[CTRL] Fw: CAS: AN: Condit May Not Want To Reveal Truth About Sex Games

2001-07-19 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[WARNING:  I am not sure who AheadNews is?  Is it a spoof or just trying
to be ahead when the masthead reads Sunday July 19, 2001?   Sunday?
July 19, 2001?  However, it is rather interesting to read, in a perverse
way.  What bothers me is the question, Why would Condit
leave anything of any questionable nature in his apartment since he had a
couple of months to clean things up and almost certainly knew that sometime
the police would want to search it?  --MS]


Condit May Not Want To Reveal Truth About Sex Games



Insiders can reveal now that the D.C. Police has confiscated items in Rep.
Gary Condit's forbidden bathroom closet that coupled with DNA evidence
collected already will blow the roof off the case of the disappearance of
Chandra Levy.

The discovery of the sexual related inventory hidden in Condit's closet
that mistress Anne Marie Smith was forbidden to look at will astound the
followers of this national media story.

Police investigators now believe that the because of the graphic nature of
the material in this closet that Chandra Levy was accidentally killed in a
sex game situation.

How much evidence the authorities have in the apartment of a body removal
by Condit or another party is not known yet, but the Congressman appears to
have made a fatal mistake by letting the DC Police search his apartment,
instead of making them get a warrant.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] HouChron: Cover-ups inside FBI disclosed

2001-07-19 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Houston Chronicle
July 18, 2001, 11:27PM

Cover-ups inside FBI disclosed

Dated computers among problems

Copyright 2001 Houston Chronicle
Washington Bureau

WASHINGTON -- FBI officials Wednesday described massive problems inside the
agency, including cover-ups, retribution against whistle-blowers and
computers so outdated that they won't run basic software.

Senators at a Judiciary Committee hearing spanked the FBI for its latest
blunder in losing hundreds of guns and laptop computers. The lawmakers then
listened as FBI officials testified to deep, entrenched troubles in the
country's major law enforcement agency.

Belying the bureau's image of a high-tech law enforcement organization, FBI
assistant director Bob Dies said, for a variety of reasons, the FBI
information technology has had no meaningful improvement in six years. Some
parts of our system are much older.

Dies, a former IBM executive hired to rectify major problems in the FBI's
information systems, said at least 13,000 FBI desktop computers, cannot
run today's basic software and that the FBI agents are working on
computers lacking features that your teen-agers have enjoyed for years.

Kenneth Senser, a CIA official sent to the FBI to review bureau security
procedures in the wake of the spy charges against former FBI agent Robert
Hanssen, testified about major failures in that area.

Senser said the FBI's security lapses had contributed in Hanssen's ability
to spy for Moscow for 20 years, as the former agent admitted in a guilty
plea this month.

FBI internal security measures, were often poorly coordinated,
inefficient, and not as effective as possible, Senser testified.

The testimony about poor FBI security and abysmal technology reached a
Senate panel already steaming about media reports of 449 lost weapons and
180 lost laptop computers, with at least a few containing sensitive

Sen. Charles Schumer, D-NY, said, The fact that, with computers with
classified information and with weapons like machine guns, the FBI had such
lax procedures is damning ... One scratches one's head in wonderment and
asks, `How does a law enforcement agency lose guns, especially machine

Iowa Republican Sen. Charles Grassley said, To have laptops missing that
could have national security information on them would be atrocious. For
the FBI to have lost firearms and failed to account for them is

But even more troubling to some senators was a series of accounts Wednesday
of cover-ups, stonewalling and retribution inside the bureau.

Active duty agents described a deep, angry split inside the bureau, while
senators vowed to protect them from retaliation from inside the FBI.

An internal FBI struggle pitted rank and file agents against officials who
have senior executive status, acquired by being appointed to top jobs by
the director or his deputies, officials testified.

John Roberts, an FBI agent who was assigned to conduct a thorough review of
the FBI's action during a shootout at Ruby Ridge, Idaho, testified that not
only were his findings whitewashed, but also he and another investigator,
received what we perceived to be threats from (high-ranking FBI)

Roberts said he bucked the threats and filed a report detailing serious
misconduct by seven FBI senior executives who he said were involved in an
attempted cover-up of FBI misdeeds at Ruby Ridge, where an FBI sniper
accidentally shot to death the wife of white separatist Randy Weaver in

But the report was ignored by Justice Department officials, Roberts said. A
formal finding was issued in January saying no misconduct occurred.

I find this conclusion to be outrageous, Roberts testified. I believe
anyone who reviews this matter will find the conclusions alarming.

Recently retired FBI agent John Werner, who worked with Roberts on the Ruby
Ridge case, agreed that officials inside the bureau use intimidation and
retaliation against anyone who would ... challenge their interests.

Werner said the internal divide had caused major morale problems among line
agents. Agents expressed reluctance to become involved in a management
system they believed to be hypocritical and lacking ethics, he said.

As with other FBI critics testifying Wednesday, Werner emphasized that
there were many positives within the agency.

It is important not to forget the dedicated hard work performed by the
more than 26,000 FBI employees who successfully investigate thousands of
cases each year, he said. There are things broken in the FBI, primarily
management related, but the basics of how agents conduct their
investigations (are) not broken.

Frank Perry, an FBI agent who handled hundreds of ethics complaints at the
bureau while detailed to internal affairs, said the senior executives in
the FBI were joined into a made member club dedicated to quashing probes
of alleged wrongdoing.

Perry said recently 

[CTRL] BarryChamish: Har Shefi Pardon (fwd)

2001-07-19 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Barry Chamish [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2001 8:27 PM
Subject: Har Shefi Pardon


By Barry Chamish

Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2001 19:46:06 +0200
From: Joel Bainerman [EMAIL PROTECTED]


President Katzav has pardoned Margalit Har Shefi and is receiving endless
accolades from her supporters, praising him for his wisdom and goodness.
When will they learn that there is no goodness left in Israeli politics,
just stinky deals?

Katzav has never had an original thought in his life, nor has he once acted
upon his own initiative. Har Shefi's pardon was part of a program to make
certain that the Shabak inciter Avishai Raviv never has his day in court.
The first signs that such a plan exists were revealed two weeks ago when
charges of incitement against three Eyal members were dropped. They were
accused of participating in a filmed initiation ceremony, broadcast over
the Israel Broadcasting Authority's Channel One television station. Of
course, the inflammatory ceremony was organized by Raviv himself and
stage-directed by Channel One's Shabak director Eitan Oren. Now, thought
the authorities, we wouldn't want those nasty facts emerging from a trial,
so let's get rid of this problematic exercise in legal malpractice. And
since the charges were dropped against the Eyal boys, well, we'll just drop
the same charge against Avishai Raviv.

That left just one charge against Raviv; failure to prevent the
assassination of the prime minister, why the very same crime Har Shefi was
convicted of. And if she gets a pardon, well so will Raviv, even before his
trial begins. Now how do we know this was the deal? Because Katzav as good
as told us. He explained he reached his pardon decision after consulting
with Carmi Gillon and Edna Arbel. Now why, oh why, would they want Margalit
Har Shefi pardoned? Could it be because Arbel, as state prosecutor, dropped
numerous police complaints against Raviv and prevented Eitan Oren from
standing trial for directing the infamous Eyal initiation ceremony? (for
full details, look at the chapter called Gagging On The Protocols from my
book, The Last Days Of Israel). And could it be, because Gillon was Raviv's
ultimate superior officer and his role in the incitements leading to and
including the Rabin murder would inevitably be exposed in a fair trial of
Avishai Raviv? Could it also be because Rabin's real murderer, the Shabak
bodyguard Yoram Rubin, has to be protected at all costs.

Recall a similar episode. In 1974, a soldier, Rachel Heller, was murdered
by her boyfriend, a Shabak officer named Aharon Bichovsky. To protect their
man, the Shabak had State Attorney General Meir Shamgar sent an innocent
dupe, Amos Baranes, to prison for life. As public awareness of the
injustice spread, Supreme Court Judge, Haim Cohen, begged Baranes,
literally on his knees, to accept a presidential pardon and be released.
Baranes refused because one can only be pardoned for a crime actually
committed. He would not go through life a convicted criminal. He chose
prison over letting the state get away with murder. Margalit Har Shefi was
just as innocent as Baranes and if she had a fraction of his integrity she
would have turned down Katzav's phoney pardon.

But she didn't and watch the consequences; Raviv will be pardoned as well
even before he steps into the courtroom.


But since stinky deals are a way of life in Israel, let's take the
opportunity to look at a few more:

1. Covering Up The Enemy's Crimes

Yippee doo. The source of the ammonia poisoning in the Gush Dan water
supply last week has been solved. The water authority Mekorot found an
ammonia leak at a filtration station in Bet Netofa in the Jezreel Valley. A
hydrology student wrote: That means the ammonia-polluted water flowed 80
kilometers undetected before entering the Gush Dan network...like that
could happen.

A nature-loving shepherd was murdered by the PLO and our government told us
he was shot dead. Why didn't they want the public to know the truth, as
explained by another writer:

It was told to me this evening that the government version of the murder
of Yair Har Sinai being shot by automatic fire from a distance was a
fabrication. The fact as reported to me by an army officer is that he was
surprised and caught by a number of assailants and tortured before death.
His body was cut from the area of the navel up towards the throat, his
innards being removed as well as other mutilations. It was the opinion of
the officer that he suffered greatly before his unfortunate death which was
ended with a bullet in the head at close range.

2. Trojan Horses

Last month Pal. leader Faysel Al-Husseini was murdered in Kuwait by his own
CIA-trained bodyguards. The motive reported by Arab sources was a power
struggle between him and PLO Security chief 

[CTRL] RC: Condit Denies Obstruction, Says [Hell NO!] I Won't Go

2001-07-20 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


July 19, 2001

Condit Denies Obstruction, Says He Won't Step Down

By John Bresnahan and Damon Chappie

With the furor over missing Washington intern Chandra Levy continuing to
swirl around him, Rep. Gary Condit (D-Calif.) has been quietly telling his
colleagues that he has no intention of resigning.

Condit initiated a brief meeting Tuesday with Majority Leader Dick Armey
(R-Texas), who has been publicly critical of the California Democrat, and
declared that he is not leaving Capitol Hill.

Armey refused to comment on what he and his colleague talked about, but
Condit later told Members on the floor that he told the Majority Leader he
does not foresee himself handing in his resignation.

He is telling Members that he is not planning on going anywhere, said a
senior Democratic staffer.

Condit is also insisting to his colleagues that he has not obstructed the
Metropolitan Police investigation into the whereabouts of Levy, despite the
fact that he did not tell investigators that he was romantically involved
with the 24-year-old until his third interview with them.

He's saying that he is just looking for fairness, said one Democratic
aide. He's just looking for a fair shake from the police, not for any
special treatment.

However, several senior Democratic staffers now say Members are privately
grumbling that Condit has become a distraction for the party and that he
should think about resigning.

Members are saying that's what he should do, said one top Democratic
aide. They wish he would, but it's not like anybody is saying that
directly to him. It's still his decision.

Nevertheless, Condit has also been getting some help from unexpected
quarters. Rep. Max Sandlin (D-Texas), a former trial attorney, has been
speaking to other Members on the embattled lawmaker's behalf.

Sandlin has been cautioning Democrats not to assume that Condit's legal
position is untenable. He has also been publicly telling all who will
listen that Condit seems OK physically and is not breaking down under the
intense media scrutiny.

[Sandlin] is just saying that we shouldn't judge Condit when the chief of
police, Chief [Charles] Ramsey, is saying he's not a suspect, Danielle
Allen, Sandlin's communications director, said. There's no reason for us
to jump the gun or something.

Even as Condit tries to publicly maintain a business-as-usual demeanor,
some of his colleagues acknowledge that they can easily see the toll this
is taking on the 53-year-old Congressman.

I don't think he looks good, Rep. Ralph Hall (D-Texas) said Tuesday
afternoon after emerging from the House floor, where he had been engaged in
a lengthy conversation with Condit and Rep. Gene Taylor (D-Miss.).

He looks like he's going through what he's going through, continued Hall.
I don't even know how he lives, the pressure he's been under.

As for Condit, Hall argued that if the case remains unresolved, a stigma
will be attached to [Condit] for the rest of his life.

Hall said in their conversation that the longtime California Congressman
had spoken only of the patient's bill of rights.

If he wants to volunteer something he could. I wouldn't push him, said
Hall, who does not believe Condit should resign.

Hall declined to say whether he thought the intense press coverage of
Condit was fair or not, but did say that he thought the media would be best
served if they took another tact.

I think they ought to be looking for that girl, Hall said.

Levy was last seen April 30, and the continuing mystery over what happened
to the intern as well as details over her relationship with Condit have
sparked a media stampede unseen on Capitol Hill since the impeachment trial
of former President Bill Clinton.

After protesters appeared outside his Modesto office this week and started
calling for him to leave Congress, Condit's office issued a defiant
statement declaring that he would not bow to special interests seeking to
swing the seat to Republicans.

On Wednesday, Condit supporters rallied in support of the beleaguered
seven-term Member. Condit's attorney, Abbe Lowell, has publicly declared
that his client has decided to run for re-election next year.

Followed by reporters as he left a committee hearing Tuesday, Condit mostly
ignored their questions about the Levy case.

What attention? he shot back when one scribe asked how he was managing to
get his work done amid all the controversy.

Senate Minority Leader Trent Lott (Miss.) and Rep. Bob Barr (Ga.) have
blasted Condit for his alleged affair with Levy and his handling of the
subsequent police investigation of her disappearance. And both lawmakers
have called for Condit's resignation.

As he finds himself plagued with questions about the Levy case, other
Members of Congress have found themselves dogged by questions about Condit.

James Robinson, the attorney for United Airlines flight attendant Anne
Marie Smith, has said that Sens. Barbara 

[CTRL] TraditionalValuesCoalition: NEWS - July 20, 2001

2001-07-20 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

This is a hoot.   I don't recommend reading it unless you need a smile, and
you've got extra time.


- Original Message -
From: TVC Newsletter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2001 2:44 AM
Subject: TVC NEWS - July 20, 2001

You are subscribed to the TVC Newsletter; Providing you concise, accurate
information that you can use. If you wish to stop receiving these weekly
messages, please click here to unsubscribe.

http://norm.xenos-systems.net/unsub.php?[EMAIL PROTECTED]n=307

Vol. 4, Issue 29, July 20, 2001





TVC is claiming victory for Thursday's House passage of the Community
Solutions Act (H.R. 7) President Bush's Faith-Based Initiative. The Act was
nearly hijacked by homosexual activists and their allies in Congress who
attempted to destroy the President's plan. The vote was 233-198.

The Community Solutions Act will work to end anti-religious discrimination
in federal funding against faith-based organizations involved in helping
the poor and needy in our communities. The Act will allow religious groups
to compete for federal grant money on an equal basis with secular
organizations involved in meeting the needs of low-income families, drug
addicts, the mentally ill, and women in crisis.

Homosexuals attempted to amend the Act to turn it into a special rights
for homosexuals bill. Using the force of law, homosexuals want to prohibit
faith-based groups from setting their own hiring standards. Had the
militant homosexuals been successful, their amendment would have FORCED
religious groups to violate their own religious beliefs by requiring them
to hire individuals who do not share the group's faith or moral values. The
1964 Civil Rights Act specifically exempts religious groups from federal
employment discrimination statutes. The law recognizes that religious
groups have the constitutional right to set their own hiring standards.

I am outraged that homosexuals are willing to destroy an effort to help
low-income families, said Andrea Lafferty, Executive Director of the
Traditional Values Coalition. This shows their true colors. They don't
care about the plight of the homeless or those in poverty. It is also clear
that they don't care about the religious beliefs of millions of Americans
who spend their lives helping the less fortunate in our society. They only
care about getting special rights for themselves and their sexual

The Community Solutions Act is about helping people. When it reaches the
Senate we hope they will not allow this compassionate legislation to be
hijacked by homosexuals and converted into a homosexual special rights law!
This is clearly an example of anti-religious bigotry!

To read more about TVC's position on this bill, go to: .


The House and Senate conference committee began meeting on Thursday to work
out differences between the House version of the education bill versus the
Senate version. The education bills, H.R. 1 and S. 1, both contain
dangerous hate crime language in them that threaten religious freedom and
promote homosexuality in the public schools.

This legislation will reauthorized the Elementary and Secondary Education
Act (ESEA) and expand upon it. Section 4124 of S1, Hate Crimes Prevention
calls for the creation of materials and training materials ostensibly
designed to reduce hatred in public schools. In reality, the legislation is
designed to promote homosexuality and to silence all principled opposition
to homosexual recruitment programs in schools. It will criminalize speech
against homosexuality and promote a climate of anti-Christian bigotry.

Here is a list of the legislators who will be on the joint House-Senate
conference committee to work out differences between the House and Senate
versions. The conferees are: Senate conferees: Senators Kennedy, Dodd,
Harkin, Mikulski, Jeffords, Bingaman, Wellstone, Murray, Reed, Edwards,
Clinton, Lieberman, Bayh; Senators Gregg, Frist, Enzi, Hutchinson, Warner,
Bond, Roberts, Collins, Sessions, DeWine, Allard, Ensign. House conferees:
Reps. Boehner, Petri, Roukema, McKeon, Castle, Hilleary, Graham, 

[CTRL] AP: U.S. Attorney Charged With Lewdness

2001-07-20 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

U.S. Attorney Charged With Lewdness

Associated Press Writer

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) -- An assistant U.S. attorney has been charged with
lewdness for allegedly exposing her breasts and mooning neighbors on the
street outside their home.

Laurie Sartorio, 45, a criminal prosecutor for the U.S. attorney's office,
has been charged with a class A misdemeanor for lewdness involving a child.
The maximum penalty is one year in jail and a $2,500 fine.

A woman a witness later identified as Sartorio yelled at a group of
neighbors as they watched her discipline two dogs she was walking July 12,
according to a police report. One of the group was a 2-year-old child.

The woman shouted expletives and made an obscene gesture at the group,
police spokesman Fred Louis said.

The woman walked down the street, pulled down her pants and mooned the
group, then pulled up her shirt to expose her breasts, the report said.
Louis said the woman then repeated her actions.

Sartorio denied all charges in a police report. She refused to comment
Thursday in a phone interview.

The case has been referred to the Inspector General's Office in Washington,
which investigates possible wrongdoing inside the Department of Justice.

T.J. Bondurant, assistant inspector general, said the office would have no

PR Newswire
November 14, 1990, Wednesday
SECTION: State and Regional News




U.S. Attorney Wayne A. Budd announced today that $280,680 in United States
currency has been declared forfeited to the United States pursuant to the
forfeiture provisions of the federal narcotics laws. The currency was
seized from Paul Theodore Debruyn and Thomas Patrick Shea.

According to documents on file in the United States District Court in
Boston, the forfeiture case against the currency arose out of an
investigation conducted by the United States Drug Enforcement
Administration (DEA). An affidavit filed by a Special Agent of the DEA
with the Court contains evidence that Debruyn and Shea entered into
transactions with two individuals, who were acting in an undercover
capacity for the DEA, for the delivery of cocaine into the United States
and for the purchase of 20 kilograms of cocaine.

The forfeiture case was brought by the United States Attorney's Office
under a section of the federal narcotics laws that subjects to forfeiture
any currency which is used or intended to be used to facilitate the illegal
distribution of narcotics. The case was prosecuted by Assistant U.S.
Attorney  ***Laurie J. Sartorio  of the Asset Forfeiture Division of
Budd's office.

CONTACT: Susan Hicks Spurlock of the U.S. Attorney's Office, 617-223-9445

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


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[CTRL] NEXUS Conference 2001, Sidney, Sept 15 16

2001-07-20 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


NEXUS Magazine

This is our 8th annual conference, and we have a great line-up of speakers.


* Gregg Braden (USA) - Author of Awakening to Zero Point, Walking
Between the Worlds, and The Isaiah Effect, Gregg Braden is a former
aerospace scientist who now spends time linking the wisdom of ancient and
native cultures with our own.

* Skip Atwater (USA) - Director of the Monroe Institute in the USA, and
author of Captain of My Ship, Master of My Soul, his presentation will
describe the Hemi-Sync process; remote-viewing training plus actual
recordings of Joe McMoneagle's remote viewing of Mars.

* Dr Len Horowitz (USA) - is a Harvard graduate, independent investigator
and internationally known authority on public health education. He is the
author of Emerging Viruses: AIDS  Ebola--Nature, Accident or
Intentional?. Len will reveal the latest on mycoplasma.

* David Hatcher Childress (USA) - Author of numerous books on Lost Cities,
Ancient Technology, Free Energy, and Conspiracies, David is a veritable
modern day Indiana Jones. He will be presenting a fascinating slide-show
of mystery sites from around the world, revealing evidence of an ancient
global civilisation.

* Sherrill Sellman (USA) - Author of the best-selling Hormone Heresy: What
Women Must Know About Their Hormones. And not just for women!

* Brian Martin - Wollongong University-based writer and researcher on the
suppression of dissent, Brian will be addressing the topic of 'Strategies
for Dissidents'.

* Big Brother  the Internet - A team of freelance investigators and
Internet security advisers who will be demonstrating hacking, preventative
techniques, hints, tips and tricks. On-site demonstrations of hacking.

* Gary Opit - Professional naturalist turned researcher into unexplained
Australia phenomena. Yowies, River Monsters, Giant Lizards, Giant Cats and

There will be selected stalls and exhibits also available for viewing.

For further details visit our website:




Duncan M. Roads
Editor, NEXUS Magazine
PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia
Tel: +61 (0)7 5442 9280; Fax: +61 (0)7 5442 9381

The nature of the universe is such that ends can never justify the means.
On the contrary, the means always determine the end. (Aldous Huxley)

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


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[CTRL] NM: Tabs Hit Condit with 'Sex Slave' and Assault Allegations

2001-07-20 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Friday, July 20, 2001 9:17 a.m. EDT

Tabs Hit Condit with 'Sex Slave' and Assault Allegations

Twenty-seven women have told investigators they've had affairs with
Congressman Gary Condit, with probers exploring everything from an account
he turned girlfriends into his sex slaves, to rape allegations, two
supermarket tabloids are set to report.

Gary called his chicks his sex slaves, a Condit pal told the Globe, which
feautres an interview with 34-year-old Torrie Hendley, who's account
substantiates the charge.

He liked to be dominant, Hendley, a California T-shirt artist, told the
tabloid. He always wanted to be on top, pinning my arms down with his

Hendley said Condit was into spanking games and was angered when she didn't
appreciate his kinky antics.

He'd say, 'What are you laughing at?' and get furious, Handley told the

Condit would sometimes explode over little things, she said, like the time
she was late for one of their assignations.

He was furious, according to Hendley. He yelled, 'I've got better things
to do than wait around for you all night.'

Hendley also alleged that Condit was super-secretive about their six month
affair, a detail that mirrors what other Condit girlfriends have said,
including what Chandra Levy told her aunt.

And in another revelation that mirrors the account of one-time Condit
chauffeur Vince Flammini, Hendley says Condit told her he had a vasectomy,
which -- if true -- would rule out the possibility that Chandra Levy was
pregnant when she disappeared.

Three weeks ago, the Globe first revealed Condit's relationship with flight
attendant Anne Marie Smith, whose subsequent account to Fox News blew the
lid off the Condit-Levy case.

The National Enquirer goes even further than the Globe, claiming that
Condit probers are investigating rape allegations against the married

In a report set to hit newsstands today, the Enquirer claims,
Investigators working on the Chandra Levy missing intern case are probing
charges that Congressman Gary Condit was accused of sexually assaulting two
teenage girls.

Two California girls -- both just 15 at the time -- claimed they were
sexually assaulted by Condit when he was a state assemblyman about 15 years
ago, a source close to the case told the tabloid.

The girls were terrified of Condit but made a police report anyway. But
somehow the whole thing just went away.

This has left some associates wondering what the congressman might be
capable of in a fit of passion or rage, a Justice Dept. source confided to
the Enquirer.

Several women are said to have told probers that Condit was into kinky
sex -- including rough sex and that he has an explosive temper when
things don't go his way.

FBI agents working on the case are astounded by Condit's rampant

There have been more than 27 women interviewed who have had affairs with
him, ranging in age from 20 to 50, a Justice Dept. source told the

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] FR: NE: Condit's Violent Attack on 2 Girls

2001-07-20 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[Because the Star found Darrell Condit in Florida, and The National
Enquirer broke Jesse Jackson's love child story, who knows...this might
have some merit.  Also, the below was manually typed from text, so there
may be typos.]


Condit's Violent Attack on 2 Girls

Crime/Corruption News

Source: The National Enquirer
Published: 19JUL01
Authors: David Wright, Don Gentile, Michael Hanrahan, Courtney Callahan;
Bennet Bolton

Investigators working on Chandra Levy missing intern case are probing
charges that Congressman Gary Condit was accused of sexually assaulting two
teenage girls.

That shocking disclosure is part of an in-depth Enquirer investigation that
reveals Condit's violent secret life.

Authorities have spoken to dozens of women who've had sex with Condit--and
despite fearing him, many have broken their silence to brand him a
ruthless, sex-crazed Jekyll and Hyde who woos them and then uses terror
tactics to enforce their silence.

Gary is a hunter and a predator, his former long-time bodyguard and
driver Vincent Flammini told the Enquirer.

The Enquirer's massive investigation has ripped the lid off Condit's
chilling double life--his involvement with a sleazy underworld of biker
bars, rough sex, and sex drugs that could have doomed his lover Chandra.

Despite public proclamations that Condit is not a suspect, the Justice
Dept., and the FBI and the Washington, D.C. police are digging deep into
the congressman's dark and frightening background.

A justice Dept.official disclosed to The Enquirer that after coldly dumping
lovers, the congressman made shocking threats to keep them quiet. You know
what I can do, he told them. And he pointedly warned some: You'll be
sorry if you talk about me.

Despite Condit's attempts to keep the lid on his violent secret life,
investigators learned that two girls from California--both just 15 at the
time--claimed they were sexually assaulted by Condit when he was a state
assemblyman about 15 years ago, disclosed a course close to the case.

Investigators have heard that they were terrified of Condit but made a
police report anyway. But somehow the whole thing just went away.

The girls were reportedly so scared of Condit that they fled California
after the alleged assault and reported the crime to authorities in another
state, the source divulged.

One said she was raped, the other said she was sexually assaulted.

Investigators have also learned from several women that Condit was into
kinky sex--including rough sex.

And those closest to the representative have witnessed his explosive temper
when things don't go his way--and have gotten a frightening look at the
hostility bubbling just beneath his surface.

This has left some associates wondering what the congressman might be
capable of in a fit of passion or rage, revealed the Justice Dept. source.

FBI profilers have been putting together a profile of Condit for weeks
now, based on information gleaned in the interviews of women he has had
affairs with. Numerous people have described him as a 'Jekyll and Hyde'

What's amazing is the control he seems to have over people, particularly
women, who are reluctant to talk about him or cooperate in any way. A
number of people have reported getting harassing phone calls and notes
telling them not to talk to anyone about Condit.

There are people who feel they'll be physically hurt if they say anything
about him!

How did this outwardly friendly preacher's son manage to keep the lid on
his double life for so many years? The answer: cold-blooded intimidation,
charged sources.

Flammini--the congressman's former bodyguard and confidant of 25
years--spent hours answering questions for the FBI and gave The Enquirer
explosive details of what they discussed behind closed doors.

In a bombshell interview, Flammini told The Enquirer: Gary told me, 'I've
been with more than a thousand women, easily.' His political buddies
nicknamed him 'The Rooster.'

His cheap flings are nothing more than a mind-control game. He tells women
right off the bat, 'I'm a married congressman. We can have a lot of fun
together--but you can't tell anyone about our secret rendezvous.

 'We can get in a lot of trouble--and the Secret Service will get
involved. We could end up in court and some of us would end up in jail.' 

But Condit didn't just stop there, Flammini said. He made the women feel
like he has lots of power to hurt them.

While Condit didn't make explicit physical threats, he didn't have to. The
congressman--a member of the House Select Committee on Intelligence--simply
let them know he had ties to powerful government agencies which could be
unleashed against them if they tried to expose him, claimed Flammini.

Because of this Jekyll and Hyde complex, these women eventually become vary
afraid of him. He's always been very moody--but his mood swings are
borderline violent sometimes!

[CTRL] WND: Mueller helped place Dr. No in sensitive position at DOJ

2001-07-20 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[This is one in a series of exclusive WorldNetDaily investigative reports
on the Justice Department's still-active criminal probe of 1996
Clinton-Gore fund-raising abuses.]


Friday, July 20, 2001


Bush FBI pick tied to Reno cohort

Mueller helped place Radek in sensitive position at DOJ

By Paul Sperry
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

Investigators working on Chandra Levy missing intern case are probing
charges that Congressman Gary Condit was accused of sexually assulting two
teenage girls.

That shocking disclosure is part of an indepth Enwuirer investigation that
reveals Condit's violent secret life.

Authorities have sopken to dozens of women who've had sex with Condit--and
despite fearing him, many have broken their silence to brand him a
ruthless, sex-crazed Jekyll and Hyde who woos them and then uses terror
tactics to enforce their silence.

Gary is a hunter and a predator, his former long-time bodyguard and
driver Vincent Flammini told the Enquirer.

The Enquirer's massive investigation has ripped the lid off Condit's
chilling double life--his involvement with a sleazy underworld of biker
bars, rough sex, and sex drugs that could have doomed his lover Chandra.

Despite public proclamations that Condit is not a suspect, the Justice
Dept., and the FBI and the Washington, D.C. police are digging deep into
the congressman's dark and frightening background.

A justice Dept.official discolsed to The Enquirer that after coldly dumping
lovers, the congressman made shocking threats to keep them quiet. You know
what I can do, he told them. And he pointedly warned some: You'll be
sorry if you talk about me.

Despite Condit's attempts to keep the lid on his violent secret life,
investigators learned that two girls from California--both just 15 at the
time--claimed they were sexually assulted by Condit when he was a state
assemblyman about 15 years ago, disclosed a cource close to the case.

Investigators have heard that they were terrified of Condit but made a
police report anyway. But somehow the whole thing just went away.

The girls were reportedly so scared of Condit that they fled California
after the alleged assult and reported the crimt tto authorities in another
state, the source divulged.

One said she was raped, the other said she was sexually assulted.

Investigators have also learned from several women that Condit was into
kinky sex--including rough sex.

And those closest to the representative have witnessed his explosive temper
when things don't go his way--and have gotten a frightening look at the
hostility bubbling just beneath his surface.

This has left some associates wondering what the congressman might be
capable of in a fit of passion or rage, revealed the Justice Dept. source.

FBI profilers have been putting together a prifile of Condit for weeks
now, based on information gleaned in the interviews of women he has had
affairs with. Numerous people have described him as a 'Jekyll and Hyde'

What's amazing is the control he seems to have over people, particularly
women, who are reluctant to talk about him or cooperate in any way. A
number of people have reported getting harrassing phone calls and notes
telling them not to talk to anyone about Condit.

There are people who feel they'll be physically hurt if they say anything
about him!

How did this outwardly friendly preacher's son manage to keep the lid on
his double life for so many years? The answer: cold-blooded intimidation,
charged sources.

Flammini--the congressman's former bodyguard and conficant of 25
years--spent hours answering questions for the FBI and gave The Enquirer
explosive details of what they discussed behind closed doors.

In a bonbshell interview, Flammini told The Enquirer: Gary told me, 'I've
been with more than a thousand women, easily.' His political buddies
nicknamed him 'The Rooster.'

His cheap flings are nothing more than a mind-control game. He tells women
right off the bat, 'I'm a married congressman. We can have a lot of fun
together--but you can't tell anyone about our secret rendezvous.

 'We can get in a lot of trouble--and the Secret Service will get
involved. We could end up in court and some of us would end up in jail.' 

But Condit didn't just stop there, Flammini said. He made the women feel
like he has lots of power to hurt them.

While COndit didn't make explicit physical threats, he didn't have to. The
congressman--a member of the House Select Committee on Intelligence--simply
let them know he had ties to powerful government agencies which dould be
unleashed against them if they tried to expose him, clamied Flammini.

Because of this Jekyll and Hyde comples, these women eventually become vary
afraid of him. He's always been very moody--but his mood swings are
borderline violent sometimes!

Teary-eyed girls came to me and cried on my shoulder, telling 

[CTRL] WND: Smith: Condit wanted multiple male partners; NBC: Levy case gets new investigator; FR: Star Magazine found Derrell Condit in Florida

2001-07-20 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[HILARIOUS] PICTURE: The Real Gary A. Condit:




FRIDAY, JULY 20, 2001

Smith: Condit wanted multiple male partners

Mistress says congressman fantasized about 'bunch of guys' during phone sex

By Paul Sperry

WASHINGTON - Anne Marie Smith, the United Airlines flight attendant who
claims to have had a yearlong fling with U.S. Rep. Gary Condit, charges
that the congressman talked about other men during phone sex, according to
her lawyer.

Washington police investigating the disappearance of intern Chandra Levy,
who also was seeing Condit, know about the disturbing phone conservations,
the lawyer says, and are looking closely at anyone Levy might have been
involved with through the married California Democrat. Levy has been
missing since April 30 or May 1, and police have not ruled out foul play.

Smith, who was based in San Francisco before recently going on leave, had
several long-distance phone conversations with Condit over the past year in
which Condit allegedly urged her to participate with him in sexual acts
with other guys, her lawyer James H. Robinson said. What was really
unusual was his phone sex, in which he would talk about his sexual
fantasies, Robinson told WorldNetDaily. He said he had friends who he
wanted to get involved in strange things.

Robinson says he doesn't know to which friends Condit was referring,
saying only that they were male friends.

He said Condit once intimated to his client over the phone: I have a
fantasy about a bunch of guys and one woman - you.

Michael Lynch, Condit's chief of staff in Modesto, Calif., did not respond
to a request to discuss the phone sex charges.

Robinson, speaking from his Seattle home, where Smith has been staying,
asserted that the alleged phone sex was always one-way and that Smith
never participated in, or egged on, his fantasies.

He adds that Smith, although she says Condit is very charming and
controlling, did not entertain any of Condit's alleged fantasies, and
says his client does not know if Condit acted out his multi-partner
fantasies with Levy or other women.

Robinson, however, says that Smith suspected that Condit may have engaged
in bondage-and-discipline activities at his Adams Morgan condo. On one
visit to his condo, Smith noticed neckties tied together that were tied to
the feet of the bed and shoved underneath the bed, Robinson said. They
looked like they'd been there awhile. When Smith confronted Condit about
the ties, he joked it off, Robinson said, saying Oh, oh, honey, I was just
thinking about doing that with you.

She didn't believe him, Robinson said.

Also, he says that Condit made one closet in his condo completely off
limits to Smith, making her suspect he kept bondage-and-discipline
equipment in there.

She had to use a hall closet by the front door for her suitcases,
Robinson said.

The lawyer, who's been licensed to practice in Washington state for three
years, says he does not know whom Condit had in mind for the alleged

I shudder to think, he said.

But he notes that Condit had many Hell's Angels friends, some of whom are

He once told Anne that his brother, who's a policeman, would kill him if
he found out he was going to a party thrown for a cop-killer, Robinson

Condit's brother, Burl, is a Modesto police sergeant.

Smith and her lawyer have accused Condit of pressuring her to sign a false
affidavit in the Levy investigation, and have provided evidence to the U.S.
attorney's office here. Suborning perjury is a felony.

Paul Sperry is Washington bureau chief for WorldNetDaily.

© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com, Inc.


Washington DC

Levy case gets new investigator

WASHINGTON, July 19 - One of the best-known investigators in the FBI, one
who has a reputation for solving difficult cases is now working on the levy

FBI Special Agent Brad Garrett was at D.C. police headquarters Thursday.
Garrett is now working on the Chandra Levy case.

