Re: [OSM-dev] Experimenting with ClearTables, self-hosted vector tiles, and Tangram client-side rendering

2016-08-25 Thread Oleksiy Muzalyev

On 25/08/16 10:27, Paul Norman wrote:

On 8/25/2016 12:45 AM, Oleksiy Muzalyev wrote:

One more thing, for some reason the search of the Tangram map does 
not find Odessa, Ukraine.

Tangram doesn't have a search functionality, what's on that page is 
provided by some geocoding provider. It's not my page so I don't know 
what it's using, but given Tangram is developed by Mapzen, it's 
probably Mapzen's geocoder.

Thank you for the clarification. Everything is clear now.

By the way, Mapzen Search also gives incorrect result while search for 
"Odessa" . It 
shows the city on the map correctly, but claims that it is Odessa, 
Moldova, though it's definitely should be Odessa, Ukraine [1].

For a short period of time, from 1941 to 1944 both Odessa and Moldova 
were part of the Transnistria Governorate [2], but the search should 
display the current status. I will inform Mapzen about the issue.


Best regards,

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Experimenting with ClearTables, self-hosted vector tiles, and Tangram client-side rendering

2016-08-25 Thread Oleksiy Muzalyev

Good morning Paul,

I looked at several cities at the Tangram map. I like especially 
Crosshatch style, - very impressive. It takes a split second to find say 
the Eiffel Tower on the Tangram map: and in 
general to get a layout of a place recognizable later on the ground via 
these tall reference points.

Since Tangram is "drawing vector tiles live in a web browser" is it 
possible to make a comprehensive selection of a language? For example, 
nowadays buying an Android smartphone we do not care in what country or 
for which country it was produced, we can just select on the smartphone 
any language we know or learn. It is becoming a standard, for example, 
in GIMP, Facebook, Uber, etc. one can just select a language and forget 
that in what specific country this product or service originated.

One more thing, for some reason the search of the Tangram map does not 
find Odessa, Ukraine. The search finds Odessa in the USA and Brasil, but 
not in Ukraine, even though Odessa in Ukraine is a big city, and it the 
USA and Brasil these are relatively small towns. On the map 
search on "Odessa" finds the city all right. The same for Kiev (or Kyiv) 


Best regards,

On 24/08/16 08:30, Paul Norman wrote:

I've been experimenting with generating my own vector tiles and
client-side rendering with Tangram[1] in order to figure out how to best
write its styling language.

Tangram is a GL-based renderer written by Mapzen and normally used with
their Tilezen[2] vector tiles, but I'm interested in being able to make
my own vector tiles and different cartographic choices. I also consider
diversity of vector tile schemas important. I hope to avoid a situation
where only large players in the market can get involved like we have
right now.

For a toolchain I used osm2pgsql with ClearTables[3] and Mapnik via
Kosmtik[4] to write vector tiles. On the demo I'm serving the tiles with
Apache but in development I used Kosmtik because it's xray functionality
is useful. For development I worked in Tangram Play, a web-based editor
that automatically reloads the map when you change the style.

The cartography and vector tile definitions are loosely based on OSM
Clear[5], a demo style I wrote. As it's a learning exercise I don't
consider the style complete or free of bugs.

The demo page is on my server at with the style and
vector tile code at

I'm not sure what direction I'm going to take next as I don't have any
particular style goals right now, or collaborators.


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dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] seems to be down on Saturday 20.08.2016 at 19:09

2016-08-22 Thread Oleksiy Muzalyev

On 20/08/16 19:09, Oleksiy Muzalyev wrote: also shows that the 
site is down.



dev mailing list

Overpass API is up again. Thank you.

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] seems to be down on Saturday 20.08.2016 at 19:09

2016-08-20 Thread Oleksiy Muzalyev

On 20/08/16 19:51, mmd wrote:

Am 20.08.2016 um 19:09 schrieb Oleksiy Muzalyev: also shows that the
site is down.

Someone is flooding the server with an exceptionally high number of
requests/s since about 02:00 GMT this Saturday. It seems that this is
mainly affecting the Apache server, while the database itself is still
up and running.

CC: Roland


dev mailing list

Thank you for the information.

I hope these flooding requests are not  coming from my . It still works by finding Wikipedia 
articles on the map by coordinates from the articles themselves via the 
MediaWIki API, but it does not work today by finding articles via OSM 
/wikipedia/, /wikidata/, and /wikimedia_commons/ tags, as Overpass API 
is not answering. And I am getting e-mails about it.

This web-application works for all language versions of Wikipedia, not 
only major languages, but all for which functions the MediaWIki API.



dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] seems to be down on Saturday 20.08.2016 at 19:09

2016-08-20 Thread Oleksiy Muzalyev also shows that the 
site is down.



dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Modeling OSM sidewalk data

2016-07-13 Thread Oleksiy Muzalyev

On 12.07.2016 11:24, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

Il giorno 12 lug 2016, alle ore 11:15, Komяpa  ha scritto:

Both ways are only applicable to cities with blocky structure.
In ex-USSR, architecture of cities is different, and footways / sidewalks graph 
is more complicated than a replica of roads for cars, so all the sidewalks have 
to be drawn separately.

There are sidewalks (alongside roads) and other footpaths, just like everywhere 
else (but in different proportions). You can decide to draw the sidewalks 
separately or not (like anywhere else), while you have in any case to draw the 
independent footways with their own geometry.


To understand an architecture of a city, especially of a sidewalks 
system, we should realize that it was formed to a large degree by the 
auto industry lobbying [1]. Obviously, in North America and Western 
Europe this process began several decades earlier than in Eastern 
Europe, so sidewalks and footpaths system is indeed somewhat different.

However, an emerging global trend of Walkable Development is starting to 
transform cities once again [2].

[1] "Creeps and Weirdos: the auto industry agenda for keeping you on 
four wheels"

[2] KC Conspiracy Theorists: Walkable Development Will “Devastate” Auto 

Best regards,


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Upcoming Planned outage - 9th May 2016

2016-05-12 Thread Oleksiy Muzalyev

On 12.05.2016 23:07, nebulon42 wrote:

There was a specific, and unrelated, problem this morning that I have
addressed. Is that what you are referring to?

I'm not sure what the problem was and what was fixed. But I think what
Gerd meant is that changeset uploads in JOSM seem to be slower than
usual. From the opening of the changeset it takes more time to upload
the objects than before (even for relatively minor changes).

That's what I noticed tonight, but I have not tested this with other
editors like iD.


The same here, uploads in JOSM are taking more time than before. I just 
measured it, 415 objects were uploading 58 seconds. In the past it was 
just couple of seconds. It is like this several days already, consistently.
Perhaps, it is a coincidence, but I have an impression that it began 
after the planned outage on 9th of May.

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Masts vs Towers yet again (was Re: carto 0.16.0 released)

2016-04-15 Thread Oleksiy Muzalyev

On 15.04.2016 10:15, Andy Townsend wrote:
... see for example  I 
drive past that every week, and if asked what it was called would 
probably say "Emley Moor mast" but if asked whether it was a mast or a 
tower would probably say "tower"...

