[CTRL] Gennifer Flowers sues Hillary

2000-01-20 Thread pennie hammons

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

January 20, 2000

Contact: Joe Giganti
(202) 646-5172



(Washington, D.C.) Today, Gennifer Flowers amended her complaint previously
filed in the United States District Court for the District of Nevada,
alleging libel and slander against James Carville and George Stephanopoulos.
Because of newly discovered information that Hillary Rodham Clinton was the
mastermind, who implemented and carried out a scheme to destroy, or in
Hillary Rodham Clinton's words "crucify," Gennifer Flowers, Hillary Rodham
Clinton was added to the complaint. Plaintiff anticipates that this lawsuit,
which is not complicated, will proceed to trial quickly, and be held before
a jury of Ms. Flowers' peers in Las Vegas. Mr. Carville, who has called Ms.
Flowers, and nearly every other woman regrettably associated with the
President, "trailer trash," will have to explain to jurors, many of whom are
likely to live in trailers, exactly what he meant.

In Judicial Watch's class-action Filegate lawsuit, Plaintiffs learned that
Carville ran an information gathering operation on perceived adversaries to
the Clintons and their Administration, called the Education Information
Project, out of a chic townhouse which he owns and occupies with Mary
Matalin on Capitol Hill. Recently, it was learned that Mrs. Clinton
threatened to author Gail Sheehy that she would "crucify" Gennifer Flowers
by digging up "dirt" with which to smear her. Author Christopher Anderson
also has recently revealed that Mrs. Clinton "sicced" private investigators
on Ms. Flowers. The suit, in addition to its defamation counts, alleges
violation of privacy rights against Mrs. Clinton.

A copy of the Amended Complaint will be posted on Judicial Watch's website
at www.JudicialWatch.org.

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Where's The Outrage?? Religious Freedom DENIED!

2000-01-20 Thread [to:] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
>>Well, I agree with the first few examples, although the example of the

>>Holocaust might be questioned on the grounds that while it was indeed

>>out by a Christian society and drew on anti-Semitism rooted in Christian

>>beliefs, the architects were somewhat contemptuous of such beliefs and as

>>as I know, did not commit their vile act it in the name of God but to

>>the pseudo-scientific goal of maintaining racial hygiene.

>The architects were Nazis. Nazism is a religion in its own right.

Quite true.

>However, the men who actually did the killing were mainly Lutherans,
Catholics and
Eastern Orthodox. The Germans wore a  uniform which featured a belt buckle
which said "God is with us." They killed thirteen million people in the
camps alone, but the real Holocaust is what they did to Russia. They
killed between twenty and fifty million Russians (depending on whose
version you believe). REAL Christians, i.e., the followers of the
teachings of Jesus himself, would have refused the Nazi's orders.

The brings forth the fundamental problem of Christianity anyway in which many
God-fearing folk seem to ignore one of the Ten Commandments & JC's view that
you just shouldn't kill or hurt people.

>>My real gripe,

>>however, is with your contention that current activity in Iraq is a good

>>example of Christians taking innocent blood. You only chose that because
>>suits your ideological mindset. I would contend that it is somewhat
>>the example of the Crusades as the decision to bomb Iraq was made by a
>>nominally Christian politician, and not by a cleric. It isn't religiously

>Neither were the Crusades. They were a land grab, plain and simple.

No. Don't fall into the trap of Marxist theory which holds that all human
activity should be understood in terms of economic gain. There was real faith
at work in the Crusades, for every knight there were hundreds of paupers
motivated by belief. Don't forget the Children's Crusade, one particularly
tragic product of that faith. And besides faith and greed, there was also
less controversial motives of self-interest such as escaping famine,
overpopulation etc.

>Religion was just an excuse. Religion is not the excuse in Iraq
Nevertheless, religious men, men who call themselves Christians,  have
murdered half a million Muslims so far in their siege of Iraq. Almost all
have been women and children. It doesn't matter why they did it. What
matters is that they do not refuse to do it. Jesus would refuse. Why do
those who claim to worship him not refuse? Is this not hypocricy?

Ultimately it is hypocrisy. But let's split hairs here to get to the bottom
of the issue which was originally raised when Satanists were accused of child

Christianity as practised over the ages has failed to conform with JC's
preaching in three ways: at the instruction of the Church the innocent have
been killed as in the Crusades, Inquisition, & Conquistadors; the Church has
supported the killing of the innocent, or at least killing par se, by the
state, as in Church support for the governments of both sides in WW1 & 2 and
any other conflict you can care to mention over the past couple of hundred
years involving Christian states; and finally, in defiance of Christian
teachings about the wrongness of killing, many individual Christians have
willingly participated in atrocities, from butchering idigenes in the
colonies through the Holocaust to bombing civilians in Vietnam, Laos,
Cambodia, & backing cruel dictatorships around the world.

Not child sacrifice, but something far more insidious and worrying methinks.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] HUD Financial Fraud, Secret Societies & Covert Operations: Part Five

2000-01-20 Thread Kris Millegan

"Catherine Austin Fitts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

part five I am sending a memo I wrote to Mike Ruppert last summer to provide a 
framework on how I thought our two worlds would mesh and what some of the issues 
that would determine the future might be.


To: Mike Ruppert
From: Catherine Fitts
CC: Solari Team on Gideon; DBR
Re: A Simple Whole World Setting for 
Convergence of Community Development and Drug Related Covert 
Purpose of Memorandum
I have been musing on what picture I could paint that would 
help us look at our mutual worlds whole. What picture would help us take these 
different pieces of the jigsaw puzzle and lay them down in a way that we could 
integrate what we know in a simple and compelling way.
It’s Just Us Chickens
One way to think about this is to look at this in terms of 
people and market share. There are approximately 300 million people in America. 
You can count them up in different ways. Voters, taxpayers, citizens, consumers, 
savers and investors. You can break them down in different ways: male, female, 
old, young, black, white. One way to describe them is to group them by place. 
There are approximately 60,000 neighborhoods of approximately 5,000 people. We 
tend to put them into meta-groups of urban, suburban and rural and East, North, 
Middle, South and West. 
We have two "voting" systems for their optimization 
of resources. One voting system is called democracy. That is what allocates 
about half the money and the legal rules that influence 100% of the money. This 
money is organized into organizations who provide products and services for 
communities or overall services for all communities like national security. The 
other is called free markets. This money is organized into organizations that 
make and distribute products and services to both communities and broader 
intra-and inter-community markets. That is why to understand money you need a 
model of how different kinds of organizations work, different kinds of 
communities and then how government process or private markets interconnect the 
trading in and between them.
Both systems depend on open shared disclosure, competitive 
process and protection from risk afforded by the constitution to function. That 
is why when rapid economic change is upon a society, the folks hoping to hold on 
to one or both pots of money a little bit longer to amortize their sunk costs 
and maintain their power, try to stop open disclosure and competitive 
One of the things that is interesting about reading conspiracy 
theory is that much of what folks think is conspiracy is really many people 
acting in concert to make or protect their money. The organizing principle is 
often government or organized crime money, and it’s interaction with the 
private markets. When the money is legal private market money, it is very easy 
for folks to see and understand the swarm as like minded or like-incentivized 
people acting in concert on a dispersed basis.
The way to see something simple is to just look at one little 
neighborhood and then multiple that times 60,000. I am reminded of one of my 
partners who grew up in the Caribbean when asked why he had such a great 
understanding of the American economy said to me "Because, unlike most 
Americans, I understand that the United States is just a very big island. What 
goes around comes around, it just takes longer than on a real island." 
Naturally, when I look at a neighborhood, I look at the money. 
Money is an organizing principle that reflects all the consumer 
"votes" and democratic "votes", albeit in a rigged and 
unilluminated system. 
Looking at Catherine and Mike’s Worlds from the Stoops and the 
We are sitting on a stoop in West Philadelphia. It’s 
April, 1999. Some kids are playing bottle caps and wall ball. Parents are coming 
home from work. It is going to be dark soon, so everyone needs to get in doors. 
It is not safe now. It sure is not going to be after dark. Hmm, let’s look 
at how the money works and see if we can figure out why.
What we have here in West Philadelphia is a market share 
battle. We have 5,000 customers whose attention is being competed for by two 
groups: The Post Toasties and the Liquidators. 
We can make money by doing things with us and for us that are 
generally positive. We can make money by helping us get smarter (churches, 
education, computers, books), we can make money by helping us get healthier 
(vitamins, sports, health foods stores) we can make money by helping us have fun 
(entertainment) and by helping us move money around (banking, securities, credit 
cards, pension and mutual funds). We can also make money by simply helping us 
consume things we want and need, or do not need but we want or we can convince 
us that we need. We can provide us with basic governmental services; 

[CTRL] Fwd: RE: [CIA-DRUGS] Interview with author of Red Cocaine.....

2000-01-20 Thread Kris Millegan

From: "Catherine Austin Fitts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

If I were the richest person in the entire globe, the way I could make the
most money would involve a scenario where the Chinese and the US were pitted
in WW III. Invaluable for serious depopulation, where I move fantastic
wealth to me.

> -Original Message-
> From: Dan Russell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2000 6:41 PM
> Subject: Re: [CIA-DRUGS] Interview with author of Red Cocaine.
> From: "Dan Russell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Money is the basis of military power.  The surviving "Reds" are as
> economically pragmatic as the Whites, as Deng Xiaoping made abundantly
> clear.  Economic physics is physics.  The distinction between red
> and white
> is obsolete.  Vietnam and Laos are as much a part of ASEAN as Thailand,
> Burma and Indonesia.  What's really behind the illegal cocaine
> trade is the
> fact that cocaine is worth 100x its natural value when criminalized.
> Dan Russell
> Kalyx.com
> P.O. Box 417
> Camden, NY 13316
> http://www.kalyx.com
> - Original Message -
> From: "David Goldman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2000 5:51 PM
> Subject: [CIA-DRUGS] Interview with author of Red Cocaine.
> > From: David Goldman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > This evening (1/20/2000) there was an unusual interview on the Bob Grant
> > talkshow out of Washington DC with one Joseph D. Douglas, an author
> > together with someone representing the publishing company called Edward
> > Harle. The author was joined by a person representing the
> publisher named
> > Christopher Storey. Douglas' book is called Red Cocaine, and talks about
> > the thesis that the Communists have been behind the cocaine industry for
> 3
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[CTRL] George Orwell to Hoover: Please Endorse My Book

2000-01-20 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


Forwarded from the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
From: Paul Wolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: George Orwell to Hoover: Please Endorse My Book
Date: Wednesday, January 05, 2000 9:45 PM

George Orwell to Hoover: Please Endorse My Book

Author's Publicist Sent 1984 to FBI Director

Sept. 20, 1999   By Janon Fisher

NEW YORK (APBnews.com) -- In what could have been the ultimate marketing coup,
the publisher of George Orwell's novel 1984 asked America's incarnation of Big Brother,
FBI director J. Edgar Hoover, to endorse the book.

According to Orwell's FBI file, released under the U.S. Freedom of Information Act,
Hoover declined. Instead, Hoover filed the request in a dossier he created on Orwell.

FBI files show that in April 1949, Eugene Reynal, vice president of Harcourt, Brace and
Co., wrote Hoover, arguably the incarnation of Orwell's authoritarian bureaucracy, for
his thumbs up on the book.

Related Document:

George Orwell's FBI File
"We hope you might be interested in helping to call this book to the attention of the
American public, and thus perhaps helping to halt totalitarianism," Reynal wrote.

Did Hoover read the book?

While it isn't clear what Hoover thought of the book, or even if he read Orwell's
fictionalized account of an out-of-control totalitarian government, the file shows that
Hoover's opinion was beside the point.

Endorsements were against bureau policy.

Thus, fans of the English novelist may never know whether Hoover objected to
Orwell's placement of the Thought Police under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of 

But Hoover, in a very un-Orwellian move, said 'No' politely.

"While I am looking forward to reading the book at the earliest opportunity, you are
advised that in accordance with a long-standing policy I have refrained from lending
my endorsement to commercial publications, and I am sure you will understand my
inability to make an exception in this instance," Hoover replied.

The copy of the book Reynal sent to Hoover wound up in the FBI library.

U.S. 'has no equals' in wiretapping

Nevertheless, the bureau stayed on top of the situation.

Another internal memo in the file with the subject heading "Smear Campaign/
Committee for a return to the homeland internal security," discussed an article in
a Russian-language newspaper arguing that 1984 was a portrayal of life in the
United States.

"Let us give what is due to the Hoovers," the memo states. "The mechanization
of police surveillance of average Americans has assumed imposing proportions,
especially in the technique of listening in on telephone conversations. This art has
reached fabulous heights in the United States."

The article concludes that "there is one field in the American life that never yet has
suffered a decline, but is flourishing year after year. It is police surveillance and
investigation. Indeed, in this field, America has surpassed the world and has no

Though the bureau might have looked on the Russian article as part of a smear
campaign -- as its FBI categorization suggests -- there was more than a grain of
truth to its assertions.

According to The FBI Comprehensive Reference Guide, Congress banned wire-
tapping in 1934. But President Franklin D. Roosevelt gave a secret directive that
allowed the bureau to tap phone lines with the attorney general's permission. The
"Black Bag Jobs" described in the guide required FBI operatives to illegally break
into residences and offices targeted for surveillance.

Big Brother Jr.

Other Orwellian advancements in government monitoring of citizenry have kept up
with the times.

According to press reports, the National Security Agency operates a global spy system
code-named ECHELON, which coordinates intelligence-gathering by spy agencies in
Canada, New Zealand, Australia and Great Britain.

Under the program, the agencies share intelligence-gathering duties and some of
the intercepted information. In general, each country limits spying on its own 
However, a former Canadian intelligence official has claimed the British government
once got around the rules by using Canada's Communications Security Establishment
to collect intelligence on British citizens.

Orwell's offspring

If not for the original appearance of Big Brother, Orwell's prophetic book might now
seem cliche. Movies today, such as Enemy of the State or The Truman Show,
continue to delve into the issue of government invasion of privacy.

"Nothing will be your own, private, exclusive, except a few cubic centimeters inside
your cranium," Orwell wrote.

Orwell's earlier novel Animal Farm also caught the FBI director's eye. The Orwell file
includes several pages of Hoover's press clippings and memos on the radical left's
denouncements of the book.

According to the citations in Orwell's FBI dossier, the English autho

[CTRL] About Northern NJ & MC Victims

2000-01-20 Thread Jabr 333

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


By Judith ABR


This article is prompted by a scenario I witnessed occur from 1991 - 1993
in northern New Jersey.  The names used here are real.  The people are real.
The situations I describe here I witnessed first-hand.  None of these victims
however have identified themselves as victims of "mind control"
organizations, cults or crime syndicates, thus what is described here is what
this author witnessed concerning these people's lives and conclusions she has
drawn from these situations.  All of these people, this author now believes,
were brutalized by crime syndicates using the most heinous of weaponry –
implants and electronic frequency weapons and all lived on this one
particular floor of this exclusive apartment building.  This is one account,
among probably many many thousands in the United States, which probably
occurred during this time period and remains unaccounted for in the annals of

Judith ABR

In September of 1990 I moved from a studio apartment in lower Manhattan
to a small, quaint, hip and wealthy New Jersey city not far away.  My salary
had doubled that year, I was a published author and administrator working 9
to5 in a well known national arts institution.  I wanted a much nicer
personal apartment space than the one room apartment I had in Little Italy
and I found one.  This was a super top floor duplex with a small real
fireplace and a nice second floor balcony overlooking a distant view of
Manhattan's skyline.  I was only 30 minutes from Wall Street via subway and
it was pricey.  The apartment building was one of the nicest in the area too
and expensive because it had a 24 hour doorman.  But, as I moved in I also
noticed a lot of apartments being vacated, the place had a large turn-around
rate and it was very big – something like 400 apartments in the huge entire
block building.

What began to occur next was a lot of superficial details.  But later
they added up.  And I later began to realize that this building was haunted
by a crime syndicate which was really doing some bad damage to residents
there.  And among others I too was being used by syndicates.  It wasn't until
I left the apartment building that I realized how much.

MARY  When I first moved into the apartment I met a Jewish single girl
named Mary L.  She was having problems – always agitated, she complained of
all this white powder accumulating for unknown reasons in her apartment
daily.  Mary was having personal problems, so was her small Jewish brother
living in a totally blackened studio apartment in Manhattan.  Mary moved to
another town, moved into a run-down apartment and tried to adopt three kids.
Mary was a bright journalist with a budding career – writing for well know
publications but living on her own.   Mary had constant problems after
leaving this apartment building and wound up giving up the kids I believe.
She bought for a time a house but I believe it never quite worked out.  I
don't know what happened to her.

JEREMY  The residents around me used in these vicious games included a
late 30-something English guy named Jeremy – married to a very beautiful
Phillipino woman a few years his younger.  Jeremy was a highly successful
woman's clothing designer affiliated with a very well known national mail
order catalog.  Jeremy traveled to Europe twice a year for fashion/design
shows and made a salary nearly in the six figures.  At the time this was very
high and he was at the height of his career as one of only two designers with
the firm.  Jeremy came from San Francisco and had somehow run into some
problem there.  He said he had an intestinal condition which would not clear
up, they wound up calling it Crones' disease and he had had an operation or
two prior to coming to NJ for it.  In late 1992, suddenly Jeremy became worse
and had to have another operation for this.  He was embittered, he was angry,
his body too was sort of electric/magnetic.  He didn't seem to like women,
but he was dating a Black girl and this was ending his marriage.  His wife,
meantime, was dating a Black guy, a well known jazz piano player with a known
jazz group which traveled frequently to Europe.

I remember Jeremy taking great interest and pleasure in my antique fine
condition 60s Volvo – it was a pretty car and one which he admired.  Jeremy
warned me to be careful of doctors and "not get into surgery" – "especially
you," he said.  This was just as he was going into surgery.  The surgery
didn't go well – only 38 years old – the guy was deteriorating – and more
electric.  My take now is that he was further getting implanted and being
used in wares games syndicate stories.  The crime elements weren't stopping.
They may have chased him into NJ from CA, but they

[CTRL] Dr. Deborah Lipstadt response to Irving lawsuit

2000-01-20 Thread Michael Pugliese


[CTRL] FW: [CIA-DRUGS] Al Gore and Drugs (II)

2000-01-20 Thread Dave

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
From: David Goldman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2000 8:27 PM
Subject: [CIA-DRUGS] Al Gore and Drugs (II)

From: David Goldman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   John C. Warnecke
   Exclusive to The Week Online
   By Adam J. Smith

   John C. Warnecke worked as a reporter for the
   Nashville Tennessean and was a close personal
   friend of the Gores. Warnecke is the son of John Carl
   Warnecke, architect for the John F. Kennedy
   gravesite. The Week Online spoke with Mr. Warnecke
   by phone this week.

   The Week Online: Mr. Warnecke, Vice President Gore
   has said that he used marijuana 'on several
   occasions' and 'not since he was twenty-four.' But
   you say that you have first-hand knowledge that his
   use was more extensive than he has previously

   John C. Warnecke: Yes, I do. I have first hand
   knowledge that he has not told the truth about his drug
   use. Al Gore and I smoked regularly, as buddies.
   Marijuana, hash. I was his regular supplier. I didn't deal
   dope, I just gave it to him. We smoked more than once,
   more than a few times, we smoked a lot. We smoked in
   his car, in his house, we smoked in his parents' house,
   in my house… we smoked on weekends. We smoked a

   Al Gore and I were smoking marijuana together right up
   to the time that he ran for Congress in 1976. Right up
   through the week he declared for that race, in fact.

   WOL: And after that?

   JCW: After that he began to distance himself from me. I
   was bad for his political career.

   WOL: During the course of the 1988 campaign, you
   told the New York Times and the Nashville
   Tennessean that you had smoked marijuana with Al

   JCW: A few times. And I told them that he didn't like it.

   WOL: Why didn't you tell the truth at that time?

   JCW: I was put under a lot of pressure to lie.

   WOL: Who was pressuring you?

   JCW: The answer to that question is in the excerpt that
   Newsweek decided not to run. It's in the Turque book.
   Right now, I'm going to leave it at that.

   WOL: So what made you decide to come forward

   JCW: It's because I've been under a lot of stress. My
   conscience has been killing me ever since then. I
   actually came forward months ago when Bill (Turque)
   interviewed me for the book. I had been told that this
   story would come out, that the public would know this
   by now. But then the book date was pushed back, and
   Newsweek pulled the story. The only thing that I can
   assume is that Newsweek is covering this up, protecting
   the Gore campaign by refusing to run this before the
   primaries. I decided that I had to go ahead and tell it. I
   really feel that the public has a right to know this at
   this time, and I was having trouble living with myself
   being part of the hypocrisy and the lies.

   WOL: Hypocrisy?

   JCW: Yes. The drug laws in this country are ruining the
   lives of hundreds of thousands of young people, mostly
   poor young people, people who don't come from
   privileged backgrounds and wealthy families. It just
   doesn't make sense that we have a war on drugs. It
   doesn't work, and the politicians refuse to talk about it.
   That suffering and that hypocrisy has weighed very
   heavily on my conscience. I have a saying that I use,
   and that is: "who raised you?" In other words, were you
   raised with a conscience? Mine has made my life very
   difficult ever since I became part of the hypocrisy. I
   couldn't live with the lie anymore. Not and stay sober.

   WOL: How long have you been sober?

   JCW: Twenty-one years.

   WOL: Congratulations. So, after twenty-one years of
   sobriety, do you consider Al Gore a criminal for his
   drug use?

   JCW: I don't consider drug use a criminal act. Is drug
   use a poor choice? Yes. Is it risky behavior? Yes. Does
   it make any sense -- has it 

[CTRL] [bringitdown] Dealing with Gun Registration

2000-01-20 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


Forwarded from the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
From: Fitzhugh MacCrae <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [bringitdown] Dealing with Gun Registration
Date: Saturday, January 15, 2000 8:51 PM

This is how our Canadian cousins deal with gun
registration - not that I would suggest that anybody
do any of these obviously obstructionist things . .
yeah, right. . . .




  December 4th, 1998

  It appears some bright sparks have taken to writing
"NEVER" across the firearms registration
  forms and sending them to Reform MP Garry Breitkruez
at his Ottawa office (Room 252,
  Wellington Building, House of Commons, Ottawa, ON.,
K1Aá 0A6).á They didn't even need
  a stamp!á Garry has them in a great big box in the
middle of his office and is going to give
  them to Justice Minister Anne McLellan as a
Christmas gift. Ho Ho Ho

  Another practical joke being played by these very
humourous folks is to take a whole stack of
  registration forms and register guns to their
neighbors and other folks picked randomly out of a
  phone book.á Sometimes these silly people even
forget to include the money.á They think it's
  really funny to have all those people at the CFC
phoning fictitious gun owners up to collect ten
  dollars on a gun that doesn't exist.á They think
it's really funny to have the costs of C-68
  escalate through the roof!

  Sometimes they even send the money.á One of these
jesters (I think his name was Simon) told
  me that he registered ten individual guns to ten non
  MONEY.á This zany guy said half the people that
received registration cards would complain
  to the RCMP and they would spend A LOT OF MONEY
trying to remove them from their
  great big "BRANIAC" computer.á But the really funny
part was that half the people would
  simply throw the registration away like junk mail
(since they didn't own a gun) and leave half
  the guns (and owners) in the system.áá The knee
slapper here is that these people and guns
  don't even exist.

  Now don't misunderstand.á CILA would NEVER recommend
these delinquents do such a
  thing.á These baaad Canadians are trying to damage
the Canadian Government's registration
  system.á Even though measures like these will GRIND
  short order CILA thinks you should go "baa, baa" and
blindly obey the rules.

  Even though the Government of Canada has declared
war on you, you should still obey.

  ps:á Let me add a few more funny jokes you should
never do.

  Do NOT send in a registration card for the
spouse/child of one of the Members of Parliament
  that started this bill.

  Do NOT send in registration cards for various people
in various parts of the country for a
  fictitious gun with the SAME serial number.

  Do NOT send in registration cards for media types
that promoted this bill listing various illegal


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[CTRL] Fwd: [EWAR] Radar weirdness over Pine Ridge

2000-01-20 Thread DIG alfred webre

Kent's data is cutting edge research: One research issue is whether the
data over Pine Ridge is the by product of electrmagnetic pulse EMP weapons
used secretly by the government.  Of course, it could be a coincidental
meteorological anomaly..Alfred

 Radar weirdness (two days now) right smack-dab over Pine Ridge
 Expanded, FLASH RADAR:


Radar weirdness (two days now) right smack-dab over Pine Ridge
Expanded, FLASH RADAR:


Post to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Unsubscribe to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] List info: 

Check out the new and improved Topica site!

Re: [CTRL] Fw: [Earth First! alert] Urgent! FBI Stand Off at Pine Ridge!]

2000-01-20 Thread Dave

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Hi all-

I sent out a retraction and an apology for forwarding disinformation &/or
lies which appear to have originated with "NewsHawk"
[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  -even to the point of some fabricated bulletin board
notices with a series of fake email addresses involved in "straw man"
conversation thread.

I am sending a copy of this out also, hopefully it will reach most of those
who received the "NewsChicken" (new nickname for [EMAIL PROTECTED])

I suggest that you keep your judgementalism on hold until you walk a mile in
my shoes - as the old saying goes...  but I understand and respect your
message beyond that first paragraph.

best wishes,

Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
From: Michael Jordan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2000 2:13 AM
To: John Johnson; David Hartley
Subject: FW: Fw: [Earth First! alert] Urgent! FBI Stand Off at Pine

Mr. Johnson and Mr. Hartley,

I don't know who either of you are except that I know that you're not Sioux.
You people, in your frenzy to find something "Indian" to identify with, are
putting out this completely inaccurate and incendiary information.

There is no confrontation between the FBI and Oglala Tribal President Harold
Salway and the protestors.  Dale Looks Twice and Eileen Janis, the
spokespersons of the protestors, have repeatedly asked that this kind of
hyperbole below not be started up.  The FBI, Justice Department, and Civil
Rights Division representatives are on the scene at the request of the
protestors; they've been in meetings for three days straight, getting all
the information on the corrupt members, particularly the Treasurer, Wesley
'Chuck' Jacobs.  They'll be in Oglala Tribal Court, seeing my friend Judge
Steven Emory, tomorrow at 10 am to secure a court order removing Jacobs.