Garrett is known for solving the unsolvable. Garrett hunted down CIA
shooter Mir Aimal Kasi in Pakistan and brought him to the United States.
Garrett was most active in closing the Starbucks Coffee shop murder case.
Now the FBI Special Agent has been assigned to the Chandra Levy

In the meantime, D.C. police are planning to release the web sites used
Levy the day she disappeared. Police officials have said Chandra was in her
apartment, on her computer for several hours May 1. Police said she visited
travel web sites, newspaper web sites, and sites about Congressman Gary

Police are planning to release the 

[CTRL] AP: Staff member found dead in Fla. congressman's district office

2001-07-20 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

WIRE: 07/20/2001 4:59 pm ET

Staff member found dead in Fla. congressman's district office

The Associated Press

FORT WALTON BEACH, Fla. (AP) An office worker for U.S. Rep. Joe Scarborough
was found dead Friday in the congressman's district office. Preliminary
findings from the medical examiner's office showed no foul play or any
outward indication of suicide, said Police Chief Steve Hogue.

Authorities identified the woman as Lori Klausutis, 28. She had worked for
Scarborough since May 1999, said Mick Serrano, press secretary for the

Her body was found on the floor behind a desk about 8 a.m., Hogue told the
Northwest Florida Daily News. Authorities were not sure if she had been
there overnight or had arrived early.

Scarborough, a Republican, has two offices in the Florida Panhandle
district he represents. It was unclear if he was in Washington on Friday or

He announced last month he was resigning to spend more time with two young

A special primary election is scheduled Tuesday to select Democratic and
Republican nominees for an Oct. 16 general election to replace him.

Copyright 2001 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


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[CTRL] SJMN: Generator threatening to cut back plant's output (fwd)

2001-07-21 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, July 21, 2001 8:59 AM
Subject: Generator threatening to cut back plant's output

Again, those in charge of the Peoples' Republic of California may have won
yet another victory for the environment.

This scenario is just so crazy I would not have believed it if I had not
been following the environmental wackos out here in California.

I thought everyone at CAS would just enjoy this latest turn in the
California Energy Crisis, which Governor GrayOut Davis has blamed on Pres.
W., and most everyone else except himself and his liberal wackos.

Pittsburg is in the greater SF Bay Area region.

Note the terms used in the article, such as Bay Area Air Quality
Management District local residents and city officials, and Natural
Resources Defense Council.

Published Saturday, July 21, 2001,
in the San Jose Mercury News

Generator threatening to cut back plant's output


Two weeks after Gov. Gray Davis switched on Calpine's new 555-megawatt
Pittsburg power plant, Mirant says it may permanently take off-line a
greater amount of power because it can't meet new air pollution limits.

If Mirant pulls the plug on 600 megawatts at its massive Pittsburg plant,
it would effectively nullify the Calpine generator, one of three major
plants that have come on-line in recent weeks. Davis has touted the plants
as his administration's response to the state's energy crisis.

Mirant, which wants to be excused from the tougher pollution limits, said
it had told the state of its plans as early as April. But some state
officials, who have been scrambling for months to speed up power plant
construction to help keep the lights on in California, were stunned.

``That's pretty big news if they're going to shut it down indefinitely,''
said Stephanie McCorkle, a spokeswoman with the California Independent
System Operator, which monitors the flow of power throughout most of the
state. ``I haven't heard this. Obviously, we wouldn't want to see any
megawatts go away.''

The revelation also surprised Davis' spokesman Steve Maviglio, who noted
that even with the improving power situation in California, it would be a
disappointment to see such a large amount of power taken off-line.

``It's significant, no doubt about it,'' Maviglio said. ``We're going after
every megawatt we can get. As a broad policy, as much power as we can keep
on-line is beneficial until we can get new plants up and running.''

If Mirant carries through with the threat, only part of its 1954-era,
2,022-megawatt Pittsburg plant would be affected. Of its seven generating
units, three should have no problem meeting the new pollution limits,
company officials said. But they don't want to spend the $80 million or
more that it would cost to install equipment on the other four to reduce
the emission of nitrogen oxides, which contributes to smog.

Firm under orders

The company, which generates power at two other Bay Area locations, has
been ordered to cut by nearly half the average hourly nitrogen oxide
emissions at all three locations on Jan. 1. Even greater reductions are
required by 2005.

Given the relatively high operating costs involved in running the older
Pittsburg units -- coupled with the expense of installing the new pollution
controls -- Mirant officials said it may be more economical to shut down
the four units.

While stressing that Mirant wants to do everything it can to help the state
get through its energy crisis, officials said they can't keep the units
operating without an air quality exemption.

``We're very serious about shutting them down'' unless the company gets
permission to exceed the emission limits, said Mark Gouveia, vice president
and chief operating officer of Mirant's California division. ``We're not
going to violate the law to run them.''

Mirant received an exemption in April from the Bay Area Air Quality
Management District that lets its six small generators in San Francisco's
Potrero Hill district operate for longer periods than the district
previously had permitted. That was granted under a Davis executive order
that relaxed some pollution limits to help avert blackouts.

Under that deal, Mirant agreed to pay $20,000 per ton of excess
nitrogen-oxide emissions.

=== But local residents and city officials have filed a lawsuit in U.S.
District Court to force the company to install new pollution control
equipment on the Potrero Hill plants.

Guarantee sought

As a result of that case, Mirant officials say they not only want an
exemption for the Pittsburg units, but also a guarantee that they won't be
sued if they keep those four units running next year.

=== Teresa Lee, a spokeswoman with the Bay Area air quality district, said
handing out exemptions for power plants is not something the district takes
lightly. Still, considering how much power Mirant is thinking of taking out

[CTRL] FOXNews: Condit's Fugitive Brother Taken Into Custody in Florida

2001-07-21 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Condit's Fugitive Brother Taken Into Custody in Florida

Darrell Wayne Condit

Saturday, July 21, 2001

A fugitive brother of California Rep. Gary Condit was taken into custody
early Saturday morning on a violation of probation warrant by an off-duty
sheriff's deputy who discovered him at a Dania Beach, Fla. hotel.

The deputy was working an off-duty security detail in the parking lot of
the Red Carpet Inn when a van matching the description of one being driven
by Darrell Wayne Condit pulled into the motel parking lot around 3:30 a.m.,
according to a press release from the Broward County Sheriff's Office.

The deputy recognized the blue grey 1992 Toyota Previa from a flyer being
circulated by detectives to all deputies countywide.

He showed the flyer to the motel manager and asked him to see if Condit's
picture resembled the man checking in at the registration desk. The manager
signaled the deputy, indicating he thought it was Darrell Condit.

When Darrell Condit returned to the van, the deputy approached him and
asked for identification. He produced a Florida identification card bearing
the name Stanley Buchanan. The deputy asked him step out of the van.

When Condit refused, the deputy and his back-up removed him, placed him on
the pavement and handcuffed him. A small amount of marijuana was removed
from his right front pocket.

Darrell Condit is being charged with violation of probation for the Key
West warrant, resisting arrest without violence, false identification on a
Florida ID card, driving on a suspended license, and misdemeanor possession
of cannabis. He will be held without bail at the Broward County main jail,
awaiting transport to Monroe County.

Condit has become a point of interest in the Chandra Levy case, as the
family of the missing intern and others press police to find out whether he
had any role in her disappearance.

Condit, 49, has a lengthy criminal record and has been jailed in five
different states, according to sources. And it only makes sense to talk to
him about the Levy case, say her family and a number of law enforcement

We think it would be fertile ground for investigation, a Levy family
source told The New York Post on Wednesday. We know there's a criminal
history. I'm sure [police] are going to work that angle.

But police officials in Monroe County, Fla., an area that covers the
Florida keys and the last place where Darrell Condit was known to reside,
told Fox News Thursday morning they had not yet been asked by a single law
enforcement agency to look for him.

Investigators in Washington have talked about finding Darrell Condit to
question him in the Levy case, but said they had no idea where to find him.
He was last known to be in Florida several years ago.

We're not ruling anything out, a police official told The Post, when
asked if his agency would question Darrell Condit if it located him. The
Levy case is still an active critical missing persons case.

Darrell was last arrested five years ago in Florida for drunken driving,
possession of marijuana, and driving with a suspended license. He violated
parole as a result of those arrests and has been a fugitive ever since. He
had already been in and out of prison several times before the 1996 arrest.

Between 1994 and 1996, we saw him as regular visitor to our detention
facility, according to Monroe County Sheriff spokesman Becky Herrin.
After 1996, we didn't have any contact with him at all.

It was not clear if Darrell Condit has been in touch with Congressman
Condit over the years. Police this week have declined to discuss details of
the relationship between Darrell and the California Democrat.

Police in Modesto, where another Condit brother is a police officer, also
declined on Tuesday to discuss specifics of Darrel Condit's case. But on
Monday, the Los Angeles Times reported this about the fugitive:

Darrell's rap sheet and needle-scarred body became a testament to a life
that had spiraled out of control soon after the family put down roots in
Ceres. He fell into the shadows of the San Joaquin Valley's methamphetamine
nether world, court records show, and hopped from state to federal prison
on convictions for drug possession, vehicle theft and trying to pass a
forged government check. In the 1980s, he led Modesto police on a
high-speed chase through city streets, convinced they were trying to kill

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These 

[CTRL] Military Involvement in UFO Abductions

2001-07-21 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[Oldie, but goodie...  --MS]

Date: Wed, 16 Oct 1996
Subject: article on military involvement in abductions

Dear Ed,

This is a research article concerning alleged military abductions of
UFO-abductees, military implants... I researched this topic since about one
year and contacted researchers all over the world. Now I am presenting my
preliminary findings of this very hot topic. I was supported from many
researchers and victims. I think you may be interested in the article.

Best regards

Helmut Lammer Ph.D. (Space Scientist and Austrian MUFON representative)

P.S. I'll try to publish the article in the british UFO-Magazine, NEXUS.

Military Involvement in UFO Abductions

By Dr. Helmut Lammer

Contents Letter
Helicopter activity in connection with MILABs
Alleged kidnappings by military/intelligence personnel
Terrestrial implants
Virtual Reality Scenarios and microwave hearing
Otherworldly Journeys and military underground facilities


Dr. Helmut Lammer
Space Research Institute
Halbaerthgasse 1
A-8010 Graz
Privat address:
Dr. Helmut Lammer
Postfach 76
A-8600 Bruck/Mur


Preliminary findings of Project-MILAB: Evidence for military kidnappings of
alleged UFO- abductees

By Helmut Lammer Ph.D.

I. Introduction

UFO-abductions are generally a very strange and complex phenomenon. For
skeptics, journalists and the public it is hard to believe that abductions
by alien beings have their basis in physical reality. Reports of alien
beings entering bedrooms through walls, levitating abductees through closed
windows into a waiting craft are hard to believe for the open minded
researcher too. However, well respected researchers have shown that the
core of the UFO-abduction phenomena cannot be explained psychologically, as
hallucinations or mass delusions [1].

The passing decades of abduction research brought other changes. Recently
some UFO-abductees told that they were also being kidnapped by
military/intelligence personnel (MILAB) and taken to hospitals and/or
military ground/underground facilities.

Not many of the popular books on the subject of UFO-abductions mentioned
these experiences. Especially disconcerting are the facts that abductees
recalled seeing military/intelligence personnel together with alien beings
working side by side in these secret facilities. The presence of human
military and/or civilian personnel inhabiting the same physical reality as
the alien beings exceeds the mindsets of the skeptics and the open minded
researchers by several orders of magnitude. The skeptics would rather
believe that stories of aliens and military personnel in governmental
underground facilities are fabrications designed to elicit attention from
conspiracy believers or as hallucinations in general. Researchers on the
field of mind control suggest that these cases are an evidence that the
whole UFO-abduction phenomenon is staged by the intelligence community as a
cover of their illegal experiments [2]. The open minded researchers who
fight for a reputation in abduction research ignore these stories, since
they represent only a minor fraction in their files [3].

I think that abduction cases where the abductee reports that he/she was
abducted by the military too, are very important for two reasons:

   If the UFO-community has an evidence that a covered
military/intelligence task force is involved in the UFO-abduction
phenomenon, we would know that this phenomenon represents a matter of
national security.

   The alleged military involvement in the abduction phenomenon could be an
evidence that they use abductees for mind control experiments, as
test-targets for microwave weapons, or they monitor abductees and kidnap
them too, for information gathering purposes during an UFO-abduction

If one of these points are correct, one can expect to run into early
resistance when proposing congressional hearings about UFOs. For these
reasons I started Project-MILAB and present in this article preliminary
findings of this study. MILAB is the acronym for Military Abductions of
alleged UFO abductees. I reviewed the relevant literature, contacted UFO
and mind control researchers, MILAB-abductees and mind control victims all
over the world and compared my findings with the comprehensive
UFO-Abduction Study of Dr. Thomas Bullard [4, 5], the
MUFON-Transcription-Project [6, 7] and the MIT-Abduction Proceedings [1].

II. Helicopter activity in connection with MILABs

My study indicates that generally MILAB-abductees are harassed by dark
unmarked helicopters around their houses. The mysterious helicopter
activity goes back to the late sixties, early seventies, where they showed
an interest in animal mutilations but not for alleged UFO-abductees [8, 9,
10]. However, well known researcher Raymond 

[CTRL] Fw: [UFOpals] Congress Hears Alien Life Testimony

2001-07-21 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


New York Times
12 July 2001

Congress Hears Alien Life Testimony

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Seven years after members of Congress rejected research
into extraterrestrial life as a search for ``little green men,'' lawmakers
encouraged scientists in their efforts to find life beyond the Earth.

``The discovery of life in the universe would be one of the most astounding
discoveries in human history,'' Rep. Lamar Smith, R-Texas, said Thursday at
a hearing of the House space science subcommittee. ``Funding should match
public interest and I don't believe it does.''

Smith said that since funds for the search for extra terrestrial
intelligence (SETI) were booted out of the federal budget in 1994, ``the
SETI credibility has been enhanced.''

Four scientists appearing as witnesses said that in the last five years the
concept that life exists beyond the Earth has been boosted by dramatic
discoveries both on Earth and in space.

Among the advances cited:

-- At least 50 planets have been found in orbit of distant, sun-like stars
in the last five years and researchers now believe that solar systems may
be common through out the universe. Finding planets was considered an
essential step toward finding life.

``All of these planets are Jupiter-size or larger,'' said Ed Weiler, NASA's
associate administrator for space science. ``No Earth-like planets have
been found, but we don't yet have the technology'' to detect planets the
size of Earth in orbit of distant stars.

However, Weiler said that a space observatory now being built will be able
to search for the chemical signatures of life in the atmospheres of planets
up to 50 light years away.

-- Liquid water is considered an essential chemical for the development of
life and it has been found now on moons of Jupiter and in orbit of at least
one distant star. Also, there is strong proof that water was once common on
Mars and there are plans to search beneath the Martian surface for evidence
of water, the most likely place for life on the Red Planet.

-- Detailed studies of galaxies suggest that the formation of planets and
solar systems may be common. The Hubble space telescope has captured many
images of stars surrounded by the dust and gas clouds thought to be
precursors for planets.

-- Researchers have found bacteria that live in the coldest of salt water,
in the deep pressure and heat of volcanic vents at the bottom of the ocean,
and in the most acid of environments. Since life is possible in such
hostile environments on Earth, then it may also have developed in extreme
conditions that may exist on other planets.

In 1994, some members of Congress ridiculed the SETI Institute and its
efforts to detect radio signals from alien civilizations, calling the
effort ``a search for little green men.''

The SETI concept fell so far out of favor that the National Science
Foundation put a notation on its Web site that proposals for SETI research
were not welcome.

Christopher F. Chyba, a leader of the SETI Institute in California, said
that since losing its congressional funding, the program has been supported
by private donations, has about 120 employees, and is regularly searching
for signals on two million radio channels using a major radio telescope in
Puerto Rico.

Chyba said SETI, in partnership with the University of California,
Berkeley, is now building a $30 million radio telescope array that will be
able to listen to signals from the nearest one million stars in many

And, said Chyba, the NSF has now removed its restriction on funding of SETI
research. Proposals for SETI research now compete for funding ``on a level
playing field'' with other research proposals, he said.

Rep. Zoe Lofgren, D-Calif., said it was impressive that SETI continued to
thrive even though federal funds were cut off, and she said the federal
government should not be biased toward the research.

``We need to let the federal agencies know that bias against SETI research
is not favored,''

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and 

[CTRL] BBC: Schizophrenia 'linked to lack of sun'

2001-07-21 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Friday, 20 July, 2001, 22:42 GMT 23:42 UK

Schizophrenia 'linked to lack of sun'

Some cases of schizophrenia may be caused by mothers being deprived of
sunshine during pregnancy, an expert has suggested.

It has been known for more than 80 years that there was a seasonal peak of
cases in North America and Europe in March.
Babies born between February and April are 10% more likely to develop
schizophrenia than those born at other times of the year.

It has been suggested that mothers who had had an infection, such as flu,
during the pregnancy at the time the babies' brains were being formed were
more likely to have schizophrenic babies.

But Dr John McGrath, a psychiatrist at the Queensland Centre of
Schizophrenia Research in Brisbane, Australia, suggests it could be the
lack of UV light that is the key factor.

The National Schizophrenia Fellowship told BBC News Online the theory was
interesting - but that pregnant women who did not get much sun should not
be blamed if their child developed the disease.


Around 250,000 in Britain have schizophrenia.

There is no one cause for schizophrenia.

Various genes and environmental factors could be involved, but scientists
have not yet pinned down exactly how.

But reporting Dr McGrath's research, the New Scientist says that season of
birth accounts for more cases of schizophrenia than any other known risk
factor - including genetic causes.

Only a city birth is a higher risk factor than being born in the spring. Dr
McGrath found that in Queensland, there is a peak in the birth of
schizophrenic babies every three to four years.

This does not coincide with the big flu outbreaks, but does happen with the
same frequency that the El Nino weather system gives the area extremely
gloomy weather and therefore a lack of UV light.

The Southern hemisphere gets around 15% more UV light than the northern,
which the scientists say would explain the European and American peaks.
Vitamin link

One of the things UV does is convert a cholesterol-like molecule in the
skin to vitamin D.

Dr McGrath said: Vitamin D is low in winter, low in cities and low in
dark-skinned migrants to northern climates.

Those are all high risk factors for schizophrenic births.

However, it is not known what role vitamin D might play in the development
of the brain, though experiments suggest it may be needed in building the
brain and developing tissue.

Tests on rats, carried out by Dr McGrath earlier this year, found pregnant
rats deprived of UV light or vitamin D had offspring with enlarged
ventricles, as seen in the brains of schizophrenics.

But he warned pregnant women should not take vitamin D supplements because
too much can cause birth defects.

'No single theory'

Experts say both the UV light/vitamin D theory and respiratory infections
during pregnancy may explain a proportion of schizophrenia cases.

Gary Hogman, head of policy and campaigns for the National Schizophrenia
Fellowship, said: Anyone looking for a single 'Big Bang' theory for the
development of schizophrenia is likely to be disappointed.

Schizophrenia remains poorly understood, but is almost certainly an
umbrella term covering a range of conditions with a number of common

He said both genes and environmental factors were likely to be involved.
Any research that seeks to shed light on these complex interactions is to
be welcomed, but the results should not be presented as the definitive
cause of schizophrenia.

Nor should they seek to 'blame' mothers for 'causing' schizophrenia in
their unborn children.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of



2001-07-21 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

September 14th, 15th  16th

Alamo Drafthouse Cinema

409 Colorado Street
Austin, Texas



-Schedule of Events

-Advance Registration Discount


Celebrating the 40th anniversary of America's first publicized
incidence of alien abduction (the Betty  Barney Hill case),
scientists, experiencers, writers and researchers will share
with you their conclusions about the true nature of UFOs and
related phenomena.

The National UFO Conference has been educating the public about
UFO reality for 38 years. This year's conference will break new
ground by combining the perspectives of the most under reported
UFO research findings while also focusing on the phenomenon of
Saucer Culture and the media's influence.

Learn all there is to know about UFOs and Alien Abductions,
including how they relate to consciousness research, government
cover-ups, mind control experiments, hyperdimensional realities,
psychedelic shamanism and much more. Peer beyond the veil!

See what is revealed as we tear away the curtain of secrecy. See
the best researchers and film makers converge for 3 days and 3
nights of hard science and informed speculation about where
we've been, where we stand now and where we are going as
evidenced by the bizarre phenomenon known as UFOs.

Whether investigating UFO landing trace cases, alien abduction
experiencers or the nature of academia's ridicule for the UFO
subject, this collection of presenters will blow your mind!
Special panel discussions will give you a hands on opportunity
to learn all you need to know about UFOs and related phenomena.

Plus, there will be three nights of UFO Films and LIVE Flying
Saucer Rock n Roll with special guests and psychotronic
entertainment! And don't forget to sample the Alien Cuisine
being imported from Off-World.

Scheduled Presenters:

Robert Anton Wilson, Jenny Randles, Constance Clear, Patrick

Huyghe, Karl Pflock, Kenn Thomas, Greg Bishop, Eugenia

Macer-Story, James Arthur, David Perkins, James Moseley, Mack

White, Russ Dowden, Tom Deuley, Loren Coleman, Diana Hoyt,

Pamela Stonebrooke, Bruce Wright, Ed Conroy, Erik Stearns,

Dennis Stacy, Don Webb, Miles Lewis and more.

For individual Speaker Bios...



Schedule of Events

The 38th Annual
National UFO Conference
September 14th, 15th  16th, 2001
Alamo Drafthouse Cinema
409 Colorado Street

FRIDAY September 14th

The Future of Ufology

  First Session 10am-6pm

-Introductions by SMiles Lewis

-Press Conference/Open House for Media  Local Civic Authorities

-Jim Moseley- Shockingly Close To The Truth: Memoirs of a Skeptical

-Dennis Stacy-  The Field Guide Approach to UFOs

-Tom Deuley- The El Indio Saucer Crash

-Karl Pflock- The Roswell 'Saucer Crash': Some Hard Lessons for

-Diana Hoyt- UFOs - Forbidden Science

-Panel Discussion QA (Best Future Research/Gaining Legitimacy)
   featuring: Deuley, Pflock, Hoyt, Randles


  Second Session 7pm-2am

-Introductions by SMiles w/Mack White Conspiracy Gnosis

-Jenny Randles- Media Influence on public experiencing of the UFO

-Music: Eugenia Macer-Story MultiDimensional Music

-Panel Discussion QA (Media Influence  Psychological Warfare)
   featuring: Randles, Wright, Dowden, Thomas, White

-Documentary: UFOs It Has Begun (1978)

-Movie: To Be Announced!

-Music: To Be Announced!

SATURDAY September 15th

Alternate Paradigms for the UFO Phenomenon

  Third Session 10am-6pm

-Introductions by SMiles w/Russ Dowden

-Eugenia Macer-Story- Configurational Time: Conceptual  Sensory
   Perception of Multidimensional Events

-David Perkins- Gaia: Implications of Parapsychology on UFOs

-Pamela Stonebrooke- Astral Contact Experiences

-Greg Bishop- Psychedelics, Alien Abductions, Shamanism and Alien

-James Arthur- UFOs, Mushrooms, God and the Near Death

-Panel Discussion QA (Alternate Paradigms for Anomalous Events/

   Featuring: Macer-Story, Perkins, Stonebrooke, Bishop, Arthur,


  Fourth Session 7pm-2a

-Introductions by SMiles w/Donn Webb Sabbath of the Zeppelins

-Special Guest:  Robert Anton Wilson!

-Panel Discussion (Fact/Fiction the Art Interface w/in Anomalous
Narratives) featuring: Wright, Adams, White, Lewis and...

-Documentary/Art: Tribulation 99  More!

-Documentary/Art: To Be Announced!

-Music: To Be Announced!

SUNDAY September 16th

Integrating the Anomalous

  Fifth Session 10am-6pm


-Constance Clear- Abductee/Experiencer Therapy or Event

-Ed Conroy- From UFO Researcher to Cabalist: A Report on
C onroy's Transformation after his Journey through Communion

-Loren Coleman- A Fortean Looks at the Last Four Decades

-Patrick Huyghe- Swamp Gas Times: My 20 Years on the UFO Beat

-Kenn Thomas- The ParaPolitics of UFOs

-Panel Discussion QA (Balancing Experiencer Therapy 

[CTRL] MH: Rodham cleared of ethics charges

2001-07-21 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Miami Herald
Saturday, July 21, 2001

Rodham cleared of ethics charges

Lawyer didn't violate rules by charging for pardon  requests, Florida Bar


The Florida Bar has cleared Hugh Rodham of violating ethics rules as a
lawyer when he successfully lobbied his brother-in-law, former President
Bill Clinton, for clemency on behalf of two politically connected felons.

The two cases, for which the Fort Lauderdale attorney was paid $400,000,
caused such embarrassment for the former president and his wife, New York
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, that they demanded Rodham return the money to
his clients.

The Clintons said they had been unaware of his financial arrangement.
Rodham, of Coral Gables, gave back the money.

``What he did was not unethical for a lawyer to have done, because what he
did was not the practice of law,'' Rodham's attorney, Andrew Berman, said
Friday. He added that Rodham did not want to comment.

The Florida Bar opened its probe Feb. 22 after reading media reports about
Rodham's role in the pardons. Last month, the Bar's grievance committee in
Broward County looked into whether Rodham's fees were improper and whether
his conduct was dishonest. It concluded there was insufficient evidence to
file a formal complaint against Rodham, 50, with the Florida Supreme Court.

The committee's finding spared Rodham from a court hearing that could have
led to disciplinary action, from a reprimand to a suspension, by the high

``It cannot be said that . . . accepting a contingency fee for assistance
in a clemency proceeding is improper per se,'' attorney Barry Rigby, chief
branch disciplinary counsel, wrote in a July 16 letter to various people
who complained to the Bar about Rodham's conduct.

The committee, consisting of four lawyers and two nonlawyers, reasoned that
Rodham did not violate the Bar's ethics rules because the ``clemency
process is not a judicial proceeding'' and because his case did not involve
a ``compelling public interest.''

They noted that Rodham's two clients -- convicted drug trafficker Carlos
Vignali and convicted vitamin businessman Glenn Braswell, who has a home in
Coconut Grove -- did not complain to the Bar about paying the fees.

Rodham collected $200,000 from each of them after former President Clinton
pardoned them.

Coral Gables attorney Jack Thompson, who is among the 45 people who filed
complaints with the Bar about Rodham's conduct, said he was ``bitterly
disappointed'' in the grievance committee's decision to close the

``Once again the Florida Bar dropped the ball,'' said Thompson, a vocal
conservative who once ran for Miami-Dade state attorney against Janet Reno,
who served as Clinton's attorney general.

``Clearly, Hugh Rodham was not doing legal work here,'' Thompson said. ``He
was selling access to the president of the United States. That's what
strikes most people from a common-sense standpoint.

``These pardons were supposed to be decided on the merits, not on access to
the president. It engulfed Bill Clinton for the last two days of his
administration and about three months into his retirement. Of course, it
affected the public interest.''

Rodham's attorney said Thompson and the other complainants' motives were

``There is no question that the people who filed these complaints have been
vocal in their criticism of the former president and his family,'' Berman
said. ``They were going after the next best thing.''

Rodham's lobbying on behalf of Vignali and Braswell coincided with reports
about the former president's pardon of Marc Rich, a fugitive financier
whose ex-wife is a major Democratic fundraiser.

The U.S. attorney's office in Manhattan is investigating Rich's pardon as
well as others among the 177 pardons and commutations issued by Clinton.

The Bar, in Rigby's letter, indicated that it attempted to obtain
information from the U.S. attorney in Manhattan as well as from the U.S.
Department of Justice about Rodham -- but was turned down.

``If Mr. Rodham ultimately is found to have violated any laws with regard
to these pardons,'' Rigby wrote, ``the Florida Bar will open a new file and
seek discipline based on those findings.''

Copyright 2001 Miami Herald

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used 

[CTRL] NewDawn: Martial Arts, Spiritual Practice, Alchemy, and the Hidden Legacy of the Samurai

2001-07-21 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


From: New Dawn No.67
  July-August 2001

Nothing's Shadow

Martial Arts, Spiritual Practice, Alchemy, and the Hidden Legacy of the


There is a scene in Stanley Kubrick's '2001 A Space Odyssey' that he
clearly and accurately saw as pivotal in the evolution of Humanity. One ape
picked up an animal femur and smashed the other over the head with it.

From a moment like that, early humans were plunged into a paradigm shift
that has continued to push us into the space age. Two of Humanity's
distinctive features, our capacity to use tools and our capacity to kill
each other, effectively arrived simultaneously.

Our families, our tribes, our nations, our cultures, our creeds and our
civilisations derived and evolved as a protection from the chaos unleashed
in that inevitable act. Our weapons made us the cooperative hunters from
whom all animals fled, the highest predator. It also allowed us to prey on
the top of the food chain, to kill each other. War, oppression, slavery and
violence became features of the human condition. These are abominations
that have yet to be redressed.

Our nations, our economies, our religions, our medicines, our inventions,
our laws and our governments, have all developed within this paradigm of
violence; to keep us safe from the enemy, to keep us well, to get on top of
adversity. All have at heart the dream to be free from threat, to freely
pursue happiness and satisfaction.

Unfortunately our institutions also have the will to freely violate the
outsider, the foreigner, the poor, the disobedient, the infidel and
unbeliever. If our laws are right, then other laws must be wrong. If our
culture is wisest then others are barbarians. If we are losing, they must
be winning. If we are peace loving then the others must be war-mongering.

The price for this stage of our evolution has been enormous; fear and
loathing, unnecessary death and violence, confusion, unhappiness, disease,
persecution and slavery. The completion of it will only occur when we have
overcome these characteristics in ourselves and in our society. The finest
sword is never drawn.

Enter the Warrior

The warrior has accompanied humanity in its first steps out of the
dreamtime into consciousness. As soon as the killer appeared, the necessity
for the warrior arrived, to keep the peace, to protect the weak and meek,
to resolve the conflict. The warrior became a cultural imperative, a
crucial component of tribe, of nation, of creed and court.

In every culture, the warrior is revered for his or her contribution to
society. The farmer gave hard work and endurance, the merchant organisation
and variety, the artisan cleverness and ability. The warrior, however, gave
his life, the ultimate sacrifice for the community.

Deeply ensconced in the culture and history of humanity, we see this
archetype in ten thousand guises. The Knight Templar, St George and the
Dragon, the Tai Chi master, the Gunslinger, the Cavalier, the Freedom
Fighter, the Shaolin Monk, the Amazon, the Super Hero, the Assassin, the
Sapper, the Terminator - we have an enormous selection of conceptual
warriors, and we can all find one we can relate to, feel sympathy for.

Yet behind these popular images of the warrior is an arcane wisdom from a
separate reality. The Warrior has its own unspeakable culture, derived from
living in the presence of death, hidden from any concept, never revealed to
those who do not quest, and only shown to a few who do.

The encounter with this separate reality is the source of our returned
services clubs, our Tombs of the Unknown Soldier, our Remembrance Days,
veterans who have had a shared and incommunicable experience in their
encounter with death. They are forever etched by the event of war, the
experience of horror and destruction. Many, touched by death's presence,
are never the same again. For death can sometimes leave the body alive,
taking mind, emotions, or spirit.

However, as Miyamoto Musashi observed, killing is the same for old ladies,
children and priests as it is for young and strong soldiers. The chaos and
casualty of war often results from the fact that a tin hat, a rifle, and
participation do not make a warrior.

The True Warrior is Different

It was observed by the ancient Ryu of Japan that the singular requirement
of a warrior is a Resolute acceptance of Death. This is perhaps the most
crucial understanding, the key to open the spiritual mysteries of the
warrior. Why? The resolute acceptance of death changes how we think about
things. It changes our considerations. Without it our mind will always
strategise with our own survival as an imperative. Every bump in the road
may change our plans.

In any decision there is a safe choice indicating life and a dangerous
choice, leading to our death. Without a resolute acceptance of death we
will always do the safe thing. This is, from a warrior's perspective,

[CTRL] Fw: Gregg Braden - Unlocking the Secret of Heaven

2001-07-21 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[If you're not familiar with Greg Braden, then you should read his bio
below.  --MS]

The Prophets Conference - Victoria single event ticket information is now
linked at


GREGG BRADEN will be bringing his exciting work to The Prophets
Conference - Victoria taking place in the beauty of Victoria, British
Columbia, Canada during the weekend of August 17-19 2001.

The following abstract regards Gregg Braden's excellent presentation at the
up coming conference.  This is followed by a brief biography of him and his


Unlocking the Secret of Heaven, Through the Science of Man

By Gregg Braden


Three groundbreaking experiments in the late 1990's unveil dramatic and
undeniable evidence of a newly discovered form of energy, a matrix, linking
each member of our global family, creation, and the events of our lives in
unexpected and empowering ways. Relegated to technical journals, and
receiving little attention from mainstream media, these experiments,
reported by leading research institutions of our day, shake the foundation
of our predominant worldview, scientifically documenting that:

1. we communicate with our world through a previously unrecognized form of
energy operating beyond  the bounds of  measured time and space.

2. our DNA directly influences our physical world through a form of energy
that has been previously overlooked.

3. we influence our physical DNA through a non-physical, non-local form of
energy that is directly linked to human emotion

The loss of such an important understanding is attributed to two
interruptions in the knowledge chain, and the loss of over 530,000
documents, that have historically linked our modern world to ancient

Physicists now suspect that it is in the higher dimensions of new creation
theories, the quantum heavens of ancient traditions, that the four known
forces of nature merge into a newly recognized force, the unified field,
that weaves its way into each aspect of our lives. Ancient scholars invite
us one step further, describing how these forces converge within our bodies
creating the blueprints of peace, cooperation and healing relationships
that become the reality of our lives. Is there any evidence that such a
powerful inner technology exists?

In 1898 the mysterious 14' 3 long by 3' 5 wide linen sheet, known as the
Shroud of Turin, was photographically documented for the first time. The
focus of the cloth was the faint and life-like image of a crucified man,
precisely matching the Biblical descriptions of Christ's ordeal, that
appeared to be burned into the fibers of the cloth. Since the time of the
first photographs, improved techniques of imaging, and new discoveries in
quantum physics, have offered fresh insight into the man in the shroud and
the source of his image.

In 1978, an unprecedented effort to unlock the mystery of the shroud began,
as 40 scientists from the most sophisticated laboratories of our time,
initiated a study that lasted for 5 years. Through his investigations into
the mystery of the Shroud, Gregg Braden was given access to 63 of the more
than 10,000 images that documented the Shroud of Turin Research
Project(STRUP), and permission to share these images in a responsible,
non-religious and non-denominational setting. This unique program provides
an opportunity to view these rare images and determine for yourself how the
mystery of creation is revealed within each of our lives. While we may
never know precisely whose image is emblazoned upon the ancient linen, one
fact remains clear: the man in the shroud experienced a process that
Twentieth-century science has failed to explain.


Gregg Braden, bestselling author and guide to sacred sites throughout the
world, has been featured at Prophets Conferences and media specials
exploring personal and planetary change.  His inspiring sense of optimism
is based in what he recognizes as the ancient technologies of compassion
lost to the west 1,700 years ago, when they disappeared from our most
sacred texts during the edits of the fourth century.

Successful careers as an earth scientist and aerospace software engineer
provide Braden with the ability to recognize and redefine the language of
such texts.  His compelling research invites us to change our world view
from one of fear and uncertainty, to the empowering sense of peace that
comes from clarity and purpose.

Sacred pilgrimages into remote monasteries, high altitude temples and
access to some of the oldest known texts of our past afford Braden the
intimate language to express his empowering presentations that speak to our
emotions, as well as our hearts and minds, offering a wisdom that allows us
to make sense in the chaos of a changing world.

Gregg Braden has written many 

[CTRL] Glock and the UN (fwf)

2001-07-21 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2001 8:13 PM
Subject: Glock and the UN


Glock and the UN

I received a phone call, which was a surprise... in response to my letter
to Glock in regard to aligning themselves with the UN gun control scheme.