On Google maps it is mapped as Emly Moor Mast:,-1.664788,17z?hl=en with a 3D 
icon and photo, so one can immediately see a tall obstacle ( ).

By the way, it is not only on the default layer, - the Emly Moor Mast is 
not rendered on any layer: Standard, Bicycle Map, Transport Map, 
MapQuest Open, or Humanitarian, neither an icon, nor a text, though it 
is well tagged:


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Masts vs Towers yet again (was Re: carto 0.16.0 released)

2016-04-15 Thread Oleksiy Muzalyev

On 15.04.2016 10:15, Andy Townsend wrote:

On 15/04/2016 08:24, Oleksiy Muzalyev wrote:

Google search of "radio mast", "radio tower", "television mast", 
"television tower", etc. gives each millions of results with similar 
images. It seems that the words "mast" and "tower" are 
interchangeable. The article in English Wikipedia is called: "Radio 
masts and towers":

At the risk of stating the bleeding obvious, the English* word "mast" 
(as in "radio mast") is an adaptation of "mast" as in "the big pointy 
thing on ships that you hang the sails off".  It's recent - there have 
only been radio masts for 100 years or so.

There is a sense (noted from an engineering point of view in your that a "mast" is 
not self-supporting but that a "tower" is, but there's certainly 
popular crossover usage of the two terms - see for example  I 
drive past that every week, and if asked what it was called would 
probably say "Emley Moor mast" but if asked whether it was a mast or a 
tower would probably say "tower".  Also a ship's mast is usually 

Also, please don't say things like "... and it is not rendered on the 
OSM map at all".  What you mean is "not rendered on one of the layers 
on the site, which is widely used by OSM mappers but hardly at 
all by anyone else".  Most people see OSM data either in an app on 
their phone, on a third-party website for e.g. a pizza company, or on 
a board outside the supermarket saying where other local facilities 
are.  None of these show what you call "the OSM map".

It'd be nice if OSM could decide what the difference between a mast, a 
tower and a communications tower was and start mapping accordingly.  
The nearest thing to a sane discussion on this was on the OSM Carto 
map style's  github rather than somewhere like the tagging list; 
is positively unhelpful.  However it's not the end of the world - if 
people map "big pointy thing" using one of any number of OSM tags then 
most maps using OSM data are free to display "big pointy thing" any 
way they like, if they feel it's appropriate.



* I'm using British (actually English) English throughout here. Other 
variants are available.

dev mailing list

Hi Andy,

Thank you for your comment.

I think it is difficult to render man_made=tower with an icon because 
there are absolutely different types of towers on the land: Fortified 
tower , Observation tower , etc.

But sailing ships are not so often placed on the land, so basically 
man_made=mast on the land has got less ambiguous meaning. I am trying to 
find a logic behind the fact that man_made=mast;tower:type=communication 
is rendered with an excellent icon on the default layer of the 
website, and man_made=tower;tower:type=communication is not.

A communication tower (or mast) is not only a "big pointy thing". It has 
got also an invisible ever-growing significance, as more and more people 
get mobile devices, its electromagnetic emissions, an so on.

Best regards,

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] carto 0.16.0 released

2016-04-15 Thread Oleksiy Muzalyev

On 15/04/16 08:27, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

sent from a phone

Il giorno 15 apr 2016, alle ore 08:01, Oleksiy Muzalyev 
<> ha scritto:

I started to re-tag communication towers, which I know, as 
(man_made=mast;tower:type=communication). For example, this tower of 220 meters 
in the city of Mykolaiv is already shown on the map: , and before yesterday it was a blank spot.

IMHO you should not do this, man_made=mast with the meaning that is documented 
in the wiki is a poor tag, ill defined with a definition that contradicts 
itself and that doesn't reflect the meaning of the word, and which got sneaked 
into the wiki, but never was approved or positively discussed.

I looked up the meaning of the word "mast" in the Oxford Encyclopedic 
Dictionary [1]. The meaning No.3 is:

tall steel structure for the aerials of a radio or TV transmitter.

In the article of the word "tower" in this dictionary there is nothing 
about a radio, TV, or communication.

In the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary [2]: for the word "mast" 

RADIO/TELEVISION 2. a tall metal pole used to support an AERIAL for 
radio or television signals: a television/radio mast

for the word "tower" meaning No.2
a tall, usually metal structure used for broadcasting: a 
radio/transmission tower.

Google search of "radio mast", "radio tower", "television mast", 
"television tower", etc. gives each millions of results with similar 
images. It seems that the words "mast" and "tower" are interchangeable. 
The article in English Wikipedia is called: "Radio masts and towers":


[1] ISBN 0-19-431310-7
[2] ISBN 978-0-521-88541-6

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] carto 0.16.0 released

2016-04-15 Thread Oleksiy Muzalyev

On 14/04/16 20:40, Mateusz Konieczny wrote:

On Thu, 14 Apr 2016 10:56:29 +0200
Oleksiy Muzalyev <> wrote:

But there is no "mast" in the
JOSM "man_made" pre-sets.

You may want to use "Report bug" from help menu in JOSM (see for explanation).

Hi Mateusz,

Thank you for the suggestion. I did and it was immediately closed as a 
duplicate: with another bug 
ticket from seventeen months ago.

But, thanks to the assistance of nebulon42, I understand by now the 
magnitude of the problem, - man_mad=tower is shown with the icon in the 
JOSM data layer, as it is present in the JOSM's pre-sets, but is not 
shown with an icon on the OSM map at all.

And vice versa, man_made=mast is shown on the OSM map with the correct 
icon, but is not shown in the JOSM, as it is absent from its pre-sets.

So, due to the power of defaults, people map communication towers (or 
masts) as (man_made=tower; tower:type=communication) and it is not 
rendered on the OSM map at all, though it looks as if it is well mapped 
in the JOSM. I checked at and it is the 
invisible (man_made=tower; tower:type=communication) which dominates 

I started to re-tag communication towers, which I know, as 
(man_made=mast;tower:type=communication). For example, this tower of 220 
meters in the city of Mykolaiv is already shown on the map: , and before yesterday it was a blank spot.

The communication tower (or mast) icon on the map may be interesting not 
only for inhabitants of  rural areas in Africa, or pilots, but also to 
hikers, to drivers on motorways, as being close to a communication tower 
means that one may send a message, call, download information, etc.

I will try today to write a message about this issue also to the 
openstreetmap-carto (the Standard map layer) discussion thread.

With best regards,

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] carto 0.16.0 released

2016-04-14 Thread Oleksiy Muzalyev

Hi nebulon42,

Thanks for this link. The problem is solved completely. Now the Odessa 
TV tower is rendered with the icon and the height in meters:

Actually, it was not an issue of the openstreetmap-carto, but rather of 
the JOSM, as (man_made=mast; tower:type=communication) is rendered with 
the icon on the OSM map all right. But there is no "mast" in the JOSM 
"man_made" pre-sets.

I just re-tag (man_made=tower; tower:type=communication) into 
(man_made=mast; tower:type=communication), and it renders perfectly. 
However, I still feel a bit uncomfortable, since there is no 
"man_made=mast" in the JOSM pre-sets for some reason.

