Re: [CTRL] CTRL Digest - 2 Apr 1999 to 3 Apr 1999 - Special issue (#1999-167)

1999-04-14 Thread kathleen ervin

 -Caveat Lector-

bob  i would also like to have the JESUS eXC. FILE SENT TO ME ALSO


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: 04.14.99 RMNews Beaver Update & Art Bell Versus the NWO

1999-04-14 Thread Kris Millegan

Dateline: 04.14.99
 Plus more informative and exciting information resources

Cherry Tree Beaver Update
For the last four days I have been receiving 30 second to one minute calls
from my beaver Source. He said all lines of communication are
compromised. Therefore he is unable to give me  the full details of what
happened when the Virginia  Unorganized Beaver Militia assaulted
Washington D.C.

He was able to tell me that the Clinton Commandos were laying in wait as
the beavers hit the water of the tidal pool. The Commandos used a laser
weapon, not guns. The laser  is almost silent. It blinded the beavers and
disoriented them. The Navy SEALS and my  beaver Source  accompanied
the beavers. They  wore protective glasses. But the   beavers weren't that
lucky. No one makes laser shields for beavers. (If you are not familiar
with laser weaponry, I have an article from the European Parliament that
describes them and other high tech weaponry)

The SEALS quickly herded the Virginia Beavers into the Washington DC
sewers. My Source said that once they were inside the sewer system, they
realized that they have access to every building in Washington D.C., and
some they didn't even know existed.

My Source told me to watch for unusual happenings in Washington. The
Cherry Tree Beavers are sacrificing themselves to remind Americans that
this country was founded on truth and justice. We must do what we can to
help the Cherry Tree Beavers. Tell their story to anyone who will listen.
Send their stories to your friends and family.

The Cherry Tree Beavers are standing up  for the principle for which the
Cherry Trees were planted in Washington: TRUTH IN GOVERNMENT

Tell your politician the Beavers are right! Lying is wrong! The American
people deserve honest leaders. Support your local beaver and elect honest

This morning on the Rush Limbaugh show, Rush talked about an unusual
incident which occurred at the White House yesterday. The lights went
out. They were out only a few seconds, but over 8 fire trucks were called,
as well as ambulances. The official white House Liar, I mean spokesman,
said that it wasn't a real problem. There was a small fire in a transformer
box, nothing serious.

If it wasn't serious, then why were 8 fire trucks and an ambulance
dispatched? My Beaver Source told me during one of his abbreviated
conversations that the press isn't printing a tenth of what they know, and
the White House isn't telling them anything.

Nancy Moses, a spokeswoman for Potomac Electric Power Co., said a
small fire occurred in a bundle of wires at a transformer in a  manhole on
the White House grounds at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Rush talked about this incident for a very long time. Does he know
something that the rest of us haven't yet been told? From his comments, a
listener would believe that this transformer fire is just the beginning of a
long Tom Clancy novel.

The Cherry Tree Beavers are in the Washington sewers. Could this
transformer fire have been their doing? And if so, what else can we expect
in the near future?

Someone must ask Rush what he really knows about this strange so-called
fire. It was evident by his comments on his show today that he knows
more about this than he is telling.

Last night Art Bell had Jeffrey Nyquist as a guest. But even before Jeffrey
came on the program, Art was lambasting the New World Order and
NATO for the war in Kosovo. When Jeffrey came on, they continued
informing people about the deadly consequences of our actions in Kosovo.
They talked about Russia and China becoming enemies once more and
pointing their nuclear weapons at us.

It was very clear that Art was telling the truth,  the whole truth and
nothing but the truth about the New World Order and what is going to
happen to America if they are successful in implementing their One
World Government.

The more I listened to Art, the more afraid I became for him. I know from
a personal level what the New World Order does to whistle blowers.

The first thing they do is find out everything you have ever done in your
life. If they find a criminal record, nor matter how minor, they magnify
the story, purposely  take it out of context, and  make the whistle blower
look like the most evil person on the planet.

If the person has no criminal record, then they manufacture criminal or
perverse acts. They usually find one of their paid stooges to give a press
conference and declare that they were raped, robbed or beaten by the
whistle blower. If there is an exwife, they always seek her out to talk
about the strange sexual preferences of the whistle blower.

If this doesn't work, then they sic the IRS on the individual. Even if all the
tax records are in per

[CTRL] Fwd: Russia/NATO/Azerbaijan

1999-04-14 Thread Kris Millegan


Stratfor's FREE Kosovo Crisis Center -
The most comprehensive coverage of the
Kosovo Crisis anywhere on the Internet

Global Intelligence Update
April 15, 1999

NATO Presses Russia on Another Front


NATO's campaign in Yugoslavia, waged against the fervent
objections of Moscow, has once again driven Russia and NATO into
opposing camps.  NATO has also been pursuing relationships in the
Caucasus and Central Asia, and surprisingly is continuing to
actively do so even as it is attempting to stabilize relations
with Russia over Kosovo.


Russia's Interfax news agency has cited Azerbaijani presidential
administration sources as saying that Azerbaijani President
Haidar Aliyev received personal messages on April 14 from U.S.
President Bill Clinton and U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine
Albright.  According to Interfax, the message from Clinton
"contains a proposal on settling the Karabakh conflict," while
Albright invited Aliyev to attend NATO's anniversary celebration
later in April.  Azerbaijan has been eagerly pursuing a
relationship with -- if not membership in -- NATO, a campaign
matched by the growing strategic alliance between Russia and
Armenia.  But while this strategic positioning is well underway,
it is surprising that Clinton and Albright would personally fuel
this standoff just now.  Relations between NATO and Russia have
been shattered by the Kosovo crisis, and efforts to mend those
relations and find a solution to the crisis can only be hurt by
increasing tension in the Caucasus.

We have thoroughly reported and analyzed the collapse of Russia's
relations with NATO over the conflict in Kosovo on our Kosovo in
Crisis web site (  Russia
was not only infuriated when NATO ignored its objections prior to
launching air strikes on Yugoslavia, but has come to view NATO's
actions as a direct challenge to Russian national interests and
security.  The Russian journal Segodnya on April 10 described
NATO as destroying the last outpost of Russian influence in
Europe.  But NATO's campaign against Russia does not stop in
Yugoslavia, Segodnya argued, "Georgia and Azerbaijan do not want
a Russian military presence anymore and are the most "advanced"
countries in this respect, as far as the United States is

Azerbaijani officials had already announced on April 7 Aliyev's
intention to attend NATO's 50th anniversary ceremonies.  The
officials told the newspaper Bilik Dunyasi that Aliyev was also
expected while in the United States to hold talks with U.S.
leaders on expanding bilateral cooperation.  Georgian President
Eduard Shevardnadze has also announced his intention to attend
NATO's anniversary ceremonies.

Azerbaijan and Georgia, along with Uzbekistan, opted out of the
Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) Collective Security
Treaty earlier this month.  Additionally, both Azerbaijan and
Georgia refused to sign a CIS statement condemning NATO air
strikes in Yugoslavia.  In fact, Azerbaijani political parties,
both in the opposition and the ruling coalition, have come out
publicly in favor of NATO air strikes.  Azerbaijan has even
announced its intention to send 50 soldiers as part of a Turkish
unit to participate in NATO peacekeeping operations in Bosnia, or
perhaps in Kosovo once a settlement is reached.

Whether proactive or reactive, Azerbaijan has appealed for closer
relations with NATO to counterbalance Russian relations with
Armenia.  Azerbaijan and Armenia are currently in shaky truce
over the predominantly Armenian enclave of Nagorno Karabakh in
Azerbaijan.  While Russia has denied it is supplying arms
directly to Armenia -- since arming combatants in an intra-CIS
feud is forbidden -- it has deployed advanced S-300 surface to
air missiles and MiG-29 fighters to Russian units in Armenia.
Speaking in Armenia on April 13, Russian air force commander
Colonel General Anatoly Kornukov announced that Armenia's air
defense system and Russia's air force are "ready to embark on
joint combat duty."  For its part, Georgia has requested the
departure of Russian army units guaranteeing a truce between
Georgia and the breakaway region of Abkhazia.  Georgia accuses
Russia of siding with the Abkhaz separatists.

On March 19, Azerbaijan detained a Russian cargo plane carrying
MiG fighters Baku claimed were bound for Yugoslavia.  The Russian
newspaper Nezavisimaya Gazeta interpreted this as little more
than a show of loyalty to NATO.  On March 20, Aliyev questioned
Russian President Boris Yeltsin about Russian missile and jet
shipments to Armenia.  On March 23, a U.S. delegation led by Air
Force Major General Charles Wax reportedly visited Azerbaijan,
where they held talks with Azerbaijani Defense and Foreign
Ministry officials and toured the Nasosnaya Air Base, which
Azerbaijan has offered to the U.S., Turkey, and NATO.

Re: [CTRL] The Aliens of Texas [Folly: Unusual Skull and Skeleton]

1999-04-14 Thread jabriol

 -Caveat Lector-

 > On 10 Apr 1999 17:22:39 -0400, "Jabriol" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 > wrote:
 > > (CNI) Two separate skeletal
 > >finds have come to light in Texas recently, raising questions of
 > >"alien" origin. In one case, a couple came into possession of a pair of
 > >skulls, one clearly human, the other "markedly divergent from the human
 > >norm." In the second case, a nearly complete skeleton appearing to be a
 > >"little person" with numerous unusual anatomical features has been
 > >
 > There are alot of alien skeletons found in Texas, mostly in
 > the summer and cold parts of the winter within about 100
 > miles of the Rio grand. Those little holes come from being
 > gnawed on by wild animals, repeated gnawing by indigeoneous
 > species causes deformation.
 >  I can tell you a little bit about those aliens also, being
 > somewhat related and from Texas.
 > Get this, they were here before the europeans arrived in
 > 1500's. Even stranger, they had darker skin  than 'real'
 > people.
 >   Want to know something else, they grew a special kind a
 > grain, Maize, and all kinds of spicey vegetables we call
 > peppers. They also ate these roots, they were called papas,
 > but you may know them now as McDonalds fries. All in all
 > these aliens have brought to 'real' peoples all kinds of
 > fruits vegetables and many other things. They also grow a
 > special called the bean, when cooked, smashed, cooked again
 > with pig fat, and eaten has been know to result in lethal
 > gas and very strange noises. Be careful not to eat to many
 > of this concoction and ride in filled elevators.
 >   One other thing, we had a war with these aliens roughly
 > ending about 1900's before which we took most of their land
 > and killed most of their food animals.
 >   But the aliens had a sinister plan to return. They
 > convinced us to create all kind of sophisticated technology
 > and equipment and thus we used them to increase CO2 in the
 > atmosphere and we became placidly dependent on Air
 > Conditioning, Most people don't know this but an Alien
 > showed where spindletop was just to get the Global Warming
 > pattern off on a fast start.  Thus we are now unable to work
 > in the Texas summer heat. The smaller darkskinned aliens
 > were more heat tolerant, so they have been returning in
 > droves ever since and basically repopulation the land they
 > were once driven from.  Occasionally this plan backfires and
 > during very hot periods during July and August you can find
 > these aliens in their broken down 'space' vehicles (railway
 > boxcars and tractor-trailors) along the Texas Mexico border.
 > Whereby we have to post signs in their homeworld warning
 > them not to come for a few weeks.
 >   Get this, some actually believe that in 50 years the
 > aliens will have gained control of much of the southern
 > United States, and everyone will be forced to eat rice,
 > beans, tacos and quacamole once a day, thereby eventually
 > killing the lack of taste in the european diet.
 >   Where was it said 'Build it and they shall come', here we
 > say try to build it, and they shall come and linger around
 > your pickup for 20 minutes, try to empty your pocket of
 > spare cash (which happens now to be better than mine) and
 > then if your lucky, build it. Then they will come asking to
 > clean it or work in it, or on occasion marry your sister and
 > the groups will commadeer back yards as secret meeting
 > grounds for testing of our defensive weaponry. By the way,
 > if you ever face one of these aliens remember, they are
 > quickly subdued by a thin plastic holder filled with several
 > rounds of Miller Lite (exhibit defensive weaponry). The
 > commanders are more difficult and for these you'll need some
 > Corona or Tecate with Lime or Tequila Shots.
 >   There is also a rumor that the alien women get pregnant if
 > well-off men looks at them, so be careful not to stare at
 > the women if you just got paid. Never stop at a corner,
 > whistle loudly at them and yell _Mamasota_ (otherwise they
 > may force entry into your vehicle and take pleasure with
 > you), it is best to keep the windows up at bus stops as the
 > site of these women freqeuntly results in the alien men
 > making such noise and you wouldn't want them to mistake your
 > car for a alien ship. If you are attacked by the females it
 > is possible that a few brothers or cousins might tap you on
 > the shoulder for a 'physical' examination in their
 > spaceship, secretly called a 'chevy' with well placed double
 > barreled scatter projectile weapons, again remember the
 > weapon of neccesity in this instance you'll need cases of
 > beer, and you may have to take them on an expedition of
 > catching fish or hunting, since rendering wild animals into
 > a desication chamber (i.e. barbeque pit)  is a means of
 > socializing as well as gaining info on Texas wildlife 


1999-04-14 Thread Andrew Hennessey

 -Caveat Lector-

>Darwin said we come from the monkies...yet we still have monkies..
>if DNA is a history to our past,  what is the DNA of a monkey.   Do we
>have monkey DNA?

The human race has approx 97% monkey DNA, but as no-one can now put their
hand on their heart and say Darwin we love you - considering the recent find
of a very evolved corpse in South Africa destroyed a lot of careers [again]
In germany, they excavated and found neanderthals living in close proximity
to Cro Magnon at the same time - which kinda causes a problem for those
who talk about long slow processes and genes gradually evolving etc etc ...
The Elohim saw the daughters of man and thought they were fair !!! those girls
had to be really hairy:) and those spacemen had to be a bit randy ;)

>Here I sit at 4:12 a.m. wondering if I have monkey DNA.  Please help
>this lost confused I the end result of a monkey or what.

Yes you have monkey DNA, but I suspect that the Star Gods who came here,
did naughty things, were arrested and left to it till the return of the
Others in 2013 etc etc practised Inbreeding a lot -ie. incest.
to while away the generations till the return in 2013 ad etc
Incest can be found in Egyptian and Celtic mythologies where all the
inbred to keep the best possible genes together and not get them further
contaminated by the lowly human monkey stock. [Arthur/Mordred, Isis/Set]
So . I think the Missing Link is the Genetic material provided by
the Elohim ..
further blasphemy comes when it is revealed that the best things about
the human brain are derived from Reptilian DNA !
ie. the third eye or pineal gland, seat of spirit, and the brain stem ...
[incest ref. Gods of the New Millenium by alan alford, and Book of Enoch]

>And if that be so, was the dog and cat
maxine the pitbull is a mammal, but all birds are actually evolved from
Reptiles where the scales have adapted to become feathers ...

There is also a compilation of darwin refutations by Richard Milton called
the facts of Life - and this comprises a serious academic debate, where
research scientists occasionally find refutations of Darwins theories in
their results.

The merovingian dynasty - the blue blooded dynasty - was said to have come
from the marriage of princess Mero to a Fish-man.
The daughter of King Lot, an ancient 'King of Edinburgh' was also said to
have married a merman and was persecuted and thrown into a river at
ladyburn near North berwick, south of Edinburgh.

Newtons best works were probably on astrology and magic, but a group of
scientific 'Fellows' came calling at his house the day he died and burned
every notebook they could find that was not 'materialistic'.

Andrew Hennessey

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Journalist *ucked with. From Ian Goddard.

1999-04-14 Thread William Shannon

 -Caveat Lector-

 April 13, 1999 After a jury in Michigan did what it could do
 to ensure pain and suffering for the terminally
 ill by convicting Dr. Jack Kevorkian, another
 jury in New York just did what it could do to
 send the message to journalists that efforts to
 break the Flight 800 cover-up and provide America
 with a second opinion (other than the government's)
 about evidence in that case will not be tolerated.
 James Sanders and his wife were just convicted for
 James having accepted patches of seat cushion taken
 from the wreckage so that independent tests could be
 conducted so as to give the world a second opinion.
 The message is clear: one nation, one investigation.
 Some argue: "But if someone has evidence proving it
 was a missile hit, why don't they bring it forward?"
 Right, I mean who wouldn't want to end up in jail?
Info On The Federal War on James and Elizabeth Sanders:
The Residue Sanders Tested Was NOT Glue, as FBI/Media Claim:
==Associated Press Report
2 Convicted in TWA Evidence TheftBy Pat MiltonAssociated Press Writer
Tuesday, April 13, 1999; 6:07 p.m. EDT
UNIONDALE, N.Y. (AP) -- A self-styled investigative
reporter and his wife were convicted Tuesday of
stealing scraps of upholstery from the wreckage of TWA
Flight 800 in an effort to prove his theory that the
airliner was shot down by a Navy missile.
A federal jury took two hours to convict James Sanders,
53, and his wife Elizabeth, 52, a former TWA training
supervisor, of conspiracy and aiding and abetting thethefts.
The couple from Williamsburg, Va., could get up to 10
years in prison when sentenced July 9.
``I'm shocked,'' Sanders said in a telephone interview
after the verdict. ``I'm confident we will prevail.
I'm more shocked for my wife, Liz.''
Sanders said he ``wouldn't have started down this road
if I wasn't prepared to go to jail. It sends an incredible
strong message to journalists.''
All 230 people aboard Flight 800 were killed when the
Boeing 747 exploded over the Atlantic on July 17,
1996, just minutes after leaving New York's Kennedy
Airport on a flight to Paris. The government has said
the plane was destroyed by a fuel tank fire of as-yet
unknown origin but has rejected sabotage, terrorism or
``friendly fire'' from the Navy.
In newspaper articles and a 1997 book, ``The Downing
of TWA Flight 800,'' Sanders claimed stains on seat
upholstery taken from the plane were formed by missile
fuel, bolstering his theory. The FBI said the stainswere glue.
The government's case relied heavily on the testimony
of Terrell Stacey, a former TWA pilot who admitted
helping Sanders by stealing crash-related documents
and scraps of the seat covering from the hangar where
investigators had reassembled the plane's wreckage.
Stacey, who had flown the plane the day before the
crash and was assigned by TWA to assist in the
investigation, testified against the Sanderses in
exchange for being allowed to plead guilty to amisdemeanor theft charge.
Sanders' attorney, Bruce Maffeo, said he will appeal.
He said Sanders was ``a journalist trying to get the
truth out'' and made no attempt to hide the fact that
the evidence was passed to him.