Mr. Paul Jannuzzo, Vice President and General Council for Glock explained a
few things to me that the original AP release did not.

The most important was that Glock did not agree to cooperate with the UN
registration plan. He said the only thing that Glock agreed to was to abide
in SAAMI standards.

(Note: SAAMI, Sporting Arms and Ammunitions Manufacturers' Institute. An
association of the nation's leading manufacturers of sporting firearms,
ammunition, and components. SAAMI currently publishes more than 700
voluntary standards related to firearm and ammunition quality and safety.

He also mentioned that marking firearms as outlined in the UN plan has been
U.S. law for 100 years. I asked him about the secret marking requirement
and he said only Massachusetts requires anything near that requirement.

He also said that Glock would not voluntarily comply with any UN
requirements unless it became U. S. law. He also said that he felt that the
marking/identification requirement was aimed at those nations who are
manufacturing firearms and have no regulations in regard to identifying
firearms and that they were the ones that will probably not comply when the
forum is over.

I told him I appreciated his call but asked why there had not been a press
release that would simply state that Glock does not agree with the U.N.
plans. (To counter the AP release.) He said that they were working on a
release. I said to him, that when little guys like me, who are attempting
to secure our rights read an AP article like the one last week, it's not
good. It's discouraging at the least. We need to hear what the media is not
telling us.

I hope their release is encouraging, not just clarification.

I asked him if I could send out an e-mail message that related some of our
conversation and he said OK.

Of course, Mr. Jannuzzo speaks only for Glock and not Beretta or Sturm,

If anyone gets a hold of the press release please e-mail me a copy. Thanks.

Any opinions?

Bob Suizdak

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The God of Small Things

2001-07-21 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Dig Jerry M. Lemons [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, July 21, 2001 6:32 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] The God of Small Things

-Caveat Lector-

 Professor Perovic is part of the problem-- he wants to play God

I thought is was pretty perverse that he staged (no pun intended, i.e.,
microscope stage)gladiatorial bouts with insects as a child.

I have met several ppl in my life that say, Ya know..., when they
describe how they burned, or tortured to death, cats, etc., when they were
youngas if they truly believe that every body did this when they were
young.  THAT is scary!  I mean, who knows how many nut cases REALLY do this
as a child, but the ones that haven't figured out that such is NOT the P.C.
thing to admit, let alone bring up or mention nonchalantly in passing,
well, those types freak me out!

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: Jeff Rense Weekly E-News 7-21-01

2001-07-22 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Rense E`News [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, July 21, 2001 2:41 PM
Subject: Jeff Rense Weekly E-News 7-21-01

   Jeff Rense Weekly E-News

Hollow Earth Enigma
 By Alec MacLellan

Was this inner world inhabited before mankind set foot on the
Earth's surface? Do UFOs come, not from outer space, but from
inside our own planet? A compilation of evidence that the earth
is hollow, and the inside is populated.



  7-22 to 7-27

Monday-Friday 7-10pm Pacific - Saturday 9pm - 3am Pacific
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 (Please note Jeff's Guest schedule can
change due to late breaking stories, etc).

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   Frank Joseph: Mysteries Of Time

MON 7-23
   Dr. John DeSalvo: New Pyramid
   Research Discoveries In The Ukraine
with Chris Dunn/Stephen Mehler

TUE 7-24
   Graham Conway: UFO*BC Canada Report
   Arlene Gaal:  The Creatures Of Lake Okanagan

WED 7-25
   Dr. Lorraine Day, MD:  How To Stay Well

THU 7-26
   Live from Israel - Prof. Ze'ev Herzog:
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   Brad Steiger: A Paranormal Evening

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 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] NM: Peter Paul: Strip Bar Owner Supplied Clinton with White House Lap Dancers

2001-07-22 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Saturday, July 21, 2001 2:59 p.m. EDT

Peter Paul: Strip Bar Owner Supplied Clinton With White House Lap Dancers

Million-dollar Clinton Library donor Jim Levin, a former Chicago strip club
owner who became Hillary Clinton's Senate campaign finance director last
year, allegedly supplied ex-President Clinton with lap dancers at the White
House, according to former Clinton money-man, Hollywood producer Peter

Jim Levin became a very close friend of the president because he supplied
female companionship to him in the White House, Paul told Judicial Watch
officials Larry Klayman and Russell Verney, along with California radio
host Jane Chastain, during Judicial Watch Radio's Saturday broadcast.

Levin acted as an intermediary between the Clintons and Mr. Paul, who spent
$2 million bankrolling a star-studded Hollywood gala fund-raiser for Mrs.
Clinton's Senate campaign last August.

The Clinton accuser told Judicial Watch Radio that after Levin's background
as a one-time topless club owner was revealed in the press last year, he
was told point-blank about Levin's role providing Clinton with women.

He was introduced at one point to me as 'the lap dancer provider to the
president,' Paul said.

The Hollywood producer said that while Levin never personally told him he
was supplying the Clinton White House with strippers, Democratic insiders
seemed to know what was going on.

There were a lot of people who were in the Democratic fund-raising
community that were unhappy [Levin] was taking a leading role generating
funds for the [Clinton presidential] library and for Al Gore's campaign.

Peter Paul filed suit in California state court last month alleging that
the Clintons reneged on promises they made in exchange for his financial
help, noting that the former first couple never reported the bulk of his
donations to the Federal Election Commission as required by law.

He is being represented by Judicial Watch.

Up until 1993, Levin owned Thee Doll House, the Chicago topless bar that
helped popularize the lap-dance craze, which became a mainstay of the
club's revenue. Levin is now an executive at a company called Tru-Link and
also chairman of J.H.L. Enterprises.

Last year, Levin was invited to spend the night at the White House twice -
in June and on New Year's Eve - where he met personally with the
then-president at least twice in the White House's private residence.

Clinton himself has referred to the former strip bar owner as a close

I had a friend of mine from Chicago in to spend the night with me a couple
of nights ago, the then-president, speaking of Levin, said at a New Jersey
Senate campaign fund-raiser last year. He wasn't particularly political
before I became president. We got to be very close.

After the gala fund-raiser was over, Paul said Levin promised to help him
get a presidential pardon for two 20-year-old felony convictions. He said
he would be looking into it.

As part of his lawsuit, the Hollywood producer alleges that former
Democratic National Committee Chairman Ed Rendell suggested that he
contribute an additional $200,000 if he wanted the pardon.

All Rights Reserved © NewsMax.com

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] ELF Sabotages Vehicles at Power Plant (KY, USA)! (fwd)

2001-07-22 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Moderator AwarComp [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, July 21, 2001 2:25 PM
Subject: {{AwarComp}} ELF Sabotages Vehicles at Power Plant (KY, USA)!




July 21, 2001

LAGRANGE, KY - The underground Earth Liberation Front (E.L.F.) has
officially claimed responsibility for sabotaging vehicles at the Dynegy
power plant in the early morning hours of Saturday, July 21, 2001.

A communique sent by the E.L.F. stated,  Fifteen vehicles designed to rape
the earth had their tires slashed and flattened. Along with various
spray-painted ELF slogans and a dozen broken windows.

The Earth Liberation Front is an international anonymous organization that
uses direct action in the form of economic sabotage to stop the destruction
of the natural environment and exploitation of life. Since 1997 in North
America alone, the E.L.F. have caused over $40 million in damages to
entities profiting from the destruction of life.

The communique continued, We wanted to send a clear message to Dynegy that
the people will not sit around idly while our earth and health is put into
jeopardy for the sake of a few wallets in Houston.

Dynegy like many polluters of the natural world have joined the trend of
attempting to appear green and environmentally concerned. While it is true
that Dynegy's natural gas-powered plants may be cleaner than coal burning
plants, they still release nitrous oxide, one of the main ingredients in
ground level ozone and smog. Dynegy also states they intend to follow all
laws in relation to the release of emissions. Yet just last year in the
State of Texas, Dynegy faced penalties for violating Texas air quality
standards in four counties. Chevron is one of Dynegy's main investors.

It was clear that the citizens of the community did not want this in their
backyard, and that they were spoon-fed lies by corrupt politicians, the
communique stated.

The E.L.F communique finished by stating, The power is in our hands to
take direct action against the power plant and other forms of corporate
imperialism. It is the last means to take, for all other options (legal and
peaceful) have been exhausted.

Contact: North American Earth Liberation Front Press Office 503.478.0902

**A copy of the communique sent by the E.L.F. appears below. COMMUNIQUE


On early Saturday morning (July 21, 2001), eco-activists committed sabotage
against the Dynegy power plant in LaGrange, Kentucky. Fifteen vehicles
designed to rape the earth had their tires slashed and flattened. Along
with various spray-painted ELF slogans and a dozen broken windows. This
action was done in solidarity with all the people effected by this
corporate wasteland. We wanted to send a clear message to Dynegy that the
people will not sit around idly while our earth and health is put into
jeopardy for the sake of a few fat wallets in Houston. It was clear that
the citizens of the community did not want this in their backyard, and that
they were spoon-fed lies by corrupt politicians. The power is in our hands
to take direct action against the power plant and other forms of corporate
imperialism. It is the last means to take, for all other options (legal and
peaceful) have been exhausted.

No compromise in the defense of mother earth

The elves of the Earth Liberation Front Long live the ELF!

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


[CTRL] NM: Peter Paul: Strip Bar Owner Supplied Clinton With White House Lap Dancers

2001-07-22 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

With Carl Limbacher and NewsMax.com Staff

For the story behind the story...

Saturday, July 21, 2001 2:59 p.m. EDT

Peter Paul: Strip Bar Owner Supplied Clinton With White House Lap Dancers

Million-dollar Clinton Library donor Jim Levin, a former Chicago strip club
owner who became Hillary Clinton's Senate campaign finance director last
year, allegedly supplied ex-President Clinton with lap dancers at the White
House, according to former Clinton money-man, Hollywood producer Peter

Jim Levin became a very close friend of the president because he supplied
female companionship to him in the White House, Paul told Judicial Watch
officials Larry Klayman and Russell Verney, along with California radio
host Jane Chastain, during Judicial Watch Radio's Saturday broadcast.

Levin acted as an intermediary between the Clintons and Mr. Paul, who spent
$2 million bankrolling a star-studded Hollywood gala fund-raiser for Mrs.
Clinton's Senate campaign last August.

The Clinton accuser told Judicial Watch Radio that after Levin's background
as a one-time topless club owner was revealed in the press last year, he
was told point-blank about Levin's role providing Clinton with women.

He was introduced at one point to me as 'the lap dancer provider to the
president,' Paul said.

The Hollywood producer said that while Levin never personally told him he
was supplying the Clinton White House with strippers, Democratic insiders
seemed to know what was going on.

There were a lot of people who were in the Democratic fund-raising
community that were unhappy [Levin] was taking a leading role generating
funds for the [Clinton presidential] library and for Al Gore's campaign.

Peter Paul filed suit in California state court last month alleging that
the Clintons reneged on promises they made in exchange for his financial
help, noting that the former first couple never reported the bulk of his
donations to the Federal Election Commission as required by law.

He is being represented by Judicial Watch.

Up until 1993, Levin owned Thee Doll House, the Chicago topless bar that
helped popularize the lap-dance craze, which became a mainstay of the
club's revenue. Levin is now an executive at a company called Tru-Link and
also chairman of J.H.L. Enterprises.

Last year, Levin was invited to spend the night at the White House twice -
in June and on New Year's Eve - where he met personally with the
then-president at least twice in the White House's private residence.

Clinton himself has referred to the former strip bar owner as a close

I had a friend of mine from Chicago in to spend the night with me a couple
of nights ago, the then-president, speaking of Levin, said at a New Jersey
Senate campaign fund-raiser last year. He wasn't particularly political
before I became president. We got to be very close.

After the gala fund-raiser was over, Paul said Levin promised to help him
get a presidential pardon for two 20-year-old felony convictions. He said
he would be looking into it.

As part of his lawsuit, the Hollywood producer alleges that former
Democratic National Committee Chairman Ed Rendell suggested that he
contribute an additional $200,000 if he wanted the pardon.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] CBS: China Closes Down 2,000 Internet Cafés

2001-07-22 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


China Closes Down 2,000 Internet Cafés

Written by CBC News Online staff
© 2001 CBC
All Rights Reserved 7-21-1
SHANGHAI, CHINA - Some 2,000 Internet cafés in China have been closed down.
Authorities also ordered suspension of operations at 6,000 other cybercafés
pending changes in operating procedures.

The cafés are popular because they allow people to use computers
and evade tough content laws for homepages and message boards.

The Shanghai Daily says the clampdown, the second in little more than a
is an effort by government to regulate the Internet service market.

Internet bars have mushroomed in China since first appearing in big cities
1997. Mini cyberbars can now be found in bookstores, barbershops, clothes
stores and the butcher's.

As for use of the Internet, China's laws broadly ban, socially
content, breaches of public security, divulging state secrets and

Web experts say authorities closely monitor Web site content in search for
buzzwords like Taiwan, Tibet and the banned spiritual group Falun Gong.

State media reports China had 26.5 million Internet users at the end of
up four million since the year began.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
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[CTRL] FN: Police May Interview Condit a Fourth Time; ABC: Condit Case Theory #21,693; WP: Minister Recants Story About Condit; MB: DNC Organizing Pro-Condit Rallys?

2001-07-22 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[Just how many more times are the police going to interview this freak?  I
say it's high-time for a Grand Jury to be convened...Felony Obstruction of
Justice in a missing persons investigation, AT LEAST!  --MS]


Police May Interview Condit a Fourth Time

Fox News'
Rita Cosby and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Discussions are underway between Rep. Gary Condit's attorney and
Washington, D.C. police to set up a fourth interview regarding missing
federal intern Chandra Levy, law enforcement sources tell Fox News.

Police see some discrepancies in the timeline/schedule the California
Democrat verbally shared with them, and they also want to ask him about a
watch case he disposed of in a trash can hours before police were to search
his apartment, sources said.

Condit, 53, who has admitted to police he had an affair with Levy, was
observed acting suspiciously by a man walking his dog in Alexandria, Va.,
a city along the Potomac River several miles south of Washington.

The box was traced to a California woman who told police she had given the
congressman a watch as a present and had a romantic relationship with him,
a law enforcement source told Fox News.

The U.S. attorney's office is probing this latest possible case of the
congressman obstructing the investigation of the missing former Bureau of
Prisons intern. After first being interviewed by Fox News, flight attendant
Anne Marie Smith told the U.S. attorney's office that Condit urged her not
to talk to authorities and asked her to sign an affidavit denying what she
said was a yearlong affair.

Law enforcement officials wonder what else Condit may have disposed of, not
just the night of the voluntary apartment search, but in the weeks prior to
that, and are very interested in questioning him.

Meanwhile, police will talk to hundreds of taxi drivers at a scheduled
event in the city's RFK Stadium Saturday.

They will look at drivers' daily logs and pass out flyers to see if any one
of them may have picked up missing federal intern Chandra Levy.

There is no evidence that Levy rode in a cab the week she disappeared, but
police know she doesn't have a car, said Asst. Police Chief Terry Gainer.

Gainer said investigators have also completed an electronic background
check of virtually everyone enrolled at the 24-year-old's health club,
where the woman was last seen on April 30.

A few club members had questionable backgrounds, which police are
investigating. But none of them seem to be tied to Levy, Gainer said.

On Friday, Rep. Bob Barr, R-Ga., filed a seven-page formal complaint with
the House Committee on Standards of Official Conduct outlining specific
allegations of misconduct against Condit and reiterating his request for an

The committee previously stated it would defer an investigation due to the
ongoing law enforcement investigation.

Two other Republicans have called for Condit's resignation. Michigan Rep.
Fred Upton said the Californian has not cooperated with authorities
investigating this tragic case. Condit's attorney has said that the
congressman has cooperated fully.

Senate Minority Leader Trent Lott, R-Miss., said Condit should resign if
it's shown he lied about an affair.

Also on Friday, D.C. police found two more bones in the city's Rock Creek
Park. The two dogs brought in to check out the bones did not react to the
remains as if they were human, but they will be sent to a police lab

Investigators have discovered animal bones at the park during previous
searches for clues in the missing person case.

Police say Condit, one of more than 100 people they have interviewed, is
not a suspect in Chandra's disappearance.

Levy canceled her health club membership on the evening of April 30 and has
not been seen since. However, she spent several hours the following day
using the computer in her apartment, police said.

Condit, who is married, admitted to having had an affair with Levy during
his third interview with police, a police source said.

Police Chief Charles Ramsey said the search for Levy, who is from Condit's
Modesto, Calif., district, is the most extensive missing person
investigation ever mounted by Washington police.

We've had some high-profile missing persons cases, but this one has gone
on so long, Ramsey said.

As the search for Chandra continues, Ramsey is rejecting criticism that the
Levy case is hurting his department's murder investigations.

Crime goes on, and we've got to be able to walk and chew gum at the same
time, Ramsey said.

And, in an interview published Friday, Ramsey said there was a fairly
significant chance Levy will never be found.

We have not found anything that points us in one direction or another, he
told USA Today, noting that detectives haven't turned up any evidence that
she is alive or dead. At this point in any missing-persons investigation
... it's unusual not to even have that path. That's 

[CTRL] James Van Praagh on Chandra's fate (fwd)

2001-07-22 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[I've been on-lime and on various listserves for over ten years now, but I
have NEVER seen a URL/link ANYWHERE LIKE the one below!!  Hell, I had to CC
myself to verify that it was real!  --MS]

- Original Message -
From: Ray Heizer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, July 22, 2001 1:38 AM
Subject: James Van Praagh on Chandra's fate

Celebrity psychic James Van Praagh was on Judith Regan tonight. He _says_
he and four other psychics independently looked at the case and then
compared notes on what they gathered via psychic means ...

Highlights of things where he says they all agreed (as I recall them):

The night of May 1, Chandra was lured into an official looking black SUV
with a blue interior outside her apartment on the pretext of seeing someone
with soft hands (a woman) she knew from Condit's office who Chandra thought
may have come by to say goodbye or sent a car to bring her to Condit's
House office. She was taken away by 3 men (henchmen) who are not
professional hit men. Two vehicles were involved. She was strangled and
driven to a place at least two counties away in Virginia* 2-3 hours
northwest* of DC. She was buried in a farm field not far from the road
behind some shrubs in very dark soil where cows are nearby. An mill house
or stone house or decrepit house is also nearby. The route to the burial
site is connected with the number 30 or route 30 and with several specific
locations (Greenwood, Fayetteville and Germantown) he mentioned that lie on
that route (he says). Dogs could find her he says. They won't find her in
any DC park. She may have her attackers DNA under her fingernails since
there was a struggle when she was strangled. The car had creme colored
license plates, possibly NJ, with 3 numbers and 3 letters. All five believe
she was pregnant.

Other notes: Water close by. Condit's staff knows more. Car used was known
in Condit's office. Believes Condit will 'come around' pretty soon. Condit
is currently holding back a lot and is guilty.

Van Praagh feels that Condit's staff took care of her for Condit as her
demands mounted, and Condit really does NOT know exactly what happened, but
certainly is not telling all he knows. Van Praagh says he could contact
Chandra's spirit, but would only do so with the help and cooperation of her


* I think Van Praagh may have said Virginia when he meant Pennsylvania.
Virginia is NOT 2-3 hours northwest of DC and I can find no Route 30 in NW
Virginia even though he says he found it.

There _IS_ a Route 30 that wanders completely across southern Pennsylvania,
passing through Philadelphia, Lancaster, York, Gettysburg and Pittsburgh
... About four miles east of Route 30's intersection with I-81 (which is an
easy and logical drive from DC, and where there is an exit), and one finds
the three small towns of Greenwood, Fayetteville and Germantown clustered
within 2 miles of each other ... see:


 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [A lot of Great stuff!] Weeks TV Listings (Monday, July 23 - Sunday, July 29)

2001-07-23 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

All times listed are Central Daylight Time.

Available in America, only.

PBS-X is Direct Broadcast Satellite, airs 24 hours after it airs for cable
or over-the-air viewers.  Check your listings to see if programs air one
day earlier.

Many programs have multiple airtimes on the same evening.  Most Discovery
channels (The Learning Channel, Civilization, Science, Wings, Travel
Channel etc...) and AE owned channels (History Channel, History Channel
Interntational, Biography Channel) run same 3 hour block of programming
from 7pm to 10pm CDT, and again from 10pm to 1am CDT, whereas some programs
repeat throughout the night and through the following afternoon (many
listings only provide primetime programming.


HIST = History Channel
DSC (E) = Discovery Channel
TRIO = Trio
AE = Arts  Entertainment
SCIFI = Sci Fi Channel
BBCA = BBC America
TLC = The Learning Channel
FAM (E) = Fox Family Channel
TRAVEL = Travel Channel
PBS-X = PBS-X (DBS Satellite Edition)

Monday, July 23, 2001

01:00am  -DSC (E)   The Lost Mummy of Imhotep
Archaeologists search for the tomb of the Egyptian high priest..
(Special:Historical, 1hr)

02:00am  -PBS X Nature Antarctica: The End of the Earth:
Icebergs. (Part 2 of 2).   (CC, In Stereo). (Series:Nature, 1hr)

12:30pm  -TRAVELIncredible Vacation Videos
Stranded hiker; St. Thomas honeymoon; whale-watching expedition..   (CC).
(News  Information:Travel, 30m)

05:00pm  -TRAVELPlaces of Mystery Jack the Ripper's London
Criminologists and historians try to answer questions about Jack the
Ripper..  (Series:Mystery, 30m)

08:00pm  -DSC (E)   Medical Mysteries Giants
A Ugandan suffers from acromegaly, a disorder that makes him grow extremely
tall..  (Health:Medical, 1hr)

Tuesday, July 24, 2001

05:00pm  -TRAVELPlaces of Mystery Incredible Coral Castle
The Coral Castle outside Miami..  (Series:Mystery, 30m)

07:00pm  -HIST  History's Mysteries Devil's Island: Hell on
For nearly a century, Devil's Island is the final stop for France's
incorrigibles and political prisoners..   (CC). (Special:Documentary, 1hr)

07:00pm  -PBS X Secrets of the Dead Tomb of Christ
Researchers try to determine if Jerusalem's Church of the Holy Sepulchre
was the site of Jesus' tomb..   (CC, In Stereo). (Educational:Science, 1hr)

08:00pm  -PBS X Nova Runaway Universe
Astronomers try to confirm the size and shape of the universe and how it
will end..   (CC, In Stereo). (Series:Nature, 1hr)

11:00pm  -HIST  History's Mysteries Devil's Island: Hell on
For nearly a century, Devil's Island is the final stop for France's
incorrigibles and political prisoners..   (CC). (Special:Documentary, 1hr)

Wednesday, July 25, 2001

12:00am  -PBS X Secrets of the Dead Tomb of Christ
Researchers try to determine if Jerusalem's Church of the Holy Sepulchre
was the site of Jesus' tomb..   (CC, In Stereo). (Educational:Science, 1hr)

01:00am  -PBS X Nova Runaway Universe
Astronomers try to confirm the size and shape of the universe and how it
will end..   (CC, In Stereo). (Series:Nature, 1hr)

01:00am  -TRAVELPlaces of Mystery Incredible Coral Castle
The Coral Castle outside Miami..  (Series:Mystery, 30m)

03:00am  -PBS X Secrets of the Dead Tomb of Christ
Researchers try to determine if Jerusalem's Church of the Holy Sepulchre
was the site of Jesus' tomb..   (CC, In Stereo). (Educational:Science, 1hr)

04:00am  -PBS X Nova Runaway Universe
Astronomers try to confirm the size and shape of the universe and how it
will end..   (CC, In Stereo). (Series:Nature, 1hr)

05:00am  -HIST  Beyond the Wild Blue: A History of the United
States Air Force Rebuilding for Space
Space Age technology lessens the importance of nuclear devices..
(Special:Documentary, 1hr)

04:00pm  -TRAVELJourney to the Ends of the Earth The Lost City
of Gold
The Lost City of the Incas in Peru..  (News  Information:Travel, 1hr)

05:00pm  -TRAVELPlaces of Mystery Malta's Sacred Temples
The temple builders of Malta..  (Series:Mystery, 30m)

07:00pm  -HIST  History's Mysteries Hitler and the Occult
Ancient prophecy and occult ritual fascinate Nazi Germany..   (CC).
(Special:Documentary, 1hr)

11:00pm  -HIST  History's Mysteries Hitler and the Occult
Ancient prophecy and occult ritual fascinate Nazi Germany..   (CC).
(Special:Documentary, 1hr)

Thursday, July 26, 2001

01:00am  -TRAVELPlaces of Mystery Malta's Sacred Temples
The temple builders of Malta..  (Series:Mystery, 30m)

02:00am  -PBS X The Roman Empire in the First Century Winds of
Change; Years of Eruption
Claudius rules; Britain battles Roman legions; in Judea, Paul tells of
Jesus; Rome verges on disaster under Nero's reign; Mount Vesuvius erupts;
the empire expands..   (CC, In Stereo). (Special:Documentary, 2hr)

[CTRL] UPI: Israel to look into Arafat murder ad (http://www.vny.com/cf/news/upidetail.cfm

2001-07-24 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

UPI News Article: Israel to look into Arafat murder ad

Monday, 23 July 2001 12:32 (ET)

Israel to look into Arafat murder ad

 GAZA, July 23 (UPI) -- Israel's attorney general on Monday said he would
consider opening a criminal investigation into an advertisement that urged
anyone who had the opportunity to murder Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat,
the Haaretz newspaper reported.

 The paper said that a leader of a group called Zo Artzeinu, Moshe Feiglin,
and three movement colleagues signed the advertisement, published in the
Makor Rishon newspaper by the right-wing group.

 The ad called on any Israeli to point your rifle at his (Arafat's) plane
when it flies over the Jewish settlement... The ad also urged members of
the Israeli secret service to open fire immediately at Arafat's convoy
whenever driving in the streets of Gaza and the West Bank.

 Legal officials said they doubted indictments could actually be submitted
against either the Zo Artzeinu members or Makor Rishon's editors. Since a
tougher anti-incitement law was recently defeated in the Knesset, said the
paper, prosecutors lack the legal tools needed to indict the sponsors of
the anti-Arafat message.

 But Member of Knesset Ran Cohen from Meretz Party urged Israel Attorney
General Elyakim Rubinstein to charge both the Zo Artzeinu members and Makor
Rishon's editors.

 Rubinstein also ordered the Israeli army, the police and the Shin Bet
security service to take firm, uncompromising action against extremist
Jewish settlers who harm innocent Arab civilians.

 Meanwhile, Rubinstein reportedly convened a secret meeting last week with
top security officials to consider ways of clamping down on vigilante
actions that harm Palestinian civilians, including women and children, said
the paper. Officials at the meeting considered various legal steps against
extremists, particularly in the Hebron area, such as banning their entry to
flashpoints on the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

 Ha'aretz said that no decision had been reached regarding the imposition
of such restraining orders on Jewish militants.

Copyright 2001 by United Press International.
All rights reserved.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Very Good UFO Coverage by ABCNEWS.COM on Internet Expose (fwd)

2001-07-24 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Terry W. Colvin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 23, 2001 9:13 PM
Subject: IUFO: FWD [UASR] Very Good UFO Coverage by ABCNEWS.COM on
Internet Expose

ABC News gave some unusuall good, even-handed coverage to UFOs on its
website: could this be part of the Public Acclimation program? Is ABC
testing the waters via the Internet?

ABC's Chris Wallace does an excellent interview with Nick Pope, 
Investigator for the British Ministry of Defence. Three segments.



Then, Click on NICK POPE

In addition to listening to Nick Pope's three interviews, you may wish to
hear the other two featured speakers, physicist Dr. Michio Kaku and skeptic
Michael Shermer.

ALSO, Check Out the EXTRAS link for UFO video footage, photos, etc.

The EXTRA button and sub-buttons don't seem to work very well, so if you
have any trouble, go directly to:

Photograph web page:


UFO Documents (this link's real good!)


UFO Video (WOW!)


UFO in 3D (Movie file)


Released NSA Documents (You will need a .PDF Reader)


  Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] AFP: US lawmakers warned of dark winter in case of bioterrorist attack

2001-07-24 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Tuesday July 24, 7:11 AM

US lawmakers warned of dark winter in case of bioterrorist attack

WASHINGTON, July 23 (AFP) - A chilling scenario of possible national
collapse was presented Monday to US lawmakers by a group of prominent
security experts, who warned that a biological terrorist attack on US soil
could bring the country to the brink of disintegration.

The panel, which included former deputy secretary of defense John Hamre,
Oklahoma governor Frank Keating and former senator Sam Nunn, presented
their conclusions after holding a two-day exercise code-named Dark
Winter, which featured a computer-simulated bioterrorist attack on three
US states.

Members of the House Subcommittee on National Security closely listened as
participants painted a picture of the world's most powerful nation
descending into chaos in a matter of several weeks.

 The game starts with a brief television report that about two dozen people
checked into an Oklahoma City hospital with an unidentified illness.
Doctors soon find the patients have smallpox, a highly contagious and
deadly disease unseen in the United States since 1949.

Similar smallpox cases are reported in Pennsylvania and Georgia. By day
six, 300 Americans are dead and 2,000 others are infected. Cases of
smallpox are reported in Mexico, Canada and Britain, according to the

Meanwhile the US heath system is overwhelmed, the 12 million doses of
smallpox vaccine quickly disappear, schools nationwide are forced to close,
and public gatherings are limited due to fear of contagion.

Droves of Oklahomans anxious to flee stream toward Texas -- but the Texas
governor, eager to protect his own residents, closes the border and deploys
the state National Guard. Shots are fired.

As the standoff between Texans and Oklahomans deepens, a rift opens between
federal and local authorities. Members of the US National Security Council
suggest nationalizing the national guard, while state governors insist on
keeping the local troops under their control.

On day 12 of the scenario, when the death toll reaches 1,000, interstate
commerce grinds to a halt and stock trading is suspended. Demonstrations
demanding more smallpox vaccines turn into riots. The United Nations moves
its headquarters from New York to Geneva, Switzerland.

Less than two months after the outbreak, when the number of dead reach one
million and three million more are infected, the president, played in the
exercise by Nunn, gathers his top aide to considers imposing marshal law.

Dead silence reigned in the hearing room as Hamre and Nunn presented their
findings with the help of colorful emergency newscasts prepared by the
nation's leading television broadcasters, who also took part in the
exercise, which took place at Andrews Air Force Base outside Washington,
D.C. in June.

I think we felt it would cripple the United States if it occurred, Hamre

We though we were really gathering together to talk about the mechanics of
government, Hamre said. What we ended up doing is thinking how we save
democracy in America.

To Republican Congressman Benjamin Gilman, scenarios like this no longer
belong to the realm of science fiction.

Sadly, events of the last few years, with bombings ... in New York,
Oklahoma City, have transformed the bioterrorism debate from the question
of 'if' to the seeming inevitability of 'when, he said.

Nunn, who had sat on the Senate Armed Services Committee for more than two
decades, said the exercise raised more questions than answers.

If there is only one dose of smallpox vaccine for every 23 Americans, whom
do you vaccinate? he asked.

Do you seize hotels and convert them to hospitals? Do you close borders
and block all travel? What level of force do you use to keep someone sick
with smallpox in isolation? he asked.

No clear answer was offered by those present.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] AheadNews: FBI Has SM Sex Tape Involving Chandra and Condit With Eascort

2001-07-24 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[Again, I cannot vouch for the credibility of AheadNews.  --MS]


MONDAY JULY 23, 2001 14:04:39 ET

XXX Law Enforcement Source:

White Van in Dupont Circle May Match Condit Brother's Vehicle,
FBI has SM Sex Tape Involving Chandra and Condit With Escort XXX

Condit's Brother Now the Focus of the F.B.I.

7.19.01 UPDATE:

The case of the disappearance of Chandra Levy is developing on several
fronts now according to law enforcement sources.

Apparently the FBI has in its possession a sex tape with Chandra Levy, Gary
Condit and an unnamed escort sex service worker performing bondage and
sexual acts of domination before a home video camera.

This would give credence to the theory that investigators are working on
about Condit's secret double life, that Chandra was killed in a sex game
gone bad, and that the body had to be disposed.

Also, after Gary Condit's brother was put in jail over the weekend on
parole violations and interviewed for 4 hours, it has come forward that the
tip given to police that there was a white van near the area trying to pick
up young women may match a vehicle driven by Gary Condit's brother whose
whereabouts are still not accounted for in late April and early May.

This may explain why a high powered Washington attorney has been hired for
the brother in Florida to take care of seemingly minor charges against him,
on which he is being held without bond.

Co-workers of Condit's brother at his construction site had seen him come
back from his secret vacation in mid-May with a noticeable limp from an
undisclosed injury.

The FBI will be using their best profilers no doubt in the fourth interview
this week to probe this and other questions.

7.19.01 UPDATE:

Just when the Gary Condit saga seems to have nothing left to shock us, more
just keeps on coming.

To add to the fact that the National Enquirer tabloid magazine will report
Friday that two 15 year old girls are coming forward about their sexual
abuse at the hands of the Congressman, (then a California State
Assemblyman) sources from California are now saying that Mrs. Condits
health condition and her damaged thumbs are related to twisted sexual
games related to hangings.

The wife of the Congressman has sought 1998 Doctors medical treatment in
San Jose for 12 scars on her rear-some half a foot long that appeared to be
the product of a punishment with a lash.

Add this to the blockbuster story that a custodian of the buliding that
Condit lived in was forced to clean his apartment twice between May 2 and
May 5 and was so bothered by what he saw on the premises that he turned
over a gagging ball and part of a buckle to his immediate superior. This
employee was promptly fired the next day.

When this goes public look for this account to be the big story next week
to keep giving this scandal story legs in the national media.

The custodian/maintenance employee who discovered Gary Condit's kinky sex
lair on May 2-5 and was so bothered by what he saw that he took potential
evidence from the scene of Condit's apartment to show to his superiors in
the apartment complex may be the key to placing Chandra Levy in the
building after her disappearance.

The employee who was fired the next day after expressing concerns of the
evidence he saw in the bathroom sex closet of Gary Condit is talking to the
tabloids and will reveal that part of the evidence in question is a black
leather bra strap that he took out of the Congressman's apartment.

Whether it is Chandra's or who has possession of this possibly damning
evidence and what DNA or blood is on it is not yet known, but why an
employee raising questions about what he saw was fired the next morning is
curious indeed.

7.17.01 UPDATE:

Insiders can reveal now that the D.C. Police has confiscated items in Rep.
Gary Condit's forbidden bathroom closet that coupled with DNA evidence
collected already will blow the roof off the case of the disappearance of
Chandra Levy.

The discovery of the sexual related inventory hidden in Condit's closet
that mistress Anne Marie Smith was forbidden to look at will astound the
followers of this national media story.

Police investigators now believe that the because of the graphic nature of
the material in this closet that Chandra Levy was accidentally killed in a
sex game situation.

How much evidence the authorities have in the apartment of a body removal
by Condit or another party is not known yet, but the Congressman appears to
have made a fatal mistake by letting the DC Police search his apartment,
instead of making them get a warrant.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A


2001-07-24 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[Note the last line of the below post.  Can anyone verify or add to this?
The below news excerpt is supposedly from The Globe and Mail via Associated
Press. The Globe and Mail is published in Toronto and is Canada's
national newspaper, like the New York Times in the U.S. -MS]

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, July 23, 2001 3:18 PM
Subject: Ah... It's getting interesting now: --- BUSH BIOGRAPHER FOUN D



Bush Biographer's death a suicide, Police say Saturday, July 21, 2001.