I mapped already with the icon another communication mast , which is situated on the beach where 
there are a lot of the manned para-plane advertising flights during 
summer (for instance: ). You can see 
this mast clearly on this aerial photo: 
and how useful this information for safety. Now I have to figure out how 
to inform the JOSM people about this problematic.

Thank you again for pointing me in the right direction.

Best regards,

On 13/04/16 20:32, nebulon42 wrote:

On 13/04/16 20:32, nebulon42 wrote:

Hi Oleksiy,

...Or have a look at, which
might be related.

Am 2016-04-13 um 09:25 schrieb Oleksiy Muzalyev:

Good morning nebulon42,

...A small suggestion: a communication tower does not have an icon on the
OSM map...

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] carto 0.16.0 released

2016-04-13 Thread Oleksiy Muzalyev

On 13/04/16 10:51, Jóhannes Birgir Jensson wrote:

Þann 13.04.2016 07:25, Oleksiy Muzalyev reit:

A civil UAV pilot usually studies a map of the area, weather forecast,
satellite images, etc. while working on a flight plan. An icon of a
tower with its height on the map would be beneficial in my opinion.

Whilst I agree a tower icon might be nice (but I'm more thinking of 
rural Botswana where they are the only links to the outside world) a 
UAV pilot might want to check out 3D maps as well - where if the 
heights are marked in OSM this will be more obvious:

F4Map and Odessa tower:

Clearly any map catering to UAV needs might have to color the 
buildings by their height - not their role.
Very interesting. Thank you. I did not even know about these projects. I 
will definitely use these 3D maps.

However, even on these 3D maps there is no icon for the communication 
tower. The (man_made=tower; tower:type=communication) is of interest to 
the unmanned aviation not only because of the height, i.e. a risk of a 
collision, but mostly because its strong electro-magnetic emissions in 
some cases may interfere with the remote control signal and the 
navigation system (on-board magnetic compass). It is not difficult to 
avoid them knowing where they are.

The UAV cargo delivery technology is mostly of interest to Africa [1], 
where ground roads in rural areas are often unreliable in a rainy 
season. But even in modern urban centers, delivering say paper documents 
between banks by air may free roads from hurrying couriers and by this 
make traffic safer.

Fortunately, other related tags: power-lines, wind generators, 
lighthouses, are already well rendered with an icon on the OSM map.


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] carto 0.16.0 released

2016-04-13 Thread Oleksiy Muzalyev

Good morning nebulon42,

Thank you for the information and for the update.

A small suggestion: a communication tower does not have an icon on the 
OSM map. For example, the TV tower in Berlin 
 , 368 meters (1207 
ft) height: .

Or the TV tower in Odessa 
, 199 m (652 ft): looks just 
like an usual building on the map.

In the past it was OK, as there was mostly the 2D traffic in the cities 
(car, public transportation, bicycle, pedestrian). However, nowadays the 
new emerging multi-billion industry of civil UAVs begins to generate the 
3D traffic.

The civil UAVs are becoming safer, for instance, the DJI Phantom 4 
 has got a collision avoidance 
system, the duplication of critical components and functions, 
sophisticated fail-safe system, etc. However, the airspace safety is a 
shared responsibility, - not only of the aircraft producers.

A civil UAV pilot usually studies a map of the area, weather forecast, 
satellite images, etc. while working on a flight plan. An icon of a 
tower with its height on the map would be beneficial in my opinion.

Best regards,

On 12/04/16 22:44, nebulon42 wrote:

Carto 0.16.0 (the JavaScript implementation of CartoCSS) has been
released and is available via npm.

Changes include:

* support for YAML MML files
* support for targeting Mapnik API versions from the command line
* support for minimum/maximum-scale-denominator (Mapnik 3)
* support for HuSL perceptual colours
* bug fixes and dependency updates

See for the
full change log.


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dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] SSL-Certificate for

2016-03-21 Thread Oleksiy Muzalyev

On 21.03.2016 11:06, Tom Hughes wrote:

On 21/03/16 09:49, Oleksiy Muzalyev wrote:

I would suggest contact engineers at Oracle who work on Java and explain
them the issue. Perhaps, it could be solved in two weeks via Java auto
update. The most widespread form of communication is misunderstanding.
Perhaps, they are just unaware of it.

Excuse me while I try to stop laughing.

As far as anybody can tell the Java Root Certificate Program is some 
sort of black hole that applications go into but then nothing happens.

See for example 
where there are five year old messages from StartCom people to the 
effect that they are trying to get Oracle to add their root.

More recently letsecnrypt have applied but there has been no evidence 
of anything happening.


I've met personally only one Oracle employee, Dave Stokes. Dave Stokes 
is a MySQL Community Manager for Oracle and previously was the MySQL 
Certification Manager for MySQL AB and Sun ( ). He was a speaker at the 

It was one the most helpful man I've ever met. He explained me and other 
participants SQL query optimization,  common errors of DB installation 
and administration, etc., answered clearly all questions, asked to write 
asking other questions. He rides a motorbike as a hobby.


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] SSL-Certificate for

2016-03-21 Thread Oleksiy Muzalyev

On 21.03.2016 10:26, Frederik Ramm wrote:


On 03/21/2016 09:22 AM, Tom Hughes wrote:

The horribly backward Java certificate root authority list is the main
obstacle to most of our attempts to improve https support in fact.

Perhaps we could just ignore that? I'm a JOSM user myself but I don't
think that the rest of the world should suffer just because Java is
unhappy with our SSL.

I'm sure that JOSM users who desperately need SSL can find a workaround
(could one not e.g. have JOSM connect insecurely to localhost and then
reverse-proxy from there?)

Or perhaps there are alternative SSL stacks for Java that can be employed?


I would suggest contact engineers at Oracle who work on Java and explain 
them the issue. Perhaps, it could be solved in two weeks via Java auto 
update. The most widespread form of communication is misunderstanding. 
Perhaps, they are just unaware of it.

I remember couple of years ago I wrote a message to DJI Corporation 
asking to modify the gimbal of the camera on their drones, so that it 
would be possible to tilt it directly down, vertically, 90 degrees, for 
making images for mapping. Maybe it is a coincidence, or maybe there 
were numerous similar requests, but on the Phantom 3 and 4, the camera 
could be well tilted straight down (Controllable Range: pitch -90° to 
+30°). And this feature became popular not only for mapping, but among 
general aerial photographers and videographers.


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] SSL-Certificate for

2016-03-21 Thread Oleksiy Muzalyev

On 21/03/16 08:06, Tom Hughes wrote:

On 21/03/16 06:16, André Riedel wrote:

We've got a bug report at the Chemnitzer Linux-Tage. should be
added as alternative name in the certificate. This
is important for the link shortener.

Do we actually generate that name anywhere? or have you just assumed 
that you can change it to https?