Two miscarriages of justice, one day!  Shame on US!


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Bloodlined Breeder Women Betrayed

1999-04-14 Thread Jim Yester

 -Caveat Lector-

Apparently Judith has taken her writing to a venue where it is more
appreciated and her little ground here on CTRL is now empty and barren. God
how I miss her! Those were the heydays of conspiracy theory at its zenith!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Free Trade Is Not Free

1999-04-14 Thread M.A. Johnson

 -Caveat Lector-

Carl Amedio wrote:
Free Trade Is Not Free
by Patrick J. Buchanan

Two Sides to NAFTA on Display at ...

NAFTA is NOT Free Trade, though is touted as such which is perhaps
the problem, but typical in today's confusion.


A totalitarian state thrives on propaganda, and there
is no more effective way to limit thought than to
control the language itself.  By changing definitions
of words through continual association, any serious
discussion involving the concepts that the words
represents becomes hopelessly muddled.
The words "democracy," "hate" and "racism" immediately
comes to mind. -- Thomas Sowell

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Another view of Kosovo.

1999-04-14 Thread William Shannon

 -Caveat Lector-

Bombin' Bill going mano a mano against Sadistic Slobo: we like that

By Barbara Ehrenreich
Thursday April 8, 1999

A round of applause, please, for the Serbian people. No matter how often
they're pounded with bombs and told their leader is 'Hitler' incarnate, none
of them seems to be launching impeachment proceedings. Instead, they mock us
on CNN by holding up placards saying: 'Sorry, we didn't know it [the downed
US plane] was invisible.' Or they gather in Belgrade for patriotic rock
concerts featuring some of the very same performers who, only three years
ago, were busily rocking against Milosevic.
In an instructive contrast to Nato, which fights only when the weather is
agreeable and preferably after all anti-aircraft installations have been
demolished - the Serb civilians even don bulls-eyes and form human chains
over vulnerable bridges.

Confronted with this extraordinary surge of Serbian solidarity, Nato
spokesman Jamie Shea opined that they'll get over it soon enough. A follow-up
question, if you don't mind, Mr Shea: if the Serbs are still smarting from
their defeat at the battle of Kosovo more than 600 years ago, what makes you
think they're going to forget the bombings of Belgrade, Novi Sad and
Aleksinac in a couple of weeks?

The historical analogies are far from encouraging. When the Luftwaffe bombed
London, you may recall that the English failed to rise up against Winston
Churchill. Similarly, the obsessive bombing of Iraq by the United States has
yet to produce a mighty pro-democracy, anti-Saddam, movement on the ground.

In fact, persecution - real or perceived - is the very seedbed of nationalist
enthusiasm. Observe how the Australians still get misty-eyed over the battle
of Gallipoli, at which they were soundly whipped.

You don't have to read Serbo-Croatian to understand what the Serb rockers and
demonstrators are trying to tell us: namely, that there's more than one
person in Serbia. But the Nato assault has so far been conducted against a
single individual, just as the US likes to imagine that Iraq contains only
one occupant, Saddam Hussein.

It's the one-man theory of the nation state, and its effect is to transform
war into an S&M psychodrama: now that we've degraded 'his' infrastructure and
knocked out 'his' supply lines, will he finally break? Will he cry uncle?

No one in Nato seems to have realised that when Milosevic looks out of his
window, he doesn't just see mangled bridges and smashed ministries, he sees
the same militant crowds that we do.

Imagine the warm feeling it must give him to know that this time the crowds
aren't calling for him to be ousted, they're hailing him as the saviour of
his country.

The one-man theory of the nation state undoubtedly has its charms. For one
thing, it eliminates the psychological imponderable that is nationalism,
which can be ignored while we concentrate on the individual psychopathology
of a Slobodan or a Saddam. It furthermore eases any guilt occasioned by
civilian casualties, since those civilians never fully existed in the first

Finally, it restores the lost glories of the days of individual combat, when
brave men rode out on horseback to joust with the other side's warrior
heroes, while the foot soldiers fell back in awe. Which would you rather
watch on TV: Nato vs the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, or Bombin' Bill
going mano a mano against the Sadistic Slobo?

The alternative, multi-person, theory of the state is not only conceptually
more challenging, it would require an entirely different approach to
conflict. You'd start, not with bombs, but with an information blitz, aimed
at an entire population.

If, for example, the Serb people think the Kosovans are fleeing Nato bombs,
not Serbian forces, why not deluge them with faxes and e-mails? Maybe an
information war wouldn't work, but with a literate, PC-possessing population,
there's no excuse for not giving it a try.

Next, you'd bend over backwards not to injure a single Serbian civilian, even
if this means passing on a tempting downtown target or two. If peace is the
aim, then the peacekeeper's rule should be the same as the medical
professional's: first, do no harm.

If all this sounds disgustingly wimpy, bear in mind that the current Nato
strategy seems designed to turn the children in Belgrade bomb shelters into
tomorrow's international terrorist menace.

In the end, of course, we bomb because bombing is what we know how to do. But
here another historical analogy may apply: in the Hundred Years war, the
French knights tried to battle English longbowmen by charging them, on
horseback, in the usual knightly fashion.

Again and again - at Crecy and through Agincourt - the French knights charged
very nicely indeed, and were duly slaughtered by English arrows. So yes, Nato
does a commendable job of bombing. Now let's see it try to accomplish
something useful.

• Barbara Ehrenreich is the author of Blood Rites: Origins And History Of The
Passion Of War, publ

[CTRL] Social Democracy Betrayed.

1999-04-14 Thread William Shannon

 -Caveat Lector-


Social democracy betrayed

For the first time since it was established in 1949, the North Atlantic
Treaty Organisation is engaged in a war against a country that has not
committed any act of aggression outside its own frontiers. And for the first
time since 1945, European forces are bombing a sovereign European state. The
decision to go to war, announced on 23 March 1999, was described by NATO
Secretary-General Javier Solana, one-time leader of the Spanish Socialist
Workers' Party, as a "moral duty".

Mr Solana is supported in this decision principally by the French, German,
Italian and UK heads of government, Lionel Jospin, Gerhard Schröder, Massimo
d'Alema and Tony Blair - all four of them eminent proponents of social
democracy in Europe.

They all agreed to the military solution proposed by Washington as the "only
way" to break the deadlock in the Kosovo peace negotiations, even though it
is common knowledge - confirmed by US experience in Iraq since 1991 - that
crises of this kind cannot be settled by air strikes and any attempt to send
in land forces to occupy Kosovo would be extremely costly in terms of human
life and might extend the conflict to the whole Balkan peninsula.

The crisis is largely the result of Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic's
refusal to grant Kosovo a broad measure of political autonomy. But he has
widespread support for this stand among the Serbian population who believe
Kosovo should remain within Serbia for cultural reasons and feel a sense of
solidarity with the Serb minority there. So this is not, as NATO propaganda
would have us believe, a clash between an isolated President Milosevic on one
side and the allied forces and the Serbian people, ripe for "liberation", on
the other. The situation is more complicated.

Mr Solana justified the decision on the ground that we must prevent an
authoritarian regime from continuing to oppress its own people in Europe (1).
Does this mean that we must resort to force to oblige Turkey, also a European
country and a member of NATO, to grant autonomy to Kurdistan and end an
oppression that has already caused thousands of deaths among Kurdish
civilians? Is there by any chance a double standard here?

How could the social democrat leaders, heirs to Jean Jaurès and a long
tradition of respect for international law, yield to pressure from Washington
and embark on a military escapade that has not a shred of international
legitimacy? There is no UN Resolution expressly authorising the use of force
in the region and the UN Security Council, the supreme arbiter on
international conflicts, was not consulted before the first strikes were
launched and has not agreed to the use of armed force against Serbia.

And finally, it did not occur to any of these leaders to explain themselves
to their national parliaments before going to war, let alone ask their
permission to commit their armed forces to the conflict.

Thus socialism, one of the great unifying myths of mankind, has once again
been betrayed by the social democrat leaders of Europe. The resignation of
German Finance Minister Oskar Lafontaine on 12 March 1999 had already
afforded spectacular proof of the bankruptcy of social democracy and its
inability to provide an alternative to the ruling neo-liberal orthodoxy that
now finds even the Keynesian approach that enabled President Roosevelt to
bring the US through the economic crisis of the 1930s too left-wing.

Oskar Lafontaine stood accused by his fellow-socialists of five cardinal
sins: wanting to re-launch Europe, advocating a fairer tax system,
criticising the European Central Bank, calling for reform of the
international monetary system and, earlier, asking the Bundesbank to lower
interest rates in order to reduce the cost of borrowing, stimulate
consumption and combat unemployment.

It is impossible not to see his departure as yet another sign of the
ideological collapse of social democracy. The movement has completely lost
its bearings. It is steering a course as best it can, obsessed with the next
crisis looming up and devoid of any sound theoretical basis - unless you
count those catalogues of renunciation and reneging, The Third Way by Blair's
adviser, Anthony Giddens, and The Right Choice by Schröder's mentor, Bodo

For social democracy, which holds undisputed sway in all the major countries
of Europe, politics means economics, economics means finance, and finance
means the markets. That is why it is keen to encourage privatisation, the
dismantling of the public sector, and concentrations and mergers of giant
corporations. It is willing to renounce the social compact and has abandoned
all idea of full employment or eradicating poverty, of seeking to alleviate
the plight of the EU's 18 million unemployed and 50 million poor.

Social democracy won the intellectual battle after the fall of the Berlin
Wall in 1989. The conservatives lost and are preparing to 

Re: [CTRL] [Re: [CTRL] War Between Image and Word]

1999-04-14 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

Kris Millegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> In a message dated 4/14/99 1:23:45 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >the original purpose of letters
> recording the changes of the moon. MHO
> Om
> K
Quite possibly... Either that or some sort of star chart. The stone circles
and other megalithic monuments seem to have been mnemonic tools to help
worshippers "encourage" the stars to follow their proper paths and change the
seasons on schedule. (Such tools as the zodiac would have originally served a
similar purpose.) There is also some evidence that as far back as the
Paleolithic people were recording moon phases; given the physiological effects
of groups of women living together, such records probably started when a woman
recognized the relationship between menstruation and the moon's phases.


Robert F. Tatman
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Re: [CTRL] [Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Hungary/Yugoslavia]

1999-04-14 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

Teo One Thousand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> In a message dated 4/14/99 3:10:52 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
> << These people are monsters; and this began when our government permitted
>  over 100 Nazi scientists nd doctors to enter this country with von
>  Braun.and the link to Spandau was evident.
>  Bye there
>  Colleen
>  Your stuff is keeping me awake all night.   Twice, I have tried to turn
>  this off, but find it imossible
>   >>
> Sorry about the keeping you awake part, but you are correct on the Nazi
> influence angle.  But it did not BEGIN there just got a good leg up.  If you
> look at our past you will see the US at the forefront of Eugenics research,
> as well as human experimentation much earlier than the Nazi's and one could
> even argue that the racial philosophy of the Nazi's and all those who came
> later, while firmly rooted in the idea of "racial purity" and, as such,
> inherent to all "racial" groups to one extent or another, was firmly built
> upon the foundation that was laid by the USA.  We "made" the Nazi's and
> merely accepted our "children" into the family after the war was over.
> Teo1000
> PS Keep reading and commenting I like to get feedback from my posts to let
> know that SOMEONE reads them :)
> Thanks
It wasn't just the Germans brought in by Operation Paperclip, either. We
"acquired the services" of a large number of Japanese scientists and medical
personnel who had been conducting their own experiments on human
subjects--not, of course, in the Home Islands, but in occupied Korea (Chosen)
and Manchuria (Manchukuo).

With regard to the US influence on the Nazis, our particular contribution was
in the area of legal codes. The first of the notorious Nuremberg Laws, the one
which authorized the sterilization of "racial inferiors" and "congenital
defectives", was patterned directly after the Model Eugenics Code published by
the American Eugenics Association...which had been adopted by 47 out of the 48
states. (The exception was Pennsylvania, and that was only because Governor
Gifford Pinchot didn't like the particular version of the sterilization law
that the legislature passed. He supported the eugenics movement quite happily
otherwise.) Hitler was quite vocal in his admiration of American eugenicists
like Madison Grant and Lothrop Stoddard.


Robert F. Tatman
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[CTRL] Bloodlined Breeder Women Betrayed

1999-04-14 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-


(CNNS, 04/14/99) --  An  article  by  "Judith  ABR" discloses the
strong possibility that "breeder women" are  being  exploited  by
criminal syndicates. [1]

According  to  the  author,  she  has  been routinely targeted by
unscrupulous persons who inseminate  her, then steal her recently
conceived fetus, and next implant  her developing fetus into less
fertile women.

The claim has the ring of truth.  More honest persons  have  been
widely  reported  to  be  paying  tall,  high-IQ women as much as
$50,000 for use of  their  ova.   A  black market in such greatly
coveted ova, given economic laws of supply and demand,  would  be
normally expected.

For  the less honest, just as they purchase auto parts from "chop
shops," so too they'd have no qualms about ova piracy.

The author says that she  has  learned  "that my fetuses may have
been  'transferred  into'  other  women  by   specialized   crime
syndicates  who  could  make a great deal of money farming out my
ovum, utilizing advanced technologies and drugs."

"With sterility rates skyrocketing...  harvesting women is a very
lucrative business," writes the author.

There may also be a "master race," eugenics angle:   "Some  women
appear  to  be  'marked'  as  bloodlined  breeders  by particular
eugenics  rings."   For  whatever  reason,  as  in  the  case  of
pedigreed dogs, a whole  group  of  women  may be "the chosen" of
amateur "master race" eugenicists.

---<< Notes >>---
[1] "Breeder-Bloodline Cults," by Judith ABR.  Paranoia magazine,
Spring 1999, issue 20.

CNNS  (Conspiracy  Nation  News  Service)  is an INDEPENDENT news
outlet, not owned by anyone.  (But  of course, we would say that,

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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[CTRL] Israeliana: 04-14-99

1999-04-14 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

>From ArabicNews.CoM

Sharon, Netanyahu deny Russian mediation with Syria
Syria, Politics, 4/14/99

Israeli Foreign Minister Ariel Sharon has denied news published by the
Israeli daily Haaretz on Tuesday that he asked the Russian leadership to
convey a verbal message to Syria including a proposal to resume negotiations
between Syria and Israel.

At the meantime, the office of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
also denied such news.

Israel Radio quoted Sharon as saying in a special interview that this news
is null, adding that such an issue was not debated in his talks with
officials in Moscow. Sharon added during the interview that he opposes
withdrawal from the Golan in the context of a settlement with Syria and
opposes withdrawal from or in the Golan.

Sharon added that he supports Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon without being
linked to a settlement with Syria. He added that his talks with the Russians
dealt with how to urge Syria to stop its aid to the Hizbullah party.

On Tuesday, the Israeli daily Haaretz said that Sharon asked Russia to
convey a verbal message from Israel to Syria including a proposal to resume
negotiations between the two sides according to two stages. The first stage
is based on withdrawal from south Lebanon. Such a withdrawal starts and ends
before and after the Israeli elections and it is preferable that Russia will
carry out the mediation, while during the second stage discussions will deal
with Israel's withdrawal from the Golan and determining the security and
peace agreements between Israel and Syria. This stage would start after the
reelection of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The Israeli paper said Sharon's proposal did not indicate the volume of the
area from which Israel will withdraw or the response to the Syrian demands
to return back to the 1967 border. Estimates note that Syria will reject
these proposals.

Haaretz added that the question of the Russian mediation between Israel and
Syria was on top of topics tackled by Sharon in Moscow.

The paper, on the other hand, said Syria finds that Russia cannot carry out
such a mediation without an active role played by Washington, saying,
"Damascus understands that without U.S. involvement in the process, there
would be neither a carrot nor a stick in Russian hands to force Israel to
complete the second stage of the deal."

The reasons for President al-Assad's postponed visit to Russia
Syria, Reporter's View, 4/14/99

The visit of Syrian President Hafez al-Assad to Moscow was important in its
timing and then in postponing this visit so current international
developments would not make the visit lose its significance.

News of the visit was aired by Moscow before Damascus, who kept silent until
the Russian ambassador in Damascus volunteered to reveal some of the secret
in a press conference in which he tackled the issue of the sale of Russian
armaments to Syria.

The Russian ambassador then said that nobody has the right to oppose this
arms deal and that Russia had sent a note of protest to Washington in this
regard, referring to the US plan to sanction Russian companies involved in
the transaction.

Only then Damascus did break its silence on the eve of the declared date of
the visit, saying it was necessitated by the need to rebalance contradicted
international relations and to reactivate the Russian role in the Middle
East peace process.

Al-Assad's decision to postpone the visit was wise indeed (is in light of)
the Russians have been deeply involved in the Yugoslav issue, the
intensified pressures on President Yeltsin and Sharon's visit to Moscow. But
most possibly the direct reason behind the postponement was the persistence
of the Russian side to receive Israeli Foreign Minister Ariel Sharon whose
visit was coincided with President al-Assad's set visit to Moscow,
especially as Sharon put on top of agenda of his talks with Russian
officials the issue of resuming military cooperation between Syria and

What is also more possible is that Russia preferred to listen to Sharon
instead of signing a large arms deal with President al-Assad in subjugation
to US and Israeli pressures not to resume military cooperation between
Moscow and Damascus.

 Israel waiting for final plans to minimize troops in south Lebanon
Lebanon, Politics, 4/14/99

Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Arens is now waiting for the final army plans
to minimize down to one thousand soldiers the number of Israeli troops in
occupied south Lebanon, sources said Tuesday.