Little Rock, Ark.-James Howard Hatfield, whose biography of U.S. President
George W. Bush won national attention before its publisher withdrew it over
the author's criminal past, died in a motel in what police called a suicide
yesterday. Police said Mr. Hatfield, 43, died of an apparent drug overdose.
His body was found on Wednesday in a motel in Springdale, about 320
kilometres northwest of Little Rock. Mr. Hatfield wrote the unauthorized
biography, Fortunate Son: George W. Bush and the Making of an American


Mark Vallen of Yahoo group Change-Links writes:

I'm NOT a conspiracy theorist... but. In the immediate aftermath of the
violence at the Democratic National Convention, Mr Hatfield wrote a
personal e-mail to me requesting the use of a Photograph I had taken and
posted on my Website. He graciously offered to pay me by sending me a copy
of his book Fortunate Son: George W. Bush and the Making of an American
President. Upon it's arrival I read the book from cover to cover.
Hatfield's main allegation was that Bush Jr. had been arrested for
possession of Cocaine in 1972... and the author cited three anonymous
sources verifying the charge. Further, Hatfield claimed that the Bush
Family's influence had any record of this arrest expunged. ST. MARTIN'S
PRESS published 104,000 copies of Hatfield's book, and just prior to that
publisher recalling the books... it hit the New York Times hardcover
nonfiction best seller list. The Bush Family was outraged and denied the
allegations. Hatfield then became the target of a public campaign to
discredit him. The Dallas Morning News and The Washington Post both
reported that Hatfield was convicted in 1988 of plotting to kill a
co-worker. TEXAS prison officials confirmed that a man named James Howard
Hatfield went to prison in 1988 for such a crime (and was paroled in 1993).
Hatfield insisted that he was not that man, and that it was a case of
mistaken identity meant to destroy his reputation. He stuck by his
allegations and found another publisher (Soft Skull Press). His book was
printed once again and put back into circulation... but on a much smaller
scale. In 1999, Bush Jr., continuing his pleas of innocence said of
Hatfield, I may not be finished with this yet, It's outrageous.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] AP: Colombia Drug Policy Questioned

2001-07-24 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


The groundswell against Plan Colombia comes as the U.S. Congress debates
new aid for Colombia and Washington prepares to deliver sophisticated
helicopters as part of a $1.3 billion aid package approved last year in
support of the program.


Friday, 20 July 2001

Colombia Drug Policy Questioned

By Jared Kotler

BOGOTA -- President Andres Pastrana's U.S.-backed offensive against drug
crops has hit a flurry of domestic opposition from critics who say aerial
spraying harms people and the environment, punishes poor farmers and has
failed to stem drug trafficking.

The groundswell against Plan Colombia comes as the U.S. Congress debates
new aid for Colombia and Washington prepares to deliver sophisticated
helicopters as part of a $1.3 billion aid package approved last year in
support of the program.

The first three of 16 Blackhawk helicopters are expected to arrive by the
end of July and the remainder by December. The helicopters will give
greater mobility to U.S.-trained army battalions assigned to destroy jungle
drug laboratories and provide security against rebel fire for aerial
spraying missions using crop-killing herbicides.

The State Department also expects to deliver four additional crop-dusting
planes next month and eight more by February.

Colombian and U.S. officials have given repeated assurances that the
eradication push only targets large-scale coca and opium plantations
operated by drug traffickers. They say the chemical used, a variant of the
popular backyard fertilizer Roundup, is ecologically harmless and safe for

But environmentalists, human rights activists and small farmers who say
their crops are also being hit remain staunchly opposed.

Their arguments are now echoing on the political level, where governors
from the main drug-producing states, Colombia's top human rights official,
the nation's comptroller general and a leading lawmaker from Pastrana's own
party came out this week against the policy.

Conservative Party Sen. Juan Manuel Ospina said Thursday he plans to
introduce legislation sharply scaling back forced aerial fumigation,
requiring more emphasis on aid to help farmers switch to legal crops, and
decriminalizing small drug plots. Fumigation ''has been absolutely
ineffective in reducing or eliminating the areas under cultivation,''
Ospina said in an interview.

At a congressional hearing Wednesday, Comptroller Carlos Ossa called for
fumigation to be suspended altogether, saying it is proceeding without an
approved environmental protection plan. Federal human rights ombudsman
Eduardo Cifuentes also demanded a stop, adding that government offers of
compensation for poor farmers are lagging far behind the spraying.

Earlier in the week, six governors from some of the country's main drug
producing states forced a meeting with top officials in Bogota in which
they warned current policies could provoke mass protests in their regions.

So far, Pastrana shows no signs of bending.

Spraying of heroin plantations continued this week in Cauca and Narino,
even as those states' governors were in Bogota registering their protests.
Anti-narcotics police chief Gen. Gustavo Socha blamed the criticism on
''drug traffickers'' spreading disinformation.

Any scaleback in forced eradication would likely put the government at odds
with Washington, whose number one priority in Colombia is the drug war.
Colombia is the world's leading cocaine exporting nation and a major
supplier of heroin to the United States.

U.S. Ambassador Anne Patterson on Wednesday reaffirmed aerial eradication
as a ''key'' to its aid program. The embassy has commissioned a study it
believes will refute claims that the spraying is causing respiratory and
skin ailments among farmers and their families.

The U.S. Congress last week began consideration of an $882 million
follow-up aid package floated by the Bush administration for Colombia and
its Andean neighbors. Concerns about fumigation _ and the military's human
rights record are expected to arise.

A leading conservation group, World Wildlife Fund, sent a letter to members
of Congress last week warning that fumigation threatens Colombia's
biodiversity and urging a moratorium ''at least until an adequate
environmental impact study has been conducted.''

The latest controversy follows what U.S. officials are calling a successful
start to the eradication push, which began late last year in Putumayo, the
largest coca-growing province.

Since January, according to official figures released here this week,
spraying has done away with 128,000 acres of coca more than one-third of
the amount U.S. officials estimated was growing in Colombia at the end of
last year. Gonzalo de Francisco, the government's point man for Putumayo,
said he has also signed up more than 40,000 peasant families in agreements
to manually eradicate their coca in return for aid to grow legal crops.

Copyright 2001 Associated Press

[CTRL] OBSERVER: Bush to raise 'private army' in drugs war

2001-07-24 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Underlying the concern over the escalation of Plan Colombia is a suspicion
that the entire nature of the war on drugs there is threatening to take a
dangerous turn in favour of overt military assistance for the Colombian
military against left-wing guerrilla groups who, some US a nalysts claim,
benefit most from cocaine production.

Sunday, 22 July 2001

Bush to raise 'private army' in drugs war Back-door military escalation in

By Peter Beaumont

PRESIDENT Bush is planning to escalate the US war against drugs from South
America with new legislation that its critics say will allow him to deploy
a 'private army' of former US servicemen across the region.

The disclosure comes amid mounting evidence that the controversial Dollars
1.3 billion Plan Colombia, a military support programme initiated by the
Clinton administration to sever the supply of Colombian cocaine, has had a
negligible impact on supplies to US cities.

Experts say coca production has been switched to neighbouring Bolivia,
Venezuela and Peru.

The claim that Bush is seeking permission to deploy his own private army -
unanswerable to congressional oversight - comes as Congress prepares to
vote on proposals to inject cash into Plan Colombia by lifting a cap on the
number of privatised military personnel allowed to be deployed there.

The cap, which was introduced following fears that the US could be dragged
into a new Vietnam war, limited the total to 500, in a purely training

Congress also insisted that no more than 300 non-military personnel,
largely working for private companies such as Dyncorp as coca- spraying
pilots, could be in Colombia at any one time.

However, a new Dollars 676 million programme - the Andean Counterdrug
Initiative - would allow the Bush administration to deploy as many former
servicemen as it wanted.

Questions about American counter-narcotics efforts in the Andean region
have risen sharply since April, when Peruvian jets shot down a US
missionary aircraft over the Amazon river, believing it was laden with
drugs. The Peruvian fighter was guided in for the attack by a radar plane
operated by a CIA contractor.

Bush's personal involvement in lifting the cap was made clear by an
official who told the Miami Herald on Friday that 'the President requested

There are 171 American civilian contractors in Colombia now, involved in
activities ranging from aerial fumigation and military training to
administering judicial reform programmes and helping internal refugees.

Concern has also been raised by a provision in the Andean Counterdrug
Initiative legislation exempting State Department contractors from a
section of the Foreign Assistance Act that specifically bans them from
buying weapons and ammunition with federal funds.

The new legislation would allow the companies to purchase weapons and
ammunition for use in the Andean region for 'defensive pur poses', a
definition, say critics, open to widespread abuse.

Underlying the concern over the escalation of Plan Colombia is a suspicion
that the entire nature of the war on drugs there is threatening to take a
dangerous turn in favour of overt military assistance for the Colombian
military against left-wing guerrilla groups who, some US analysts claim,
benefit most from cocaine production.

That suspicion has been fuelled by a report commissioned by the US Air
Force from the Rand Corporation think-tank, which says 'drugs and
insurgency are intertwined in complicated and changing ways, but the former
cannot be addressed without the latter'. It concludes that efforts to
reduce the drug supply in Colombia have been ineffective because America
has focused more on 'counter-narcotics' than 'counter-insurgency' aid.

'We are worried that this new legislation would give the President sole
control over a private army in the Andean region without any accountability
to Congress,' Nadeam Elshami, a staffer with Democratic Congresswoman Jan
Schakowsky, told The Observe r last week. Schakowsky has tabled an
amendment seeking to keep the cap on civilian military contractors in the
new legislation.

'It's a back-door way of escalating our involvement in the Andean region
and providing additional money to private military contractors who have not
been effective.'

Copyright 2001 Guardian Newspapers Limited

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright 

[CTRL] Reu: U.S. Nuclear Fugitive Arrested in Spain

2001-07-24 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Monday July 23 8:43 AM ET

U.S. Nuclear Fugitive Arrested in Spain

MADRID (Reuters) - A U.S. citizen convicted of selling nuclear arms parts
to Israel has been arrested in Spain after 16 years on the run, police said
on Monday.

Richard Kelly Smith, 71, escaped before being sentenced in the United
States on 15 counts of exporting nuclear arms technology and 15 counts of
falsification of documents.

He was picked up two weeks ago in Malaga on Spain's southern Costa del Sol,
where he had been living since 1985, police said.

Spain's High Court will now consider whether to extradite him, they added.

``In 1985 Los Angeles authorities filed an international warrant for
(Smith's) arrest and extradition ... so we are complying with that
request,'' a spokesman for the national police in Malaga said. ``The case
has been transferred to the High Court.''

Smith had previously been chairman of a Los Angeles-based company that
developed microchips called ``Kryptons,'' which are involved in the firing
mechanism of nuclear weapons, police said.

Between 1980 and 1982 he falsified documents so that his company could sell
the Kryptons to an Israeli company for an undisclosed sum.

The U.S. embassy in Madrid declined to comment.

Spain's Justice Ministry as recently as 1992 received a ''verbal petition''
from Washington for Smith's arrest and extradition, a Justice Ministry
spokesmen said.

The spokesman added that since Smith's arrest, Washington has made no
formal extradition request.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] AP: Pentagon Shuts Down Websites [Due to CODE RED Worm]

2001-07-24 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Pentagon Shuts Down Websites

Associated Press
5:03 p.m. July 23, 2001 PDT

WASHINGTON -- The U.S. Pentagon temporarily shut down public access to its
Web sites Monday to make sure they are protected against a new computer
threat known as the Code Red worm.

Most (Department of Defense) Web sites will not be accessible by the
public until this worm no longer poses any threat to DOD networks,
spokeswoman Lt. Col. Catherine Abbott said.

Pentagon computer security experts were instructed to install repair
programs, commonly known as patches, to make their computers impenetrable
to the worm before making the sites viewable again to the public.

The sites remained visible to military personnel who accessed them from
their work computers, Abbott said.

Some Defense Web sites, such as the DefenseLink hub, remained operational
Monday evening. But others with the .mil address didn't respond.

The worm, similar to a computer virus, has already infected at least
225,000 computers. It defaces Web sites with the words Hacked by Chinese.
It has spread more quickly than any worm in recent history.

The White House took precautions against it Thursday evening, changing its
numerical Internet address to dodge the attack.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation's National Infrastructure Protection
Center issued a warning, calling the worm a significant threat that could
degrade services running on the Internet.

Because Code Red spread so quickly, security companies haven't been able to
figure out who wrote and released it.

Code Red exploits a flaw discovered last month in Microsoft (MSFT) software
used on Internet servers. While a software patch was made available to
correct the flaw, many computers haven't been updated.

Vulnerable computers are those running the server software with the
Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 2000 operating system.

Only computers set to use the English language will have their Web pages

Since the worm surfaced, another variant has been found that doesn't deface
Web pages but spreads even more quickly.

Code Red also can damage smaller networks by affecting the Internet routers
used for data traffic control.

Since the worm targets Internet servers, mostly used by businesses, few
individual computer users have been affected.

Copyright © 2001 Associated Press

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] IMC: Unprovoked, Violent Police Attack in Genoa

2001-07-24 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Indy Media

[Emperor's Clothes]

Unprovoked, Violent Police Attack in Genoa

By Vincent Pang
22 July 2001

GENOA - Tonight the carabineraie raided the IMC [Indy Media Center] as many
people already have probably seen on the newswire already. As we saw it the
carabineraie started by pulling up about 2-300m up the road in initially
around four to five vans. They got out and started to jog down the street
in riot gear and batons. People saw them and started to enter both
buildings - the main GSF (Genoa Social Forum) building (where the Indy
media Center was also located) and the school opposite which was part of
the GSF facilities.

The school had been a safe space for people to sleep and chill for a few
days. In the school there were a diverse bunch of people. As the
convergence center was quite close, many people came to get information on
the counter conference and the solidarity marches and also to use
computers. Many people who slept in the school were participants from the
marches, a group of pacifists from Zaragoza had come to the school to sleep
just fifteen minutes before the arrived, (as it was the only really safe
space to sleep) and ended up with eight hospitalised and more detained by
the carabineraie.

The carabineraie, having reached the school and the GSF building started to
arbitrarily beat people with the batons as people scrabbled to get inside
either building. The door were closed on the GSF building but they entered
from, not the main door, but one which was not secured at the side - not
secured as this was just not expected.

I can only tell from what happened now from the IMC as I was there working.
The IMC tried to calm people down as the carabineraie came in and demanded
that all of us stand spread -eagle against the wall for about 30 minutes
whilst the people wandered in and out of the rooms a bit listlessly,
looking for anything incriminating - as if. They then moved everyone into
one area and everyone had to sit down for another twenty minutes or so.

What they found and took was some of the equipment like mini disks videos
and disks and searched many peoples bags. They also took some salad knives
from the kitchen and a couple of gas masks. Later after it was all over
they said to the press that they saw quite a lot of black clothes inside
the rooms, well excuse me.

Apparently opposite the police took all available passports and wallets and
diaries from peoples bags.

The carabineraie tried to take one of the IMC people but another journalist
with G8 accreditation stepped in and although he was pushed back the
carabineraie left the other guy alone.

They finally left when a women MP who was in the building came to our floor
and had powers to make to carabineraie leave - due to the fact that we were
an international group and also journo/press. The police left, but we
discovered that the people on the other floors of the GSF building had had
freedom to roam after only being held on the floor for a short time. Also
the GSF Lawyers office was ransacked and the computers destroyed, hard
drives taken and the phones smashed. So much for the law. The computers
conatined all of the info relating to legal aid etc over the last few days.
The carabineraie obviously had their purpose here, one mission being to
search the IMC floor to find something to discredit the IMC media movement.

After they left people immediately checked their gear and recorded what was
taken, and then the keypads started burning.

Then we discovered the fucking mass beatings next door where people were
already sleeping and others had been eating and talking, many IMC people
stayed outside to somberly record the devastation and support those in
shock and disbelief at what had just occurred. Tears and shouts of
assinos followed the police who for another half an hour or so were still
blocking off exits. Many people outside had been chanting let them free
whilst we were up against the wall and the school was being emptied with
stretcher after stretcher of young men and women being carried out.

The story from across the street in the school was that when police arrived
they grabbed the first people they could outside and beat them heavily. One
of the first to be beaten was a UK reporter who was smashed repeatedly by a
group of them. One held him by his neck while the others beat him with
clubs. Unconscious he was left in the street in a pool of blood (later when
we were allowed out of the building the blood had been cleaned off the
pavement). Their intention was clear then from the start.

Inside the building when police entered many people inside raised their
hands but the police just started smashing windows. One group then ran to
the third floor and managed to escape out of an upper window and down
scaffolding (the building is a bit of a building site under repair) - they
were lucky. The others inside were beaten 

[CTRL] JurusalemPost: Congress bill would protect Temple Mount

2001-07-24 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


The Jerusalem Post Newspaper

Online News From Israel
News Article

Congress Bill Would Protect Temple Mount

In a bipartisan bid to stop the destruction of ancient Jewish artifacts
located under the Temple Mount, Rep. Eric Cantor (R-Virginia) introduced
legislation into Congress on Thursday that would eliminate aid to the
Palestinian Authority should it continue to authorize the removal of
archeological antiquities from Judaism's holiest site.

Introduced with 16 co-sponsors, the Temple Mount Preservation Act was
lauded by Jewish leaders here who are have become increasingly concerned
with Palestinian leaders' claims that Jewish history at the Temple Mount is
fabricated, and their efforts to excavate and destroy such history in
Jerusalem's Old City.

Calling the destruction one of the most unprecedented attacks on religious
heritage of our time, Cantor stated at a press conference that under the
current circumstances, thousands of years of Judeo-Christian heritage is
under siege at this most sacred of sites to Christianity, Judaism, and
Islam. The legislation, which calls on the Bush administration to
prohibit assistance to the PA or its instrumentalities unless the
president certifies that no excavation of the Temple Mount in Israel is
being conducted, states that the massive excavations and unsupervised
destruction of artifacts are undeniable affronts to the concept of
religious freedom and tolerance that must be respected in order to achieve
and maintain peace in the Middle East.

After the signing of the Oslo Accords in 1993, the Wakf, or Islamic
religious trust, began authorizing widespread bulldozing and destroying of
antiquities dating back to the First Temple period, which have been dumped
in the Kidron Valley nearby and, according to some reports, sold on the
black market, in early 1998.

Sheikh Ikrima Sabri, the PA-appointed mufti of Jerusalem and chief Muslim
administrator of the site, was referred to by Cantor in the legislation as
an anti-Semite. Sabri has publicly, and repeatedly, denied any Jewish link
to the Temple Mount. At the Camp David peace summit last year, PA Chairman
Yasser Arafat also reportedly rejected any Jewish claims to the Temple
Mount. According to Cantor's legislation, the actions of Yasser Arafat and
the PA threaten to eliminate all historical evidence of Jewish activity on
the Temple Mount and serve to discredit Israeli claims of sovereignty over
the Temple Mount. The US is set to provide the Palestinians with $125
million this year as part of a three-year, $400 million package approved by
Congress in 2000, as well as an additional $75m. in indirect aid through
the US Agency for International Development.

I think it's important that Congress understand that the Palestinians
can't be trusted on many levels, not the least of which is that they can't
be trusted to preserve the important religious sites in Jerusalem, said
Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY), one of the bill's co-sponsors. I think we need
to hold them accountable and the Cantor legislation seeks to do that, he
said. For a Christian member of Congress and co-sponsor, Rep. Mike Pence
(R-Indiana), the desecration of Jewish history on the Temple Mount is an
outrageous example of an attempt by the PA to show no regard to the
important claim that both Jewish and Christian history have on that site.

When you think of the millions of believing Christians and Jews across
America who cherish that site, and that $125 million is being used to
excavate the site without any regard to its unique history and without any
regard to standard archaeological protocol, it is totally unacceptable,
said Pence. We are not an honest broker in the Middle East, we are a
friend of Israel in the Middle East, and this is precisely the moment that
a friend and partner writing the checks can speak to the recipient of those

Jewish leaders praised the legislation as a step toward raising awareness
of the destruction that is currently occurring in Jerusalem. This
legislation sends a very important message, said Malcolm Hoenlein, the
executive vice chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American
Jewish Organizations, that all those who want to see the site preserved
are not going to assist those responsible for that desecration.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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[CTRL] LAT: Global Warming: Fear Growing Over a Sharp Climate Shift

2001-07-24 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Global Warming: Fear Growing Over a Sharp Climate Shift

By Usha Lee McFarling
July 13, 2001
Los Angeles Times

AMSTERDAM -- As climatologists gather here this week to discuss new
research on global warming, a disquieting idea has been gaining currency --
the possibility that small shifts in global temperature could lead to
sudden and abrupt climate changes.

What makes such projections important is not their likelihood, which is
uncertain, although a growing number of scientists believe that sudden
changes in climate are a possibility. Instead, the chief significance for
policymakers and the public lies in what the new research suggests about
scientific uncertainty and risk.

Until recently, much of the climate debate has centered on whether global
warming is occurring at all. Most climate models had assumed a slow, steady
increase in temperature and forecast gradual changes with gradual effects.
But newer, more sophisticated models suggest that the Earth's climate
system is nonlinear -- in other words, small changes can have large
effects on everything from ocean and land temperatures to drought and
monsoon patterns, icecaps and tropical rain forests.

Though loath to cry wolf, more and more experts are beginning to publicly
discuss--and personally fear-- changes that are far more dramatic, and
potentially faster, than those at the center of discussion so far. Some
events could permanently alter life on Earth.

For example, one projection is that melting Arctic ice could cause a flow
of fresh water into the North Atlantic that would shut down the Gulf Stream
this century. That warm current moderates the European climate, and turning
it off would make a swath of land from London to Stockholm miserable.

Sometimes very small, innocent changes can trigger huge changes, said
Will Steffen, executive director of the Sweden-based International
Geosphere- Biosphere Program, or IGBP, which is coordinating the Amsterdam
conference. Sometimes you hit it with a hammer and nothing happens. We
simply do not know. We are heading into uncharted waters.

In the global warming debate, a chief argument of industry, joined by Bush
administration officials and some scientists, is that the U.S. and its
allies should not rush into potentially costly measures to head off
possible climate change because our knowledge of the subject is limited.

Many scientists, however, say that argument is precisely backward. The
possibility of sudden, dramatic climate shifts means that, although there
is a risk that current models are too pessimistic, there is also a
substantial risk that they are too optimistic.

A prominent advocate of the go-slow school of thought is Sallie Baliunas of
the Harvard- Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, an expert on how the sun
and its heat output have varied through time.

Her research is funded by federal agencies but she accepts money -- to
travel around and speak -- from firms that have advocated a go-slow
approach on global warming. She argues that computer models are unreliable,
exaggerate warming trends, fail to adequately take into account natural
fluctuations in temperature and do not explain why no warming has been seen
in the upper atmosphere.

The best evidence says [climate change] is slow to work, so we have a
window of opportunity, she said.

As advocates of that school of thought note, many climate scientists a
decade ago feared that global warming could cause a catastrophic melting of
the massive West Antarctic ice sheet. Such an event would release huge
amounts of water into the seas, devastating many of the world's highly
populated, low-lying coastal areas.

Recent studies, though, suggest that the Antarctic icecap is stable -- and
actually growing as more precipitation falls there.

Other scientists argue that because knowledge is uncertain, it is crucial
to begin cutting emissions of carbon dioxide and other so-called greenhouse
gases to slow the rate of climate change.

We could be either under- or overestimating the effect of human activities
on climate, said Robert Watson, chief scientist at the World Bank and head
of the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. So why should we be

Paul Crutzen, an atmospheric chemist working in Germany who won the Nobel
Prize for explaining the hole in the atmosphere's ozone layer, makes a
similar point. There is not enough room to take chances with the climate,
he argues.

The chief cause of the hole, which appeared over Antarctica in the final
decades of the 20th century, was chlorofluorocarbons -- chemicals used as
refrigerants and as propellants in spray cans. Had chemists earlier in the
century decided to use bromine instead of chlorine to produce coolants -- a
mere quirk of chemistry -- the ozone hole would have been far larger,
occurred all year and severely affected life, he said.

Avoiding that was just luck, he said, noting that no scientist had

[CTRL] AP: US Military to Cut Bases in South Korea!

2001-07-24 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

From: Honolulu Advertiser

Wednesday, July 18, 2001
Associated Press

Military to cut bases in South Korea

WASHINGTON - The U.S. military could start closing and consolidating bases
in South Korea as early as next year, handing back to the country a
substantial amount of land the United States has been using for decades,
the Pentagon said yesterday.

Officials gave no details. But the military newspaper Stars  Stripes
reported that a plan in the final stages of negotiations calls for cutting
from 41 to 26 the number of installations used by forces on the southern
half of the divided peninsula.

Closing what it called 15 major installations would mean returning some
30,000 acres of land over the next 10 years, the newspaper reported in its
Pacific edition yesterday. In turn, the United States would be given some
600 acres of land on which to move some troops and equipment.

A plan for consolidation was ordered by former Defense Secretary William
Cohen in September. In a joint communique after meeting with his South
Korean counterpart, Cohen said he had authorized U.S. forces in the country
to begin work on an outline for consolidating installations and returning
a substantial amount of land.

Pentagon spokesman Rear Adm. Craig Quigley said he couldn't confirm numbers
in the Stars  Stripes story, which quoted Col. Robert E. Durbin, assistant
deputy chief of staff for the forces in Korea.

I don't think anybody can predict what the final number will be, Quigley
said. But the hope is that at the end of the day you're going to have a
more efficient structuring of the U.S. forces that are stationed in South

He stressed that the plan does not include a cut in U.S. troop strength.

U.S. troops have been stationed in South Korea since the 1950-53 war
between communist North Korea and the now-democratic South. Some 37,000
Americans remain to help keep peace between the two sides, which signed an
armistice but no peace treaty after the conflict.

Asked if the closings could begin next year, Quigley said, You could see
some interim realignments done, but there's no stipulation that some
percentage must be done by a certain point in time.

Durbin was quoted as saying it was too soon to name the 15 installations to
be closed under what Cohen called the Land Partnership Plan. He told the
newspaper an agreement was close and could come as early as this fall.

South Korean Defense Minister Kim Dong-shin discussed the plan with
Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld during a visit to Washington last
month, Stars  Stripes said.

It also quoted Durbin as saying that since the war the United States has
returned more than 75 percent of the land it was granted at that time to
operate on.

Durbin said that to consolidate, the United States must acquire some land
to build facilities for people displaced in base closings.

The plan also calls for the United States to invest $1.1 billion over the
next decade to turn its remaining installations into planned communities
with improved living and working conditions for U.S. military members and

It would build or renovate barracks, motor pools, family housing, post or
base exchanges, gyms, schools, medical and dental clinics and other
facilities, and upgrade water, electric and other utilities, the newspaper

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] INDG: WP: The Underground Military

2001-07-24 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


International Network on Disarmament and Globalization
405-825 Granville Street
Vancouver, British Columbia
Tel: (604) 687-3223
Fax: (604) 687-3277
Web: http://www.indg.org

The Washington Post
May 7, 2001

The Underground Military

By William M. Arkin

The military facility in Iquitos, Peru is not a U.S. airbase, nor does it
appear in any list of U.S. military facilities. The Americans providing
real-time tracking information to the Peruvian air force are not government
or military personnel.

So, who are the gaggle of Iquitos contractors employed by a company named
Aviation Development Corporation, a company which is located on Maxwell Air
Force base in Montgomery, Alabama, but is not a part of the U.S. Air Force?
Who are the contractors operating a specially outfitted Cessna Citation V
surveillance plane that flies the U.S. flag but does not belong to the U.S.
government? Who are the contractors operating from a hangar built by a
Peruvian company paid by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers?

They are the fighters in our drug war!

The American people are supposed to believe that Peruvian operations to
stem the cocaine flow into the United States are innocuous, but we cannot
know who the players are or what they are up to until disaster strikes.
When the destroyer USS Cole met disaster in Yemen last October, or the Navy
EP-3 was attacked off of Hainan island, we were similarly educated about
underground activities of the U.S. military.

In his election campaign, President Bush vowed to reduce the American
military presence around the world. It's a particularly tough task when
much of the presence isn't acknowledged or official. Taken individually,
each country like Peru or a Yemen may have a justification for secrecy. But
when one adds up all the all the Peru's and Yemen's, it becomes apparent
that the U.S. military is increasingly everywhere and nowhere. Israel:
Capital of Classified Bases

At the same time Peru was in the headlines, there were press reports that
the United States and Israel had conducted an unusual joint military
exercise in the Negev desert. Jane's Defence Weekly called it Israel's
first exercise with the U.S. Air Force. The Jerusalem Post called it a
marked boost in military cooperation. Neither assertion is true, but that
is the problem of an underground military policy. It is hard to know
exactly what is going on.

In fact, the United States and Israel have a regular series of military
exercises, going under the code names Juniper Stallion, Juniper Cobra,
Noble Shirley, and other Juniper variations. A month before March's Juniper
Stallion exercise, another American contingent was in Israel for Juniper
Cobra, a tactical missile defense exercise which included test-firing
Patriot missiles while the U.S. Navy Aegis destroyer USS Porter operated
off the coast. The exercise, perhaps coincidentally, ended just five days
before the February 16 U.S. and British air attacks against Iraqi air
defense sites.

Last year's Juniper Stallion exercise involved the aircraft carrier battle
group USS Eisenhower, and was from March 19-26. Eight U.S. aircraft
operated from Nevatim airfield in Israel and U.S. Navy SEALs went ashore to
train with their Israeli counterparts. During Juniper Stallion 2000,
according to the Eisenhower public affairs office, U.S. aircraft were able
to drop live bombs at two desert ranges in Israel, giving crews valuable
experience given the temporary prohibition from dropping live ordnance on
Vieques Island in Puerto Rico.

Juniper Stallion 99, held in August 1999, was an even more extensive, and
secret, exercise. U.S. Air Force munitions personnel from Italy were
deployed to officially non-existent sites where they inspected and
maintained the $500 million worth of ammunition the United States keeps in
Israel for wartime contingencies. Their bases, called Sites 51, 53, and 54,
don't appear on any map. Their specific locations are classified and highly

And it's not just munitions

The United States has propositioned vehicles, military equipment, even a
500-bed hospital, for U.S. Marines, Special Forces, and Air Force fighter
and bomber aircraft at at least six sites in Israel, all part of what is
antiseptically described as U.S.-Israel strategic cooperation. Such
cooperation may or may not enhance American security, may or may not be a
prudent part of planning to defend a close friend. The extent of U.S.
involvement may or may not be known and understood by U.S. decision-makers
and the Congress. But the reason for all the secrecy is clear: All around
Israel, in Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Oman, and the Gulf states, the U.S.
has newly built up an enormous and yet officially non-existent military
presence. Nervous Hosts Here is the web we weave: The Germany-based 22nd
Fighter Squadron, the main U.S. Air Force unit to participate in the March
Juniper Stallion exercise in Israel, returned from a 

[CTRL] Disarming the U.S. Military Hub in Latin America: The Vieques-Iraq Connection

2001-07-24 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Produced by The Fellowship of Reconciliation Task Force on Latin America
and the Caribbean

2017 Mission St. #305, San Francisco, CA 94110
Tel: (415) 495-6334
Fax: (415) 495-5628,

Puerto Rico Update, Number 32, Spring 2001

Disarming the U.S. Military Hub in Latin America

The Vieques-Iraq Connection

By Luis Monterrosa

When U.S. warplanes from the USS Harry S. Truman bombed targets south of
Baghdad on February 16, it was one in a long string of such bombing attacks
conducted by U.S. and British forces that, according to the Gulf News of
Dubai, have killed 311 Iraqis since December 1998. Exactly since six months
before the February attack, the same USS Harry S. Truman conducted its
final bombing practice runs -- in Vieques, Puerto Rico.

[Embedded image moved to file: pic18467.jpg]

And when Navy officials announced April 12 that bombing would resume in
Vieques in late April, it was for a deployment of the USS Enterprise to the
Persian Gulf immediately afterward.

Since the 1940's, Vieques has served as a dress rehearsal in the U.S.'
global theater of war. In recent times the cast has included the U.S.
military, NATO and South American and Caribbean allied forces, although the
protagonist has always been the U.S. Navy. U.S. military bombing exercises
have made Vieques the sneak preview of the U.S. military's foreign acts of

During the Vietnam War, for instance, the military used Vieques to practice
carpet bombings and its ignoble napalm program, the jellied gasoline used
against the Vietnamese people. It was also from Vieques that the United
States prepared for its military intervention in Guatemala in 1954 and the
Dominican Republic in 1965, and conducted its final rehearsal for the
invasion of Grenada in 1983. In this way, the military has created an
involuntary, mutually destructive relationship between Vieques and
countries subject to U.S. military foreign policy. Since the beginning of
the Gulf War in 1991, the most salient of these relationships between
Vieques and the outside world has been with Iraq.

About 50,000 troops train on Vieques every year, including virtually all
naval and Marine troops entering combat in the Gulf War. According to
Admiral Diego Hernández, U.S. forces' success in Iraq is due to the
troops' extensive dress rehearsals in Vieques. The U.S. bombings'
destruction of Iraq is well known. Less known is its destructive precursor
relationship to Vieques. As Roberto Rabin, of the Committee for the Defense
and Rescue of Vieques recently acknowledged, If [the U.S. military] did it
in Iraq, you know they practiced it first in Vieques.

According to a July 1999 study conducted by the Secretary of the Navy,
entitled The National Security Need For Vieques, forward deployed naval
forces engage in military activity on average every five weeks,
necessitating a constant tuning of their military apparatus. Two U.S.
carriers, USS ENTERPRISE and USS THEODORE ROOSEVELT, are good examples of

In November, 1998, the ENTERPRISE battle group trained in Vieques and left
for the Arabian Gulf. Shortly upon arrival, the battle group began military
operations, expending more than 690,000 pounds of ordnances on Iraqi
targets in a 70-hour time period, according to the Navy study. In early
1999, the ENTERPRISE battle group also launched a Tomahawk missile land
attack on Kosovo. The ENTERPRISE, which also conducted training in Vieques
in December of 2000, is currently slated to deploy to the Mediterranean and
Persian Gulf in May of this year.

After practicing on the Vieques range in February of 1999, the THEODORE
ROOSEVELT battle group also engaged in the NATO Kosovo operation. From May
12 to June 12, 1999, aircraft from ROOSEVELT's airwing flew more than 2,500
combat sorties, launching nearly a thousand precision guided munitions at
Yugoslavian and Kosovar targets. Referring to these military operations,
the Commander U.S. Second Fleet and Commander U.S. Marine Corps Forces
Atlantic illustrate Vieques' utility: Every facet of naval training
refined on the Vieques range complex was immediately demonstrated under
stress. The skills acquired by the Navy in Vieques included high altitude,
single and multiple aircraft bombing sorties using guided munitions.

According to Jay, L. Johnson, chief of naval operations, and Gen. James L.
Jones, commandant of the Marine corps, The fundamental value of the
Vieques facility is proven every day by our forward deployed naval forces.
The Aircraft Carrier Battle Groups and the Amphibious Ready Group that
trained at Vieques within the last year [1999] ended up flying combat
operations over Iraq and Kosovo within days of their arrival overseas. They
delivered many of their attacks from high altitude, and their ability to do
so successfully was directly related to their training at Vieques.

During the last decade the U.S. has consistently propped up the Iraq threat
to justify its continued bombing exercises in 

[CTRL] AP: EU Discusses Biotech Food Labeling

2001-07-24 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[This is a news update [and AP article] from The Campaign to Label
Genetically Engineered Foods.  --MS]

Dear Health Freedom Fighters,

Two items:

1) CBS News will have a segment on genetically engineered foods today
(Monday) during their Evening News with Dan Rather. Their web site states,
Our month-long series of Eye on America investigations and updates looks
at the next big battleground in the dispute over
genetically-modified foods.

2) Posted below is an article from Associated Press titled EU Discusses
Biotech Food Labeling. Currently, only genetically engineered soy and corn
are required to be labeled in the 15 European Union countries:


However, soy and corn are the only products that do need to be labeled in
the EU since there has been a three-year moratorium in place against
importing any other genetically modified crops. Now there is an attempt to
remove the moratorium by expanding the labeling requirements to all
genetically engineered foods.

It does not look like the attempt to remove the moratorium will be
successful, at least in the immediate future. And since no one wants to buy
products labeled as containing genetically modified soy or corn, there are
virtually no genetically engineered foods currently being
sold in the European Union countries.