The same here, the SSL works correctly for , and 
it does not work for

It is well known that SSL encrypts a web-page content, but it is less 
understood that the SSL also encrypts the URL itself (except the domain 
name). So with SSL (https://) people who monitor a LAN can see that (or were visited, but it is not possible to 
see what part of the map was looked at, as anything after .org is 
encrypted. I read about it and probably tested it with network analyzer

But SSL adds some additional load to web-servers. So if one just looks 
at the map in general there is no sense to use https://, but if planning 
a trip in a risky environment, for example for humanitarian workers, it 
would be safer to use SSL.


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Playback of Camera Movement in OSM2World Question

2016-03-19 Thread Oleksiy Muzalyev
Hi Peter,

I am intrigued. I plan to install OSM2World and follow it.

I work on the problematics from another side. I work on using real flights to 
capture data for 3D mapping and make it readily available for all mappers.

It is possible to publish 3D aerial images both into a Wikipedia article and a 
respective Wikipedia category. There's an OSM tag also for a category.

Here are the aerial images of Collège Madame de Staël in Geneva which I made 
with the DJI Phatom 3 this week:

An advantage of Wikipedia is that it keeps the original images resolution, so 
building:levels are well visible. Google Maps automatically reduces resolution.

DJI Phantom 3 has got the range of 2.2 km, and the new Phantom 4 has got the 
range of 4.5 km (3 miles). But the range is also limited by the constant visual 
contact required by law. So actually it is about 1 km (and the maximum allowed 
altitude 150 meters in this case). Still it is enough to cover quite a large 

Phantom 4 has got increased reliability due to doubled systems, but in any case 
it's recommended to perform hundreds of training flights before even 
considering a takeoff in a city.

DJI Phantom writes coordinates and altitude into JPGs Exif automatically, so an 
automation is possible.

Best regards

Sent from my acer Liquid Z630On Mar 18, 2016 10:11 PM, Peter Barth wrote: > > 
Hi Wilson, > > Thank you for your interest in OSM and GSoC. > > The project 
idea you're talking about is actually meant in a > different way. What we'd 
like to achive is a way to generate > virtual camera flights. I.e. you use the 
OSM2World GUI to define > waypoints and direction vectors to look at, i.e. the 
definition > of the camera movement. The student's code would try to > 
interpolate those positions to generate a smooth trajectory in 3D > space and 
afterwards render the images along this > trajectory. Rendering might either 
happen directly with OSM2World > to output PNG images or via Povray. And in the 
end, ffmpeg/libav > will take these images and make a video out of the single 
images. > > Of course there's more to it: The trajectory might be inputed via > 
a GPX file or by defining your own format. Also the interpolation > of the 
camera movement might be as simple as a polygon or > something more 
sophisticated as bspline approximation or whatever > else. > > But in the end 
the details are up to the student. We have a rough > idea, we also have an idea 
how we would implement it. But we want > to hear and see your ideas as long as 
it matches our overall goal :) > > Hope that helps, > Peda > > 
___ > dev mailing list > >
dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] practical usage of DJI Phantom 3 Advanced quadcopter for 3D mapping

2016-03-10 Thread Oleksiy Muzalyev


This aerial image was made on March 8, 2016, in Odessa, Ukraine 
(Moldavanka settlement). Altitude 150 meters, the wind at that day was 6 
m/s, gusts up to 8 m/s (28 km/h, 17 mph). The limit for Phantom 3 [1] is 
10 m/s. It is the full size image from Phantom 3 Advanced: 

This image size is 4,000×3,000 (4.82 MB), so I could zoom, count 
building:levels, and add them to the OSM for quite a few buildings.

The weather on this day was not perfect for aerial photography as there 
was a strong wind with haze from the sea, still the images came out 
sharp enough.

I noticed that after adding the building:levels tag to a building it is 
rendered at  application for smart-phone 
with the correct 3D height.
A large number of such aerial images in all directions is produced 
during one flight, so a large area is covered.
One more advantage of the Phantom 3 is that the geographical coordinates 
are added to the JPGs photos automatically and precisely,

as the aircraft has the GPS system and a compass.

DJI Phantom 3 Advanced became more affordable, as DJI began to sell the 
new Phantom 4 (which, by the way, has got even more advanced camera and 
stabilization system).


Best regards,
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] changes in coastline are not rendered

2016-02-11 Thread Oleksiy Muzalyev

On 10/02/16 21:57, Mateusz Konieczny wrote:

On Tue, 9 Feb 2016 11:21:37 +0100
Oleksiy Muzalyev <> wrote:

On the other hand, I am in doubt, - perhaps, people invested a lot of
time and labor in clicking these hundreds and hundreds of nodes, to
make a nice looking map, and I am not sure if I am doing the right
thing with the tool SHIFT+Y (Simplify Way). Maybe this excessive
number of nodes is negligible for the database and rendering?

I am not sure is there real benefit from way simplification - except
extreme cases with distance between nodes that is below 1m.

Note that it is not reducing size of the main OSM database - as anyway
all old version are stored forever, so any edit will increase its size.
Certainly, I use Simplify Way only in extreme cases, and only if a 
geometry is not worsened. Even if I use it, I always adjust the geometry 
manually afterwards. Usually these are small lakes, short paths, and 
secondary roads. I never simplify sea or ocean coastlines.

At the last conference in New York I asked a man from UK who works with 
the OSM hardware why at the zoom levels 10, 11, 12 the OSM map is 
rendered only once a month. He replied that the rendering program must 
process enormous amount of data at these zoom levels.

Nowadays a lot of landuse=, natural=, etc. is being added in Ukraine, in 
Russia, Kazakhstan, etc. There are also a lot of landuse and natural in 
the USA which are not mapped yet, the same for Africa. These are very 
large territories, that is why I tried to pay attention to obvious 
over-nodding. The disks capacity and processing power are constantly 
growing, so sooner or later it will not be an issue for sure, the 
question is if they are growing fast enough. However, it seems that this 
my concern could be unfounded.

I assume the old versions are kept in separate tables, and they are not 
used for rendering.


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Re: [OSM-dev] changes in coastline are not rendered

2016-02-09 Thread Oleksiy Muzalyev

On 08/02/16 18:51, Gerd Petermann wrote:


pleasse see this way:

It was changed more than 3 days ago and the change is not rendered.

I understand that coastline ways are special, but that seems too long 
for me.

Any hints why this takes so long ?



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Hi Gerd,

This part of the coastline of 3.3 km consists from 238 nodes. It is not 
too much yet. Sometimes I meet a small lake which could be seven hundred 

In JOSM there is a tool SHIFT+Y (Simplify Way). After Simplify Way the 
same 3.3 km would be just 102 nodes.

I did not change this particular coastline. But usually when I see too 
many nodes (in my opinion) for a way in JOSM, I make SHIFT+Y and then 
add some more nodes to adjust the shape. I do not know if it is the 
right way, but I think that too large number of nodes could be a heavy 
load for the database and for the rendering program.

On the other hand, I am in doubt, - perhaps, people invested a lot of 
time and labor in clicking these hundreds and hundreds of nodes, to make 
a nice looking map, and I am not sure if I am doing the right thing with 
the tool SHIFT+Y (Simplify Way). Maybe this excessive number of nodes is 
negligible for the database and rendering?

