investment Corporation, according
to Reynolds, is chaired by  WANG  JUN,  and  is  "considered  the
financial arm of [Red] China's Peoples Liberation Army."

But Wang Jun also heads Poly Group, itself also controlled by Red
China's Peoples Liberation Army.  Bill Clinton met with Wang Jun,
at the White House, and shortly thereafter Poly Group was allowed
to import semi-automatic weapons into the United States.

Here is a schematic:

Red China
 People's Liberation Army
Wang Jun
   |   |
 CITIC Poly Group
   |   |
Ken Starr Bill Clinton

According  to the book, "Who's Who Of The Elite" (by Gaylon Ross,
Sr. ISBN:  0-9649888-0-1.   Published  1995),  Ken Starr does not
belong to the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).  Bill  Clinton,
however, is a member not only of the CFR, but also belongs to the
Trilateral  Commission  and  the  Bilderberg  Society -- a triple

 +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +

INFORMATION PLEASE:  Conspiracy Nation  News  Service (CNNS) is a
co-operative effort.  Without the hints/rumors provided  by  many
excellent  sources,  we could not exist.  Have YOU heard anything
lately  that  might  be  important?   Pass  it  along  to  us  at
  Anonymity is guaranteed.  If you  prefer, send your news tip or
clues  on  same  to:   Brian  Redman,  310  S.  Prairie   (#202),
Champaign,  IL  61820.   Or you can go to a pay phone and call in
your news tip: 217-356-4418.
  THEY will never tell us the whole truth about what is going on.
But we, the People, working together, can find out what is REALLY

Brian Redman   | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | www.shout.net/~bigred/cn.html
Editor-in-Chief| ---Phone: 217-356-4418
Conspiracy Nation  |   "The perfect slave thinks he's free."

CTRL is a discussion and informational 

[CTRL] The Millennium Report, February 1, 1999: Mystery Contrails and Weather Radar Anomalies over the US, Y2K Upda

1999-02-04 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:485458"The Millennium Report, February
1, 1999: Mystery Contrails and Weather Radar Anomalies over the US, Y2K Upda
Subject: The Millennium Report, February 1, 1999: Mystery Contrails and
Weather Radar Anomalies over the US, Y2K Upda
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Anderson - TMP / CPR-Canada)
Date: Wed, Feb 3, 1999 5:52 PM

The Millennium Report, February 1, 1999
Mystery Contrails and Weather Radar Anomalies over the US, Y2K Updates and
(subsequent posting)


Welcome to the first edition of The Millennium Report, the news service of
The Millennium Project, an independent research organization. TMP is a new
research initiative started in January 1999 as an alternative source of
news and information to the maintream media. TMP was founded by future
studies researcher Paul Anderson, also director of
Circles Phenomenon Research Canada.

This summarized edition is available free by e-mail and is updated weekly
or as breaking news develops; If you do not wish to remain on this mailing
list, please send your request and e-mail address to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Full reports are available from the TMP web site links listed below.

A number of reports here, as we are playing catch-up from the beginning of
January. A lot going on (and we still have 11 months to go in '99!),
including Y2K updates and links, plus breaking reports on the "mystery
contrails" being sprayed over many locations in the US (and reportedly
making many people ill; is the US military playing with fire, yet again?)
and weather radar anomalies (connection with weather modification or crop
circles or just radar glitches?), plus much more (see below)!

Strange Days...

Best wishes to all of you.

Paul Anderson
Founder / Director
The Millennium Project


In this update:

Breaking News: Y2K Updates, Mystery Contrails, Radar Anomalies

Study Finds Evidence of Oldest Fossil Life - 3.7 Billion Years Old

Thousands of Blackbirds Dying in Louisiana from Unknown Cause

Confirmation: New NBC Documentary to Examine
"The Hard Evidence of Aliens Among Us"

Mysterious Ancient Circle in Miami

Scientists Say Life Possible on Pluto's Moon Charon

Astronomers Witness First Live Gamma Ray Burst

The Planetary Society Supports Optical SETI

New Spacecraft Design Combines Rockets and Helicopters

Contrails: Poison from the Sky

US Military to "Own the Weather" in 2025

UFO Roundup 4.4, January 25

A Skeptic's View of Contrail Mystery

No Meteors Found Yet as Divers Examine Minnesota "Star Holes"

Radar Expert Speaks Out on Anomalous Weather Radar Images

Transcript of ZDTV Chat with Joe Firmage

UFOs - 50 Years of Denial?:
New Upcoming Documentary on The Learning Channel

New Evidence of Noah's Flood?

More Mystery "Star Holes" in Minnesota

Odd "Star Hole" in Ice Found in Minnesota: Meteor?

1990 Photo of Prototype UAV Over Groom Lake?

UFO Roundup 4.3 , January 18

Contrails Mystify, Sicken Americans

Mystery Contrails May Be Modifying Weather

Mystery Contrails: Secret Military Operation?