The article below will explain more about the recent attempt to remove the
moratorium and implement further labeling requirements.

Craig Winters
Executive Director
The Campaign to Label Genetically Engineered Foods

The Campaign
PO Box 55699
Seattle, WA 98155
Tel: 425-771-4049
Fax: 603-825-5841
E-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Web Site: http://www.thecampaign.org

Mission Statement: To create a national grassroots consumer campaign for
the purpose of lobbying Congress and the President to pass legislation that
will require the labeling of genetically engineered foods in the United

EU Discusses Biotech Food Labeling

.c The Associated Press

BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) - The European Union's head office wants to allow
foods with trace amounts of genetically altered ingredients to escape new
labeling requirements, an idea criticized Monday by some politicians and
consumer groups.

The proposals, to be taken up by the European Commission on Wednesday,
would expand tracing and labeling requirements as part of a push to end the
EU moratorium that has angered U.S. exporters and hamstrings European
biotech companies.

However, one article in the draft would exempt products that may have
picked up trace amounts of genetically modified material during harvesting,
transport or processing.

The exact level has yet to be determined but may be ``no higher than 1
percent,'' according to the draft seen by The Associated Press.

Producers also must be able to show that the traces were ``technically
unavoidable,'' and the material must have been approved in a third country
for use in food.

German Environment Minister Renate Kunast attacked that idea Monday during
a visit to Brussels, insisting the current system of ``zero tolerance'' was
the safest course.

EU officials call that an impossibly unrealistic goal in today's mechanized
food-processing industry.

The United States currently does not require any labels for products with
gene-altered ingredients.

But genetically modified organisms, or GMOs, are highly unpopular in
Europe, where they are often referred to as ``Frankenstein foods'' in news

Despite assurances from producers, surveys show most Europeans see them as
a health hazard, and recent scares about mad cow and foot and mouth
diseases have only heightened sensitivity to food safety.

The Commission's proposed new rules for GMOs would tighten regulations in
one area to require labeling even if genetically altered material can no
longer be detected.

Current regulations do not require labeling in cases such as, for example,
where oil made from genetically altered corn or soybeans is used for
cooking another product and the proteins and DNA are broken down by high

EU Health Commissioner David Byrne is backing labeling in such cases
despite resistance from industry groups, according to an EU source who
spoke on condition of anonymity.

``It's the only way we think consumers will have confidence,'' the source

Jim Murray, director of the European Consumers Organization, called the
proposals ``overall a good thing,'' although he expressed hesitancy about
allowing trace amounts of GMOs to go unlabeled.

``We're prepared to look at it,'' he said, adding that a final judgment
depended on how the proposal develops when it is sent to the European
Parliament and national governments for approval.

That process will probably take a year or more, meaning no new rules until
2003 at the earliest.

The Commission's proposals are intended to implement rules approved in
February by the European Parliament that would 

[CTRL] NYT: Bush and Putin Tie Antimissile Talks to Big Arms Cuts!

2001-07-24 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Bush and Putin Tie Antimissile Talks to Big Arms Cuts


GENOA, Italy, July 22 #0151; President Bush and President Vladimir V.
Putin of Russia agreed today to link discussions of American plans to
deploy a missile defense system with the prospect of large cuts in both
nuclear arsenals. If an accord was reached quickly, it might take the place
of the 1972 Antiballistic Missile Treaty.

Mr. Putin's willingness to enter into simultaneous talks on both offensive
and defensive weapons, which American officials said was a surprise, was
greeted enthusiastically by Mr. Bush. He had proposed both the offensive
and defensive changes during his presidential campaign.

I believe that we will come up with an accord, Mr. Bush, looking almost
ebullient, said at a news conference this afternoon, after the two leaders
met for two hours in a 15th- century palace and after the Group of 8 summit
meeting closed.

When Mr. Putin was asked what would happen if the United States went ahead
with tests that violated the ABM treaty, his answer seemed starkly
different from the stand he took last month in Moscow, when he had warned
that any violation could touch off a renewed arms race.

If, as we understood from each other today, we are ready to look at the
issue of offensive and defensive systems together as a set, we might not
ever need to look at that option, Mr. Putin said.

For all the smiles and warm embraces today between Mr. Bush and Mr. Putin,
who met for the first time last month in Slovenia, all that was agreed upon
today was to start a series of intensive consultations. Condoleezza Rice,
Mr. Bush's national security adviser and a Russia expert, said tonight that
the consultations #0151; which she carefully did not refer to as
negotiations #0151; would take place on an aggressive schedule, which
she would work out on a visit to Moscow this week.

But in the past, Ms. Rice has expressed considerable skepticism about the
arms control process that dragged on through the cold war, and she has made
clear in recent days that she is not looking to replace the ABM treaty with
another formal treaty, subject to Senate approval. What we are not
interested in doing is replicating the old arms control process where it
takes 15 years to come to an agreement, she said tonight.

Speaking to a small group of reporters, she also sounded more cautious than
did her boss. Whether the talks succeed or fail, she said, at some point
Mr. Bush will need to move forward at an appropriate time on missile
defense tests that violate the ABM treaty's restrictions. The deputy
secretary of defense, Paul D. Wolfowitz, told Congress recently that such
time should be measured in months, not years.

For Mr. Putin, the politics of the talks are complex, and one of the
outstanding questions is whether he is really willing to give up the ABM
treaty or whether he is simply testing Mr. Bush's bottom line. But he does
stand to gain from a cut in offensive weapons.

The United States now has about 7,000 strategic weapons; under Start II,
the treaty to reduce strategic arms, the figure is supposed to fall to
between 3,000 and 3,500. In 1997, Presidents Clinton and Boris N. Yeltsin
agreed in principle that those numbers could fall to 2,500 or below. Mr.
Putin talks of 1,500; Mr. Bush has never specified a number.

In a brief statement, the two presidents did not state their intentions for
the ABM treaty, nor did they address how or in what order the two issues
would be taken up.

The upbeat meeting with Mr. Putin today redeemed for Mr. Bush a summit
meeting in this ancient port city that, until late today, had the makings
of a fiasco.

The three-day session was so overshadowed by violent anti-globalization
demonstrations in the streets, which left one protester dead and more than
100 badly wounded, that Canada announced that next year's meeting of the
seven largest industrial nations and Russia would be held in a small
resort, Kananaskis, an hour from Calgary, Alberta. Canada's prime minister,
Jean Chr#0233;tien, clearly hopes that the site will prove remote enough
to discourage demonstrators, who poured into Genoa by bus, rail and plane.

And to restore the summit meetings to the kind of intimate gathering they
were conceived as a quarter century ago, he insisted that each nation would
be limited to 30 to 35 members at the central site. Mr. Bush's Secret
Service detail is sometimes that size; here in Genoa, he was accompanied by
somewhere between 800 and 1,000 staff members.

Mr. Bush insisted today that the summit meeting was a success, and he
stressed the discussions that took place with leaders of a handful of
developing nations as evidence that the group was refocusing its attention
on helping the world's poorest. But other leaders seemed relieved to be
leaving town, and used considerable restraint in describing 


2001-07-24 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-




JULY 22, 2001
CONTACTS: Dr. Boyd E. Graves 330-744-5955 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
WFMJ - NBC (330)744-8611 http://www.wfmj.com/
N.O.A.H - Zygote Media 800-257-9387 zygote [EMAIL PROTECTED]


(U.S.A) International human rights activist Dr. Boyd E. Graves presented
the 1971 U.S. Special Virus Flowchart on national television during an
interview with veteran talk show host Carl Bryant on DYNAMICS IN BLACK
weekly television program today. Dr. Graves is the discoverer of the secret
30 year old Research Logic Flow Chart which coordinates 15 years and
20, secret virus development experiments.

The program's research logic details the creation and mass production of
a new hybrid human retrovirus which depletes the human immune system. Dr.
Graves says the secret virus program which officially concluded 1978 mass
produced 60,000 liters of new viruses, and is responsible for today's
global HIV/AIDS crisis. The evidence he presents are the actual NIH/NCI
government contracts for the secretly tax payer funded biochemical weapons
program, U.S. Special Virus Cancer Program (162-1978). The second part of
Dr. Graves and the U.S. Special Virus Flow Chart interview airs next

They have allowed pieces of the program to come out. In 1972 all
concentration was to the Tuskegee Experiment, as if it was an isolated
incident, says Dr. Graves. Now we know they were testing AIDS on Icelandic
sheep in 1932 and 1933 - they are not disjointed experiments. They have
been studying African sexual issues for the entire 20th century. Dr.
Graves v. The President of the United States of America U.S. Supreme Court
Case No. 00-9587 demanding an immediate review of the U.S. Special Virus
Flow Chart and the secret experiments the Flow Chart coordinates was denied
without comment June 4, 2001. The Flow Chart has been reviewed and
authenticated by medical doctors and scientists around the world since its
1999 discovery.

Dr. Graves has demanded an immediate program review from top government
officials and the scientist still living who were involved in the Special
Virus program, including AIDS 'co-discoverer' Dr. Robert C. Gallo. During a
February telephone interview, Dr. Gallo acknowledged his role as Special
Virus Project Officer and his experiments which inoculated African Green
Monkeys in 1971 inside the special virus program. Dr. Gallo could not
explain the Multiply Spliced VISNA virus found inside AIDS to Dr. Graves.
Dr. Gallo state he had been previously unaware of the U.S. Special Virus
program's 1971 Flow Chart. Now Gallo has been briefed on the 1971 Special
Virus Flow Chart and his specific contracts NIH71-2025 U.S. Special Virus
Cancer Program 1971 Progress Report #8 Pages 104  105 with the direct
allegations which resulted.

This year Dr. Graves initial court interrogatories established the fact
that NCI Deputy Director and U.S. Special Virus Cancer Program Director,
Dr. Alan Rabson agreed that the U.S. Special Virus program had the
technology to make AIDS, but could not confirm that it 'actually did'. Dr.
Rabson has taken no formal public action toward Dr. Graves and the peoples'
demands for immediate program review. Dr. Alan Rabson did disclose the
primary architects of the U.S. Special Virus Flow Chart to Dr. Graves, they
are now deceased.

Dr. Graves leadership and activism has convinced some in Congress to review
the program. Dr. Graves continues to educate Congress reproducing the
policies, laws, and their secret U.S. Special Virus progress reports using
all revenues from his book and video sales. Congress persons are being
educated on the secret program Dr. Graves helped uncover.

Last week Congressman James Trafficant (OH) came out in support of the
peoples' demands for program review.

The Congressman has agreed to ask for an investigation by the GAO or the
Congressional Committee on Investigations, said Trafficant's Regional
Director Anthony Traficanti.  The information presented by Dr. Graves is
very shocking and very revealing, Our government is supposed to be
sensitive to the peoples concerns and the flowchart was very revealing to
me,  said Traficanti.

Dr. Graves has provided the Flow Chart free online for the reading public
on his website www.boydgraves.com since February of 2001, with volumes of
additional primary source research materials available for purchase or
donation to the peoples' grass roots movement toward immediate review.

It's interesting that the first cases of AIDS were discovered in 1981 and
now it appears that the research reveals that it's existence goes back over
20 years. But since we have the Tuskegee Experiment, it may not be a
coincidence said Trafficant's office.

Since 1999 Dr. Graves has presented the secret U.S. Special Virus Cancer
Program Research Logic Flow Chart to The President of the United 

[CTRL] ABCNews: Experts Probe Meaning of New Jersey Lights

2001-07-24 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[See the below URL for a picture and video of the formation, links, and the
related stories that are listed at the end of the article.  --MS]


[PICTURE:  At least 15 people contacted police to report seeing strange
lights in the New Jersey sky over the weekend. The lights were captured on
a video, a frame of which is here. (ABCNEWS.com)]

Emotional Resonance

Experts Probe Meaning of New Jersey Lights

By Dean Schabner

July 19 - A set of golden lights hovering silently in the night sky in a
V formation stopped traffic on the New Jersey Turnpike, but were the
drivers seeing visitors from outer space or just a set of military flares
flaming out?

More than a dozen people, including two Carteret, N.J., police officers,
saw the lights last weekend, and several of the witnesses described a sense
of serenity that seemed to emanate from the celestial display. The gold
lights hovered for awhile, according to the witnesses, and then

To some, the description sounded very much like the so-called Phoenix
Lights, another V formation that appeared in the sky near Phoenix in March
1997. Like the apparition in New Jersey, the Phoenix lights were caught on

The formation also matches reports of unexplained lights in the sky from
all across the United States, as well as England and Europe.

A spokesman for the Federal Aviation Administration said that there were no
planned military operations in the area and that air traffic was light at
the time of the reported sightings. He also said that no pilots flying in
or out of Newark Airport reported seeing anything out of the ordinary.

To Michael Hathorne - who has written several books about UFOs and hosts a
program on community television in the Tampa, Fla., area and a weekly
Webcast about unexplained sightings - what was seen in New Jersey certainly
was extraordinary.

It's certainly unusual, Hathorne said. From my experience it sounds like
something very anomalous, a true UFO or even an extraterrestrial craft. But
of course it could turn out to be something else. Most of them do.

[LINK: Click here to see Chris Wallace's Internet Exposé on the UFO

A Work in Progress

He said that of the more than 1,000 sightings reported to him each year,
more than 80 percent turn out to have earthly explanations.

Colm Kelleher of the National Institute of Discovery Science says that from
what he's heard, this one fits into that category. He said based on a
preliminary investigation, it sounds like the Jersey Lights were a set of
military flares.

The same explanation was given for lights seen over Arizona four years ago.

One of the half-dozen witnesses who have spoken to the institute used
infrared night-vision glasses with a rangefinder to look at the lights,
Kelleher said. He reported that the lights were just 1,800 feet up, which
should have been close enough to see the outlines of a vessel, if there was

Several witnesses, including the retired military man who used the
night-vision equipment, described a kind of flare-out as the lights
disappeared. The retired military man also said that he saw smoke after the
lights disappeared, according to Kelleher.

This is early days, though, he added. We want to talk to more
eyewitnesses. This is a work in progress.

What struck several people who study sightings of unexplained lights or
objects in the sky was the emotional weight they gave it.

There is something about it that strikes them deeply, said Michael
Mannion, author of Project Mindshift, The Re-education of the American
Public Concerning Extraterrestrial Life 1947-Present.

When people tell about a sighting even 15 years later, that emotion comes
through. You don't get that a lot with things that turn out to be mistaken
sightings, he said.


- New Jersey Mystified by Strange Lights
- Group Calls for Disclosure of UFO Info
- UFO Tracker Shuts Down
- Chinese Report UFO Sightings
- UFOs or Light Show?
- Remembering Jimmy Carter's UFO Encounter
- Scientist Proposes UFO Study

Copyright © 2001 ABCNEWS Internet Ventures.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no 

[CTRL] Classified Secrets Of the Sky: What Crashed on Roswell, New Mexico? (fwd)

2001-07-24 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Joe Gillaspie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, July 22, 2001 10:09 AM
Subject: Re: [Conspiranoia!] Classified Secrets Of the Sky.


Classified Secrets Of the Sky

From: The 70 Greatest Conspiracies of All Time

By Jonathan Vankin and John Whalen.

What crashed in Roswell, New Mexico?

Something large and silvery wobbled through the air and ploughed into the
desert dirt with a tremendous ka-boom. That much, generally speaking, goes
without dispute. The date was July 2, 1947.

It is also a fact-on-record that the government took an immediate interest
in . . . well, whatever it was. The air force dispatched a team to scoop up
the wreckage - one metallic chunk was about four feet long - and flew some
back to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio, for scrutiny.
General Roger Ramey, the officer in charge, ordered his men not to talk to
the press. But before Ramey could clamp a lid on the affair, the base's
public information officer issued a press release announcing government
acquisition of a flying disc. An Albuquerque radio station picked up a
leak of the story. As it broadcast a report, a wire came through from the

Attention Albuquerque: cease transmission. Repeat. Cease transmission.
National security item. Do not transmit. Stand by...

A day later, the air force held a press conference and announced that what
crashed at Roswell was a balloon.

The UFO saga actually began a few days earlier when businessman and
avocational aviator Kenneth Arnold chased a squadron of nine bobbing and
weaving objects as he flew in his private plane. He described the objects
as saucer shaped. Some pithy wag, at an AP bureau, dropped the phrase
flying saucers into a wire dispatch and, forever, into the English
language. The air force said that Arnold had pursued a mirage.

There have been innumerable UFO reports though out known (and not so known)
history. Some have been captured on film, still and moving (the UFOs and
the film). They pop up all over the world, even in outer space. NASA
astronauts have reported seeing weird objects, and UFO scribe Sean Morton,
co-author of The Millennium Factor, says that NASA photos of the so-called
dark side of the moon remain, for some reason, classified.

The myth that UFOs only reveal themselves to corn huskers and residents of
trailer parks is easily dispelled. A quick scan of UFO history books shows
the air corps of one nation or another pursuing unidentifiable blips on a
regular basis.

On November 23, 1953, an F-89 interceptor was chasing a UFO over Lake
Superior when, according to radar operators, the two blips on the screen
seemed to merge into one which then blinked off the screen. The jet and its
pilot, Lieutenant Felix Moncla, were gone without a trace. For some reason,
the air force file on the vanishing contains just two pages. One of them is
a page from a book debunking UFO theories.

Nevertheless, Roswell (which among the UFO-intrigued has achieved one-word
status) remains the most important landmark in the UFO coverup because,
apparently, it has actually been covered up. There is no mention of the
crash in the air force's Project Blue Book files. Blue Book recorded all
[?] UFO reports that crossed an air force desk along with their various
scientific explanations. Generally considered the Warren Report of the
UFO phenomenon - a coverup posing as an investigation - Blue Book gives
Roswell increased prominence by its omission.

Some might write the whole incident off as unlikely, noting that a
spacecraft capable of navigating the firmament and, engineered to endure
the rigors of interstellar travel is unlikely to crash like so many
Cessnas. But then there is Majestic 12 (MJ-12). Among many UFOlogists,
there is strong belief in the existence of MJ-12.

A committee of twelve eminent military, intelligence, and academic
personages, the group was allegedly chartered to manage and conceal the
most important event in world history - contact with aliens. Albeit dead

According to the MJ-12 eyes only briefing paper prepared for Dwight
Eisenhower when he was still president-elect, four Extraterrestrial
biological entities, or EBEs, turned up two miles from the crash site.
According to some accounts, two of the aliens were still alive at the time
and one put up a struggle. The EBE carcasses are now allegedly kept on ice
in Los Alamos, New Mexico.

The problem with the Majestic 12 document - the only hard evidence that
MJ-12 ever took a meeting - is that it may well be a hoax. No one in a
position to do so has ever authenticated it.

There is only one mention of MJ-12 in any other official paper, a November
1980 air force analysis of a UFO film that outlines in minute detail how
the government is still interested in UFO sightings, which it
investigates through covert cover.

That document, like the original MJ-12 paper, somehow seems too good to be
true - the smoking 

[CTRL] Haarp: The Ultimate Weapon of the Conspiracy author to be on 2 radio shows (fwd)

2001-07-24 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Jerry E. Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Jerry E. Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, July 22, 2001 11:57 PM
Subject: Friday, July 27 and Sunday, August 5

PRESS RELEASE -- Please forward this announcement to your entire list!

Jerry E. Smith, author of HAARP: The Ultimate Weapon of the Conspiracy
(Adventures Unlimited Press, 1998) will be returning to two popular radio
shows, one this week and one early next month.

He will the guest on the FRIDAY, JULY 27TH edition of THE 'X' ZONE RADIO
SHOW from 4 a.m. - 6 a.m. EASTERN, with Rob McConnell, Host  Executive
Producer, The 'X' Zone Radio Show, President  CEO, The 'X' Media Group.
Jerry was Rob's guest last month on the June 28th edition. This will be his
third visit to THE 'X' ZONE.

For more info on The 'X' Zone Radio Show, and to listen in, visit their
website at:


Jerry E. Smith will also be making a return visit to ERSKINE OVERNIGHT,
with Erskine Payton, on SUNDAY, AUGUST 5, 2001 from 10pm to Midnight,
PACIFIC time. Erskine Overnight is heard on over 70 radio stations from
Hawaii to Buffalo, New York, and on the Internet at:



Soon to be live audio at:


This will be Jerry's sixth appearance on Erskine Overnight.

For more info on Jerry E. Smith, HAARP and related subjects, visit his
website at:


 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] NM: Who's Watching You in Your Hotel Room?

2001-07-24 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Who's Watching You in Your Hotel Room?

By Wes Vernon
Saturday, July 21, 2001

WASHINGTON - Next time you check into a hotel, you may want to consider
asking if there are any hidden cameras in your assigned room. There could
be cameras hidden in mirrors, television sets, lamps and even the radio
alarm clock on your nightstand.

What? Hidden cameras in my hotel room? That’s like placing a hidden camera
in my own home without my knowledge or consent. Once I’m in my hotel room,
I’m in my home away from home.”

That’s your likely reaction.

However, Fox News reports that at least two hotels have bought that kind of
security equipment. More than that may be involved. In an interview with
NewsMax.com, Arielle Jamil, director of public affairs for Counter Spy
Shops, specialty stores for high-tech spy equipment and devices, did not
dispute us when we asked if two hotel chains had bought the spy gear.

Two hotel chains? Which ones?

We don’t disclose the names of our customers,” replied Jamil, director of
public affairs for the Counter Spy Shop chains.

So why on earth would a hotel want to jeopardize customer relations by
risking the appearance of spying on its own guests?

They buy it for security reasons.”

Yes, but that same equipment that can be used for security reasons can just
as easily be used to spy on the hotel guest.

Oh, but they use it only to look into the room at a time of the day when
the guest is not there.

You mean in midday when the maids are cleaning?

Maids, anyone else from housekeeping, engineering if there’s a mechanical
problem that needs to be fixed. Hotels don’t want to be sued by guests who
complain that something was stolen while they were out.

Okay, but how does the guest know that some voyeur on the hotel staff won’t
use the equipment to peer in at a guest? And how does the hotel always know
when the customer is out for the day? Some hotel guests keep odd hours.

Well, you know, we just sell the equipment. We can’t be responsible for
whatever the buyers choose to do with it, Jamil responded. It’s the same
thing with people who sell butcher knives. They don’t know if the customer
is going to misuse it.

True, there were those who wondered if the O.J. Simpson case would spark a
movement for knife control. But there is less temptation for misuse of a
butcher knife or a gun. That is why the gun-control movement in this
country has been on the defensive of late. Most folks don’t want to kill
anybody. Putting spy equipment in the hands of a bored night clerk raises
all kinds of temptations.

And another distinction: Killing people, of course, is illegal. Spying on
people through legally purchased spy or security equipment is legal. That
’s right. There’s no law preventing it, especially if it’s done in the name
of security.

The Counter Spy Shops are owned by the CCS International Inc.,
headquartered in New Rochelle, N.Y. Shops are in such far-flung locations
as New York City, Washington, Beverly Hills, Miami, Hong Kong, London and
South Korea.

Its Web site advertises a wide variety of spy equipment.

One ad says, Who would suspect a video system to be concealed within the
functioning alarm clock radio? CCS presents the most recent advancement in
miniature surveillance technology … Due to its unique disguise, the camera
can shoot pictures discretely even from close up.

Near the picture of a lamp, there is this:

This hi-tech portable system allows you to monitor in real time, your
office, home, store, property, store, garage, or business while you’re
away. Or hotel room?

CCS says it has been in business since 1959. This is an industry that
apparently has been growing. CCS has competition for this market.

Aimdiscount.com boasts the best quality available in Wireless Hidden
Camera Systems” that are so successful because they appear to be everyday

Among its advertised everyday items” containing cameras are an alarm clock
radio, a smoke alarm, a wireless wall clock, a picture frame, a lamp, an
artificial plant basket, a night light, and even a wireless tissue box.”

Jamil of CCS told NewsMax that the company has many different kinds of

Government agencies?

Lots,” she replied.

That is already universally suspected.

But when you question your privacy in, of all places, your own hotel room,
you might think of William Raspberry’s recent column in the Washington Post
saying that as far as privacy is concerned, the horse is out of the barn.

NewsMax.com, however, will not throw up its hands and give up this fight.
Americans are entitled to the privacy they have come to expect. If you lose
all privacy, you have crossed the line from a republic to a police state.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL 

[CTRL] [Jenny] Re: [CTRL] James Van Praagh on Chandra's fate (fwd)

2001-07-24 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Jenny Decker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, July 22, 2001 8:38 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] James Van Praagh on Chandra's fate (fwd)

Jenny Decker wrote:

 When I click on the map link below, all it
 produces is a map of North America. Does it
 need correction?
 Jenny Decker\

You're clicking on only the first line (of six) of the URL.  You might have
to copy and paste the six lines of the URL into your browser in succession,
i.e., add one line at a time until you have all gazillion characters in
your browser go to window.

Before you go to all that trouble, try clicking on this:


Lemme know if it works for you, Jenny,



 There _IS_ a Route 30 that wanders completely across southern
 passing through Philadelphia, Lancaster, York, Gettysburg and Pittsburgh
 ... About four miles east of Route 30's intersection with I-81 (which is
 easy and logical drive from DC, and where there is an exit), and one
 the three small towns of Greenwood, Fayetteville and Germantown clustered
 within 2 miles of each other ... see:







 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] ZDNet: Feds bulk up to fight cybercrime

2001-07-24 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Friday July 20 08:15 PM EDT

Feds bulk up to fight cybercrime

By Lisa M. Bowman
ZDNet News

On a day that the White House's Web site came under attack, U.S. Attorney
General John Ashcroft announces a new initiative that includes added
personnel to fight hackers and pirates.

U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft said federal officials would crack down
on an increasing wave of cybercrime by beefing up 10 specialized units so
they can better concentrate on catching hackers and pirates.

The squads, dubbed Computer Hacking and Intellectual Property, or CHIP,
units will focus on copyright theft, computer fraud and hacking.

Ashcroft, speaking after meeting with Silicon Valley CEOs at VeriSign
offices in Mountain View, Calif., said he wants to send a message to
cybercriminals that they're not immune to prosecution.

There's this idea somehow that you can get away with it here, he said.
That's an idea we must curtail. There are no free passes in cyberspace.

Ashcroft said the attack on Whitehouse.gov this week--along with viruses
such as Melissa and I Love You--are further evidence that the government
must work harder to catch cybercriminals.

However, Ashcroft also said that technology companies must do their part.
He criticized tech firms for failing to turn to law enforcement when their
networks are compromised. After all, he said, banks call the cops when
there's a robbery in their branch. Ashcroft said companies that don't
contact the FBI--because they're afraid of the hit to their reputations or
bottom line--are aiding criminals. These fears, while understandable, are
self-defeating, he said. A company that does not report crime leaves the
criminal free to strike again.

Ashcroft would not comment specifically on the recent detention by federal
law enforcement of a Russian computer programmer who created software that
allegedly violates the controversial Digital Millennium Copyright Act, a
law that makes it illegal to possess or share any program that could be
used to crack copyright protection. Ashcroft said it wasn't his job to
change laws. My responsibility is to defend the law, he said.

Ashcroft also credited Robert Mueller, the current FBI director, with
aggressively fighting cybercrime. Mueller, who visited the CEOs along with
Ashcroft but did not speak at the press conference, is the U.S. attorney in
the San Francisco office that issued arrest orders for the Russian

The switch in leadership at the Department of Justice and FBI has raised
questions about the future of a system formerly known as Carnivore, which
lets law enforcement intercept electronic transmissions such as e-mail.
Civil libertarians worry the system could be used to spy on innocent
citizens, and Ashcroft has voiced similar concerns. At the press conference
Friday, Ashcroft dodged the issue, saying the FBI no longer has a system
called Carnivore (the name has been changed) and that he would explore
systems that are privacy neutral.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [Tilt?] Re: [CTRL] Global warming? tilting earth j2

2001-07-24 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Andrew Hennessey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 23, 2001 10:24 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Global warming? tilting earth j2

-Caveat Lector-

   earth tilt,


 whats wrong with the physical theory of earth tilt -
 it has happened before - and we know that the
 poles are wobbling more than usual just now.
 ie. it may happen again.
 even Einstein was into HAB Theory -
 earth crustal displacement theory - and there's
 plenty of geological/archaeological evidence to support it
 mind you the thinning of the polar caps may have an
 effect on the crustal plates/tectonics

 what evidence do you have to discard earth tilt ?


Tilt is not the term usually applied to what I believe you are referring
to, namely precession of the equinox, which is, as you mentioned, the
wobble in the Earth's tilt, which makes a full cycle every 2600 years.
And, altho small, this precession does have a significant effect on
prevailing weather patterns and climate.

And, I totally disagree that human impact/influence on the natural
underlying cycling from warm to ice-age is negligible.  NO WAY!  Like I
say, anyone that thinks human activities are not SIGNIFICANTLY accelerating
warming is a beer short of a six pack.

And, many more heavy weights in science believe that MAJOR crustal
displacement DOES occur (how often is the only question), e.g., Hubbell,
LeBroch, even Hawking.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [Weather Modification?!?] Reu: Enclave Hit by Freak Heatwaves; ABCNews: Snow Falls in Saudi Arabia

2001-07-24 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Enclave Hit by Freak Heatwaves

Updated: Tue, Jul 24 8:14 AM EDT

MADRID (Reuters) - Spain's North African enclave of Melilla was hit by
freak heatwaves on Monday which sent temperatures shooting up as much by as
30 degrees Fahrenheit in a matter of minutes.

Spain's Meteorological Institute said it registered two heat surges during
the morning, the first sending thermometers soaring to a sweltering 105-F
from a warm 75-F before falling away again within 15 minutes.

An hour later, the second burst of heat pushed temperatures up by 59-F
before again cooling down a few minutes later.

I was working with the window open when it suddenly started getting very
hot and gusty. It was like a hot desert wind and we quickly shut the
windows and got the air-conditioning on, said a receptionist at a
government building in Melilla. The weather office said in a statement that
a mass of hot and dry air had replaced a layer of cooler moist sea air near
the city, causing temperatures to surge and gusts of wind of up to 44 mph.

Melilla is located on a small peninsular on Morocco's Mediterranean coast.


Summer Refreshment

Snow Falls in Saudi Arabia

By John K. Cooley

July 23 - Thousands of people seeking relief from 100-plus temperatures in
Saudi Arabia got an unexpected surprise today during a visit to a national
park in the mountains.

They got snow - several inches of it. There was enough to trap thousands of
park-goers. Civil defense teams were called in after 75 people were injured
in the ensuing panic. Several hundred were rescued by helicopters and
mountain jeeps.

Ski Saudi Arabia!

Saudi Arabia's prevailing climate is hot and dry, but frost and freezing
temperatures have been reported in winter.

Rainfall is considered very sparse with an average annual precipitation of
just 4 inches.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] eop.gov visits softwar.net (fwd)

2001-07-24 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Charles Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2001 7:29 PM
Subject: CAS: eop.gov visits softwar.net

The White House (minus George Bush who out of the USA) paid Softwar.net a
visit today - according to our website hit records the White House
downloaded data involving C. Boyden Gray - former White House Counsel to
George Bush Sr.


10:32:43 /gray.html

The html is the text of two letters - one to Softwar from C. Boyden Gray
and a reply to C. Boyden Gray concerning the illegal export of
super-computers to Russian and Chinese nuclear weapons labs through a
client that attended secret meetings inside the Clinton White

The entire text of www.softwar.net/gray.html is below:


Direct Line (202) 663-6888

   2445 M STREET, N.W,
   WASHINGTON, D.C. 20037-1420

 TELEPHONE (202) 663-6000
 FACSIMILE (202) 663-6363

March 11, 1998

Mr. Charles R. Smith

Dear Mr. Smith:

It has come to our attention, as counsel to the Computer Systems Policy
Project (the CSPP), that you are proposing to publish in Insight Magazine
a story that attempts to link President Clinton's deputy chief of staff
John Podesta, Podesta Associates, Inc., the CSPP and Kenneth Kay, CSPP's
Executive Director, to conflicts of interest and to improper White House
access and favors in return for campaign donations. After reviewing the
article, we were struck by the large number of factual inaccuracies
throughout the article. In an attempt to provide you with the correct
information prior to press, we have collected some of the more egregious
examples below.

Perhaps the most important error in the article concerns the relationship
between Podesta Associates and John Podesta. To our knowledge John Podesta
relinquished all equity, ownership and control of any sort in Podesta
Associates when he took his first position with the Clinton White House in
January 1993. In the brief period during which John Podesta was not working
in the White House during the last five years, from July 1995 until
February 1997, to the best of our knowledge he never regained any ownership
in or control of Podesta Associates. Nor during that period, to the best of
our knowledge, did he violate the one year prohibition on lobbying.
Accordingly, the article' s suggestion of improper conduct by John Podesta
on behalf of Podesta Associates and its then client CSPP appears to be
without any foundation. Any suggestion to the contrary in the face of these
facts would appear to be in blatant disregard of the factual record.

To the extent the article alleges that Podesta Associates was working for
CSPP prior to July 1994, the article is in error. It was only in July 1994
that the CSPP retained Podesta Associates for certain administrative and
professional services, and CSPP did not engage in Administration encryption
issues until November, 1995 (after John Podesta had already left his
position at the White House). In addition, Mr. Kay left Podesta Associates
in January 1997 and set up his own organization that then took over CSPP's
management from Podesta Associates.

The article's portrayal of the Interagency Working Group on Encryption
(IWG) plainly overstates the secretive nature of this body. For example,
in November 1995, the Commerce Department sent out, on behalf of the IWG, a
Media Advisory seeking public comment, to the IWG, on the IWG's Draft
Export Criteria For Key Escrow Encryption. To facilitate the solicitation
of the public comments, a meeting free and open to the public was set up
at which [r]representatives from the interagency encryption working group
will discuss the draft criteria and answer related questions. The IWG
hardly sounds like the cloak and dagger organization the article portrays.

The article also overstates the DNC campaign contributions of the relevant
parties. Mr. Kay made only one donation to the DNC during this period for a
total donation of $1,250 (the original donation was for $2,500 but Mr. Kay
received a painting in return from the DNC worth $1,250). CSPP made no
contributions to the DNC.

The article's discussion of the meetings between the CSPP and members of
the Administration is misleading. CSPP, like all other industry groups,
exercises its constitutional right to lobby the government on issues of
interests to its members. In turn the government tries to convince
industry, especially industry leaders like the members of CSPP, of the
merits of their positions. Such communication does not fall under the
Federal Advisory Committee Act; CSPP members are not advisors, they are
petitioners. CSPP routinely requests meetings with Administration officials
when its CEO members are in Washington. These meetings are not secret;
their purpose is to engage the Administration in a dialogue about matters
of interest to the industry. We understand that other industry groups have
engaged in similar meetings with the 

[CTRL] SW: NM: Security Breach at Kennedy Space Center

2001-07-25 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Source FOIA documents: http://www.softwar.net/polytech.html

Security Breach at Kennedy Space Center
Charles R. Smith
Wednesday, July 25, 2001

On the dark night of July 5, a Jamaican reportedly landed a sizable boat
carrying 15 Chinese on the Atlantic shore of Kennedy Space Center. NASA
officials admitted that the Jamaican and his Chinese human cargo remained
undetected for hours, concealed in the brush, until the he blundered into a
uniformed officer on patrol.

The boat landed near the new Pad 41 Atlas-V complex, two miles south of
space shuttle Discovery, which was then being readied for launch on Pad
39A. The Jamaican asked to use the NASA officer's cell phone, apparently to
call for a pickup from an onshore contact. Instead, the NASA officer called
for more help from security.

The Jamaican and the Chinese were quickly rounded up by NASA security
personnel and handed over to Immigration and Naturalization Service
officers. However, accomplices in the boat escaped undetected.