Still this tool, SHIFT+Y (Simplify Way), exists. And it also could be 
that a large quantity of nodes is created automatically by some image 
recognition AI program, or from a GPS trace, and a user was just not 
aware of this tool.

With best regards,
dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] JOSM 9329, - Change default color of GPS tracks to magenta (r9248)

2016-01-08 Thread Oleksiy Muzalyev
I like this change a lot. Now GPS tracks are clearly visible on the 
satellite image. I look at GPS tracks carefully in JOSM before going to 

A GPS track in mountains means that someone actually walked a route, and 
if there are three or four GPS tracks means that it is a well-frequented 

For example, there are quite a few GPS tracks visible in JOSM between 
Plambuit train station and Salin [1]. This is a safe path [2] with 
amenities for tourists. Another one, closer to the ravine of the Grande 
Eau river, where there is only one GPS track, has got a risk of rockfalls.

Sometimes a path is not mapped at all, but there are still GPS tracks.

I wish it could be possible to view GPS tracks in magenta color as a map 
layer at the main OSM page, and also in mobile applications, especially 
like MAPS.ME, which allow to download a map (often no Internet access in 
mountains). It would be a potentially life-saving feature.



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Re: [OSM-dev] JOSM 9329, - Change default color of GPS tracks to magenta (r9248)

2016-01-08 Thread Oleksiy Muzalyev

On 08/01/16 11:39, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

2016-01-08 10:30 GMT+01:00 Oleksiy Muzalyev 
< <>>:

I like this change a lot. Now GPS tracks are clearly visible on
the satellite image. I look at GPS tracks carefully in JOSM before
going to mountains.

are you aware you can change all UI colours in JOSM in the settings? 
I've for years been using a neon-green as that's providing nice 
contrast on the aerial images in my area (and also against the osm 
objects in standard style).

I wish it could be possible to view GPS tracks in magenta color as
a map layer at the main OSM page, and also in mobile applications,
especially like MAPS.ME <http://MAPS.ME>, which allow to download
a map (often no Internet access in mountains). <> have their own issue tracker on github

It would be a potentially life-saving feature.

exaggeration ;-)
everything could be potentially life-saving, it depends on the 
particular circumstances.


People get lost in wilderness all the time [1]. And not only in 
mountains, it could be a forest, jungles, swamp, etc. Sometimes they are 
stuck for days just couple of kilometres from civilization. Often it is 
not possible just go to a certain general direction, as it is necessary 
to know the way, which may be not mapped yet, though the GPS track may 
well exist.

A GPS track means that someone undeniably walked the route and returned 
safely to upload this track.



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Re: [OSM-dev] Retrieving nodes with a "wikipedia=" OSM tag in a certain area via an OSM API?

2016-01-04 Thread Oleksiy Muzalyev

On 03/01/16 17:47, mmd wrote: in the following example:

Hi mmd,

This type of query, which you suggested, retrieves geolocations of all 
/the wikipedia/, /wikimedia_commons/, and /wikidata/ OSM tags assigned 
to either nodes, areas, or ways. The Overpass API works practically in 
real time, a tag appears in search results after a minute or so.

I implemented it already on the page: 
with marker's direct click-able link to a Wikimedia category, file, 
wikidata and wikipedia page, and a changeable radius of a search down 
from 10 km. In densely populated areas with a lot of Wikipedia articles 
and Wikimedia categories like say London City it makes sense to reduce 
radius of a search.

So now it is possible to see on the map geolocations of the WIkipedia 
articles by coordinates from WIkipedia, and then see geolocations of OSM 
tags /wikipedia/=*, /wikimedia_commons/=*, and /wikidata=* /for the same 

/Some Wikimedia categories have got the coordinates too, for example, 
. I am trying to research now if it is possible to retrieve via the 
Media Wiki API also the geolocations of Wikimedia categories with 
coordinates in order to display them on the map too together with 
Wikipedia articles, but with a marker of a different colour.

Thank you and best regards,
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[OSM-dev] Retrieving nodes with a "wikipedia=" OSM tag in a certain area via an OSM API?

2016-01-02 Thread Oleksiy Muzalyev


I wrote a web-application for planning Wikipedia photography 

Click on the map and it shows all Wikipedia articles geo-locations in 
the radius of 10 km around the click. Wikipedia language is changed by 
replacing "en" for English on "fr" for French, "de" for German, etc. 
Web-application memorizes the map position, zoom level, and language of 
the last request.

This web-application is based on Media Wiki API [1]. All the heavy 
lifting is done by the Media Wiki API, the web-application is just about 
20 lines of code. But it works surprisingly robustly all over the world, 
for all Wikipedia languages.

Now I want to find in a similar way the geo-locations of Wikipedia 
articles, however not via Wikipedia articles coordinates, but via the 
OSM nodes (or areas) which have "wikipeida=", "wikimedia_commons=", 
"wikidata=" tag. Is there a way to do it via an OSM API? Without parsing 
big dump files?

I repeat for clarity - I need to retrieve coordinates of nodes which 
have the OSM "wikipeida=", "wikimedia_commons=", "wikidata=" tag in the 
radius of 10 kilometres. I started to explore the Osmosis, the MapQuest 
Geocoding API, etc., but it seems to be an uncommon request. Is it 
possible at all?

With best regards,


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Re: [OSM-dev] Retrieving nodes with a "wikipedia=" OSM tag in a certain area via an OSM API?

2016-01-02 Thread Oleksiy Muzalyev

Hello Polyglot and mmd,

Thank you for the information and for the sample query. Now it is 
possible to display geolocatios of Wikipedia articles either by 
coordinates in the articles themselves, or by OSM tags assigned to nodes 
(red circle marker for wikipeda tag, violet circle marker for 
wikimedia_commons tag):

It is a bit more complicated to display a geolocation when the wikipedia 
tag is assigned to an area or a way. It will try to implement it later.

Thank you again for pointing me 
in the right direction.

With best regards,
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Using native social SDK for signing in to OSM on mobile

2015-12-26 Thread Oleksiy Muzalyev

On 26/12/15 16:50, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

clearly something an ideal map would show you more prominently than a photo 
ever could


It is not mutually exclusive. For example, I added the OSM tag for Salin:
/wikimedia_commons:/ File:Salin-Le-Chamossaire-aerial.JPG

But there is no click-able link to view this photo on the Map Data layer:
as in case for the Wikipedia tag.

Another example, I also added the tag for the La Givrine train station 
 in Jura mountains: 
/wikimedia_commons:/  Category:La Givrine train station

There is no Wikipedia article for this small train station, but there is 
Wikimedia category
as for all train stations. It is also not possible to click on the map 
and view easily the images in the category, even though the tag OSM tag 
exists and was added.

At the same time, the photos show what kind of train serves this route, 
that there is a small waiting hall with a bench, a radiator, a ticket 
distributer, etc. This information could be useful for those who plan a 

I hope in future, an integration with Wikimedia will be further 
developed and users could see both the map and the photos, at least from 
the Map Data layer.


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Re: [OSM-dev] Using native social SDK for signing in to OSM on mobile

2015-12-26 Thread Oleksiy Muzalyev
Sometimes a map could be useless without a photo itself. For example, if 
one looks at the map of the hamlet Salin [1] in Alps, it is possible to 
get an idea to drive there by the Route des Ormonts. On the map and even 
on the satellite image it looks like this road passes just about half a 
kilometer nearby.