Jet Contrails May be Sickening People Across the US

Arthur C. Clark Warns of Y2K Chaos

Unusual New "Emergency Broadcast System"
Surprises TV Stations in US

The Plan for Massive Military Mobilization:
National Guard Exercises Set for May Y2K Test

FEMA Urges Local Communities, Emergency Services
Sector  Public to Get Ready Now for Y2K

New Zealand Scientists Discover Planet that May Host Life:
First Earth-Sized Planet Reportedly Found Orbiting Another Star

Israeli Mid-Air UFO Explosion Analyzed

A UFO "Fender Bender" in Chile...Pieces Recovered

Missouri 1947 UFO Crash: Controversial New Web Site
Offers "Proof" with Debris for Sale

Number of Doomsday Groups Increases as Millennium Approaches

Government Planning to Protect Earth from Space Creatures:
New Plans to Guard Against Contamination from "Alien Microbes"

Is Exotic Propulsion Technology Being Tested in Canada'a North?:
Triangle Craft Reports from the Yukon

Over 100 Snow / Ice Circles in Germany

See the following web site
links for full reports:

Main Web Site:

The Millennium Report:

To be added to or removed from this mailing list,
send your request and e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups 

[CTRL] Walking the Holy Walk

1999-02-04 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

The following item appeared today at NEWSWEEK Online

WEDNESDAY, February 3, 1999

Walking the Holy Walk

Curing lepers or feeding the multitudes with five loaves and two fish
may be beyond your capacities, but you may soon be able to walk on water
 - or at least look as though you are. The Israeli government announced
on Monday a plan to construct an underwater bridge in the Sea of Galilee
that will let pilgrims follow in the footsteps of Jesus's miraculous sea
stroll (Matthew 14:22-33, Mark 6:45-52, John 6:15-21). The 50-person
bridge will be 13 ft. wide and 328 ft. long, crescent-shaped and
positioned just below the water's surface. The floating bridge will not
have guard rails, but lifeguards and rescue boats will be positioned
nearby. Contractors should be finished building the structure by August,
in time for millennial visits by an expected 4 million Christian
tourists. - Sandy Lawrence Edry

Robert F. Tatman
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Operation: WATCHTOWER

1999-02-04 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
Subject: Re: Operation: WATCHTOWER
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Douglas Bartley)
Date: Thu, Feb 4, 1999 6:01 AM

Tallyman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Subject: Operation: WATCHTOWER
From: Tallyman
Organization: KultKrimeFighters(tm)
Date: Wed, 03 Feb 1999 15:22:07 -0500

Still trying to find out any and all information possible about a
US Govt? Mind Control program deemed -- "Operation: WATCHTOWER"


Tom the Tallyman

Perhaps this will help a bit. Certainly puts McVeigh's claims in
letters to his sister (well before OKC) that he was recruited into
a domestic black ops unit while in the Special Forces in a more
credible light, IMO. See my other post for another article.

[Deja News Toolbar]

Subject:  U.S. Special Forces trainers into Colombia
From: "Roy S. Carson" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 1996/08/05
Newsgroups:   soc.culture.el-salvador
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1.   1975, month unk. - Col. Bo Baker commands first Watch Tower mission in

Stated mission objective:  To put transponders in place so (U.S. military?
CIA? Both?) aircraft can infiltrate equipment, supplies, and U.S. Special
Forces trainers into Colombia to train anti-drug and anti-communist
paramilitary personnel for war against communist guerrillas and drug lords
via radar-null routes.  Transponders installed by 7th SFG personnel.

2.   December 1975 - Col. Edward P. Cutolo recruited by Edward Wilson to
command Watch Tower mission in Colombia.

3.   Feb. 1976 - Col. Cutolo commands second Watch Tower mission into
Colombia.  Mission successful with one non-injury firefight between SF
Watch Tower SAT and Colombian military unit reported.  Cutolo claims 30 high-
performance aircraft arrived at Albrook Air Station, Panama, from Colombia
where they were met by Edwin Wilson, Noriega, and other PDF personnel.  Cutolo
claims cargo from Colombia was cocaine.  SF unit involved not specified by
probably 7th Gp.

4.   March 1976 - Col. Cutolo commands third Watch Tower mission into
Colombia.  One SAT runs into "bandits" as it exfiltrates.  During firefight
"several" SF SATs wounded.  Extracted by choppers from hot LZ.  Cutolo
claims 40 high-performance aircraft bring drugs into Panama during this

5.   1978 - date uncertain -- Cutolo takes command of 10th SF Gp, Ft.
Devens.  Meets two men who were on Watch Tower operations; Sgt. John Newby
and SP4 William Tyree.  Once Cutolo is in command, instigates cover up to
keep Watch Tower ops from becoming known. This is done after Wilson goes to
Ft. Devens and (probably) points out Cutolo's ass is on the line if word of
these operations gets out.

6.   Col. Robert Bayard - Aug 1978?? -- Killed by "hit and run" driver in
stolen car shortly after meeting with Michael Harari.  Driver never
(No indication as to what Col. Bayard's role in these events was or what
his connection to Harari was.)

7.   Sgt. John Newby - October 1978 -- Killed in parachute accident.  This
is after he begins receiving threatening phone calls.  (Reason for these
calls not clear but possibly because his ties to Watch Tower.)  Accident
report coming!

8.   26 Dec 1978 - Cutolo initiates surveillance of Tyree residence after
Tyree begins receiving threatening phone calls.

9.   30 Jan 1979 - Tyree's wife knifed to death.  Surveillance teams
reports SP4 Earl M. Peters the killer and Pvt. Erik Y. Aarhus accomplice.
this knowledge, Cutolo allows Tyree to be charged with his wife's murder,
convicted, and go to prison, all to protect knowledge of Watch Tower and
his current covert surveillance of political and other figures.  Cutolo also
obtains Elaine Tyree's diaries from police and mails these to "blind" PO
box maintained by Edwin Wilson.

10.  March 1980 - Cutolo gives original of affidavit to Col. Bo Baker, a
certified true copy to CWO Hugh B. Pearce, and a second certified true copy
to NSA employee Paul Neri.