Security officials believe the Chinese landed at the launch site by
mistake, planning instead to sneak ashore along a nearby deserted beach.
The concern is that the boat operations and people in the brush went
unnoticed for hours, in what is supposed to be a highly secure area. NASA
officials admitted that had the Chinese been armed with even light weapons
they could have attacked the space shuttle, or the USAF Titan launch pads
before being detected.

The greatest concern for NASA officials is a sniper attack. The July 5
security breach proved that a trained terrorist with survival skills could
easily penetrate within shooting distance of the shuttle. The terrorist
could then remain concealed until just before launch and use a high-powered
rifle or other portable weapon to attack the orbiter.

NASA officials expressed similar concerns last year during an investigation
of a Boeing Delta rocket that blew up seconds after launch from the Florida
space center. Several witnesses stated that the dramatic low-altitude
explosion of the Delta rocket was preceded by the sound similar to a rifle
being fired nearby.

No one was injured in the explosion, but damage was done to the Delta
launch pad, and the payload, a USAF GPS navigation satellite, was
destroyed. FBI and NASA officials inspected video and audiotape of the
launch for evidence of a shot being fired but found no conclusive data.

Suicide Air Attack

NASA is also concerned about airborne terrorist attacks. Kennedy Space
Center has no means of air defense, especially against a suicide pilot in a
small civilian airplane.

The Cessna 150 is considered the most difficult light aircraft to stop
because of its small size and low speed. For example, a 16-year-old German
student once flew a Cessna 150 into the heart of the Soviet Union, landing
in the Kremlin. The German student flew hundreds of miles through the teeth
of the Soviet air defense system without detection.

A Cessna 150 also once barely missed the White House. The Cessna suicide
pilot missed only because he clipped a tree planted by President Andrew
Jackson that protected the building.

The pilot was killed but concerned Secret Service agents pointed out they
had little chance of stopping the attacker even with hand held Stinger
missiles. The plane, the size of a compact car, simply flew in undetected
at street level.

China, Russia and Bin Laden

The concern inside NASA is backed by threats against the U.S. by suspected
terrorist Osama bin Laden because of the planned launch of the first
Israeli astronaut Llan Ramaon on the orbiter Columbia in May 2002.

NASA recently abandoned use of the Ben Guerir, Morocco, trans-Atlantic
abort site for the shuttle because of terrorist risks. Kennedy Space Center
was already at a heightened Threatcon Alpha status when the July 5
Chinese landing occurred.

According to former Soviet GRU agent Col. Stanislav Lunev, China and Russia
already have Special Forces teams inside the United States with order to
attack sites such as Kennedy Space Center.

During an interview, Lunev noted that PRC Special Forces agents are rotated
regularly in and out of America, usually through diplomatic sites at the
U.N. or the Chinese Embassy. Lunev stated that Russian and Chinese army
operatives in the U.S. have also created large stockpiles of arms for use
in time of war. These communist weapon caches are reportedly hidden all
over America.

According to Lunev, the Chinese and Russian weapon stockpiles include
explosives, nerve gas, anthrax and as many as 120 suitcase nuclear bombs.

Machine Guns in the U.S.

China has previously been accused of smuggling weapons into the United
States. In 1996, Chinese army-owned Poly Technologies, an arms company,
plotted with China North Industries, another PLA arms company, to illegally
import 2,000 Chinese machine guns into America.

According to Customs agents, Poly Technology official 

[CTRL] Indianze.com: EPA ordered to rewrite dioxin standards

2001-07-25 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Paul Pureau [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 1:18 AM
Subject: EPA ordered to rewrite dioxin standards

Indianz.Com. In Print.


EPA ordered to rewrite dioxin standards


The District of Columbia Court of Appeals on Tuesday
ordered the Environmental Protection Agency to rewrite
standards designed to limit emissions of dioxins,
mercury and metals.

The previous rules did not live up to the mandates of
the Clean Air Act, said the court, so the government
must redo
them. The rules affect emissions at waste-burning
incinerators and cement kilns.

In a study released last year, researchers traced the
majority of dioxins in Nunavut, Canada's Inuit
province, to incinerators and kilns in the United
States. The dioxins collect in the fat of animals,
upon which Inuits depend for subsistence, resulting in
higher than normal levels of poisons in Inuit populations.

In particular, the milk of Inuit mothers contained
more than twice the level of dioxins than their
counterparts further south in Canada.

Health risks from dioxins include chloracne, a severe
form of acne, skin rashes, skin discoloration and
cancer. In animals, dioxins have affected reproductive
health and the development of offspring.

Get the Case:

CEMENT KILN RECYCL v EPA No. 99-1457 (DC Cir Ct July
24, 2001)

Get the Story:

Court orders government to rewrite standards on
incinerators (AP 7/24)

Only on Indianz.Com:

Dioxins are everywhere (10/4)

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Indianz.com: Interior plan targets Arctic for off-shore drilling

2001-07-25 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Indianz.Com. In Print.


Interior plan targets Arctic for off-shore drilling

TUESDAY, JULY 24, 2001

In a move which may pit development-friendly Inupiat
Eskimos against the Bush administration, the Department
of Interior on Monday proposed opening up areas off the
coast of Alaska to oil and gas drilling.

Under a five-year draft management plan offered by
Secretary Gale Norton and the Minerals Management
Service, a number of areas in Alaska are being targeted
for development. Included are parts of the Chukchi Sea and
the Beaufort Sea, which are located off the coast of
Alaska's North Slope and are traditional Inupiat hunting

While many Inupiats have been overwhelmingly
supportive of the Bush administration's plan to allow
oil and gas drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife
Refuge (ANWR), they have consistently fought against any
off-shore development. Much like the Gwich'in Nation fear
land drilling will hurt the Porcupine caribou herd, they
fear disturbing the sea will damage the bowhead whale on
which they depend for subsistence.

Opposition extends to any type of off-shore, as evident at
hearing held in Barrow last week. Oil companies want to
build a pipeline that would move natural gas from Prudhoe
Bay to Canada.

But since the pipeline would run through the Beaufort
Sea, a number of Inupiat Eskimos are urging the
companies to abandon the plan. The North Slope Borough,
the Alaska Eskimo Whaling Commission and Arctic Slope
Regional Corp., an Alaska Native Corporation chartered under
federal law, all voiced their opposition to the proposal.

In particular, the Whaling Commission, which oversees
Eskimo hunts, has been active in opposing drilling in
recent years. In February, the Commission passed a resolution
to support drilling in ANWR so long as the government kept
away from the the sea. The Commission has sued to prevent
test wells from being drilled in the Beaufort Sea as well.

Off-shore development in recent months has become a
controversial topic for the Bush administration. After
facing pressure from Florida officials and lawmakers, Norton
earlier this months scaled back plans to allow drilling in
the Gulf of Mexico.

That sale, in an area known as Section 181, is set to
occur later this year after a public comment period.
It is included in the draft plan the Interior issued
yesterday, which is also up for public review.

Drilling in Alaska wouldn't occur until 2004 at the
earliest. The Interior is proposing a lease sale for
parts of Bueafort Sea in 2003, with other off-shore regions
following as late as 2007.

Before the five-year management plan is adopted, the
Interior will issue an environmental impact statement
later this fall. Norton has to approve the final plan, which
is set to go into effect next July.

Only on Indianz.Com:

Inside the Bush energy policy (5/18)

Relevant Links:

Minerals Management Service - http://www.mms.gov
Arctic Slope Regional Corp - http://www.asrc.com

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] TNR: Why did Israeli troops fire on the USS Liberty?

2001-07-25 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Why did Israeli troops fire on the USS Liberty?

Unfriendly Fire

By Michael Oren

Issue Date: 07.02.01
Post Date: 06.22.01

In 1967, at the height of the Six Day War, Israeli jets strafed and
firebombed a seemingly hostile ship near the Sinai coast. Israeli torpedo
boats quickly converged to finish the job, then abruptly ceased fire and
offered assistance to the battered crew. Israel had attacked the USS
Liberty. In all, 34 Americans died, and 171 were injured. Israeli leaders
apologized promptly and profusely, explaining that they had mistaken the
Liberty for an enemy vessel--an explanation that subsequent investigations
in both the United States and Israel upheld. Israel compensated the injured
sailors and the families of those killed. And that's where the story should
have ended. After all, accidental attacks, though tragic, are common in
war. In 1967 alone, friendly fire killed 5,373 Americans fighting in

But the controversy over the Liberty attack has endured, generating
conspiracy theories, ethnic defamation, and charges of mass homicide. And,
although a series of recently declassified documents seem to exonerate the
Israelis once and for all, a new book, Body of Secrets: Anatomy of the
Ultra-Secret National Security Agency, has resurrected the canard by
setting forth what is arguably the most audacious theory of all: that the
Israelis deliberately attacked the Liberty to cover up a massacre of
Egyptian prisoners of war. Written by James Bamford, a former ABC News
producer, and published by Doubleday, the book has enjoyed a largely
respectful, and frequently credulous, reception in the American press. Yet
Body of Secrets has no more basis in fact than its predecessors. Indeed, it
may be the shoddiest screed of all.

The Liberty's fateful voyage began on June 2, 1967, when it set sail from
Spain for the Middle East. Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser had just
ousted U.N. peacekeepers from the Sinai, blockaded Israeli shipping through
the Tiran Straits, and prepared the Arab world for a war of Israel's
destruction. A wary White House instructed the Sixth Fleet to stay outside
an arc whose radius is 240 miles from [the Egyptian city of] Port Said.
But, according to communications recently released by the National
Archives, the Liberty's handlers in the National Security Agency ignored
the order and directed the ship to a point just outside Egypt's territorial
waters, a mere 12.5 miles, where it could eavesdrop on Egyptian officers
and their Soviet advisers. Five subsequent cables from the Navy's European
headquarters warned the Liberty to pull back to at least 100 miles, but the
Navy's overly sophisticated radio system diverted them to the Philippines,
and none reached the ship in time.

Approaching the battle area at dawn, the Liberty's skipper, Commander
William L. McGonagle, requested a destroyer escort, only to be reminded by
the commander of the Sixth Fleet that the Liberty is a clearly marked
United States ship in international waters ... and not a reasonable subject
for attack by any nation. Israel, meanwhile, requested that the United
States provide a naval liaison to facilitate its communication with the
Navy. Israeli Ambassador Avraham Harman had warned the White House that if
war breaks out, we would have no telephone number to call, no code for
plane recognition, and no way to get in touch with the U.S. Sixth Fleet.
The United States never approved the liaison, nor did it inform Israel of
the Liberty's arrival in the area.

Although it arrived too late to fulfill its original mission--most of Sinai
had already fallen to Israel, so there were no Egyptian troops there to spy
on--the Liberty nevertheless began patrolling between Port Said and Gaza,
in a lane rarely used by commercial freighters and declared by Egypt as
off-limits to neutral shipping. On June 8, just before six o'clock in the
morning, an Israeli pilot reported finding a naval craft (gray, bulky,
with its bridge amidships) 70 miles west of Gaza. Though he did not report
seeing a flag, he made out the hull marking GTR-5, which was enough for
Israeli commanders to identify the ship as the USS Liberty and to mark it
as a neutral vessel on their control board. But at eleven o'clock in the
morning, the watch at Israeli naval headquarters changed. The new officers,
following procedures for removing old information and assuming the Liberty
had sailed away, cleaned the board. For Israeli forces, the Liberty had
ceased to exist.

It would prove a key error. Less than a half-hour later, Israeli soldiers
in the Sinai coastal town of El Arish heard a violent explosion. The cause
was probably a detonation in an ammunition dump, but when the Israelis saw
a ship off the coast, they assumed it was bombarding them, prompting the
Israeli navy to dispatch three torpedo boats. The boats' commanders had
standing orders to fire on any vessel going faster than 20 

[CTRL] MHLL: Darryl Condit's attorney

2001-07-27 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

This sure isn't your average public defender's resume!  Anyone know who's
paying this guy's retainer??  --MS

From: The Martindale-Hubbell Lawyer Locator


Jon A. Sale
Sale  Kuehne, P.A.
Bank of America Tower, Suite 3550,
100 Southeast Second Street
Miami, Florida 33131-2154
(Miami-Dade Co.)
Telephone: 305-789-5989
Fax: 305-789-5987

Member: New York State, Federal and American (Member: White Collar Crime
Committee, 1982ó; Criminal Justice Section; Criminal Litigation Committee,
Litigation Section, 1993ó) Bar Associations; The Florida Bar (Chairman,
1987-1988, Criminal Law Section; Member, Executive Council, Criminal Law
Section, 1981ó; Member, Special Committee on Perjured Testimony).

Biography: admitted to bar, 1969, New York; 1970, U.S. Court of Appeals,
Second Circuit; 1971, U.S. District Court, Southern and Eastern Districts
of New York; 1972, U.S. Supreme Court and U.S. District Court, District of
Connecticut; 1974, District of Columbia, 1977, Florida and U.S. District
Court, Southern District of Florida including Trial Bar; 1982, U.S. Court
of Appeals, Fifth and Eleventh Circuits; 1984, U.S. District Court, Middle
District of Florida.

Education: University of Pennsylvania (B.A., with honors, 1964); New York
University School of Law (J.D., 1968).

Recognized in The Best Lawyers in America, 1993-1994, 1997-1998, 1999-2000,
and 2000-2001. Recognized by South Florida Legal Guide as one of South
Florida's Top Lawyers. Law Clerk to Hon. Morris E. Lasker, U.S. District
Judge, Southern District of New York, 1968-1969. Assistant U.S. Attorney,
Southern District of New York, 1969-1972. Assistant U.S. Attorney, District
of Connecticut, 1972-1973. Assistant Special Prosecutor, Watergate Special
Prosecution Force, 1973-1975. Special Assistant to the Attorney General of
the United States, 1975-1976. Chief Assistant United States Attorney,
Southern District of Florida, 1977-1980. Member, Securities Fraud Policy
Board, Office of Comptroller, State of Florida, 1978-1979. Chairman, Trial
Experience Committee, Attorney Admissions Program, U.S. District Court,
Southern District of Florida, 1982-1996. Member, U.S. Magistrate Merit
Selection Panel, Southern District of Florida, 1986. Member, Advisory
Committee on Rules and Procedures, U.S. District Court, Southern District
of Florida, 1989ó. Member, Board of Regents, Pretrial Justice Institute,
1999ó. Associate Professor of Law, Nova University Law Center, 1976-1977.
Adjunct Professor of Law, Evidence and Criminal Procedure, Nova University
Law Center, 1977ó. Lecturer and Instructor, Attorney General's Advocacy
Institute, U.S. Dept. of Justice, 1978-1980. Lecturer: Criminal Law
Update, Florida Circuit Judges Conference, 1982; Law of Evidence 
Hearsay, Conference of U.S. Immigration Judges, 1983; Defending Business
Against Complex Organized Crime, University of Houston Law Center Seminar,
1984; The Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984: A New Approach to
Federal Criminal Law, Law  Business Seminar, 1985; Protecting the
Corporation and Management From Criminal Prosecution, Federal Litigators
Group Seminar, 1987; How to Handle Business Crime Allegations and
Accusations, Florida Bar Annual Convention Seminar, 1989; Recurring
Ethical Problems Faced By Federal Litigators, Litigation in Federal
Courts, Federal Bar Association Seminar, 1990; Privacy, Secrecy 
Discovery, Expanding the Criminal Law, Seminar, Cato Institute Center for
Constitutional Studies, 1990; Symposium on the Constitutional Crisis of the
Watergate Era, Nova University, Shepard Broad Law Center, 1993; War Crimes
and Denaturalization: United States v. Fedorenko, U. Wisconsin Law School,
1995; Florida Criminal Law and Procedure: The Rules are Different Here!,
New York Seminar on Survey of Florida Law, 1995. Author: The Law of
Entrapment  Governmental Overreaching, White Collar Crime, New York Law
Pub. Co., 1994; Corporate Sentencing for Corporate Counsel, The
Criminalization of Civil Law Claims, ALI-ABA, 1991; Criminal Procedure:
Survey of Florida Law, 22 Nova L.Rev. 94 (1997). (Also Of Counsel to Atlas
Pearlman P.A., Ft. Lauderdale, Florida)

Born: Brooklyn, New York, October 17, 1943.

ISLN: 904081303

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are

Re: [CTRL] ABCNews: Experts Probe Meaning of New Jersey Lights

2001-07-27 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Tenorlove [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2001 6:53 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] ABCNews: Experts Probe Meaning of New Jersey Lights

-Caveat Lector-

  At least 15 people contacted police to report seeing
 lights in the New Jersey sky over the weekend.

You wrote:

Given how built up New Jersey is, and all the light pollution from the
floodlights of the McMansions, strip malls, and soccer fields, not to
mention the headlights from all the SUVs driving from the office parks
to those McMansions and strip malls, the strangest thing anyone could
see in the sky here is -- stars


I write:

Can't see stars in the inner city.  The Phnx Lights over Phoenix in '97
were over the center of the city, in the direct line of the most
commercial/busy lane of approaching air traffic (i.e., stacked up every
45-60 seconds).  There, stars are almost never visable from the ground (too
many city lights and pollution.  That night (an unusually polluted/hazy
evening), incoming flights complained to their air controllers that there
was an UFO in their direct final approach path.

I SAW THEM, as they passed ove me an houtr before they got to SKY HARBOR
Airport!  I was on the north end of town as they passed me at about 3-=45
mph, and I *could* see stars, but NOT between the chevron-shaped pattern of
The Lights!

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] YahooNews: Land Database Reveals Human-Induced Changes to Earth

2001-08-02 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Yahoo News

Land Database Reveals Human-Induced Changes to Earth

AMSTERDAM, August 1, 2001 - Scientists have long said that humans are
changing the Earth's landscape at a rapid rate but for the first time,
concrete evidence shows just how much, prompting one of the researchers to
say We're hitting a threshold of available global natural resources. This
is the warning of University of Wisconsin-Madison environmental scientist
Navin Ramankutty, who along with Kees Klein Goldewijk, of the Dutch
National Institute of Public Health in Amsterdam, has chronicled the impact
humans have made on the Earth's landscape over the past 300 years.

Addressing attendees at a recently held open science conference held under
the auspices of the International Geosphere-Biosphere Program, the
researchers say this issue must be addressed now, before it is too late,
since there is no substitute for natural resources.

According to the scientists, agriculture is the biggest user of land, with
about 12 percent of the entire terrestrial surface used for this purpose.
This amounts to the entire surface area of South America. However, fast on
the heels of agriculture is urbanization says Ramankutty.

Historically, we lost forest to crop land. Now we are losing crop land to
urban areas, he says.

To arrive at their conclusions, the researchers combined records such as
agricultural land surveys, tax rolls and census data, and satellite
imagery. Ramankutty says the database that emerged from this convergence of
information provides a comprehensive picture of the growing dominance of
human land use on global land-cover patterns. Data sets, he notes, could be
used within global climate models and global ecosystem models to gain
insight into the influence of land cover change on climate and biological
and geochemical cycles.

A few of the notable points brought out by the researchers include:

Half of the world's supply of fresh water is now appropriated by humans; Si
nce 1700, nearly 20 percent of the world's forests and woodlands have
disappeared; and

Atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations have risen by nearly a third
since the industrial revolution.

This trend will only continue as the global population continues to grow
along with the per capita consumption of goods and services derived from
natural resources. Moreover, in some parts of the world intensive
agriculture is exhausting the land, permanently removing acreage from
production and the natural resource base.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] REU: Powell: Israeli Attack 'Too Aggressive'

2001-08-02 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Wednesday August 1 3:33 PM ET

Powell: Israeli Attack 'Too Aggressive'

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Secretary of State Colin Powell said on Wednesday
that Israel's attack on a Hamas building in the West Bank city of Nablus
was ``too aggressive'' and helped to escalate Middle East violence.

In an interview with CNN television, Powell also denied any difference
between the State Department and the White House on how to deal with
Israeli-Palestinian violence.

The State Department deplored on Tuesday the Israeli attack on the
building, which killed eight Palestinians including two children and a
high-level official of the Islamist group.

The Washington Post detected a different response at the White House,
saying it merely urged both sides to abide by the cease-fire mediated by
the United States in June.

Powell said: ``We felt that this was a targeted killing of the kind that we
have spoken out and condemned in the past, and we did so yesterday both at
the White House and in the State Department. We had a consistent view of
it, that this kind of response is too aggressive and it just serves to
increase the level of tension and violence in the region.''

``I think that the Israelis and the Palestinian side at this time should
try to do everything possible to bring the passion down, the incitement
down, and to bring the violence levels down,'' the secretary added.

White House spokesman Ari Fleischer said: ``The administration ... at all
levels, deplores the violence there and that includes the targeted

``A cease-fire is a cease-fire and whether it is Israel or the Palestinians
who engage in the violence, the United States condemns that violence and
urges all parties to cease,'' he added.

Asked what the United States planned to do about it beyond talking, he
said: ``It still fundamentally depends on the two parties to engage in
peace. The United States cannot force peace. The United States will be a
party to help facilitate.''

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] NR: Inept [D.C.] PD

2001-08-02 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Here's an interesting/revealing excerpt from Tucker Calrlson's The Bell
Curve, (pg. 495):

Washington's white population is densely concentrated among white-collar
and professional groups, with no significant white working - class

In the mid 70s the Washington D.C. Police Department installed a residency
requirement for police.

The residency requirement severely restricted the pool of potential white

By 1982, 40% of the candidates who took the police admission test failed
it, and the department was having a hard time filling positions.

A new test was introduced in 1985, normed to favor minority applicants.
Standards were so low that that not one student flunked out.

In 1988, the academy abolished its final comprehensive pencil and paper
examination after 40% of graduating recruits failed it.  A former academy
instructor says that I've seen people
diagnosed as borderline retarded graduate from the police academy.

...Between 1986 and 1990, about a third of all murder cases brought
by the U.S. attorney's office in the District were dismissed often because
the prosecutors were unable to make sense of the arrests reports.

National Review

Inept PD

The fall of the D.C. cops.

By John J. Miller
NR national political reporter
July 31, 2001 8:30 a.m.
National Review

Inept PD The fall of the D.C. cops.

By John J. Miller NR national political reporter July 31, 2001 8:30 a.m.
[From the August 20, 2001, issue of National Review]

Jaywalking may be a petty crime, but on the night of March 30, 1967, it had
disastrous consequences.

At the corner of 13th and U Streets, in the Upper Shaw neighborhood of
Washington, D.C., a young black man tried to cross against the light. Two
cars nearly hit him, right in front of a stopped police vehicle. A white
officer rolled down his window and asked, Can't you tell the color of a

The reply came as a string of obscenities, some of it racial.

The cop had intended merely to issue a warning.

Provoked, he was now determined to hand out a $5 ticket. This led to a
scuffle that grew to include several onlookers: A group of black citizens
pitted themselves against white policemen.

There were no serious injuries in the altercation that followed - just a
few minor bruises on both sides - and the jaywalker was carted off to the
precinct house. His name was Marion Barry Jr.

If the decline of the D.C. police department had to be traced to a single
event, the decision to challenge Barry that night is a strong candidate.

In the trial that followed, according to Harry S. Jaffe and Tom Sherwood in
their book Dream City, Barry summoned a long convoy of black and white
character witnesses, who claimed their friend was a responsible member of
the community who never could have done the awful things alleged by the

Barry was already a minor figure in local political life; many in the city
regarded him as a brave man who exposed police racism. Upon acquittal, the
victim became a hero. Eleven years later, the hero became the mayor. And he
was determined to level the D.C. police.

As the country has fixed its attention on missing intern Chandra Levy, it
has also become acquainted with the D.C. police.

Cable-news devotees have witnessed a string of elementary blunders: the
repeated insistence from earliest days that Democratic congressman Gary
Condit is not a suspect, the inexplicable delay in searching his
apartment, the leaking to the press, and so on.

While it's wrong to judge an entire police force on its performance during
a single investigation - let alone one that may hold further developments -
the Levy case points to a broader, crippling problem: the fundamental
inability of the D.C. police department to carry out many of its duties.

Just a generation ago, the D.C. police department was considered one of the
best in the country. Today its reputation is near the bottom. The story of
its decline is more important than any lurid, momentary fascination the
public has with the Levy case. The D.C. experience serves as a red-alert
warning to cities such as Cincinnati, still recovering from racial riots
sparked by charges of police misconduct earlier this year, and even New
York, which will lose its tough-on-crime mayor, Rudy Giuliani, in a few
months. It is fraught with important lessons for urban centers caught in
the toxic mix of black radical activism and white liberal guilt.

Yet the D.C. story is also a tragedy unto itself. Consider simply the
homicide numbers: 1,500 unsolved murders over the last decade; 225 killings
by alleged repeat offenders, including 125 who had been arrested previously
(most of their charges were dismissed); and an arrest rate badly trailing
that of comparable cities. Two-thirds of all homicides now go unsolved in
D.C. A detective told the Washington Post last year that in some parts of
the city, the force is spread so thin, you might not get a 

[CTRL] RMN: President Bush's tax rebate [A Scam?!?]

2001-08-02 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


President Bush's tax rebate

When is a rebate not a rebate?  When it's really an advance on next year's

Sunday, July 22 @ 09:49:20 EDT

By David Milstead
Rocky Mountain News

The tax-relief checks that will start arriving in mailboxes next week don't
have a consumer-warning label, so we're happy to provide one. Warning: This
check is not a rebate of taxes you already paid. It's an advance on the
refund you'll get when you file next April.

If it's an advance, you ask, does that mean my refund in April will be $300
smaller than it would have been? And if I'm unlucky enough to owe taxes,
does that mean my tax bill will be $300 higher?

The answer to both questions is yes. But you'd never guess that from the
1040 you'll fill out next year. It's been designed so that it's nearly
impossible to realize how the 2001 rebate checks affect your tax
preparation in 2002.

I think people think what they're getting is a refund of taxes they paid
in 2000, said Gary Dudley, the tax partner-in-charge at Deloitte 
Touche's Denver office. If they think their taxes were going to show up
lower April 15 (from this change), they're not.

The immediate tax relief, as the Internal Revenue Service calls it, was
designed by Congress and the Bush administration to give taxpayers the
benefit of a 2001 tax-rate reduction as soon as possible. Rather than wait
for next April, you'll get the tax cut now.

Congress intended the credit to take care of the rate reduction for 2001,
said John McGreevy, an assistant branch chief for administration with the
IRS. They wanted to get money into people's pockets for an economic

Bear with us for the math on how your check is calculated: The rate on the
first $6,000 of income for singles and $12,000 for married taxpayers filing
jointly is being cut from 15 percent to 10 percent. That's why the refund
checks range from $300 for singles ($900 in taxes reduced to $600) and $600
for marrieds ($1,800 in taxes reduced to $1,200).

But if you were to fill out the tax form next April using the new rates,
you'd get the tax-cut benefits a second time. That's why the tax tables
that will accompany next year's 1040 will charge you the old 15 percent tax
rate, not the new 10 percent rate.

The IRS could have included a line at the end of the 1040 where you took
the amount of the refund check and reduced your refund by $300 or $600 or,
even worse, added that money to the tax bill you owe. You won't have to do
that, because the amount owed you pull from the tables at the back of the
booklet will have already done that for you.

The risk of that (line) approach is that the adjustment could flip you
from a refund to a balance due, and you really wouldn't believe you
received that money, Dudley said.

But before you direct your anger at the IRS, look to the folks who
designed -- and are taking credit for -- this advance-refund system:
Congress and President Bush.

It was not left to our discretion, said Marilyn Brookens, an IRS attorney
in Washington. It was a congressional and presidential decision to do it
this way, and we're implementing what we were told to do.

Brookens points to the tax-cutting language in the report from the
House-Senate conference committee that Bush signed into law earlier this
year. The law said that in 2001, the advance refund occurs in lieu of the
rate cut from 15 percent to 10 percent.

That statement, Brookens said, meant if we didn't do it this way, we would
be in trouble with them.

But there are practical reasons, too, Brookens said: It's an effort to
have as few people as possible enter a number on the 1040. Every time
there's another computation, it increases the likelihood of errors. It's
the way that will be quickest, most effective and result in the fewest
number of errors, she said.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

[CTRL] Meeting to announce Oklahoma City bombing report (fwd)

2001-08-02 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Joe Gillaspie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: joseph gillaspie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2001 9:15 AM
Subject: [Fwd: Meeting to announce Oklahoma City bombing report]

Meeting to announce Oklahoma City bombing report

Special to ConservativeHQ.com

A meeting in Oklahoma City on Saturday, August 4 promises to reveal the
shocking truth of the Oklahoma City bombing from the victims themselves
and to debut a report on a six-year investigation of the bombing.


Dare to Hear

Special to ConservativeHQ.com

Learn the shocking truth of the Oklahoma City bombing from the victims
themselves. Read the testimonials. Come to Oklahoma City and hear Mr.
Charles Key's debut of the Final Report from the Oklahoma Bombing
Investigation Committee.

The work of over six years of research. Hear the latest info by the people
who are actually involved. Find out what the government has tried so hard
to hide and why from one of the largest citizens inquiries in recent
history. Find out the truth about the Oklahoma bombing.
Charles Key will speak at 3:00 on Saturday, August 4 at the Ramada Hotel in
Oklahoma City - the site of the worst terrorist attack on American soil.

In addition to Charles Key, hear five other Americans who have
distinguished themselves: Dan Meador will speak on the income tax, Dick
Simkanin on employers not withholding, Al Wagner on trusts, Brent Johnson
on individual sovereignty and Bernard von NotHaus on the new gold and
silver Liberty dollar.

The Oklahoma Liberty Event registration starts at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday,
August 4 and includes a cocktail reception with all six speakers at 6:00
p.m. Cost is only $49 per person. Seating is limited to only 100 people.
Please register today.

Bernard von NotHaus
Designer/Senior Economist
The Liberty Dollar
4900 Tippecanoe Dr.
Suite 600
Evansville, IN 47715
PHONE: 812.473.5250
FAX: 812.473.5199
URL: www.norfed.org



Hi All,


I have sent this web site to all of you before, but I encourage you to
visit it again. They now have a caned fax that you can send to your elected
officials to try and get them off their butts. Send this site to as many
people as you can to bring pressure on the government so
the truth can be told.

Dr. Greer was on Art Bell last night and stated that when they went to see
a congressman about this project. The congressman stated you know there is
a secret world government and we are only window dressing for the American
people Kind of makes you wonder about what's really
going on?  Thousands of people are getting behind this project so the truth
can be told.




Coup D'Etat in America


The Single Bullet Strikes John Connally


 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Feinstein on condit (fwd)

2001-08-02 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Ray Heizer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2001 9:11 AM
Subject: OT: Feinstein on condit



 The news here of course is Feinsteins Hypocracy.
 I hope the leading News organizations contrast this
 to her opinions during Clintons Impeachment.

 Chris K.

 08/02/2001 - Updated 07:55 AM ET
 Feinstein 'can't forgive' Condit

 By Tom Squitieri and Kevin Johnson, USA TODAY

 WASHINGTON - California's senior senator indicated
 Wednesday that she believes Rep. Gary Condit's
 political career is finished. She accused him of
 lying to her about his affair with Chandra Levy and
 said there is nothing (Condit) can do to regain his
 credibility. The scorching criticism of Condit by
 Sen. Dianne Feinstein, a fellow Democrat and one of
 California's most influential public figures, shed
 light on the political difficulty Condit faces amid
 questions about his conduct since Levy disappeared
 three months ago.

- - - -

-- Here's summaries of articles based on 'Feinstein, Clinton and Lewinsky
within 25 words of each other' during the period 1/15/98 to 11/15/98.
Notice that Feinstein clammed up completely after Clinton's late 8/98
admission of guilt ...

CNBC News Transcripts
June 25, 1998, Thursday 2:13 PM


MATTHEWS: Are you still among those who are taking a wait-and-see attitude
about the evidence regarding the president and Monica Lewinsky and that
hole question of whether he suborned perjury, perjured himself or
obstructed justice in that case?

Sen. FEINSTEIN: Well, yes, of course I am. I mean, I think a--a president
of The United States should be given the benefit that everybody else is
given and that is that you're innocent until proven guilty. He has said
he's innocent. I ...

The Hill
March 18, 1998


... harassment) is troubling, I think, to the women of the Senate, said
Collins. I, too, am also troubled by the allegations concerning Monica
Lewinsky because they raise abuse of power issues, which ought to be
troubling to female officeholders.

Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) said Willey's charges can't go on unanswered.
It would be helpful if the president would make a statement to the nation
about what the truth is. It's very troubling.

Asked what she would do if the charges against Clinton prove to be true,
Feinstein said only, We'll face that one when we come to it.

The Washington Times
March 18, 1998, Wednesday, Final Edition

HEADLINE: Female lawmakers speak out on Willey and Clinton tactics

... in serious dispute by Mr. Clinton.

Mr. Packwood denied some, but not all, of the charges against him.  The
president cannot be under any more scrutiny than he is, Miss Mikulski

Asked whether she believed him, she said: It's not a question of who I
believe. The facts should speak for themselves.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, California Democrat, said she is reserving judgment
until the facts are known.

The president has denied any impropriety with [White House intern] Monica
Lewinsky and now Kathleen Willey, she said. I am not in a position to
know the facts in either case and ...

The Washington Times
March 17, 1998, Tuesday, Final Edition

HEADLINE: This one is different, prominent women say

... at their meeting in 1993, a denial he repeated yesterday.

Not all prominent female lawmakers were critical of Mr. Clinton. Both
senators from California, Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein, each a close
ally of the White House, said they would withhold judgment.

The president has denied any impropriety with Monica Lewinsky and now
Kathleen Willey. I am not in a position to know the facts in either case
and am not going to make a judgment until I do, Mrs. Feinstein said.

Mrs. Boxer went further, saying that Mrs. Willey has made serious charges
and they deserve to be thoroughly investigated. It should also be noted
that the president has unequivocally denied these charges.

Female Republican lawmakers, who are not natural Clinton supporters but
have largely held their fire ...

The Chattanooga Times
February 18, 1998, Wednesday

HEADLINE: Lawmaker accuses congresswomen of keeping quiet on sex scandal

... Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash. It's important that we know what the facts
are before we make a judgment.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., winced recently when asked about the White
House crisis. She said she was 

[CTRL] USAT:Ashcroft vs Freeedom of the Press

2001-08-04 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

 07/29/2001 - Updated 11:15 PM ET

Reporter's jailing by feds draws criticism

By Dennis Cauchon

The jailing of a Texas reporter who refused to give her research to U.S.
prosecutors has raised concerns that Attorney General John Ashcroft is
reversing a policy that gives journalists wide latitude in protecting
confidential sources and unpublished information.

At the Justice Department's request, a federal judge jailed freelance
writer Vanessa Leggett on July 20 on contempt of court charges after she
refused to turn over notes, tape recordings and other material she
collected while researching a book on the slaying of Doris Angleton in
1997. Angleton was the wife of Robert Angleton, a millionaire ex-bookie who
was acquitted in 1998 of hiring his brother to commit the murder.

The decision to jail Leggett, done at prosecutors' behest by an
unidentified judge in a closed court hearing in Houston, has drawn
criticism from press freedom groups and has become the latest curious twist
in the U.S. government's pursuit of the Angleton case. The focus of the
federal investigation is unclear.

The Justice Department last had a reporter jailed in 1991, when four South
Carolina journalists were locked up for eight hours when they refused to
testify at the corruption trial of a state senator. Since 1973, the U.S.
attorney general has been required to approve every federal subpoena issued
to a reporter as well as every request by federal prosecutors to arrest a

Justice Department spokesman Chris Watney declined to discuss Leggett's
case or whether Ashcroft was involved. Watney said that under federal
policy, Ashcroft's approval would not be needed in such a case if
prosecutors did not consider the person withholding material to be a

This is a darn significant case, said Lucy Dalglish, executive director
of the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press. It's either an
important shift in policy or (prosecutors are) ignorant of a Justice
Department policy in effect since the Nixon administration.

Leggett, 33, a writing teacher at the University of Houston, does not have
a contract for her book and has not published any articles related to it.
She has talked with several magazines about publishing a story on the
murder case, however.