The sources added that the Monday attack in the Beaufort Castle where an
Israeli soldier was killed in a mine blast planted by Hizbullah has not
changed the Israeli decision to bring down the number of soldiers serving in
south Lebanon. Arens told the Israeli Knesset defense and foreign affairs
committee on Monday that he has not received any criticism from within the
army of his plan to minimize the Israeli military presence in south Lebanon.
The m

Re: [CTRL] The World's Wickedest Women - Elizabeth Bathory

1999-04-14 Thread Liz Schumacher

 -Caveat Lector-

Dear kris
wasnt there a roger corman movie in the 60s made about Bathory?
also-wasnt there a male equivalent called Gilles de Rais or something like
that? (tho i believe he lived in an earlier time)

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The World's Wickedest Women - La Voisin

1999-04-14 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

An excerpt from:
The World's Wickedest Women
Margaret Nichols
Octopus Books Limited©1984
59 Grosvenor Street,
London W1
Berkely Books, New York
ISBN 0-425-10983-6
La Voisin

Queen of all the witches in France during the reign of the Sun King, Louis
XIV, was a woman called Catherine Deshayes Voisin, better known simply as La

Some of the most famous and dazzling women of the day, Madame de Montespan,
the King's mistress, among them, were known to have sought her help through
the black arts. She thought herself invincible as she dabbled in wickedness.
"Nothing is impossible to me," she told one of her clients. "Only another god
can understand my power."

Only when the miasma of her dark deeds threatened to touch the King himself
was she brought to justice in a great purge which swept up half the witches
in Paris and aired a great many scandals at high level.

La Voisin was a short, plump woman, not unattractive apart from her eyes
which were piercing, like those of a bird of prey. She was said to have
inherited her powers from her mother who practiced as a sorceress and was so
famous that even the Emperor of Austria and the King of England had asked her

She lived in a neat, secluded villa in the Paris suburb of St. Denis and
claimed that her occupation was most innocent. I am a practitioner of
chiromancy, a student of physiognomy," she would boast. She was indeed an
uncanny fortune teller, skilled at crystal gazing, reading the Tarot cards,
reading palms and reading faces. "The lines on a face are far easier to read
than the lines of the hand," she would say. "Passion and anxiety are
difficult to conceal."

She made up love potions and happiness powders and sold them in silk and
taffeta pouches, prescribed herbs for unwanted pregnancies and supplied
aphrodisiacs for lagging lovers or husbands. When challenged with far worse
things she had the gall to say, I rendered an account of my arts to the
Vicars General of Paris and to several doctors at the Sorbonne, to whom I had
been sent for questioning, and they found nothing to criticize." She had
indeed been to the Sorbonne to discuss astrology with some of the professors
and had paid a social call on the rector of the University of Paris. She even
attended early mass at her parish church.

How she must had laughed for she was queen of the most powerful coven of
witches in Paris and dedicated to evil. Only her enemy, La Bosse, could be
compared with her. At first she had sought her clients among the common
people but as her fame as a sorceress spread so did her ambition. She was
brought in[t]o contact with high society and the court. Moral restraints, she
found, did not matter greatly to the very rich. Men and Women of great
eminence would pay anything to get rid of an unwanted partner, to eliminate a
rival or ensure the continuance of their power.

Poison was her specialty. She had secured the services of two women who were
capable of genius when it came to making up prescriptions. They provided La
Voisin with 57 different poisons from which she could improvise in hundreds
of ways. By varying the fatal doses she gave to clients she was sure that the
symptoms would be different. This meant that no one could establish a pattern
of death and trace the poison back to her.

Curiously enough, she had made several attempts to finish off her own
husband, a bankrupt jewel merchant, as she had taken as her lover an infamous
criminal character calling himself Le Sage, but each time she failed. He had
an ally and protector in La Voisin's maid, Margot. The poisoned dishes were
usually served up to him at the family table. Once Margot saved him by
jogging his elbow just as he raised a lethal bowl of soup to his lips.
Another time she gave him a counter poison which worked well enough but left
him with incurable hiccups and a bleeding nose. It was a great joke in La
Voisin's circle of intimates. "Bon-jour Madame," they would greet her. "How
is your husband? Not dead yet?"

The most shocking and repulsive aspect of what went on in the demure villa at
St. Denis was in the saying of Black Mass for which she provided priest,
altar, vestments and sacrifice. For these ceremonies and seances; she wore a
dramatic Vestment specially designed and woven for her which included a vast
cloak of crimson velvet elaborately embroidered with the double head and
wingspread of golden eagles. The same motif was stitched in pure gold thread
on her slippers. She admitted at her trial that she had a furnace in the
garden where she had disposed of the tiny corpses of hundreds of infants or
embryos, aborted, premature, still-born and newborn, that had been used in
the Black Mass. She scattered their ashes on her garden.

It was in 1679 that Louvois, the King's Minister of War sent him a secret
message saying that the woman called La Voisin had started to talk too much.
She had said openly that Madame De Vivonne and Madame de la Mothe had come to
her for someth

[CTRL] The World's Wickedest Women - Elizabeth Bathory

1999-04-14 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

An excerpt from:
The World's Wickedest Women
Margaret Nichols
Octopus Books Limited©1984
59 Grosvenor Street,
London W1
Berkely Books, New York
ISBN 0-425-10983-6
Elizabeth Bathory

The Countess Elizabeth Bathory who lived in the Carpathian mountains in the
16th century was one of the original vampires who inspired Bram Stoker's
legend of Dracula.

She was Hungarian by birth. Records give her entry into the world as 1561. As
a girl she was beautiful with long hair and an exquisite complexion. She was
married off to an aristocratic soldier when she was fifteen and became
Mistress of the Castle of Csejthe in the Carpathians.

Life in the dark, gloomy Csejthe Castle, while her husband was away on his
various military campaigns, became very boring indeed. She was determined to
liven things up.

First she gathered round her a sinister band of witches, sorcerers and
alchemists who taught her the black arts. Then, armed with her special
flesh-tearing silver pincers, a manual of tortures her husband had used when
fighting the Turks and a taste for flagellation learned from her aunt, she
set out to indulge herself and while away the lonely hours.

When her husband died in 1604 she had reached the difficult age of 43. She
longed for a new lover to replace him but her reflection in the mirror showed
her that time and indulgence had not improved her looks. One day she slapped
the face of a servant girl and drew blood with her nails. She was convinced
that that part of her body where the girl's blood had dripped was much
fresher and younger than before. It only needed the alchemists to add their
opinion and she was convinced that drinking and bathing in the blood of young
virgins would preserve her beauty forever.

So, at the dead of night, the Countess and her cronies would tear about the
countryside hunting for girls. They would be taken back to the castle, hung
in chains and their blood used for the countess' bath, the finest saved for
her to drink.

The terrible woman carried on like this for five years until she began to
realize the blood of peasant girls had not been terribly effective. In 1609
she turned to the daughters of her own class. Offering to take in 25 girls at
a time to teach them social graces, she soon had a flourishing academy.

Helped as usual by her peasant procuress, Dorotta Szentes, known as Dorka,
she treated the "pupils" with the same inhuman cruelty as she had treated the
others. But this time she became too careless. The bodies of four girls were
thrown over the castle walls. Before she realized her mistake villagers
collected them and took them away to be identified. Her secret was out.

News of her reign of terror finally reached the ears of the Hungarian
Emperor, Matthias II. He ordered that the Countess be brought to trial. But
as an aristocrat she could not be arrested, so Parliament passed a new Act so
that she would not be able to slip through their hands. At her hearing in
1610 it was said she had murdered 600 girls.

Dorka and her witches were burnt at the stake. The Countess escaped execution
because of her noble birth. But she was condemned to a living death—walled up
in a tiny room of her castle and kept alive by scraps of food pushed through
the bars. She died four years later without a word of remorse.

pps. 152-154
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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Re: [CTRL] Fw: FL800 Journalist Convicted!

1999-04-14 Thread Teo One Thousand

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 4/14/99 3:14:48 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

<< This is a real tragedy.
  Teo1000 >>

 You're right Teo, it is.  Apparently no American citizen can make an
 independent investigation of any matter our Government decides is private.
 Life in the United States is getting more and more like life in Russia under
 Uncle Joe.  Just consider this decision as another nail in Freedom's coffin.

Indeed.  The ultimate expression, we thought then, of the power of the
government to quash independent investigation and tamper with evidence was at
the Federal Building in OKC.  Here we have it again.  What the Federal
Government says is the law, any questions?  If so, get in line for federal
penitentiary.  No questions?  That's good, nice sheeple.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] Fwd: Do you really think the US cares about Albanians?

1999-04-14 Thread Kris Millegan

RTRS-Kosovo refugees spurn U.S. rations as inedible By Matt Spetalnick
   KUKES, Albania, April 11 (Reuters) - Kosovo refugees are throwing
away U.S.-donated humanitarian rations by the thousands and have even
burned some to keep warm, complaining that the food is inedible and has
made people sick.
   Piles of unopened packages -- each labelled "A Food Gift from the
People of the United States of America" -- litter the grounds of
makeshift camps housing many of the 150,000 ethnic Albanians who have
poured across the border in recent weeks.
   "We know the Americans want to help, but the food is just no good,"
said18-year-old Arolelina Ajazi.
   A U.S. Defence Department spokesman had trumpeted the meatless,
2,200-calorie meals as enough to feed one refugee for a full day and
"suitable for all faiths".
   Desperate refugees fought each other for the packages, officially
known as Humanitarian Daily Rations, when they were first distributed
off the backs of trucks several days ago.
   But some later said the meals -- which include items such as
three-bean casserole, legume stew and vegetarian goulash which are
foreign to their normal diet -- made their children vomit.
   "We don't eat it because the children get a fever and throw up and
are going to be poisoned," said Selvie Gashi, 27.
   Many of the packages were discarded in fetid trenches and streams
filled with garbage and excrement.
   Several families were seen huddling around campfires using boxes of
rations to help fuel the flames.
   The refugees, who were expelled from Yugoslavia in a Serb crackdown
following the launching of a NATO bombing campaign, are used to a diet
based on potatoes, rice and beans.
   Medical experts said similar problems were reported during a
humanitarian mission in Somalia, where U.S. military rations were too
rich for the local population.
   Officials of the World Food Programme, which has handed out 80,000 of
the U.S. rations, were unaware of any complaints but acknowledged that
the food might have caused stomach problems.
   "Actually, I have heard that refugees prefer the French humanitarian
rations," said Gemmo Lodesani, head of the World Food Programme mission
in Kukes.
   He contended, however, that even the parts of the rations such as
cookies and crackers which the refugees appeared to have accepted had
provided enough nutrition to save lives.
   U.S. officials say the rations, a civilian version of military
ready-to-eat meals, are suitable for all religions. Most of the refugees
are Moslems.

Re: [CTRL] War Between Image and Word

1999-04-14 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 4/14/99 1:23:45 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>the original purpose of letters

recording the changes of the moon. MHO


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Re: [CTRL] Free Trade Is Not Free

1999-04-14 Thread Teo One Thousand

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 4/14/99 10:52:16 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

<<  Free Trade Is Not Free >>


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Hungary/Yugoslavia

1999-04-14 Thread Teo One Thousand

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 4/14/99 3:10:52 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

<< These people are monsters; and this began when our government permitted
 over 100 Nazi scientists nd doctors to enter this country with von
 Braun.and the link to Spandau was evident.

 Bye there


 Your stuff is keeping me awake all night.   Twice, I have tried to turn
 this off, but find it imossible

Sorry about the keeping you awake part, but you are correct on the Nazi
influence angle.  But it did not BEGIN there just got a good leg up.  If you
look at our past you will see the US at the forefront of Eugenics research,
as well as human experimentation much earlier than the Nazi's and one could
even argue that the racial philosophy of the Nazi's and all those who came
later, while firmly rooted in the idea of "racial purity" and, as such,
inherent to all "racial" groups to one extent or another, was firmly built
upon the foundation that was laid by the USA.  We "made" the Nazi's and
merely accepted our "children" into the family after the war was over.
PS Keep reading and commenting I like to get feedback from my posts to let me
know that SOMEONE reads them :)

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] War Between Image and Word

1999-04-14 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

Alamaine Ratliff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>Literacy, Shlain is convinced, is the force that dethroned the goddess,
demoted women, and set the course for 5,000 years of patriarchal
oppression,intolerance, and misogyny. How is this possible? Because, Shlain
believes, there was "something in the way people acquired this new skill that
changed the brain's actual structure."<<

The *invention* of the alphabet surely preceded the "masculinist revolution"
by many centuries. The original purpose of letters was magical: by creating a
verbal snapshot of an event or an entity, you could control that entity. (This
still works--only today we call it "diagnostics" or "cladistics" or
"taxonomy".) At this point, the Goddess and her hierarchs could still control
the very potent tool represented by the alphabet. The true revolution occurred
when someone (probably a man) realized that you could also use letters to
write down everything from poems to law codes, thereby making what had been
limited to privileged initiates available to anyone who made the effort to
learn to read. This happened at different times in different places; it seems
to have taken place first in Sumeria, where the first bureaucracy was also
created. (This was not a coincidence. Bureaucracy requires forms, and forms
require writing.) In Greece, the change happened about the time of Homer--Mary
Renault, in *The Praise Singer*, has her protagonist complain that these kids
today, with their new-fangled literacy, can't memorize worth a damn. Shortly
thereafter, the Athenians voted to disenfranchise their women...


Robert F. Tatman
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frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Serb militia atrocity: Mass rape in Kosovo

1999-04-14 Thread MsCntryLdy

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-04-14 17:08:34 EDT, you write:

<<  I don't call 911; I call 1911.  >>

I like that nessie!  Good one!  Someone should make a bumpersticker of that


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Serb militia atrocity: Mass rape in Kosovo

1999-04-14 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
>the Internet will be exploited

There's not much we can do about it. TPTB built the internet TO exploit.
What we CAN do something about is our own exploitation. There is no reason
we should allow ourselves to be exploited. The real war is not being
fought in the Balkans. It's not being fought on TV. It's being fought
between our ears.

You're dead right about both sides. Deception, exploitation, in fact the
whole propoganda syndrom, is not a characteristic of sides but of war
itself. Be it aggressive war or defensive war, war is war. It cannot be
won without lies.

I'd like to point out that this is no pacifist speaking here. I'm armed
and dangerous, and proud of it. I don't call 911; I call 1911. But I see a
clear and distinct line between aggression and self defence. It's a moral
line. These are moral issues we are discussing. It is wrong to aggress,
even if the reason is right, which is most assuredly not the case in the
Balkans. NATO is engaged in an act of naked imperialist aggression,
nothing more, nothing less. It is right to defend yourself. Serbs have
fought a purely defensive war from day one. They have also been losing
since day one. All this talk about Serb expansion is NATO propaganda. It
is NATO that is expanding. Serb held territory has been steadily
contracting since Day One.

Aside from the moral issues here there are purely pragmatic issues as
well. This is an unwinnable war. While NATO is fighting a tactical war,
FRY is fighting a strategic war. We are not safe at home on the couch
watching Serbs die on TV. We too are targets, and if we let our leaders
push this insanity far enough, we too will be victims. They don't need an
air force to bomb us. They have Serbs on the ground right here in America.
They also have an excellent, highly sophisticated secret service, some of
whom are also on the ground right here in America. Do they have any of
those  suitcase nukes that Lebed reported missing? Who knows? Do they need
them to strike us here in our homes? Not hardly. One Serb, one Bic and one
tank car of propane equals one hell of a bang, literally for a buck. FAE:
look it up. Then there's the bathtub anthrax. The list goes on. If we
corner these guys they'll run right up our leg. In a very real sense, I
can't blame them. Corner me, see what happens. Better still, don't. A
peaceful solution can always be found if both sides want one. Serbs,
Serbians, in fact all of FRY were living in peace and minding their own
buisiness until NATO, specifically Germany, started this war by backing
the fascist successionists in Croatia. For a sense of the historical
process involved, study up on the Ustashi, Bishop Hudal and the Ratline.

Then there's the matter of refugees. The current refugee crisis was
CREATED by NATO. There are many, many more Serb refugees than there are
ethnic Albanian refugees. Many have been essentially homeless since they
were driven from their ancestors' land in western Slovonia and later from
the Krijina in the first ethnic cleansing of the war.

An ethnic Albanian life or a Croat life or a Bosniak life is worth not one
iota  more than a Serb life. A life is a life is a life. If NATO was in
the Balkans to help refugees they would have sided with FRY when Tudjman
declared independance and immediately set his fascist dogs on the Serbs of
Slovonia. NATO is not in the Balkans to help refugees. NATO is in the
Balkans to make money. War is, above all else, a BUSINESS. Period. End of

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] To the Victor ...

1999-04-14 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

>From Int'l Herald Tribune

Paris, Wednesday, April 14, 1999
Escalation of Air War Underscores Its Flaws
Low-Tech Serb Tactics Stymie NATO Plan

By Joseph Fitchett International Herald Tribune

PARIS - NATO's announcement of major reinforcements, confronting Serbia with
a U.S.-led air armada of more than 1,000 warplanes, underscored signs
Tuesday that the alliance's initial battle plan had failed to deliver the
expected results and needed an urgent escalation in firepower to offer a
realistic prospect of military victory in Kosovo.
''Our high technology weapons' performance would be devastating against a
sophisticated adversary fighting our kind of war,'' a North Atlantic Treaty
Organization commander acknowledged privately, ''but they work much less
well in a politically constrained campaign against Serbians who are
skillfully using nearly obsolescent weapons to fight in ways we had almost
forgotten about.''

Serbian forces, for example, have resorted to firing their surface-to-air
missiles using radar mounted on each battery. That method reduces the
effectiveness of the missiles in comparison to modern systems integrating
individual batteries with remote radars that provide more time for aiming
and firing. But missile crews operating independently only turn on their
radars briefly, making it harder for warplanes to home in for the kill using
anti-radar missiles.

Even with sharply reduced capabilities, the surviving missiles pose a potent
threat to low-flying warplanes, dissuading NATO from ordering ground-attack
fighters to pursue low-level attacks to kill tanks.

Serbia, meanwhile, also has broken up its armored units so that tanks
operate alone or in pairs, reducing their exposure as targets.

Senior officials in Washington said Monday that the Pentagon planned to
approve the deployment of 300 additional warplanes. The added planes, which
were requested by General Wesley Clark, NATO's top military commander, would
increase the number of U.S. and NATO aircraft committed to the campaign to
nearly 1,000, more than double the number - 430 - that the alliance had on
hand when it began the strikes on March 24.

The White House spokesman said Tuesday that Defense Secretary William Cohen
might ask President Bill Clinton for authority to call up some military
reserve forces. The spokesman, Joe Lockhart gave no figures and did not
outline what the reservists would be doing.

In miscalculating the impact of air strikes and underestimating Serbian
abilities to elude a knockout blow and exploit Western blind spots, the
initial NATO battle plan has created an uncomfortably exposed position for
the Clinton administration and European governments. The lack of visible
progress in the war has triggered calls for ground forces from hawks and
threatens to fuel pressure from European moderates for political
accommodation over Kosovo.

A fundamental mistake in the Western approach, an increasing number of
experts say, was the decision by President Bill Clinton and the other NATO
leaders to announce at the outset that they would not use ground forces.
That assured Slobodan Milosevic, the Yugoslav leader, that he would have
time for a sweeping ethnic cleansing of Kosovo - on a scale that Western
capitals say they never suspected possible.

''Once Milosevic heard that he was not going to face Western troops,'' a
British official said this weekend, ''it would have been natural for men
with the mentality of his commanders to decide that they could take more
punishment than the West was ready to dish out.''

Militarily, the decision meant that NATO lost the advantage that even the
threat of a combination of air and land forces would have provided. As a
French official said, ''Your armor and other forces on the ground pose a
threat obliging the adversary to operate in strength, which exposes him to
air attack.''

But Serbian forces remain masters of the terrain in Kosovo. General Clark
said Tuesday that some units were regrouping and others were digging bunkers
to conceal their tanks and artillery, apparently hoping to ride out the air
war and deter any NATO ground incursion with the threat of sharp resistance.

''Militarily and psychologically, Milosevic has made some gains, and NATO
may not be able to turn the tables in time unless we can start operating
more smartly,'' a U.S. planner said this weekend. Sympathetic to the
political leaders' view that it would have been risky to order infantry into
combat from the outset, he noted that NATO could have ordered crack units
into position in the Adriatic.

That, he said, ''would have limited Milosevic's sense of his own impunity
and room for maneuver - and meant that they were right there if and when we
needed them.'' Such an approach seems to have been adopted this week as the
strength of ground forces 

[CTRL] Food (Un)Fitness

1999-04-14 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

<< Arkansas seems to be having a few problems of late ... A<>E<>R >>

>From LATimes

Wednesday, April 14, 1999
21 Million Pounds of Meat, Poultry Are Declared Unfit
>From Times Wire Services

 WASHINGTON--Federal food inspectors declared unfit for human consumption 21
million pounds of meat and poultry produced by the same Arkansas plant from
which 30 million pounds of meat products were recalled three months ago.
 The meat, products of Thorn Apple Valley's Forrest City, Ark., plant,
was being housed in warehouses and waiting to be shipped to distributors,
officials with the U.S. Agriculture Department's food safety and inspection
service said.
 "These products may contain physical, chemical and-or microbiological
contaminants that render the product adulterated and not fit for human
consumption," an agency release said. It did not elaborate.
 In January, Thorn Apple Valley recalled 30 million pounds of hot dogs
and luncheon meats produced at the same Arkansas plant. That recall was
because of possible contamination with the listeria bacteria.
 USDA officials said an investigation begun after the recall led them to
halt the use of all of the remaining product.
 Thorn Apple Valley, based in Southfield, Mich., has about 9 million
pounds of meat and poultry products on hold in warehouses across the United
States. More than 12 million pounds of the products subject to recall have
been exported to Russia and South Korea, and USDA officials said the
appropriate international officials had been notified of the latest action.
 The plant has not produced hot dogs or luncheon meats since Dec. 31,
when the government suspended inspection because the plant had not complied
with sanitation requirements, USDA officials said.
 No illnesses have been reported to health officials from the recalled
meat, the USDA said.
 The department said consumers should check their refrigerators for
products bearing the codes "EST 13529" or "EST P-13529." Any such products
should be returned to the place of purchase.
 The recall covered products produced between July and December 1998.
 The government's formal condemnation of the meat was praised by
consumer groups as a sign that the USDA is taking tougher action against
companies to protect the food supply.
Copyright 1999 Los Angeles Times. All Rights Reserved

>From Reuters

Monday April 12 1:44 PM ET

Meat, Poultry Can Now Apply For 'Organic' Label

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - As the federal government nears the end of a decade
of dithering over how to define organic foods, one agency said Monday it
would allow some meat and poultry products to carry a national organic

Organic fruits, vegetables, meats and other items are one of the
fastest-growing segments of the U.S. food industry, appealing to aging Baby
Boomers in search of healthier meals.

But the U.S. Agriculture Department has been unable to come up with broad
labeling regulations for what constitutes ''organically-grown'', despite a
directive from Congress in 1990. In frustration, the U.S. organic industry
said last month it would develop its own national guidelines to replace a
jumble of conflicting state regulations.

The USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Service, which has authority over just
meats and poultry, said it would begin allowing labels that claim a product
is ``certified organic'' by a recognized entity.

Organic meat and poultry companies must submit the labels to the agency for
approval, and supply documentation provided by the organic certifying
entity. The agency said it will also continue to regulate labeling claims of
meat products raised without added hormones or antibiotics.

A separate agency within the USDA, the Agricultural Marketing Service, is
expected to publish a proposed rule defining ``organic'' for all farm
products later this year.

A similar attempt in 1997 to establish broad rules for organic foods
attracted more than a quarter-million comments from consumer groups, organic
growers, food companies and others. The outpouring of opposition to the use
of biotechnology in plants and animals, and to sewage sludge as fertilizer
for organic foods sent the USDA back to the drawing board for another
attempt at the rules.


The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Every great advance in natural knowledge has involved
the absolute rejection of authority. -Thomas Huxley
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Forwarded as information only; no endorsement to be presumed
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.


[CTRL] Fw: Balkan Fallout From NATO Bombing

1999-04-14 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new 
landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + 
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + Every great advance in natural knowledge has 
involved the absolute rejection of authority. -Thomas Huxley+ + + + + + 
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Forwarded as information only; 
no endorsement to be presumed + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 
+ + + + +In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material 
is distributed without charge or profit to those who have expressed a 
prior interest in receiving this type of information for non-profit research 
and educational purposes only.
- Original Message - 

Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 1999 3:27 PM
Subject: Balkan Fallout From NATO Bombing
Institute for Public Accuracy 915 National Press Building, 
Washington, D.C. 20045 (202) 347-0020 * * 
_ 2 P.M. Eastern 
Time — Tuesday, April 13, 1999BALKAN FALLOUT FROM NATO 
MADRE (a group which has been working with multi-ethnic, democratic women's 
organizations in the Balkans since 1993), Stromberg said: "We must move 
beyond a yearning for ‘good guys' in the Yugoslav conflict and remember that 
behind the various political formations and armed groups are communities of 
people. In Kosovo, whole towns and villages are being burned out and 
butchered. In Serbia, people are being terrorized by NATO bombing... Both 
must stop; instead, the United Nations must do its job."MICHAEL 
Director of European Programs for the American Friends Service Committee, 
which has been involved in relief efforts in the Balkans for six years, 
Simmons said: "NATO has been very insensitive to how disastrous the 
accelerated ‘ethnic cleansing' has been for already-weak Albania and 
Macedonia. Albania is extremely poor and has been unstable with a fragile 
democracy that barely has control over the entire country. Macedonia already 
has internal ethnic conflict between the Slavic Macedonian majority and the 
Albanian minority. This has the potential to do in the Balkans what the 
Vietnam War did to Southeast Asia. It could spill over into Albania and 
Macedonia. The KLA is going to be recruiting in the refugee camps. The camps 
will become more politicized and will be seen as legitimate targets by the 
Yugoslavian military... The per capita effect of the hundreds of thousands 
of Kosovar refugees flooding across their borders is the equivalent of 
something like 15 million refugees suddenly entering the United States. AFSC 
will continue to give aid to citizens of all of Serbia, not just the ethnic 
a geographer at the University of Wisconsin, said: "NATO claims the bombing 
of Yugoslavia is a ‘humanitarian intervention' to prevent the ethnic 
cleansing, but the bombing and the ethnic cleansing actually feed off of 
each other. NATO claims that it favors a multi-ethnic future for Kosovo and 
the rest of the Balkans -- yet a 1995 offensive by the Croatian army 
ethnically cleansed at least 100,000 Serbs from the Krajina region. 
Washington not only failed to object to that violent ethnic cleansing but 
actually helped facilitate it. Some of those expelled Serbs resettled in 
Kosovo, exacerbating the ethnic tensions that have now erupted into war. In 
the Dayton Accords, the U.S. continued to undermine the prospects for 
multi-ethnic cooperation in Bosnia. Now we are told that the NATO bombers 
are attacking Milosevic and ‘the Serbs.' Yet bombs have fallen on neutral 
Montenegro, the ethnically Hungarian northern region of Vojvodina in 
Yugoslavia and Serbian democratic opposition cities such as Nis. The war may 
yet result in the ethnic partition of what remains of Yugoslavia into two or 
three countries."For more information, contact at the Institute for 
Public Accuracy: Sam Husseini, (202) 347-0020; David Zupan, (541) 

[CTRL] [1] Crime, Big Business & Watergate

1999-04-14 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
The Breaking of a President 1974 - The Nixon Connection
Marvin Miller, Compiler
Therapy Productions, Inc.©1975
LCCCN 7481547

Organized crime will put a man in the White House some day—and he won't know
it untill they hand him the bill.

Ralph Salerno
Former New York City Police Officer


Richard Nixon had-and still has-far more to hide than his White House tapes.
For example, it is little known that the former President of our great
country made his first big money by operating a little South Pacific gambling
casino while he was in the Navy, and that the proceeds of this venture were
invested in his first political race. The equally little-known fact that
Nixon participated in a burglary of his dean's office while he was a student
at Duke University Law School has also, oddly, not been commented upon in all
the millions of words written about the subsequent Watergate and Ellsberg
burglaries. And, most important of all, it is almost entirely unknown to the
general public that Nixon has maintained contacts with people directly
connected with organized crime, since his very first venture into politics.

These astonishing but verifiable facts, which will be detailed in their
proper place in this volume, would perhaps be of little direct importance to
understanding Watergate, if crime in the United States had not developed into
a powerfully organized force without the American public being aware of the
changes. But since organized crime has made determined efforts to keep its
true influence on events invisible, every fact, no matter how small,
illuminates the hitherto hidden connections between organized crime, big
business and politics.

The President, of course, has been trying to confine the Watergate
investigation to the bare facts of the original burglary at the offices of
the Democratic National Committee. But despite all his desperate and
overly-obvious attempts to limit the investigation, it is becoming very clear
that the Watergate burglary was just the visible tip of an immense, submerged
iceberg of government corruption. Since much is already known about the
involvement of large corporations and intelligence agencies, it would be an
obvious over-simplification to state that all of the Watergate scandals were
"caused" by President Nixon's hidden relations to organized crime. Yet
without understanding this connection, which involves tracing as best we can
the even more hidden relation of organized crime to big business, we really
can't understand why our government became so undemocratic, so willing to
resort to violence and deceitful behavior towards its own citizens.

"Crime" is much different now from what it has been in our country's history.
The post-World War II multi-national corporations, and political parties
intelligence apparatuses involved in Watergate are also substantially new
forces which function quite differently from the corporations, parties and
spies of the past. Only by understanding these differences, only by having
the maximum knowledge possible of what went wrong, can the citizens of these
United States transform the federal government from the loathsome spectacle
it has become, to a true vehicle for the inalienable rights of life, liberty,
and the pursuit of happiness.

In the first two volumes of this series, The Breaking of a President, 1974,
our aim has been to give the American public a day-by-day chronology of all
the emerging facts about Watergate. Without such a score-card there are just
too many names, too many episodes, and too many inter-relations to keep
clearly in mind. But now that the story has been carried forward from the
original burglary to the impeachment procedure in Congress, it is possible to
begin exploring why Watergate took place, not simply what happened.


Most of us think of crime either as the sensational exploits of safely dead,
famous personalities like John Dillinger, Al Capone and Lucky Luciano, or in
terms of our own tragic personal experiences with those individuals or small
gangs who perpetrate the growing number of street crimes: the burglaries,
robberies, auto thefts and larcenies (any theft not involving force, violence
or unlawful entry). Many people are affected by these street crimes. The FBI,
for example, estimates that in 1965 there were 1,173,201 burglaries, 762,352
larcenies of over $50, 486,568 auto thefts, and 118,916 robberies involving
force or the threat of force.

According to the President's Committee on Law Enforcement and Administration
of Justice, the total cost to the public of all these street crimes in 1965
was 614 million dollars, a truly astronomical sum. However, the President's
Commission goes on to say that illegal gambling, which we shall see is mostly
controlled by organized crime, involves seven to fifty billion dollars
annually, and at least one third of this almost inconceivable number of
dollars goes into the pockets of

Re: [CTRL] Can Media Make a Killer?

1999-04-14 Thread Andrew Kieran

 -Caveat Lector-

>Can Media Make a Killer?
>by Declan McCullagh
>3:00 a.m.  13.Apr.99.PDT
>Everyone in the fly-spit town of Paducah, Kentucky, knows of Michael
>Carneal, a computer geek convicted of gunning down eight of his
>high-school classmates. Everyone knows the gory details of the crime:
>How the 14-year-old opened fire on a prayer circle in the lobby of Heath
>High School on 1 December 1997.
>What's still unclear is the nature of the demons that drove Carneal to
>bring six guns to school that day. The uncertainty isn't due to lack of
>details. Those became plentiful during the trial.
>Might the hours Carneal spent playing Doom have blurred the line between
>fantasy and reality? How about a Leonardo DiCaprio movie with a similar
>scene? Or and other erotic Web sites that police say
>Carneal frequented?

well, i've played doom, i've played wolfenstein 3D, i've played quake,
quake II, blood, blood 2, redneck rampage and most of the rest. call me a
wierdo but i haven't felt the consumption to run out onto the street and
gun down a prayer group, in fact the only noticeable side effect of playing
quake for hours on end was that i stopped having a social life for a while.
man, there must be something wrong with me

>The parents of the three students who died have a ready, and angry,
>answer: All of the above.

well, that's simplistic.
simplistic solutions to desperately complex problems are what cause death
and war, simletons are responsible for the first world war, the current
Kosovo crisis has been caused by excessiveness stupidity on both sides,
NATO in particular. simpletons were responsible for the long suffering of
russia under authritarian communism, simpletons were responsible for
vietnam, and simpletons were responsible for the rise of the likes of Hitler.

>On Monday, the families filed a lawsuit in Kentucky federal court
>against a broad swath of computer companies and media firms, claiming
>that the executives traded conscience for cash.
>The suit, which seeks more than US$100 million in damages, says that the
>25 companies engaged in a pattern of corrupt business practices that
>glorify violence and promote "disregard of authority." According to the
>plaintiffs, the firms "should have known that copycat violence would be
>caused by their products."

it'd be nice if they did teach disregard of authority, but let's be
realistic here.

>Of particular concern to the families is The Basketball Diaries, a
>Time-Warner movie in which the main character, played by DiCaprio, slays
>his teacher and some classmates. They say the flick "is a nihilistic
>glamorization of irresponsible sex, senseless and gratuitous violence,
>hatred of religion" and other mendacities. They blame Time-Warner and
>its partners. Carneal has told police that he remembered watching that

and i remember listening to Cradle of Filth once, big deal

>Videogames are another concern. Doom, Quake, Wolfenstein, Redneck
>Rampage, and other programs allegedly "trained Carneal how to point and
>shoot a gun in a fashion making him an extraordinarily effective
>killer." And porn sites "provoked violence in Carneal" by showing him
>illicit material not suitable for teens. Just to be safe, the plaintiffs
>have also charged the operators of,, and
> with racketeering.

you can't learn to shoot from a computer game, i know people who can beat
quake II without blinking, yet they can't shoot an air rifle for shit.

>The companies being sued did not immediately respond to requests for
>comment, saying that they need more time to review the allegations. "We
>haven't really had a chance to look through the material well enough,"
>said a spokesman for Activision, which sells Wolfenstein and Mech
>Experts say that the suit will be thrown out of court. "This is a very
>tough case to fight," said Eugene Volokh, a law professor at the
>University of California at Los Angeles. "It has virtually no chance."

glad to hear it.

>Similar lawsuits in the past have had little success. In 1981, Hustler
> published an article -- part of a series about taboo sexual practices
>-- called "Orgasm of Death." It described in graphic detail the practice
>of autoerotic asphyxia, in which a person masturbates while hanging
>himself to cut off the blood supply to the brain. A 14-year-old boy
>found a copy, tested the theory, and was found hanging by his neck in
>his closet the next morning. An appeals court said Hustler couldn't be
>held responsible for the youth's death.

well, i wouldn't like to be responsible for someone else's stupidity. i've
never heard of gun companies being sued when people get shot, quite right too.
society lacks a sense of personal responsibility, they expect someone else
to be responsible for everything.
i heard about a mentally unstable man who killed someone and then sued his
therapist, that's the height of insanity, dependency taken to it's ultimate

[CTRL] Fwd: Corporate Predators: New Book Announcement

1999-04-14 Thread Kris Millegan

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"Mokhiber and Weissman chronicle the immense power corporations have
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Re: [CTRL] Draft dodging, War monger Liberals

1999-04-14 Thread Andrew Kieran

 -Caveat Lector-

can you please stop defining a political belief by it's poltician's? i
really hate it when people do this. because Clinton (who i have absolutely
no respect for, incidentally) calls himself a liberal does not necessarily
mean he is one, it is merely another lie. i would've thought you'd have
figured out that the idea of him being a libertarian was just another one
of his endless stream of lies.

btw, about the british labour party, i'd hardly call the leadership and all
the faithful little Blairites the 'leading lights', Tony Benn has come out
very strongly against the war.

When people condemn one pointless war, and encourage a different, even more
pointless war which has all the makings of a large regional conflict or
even a world war, this means that they are merely liars. liars should not
be defined as 'libertarian' or 'conservative' or 'socialist', they should
be defined as only one thing, 'liar'.

although the label of politician would do equally well

> Where have all the Western liberals gone?  Nearly two weeks into
> NATO's war against Serbia, there is barely a whimper of protest in
> either Europe or North America.  But then you can't expect Western
> peaceniks to protest against a war they themselves are waging.
> Nearly eight years ago, the U.S. Democrats came very close to
> denying the President, Mr. George Bush, the authority to wage a war
> against Iraq's Mr. Saddam Hussein.  But now it is a Democrat in the
> White House who is pursuing an open-ended war in the Balkans.  In
> Britain, many leading lights of the Labour Party and the Left had
> strongly protested against the Gulf War.  Now a Labour Prime
> Minister, Mr. Tony Blair, is among the NATO hawks on Kosovo.
> The reversal of attitudes towards war and peace among liberals is
> most visible in Germany, where the ruling alliance of Social
> Democrats and pacifist Greens has ordered the German bombers into
> combat for the first time since the end of Second World War.
> Until recently, German public opinion refused to endorse the
> participation of German armed forces even in international peace-
> keeping missions, given the sensitivities arising from the Nazi
> past.  But now there is strong support in Germany for the war
> against Serbia.
> In France, where the intelligentsia traditionally revelled in
> opposing American "Cowboy imperialism", is backing the war against
> Serbia.  The French Government, which had been promoting the idea
> of a "multipolar world" is now firmly with the United States in the
> Balkan war.
> The conservative French President, Mr. Jacques Chirac, and
> Socialist Prime Minister, Mr. Lionel Jospin, have set aside
> political differences and the traditional suspicion of the NATO
> to line up behind the bombing of Belgrade.
> Although there is some unease in Europe -- particularly among the
> former Communists and in Greece -- at the unfolding war in the
> Balkans, the measure of political unity that has emerged in the
> Continent against Serbia is unprecedented.  A war started by the
> Western liberals in the Balkans has now gained strong support from
> the conservatives -- of course, for entirely different reasons.
> The liberals have always recoiled at the idea of going to war in
> pursuit of such crass objectives as balance of power, geopolitics,
> or securing valuable natural resources such as oil.  The European
> liberals were particularly irked by what they saw as attempts by
> the U.S. to drag their nations, through the NATO, into such wars.
> They see the war in the Balkans, however, as being driven not by
> narrow national interests but by the moral imperative of preventing
> "genocide", "ethnic cleansing" and the return of "barbarism" to
> Europe.  Although many in the world may not share this view,
> there is no denying the strength of this belief in Europe, and
> the absence of any sympathy for the Serb point of view.
> When the Balkan crisis began to unfold at the turn of the 1990s,
> the then U.S. President, Mr. Bush, was extremely reluctant to get
> involved.  Despite the fact that he had successfully waged the Gulf
> War in the name of a "New world Order", Mr. Bush was determined not
> to repeat the adventure in the Balkans.
> Mr. Bush and other American conservative internationalists seemed
> to say "we don't have dog in that fight".  With no conceivable
> geopolitical interest in the Balkans, the Bush Administration was
> quite happy to leave it to the European powers to manage the
> crisis.  It was the American liberals who challenged the Republican
> policy of benign neglect and kept up the demand for a U.S. military
> intervention.
> In his election campaign against Mr. Bush, Mr. Clinton attacked
> the American inaction in the Balkans.  But when he took over as
> President, Mr. Clinton was equally wary of being drawn into the
> Balkan quagmire.  But as the European efforts failed and the
> political pressure from the liberals mounted, Mr. Clinton g

Re: [CTRL] Fw: FL800 Journalist Convicted!

1999-04-14 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 04/14/1999 1:05:25 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 << James Sanders and his wife were just convicted for
  James having accepted patches of seat cushion taken
  from the wreckage so that independent tests could be
  conducted so as to give the world a second opinion.

 This is a real tragedy.
 Teo1000 >>

You're right Teo, it is.  Apparently no American citizen can make an
independent investigation of any matter our Government decides is private.
Life in the United States is getting more and more like life in Russia under
Uncle Joe.  Just consider this decision as another nail in Freedom's coffin.

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[CTRL] BNN: Microbe Rights Activists Stage Protests Against Antibiotics

1999-04-14 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

Microbe Rights Activists Stage Protests Against Antibiotics


The "People for the Ethical Treatment of Micro Organisms" (PETMO) today
launched a series of protests designed to raise awareness to the plight of
bacteria. PETMO spokesperson, Needa Viva, told BNN, "Just because bacteria are
not visible to the naked eye doesn't mean that they don't have rights.
Americans are guilty of practicing bacterial genocide through the use of
antibiotics. This heartless campaign of death has pushed certain bacterial
strains to the brink of extinction."

PETMO's protests have utilized "Urban Theater" as a means of getting their
message out to the American people. One such protest occurred this morning on
a subway in San Francisco. PETMO members disguised as commuters boarded the
subway at the Walnut Creek station. As soon as the doors closed, 15 PETMO
protesters quickly put brown paper bags over their heads. Painted on each of
the bags was the word 'Bacterium'. Another protester then removed his jacket
to reveal that he was wearing a bright blue t-shirt with the word 'antibiotic'
painted on it in fluorescent red letters. As puzzled commuters looked on, the
'Antibiotic' proceeded to chase the 'Bacteria' around the subway car. Each
time the 'Antibiotic' would touch a 'Bacterium' his victim would shriek, begin
convulsing and then die. A few short seconds after the last bacterium met his
fate, the PETMO members removed the bags from their heads and shouted in
unison, "Stop the Genocide!"

Elma Thompson, who happened to witness the protest, told BNN, "It was one of
the most thought provoking protests that I have ever seen. I will certainly
think twice before I take an antibiotic again."

PETMO plans to stage similar protests in other metro areas around the country.
Said Viva, "This is only the first battle in a long war. We are prepared to do
whatever it takes to stop the violence against innocent bacteria."

Robert F. Tatman
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Re: [CTRL] Serb militia atrocity: Mass rape in Kosovo

1999-04-14 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
><<  A fairly solid
> case could be made that war itself is an atrocity. It's not the absolute
> worst thing you can have happen in your neighborhood >>
>What is?

Volcano.  After a war, you can rebuild. After a volcano you have to settle
down somewhere else (assuming you lived through it).

Then there's plague . . .

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fw: FL800 Journalist Convicted!

1999-04-14 Thread Teo One Thousand

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 4/13/99 10:26:55 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

<< James Sanders and his wife were just convicted for
 James having accepted patches of seat cushion taken
 from the wreckage so that independent tests could be
 conducted so as to give the world a second opinion.

This is a real tragedy.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Serb militia atrocity: Mass rape in Kosovo

1999-04-14 Thread Teo One Thousand

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 4/13/99 8:21:05 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

<< > It is only a matter of time before the Internet starts to beat the drum
 of Serbian atrocities.

 Personally, I believe only what I see with my own eyes, and not all of
 that. However, as a history buff, I find it extremely difficult to imagine
 a war in which atrocities were not committed by both sides. A fairly solid
 case could be made that war itself is an atrocity. It's not the absolute
 worst thing you can have happen in your neighborhood, but it does make the
 short list with a couple slots to spare.  Let's not have one here, OK?

I agree about war being an atrocity.  The only reason I mentioned the Serbian
atrocity comment was to illustrate how the Internet will be exploited by the
Powers That Be (or it will be attempted if not successful) to foster their
own agenda and paint the Serb's as the aggressor and a real devil to boot.
Both sides of course do such things, the end of W.W.II is a good case in
point; the Germans were treated horrendously after their defeat (at least
some were), and Vietnam as well where we used gross tactics to defeat an
invisible enemy.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Skeptic News Final

1999-04-14 Thread Amelia Kay Edgeman

 -Caveat Lector-

I shall greatly miss Skeptic News.  Perhaps they only want us to think
he has bee kidnapped to trick us into attempting a rescue for the
purpose of creating an incident for invoking reptillian law.  The humor
was much appreciated during this stressful time.

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Skolnick: Kosovo Summary (fwd)

1999-04-14 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Why did the put John Gotti in prison for the rest of his life based on
the testimony of a man who had murdered 19 people, turned witness for
the prosecution and was given immunity, and then put into a witness
protection program.

Now I have read of Gotti and now this - the people loved himhis 14
year old son was killed in what was supposed to be an accident, but
Gotti was never tried or convicted of the disapperance of the man who
hit him in his car.  One of the oldest tricks of an enemy, is to move
into a neighborhood, and go after your kids."got family, got
kids"...and I have been asked that question myself.

Why Gottiwho took his place, and does this man answer to Bill
Clinton unawares.  Did Gotti know too much about our President and his
activitieswhy did the Justice Department go after him - why him in
particular?   The Teflon Don as compred to the Teflon Kid in the
Whitehouse, why.

John Gotti was denied his constitutional rights - the right to have a
fair trial...he was tried three times, and on the fourth trip he was not
permitted to have his attorney, who was one of the best, represent

Janet Reno, the Butcher of Waco, is primarily responsible for Gotti beng
placed behind barswhere is is kept in solitary confinementwhy?
Gotti knows where all the bodies are buriedand Cinton has a few
bodies buried in Yugoslavia, that nobody knows about - but this is his
story.people are setting themselves on fire, yet the bombs are
blowing up cities and people daily.

Why is John Gotti behind bars, and why is Clinton not behind Bars; why
is Janet Reno not behind Bars; and why is this obnoxious woman, Madeline
Albright not behind bars.but consider again, the man who put Gotti
behind bars murdered 19 people, got immunity, a new name (just like in
the RevelationsI will give you a new name) and is free while John
Gotti is in prison.  Gotti had a sonhis son was probably
murderedbut John Gotti did not act as the avenger in blood.

What I am saying is this, what is John Gotti doing in there, and what
are they doing out there?

Between Clinton and Gotti, give me Gotti; at least, he is a real man,
and not a coward hiding behind the skirts of two ugly, obnoxious,
excuses for women,  but who are symbolic of this draft dodging coward.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Under the Gun

1999-04-14 Thread Lyn McCloskey

 -Caveat Lector-

Y'all might want to check out this site...

This is the site about NATO bombing in Yugoslavia, as seen from
Belgrade by me, my family and my friends. This site is here to
tell as much truth as I know. This site is here to show the
public what's going on and how it feels.

This site is here because I am affraid.

You are now with me, under the gun.

DAY 20
Monday, April 12th, 1999 Get inside, get in there
Evil in your eyes, baby, I don't care
Get inside, get in there
See the flesh falling everywhere
"Electric head pt. 1 (The Agony)"
White Zombie

This morning I visited CNN to check out the news again and I found
out an article about "mass graves" in Kosovo. Along with the
article went the images of the area in question, images NATO
provided using their spy satellites. Yellow markings indicate the
area that "could be a mass grave". I guess it could. I also guess
it could be trenches made for the army. The resolution is not good
enough to determine what is the real purpose of the excavations.
Of course, if Serbs dig the ground it's for the mass graves,
right? Especially if NATO's spy satellites say so, the same
satellites that NATO used to target a dummy radar in Belgrade
suburb. They spent 30 Tomahawk missiles on that radar model before
they finally realized it's not the real thing. Somehow, I'm
inclined to doubt the conclusions drawn from the information
provided by those satelites. In other words, it would be fishy if
it wasn't already ridiculous.

Another fine example of "Allied Force" targeting skills caused a
real massacre today, when the cruising missiles hit the passenger
train passing the bridge in Grdelica gorge. The locomotive and
first wagon were out of harms way when the missiles arrived, but
they hit third and fourth vagon in the bull's eye. There results
were disastrous and the aftermath is still in progress. So far the
teams managed to drag only 16 survivors out of the wreckage, 16
severely injured people. They also managed to pull out 7 scorched
bodies, one of them being a 10 year old girl. Nobody knows yet how
many people exactly died there.

I've seen one of the survivors on TV. They showed only the woman's
face as she spoke about the explosion and how the roof of the train
fell on her, which probably saved her life, and how she jumped from
a 2 meter height, out of the wreckage, through the hell of burning
steel and broken glass. I will never forget that face. I could look
at it, but I couldn't tell how old she was.

I don't doubt that NATO knew that the train was heading for the
bridge. After all, they have all that sensory and targeting
equipment, which they use very well to claim the presence of mass
graves in Kosovo and to strike the car factory in Kragujevac.
Somebody in the Allied Force must be very proud of this.

All sorts of rumors can be heard these days, but the latest is the
update about Albanian forces attacking our border. It is said that
Osman Bin Laden is in Albania, along with 500 of his Mujahedins. For
those of you who haven't heard of Osman Bin Laden yet, he's the
supreme leader of all Muslim terrorists in the world. And for those
who don't know what Mujahedins are, they used to be Muslim holy
wariors, equivalent of Christian crusaders: fanatic warriors who
believed that dying in Alah's name during a Jihad automatically
brings them a place in heaven. Today they are elite Muslim
mercenaries and terrorists.

Now that we're acquainted with terms, let's review the situation
again: the supreme terrorist leader with 500 elite warriors,
preparing to attack the border. Being mercenaries, they have to be
financed by someone. NATO claims that there will be no ground
troops in Kosovo. Put two and two together and draw your own
conclusion. Of course, these are only the rumors, but still very

Last update on the massacre in Grdelica gorge: the train wasn't hit
from cruising missiles fired from ships. One of the survivors, from
the first wagon, said that after the first missiles hit other wagons
he jumped out the broken window, heard the sound of the airplane,
saw the smaller, grey missiles heading for the train and then
another round of blasts started. There's a good reason to be proud
of NATO pilots, the ones that pilot the planes I'm listening to
right now. Good night, world, wherever you are.

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[CTRL] No Subject

1999-04-14 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Re: [MC] Custody Conspiracy, Insight Mag Story-David's comments

1999-04-14 Thread Kris Millegan

In a message dated 4/13/99 12:43:50 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Despite the fact that I admittedly have a healthy suspicion and
mistrust of Psychiatry (or Psychiatry) as a legitimate, objective body of
"scientific" (or scientifically-derived) knowledge, still, there is
considerably truth to the assertion that such a dynamic  as Alienation
exists, as I have seen evidenced in two marriages of my own.  Inasmuch as my
own field of (professed) expertise is scientific in large part, I submit that
my comments may be as helpful as anyone else's in this regard:
Two caviats in regard to the above:
First, we should be very cautious about stating the gender-hierarchy
of this or any other dynamic.  By this I mean that, regardless of whether
statistically this particular dynamic is more commonly seen in woman, they
usually being the parents possessing custody,  and thereby potentially
exerting this pernicious power in relation to the disenfranchised men,
(fathers) and, in so doing, causing great mischief to the child and to the
relationship between child and non-custodialy parent, still, we have to be
very cautious that we do not use the statistical incidence to indict one sex
preferentially over the other.  There is a temptation (or a tendancy) on the
part of all of us--because we are human and therefore faillable--to do this.
What may start out as an authentic desire to help one group as compared to
another, very often becomes a passion to value one group over the other.  I
submit "Affirmative Action" as one grotesque example, or "Feminism" as
another.  These movements, even if we were inclined gratuitously to grant
initial sincerity to them, desolved into a grotesque parody of themselves,
eventually polarizing the sexes, or the races, and therefore harming all
parties as a consequence.  I am sure each of you can offer his or her pet
peeve as examples.
Second, be very wary of anything labeled as a "syndrome."  The term
does have scientific validity, but the term must be applied according to
strict criteria, and not used as an arrogant means of demanding blind
obesiesence as an Article of Faith.  When we apply terms out of the context
in which they were originally derived, and use them in a wider context, we
must be able to demonstrate that the wider context (or application) has at
least as much validity as did the context in which the "syndrome" or original
term was first engendered.  Such terms as "Social Darwinism" "Inferiority
Complex" and so forth presume a deterministic--or non-volitional--aspect to
their dynamic.
In medical school, one of my professors used the following to
demonstrate the difference:  A mother goes to two doctors in search of the
answer to a problem she has with her child: Why does he not drink milk?  The
first doctor offers a number of plausable explanations, each with a
corresponding implication with regards to what to do about the situation
(assuming for the moment that something should be done.)  The second doctor
says that the explanation is the the child is suffering from "Pediatric
Non-milk-drinking Syndrome."  (I leave it to you to decide which is more
A "syndrome" is a combination of two or more attributes in the same
individual where said combination is far greater than would be expected from
chance and chance alone.  Putting it another way, where any number of
attributes, each thought by definition to be sufficient unto themselves,
appear to aggregate in an individual, we suspect that "something" is at work
as the cause.  It only remains to find out what exactly that "something" is.
If used inappropriately it can lead to all sorts of erroneous notions, Group
Prejudice and Racism being good examples.  Some terms logically imply such
groupings, and must be updated as information is made available and is
incorporated, thus modifying the original term.  "Intelligence" is a classic
example of such a progression.  Where it was once thought that there was a
simple thing called "Intelligence" or "IQ," thought originally to do with the
ability to solve problems or to draw anologies, is now seen to be a complex
of numerous dispositions, spacial, linguistic, logical, interpersonal and
intrapersonal, being among the subsets now recognized.
The reason that this issue is so poignant as it relates to human
behavior is that we differ (at least in degree) from other entities in that
we are creatures of self-conscientiousness; and in virtue of that fact,  can
be seen to exert some influence over the kind of choices we make, and thus,
over the kind of people we are seen to become.  "Knowledge is power," we are
told.  And the poet reminds us, "Man is Master of his fate, Captain of his
soul."  Chaucer in his allegory tells us "The Truth will set thee free, have
no fear!"
But how free?  "That--is the Question,"  if I may borrow shamelessly
from The Bard.  The DSM-IV has been understand

[CTRL] The Greatest Conspiracy

1999-04-14 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
The Greatest Conspiracy
Subject: The Greatest Conspiracy
Date: Tue, Apr 13, 1999 7:55 AM
Message-id: <7evpec$5gm$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The Greatest Conspiracy I can think of consists of the endless lies from the
US government concerning Iraq and its use of Chemical weapons.  Jude
Wanniski's memo "Propoganda Wars #2" makes it clear that there must be
another agenda.

The address for the memo is

The text follows:

Propaganda Wars #2

Memo To: Tim Weiner, NY Times Washington Bureau
From: Jude Wanniski
Re: Reviewing Scott Ritter's book

I should not have been pleasantly surprised to read your review of Scott
Ritter's Endgame in the Sunday NYTimes "Book Review." That's because I've
come to value your byline as a conscientious reporter on stories most other
reporters handle with the frivolity common to the journalism of the age.
Because Saddam Hussein has been so demonized thoroughly by the propaganda
machine of our Political Establishment, it only was natural that the
Establishment press corps that does its bidding without question, would
celebrate Ritter, who quit his job as an UNSCOM inspector a year ago. Ritter,
after all, quit supposedly when his conscience told him the U.S. was
interfering with the Good Guys who were serious about finding Weapons of Mass
Destruction hidden in Saddam's secret places. I automatically assumed your
book review would find his heroics invaluable and fascinating. Instead, you
correctly diagnosed Ritter as a fraud. "‘Endgame' reads like a sputtering
argument written in anger, laid out in fits and starts, and printed hastily
before the author's 15 minutes expire." The 240 pages disclose Ritter's
frustration in spending seven years looking under rocks and behind trees for
weapons of mass destruction, and not finding any. Someone must be blamed!

The propaganda surrounding our eight-year effort to starve 20 million Iraqis
to death to cover up the botched job of our Political Establishment in that
sorry land has been among the most effective of the century. More than a year
ago, after several years of living with what I knew to be stacks of baloney
in the news media, I arranged to meet with Nizar Hamdoon, Iraq's UN
Ambassador. I told him I had come to believe our government was lying through
its teeth, Democrats and Republicans, because there was nobody around with
the guts to tell it to stop. The Republicans want everyone to believe they
are TOUGHER than the Democrats, and the Democrats don't want anyone to
believe they are weenies. So the starving goes on.

Anyway, Tim, I offered to be devil's advocate to Saddam, to fill the
leadership vacuum on the planet. But I had to have Hamdoon's assurance that
whatever he told me could be verified as truthful. Otherwise, I would look
like a dope, instead of merely a TRAITOR to those in our government who are
bent on killing all Iraqis through malnutrition and disease. He said that was
jake with him. He would be straight with me. So I asked him first when was
the last time UNSCOM destroyed any weapons of mass destruction. He said
"November 1991." That was hard to believe, Tim, and I was quite shocked. So I
asked him again and he again insisted that in the previous six and a half
years, no WMD had been destroyed. Not one lousy, crummy nuclear, chemical, or
biological weapon, not a little bitty one. I looked him in the eye and made
him tell me a third time that he was not fooling around, and he held my gaze
and said, "No fooling."

Then I asked him how many WMD had been found and destroyed by UNSCOM
inspectors WITHOUT the help of the Iraqi government in the seven months
between the end of the Gulf War in early 1991 and November 1991. He looked me
in the eye and said "None." Every WMD that had been destroyed in that period
was as the result of UNSCOM being taken to a WMD site and shown the stuff,
either stuff that already had been destroyed, or stuff awaiting destruction.
This was especially hard for me to believe, and I suspected Hamdoon was
playing verbal tricks on me, like not knowing what "is" is. So I asked him in
several different ways to make sure he was not playing me for a sap, the way
certain political leaders played certain federal grand juries for a sap.
Hamdoon hung in there.

Back in Washington, I ran into Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, and told
him the story about Hamdoon's answers to my questions. He said, "No way, Jude
boy, you have got to be wrong. The UNSCOM inspectors are finding WMD every
day of the week, except Sundays, which they observe as a Day of Rest." (Now I
may not have gotten the quote exactly right, because I didn't have a notebook
with me, but as this has become a common practice among today's journalists,
I made up the quote to reflect the disbelief I saw in Trent's eyes.)

Next I told Jack Kemp at Empower America, who normally believes everyth


1999-04-14 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from:">Healing the Warrior, Cover

The Spiritual Journey
of a Forgotten Child Soldier

Writing about my childhood experience of military exploitation by the
United States Department of Defense is part of a healing process.
Enter at your own discretion.
down to more words
On the surface my story may seem hard to believe, but in time --
probably after my death -- the sifted sands will show that my claims
have merit. I imagine there will be further attempts to intimidate me,
to mis-characterize my emotional struggle and to discredit my
integrity. I hope people will look beyond all that and seek the
truth. The United States government has already admitted various
instances of military abuses, medical abuses and experimentation on
human beings during the cold war, and my story is rooted in such
I feel it is important to make clear up front that I respect the
adults who have chosen to serve and who serve with honour in the Armed
Forces. I am at odds with the attitudes inside the United States
Department of Defense which brought rise to the military exploitation of
my childhood. In a free society military service needs to be an informed
choice, and the secrets kept by the government should not destroy a
sense of individual identity or cultural heritage. The internal rage and
chaos of a person lost from self are soon enough visited upon the
society that nurtured them. Personally I am grateful to believe that
nonviolence is the strongest force for constructive change in a free
society, and I am thankful that I was able to find words to express my

from:">Healing the
Warrior, Passages One

Prevans HTW
The Journey of a Forgotten Child Soldier

"Striving for peace and preparing for war are incompatible with each
and in our time more so than ever."
Albert Einstein

There are mysteries in this world, things that words cannot fully
describe and that logic cannot explain. And we live in a dubious time: a
time when science is looked to for definitive answers and creative
thinking and imagination are minimized, ridiculed, even blamed for our
societal ills. But human progress always comes by way of the
imagination. It comes by braving the unknown and the unconnected and
then returning to solid ground with a new piece of the puzzle. Bit by
bit the veil enshrouding the mystery is pushed back and what once seemed
unexplainable can be put into a logical framework.
I was lost in utter chaos for most of my life, overwhelmed by
seemingly baseless emotions and flooded by intrusive images. There was a
pervasive hollowness inside me that I believed (as my parents had always
told me) was "the way that life is." My thoughts raced hyperactively as
if time was short and I had to make sense of something. I saw the end of
the world coming. The Book of Revelations was unfolding before my eyes
and I pictured myself leading a band of post-apocalyptic survivors
through the mountains to some paradise of a place where a great new
society would be built. And then one day -- not long before the supposed
end of the world -- something changed and a different kind of journey
began. Eventually I emerged from the chaos and my life and my childhood
started making sense. . . . I found my solid ground.

The story  of my childhood starts out sounding somewhat 'out there.' I am a
survivor of organized military exploitation that was conducted by people
within the United States Department of Defense. My experiences as a
child included military training scenarios and what I can only describe
as mind control experiments consistent with some descriptions of the
CIA's MK-Ultra program. It was part of a Department of Defense violation
of the United Nations 1947 Nuremberg code. As a child I could not have
consented to the end-of-the-world training contingencies that took place
-- in part -- on Fort Bragg Military Reservation. Beyond that, the
psychological trauma experiments and Electro-convulsive shock treatments
designed to split my psyche and dissociate my memories of what happened
were outside the bounds of any justification.

I know the disbelief and the skepticism, and I think it's a healthy
and appropriate first reaction to my claims. I lived in denial,
disbelief and skepticism of the messages from my subconscious for twelve
years. In that time I told myself many things about my inborn nature and
my childhood nurturing. Eventually, as I learned more about surviving
trauma and started to listen to the messages from my subconscious mind
and my s

Re: [CTRL] [MC] Beatles, Rock & Roll and Mind Control:

1999-04-14 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

What about:

Mammy, Mammy - the moonshines east, the moonshines west - but we know
where the moonshines best

or  Me and My Shadow.walking down the avenue...(that was Elliot Ness
and his boys following Al Capone?_

or  I Don' Want to play at your house;  I don't like you anymore.
now that was our falling out with Russia, I think

or  Yes, We Got No tht was when the USA gave  a lot of
wheat to Russia, but said no bread at home - shortage.

orBehind Closed Doors..played to the tune of the Watergate

or   Rocky Racoon.well this guy read the Gideon Bible,  and was

or  See the pyramids along the way.well, we were at war.good spy

or  Skylark..telling the enemy when the troops flew out of the USA
and England

or White Cliffs of Dover.many a bluebird left, but for sure, Glenn
Miller wasn't one of them.

or In the Cool, Cool Cool of the Eveningwell, the only person I knew
who took a walk then, was God in the Garden of Eden

or  Don't Sit Under the Apple Tree With anyone Else But me..well, so
much for the Illuminati..

or  Flat Floot Floosie - well that ws before Monica's time and well,
nuff said

What aboutthe Coward of the County, I just changed that to the
Coward of the Country, and I dedicate to Clinton daily.

As for Madam Albright - what about
Round Her Neck Lets Put a Yellow Ribbon, or should we reserve that for
Clinton.add on the rings on her fingers, nd bells on her toes, and
and a broachon her bosom, from whom stolen, noobody knows.

Well, we got Hilary and Chelsia.I donot think they have written any
songs about the Hounds from Hell, but they did in this case, put the
pigs in the Whitehourse Parlours (no insult meantto the pigs - but I
have a song for the Secret Service.whichshould be sung with loving
careSomeone To Watch Over Me).

Well so much for Say It With a Song; I am so glad people know that there
has always been music in the air, some are listening, and others listen
and do not know it, and as a result spend too much money at the super
market, and often break a leg getting out of the place at closing time.

Well, never did figure out what the Good Ship Lollipop was until they
put Shirley Temple in the UN, which means - there's a sucker born every


You know, little Shirley Temple - golly gee - on the Good Ship Lollipop
at Last?
Will nobody rid me of this medlesom creature after all these
years(somewhat stolen from Shakespear)

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Can Media Make a Killer?

1999-04-14 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

News from Wired News

Can Media Make a Killer?
by Declan McCullagh

3:00 a.m.  13.Apr.99.PDT

Everyone in the fly-spit town of Paducah, Kentucky, knows of Michael
Carneal, a computer geek convicted of gunning down eight of his
high-school classmates. Everyone knows the gory details of the crime:
How the 14-year-old opened fire on a prayer circle in the lobby of Heath
High School on 1 December 1997.

What's still unclear is the nature of the demons that drove Carneal to
bring six guns to school that day. The uncertainty isn't due to lack of
details. Those became plentiful during the trial.

Might the hours Carneal spent playing Doom have blurred the line between
fantasy and reality? How about a Leonardo DiCaprio movie with a similar
scene? Or and other erotic Web sites that police say
Carneal frequented?

The parents of the three students who died have a ready, and angry,
answer: All of the above.

On Monday, the families filed a lawsuit in Kentucky federal court
against a broad swath of computer companies and media firms, claiming
that the executives traded conscience for cash.

The suit, which seeks more than US$100 million in damages, says that the
25 companies engaged in a pattern of corrupt business practices that
glorify violence and promote "disregard of authority." According to the
plaintiffs, the firms "should have known that copycat violence would be
caused by their products."

Of particular concern to the families is The Basketball Diaries, a
Time-Warner movie in which the main character, played by DiCaprio, slays
his teacher and some classmates. They say the flick "is a nihilistic
glamorization of irresponsible sex, senseless and gratuitous violence,
hatred of religion" and other mendacities. They blame Time-Warner and
its partners. Carneal has told police that he remembered watching that

Videogames are another concern. Doom, Quake, Wolfenstein, Redneck
Rampage, and other programs allegedly "trained Carneal how to point and
shoot a gun in a fashion making him an extraordinarily effective
killer." And porn sites "provoked violence in Carneal" by showing him
illicit material not suitable for teens. Just to be safe, the plaintiffs
have also charged the operators of,, and with racketeering.

The companies being sued did not immediately respond to requests for
comment, saying that they need more time to review the allegations. "We
haven't really had a chance to look through the material well enough,"
said a spokesman for Activision, which sells Wolfenstein and Mech

Experts say that the suit will be thrown out of court. "This is a very
tough case to fight," said Eugene Volokh, a law professor at the
University of California at Los Angeles. "It has virtually no chance."

Similar lawsuits in the past have had little success. In 1981, Hustler
 published an article -- part of a series about taboo sexual practices
-- called "Orgasm of Death." It described in graphic detail the practice
of autoerotic asphyxia, in which a person masturbates while hanging
himself to cut off the blood supply to the brain. A 14-year-old boy
found a copy, tested the theory, and was found hanging by his neck in
his closet the next morning. An appeals court said Hustler couldn't be
held responsible for the youth's death.

Another appeals court said the same thing a few years later. The 6th US
Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in 1990 that the manufacturer of the
popular Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game was not responsible for a
young customer's suicide. "The materials make it clear that Dungeons &
Dragons is a 'let's-pretend' game, not an incitement to do anything more
than exercise the imagination Tragedies such as this simply defy
rational explanation, and courts should not pretend otherwise," the
judges wrote.

Free-speech advocates say that is the best outcome. "The case should be
dismissed for lack of a proper legal claim," says Barry Steinhardt,
associate director of the American Civil Liberties Union.

"There is no substantial social-science evidence that shows that
entertainment causes violence. The people who commit violence should be
held accountable, not the entertainment industry," Steinhardt said.

Carneal, a Heath High freshman at the time of the shootings, has been
sentenced to life in prison without possibility of parole for at least
25 years.

Copyright © 1994-99 Wired Digital Inc. All rights reserved.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-

[CTRL] American People Ruled Unfit To Govern

1999-04-14 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

People Ruled Unfit To Govern



   WASHINGTON, DC--In a historic decision with major implications for
the future of U.S. participatory democracy, the Supreme Court ruled 8-1
Monday that the American people are unfit to govern.

   The controversial decision, the first of its kind in the 210-year
history of U.S. representative government, was, according to Justice
David Souter, "a response to the clear, demonstrable incompetence and
indifference of the current U.S. citizenry in matters concerning the
operation of this nation's government."

   As a result of the ruling, the American people will no longer retain
the power to choose their own federal, state and local officials or vote
on matters of concern to the public.

   "This decision was by no means easy, but it unfortunately had to be
done," said Justice Antonin Scalia, who penned the majority decision in
the case. "The U.S. Constitution is very clear: In the event that the
voting public becomes incapacitated or otherwise unfit to carry out its
duties of self-governance, there is a danger posed to the republic, and
the judicial branch is empowered to remove said public and replace it
with a populace more qualified to lead."

   "In light of their unmitigated apathy toward issues of import to the
nation's welfare and their inability to grasp even the most basic
principles upon which participatory democracy is built, we found no
choice but to rule the American people unfit to govern at this time,"
Scalia concluded.

   The controversial ruling, court members stressed, is not intended as
a slight against the character of the American people, but merely a
necessary measure for the public good.

   "The public's right to the best possible representation is a founding
principle of our nation," Justice Sandra Day O'Connor told reporters.
"If you were on a jet airliner, you wouldn't want an untrained,
incompetent pilot at the controls, and this is the same thing. As
federal justices, we have taken a solemn oath to uphold every citizen's
constitutional rights, and if we were to permit an irresponsible,
disinterested public to continue to helm the ship of state, we would be
remiss in our duties and putting the entire nation at risk."

   The ruling brings to an end a grueling 10-month process, during which
more than 100 Supreme Court hearings were held to determine the public's
capacity for self-governance. Despite the fact that these hearings were
aired on C-SPAN, a majority of U.S. citizens were unaware of them
because coverage was largely eclipsed by the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal,
the retirement of NBA legend Michael Jordan, and the release of Titanic
on home video.

   The Supreme Court found that, though 78 percent of U.S. citizens have
seen the much-anticipated Star Wars prequel trailer, only one in 200,000
were aware that the multibillion-dollar "Star Wars" missile-defense
system had been approved by Congress. Additionally, while 62 percent of
citizens correctly identified the cast of Suddenly Susan, only .01
percent were able to identify Attorney General Janet Reno beyond "some
woman Jay Leno always says looks like a man." Further, only .0003
percent could correctly identify the ancient Greek city-state of Athens
as the birthplace of the concept of an educated citizenry participating
in democratic self-rule.
 Above: Just some of the millions of empty voting booths that can be
seen across America each November.
   But the final straw, Supreme Court justices said, came last week when
none of the 500,000 random citizens polled were aware that Russian
President Boris Yeltsin had threatened global thermonuclear war in
response to NATO air attacks in Yugoslavia.

   "I mean, come on," Justice William Rehnquist said. "Global
thermonuclear war? It's just ridiculous. There was just no way we could
trust such a populace to keep running things after that."

   Populations currently being considered to fill the leadership void
until the American people can be rehabilitated and returned to
self-governance include those of Switzerland, Sweden and Canada.

   "I'm willing to do what I can to help out in this time of crisis and
make sure that my vote counts," said Stockholm resident Per Johanssen.
"I've been reading up on America a bit, just to get a general idea of
what needs to be done, and from what I can tell, they really need some
sort of broad-based health-care reform over there right away."

   In a provisional test of the new system, the Canadian province of
Saskatchewan will hold primaries next Tuesday to re-evaluate last fall's
gubernatorial election in Minnesota.

   The lone dissenting vote came from Justice Anthony Kennedy, who, in
his minority opinion wrote, "Although the American people are clearly
unable to make respons

[CTRL] OEN 4/14/99

1999-04-14 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from:">The Home Page of J. Orlin Grabbe

Der Fuhrer Invades Yugoslavia

"Collateral Damage" Lights the Fires of Rage

Clinton bombs the children

BELGRADE - Early Tuesday morning, Dragana Krstic was recovering an
operation to remove a tumor from her stomach when there was a deafening
explosion outside Belgrade's largest military hospital.
The blast shattered numerous windows, sending a shower of glass and
metal over the 23-year-old shopkeeper, wounding her in the shoulder.

Eight hours later, a shaken Miss Krstic was denouncing NATO leaders as
''fascists, imbeciles, and vandals,'' in interviews with Western
journalists taken to the scene by the Yugoslav Army.

Belgrade had added another civilian casualty story in the propaganda war
with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and ordinary Serbs had been
strengthened in their belief that they - not the government of President

Slobodan Milosevic - are the real victims of the three-week-old bombing
campaign against their country.

Compared with other ''mistakes'' by NATO missiles and warplanes,
including a missile attack Monday on a train in southern Serbia, the
latest spate of civilian injuries was relatively minor.

According to doctors at the military clinic in the Belgrade suburb of
Banica, at least 16 hospital patients were wounded as a result of the
bombing of a military transport depot roughly 100 yards away. Most of
the wounds were caused by flying glass.

The cumulative result of all this ''collateral damage,'' however, has
been to fan popular anger here against the United States and other
Western countries and make ordinary Serbs more determined than ever to
hang on to Kosovo.

In the words of a Belgrade taxi driver, ''since our country has already
been destroyed, we have less to lose now and less reason to give in to
NATO demands than we had three weeks ago.''

The military hospital director, General Aca Jovanovic, compared the
latest bomb attacks to the ''ravages of Genghis Khan'' and speculated
that his facility had been directly targeted by NATO. He said no
military purpose was served in hitting the transport depot because it
was empty at the time of the attack.

The military hospital suffered minor damage 10 days earlier in a bomb
attack on a nearby police academy, but no one was injured on that

After a brief respite over the Orthodox Easter, NATO appears to be
targeting the capital once more. On Monday night, some residents
applauded as anti-aircraft units fired on NATO planes.

People with young families tend to take refuge in the air-raid shelters.

At one such shelter Monday night, on March 27 Street in the center of
Belgrade, volunteers were distributing finger puppets to children who
appeared to be growing ever more accustomed to the communal, underground
life. For the most part, the children seemed satisfied with the simple
explanations given to them by their parents for the need to seek shelter

''We come here because we hear the sirens,'' said 4-year-old Milena, as
she prepared to go to bed on one on of dozens of mattresses scattered
across the concrete floor.

Piped up Sasha, 5: ''It was frightening the first time we heard the
sirens. But now I am not afraid any more. I go to the window and shout,
'Go away!'''

''I like it down here. There are lots of toys down here,'' said
4-year-old Dejan, clutching a Charlie Brown book in one hand and a pink
finger puppet in the other.

He went to bed wearing a T-shirt with the bull's-eye target sign that
has become a symbol of Serb resistance to the bombing.

Asked who was bombing them, the children replied in a chorus, ''America,

Dejan's mother, the ski instructor Katerina Radusinovic, said she had
told her son there were some ''bad people'' in the world who wanted to
drop bombs on Yugoslavia.

A few days ago, Dejan asked her what a bomb was, and she showed him a
newspaper photograph of an American Tomahawk missile.

City officials estimate that between 20 percent and 30 percent of
residents have been using the underground shelters.

''Discipline has been gradually breaking down,'' said Milan Bozic,
deputy mayor of Belgrade, ''Because missiles can be fired at us from
hundreds of miles away, we have very long air-raid alerts, at least 12
hours at a time. It's difficult to keep people underground for that
length of time.''

International Herald Tribune, April 14, 1999

Der Fuhrer Invades Yugoslavia

Escalation of Air War Shows Its Flaws

I am Clinton. Hear me roar.

PARIS - NATO's announcement of major reinforcements, confronting Serbia
with a U.S.-led air armada of more than 1,000 warplanes, underscored
signs Tuesday that the alliance's initial battle plan had failed to
deliver the expected results and needed an urgent escalation in
firepower to offer a realistic prospect of military victory in Kosovo.
''Our high technology weapons' performance would be devastating against
a s

[CTRL] Free Trade Is Not Free

1999-04-14 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-

 Free Trade Is Not Free
Address to the Chicago Council of Foreign Relations
by Patrick J. Buchanan
This is a prestigious forum and I appreciate the opportunity to address it.
As my subject, I have chosen what I believe is the coming and irrepressible
conflict between the claims of a new American nationalism and the commands of
the Global Economy...


 Two Sides to NAFTA on Display at Hearing - Sen. Jesse Helms turned thumbs
down Tuesday on five years of the North American Free Trade Agreement,
telling a top U.S. trade official that the pact has cost North Carolina and
other states tens of thousands of manufacturing jobs. . .   Richard Fisher,
deputy U.S. trade representative, testified on the effects of NAFTA before
the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, which Helms chairs. Fisher was joined
by Republican presidential candidate Patrick Buchanan and Vontella Dabbs, a
textile mill worker from Maiden, N.C. Helms said his initial warnings about
NAFTA, which eased tariffs and other trade barriers among the United States,
Canada and Mexico, have been proved true since the accord took effect Jan. 1,
1994, after Congress approved it at the urging of President Clinton. . .
"Now that the U.S. is five years into NAFTA, more than 200,000 jobs have been
lost nationwide," Helms said. "In North Carolina, more than 20,000 jobs have
been lost in the textile industry alone, and the picture is getting bleaker
by the day with plants closing and moving to Mexico" . . .   "Five years ago,
we predicted that this agreement would mean growth, better and more jobs,
rising standards of living and a higher quality of life," Fisher said.
"Today, we can say that the agreement is keeping its promises" . . .
Buchanan, the TV commentator who has made opposition to international trade
agreements a centerpiece of his presidential campaigns, criticized Fisher for
focusing only on U.S. exports to Mexico and Canada, without looking also at
those countries' shipments to the United States.   "It's a little bit like
saying, 'The Washington Redskins scored three touchdowns Sunday,' without
saying, 'The Dallas Cowboys scored six touchdowns,' " Buchanan said. . .
The United States enjoyed a trade surplus with Mexico before NAFTA was
implemented, Buchanan said, but now has a trade deficit of $17 billion. . .
He said the devaluation of the Mexican peso has prompted a flood of Mexican
goods across the border. . . .   "If we continue these open-border trade
policies with nations that have hard-working people who will work for 10
percent of American wages, every large industrial and manufacturing plant in
this country is ultimately at risk," Buchanan said. . . .Dabbs traveled
to the hearing from Catawba County, where she works for Delta Mills Marketing
Co. at a plant that makes cotton yarns and woven cloth for apparel
manufacturers. "I come to you today not as an expert in any field, not as a
politically motivated person, but simply as an American who is deeply
concerned for both my future and the future of my family and friends," Dabbs
said. Dabbs blamed NAFTA for the recent decision by Burlington Industries to
close nine plants in the Carolinas. One of them, a large denim weaving
factory in the Iredell County town of Mooresville, is being replaced by a
similar facility in Mexico, she said. . .   "These treaties, laws and trade
agreements have not really opened up the world to the American textile
industry as was intended," Dabbs said. "Instead, they have opened our borders
for foreign manufacturers to flood our country with goods produced with near
slave labor and in deplorable conditions for workers." Helms said the
Burlington closings would cost North Carolina 2,400 jobs. . .


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Echelon, the NSA and Princess Diana

1999-04-14 Thread Lyn McCloskey

 -Caveat Lector-

Forwarded from the SpyKing list...
Not exactly hot off the press, but still relevant.  Sorry if it's a rerun.  I
don't get out much these days.
- Lyn

Dr. Steven Aftergood, the intelligence expert member of FAS
(Federation of Amer. Scientists) who gave CNN that recent
interview claiming that the US government's secrecy policies are
causing mass insanity, is featured in the below Wash. Post
article (he sure is getting around lately, huh?).
He says he's AMAZED that the American people are not seemingly
concerned about ECHELON, and says it must be that WE BELIEVE
domestic law precludes NSA from using ECHELON domestically.

The illegal opening and interception of U.S. citizen's mail and
electronic correspondence IS prohibited domestically, HOWEVER,
they get around these proscriptions by multi-lateral agreements
with the intelligence agencies of other countries.

It amounts to "we'll spy on your people and give you the take if
you return the favor." So, Britain's GCHQ may intercept your
phone call instead of NSA, and everything will be "legal," but
your privacy is still violated nonetheless.

By Vernon Loeb
Washington Post Staff Writer

Saturday, December 12, 1998; Page A13
The National Security Agency has disclosed that U.S. intelligence
is holding 1,056 pages of classified information about the late
Princess Diana, inspiring a flurry of sensational headlines this
week across London's tabloids.

"America's spy chiefs admitted last night they snooped on
Princess Diana for years -- and learned some of her most intimate
love secrets," The Mirror reported on Thursday. The Daily Record
claimed that the NSA intercepts "have gone on right until she
died in the Paris car crash with Dodi Fayed."

The truth, while intriguing, is unlikely to be so lurid. The
source of the Fleet Street speculation was a simple, two-page NSA
denial of a Freedom of Information Act request. In the denial,
released last month, the super-secret U.S. spy agency admitted
possessing a Diana file.

The document says nothing about the contents of those 1,056
secret pages, why they were gathered or how they were obtained.
One U.S. intelligence official said yesterday that the references
to Diana in intercepted conversations were "incidental."

Diana, the official insisted, was never a "target" of the NSA's
massive, worldwide electronic eavesdropping infrastructure. The
NSA system sucks up millions of electronic signals from around
the world every hour, but only "targeted" communications are
actually analyzed and deciphered after a vast array of
supercomputers sort them out on the basis of programmed search
terms, such as "Saddam Hussein."

The Diana controversy is not the only, or the most serious,
dispute in Europe that has raised the profile of the reclusive

The giant spy agency, Maryland's largest employer, has been the
subject of intense controversy in Britain and across Europe since
a report released in January by the European Parliament concluded
that "within Europe, all e-mail, telephone and fax communications
are routinely intercepted by the United States National Security

The report focused on a system called Echelon through which the
NSA and its spy partners in Britain, Canada, New Zealand and
Australia share communications intercepted from around the world
and systematically divide the huge task of analyzing the "take."
"Each of the five [countries] supply 'dictionaries' to the other
four of keywords, phrases, people and places to 'tag,' and the
tagged intercept is forwarded straight to the requesting
country," according to the report.

"The end of the Cold War has not, apparently, brought an end to
the [NSA's] Echelon eavesdropping system," a state-funded Russian
daily, the Rossiyskaya Gazeta, complained last month. "This
system has become a weapon of 'economic warfare.' "
Il Mondo, an Italian weekly news magazine, called Echelon "this
incredible communications vacuum cleaner."

Steven Aftergood, an intelligence expert at the Federation of
American Scientists, said he can't understand why the Echelon
controversy has gone unnoticed in the United States. The lack of
interest, he acknowledged, may stem from the fact that the NSA is
prohibited by law from targeting American citizens for
communications intercepts, here or abroad.

"What is clear," Aftergood said, "is that the U.S. and our allies
promiscuously collect electronic communications around the world.
Whether the descriptions of Echelon are accurate or not, that
much is definitely true."

The Freedom of Information Act request seeking classified
material on Diana was submitted earlier this year by an Internet
news service based in New York,

In denying the request, the NSA disclosed existence of a
1,056-page Diana file and reported that Fort Meade, where the
agency is located, had produced 39 "NSA-originated and
NSA-controlled documents," totali

[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: Y2K & the National Guard

1999-04-14 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Y2K & the National Guard

>From a reader,


I heard on fairly good authority this week that the National Guard callup in
May for a dry run may not be a dry run, it could be the real thing. What I'm
told is that there may be an incremental implementation of martial law
beginning then or a "terrorist" attack such as anthrax, somewhere like LA, to
justify a continued troop presence and perhaps immediate enforcement of
martial law at that time. I'm also told that a truck turned over in Michigan
carrying thousands of street signs for martial law. May be worth pursuing.

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Re: [CTRL] Fw: FL800 Journalist Convicted!

1999-04-14 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 04/13/1999 10:26:55 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 The government's case relied heavily on the testimony
 of Terrell Stacey, a former TWA pilot who admitted
 helping Sanders by stealing crash-related documents
 and scraps of the seat covering from the hangar where
 investigators had reassembled the plane's wreckage.

 Stacey, who had flown the plane the day before the
 crash and was assigned by TWA to assist in the
 investigation, testified against the Sanderses in
 exchange for being allowed to plead guilty to a
 misdemeanor theft charge. >>

Well folks, is there anyone still out there who thinks we live in a country
where the Government can't kill you for no good reason and refuse to own up
to it?  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Serb militia atrocity: Mass rape in Kosovo

1999-04-14 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 04/13/1999 8:21:05 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

<<  A fairly solid
 case could be made that war itself is an atrocity. It's not the absolute
 worst thing you can have happen in your neighborhood >>

What is?  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] [MC] Beatles, Rock & Roll and Mind Control:

1999-04-14 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

 -Caveat Lector-

On Wed, 14 Apr 1999, Andrew Hennessey wrote:
>>Following the Beatles, who incidentally were put together by the
>>Tavistock Institute, came other "Made in England" rock groups, who, like
>> the Beatles, had Theo Adorno write their cult lyrics and compose all
>>the  "music." I hate to use these beautiful words in the context of
>>"Beatlemania"; it reminds me of how wrongly the word "lover" is used
>>when referring to the filthy interaction between two homosexuals
>>writhing in pigswill. To call "rock" music, is an insult, likewise the
>>language used in "rock lyrics."
>I was just starting to think that the author had something - then I came
>across this paragraph,
>1. This guy 'Theo Adorno of the Tavistock Institute' had to have been one of
>the most talented musicians in the world then 
>2. The rather undereducated lump-categorisation of all Rock Music is an insult
>to our intelligence.

Yes, and it ignores the FACT that the term 'rock' was being used to
describe a music genre well before the 'era of rock'n'roll'...I remember
listening to my mother's 78rpm of Benny Goodman's Orchestra with Peggy
Lee singing about how she liked to "rock and roll", a recording which was
made in the 1940s...

Plenty of swing era music had some pretty raunchy lyrics, and quite often
referred to drug use, usually cocaine and marijuana (albeit usually in
veiled terms, sometimes overtly ala "I Get A Kick Out Of You")

It is not hard to find music which was the 1920s equivalent of "The Top
Ten" which referred to alcohol use, even tho Prohibition was in effect...

I remember my parents and their peers, in reminiscing about one favorite
band or another, commenting on any number of musicians who were known for
their illicit drug use...obviously if the general public was so aware of
it, it wasn't something that was particularly hidden...

And I remembered that for all the media hype at the time about the
'sudden' and 'growing' 'drug problem' amongst America's youth...of
which I WAS one at the time...especially all the hysteria over how
popular music was 'encouraging' it, my parents and their friends seemed
pretty accepting of the pot, cocaine, and heroin use amongst THEIR
musical icons...

Anyone remember Dean Martin's TV show?  He probably was faking, to a
point, but his whole "shtick" was one of presenting himself as a
pleasantly inebriated host...indeed, Dean Martin's "drinking problem" was
a classic joke...

So much for role models...

Movies and TV of the 40s, 50s, and early 60s always showed the
mainstream, middleclass middleaged as constantly downing one alcoholic
drink after the late 50s and early 60s, any number of
prescription sedatives were added to the mix of 'socially acceptable'
drugs presented in the media as 'okay'...

The Rolling Stones "Mother's Little Helper" zings in on that exact
hypocrisy...that while 'adults' were bemoaning the growing drug use
amongst their children, they themselves couldn't cope with even everyday
stresses without downing Martinis or Scotch-on-the-Rocks, not uncommonly
washing down Valiums with them...

>The impact on our leisure time of exposure to technology and cultural
>diversity was going to produce many new ideologies, many new art forms,
>and they appear to have been directed towards a dead alley of drugs
>and laissez faire.  However-much the architects of conspiracy wished
>to trash the minds of the young through culture -

To 'trash the minds of the young through culture', one only needs look at
mainstream TV...

>>Without massive media hype, and without almost around the clock
>>coverage, the hippie-beatnik rock, drug cult would never have gotten off
>> the ground; it would have remained a localized oddity. The Beatles,
>>with  their twanging guitars, silly expressions, drug language and weird
>> clothes, would not have amounted to a hill of beans. Instead, because
>>the Beatles were given saturation coverage by the media, the United
>>States has suffered one cultural shock after another.
>Did I miss Buddy Holly, James Dean, Elvis, Carl Perkins etc etc of the 50's

He also ignores the fact that when the Beatles first came over here and
first got the saturation coverage, their lyrics were no more radical than
"I Want To Hold Your Hand"...they didn't start experimenting with drugs,
and writing about it in their songs, until almost 2 years later...

Also ignores the fact that it were icons of not only mainstream America,
but of "law enforcement" such as the FBI and CIA that were experimenting
with hallucinogenic drugs, usually without the knowledge of those being
tested on...

It wasn't the hippies who had a plan in the works to dump LSD into the
water supply of a major American city...

>Also, it is a little known or quoted fact that the Coca plant from which
>cocaine comes is a scientifically proven 'miracle cure-all' plant containing
>approx 14 alkaloids of which cocaine is one.

Yes, and into the early years of the 20th century, the 'so

[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: Kosovo: IN THE NAME OF THE VICTIMS

1999-04-14 Thread Kris Millegan

Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

If you are interested in a free subscription to The Konformist Newswire,
please visit and sign up. Or, e-mail
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject: "I NEED 2 KONFORM!!!"
(Okay, you can use something else, but it's a kool catch phrase.)

Visit the Klub Konformist at Yahoo!:

Subj:   Kosovo Yediot
Date:   Monday, April 12, 1999 09:09:43 PM

What is striking about this analysis is that it appeared in Israel's widest
circulation daily Yediot Ahronot.
Also, a prediction. The Vatican's foul hand will soon be found behind the
Kosovo War. Barry


   "US reasons for joining Germany and Nato on
   looting the territories of the Russian allies
   extend beyond the obvious military and economic
   control this provides over Europe.  The condition
   was from the start that NATO gives the US a free
   hand in the Middle East."
- Prof. Tanya Reinhart


   By Professor Tanya Reinhart

The public debate about Kosovo in Israel is influenced by the analogy
between Kosovo and Jerusalem.  Both are areas which two nations view as
their historical land. Therefore, paradoxically, Sharon and the right
wing are against the US-Nato attack (fearing a similar intervention
against Israeli occupation of Jerusalem), while, the 'enlightened' camp
supports it enthusiastically.  This however is a fake debate, since both
sides share the same presupposition that the war is about the rights of
the Albanians in Kosovo.

In fact, there is nothing further from the US and NATO than humanitarian
motives. Long before the attack it could be obvious that Milosevic will
respond with a massive ethnic cleansing, just as Israel would have done,
had the US and NATO decided to bomb Jerusalem following, say, a request
by the Islamic Jihad. (Official warnings about this scenario were issued
by the head of the CIA, and others in Europe.)  If concern about the
hundreds of thousands of Albanian refugees was the motive for this war,
one could expect US-NATO to accept with cheers Yugoslavia's proposal for
a cease fire. Though distorted in the reports of the following days, the
proposal as broadcasted on April 6, was to withdraw Yugoslav forces from
Kosovo, to allow the refugees to return and to resume negotiations with
the Albanian Leader Ibrahim Rugova.  It was at least possible to give
Milosevic a week or two, to check his intentions, while the US-NATO
forces around him stay to make sure he is not playing tricks.

But US-NATO only needed a few hours to reject this proposal. They
announced, first, that they are unwilling to stop bombing until
Milosevic accept also the condition of letting NATO forces in and, next,
that they no longer recognize Rugova as the representative of the Kosovar
Albanians, and they are willing to negotiate only with the "Kosovo
Liberation Army" (KLA).  Increased bombing, with civilian casualties and
huge destruction in Kosovo followed directly.

Some background:  In 1989 Milosevic cancelled the autonomy the Albanians
had in Kosovo since 1974, and brutally suppressed their political and
cultural infra-structure.  In opposition, a mass independence movement
has grown, which declared Kosovo a republic, and elected Rugova, in 1992,
as its president.  The movement, which adhered to non-violent struggle
[[just like the Palestinians' (hah)]],
was fiercely repressed by the tyrant Milosevic, without the West even
blinking an eye. In 1996, the KLA was founded.  It is a foreign-funded
brutal organization with no recognized leadership or program. It
terrorized not only the Serb residents of Kosovo, but also the political
movement, which continued to call for non-violent struggle, and which
elected Rugova again as its president, in 1998. Under the pressure of US-
NATO, the KLA was made partner to the Rambouillet negotiations which
preceded the bombing.

While the KLA supports the US-NATO bombing, and the demand to let NATO
forces into Yugoslavia, Rugova issued on April 1st a joint declaration
with Milosevic stating their readiness to search a peaceful solution,
without NATO.  US-NATO interpreters reacted to the televised declaration
with rumors of all kinds:  that he looked tired, that he is wounded or
under house arrest, and that the declaration took place, in fact, two
years ago.  Now they announce that only the murderers from the KLA are
their partners for negotiations.

This is not how one behaves when one is worried about the Albanian
tragedy, or peace in Europe.  What is this war about, then?

Until 1989, the Soviet block was a giant body dominating more than half
of Europe. In 1949, US, 

[CTRL] Fwd: Day 21, Update 2 (Apr. 13; 10:30PM EST) - A Special TiM GW Bulletin on Kosovo Crisis

1999-04-14 Thread Kris Millegan


The Special "Kosovo Crisis" Truth in Media Global Watch Bulletins, such as
the one enclosed below, can also be accessed at our Web site: which is being updated throughout the day.

DAY 21, Update 2
Apr. 13, 1999; 10:30PM EDT


Brisbane 1. More Fake Graves?

Alaska2. Russian TV Coverage Disappears from C-Span

Washington3. Buchanan on Kosovo: "The Mess They've Made"

Phoenix  4. Why Are the Serbs the New World Order's First Victims?

Indianapolis5. Russian 19th Century Philosopher Predicted
Antichrist's Arrival


1. More Fake Graves?

BRISBANE, Apr. 13 - Two TiM readers, half a world apart - one in Brisbane,
Australia, another in Minnesota - have independently concluded that the
satellite photos of the alleged new graves offered as "proof" of "Serb
atrocities" by Washington's "lie and deny" PR factory are - FAKES.  Here
was their reasoning (the photos are posted at our Web site within this
story so you can check them out for yourself):

"U.S. Lie Satellites! - ANOTHER PROPAGANDA CON," read the headline from a
message we received from Australia.  The photographs shown below came from
page 10 of Brisbane's Courier Mail, the main daily in this city.  They
purport to show "recently dug mass graves" (marked with the [] shape,
center of picture) near the Kosovo town of Pusto Selo.  Although the date
of 9 April is given on the picture on the right, no date is given on the
picture to the left.  This leaves the impression that the two photos are
"before and after" shots of the area.

"But the 'grave diggers' must have been busy little beavers," our
correspondent writes, "as new buildings have also "shot up"  while the
'graves' were being dug. (see top left corner of the right hand picture).

>From which our correspondent concludes:  "I am no aerial reconnaissance
expert, but considering it is spring in Kosovo, and it takes about 12 weeks
to erect a substantial building like the one in the photograph, the picture
on the left must have been taken in winter, and of course the alleged "
recently dug graves," and the many other minor landmarks not evident in the
left side photograph, would have been snow covered.  If this is not the
case then the left side pictures must have been taken before the last
winter and is so old no reasonable comparison could be made.  Or perhaps
they are both the same picture and the guy with the airbrush got carried
away, and wiped the house out?'"!

Our correspondent from Minnesota noticed some other oddities about this
satellite "proof" of nothing.  "I noted that the shadows of the buildings
are in exactly the same position in both pictures," he wrote.  " Were both
of these pictures somehow taken at exactly the same time of day, on exactly
the same day of the year, and from exactly the same place in the sky?
Unless this is a satellite photo from a satellite that is in a coordinated
orbit over Pusto Selo, there is something wrong with this skit."
TiM Ed.: Long time TiM readers will recall, of course, that fake satellite
photos are nothing new when it comes to the NOW "lie and deny" PR
con-artists manufacturing the "proof" of their claims.  Check out "Kosovo:
Srebrenica II?" (Day 8, Update 1, Item 5, Mar. 31 - available at our Web site).

2. Russian TV Coverage Disappears from C-Span

ALASKA, Apr. 13 - We received today the following feedback from a visitor
to our site, Rev. Steven Smith, a pastor from Alaska.  Here is his comment:

"Thank you for you site.  I am sure it has been all-consuming as a result
of the recent day events over Kosovo, note not Kosova! (the Albanian term).
 I am praying that prominent Americans, and more of the general public at
large, will dig beyond the surface and realize that there is more here than
meets the eye.

I am sorry that we have been cut off form Russian television in recent days
that was covering news from Serbia.  Russian television just vanished from
the C-Span coverage.  Probably the things that outrages me the most is that
our government has such control of the media coverage, and that it desires
to keep the American population ignorant.  If that doesn't border on
dictatorship I don't know what does.

Praying for the truth to come to the surface before it is to late."

Rev. Steven Smith

3. Buchanan on Kosovo: "The Mess They've Made"

WASHINGTON, Apr. 13 - The Republican presidential candidate, Pat Buchanan,
today lashed out once again at the Clinton administration's handling of the
Kosovo crisis in a column published today by the Washington Post on page
A21.  But don't bother looking for it at the Post's Web site.  We've tried.
 And came up empty-handed.  Which is why we cannot give you the URL to
Buchanan's article.  Instead, we bring it to you here in full:

"Three weeks into Bill Clinton's Balkan adventure and America risks a
debacle. The human rights

[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: Sherman Skolnick Sounds Off!!!

1999-04-14 Thread Anonymous

Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Sherman Skolnick Sounds Off!!!
Did Monica Lewinsky get AIDS from Bill Klinton? Did our chief pecker also
rape Tipper Gore?

Sherman H. Skolnick
Recorded phone message: (773) 731-1100
Office, 8 A.M. to midnight, 7 days: (773) 375-5741
9800 So. Oglesby Ave., Chicago IL 60617-4870

Deportation of Serbs in U.S.?
By Sherman H. Skolnick
Producer/Moderator, Public Access Cable TV Program "Broadsides"
Since 1963, Founder/Chairman, Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts

Is there a Hitler-like Gestapo group in the U.S. authorized to act by the
Clinton White House? Are they being used just as if the U.S. had declared war
on Serbia?  Knowledgeable sources contend the White House is preparing to
quickly round up and throw out of the country between 100,000 and a quarter
million Serbian alien residents quietly living in the U.S. Some believe few
legal formalities will be used. (In the past, a federal judge, a Latino, in
California barely escaped being framed into prison by the Justice Department
because he dared proclaim that the Immigration & Naturalization Service, INS,
and the FBI, are the American Gestapo.) Just like the onset of World War One
and World War Two? Is this the same, 1999-style? Stay tuned.

Sherman H. Skolnick
Recorded phone message: (773) 731-1100
Office, 8 A.M. to midnight, 7 days: (773) 375-5741
9800 So. Oglesby Ave., Chicago IL 60617-4870

The Hitler-Style Plan
By Sherman H. Skolnick
Producer/Moderator, Public Access Cable TV Program "Broadsides"
Since 1963, Founder/Chairman, Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts

There are an estimated one hundred thousand to a quarter million Serbians
living more or less quietly in the U.S. as alien residents. With the
undeclared war of the U.S. against Serbia, is there a plan regarding such

Not mentioned in what some call the monopoly press are the presidential
edicts to deal with so-called "emergencies". Blunt-talking sorts call them
martial law provisions. (To misdirect the public, CBS has started a series
called "Martial Law".)

There is a growing clamor by Serbs in the U.S. against the Clinton White
House and Pentagon.  In efforts to stop this, Clinton has ordered that
Serbians with green cards, resident aliens, be deported as silently as
possible.  Apparently this original plan has been scrapped in favor of an
alternative one, to send the Serbs to certain detention camps, a replay of
the Hitler-era.

Plans to counter this, such as by federal court lawsuits, might not even be
publicized. Why? The monopoly press seems to be acting like under war-time
orders. (For a sinister analogy, see the book The Captive Press in the Third
Reich by Oron J. Hale.)

The largest concentration of Serbs, both aliens and naturalized citizens, is
in the Chicago-area. Too many federal judges, such as in the Windy City, are
both tied to the banking system and are blackmailable because of ties to
questionable if not criminal enterprises. So an appeal to the courts for a
remedy may well be fruitless.

One of the most secret detention camps is offshore Alaska, originally
designed to house blacks because of racial riots.  This writer had this
confirmed during a radio talk show he did in Anchorage. Is that where the
alien Serbs are to be sent?

The Immigration and Naturalization Service, as well as the FBI, have been
told they could as well grab and detain Serbian-Americans, that is, citizens,
who do not quickly supply their naturalization papers. Much of this has been
confirmed by sources in and out of the INS and elsewhere. A cynical historian
contends the calendar stating the year as 1999 is a fraud.  It is, he loudly
insists, actually 1938 and we are all in a time-warp. Stay tuned.

Sherman H. Skolnick
Recorded phone message: (773) 731-1100
Office, 8 A.M. to midnight, 7 days: (773) 375-5741
9800 So. Oglesby Ave., Chicago IL 60617-4870

By Sherman H. Skolnick
Producer/Moderator, Public Access Cable TV Program "Broadsides"
Since 1963, Founder/Chairman, Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts

Their former patrons, the Soviets, have apparently left the Serbians with
missiles capable of reaching Washington, D.C.

Most concerned about this is the small group of admirals and generals in the
U.S. Military who have opposed Commander-in-Chief Bill Clinton for several
years. We have reported exclusively, starting in 1995, on the small group of
flag officers who felt fully justified under the Military Code, to arrest
their Commander-in-Chief on accusations t

[CTRL] Fwd: SNET: The War in the Balkans is Following a Script to Create War

1999-04-14 Thread Kris Millegan

->  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

News Release from Fritz Springmeier


Over two weeks ago, this author was given inside information that the
World Order had pulled all their key people---specialists, and so
forth out of San Diego, CA. These people were given a secret high
level briefing which told them to leave San Diego by April 3rd, and
that the reason they were to leave was that Russia was going to drop
nuclear bombs on San Diego, Seattle, NYC, coastal cities on the
eastern seaboard where U.S. naval forces (such as subs) are kept, and
Biloxi, Miss. These important people were then moved to Colorado,
Idaho, Montana, and Utah where they could be secure underground. Two
of these people had lived through Vietnam, and no longer trusted their
government to care about the people, and it is through these two that
this information leaked to this author.

This information is important, but what is even more alarming is that
many other things support this information & lead to only one
conclusion, a nuclear war has been planned against the United States
by Russia, & the American public is being blindly led into this war.
People who are aware of Dmitri  Dutiman s prophecies may not be
surprised by this state of affairs, but none the less are placed into
the same position everyone else is in. That position is to ask, "Will
this really take place?, "What can we do to prevent this? & "What can
we do to prepare to survive such an attack?" and finally, "What will
be the warning signs that bombs are about to drop?" This news release
will try to answer these questions.

Bad weather over Yugoslavia has apparently set back the script a few
days. NATO says that they are two days behind because of bad weather.
Apparently, the entire script must be played scene by scene, and the
bad weather gave us a little more time. I also hope that by blowing
the whistle on this devious plot over radio to 1 million listeners
might make the plotters think twice about their play which has
chillingly gone through act 1, act 2, act 3, and act 4 all according
to the script. There are many interesting things about this Kosovo
crisis that the news media is mostly ignoring, What will follow is
some of the collaborating evidence and related affairs which the
reader may not be aware of, Yugoslavia is like Russia s little
brother. Since NATO s attacks on Yugoslavia, Russian television has
repeatedly referred to Russia s close relationship to Yugoslavia.
Russia has a treaty to protect Yugoslavia if it is attacked. What big
brother would not defend his little brother? So why has not  Russia
honored their commitment to Yugoslavia? Perhaps they are moving to do
just that. More on this in a moment.

NATO and Yugoslavia are locked into this crisis which continues to
escalate. NATO continues to weaken itself as it uses up its limited
supply of cruise missiles and ammunition. The United States has been
sending its reserves of food and medical supplies to the Balkans. The
United States is greatly overextended. In order to fight in the
Balkans, air force units patrolling northern Iraq had to be shifted to
the Balkans theater. The aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf went to
the Adriatic and the only American aircraft carrier in the Pacific is
now in the Persian Gulf. The fighting in the Balkans has no strategic
importance in relationship to a conflict between Russia and the U.S.
In other words, we are preoccupied with a costly war which if we get
into a war with Russia has no strategic value.

According to eyewitnesses who have sat in on high level meetings, the
Kosovo crisis is following a script. There are numerous clues that
this is true, in fact, many items of the pre-written script are being
played out before our eyes. On the Bill Brumbaugh radio show, this
author warned that the next step in the script was for Russia to
increase tensions and "rattle her sabres". This stage just began
today, as the Russian government demanded that the United States and
NATO stop the bombing in a few days or else they would take action. At
the same time, Russia has announced they will try to form a group of
world leaders to work on diffusing the crisis. For those who are still
skeptical, lets postulate for the sake of discussion that Russia
wanted to nuke the U.S. If so, then how would events be scripted? The
Russians would not want to announce their intentions so they will wear
a smiling mask that hides their true intentions.

Instead of being bellicose like Kruschev, they will put on a calm nice
front, so as not to alarm their prey. Further, there would have to be
some kind of pretext that would justify to the Russian people that
America was aggressively a threat to them, and that their honor,
patriotism and morality called for a strong reaction. NATO has been
portrayed in the Russian media as having broken several international
laws to interfere in the internal affairs of the nation of Yugoslavia.
The U.S. has

[CTRL] Skolnick: Kosovo Summary (fwd)

1999-04-14 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-


(CNNS,  04/14/99)  --  Sherman  H.  Skolnick,  of  the  Citizens'
Committee to Clean Up  the  Courts, reports as follows.  (Contact
info: recorded message, 773-731-1100; office, 773-375-5741):

Summary of Kosovo Stories
by Sherman H. Skolnick

(1) Kosovo Liberation Army are the major  drug-lords  in  Europe,
trafficking  in  narcotics  from  S.W. China, "China White", high
purity heroin flooding Italy, rest  of Europe, Germany (where KLA
reportedly originally from)  and  New  York  and  Chicago.   Herr
Clinton,  no  stranger  himself  to  druglords, is protecting KLA

(2)  Oil  discovered  offshore  in  Adriatic,  claimed separately
and/or jointly by Rockefeller family, British Petroleum Co.,  the
Vatican,  Italy, Croatia, and Serbia, among others.  Rockefellers
and British Pete want to  delay  drilling to keep this large pool
of oil, bigger than under Saudi, off the market to  keep  up  oil

(3) Serbia reportedly has long-range missiles, left  to  them  by
their  former  patrons,  the  Soviets,--now  get this--capable of
reaching Washington, D.C.  Fair  is  fair,  right?  If, without a
declaration of war, we can bomb Belgrade near a hospital,  surely
they have the "right" to missile attack the U.S. Capitol.  I take
no delight or satisfaction as an American knowing this.  I am not
the only American appalled at our slide toward the dogs of war.

(4)  Federal agents, acting like the Nazi Gestapo, are apparently
grabbing and  detaining  Serbs  living  quietly  in  the  U.S. as
resident aliens.  That is, Serbs with "green cards".  So far,  no
witness  is  ready  to testify how these people are disappearing.
Note:  federal agencies transfer "prisoners" (legal or otherwise)
through the underground  facilities  at  the  airport at Oklahoma
City and several other locations including Denver.  Are the green
card Serbs being deported?  Or sent to detention  camps  such  as
the  one  offshore  Alaska,  confirmed  to  me  when  I was on an
Anchorage radio talk show  with  some of the construction workers
who  were  high  paid  to  build  these  camps  offshore  Alaska.
Activists with some of the Serb  organizations  in  Chicago  have
confirmed  to  me  that  something  like  this  is happening.  Of
course, the monopoly press is silent on such matters.

(5) Herr Clinton has  numerous  motives  to divert attention with
war or war-scares.  He and the  First  Lady  are  facing  federal
criminal  charges  for embezzling 47 million dollars from Madison
Guaranty Savings & Loan of Little Rock, owned by Susan McDougal's
ex-husband Jim who apparently  was  murdered  in prison the night
before he was to testify about related matters.

(6)  Clinton  and  the  First  Lady  are implicated in laundering
hundreds of  millions  of  dollars  of  dope  funds  disguised as
currency and soybean deals  through  the  Chicago  markets:   The
Chicago  Board of Trade, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, and the
Chicago Board Options Exchange.  Stay tuned.

CNNS  (Conspiracy  Nation  News  Service)  is an INDEPENDENT news
outlet, not owned by anyone.  (But  of course, we would say that,

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-04-14 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

These polls re like can tell by the DNA how you are going to
vote if you go into the different areas of the USA.   DNA supposedly
tells all.

Now I  have type O blood, that goes back to the all
fairness to me, however, I have the same blood type as Queen you see, there are a lot of us left.  (just kidding)

Now here is my question  - somewhere out there someone who is an expert,
tell me this.

Darwin said we come from the monkies...yet we still have monkies..
if DNA is a history to our past,  what is the DNA of a monkey.   Do we
have monkey DNA?

When they talk of family trees, do they mean there are a bunch of
monkies hanging from the tree by their tailsor is the apple in the
garden of eden,  really the secret of illumination if it hits you in the
head like it did who was that, Fig Newton, or Isaac Newto, or what was

Here I sit at 4:12 a.m. wondering if I have monkey DNA.  Please help
this lost confused I the end result of a monkey or what.


And if that be so, was the dog and cat and blue birds also monkies

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Genocide? Ethnic cleansing? IT'S ABOUT MONEY!!!

1999-04-14 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Clinton now appeals to the greed of the Yuppie Nation..apparently he
has found thier achilles heel - money.

How is munitions stock doing these daysSchlumberger and the boys.  I
imagine Clinton will get a Nobel Peace award for this disaster


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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