11.  April or May 1980.  Cutolo killed in car accident, England after
meeting with Michael Harari.  Official explanation:  Cutolo, known to have
a drinking problem, was dead drunk and drove his car into a tree a high
No follow up investigation.

12.  1980 date unk.  Col. Baker initiates "quiet" investigation.  Brings
Col. Nick Rowe and Paul Neri into investigation.

13.  Year and month unk. Col. Bo Baker dies while in a German sauna.
Bakeer is now assigned to Badtolz.  Official cause of death: heart attack
Baker having no history of heart problems and had just completed an annual

14.  Year and date unk.  After Baker's death, Col. Rowe and Paul Neri
located CWO Hugh B. Pearce who confirmed he had a copy of 

Re: [CTRL] Air Force to court martial mechanic who has refusedanthrax...

1999-02-04 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

The issue rests with each and every military member being required to be
'ready' at all times.  When entering the services, each and every member is
given a battery of shots with scheduled follow-ups as required (e.g.,
annual 'flu shots).  Even dependents who are colocated with sponsors
overseas have to have some; I used to get them all (from age 0 {zero} on

When one takes the oath, there is no disctinction between 'peacetime' and
'wartime'.  As a matter of fact, just by reading the news, one can readily
see that the military is ALL over the place, more so now than ever before
on temporary assignment (Persian Gulf, Bosnia, et cetera).  Additionally,
we have not been 'not at war' since the "Cold War" started (or possibly
since WW2 started; I think there was a couple of years in the latter '40s
when there was a deep drawdown).  No one can predict from day to day if one
will be at home for the foreseeable future.  Every day brings new and
exciting challenges. This is opposed to the "Cold War" days when the
military was fat and in forward positions in Europe or the Phillipines or
wherever.  In any event, the shots are essential to maintain readiness; a
sick soldier, sailor, airman, marine just isn't much use.  So as you state:

: In WAR TIME a commanding officer has the right, indeed duty to order his
: to do dangerous things that may get the me killed, he may even have to
: them to do something that will virtually certainly get them killed.
: a soldier has no right to go against this since it undermines the command
: nature of armed conflict.

This applies to ALL the TIME.

As far as a breakdown in authority, there have always been certain elements
who have chosen to cross their fingers during the oath, "I'll serve, obey,
go, whatever, except for, when, if ..."  These people have been known to
challenge the gay issue (Meinhart {sp?} et al), the fraternisation issue
{Flynn et al}, conscientious objecting, and a host of other issues.  These
people may have valid points or not; yet, the emphasis is on good order and
discipline -- the keys to any effective and realistic fighting force, one
that is ready at all times for anything.  Trust?  Used to be (at least 20
years ago) a myth or legend the officers were taught never to trust
enlisted people.  Of course, Viet Nam had 'fragging' to give credence to
this; I haven't heard of similar practices in current times.  I would say,
given the situation in the civilian world, many would ask if the sacrifice
and privation are really worth it.  With the end of the "Cold War", many
opportunities to travel and gain new experiences evaporated.  When Uncle
Sam starts using a full college scholarship as a recruiting tool (compared
to various versions of the G.I. Bill and in service tuition assistance),
there's an extra effort to attract new recruits/commisionees.

The anthrax issue stems from the Gulf War when so many people became
mysteriously ill and no ready explanation was available (by design or by
accident).  The military is in many instances a test base for all kinds of
medical procedures.  The Civil War brought us heroin; Korea brought us
triage and helicopters; Viet Nam its cornucopia.  The Gulf War presented a
different set of problems, physical, psychological, or a combination

The mechanic will serve as a test base for his issue:  Are the shots safe?
Effective?  Deadly?  Useless?  Only time (and anthrax attacks) will tell.
At any rate, this person will do perhaps a good thing:  make an issue out
of it and make a personal sacrifice for the benefit of others.
Nevertheless, an example will be set, forcing many to make choices:  go
down the same road or get the shots (and this applies to any other instance
of conscientious objection).  Sec'y Cohen was reportedly among the first to
get the series so he may not have a sympathetic ear.

I don't have any pretentions to scholarship on any of these matters; 20+
years of haircuts and shoeshines kinda put the experiential flavour to my
knowledge base.


The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
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for non-profit research and educational purposes only.

: From: Teo One Thousand [EMAIL PROTECTED]
: Subject: Re: [CTRL] Air Force to court martial mechanic who has
: Date: Thursday, February 04, 1999 10:31 AM
:  -Caveat Lector-
: I have an interesting question regarding this issue, that might explain
: military's reasoning on it.  I don't necessarily support this view but
put it
: out 

[CTRL] Internet openness cuts both ways

1999-02-04 Thread Steve Wingate

 -Caveat Lector-

Posted at 9:21 p.m. PST Saturday, January 30, 1999

Internet openness cuts both ways

Mercury News Technology Columnist

Last week, an Internet service provider in Dublin, Ireland, was forced to shut
down temporarily after a cyber-attack on its computers. Topping
the list of suspects is the government of Indonesia.

The Internet company was hosting a ``virtual nation'' on behalf of people
who want to end the brutal Indonesian occupation of East Timor, the
eastern half of a South Pacific island the size of Massachusetts. We take
open political discourse for granted in the United States, but in this
case political speech had a price.

If the Indonesian government was pulling the strings, it wouldn't be the first
time a regime tried to control a medium that tends to find ways
around censorship. All over the globe, governments are desperately trying
to limit their own citizens' access to materials deemed
inappropriate or dangerous.