As far as the rest of your hyperbole goes:

If you consider getting from Rapid City to Pine Ridge (70 miles) in 16 hours
as fast as "a duck on a june bug," you must know some starving ducks.  The
Feds were notified and showed up for meetings on Monday morning.  The Oglala
Tribal Police are on the side of the protestors; about 60 of them were about
to be fired because of the ripoff by SOME members of the OST Council...so
whose side do you think they were on?

There was never any danger of a "Waco-type" situation.  This has been
completely calm; members of my own tribe's government, Rosebud Sioux Tribe,
are there assisting because we're going to have to take a similar action in
the near future.

And last, it appears clear that neither of you understand anything about
tribal sovereignty.  While we're glad that there are non-Sioux who are
sympathetic to our problems, the reality is that they are OUR problems.
Interfering to help and interfering to hurt both have the same effect for
us.  We CAN take care of ourselves...how do you think we have managed to be
here despite five centuries of genocide?

Please, cease and desist in reporting this highly inaccurate information.
One more thing - a call has gone out for AIM members and Sioux people to
come to support the protestors.  It means what it says - Indian members of
the American Indian Movement and members of the Oglala, Itazipco, Hunkpapa,
O:ohenupa, Mnikhowanzu, Sicangu, and Sihasapa bands of Lakota, the Isanyati,
Sisseton, Wahpeton, Wahpekute, and Mdewakanton bands of Dakota, and the
Yankton, Yanktonai, and Assiniboine bands of Nakota.

This is internal Sioux business; please respect it as such.


Mike Two Horses
Rosebud/Crow Creek Sioux

> >
> > - Original Message -
> > From: John Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2000 6:30 PM
> > Subject: [Earth First! alert] Urgent! FBI Stand Off at Pine Ridge!]
> >
> >
> > > From: John Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >
> > > Dave Hartley http://www.Asheville-Computer.com/dave 1.16.00
> > > URGENT!/FBI-Indian standoff; Pine Ridge Rez! Forward this message as
> > > and widely as possible Feds are putting major heat on a group of
> > at
> > > the Pine Ridge  reservation who were attempting to demonstrate against
> > > corruption and malfeasance within the heavily fed-infiltrated
> > > tribal council there.
> > > The FBI is said to have been on the scene "INSTANTLY". In light of the
> > > TOTAL media blackout enforced by feds in regard to this situation,
> > > are serious concerns on the part of Native Americans and others of
> > > kind of severe, Waco-style tactics being employed at Pine Ridge.It's
> > > crucial to help ensure that eventuality can never come to pass; and to
> > > that, we must get
> > > the word out regarding what's going on at Pine Ridge right now. So
> > > help.
> > > The Original Message
> > > Here's one that's in-process! I just received a call from one of my
> > > American friends, and things have gone c

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] HUD Financial Fraud, Secret Societies & Covert Operations: Part Four

2000-01-20 Thread Kris Millegan

From: "Linda Minor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Jamie wrote:
>>Mazzini was a 19th century Italian novelist and supporter of the
unification of
all the small states in Italy into a sovereign nation - and supporter of
Garibaldi. The Italians on both sides of the pond revered this man. The
sicilians thought they'd get better treatment under a central govt, but they
were mistaken.<<


author: Sonny René Stermole

Chapter 4
Roots of an Evil Empire

The "sceptre of the dark empire" was "wrested by Mazzini" from the Carbonari
who had assumed the leadership of the "dark empire" by it's Alta Vendita
Lodge of blackest Freemasonry following Weishaupt's death or decline. Like
Weishaupt, Mazzini viewed Freemasonry as an ideal vehicle or "powerful
vehicle" for world revolution. In collusion with an American Confederate
General, Albert Pike, Mazzini would reinforce the criminal beginnings of
"speculative" Masonry begun in England and forge Mazzini's Masonic Machine.
Mazzini, also the father of the Sicilian Mafia, brought Albert Pike whom he
had appointed as head of dogma over Freemasonry into the depths of the
conspiracy of Illuminist control of Freemasonry.

Mazzini had understood that Freemasonry was a powerful lever with which to
revolutionize the world, but he saw it divided into numerous rites, often
rivals, and even hostile to one another. Aspiring to Italian Unity as a
means of breaking the temporal power of the Holy See, he dreamt of a union
of masonry throughout the world to destroy the church itself as a spiritual
Mazzini, who was very practical, said that it would be inadvisable to favour
one rite only to the exclusion of all the others. In a letter to Albert
Pike, dated Jan. 22, 1870, he writes. "We must allow all the federations to
continue just as they are, with their systems, their central authorities and
their divers modes of correspondence between high grades of the same rite,
organized as they are at present, but we must create a supreme rite, which
will remain unknown, to which
p. 208
 we will call those Masons of high degree whom we shall select. With regard
to their brothers in masonry, these men must be pledged to the strictest
secrecy. Through this supreme rite, we will govern all Freemasonry which
will become the one international centre, the more powerful because its
direction will be unknown."
p. 209
Albert Pike, in honour of his Templar Baphomet, which was in the keeping of
his first and historic Supreme Council, named the order the New and Reformed
Palladian Rite or New and Reformed Palladium.
p. 215
"To recruit adepts, they planned to use some members of the other rites, but
in the beginning they meant to rely principally on those among the initiates
of Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rites who were already addicted to
p. 216
Thus it was particularly the initiates of the thirty-third degree Scottish
Rites, who, owing to their extensive international ramifications, were
privileged to recruit adepts for Palladism.
"One will better understand these precautions knowing that Palladism is
essentially a Luciferian rite.
p. 216

"The Holy See of the Dogma for the whole masonic world was set up at
Charleston, the sacred city of the Palladium. Pike, the Sovereign Pontiff of
Lucifer, was the president of the Supreme Dogmatic Directory, ...
p. 217
One must not lose sight of the fact that Pike occupied simultaneously the
positions of Grand Master of the Central Directory of Washington, that of
Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of Charleston and that of Sovereign
Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry.
p. 221 Occult Theocrasy,
Lady Queenborough (Edith Starr Miller), 1933

Albert Pike rose to prominence in Freemasonry learning the "Craft" in Little
Rock, Arkansas, whereas the headquarters for the Southern Jurisdiction of
the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite was located in Charleston, South
Carolina since 1801. Later the headquarters was relocated to Washington D.C.
and is now the Mother Council of the World.

-Original Message-
From: Jamie Shafer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, January 20, 2000 2:23 AM
Subject: Re: [CIA-DRUGS] HUD Financial Fraud, Secret Societies & Covert
Operations: Part Four

>From: Jamie Shafer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>I think yu're straining at gnats  here-
>"There was apparently a large group of Italians or Sicilians in the
>docks who were somehow connected to Mazzini, the Italian organizer of P-2
>Mazzini was a 19th century Italian novelist and supporter of the
unification of
>all the small states in Italy into a sovereign nation - and supporter of
>Garibaldi. The Italians on both sides of the pond revered this man. The
>sicilians thought they'd get better treatment under a central govt, but
>were mistaken.
>"My thought here is that these areas were originally settled by Dutch and
>formed New Netherlands-"
>New York and New Jersey were 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Al Gore and Drugs.....

2000-01-20 Thread Kris Millegan

From: David Goldman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

A DRCNet Exclusive by Adam J. Smith

   A DRCNet Exclusive
   By Adam J. Smith

   The Week Online with DRCNet (stopthedrugwar.org) has
   learned that Newsweek Magazine decided late Friday to
   postpone publication of an excerpt of a Gore biography
   featuring eyewitness accounts of Al Gore's regular and
   continued drug use over a period of years. The drug use
   covers a period of Gore's life from his days at Harvard
   up until the very week he declared his candidacy for
   Congress in 1976, sources told The Week Online. The
   book, by Bill Turque of Newsweek's Washington bureau,
   quotes both named and unnamed sources, including
   John Warnecke, son of John Carl Warnecke – architect of
   the John F. Kennedy grave site, and a long-time friend
   of the Gores. An exclusive interview with Mr. Warnecke
   follows this story.

   The excerpt had been scheduled to run in Newsweek's
   January 18th issue, just days before the start of the
   Democratic primaries. A previous excerpt from the book
   appeared in the December 6 issue. In that excerpt,
   which covered Gore's Vietnam experience, Tipper Gore
   was said to have spent considerable time, distraught
   with worry for her husband's safety, at Warnecke's
   house while Gore was overseas.

   The Gore biography, to be published by
   Houghton-Mifflin, was itself originally scheduled for a
   January release, but that too has been delayed until
   March 23. A spokesman for Houghton-Mifflin told The
   Week Online that the delay was "normal."

   Al Gore has previously admitted using marijuana, but
   those admissions fall well short of the type of regular,
   even chronic use described by Warnecke. Warnecke also
   says that Gore used marijuana regularly for at least four
   years after the Vice-President claims to have stopped.

   On November 7, 1987, in the wake of Douglas H.
   Ginsburg's failed Supreme Court nomination, Gore told
   the Bergen County Record that he had smoked
   marijuana in college and in the army but had not used it
   in the past fifteen years. The New York Times reported
   on November 8, 1987:

   Mr. Gore said he last used marijuana when he was 24.
   He said he first tried the drug at the end of his junior
   year at Harvard and used it again at the beginning of
   his senior year the next fall. He also said he used the
   drug "once or twice" while off-duty in an Army tour at
   Bien Hoa, Vietnam; on several occasions while he was
   in graduate school at Vanderbilt University and when he
   was an employee of a Nashville newspaper (The
   Nashville Tennessean). On November 11, 1987, Gore
   was quoted in UPI, saying "We have to be honest and
   candid and open in dealing with the (drug) problem."

   Mr. Turque refused to comment to The Week Online. Roy
   Burnett, a spokesman for Newsweek, acknowledged that
   the magazine was preparing to run a new excerpt from
   the book "in the coming weeks." Asked whether there in
   fact had been a delay, and if so, the reasons behind it,
   Burnett would say only that it is Newsweek's policy not
   to discuss its editorial practices.

   Gore, as part of the Clinton Administration, has presided
   over a drug war policy that has led to the arrest and
   incarceration of record numbers of non-violent drug
   offenders. In 1998, according to the Justice Department,
   there were 682,885 Americans arrested on marijuana
   charges, 88% of whom were arrested for possession. A
   recent study by the Center on Juvenile and Criminal
   Justice (www.cjcj.org) reported that the incarcerated
   population of the U.S. will reach two million on or
   around February 15, 2000. Of those, more than half are
   non-violent offenders according to CJCJ.

   On February 8, 1999, Vice President Gore personally
   presented the administration's Drug Control Strategy at
   a Washington, DC press conference. During his remarks,
   Gore spoke about the "spiritual problem" of drug abuse
   and about the need for more positive opportunities for
   young people. Despite this

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Al Gore and Drugs (II)

2000-01-20 Thread Kris Millegan

In a message dated 1/20/00 5:31:54 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>   John C. Warnecke
>   Exclusive to The Week Online 
>   By Adam J. Smith 
>   John C. Warnecke worked as a reporter for the
>   Nashville Tennessean and was a close personal
>   friend of the Gores. Warnecke is the son of John Carl
>   Warnecke, architect for the John F. Kennedy
>   gravesite. The Week Online spoke with Mr. Warnecke
>   by phone this week. 
>   The Week Online: Mr. Warnecke, Vice President Gore
>   has said that he used marijuana 'on several
>   occasions' and 'not since he was twenty-four.' But
>   you say that you have first-hand knowledge that his
>   use was more extensive than he has previously
>   admitted? 
>   John C. Warnecke: Yes, I do. I have first hand
>   knowledge that he has not told the truth about his drug
>   use. Al Gore and I smoked regularly, as buddies.
>   Marijuana, hash. I was his regular supplier. I didn't deal
>   dope, I just gave it to him. We smoked more than once,
>   more than a few times, we smoked a lot. We smoked in
>   his car, in his house, we smoked in his parents' house,
>   in my house… we smoked on weekends. We smoked a
>   lot. 
>   Al Gore and I were smoking marijuana together right up
>   to the time that he ran for Congress in 1976. Right up
>   through the week he declared for that race, in fact. 
>   WOL: And after that? 
>   JCW: After that he began to distance himself from me. I
>   was bad for his political career. 
>   WOL: During the course of the 1988 campaign, you
>   told the New York Times and the Nashville
>   Tennessean that you had smoked marijuana with Al
>   Gore… 
>   JCW: A few times. And I told them that he didn't like it.
>   WOL: Why didn't you tell the truth at that time? 
>   JCW: I was put under a lot of pressure to lie. 
>   WOL: Who was pressuring you? 
>   JCW: The answer to that question is in the excerpt that
>   Newsweek decided not to run. It's in the Turque book.
>   Right now, I'm going to leave it at that. 
>   WOL: So what made you decide to come forward
>   now? 
>   JCW: It's because I've been under a lot of stress. My
>   conscience has been killing me ever since then. I
>   actually came forward months ago when Bill (Turque)
>   interviewed me for the book. I had been told that this
>   story would come out, that the public would know this
>   by now. But then the book date was pushed back, and
>   Newsweek pulled the story. The only thing that I can
>   assume is that Newsweek is covering this up, protecting
>   the Gore campaign by refusing to run this before the
>   primaries. I decided that I had to go ahead and tell it.
>   really feel that the public has a right to know this at
>   this time, and I was having trouble living with myself
>   being part of the hypocrisy and the lies. 
>   WOL: Hypocrisy? 
>   JCW: Yes. The drug laws in this country are ruining the
>   lives of hundreds of thousands of young people, mostly
>   poor young people, people who don't come from
>   privileged backgrounds and wealthy families. It just
>   doesn't make sense that we have a war on drugs. It
>   doesn't work, and the politicians refuse to talk about it.
>   That suffering and that hypocrisy has weighed very
>   heavily on my conscience. I have a saying that I use,
>   and that is: "who raised you?" In other words, were you
>   raised with a conscience? Mine has made my life very
>   difficult ever since I became part of the hypocrisy. I
>   couldn't live with the lie anymore. Not and stay sober.
>   WOL: How long have you been sober? 
>   JCW: Twenty-one years. 
>   WOL: Congratulations. So, after twenty-one years of
>   sobriety, do you consider Al Gore a criminal for his
>   drug use? 
>   JCW: I don't consider drug use a criminal act. Is drug
>   use a poor choice? Yes. Is it risky behavior? Yes. Do

[CTRL] Freemasonry's Occult, Evil Empire Exposed

2000-01-20 Thread Linda Minor

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

http://www.execpc.com/~amerisub/chapt-04/chapt-04.html#America's most
powerful organization
The Ministry of Biblical Defense presents a Critical Analysis
The Enemy Within
 author: Sonny René Stermole

Chapter 4
Roots of an Evil Empire
Return to Index

Go to "Start"


Not Just Bricklayers

The goat god

Freemasonry's godfathers

Masonry's "Prime Minister"

Freemasonry's Palladian Rite

The Templar Enigma

Propaganda ?

Masonic Players

The Formidable Machine of Corruption

Legacy of Corruption

Weishaupt's Wish

de-Christianizing the masses

The Masonic Machine

The Outer Form

Crisis Creation

Bill Clinton a man of Masonic Principles ?

Arkansas' "pecuniary evil" ?

Massive Cover-up

Rejecting Masonic Principles

Start: Roots of an Evil Empire
Go to "Top"

A word keenly representative of the occult tradition and conspiracy is
"corruption." Perhaps there is no better word conveying the essence of it's
age old practices and teachings. In the occult conspiracy's principle secret
society vehicle, Freemasonry, such is evident by the oaths made in secret,
oaths diametrically opposed to those taken by public officials to uphold
justice. The corruption of the process of justice and the subversion and
corruption of the individual form the basis of corrupting society and points
to a source of inspiration embraced by the expression "empire of evil." Who
are the "Keepers of the Great Plan" and what are their "fundamental
principles"? Who are the Illuminati ? What are their roots?


Term first used in fifteenth-century Europe to signify adepts, specifically
those who were quite learned or who possessed "light" from direct
communication with a higher source. It was associated with various occult
sects and secret orders, including the Rosicrucians and the Freemasons.
p. 280 Harper's Encyclopedia of Mystical & Paranormal Experience,
Rosemary Ellen Guiley, 1991,

Go to "Top"

What was that "higher source" of "direct communication", for the
Rosicrucians, for Weishaupt's Order of the Illuminati, for the Freemasons of
the Scottish Rite, the Templars ? What are the "roots" of that "invisible
empire" which operates behind the scenes ? What legacy of subversion and
corruption is founded in Freemasonry's organizational roots ? In it's
so-called "spiritual" roots ?

 -- Not Just Bricklayers -
Go to "Top"

The "operative" masons of Europe, persons who were literally in the stone
mason trade who formed guilds and lodges, provided not only a pattern of
secrecy for the lodges of "speculative" masons of professionals and
aristocracy in England who formed a new "magical order," but provided a
legacy of subversion and corruption in the very exercise of their trade.

It is generally believed in occult circles that these medieval masons had
inherited esoteric knowledge from their pagan antecedents and this knowledge
was incorporated into the sacred architecture of the cathedrals.
p. 3 The Occult Conspiracy:
Secret Societies --- Their Influence and Power in World History,

Michael Howard, 1989

One person specifically revealing said "incorporation" of "esoteric
knowledge," a former 32 degree Mason and ex-Witch, wrote:

Many of the feasts, saints, and even cathedral sites of the medieval church
were actually pagan feasts, gods, and worship sites. Notre Dame cathedral in
Paris was built on the site of an important Temple to the Horned God of
Witchcraft, Cernunnos.
These masons ... were holders of the old religion
p. 180
... paid by the bishops to build cathedrals which they (the masons) would
then encrust with Witchcraft symbols!
p. 181 Masonry: Beyond the Light, William Schnoebelen, 1991

The nature of subversive activity, Schnoebelen has shown, was embodied in
the coded portrayal of magical secrets in Cathedral stone providing a
perpetual record or allegorical reference of their sinister magical crafts.
[Masonry: Beyond the Light, William Schnoebelen, 1991, p. 182]

The depth of subversion could not, however, be seen on the surface, as
archeological investigations have revealed.

Although the masons who built the medieval churches and cathedrals were
nominally Christian, the profusion of pagan symbols and images in these
ancient buildings indicates many of them were still pagans at heart ...
p. 18
While researching a book on witchcraft, the medieval survival of the pagan
old religion, author Michael Harrison came across the work of the late
Professor Gregory Webb of Cambridge University who in 1946 was the secretary
of the Royal Commission on Historical Monuments. ...
In one of the churches surveyed ... Inside the damaged altar Webb and his
team discovered a stone image of a phallus which had been carefully
concealed within the hollowed interior.
... In 90 per cent of all the pre-Reformation churches built before the
outbreak of the bubonic plaque at the end of the fourteenth century, when
church building ceased for a long per

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Thursday #4

2000-01-20 Thread Ric Carter

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

SkeptiNews 000120d - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* Nothing contained here is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy, or meaning.
* Nobody was beheaded to produce this bulletin. We only had to threaten...
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Breaking news of the ancient world: http://julen.net/ancient/breaking.html
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Buffs baffled by UFO. CHICAGO - It is certainly a UFO. It is being called
  a close encounter of the first kind. But don't expect E.T. to be phoning
  home just yet. That's because all that sci-fi-like jargon does not neces-
  sarily mean the enormous triangular object spotted drifting silently thru
  the crisp night air over southwestern Illinois two weeks ago is from outer
  space. "To prove something is an alien spacecraft requires a piece of it,
  requires the aliens to land and say `Here we are,' You can't prove some-
  thing like this is an alien spacecraft without some extraordinary piece
  of evidence." Oh bother. http://www.suntimes.com/output/news/ufo19.html

$ All the alien artifacts you'll ever need: http://www.alienartifacts.com/
@ Verified UFO Documents: http://www.cufon.org/cufon/cufon-v.htm

: What's your favorite alien artifact? Have you collected any/many alien
artifacts yet? Are they solid evidence? Did MiB confiscate the artifacts?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Who Needs NASA? Do-it-yrself astropreneurs buck the system to put a schmo
  into orbit. http://go.wired.com/wired/archive/8.01/schmoes.html/mg20004
# Book Me a Double - With a View of Venus. Leaving Las Vegas Spaceport?
  Join the 239,000-mile-high club aboard the Bigelow rocket hotel.

: What's your favorite space business? Do you have a space business? Do you
have Reptoids as silent partners? Did'ya have to bribe many Grays? How much?

# Portable Gizmos: http://www.aint-it-cool-news.com/display.cgi?id=5044
@ At the end of this month SoloTrek  will show a
  product  they claim will enable
  individual VTOL flight. Either this is a really great web hoax that has
  the media 
  fooled, or we're really  living
  in the future. And see http://www.memepool.com/Subject/Gadgets/
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Canada: graphic smoke warning. OTTAWA (AP) - With smokers jaded by written
  warnings, the Canadian govt hopes graphic photos of diseased mouths, lungs
  & brains plastered on cigarette packages will shock them into kicking the
  habit. New proposed regulations require cigarette makers to cover 50% of
  each pack with color photos of cigarette-damaged organs or the image of a
  drooping cigarette to symbolize smoke-caused impotence. Written warnings
  with the images also would be graphic. One would say: "Warning: tobacco
  use can make you impotent. Cigarettes may cause sexual impotence due to
  decreased blood flow to the penis. This can prevent you from having an
  erection." http://infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2563496406-80b

: Do you smoke? Does smoke affect alien implants? Are you more likely to be
dissuaded from smoking by graphic images, graphic warnings, alien implants,
mind-control rays, extended hospitalization? Should I just shoot you dead?

# Don't Die, Stay Pretty - The exploding science of superlongevity:
# Laptops Run on Alcohol. (Wired) Engineers make a tiny battery fueled by
  methanol that can eliminate recharging for cell phones & laptop computers.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Beheading teen's parents fined. TOKYO (AP) - The parents of a teen-age boy
  convicted of beheading a boy, fatally bludgeoning one girl and stabbing
  another will pay about US$2.85 million in fines and damages to victims'
  families. http://infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2563497567-e8d

: Have you beheaded anyone recently? Did you pay for the privilege? How much
would you pay to behead your relatives, neighbors, politicians, cow orkers?

# Coveted Crocodile Genitals. NAIROBI (Reuters) Kenyan wildlife wardens
  had to intervene to stop a group of prostitutes from stealing the
  genitals from the carcass of a crocodile they killed in Lake Victoria.
  Yummy: http://news.excite.com/news/r/000120/13/odd-crocodile
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# `Star Trek' could boldly go on forever, to actor's delight:
# Snips and Snails and Ribosome Tails - Every kid's dream come true.
  A dog that never dies - and a best

[CTRL] [3b] American Enterprise - Free and Not So Free

2000-01-20 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

an excerpt from:
 American Enterprise - Free and Not So Free
Clarence H. Cramer©1972
Little & Brown and Company
ISBN 0-316-16000-8
728pps.  -  First Edition - Out-of-print
Ultimately four colonies were founded originally as a result of activities by
joint-stock companies: Virginia, Massachusetts, New York, and Delaware. Three
others were born because of animosity against Massachusetts: these were New
Hampshire, which broke away for political reasons, and Connecticut and Rhode
Island, which were settled by squatters unhappy with the theological, social,
and economic climate in the Bible Commonwealth.

New Hampshire began with fishing and trading settlements, was gobbled up in
1641 by the grasping Bay Colony. In 1679 Charles II, annoyed by this display
of greed, separated New Hampshire from Massachusetts and made it a royal
colony. Connecticut got its start in the late 1630's largely through the
influence of Thomas Hooker. He was basically a clerical autocrat of the
medieval vintage, but authoritarians seldom see eye to eye and he had chafed
under the restrictive laws of Massachusetts Bay. He left for the south,
however, with the blessing of the Bay Colony, and it seems that the economic
desire for better land was more important in the migration than any religious
difference which might have developed. Like Plymouth, Connecticut was
originally a squatter colony with no legal right to the lands it had usurped
and no rights of government granted by the king. The latter, in the person of
Charles 11, had no use at all for Massachusetts Bay; he was therefore happy
to grant Connecticut a royal charter in 1662.

The founding of Rhode Island in the 1630's is much more interesting than that
of Connecticut or New Hampshire. The division between Massachusetts and Rhode
Island was deep and wide and complex because of very real theological,
social, and economic fissures. The emigrants who first went to Rhode Island,
unlike those who departed for New Hampshire and Connecticut, had been
banished. Roger Williams managed to get some territory south of Massachusetts
from the Narragansett Indians, whose friendship he had won and whose language
he had taken the trouble to learn. In 1663 he was granted a royal charter
that legalized his squatter colony, in part because Charles II had a greater
dislike of Massachusetts to the north.

Rhode Island turned out to be unusual in several ways: in religion, in its
Indian policy, and in an economic theory that was at complete variance from
the Protestant ethic. There was complete separation of church and state and
freedom of religion for all — including freedom for Quakers, Jews, and
Catholics. There was no compulsory attendance at church; in Williams's
judgment "forced worship stinks in God's nostrils." There were no taxes to
support a state religious establishment. The Puritans held firmly to the idea
of the unity of church and state, and believed that the state should
legislate and enforce morals among its subjects. Roger Williams and Anne
Hutchinson, who had led the exodus to Rhode Island, did not believe civil
authorities should have any control over conscience. Williams defended Indian
claims to their soil, purchased from them instead of taking land by force. As
a trader-clergyman he shared the Indian life, slept at their forest
firesides, experienced their dangers; among all other Englishmen the Indians
came to trust him. The old Narrangansett chief Canonicus, who distrusted
whites, came to love Williams as a son; when he was dying he asked that the
Englishman come to close his eyes. In his attitude toward property, Williams
was as much an economic as a religious egalitarian. In Rhode Island the
original distribution of land was in equal shares with Williams keeping but
one share for himself; the assignment for use rather than ownership. He was
devoid of self-interest —, for the Protestant ethic he had no understanding
at all. Wealth, success, status, power — for Williams these goals were as
transient as smoke.

The Dutch, who were a leading maritime power in the seventeenth century,
established two great trading companies: the Dutch East India Company and the
Dutch West India Company. It was the first which sent Henry Hudson to these
shores during 1609 in the Half Moon, to search unsuccessfully for a Northwest
Passage to India. It was the second which founded New Netherland, now New
York, on the North American continent.