Leggett has spent several years researching the slaying in April 1997 of
Doris Angleton, whose husband, Robert, was acquitted in a state court in
August 1998.

Robert Angleton's brother, Roger Angleton, committed suicide in jail in
February 1998, leaving a confession that said he had acted alone. Leggett
interviewed Roger Angleton before his suicide.

The U.S. government began investigating Robert Angleton after his

Media attorneys say that if U.S. officials pushed to jail Leggett with the
idea that federal protections for journalists did not apply to her, the
officials were in error.

She stands in the same shoes as any television or newspaper reporter,
says Robert Lystad, an attorney for the Society of Professional Journalists
who is not involved in Leggett's case. She's exactly the type of reporter
or book author who shouldn't be harassed into turning over her notes.

Leggett's jailing also has been criticized because it was done secretly.
The hearing was closed to the public at the government's request. The
transcript is sealed, and the judge's name was not released.

It's one thing to incarcerate a member of the press for not doing what the
government wants. But to do it in secret and threaten to jail (her) lawyer
for talking about the details is outrageous, said Mike DeGuerin, Leggett's

The Angleton murder case has attracted considerable attention in Houston.
The CBS show 48 Hours is preparing a report on it.

Ken Paulson, executive director of the First Amendment Center, said Leggett
will have difficulty winning her appeal. Texas does not have a shield law
that lets reporters protect confidential sources and research material.

Leggett can be held for up to 18 months on the contempt charges.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust 

[CTRL] Joyce Chiang Timeline

2001-08-04 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[Timeline for the Joyce Chiang homicide.  I guess she disappeared from the
Dupont Circle area, too.]


Joyce Chiang - Background

Joyce Chiang, Immigration and Naturalization Service attorney and former
staff member for Congressman Howard Berman of California, has been missing
since January 9, 1999.  Her body was subsequently found and identified.

FBI Press Release:
January 15, 1999


The FBI's Washington, D.C., Field Office and the Immigration and
Naturalization Service (INS) are asking for the public's assistance in
locating JOYCE CHIANG, an INS attorney, who has been missing since January
9, 1999.

Ms. CHIANG was last seen at approximately 8:20 p.m. on Saturday, January 9,
when a friend dropped her off at the intersection of R Street and
Connecticut Avenue NW in the DuPont Circle area of the District of
Columbia. According to the friend, Ms. CHIANG planed to go to a nearby
Starbuck's Coffee Shop and then walk to her residence in the 1700 block of
Church Street NW, where she lives with a relative.

JOYCE CHIANG is described as a Chinese-American female, age 28, date of
birth 12/7/70, 5'3 tall, 105 pounds, with brown eyes and shoulder-length
hair. When last seen, Ms. CHIANG was wearing a hooded, thigh length green
jacket, light blue jeans, a black turtleneck, a red paisley scarf around
her neck, and a black scarf on her head.

Ms. CHIANG has been employed by INS since April, 1992, and is currently
assigned to the Office of General Counsel at INS headquarters here in

Anyone with information regarding the whereabouts of JOYCE CHIANG is asked
to contact the FBI's Washington Field Office at (202) 278-2382 or INS at
(202) 616-5000 as soon as possible. All telephone calls will be treated as

Shu-ping Chan has also added the following information about the case:

FACTS: Joyce was last seen on Saturday, January 9 around 8:30pm. She went
to work that day at INS headquarters around 2pm, then went with 2 female
friends to see a movie. The two friends decided to go to dinner, but
dropped Joyce off near Connecticut and R Streets in Dupont Circle because
she had a telephone call to make. She lives about 2 blocks from the dropoff
point with her brother Roger, who does advance work for Andrew Cuomo at
HUD. Joyce crossed the street to Starbucks, and has not been seen since.
Her ID was found in Anacostia Park late last week. Joyce's mother flew in
from California over to weekend to be with Roger. Since Joyce is a federal
employee, the FBI is involved, along with Park Police, and Metropolitan DC

WHAT YOU CAN DO: If you live in the area, ask your friends and neighbors if
they were in the vicinity during the night in question. If they or you
yourself have information, call the numbers above. Your call will remain

There will be a Joyce Chiang Reward Fund established with the Congressional
Credit Union. More information will be forthcoming. Please go to your
organization to see if you can contribute to this fund, even if it is a
nominal amount. It will provide a lot of comfort for the family to see many
friends and community organizations supporting this cause.

There will be an organized canvassing campaign to distribute posters and
reward information in and around the Dupont Circle area. The poster may
also be downloaded from the AAGEN web site at www.aagen.org.

A reward fund has been established for credible information leading to the
location of Joyce Chiang. If you would like to make a donation, please make
your check or money order payable to:

The Fund to Find Joyce Chiang, Account 126463, and send it to:

Wright Patman Congressional Federal Credit Union P.O. Box 23267 Washington,
DC 20026-3267

Her Family and Friends appreciate your prayers and support. Please know
that if the reward is never claimed, the money will be given to charity as
determined by her family.

NBC News4 reports the following:

Thursday, January 21, 1999 - FBI agents have located several articles of
clothing along the Anacostia River that may belong to missing attorney
Joyce Chiang.

Agency spokeswoman Susan Lloyd says the items were found early this morning
at the north end of the Anacostia Naval Station, just west of the Frederick
Douglas Bridge. Before the search was called off for the day, divers
searching the area did recover a body but it was determined to be that of a
man. A U.S. Park Police helicopter aided in a search of the area.

Chiang's government identification was found in Anacostia Park January 10,
a day after the 28-year-old Immigration and Naturalization Service lawyer
was last seen near Dupont Circle. Chiang's family came to Dupont Circle
Monday night to post fliers and to talk to people who might have seen her.
Chiang's mother flew in from California and lit candles for her daughter.
Though Chiang hasn't been seen in 11 days, her 

[CTRL] Fw: {{AwarComp}} NASA Lost Evidence Of Life On Mars For 25 Years

2001-08-04 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


NASA Lost Evidence Of Life On Mars For 25 Years

By Kevin Krolicki

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Did NASA discover evidence of life on Mars and then
misplace it for almost 25 years? A University of Southern California
scientist argues that is just what happened and that once-lost data
collected by the 1975 Viking probes suggest the existence of Martian

The significance of that finding was overlooked -- along with the data
itself -- after NASA concluded that its experiments showed only signs of
chemical activity on the surface of the Red Planet, said Joseph Miller, a
USC neurobiologist.

But a careful reexamination of a fragment of the recovered NASA record
showed a surprising pattern: gas released by the Martian soil and tracked
by Viking followed the same kind of rhythms followed by all Earth-bound
organisms from humans to fruit flies in a cycle akin to feeding and
respiration by colonies of microbes.

I think, basically, that it's bugs, said Miller, a neurobiologist and an
expert in the study of the circadian rhythms that regulate biological

Two Viking spacecraft were launched by NASA in August and September of 1975
and took almost a year to reach the Martian atmosphere. Once there, both
sent probes to the surface some 3,000 miles (4,828 km) apart to conduct a
series of experiments, several of which were designed to look for evidence
of life.

In one of those tests, a robotic arm on the probes scooped up soil samples,
which were dropped into a dish along with a shot of a radioactive
carbohydrate solution.

Scientists reasoned that any organisms in the Martian soil would consume
the nutrients and release radioactive carbon as a gas, something the probe
was equipped to measure, said Miller.

Viking found clear evidence that the Martian soil generated gas over the
nine-week experiment, but scientists concluded that was the product of
reactive chemical superperoxides in the soil, not evidence of life,
Miller said.


That closed the book on the Viking experiments until Miller, who had worked
with NASA in the early 1980s studying the sleep cycles of monkeys in space,
asked the agency to go back over the record of the experiment in 1999.

I figured this was going to be on a Web site somewhere, Miller said.
Well, guess again. They had lost track of it.

NASA scoured its archives and turned up the long-neglected computer tapes,
only to discover they were coded in a format so old that the programmers
who knew it had died, Miller said.

Working from a printed record that the initial NASA team had saved, Miller
has been able to assemble and analyze about a third of the data and plans
to present his initial findings on Sunday at a scientific conference in San

Miller found the gas emissions from the soil sample fell into a cycle of
precisely 24.66 hours -- the length of the Martian day -- a pattern that
was linked to a slight variation in the temperature inside the mostly
insulated lander.

That pattern of heightened activity in the warmer daytime and inactivity at
night is akin to the kind of temperature-driven circadian rhythm that
simple terrestrial organisms such as bread molds exhibit, Miller said.

Even more suggestively, the amount of carbon gas released rose over the
course of the experiment, but then also dropped sharply at one point when
the soil sample was heated to 160 degrees Celsius (320 degrees Fahrenheit).

I think that what was happening there was that we were killing all the
bugs, said Miller, who is working to recover the full Viking data record
to see if it confirms the pattern.

Other recent studies have shown signs of climate change on Mars dating back
about 100,000 years, instead of millions or billions, and suggest that
there could be shallow ice reserves below the planet's surface -- a key to
sustaining life there.

Miller said he hopes his unexpected findings will encourage both NASA and
European researchers to revive biological experiments in the next
generation of Mars probes.

Over the years NASA has primarily been interested in geology, said
Miller. But this is something out of the clear blue sky, or I guess I
should say the red sky.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread 

[CTRL] LondonTelegraph: Earth: the real planet of the apes

2001-08-05 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Earth: the real planet of the apes

YOU can't keep a good film franchise down. Thirty years after the original
movie, four sequels and a television spin-off, Planet of the Apes is back.
This time, the latex masks, hairy chins and strange leather tunics have
been brought back to the big screen by Tim Burton, director of Batman. Like
the 1968 film, the story is based on Pierre Boulle's reverse evolution
novel La Planete des Singes, a satire where chimps, gorillas and

The remake comes after a busy period in the investigation of the real links
between apes and humans. Over the past year, palaeontologists have
identified three new species or sub-species of hominid - the group that

With the human family tree looking increasingly bushy, it seems that for
much of the past few million years several different species of hominids
may have been living side by side. Never mind science fiction - for much of
our evolutionary history Earth really was the planet of the apes. In the
150 years since Charles Darwin popularised the idea of evolution, fossil
hunters have identified between a dozen and 20 species of hominid, which

Recently, two candidates for the earliest known hominid have emerged, both
tantalisingly close to the last common ancestor with the chimps. Last year,
a Kenyan-French team led by Brigitte Senut and Martin Pickford unveiled
Millennium Man, a six-million-year-old chimpanzee-like creature whose
existence was pieced together from 13 fossils. Remains from at least five
males and females, including an arm, a fingertip, a jaw fragment and,

According to its discoverers, from the Kenyan Palaeontology Expedition, its
teeth were more like those of modern humans than any apes. Its strong femur
suggested that it walked upright, but its powerful upper arm bone hinted
that it might also have been at home in the trees.Senut and Pickford, who
made the finding in Kapsomin in the Tugen hills of Kenya's Baringo
district, argued that its similarities with Homo sapiens made it a
contender for the title of direct ancestor.But as Millennium Man was being
unveiled at a press conference, a rival team from America was working on

This time, the fragments of bones were found in the Middle Awash region of
Ethiopia and were dated at between 5.8 million and 5.2 million years old.
The finds, reported in Nature this month, included a piece of collarbone,
several hand and foot bones and a jawbone with teeth, also with features
more in common with hominids than any ape. The most important discovery was
a toe bone which showed that its owner walked on two feet. The remains came
from at least five creatures, a new subspecies called Ardipithecus ramidus
kaddaba. Dr Yohannes Haile-Selassie, of the University of California at
Berkeley, made the findings. He believes they could belong to the earliest

A year ago, we knew nothing about hominids older than 4.4 million years
ago. Now we have two late Miocene fossil collections from Ethiopia and
Kenya that can tell us something about the early evolution of hominids, he
says.The latter is slightly older than the new discoveries from Ethiopia.
Based on the evidence we have now, the two groups are different. More
detailed studies of both in the future will clarify the relationship
between the two sets. However, for now, they are different and represent

So which of the teams is right? The Kenya-French team claims that Orrorin
is on the human branch of the tree and that Ardipithecus is a chimpanzee
ancestor. The American team disagrees. They believe their find has been
thoroughly analysed and their findings have been carefully scrutinised by
peer review. Perhaps more importantly, they could also have an ace up their
sleeves.Prof Tim White, a palaeontologist and colleague of Dr
Haile-Selassie at Berkeley, is currently working on a partially crushed
skeleton of Ardipithecus, found in the mid-Nineties. The remains are
slightly younger, around 4.4 million years old, but include a pelvis, a
bone that could yield crucial information about how the creature walked.Dr
White has yet to publish the full details. But because he works closely
with Dr Haile-Selassie, it is likely that his unpublished work will have

Like many colleagues, Prof Chris Stringer, head of human origins at the
Natural History Museum in London, is holding back judgment.My view is that
we don't know enough about either of them yet to place them accurately in
this cloudy area where hominids were diverging from chimpanzees, he says.
They are incomplete and in the case of Ardipithecus we know there is a
much more complete material waiting to come in. It's a shame that people
are competing to claim the earliest hominid at this stage. To have the last
common ancestor would be fantastic, or to have creatures that preceded that
would be equally valuable.The latest finds highlight the confusion
surrounding the human 

[CTRL] ST: The Mystery of the 'Lost Mena Report'

2001-08-05 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Sierra Times
July 26, 2001


By Mark Swaney

This is a story that I have tried in vain to get reported. When all else
fails, do it yourself, and so this is my own personal account of what I
know about the Mena investigation by the House Committee on Banking and
Financial Services, also known as the House Banking Committee (HBC).

It is an important story that bears directly on current events, but to
understand it, you must know something about past history.

This story is about ordinary citizens in Arkansas who were lied to and
cheated by Jim Leach and other corrupt politicians.

This is also a missing person story, and for all we know, Steve Ganis,
former Mena investigator for the HBC, has been threatened to insure his

The crucial questions remain unanswered.

* Where is the report on the Mena investigation?

* And where is Steve Ganis?


Mena is a small town in southwest Arkansas, population 5,000.

Mena has an airstrip, and in the early 1980's this quiet country town
became the center stage for a famous pilot and smuggler, Barry Seal.

Seal based his cocaine smuggling operation in Mena. Local officials knew
that laws were being broken and they appealed to the federal government for

The rumors were that Seal was running guns to the Nicaraguan Contras, and
bringing back cocaine.

People believed then and now that Barry Seal was actually a government
operative using his public persona as a famous drug smuggler as cover.

After the revelations of the Iran-Contra scandal, the questions about
Seal's operation continued to bother people in Arkansas who wanted to know
if their state had been used by George Bush and Bill Clinton as a base for
a government protected dope running operation.

In 1990, some students and citizens and I formed an organization at the
University of Arkansas called the Arkansas Committee. The focus of the
Arkansas Committee was to combat government secrecy.

Quickly we discovered that we had a monster case of government secrecy in
our own backyard, and we began to agitate to get a full disclosure of the
Seal case.

Most of our strategy centered on getting the media to pay attention.

Since the case involved both Bill Clinton and George Bush, the media did
write some stories that were almost always centered on the topic of how the
Mena story might affect the political chances of one or the other of the
now former presidents.

In almost every case, the straight truth was ignored in favor of political
spin. The truth is that Mena is a bipartisan scandal. But that simple
idea was lost in the welter of left vs. right reporting.

By late 1994, the Arkansas Committee had been battling for five years to
get more information on Mena to the public. To that end we had traveled to
Mena, Little Rock, and Washington DC, written countless letters, held press
conferences and demonstrations, filed Freedom of Information requests and
embarked on our own investigation.

In the beginning we thought that once the media discovered the Mena story
that they would do their own investigations, but we were sorely

We learned that the American media is a very weak reed for democracy to
lean on.

More and more we relied on our own investigation to give the people
something accurate on the Mena case.

We went after Bill Clinton's Arkansas Development Finance Authority (ADFA),
because we believed that ADFA had been established by Clinton to launder
money from government covert dope smuggling. We went after them tooth and


On the same day that the Arkansas Committee retrieved the Coral Reinsurance
documents from ADFA, December 2, 1994, we met with Bill Duncan, former IRS
agent, and Micah Morrison of the Wall Street Journal.

That night Morrison treated us to a fine dinner courtesy of the WSJ, and
the irony was enormous. Here we were, college radicals, teamed up with the

Morrison had come to Little Rock to talk to Bill Duncan about Mena and he
informed us that the Arkansas Committee's long pursued goal of obtaining a
new investigation into the Mena allegations had finally been achieved.

The managers of the WSJ editorial page had been convinced by former
Arkansas congressman Bill Alexander and others that the Mena stories were
worth pursuing. They in turn had convinced the incoming chairman of the
House Banking Committee (HBC), Jim Leach, to use his good offices to
investigate Mena.

And it came to pass as reported by Micah, soon there was an announcement by
James Leach that his committee would investigate Mena, and let the chips
fall where they may.

These were the heady days of the Whitewater investigation and the Foster
suicide. In their zeal to poke a hole in Bill Clinton, the Republicans
apparently didn't care whose ox they gored, even if it was named Bush. Or
so they said at the time.

The Arkansas 

[CTRL] RC: CNN Chief Courts GOP

2001-08-05 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


August 6, 2001

CNN Chief Courts GOP

By John Bresnahan and Mark Preston

In an effort to improve his network's image with conservative leaders, new
CNNchief Walter Isaacson huddled with House and Senate GOP leaders last
week to seek advice on how to attract more right-leaning viewers to the
sagging network.

Isaacson met with Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.), Senate Minority Leader
Trent Lott (R-Miss.), House GOP Conference Chairman J.C. Watts (Okla.),
Rep. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) and Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-Neb.) to talk about CNN's
image with conservatives and how it can be improved.

Isaacson confirmed that he also reached out to senior White House
officials, but he denied that he was seeking counsel on how to boost CNN's
ratings with conservative viewers.

I was trying to reach out to a lot of Republicans who feel that CNN has
not been as open covering Republicans, and I wanted to hear their
concerns, Isaacson said in an interview Friday.

I definitely did not say, 'How do we attract the conservative
viewer?'said Isaacson, who stressed that his message was, Let me hear
what you think of CNN, and I am here to introduce myself.

To Republicans, Isaacson's presence on Capitol Hill is a sign of weakness
and shows how much Fox News Channel, founded just under five years ago, has
eroded CNN's lead as the top cable option for political news.

But Isaacson, the former editorial director of Time Inc., disputed
assertions that he was on a mission to keep up with Fox.

It really doesn't have to do with any other network, Isaacson said. It
wasn't some programming strategy or our relationship with Fox or anything
like that.

Nevertheless, Isaacson's counterpart at Fox, Roger Ailes, gently mocked his
competitor's recent swing through Capitol Hill, while admitting it was a
clever business move.

I think it is a real sign of progress that after [21] years, CNN has found
out that there's more than one point of view,jibed Ailes.

Democrats, on the other hand, weren't pleased by the spectacle of Isaacson
courting Republicans.

That is a byzantine thing for the head of a news organization to come up
to meet with one political party to ask what can we do or how do we make
things better, groused a senior Democratic Senator.

That's an interesting idea of balance, a Democratic Senate chairman dryly
remarked. It is totally inappropriate.

Isaacson deflected the criticism by saying that he's planning a September
visit to Capitol Hill in which he will meet with Democrats and more

During this trip Isaacson also intends to sit down with one of CNN's most
vocal Republican critics, House Majority Whip Tom DeLay (Texas).

DeLay, who has lambasted CNN as the Clinton News Network and Communist
News Network, actually suggested a boycott of the network during a recent
bicameral GOP leadership gathering. None of the others Republican lawmakers
who were in attendance agreed to take part.

It also demonstrates to GOP strategists that their unrelenting attacks on
the media, in which television and newspaper reporters are accused of being
biased against Republicans and conservatives, are beginning to hit home
with those who decide what gets aired on the nightly news.

[Isaacson] is panicked that he's losing conservative viewers, said a top
aide to one of the GOP lawmakers who met with Isaacson.

He said, 'Give us some guidance on how to attract conservatives.' He said
he 'wanted to change the culture' at CNN. I think he perceived that they
have a problem, and they do have a problem.

DeLay has been particularly vocal in his criticism of the Atlanta-based
news organization.

DeLay is on a jihad against CNN, claimed another GOP aide, who said the
Texan believes that CNN's coverage of issues clearly favors liberal
Democrats over conservative Republicans.

In a telephone interview on Friday, DeLay himself said he won't go on CNN.
They have such a liberal bias. It's quite evident to everyone.

Watts, for his part, was muted in his critique of CNN and said that the
network has been fair to him in the past, although he also offered high
praise for Fox.

Fox is rocking. There's no question of that, said Watts, who had
breakfast with Isaacson last Thursday.

Do I think that [CNN] has a liberal bias? They probably do, said Watts,
who appeared on the network's Late Edition program two Sundays ago. But
I am still not willing to concede that venue [to Democrats].

Fox News has cut into CNN's once overwhelming lead in recent months.

For example, an average of 140,000 people were watching Fox News at any
given time between Jan. 1 and Aug. 1, 2000, according to Nielsen Media
Research. During the same time period this year, 282,000 people were tuned
into Rupert Murdoch's news network.

In contrast, 308,000 viewers watched CNN between Jan. 1 and Aug. 1, 2000.
During the first seven months of 2001, viewership climbed to 321,000. CNN
is seen in 82 million homes, while Fox 

[CTRL] NM: New Condit Mystery Girlfriend Shifts Focus to Gray Davis

2001-08-05 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

With Carl Limbacher and NewsMax.com Staff

For the story behind the story...

Sunday August 5, 2001; 11:39 a.m. EDT

New Condit Mystery Girlfriend Shifts Focus to Gray Davis

A new mystery girlfriend of Congressman Gary Condit, who now works in the
office of his close political ally California Gov. Gray Davis, has
privately told a friend that she felt threatened by Condit after ending
their relationship, Judicial Watch Chairman Larry Klayman revealed Sunday

Klayman told WABC Radio's Steve Malzberg that the California Governor's
decision to hire the ex-Condit girlfriend raises the question of whether
Davis is performing the role of Bill Richardson during the Lewinsky

In late 1997, when then-President Bill Clinton was desperately trying to
cover up his affair with White House fellatrix Monica Lewinsky, he had
then-U.N. Ambassador Bill Richardson offer her a job in New York.

Gov. Davis employs the both Condit's son and daughter in his office and,
according to at least one source close to the congressman, once employed
24-year-old missing Condit girlfriend Chandra Levy.

In 1998, the then-relatively unknown Davis launched his bid to become
governor in Condit's Modesto district, using his friend's regional clout
and popularity as a political springboard.

The Davis staffer and former Condit paramour revealed her predicament to a
Judicial Watch client last month, who in turn told Klayman two weeks ago.
I'm not going to break the name yet, Klayman told Malzberg. It's going
to come out in the next day or so.

We've been looking through the information that she provided, he said. In
private correspondence, the woman claimed she had an affair with
Congressman Gary Condit.

What's significant is that the woman felt threatened -- it's in the
letters -- and that's why we turned them over to the police and the FBI,
the Judicial Watch chief said. Police have interviewed the woman but have
declined to release details of her account.

She felt as if (Condit) was stalking her, not literally but figuatively,
Klayman said, adding that he has informed Chandra Levy's parents of the new
development and provided them copies of the Condit mystery girlfriend's

Last month longtime Condit bodyguard-chauffeur Vince Flammini claimed he
saw missing intern Chandra Levy working in Gov. Davis' office last year.

(Levy) worked in the governor's office with (Condit's) son and with all of
his friends and nobody seems to know her, Flammini told CNBC's Rivera
Live on July 17.

I don't understand that. She worked right there with everyone. And every
time they talked to somebody, I said, 'Did you meet Chandra?' 'No, no, no.'

Well, I think they were told ahead of time to say no, Flammini said.

In the days after Levy went missing, her friend Jennifer Baker, who was an
intern Condit's Washington, D.C. office, told reporters that Levy hadn't
met her boss till she introduced them there. Baker said she never saw any
evidence that Condit and her friend romantically involved.

Baker has since dropped from sight.

Repeated efforts to reach Flammini since he granted an initial flurry of
interviews last month have been unsuccessful, with one source suggesting
that the ex-Condit driver has decided not to comment further on the case.

On Friday Levy's mother Susan hinted she was disappointed that Gov. Davis
had made no attempt to contact her, but didn't give a reason why she
expected to hear from him.

She's gotten some small comfort from the support she's received from
government officials, reported Time.com.

Levy praised California's Senators, Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein,
for showing concern for her and calling her family about the case.
Interestingly, she noted that California's Governor Gray Davis has yet to
call her family: 'Nope. I've never head from him,' Susan Levy says.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

[CTRL] Mariah hires a spy

2001-08-05 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[Palladino is a well-known private eye. He was used by advisers to former
US President Bill Clinton in 1992 to try to silence female bimbos
considering coming forward with damaging
information. Sources close to Mariah say she hiredhim after hearing of his
tough reputation.]


Miriah Hires a Spy

TORMENTED Mariah Carey has hired a private eye amid claims that she
believes her ex-husband is trying to RUIN her.

Top investigator Jack Palladino says the singer, who was last week reported
to have tried to killherself, is convinced record boss Tommy Mottola is
putting around negative stories about her.

San Francisco-based Palladino said he is checking all the bad press.

And asked about Mottola, boss of Sony Records, the private eye added: He
is conducting a smearcampaign against her.

A source said: Mariah knows all too well that Tommy Mottola is the man who
turned her into aworldwide star. Now, rightly or wrongly, she thinks he's
the one who is trying to wreck her life.

But Mottola denies the claims completely.


He said: I am deeply saddened by Mariah's illness, and I remain completely
supportive of her.

Any allegations I have tried to hinder her career are completely untrue.

Mariah married Mottola, now 52, in 1993. They divorced five years later.

Before the split it was alleged that Mottola wanted to control every aspect
of his wife's career,image and social life.

But they have also repeatedly clashed since the break-up.

Mariah, 31, has been especially fearful of her ex-husband's plan to write a
book about his life.

She believes it will contain intimate details of her time with him - and
destroy her image.

Palladino is a well-known private eye.


He was used by advisers to former US President Bill Clinton in 1992 to try
to silence female bimbosconsidering coming forward with damaging
information. Sources close to Mariah say she hiredhim after hearing of his
tough reputation. Since divorcing Mottola the sexy singer has dated
baseball star Derek Jeter and most recently modeland Latin heart-throb Luis
Miguel. But her romance with him ended last month... and put even more
pressure on Mariah's fragile emotionalstate.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] WP: Censure of Freeh Was Secretly Rejected

2001-08-06 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Censure of Freeh Was Secretly Rejected

Review of FBI's Flawed Ruby Ridge Probes Had Prompted Disciplinary

By George Lardner Jr.
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, August 5, 2001; Page A01

Justice Department officials who reviewed the FBI's flawed investigations
of the 1992 siege at Ruby Ridge, Idaho, called for disciplinary action
against FBI Director Louis J. Freeh and three other FBI veterans, but the
recommendations were secretly rejected in the closing days of the Clinton

Stephen R. Colgate, an assistant attorney general who had the authority to
mete out final sanctions in the Ruby Ridge case, denied a recommendation to
censure Freeh for condoning the shortcomings of the FBI investigations. In
a brief interview on Friday, Colgate, who is now in private practice, said
he stood by his Jan. 3 decision. He said a prominent FBI ethics official
also favored no action.

But FBI agents who spent years turning up flaws in the FBI's initial
inquiries into the events at Ruby Ridge denounced Colgate's refusal to
impose sanctions on top FBI officials as outrageous and a whitewash.

The agents told the Senate Judiciary Committee, which learned only last
month of Colgate's decision, that they were especially dismayed because
senior FBI officials had subjected them to threats and retaliation for
conducting a thorough investigation.

The lead agent, John E. Roberts, testified that his wife, an FBI support
employee, was hounded from her job in the Boston division and that his
attempts to win a promotion have been rejected 14 times.

Ruby Ridge . . . has been a textbook example of [FBI] abuses, Sen.
Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.), the committee chairman, said in a statement. It
appears from this that the 'good old boy' network has been allowed to
persist at the FBI. It serves to protect some senior FBI executives from
the same scrutiny and discipline applied to rank-and-file agents. . . .
This double standard is unfair and demoralizing.

Freeh, who left the FBI on June 22, did not respond to a request for

The FBI and Freeh have been buffeted in recent months by the revelation
that an agent had secretly spied for Moscow since 1979, by problems with
the investigation of Los Alamos nuclear scientist Wen Ho Lee and by the
FBI's failure to turn over thousands of documents in the Oklahoma City
bombing case. Five separate reviews of FBI conduct are underway.

The aftermath of events at Ruby Ridge -- where an FBI sniper killed the
wife of separatist Randy Weaver -- is an example of what even Justice
Department officials acknowledge is the FBI's unwillingness to police
itself, especially when top officials are involved.

A spokeswoman for Attorney General John D. Ashcroft said he views the
situation as a serious matter. Ashcroft recently ordered the Justice
Department's inspector general to take the primary role in investigating
allegations of FBI misconduct.

The recommended disciplinary actions against Freeh and others were cited in
a July 27 letter to Ashcroft from Leahy and four other committee members
seeking documents related to Colgate's decision.

They noted that the Justice Department's Office of Professional
Responsibility (OPR) and a task force of the Justice Management Division
recommended in 1999 that two senior FBI executives be suspended and that
the FBI director and one other FBI agent be censured. However, committee
officials refused to disclose the names of the other three FBI officials.

They also noted that officials at Justice had urged that the disciplinary
actions taken by Freeh in January 1995 against three other unnamed agents
involved in Ruby Ridge be rescinded, because they believed the punishments
were not warranted.

Nothing was done about the recommendations until Jan. 3, when Colgate, the
assistant attorney general for administration, decided that no new
discipline would be imposed. Colgate, designated by Attorney General Janet
Reno as the final arbiter in the matter, also refused to rescind any
previous disciplinary actions.

He conveyed his decision in a memo to then-Deputy Attorney General Eric H.
Holder Jr. It was not announced publicly or reported to Congress. Leahy
said the decision surfaced when he asked direct questions about final
discipline while preparing for a July 18 FBI oversight hearing.

The reasons for Freeh's proposed censure have not been spelled out, but
Leahy suggested a rationale in written questions he sent to the agents who
testified at the hearing.

Leahy asked whether it would be a breach of conduct warranting discipline
if an FBI official ordered or took part in an inquiry knowing that the
person conducting the inquiry was biased or a friend of the target. Leahy
also inquired about officials accepting the results of such an
investigation when it had obvious holes.

Agent Roberts, the OPR unit chief in charge of the FBI's internal
investigations, said this would amount to investigative dereliction.

In the case of 


2001-08-06 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-




August 4, 2001 -- Probers in the Clinton pardon investigation are still
hard on the case and recently subpoenaed documents from Roger Clinton's
manager, sources said yesterday.

New details of the investigation emerged amid reports that prosecutors are
winding down the Pardongate case after failing to find evidence of any

But Manhattan U.S. Attorney Mary Jo White denied investigators were
wrapping up the probe, issuing her update on the case just one day after a
Justice Department official raised the possibility President Bush could
oust White before she's done.

The investigation is continuing, she said.

Sources said Roger Clinton's music manager, Vicki Crawford, was subpoenaed
within the last few weeks to turn over business records related to Roger's

Authorities are looking into allegations Roger may have promised pardons to
the families of convicts in exchange for tens of thousands of dollars in
cash payments.

Investigators are trying to determine whether Clinton's inflated fees for
overseas concerts were really a cover for those payments, sources said.

Sources said Crawford has hired a lawyer and is still putting together the
documents requested by White's office.

No investigators have been pulled off the pardons case, and they are all
still working full time on the inquiry, sources said.

Department officials also insisted they never intended to send signals that
they're about to remove White, a Clinton holdover, from office.

There's been no determination as to how long this investigation will
continue, one official said.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] AP: Hillary orchestrates defeat of Bush safety nominee

2001-08-06 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Bush safety nominee loses key vote

Top job at Consumer Product Safety Commission is at stake

Democrats on the Senate Commerce Committee rejected Mary Shiela Gall,
President Bush's nominee to head the Consumer Product Safety Commission,
reports NBC's Robert Hager.


WASHINGTON, Aug. 2 - The Senate Commerce Committee on Thursday voted
against President Bush's choice to head the Consumer Product Safety
Commission, dealing Mary Sheila Gall's nomination a potentially fatal blow.
Gall, who Democrats claim is too pro-business in her votes as a member of
the commission, was defeated in a party line vote of 12-11.

The White House noted many of the same Democrats opposing Gall had approved
her previous appointments.

THE VOTE could be fatal. Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, D-S.D., told
reporters that it is not likely we will go to the floor with this
nomination. The committee has spoken. ... I don't have any expectation
that it needs to go further than that, he said. Gall in a statement said
that my years of public service to this country simply do not merit
today's vote. My whole life, both personal and professional, has been
dedicated to children and families, she said. I will continue to make the
safety and well-being of America's children and families my highest


A senior administration official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said
Bush doesn't want the current chairwoman, Ann Brown, an ally of Sen.
Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., to continue serving. Republicans were determining
whether they could strip Brown of her chairmanship and elevate a candidate
favored by Bush to the post, said GOP sources who spoke on grounds of

It's not over, said Senate Minority Leader Trent Lott, R-Miss., who was
among those pressing the White House to push Brown aside. Administration
spokeswoman Anne Womack said the White House was taking a look at
different options on how to proceed. She declined to elaborate. The
president has the power to make appointments during congressional recesses
but that action inevitably angers lawmakers and, according to aides, was
not something Bush was expected to do.


A defeat for Gall would be the first outright rejection of a Bush nominee.
His first choice to head the Labor Department, Linda Chavez, withdrew her
nomination amid controversy over financial support she provided to an
illegal alien. Attorney General John Ashcroft survived a nasty confirmation
battle. Democrats, who now control the Senate, hold a one-vote majority on
the Senate Commerce Committee. Led by Clinton, they had charged that Gall,
the only Republican on the three-member commission, developed a record of
favoring businesses over consumers. Critics, including consumer groups, had
particularly zeroed in on her decisions against allowing new regulations
for a variety of products considered potentially dangerous to children,
including baby walkers and children's bunk beds. Gall, in her confirmation
hearing last week, defended her record since first being named to the
agency by Bush's father in 1991. She said she based each of her decisions
on the law. Her supporters have said critics are basing their opposition
more on politics than substance because her renomination to the
commission - by former President Clinton - went unopposed in 1999. She also
has the support of one Democratic commissioner. The head of the American
Conservative Union had sent a letter to senators asking that Gall be judged
on her qualifications. Depriving the president of his preferred nominee,
particularly one with Commissioner Gall's talent, experience, commitment
and distinction - simply to play political games - is disgraceful, David
Keene wrote. The agency, created by Congress in 1972, oversees about 15,000
types of products, ranging from infant high chairs to fire sprinklers.
While it works with companies to recall dangerous products and develop
voluntary safety standards, the commission also issues and enforces
mandatory rules and product bans.

© 2001 Associated Press. All rights reserved.

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   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be 

[CTRL] WND: DOJ: Agreement ending hunger strike 'misrepresented'

2001-08-06 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-



Tax-activist meeting in jeopardy

DOJ: Agreement ending hunger strike 'misrepresented'

By Julie Foster
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

Because a tax-activist organization misrepresented an agreement with the
Department of Justice to discuss activists' arguments that most Americans
are not legally required to pay income taxes, the DOJ will likely not
participate in any such hearing, a department spokeswoman said.

Members of the self-named tax-honesty movement declared a victory last
week when Rep. Roscoe G. Bartlett, R-Md., and Assistant Attorney General
Dan Bryant signed an agreement to hold an open hearing in September
discussing the movement's arguments. The agreement, signed on July 20, was
prompted by the hunger strike of Bob Schulz, founder and chairman of We The
People Foundation for Constitutional Education. Schulz and Oklahoma
businessman Roland Croteau vowed to subsist only on water until government
officials agreed to meet in a public forum to debate the activists'
contention that most Americans are not required to pay income taxes.