Nor is this the first time a government may have been involved in trying to
suppress a foreign-based Internet site it didn't like. The Spanish
government, by some accounts, tacitly supported an electronic mail-
bombing campaign against a San Francisco Web site that published
material for Basque separatists.

But if the Indonesian regime did mastermind or otherwise play a role in the
hacking of the East Timor site, this cross-border challenge is an
escalation of sorts. For governments and their foes, foreign and domestic,
it's another warning that the Information Age brings new
complexities to some old notions. It raises fascinating, maybe fundamental
questions -- about the nature of sovereignty, authority and more in
the virtual world.

As with other cases of hacking of Web sites, moreover, the incident
highlights how the Internet's basic openness is double-edged.
Decentralization lets information be viewed by anyone, anywhere. It also
creates vulnerability to outside attacks.

A little history: When Portugal decided to cede control of East Timor in
1975, Indonesia invaded and annexed the territory as an Indonesian
province. Widely reported human-rights abuses followed. The protests of
the international community, including the United Nations, have had
little effect -- until last week, perhaps coincidentally, when the Indonesian
government suddenly suggested it might grant independence.

The Internet had played a role in the continuing campaign against the
occupation. There were the usual mailing lists, Usenet newsgroup
discussions and Web sites where advocates and opponents of East Timor
independence promoted their viewpoints.

But the most interesting Web development came about in late 1997, when
an Irish Internet service provider, Connect-Ireland, joined forces with
Nobel laureates José Ramos-Horta and Bishop Carlos Belo, who had
been among the most active people in the East Timor freedom
movement. The idea behind their ``East Timor Project'' was to create what
amounted to a virtual nation. To do this they took advantage of the
way Internet domains are created.

A ``top-level'' national domain -- granted by a centralized authority run under
contract with the U.S. government, a system now being revamped
-- consists of a two-letter abbreviation. For example, the United Kingdom
uses .uk, where a Web site might be called website.co.uk (the ``co''
stands for commercial in this example). Only the United States, where the
Internet began, does not have a top-level national abbreviation.

Creating a East Timor top-level domain name, .tp, was a clever political
maneuver by the opponents to the Indonesian occupation. It effectively
established a semi-official presence, though what that really means is open
to interpretation.

In any event, Indonesia's government wasn't amused. A spokesman told the
Irish Times newspaper, with the utter hypocrisy so prevalent in
officialdom, that it had nothing against freedom on the Net. But the
government was ``concerned that this freedom has been misused . . . to
spread a campaign against Indonesia.''

In an explanation on its Web page, Connect-Ireland (www.connect.ie) says the site had 
been probed repeatedly in the year since the domain
was established. But the company wasn't prepared for what happened last week: 
simultaneous cyber-attacks from locations around the globe.

The attacks, apparently designed to bog down the computers, were so
effective that Connect-Ireland was forced to temporarily shut down its
systems. The company says it's upgrading equipment and software to
make the site less vulnerable in the future. Systems administrators
around the world are working together to trace the people responsible,
according to Connect-Ireland. But it's entirely possible the guilty parties
will escape detection.

A Web site that challenges a corrupt or repressive regime may be
perceived as a serious threat by that government. Given the power of
information to be a catalyst for action, it may be an actual threat. That


1999-02-04 Thread M.A. Johnson

 -Caveat Lector-

Brown, Jeremy wrote:
It appears that, in an attempt to get to the bottom of this,
we have painted ourselves into a corner.

Brown, Jeremy wrote:
This is the old "fire in a crowded theater" argument.
False analogy.  One who yells fire in a crowded theater
fraudulently incites others to 'stampede'.

Brown, Jeremy wrote:
Having to choose which freedoms are scared and which are
I contend that utilizing the Natural Right standard (also identified
within the Declaration of Independence) of an individual's RIGHT
to their OWN life 'frees' one to choose for himself (or choose
a 'guardian' to choose for him and him alone).

Brown, Jeremy wrote:
 Driving drunk is a proven killer.
So is driving while exhausted -- however, that carries no

Brown, Jeremy wrote:
 What I am saying is that steps should be taken to PREVENT
 drunk driving. Education, contracts for life, things like
That is not what you previously stated. I have no problem if
one desires to utilize his OWN resources in an attempt to
encourage others.

Brown, Jeremy wrote:
I AM afraid of dying, especially such a wasted and pointless
death as being run down by Joe Jock coming home from the
Mellow Tiger after a real bender.
Perhaps we should eliminate automobiles.  :)

As to Frosty's fallacy of logic ... that most certainly must be why
we had so many Heroin adict children at the turn of this century
when every corner 'drug store' sold heroin to anyone who asked.


No nation was ever drunk when wine was cheap.
-- Thomas Jefferson

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Writing

1999-02-04 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From bwc.htm @ www.cybereditions.com

Philosophy and Literature


Winners of the Fourth Bad Writing Contest (1998)

We are pleased to announce winners of the fourth Bad Writing Contest,
sponsored by the scholarly journal Philosophy and Literature.

The Bad Writing Contest celebrates the most stylistically lamentable
passages found in scholarly books and articles published in the last few
years. Ordinary journalism, fiction, departmental memos, etc. are not
eligible, nor are parodies: entries must be non-ironic, from serious,
published academic journals or books. Deliberate parody cannot be allowed
in a field where unintended self-parody is so widespread.

Two of the most popular and influential literary scholars in the U.S. are
among those who wrote winning entries in the latest contest.

Judith Butler, a Guggenheim Fellowship-winning professor of rhetoric and
comparative literature at the University of California at Berkeley, admired
as perhaps "one of the ten smartest people on the planet," wrote the
sentence that captured the contest's first prize. Homi K. Bhabha, a leading
voice in the fashionable academic field of postcolonial studies, produced
the second-prize winner.