The Dutch West India Company was chartered by the States General in 1621 for
one prime purpose -to make money for its stockholders. It would earn
dividends not only through trade but also by making war against Spanish and
Portuguese possessions in the New World. So profitable and patriotic did the
enterprise appear that by 1623, two years after its founding, subscribers had
invested more than seven million guilders in the company. Here was an
organization that appeared to be capable of challenging 

[CTRL] [3a] American Enterprise - Free and Not So Free

2000-01-20 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

an excerpt from:
 American Enterprise - Free and Not So Free
Clarence H. Cramer©1972
Little & Brown and Company
ISBN 0-316-16000-8
728pps.  -  First Edition - Out-of-print
The Colonization of the New World:
The Role of Corporations, Land Speculators, and Sweet Charity

THREE prerequisites were essential to make British colonization of the New
World a success: land, labor, and capital. The land was here but the other
two requirements for successful settlement came from Europe — in fact the
economic history of the United States really begins with the investment of
European capital and labor. Furthermore until recent times the United States
continued to be dependent on European investment of capital and labor. Until
the First World War the United States was in debt to Europe, and until the
1920's we had a very liberal policy on immigration, a policy that reflected
our need for a supply of labor from abroad. We won political independence
from Europe in 1783, but our economic independence from European capital and
European labor was not to be achieved for almost a century and a half after
the American Revolution.

LAND. The abundance of land was apparent but the British had some difficulty
in convincing Indians that they should either work for the British or move
farther back into the hinterland. When the red men declined to do either the
British adopted a homicidal Indian policy which was essentially taken over by
the United States in later years.

Initially the British rationalized their seizure, in major part by force, of
the Indian's land on two grounds: the souls of the Indians had to be saved
and the lands of the Indians had to be properly developed, and the red men
were falling down on the job. On the first point the British developed the
traditional rationalization that because it was the Indian's immortality that
was at stake, what real difference could it make if the red man — in the form
of his mortal and finite body -got cheated, or even killed, in the process?
And so it was that the so-called Indian menace was met with the Bible, torch,
and musket. On the second point (the proper development of land) the British
argued that unless a people improved what God had given them, they lost their
title to it. This was a theory that would scarcely stand up in the national
courts of any nation, but has been employed frequently in international
relations. The British argued that they violated no property rights because
the Indian had no real title; he had only a general residency like wild
beasts in the forests, who did not improve the land either. Of course, the
British have no monopoly on this argument; it was, for example, used in the
United States in the middle of the nineteenth century. Our Manifest Destiny
divinely ordained us to take land that belonged to Indians and Mexicans.
These people were dishonest, incompetent, slothful, did not develop the land
properly, and should have it taken from them by someone who would. This was
an echo of the usually tolerant Benjamin Franklin who once observed that rum
should be regarded as an agent of Providence "to extirpate these savages in
order to make room for the cultivators of the earth."

In any case the British, and later the American, policy toward Indians can
only be characterized as a brutal and ruthless one. In the beginning the India
ns had been regarded as pagans ripe for conversion, or as a variant of
Rousseau's Noble Savage uncorrupted by civilization; later, as the economic
desire for land took over, they came to be looked upon as subhuman savages
without souls to be saved, fit only for extermination. As Louis Wright has
observed, for most of our history the British, the Spanish, and the Americans
have felt the Indian to be — like the rattlesnake and the alligator and
poison ivy — a curse on Utopia. Columbus found the Arawak Indians in the
Caribbean "a loving people, without covetousness" — but his Spanish
successors set them to work in mines and on plantations, with the result that
entire Arawak villages disappeared due to slavery, disease, warfare, and
flight. When Pequot Indians in New England resisted settlement of whites in
the Connecticut Valley, a party of Puritans surrounded one of the Indian
villages and set fire to it ( 16 3 7). About five hundred Indians were burned
to death or were shot while trying to escape; the woods were then searched
for any Pequots who had managed to survive and those found were sold into
slavery. The white Puritans offered devout thanks to God that they had lost
only two men; when the Puritan divine Cotton Mather heard about the raid, he
was grateful to the Lord that "on this day we have sent six hundred heathen
souls to hell." The famous Jeffrey Amherst, a renowned British general after
whom a college is named, had a unique solution for the Indian problem; he
would have sent them gift blankets, infected with smallpox! The Puritans of
New England,

Re: [CTRL] KFC.....Finger Lickin' Good?

2000-01-20 Thread Kelly

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

The KFC story is Urban Legend - see wysiwyg://43/http://www.snopes.com/


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Balkan Blind Spot

2000-01-20 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


Balkan Blind Spot
Editor’s Note: The Associated Press reported on Wednesday that Serbia is at the
point of collapse. One politician opposed to Serbian President Slobodan
Milosevic estimates that up to 70 percent of the population are living on or
below the poverty line. And the country has been struggling with up to a
million refugees from Bosnia, Croatia and Kosovo. A big story, you might think,
but why is it not making news? With that in mind, NewsWatch invited Mustafa
Malik, a journalist who has specialized in looking at ethnic and religious
conflict, to comment on the media coverage.

By Mustafa Malik
January 20, 2000

In 1993 Vladimir Matic resigned his diplomatic post in Yugoslavia over
differences with Slobodan Milosevic, then Serbian president, and flew into self-
imposed exile in the United States. Ever since, the Serbian patriot has been
making the rounds in Washington lamenting "the devastation of Yugoslavia" by
Milosevic and other Balkan jingoists.

These days Matic includes the "American media" among those who have let the
Serbs down. The U.S. news media did a great job, he points out, of reporting
the travails of 800,000 or so ethnic Albanians expelled from Kosovo by
Milosevic, now president of Yugoslavia. But where are the media now, he asks,
"when 900,000 Serb and Roma refugees are suffering" in Serbia and Montenegro,
two of the original six republics that remain in Yugoslavia? These refugees
have been expelled by Muslims and Croats from Kosovo, Bosnia-Herzegovina and
Croatia. American reporters, Matic says, care to mention them only when they
criticize Milosevic.

Janusz Bugajski, Balkan specialist at the Center for Strategic and
International Studies in Washington, adds that the Serb refugees' "plight is
terrible because they are also being ignored by the indigenous press." The
government-controlled Serbian media play down the refugee problem as it reminds
people of Milosevic’s defeat in three wars.
Most refugees in Serbia have to fend for themselves, which is especially hard
in a war-ravaged economy under Western economic sanctions. A Serbian-American
who has returned from a visit to Belgrade says many refugees "can’t manage two
full meals [daily], can’t afford medicine or winter clothing."

Many Balkan watchers have a hard time rationalizing America’s market-driven
journalism that led to the selective coverage of the Balkan mayhem. In the
stampede to grab the public’s limited attention span, reporters feel compelled
to "lead with blood and guts," to quote Paul Friedman, executive producer of
ABC’s "World News Tonight With Peter Jennings". And Kosovo offered lots of
Albanian blood and NATO guts.

Yet the Balkan story had a downside: it was still a foreign story. Since the
end of the Cold War, the media have cut back on foreign news coverage
supposedly because Americans, busy with stocks and sports, have no time for old-
world feuds. With politicians’ help, however, news organizations managed to
package the Kosovo conflict with wrapping that helped grab the public’s
attention. Milosevic's crime in Kosovo (and Bosnia) was among the ghastliest in
European history: President Clinton and Secretary of State Madeleine Albright
branded him a "Hitler" and compared the killing and expulsion of Kosovar
Albanians with the Nazi Holocaust. The symbols helped market the story, and
were repeated in the media liberally and often uncritically.

Some, such as The New York Times’ Thomas Friedman, went on to liken Milosevic
to Iraqi tyrant Saddam Hussein and Libyan dictator Muammar Ghadafi, thereby
establishing his credibility in the pantheon of contemporary evil. Unluckily
for the Serb refugees, they can’t point to a "Hitler" as the cause of their
agony. Being the adversaries of Milosevic's adversaries, they tend to be seen
by the media as partisans of Milosevic, even though they are among the guinea
pigs of his bloody experiment for a "pluralist" state.

In fact, the whole business of judging good and evil in the Balkans is
confusing, partly because the conflicts pitch pluralism against freedom.
Ironically, Milosevic staked out a very "American" position. He wanted to keep
Yugoslavia together in a federal, pluralist democracy, arguing that if hundreds
of ethnic groups can live in the United States, a dozen of them must be able to
do so in Yugoslavia. His military campaign against separatist ethnic groups was
an attempt to "save" the old Yugoslav federation, and at one point he compared
it to the American Civil War.

He should have known that the peoples of the old Yugoslavia, unlike most
Americans, cherish their ethnic cultures more than their pocketbook. And with
the Serbs being the largest ethnic community, ethnic minorities feared that a
majority-ruled democratic Yugoslavia would mean their "legal subjugation."
Hence, the Croats, Slovenes and Macedon

[CTRL] Fw: [Fwd: Fwd: KFC.....Finger Lickin' Good? I think not...... muhahaha ;)]

2000-01-20 Thread Rory Winter

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

- Original Message -
From: "baron,john.r.kuipers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Kuipers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2000 10:25 PM
Subject: Fw: [Fwd: Fwd: KFC.Finger Lickin' Good? I think not..
muhahaha ;)]

Date: January 13, 2000 6:17 PM
Subject: [Fwd: Fwd: KFC.Finger Lickin' Good? I think not.. muhahaha


KFC Anyone?

makes you wonder ...

KFC has been a part of American tradition for many years. Many people, day
in and day out, eat at KFC religiously. Do they really know what they are
eating? During a recent study of KFC done at the University of New
Hampshire, they found some very upsetting facts. First of all, has anybody
noticed that just recently, the company has changed their name?

Kentucky Fried Chicken has become KFC. Does anybody know why? We thought the
real reason was because of the "FRIED" food issue. It's not!

The reason why they call it KFC is because they cannot use the word chicken
anymore.Why? KFC does not use real chickens. They actually use genetically
manipulated organisms. These so called "chickens" are kept alive by tubes
inserted into their bodies to pump blood and nutrients throughout their
structure. They have no beaks, no feathers, and no feet. Their bone
structure is dramatically shrunk to get more meat out of them.

This is great for KFC because they do not have to pay so much for their
production costs. There is no more plucking of the feathers or the removal
of the beaks and feet. The government has told them to change all of their
menus so they do not say chicken anywhere. If you look closely you will
notice this. Listen to their commercials, I guarantee you will not see or
hear the word chicken. I find this matter to be very disturbing.

I hope people will start to realize this and let other people know. Please
forward this message to as many people as you can. Together we can make KFC
start using real chicken again.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Skeptic News - Thursday #3

2000-01-20 Thread Ric Carter
3,000 of that money is
  being spent on the New York Times, USA Today and The Washington Post. And
  ... in 3 cases - 2 of them involving the Times and The Post - newspapers
  were granted $200,000 in financial credits that reduced the amount of
  public service advertising they are required to provide under the pro-
  gram." http://washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/style/feed/a4439-2000jan20.htm

: Would you like a low-power FM transmitter? Do you have one already? Do you
use it to broadcast propaganda to the world? Do you influence people? Do you
provoke revolutionary change, abstemious behavior, sales of precious metal,
fear & loathing? If you had a li-power transmitter, would you take govt cash
to broadcast their propaganda? Do you already? Are you a media whore? Why??

# Researchers To Test 'Marijuana Patch' - Scientists are planning research
  on whether a ``marijuana patch'' similar to the patches that help smokers
  kick the habit could help ease the suffering of cancer patients. Just say
  please: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/2120/hl/pot_patch_2.html
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Archaeologists uncover earliest Egyptian temple. Excavating at Tel Ibrahim
  Awad in the eastern Nile Delta, Dutch archaeologists have found a large
  Middle Kingdom temple. Beneath this building, which dates from around 2000
  BC, there were traces of five earlier temples, the earliest dating back to
  around 3100 BC. This is at least as old as the oldest temple previously
  found, at Hierakonpolis. The ground plan of the earliest of these temples
  is unlike anything previously discovered in Egypt, and no other sites are
  known where a similar series of temples was built one on top of the other
  and which date back so far. The archaeologists do not yet know which gods
  were worshipped in the temples. http://newshub.com/cgibin/rd.cgi?9257161

: How old is your cult, your temple, your belief system? What gods do/did
you worship? Do you change gods/beliefs/practices over time? Do your gods
ever become annoyed at these changes? Do they punish you? Are you sorry?

# Japan Doomsday Cult Says It Poses No Danger. TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan's
  doomsday cult said it is no longer dangerous and should not be subject
  to new laws that would put it under heavy government surveillance.

# Japan Doomsday Cult Pledges to Practice Democracy. TOKYO (Reuters) - A
  senior member of the doomsday cult accused of one of Japan's worst mass-
  murder attempts says he wants to bring democracy to a reborn group.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  "The industrious man who keeps his nose to the grindstone is
   blessed with a clear conscience, a sense of accomplishment
   and a bloody stump for a nose." -- http://www.SleazyTabloid.com

* Rev. R.Carter, ULC * http://www.sonic.net/~ric * FAX: 603-415-3736
* Fringes of: Science, Faith, Sex, Dope, Art, Paranormal, Conspiracy
* (sorry, I can't answer all email - but thanks for your feedback)
* SkeptiChat/News archives: http://www.sonic.net/~ric/sc/files.htm

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] Skeptic News - Thursday #2

2000-01-20 Thread Ric Carter

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

SkeptiNews 000120b - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* Nothing contained here is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy, or meaning.
* No sounds smelled too vividly smooth during production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Randomized News: http://my.buttcheek.com/
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Synesthesia - A Magical Melding Of The Senses. NEW YORK - The letter "A"
  is a pale shade of yellow. Hearing a French horn smells like cinnamon. And
  eating a hamburger feels like somebody's jabbing your big toe. People with
  a somewhat magical condition called synesthesia do not experience reality
  in the same way as most of us; the rigid wall between the five senses is
  lowered, or demolished completely. By virtue of a uniquely wired brain,
  they are able to feel smells, hear tastes and see music, among other
  combinations. http://foxnews.com/health/011700/synesthesia.sml

: Do you experience the world in a unique manner? Is your brain wired oddly?
Is this caused by evolution, ET implants, divine touch, drugs, mind-control
rays, interdimensional warps/rifts, magic, parasites? Are you empowered??

@ Alex Chiu's  Eternal Life device is "the most
  important invention in human history." And it's yours for a low low price
   of $16.50!

@ Henry Flynt  may not be insane, but
  his writings could drive YOU insane. Arm yourself with his refutations of
  language, mathematics, and personhood and win any argument, instantly!
  And see http://www.memepool.com/Subject/Wackos/
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Mystery Iceballs Claim First Victim in Spain. MADRID (Reuters) An elderly
  Spanish woman has claimed she was hit by a falling iceball, apparently the
  first victim of a phenomenon that has been puzzling scientists for days.
  Attacked: http://news.excite.com/news/r/000120/10/science-spain-iceballs

@ SAUCER ATTACKED ME, PILOT DECLARES. Within minutes after his hair-raising
  experience, I talked to a veteran Air Force pilot who excitedly reported
  that his F-51 fighter plane was attacked repeatedly by a flying saucer.
  The incident, never before revealed to the public, occurred  at 8000 feet
  over Augusta, Ga., on a warm, sunny, clear day. The pilot's own startling
  story is in the files in Washington. http://www.caus.org/mu012000.htm

: Have you ever been attacked by a flying saucer? Have you ever attacked a
flying saucer? Is vengeance mandatory? Are attacks justified? Should media
cover the attacks, the reprisals, or does this only promote more violence?

# Major Media UFO Breakthrough Continues:
# Photo and Drawings of "Starfield Camouflage UFO"
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Is An Asteroid About To Land On Our Head? So far, major earth impacts have
  occurred only in the most sparsely populated parts of the globe. This may
  account for our underestimation of their frequency, sez British astronomer
  Dr Mark Bailey. Last century's South American impacts, coupled with the
  Tunguska event, mean largescale extraterrestrial invaders could be up to
  10 times more common than previously thought. "The earth may be subject to
  three or four such events a century," warns Bailey. Despite the relatively
  small probability of catastrophic earth impact, the issue is important
  enough to warrant near-earth object monitoring by astronomical observa-
  tories worldwide. http://www.suntimes.co.za:80/2000/01/16/insight/in10.htm

: Do astronomical objects pick on you? Are you tired of taking this abuse?
Have you formed a vigilante group? Are you ready to strike back? At what??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Columbine moviemakers busted on gun charges. The amateur filmmakers prod-
  uced "Duck: The Carbine Massacre," which showed the two auteurs walking on
  school property with shotguns. A Denver TV station ordered the movie and
  called cops after seeing the weapons. The station says the suspects have
  made other violent movies and are members of an underground group that
  trades blood-and-gore films. http://denverpost.com/news/shot0120.htm
# Bailed out: http://www.bergenrecord.com/news/ringwoodj21205.htm

: Have you made any documentary films about school violence? Do you re-enact
the violence? Do you use many weapons? What govt agencies are involved? Are
you training students for more violence? Is this a form of mind-control? Eh?

# Man's tired of elephants stomping in his yard:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Muslims ransack Indonesian island. Mobs have trashed and burned 

Re: [CTRL] I.D. Biochip in your Right Hand!

2000-01-20 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

In a message dated 1/20/00 10:34:55 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>You are going to believe what you want to believe.  I am not here to
>convince you to believe as I do.  I merely provided the documentation you
>asked for.
>eagle 1

Very interesting. Arguments over interpretative values of scripture as they
concern they last days. So telling . . . . Your dualism is also very telling.
I am saying you are wrong. I am saying that your dualistic framing is wrong
spiritually? I am against you  dividing peoples beliefs into God and the
Devil.I would much rather prosecute the traitors now and leave a better world
to our children.

So since I oppose you , who side am I on?

By the way, how old is the earth?

Your rhetoric is classic. The type one can expect from memewarfare and

PLEASE can ya'll please take the scriptorial haggling off list. I believe we
all know about the innate dichotomies present in the Bible. And they won't be
solved by email arguments about the finer points of eschatology.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] memory validation

2000-01-20 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Hi !

Here's an article I wrote a while ago about the validity of memory. I think
this helps support the validity of all the allegations of anecdotal accounts
of ritual abuse/mind control by government funded or affiliated groups as
well as those allegations made against secretive organizations.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

Memory Validation

The information for the following article came from "Memory, Trauma
Treatment, and the Law" by Brown, Scheflin and Hammond, W.W. Norton and Co.
New York and London, C 1998 (http://www.wwnorton.com) Page 370-381

The base rates for memory commission errors are quite low, at least in
professional trauma treatment. The base rates in adult misinformation studies
run between zero and 5 percent for adults and between 3 - 5 percent for
children.  Out of about seven to 10% of the general population that may be
highly hypnotizable, four to 6 percent of high hypnotizable subjects may
"produce hypnotic psuedomemories for peripheral details (of a memory) in
response to suggestions" in a waking state or hypnotized with controlled
situational influence. The 4-6 percent may rise in terms of report rates to
80% under some conditions of social influence. Extreme social influence can
be compared to brainwashing or social influence to the following criteria,
several of which must happen for the possibility of an untrue memory to
occur: patient is highly suggestible (in terms of memory),  with low to
moderate suggestibility a therapeutic situation must contain a number of the
following: patient is quite uncertain about the past event, suggestions of
peripheral details (not central plot actions of a memory), source credibility
(an authority figure), patient bias (previous information), authority figure
bias (has set belief about what happened), systematic misleading (rather than
free recall), emotional manipulation (blame or rejection for not producing
the desired result or praise for the desired result), behavioral response
(individual journal or oral narrative to group of trauma or action against
perpetrators), milieu control (total information control in and out of
therapeutic or other context) and  psychophysiological manipulation (breaking
down the subject's defenses,  assaults self esteem or person's core or causes
subject to regress).

"Occasional unwitting misleading suggestions (Yapko, 1994a), even the
suggestion of a diagnosis of abuse, cannot adequately explain illusory
memories of child sexual abuse." (p. 379) Occasional suggestions about abuse
are not generally effective, except in highly suggestible people.

Some child abuse interrogations might come close to some of the above
conditions. Those that have retracted claims due to influence from their
accused families, if they have internalized the systematic information of the
FMSF, and were coached by FMSF members may also meet many of the above
criteria of social influence.

Three to six percent of people possess a trait of high memory suggestibility
(related or unrelated to hypnotizability). They may make errors for at least
peripheral information, but under  the certain social conditions listed
before they might make errors for central information also.

One to two thirds of people could possibly make memory errors in an
interrogatory social interaction with many of the social influence conditions
listed before. About one third of the population are resistant to memory
commission errors except under extreme conditions.

My conclusion is that memory contamination is very unlikely, except under
extreme conditions. From the data presented, it sounds like it is almost
totally impossible for anyone to make a memory error for the central plot of
a memory simply by hearing disinformation. A variety of other factors would
have to be in place.  Even under hypnosis without several social influence
factors, it sounds like it is extremely rare (4-6% of 7-10%, less than one
percent of people)  may be influenced by disinformation.

It sounds like most people would almost have to be in a cult or in a cult
like situation or under considerable duress to produce an untrue memory.
Theories that claim that a "false" memory can be created simply by hearing an
erroneous statement or because a person is looking for "filler" to complete
the central plot of their
memory, are probably wrong.

But, if all the information in the media and society available to most
survivors is biased toward the incorrect position that memories of abuse are
false. And a survivor is manipulated and pressured by their family
emotionally and cognitively, it is very possible that a survivor may wrongly
believe that their memories are not true.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mi

Re: [CTRL] Madeline Colleen:Secretary of Hate

2000-01-20 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Well, since I don't and don't care to know the history of these squabbles.
Please let us keep the dissension civil and realize that many people do not
share your interpretive-scriptorial-based-beliefs.

What do you do to things that do not deserve your respect?

Kill'em? Lock'em up?

Who ya gonna call?

There are many books about the brainwashing effects of fundamentalism and

I have heard nothing from Collen about any holocaust denier beliefs. What her
beliefs are I don't know. BUT at least she respects the message of the
declaration & disclaimer and has been civil. And while her messages may be
perceived by some as "strange" at times,  I am sure that we all get
mis-perceived and those that can hear might hear and those that don't won't.
And as always, Caveat Lector.


In a message dated 1/20/00 10:28:30 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>I was also under the impression that "Nazis need not apply", which was
>reason I joined this list. I had many arguments on SOL with Colleen and
>hate-group about the Holocaust. They claimed there was even a pool at
>Aushwitz! I'm sorry, but people who are that brainwashed by hate and denial
>don't deserve my respect.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Skeptic News - Thursday #1

2000-01-20 Thread Ric Carter

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

SkeptiNews 000120a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* Nothing contained here is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy, or meaning.
* No aliens were teleported to safety during production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Mojave Phone Booth: http://www.deuceofclubs.com/moj/mojave.htm
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Pentagon Now Developing Teleportation - Next Scientific Realm. WASHINGTON
  In what may be the largest quantum computer research program in the world,
  the Pentagon is developing tools to teleport messages across the battle-
  field & around the globe. Teleportation, simply stated, is the process of
  making information disappear from one place so it can reappear in another.
  The concept was made popular with the Star Trek TV series' oft-imitated
  quote, "Beam me up, Scottie." http://www.sightings.com/ufo6/teleport.htm

# Atoms Moved Between Worlds. Physicists nudge atoms back & forth between
  our everyday world a the strange quantum realm, where objects can paradox-
  ically be in two places at the same time. If physicists can further refine
  this technology, it could result in incredibly fast quantum computers able
  to crack even the toughest encryption codes used by conventional computers
  today. http://www.discovery.com/news/briefs/brief4.html?ct=38873dac

: Does quantum computing make you feel more or less secure? If your quantum
computer breaks, do you call a quantum mechanic? Would you rather teleport
data, food, garbage, yourself, your family/neighbors/enemies? Where to??

# Database atomic quantum phase: http://newshub.com/cgibin/rd.cgi?9258352
# Scientists probe quantum world: http://newshub.com/cgibin/rd.cgi?9256021
# NIST Scientists Cross The Bridge Between Atomic And Real Worlds:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Spectacular Fireball Streaks & Explodes Over Yukon - Possible impact near
  Carcross-Tagish Area! Hundreds of Whitehorse residents and witnesses from
  surrounding communities witnessed a bright series of flashes with many
  seeing a rapidly moving bright object traveling over the city in a south-
  bound direction where the object was seen to "blow-up" over the southern
  horizon. The flashes were as bright as daylight and lit up the entire dark
  morning sky. The object left a contrail that lingered for 10 to 15 minutes
  after the event: http://www.ufobc.org/yukon/ykfireballjan2000.html

: Have you seen any fireballs lately? Have any fireballs seen you? D'ya have
fiery balls? Have you ever sung, "GOODNESS GRACIOUS GREAT BALLS OF FIRE"??

@ Silver Spheres, Gazing Balls, UFO's & Me:
# New Star Trek TV Series? http://sightings.com/ufo6/call.htm
# "Area51" Reference on Phone Service Disruption Report:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# BORN AGAIN? YOU'RE PART OF A GROWING TREND. A third of America's 77-
  million baby boomers call themselves born-again Christians - when poll-
  sters ask: http://chblue.com/2000/01/19/l/-0003-religion-faith.asp

# Lions return - torture, murder of Xians, 'scapegoats of choice' for thugs:
# FCC 'must explain' religious action - Big brother hinders free speech?

# Thousands of people had conspired to fool Mark Mason into believing that
  Afghan thieves have their hands chopped off. Or so he wished. Some bloody
  justice in Taliban's Kabul: http://www.orato.com/frames/hand.htm

: Is your religious movement the dominant heresy in your region? Are you
oppressed or oppressive? Does your belief system require you to complain of
being oppressed while you actually do some heavy-duty oppressing yourself?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# New guidelines on embryo tests - NIH OKs research to minimize suffering:
@ Dr. Mengele assumes fetal position - exposing fed.funded embryo science:

@ Eugenics will soon be a crusade of the Left. Once we can spot inequality
  in DNA, genetic engineering will come to the rescue of social engineering.
  Let's get equal: http://www.nationalreview.com/24jan00/murray012400.html

: Are you more or less equal than everyone else? Should you be genetically
re-engineered for more/same/less superiority/equality/inferiority? Do you
oppose embryo/gene research because you're already better/same/worse than
the rest of us? Would you rather experiment on people or non-people? Why?