According to We The People, last week's signed agreement commits the
government to send their top tax and legal experts to a two-day September
hearing to be conducted on Capitol Hill. But the Department of Justice
indicated WTP's interpretation of the agreement is not wholly accurate.

Bryant is the head of the Justice Department's Office of Legislative
Affairs, which, among other things, handles requests from congressional
representatives and their staff members. According to DOJ spokeswoman Lori
Rabjohns, Bryant agreed to the meeting as an accommodation for the
congressman, which is Bryant's job, she said. Bryant was willing to listen
to the arguments of tax activists, but the agreement did not necessarily
include representatives from the IRS or top tax experts, as stated by
WTP, the spokeswoman explained.

As a result of its mischaracterization of the agreement between Bartlett
and Bryant, WTP has put the September hearing in jeopardy.

Because the group (WTP) is misrepresenting the department's agreement with
this group, it is unlikely the department will participate, said Rabjohns.

Schulz said he learned Monday that the DOJ wanted an apology about WTP's
July 20 press release. Schulz called Bryant's office but was unable to
speak to him. As yet, the activist said, his call has not been returned.

Schulz is revising his original press release. Nevertheless, he said WTP's
portrayal of the agreement is accurate.

It's certainly not our intention to misrepresent anything, he remarked.

The signed agreement is a hand-written letter by Bartlett on his
congressional stationery asking Bryant for appropriate representatives at
the meeting, said Schulz. Bryant signed a copy of the letter.

But the agreement was more than Bartlett's signed letter, continued
Schulz - there were verbal stipulations as well. Some of those verbally
agreed-upon items, said Schulz, were that the meeting would be held on
Capitol Hill to prevent it from becoming a circus atmosphere, and WTP
would provide a list of people who were expected to attend. Also, there
were not to be multiple video cameras in the room. Instead, according to
Schulz, WTP would bring a videographer and Bryant would see that a
transcript of the meeting was made. Schulz added that he planned to invite
C-SPAN to cover the meeting.

The activist also said he was assured by Bartlett that IRS representatives
would attend the congressional-style hearing. Bartlett's office did not
return calls from WorldNetDaily.

In the meantime, Schulz holds out hope that a meeting with government
officials will take place. He and other like-minded tax activists want the
feds to answer questions about the constitutionality of the income tax.

Bartlett is working with me to hold [the Department of] Justice to the
agreement, he said.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] WP: Carolyn Condit has no thumbs ... and other false rumors

2001-08-06 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Lady Of the House; Back Home, One Condit's Constituency Is Stronger Than

By Jennifer Frey
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, August 6, 2001; Page C01

CERES, California -- It was quiet on Acorn Lane last Thursday, the day
Carolyn Condit flew home, one day ahead of her husband. Down the street
from her pretty, one-story beige house -- the one with the No Trespassing
sign planted in the front lawn smack in the middle of some red flowers --
one neighbor watered her sun-scorched grass and another cleaned the bed of
his truck. Around the corner and down the street, elderly couples slid into
Naugahyde booths and ordered the ravioli lunch special at Peach Tree
Restaurant, where Carolyn used to get breakfast with her in-laws.

Carolyn was coming home that day from Washington, where she had spent much
of the previous month with her husband, Rep. Gary Condit, as details of his
affair with missing intern Chandra Levy -- and with others -- became the
talk of the nation. Gary was interviewed by investigators four times;
Carolyn met with FBI agents once. Camera crews had crowded the sidewalk
outside their Adams Morgan apartment as the Levy family demanded answers
and no one seemed to have any truth to offer, save for the fact that
Chandra had been intimately involved with Carolyn Condit's husband.

Back in Ceres last Thursday, though, all seemed peaceful in Carolyn's
world -- and this is her world, the place where she has lived, full time,
while her spouse commutes between his district and Washington. The Condits'
son, Chad, 33, lives a few blocks away on Myrtlewood Drive, which makes it
easy for Carolyn to spend time with her grandchildren. Her in-laws are only
a few minutes away.

Here, it is easy to see Carolyn as her neighbors and friends describe
her -- the beloved wife of the local congressman, the woman who
hand-delivers flowers to sick constituents and drives elderly shut-ins to
the grocery store. She's an angel, says one local shopkeeper.

And now she is also the nation's most famously scorned wife.

Less than 24 hours after Carolyn returned to Ceres, Acorn Lane was clogged
with television trucks and cable lines and microphone-toting reporters, all
hoping to capture Gary upon his return home. Neighbors fumed and passersby
shouted opinions as cars slowly tried to navigate the choked road without
knocking down curious children astride bicycles or technicians juggling
cell phones and beepers in the searing summer heat.

Gary never appeared that day -- not in his driveway and not at his district
office in nearby Modesto, which was also staked out by reporters. He
remains secluded, as does his wife, who declined, through family
spokesperson Marina Ein, to comment for this story. According to their
attorneys, the Condit family -- including Chad and daughter Cadee, who
lives in Sacramento -- are taking some time alone to do some family
healing. The Health Issue

Carolyn is s misrepresented, moans Pam Hoover, a Modesto shop owner
who has known Carolyn for years. I just feel like no one has an accurate
view of who she really is. Some of the things they're saying are just

Like the thumbs. Carolyn Condit, 53, is an extremely private woman, and,
like her husband, she has refused to grant interviews during this difficult
period. Truth is, Carolyn rarely did interviews -- or public appearances --
even before her husband's personal life became a national obsession. It
isn't in her nature, friends and acquaintances say.

So people make stuff up. But in a saga rife with insinuation and innuendo,
perhaps the most ludicrous of all rumors is one that started on the
Internet and spread to office water coolers nationwide:

Carolyn Condit has no thumbs.

There is not a speck of truth to this assertion -- it's quite laughable,
really. On the serious side, though, the nature of Carolyn's heal thhas
become a much-discussed topic for a reason: Several people say her husband
has suggested -- to other women, to House colleagues, to Hill staffers --
that Carolyn is sickly and that her condition is the justification for his
relationships outside the marriage.

Levy's aunt, Linda Zamsky, says her niece told her that Gary's wife never
comes to visit him because she's sickly. Anne Marie Smith, the United
Airlines flight attendant who has alleged an affair with Condit, has said
repeatedly that the Democratic congressman told her his wife was ill.

When I first met him, Smith said in a telephone call to Larry King Live
last week, I asked him if he was married, and he said yes. But he said,
'My wife's very ill.' She supposedly has encephalitis of the brain. And he
said that their relationship was more of a friendship. He really, you know,
cared about her, but he stayed with her more or less to take care of her.

And in political circles in Washington -- where Carolyn rarely visited --
the supposed state of Carolyn's health was no secret.

I was told early on that his wife was ill, and that he went out, 

[CTRL] Famous Mob Murder Solved (fwd)

2001-08-06 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

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   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[CTRL] Hidden Wheat Fields Spark Outrage

2001-08-07 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Wired Magazine

Hidden Wheat Fields Spark Outrage
(Med-Tech Center 2:00 a.m. PDT)


Farmers fearing the cross-pollination of their crops want the Canadian
government to reveal the location of more than 50 secret test sites that
are growing genetically modified wheat. Charles Mandel reports from Ottawa,

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] CNN: Roger Clinton makes reckless driving plea

2001-08-07 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Roger Clinton makes reckless driving plea

August 7, 2001 Posted: 4:05 PM EDT (2005 GMT)

TORRANCE, California (CNN) -- In a deal that spares him jail time, Roger
Clinton pleaded guilty Tuesday to a non-alcohol-related charge of reckless

As part of the deal, the three initial charges -- two counts of drunken
driving and one for disturbing the peace -- were dismissed. Clinton, who is
the half-brother of former President Bill Clinton, could have faced a
maximum 270 days in prison on those charges.

Torrance Superior Court Judge Jesse Rodriguez sentenced Clinton to 24
months probation and ordered him to pay a fine of $1,351. In addition, the
judge said he must report any new arrests within five days and that he must
stay at least 100 yards away from the Lighthouse nightclub in Hermosa
Beach, where the incident began.

The judge also said Clinton must not operate a vehicle with any amount of
alcohol in his system, and he can't refuse an alcohol or drug test if
requested by police.

Clinton attorney, Mark Geragos, said his client is extremely pleased with
the outcome.

It's a vindication of what we've said all along -- that it was a setup,
said Geragos.

The charge stems from a February 17 incident in which Clinton was accused
of scuffling with a doorman at the Lighthouse, where he allegedly had
drinks, and then left in a car. He was followed by police and charged with
two counts of DUI.

Geragos said he presented an audio tape to the judge that contained four of
the seven arresting officers talking about his arrest 45 minutes

Before he was even driving, they were staking him out, said Geragos.

Roger Clinton was one of 140 people pardoned by his brother in the last
days of the Clinton presidency. The younger Clinton had been convicted of a
cocaine drug charge in Arkansas in 1985, while his brother was the state's

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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[CTRL] Feds: Spy Tool Is a Secret

2001-08-07 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

From: Wired Magazine

Feds: Spy Tool Is a Secret
(Politics 2:00 a.m. PDT)


Revealing information about a classified surveillance technique would
threaten national security and put government agents at risk, say U.S.
government attorneys. By Declan McCullagh.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] CBC: Global Warming: Melting glaciers challenge tourists

2001-08-07 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Global Warming: Melting Glaciers Challenge Tourists

IQALUIT, NU - In Inuktitut- Auyuittuq means the land that never melts. But
warmer temperatures in recent weeks at Auyuittug National Park near
Pangnirtung, NU are proving otherwise. Melting glaciers in the park are
causing unexpected challenges for tourists this summer.

The 19-thousand square kilometre park is located above the arctic circle.
Pauline Scott is with Parks Canada's field unit in Nunavut. She says
glaciers are melting faster than usual and that has made river crossings
more dangerous, and it's the number one concern for park staff this summer.

The glaciers are melting and so the water's higher and faster, Scott said.
So to get across all the different river crossings, people have to wait
until the water goes down at night or they may have to wait for a couple of
days until the gushing slows down so they can get across.

Parks Canada says it is telling people to take extra precautions when
hiking through the park this summer.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] NM: Gray Davis Hiding Condit on Catalina Island

2001-08-07 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

With Carl Limbacher and NewsMax.com Staff

For the story behind the story...

Tuesday Aug. 7, 2001; 9:02 a.m. EDT

Report: Gray Davis Hiding Condit on Catalina Island

Embattled Congressman Gary Condit has been discovered hiding out at
taxpayer's expense in luxurious digs on California's Catalina Island --
accommodations secured by his close political ally Gov. Gray Davis, New
York's WABC Radio reported Tuesday morning.

Gray Davis has given him a favor, revealed WABC's John Batchelor in an
exclusive report to the Curtis  Kuby Show.

The state of California, through the (University of Southern California),
owns an inn. On Catalina Island (chewing gum magnate) William Wrigley,
Jr. and his wife Aida built a vast home on a place they called Mt. Aida --
it was named for her. It's now a bed and breakfast and a conference center
owned by U.S.C. and the Santa Catalina Island Conservancy. Well, that's
where Condit is.

Condit retreated to his home state over the weekend, reportedly to spend
private time with his grown children.

The California getaway was supposed to be an effort to repair the damage
done to Condit's family over the last two months, when the investigation
into the disappearance of his girlfriend Chandra Levy exposed a secret life
that, according to some reports, featured up to 27 different women.

Batchelor did not say whether Condit's wife Carolyn was with him on

Gov. Davis, who turned to the then-popular Congressman Condit in 1998 to
help launch his gubenatorial career, returned the favor by putting Condit's
grown children, Chad and Cadee, on his staff.

In Feb. 2000, Davis also hired Ms. Levy, who interned in his legal affairs
office before accepting a Washington, D.C. internship with the Federal
Bureau of Prisons. It's not clear whether Rep. Condit, who was a frequent
visitor to Davis' office in Sacramento, was romantically involved with Levy
at the time, though his one-time driver bodyguard Vince Flammini has raised
that possibility in interviews.

The WABC report is the first evidence that Gov. Davis has taken an active
role in helping Condit survive the political maelstrom that threatens to
sink his career.

Gray Davis controls (the Wrigley) place, Batchelor said. (Condit) is
staying there so Gray Davis can say; 'The congressman needs privacy. He's
there with his two grown children, who are on my staff. He's there with his
press aides.'

While on his taxpayer funded getaway, Condit is staying in a room now known
as The Grand Suite, which rents for $625 per night, has a bedroom, full
bath and harbor views.

Your tax dollars are going to hide Gary Condit from the truth, Batchelor

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Court Rules That Internet Re-Posting Is Protected Speech

2001-08-07 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Internet Re-Posting Is Protected Speech

Court Rules That Internet Re-Posting Is Protected Speech

Dismisses Defamation Suit Against Breast Implant Activist as Meritless

Source: Electronic Frontier Foundation
Posted: July 30, 2001

Oakland, CA - In a trail-blazing 27-page order, Alameda Superior Court
Judge James A. Richman dismissed a defamation lawsuit filed against a
breast implant awareness activist, finding that it was a meritless SLAPP
(Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation). The court held that a
1996 federal law protects individuals from civil liability for posting to
an Internet newsgroup a statement created by another.

Ilena Rosenthal, Director of the Humantics Foundation in San Diego, was
sued for defamation based on her postings on Internet newsgroups. On July
25, 2001, Judge Richman granted Rosenthal's motion to dismiss the complaint
against her as a meritless SLAPP. Two self-proclaimed Quackbusters,
Stephen Barrett, M.D., of Allentown, Pennsylvania, and Terry Polevoy, M.D.,
of Canada, joined by their attorney and co-plaintiff, Christopher Grell, of
Oakland, California, filed suit against the activist. Judge Richman found
that none of the plaintiffs had valid claims against Rosenthal. He ruled
that Rosenthal's statements calling Barrett and Polevoy quacks, and
Barrett arrogant and a bully who tried to extort her, were not
actionable because they do not contain provably false assertions of fact,
but rather are expressions of subjective judgment.

Judge Richman further found that only one statement by Rosenthal was
arguably defamatory -- a document written by someone else which Rosenthal
re-posted to an Internet newsgroup. Judge Richman held that this statement
by Rosenthal was protected under section 230 of the federal Communications
Decency Act (CDA), a law Congress enacted in 1996 expressly to promote the
continued development of the Internet and other interactive computer
services, which Congress declared should be unfettered by Federal or
State regulation. Judge Richman held that section 230 of the CDA provides
immunity to users, as well as providers, of interactive computer services.
He found that Rosenthal, as a user of an interactive computer service,
that is, a newsgroup, . . . is not the publisher or speaker of statements
made by a third person. Thus, Judge Richman concluded, she cannot be
civilly liable for posting it on the Internet. She is immune.

Lee Tien, Senior Staff Attorney for the Electronic Frontier Foundation
(EFF), the leading Internet civil liberties organization, said in enacting
section 230, Congress tried to protect free speech on the Internet from
chilling threats of costly litigation. This decision will help achieve that
goal and marks a solid victory for free expression. Internet speech would
be stifled if individuals could be found liable for the defamatory
statements of others. Mark Goldowitz, counsel for defendant Rosenthal and
the Director of the California Anti-SLAPP Project, said, Judge Richman's
opinion is significant. To my knowledge, this is the first court to rule
that Internet re-posting is immune from civil liability under federal law.
This ruling greatly advances freedom of speech on the Internet. Also, it is
very rare for a trial court judge to issue anything even close to a 27-page

Ilena Rosenthal, one of several defendants named in this high-profile
Internet libel case, heads an international support group for women harmed
by breast implants. Rosenthal believes that this suit, one of several the
so-called Quackbusters have filed against critics of their tactics, has
been used to intimidate and threaten others into silence for fear of being
named as a Doe in this lawsuit. They are a dominant threat to
alternative and complementary medical practices and practitioners,
Rosenthal said. Their campaigns obstruct health freedom and attempt to
chill the voices of their critics and opponents.


Lee Tien, EFF Senior Staff Attorney
tel: 415 436 9333 x102

Mark Goldowitz, Director
California Anti-SLAPP Project (CASP)
tel: 510-835-0850 x305

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.

[CTRL] WP: GAO to Investigate FBI Travel Vouchers

2001-08-07 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

GAO to Investigate FBI Travel Vouchers

By George Lardner Jr. and Dan Eggen
Washington Post Staff Writers
Tuesday, August 7, 2001; Page A06

The Senate Judiciary Committee has ordered a special investigation to
determine how many FBI officials submitted fake vouchers for travel
expenses to cover their attendance at a 1997 retirement party for former
deputy FBI director Larry Potts.

The committee chairman, Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), and one of its
high-ranking Republicans, Sen. Charles E. Grassley (Iowa), also directed
the General Accounting Office -- Congress's investigating arm -- to find
out whether an earlier, internal inquiry by the FBI was adjudicated fairly
and fully and without any conflicts of interest.

Approximately 140 people attended the retirement bash for Potts in
Arlington on Oct. 9, 1997. After the party was scheduled, the FBI announced
it would hold an Oct. 10 conference on ethics in Quantico. Some agents from
around the country allegedly used the conference, or other meetings in the
Washington area, as a reason to get the FBI to pay for their travel to the
party for Potts. Only five people attended the ethics forum.

John E. Roberts, the agent who led the internal inquiry by the FBI's Office
of Professional Responsibility, told the committee last month that
numerous senior executives were involved in voucher fraud. But he said
the findings were treated as trivial by a Senior Executive Service board
that was more interested in protecting colleagues than in meting out

Roberts said he already had been subjected to threats and retaliation for
leading an aggressive inquiry into the 1992 Ruby Ridge tragedy. He pointed
out that two SES employees who submitted questionable vouchers for the
party for Potts were also two of the SES employees who were responsible
for the flawed Ruby Ridge investigation.

Of equal importance, Roberts told the senators in responding to written
questions following an FBI oversight hearing, is that one of the
individuals received substantial cash awards while under investigation.

Another longtime investigator for the Office of Professional
Responsibility, John Werner, now retired, told the committee that
management problems at the bureau begin with the Senior Executive

The SES is an elite cadre of 178 officials, including assistant directors
and special agents in charge of the FBI's 56 field offices. Most work out
of FBI headquarters and are paid a minimum of $119,700 a year, plus a 10
percent adjustment for the cost of living in the nation's capital.

Werner said most are sincere and dedicated, but that there is a vocal
minority . . . often referred to as 'the Club' by street agents, who are
motivated by self-preservation and self-interest at any cost. . . . They
use intimidation and retaliation against anyone who would be so impertinent
as to challenge their interests.

An FBI study in 1999 said the dinner for Potts was known throughout the
bureau as Pottsgate, and was one of a series of events that has convinced
many employees that there is a double standard of discipline -- one for
senior executives and another, much stricter one for rank-and-file

The FBI's internal inquiry into the party found both voucher fraud and a
lack of candor on the part of several special agents in charge who
attended the dinner. Under standards set by FBI Director Louis Freeh in
1994, both offenses warranted dismissal, but the SES board issued only four
letters of censure after reducing the misconduct to inattention to detail
and inappropriate travel.

The internal inquiry focused on nine senior officials, but five retired and
were not punished.

The FBI will cooperate with the GAO probe, bureau spokesman John
Collingwood said.

© 2001 The Washington Post Company

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [Oops] Re: Hidden Wheat Fields Spark Outrage

2001-08-07 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

The several articles I posted today are from   wirednews.com,  a Lycos
sub., NOT Wired Magazine.  Sorry.

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 4:16 PM
Subject: Hidden Wheat Fields Spark Outrage

 Wired Magazine

 Hidden Wheat Fields Spark Outrage
 (Med-Tech Center 2:00 a.m. PDT)


 Farmers fearing the cross-pollination of their crops want the Canadian
 government to reveal the location of more than 50 secret test sites that
 are growing genetically modified wheat. Charles Mandel reports from

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[CTRL] UFOria (fwd)

2001-08-07 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded Message
From: Center 4 Celestial Mechanics [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue, 07 Aug 2001 13:07:55 -0500
Subject: UFOria

The 38th Annual UFO Conference is here in Austin next month, September

14-16 (see www.nufoc.net).  If you need to get motivated to come, visit my
own website to find many provocative new ideas:

-- evidence of the Nazi angle, all the way up to the White House

-- excerpts from my novel revealing a hideous government conspiracy and
goings on at the ultra secret White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico

-- a new theory about what really happened at Roswell in July, 1947

-- an outline of my doctoral dissertation here at the University of Texas,
looking at some
  not-so-far-fetched ideas on UFO technologies

-- free mission design software for the hardened skeptics (it's the real

-- new medical help for abductees (everybody else, too)

If you can't attend the conference, there's no excuse for not visiting my



center 4 celestial mechanics
Austin, Texas

-- End of Forwarded Message

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


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Re: [CTRL] Feds- Spy Tool Is A Secret

2001-08-07 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: tenebroust [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 8:54 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Feds- Spy Tool Is A Secret

-Caveat Lector-

This sounds like a very interesting case that is well worth keeping an eye
on, since a keystroke interceptor would enable the Feds to bypass any type
of firewall or encryption and if they can do it willy nilly then no one's
data is secure.  Scary.

I'll say!

Any one ever hear about that film chip
(about the size and look of a single hit of
window pane LCD, circa 1975) that would
statically attach to the mouth mic of any
phone, and would then allow normal
functioning of the phone, while ALWAYS
bugging the room/rooms adjacent to the room
with the bug?

This technology, allegedly developed at
Cambridge, was said to be THE ABSOLUTE
single most secret device to have ever been
classified by an alphabet agency.  I mean,
just think for a few MINUTES.  How'bout paying
a janitor to put one on the conference room
phone, the one that rings into the secret
board room meeting once a year, the one on the
gazilianth floor of IBM Towers, Rockefller Center,
NYC, upon which the meeting deciding how
much of their profits were to go into RD for
the next year, and in what new technologies!

With just this, one with the funds (albeit few)
could cause a major fluctuation on the exchange.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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2001-08-08 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-




August 8, 2001 -- WASHINGTON - Hillary Rodham Clinton wanted a convicted
cocaine dealer sprung from prison, and it was very important to her, the
former first lady's brother told the White House, according to a bombshell
memo obtained by The Post.

The handwritten note, on White House stationery, appears to contradict
Clinton's repeated claims that she knew nothing about brother Hugh Rodham's
pardon-for-pay work to get her husband to free drug trafficker Carlos

Hugh says this is very important to him and the first lady as well as
others, says the note, which investigators said is from a file on the
Vignali matter kept by Bruce Lindsey, who was former President Bill
Clinton's closest White House aide.

Bill Clinton freed Vignali on Jan. 20, over angry objections from the U.S.
attorney's office, after Vignali had served only six years of a 15-year
prison term for conspiring to sell more than 800 pounds of coke.

The note, from last December or January, is in the National Archives files
for the Clinton White House and bears the stamp Clinton library

The memo is unsigned, but appears to be addressed to Lindsey and written by
someone who knows the Clintons and their family, since it refers to Sen.
Clinton's brother by his first name.

It suggests either Rodham lied to the Clinton White House, or Hillary
Clinton lied when she later denied knowing anything about the pardon, for
which her brother was paid $204,000 by Vignali's family.

Rodham was living with the Clintons on the third floor of the White House
when Bill Clinton issued his controversial slew of 11th-hour pardons and
sentence commutations, including Vignali's.

Sen. Clinton insisted at a news conference last February: I did not know
my brother was involved in any way in any of this.

Her spokeswoman, Karen Dunn, last night, said only: We have nothing to add
to what's already been said.

Rodham's lawyer, Nancy Luque, said he didn't speak to Sen. Clinton about

I seriously doubt whether he ever said that it was important to her,
Luque said.

The House Government Reform Committee, which is probing the pardons, has
written Rodham, asking him to explain why you informed anyone on the White
House staff that the Vignali matter was 'very important' to you and the
first lady.

The committee notes in its letter that Luque had told the House panel that
Rodham had no contact with President Clinton or Sen. Clinton regarding

Both Clintons have denied knowing Rodham was being paid by Vignali's
family, but Bill Clinton has never explained why he pardoned Vignali.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[CTRL] DN:Report: Lee not targeted by FBI because of race

2001-08-08 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Report: Lee not targeted by FBI because of race


Washington Post

WASHINGTON - Federal investigators did not target former Los Alamos nuclear
scientist Wen Ho Lee based on his ethnicity, according to a classified
report that is otherwise highly critical of the conduct of the FBI and
Energy Department during the investigation.

A version of the internal report by federal prosecutor Randy Bellows is
scheduled to be released publicly next week. It says that while the
government's espionage investigation of Dr. Lee, a native of Taiwan, had
many shortcomings, racism was not one of them, said several people who
have reviewed its findings.

The report's findings on racism, which had not previously been revealed,
appear to contradict the accounts of at least two former Energy Department
officials. They include the former chief of counterintelligence, Robert
Vrooman, who has said in sworn statements that Dr. Lee was targeted for
investigation of whether he leaked nuclear secrets to China based largely
on his race.

Dr. Lee, who was jailed on 59 felony counts of mishandling classified
information and violating the Atomic Energy Act, pleaded guilty last
September to a single felony charge of mishandling classified information
after the government's case largely fell apart in court. He had spent nine
months in solitary confinement.

Dr. Lee, who is a naturalized U.S. citizen, has indicated in press reports
and court filings that he believes he was singled out because he is a
native of Taiwan.

The case prompted condemnations from Asian-American leaders, who accused
the government of engaging in racial profiling and stereotyping in the Lee

But Mr. Bellows' review is certain to figure prominently in a defamation
lawsuit by another energy official who contends that he was wrongly accused
of racism in the case.

Notra Trulock III, a former energy official who has filed a defamation
lawsuit against Dr. Lee, said Mr. Bellows' findings on race bolster his
suit, which alleges that Dr. Lee authorized supporters to accuse Mr.
Trulock of racism on the scientist's Web site.

A federal magistrate hearing the case has demanded portions of Mr. Bellows'
report from the Justice Department, which has tentatively scheduled its
release for Monday.

I feel that I am exonerated, said Mr. Trulock, 53, who left the Energy
Department in August 1999. I knew that racial profiling had not been
employed and that certainly I'm not a racist.

Dr. Lee's lead attorney, Mark Holscher, said he had not seen Mr. Bellows'
report and could not comment.

The 800-page report stems from an internal probe into the Chinese espionage
investigation ordered by former Attorney General Janet Reno in May 1999,
shortly after Dr. Lee was fired from the Los Alamos National Laboratory in
New Mexico.

Dr. Lee and his wife, Sylvia, have filed a suit against the FBI, Justice
Department and Energy Department alleging that Dr. Lee's privacy was
violated by government leaks of his name to the press during the
investigation. Dr. Lee is also locked in a dispute with federal government
censors over whether his forthcoming autobiography violates security rules.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[CTRL] BBC: Japanese World War II officer says germ tests carried out on live Chinese

2001-08-08 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Japanese World War II officer says germ tests carried out on live Chinese

Source: BBC Monitoring Asia Pacific - Political
Publication date: 2001-08-08

Text of report in English by official Chinese news agency Xinhua (New China
News Agency)

Beijing, 8 August: A former Japanese officer has admitted that he and his
unit dissected live Chinese people and produced deadly bacteria to harm
enemies during the World War II.

Yoshio Shinozuka, 78, admitted that he raised fleas intended to spread
deadly diseases and participated in the production of bacteria such as
cholera, typhoid, dysentery and anthrax as well as dissecting dying Chinese
people, whom they called logs. Wednesday's [8 August] China Daily

He took part in five live human anatomies within two months during the war.

The veteran said Tuesday that he is anguished over the cruelty his
division, Unit 731, perpetrated on Chinese victims in Pingfang, a city in
northeast China's Heilongjiang Province during the period.

It is our responsibility to make this hidden history known to the whole
world, Shinozuka said, according to the newspaper.

Shinozuka is now a standing member of the Association of Japanese Veteran
Returnees From China, which was founded by veterans in 1957. It has 270
members at present, whose average age is over 80.

The veteran regrets that the Japanese government now still wants to cover
up the brutality, and he strongly opposes Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro
Koizumi's plan to visit the Yasukuni Shrine next week, according to the
China Daily.

Publication date: 2001-08-08
© 2001, YellowBrix, Inc.

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2001-08-08 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

See the URL for pictures and diagrams.  --MS





DR ELTJO HASELHOFF is one of the few people on planet
Earth to have had a paper published on crop circles in
a peer-reviewed scientific journal ('Physiologa
Plantarum'). His paper asserts that the
long-recognised connection of crop circles to balls of
light may be even stronger than many think. Here, in
layman's terms, Dr Haselhoff outlines the important
findings of his paper.

Over the years, numerous people have claimed that they
have seen how a crop circle was created by one or more
balls of light.

Recent scientific studies have confirmed these
statements: Circumstantial evidence has shown that
crop circles may very well be made by 'balls of light'
indeed! This article explains the essential elements
of these studies in simple terms.


The stems of corn-type plants are characterised by
little 'knuckles', at several positions along the
stems (see Figure 1). These nodes act as a kind of
ligament. They allow the plants to bend towards the
light, even after they have grown to their full

In the early 1990s, the American biophysicist William
Levengood discovered that plants inside crop circles
often had much longer nodes than those in the
undisturbed, surrounding crop. This effect is
illustrated in Figure 2.

Although there are known biological effects that can
create node lengthening, these could be easily ruled
out. It was clear that something else had happened.
The effect could be simulated by placing normal,
healthy stems inside a microwave oven. The heat
induced by the microwaves made the liquids inside the
nodes expand, just like the mercury inside a
thermometer. This caused the nodes to increase in
length, while the amount of lengthening increased
proportionally to the amount of microwave energy that
was generated.

This finding led to the conclusion that the node
lengthening effect may be caused by the involvement of
heat, possibly caused by microwave radiation. In fact,
traces of heat have been found innumerable times in
crop circles all over the world, such as dehydrated
plants, burn marks, and molten snow.


The number of 'balls of light' that have been seen by
eyewitnesses has increased considerably over the last
couple of years. Sized somewhere between an egg and a
football, these bright, fluorescent, flying light
objects seem to be somehow related to the crop circle
phenomenon. They often appear in the fields during the
night a crop circle forms, and have been seen (and
filmed!) many times in and around crop circles.
Several persons have even claimed that they witnessed
how these balls of light actually created a crop


In the year 1999, William Levengood and Nancy Talbott
published a scientific paper [1] that contained a
study to the node lengthening effect in three
different crop circles, two in England and one in the
USA. The authors presented a 'quantitative analysis';
in other words, the article tried to explain the
AMOUNT of node lengthening throughout the crop circle,
by means of physical models. The authors concluded
that the heat (that had made the nodes swell) was
electromagnetic in origin.

One year later, I contributed a paper reacting to the
one by Levengood and Talbott. This article appeared
early 2001 [2]. The paper reinterpreted the data
published by Levengood and Talbott and showed that the
node lengthening as measured in all three crop circles
could be perfectly explained by assuming that a 'ball
of light' had caused the node swelling effect. An
identical analysis performed on a famous man-made
formation (Dreischor, Holland, 1997) did not show
these characteristics at all.

My statements can be interpreted as follows: Imagine a
dark room with one single light bulb hanging on the
ceiling. If you switch on the light, you will notice
that right below the light bulb the light intensity on
the floor will be brightest. Towards the edges of the
room, the floor will gradually become darker. This
light distribution on the floor is well understood,
and can be described with high accuracy.

The exact light distribution on the floor depends on
the HEIGHT of the light bulb. When the light bulb is
hanging very low, almost touching the floor, the floor
underneath the light bulb will be very bright, but the
intensity will rapidly become less as you move away
from it (see Figure 3, left). When the light is
hanging high on the ceiling, however, the light
intensity underneath the light will be much less and
be more evenly distributed over the floor (see Figure
3, right). Because this mechanism is so well known,
one can actually derive the height of the light bulb
after measuring the light distribution on the floor.

This is what I suggested. As explained above, the
swollen nodes inside the crop circles may 

[CTRL] NM: Lawyer: Secret Evidence Will Tie Condit to Chandra's Disappearance

2001-08-08 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

With Carl Limbacher and NewsMax.com Staff

For the story behind the story...

Tuesday, Aug. 7, 2001 11:42 p.m. EDT

Lawyer: Secret Evidence Will Tie Condit to Chandra's Disappearance

A lawyer for flight attendant Anne Marie Smith, who blew the lid off the
Chandra Levy case in July when she alleged that California congressman Gary
Condit tried to silence her regarding their relationship, said Tuesday
night that still secret evidence will tie Condit to Levy's disappearance.

Smith's attorney Jim Robinson hinted at the bombshell insider information
when pressed on his previous comments by Fox News Channel's Hannity 

HANNITY: You said the last time you were on the program that if the
American people knew all that you knew about Gary Condit, they'd be
shocked and outraged. ... Will you be coming forward with more
information? Will Anne Marie Smith be coming forward with any more?

ROBINSON: It depends on the way things break.

HANNITY: Based on this knowledge, I've got to ask you a very serious
question. I can tell as you're speaking that you have a lot of a passion
about this. And I know you're defending your client, who I found to be very
credible in her interview with Rita Cosby. Do you think he's involved,
based on this information that you're not sharing with the public, in the
disappearance of Chandra Levy?


HANNITY: You do.

ROBINSON: Absolutely.

Casting further suspicion on the California congressman was CNBC's Geraldo
Rivera, who quoted a source close to Levy's parents Tuesday night who said
they now believe Condit was involved in a plot to have the 24-year-old
missing intern killed.

The fact of the matter is that the family has a bundle of information,
Rivera told his audience. They have the conversations - they're the ones
who spoke directly to Condit on the phone. They're the ones who spoke to
Chandra as the relationship was evolving. They, along with the aunt, Linda
Zamsky, are the ones to whom she confided more or less what was going on.

And they come to this conclusion. That he killed her. [Or] he was part of
a conspiracy that killed her. Or unintentionally, he said, 'You know
something, that b---h is gonna screw my whole career. Oh my God, I wish
this thing never happened.' And then someone listening to that, some Condit
crazy, goes out and does the dirty deed.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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2001-08-09 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-




August 9, 2001 -- WASHINGTON - Famed lawyer Alan Dershowitz has signed on
with an international legal team working to overturn the conviction of a
Libyan intelligence agent for the 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103.

The move sparked outrage from the families of the 270 people who were
killed when the jumbo jet was blown out of the sky over Lockerbie,

The high-profile Harvard law professor said he has been retained by a
British law firm handling the appeal of terrorist Abdel Basset al-Megrahi,
who was convicted of the mass murder earlier this year by a Scottish court
convened in the Netherlands.

Dershowitz, who is active in Jewish causes and outspoken on the need for
the United States to do more to fight terrorism, said he became convinced
after being asked to review the trial record that the wrong man may have
been convicted.

Dershowitz's decision to help the Libyan government-backed legal team has
angered some of the victims' families who believe strongman Moammar Khadafy
will use him for propaganda purposes.

Who is paying for all of this legal talent? I doubt they are holding bake
sales in Tripoli, said New Jersey resident Susan Cohen, whose daughter
died on the Boeing 747.

He's an expert in American law, not Scottish law, and so I think the real
reason the Libyans want him is to go on TV and spread doubt in the minds of
the American public about this case, Cohen added.

Dershowitz, insisting that he shares Cohen's feelings about Khadafy, said
he does not believe he is representing the Libyan government, and added
that his fees will be donated to Jewish charities in the Boston area.

This is one of the worst crimes in history, and whoever did it belongs in
prison for the rest of his life, he said.

But if this was a death-penalty case in Texas, civil libertarians would be
up in arms over the conviction of a man on the basis of very questionable
eyewitness testimony.

Megrahi was one of two Libyan intelligence agents brought to trial in Camp
Zeist in the Netherlands.

Evidence in the trial, largely collected by the FBI, linked him to the
placement of a radio boombox in a suitcase in Malta that eventually found
its way onto the doomed London-to-New York flight.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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