"As usual," commented Denis Dutton, editor of Philosophy and Literature,
"this year's winners were produced by well-known, highly-paid experts who
have no doubt labored for years to write like this. That these scholars
must know what they are doing is indicated by the fact that the winning
entries were all published by distinguished presses and academic journals."

Professor Butler's first-prize sentence appears in "Further Reflections on
the Conversations of Our Time," an article in the scholarly journal
Diacritics (1997):

The move from a structuralist account in which capital is understood to
structure social relations in relatively homologous ways to a view of
hegemony in which power relations are subject to repetition, convergence,
and rearticulation brought the question of temporality into the thinking of
structure, and marked a shift from a form of Althusserian theory that takes
structural totalities as theoretical objects to one in which the insights
into the contingent possibility of structure inaugurate a renewed
conception of hegemony as bound up with the contingent sites and strategies
of the rearticulation of power.

Dutton remarked that "it’s possibly the anxiety-inducing obscurity of such
writing that has led Professor Warren Hedges of Southern Oregon University
to praise Judith Butler as ‘probably one of the ten smartest people on the

This year’s second prize went to a sentence written by Homi K. Bhabha, a
professor of English at the University of Chicago. It appears in The
Location of Culture (Routledge, 1994):

If, for a while, the ruse of desire is calculable for the uses of
discipline soon the repetition of guilt, justification, pseudo-scientific
theories, superstition, spurious authorities, and classifications can be
seen as the desperate effort to "normalize" formally the disturbance of a
discourse of splitting that violates the rational, enlightened claims of
its enunciatory modality.

This prize-winning entry was nominated by John D. Peters of the University
of Iowa, who describes it as "quite splendid: enunciatory modality,

Ed Lilley, an art historian at the University of Bristol in the U.K.,
supplied a sentence by Steven Z. Levine from an anthology entitled Twelve
Views of Manet’s "Bar" (Princeton University Press, 1996):

As my story is an august tale of fathers and sons, real and imagined, the
biography here will fitfully attend to the putative traces in Manet’s work
of "les noms du père," a Lacanian romance of the errant paternal phallus
("Les Non-dupes errent"), a revised Freudian novella of the inferential
dynamic of paternity which annihilates (and hence enculturates) through the
deferred introduction of the third term of insemination the
phenomenologically irreducible dyad of the mother and child.

Stewart Unwin of the National Library of Australia passed along this gem
from the Australasian Journal of American Studies (December 1997). The
author is Timothy W. Luke, and the article is entitled, "Museum Pieces:
Politics and Knowledge at the American Museum of Natural History":

Natural history museums, like the American Museum, constitute one decisive
means for power to de-privatize and re-publicize, if only ever so slightly,
the realms of death by putting dead remains into public service as social
tokens of collective life, rereading dead fossils as chronicles of life's
everlasting quest for survival, and canonizing now dead individuals as
nomological emblems of still living collectives in Nature and History. An
anatomo-politics of human and non-human bodies is sustained by accumulating
and classifying such necroliths in the museum's observational/expositional

[CTRL] Albert Jr.

1999-02-04 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From Intellectual Capital

Al Gore's Not-So-Excellent Adventure
by Jerry Pournelle
January 28, 1999

ANAHEIM, Ca. -- Vice President Gore predictably came bearing gifts to the
1999 annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of
Science. He usually does. Gore likes speaking at the AAAS, because while
many scientists privately think he is dumber than a box of rocks, most
scientists and all scientific administrators flatter him into thinking he
is one of them.

Gore always has had a particular devotion to the Internet. I recall a few
years ago Gore lecturing about how he played in integral way in starting
the Internet and how it works. The people he was speaking to were the ones
who actually made the Internet happen, and their comments after Gore's
speech were a great deal gentler than I expected. This year his devotion
manifests itself in money: Gore proposes a $366 million increase in
government "investment" in information technology.

This is a really poor idea.

Doing more with less

Picture: Government investment in information technology?
Is government "investment" in information technology a good idea?
I do not say this from dogmatic opposition to government funding of basic
science; indeed, there is really no alternative, because there is no one
else to look out for the future.

Private industry is not going to help with long-term plans. The discounted
value of a dollar in 20 years is effectively zero, and corporate management
is judged on close-range, bottom-line returns. Investors may buy stocks
valued at 100 times earning, but they do not really expect to wait 100
years to get their money back. And corporate managers who allocate real
money to research with no payoff in 20 years or more are going to be
instant targets for hostile takeover bids.

The fact is that no one but government is going to look out for our
grandchildren, and basic research is more likely to benefit our
grandchildren than this generation. Nothing is inherently wrong with
government research in the future, and it is likely we need more of it.

Indeed, I am willing to argue that our investments through the National
Science Foundation (NSF) have been spectacularly successful, one of the
best investments of tax dollars ever made by us or anyone else. NSF, in
contrast to the National Institutes of Health and many of the other
research funding agencies, developed techniques for allocating money to the
best research while cutting off money to projects that should not have it.
You could, and NSF officials do, argue some good projects are left
unfunded, so that NSF could use more money. But the interesting part is
that no NSF officer I ever talked to wants a lotmore, and most wish that
some parts of NSF had less.

Money corrupts

The reason is simple enough, and it is not just the waste of money on
useless work. The problem is that adequately funded projects attract really
good people. Overfunded projects attract not only the top people interested
in that project, but others who are not that good: people who might be
splendid at a less knotty problem, but who are simply over their heads
working on this one.