Re: [CTRL] I.D. Biochip in your Right Hand!

2000-01-20 Thread KDS

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

oh, well,
the reality of the situation is black and white..in that if you study
history you will see that any government who had full control over its peoples
abused that power and their people.and that is the REALITY of the
nothing grey there, and that has nothing to do w/ your or anyone's religious
and I personally do not trust the government and that opinion I hold is based on
fact not feeling...

Dale Stonehouse wrote:

> -Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
>  -Cui Bono?-
> On Thursday, January 20, 2000 12:40 PM, KDS [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> >
> > well Dale,
> > I guess if you trust the gov. to not abuse the power this would give
> > them.
> I don't trust or distrust the government any more than I believe or
> disbelieve any particular religion. This would be engaging in dualistic,
> black-or-white thinking, which is the trap "they" are counting on us to keep
> ourselves in. Nearly all of reality is in the grey area which is ignored by
> the masses.
> Wishing for technology to go away does not make it so.
> "I wish the Earth was still flat."
> http://www.ctrl.org/">www.ctrl.org
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
> screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
> and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
> frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
> nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
> http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/CTRL.html
> To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> Om

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Total Lunar Eclipse Tonight - 01/20

2000-01-20 Thread Eagle 1

Don't miss the  *TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE 
TONIGHT*    January 20th
>>>Thursday, January 20

A few minutes before the Sun sets in WSW, try to spot the Full Moon rising 
in the opposite direction, ENE. From East Lansing, MI both Sun and Moon are one 
degree above opposite horizons 10 minutes before sunset. The opposition of Sun 
and Moon becomes more precise later this evening, during the total lunar 
eclipse, which occurs as Moon passes through the umbra, or dark central core of 
Earth's shadow. All stages of umbral eclipse are visible from all of N. America 
except the western Aleutian Islands. For viewers in eastern U.S., the event 
begins late in the evening and continues well past midnight, as follows: Moon 
enters umbra 10:01 p.m. EST, total eclipse from 11:04 p.m. until 12:23 a.m. EST, 
Moon leaves umbra 1:26 a.m. EST. From the West Coast, the local time of the 
eclipse is three hours earlier: Moon enters umbra 7:01 p.m. PST, total eclipse 
from 8:04 p.m. until 9:23 p.m. PST, Moon leaves umbra 10:26 p.m. PST. In Hawaii, 
the Moon, just entering total eclipse at 6:04 p.m., rises invisibly around 
sunset and becomes visible as the sky darkens. Totality ends at 7:23 p.m. Hawaii 
time as the Moon begins to emerge from the umbra, and the Moon completely leaves 
the umbra at 8:26 p.m. HST. 
What colors will you see on the Moon during totality? The Earth's shadow 
projected on the Moon during lunar eclipse is usually a deep reddish-orange 
color, from sunlight which passes close to Earth and is bent, by our atmosphere, 
into the shadow and onto the Moon. The appearance of the Moon varies 
considerably from one eclipse to another. At deepest eclipse, at 11:43 p.m. EST 
(8:43 p.m. PST), Moon's northern limb is deep within umbra and narrowly misses 
the center of Earth's shadow. So that part of the Moon's disk is likely to 
appear very dark. Stars around the Moon at mid-eclipse: Note the two bright 
stars Pollux and Castor, the Gemini twins, 4-1/2 degrees apart, above the Moon. 
A line from Castor to Pollux extended about 10 degrees points to the totally 
eclipsed Moon. In dark-sky locations, the Beehive cluster in Cancer appears as a 
faint smudge of light 6 degrees or 7 degrees to the Moon's east. Binoculars 
resolve the smudge into stars and should give fine views of the colorful 
eclipsed Moon. 


[CTRL] Fwd: J.J. Johnson: The Confederate Flag: Should We get Rid of It?

2000-01-20 Thread Colleen Jones

A few words from J.J. Johnson with regard to the Confederate Flag...

And whoever stole my Bonnie Blue, the next time you are in for a


The Confederate Flag:
Should We get Rid of It?
By J.J. Johnson
SierraTimes.com Editor-n-Chief

Okay, so what’s wrong with me? In celebration of slain Civil Rights Leader 
Martin Luther King’s day (week?) if I
watch enough news, I should be out there with my black brethren yelling, 
screaming and looking to burn every free
waving set of Stars and Bars I run across. So what’s wrong? Shouldn't I be 
offended as well?

In a way, yes. I am. And here’s why:

  I had ancestors who fought on both sides of that war – which was anything 
but civil.


Yes, in Northern Mississippi in fact. Cousin against cousin. One man trying 
to protect what was his, and one who escaped slavery only to be drafted 
into taking his cousin’s land away. This little fact, along with all the 
arguments about Southern Heritage, Southern Pride and Remembering the 
Gentlemen who in died war gets lost in all the noise about why it’s so 

…And I am just fed up with it.

More than that, I’m fed up with the yellow-bellied, white guys who don’t 
have the guts to fight back on the issue. I know, no one wants to get 
labeled the “R” word. To politicians, it’s a label that’s worse than being 
called a liar, an adulterer or a draft dodger. And heaven knows, you white 
guys in the public sector better not even bring it up at work or in public. 
There’s a civil rights lawsuit with your name on it. Yet, I know how many 
of you – especially you folks south of the Mason-Dixon line must feel right 

Wanna fight back?

Hold my coat for a minute…

Where were these protests against OUR Confederate battle flag for the last 
135 years? Why are these black people allowing themselves to be manipulated 
by the media and their left-wing, so-called "black leadership?"
Whenever I hear a black person talk about this flag issue, I ask them the 
same questions. Do you know how long that flag has been flying over those 
state capitals? Haven't you seen them there before? The answer from most 
blacks I talk to out west is, “who cares?”

Not good enough for the National Association for the
Advancement of Career Politicians (NAACP). Not good
enough for these modern-day “Plantation Pimps” who can’t find any other 
juvenile criminals to fight for so now they retaliate by “dissing” a great 
hunk of American culture. This is ONLY being done to pander to black voters 
this political season. You see, back in 1992, folks just decided to burn 
down Los Angeles while liberal politicians mailed gasoline to the rioters. 
This time, let’s burn down a heritage instead.

I hope some black person is reading this right now and fuming. You should 
be. If you think the Confederate flag is insulting to you, you are being 
used, or as we say it in the hood, you bein’ played – for a fool. By who? 
Not by those evil conservatives, but by the liberal white man. The ones 
who’ll take your votes, then tell you you’re not good enough to make it on 
your own.

But there is no sense giving you the same argument many of the Southern 
Ladies and Gentleman are trying to give now. You don't want to hear them, 

Let’s talk about “insensitivity,” shall we?

If you don't mind, some of us with southern roots are going to find every 
Vietnamese American citizen in this country, bus them to Washington, D.C. 
and protest to have the Vietnam Memorial removed from the park. Why stop 
there? On the way to Washington, we might as well grab every citizen with 
German or Japanese ancestors.
With enough noise, we can get rid of that World War II Memorial, too. After 
all, These people all had relatives who were killed by the men and women 
America honors at those Memorials. You liberal, nothing-else-better-to-do 
black folks wouldn't mind, would you?

Yes. Let that sink in real good. That’s what you’re doing to these good 
people of the South. You are DESECRATING THEIR MEMORIAL… Check that – Our 

What ever happened to Diversity? Tolerance? Must be a one sided thing.

Don't give me that “Symbol of Slavery” bull. If that were the case, 
turn in all those 1, 20, 50, and 100 dollar bills. The faces on these bills 
were men who were leaders when many blacks were slaves. But let’s get down 
and dirty, shall we?

The worst riot in American history was not in Los Angeles. It was in New 
York, back in 1863. You see, there were a bunch of people who, like during 
Vietnam, didn’t want be conscripted (read: drafted) to serve in an unjust 
war. Talk to your President about that. Over 1200 people died in just two 
days. Most when President Lincoln sent federal troops in to put down the 
“rebellion.” Oh, by the way, 83 blacks were lynched in those two days – 
right there in The Big Apple. So, which flag do you really want taken down?

But since we’re all told to boycott, will those leftist

Re: [CTRL] I.D. Biochip in your Right Hand!

2000-01-20 Thread Dale Stonehouse

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

On Thursday, January 20, 2000 12:40 PM, KDS [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> well Dale,
> I guess if you trust the gov. to not abuse the power this would give
> them.

I don't trust or distrust the government any more than I believe or
disbelieve any particular religion. This would be engaging in dualistic,
black-or-white thinking, which is the trap "they" are counting on us to keep
ourselves in. Nearly all of reality is in the grey area which is ignored by
the masses.

Wishing for technology to go away does not make it so.

"I wish the Earth was still flat."

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Fwd: Waco Suits for Waco Suckers (http://www.public-action.com/SkyWriter/WacoMuseum/

2000-01-20 Thread Colleen Jones

Interesting material..Carol Valentines material and question
remainswhy Delta, NATO, FBI, BATF, and who knows who
allwhy...what does water have to do with this..some think
something wonderful in water, but I think fluoride and Manhattan project
and toxic waste involvedlike the put the Indians now in places where
live bombs had to be removed, or now swine farms when there is fatal
disease going around

Anyway FYI.think someone is trying to sabotage the Waco Case in
favor of government..

By their fruits will you know them?


Title: Waco Suits for Waco Suckers


Waco Suits for Waco Suckers

They Couldn't Even Get the Names Right!
by Carol A. Valentine

Judge Charlie McCarthy presiding ...

Hey, Wow!  They're finally doing something about Waco! That video showed 
how the government shot the Davidians as they were trying to escape the fire, 
and tough Davidian lawyers are suing the government because of what they did! 
The judge is the same judge who was real mean to the Davidians back in 1994 
and sent them to prison for 40 years, but don't worry, he is nice now--he had a 
change of heart!  Now he's going after the government, not the Davidians! 
The FBI has admitted it lied about stuff.  Janet Reno and Louis Freeh 
are real ANGRY!  There are Congressional investigations, too, complete with 
turf battles! 
The nation is coming together!  Folks are feeling sorry about what 
happened, and are helping the Davidians rebuild their church!  They've even 
had a ground breaking ceremony, with the American flag fluttering in the breeze! 
It was very nice! 
Truth!  Justice!  The American Way!  Yes, indeed, it's all 
just around the corner!   
*   *   *
Do you believe all this?  THEN YOU ARE A SUCKER. 
The lawsuits and attendant media hoopla are part of a tawdry, choreographed 
vaudeville show designed to cover up the Waco Holocaust yet again.  The bad 
actors include Kirk Lyons, Ramsey Clark, Gordon Novel, Brigadier General Benton 
Partin, Michael Caddell, Michael McNulty, and Judge Walter Smith. 
Before we get into details, allow us to pose a question. Imagine you are a 
surviving Branch Davidian or a family member of one of those killed.  
Suppose you had voluminous, incontestable, publicly available evidence that 
members of your family and your friends were murdered with malice aforethought 
and their bodies desecrated in an attempt to cover up the crime. 
Would you file a lawsuit claiming that your women folk and children (a) died 
by accident, (b) committed suicide, (c) were murdered by other Davidians? 
Would you claim your dead friends and relatives set Mt. Carmel on fire? 
Would you ask that Americans who had no part in the planning or performance 
of the murders pay millions of dollars to you while the murderers went free? 
Would you take part in the falsification of history and consider your loved 
ones were in any way avenged? 
Now you understand the Davidian civil suits.  They re-assert the 
government's most pernicious black propaganda against Davidians living and dead, 
make exotic claims against the US that are completely unsupported or supported 
by weak and contested evidence, and ignore the most powerful and convincing 
evidence against the US. 

Table of Contents1.  Judge Charlie 
McCarthy Presiding ... 2.  The Importance 
of Truth in Justice 
3.  Kirk Lyons 
    3a.  Startle 
Summers ... No Body to Speak Of ...     3b.  
It IS 
Aisha Summers.  (Please Don't Read the Autopsy Report.) 
    3c.  Forget 
Lyons' "Death Squad." Aisha Suicided 
    3e.  Davidians 
Started the Fire 
4.  Ramsey Clark 
    4a.  Ramsey Clark 
Has Been Misunderstood     4b.  Gordon Novel and the 
Body-Obliterating Bomb     4c.  The Fireball and the 
Hole     4d.  General Partin 
Goes Down in Flames     4e.  Mrs. O'Leary's 
Cow Started the Fire     4f.  Would You Trust a Spook to 
Investigate Waco?     4g.  Koresh Assassination: 
Too Bad Ramsey Missed It     4h.  Do the Beasts of 
the Field Have Names? 
5.  Judge Walter 
Smith, Perjury Facilitator     5a.  None Dare Call it 
6.  Michael Caddell 
and "The Network"     6a.  The Ex-Mrs. Clive Doyle 
& the Doyle Grandchildren (?)     6b.  
The Ghostly 
Horde and the FLIR Tape     6c.  Where 
Are FLIR Images of Fleeing Davidians?     
6d.  No Bodies in 
Back of Mt. Carmel Center     6e.  McNulty and Friends 
    6f.  Davidians Murdered 
Each Other     6g.  Another Vanishing Body 
    6h.  Koresh Molested 
Children     6i.  The Incompetents 
vs. The Weirdos     6j.  Blame it on 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd:Conspiracy Theory

2000-01-20 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


Forwarded from the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Subject:  Re: [CTRL] Fwd:Conspiracy Theory
Date: Saturday, January 15, 2000 5:27 PM

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

In a message dated 1/15/00 2:29:29 AM Eastern Standard Time,

> In the best of times, conspiracism is a pointless diversion of focus and
>  waste
>  of energy. Conspiracism promotes scapegoating as a way of thinking; and
>  since
>  scapegoating in the US is rooted in racism, antisemitism, ethnocentrism,
>  xenophobia, conspiracism promotes bigotry. In periods of social or economic
>  crisis, populist conspiracism facilitates the spread of fascist and
>  para-fascist
>  social movements because they too rely on demagogic scapegoating and
>  conspiracist theories as an organizing tool. Radical-sounding conspiracist
>  critiques of the status quo are the wedge that fascism uses to penetrate
>  recruit from the left. Progressive conspiracism is an oxymoron. Rejecting
>  the
>  conspiracist analytical model is a vital step in challenging both
>  populism and fascism.

I have truncated your post above.  I can agree with much of what you have
said in the piece but must point out that it is only right as far as it goes.
 That you can equate conspiracy theory with an attack against certain groups
operating behind the scenes is certainly true, but you also can't deny that
conspiracy theory itself has evolved now to questioning the system and the
power structures themselves, and not just these "mad men behind it all".  I
agree that there is a backlash possible, in that people will tend to extremes
of belief in the face of counteracting a force which they see as invisible
and strong, and that lends itself to populism and right wingism as well as
fascist ideas, which can be seen by some "conspiracy theorists" on the right
and neo-fascist groups, as well as racist white supremacist groups.
I would assert that conspiracy theory cannot wholly be classified as has been
done in this piece.  I would assert that in its best form it now challenges
the very structure, as self propagating, in the sense that there may be
individual conspiracies that result in some marginal changes from time to
time, as some would categorize conspiracy theory in general, but that the
system fosters an overarching conspiracy of disparate forces working within a
system towards ends that are "seperate but equal", and each acting in their
own best interests and oblivious of the others existence.  The very nature of
the power system that is in place allows such to develop, and one cannot
forget the fact that gradual change over time by small degrees that are
hardly noticable also accomplish much over time.  Thus Supreme Court action
which nullifies traditionally held personal protections and privacy laws,
while maybe not having an immediate effect now, nonetheless have an effect
over time by allowing the future application of law to take advantage of the
change.  Thus even little insignificant conspiracies have an effect when
taken as a whole.  It is erroneous to dismiss this idea simply because it is
different forces at work in each case because it is the end result which is
important.  There is no "one group" of elites that are behind everything,
just as it is not the Jews, or the Reptilian Overlords, or any other
scapegoat which is causing history to be molded according to a conspiracy
theory of history assertion, it is instead disparate groups, operating within
a system to change it to make it easier for them to carry out the actions
which help them to achieve their ends, and in many cases this helps other of
these groups as well, as laws are changed and freedoms lost, paradigms
changed, etc.  The system as it is changed by each of the disparate groups
ends up being as if it is a "collective conspiracy" even though these groups
and individuals operate independantly with no actual plan, and not in
"cahoots" with the other individuals or groups also "doing their own thing".
The end result is the same.  It is this area of research that should serve as
a starting point to understanding the dynamics of the system and the role
that conspiracy theory and research have.

"Welcome to the desert of the real."  Morpheus, "The Matrix".

"The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human
mind to correlate all its contents.
  We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of seas of infinity,
and it is not meant that we should
  voyage far.  The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have
hitherto harmed us little; but someday
  the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up

[CTRL] Ed Wilson case: From The Wilderness News Bulletin 00-01

2000-01-20 Thread Dave

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

"Now, as seven of the biggest names in the American legal/court system stand
at the threshold of perjury charges, we see the death of a retired CIA
Executive on January 12th, the retirement from the Federal Bench of former
CIA General Counsel Stanley Sporkin on Jan 15th and the near fatal air crash
involving retired Director of CIA, Adm. Stan Turner on the 16th."

Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2000 2:26 PM
To: From The Wilderness
Cc: CIA Drugs; Direct Action Network
Subject: From The Wilderness News Bulletin 00-01

BREAKING DEVELOPMENTS IN THE EDWIN WILSON case have key officials throughout
the government and the intelligence community on the edge of their seats. In
a response to motions by Wilson's attorney, made public two days ago, the
U.S. Department of Justice acknowledged that key CIA testimony connected
with his 1983 conviction for weapons smuggling was perjured.

That conviction, involving 40,000 pounds of C-4 plastic explosives, sent in
1977 to Libya's Moammar Qadaffy, lies at the heart of what many have come to
call "The Shadow Government". It occurred at a time when the legendary
Theodore Shackley was running CIA covert operations and a newly appointed
Stansfield Turner was reportedly trying to reign in an out-of-control

Now, as seven of the biggest names in the American legal/court system stand
at the threshold of perjury charges, we see the death of a retired CIA
Executive on January 12th, the retirement from the Federal Bench of former
CIA General Counsel Stanley Sporkin on Jan 15th and the near fatal air crash
involving Stan Turner on the 16th.

For the January issue of "From The Wilderness" we have already obtained
statements from Appeals Court Justice Steven Trott, Special Assistant
Attorney General Mark Richard, author Peter Maas and - the legendary Ted
Shackley himself. By press time we will have completed interviews with
attorney Larry Barcella (Wilson's lead prosecutor) and Ed Wilson himself.

Find out who it was that categorized Stansfield Turner's Costa Rica crash
as, "a regular airline crash. One of those 'off-beat' airline kind of

We are so far ahead of the mainstream they can't even see our dust. Tell a
friend and subscribe now. The January issue mails, to subscribers only, on
January 28th. After reviewing more than a thousand pages of documents and
official records it is safe to say that if anyone pulls just one of the
worms in this can, the CIA is in deep trouble. So perhaps is George H.W.

For more information on how to subscribe, please visit the web site.

Mike Ruppert

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] I.D. Biochip in your Right Hand!

2000-01-20 Thread KDS

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

I absolutely resemble your remark..
and agree w/ ya, wholeheartedly.

"Stopforth, Jamie" wrote:

> -Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
>  -Cui Bono?-
> >>>Don't be so sure that we won't be here. The rapture theory is just that:
> A
> >>>theory. I encourage you to reread for yourself what is said in the Bible
> >>>about this and see that there is no pre-trib rapture mentioned anywhere.
>   Sorry, but if it's the word of God, it's not a theory.  It's truth.
>  As for pre-trib or post trib, I've discussed this issue 100 times over and
> have yet to find anything that would make me believe it to be post trib.
> We'll just have to agree to disagree on this.
> Jamie
> http://www.ctrl.org/">www.ctrl.org
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
> screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
> and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
> frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
> nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
> http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/CTRL.html
> To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> Om

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] I.D. Biochip in your Right Hand!

2000-01-20 Thread KDS

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

well Dale,
I guess if you trust the gov. to not abuse the power this would give
them.more-power to YOU!
however, since we know absolute power corrupts absolutely, why give the gov.even
more power over us?
and it seems to me, you are comparing apples to oranges...

Dale Stonehouse wrote:

> -Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
>  -Cui Bono?-
> So may I infer from this that anything that can be used for any purpose
> other than good should be caused to cease to exist if possible?
> If so, then:
> If guns can be used for other than good, let's cause them to cease
> to exist.
> If abortion can be used for other than good, let's cause it to cease
> to exist.
> If government can be used for other than good, let's cause it to
> cease to exist.
> If science can be used for other than good, let's cause it to cease
> to exist.
> If religion can be used for other than good, let's cause it to cease
> to exist.
> If splitting the atom can be used for other than good, let's cause
> atoms to cease to exist.
> The sentiment itself may have merit, but the logic fails - every time.
> Whose reality are we talking about here?
> On Thursday, January 20, 2000 12:40 PM, memmerrise
> >
> > I found this after very little Research, and found it interesting as to
> how
> > prevailant this technology may become. Hmmm I wonder if there is a single
> > person out there that could actually believe that this will only be used
> for
> > good.
> >
> > If so they need to join Reality.
> > Memmerrise
> >
> > Current trends in transponder systems
> > Major successes using RFID technologies in use today are:
> >
> > Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS)
> > Market penetration of this technology is already reportedly reaching 6 000
> > million units per year and growing strongly. However there is still lack
> of
> > standardisation between the different manufacturers, which causes
> confusion
> > with the end users.
> http://www.ctrl.org/">www.ctrl.org
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
> screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
> and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
> frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
> nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
> http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/CTRL.html
> To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> Om

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] I.D. Biochip in your Right Hand!

2000-01-20 Thread KDS

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

I used the word tracking, to keep track, but the Bible is clear that no
man may buy, sell, or trade, unless he receiveth the mark...therefore, common
sense would dictate that , that in itself will keep a record of anyone's
as far as the spirit of delusion sent , so that they might believe the
lie..hello, that is the lie that the anti-christ is the messiah...and
many will believe just that..the lie , has nothing to do w/ the rapture, and
if you really believe that a born-again Christian who happens to believe in a
rapture will not be saved then you have indeed missed the whole message of
and let's try speaking the 'truth in love' you seem very judgemental of other
christians beliefs..remember, the messure you give, will be the measure
you get
judge not, lest you be judged more harshly.and all that...
no, the Bible doesn't specify a chip, ect..but, we know that computer chips
are indeed extremely small, they can hold thousands of pieces of information, and
can be inserted under the skin...it is not a great leap to discern that, that
could be used, and probably will be...
curious, if any of you saw the Oprah Winfrey show in the early 90's, it was a show
on the year 2000, the guest said by then we should be in a cashless society, where
buying and selling would be kept track of by a chip in the hand..??
and it's been mentioned countless times since then, as well you know, if you pay
attention to that sort of thing
and Eagle, don't assume that you are the only one on the list who studies the
Bible...and just because I disagree w/ a LOT of what you think, doesn't mean
I'm unintelligent or believe in a bunch of hooey...I can back myself up w/
countless scripture also..and that being said..I bid you, good

Eagle 1 wrote:

> -Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
>  -Cui Bono?-
> WHO said anyone is tracking anything?  My Bible says nothing about tracking
> anything or anyone...  it talks about a MARK...  to buy or sell.  ANYTHING
> ELSE is imposed by false doctrine.  The Bible says nothing about a chip, a
> tattoo, a card or electromagnetic anything...  those are traditions of men
> who deal in speculation,  and is a bunch of hooey.
> As a matter of fact,  you are way off track,  and as a famous man once
> said...
> you need to read it again...  and as Jesus said,  "IT IS WRITTEN".
> eagle 1
> - Original Message -
> Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2000 11:52 AM
> Subject: Re: [CTRL] I.D. Biochip in your Right Hand!
> > -Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
> >  -Cui Bono?-
> >
> > How can you track the buying and selling of every person on the planet, if
> the
> > mark is not a physical thing
> > Revelation needs to be interpreted by using the book of Daniel...they
> go
> > togetheryes, I know there are a few others also
> > and the 'right hand ' term is used regarding Jesus, because he is seated
> at the
> > right hand of God
> > now, it also says that all who takes the markwill fall down and
> worship
> > the beastso, you are taking something, receiving
> something...so that
> > you may be able to buy, sell or trade.that is pysicalas i
> said,
> > the Greek word meaning to 'incise, to put into' a physical putting
> > intolook it up in the Greek Concordance if you don't believe
> me..
> > anyhoo, regardless we should strongly object to anyone who would have us
> put a
> > computer chip anywhere in our bodies...it will subject us to full
> governmental
> > slavery.and you know it
> > ks
> >
> > pennie hammons wrote:
> >
> > > -Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
> > >  -Cui Bono?-
> > >
> > > How many times in the OT is the term "right hand" used in reference to
> > > strength, power or even Jesus Himself? Revelation must be interpreted by
> > > using the rest of the Bible. Without knowing the whole Bible, none of it
> > > will ever make sense. As far as the sores are concerned, look at Rev
> > > 14:9&10.
> > >
> > > >From: "Stopforth, Jamie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > >Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > >Subject: Re: [CTRL] I.D. Biochip in your Right Hand!
> > > >Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2000 11:49:29 -0600
> > > >
> > > >-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
> > > > -Cui Bono?-
> > > >
> > > > >>>WHAT is  *in* your forehead???
> > > >
> > > >WHAT is *in* your hand?  The Bible makes it clear it's going to be in
> the
> > > >hand OR forehead.  How could it possibly something not physical if it
> was
> > > >in
> > > >the hand?  If it was something not physical or mental as what you
> believe
> > > >why then even put the Hand as an option?   And why the grievous sore
> for

Re: [CTRL] I.D. Biochip in your Right Hand!

2000-01-20 Thread Stopforth, Jamie

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

>>>Don't be so sure that we won't be here. The rapture theory is just that:
>>>theory. I encourage you to reread for yourself what is said in the Bible
>>>about this and see that there is no pre-trib rapture mentioned anywhere.

  Sorry, but if it's the word of God, it's not a theory.  It's truth.

 As for pre-trib or post trib, I've discussed this issue 100 times over and
have yet to find anything that would make me believe it to be post trib.
We'll just have to agree to disagree on this.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] I.D. Biochip in your Right Hand!

2000-01-20 Thread Dale Stonehouse

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

So may I infer from this that anything that can be used for any purpose
other than good should be caused to cease to exist if possible?

If so, then:

If guns can be used for other than good, let's cause them to cease
to exist.

If abortion can be used for other than good, let's cause it to cease
to exist.

If government can be used for other than good, let's cause it to
cease to exist.

If science can be used for other than good, let's cause it to cease
to exist.

If religion can be used for other than good, let's cause it to cease
to exist.

If splitting the atom can be used for other than good, let's cause
atoms to cease to exist.

The sentiment itself may have merit, but the logic fails - every time.

Whose reality are we talking about here?

On Thursday, January 20, 2000 12:40 PM, memmerrise
> I found this after very little Research, and found it interesting as to
> prevailant this technology may become. Hmmm I wonder if there is a single
> person out there that could actually believe that this will only be used
> good.
> If so they need to join Reality.
> Memmerrise
> Current trends in transponder systems
> Major successes using RFID technologies in use today are:
> Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS)
> Market penetration of this technology is already reportedly reaching 6 000
> million units per year and growing strongly. However there is still lack
> standardisation between the different manufacturers, which causes
> with the end users.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] I.D. Biochip in your Right Hand!

2000-01-20 Thread Eagle 1

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

WHO said anyone is tracking anything?  My Bible says nothing about tracking
anything or anyone...  it talks about a MARK...  to buy or sell.  ANYTHING
ELSE is imposed by false doctrine.  The Bible says nothing about a chip, a
tattoo, a card or electromagnetic anything...  those are traditions of men
who deal in speculation,  and is a bunch of hooey.

As a matter of fact,  you are way off track,  and as a famous man once
you need to read it again...  and as Jesus said,  "IT IS WRITTEN".

eagle 1

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2000 11:52 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] I.D. Biochip in your Right Hand!

> -Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
>  -Cui Bono?-
> How can you track the buying and selling of every person on the planet, if
> mark is not a physical thing
> Revelation needs to be interpreted by using the book of Daniel...they
> togetheryes, I know there are a few others also
> and the 'right hand ' term is used regarding Jesus, because he is seated
at the
> right hand of God
> now, it also says that all who takes the markwill fall down and
> the beastso, you are taking something, receiving
something...so that
> you may be able to buy, sell or trade.that is pysicalas i
> the Greek word meaning to 'incise, to put into' a physical putting
> intolook it up in the Greek Concordance if you don't believe
> anyhoo, regardless we should strongly object to anyone who would have us
put a
> computer chip anywhere in our bodies...it will subject us to full
> slavery.and you know it
> ks
> pennie hammons wrote:
> > -Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
> >  -Cui Bono?-
> >
> > How many times in the OT is the term "right hand" used in reference to
> > strength, power or even Jesus Himself? Revelation must be interpreted by
> > using the rest of the Bible. Without knowing the whole Bible, none of it
> > will ever make sense. As far as the sores are concerned, look at Rev
> > 14:9&10.
> >
> > >From: "Stopforth, Jamie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >Subject: Re: [CTRL] I.D. Biochip in your Right Hand!
> > >Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2000 11:49:29 -0600
> > >
> > >-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
> > > -Cui Bono?-
> > >
> > > >>>WHAT is  *in* your forehead???
> > >
> > >WHAT is *in* your hand?  The Bible makes it clear it's going to be in
> > >hand OR forehead.  How could it possibly something not physical if it
> > >in
> > >the hand?  If it was something not physical or mental as what you
> > >why then even put the Hand as an option?   And why the grievous sore
> > >those that have the mark? [Rev 16:2]  That brings me to believe it is a
> > >device and not simply a state of mind.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >Jamie

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

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Re: [CTRL] I.D. Biochip in your Right Hand!

2000-01-20 Thread Eagle 1

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

> > >  It doesn't matter what it is, we won't be here to see it.  But I
> > > disagree, it is physical thing.
> >
Then Pennie wrote:
> Don't be so sure that we won't be here. The rapture theory is just that: A
> theory. I encourage you to reread for yourself what is said in the Bible
> about this and see that there is no pre-trib rapture mentioned anywhere.

Thanks for reclarifying this.  Those who believe there is an escape route by
parachuting out (rapturing out)  are just feeling guilty because they have
wasted their time listening to false prophets,  and have not bothered to
find out who and what the antichrist really is,  because they are too busy
believing their false church doctrine that says they will be *gone*...  My
question to rapturists is ... where do you think you're going,  when God
said that He was coming here?  Even antichrist will rule, though for a brief
time,  straight from Jerusalem.

Anyone who thinks the 'beast system' is strictly political has a lot to
learn.  It is ruled by the profane religious order of the mysticisms of
ancient Babylonia,  which includes the mysticisms carried by the apostate
Jews to Jerusalem and by Jewish Masonry from which we today derive
Freemasonry...  There are four hidden dynasties of control by this Mystery
Babylon   that of Politics, Economics, Education and Religion.  (I call
it *PEER pressure*)...  for the Bible strictly speaks of a downward pressure
that forces all great and small to abide by this system or they will not
"buy or sell".  It is ruled as stated by the Religious order first,  then by
the others.  The religious order is ruled by the ten seifroths...  or
kingdoms that will give their power and minds to the beast per Revelation
17:11 for one hour.  It is that hour of darkness (lack of truth)...  that
will cause those who are blinded to the truth to bow and worship the
antichrist.  But thank GOD for his mercy and longsuffering.  There is no sin
in ignorance,  but a certain amount of responsibility goes with this.

God through Paul said that those who have not the love of the truth in their
hearts shall be sent a strong delusion that they should believe a lie (2
Thessalonians 2)...  and one of the biggest lies of the endtimes is the
theory of Rapture... that there will be a secreting away of those who are
too good to face antichrist,  when Jesus plainly said in Mark 13 that those
who suffer for Him shall be hated of all men for his namesake (for exposing
the truth);  and he also tells of the fact that those who suffer the
injustices of the beast system shall be delivered up before the councils and
some shall be beaten...  Even the two witnesses (Revelation 11) shall and
will be killed and left in the streets for 3-1/2 days.  THIS doesn't sound
to me like any rapture...  it sounds more like those that stayed in the
field working,  instead of being taken out of the field to who knows

You're right Pennie...  the rapture theory is just that.  A theory:  and a
gross imagination of a woman named Margaret MacDonald, in 1830,  who
admitted that after having that vision she was wrong and the vision was of
darkness and evil.  The documentation by Dave MacPherson called, the
"Incredible Cover-Up" is a powerful statement of truth about this lie begun
in Glouster, England nearly two centuries ago.

eagle 1

- Original Message -
From: "pennie hammons" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2000 12:08 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] I.D. Biochip in your Right Hand!

> -Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
>  -Cui Bono?-
> > >
> > >  It doesn't matter what it is, we won't be here to see it.  But I
> > > disagree, it is physical thing.
> >
> Don't be so sure that we won't be here. The rapture theory is just that: A
> theory. I encourage you to reread for yourself what is said in the Bible
> about this and see that there is no pre-trib rapture mentioned anywhere.
> __

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscr

Re: [CTRL] US Ethnocide Against White Culture

2000-01-20 Thread Franklin Wayne Poley

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

On Wed, 19 Jan 2000, C Davis wrote:

> I find this thread replusive...

In what way?


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] I.D. Biochip in your Right Hand!

2000-01-20 Thread KDS

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

How can you track the buying and selling of every person on the planet, if the
mark is not a physical thing
Revelation needs to be interpreted by using the book of Daniel...they go
togetheryes, I know there are a few others also
and the 'right hand ' term is used regarding Jesus, because he is seated at the
right hand of God
now, it also says that all who takes the markwill fall down and worship
the beastso, you are taking something, receiving something...so that
you may be able to buy, sell or trade.that is pysicalas i said,
the Greek word meaning to 'incise, to put into' a physical putting
intolook it up in the Greek Concordance if you don't believe me..
anyhoo, regardless we should strongly object to anyone who would have us put a
computer chip anywhere in our bodies...it will subject us to full governmental
slavery.and you know it

pennie hammons wrote:

> -Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
>  -Cui Bono?-
> How many times in the OT is the term "right hand" used in reference to
> strength, power or even Jesus Himself? Revelation must be interpreted by
> using the rest of the Bible. Without knowing the whole Bible, none of it
> will ever make sense. As far as the sores are concerned, look at Rev
> 14:9&10.
> >From: "Stopforth, Jamie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Re: [CTRL] I.D. Biochip in your Right Hand!
> >Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2000 11:49:29 -0600
> >
> >-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
> > -Cui Bono?-
> >
> > >>>WHAT is  *in* your forehead???
> >
> >WHAT is *in* your hand?  The Bible makes it clear it's going to be in the
> >hand OR forehead.  How could it possibly something not physical if it was
> >in
> >the hand?  If it was something not physical or mental as what you believe
> >why then even put the Hand as an option?   And why the grievous sore for
> >those that have the mark? [Rev 16:2]  That brings me to believe it is a
> >device and not simply a state of mind.
> >
> >
> >
> >Jamie
> >
> >http://www.ctrl.org/">www.ctrl.org
> >==
> >CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing
> >propagandic
> >screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid
> >matters
> >and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and
> >outright
> >frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
> >spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
> >gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
> >readers;
> >be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
> >nazi's need not apply.
> >
> >Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> >
> >Archives Available at:
> >http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/CTRL.html
> >
> >
> >To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> >
> >To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> >
> >Om
> __
> Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
> http://www.ctrl.org/">www.ctrl.org
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
> screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
> and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
> frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
> nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
> http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/CTRL.html
> To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> Om

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its

Re: [CTRL] I.D. Biochip in your Right Hand!

2000-01-20 Thread memmerrise

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

I found this after very little Research, and found it interesting as to how
prevailant this technology may become. Hmmm I wonder if there is a single
person out there that could actually believe that this will only be used for

If so they need to join Reality.

Current trends in transponder systems
Major successes using RFID technologies in use today are:

Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS)
Market penetration of this technology is already reportedly reaching 6 000
million units per year and growing strongly. However there is still lack of
standardisation between the different manufacturers, which causes confusion
with the end users.
Shipping Container and railcar tracking
One of the early success of transponder technology and fast becoming a
global system. Based around electric coupled transponders that are attached
to each container and railcar, being read at speed by readers alongside the
rail track. One manufacturer claims to have already labelled 4 million
rolling stock items using this technology.

Animal tracking
Originally a series of magnetic implantable transponders were developed for
tracking slaughter animals. Unfortunately success in this application has
been poor mainly due to lack of acceptance by the relevant authorities.
The labelling of pets so that they can be identified and returned to the
owners has become a major consumer of RFID systems. Some municipalites
require all pet dogs withing their jurisdiction to be identifyable via an
embedded transponder that is injected under the skin. Small RFID
transponders, 8mm long and less than 1 mm in diameter, have been developed
that are suitable for injecting under the skin of the pet. The data within
the transponder can be read using a scanner a couple of inches from the

Implantable and external transponders are being successfully applied in the
research of the habits of wildlife, both fish and animals.

Prior to 1997, cows had usually been labelled by ear tags that combined a
visual reference with an RFID transponder. A new series of RFID tags have
recently been developed called Ruminary tags, tags that are encased in a
tough plastic case which can be fed to the cow with its food, and will
reside in the stomach of the cow for the life of the animal. These tags are
resistant to attack by the acids in the stomach and operate using magnetic
coupling techniques with readers outside the animal.

Vehicle access and control
Electric field coupled transponders have been used for many years to allow
vehicle access to garages in buildings. Generally these transponders are
relatively expensive but as they are reuseable, and are attached to
expensive cars, their use is cost effective.

Personnel access
Personnel access has long been facilitated by RF transponder technologies.
This solution has not been widely accepted, mainly due to the limited
reading range, relatively expensive technology, and the success of the
magswipe cards as a viable alternative.

Production control
Most probably led by the automobile industry, many factories use
transponders to identify and trace their goods during the manufacture
process. These transponders are generally sophisticated, including read
write features, and are reused once the manufacturing process has been

Ski passes
For many years magnetic based transponder technology has been used in ski
passes, allowing its identity to be read through ski clothing at access
points to ski lifts, etc

Sports Timing
Particularly for long distance racing and for marathon racing, the use of
transpoinders for timing is becoming more common place. Currently the
preferred technology is to use a small 125kHz transponder attached to the
shoe of the athlete which is read by the athlete tramping on one or more
sensor mats across the timing line. The technology records the presence of
the athlete but is not suitable for accurate timing as it can only sense the
time when the athletes foot touches one of a number of mats. 900 Mhz
technology has been recently used in South Africa and this might be very
promising in such applications, as besides having 4 to 6 meter reading
ranges allowing overhead antennas to sense the athletes, timing accuracies
better than 2 tenths of a second seem possible
Document authentication

A system of providing a radio frequency "signature" for documents is
becoming commercially available. The system comprises printed radio
frequency antennas attached to precut crystal resonators. The interrogating
frequency of the reader sweeps through the reading frequency band, causing
the crystal resonators to resonate when excited at the correct frequency. By
choosing frequencies to indicate specific data, documents can be given a
radio signature that can be used for verification of documents. Novel
applications include the enabling or preventing of photocopying of certain
documents depending on their signature.
The matrix comprising th

[CTRL] Duke Report Online: David Duke launches new European American civil rights group. (fwd)

2000-01-20 Thread Franklin Wayne Poley

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2000 22:46:47 -0600
From: David Duke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Duke Report Online: David Duke launches new European American
civil rights group.

|  If you do not wish to receive further mail from the Duke Report,  |
|  please send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|   with UNSUBSCRIBE in the message body (not the subject). Or go to   |
|  http://lists.davidduke.com:81/guest/RemoteListSummary/DukeCampaign  |

[The group's new website is under construction at www.duke.org/nofear]

News Advisory:

David Duke launches new European American civil rights group.

New Orleans, Louisiana, January 20, 2000 ... National White civil rights
activist and Louisiana Republican official, David Duke, will announce the
formation of a civil rights group for European Americans, at the National
Press Club, January 21, 9:30 AM in the Zenger Room.

The new group, titled the National Organization for European American
Rights, will focus on European American concerns from affirmative action to
the massive non-European immigration which will result in a European
American minority by the middle of this century.

"Just as African Americans have the NAACP and Mexican Americans have La
Raza, European Americans now have the National Organization for European
American Rights, to actively defend their rights and heritage in the United
States," said Duke.

Top on the groups list is the repealing of state hate crime laws, which Duke
says unconstitutionally target European Americans for selective prosecution
and attempts to set up minorities as a special class of citizens, with
special rights.

Duke says the new organization will have members in all 50 states and
already is forming chapters in most major cities, including Washington, DC.
The new organization will be holding it's first conference in Philadelphia,
PA, Saturday, January 22.

Press Conference Information
National Press Club, Washington DC
Zenger room
January 21, 9:30am

For more information, please contact Don Williams at 504-626-7714 or visit

David Duke is a Former State Representative for Louisiana and is currently
the elected chairman for the St. Tammany Parish Republican Party in
Louisiana. He is a nationally known civil rights leader working against
discrimination and for the rights and heritage of White Americans. David
Duke is the author of the nationally acclaimed autobiography entitled "My
Awakening: A path to racial understanding."

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] I.D. Biochip in your Right Hand!

2000-01-20 Thread Eagle 1

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

The clue is given...  "RIGHT" hand.  That is where you must dig into your
history and you will find that the Hebrews and others at the time believed
that spiritual POWER was always given IN to the 'right' hand to do the work
of God.

First of all,  it's NOT merely a state of mind, as you put it...   and
really,  I don't care if you disagree...  but at least admit that your brain
is *in your forehead* and within the casing of your cranium.  IF it's not...
then that is where the problem of understanding this comes from.   :-)

AGAIN...  I don't know how or why you are dragging something out of
chronological order,  such as the vials to the time of the mark of the
beast.  The vials (wrath of God) as you've quoted from Revelation 16 do not
occur until  AFTER the (6) SIXTH SEAL,  the (6) SIXTH PLAGUE (vial) and the
(6) SIXTH TRUMPET .  The reason God pours out his wrath is because of his
anger with the spurious messiah who comes claiming to be Christ,  but who is
none other than Lucifer, Satan that old Dragon,  the devil (See Revelation
12:7-9) and who has perverted the true image of Christ (the image of
Jealousy which Ezekiel saw and is that which provoked God to wrath in
Ezekiel 8 and has all to do with the Babylonian Mysticism that was carried
by the apostate Jews to the Temple in Jerusalem,  and that Judeo mysticism
of belief is called the "Kabbalah").  THUS,  you have the image of the
beast.  It is called the "BEAST" because it is a profane perversion of the
true image of Christ.

So,  if you want to believe that the mark is a physical mark...  then,
please,  do so.  I am not here to convince you of what it is or isn't.  You
asked for documentation.  I provided it.  And provided you a place off this
list for further study at http://www.lambsheart.com/fourwinds/mark.html

You are asking me for documentation,  yet,  you don't seem to be providing
anything sound or documentable.  You just keep repeating Revelation 16:2,
which has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the mark of the beast...
except that God's wrath will be poured out upon those who accept that mark
of that religious perversion,  known as Mystery Babylon (and her harlot
daughters),  which is false religions and false doctrines.  You can research
that study by going to http://www.lambsheart.com/fourwinds/whore.html

It is NOT a physical mark.  If it were,  Cain, too, and his progeny would
have been marked the same,  for it means almost the exact same word in
Aramaic (Greek).  NONE of them are physically marked,  but are definitely
recognizable.  There is a study available on this subject matter at the site

You are going to believe what you want to believe.  I am not here to
convince you to believe as I do.  I merely provided the documentation you
asked for.

eagle 1

- Original Message -
From: "Stopforth, Jamie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2000 11:49 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] I.D. Biochip in your Right Hand!

> -Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
>  -Cui Bono?-
> >>>WHAT is  *in* your forehead???
> WHAT is *in* your hand?  The Bible makes it clear it's going to be in the
> hand OR forehead.  How could it possibly something not physical if it was
> the hand?  If it was something not physical or mental as what you believe
> why then even put the Hand as an option?   And why the grievous sore for
> those that have the mark? [Rev 16:2]  That brings me to believe it is a
> device and not simply a state of mind.
> Jamie

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Madeline Colleen:Secretary of Hate

2000-01-20 Thread pennie hammons

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

I was also under the impression that "Nazis need not apply", which was the
reason I joined this list. I had many arguments on SOL with Colleen and her
hate-group about the Holocaust. They claimed there was even a pool at
Aushwitz! I'm sorry, but people who are that brainwashed by hate and denial
don't deserve my respect.

>From: Kris Millegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [CTRL] Madeline Colleen:Secretary of Hate
>Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2000 11:42:26 EST
>-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
> -Cui Bono?-
>Pennie, please your unwarranted attacks are uncalled for.  Continued
>  attacks will result in a nopost attribute for your current email account.
>There really is no excuse for these personal attacks. Lets us create
>understanding, not dissension.
>In a message dated 1/20/00 8:20:16 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> >In a message dated 1/20/00 12:17:37 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >>Dear Colleen:
> >>Everything that you babble is sheer lunacy. Take your Jew-hating ass
> >>to
> >>the Sons Of Losers list you came from. Love Pennie
>CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing
>screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid
>and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and
>frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
>spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
>gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
>be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
>nazi's need not apply.
>Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
>Archives Available at:
>To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
>To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] I.D. Biochip in your Right Hand!

2000-01-20 Thread pennie hammons

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

How many times in the OT is the term "right hand" used in reference to
strength, power or even Jesus Himself? Revelation must be interpreted by
using the rest of the Bible. Without knowing the whole Bible, none of it
will ever make sense. As far as the sores are concerned, look at Rev

>From: "Stopforth, Jamie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [CTRL] I.D. Biochip in your Right Hand!
>Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2000 11:49:29 -0600
>-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
> -Cui Bono?-
> >>>WHAT is  *in* your forehead???
>WHAT is *in* your hand?  The Bible makes it clear it's going to be in the
>hand OR forehead.  How could it possibly something not physical if it was
>the hand?  If it was something not physical or mental as what you believe
>why then even put the Hand as an option?   And why the grievous sore for
>those that have the mark? [Rev 16:2]  That brings me to believe it is a
>device and not simply a state of mind.
>CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing
>screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid
>and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and
>frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
>spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
>gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
>be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
>nazi's need not apply.
>Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
>Archives Available at:
>To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
>To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] [8] Understanding Special Operations - Appendix F

2000-01-20 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Click Here: http://www.prouty.org/">The Col. L. Fletcher Prouty
Reference Site
More at site, Including index.
Appendix F

Prouty Letter Regarding JFK Assassination Conspiracy
and Cover Story

4201 Peachtree Place, Alexandria, VA 22304  Aug 13, 1994
Dave Ratcliffe
567 35th Avenue
Santa Cruz, CA 95062
Dear Dave,

One of the pleasantest surprises I have ever received was in the mail
yesterday. It was the VCR you made while you visited.[1] Although some might
say it was a bit "one-sided" from the point of view of who did the preaching,
and that it was more than a bit "long winded", I have steeled myself to put
up with the burden of criticism in favor of my gratitude toward you for the
work, the effort, the concept and the product. Thank you!

I am sending essentially the same letter to Tom and to Patrick. I understand
and appreciate their roles in this too, and I want to encourage all of you
now to do what you can to promote this work. Lest I appear to be a bit too
aggressive on my own behalf, I wish to state that I believe that all of us
have produced something for these times that is rare, unusual, and
significant. Now it is up to us all to prepare it for a market in the way
that it deserves and that the market will accept...perhaps...demand.

I have been getting many requests these days for similar work. Only day
before yesterday I made a 2 hour TV taped interview for some fellows who are
connected with Compuserve and who want to use it for that and for me to get
into that network forum.

At about the same time an author sent me several pages of questions and a
blank cassette and asked me to answer the questions and tape it. As a result,
I wrote up much of the following and then read it. I thought that I might use
it to send to you, Tom and Patrick simply as an up-date.
Before I go into that, I have been -- in response to Patrick's request a
while ago -- going through my files and putting all my articles in folders
and copying them. When I get this done I plan to make a master list of it all
and see what the next step is with you fellows with regard to the Archives in
Santa Barbara. I am interested in that.

Along with the articles I have found that I have most of the original
publications. They can serve as a sort of Master List from which copies can
be made. On top of that, it might be well to bring some of them up to date,
and I could do that on cassette or video tape. We have many options ahead of
us. Now to the questions I received and the letter. Forgive the fact that it
is addressed to other work. Despite that, I believe it may serve a purpose
for all of us. (The writer involved is with a small, local publication. I do
not expect it to be seen by many people.)

I told him that I had his questions concerning the assassination of President
Kennedy, and related matters. I shall provide taped material; but it is
essential that I clarify things that are rather confusing in this work about
the definition of a "Conspiracy" and the definition of the "Cover Story."

This next section is interesting, because I was doing it for a stranger and
then Patrick's package came in with that interesting work by my old friend
Peter Dale Scott, "CASE CLOSED? or OSWALD FRAMED?" The review of Gerald
Posner's book. It has burned me up since I first saw that book to see the way
Posner crafted lies into his work. A good example is what he said about me.
These paid hacks/lawyers who have been writing those books have been doing
some very heavy disinformation and slanderous work. They need to be exposed.

First of all, let's examine these ideas. Hundreds of unwitting authors have
written books about this subject, many of them denying absolutely that there
was/is a conspiracy. Unfortunately they do not appear to understand the word.
What they are really doing, intentionally or not, is to support the "JFK
Assassination Cover Story." This has become a major commercial enterprise,
and a really dirty game. They are out to draw blood from anyone who does not
agree with the party line of the Coup d'etat perpetrators.

Whether they are witting or unwitting of the objective of their work, they
are attempting to perpetuate the cover story. They will do anything, say
anything in their witless attempt to protect the idea that only one person,
and no more, was involved in the crime.

A conspiracy is a plan, usually an evil or unlawful plan. It involves two or
more people. The denial of the fact of a conspiracy, i.e. the cover story, is
like a bubble. Once any part of it is proved to be false, it bursts and the
cover story is exposed. Like a balloon, it is not necessary to burst a cover
story with ten or fifteen pins. It collapses with only one bit of
circumstantial evidence that is undeniable.

As I have done in my writing for about 30 years, I go to the most important
single point of the cover story and destroy it. I go after the first and

[CTRL] [7] Understanding Special Operations - Appendix C,D, E

2000-01-20 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Click Here: http://www.prouty.org/">The Col. L. Fletcher Prouty
Reference Site

Appendix C

NSC 5412, "National Security Council Directive
on Covert Operations"

A segment of NSC 5412 follows below. Known as the Special Group 5412/2, this
subcommittee of the National Security Council was the descendant of the
Special Group 10/2 which, as described in "The Forty Committee" by L.
Fletcher Prouty[1], produced a document, NSCID 10/2, that "came close to
giving the CIA what it wanted" in terms of being able to conduct clandestine
operations. NSC 5412, "National Security Council Directive on Covert
Operations," effectively neutralized such oversight functions as were
intended to be carried out under the authority of the Operations Coordinating
Board (OCB) which was a part of NSC by law. OCB was intended to be a group of
senior individuals, who would follow the decisions made by the National
Security Council and make sure that the bureaucracy carried them out.

The following is taken from pages 308-310 of The U.S. Government and the
Vietnam War, Executive and Legislative Roles and Relationships, Part I,
1945-1961, prepared for the Committee on Foreign Relations, U.S. Senate, by
the Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress, printed by the U.S.
Government Printing Office, Washington, 1984. Also important to note here is
the wording that defined "covert operations."

Although there had been some covert U.S. operations in Indochina during
Truman's administration, which had been continued by Eisenhower, the approval
of NSC 5412 on March 15, 1954, marked the official recognition and
sanctioning of a much larger program of anti-Communist activities in
Indochina and throughout the world.[81]

NSC 5412, "National Security Council Directive on Covert Operations," which
continued to be the U.S. Government's basic directive on covert activities
until the Nixon administration's NSC 40 in 1970, began with this statement of

The National Security Council, taking cognizance of the vicious covert
activities of the USSR and Communist China and the governments, parties and
groups dominated by them . . . to discredit and defeat the aims and
activities of the United States and other powers of the free world,
determined, as set forth in NSC directives 10/2 and 10/5 [of the Truman
administration], that, in the interests of world peace and U.S. national
security, the overt foreign activities of the U.S. Government should be
supplemented by covert operations. . . .

The NSC has determined that such covert operations shall to the greatest
extent practicable, in the light of U.S. and Soviet capabilities and taking
into account the risk of war, be designed to
a. Create and exploit troublesome problems for International Communism,
impair relations between the USSR and Communist China and between them and
their satellites, complicate control within the USSR, Communist China and
their satellites, and retard the growth of the military and economic
potential of the Soviet bloc.

b. Discredit the prestige and ideology of International Communism, and reduce
the strength of its parties and other elements.

c. Counter any threat of a party or individuals directly or indirectly
responsive to Communist control to achieve dominant Power in a free world

d. Reduce International Communist control over any areas of the world.

e. Strengthen the orientation toward the United States of the peoples and
nations of the free world, accentuate, wherever possible, the identity of
interest between such peoples and nations and the United States as well as
favoring, where appropriate, those groups genuinely advocating or believing
in the advancement of such mutual interests, and increase the capacity and
will of such peoples and nations to resist International Communism.

f. In accordance with established policies and to the extent practicable in
areas dominated or threatened by International Communism, develop underground
resistance and facilitate covert and guerrilla operations and ensure
availability of those forces in the event of war, including wherever
practicable provisions of a base upon which the military may expand these
forces in time of war within active theaters of operations as well as
provision for stay-behind assets and escape and evasion facilities.

NSC 5412 defined "covert operations" as " . . . all activities conducted
pursuant to this directive which are so planned and executed that any U.S.
Government responsibility for them is not evident to unauthorized persons and
that if uncovered the U.S. Government can plausibly disclaim any
responsibility for them. Specifically, such operations shall include any
covert activities related to: propaganda, political action; economic warfare;
preventive direct action, including sabotage, anti-sabotage, demolition;
escape and evasion and evacuation measures; subversion against hostile sta

[CTRL] [6] Understanding Special Operations - Appendix B

2000-01-20 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Click Here: http://www.prouty.org/">The Col. L. Fletcher Prouty
Reference Site
Appendix B

Copies of NSAMs 263 and 273,
and Some Primary Supporting Documents

Contained herein are copies of National Security Action Memorandum Number 263
(10/11/63), Number 273 (11/26/63), and some of their primary supporting
documents. These representations are taken from Foreign Relations of the
United States, Volume IV, Vietnam August-December 1963 (Dept. of State
Publication 9857), published in 1991 by the U.S. Government Printing Office,
Washington, D.C. 20402.
Fletcher describes his participation as one of General Krulak's principal
writers for the text that became NSAM 263 beginning on page 70, JFK Prepares
To Get Out Of Vietnam: The Taylor/McNamara Trip Report of October 1963 and
NSAM 263. As explained in the first paragraph of the Preface of FRUS, vol IV:
The publication Foreign Relations of the United States constitutes the
official record of the foreign policy of the United States. The volumes in
the series include, subject to necessary security considerations, all
documents needed to give a comprehensive record of the major foreign policy
decisions of the United States together with appropriate materials concerning
the facts that contributed to the formulation of policies.
In early 1992, after learning about the existence of this new publication
from Fletcher, I obtained a copy and studied portions of it. We were
discussing the prevalence of journalists and university professors who
themselves are not acquainted with such historically precise information.
Fletcher summed up the situation in this way:
I was doing a TV show to Australia, live, night before last. And there was a
man from Los Angeles talking about the subject [JFK and Vietnam], and, my
word he hadn't even read this book. At the end of the show the man from
Australia -- the host of the show -- asked me, "What do think is going to be
the value of opening the files with respect to the Kennedy murder?" I
replied, "I can't see it being worth a darn. Here we are listening to people
who haven't even cracked the books that are opened, and if they have, they
don't understand what's in them. I don't see that this will make a damn bit
of difference. If people aren't going to read books that are available, why
talk about reading books that aren't available?"
This is the key to this subject. If people don't read material like this --
where one can see that 263 is completely spelled out. All of the meetings
that were held -- there were over 50 meetings held before NSAM 263 was
published. And here are these uninformed people that are professors in
college, important writers in big magazines, and they haven't even read this
primary source material.
Signed by President Johnson four days after President Kennedy's murder, NSAM
273 was extraordinarily significant given the fact that for the first time
the stated goal of the U.S. was altered to be that of helping the South
Vietnamese government win the war:
It remains the central object of the United States in South Vietnam to assist
the people and Government of that country to win their contest against the
externally directed and supported Communist conspiracy.
This sort of wording was something President Kennedy had steadfastly vetoed
when it had been proposed by some of his military advisors a number of times
in the past. Thus NSAM 273 explicitly delineated the beginning of the
reversal of JFK's policy that had begun to take explicit shape with the
signing of NSAM 263. This despite the fact that one of LBJ's most common
phrases after the assassination and during his 1964 campaign was "let us
continue." This breach was further obfuscated by such statements as "It remain
s the central object of the United States in South Vietnam . . . " Such
declarations indicated the discontinuity with events that were unfolding and
being directed by President Kennedy prior to November 22, 1963.
For anyone interested in learning about the historical background and context
for such affairs of state, these FRUS volumes are indispensable.
The following is an outline of the documents included in this Appendix. Each
is listed by the number they appear as in the Foreign Relations of the United
States, Volume IV, Vietnam August-December 1963:
194.   National Security Action Memorandum No. 263
This recorded JFK's approval of withdrawing 1,000 U.S. military personnel by
the end of 1963, as well as other recommendations from the Taylor/McNamara
Memo (doc. 167) which included withdrawal of "the bulk of U.S. personnel by .
. . the end of 1965."
167.   Memorandum From the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
  (Taylor) and the Secretary of Defense (McNamara) to the President
NSAM 263 approves Section IB(1-3) of this Memorandum created as a result of
the Taylor/McNamara trip to South Vietnam in late September-beginning of
169.   Summary Re

Re: [CTRL] I.D. Biochip in your Right Hand!

2000-01-20 Thread pennie hammons

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

> >
> >  It doesn't matter what it is, we won't be here to see it.  But I
> > disagree, it is physical thing.

Don't be so sure that we won't be here. The rapture theory is just that: A
theory. I encourage you to reread for yourself what is said in the Bible
about this and see that there is no pre-trib rapture mentioned anywhere.
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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] LPFM passed!!!!!!

2000-01-20 Thread rfgc

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

The word so far is:

It looks like LPFM will have two classes:
1 - 10 watts
50 to 100 watts

Antenna:  maximum of 30 meters HAAT.

Operation: minimum of 36 hours a week.

Programming: NCFM.

Political broadcasting will be under
similar rules as current licensees must observe.


This would seem to restrict ownership to
local community groups, schools/universities, local
governments, and churches (Local churches only? Not
known as yet).

There will be "one LPFM to a market" at first, with additional
stations possible in "a year or two". (This will make a lot of
the local "activists" real "happy").

Winning applicants will be chosen on a "point system" with
longer existing organizations getting additional points.

Misc:  There will be "some" required participation in EAS.

No "Public Inspection File".

Short "Windows" may open as soon as May.

Those who operated the "pirate" stations and
refused to stop when "busted" will not be
allowed to get the new licenses.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] I.D. Biochip in your Right Hand!

2000-01-20 Thread KDS

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

actually the Greek meaning for the word ' in ' in Revelation referring to the '
mark' at least in my concordance.means to incise- to put into.which is
physical, a putting into as it were,..and w/out it no man shall buy, sale,
or trade..lests he receives itso, for other people to recognize that
one wouldn't not be able to these things, it would have to be
physical..indeed, that's why i personally think it has to be a small
computer chip...but, regardless it comes down to more gov. control, which
i would strongly object toand so should everyone else who has half a
brain.think about the repercussions...
just my lille ol opinion

Eagle 1 wrote:

> -Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
>  -Cui Bono?-
> Jamie,
> I've posted the study I've done on this mark of the beast several times...
> http://www.lambsheart.com/fourwinds/mark.html
> You can go there for a more indepth study of the subject...
> First, let me ask you...  WHAT is  *in* your forehead???  Let's hope it's
> your frontal brain lobe.  That particular part of the brain has been
> scientifically proven to be that part  which governs your thoughts
> [involving the mind] and actions [the works of your hands] .  THIS is where
> you are marked...  *IN* your mind,  in your spirit (which is the intellect
> of the soul),  which causes the hands to perform for what you believe or
> what you are governed by.
> If you don't want to go to the study site, and want a brief reason why I
> believe what I believe... It's because of what the Bible bears witness to
> certain facts...
> The mark of Cain was not physical.  Scripture?  Genesis 4:10-15
> The Hebrew word for mark as used in this Genesis account regarding Cain, is
> Strong's Concordance (Hebrew)  #226 - owth (oth), which means - a signal, as
> a flag beacon or monument, omen, progeny (offspring), evidence, miracle,
> ensign, token. God gave Cain a pledge or promise that he should not be
> slain. This being spiritual in nature. It is not saying that He literally
> placed a tattoo, color, or anything that can be seen by man, upon Cain. If
> God had marked Cain with a physical marking, He would have placed him into a
> position where all would know who saw him  *would*  kill him, which would be
> contrary to God's negative purpose of keeping Cain and his offspring alive
> until the end of this earth age (to the last generation). God gave Cain His
> protection from being killed so that His negative purpose could be finally
> accomplished in these, the last days.
> When studying God's Word it is necessary to research all possibilities of
> the subject at hand, in order to find the true meaning, and that which God
> intended for us to know. Study is ordered so as to show oneself approved as
> we are taught in 2 Timothy 2:15. Most importantly, once you have researched
> a subject for yourself, and you, yourself have actually done the footwork,
> there is no margin of error left in interpretation. For certainly no part of
> the scripture is of any private interpretation, as we are taught by Peter (2
> Peter 1:20-21). Always look it up and study a thing for yourself, even if
> someone shows you the way to a study. You can settle any issue by being
> certain of your own research! Let it not be said that you are one that
> 'wrestles' with the scripture as we are taught in 2 Peter 3:16-18.
> The marks that we are concerned with here in this study, is the "mark of
> God", and the "mark of the beast". The word "mark" in the Greek is Strong's
> Concordance #5480 charagma (khar-ag-ma) as used in Revelation 9:4 and 13:18
> which means 'brand' or 'a badge of servitude'. We are speaking here of the
> servitude of Christ or the servitude of the antichrist (one who comes in the
> stead of Christ). These marks are literally *in* the forehead, and/or *in*
> the right hand. The mark [seal] of God is recognizable and *discerned* by
> what you do with the knowledge of God's Word and it's purpose through our
> Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Here we are dealing with the workings of God
> through what the prophets taught, and what Jesus taught. The mark of the
> beast system, is dealing with the teachings and workings of man [6], who
> teaches traditions and doctrinal requirements which are not in God's Word,
> but are very important in this sense of this mark of servitude. We are also
> dealing in the same respect with the teachings of satan or satan's works
> which is also a part of the servitude spoken of.
> This mark of servitude is very important. What you believe in your mind,
> also known as the 'heart', which is located *in your forehead* where the
> brain contains the governing part of your mind; and what you do with your
> (right) hand, which is the the works you produce because of your beliefs in
> your mind, determines precisely which mark you actually bear. This 'mark of
> servitude' 

Re: [CTRL] I.D. Biochip in your Right Hand!

2000-01-20 Thread Stopforth, Jamie

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

>>>WHAT is  *in* your forehead???

WHAT is *in* your hand?  The Bible makes it clear it's going to be in the
hand OR forehead.  How could it possibly something not physical if it was in
the hand?  If it was something not physical or mental as what you believe
why then even put the Hand as an option?   And why the grievous sore for
those that have the mark? [Rev 16:2]  That brings me to believe it is a
device and not simply a state of mind.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] CIA arms dealer framed by Justice Department ?

2000-01-20 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

As, always, Caveat Lector
Click Here: CIA arms dealer
framed by Justice Department ?
Subject: CIA arms dealer framed by Justice Department ?
Date: Wed, 19 January 2000 11:05 AM EST
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

CIA arms dealer framed by Justice Department

"I'm not surprised that a federal prosecutor introduces false evidence,
and anyone who is surprised just has no understanding of what the criminal
justice system is like," David Adler, Wilson lawyer and a former CIA
officer, said Tuesday. "What is surprising is how well the Justice
Department and the CIA documented their efforts to conceal the lie." - AP


HOUSTON (AP 1/18/00) - The Justice Department acknowledged in a court
filing made public Tuesday that the lead prosecutor in the 1983
arms-dealing case against former CIA officer Edwin P. Wilson introduced
testimony about Wilson's post-agency activities he knew was not correct,
despite warnings from CIA lawyers about its accuracy.

The revelation comes in the government's response to Wilson's Sept. 8
appeal of that conviction, which was for shipping 20 tons of C-4 plastic
explosives from Houston's Intercontinental Airport to Libya.

Wilson's defense was that the CIA had authorized him to ingratiate himself
with the Libyan government for intelligence-gathering purposes.

The testimony in question concerns an affidavit in court records from CIA
executive director Charles Briggs, then the No. 3 agency official, which
swore "Wilson was not asked or requested, directly or indirectly, to
perform or provide any services, directly or indirectly, for CIA," after
his 1971 retirement.

That affidavit was re-read to jurors at their request; an hour later, they
returned a guilty verdict.

However, Wilson's appeal included dozens of once-classified documents
showing CIA lawyers argued with prosecutors against using the affidavit as
then written.

According to the documents, Wilson had some 80 contacts with the CIA from
his retirement through 1978 and provided a variety of services at the
government's request, including arranging gun sales to a Saudi Arabian ...

Then the CIA's top lawyer, Sporkin called Greenberg, the lead Wilson
prosecutor, and told him "it was a bad idea to use the declaration. Mr.
Greenberg responded that the use of the declaration was vital to his case
and he intended to use it," according to a March 15, 1983, memo in the
government's filing.

Another memo from Wilson's appeal shows that Sporkin argued that "at
minimum, the word 'indirectly' should be removed."

After the conversation on Feb. 3, Greenberg introduced the testimony in
the courtroom.

The Justice Department argues that Wilson failed to offer any evidence of
CIA authorization specific to the charge against him, and is therefore is
not entitled to a new trial.

ER>  Why, because THEY withheld evidence? Is this a FRAME?

"I'm not surprised that a federal prosecutor introduces false evidence,
and anyone who is surprised just has no understanding of what the criminal
justice system is like," David Adler, Wilson lawyer and a former CIA
officer, said Tuesday. "What is surprising is how well the Justice
Department and the CIA documented their efforts to conceal the lie." -- By


ww.express-news.net/auth/ennews/ap/texas/d0684.html re: Government
acknowledges Wilson was working for CIA

 Privacy - News - Electronic Freedom Organizations

http://www.wired.com/">http://www.wired.com/  technology /
privacy news  http://www.epic.org/">http://www.epic.org/
ww.gilc.org/  Global
Internet Liberty Campaign http://www.eff.org/">http://www.eff.org/ Electronic Freedom
Foundation http://www.aclu.org/privacy">http://www.aclu.org/privacy American Civil Liberties Union
http://www.fff.org/">http://www.fff.org/  Future of Freedon
Foundation (Libertarian)
http://www.Federalist.com">http://www.Federalist.com - political
+ constitutional govt.
http://www.lp.org/">http://www.lp.org/ Libertarian Party
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.


[CTRL] Cat, bag, escape: Scotland Yard, the FBI, and sporgery attacks

2000-01-20 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

As, always, Caveat Lector
Click Here: Cat, bag, escape:
Scotland Yard, the FBI, and sporgery attacks
Subject: Cat, bag, escape: Scotland Yard, the FBI, and sporgery attacks
From: "Xenu Fredric Xenu L. Xenu Rice Xenu" mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, 17 January 2000 11:40 AM EST
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

It's probably not been much of a secret but the technology
isn't that difficult when the relevant parties co-operate.  The
sporgers who still read this forum and fume in impotent anger,
please take note:

-=- In extracta -=-


Scotland Yard's computer crime unit is now scrutinising
e-mail traffic between several known hackers in England and
Scotland. Last month officers from the unit flew to
Hopeman, a Scottish fishing village, and seized equipment
from the home of James Grant, who works for a local
computer company. He has been interviewed by detectives
and Visa security experts.

-=- End extracta -=-

Some of the Internet Service Providers that were attacked
by the sporgers from 19/Nov/98 to 12/Oct/99 checked the
e-mail sent and received by and to their attackers and said
information was archived and forwarded to significant

I wasn't made privy to the information contained within the
suspect sporger's e-mail and I don't know whether any of the
Rabbit Hunters managed to get details, but apparently a few
of the sporgers were dumb enough to coordinate their DOS
attacks through e-mail and in doing so, named the organization
they were working for.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] "Re: Waco: A New Revelation - A review

2000-01-20 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

As, always, Caveat Lector Whoa, Gavin, stirred up quite abit of
disnformationlist.  It is getting thick.   A running "battle over 100+
postings.  Trying to turn it into a left-right debate.

Transcend the BS. Onwards to the Utmost of Futures.

Click Here: Re: Waco: A New
Revelation - Nope. Same Old Gun Buddy Paranoia!
Subject: Re: Waco: A New Revelation - Nope. Same Old Gun Buddy Paranoia!
From: "SilverBullet" mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">NunYaDamnBi
Date: Mon, 17 January 2000 11:52 PM EST

Volt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> On Mon, 17 Jan 2000 17:37:55 -0500, "Silverbullet"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Thanks for the public post. This is the shame of our gov't leaders who
> >brought us to this end. May they all burn in Hell for what they did to
> >poor innocent people.
> Burn?
> Like your baby raping hero Jesus of Waco?
No. Like your baby killing heros Bill Clinton and Janet Reno.
> So much for militia nonsense.
So much for volt's bullshit.
> Here are the facts:
> http://clusterfucked.home.mindspook.com/waco.html">http://clusterfu
Kinda short on facts at that site.
If it's facts you want, forget the clusterfuck site. Try these;

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] I.D. Biochip in your Right Hand!

2000-01-20 Thread Eagle 1

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

I've posted the study I've done on this mark of the beast several times...
You can go there for a more indepth study of the subject...
First, let me ask you...  WHAT is  *in* your forehead???  Let's hope it's
your frontal brain lobe.  That particular part of the brain has been
scientifically proven to be that part  which governs your thoughts
[involving the mind] and actions [the works of your hands] .  THIS is where
you are marked...  *IN* your mind,  in your spirit (which is the intellect
of the soul),  which causes the hands to perform for what you believe or
what you are governed by.

If you don't want to go to the study site, and want a brief reason why I
believe what I believe... It's because of what the Bible bears witness to
certain facts...
The mark of Cain was not physical.  Scripture?  Genesis 4:10-15
The Hebrew word for mark as used in this Genesis account regarding Cain, is
Strong's Concordance (Hebrew)  #226 - owth (oth), which means - a signal, as
a flag beacon or monument, omen, progeny (offspring), evidence, miracle,
ensign, token. God gave Cain a pledge or promise that he should not be
slain. This being spiritual in nature. It is not saying that He literally
placed a tattoo, color, or anything that can be seen by man, upon Cain. If
God had marked Cain with a physical marking, He would have placed him into a
position where all would know who saw him  *would*  kill him, which would be
contrary to God's negative purpose of keeping Cain and his offspring alive
until the end of this earth age (to the last generation). God gave Cain His
protection from being killed so that His negative purpose could be finally
accomplished in these, the last days.

When studying God's Word it is necessary to research all possibilities of
the subject at hand, in order to find the true meaning, and that which God
intended for us to know. Study is ordered so as to show oneself approved as
we are taught in 2 Timothy 2:15. Most importantly, once you have researched
a subject for yourself, and you, yourself have actually done the footwork,
there is no margin of error left in interpretation. For certainly no part of
the scripture is of any private interpretation, as we are taught by Peter (2
Peter 1:20-21). Always look it up and study a thing for yourself, even if
someone shows you the way to a study. You can settle any issue by being
certain of your own research! Let it not be said that you are one that
'wrestles' with the scripture as we are taught in 2 Peter 3:16-18.

The marks that we are concerned with here in this study, is the "mark of
God", and the "mark of the beast". The word "mark" in the Greek is Strong's
Concordance #5480 charagma (khar-ag-ma) as used in Revelation 9:4 and 13:18
which means 'brand' or 'a badge of servitude'. We are speaking here of the
servitude of Christ or the servitude of the antichrist (one who comes in the
stead of Christ). These marks are literally *in* the forehead, and/or *in*
the right hand. The mark [seal] of God is recognizable and *discerned* by
what you do with the knowledge of God's Word and it's purpose through our
Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Here we are dealing with the workings of God
through what the prophets taught, and what Jesus taught. The mark of the
beast system, is dealing with the teachings and workings of man [6], who
teaches traditions and doctrinal requirements which are not in God's Word,
but are very important in this sense of this mark of servitude. We are also
dealing in the same respect with the teachings of satan or satan's works
which is also a part of the servitude spoken of.

This mark of servitude is very important. What you believe in your mind,
also known as the 'heart', which is located *in your forehead* where the
brain contains the governing part of your mind; and what you do with your
(right) hand, which is the the works you produce because of your beliefs in
your mind, determines precisely which mark you actually bear. This 'mark of
servitude' is truly a spiritual mark. Anyone who would tell you such
nonsense that it is a card, bar code, tattoo, or computer chip implant or
anything else for that matter, is dealing in speculation of what the mark
truly is. Why would you believe in speculation? God was very exact and true
in explaining this mark, and has gone out of His way to make sure we
understand it in truth. Just remember that the mark of the beast is not
something you can see outwardly. Emphatically, it is *not* a tattoo, a card,
barcode, or a computer chip of any kind. As stated, those ideas came from
people who "speculate" on what the mark of the beast is. If you find
yourself believing that the mark of the beast is any of those nonsensical
things, check out what God has said about it in His Word. This will be the
only way you can know the truth within yourself and settle this issue to
know which mark you possess.

And by the w

[CTRL] socialist agenda 4 the family behind U.S. social policy

2000-01-20 Thread Bard

 far and wide.
(the supporters of the rapist are gonna 'love' this Post!)

 Commentary by Lew
   Reprinted from The FREE
  Published by the Ludwig von
Mises Institute
  June 1998

  Mises on the Family

 G.K. Chesterton [http://www.chesterton.org/] called the family
an anarchistic institution. He meant that it requires no act of the
state to bring it about.
 Its existence flows from fixed realities in the nature of man,
with its form refined by the development of sexual norms
 and the advance of civilization.

 This observation is consistent with a brilliant discussion of
the family in Ludwig von Mises's masterwork Socialism, first
 published in 1922. Why did Mises address family and marriage in
an economics book refuting socialism? He
 understood-unlike many economists today-that the opponents of
the free society have a broad agenda that usually
 begins with an attack on this most crucial bourgeois

 "Proposals to transform the relations between the sexes have
long gone hand in hand with plans for the socialization of
 the means of production," Mises observes. "Marriage is to
disappear along with private property Socialism promises
 not only welfare – wealth for all – but universal happiness in
love as well."

 Mises noted that August Bebel's Woman Under Socialism, a paean
to free love published in 1892, was the most widely
 read left-wing tract of its time. This linkage of socialism and
promiscuity had a tactical purpose. If you don't buy the
 never-never land of magically appearing prosperity, then you
can focus on the hope for liberation from sexual
 responsibility and maturity.

 The socialists proposed a world in which there would be no
social impediments to unlimited personal pleasure, with the
 family and monogamy being the first impediments to go. Would
this plan work? No chance, said Mises: the socialist
 program for free love is as impossible as its economic one.
They are both contrary to the restraints inherent in the real

 The family, like the structure of the market economy, is a
product not of policy but of voluntary association, made
 necessary by biological and social realities. Capitalism
reinforced marriage and family because it insisted on consent in all
 social relations.

 The family and capitalism thus share a common institutional and
ethical foundation. By attempting to abolish them, the
 socialists would replace a society based on contract with one
based on violence. The result would be total societal collapse.

 When the democratic socialists Sidney and Beatrice Webb
traveled to the Soviet Union, a decade after Mises's book, they
 reported a different reality. They found women, liberated from
the yoke of family and marriage, living happy and fulfilled
 lives. It was as much a fantasy – actually a bloody lie-as
their claim that Soviet society was becoming the most
 prosperous in history.

 No sane intellectual embraces full-blown social economics
anymore, but a watered-down version of the socialist agenda
 for the family is the driving force behind much of U.S. social
policy. This agenda goes hand in hand with the hobbling of
 the market economy in other areas.

 It is no accident that the rise of free love in the U.S.
accompanied the rise of the fully developed welfare state. The goals
 of liberation from work (and saving and investment) and
liberation from our sexual natures stem from a similar
 ideological impulse: to overcome fixed realities in nature. The
family has suffered as a result, just as Mises predicted it

 While the advocates of the family and the proponents of
capitalism should be united in a single political agenda of
 smashing the interventionist state, they typically are not.
Family advocates, even conservative ones, often decry finance
 capitalism as an alienating force, and advocate ill-advised
policies like tariffs, union monopolies, and wage floors for
 married people.

 At the same time, free enterprisers show little interest in the
genuine concerns of family advocates. And neither seems
 interested in the radical attack on both freedom and family
life that government policies like child labor laws, public
 schooling, Social Security, high taxes, and socialized medicine
represent. In Mises's view, this breech is unnecessary.


[CTRL] 1.6 Billion For the Colombian Drug War - or to Protect OXY's Pipeline?"

2000-01-20 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

As, always, Caveat Lector
Click Here: 1.6 Billion For
the Colombian Drug War - or to Protect OXY's Pipeline?
Subject: 1.6 Billion For the Colombian Drug War - or to Protect OXY's
Date: Thu, 20 January 2000 12:28 AM EST
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

1.6 Billion For the Colombian War to Protect OXY's Pipeline?

ER> Remember Clinton's anti-terrorism hype? Colombia's Cano Limon pipeline
is bombed once a week by the commies. Of all the terrorism in the world, I
would imagine the this area accounts for half worldwide. It was bombed on
1/1/2000 - Y2Kday! You never heard that from the major media did you?

re: Colombia's Cano Limon pipeline bombed again

BOGOTA, (Reuters 1/15/00) - Colombia's Cano Limon-Covenas crude export
pipeline has been bombed by Marxist rebels, forcing a halt to pumping less
than a day after damage from a previous blast was repaired, state-run oil
company Ecopetrol said on Saturday...

ER> Did you know that the previous blast was over the Y2K new year?

The pipeline was blasted a record 79 times last year.

ER> That's more than ONCE A WEEK! It was bombed 77 times the year before
that! Is the US military going to Columbia to be the Occidental Pipeline
Police? Hey, they were volunteered to be guardians of the Brazilian Rain

Related QuotesOXY

delayed 20 mins - disclaimer
Saturday January 15, 11:55 am Eastern Time

Colombia's Cano Limon pipeline bombed again

BOGOTA, Jan 15 (Reuters) - Colombia's Cano Limon-Covenas crude export
pipeline has been bombed by Marxist rebels, forcing a halt to pumping less
than a day after damage from a previous blast was repaired, state-run oil
company Ecopetrol said on Saturday.
The pipeline was hit late Friday near the town of Arauca close to the Cano
Limon field operated by Occidental Petroleum Corp (NYSE:OXY - news) in
northeast Arauca province.
It is the second time this year that the 230,000 barrel per day pipeline has
been bombed by guerrillas opposed to what they see as the excessive
involvement by foreign multinationals in Colombia's oil industry.
The pipeline was blasted a record 79 times last year.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] JFK, Jr., Monica Lewinsky, and Columbus

2000-01-20 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Click Here: JFK, Jr., Monica
Lewinsky, and Columbus
Subject: JFK, Jr., Monica Lewinsky, and Columbus
Date: Thu, 20 January 2000 07:04 AM EST
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  The January 2000 issue of my monthly newsletter "Contemporary
Indications of a Conspiracy" includes the following stories:

  JFK, Jr., Monica Lewinsky, and Columbus 
  More on the "13"-Lines of New Atlantis (a.k.a. the USA) 
  Adolf Schicklgruber and his father 
  and more 

  The November 1999 issue covered the following:

  The Antichrist and George W. Bush 
  The secrets of Payne Stewart 
  Flight of Horrors, Flight of Horus (EgyptAir 990) 
  and more 

  December 1999 issue:

  The CLuM meaning of the name "John McCain" 
  The Masonic occupation of Germany 
  More of what the Harodim wrought in 1998 
  and more 

  Single issues are available for $3.95, a one-year (12 issues)
subscription is $29.95.

  The monthly newsletter "Contemporary Indications of a Conspiracy" is
first mailed out between the 15th and 20th days of the month of issue. It
can be ordered by writing to:

  Dept. J
  P.O. Box 840395
  Houston, TX 77284

  For more information on the secret nature of Luciferian Masonry and
satanic Zionism, please visit the Web site "Dark Millennium" at:

There are no conspiracies. It's just ignorance:


Only God has the Power and the Glory to create a genuine mystery

Sent via Deja.com http://www.deja.com/">http://www.deja.com/
Before you buy
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

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[CTRL] OEN 1/20/99

2000-01-20 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Click Here: http://www.aci.net/kalliste/">The Home Page of J. Orlin
Affairs of State

Hillary: I did not have sex with Vince Foster

(It doesn't count if I didn't have an orgasm.)

BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP) -- The questions are getting more personal every day for
Hillary Rodham Clinton: Has she been unfaithful? Used drugs?

``No'' and ``no,'' she said Wednesday, a day after being asked in a TV
interview if she really planned to leave her husband. It was ``no'' to that,

Mrs. Clinton, submitting to more radio and TV interviews as she nears a
formal announcement that she is running for the Senate from New York, made it
clear she didn't appreciate the more personal lines of questioning.

``You're going to hate me,'' said WGR-FM morning host Tom Bauerle in Buffalo
in introducing his question: ``Have you ever been sexually unfaithful to
(President Clinton) and specifically ... with you and (the late Deputy White
House Counsel) Vince Foster?''

``I do hate you for that,'' Mrs. Clinton said, according to a tape of the
interview provided by the station. ``I think those questions are out of
Bauerle asked again.

``Of course it's 'no,''' Mrs. Clinton said. ``At some point we all have to
say these questions, these speculations, really divert attention (from) what
we can do to work together.''
Bauerle's next question: ``Have you ever used pot or cocaine?''

``Tom, what did you have breakfast for this morning?'' Mrs. Clinton
responded. ``No,'' she said. ``We ought to be talking about bringing good
jobs to western New York and health care and child care.''

``I don't know that it's fair or unfair,'' Mrs. Clinton said later of the
questions. ``It is on some peoples' minds, but most of what people talk to me
about is the state of their families and their jobs and their schools and
that's what I'm going to be talking about.''

Mrs. Clinton said on Tuesday the nation's most famous ``commuter marriage''
will stay intact -- any rumors to the contrary.

``I have been with my husband for more than half my life. We've been together
-- this will be our 25th year of marriage -- and we have so much between us
and so many shared experiences and a lot of love in our family, and I
certainly intend to spend the rest of my life with him,'' Mrs. Clinton told
Buffalo's WKBW-TV in an interview.

Wednesday on that station, she also defended the choices she has made in her
``I know people are interested, but this is something that -- I'm going to
have to live my own way and make my own decisions about,'' she said.

Mrs. Clinton told reporters that she would formally announce her candidacy in
Westchester County on Feb. 6. She recently moved into a $1.7 million house
she and the president purchased in the county just north of New York City.

Mrs. Clinton said that after her announcement she would tour the state.

Separately on Wednesday, Mrs. Clinton campaign committee said it had
collected $8 million for the race in six months, while advisers for her
likely opponent, New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, said he had raised $12
million last year.

The race is expected to be one of the costliest in history. Giuliani's camp
has said the goal is to raise between $15 million and $20 million for the
entire campaign, while Mrs. Clinton's advisers have pledged to raise more
than $25 million.

Meanwhile, she and New York City's police commissioner, Howard Safir, are
having a disagreement about her motorcades.

Safir said Wednesday that Mrs. Clinton does not want her motorcade
accompanied by marked city police cars. Mrs. Clinton usually travels in a van
accompanied by several other cars carrying her campaign staff, Secret Service
agents and sometimes reporters. Typically, a city police car is at the front
and rear of the motorcade.

``If you want to be expedited through the city, going through red lights,
closing off streets, it has to be done with marked cars so the public
understands it's a police operation,'' Safir said. ``You can't do that with
unmarked cars. And that's our problem with the Secret Service and Mrs.
Clinton's motorcade.''

Mrs. Clinton's entourage does not routinely go through red lights or
commandeer lanes of traffic to speed her travel -- not even when she's
running late. In one instance she got out of her car and walked to a
destination in midtown because she was stuck in traffic.

Giuliani said he wants marked police cars to remain in his entourage.

``I want the NYPD,'' he said. ``I like the NYPD. I like people seeing the
NYPD is with me. I'm very proud of the New York Police Department.''

Mrs. Clinton's spokesman, Howard Wolfson, would not comment other than to
say: ``I don't think we will ever talk about her security arrangements.''
The Associated Press, January 19, 2000

Federal Reserve

We Tried to Be Open, But That Was Too Confusing

So we've changed from "bias" to "risks". Now is that perfectly clear?

[CTRL] Fwd: Spooks, Goons, Malingerers Harass NewsHawk

2000-01-20 Thread Kris Millegan

Spooks, Goons, Malingerers Harass NewsHawk

Several days ago, beginning Sun., Jan. 16, we began forwarding messages
received from KNOWN, TRUSTED sources regarding what appeared to be a
potentially bad situation brewing at the Pine Ridge Indian reservation
in South Dakota. These messages came from several DIFFERENT sources.

After we attempted verification of the information within our limited
capabilities with no success, we reprinted the reports in our bulletins
exactly as we received them, out of deep concern regarding hostile
actions being taken against Native Americans by the federal government;
for example, as happened not many years ago at THIS VERY SAME LOCATION!

Little mention of the events at Pine Ridge was being made in the
national news media, furthering suspicions that something underhanded
might be going; as as several of the messages we got indicated.

Apparently the situation at the Pine Ridge reservation is now resolving
peacefully and productively, for which we are extremely grateful. We
have no regrets about forwarding material sent to us which appeared
quite urgent.

Interestingly however, and reminiscent of the tactics leveled against
NewsHawk during the bad old days of our articles exposing conspiracy and
cover-up regarding the Columbine High School massacre, the JFK
Jr./Bessette murders, and the L.A. Jewish Center AND Ft. Worth church
shooting incidents, the information NewsHawk put out regarding the Pine
Ridge situation provoked a repeat performance of the same kind of harassment.

In fact this latest bout indicates more clearly than ever that there's
extensive, collaborative orchestration of the activities being taken
against NewsHawk. Spook city.

We must have done something right.

But oh, by the way, all you spooks and goons out there trying so hard to
mess us up and shut us down -- It didn't work. NewsHawk is still in the
air, dudes. Get a life. I have one.

NewsHawk® Inc.
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Re: [CTRL] Madeline Colleen:Secretary of Hate

2000-01-20 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Pennie, please your unwarranted attacks are uncalled for.  Continued personal
 attacks will result in a nopost attribute for your current email account.
There really is no excuse for these personal attacks. Lets us create
understanding, not dissension.


In a message dated 1/20/00 8:20:16 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>In a message dated 1/20/00 12:17:37 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
>>Dear Colleen:
>>Everything that you babble is sheer lunacy. Take your Jew-hating ass back
>>the Sons Of Losers list you came from. Love Pennie

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] Fwd: [MC] New book on HAARP

2000-01-20 Thread Kris Millegan

Wes & Group:
Pertinent to our discussion, of
the technology now focused on the
population of Los Angeles, was Nick's
statement last night (on Art Bell's
radio show repeat at 9:00PM KKGO-600AM)
that the DoD and the DoJ are "running
field" tests in several large cities
in the U.S.  One of them being L.A.
I have one correction for Nick.
This ain't no test.  This is the
real thing.  And, the reason for the
announcements I heard must have come
about because of the change in U.S.
Code requiring statements to the public
telling them they are being used for
field tests.
Therefore, any posters who had questions
regarding this issue?  I invite you
to listen to the archived show, or
go buy Nick's new book.

-Original Message-
From: Wes Thomas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2000 12:14 AM
Subject: [MC] New book on HAARP, ewar, mind control

Nick Begish, author, Angels Don't Play This HAARP,
has written a new book, Earth Rising, with HAARP updates
and covering electronic warfare, mind control, nonlethal
weapons and other issues: http://www.earthpulse.com

Nick discussed the book on the Art Bell show Tuesday night,
Jan. 18.

Program summary: http://www.artbell.com/topics.html
Audio archive: http://www.artbell.com/audio.html

Post to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Unsubscribe to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] List info: 

Check out the new and improved Topica site!

[CTRL] *NEW*anti-state, anti-war, pro-market site*NEW*

2000-01-20 Thread Bard

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


A new service of WorldNetDaily.


Militia defined:

Please examine for a moment the following on the issue of militia
please note, it does NOT include self-appointed (or self-annointed)
jobs. Nor are the powers of Congress limited to times of invasion, etc.
example, Congress sets the discipline of the militia and provides for
organizing, arming, and disciplining at all times. Moreover, the
"governing" means
just that: The states govern based on the methods laid down by Congress
Congress takes direct control or "governing".

U.S. Constitution Article 1 Section 8 Paragraph 16 "To provide for
arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of
as may
be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States
respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of
Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;"

10 USC 311 Militia: composition and classes (a) The militia of the
consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except
in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have
declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of
citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard. (b)
classes of the militia are - (1) the organized militia, which consists
National Guard and the Naval Militia; and (2) the unorganized militia,
consists of the members of the militia who are not members of the
Guard or
the Naval Militia.

18 USC 2389 Recruiting for service against United States Whoever
or sailors within the United States, or in any place subject to the
thereof, to engage in armed hostility against the same; or Whoever opens
within the
United States, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction thereof, a
station for the enlistment of such soldiers or sailors to serve in any
manner in
armed hostility against the United States - Shall be fined under this
imprisoned not more than five years, or both.

18 USC 2390 Enlistment to serve against United States Whoever enlists or
within the United States or in any place subject to the jurisdiction
thereof, with
intent to serve in armed hostility against the United States, shall be
title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

Sturges v. Crowninsheld, 17 U.S. 122 (1819) "The powers given to
congress by
constitution, may be divided into three classes: 1st. Those which are
national in
their nature, and which are vested in congress, as the sovereign power
nation or Union. 2d. Those powers which are given to congress, and from
exercise of which the states are expressly excluded. 3d. Those which are
given to
congress, and from the exercise of which the states are not excluded...
Under the
first class may be enumerated-the power to borrow money on the credit of
States; to regulate commerce with foreign nations and among the several
states; to
provide for the punishment of counterfeiting the securities and current
of the
United States; to constitute tribunals inferior to the supreme court of
States; to define and punish piracies and felonies committed on the high
seas, and
offences against the law of nations; to declare war, grant letters of
reprisal, and to make rules concerning captures on land and water; to
support armies; to provide and maintain a navy; to provide for
and disciplining the militia, &c."

Houston v. Moore, 18 U.S. 1 (1820) "Congress has power to provide for
arming, and disciplining them; and this power being unlimited, except in
particulars of officering and training them, according to the discipline
prescribed by Congress, it may be exercised to any extent that may be
necessary by Congress. But as State militia, the power of the State
governments to
legislate on the same subjects, having existed prior to the formation of
constitution, and not having been prohibited by that instrument, it
the States, subordinate nevertheless to the paramount law of the general
government, operating upon the same subject."

Gibbons v. Ogden, 22 U.S. 1 (1824) "This shows that Congress considered
to punish these offences as concurrent, and that it could be exercised
States on the ground of their own inherent authority, as it is held that
cannot delegate any part of the criminal jurisdiction of the United
to the
State tribunals. Again: the power to provide for organizing, arming, and
disciplining the militia, is a concurrent power, according to the same

Thurlow v. Com Of Mass., 46 U.S. 504 (1847) "It may be well, however, to

[CTRL] Fwd: Robber Barons Steal the "Information Age"

2000-01-20 Thread Kris Millegan

 Aldous Huxley wrote: "A really efficient totalitarian state
would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political
bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves
who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude.
To make them love it is the task assigned, in present-day
totalitarian states, to ministries of propaganda, newspaper
editors and schoolteachers. But their methods are still crude and
 But that was written in 1946, half a century ago ...



  by Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman
  San Francisco Bay Guardian, Jan. 19, 2000

 A new century calls for new thinking: More mergers, please!

 A few years --even a few weeks-- ago, we might have opposed
the AOL-Time Warner merger.
 But now we're ready to leave 20th-century thinking behind.
 We recognize that this merger has "synergies that make some
observers drool," as the Wall Street Journal explained. AOL will
highlight "InStyle" magazine? Moviefone will pitch Warner Bros.
movies? Time Warner will include AOL disks in promotional
mailings? That's progress, baby!
 In the past we might have echoed the concerns of those who
worried that the merger might interfere with open access to
high-speed Internet connections. AOL has been a leading proponent
of open access -- meaning those who control high-speed Internet
access through cable systems or other means don't have the power
to discriminate against Internet service providers that they do
not control or favor. In buying Time Warner, AOL suddenly
acquires one of the largest cable systems in the country, and
gains a material interest in opposing open access.
 But that's OK. We're satisfied by AOL's verbal commitment
that it will voluntarily permit open access in the cable systems
it will control (though Time Warner currently has contractual
obligations through 2001 to favor Roadrunner Internet service).
 A few months ago we might have agreed with media critics
like George Gerbner, who say that Goliaths like AOL-Time Warner
undermine media diversity because they are so big that they'll
have a vested interest in almost any issue.
 Now, we say, "C'mon George." AOL Chief Steve Case says he
understands and is eager to learn more about the importance of
journalistic integrity.
 Not along ago we might have sympathized with the views of
Robert McChesney, author of "Rich Media, Poor Democracy": "This
is the last nail in the coffin for anyone who believed that the
Internet is the last stronghold of media competition."
 Now we tell Bob to get over it. The Internet's still a free
medium -- hey, AOL-Time Warner isn't stopping us from sending
this column. And you want media democracy? Broadband CNN news
content will be distributed on AOL Plus!
 Just a short time ago we might have noted the consensus that
the AOL-Time Warner merger will spur a slew of new media and
Internet consolidations ("It's what the future is," a chief
executive who runs theme parks and a movie studio told the
Washington Post. "It sure feels like you need to be bigger --
bigger yet"), and urged that antitrust authorities block the
merger to prevent this trigger effect.
 Now we say, "More mergers? That means more synergy!"
 (As the late Walter Adams --one of the leading critics of
corporate giantism-- said, no merger was ever announced without a
ritual incantation of the synergistic gains to be realized.)
 More mergers are exactly what we need.
 Microsoft needs a media company to compete. It is already
partnered with NBC, so we figure it should buy NBC. General
Electric currently owns NBC; Microsoft might as well buy GE too.
 And as long as it's on a buying spree, it seems highly
inefficient to have two major multinationals based in Seattle.
Microsoft should purchase Boeing. And once you have planes, you
might as well get cars. We recommend they then buy G.M., Ford and
Daimler-Chrysler, Toyota and the rest.
 Meanwhile, it is obvious that with the oil companies facing
a serious political challenge on the global warming issue, they
need their own voice. We recommend they purchase Disney-ABC. Of
course, that would be after Exxon-Mobil finishes buying B.P.-Arco
and the other oil companies. With oil naturally come chemicals
(DuPont, Dow, etc.), and with chemicals come pharmaceuticals.
They should all gravitate to the Exxon-Mobil-Disney pole.
 Don't worry about competition; the oil companies still face
competition from other energy sources, like the food companies.
 Speaking of which, with the chicken, beef, and pork
processors all rapidly consolidating, the grain traders merging,
the seed business quickly moving toward monopoly, supermarkets
combining, and food processors growing larger, it is time to
speed the process of creating a single food company. Let's call
it Philip Morris -

[CTRL] Fwd: George Bush Jr and H L Hunt "Jr" ...

2000-01-20 Thread Kris Millegan

 Hope you noticed who's among the consortium of "kingmakers" listed in
Newsweek as the rich who are buying the office of the Presidency of the
United States for their puppet, George II -- Texas oilman RAY HUNT ...

[CTRL] Fwd: "Information Age" Funnies

2000-01-20 Thread Kris Millegan

 From "This Modern World" (cartoon) (c) by Tom Tomorrow, Jan 19, 2000

Panel 1:
 Hyped-up grinning yuppies Biff and Wanda over a cup of coffee at

 Wanda: "Have you heard, Biff? America Online and Time Warner are
 Biff: "You mean the world's largest provider of Internet access is
joining forces
 with the world's largest media conglomerate?  Why, that's

Panel 2:
 Wanda: "Just imagine the benefits for consumers such as ourselves!
   AOL will be able to link to Time magazine cover stories
   Warner Brothers movies--"
 Biff: "--and Larry King can interview everybody involved!"

Panel 3:
 Wanda: "The world is one step closer to a SINGLE SOURCE of news,
   information, and entertainment!"
 Biff: "I always found all those different company names terribly

Panel 4:
 Wanda: "Oh, Biff -- wouldn't it be wonderful if AOL/Time Warner merged
   with MICROSOFT?"
 Biff: "You're a crazy dreamer, Wanda -- but that's why I love you!"

Re: [CTRL] Madeline Colleen:Secretary of Hate

2000-01-20 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

In a message dated 1/20/00 12:17:37 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>Dear Colleen:
>Everything that you babble is sheer lunacy. Take your Jew-hating ass back
>the Sons Of Losers list you came from. Love Pennie

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [N.A.] False Opposition and Lack of Progress

2000-01-20 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


Forwarded from the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
From: Jim Condit Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [N.A.] False Opposition and Lack of Progress
Date: Sunday, January 16, 2000 10:08 PM


"Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything."
Communist Tyrant Josef Stalin

Jan 16, 2000 NA e-wire

Today’s NA e-wire concerns the concept of False Opposition.

The concept of “False Opposition” explains why certain organizations
have followed a “defeatist” course over the last quarter century. We
believe it’s the major reason why the vote counting process has been
able to be taken out of the hands of the American people without so much
as a peep from the organizations that Americans thought they were
depending on to protect our freedoms. And also the reason why concerned
Americans have not been told about how to use the precinct system to
take back the government.

Lenin, the first Communist dictator after the takeover of Russia in
1917, is widely credited with the following quotation, “The best way to
control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.”

Now, there are two ways to lead your own opposition. One is to create
the group in the first place — and that is possible if you have enough
money. In this way you can even have someone leading your phony
operation who believes in the cause. This “leader” however, will get the
message one way or another that if he goes beyond certain bounds, his
funding will be cut off or he will be fired. The second way to create
“false opposition” is to takeover an existing organization, which
started out sincere, by making it so dependent on your funding, that its
leaders also learn to stay within certain bounds.

Real life Example: Howard Phillips, leader of the Conservative Caucus
and Presidential candidate for the Constitution Party this year,
reported in 1996 that the National Right to Life Committee accepted
$450,000 from the Republican National Committee. During the 1996
Presidential Campaign, NRTL worked for and eventually endorsed the
clearly pro-abortion Bob Dole (including deliberately falsifying its
so-called “Scorecard” -- in conjunction with Christian Coalition – by
excluding all of Dole’s many pro-abortion votes). This meant that NRTL
had to work against another 1996 GOP candidate who had a real shot at
the Presidency, the clearly and seriously pro-life Pat Buchanan.

As I understand it, the National Right to Life Committee has accepted a
similar amount this year, and are softening up their supporters through
their national newspaper to support the clearly pro-abortion George W.
Bush (pro-abortion in the sense that he is committed to continuing the
status quo with a little pro-life rhetoric along the way on marginal
issues; he refuses to commit to appoint pro-life judges, and he refuses
to commit to appoint a pro-life vice presidential candidate, making him
the very epitome of "pro-abortion" by pre-1996 NRTL standards).

Quoting Phillips again in one of the recent headlines in his Issues and
Strategy Bulletins: “National Right to Life (some of the time) Committee
warns against voting Pro-life.”

This is one example of a group that has become false opposition to the
political forces running this country. Many of these conservative groups
are dependent on funding from the likes of Richard Mellon Scaiffe of
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Mellon Scaiffe, as you may recall, is the
funder of anti-Clinton investigations – but also of coercive and
deceptively imposed birth control implants and drugs in the Philippines
and Vietnam.

Now, lest we get too long in this e-wire, let me simply assert a few
examples of groups which have shown the signs of being “false
opposition” — divided into two camps:

Group 1: Set up as False Opposition: Heritage Foundation; Weekly
Standard; and anything to do with Bill Kristol or John Podoretz; Empower

Group 2: Have been compromised in some way so that they now are
effectively false opposition: National Right to Life; Christian
Coalition; National Rifle Association.

This explains why these and other establishment and professional
conservative organizations do not seem to have the brains to see that
when it comes to changing the law through electing enough good
candidates, all is futile if the vote count is riggable by parties
unknown (but easily guessed at) behind the software program instructing
the election night computers what to do.

Organizations such as the League of Women Voters, Common Cause, the
NAACP, the Rainbow Coalition, and the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai
Br’th are organizations perceived to be mainstream or left by the
general public, and which pose as being interested in justice. However,
such groups have never and we believe would never bring up the inherent
vote fraud dangers in the current set up; 

Re: [CTRL] I.D. Biochip in your Right Hand!

2000-01-20 Thread Stopforth, Jamie

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

 It doesn't matter what it is, we won't be here to see it.  But I
disagree, it is physical thing.

[Rev 13:16] And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free
and bond, to receive a mark IN their right hand, or IN their foreheads:

 So, you're saying that's not physical?

Rev 16:2] And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and
there fell *a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of
the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image.*

  So you're saying these people that take this "not physical mark" will
somehow get a sore from something that's not physical?  It's obvious it's
physical, and it's going to cause health problems according to Rev 16:2.

Why do you believe what you believe about the mark?  What scriptures do you
have for support of this theory?


>>>You are absolutely right, Eagle1. The "mark" is not a physical thing.
are so worried about being forced to get a smartcard or chip
implant...ridiculous! Even if this chip were to be used as an
identification, it only menas that technology has improved. If we aren't
going to burn for having a social security number, this is no different. I
just wonder how many people would end up as refugees or dead by insisting on
not getting a chip, if it were ever required. Identification or credit is
not a crime against God. What did Jesus say about the coin with Caesar's
image on it? Or what did Paul say about obeying the earthly rulers, for God
put them in power? Put your trust in God, or you might be "marked" by the
One who really counts.<<<

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL]

2000-01-20 Thread nessie

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
>>I find it hard to hard to grasp the concept of heterosexuals commiting

>homosexual rape.

It happens all the time in prison.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [Holy_War] JDL - Jewish Defence League - Jewis Militia Training in NY

2000-01-20 Thread Colleen Jones

The Russian Jewish Mafia now in Columbus area; they also murdered
remember, Bill Cosby's son and got caught..they replace Meyer
Lansky's old henchmen who went on a killing spree in
Columbusinvolved were Jewish Doctors and a Jewish Hit Man, the Hit
Man dressed as County Sheriff called upon and murdered a third Doctor, a
black doctor by name of Walter Bond.the one doctor was an Assistant
County Coroner n weekends when a lot of dead bodies were taken to the
coroners office..and I am not forgetting that these people
threatened me some years back, and Sybil Leek told me the one was
CIAhad been in prison cell with Hoffa for one yeargun charges,
and also they were into drugs and caused shooting of Larry
Flyntsomeday Flynt will figure that one out.

So what do you expect when our FBI Freeh is having dinner with KGB; we
have Zionists in control of our White House and a President who sold out
his country years ago to the NWO bunch.and remember this, not all
Zionists are Jewsthey come in many colors and shades of red.

They are here while Zionists try to disarm white America and Moslems and
Militia.Morris Dees and ADL work with FBI marking and putting
Christians, Moslems and Militia on Hit lists.it is all there in the
open, yet they permit Jewish Mafia to Move into Columbus again...

We had long body bag counts until that bunch here was caught.they
only wanted to castrate the black doctor, and make it look like Right
Wing KKK type thing; but fumbled and the hit man just blew them
away..nice people we have in our government now...

So they move back in..see how they dropped the murder of Bill
Cosby's son?   No mention of this Russian Mafia hitand was this drug
related also"  Get a load of the floosie beside Cosby's car.think
this woman was a lady?

Until we clean out the FBI and BATF and get rid of this element, watch
body bags grow and grow..and they put a price on Osama bin Laden's
head for something this bunch did

Madeline Albright.mass murderer of Balkans..Clinton the
disgraced president blackmailed by the Mossad?  And little Monica on TV,
making big bucks at the expense of this country?

Sweet little girl.this "girl" is nothing more than a prostitute used
to get at the President..let us say she nailed him while the Mossad
tapped his phone lines, and between Larry Flynt, Carville, and Clinton
vs. Congressit is checkmatewho will they murder next?


Who will be slaughtered next?  Indians, Amish, but I say as Mordecai so
wished upon Hamon, so let it come unto Mordecai.


Exclusive to THE SPOTLIGHT, July 27, 1998, Page 10


If you happen to be vacationing in the Catskill Mountains or upper New York
state or the mountains of neighboring Connecticut this summer and hear the
rattle of heavy gunfire nearby, it is not the U.S. military in training or
some "right wing" militia group on maneuvers.

Most likely you will be hearing a training session of members of the
terrorist Jewish Defense League (JDL) or its spinoff, the Jewish Defense
organization (JDO). And, those shooters might not be able to speak English
very well. You could, in fact, be confronted by a youthful member of the JDL
or JDO who is more than likely recent immigrants from Russia, living in the
United States as a supposed refugee.

It is more than likely he will be from the Brighton Beach section of New York
City, an underworld haven for Jewish Russian refugees comprising what has
become known as the "Russian Mafia." The FBI says the outlaw organization
stretches all the way to Moscow and is involved in virtually every sort of
crime from smuggling (even nuclear materials) to contract murders.


In upstate New York, the JDL and no have been training for several years in
the Catskill Mountains of Sullivan County, a short drive northwest of New
York City not far from the Pennsylvania border.

Of course the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), which has been screeching for
years about the dangers to America presented by U.S. militia groups, doesn't
have much to say about the JDL and no "troopers," who have been terrorizing
residents of the Sullivan County area, particularly around the small resort
village of Livingston Manor.

Nor will you find the JDL or the JDO listed as terrorist organizations in
U.S. government reports on worldwide and domestic terrorist activity.

In fact, Irving Shapiro, vice chairman of the ADL's national volunteer
commission, doesn't consider them dangerous at all--certainly not like U.S.
civilian militias.

'They believe they have a mission and a purpose to protect Jews," Shapiro
recently told the Middletown, New York, Sunday Record, which ran a front-page
feature story about the young trainees, titled "For Jewish Militants,
Catskills are a Training Ground."

Nothing has been heard at all from Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, the New York

[CTRL] Fwd: Re: [SonsofLiberty] Group Calls Lee Banner Burning a Hate Crime (washingtonpost (http://washingtonp

2000-01-20 Thread Colleen Jones

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Colleen Jones)

Well this keeps up and many will get what they want..they would
rather celebrate day Martin Luther King was shot...

Prior to Kings massive organized marches wih union participation and UAW
is where it really all began, using this Union in particular.Walter
Reuther and Roy Reuther were primary instigators in this civil rights
fights stuff with Pentagon controlling situationon the drawing
board, "absorb colored race".the melting pot,  the scum put in the
pot and boiled - the flesh pot...

Leonard Woodcock was first labor leader into CFR followed by this Jerry
Wurfthen murder of Kennedy, who was not to have been elected..I
like Ike and I like Eich .two diriving forces.so the Feds hire
Jean Dixon, a political propagandist to mark the Kennedy family for
murder over and over planting seeds of destruction and murder, for JFK
and RFK and George Wallace and Ronald Reagan WERE NOT AND NEVER WOULD BE

AFSCME (American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees)
used blacks to gain control into government . King then sent down to
appointed death, playing Moses keyed to the bible code..King climbed
the mountain and met sudden deathknocked off like a Moses..from
his I Have a Dream speech to the end "Ive Seen the Promised Land", King
had very few original words.but no way John F. Kennedy was in on
that conspiracy - these people called him a Fascist.the Nightingale
and the Rose.

That Dream of Dreams Shall be Slain.and check out some of these
dates re the Civil Rights Tribe of Gad, the Over Comers and Black is
Beauiful crapand see real conspiracy which is once again
materializing with this NAACP Zionist controlled element as chief

The stage is being set for another murderfor this regular routine of
murder of President of the United States.the Asrologers Mark of
Doom, for they are on to this scenarioonly it just came out that
Jean Dixon worked for Feds while marking Kennedys for murderor,
did J. Edgar Hoover keep his promise that the bible code would be
investigated and perhaps did he personally infiltrate Jean Dixon/s
Children to Children.for I was told that the FBI would not involve
me in this stuff...yet J. Edgar Hoover was murdered because of words
spoken by Walter Cronkite.the night J. Edgar Hoover was to die, I
tried to warn them.
When he died on Communist Law Day, May 1the night before Walter
Cronkite had released that J. Edgar Hoover had given LBJ sex files for
nightie night reading..he did so by Executive Order, no
doubt.for LBJ was trying to get goods on all his opponens.Hoover
died lying on floor by his bed =- had just had physical was was A
Okay.later, LGB died beside his bed, same way and I thought who the
hell cares...cui bono.

I met LBJ and Humphrey...these men had both strange eyeslooked
right through you, saw nothing.Humphrey's eyes were dead,
cloudedlike powdered, no lighthis face smiled he laughedbut
his yes did not.

What kind of training are these people getting now...they smirk and
smile and murder at the same timeas though, well what you going to
do about it.

You have Gore turning loose NAACP on white public and White Christians
and Southerners..the cycle begins..anyone who is elected to the
office of President who is not part of the CFR/NWO/Zionist Master Plan
will be murderedlike JFK ... and this too is why JFK Jr. and
Princess Diana were murdered.and it comes out now that Dodi Fayed
was descendent of Saudi Arabian Royl Family

So this time they murdered off before they became threat..did not
wait until JFK Jr and Princess Diana became serious threat to their
conspiracy for NWO..can you imagine the tremour sent through ugly
Zionists like Kissinger, Clinton, Gore, Albright, Cohen, Rubenthese
ugly people - compared to young JFK Jr.who was repelled by Blair and
Clinton, and backed away..you could see the jealousy and hatred in
the eyes of these killers as they looked at their quarry whom they knew
would soon be dead...notice Hiliary at the big day and the NASA
rocket did not go off?   They want to stand in limelight of JFK and JFK
Jr., but this light is repelled and vanquished by their mere presence.

To say I hate Clinton, Gore, Albright, Cohen, Dees, Wesley Clarkto
say I hate them is not enough..they are beyond hating - for their
deeds are so evil it will take a greater power than we have on earth to
destroy these people.but I believe evil begets evil..their day
soon comes.

I was a Kennedy Girl and met JFK; a man you could look up to.he
turned his back on Walter Cronkite as JFK Jr. turned his back on Clinton
and Blair...Cronkite never forgot that moment when he ran up to JFK
night of Inaugural Ball, and JFK tu

Re: [CTRL] Homo Teacher Charged with Having Sex with a Minor

2000-01-20 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

From: "nessie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >The story is about homosexual rape
> No it's not. It's about an act of prostitution that was interupted by the
> police.

Agreed.  But according to some jurisdictions, sexual activity with a minor
is deemed statutory rape.  Don't know if it applies in this case or not...

And it would be just as heinous had the minor been female...


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-01-20 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

>The story is about homosexual rape.

The story was about pedophilia, not homosexuality.  The two are not

>I find it hard to hard to grasp the concept of heterosexuals commiting
homosexual rape.  If they >did they wouldn't be heterosexual anymore, would

Rape is rape, whether homosexual or heterosexual.

When an adult male rapes a minor female, I never see people like you
describing it as heterosexual rape.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Homo Teacher Charged with Having Sex with a Minor

2000-01-20 Thread C Davis

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

First of all...he wasnt a teacher. (This is happening 15 miles from me.) It
was much worse he was a dorm advisor...dorm dad, and this happened at a
church school... The San Marcos Baptist Academy in Texas.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] Madeline Colleen:Secretary of Honesty

2000-01-20 Thread Nicky Molloy

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

I agree,

If we knew as much as Colleen we'd be doing alright. Pennie she has insider
info and experience and if you read the latest Rumills info you see she
actually wrote that great article on fluoride which you would benefit from
knowing. I mean we are really interested in secrets and Colleen saves me a
bit of work, by summing up things and naming specific people doing what,
that I didn't know, as I'm not in America. Good to see you back!! You can
talk about Henry Kissinger ( and his 2 doubles) as much as you like Coll as
far as I'm concerned, its great. Thumbs up for our woman of the world.


-Original Message-
From: Amelia K Edgeman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, 20 January 2000 23:04
Subject: [CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Madeline Colleen:Secretary of Hate

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

pennie hammons,
For your information, Colleen was on this list YEARS before you.  You are
the one who has come from somewhere else.  I believe Kris is still the
listowner even though you seem to think you are now in charge.  Again, this
is personal, off-topic and not nearly as cute as you think it is.  Please
take personal messages off list. A review of the rules will advise you to
always be civil.  This falls very short of that.  You are wasting a lot of
people's time in these lame attempts to get attention.  And not for the
first time and not on the first list, is it?

- Original Message -
From: "pennie hammons" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2000 12:17 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Madeline Colleen:Secretary of Hate

> -Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
>  -Cui Bono?-
> >This is a pretty good psychological profile of Madeline
> >Albright...the reluctant Zionist.
> >
> >What do you think of this one Nicky?
> >
> >Colleen
> Dear Colleen:
> Everything that you babble is sheer lunacy. Take your Jew-hating ass back
> the Sons Of Losers list you came from. Love Pennie
> __
> Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
> http://www.ctrl.org/">www.ctrl.org
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing
> screeds are not allowed. Substance-not soap-boxing!  These are sordid
> and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, misdirections and
> frauds-is used politically by different groups with major and minor
> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
> nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
> http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/CTRL.html
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and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL

[CTRL] News?

2000-01-20 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

- Original Message -
From: "NewsHawk Inc." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, January 16, 2000 12:18 PM
Subject: URGENT!/FBI-Indian standoff; Pine Ridge Rez!

URGENT!/FBI-Indian standoff; Pine Ridge Rez!

Forward this message as far and widely as possible

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Feds are putting major heat on a group of Indians at the Pine Ridge
reservation who were attempting to demonstrate against corruption and
malfeasance within the heavily fed-infiltrated "official" tribal council

The FBI is said to have been on the scene "INSTANTLY". In light of the
TOTAL media blackout enforced by feds in regard to this situation, there
are serious concerns on the part of Native Americans and others of some
kind of severe, Waco-style tactics being employed at Pine Ridge.

It's crucial to help ensure that eventuality can never come to pass; and
to do that, we must get the word out regarding what's going on at Pine
Ridge right now. So PLEASE, help.

NewsHawk® Inc.
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

 Original Message 
Subject: News Flash!  FBI/Indian standoff at Pine Ridge Rez!
Date: Sun, 16 Jan 2000 19:26:15 -0800
From: "Jane Beckman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Here's one that's in-process!  I just received a call from one of my Native
American friends, and things have gone critical on the Pine Ridge
Reservation.  At 2 pm today (Sunday, 1/16), protestors occupied the tribal
offices on the Pine Ridge reservation, protesting abuses and
embezzlement by
the Tribal Council, including $7 million in embezzled funds.

Suddenly, the FBI is there like a duck on a june bug.  They are attempting
to get word out as fast and as widely as possible, as there has been a media
lockdown, and there is a standoff between the Feds and the Indian protestors
that could get very ugly.  There are fears of Waco-type actions,  especially
with the media lockdown.  They want this one put out far and wide, to
hopefully get some attention before something turns very ugly.

The phone number for the tribal offices building where these folks are
standing off the Feds is (605)867-5821.   I've been told they can keep folks
apprised of what is going on... at least until the phones get cut.  I
haven't called simply because I hear some of the local activists are
calling, folks who might be able to do more than I can in California.

Something is up, because the FBI isn't usually at scenes of conflicts so
instantly.  Could it have something to do with records they are attempting
to have opened, relative to corruption on the reservation?  What's really
going on, here?

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] DDT, malaria, India, and Julian Simon

2000-01-20 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


Forwarded from the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Subject: DDT, malaria, India, and Julian Simon


   1945: DDT, sensationalized by Rachel Carson in 1962. Said to cause
   hepatitis. Discontinued in U.S. in 1972. Known then to be safe to humans
   (caused death only if eaten like pancakes). Some damage to wildlife under
   special conditions. With the aid of DDT, "India had brought the number of
   malaria cases down from the estimated 75 million in 1951 to about 50,000 in
   1961. Sri Lanka...reduced malaria from about three million cases after
   World War II to just 29 in 1964". Then as the use of DDT went down,
   "Endemic malaria returned to India like the turnaround of a tide". By 1977
   "the number of cases reached at least 30 million and perhaps 50 million".

   In 1971, amidst the fight that led to the banning of DDT in 1972, the
   president of the National Academy of Science - distinguished biologist
   Philip Handler - said "DDT is the greatest chemical that has ever been
   discovered". Commission after commission, top expert after top Nobel
   prize-winning expert, has given DDT a clean bill of health.

Like most people, I suppose, I think of DDT as a dangerous
poison. The passage above asserts that it's safe for humans
and suggests that the post-Sixties resurgence of malaria has
something to do with the banning of DDT in the USA. A little
research shows that it had everything to do with the growth
in pesticide resistance, and nothing to do with pesticide

Reasons for the resurgence of malaria:

Pesticide resistance, growth of mosquito breeding grounds,
expansion of human settlement into malaria-friendly areas,
budget restraints. No reference to environmentalist scaremongering
as a factor.

DDT's use in India:

states that pesticide production in India peaked in the 1980s, and
DDT was banned there only in 1997, long after the resurgence quoted

DDT's effects on human health:

'Some of the recent scientific findings summarised in the report
provide evidence that DDT can damage the developing brain, causing
hypersensitivity, behavioural abnormalities and reduced nerve function.
  'It has also been shown to suppress the immune system, which causes
slower response to infections.'

   From _A growing problem: pesticides and the Third
World poor_ by David Bull (OXFAM, 1982), p30:

'In India malaria incidence was down to just 49,000
cases in 1961 (from 75 million or so in the early '50s)
but was back to over a million by 1971 and nearly 6.5
million by 1976...

'In the final years of the 1970s there has been
some recovery... In India, for example, malaria
incidence fell from its 1976 peak to 4.4 million
in 1977, 2.84 million in 1978 and 2.7 million in

After listing various inadequacies of health
infrastructure which contributed to the resurgence,
the author states:

'The most significant cause of the resurgence of
malaria, however, is the resistance built up by
the mosquitoes to the insecticides which have
been relied upon for malaria vector control.'

The number of pesticide-resistant species of
insects and mites known (p31):

1967: 119.
1975: 139.
1980: 171.

And consider the first edition of _The Ultimate Resource_
itself (Princeton University Press, 1981). The version on
the web, I assume, is that of the 1998 revised edition.
There is one reference to DDT in the index of the 1981
edition, and this is what it leads to:

'Because of DDT and other synthetic pesticides,
medical technologists thought for a time that
population density was no longer necessary to prevent
malaria. Malaria was considered beaten. But
throughout the world the disease has bounced back...
Due to the evolution of pesticide resistant strains
of carrier insects and the concomitant daage to the
insects' natural predators, pesticides soon lost
their effectiveness...
  'Once again the only sure weapon against malaria
may turn out to be increased population density.'
(p252-253, Chapter 18, 'Population Density Does Not
Damage Health, or Psychological and Social Well-Being')
  [Apparently population growth helps the fight
against malaria because (i) swamps and other mosquito
incubators get paved over, (ii) there are more people
to run the health infrastructure.]

Eliezer wrote

   Is Rachel Carson still alive? Let's have her tried at Nuremburg and hung.

and thereby fell for *someone's* spin-doctoring.
Whoever supplied Julian Simon with his facts surely
knew what they were doing.Buy Viagra On-Line:  http://a-albionic.com/ads/srch.html
Shop for Cars On-Line:  ht

[CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Madeline Colleen:Secretary of Hate

2000-01-20 Thread Amelia K Edgeman

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

pennie hammons,
For your information, Colleen was on this list YEARS before you.  You are
the one who has come from somewhere else.  I believe Kris is still the
listowner even though you seem to think you are now in charge.  Again, this
is personal, off-topic and not nearly as cute as you think it is.  Please
take personal messages off list. A review of the rules will advise you to
always be civil.  This falls very short of that.  You are wasting a lot of
people's time in these lame attempts to get attention.  And not for the
first time and not on the first list, is it?

- Original Message -
From: "pennie hammons" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2000 12:17 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Madeline Colleen:Secretary of Hate

> -Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
>  -Cui Bono?-
> >This is a pretty good psychological profile of Madeline
> >Albright...the reluctant Zionist.
> >
> >What do you think of this one Nicky?
> >
> >Colleen
> Dear Colleen:
> Everything that you babble is sheer lunacy. Take your Jew-hating ass back
> the Sons Of Losers list you came from. Love Pennie
> __
> Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
> http://www.ctrl.org/">www.ctrl.org
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing
> screeds are not allowed. Substance-not soap-boxing!  These are sordid
> and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, misdirections and
> frauds-is used politically by different groups with major and minor
> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
> nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
> http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/CTRL.html
> To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> Om

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Maitreya's emergence - Mass deception series No 1

2000-01-20 Thread Nicky Molloy

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

By the way NASA Blue Beam and HAARP oops I mean Maitreya will be
overshadowing the world for only 35 mins, when the Illuminati finally get
their act together, on the Day of Declaration. So hopefully we won't get too
much brain damage during our 'religious' experience and hopefully it will be
good weather for the Blue Beam holograms.


Taken from the book Maitreya's Mission by Benjamin Creme.

Alice Bailey founded the Lucifer Trust which she changed to the Lucis
Trust - what
did she mean by LUCIFER?
(April 1995)

Lucifer is the name of a great Angel, not an upstart in heaven who revolted
against God
and was put down into the nether regions as the Devil. That is a complete
Lucifer means light, and comes from the Latin lux, lucis, name of the Angel
ensouls the human kingdom: every
person, therefore, is a fragment of Lucifer. According to the esoteric
teaching, the human
souls individualized 18 and half million years ago. Lucifer, the Oversoul,
diversified itself; and each
fragment became individualized.
These individualized human souls descended from the soul plane into
incarnation. The
'fall' of Adam and Eve is the symbolic representation of this event; it has
with the Devil or with Lucifer as an evil entity, but with the divine nature
of humanity
itself as souls.

The environment is so polluted now; we have the greenhouse effect and other
major problems. How can we come to terms with this situation? (July/August
The Masters of our Spiritual Hierarchy, Who are coming into the with
Maitreya, have the technology to neutralize the green-effect, the pollution
of the atmosphere, even the effects of  radiation. We have to wind down
the fission process of creating energy.
·'. What I am not advocating, or even suggesting, is returning to the old
humanity living in pastoral conditiuons and so on. We will still have a
well-balanced,modern lifestyle
with all the technology which we are capable of. We shall be given the
blueprints of technology which at
moment we cannot even begin to imagine. It would boggle the mind of the most
advanced scientist. ( I guess its that old chip in the hand -Nicky)

But we are not going to be waiting for Maitreya and the Masters to give us
technology to make these changes. We cannot just and say: "They are going to
give us the technology to up the planet, so we do not have to do
anything." (Aug 1993)

When we accept the principle of sharing, and when that process is out in the
we will be given the gift of new technologies.
I do not mean that we will be given an instrument how to use it. We will be
given the secrets of how to create this technology. Then our advanced
scientists will
develop it.

To Serve Anew

The following article is an edited vervion of the talk by
Creme given at the July 1994 Transmission Meditation conferences
in San Francisco, USA, and in September in the
IThe talk was based on the above article by Benjamin Creme's Master, 'To
Serve Anew'

Kali Yuga
"Firstly, men will awaken to a new situation, one unfamiliar and strange:
nothing similar will have experience of anyone alive."
I do not know whether you have thought of it, but this is manifestly true,
Maitreya speaks as the World Teacher for the new age, enlightening humanity
certain idea students of the esoteric tradition, we take for granted which
have familiarized ourselves in the process known His presence, most people
are going to have an extrordinary revelation.

The world as a whole does not know the
Hierarchy exists. They have heard that the Christ exists living up in heaven
some remote place in the sky until the end of the world to return on a
cloud. That, is the general expectation of orthodox Christians. The other
have their equally unlikely scenarios for the coming of  the Teacher into
our midst.

Muslims are awaiting  Mahdi who, likewise, can only come on Judgement
the end of the world; and into Damascus, the
world", at noon, when He will appear suddenly an come. Give Me bread. Give
Me clothes." Hindus
interpretation, awaiting Kalki Avatar or the return at the end of Kali Yuga.
I heard the other day that Sai Baba had announced recently  that Kali Yuga
had ended, was
coming now to an end.  He had said that several years ago, and we published
it in

Share International, but we are always ahead of events! My Master affirmed,
as did Swami Premananda, that Kali Yuga was indeed ending and we published
that at the same time.
However, there has been a rumour, as always, coming from Puttaparti, that
Sai Baba has said that Kali Yuga has now ended, and that this week, from
Monday 18 

[CTRL] Fw: [MC] New book on HAARP, ewar, mind control

2000-01-20 Thread Nicky Molloy

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

-Original Message-
From: Wes Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, 20 January 2000 21:13
Subject: [MC] New book on HAARP, ewar, mind control

Nick Begish, author, Angels Don't Play This HAARP,
has written a new book, Earth Rising, with HAARP updates
and covering electronic warfare, mind control, nonlethal
weapons and other issues: http://www.earthpulse.com

Nick discussed the book on the Art Bell show Tuesday night,
Jan. 18.

Program summary: http://www.artbell.com/topics.html
Audio archive: http://www.artbell.com/audio.html

Post to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Unsubscribe to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] List
info: www.topica.com/lists/mc.

Check out the new and improved Topica site!

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Dalai Lama's message for 2000

2000-01-20 Thread Nicky Molloy

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


It sounds like a replica of Maitreya's advice to us through Benjamin
Creme. Take care of the environment, take religion out of education... But
this conforms he is being influenced by himyep mass genocode as
advocated by their Et masters..


6. Lastly, one of the greatest challenges today is
> the
> population explosion. Unless we are able to tackle
> this issue effectively we will be confronted with
> the
> problem of the natural resources being inadequate
> for
> all the human beings on this earth.  We need to
> seriously look into these matters that concern us
> all
> if we are to look forward to the future with some
> hope.


Maitreyas Mission by Benjamin Creme.

How is the damage already perpetrated against the earth going to be healed?
(August/September 1994)
When the Lord Maitreya works openly, this will set in motion a dynamism
which is presently lacking in the approach to these problems. The nations
have known for half a century about world hunger - the non-governrnental
agencies bring this question before humanity over and over again and little
or nothing is done about it. At the same time, scientists show the nations
the damage we are doing to the planet, the ecological damage resulting from
the over-use and misuse of resources; the poisoning of the land, the rivers,
the oceans and the air we breathe.

The number one priority immediately following the Appearance (presumably
with Project Blue beam and HAARP help -Nicky)
and acceptance
by humanity will be the saving of the starving millions of the world;
Maitreya will advocate a crash progrannne of aid. After that, the number one
priority will be the saving
of the planet - the changing of our political and economic structures which
enable a sustainable economy to be created for example, the world's primeval
forests, on which we depend our very oxygen let alone the medicinal plants
which are
by the pharmaceutical industries today, will be main-ned. Every man, woman
and child on the planet, I would say above
four years of age, has to be engaged in this.

Maitreya will recommend
- and there are groups now all over the world responding  to this idea - a
sustainable economy: we will have to live
more simply so that all of us can live, and so that our children's children,
into the filture, can live on Planet Earth. The can sustain approximately
3,5 billion people with comfort. moment we have 5,5 billion and will have an
estimated 10 in a very few years. With the transformation of the
ecostructure, when people will have the ability to live decent, dignified
lives - the kind of life we take for granted -find that the incidence of
large families will diminish, even
World, where it is mainly an insurance for old age.

What is the attitude of Hierarchy to abortion, especially in the light of
the militant anti-abortion group which has recently come Over to the UK from
America? (July/August 1993)
Heirarchy is made up of very intelligent, very wise people. They are Masters
because They have mastered life and They have control over all aspects of
open to us on this planet.
Being intelligent and wise, They do not take narrow views on so They would
not take the fanatical anti-abortion
stance of the fundamentalist Christians in America, of whom the group who
come to England seem to be representatives of. These groups are becoming
vociferous in the United States as President Clinton has promised to ease
laws relating abortion.

The Masters of the Hierarchy know that there are pros cons on most issues;
not only that but They know the meaning and purpose of life. They know that
the purpose the creation of a foetus is to serve as the vehicle for an
soul. They also know that at this time there are more created than are
necessary for incoming souls. Therefore, are a large number of souls of a
not very advanced into incarnation because of the plethora of foetuses
through the misuse of the sex function.

The Hierarchy are not "for" abortion - to Them any killing life at any time
is to be regretted   but very' often They abortion as the lesser of two
evils. It is also evil to bring incarnation a Being who is unwanted and
unloved, and there.. many foetuses who grow up unwanted, unloved and uncared
Many are born with only one parent, in situations where would be far better
not incarnating ahead of their time, by the magnetic force of the created
foetus. In some cases, fore, the Masters would advise against abortion; at
other They would recornrnend that it go ahead. In that case it should
possible, take place before the fourth week of pregnancy. the fourth and
fifth week the soul actually begins to grip its vehicle, so any abortion
takes place should preferably be before the fourth to-flfth week.

What happens to the soul of a foetus that is terminated
then? (July/August

Re: [CTRL] Madeline Colleen:Secretary of Hate

2000-01-20 Thread pennie hammons

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

>This is a pretty good psychological profile of Madeline
>Albright...the reluctant Zionist.
>What do you think of this one Nicky?

Dear Colleen:
Everything that you babble is sheer lunacy. Take your Jew-hating ass back to
the Sons Of Losers list you came from. Love Pennie

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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