On the photo of the hamlet Salin however it is clearly visible that it 
is separated from the Route des Ormonts by the deep ravine, which 
requires special equipment, training and many hours to cross.



On 23/12/15 23:18, Frederik Ramm wrote:

... if people could just fire off
a quick edit to something without even signing in then surely we could
get more people to do just that - upload a quick OCR'd photo of shop
opening times or whatever. Point, shoot, upload, bam! - OSM improved in
5 seconds. I see that benefit and I would like to have it.

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Re: [OSM-dev] Release openstreetmap-carto v2.37.0

2015-12-04 Thread Oleksiy Muzalyev

On 04/12/15 00:49, Daniel Koć wrote:

W dniu 02.12.2015 21:09, Oleksiy Muzalyev napisał(a):

In my opinion the new farmland color #FAECD6 [1] is kind of glowing
yellow. I would suggest the color #faebd7 (also known as Antique
white) [2] for the farmland. Even the name, antique, belonging to
ancient times, corresponds to farmland. It is almost the same, but a
bit less intensive.

 The old farmland color #ecddc8 was too dark.

I like your idea, but the color numbers you talk about seem to be 
wrong (the old one and the current one):

-@farmland: #EDDDC9; // Lch(89,12,80) (Also used for farm)
+@farmland: #fbecd7; // Lch(94,12,80) (Also used for farm)

according to

I get #fbecd7 at zoom level 15 & 16 with the ColorZilla Firefox Add-on. 
At zoom 10 and 11 it is #FAECD6. I checked it on two different displays, 
on Mac and on Windows computer. But if I export a map into a PNG file at 
zoom level 10 and 11 and check with Gimp it is #fbecd7 all right.

Both these colors have almost the same RGB, but the #faebd7 (also known 
as Antique white) has G 92, instead of 93 [1]. There is always someone, 
who does not like a new color of a road, etc. Maybe I am just not 
accustomed to it yet, so I have an impression that at zoom levels 10 and 
11 the farmland is too bright, to intense, as if lighted from underground. (Antique white)

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Re: [OSM-dev] Release openstreetmap-carto v2.37.0

2015-12-02 Thread Oleksiy Muzalyev
In my opinion the new farmland color #FAECD6 [1] is kind of glowing 
yellow. I would suggest the color #faebd7 (also known as Antique white) 
[2] for the farmland. Even the name, antique, belonging to ancient 
times, corresponds to farmland. It is almost the same, but a bit less 

The old farmland color #ecddc8 was too dark.



On 01/12/15 01:38, Matthijs Melissen wrote:

Changes include:

* New farmland colour, making farmland less prominent

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Re: [OSM-dev] introduction

2015-11-24 Thread Oleksiy Muzalyev

Hello Joseph,

I just mapped a large modern building in the city of Maroua, the capital 
of the Far North Region of Cameroon:

I see that there are a lot of unmapped streets and buildings in Cameroon 
(as in many other countries too). It is a good way to start, I mean 
working on the map itself. And then you will see what deficiencies are 
there and what you could do about it. You may read more at:

Best regards,

On 25/11/15 01:42, Joseph Suh wrote:
hello everyone, im Joseph from Cameroon . Im third year undergraduate 
in the university of Buea Cameroon , major in computer software 
engineering. i just joined this community and will like to contribute. 
Can someone please tell me where to start?


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Re: [OSM-dev] Height information in OSM

2015-11-17 Thread Oleksiy Muzalyev

Hi Phani,

I am doing an applied research on collecting information for 3D mapping.

For example, here is the link to data page of the Parc Bertrand object:

I added the OSM tag:///wikipedia=fr:Parc Bertrand/ to this object, which 
corresponds to this Wikipedia article: . To the Wikipedia article I 
added the HD aerial image of this park and nearby areas:

The aerial image was taken with a GoPro4Session camera, which weighs 74 
g,  installed on a light quad-copter. It took a couple of minutes to 
take this aerial image. And it covers quite an area. If one zooms this 
HD aerial image, it s possible to count the number of building levels of 
many buildings (and see actual height).

Here are some more Wikipedia articles with my HD aerial images and the 
corresponding tag on the OpenStreeMap map:

I am working on a new system where HD camera will be carried by a light 
electric glider following a GPS/GLONASS route. In this case I would not 
have to travel to each object by a ground transportation, but I could 
send an ultra-light UAV to take aerial photos and return back. In this 
case more aerial images will be available for 3D mapping.

With best regards,

On 17/11/15 14:24, Phanindra Kuchipudi wrote:


There seems to be lot of 3D mapping going on by using OSM data. Can 
anyone help me in understanding how to model a city in 3D using OSM 
data where height tag is not so common. Is there anyone working on 3D 
mapping? if so how could you get the height information for the features?


Phanindra Kuchipudi

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Re: [OSM-dev] Release openstreetmap-carto v2.36.0

2015-10-31 Thread Oleksiy Muzalyev
In some countries there is a custom to plant trees strips along the road 
(for many good reasons). When the road was green on the map these tree 
belts were not visible on the map. Here is an example:

With the new reddish color of this road tree strips along a road are 
well visible, and it is a significant information for a driver. Before I 
did not mapped such trees strips, but now I will do it.


On 30/10/15 22:18, Amaroussi (OpenStreetMap) wrote:

In before the fierce complaints by users who were to the blue/green/red system 
(not naming any specific people)!

But even though I am less loyal to the UK due to the austerity measures, I 
kinda had a special connection with the blue/green/red system. I’m not saying 
that the new colours are bad since it is hard to please everyone, but although 
I am bad at coding a stylesheet, I could do with the blue/green/red as an 
alternative layer on the main site: all the perks of the new stylesheet, but 
with alternative colours.

Keep up the good work!

— Amaroussi

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Re: [OSM-dev] Migrating to vectors/Kartotherian

2015-10-30 Thread Oleksiy Muzalyev
I've heard from the OSM operations team's member at the conference that 
it is the question of the servers' infrastructure cost.

But if we have a vector-based map itself language selection, that we 
could just add tags /name:fr/ or /name: ru/ and have the OSM map of say 
New York in French or in Russian for tourists. Or map of Siberia in 
German also for tourists, Middle East in English, etc. without any 
additions cost on the server side. It is not that difficult to add such 
multi-language tags. There could be also the map in Basque, Catalan, 
Kurdish, Scots and other smaller (by number of speakers) languages 
without any additional cost and without a civil conflict.

I realize that mobile hardware is not enough advanced for that yet and 
vector-based technology is only in an development stage.


On 30.10.2015 12:06, Maarten Deen wrote:

On 2015-10-30 11:53, Oleksiy Muzalyev wrote:
One of the advantages of the the vector-based map would be the 

For instance at the moment the OSM map of the Middle East is basically
useless for me as I do not know the Arabic alphabet yet. But as far as
I understand and as I heard at the conference the vector-based map
would allow the choice of a language of the map itself.

I do not see how that can not be solved with png-based tiles. You only 
have to render the tiles.

The method for detecting which tileset/language to show is the same.

BTW: it is still not as simple as rendering "in a different language". 
Then you start rendering a map in English and see names like "Cologne" 
or "Brussels"  show up on the map.


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Re: [OSM-dev] Migrating to vectors/Kartotherian

2015-10-30 Thread Oleksiy Muzalyev
One of the advantages of the the vector-based map would be the 

For instance at the moment the OSM map of the Middle East is basically 
useless for me as I do not know the Arabic alphabet yet. But as far as I 
understand and as I heard at the conference the vector-based map would 
allow the choice of a language of the map itself.

There are so many disputes about languages, so an ability to just select 
whatever language one wants makes it not just a new feature but speaking 
figuratively an advent of a new brave world.


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Re: [OSM-dev] Migrating to vectors/Kartotherian

2015-10-30 Thread Oleksiy Muzalyev
In Dutch, in English and other languages based on the Latin alphabet 
/Afghanistan/ is spelled about the same. But for example in Greek it is: 
/Αφγανιστάν/, in Ukrainian: /Афганістан/, in Kazakh: /Ауғанстан/, etc. 
Even though people study foreign languages in school, the absolute 
majority speak, read and write realistically only in a native language. 
The name of the country /Afghanistan /even in Latin letters is not 
understandable to a lot of people.

Certainly, there is a lot of imperfection in a language tagging yet, as 
it has not been that important. But if there is a robust comprehensive 
multilingual map solution similar to say the Gettext for text websites, 
then mappers will pay more attention to this type of tags.


On 30.10.2015 13:31, Maarten Deen wrote:
So you have to have some kind of mechanisme to decide when to show 
name:en (which I want to see for e.g. Afghanistan) and when to show name.

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Re: [OSM-dev] [Osmf-talk] low altitude aerial images layer at OpenStreetMap

2015-08-25 Thread Oleksiy Muzalyev

Hi Blake,

A quadrocopter cannot be flown higher than 150 meters due to 
regulations. Usually a flight in a city happens happens like this. I 
carefully select a takeoff  landing ground. It could be a lawn in a 
park, a grass area, empty construction site, etc. preferably early in 
the morning.

I switch on the GoPro to make one photo per second, then I take off and 
fly only above this empty area. So practically it is out of the question 
to fly above a city freely to make orthorectified imagery of the whole 
city. However panoramic low altitude (50 - 150 meters) aerial photos 
could be shot in all directions and are complimentary to satellite 
imagery. And it is possible to find such an area for takeoff and safe 
landing almost everywhere.

As for programming this feature, an image is just uploaded, coordinates 
and camera direction are saved in a database for this image. Maybe also 
a rating system.

Prosumer UAVs progressed a lot this year. Now it has a Fail Safe - 
returning to the point where it took-off automatically, Home-Lock, - if 
a pilot lost orientation, it starts moving to the pilot the shortest 
way, Course-Lock - independent of yaw, forward remains forward (very 
useful at altitude higher than 100 meters, when it is hard to see the 
UAV's orientation). So it is relatively easy and safe to pilot. It also 
has now self-tightening propellers. I takes about a minute to put them 
on for a flight and remove for a compact transportation.

Also this year the GoPro 4 Session camera appeared. It weighs only 72 
grams. F450 DJI can easily carry two such cameras. Opposite to the 
StreetView approach it is not necessary to walk or drive every street to 
film it. A dozen or two of flights in good weather will cover the entire 

And as I already said the system is very robust. Even if a crash 
happens, having built it from an ARF kit oneself makes it just a mater 
of several minutes to exchange a spare part or two. If there is a 
special layer for 50 - 150 meters aerial photos on the OSM map, it is 
quite realistic that people could start shooting such aerial photos and 
upload. I hope to learn more on this subject at the conference next month.

Best regards,

On 25/08/15 14:58, Blake Girardot wrote:


OpenAerialMap is designed to take georeferenced aerial imagery and 
make it publicly available for mapping.

OpenDroneMap is processing only software, but you do end up with a 
stitched together georeferenced, orthorectified image and point cloud 


On 8/25/2015 8:49 AM, Jaak Laineste wrote:


Btw, what is current state of special services to share the data?
openstreetphoto is dead, mapilliary could almost be used [1], but it is
not really optimised for it. With drone imagery software you get 3D
models “for free” as part of processing/SfM, you often (but not always)
georeference your data etc. Anyone knows about  on opendronephoto
project yet?

Sharing with plain photo sharing service just does not feel right.



2015-08-25 8:44 GMT+03:00 Oleksiy Muzalyev

Good morning,

Here are some of panoramic aerial images which I made in Odessa,
Ukraine, with the quadrocopter F450 DJI (flight controller Naza V2
with GPS) and camera GoPro 4 Session. One such an image may cover
several square kilometers. It does not substitute satellite imagery,
but provides useful information for mapping: building levels,
land-use, etc.

And it is not necessary to have hundreds of photos for just one
street as with a Street-View approach. So it is not necessary to
have the newest servers for such a layer.

City of Odessa, Ukraine:

and town of Bilhorod-Dnistrovs'kyi:

to get the HD photo download it, do not save from the browser 
screen. DJI is assembled from
the ARF (almost ready to fly kit), so it is easy to upgrade and
repair. It is a robust flying platform. Let alone camera GoPro 4

Mapillary accept aerial images but a flight should be only 4 - 5
meters above the ground. I published several aerial images on Google
Maps though, and the number of views is in thousands. Images are to
be geo-tagged before publishing to Google Maps.

There will be the conference How drones changing your business in
Lausanne, Switzerland, on September 14th and 15th 2015: . Among attendees are
DJI, Airbus, Lufthansa, SenseFly, DB Bahn, SNCF, and others.

I am also experimenting with fixed-wing UAVs. It is much harder to
learn to pilot well, but a fixed-wing UAV is capable by now to fly
about 200 km along

Re: [OSM-dev] [Osmf-talk] low altitude aerial images layer at OpenStreetMap

2015-08-25 Thread Oleksiy Muzalyev

Hello Jaak,

Please, note that flying an UAV by waypoints (autopilot) is limited by 
regulations and in hardware by No-Waypoint-Zones: , it is 8 km around all major 

However, translational flights above a city are possible with UMX 
Airplanes (Ultra Micro eXtreme Planes). The drones are very light and 
small, they are made from a foam, but a powerful flight-controler 
(onboard computer) make them stable and airworthy. They can fly with the 
speed about 100 km/h (landing is still hard as with all fix-wing and 
should be trained first on an UAV simulator).

GoPro 4 Session camera is water-sealed up to 10 m depth, but it is not 
necessary for aerial shooting, neither inbuilt WiFi. I mean a quality HD 
camera could even lighter than 72 grams and suitable for an UMX aircraft.

Low altitude panoramic aerial photos could be published also at 
Wikipedia. For example, I published the image of the Akkerman fortress 
at this article, in Gallery section: . On this photo one 
can see not only the entire medieval fortress and also the excavation of 
the Tira, an ancient Greek and later Roman colony (in the right lower 
corner). And as we were told at the conference in NYC earlier this year 
there will be in future a link between Wikipedia articles, data and the OSM.

Best regards,

On 26/08/15 07:51, Jaak Laineste wrote:

Does anyone have experience using it in real life?  Speciality of 
UAV/drone mapping is that you cover really small area, like with 
mapknitter, but you pre-process a lot. AFAIK the typical scenario of 
UAV mapping is following:

1. use (or other soft your drone maker 
gives/supports) to plan your mission
2. do your mission, have thousands of images and separate GPS log as 
3. process your images. The most popular/best soft for this seems to 
be Agisoft Photoscan Pro. It is much more than just stitching: also 3D 
model needs to be created (using SfM). It is really heavy work: for 
30-minute shooting your computer would process them for an hour or 
two. Not practical yet for the cloud.
4. georeference your data. For the small area and high resolution GPS 
(with error ~5m or more) is often not enough, so you may need 
pre-measured control points, use good base reference map data or other 
method to do it. But it really depends on your use case.

5. Agisoft can export DEM (3D) and GeoTIFF as result.
6. Now data sharing - my original question. I guess I can upload my 
geotiff to openaerialmap or mapknitter, still there are several concerns:

a) none of the tools seems to take my DEM data, so I cannot share it.
b) usability as OSM mapper for very small area maps (100x100m 
perhaps). Openaerialmap UX question, can I find the images easily.
c) usability as image viewer - as end-user I’d expect something closer 
to streetview, not to-down 2D map. At least show it as 3D model what I 
already have.
d) why would anyone really need it? OSM has low (“GPS level”) 
accuracy, so for general mapping it may be often way more faster and 
const-effective just to survey the area using handheld GPS and piece 
of paper. I can see some use cases:
 - new city district/quarter, not in satellite/aerial yet. You should 
have quite big coverage UAV (e.g. glider, not just quadrocopter), 
otherwise manual mapping could be more effective.

 - area is not physically accessible by foot
 - shared geo-imagery is byproduct of your nice new toy picture 

 - because I can, it is fun etc - probably most common reasons today


On 26 Aug 2015, at 02:22, Liz Barry wrote:

+1 to openaerialmap and opendronemap also connects your imagery 
into osm editors

On Aug 25, 2015 11:01 AM, Oleksiy Muzalyev wrote:

Hi Blake,

A quadrocopter cannot be flown higher than 150 meters due to
regulations. Usually a flight in a city happens happens like
this. I carefully select a takeoff  landing ground. It could be
a lawn in a park, a grass area, empty construction site, etc.
preferably early in the morning.

I switch on the GoPro to make one photo per second, then I take
off and fly only above this empty area. So practically it is out
of the question to fly above a city freely to make orthorectified
imagery of the whole city. However panoramic low altitude (50 -
150 meters) aerial photos could be shot in all directions and are
complimentary to satellite imagery. And it is possible to find
such an area for takeoff and safe landing almost everywhere.

As for programming this feature, an image is just uploaded,
coordinates and camera direction are saved in a database for this
image. Maybe also a rating system.

Prosumer UAVs progressed a lot this year. Now it has a Fail Safe

Re: [OSM-dev] Query

2015-07-13 Thread Oleksiy Muzalyev

Hi Rishi,
Have a look at:
Best regards,

On 13.07.2015 15:13, rishi kant wrote:

I am newbie in web.I want to create a simple web app based on 
openstreet map.For my app there is need of openstreetmap api.

How will i get openstreetmap api?
How can i add image on openstreet map?
If you answer me, i will fell very happy.

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Re: [OSM-dev] Fwd: [Feature suggestion] importing bitmap/vectir gfx fort easing map editing

2015-06-02 Thread Oleksiy Muzalyev
Another possibility to acquire legitimate aerial imagery for mapping is 
to shoot it in-house by an specialized industrial UAV: . And even consumer UAVs producers at last 
start to design inbuilt HD camera with possibility of 90 degrees (down) 
direction ( ) [though the photos from 
the latter will require still an orthorectification, the process of 
removing the effects of image perspective for creating a planimetrically 
correct images]

On 02.06.2015 19:16, Chris Hill wrote:

Hi Andréa,
Following an exchange offlist I want to confirm that any image that 
you trace from must be compatible with ODbL (that OSM uses). Simply 
adjusting an image to trace from does not exempt you from copyright or 
licence restrictions. If you do not have a suitable licence or written 
permission to use the map image, please do not trace data from it into 

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Fwd: [Feature suggestion] importing bitmap/vectir gfx fort easing map editing

2015-06-02 Thread Oleksiy Muzalyev

Hello Andréa,

Authors of these articles mention Hugin 
and GIMP as tools for aerial imagery 

Hugin is used for stitching images, GIMP for rotating, cutting, etc. 
These are the programs of the same grade as JOSM, I mean they really work.


On 02.06.2015 10:56, Andréa Loyer wrote:


   I juste started editing some laps, ans if I think osm édit 
interface prety good, IT would be a killer feature to be able to load 
a picture (bitmap or vector gfx) to rotate it and scale it to fit the 
map in order to place installations and roads precisely. It seems quit 
simple to add, at least in JOSM, but even in OSM.

  The displayed local picture should be set with a reasonable 
transparency to ensure correct visibility. Rotation and scaling should 
be available through mouse pointing/drag/wheel.

   Best regards,


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Share a route, in addition to Share a location on the main OSM map

2015-04-19 Thread Oleksiy Muzalyev

Hi Paul,

Thank you for the information. This is what I was looking for, and it 
seems that it is even better than drawing a route on the map manually.

I understand that it is possible to adjust a route, which is generated 
by the engine, by updating the traffic signs on the map, adding an 
existing foot-way, a bicycle path, etc. And this new information will be 
reusable for other generated routes in this area. I have not tested it 
yet, but I plan to do it. And if it is so, then it makes more important 
to map the traffic information around a location: signs, driving 
directions, alleys, etc.

Wits best regards,

On 13.04.2015 20:01, Paul Norman wrote:

A long link is generated for directions, e.g.

You can copy this URL from the URL bar.

For short links, there is an open issue (#905) to add short links for 
routes, but obviously it won't get added until someone decides to 
write code adding it.

dev mailing list

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Share a route, in addition to Share a location on the main OSM map

2015-04-13 Thread Oleksiy Muzalyev


On the main OSM page it is possible to generate a short link for a 
location. For example, it is the link to the location of the city of 
Yakutsk in Siberia:

Why not to introduce the similar service for a route? I've created a 
working model on my testing website. For instance, it is the link to the 
route from Yakutst to the city of Irkutsk:

To view the direction of the route and leg distances, the button 
/Distance Ruler Edit/ (under Zoom) in the left upper corner should be 
activated (clicked once).

It could be used to show a route say from a bust stop to a hotel, or how 
to drive optimally from one location to another, etc. Perhaps, such a 
service exists at the OSM, but I just could not notice it. Anyway, I saw 
other people, while sending directions, make a screen-shot of the OSM 
map, and then draw a route line on the JPG screen-shot in a graphical 

Best regards,

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