These people are not necessarily second rate; they are only second rate in
some areas. They would be first rate elsewhere; and because we do not have
an oversupply of such people we cannot afford to waste them. That is the
first misallocation of resources. You can see it in the health sciences,
where we spend something like 50 times as much money per death from AIDS
than on cancer. Lately breast cancer has attracted enormous amounts of
money, although lung cancer kills more women than breast cancer.

The result is funding a bunch of low-priority breast-cancer studies while
high-priority lung-cancer studies go begging. The very top people with
something to contribute probably continue to work in lung cancer, but a lot
of graduate students choose breast cancer as a specialty as career

You win some, and you lose some

That is the problem with Gore's jump on the Internet/Information bandwagon.
It is already overfunded through the marketplace. There may be some sense
to Amazon.com (which has never shown a profit) having a stock-market value
three times that of The New York Times enterprises and 15 times that of
Barnes and Noble (which actually has book stores and reports profits). But
there is certainly no sense to all of this Internet ferment. Some of those
investments are bad, and those who made them are going to lose, and that's
what market economics is about.

Meanwhile, there is no shortage of research funds. Several AAAS panels
(Gore didn't attend any of them, of course) were in information theory and
models of Internet information flow. The fundamental mathematics are not
being ignored, and if there are any interesting Internet research projects
out there going begging for funds, I do not know about them.



1999-02-04 Thread kimberly smith

 -Caveat Lector-

Carl Amedio wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-


 Snoops and Spies - George Orwell had it right in his dystopia novel Nineteen
 Eighty-Four, but he missed it by a decade. Big Brother wants bankers to create
 a dossier on every account holder. And a federal regulatory proposal dubbed
 "Know Your Customer" could do just that by turning bank tellers into snoops.
 If it sounds like something out of the X-Files, it isn't. Look for it at a
 bank near you. . . . .   your trusted banker has been enlisted by Big Brother
 to help him watch every financial move you make. . . . .  the rule published
 Dec. 7, Pearl Harbor Day, in the Federal Register calls for uniform banking
 procedures to identify customers, establish their sources of money, note their
 "normal and expected transactions," watch for transactions that are
 inconsistent with the customer's "normal and expected transactions," report
 any transactions that are determined to be suspicious and place limitations on
 amounts that can be withdrawn at any one time .  . . . . The regulators say
 Know Your Customer snooping is for your own good. . .. . .
 It seems I just read that this "know your customer", just got squashed, anyone?
 But we must always keep watch as I'm sure they'll try to slip it in again
 CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
 screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
 and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
 frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] DeLay, DiVert, DisTract

1999-02-04 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From SalonMagazine.CoM (NewsReal)

-Tom DeLay,

Picture: Tom DeLay


BY JEFF STEIN | In the swirling spotlight that surrounds the presidential
impeachment trial, it's finally Tom DeLay's turn to move into the hot seat.
The slick-haired Texan with a fondness for calling President Clinton a liar
is starting to face questions about his own contradictions.

A former business partner in DeLay's exterminating business in suburban
Dallas popped up in the pages of the New Republic this week with charges
that the Republican whip had lied about his ties to the company in a 1994
lawsuit, and may have illegally siphoned off company funds to pay off
campaign debts.

DeLay has excoriated the president for "trying to use legalese and
lawyerese to do two-steps around the questions," author Ann Louise Bardach
observed in her New Republic piece. But the three experts Bardach asked to
examine DeLay's depositions -- under oath-- in the lawsuit concluded that
he had done exactly the same thing.

DeLay's spokesman Michael Scanlon blew off the allegations as old news:
"Our political enemies have been digging into Mr. DeLay's past for years,"
he said in a prepared statement.

Indeed they have, but they've been getting nowhere. Lacking a lurid enough
angle in sex-obsessed Washington, they've had no success in knocking DeLay
off his pedestal. Now, however, comes the faint cry of virtual slave
laborers far out in the Pacific Ocean, as unlikely a threat as the
nasty-tongued Republican could have ever imagined. But the faceless,
nameless sweatshop garment workers of Saipan suddenly have some legal

The story really begins back in June 1944, when 71,000 U.S. Marines took
Saipan from the Japanese Army at a terrible cost in blood. Planting the
American flag there turned out to be critical. Fourteen months later a B-29
took off from nearby Tinian carrying the atomic bombs that would abruptly
end the war. For the next half century the Commonwealth of the Northern
Mariana Islands, as they would become known, generally enjoyed the benign
neglect of Washington. In 1986, the 27,000 islanders were granted American

It was around this time, however, that mandarins from Hong Kong and the
People's Republic of China began setting up textile factories on Saipan and
importing labor from the mainland, as well as from Bangladesh and the
Philippines, to cut and stitch cloth for garment makers including JC
Penney, the Gap, Tommy Hilfiger, Liz Clairborne, Jones New York,
Abercrombie  Fitch, Levi Strauss, Nautica and many others -- a virtual
Who's Who of designer labels. The idea was to slip under the radar of U.S.
quotas and duties, which would cost the manufacturers millions more if the
garments were made outside U.S. territory. Garments from Saipan are made
from foreign cloth, assembled by foreign workers on U.S. soil and labeled
"Made in the USA."

And they are made cheaply. Wages in the factories average about $3 per hour
-- more than $2 less than the U.S. minimum wage of $5.15. No overtime is
paid for a 70-hour work week. But that's hardly the worst of it. Far away
from the swank beachside hotels, luxurious golf courses and the thousands
of Japanese tourists snorkling around sunken U.S. Navy landing craft in the
clear waters, some 31,000 textile workers live penned up like cattle by
armed soldiers and barbed wire, and squeezed head to toe into filthy
sleeping barracks, all of which was documented on film by U.S.
investigators last year.

The unhappy workers cannot just walk away, either: Like Appalachian coal
miners a generation ago, they owe their souls to the company store,
starting with factory recruiters, who charge Chinese peasants as much as
$4,000 to get them out of China and into a "good job" in "America." Their
low salaries make it nearly impossible to buy back their freedom. And so
they stay. The small print in their contracts forbids sex, drinking -- and

"I am very tired," wrote Li Zhen Hua, a 29-year-old Chinese woman in a
letter to a friend obtained by the weekly Dallas Observer. "I want to go
back to my country but I can't because we must keep [sic] two years ...
Very busy. So hard. Every day work up to 1:30. I've to work on Sunday. Too
much to respond to your letters."

Enter Tom DeLay and his Texas Republican sidekick, Dick Armey. When the
Clinton administration sought to yank Saipan's factories into the 20th
century in 1994, requiring the workers be paid a minimum wage, overtime and
their living conditions improved, the island government hired a platoon of
well-connected Washington lobbyists, headed by former DeLay aide Jack
Abramoff, to block the plan. Abramoff, in turn, personally or through his
family, contributed $18,000 to DeLay's campaign coffers. So far, the island
government has paid the firm of Preston Gates Ellis  Rouvelas Meeds $4

[CTRL] IMF reaches deal with Brazil

1999-02-04 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-

BBC News Online: Business: The Economy

Thursday, February 4, 1999 Published at 23:44 GMT

IMF reaches deal with Brazil

IMF reaches deal with Brazil
The International Monetary Fund has reached agreement with Brazil on a new
economic reform plan for 1999, paving the way for the release of $9bn in
additional financial support.

The IMF's deputy managing director, Stanley Fischer, spoke of his confidence
in the deal before leaving for Washington.

"I get a much better feeling having had these conversations, having agreed
this framework .. than I did from just reading the reports," he said.

Picture: [ image: width=150]

Mr. Fischer said he hoped the accord could be signed "reasonably soon,"
probably within the next week or two.

Brazil's Finance Minister Pedro Malan said that Brazil had agreed to tougher
targets for public spending, including a primary surplus (before interest
payments) of 3-3.5% of GDP, up from the 2.6% previously agreed.

That could mean even more tax hikes, and spending cuts, as Brazil revises its
budget plans.

The government also said it was pledging with the Central Bank to keep
inflation in "middle single digits" during the year, and it would give the
Bank more independence.

Brazil's collapsing currency, the real, has boosted the cost of imports,
leading to fears that inflation will return.

Markets recover

The Brazilian stock market recovered on the news, turning a loss of 3% into a
much smaller loss. The currency, the real also strengthened, after trading as
low as 1.83 to the dollar earlier in the day. It has fallen by 30-40% since
the government allowed it to float.

Picture: [ image: width=150]

Brazil was forced to devalue its currency three weeks ago after billions of
dollars of foreign currency fled the country, despite a prior arrangement with
the IMF for a $41bn support package.

That made the targets in the previous deal impossible to meet, necessitating
this week's renegotiations.

Brazil's economy is still in trouble, as the high interest rates - nearly 40%
- needed to defend the currency could well send the economy into a deep

Earlier in the week Brazil replaced its Central Bank chief with Arminio Fraga,
a former aide to international financier George Soros, in an attempt to
reassure the markets.

PictureBusiness Contents
PicturePicture - London SharesPicture - The MarketsPicture - The
EconomyPicture - The Company FilePicture - Your MoneyPicture - Foreign
ExchangePictureThe Economy Contents
 - Picture
Economy Reports
 - Picture
Interest Rates

Business Contents

•London Shares •The Markets •The Economy •The Company File •Your Money
•Foreign Exchange

The Economy Contents

•Economy Reports •Interest Rates

Relevant Stories

Soros aide to head Brazil's central bank (02 Feb 99 | The Economy)
Brazil gripped by currency fears (01 Feb 99 | The Economy)
Brazil - a catastrophe in the making? (22 Jan 99 | The Economy)
Brazil backs vital reforms (21 Jan 99 | The Economy)
Latin America holds its breath (15 Jan 99 | The Economy)
Crisis talks on Brazil meltdown (15 Jan 99 | The Economy)
Brazil pushes markets to the edge (13 Jan 99 | The Economy)
Brazil quarrels over debt repayments (08 Jan 99 | The Economy)
Brazil default sparks sell-off (08 Jan 99 | The Economy)

In this section

High-tech sell-off leads Wall Street down
IMF reaches deal with Brazil
UK rates fall again
ECB keeps rates on hold
Inquiry into online trading
Fed leaves rates on hold
Retailers' hopes in UK dashed
Bank gets 'three cheers'
Glimmer of hope in service sector
UK nearly euro-ready, but...
Byers under fire over 'wealth creation'
Worst is over, says George
Euro on top
£112m boost for long-term jobless (From UK Politics)
CBI calls for stability Budget
New Year rally in house prices
Jobs threat as engineer collapses
Farmers face credibility gap
Schröder attacks speculators
Free ISP offers talking email (From Sci/Tech)
US budget surplus beckons
Challenge to free Web access
Manufacturing doldrums
Job losses nationwide
UK oil industry faces hard times

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Re: [CTRL] Mass Poisoning? An UPDATE

1999-02-04 Thread Gerry Forbes

 -Caveat Lector-

Teo1000 wrote:

Well, as regards this sickness.  I am sick myself and it is most unusual.  I
am told it is the flu, but it is unlike any flu I have had before, in addition
I got a flu shot around October of last year.  I don't know how these things
relate but I have been having a problem with fatigue too, and have noticed
weird contrails in the air around here lately too.  One of the contrails was
almost luminescent, and easily seen in the night sky.  One other I observed in
the daytime was similar to those attributed to pulse jets, that supposedly
don't exist.
Could all be a big nothing but I find it interesting that all of this is
happening at the same time like this and in such widely diverse places.

Recently in Vancouver there was an epidemic of leaky condos.
Naturally there was a lot of outrage and complaints from the
victims about the tens of thousands of dollars in repairs, but
there were also some health complaints because the dampness
allowed mould and fungi to grow which caused lingering flu-like
symptoms and fatigue. This struck me because I remember a
number of people on this list complaining of flu-like sickness
that wouldn't go away. So you might check for damp areas in
your residence.

As to the luminescence of the contrail, if it was the *early*
night sky and the contrail was very high, remember that the
sun might still be shining on it.

These contrail stories make me uneasy, too. I remember going
out for a paper one morning when Vancouver was being sprayed to
eridicate gypsy moths. I heard a plane overhead so I hurried --
couldn't have been outside for more than 3 or 4 minutes -- but
I came down with a sore throat which was one of effects on humans
that the sprayers admitted might occur. So I definitely don't
like chemical agents being dumped on me from above! Nevertheless,
it's important to eliminate alternative explanations before getting
too paranoid.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fascism On The Move Toward New Order

1999-02-04 Thread Gerry Forbes

 -Caveat Lector-

Howard Davis wrote:

   So now I do not have the single question of whether or not it
happened, but now I have two questions, first: Why did the allies do
nothing about it?
   After the above was released I expected a lot of discussion on the
above question. I did not see any on the major news web sites. Then last
fall I went by the Holocaust Museum in Washington. I went by the library
there to see what they had on this. The librarian knew nothing about it
and even questioned if I might be mistaken. And, I could find nothing in
any of the Journals they carried about this revelation. The second
question, of course, is why not? Something is very fishy about this
whole thing. You would think that there would have been a lot more about
it in the news then, for instance, the Nazi gold in Switzerland. Also,
the documents should set the total number killed much more accurately
then was possible previously. Any ideas?

Howard Davis

Do you know any popular history that isn't simplified to a
few basic points? Any that doesn't have clearly delineated
good guys and bad guys? And it seems that the main defence
against Holocaust deniers is to simplify further and focus
all of the blame on those who committed the genocide and
none on those who may have been complicit through acts of
omission. The whole effect is to turn the Holocaust into
an historical icon which has no meaning outside of itself;
all those resolutions of "Never again" are as firm as a
blade of grass in a hurricane.

Anyway, I'm not convinced that this information is as
suppressed as you imply (although it is surprising that
the Holocaust museum professes to have no knowledge of it).
I recall hearing Allied excuses years ago and I believe that
there were a few posts on this list some weeks ago about
whether or not the train tracks to Auschwitz should have been

Nevertheless your concerns have some resonance with a
current scandal that made a blip in the news and then
disappeared: who knew what, and when, and failed to act on
that information to prevent the genocide in Rwanda.
Put Dallaire+Rwanda into a search engine to get the dirty
details, but here are some of the highlights:
-- General Dallaire asks for authorization to confiscate an
arms cache. Not only is permission refused but Dallaire is
instructed to relay his informant's intelligence and the
U.N. decision not to act to the Rwandan president and his
political party, even though they were the very people who
were planning the massacre. (btw that's Gen. ROMEO Dallaire,
an apt name for a peacekeeper: see Romeo Juliet Act 3, Sc. 1)
-- Dallaire faxed the U.N. quoting a senior Rwandan security
official as saying he had been ordered to register all Tutsis
in Kigali for the purpose, he suspected, of "their extermination"
Kofi Annan is head of peacekeeping operations at this time.
-- Dallaire comes up with a plan to break the momentum of the
slaughter. The U.N. Security Council dithers and the idea is
finally scotched when Bill Clinton refuses to allow the use
of American planes to transport troops from Nigeria and Ghana
to Rwanda. (The Ghanaians probably come out best in the whole
affair. The general in charge of their meagre forces already
in Rwanda disobeys a direct order from the U.N. to evacuate,
saving 5-10,000 Rwandans.) Later analysis of Dallaire's plan
by Gen. Schroeder of the Carnegie Corp. suggests that it had a
good chance of working and certainly could have been no worse
than the U.N.'s (in)action.
-- Dallaire and other U.N. officials are refused permission to
testify at a Belgian inquiry. Annan cites "diplomatic immunity"
and claims that all necessary information had already been
furnished by the U.N. Coverup? (the Belgians are pissed at
Dallaire because he dawdled while their soldiers were killed;
Dallaire had been negotiating for the safety of the Rwandan
prime minister, but she was probably already dead at the time)
Annan later waives diplomatic immunity to allow Dallaire to
testify at the trial of the Rwandan massacrists. Apparently his
testimony regarding the insanity of the situation is to be
used to mitigate the sentences of the killers.

And so on. About a year ago a black Congresswoman from Georgia
was pressing to find out what Clinton knew, and when he knew it,
but apparently there's something about black Congresswomen that
makes their voices inaudible to the media. But blaming Clinton
won't help, especially with analysis from the Carnegie Corp.: