Re: dmd support for IDEs

2010-04-07 Thread Sableteeth
Denis Koroskin сообщил/сообщила в новостях следующее: 
 On Sun, 11 Oct 2009 05:19:56 +0400, Walter Bright wrote:
 I believe it won't work. It will always be slow and incomplete.
 Instead, I would make it easier to embed DMD into an IDE: separate DMDFE  
 from DMDBE, fix memory leaks, remove all the static data (so that code  
 would be re-intrable and it could work in different threads in parallel),  
 move most of DMD code into a DLL so that an IDE could dynamically link  
 with it and whatever it pleases with the source code.
 In fact, that's what I do right now.
 I'm writing my own D IDE in my spare time (in D, of course). I already  
 made a lot of progress and now it's time to start implementing source code  
 First thing I did is I made complete D bindings for C++ code. It worked  
 out quite well but it was leaking so badly that I dropped it.
 Instead, I started porting DMD entirely to D (except the backend, of  
 course), and I already got some great results. A few simple programs  
 compile and produce byte-perfect binaries. It's still in its early stages  
 and there is a lot of work to do, but it will be finished soon  
 (hopefully). It could probably become a part of an official distribution,  
 eventually. :)
 If anyone is interested and is willing to test and/or help, I will gladly  
 share my code.

Hi, Denis!

I am beginner in D, but this theme is interesting for me - I very much would 
like to take part in creation IDE. 

I am interesting. I'd like to help.
I hope I'll be able to help you?

Contact me please at
Sincerelly, Sergey

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Re: dmd support for IDEs + network GUI

2009-10-20 Thread Nick Sabalausky
Adam D. Ruppe wrote in message
 On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 09:06:38PM -0400, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
 Excellent! Sounds exactly like what I had in mind. I'll definately want 
 keep an eye on this. Any webpage or svn or anything yet?

 I wrote up some of a webpage for it over the weekend:

 I haven't had a chance to clean up my code yet, so it isn't posted, but
 there's some overview text there, including some implementation details 
 I haven't discussed yet here, but the document still has a long way to go.

 But there it is, becoming more organized than anything I've written on it


 Thanks for your interest and to the rest of the group for letting me
 go off topic like this!

The offtopics are some of the most interesting bits! 

Re: dmd support for IDEs + network GUI

2009-10-20 Thread Nick B

Nick Sabalausky wrote:
Adam D. Ruppe wrote in message

On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 09:06:38PM -0400, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
Excellent! Sounds exactly like what I had in mind. I'll definately want 

keep an eye on this. Any webpage or svn or anything yet?

I wrote up some of a webpage for it over the weekend:

I haven't had a chance to clean up my code yet, so it isn't posted, but
there's some overview text there, including some implementation details 

I haven't discussed yet here, but the document still has a long way to go.

But there it is, becoming more organized than anything I've written on it

Adam.  What you written at your web site is a very interesting read.

Re your use of a binary protocol.

Perhaps instead of re-inventing the wheel, you may want to look at what
Google has done with the design of their  Google Protocol Buffers, which 
also implements a very fast binary protocol.  See here for a overview:

It is also worthwhile reading the section called A bit of history.

Note that there is also D implementation.

I don't know how current this is, though.

One more point. What, if any, library to you plan to use ?

Nick B

Re: dmd support for IDEs + network GUI

2009-10-20 Thread Adam D. Ruppe
On 10/20/09, Nick B wrote:
  Re your use of a binary protocol.
  Perhaps instead of re-inventing the wheel,
 Eh, my code is already written and works. One of the advantages to my
 code generator reading a C like syntax is that I might be able to
 fully automate porting some existing APIs down the wire - I'm
 particularly looking at OpenGL, or at least a subset of it, to work
 with ease. Another one is porting my generator to a new language is easy
- I already know the code and it is fairly simple anyway.
 Anyway, quickly skimming through the google page, their system isn't
 bad (Coincidentally, it and I encode unsigned ints and strings in
 exactly the same way! Cool.), but I don't think there's much to gain
 by me switching to it. Though, their signed varint algorithm is pretty
 elegant; I might have to use that.
 And it reminds me that I didn't even consider optional arguments on
 functions. Trivial to implement though, even compatible with my
 current protocol: if message length is shorter than what you expect,
 use default values for the rest of the arguments. This means they'd
 have to be at the end, but you expect that from C like functions
  It is also worthwhile reading the section called A bit of history.
 I thought about future compatibility, which is why my protocol has a
 length field on every message. If you read the length and the function
 number and find it isn't something you know, you can simply skip past
 the whole message and carry on.
 The ugliness might be that future functions deprecate old functions...
 if this took off and was widely used, it might end up looking like
 Win32 in 10 years (CreateWindow() nope, CreateWindowEx()!), but I'm ok
 with that.
  One more point. What, if any, library to you plan to use ?
 The D side is all custom code (I've written various libraries and
 helper tools over the years for myself - the big one used here is a
 network manager thing that handles incoming connections and output
 buffering) and Phobos - nothing third party there. I'm using D2, but
 there's nothing preventing it from being backported to D1 at some
 point. I actually want to do a DMDScript port that speaks it too, but
 that's way down the line.
 For the viewer, my current implementation is C++ with Qt. I'd like to
 actually do various viewers, including ones with less fat dependencies
 (asking users to download Qt just to run it is a bit heavy), but for
 now, I just wanted something I could start using immediately without
 too much trouble for me. Qt on C++ works pretty well across platforms,
 and I already know how to use it, so it was an easy choice for early
  Nick B

Re: dmd support for IDEs and the D tool chain

2009-10-19 Thread Nick Sabalausky
BCS wrote in message
 Hello Nick,

 BCS wrote in message

 If mine did that I'd shoot him (a scorching e-mail :)

 You should both feel lucky. The best I had was a class where we filled
 in the bodies of a handful of small functions in a trivial assembler
 (trivial meaning completely bare-minimum, and no actual lex/parse
 theory was used) that was written by the *cough* professor for a
 trivially simple fictitious CPU. And that was the *best* of the three
 colleges I've been to.

 And I'm not even at a well know CS school. I'd have asked for my money 

Oh man, I've fought and lost many battles with schools that were enormously 
smaller then actually getting any money back. I've known *banks* that were 
more sensible about money (and hell, I'm even about ready to swear *those* 
off (I'm not referring to their investment practices)).

As far as well-known schools, yea, I've noticed too that quality and 
level-of-notoriety have basically no correlation. Around Cleveland here (for 
whatever that's worth, maybe not much I suppose), John Carroll University is 
widely considered one of the best schools in the area, has one of the 
highest sets of entrance criteria, and is overall regarded very highly. Any 
time I've ever mentioned the school's name to anyone around Cleveland, not a 
single time has the reaction ever been anything less than glowingly 
positive. Well...they let me in as a transfer (*far* easier to get in pretty 
much anywhere that way), and while I have a ton of WTF experiences about 
this place, there's one that always sticks out in my head:

One of the CS profs I had there was a PHd (well, they pretty much all were). 
But with this particular one, he openly pointed out that C was the only 
language he knew. Which might not normally be so bad (although I'd at least 
consider it questionable), but...On one of the two or three programming 
assignments in the class (they were all in C and no more than about a 
hundred lines max), I had to fill a statically-allocated buffer with some 
string input from a network connection, echo it to stdout, repeat until the 
input was exhausted, and exit (yea, not exactly a taxing assignment - and 
keep in mind, this wasn't an intro or even a lower-division class, this was 
upper-division). Ok, so I figured, Obviously, the input length isn't 
guaranteed to be a multiple of my buffer size, so when I get the final chunk 
I'd better toss a \0 at the end so my output doesn't include any garbage 
data from the previous iteration. Turned it in. Few days layer when I got 
it back, I got a bad grade, and he had marked that \0 I added as This won't 
work. (I had tested it, of course.) I just assumed he had simply graded too 
fast and goofed, so I pointed it out to him and explained the problem. He 
looked again, studied it, and went Nope, that won't work. I questioned 
some more, figuring there must be some *other* bug he was referring to that 
I just hadn't noticed and that just happened to have worked out by pure luck 
(it's certainly been known to happen in C). But the more we discussed it, 
the more I realized: This joker didn't have the slightest clue how 
null-terminated strings worked!

Obviously that would be fine for a Java programmer, or C#, Python, D, etc., 
but here was this guy who didn't understand one of the most basic concepts 
in what he himself admits is the only language he knows...and not only does 
some group of idiots actually give him a PHd in CS, but some other idiots 
actually hire him to teach it at an allegedly very good school. Of course, 
I *am* well aware there's a big distinction between programming and computer 
science...but this was was just plain ridiculous. You can't call someone a 
handyman if they've studied a million books on the subject but don't know 
how to work a screwdriver.

And that was just one of many contradictions to John Carroll's alleged 
quality. Don't get me started on their Sociology dept. And the 
students...oh, man...I swear I am not exaggerating even the slightest bit 
when I say that most of them were, without a doubt, among the absolute 
stupidest people I've ever met in my life (and to top it off, they had the 
personalities of dry sponges). And yet, this school was known to have fairly 
strict entrance criteria. The whole place was so pathetic I pretty much just 
checked-out most of my third semester there and then left for a different 
place (which had a whole other set of...dysfunctions, to put it *very* 

The school I had gone to before that was well-known as a party school 
(BGSU), and as awful as it was, it was actually *better* than the 
well-respected JCU in almost every way.

Re: dmd support for IDEs and the D tool chain

2009-10-19 Thread Walter Bright

Ellery Newcomer wrote:

ANTLR has pretty good support for backtracking, so writing a D grammar
for it wasn't too difficult, but then the resultant performance isn't
anything near what I'd like.

My recommendation is to forget about parser generators and just build 
one by hand. They're easy to write, and you won't have speed problems 
with them. There are other advantages, too, like better error messages 
and error recovery.

Re: dmd support for IDEs and the D tool chain

2009-10-19 Thread Walter Bright

BCS wrote:
(BTW I'm taking (but haven't yet finished) a compilers class so I might 
be missing something)

That's one of my gripes about compiler classes, they expend enormous 
effort on the simplest part of a compiler - the lexer/parser.

In working on the D compiler, I easily spend less than 1% of the effort 
on the lexer/parser.

Plug: you should sign up for my compiler construction seminar! We don't 
waste much time on the simple stuff, and do the hard bits instead. /Plug

Re: dmd support for IDEs and the D tool chain

2009-10-19 Thread Walter Bright

Nick Sabalausky wrote:
(Cue Walter reminiscing about how great Caltech was... ;) ) 

The only software course I took at Caltech was a Fortran one. I can't 
remember anything about it g.

Re: dmd support for IDEs and the D tool chain

2009-10-19 Thread Justin Johansson
Walter Bright Wrote:

 Ellery Newcomer wrote:
  ANTLR has pretty good support for backtracking, so writing a D grammar
  for it wasn't too difficult, but then the resultant performance isn't
  anything near what I'd like.
 My recommendation is to forget about parser generators and just build 
 one by hand. They're easy to write, and you won't have speed problems 
 with them. There are other advantages, too, like better error messages 
 and error recovery.

Walter is 110% correct.   Over the years I've expended enormous amounts
of energy with parser generators esp. with trying to get good error messages
and error recovery (exactly as Walter suggests).  Nearly every time I went
back to a hand-written lexer and recursive descent parser.

To see the KISS principle in action, take a look at Walter's DMDScript 
lexer.d and parser.d.

Justin Johansson

Re: dmd support for IDEs and the D tool chain

2009-10-19 Thread Ellery Newcomer
Walter Bright wrote:
 BCS wrote:
 (BTW I'm taking (but haven't yet finished) a compilers class so I
 might be missing something)
 That's one of my gripes about compiler classes, they expend enormous
 effort on the simplest part of a compiler - the lexer/parser.
 In working on the D compiler, I easily spend less than 1% of the effort
 on the lexer/parser.
 Plug: you should sign up for my compiler construction seminar! We don't
 waste much time on the simple stuff, and do the hard bits instead. /Plug

Had the last one been in the summer and not during classes while I'm
2500 miles away, I would have.

Re: dmd support for IDEs and the D tool chain

2009-10-19 Thread BCS

Hello Walter,

BCS wrote:

(BTW I'm taking (but haven't yet finished) a compilers class so I
might be missing something)

That's one of my gripes about compiler classes, they expend enormous
effort on the simplest part of a compiler - the lexer/parser.

In working on the D compiler, I easily spend less than 1% of the
effort on the lexer/parser.

Plug: you should sign up for my compiler construction seminar! We
don't waste much time on the simple stuff, and do the hard bits
instead. /Plug

I'd love to, but I'm broke. OTOH I might get lucky and have a job by the 
next one. When/where/how much/link?

Re: dmd support for IDEs and the D tool chain

2009-10-18 Thread Walter Bright

Eric Suen wrote:

Because of many programming language is not design for speed, there is
no point to write a compiler in there native language. Even Java's compiler
is writtern in Java, why not D? Compiler bootstrapping is very basic 

Doing this would make it more difficult than necessary to move D to new 
platforms, and would make it more difficult than necessary to adapt it 
to other back ends which are usually implemented in C or C++.

Does Walter Bright use D for any projects himself?

dmdscript, Empire, Microemacs, and any new utilities I write, such as 
the D archives generator.

Re: dmd support for IDEs and the D tool chain

2009-10-18 Thread BCS

Hello Nick,

BCS wrote in message

If mine did that I'd shoot him (a scorching e-mail :)

You should both feel lucky. The best I had was a class where we filled
in the bodies of a handful of small functions in a trivial assembler
(trivial meaning completely bare-minimum, and no actual lex/parse
theory was used) that was written by the *cough* professor for a
trivially simple fictitious CPU. And that was the *best* of the three
colleges I've been to.

And I'm not even at a well know CS school. I'd have asked for my money back.

Re: dmd support for IDEs and the D tool chain

2009-10-18 Thread BCS

Hello Ellery,

BCS wrote:

Hello Ellery,

For some reason, my professor seems to be skipping LR parsing.

If mine did that I'd shoot him (a scorching e-mail :)

It's probably because he can't make us write a LALR parser by hand.

For a small language he could. My prof has done several 2-4 production grammars, 
by hand, on the board, in class!

Re: dmd support for IDEs + network GUI

2009-10-18 Thread Adam D. Ruppe
On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 09:06:38PM -0400, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
 Excellent! Sounds exactly like what I had in mind. I'll definately want to 
 keep an eye on this. Any webpage or svn or anything yet?

I wrote up some of a webpage for it over the weekend:

I haven't had a chance to clean up my code yet, so it isn't posted, but
there's some overview text there, including some implementation details that
I haven't discussed yet here, but the document still has a long way to go.

But there it is, becoming more organized than anything I've written on it

Thanks for your interest and to the rest of the group for letting me
go off topic like this!

Adam D. Ruppe

Re: dmd support for IDEs and the D tool chain

2009-10-17 Thread Nick Sabalausky
Ellery Newcomer wrote in message 
 Nick Sabalausky wrote:

 That mentioned, in the section about LL(k), If both AB and AB are 
 expressions, where B can be of arbitrary length, then no finite amount of
 look-ahead will allow this to be parsed.

 I did a quick test in gold (LALR), and this handles the above just fine:

 Name= 'Test'
 Author  = 'Test'
 Version = 'Test'
 About   = 'Test'

 Start Symbol = Type1Or2

 Type1Or2 ::= Type1 | Type2
 Type1 ::= 'A' '' Bs
 Type2 ::= 'A' '' Bs ''
 Bs ::= 'B' | Bs 'B'


 However, that one example alone doesn't necessarily prove that it's 

 Bad example. Bs is regular. Try making it nested parens or something
 like that. (It isn't LL(k), but it is pretty trivial anyways. ANTLR3 can
 handle it without fuss)

If you mean it's doing it using the dfa/regex lexing engine instead of the 
parser, it isn't. GOLD has a different syntax for terminals that are to be 
lexed. Anything with the Foo ::= whatever syntax is a nonterminal that's 
handled by LALR parsing. For terminals that are to be handled by the 
dfa/regex lexer, it's Foo = whatever.

In any case, here's one that can successfully handle nested parens instead 
of Bs:

Start Symbol = Type1Or2

Type1Or2 ::= Type1 | Type2
Type1 ::= 'A' '' Parens
Type2 ::= 'A' '' Parens ''

Parens ::= '(' ')' | '(' Parens ')'

Or nested sequences of parens:

Start Symbol = Type1Or2

Type1Or2 ::= Type1 | Type2
Type1 ::= 'A' '' ParensList
Type2 ::= 'A' '' ParensList ''

ParensList ::= Parens | ParensList Parens
Parens ::= '(' ')' | '(' ParensList ')'

Re: dmd support for IDEs and the D tool chain

2009-10-17 Thread Nick Sabalausky
Nick Sabalausky a...@a.a wrote in message 
 Ellery Newcomer wrote in message 

 Well, let's see here...

 PrimExp - structLiteral
 PrimExp - functionLiteral

 and suppose

 structLiteral = { /* really, really looong expression*/ }

 functionLiteral = { statement }
 functionLiteral = { /* really, really looong expression*/ ; }

 In an LL(k) parser, when you get to PrimExp, you have to know which
 choice to make based on the first k lookahead characters (probably
 translates to '{' and one token past that). Obviously, that won't work
 for this piece, so it isn't LL(k). You have to try parsing the one, and
 back up and parse the other if the first one fails (dmd should do this,
 but currently it just looks ahead for the first semicolon. come to think
 of it, I should try patching that..)

 ANTLR has pretty good support for backtracking, so writing a D grammar
 for it wasn't too difficult, but then the resultant performance isn't
 anything near what I'd like.

 But what I'm wondering about LALR is will it have to back up if it
 chooses wrong, or can it sail on through in one parse attempt. I bet it

 I'll write up a test in a minute,

No sweat :)

Start Symbol = Program

! -- Terminals

Identifier = {Letter}{AlphaNumeric}*
Statement = 'foo'

! -- Rules

Program ::= Prim Exp | Program Prim Exp

Prim Exp ::= StructLit | Func Lit

StructLit ::= '{' Expression '}'

Func Lit ::= '{' Statement '}'
|  '{' Expression ';' '}'

Expression  ::= Expression '+' Mult Exp
   |  Expression '-' Mult Exp
   |  Mult Exp

Mult Exp::= Mult Exp '*' Negate Exp
   |  Mult Exp '/' Negate Exp
   |  Negate Exp

Negate Exp  ::= '-' Value
   |  Value

Value   ::= Identifier
   |  '(' Expression ')'


Re: dmd support for IDEs and the D tool chain

2009-10-17 Thread Eric Suen
Christopher Wright wrote
 Jacob Carlborg wrote:
 On 10/16/09 12:58, Tomas Lindquist Olsen wrote:
 GtkD supports Glade.

 Yes, but GtkD doesn't use native controls.

 A minor point, I think. Eclipse doesn't look very native and has 
 widespread acceptance.

SWT wrap native controls, and Eclipse is build on SWT, but for an 
like Eclipse, use system provide native controls is no enough, you have to
write some custom control. Here is the problem, Java developers just unable 
write good looking GUI components or applications using any library, neither
Swing nor SWT. for examples, Swing is really powerful GUI frameworks, Java2D
is quite powerful, and Swing is very flexible, but most Swing applications 
really ugly.

Eclipse doesn't look very native because they using ugly tab for layout, you
can change that by provide your owner theme. more than 99% controls in 
are native controls...

There is the link of custom theme for Eclipse:


Re: dmd support for IDEs and the D tool chain

2009-10-17 Thread Nick Sabalausky
Ellery Newcomer wrote in message 

 But what I'm wondering about LALR is will it have to back up if it
 chooses wrong, or can it sail on through in one parse attempt. I bet it

 And how about actual ambiguity? How well does GOLD handle that?

I already answered regarding the parsing stage, but I should point out that 
the lexing can still backtrack (I don't know if that's obvious or not). For 
instance, if you have the terminals:

FooKeyword = 'foo'
StuffKeyword = 'fooAAAB'

and input string:


Then the lexer will get to the A's, try to match StuffKeyword, then get to 
the C, realize StuffKeyword doesn't match after all, so it'll then accept 
the FooKeyword, and continue on again from the first A.

That's probably obvious to language and regex experts, but I actually 
learned that by accident. Someone found a bug in my Goldie GOLD engine when 
using their grammar, and I tracked it down to that kind of scenario and 
realized I was supposed to backtrack, if possible, upon a lex error instead 
of just noting the error and moving on. A better foundation in the theory 
probably would have helped me with that :)

Anyway, I find this stuff neat :) 

Re: dmd support for IDEs and the D tool chain

2009-10-17 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 10/16/09 19:18, Lutger wrote:

Jacob Carlborg wrote:

Here is my thoughts and what I think is needed to build a really good
IDE and maybe get some attention from the enterprise. It's really not
enough for the compiler to output some json for an IDE to use, the whole
tool chain needs to be revised.

I think this list is what the toolchain might look like after it already has
gotten some attention, not a requirement of what is needed.

This is a cut-down list with some comments:

   * Supports all major platform
   * 32 and 64bit support
   * Doesn't have annoying bugs like forward reference errors and problem
 with the linker
   * Can build dynamic libraries
   * Supports incremental builds

Clearly many programming languages manage without a compiler written in
their native language and I doubt clang is even used in enterprise context.

As I said later in the message, that it would be the optimal and 
everything doesn't have to be built in D. Like D Clang is quite new and 
it doesn't need to be built like Clang just to attract the enterprise 
but I think it would be easier to build an IDE if the compiler was built 
more like Clang. BTW Clang is shipped with the Developer Tools on Mac.

Compiler or separate tool:
   * Automatically tracks all dependencies and builds the
 application/library (like DSSS)

We got this, dsss just has to be revived by someone.

GUI library:
   * Supports all major platforms (mac, linux, win)
   * Uses native controls (as much as possible) to draw its controls
   * Supports (de)serializing controls (Glade, nib)

Not sure it needs to be written in D. Many languages use bindings and
wrappers just fine. We already have QtD, DWT, wxWindows, DFL and GtkD. One
of those is a port (DWT) and one is native D (DFL). The GUI situation has
been so rapidly improved, it's not an impediment anymore imho.

GtkD doesn't use native controls, DFL is only for windows (last I checked).

   * Be able to show syntax and semantic errors as you type
   * Autocompletion
   * Refactoring
   * Building
   * Supports incremental builds
   * Basically something like Eclipse JDT

Descent is probably the closest, in some aspects it even destroys C++ IDE's
(compile time stuff) already. However one or two more IDE's or very good
editors would likely help.

This would be my shortlist:
- a polished descent which supports D2
- dmd switch to ELF on windows and support for 64-bit there
- dsss redux
- gdc for embedded, also some more support from phobos for systems

Re: dmd support for IDEs and the D tool chain

2009-10-17 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 10/17/09 00:23, Christopher Wright wrote:

Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 10/16/09 12:58, Tomas Lindquist Olsen wrote:

GtkD supports Glade.

Yes, but GtkD doesn't use native controls.

A minor point, I think. Eclipse doesn't look very native and has
widespread acceptance.

It depends on what you're looking at. The SWT philosophy is something 
like this: Use controls that are available as native controls on as many 
platforms as possible. For example, if a control is available as native 
on 3 out of 4 platforms, use the native on the 3 platforms and emulate 
it on the fourth. If a control is only native on 1 out of 4 platforms 
don't include it in SWT. SWT also has some custom (non-native) controls 
like the tabs used by Eclipse.

Re: dmd support for IDEs and the D tool chain

2009-10-17 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 10/17/09 04:22, Eric Suen wrote:

Lutger wrote

Jacob Carlborg wrote:

Here is my thoughts and what I think is needed to build a really good
IDE and maybe get some attention from the enterprise. It's really not
enough for the compiler to output some json for an IDE to use, the whole
tool chain needs to be revised.

I think this list is what the toolchain might look like after it already
gotten some attention, not a requirement of what is needed.

This is a cut-down list with some comments:

   * Supports all major platform
   * 32 and 64bit support
   * Doesn't have annoying bugs like forward reference errors and problem
 with the linker
   * Can build dynamic libraries
   * Supports incremental builds

Clearly many programming languages manage without a compiler written in
their native language and I doubt clang is even used in enterprise

Because of many programming language is not design for speed, there is
no point to write a compiler in there native language. Even Java's compiler
is writtern in Java, why not D? Compiler bootstrapping is very basic
A large proportion of programming languages are bootstrapped. It is nosense
write D compiler in C, that means the D language author does not want to use
D language. Does Walter Bright use D for any projects himself?



I think it says somewhere on the digitalmars site that there is not much 
gain in porting an existing project to D but all new projects will be in 
D. DMDScript (ECMA 262 also know as JavaScript) is written in D.

Re: dmd support for IDEs and the D tool chain

2009-10-17 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 10/17/09 07:06, Nick Sabalausky wrote:

Christopher  wrote in message

Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 10/16/09 12:58, Tomas Lindquist Olsen wrote:

GtkD supports Glade.

Yes, but GtkD doesn't use native controls.

A minor point, I think. Eclipse doesn't look very native and has
widespread acceptance.

Probably not as minor as it might seem. I find eclipse ugly. And although
I'd never really thought about it before, I have to admit, I think it *is*
one of the many factors as to why it's always felt too bloated for my

Yes eclipse looks ugly. It's quite hard to create a GUI that looks good 
and native on all platforms (if you don't use separate GUIs).

Besides, I can think of things (lots of things, in fact) that are pure
steaming piles of (well, one can guess), but even despite that have still
managed to gain widespread acceptance.

Re: dmd support for IDEs and the D tool chain

2009-10-17 Thread language_fan
Sat, 17 Oct 2009 10:22:55 +0800, Eric Suen thusly wrote:

 Does Walter Bright use D for any projects himself?

He makes nice html presentations of the language, demonstrating small 
code snippets. They are sometimes available online :S

Re: dmd support for IDEs and the D tool chain

2009-10-17 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 10/17/09 10:31, Eric Suen wrote:

Christopher Wright wrote

Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 10/16/09 12:58, Tomas Lindquist Olsen wrote:

GtkD supports Glade.

Yes, but GtkD doesn't use native controls.

A minor point, I think. Eclipse doesn't look very native and has
widespread acceptance.

SWT wrap native controls, and Eclipse is build on SWT, but for an
like Eclipse, use system provide native controls is no enough, you have to
write some custom control. Here is the problem, Java developers just unable
write good looking GUI components or applications using any library, neither
Swing nor SWT. for examples, Swing is really powerful GUI frameworks, Java2D
is quite powerful, and Swing is very flexible, but most Swing applications
really ugly.

I think Azureus looks quite native and if they haven't changed anything 
they're using SWT.

Eclipse doesn't look very native because they using ugly tab for layout, you
can change that by provide your owner theme. more than 99% controls in
are native controls...

There is the link of custom theme for Eclipse:


Re: dmd support for IDEs and the D tool chain

2009-10-17 Thread Lutger
Jacob Carlborg wrote:

 GtkD doesn't use native controls, DFL is only for windows (last I

Sure. But think of it this way: GtkD *is* the native controls (for Gnome), 
only they are also usable on other platforms. Same way QT *is* native for 
the KDE platform. (except QT does use native controls on other platforms 

Re: dmd support for IDEs and the D tool chain

2009-10-17 Thread Lutger
language_fan wrote:

 Sat, 17 Oct 2009 10:22:55 +0800, Eric Suen thusly wrote:
 Does Walter Bright use D for any projects himself?
 He makes nice html presentations of the language, demonstrating small
 code snippets. They are sometimes available online :S

DMDscript, the garbage collector, the runtime and phobos are written in D, 
though DMDScript is a port of C++. I wonder if Walter even has any projects  
besides D and DMD?

I also wonder if it isn't frustrating for Walter spending so many years on D 
and still writing mostly C++ code. 

Re: dmd support for IDEs and the D tool chain

2009-10-17 Thread Christopher Wright

Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 10/17/09 00:23, Christopher Wright wrote:

Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 10/16/09 12:58, Tomas Lindquist Olsen wrote:

GtkD supports Glade.

Yes, but GtkD doesn't use native controls.

A minor point, I think. Eclipse doesn't look very native and has
widespread acceptance.

It depends on what you're looking at. The SWT philosophy is something 
like this: Use controls that are available as native controls on as many 
platforms as possible. For example, if a control is available as native 
on 3 out of 4 platforms, use the native on the 3 platforms and emulate 
it on the fourth. If a control is only native on 1 out of 4 platforms 
don't include it in SWT. SWT also has some custom (non-native) controls 
like the tabs used by Eclipse.

And the tabs are everywhere, and no attempt was made to make them look 
native to any platform.

Re: dmd support for IDEs and the D tool chain

2009-10-17 Thread Ellery Newcomer
Nick Sabalausky wrote:
 Ellery Newcomer wrote in message 
 Nick Sabalausky wrote:
 Ellery Newcomer wrote in message
 I could count the number of places that are ambiguous syntactically or
 semantically on one hand, and maybe the number of places that require
 arbitrary lookahead also. Do LALR parsers care about arbitrary
 lookahead? LL(k) parsers do.
 Beats me, I'm not nearly as up on parsing theory as I'd like to be. Could
 you give me a simple example?

 Well, let's see here...

 PrimExp - structLiteral
 PrimExp - functionLiteral

 and suppose

 structLiteral = { /* really, really looong expression*/ }

 functionLiteral = { statement }
 functionLiteral = { /* really, really looong expression*/ ; }

 In an LL(k) parser, when you get to PrimExp, you have to know which
 choice to make based on the first k lookahead characters (probably
 translates to '{' and one token past that). Obviously, that won't work
 for this piece, so it isn't LL(k). You have to try parsing the one, and
 back up and parse the other if the first one fails (dmd should do this,
 but currently it just looks ahead for the first semicolon. come to think
 of it, I should try patching that..)

 ANTLR has pretty good support for backtracking, so writing a D grammar
 for it wasn't too difficult, but then the resultant performance isn't
 anything near what I'd like.

 But what I'm wondering about LALR is will it have to back up if it
 chooses wrong, or can it sail on through in one parse attempt. I bet it
 I'll write up a test in a minute, but for the specific type of lookahead 
 you're talking about, that shouldn't be a problem for LR's in general 
 (including LALR). An LR doesn't start with 'PrimExp', it starts by looking 
 at that first '{'. At this point it doesn't give a rat's tiny hiney what 
 nonterminal the '{' is part of - it'll just consume more tokens until it 
 narrows down the list of possible matches to just one (or none, in the 
 case of a syntax error). And once that happens, it already knows all it 
 needs to know, and it moves on. So there's no looking ahead or backtracking 
 needed (except maybe for a one-token lookahead to see if the next token is 
 allowed and what possible matches it might rule out)
 And how about actual ambiguity? How well does GOLD handle that?
 When you use GOLD to compile a grammar into a compiled grammar table 
 (which will be used by the parsing engine), it'll identify and report any 
 ambiguities, which, in LR parsing, fall in to one of two categories:
 Reduce-Reduce conflicts: GOLD flags these as errors.
 Shift-Reduce conflicts: GOLD flags these as warnings and attempts to resolve 
 them by always assuming shift. Sometimes that works out fine, sometimes it 
 doesn't. But it's best to minimize them in any case.
 With either type of ambiguity, it'll tell you all about the offending 
 rule(s), and allow you to jump to a view of the related state in the LALR 
 state table. (It handles lex problems similarly.)

Does GOLD let you manually specify how to resolve the ambiguities? Cuz
you're going to have them with D, and murphy says they're going to be
reduce-reduce :)

All in all, she sounds pretty sweet. Maybe I'll try porting my D grammar
to GOLD when I'm past exams.

By the way, do you know if there be any way to put conditional
productions in GOLD grammars? Like if you wanted to have a grammar that
recognizes D1 or D2 dependent on a settable flag?

Wait wait wait wait, just looked on wikipedia, GOLD uses DFAs for
lexing??!!! Please tell me she can do context sensitive lexers,
otherwise how are you going to get perl-style strings let alone nesting

Re: dmd support for IDEs and the D tool chain

2009-10-17 Thread BCS

Hello Ellery,

Do LALR parsers care about arbitrary
lookahead? LL(k) parsers do.

LALR needs to be able to unambiguously determine all the /completed/ productions 
to the left of each point by looking at nothing beyond the next token to 
the right. This might not be conservative enough, but I seem to remember 
that most parser corner cases don't crop up in practice.

In general LL needs to known exactly what productions are in process where 
are LR needs to, at each level, have a finite set of options and only needs 
things to become unambiguous before it finishes a production.

(BTW I'm taking (but haven't yet finished) a compilers class so I might be 
missing something)

Re: dmd support for IDEs and the D tool chain

2009-10-17 Thread BCS

Hello Ellery,

But what I'm wondering about LALR is will it have to back up if it
chooses wrong,

LALR can't backup

or can it sail on through in one parse attempt. I bet
it can.

What it will do is parse the {, parse an expression and /then/ use what 
comes next to decide what the  stuff it already parsed is part of.

Re: dmd support for IDEs and the D tool chain

2009-10-17 Thread Ellery Newcomer
BCS wrote:
 Hello Ellery,
 Do LALR parsers care about arbitrary
 lookahead? LL(k) parsers do.

 LALR needs to be able to unambiguously determine all the /completed/
 productions to the left of each point by looking at nothing beyond the
 next token to the right. This might not be conservative enough, but I
 seem to remember that most parser corner cases don't crop up in practice.
 In general LL needs to known exactly what productions are in process
 where are LR needs to, at each level, have a finite set of options and
 only needs things to become unambiguous before it finishes a production.
 (BTW I'm taking (but haven't yet finished) a compilers class so I might
 be missing something)

Small world :)

For some reason, my professor seems to be skipping LR parsing.

Re: dmd support for IDEs and the D tool chain

2009-10-17 Thread Nick Sabalausky
Christopher Wright wrote in message 
 Jacob Carlborg wrote:
 On 10/17/09 00:23, Christopher Wright wrote:
 Jacob Carlborg wrote:
 On 10/16/09 12:58, Tomas Lindquist Olsen wrote:
 GtkD supports Glade.

 Yes, but GtkD doesn't use native controls.

 A minor point, I think. Eclipse doesn't look very native and has
 widespread acceptance.

 It depends on what you're looking at. The SWT philosophy is something 
 like this: Use controls that are available as native controls on as many 
 platforms as possible. For example, if a control is available as native 
 on 3 out of 4 platforms, use the native on the 3 platforms and emulate it 
 on the fourth. If a control is only native on 1 out of 4 platforms don't 
 include it in SWT. SWT also has some custom (non-native) controls like 
 the tabs used by Eclipse.

 And the tabs are everywhere, and no attempt was made to make them look 
 native to any platform.

And they take up an *enormous* amount of space. I can't actually use them 
and see their labels at the same time.

Re: dmd support for IDEs and the D tool chain

2009-10-17 Thread Nick Sabalausky
Ellery Newcomer wrote in message 

 Does GOLD let you manually specify how to resolve the ambiguities? Cuz
 you're going to have them with D, and murphy says they're going to be
 reduce-reduce :)

No. Reduce-reduce are errors and require adjusting the grammar accordingly, 
and shift-reduce require either accepting the resolve by assuming shift or 
adjusting the grammar.

 All in all, she sounds pretty sweet. Maybe I'll try porting my D grammar
 to GOLD when I'm past exams.

 By the way, do you know if there be any way to put conditional
 productions in GOLD grammars? Like if you wanted to have a grammar that
 recognizes D1 or D2 dependent on a settable flag?

Not possible at this time, unfortunately.

 Wait wait wait wait, just looked on wikipedia, GOLD uses DFAs for
 lexing??!!! Please tell me she can do context sensitive lexers,
 otherwise how are you going to get perl-style strings let alone nesting

For anything that GOLD doesn't normally support (such as nested comments, 
more than one pair of block-comments, or indentation increase/decrease), it 
has a kludge called Virtual Terminals (  
). These let you declare a terminal, but then leave it up to the lex/parse 
engine (ex, Goldie) to identify it however it sees fit. I plan to add a 
number of very useful ones to Goldie (such as nested comments). I also plan 
to make an alternate implementation of GOLD that will fill in some of the 
missing features.

Re: dmd support for IDEs and the D tool chain

2009-10-17 Thread BCS

Hello Ellery,

BCS wrote:

Hello Ellery,

Do LALR parsers care about arbitrary
lookahead? LL(k) parsers do.

LALR needs to be able to unambiguously determine all the /completed/
productions to the left of each point by looking at nothing beyond
the next token to the right. This might not be conservative enough,
but I seem to remember that most parser corner cases don't crop up in

In general LL needs to known exactly what productions are in
process where are LR needs to, at each level, have a finite set of
options and only needs things to become unambiguous before it
finishes a production.

(BTW I'm taking (but haven't yet finished) a compilers class so I
might be missing something)

Small world :)

For some reason, my professor seems to be skipping LR parsing.

If mine did that I'd shoot him (a scorching e-mail :)

Re: dmd support for IDEs and the D tool chain

2009-10-17 Thread Nick Sabalausky
BCS wrote in message
 Hello Ellery,

 BCS wrote:

 (BTW I'm taking (but haven't yet finished) a compilers class so I
 might be missing something)

 Small world :)

 For some reason, my professor seems to be skipping LR parsing.

 If mine did that I'd shoot him (a scorching e-mail :)

You should both feel lucky. The best I had was a class where we filled in 
the bodies of a handful of small functions in a trivial assembler (trivial 
meaning completely bare-minimum, and no actual lex/parse theory was used) 
that was written by the *cough* professor for a trivially simple 
fictitious CPU. And that was the *best* of the three colleges I've been to.

(Cue Walter reminiscing about how great Caltech was... ;) ) 

Re: dmd support for IDEs and the D tool chain

2009-10-17 Thread Nick Sabalausky
Nick Sabalausky a...@a.a wrote in message 
 Ellery Newcomer wrote in message 

 For some reason, my professor seems to be skipping LR parsing.

 Gold's documentation has a lot of good starting point information:

 LR's are typically considered a little more powerful than LL (although 
 ANTLR has pushed LLs impressively far), and they work in basically the 
 opposite way. If you have:

 A -- B1 | B2
 B1 -- foo1 | foo2
 B2 -- foo3 | foo4

 An LL, as you know, starts at the A and works it way down. But an LR 
 starts by matching one of those foos and then works it's way up by 
 reducing to one of the Bs and then to A.

Also, you can use GOLD to actually step through the parsing process, so 
that's a very good way to get the hang of what's going on in an LR.

Re: dmd support for IDEs and the D tool chain

2009-10-17 Thread Nick Sabalausky
Ellery Newcomer wrote in message 

 For some reason, my professor seems to be skipping LR parsing.

Gold's documentation has a lot of good starting point information:

LR's are typically considered a little more powerful than LL (although ANTLR 
has pushed LLs impressively far), and they work in basically the opposite 
way. If you have:

A -- B1 | B2
B1 -- foo1 | foo2
B2 -- foo3 | foo4

An LL, as you know, starts at the A and works it way down. But an LR starts 
by matching one of those foos and then works it's way up by reducing to 
one of the Bs and then to A.

Re: dmd support for IDEs and the D tool chain

2009-10-17 Thread Ellery Newcomer
BCS wrote:
 Hello Ellery,
 BCS wrote:

 Hello Ellery,

 Do LALR parsers care about arbitrary
 lookahead? LL(k) parsers do.
 LALR needs to be able to unambiguously determine all the /completed/
 productions to the left of each point by looking at nothing beyond
 the next token to the right. This might not be conservative enough,
 but I seem to remember that most parser corner cases don't crop up in

 In general LL needs to known exactly what productions are in
 process where are LR needs to, at each level, have a finite set of
 options and only needs things to become unambiguous before it
 finishes a production.

 (BTW I'm taking (but haven't yet finished) a compilers class so I
 might be missing something)

 Small world :)

 For some reason, my professor seems to be skipping LR parsing.

 If mine did that I'd shoot him (a scorching e-mail :)

It's probably because he can't make us write a LALR parser by hand.

Re: dmd support for IDEs

2009-10-16 Thread Chris Nicholson-Sauls

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

One cool thing is combining sshfs with autofs.

A cool thing I'd seriously never thought of.  Time to autofs half my /mnt...

-- Chris Nicholson-Sauls

Re: dmd support for IDEs and the D tool chain

2009-10-16 Thread digited
Jacob Carlborg Wrote:
 IDE: Descent

Poseidon + xfBuild may do the job (but Poseidon needs work to run on linux and 
mac). Eclipse itself is too heavy and too java's.

Re: dmd support for IDEs and the D tool chain

2009-10-16 Thread Tomas Lindquist Olsen
On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 12:06 PM, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
 Here is my thoughts and what I think is needed to build a really good IDE
 and maybe get some attention from the enterprise. It's really not enough for
 the compiler to output some json for an IDE to use, the whole tool chain
 needs to be revised.

  * Written in D
  * Supports all major platform
  * 32 and 64bit support
  * Doesn't have annoying bugs like forward reference errors and problem
   with the linker
  * Built with and IDE in mind
  * Can be built as a (dynamic)library
  * Can build dynamic libraries
  * Supports incremental builds
  * Has clearly separate components, especially the front- and back-end.
  * Has a license that allows it to be built into an IDE and/or shipped
   with an IDE
  * Basically something like LLVM + Clang

 Compiler or separate tool:
  * Automatically tracks all dependencies and builds the
   application/library (like DSSS)

 GUI library:
  * Written in D
  * Supports all major platforms (mac, linux, win)
  * Uses native controls (as much as possible) to draw its controls
  * Supports (de)serializing controls (Glade, nib)

  * Written in D
  * Be able to show syntax and semantic errors as you type
  * Autocompletion
  * Refactoring
  * Building
  * Supports incremental builds
  * Basically something like Eclipse JDT

 GUI builder:
  * Supports (de)serializing controls (Glade, nib)
  * Basically something like Interface Builder, Glade

 All of the above would be the most optimal. For example, everything don't
 have to be built in D but for building an IDE in D I think that it would be

 What we have now and what I think is the closest match:

 Compiler: LDC
  * Missing most of the mentioned things
  * Needs better platform support
  * At least the back-end is built like this

 We have DSSS and xfbuilder (or what it's called)

 GUI library: DWT
  * There are some bugs in the mac version
  * Doesn't support (de)serializing controls
  * Not built in a D-way
  * Maybe too heavy

 IDE: Descent
  * Missing some features like refactoring
  * Only supports building using an external tool
  * Needs to improve the syntax and semantic errors
  * Needs to improve the performance if possible

 GUI builder: Interface Builder, Entice Designer, Glade, whatever Qt uses
  * To my knowledge none of the above supports a GUI library like the
   one mentioned

 Any comments, thoughts?

 /Jacob Carlborg

GtkD supports Glade.

Re: dmd support for IDEs and the D tool chain

2009-10-16 Thread Ary Borenszweig

Denis Koroskin wrote:

On Fri, 16 Oct 2009 14:06:59 +0400, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

Here is my thoughts and what I think is needed to build a really good 
IDE and maybe get some attention from the enterprise. It's really not 
enough for the compiler to output some json for an IDE to use, the 
whole tool chain needs to be revised.

  * Written in D
  * Supports all major platform
  * 32 and 64bit support
  * Doesn't have annoying bugs like forward reference errors and problem
with the linker
  * Built with and IDE in mind
  * Can be built as a (dynamic)library
  * Can build dynamic libraries
  * Supports incremental builds
  * Has clearly separate components, especially the front- and back-end.
  * Has a license that allows it to be built into an IDE and/or shipped
with an IDE
  * Basically something like LLVM + Clang

Compiler or separate tool:
  * Automatically tracks all dependencies and builds the
application/library (like DSSS)

GUI library:
  * Written in D
  * Supports all major platforms (mac, linux, win)
  * Uses native controls (as much as possible) to draw its controls
  * Supports (de)serializing controls (Glade, nib)

  * Written in D
  * Be able to show syntax and semantic errors as you type
  * Autocompletion
  * Refactoring
  * Building
  * Supports incremental builds
  * Basically something like Eclipse JDT

GUI builder:
  * Supports (de)serializing controls (Glade, nib)
  * Basically something like Interface Builder, Glade

All of the above would be the most optimal. For example, everything 
don't have to be built in D but for building an IDE in D I think that 
it would be easier.

I can't agree more. Everything you wrote is in my TODO list, starting 
with a compiler, which already compiles most of the druntime (and 
hopefully will compile it fully by the end of this week). I'll release 
it to public as soon as Brad creates a project page at dsource.

Is it a port of DMD? Because I think the main problem with above is that 
the front-end is not very good... I think it has a lot of evolved code 
and starting from scratch might be a good idea.

Re: dmd support for IDEs and the D tool chain

2009-10-16 Thread Denis Koroskin
On Fri, 16 Oct 2009 16:20:31 +0400, Ary Borenszweig  

Denis Koroskin wrote:

On Fri, 16 Oct 2009 14:06:59 +0400, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

Here is my thoughts and what I think is needed to build a really good  
IDE and maybe get some attention from the enterprise. It's really not  
enough for the compiler to output some json for an IDE to use, the  
whole tool chain needs to be revised.

  * Written in D
  * Supports all major platform
  * 32 and 64bit support
  * Doesn't have annoying bugs like forward reference errors and  

with the linker
  * Built with and IDE in mind
  * Can be built as a (dynamic)library
  * Can build dynamic libraries
  * Supports incremental builds
  * Has clearly separate components, especially the front- and  

  * Has a license that allows it to be built into an IDE and/or shipped
with an IDE
  * Basically something like LLVM + Clang

Compiler or separate tool:
  * Automatically tracks all dependencies and builds the
application/library (like DSSS)

GUI library:
  * Written in D
  * Supports all major platforms (mac, linux, win)
  * Uses native controls (as much as possible) to draw its controls
  * Supports (de)serializing controls (Glade, nib)

  * Written in D
  * Be able to show syntax and semantic errors as you type
  * Autocompletion
  * Refactoring
  * Building
  * Supports incremental builds
  * Basically something like Eclipse JDT

GUI builder:
  * Supports (de)serializing controls (Glade, nib)
  * Basically something like Interface Builder, Glade

All of the above would be the most optimal. For example, everything  
don't have to be built in D but for building an IDE in D I think that  
it would be easier.

 I can't agree more. Everything you wrote is in my TODO list, starting  
with a compiler, which already compiles most of the druntime (and  
hopefully will compile it fully by the end of this week). I'll release  
it to public as soon as Brad creates a project page at dsource.

Is it a port of DMD? Because I think the main problem with above is that  
the front-end is not very good... I think it has a lot of evolved code  
and starting from scratch might be a good idea.

Yes, it's a DMD port. Unfortunately, there is no other mature D front-end  
at present. Other folks are working on D compilers (dil, dang, ...) but  
the progress is very slow.

Re: dmd support for IDEs and the D tool chain

2009-10-16 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 10/16/09 12:58, Tomas Lindquist Olsen wrote:

On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 12:06 PM, Jacob  wrote:

Here is my thoughts and what I think is needed to build a really good IDE
and maybe get some attention from the enterprise. It's really not enough for
the compiler to output some json for an IDE to use, the whole tool chain
needs to be revised.

  * Written in D
  * Supports all major platform
  * 32 and 64bit support
  * Doesn't have annoying bugs like forward reference errors and problem
   with the linker
  * Built with and IDE in mind
  * Can be built as a (dynamic)library
  * Can build dynamic libraries
  * Supports incremental builds
  * Has clearly separate components, especially the front- and back-end.
  * Has a license that allows it to be built into an IDE and/or shipped
   with an IDE
  * Basically something like LLVM + Clang

Compiler or separate tool:
  * Automatically tracks all dependencies and builds the
   application/library (like DSSS)

GUI library:
  * Written in D
  * Supports all major platforms (mac, linux, win)
  * Uses native controls (as much as possible) to draw its controls
  * Supports (de)serializing controls (Glade, nib)

  * Written in D
  * Be able to show syntax and semantic errors as you type
  * Autocompletion
  * Refactoring
  * Building
  * Supports incremental builds
  * Basically something like Eclipse JDT

GUI builder:
  * Supports (de)serializing controls (Glade, nib)
  * Basically something like Interface Builder, Glade

All of the above would be the most optimal. For example, everything don't
have to be built in D but for building an IDE in D I think that it would be

What we have now and what I think is the closest match:

Compiler: LDC
  * Missing most of the mentioned things
  * Needs better platform support
  * At least the back-end is built like this

We have DSSS and xfbuilder (or what it's called)

GUI library: DWT
  * There are some bugs in the mac version
  * Doesn't support (de)serializing controls
  * Not built in a D-way
  * Maybe too heavy

IDE: Descent
  * Missing some features like refactoring
  * Only supports building using an external tool
  * Needs to improve the syntax and semantic errors
  * Needs to improve the performance if possible

GUI builder: Interface Builder, Entice Designer, Glade, whatever Qt uses
  * To my knowledge none of the above supports a GUI library like the
   one mentioned

Any comments, thoughts?

/Jacob Carlborg

GtkD supports Glade.

Yes, but GtkD doesn't use native controls.

Re: dmd support for IDEs and the D tool chain

2009-10-16 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 10/16/09 13:03, digited wrote:

Jacob Carlborg Wrote:

IDE: Descent

Poseidon + xfBuild may do the job (but Poseidon needs work to run on linux and 
mac). Eclipse itself is too heavy and too java's.

I totally forgot about Poseidon. It has already been ported to the new 
DWT library, I don't know if it's complete and if it's running.

Re: dmd support for IDEs and the D tool chain

2009-10-16 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 10/16/09 14:27, Denis Koroskin wrote:

On Fri, 16 Oct 2009 16:20:31 +0400, Ary Borenszweig wrote:

Denis Koroskin wrote:

On Fri, 16 Oct 2009 14:06:59 +0400, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

Here is my thoughts and what I think is needed to build a really
good IDE and maybe get some attention from the enterprise. It's
really not enough for the compiler to output some json for an IDE to
use, the whole tool chain needs to be revised.

* Written in D
* Supports all major platform
* 32 and 64bit support
* Doesn't have annoying bugs like forward reference errors and problem
with the linker
* Built with and IDE in mind
* Can be built as a (dynamic)library
* Can build dynamic libraries
* Supports incremental builds
* Has clearly separate components, especially the front- and back-end.
* Has a license that allows it to be built into an IDE and/or shipped
with an IDE
* Basically something like LLVM + Clang

Compiler or separate tool:
* Automatically tracks all dependencies and builds the
application/library (like DSSS)

GUI library:
* Written in D
* Supports all major platforms (mac, linux, win)
* Uses native controls (as much as possible) to draw its controls
* Supports (de)serializing controls (Glade, nib)

* Written in D
* Be able to show syntax and semantic errors as you type
* Autocompletion
* Refactoring
* Building
* Supports incremental builds
* Basically something like Eclipse JDT

GUI builder:
* Supports (de)serializing controls (Glade, nib)
* Basically something like Interface Builder, Glade

All of the above would be the most optimal. For example, everything
don't have to be built in D but for building an IDE in D I think
that it would be easier.

I can't agree more. Everything you wrote is in my TODO list, starting
with a compiler, which already compiles most of the druntime (and
hopefully will compile it fully by the end of this week). I'll
release it to public as soon as Brad creates a project page at dsource.

Is it a port of DMD? Because I think the main problem with above is
that the front-end is not very good... I think it has a lot of evolved
code and starting from scratch might be a good idea.

Yes, it's a DMD port. Unfortunately, there is no other mature D
front-end at present. Other folks are working on D compilers (dil, dang,
...) but the progress is very slow.

Let us know when it's available

Re: dmd support for IDEs and the D tool chain

2009-10-16 Thread Frank Benoit
Jacob Carlborg schrieb:
 On 10/16/09 13:03, digited wrote:
 Jacob Carlborg Wrote:

 IDE: Descent

 Poseidon + xfBuild may do the job (but Poseidon needs work to run on
 linux and mac). Eclipse itself is too heavy and too java's.
 I totally forgot about Poseidon. It has already been ported to the new
 DWT library, I don't know if it's complete and if it's running.

Needs debugging, but can run.
I wanted to port it to the jface.text editor component, but lost
motivation :)

Re: dmd support for IDEs and the D tool chain

2009-10-16 Thread Leandro Lucarella
Ary Borenszweig, el 16 de octubre a las 14:20 me escribiste:
 I can't agree more. Everything you wrote is in my TODO list,
 starting with a compiler, which already compiles most of the
 druntime (and hopefully will compile it fully by the end of this
 week). I'll release it to public as soon as Brad creates a project
 page at dsource.
 Is it a port of DMD? Because I think the main problem with above is
 that the front-end is not very good... I think it has a lot of
 evolved code and starting from scratch might be a good idea.

And the back-end is not free! You can't distributed and I don't think it
can be ported.

Leandro Lucarella (AKA luca)
GPG Key: 5F5A8D05 (F8CD F9A7 BF00 5431 4145  104C 949E BFB6 5F5A 8D05)
El techo de mi cuarto lleno de cometas

Re: dmd support for IDEs and the D tool chain

2009-10-16 Thread Denis Koroskin
On Fri, 16 Oct 2009 20:11:25 +0400, Leandro Lucarella  

Ary Borenszweig, el 16 de octubre a las 14:20 me escribiste:

I can't agree more. Everything you wrote is in my TODO list,
starting with a compiler, which already compiles most of the
druntime (and hopefully will compile it fully by the end of this
week). I'll release it to public as soon as Brad creates a project
page at dsource.

Is it a port of DMD? Because I think the main problem with above is
that the front-end is not very good... I think it has a lot of
evolved code and starting from scratch might be a good idea.

And the back-end is not free! You can't distributed and I don't think it
can be ported.

I see no point in porting backend. It's still in C++ and easily accessed  
from D:

extern (C++) {
	void obj_initfile(const(char)* filename, const(char)* csegname,  
const(char)* modname);

Symbol* symbol_calloc(const(char)* id);
type* type_fake(tym_t);
dt_t** dtnzeros(dt_t** pdtend, targ_size_t size);
void outdata(Symbol* s);
dt_t ** dtnbytes(dt_t** pdtend, targ_size_t size, const(char)* ptr);
type* type_alloc(tym_t ty);
elem* el_ptr(Symbol*);
elem* el_bin(uint, tym_t, elem*, elem*);
// etc

(These functions could be then moved to a separate backend.dll so that  
they would be shared between DMD and D-DMD and then only backend.dll would  
need to be distributed)

Besides, Walter gave and explicit permission to Tango devs to distribute  
dmd (alongside with a backend), so I believe this issue can be sorted out.


Re: dmd support for IDEs and the D tool chain

2009-10-16 Thread Lutger
Jacob Carlborg wrote:

 Here is my thoughts and what I think is needed to build a really good
 IDE and maybe get some attention from the enterprise. It's really not
 enough for the compiler to output some json for an IDE to use, the whole
 tool chain needs to be revised.

I think this list is what the toolchain might look like after it already has 
gotten some attention, not a requirement of what is needed. 

This is a cut-down list with some comments:
   * Supports all major platform
   * 32 and 64bit support
   * Doesn't have annoying bugs like forward reference errors and problem
 with the linker
   * Can build dynamic libraries
   * Supports incremental builds

Clearly many programming languages manage without a compiler written in 
their native language and I doubt clang is even used in enterprise context. 

 Compiler or separate tool:
   * Automatically tracks all dependencies and builds the
 application/library (like DSSS)

We got this, dsss just has to be revived by someone.

 GUI library:
   * Supports all major platforms (mac, linux, win)
   * Uses native controls (as much as possible) to draw its controls
   * Supports (de)serializing controls (Glade, nib)

Not sure it needs to be written in D. Many languages use bindings and 
wrappers just fine. We already have QtD, DWT, wxWindows, DFL and GtkD. One 
of those is a port (DWT) and one is native D (DFL). The GUI situation has 
been so rapidly improved, it's not an impediment anymore imho.
   * Be able to show syntax and semantic errors as you type
   * Autocompletion
   * Refactoring
   * Building
   * Supports incremental builds
   * Basically something like Eclipse JDT

Descent is probably the closest, in some aspects it even destroys C++ IDE's 
(compile time stuff) already. However one or two more IDE's or very good 
editors would likely help.

This would be my shortlist:
- a polished descent which supports D2
- dmd switch to ELF on windows and support for 64-bit there
- dsss redux
- gdc for embedded, also some more support from phobos for systems 

Re: dmd support for IDEs and the D tool chain

2009-10-16 Thread Nick Sabalausky
Denis Koroskin wrote in message 

 Yes, it's a DMD port. Unfortunately, there is no other mature D front-end 
 at present. Other folks are working on D compilers (dil, dang, ...) but 
 the progress is very slow.

FWIW, I've been meaning to try to write a D grammar for GOLD when I get a 
chance (the Haxe grammar I wrote only took a few days). If that pans out 
(depends just how simple and unambiguous the grammar is), then that could be 
used with Goldie as a starting point (ie, lex/parse would be taken care of. 
Semantic analysis, optimization and back-end would need to be added in). 

Re: dmd support for IDEs and the D tool chain

2009-10-16 Thread Ellery Newcomer
Nick Sabalausky wrote:
 Denis Koroskin wrote in message 
 Yes, it's a DMD port. Unfortunately, there is no other mature D front-end 
 at present. Other folks are working on D compilers (dil, dang, ...) but 
 the progress is very slow.
 FWIW, I've been meaning to try to write a D grammar for GOLD when I get a 
 chance (the Haxe grammar I wrote only took a few days). If that pans out 
 (depends just how simple and unambiguous the grammar is), then that could be 
 used with Goldie as a starting point (ie, lex/parse would be taken care of. 
 Semantic analysis, optimization and back-end would need to be added in). 
All but the hard parts :)

I could count the number of places that are ambiguous syntactically or
semantically on one hand, and maybe the number of places that require
arbitrary lookahead also. Do LALR parsers care about arbitrary
lookahead? LL(k) parsers do.

Re: dmd support for IDEs and the D tool chain

2009-10-16 Thread Nick Sabalausky
Ellery Newcomer wrote in message 
 Nick Sabalausky wrote:
 Denis Koroskin wrote in message
 Yes, it's a DMD port. Unfortunately, there is no other mature D 
 at present. Other folks are working on D compilers (dil, dang, ...) but
 the progress is very slow.

 FWIW, I've been meaning to try to write a D grammar for GOLD when I get a
 chance (the Haxe grammar I wrote only took a few days). If that pans out
 (depends just how simple and unambiguous the grammar is), then that could 
 used with Goldie as a starting point (ie, lex/parse would be taken care 
 Semantic analysis, optimization and back-end would need to be added in).

 All but the hard parts :)

Yea, like I said, FWIW ;)

 I could count the number of places that are ambiguous syntactically or
 semantically on one hand, and maybe the number of places that require
 arbitrary lookahead also. Do LALR parsers care about arbitrary
 lookahead? LL(k) parsers do.

Beats me, I'm not nearly as up on parsing theory as I'd like to be. Could 
you give me a simple example? 

Re: dmd support for IDEs and the D tool chain

2009-10-16 Thread Justin Johansson
Nick Sabalausky Wrote:

 Ellery Newcomer wrote in message 
  Nick Sabalausky wrote:
  Denis Koroskin wrote in message
  Yes, it's a DMD port. Unfortunately, there is no other mature D 
  at present. Other folks are working on D compilers (dil, dang, ...) but
  the progress is very slow.
  FWIW, I've been meaning to try to write a D grammar for GOLD when I get a
  chance (the Haxe grammar I wrote only took a few days). If that pans out
  (depends just how simple and unambiguous the grammar is), then that could 
  used with Goldie as a starting point (ie, lex/parse would be taken care 
  Semantic analysis, optimization and back-end would need to be added in).
  All but the hard parts :)
 Yea, like I said, FWIW ;)
  I could count the number of places that are ambiguous syntactically or
  semantically on one hand, and maybe the number of places that require
  arbitrary lookahead also. Do LALR parsers care about arbitrary
  lookahead? LL(k) parsers do.
 Beats me, I'm not nearly as up on parsing theory as I'd like to be. Could 
 you give me a simple example? 

There are a zillion tutorials relating to parsing on the web.

Try googling:

parsing theory tutorial

2nd hit: An introduction to parsing

Justin Johansson

Re: dmd support for IDEs and the D tool chain

2009-10-16 Thread Nick Sabalausky
Justin Johansson wrote in message 
 Nick Sabalausky Wrote:

 Ellery Newcomer wrote in message
  Nick Sabalausky wrote:
  Denis Koroskin wrote in message
  Yes, it's a DMD port. Unfortunately, there is no other mature D
  at present. Other folks are working on D compilers (dil, dang, ...) 
  the progress is very slow.
  FWIW, I've been meaning to try to write a D grammar for GOLD when I 
  get a
  chance (the Haxe grammar I wrote only took a few days). If that pans 
  (depends just how simple and unambiguous the grammar is), then that 
  used with Goldie as a starting point (ie, lex/parse would be taken 
  Semantic analysis, optimization and back-end would need to be added 
  All but the hard parts :)

 Yea, like I said, FWIW ;)

  I could count the number of places that are ambiguous syntactically or
  semantically on one hand, and maybe the number of places that require
  arbitrary lookahead also. Do LALR parsers care about arbitrary
  lookahead? LL(k) parsers do.

 Beats me, I'm not nearly as up on parsing theory as I'd like to be. Could
 you give me a simple example?

 There are a zillion tutorials relating to parsing on the web.

 Try googling:

 parsing theory tutorial

 2nd hit: An introduction to parsing

That mentioned, in the section about LL(k), If both AB and AB are legal 
expressions, where B can be of arbitrary length, then no finite amount of 
look-ahead will allow this to be parsed.

I did a quick test in gold (LALR), and this handles the above just fine:

Name= 'Test'
Author  = 'Test'
Version = 'Test'
About   = 'Test'

Start Symbol = Type1Or2

Type1Or2 ::= Type1 | Type2
Type1 ::= 'A' '' Bs
Type2 ::= 'A' '' Bs ''
Bs ::= 'B' | Bs 'B'


However, that one example alone doesn't necessarily prove that it's always 

Re: dmd support for IDEs and the D tool chain

2009-10-16 Thread Ellery Newcomer
Nick Sabalausky wrote:
 Ellery Newcomer wrote in message 
 Nick Sabalausky wrote:
 Denis Koroskin wrote in message
 Yes, it's a DMD port. Unfortunately, there is no other mature D 
 at present. Other folks are working on D compilers (dil, dang, ...) but
 the progress is very slow.
 FWIW, I've been meaning to try to write a D grammar for GOLD when I get a
 chance (the Haxe grammar I wrote only took a few days). If that pans out
 (depends just how simple and unambiguous the grammar is), then that could 
 used with Goldie as a starting point (ie, lex/parse would be taken care 
 Semantic analysis, optimization and back-end would need to be added in).

 All but the hard parts :)
 Yea, like I said, FWIW ;)
 I could count the number of places that are ambiguous syntactically or
 semantically on one hand, and maybe the number of places that require
 arbitrary lookahead also. Do LALR parsers care about arbitrary
 lookahead? LL(k) parsers do.
 Beats me, I'm not nearly as up on parsing theory as I'd like to be. Could 
 you give me a simple example? 
Well, let's see here...

PrimExp - structLiteral
PrimExp - functionLiteral

and suppose

structLiteral = { /* really, really looong expression*/ }

functionLiteral = { statement }
functionLiteral = { /* really, really looong expression*/ ; }

In an LL(k) parser, when you get to PrimExp, you have to know which
choice to make based on the first k lookahead characters (probably
translates to '{' and one token past that). Obviously, that won't work
for this piece, so it isn't LL(k). You have to try parsing the one, and
back up and parse the other if the first one fails (dmd should do this,
but currently it just looks ahead for the first semicolon. come to think
of it, I should try patching that..)

ANTLR has pretty good support for backtracking, so writing a D grammar
for it wasn't too difficult, but then the resultant performance isn't
anything near what I'd like.

But what I'm wondering about LALR is will it have to back up if it
chooses wrong, or can it sail on through in one parse attempt. I bet it

And how about actual ambiguity? How well does GOLD handle that?

Re: dmd support for IDEs and the D tool chain

2009-10-16 Thread Ellery Newcomer
Nick Sabalausky wrote:
 Justin Johansson wrote in message 
 Nick Sabalausky Wrote:

 Ellery Newcomer wrote in message
 Nick Sabalausky wrote:
 Denis Koroskin wrote in message
 Yes, it's a DMD port. Unfortunately, there is no other mature D
 at present. Other folks are working on D compilers (dil, dang, ...) 
 the progress is very slow.
 FWIW, I've been meaning to try to write a D grammar for GOLD when I 
 get a
 chance (the Haxe grammar I wrote only took a few days). If that pans 
 (depends just how simple and unambiguous the grammar is), then that 
 used with Goldie as a starting point (ie, lex/parse would be taken 
 Semantic analysis, optimization and back-end would need to be added 

 All but the hard parts :)
 Yea, like I said, FWIW ;)

 I could count the number of places that are ambiguous syntactically or
 semantically on one hand, and maybe the number of places that require
 arbitrary lookahead also. Do LALR parsers care about arbitrary
 lookahead? LL(k) parsers do.
 Beats me, I'm not nearly as up on parsing theory as I'd like to be. Could
 you give me a simple example?
 There are a zillion tutorials relating to parsing on the web.

 Try googling:

 parsing theory tutorial

 2nd hit: An introduction to parsing

 That mentioned, in the section about LL(k), If both AB and AB are legal 
 expressions, where B can be of arbitrary length, then no finite amount of 
 look-ahead will allow this to be parsed.
 I did a quick test in gold (LALR), and this handles the above just fine:
 Name= 'Test'
 Author  = 'Test'
 Version = 'Test'
 About   = 'Test'
 Start Symbol = Type1Or2
 Type1Or2 ::= Type1 | Type2
 Type1 ::= 'A' '' Bs
 Type2 ::= 'A' '' Bs ''
 Bs ::= 'B' | Bs 'B'
 However, that one example alone doesn't necessarily prove that it's always 

Bad example. Bs is regular. Try making it nested parens or something
like that. (It isn't LL(k), but it is pretty trivial anyways. ANTLR3 can
handle it without fuss)

Re: dmd support for IDEs and the D tool chain

2009-10-16 Thread Christopher Wright

Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 10/16/09 12:58, Tomas Lindquist Olsen wrote:

GtkD supports Glade.

Yes, but GtkD doesn't use native controls.

A minor point, I think. Eclipse doesn't look very native and has 
widespread acceptance.

Re: dmd support for IDEs and the D tool chain

2009-10-16 Thread Eric Suen
Lutger wrote
 Jacob Carlborg wrote:

 Here is my thoughts and what I think is needed to build a really good
 IDE and maybe get some attention from the enterprise. It's really not
 enough for the compiler to output some json for an IDE to use, the whole
 tool chain needs to be revised.

 I think this list is what the toolchain might look like after it already 
 gotten some attention, not a requirement of what is needed.

 This is a cut-down list with some comments:

   * Supports all major platform
   * 32 and 64bit support
   * Doesn't have annoying bugs like forward reference errors and problem
 with the linker
   * Can build dynamic libraries
   * Supports incremental builds

 Clearly many programming languages manage without a compiler written in
 their native language and I doubt clang is even used in enterprise 

Because of many programming language is not design for speed, there is
no point to write a compiler in there native language. Even Java's compiler
is writtern in Java, why not D? Compiler bootstrapping is very basic 
A large proportion of programming languages are bootstrapped. It is nosense 
write D compiler in C, that means the D language author does not want to use
D language. Does Walter Bright use D for any projects himself?



Re: dmd support for IDEs and the D tool chain

2009-10-16 Thread Nick Sabalausky
Christopher Wright wrote in message 
 Jacob Carlborg wrote:
 On 10/16/09 12:58, Tomas Lindquist Olsen wrote:
 GtkD supports Glade.

 Yes, but GtkD doesn't use native controls.

 A minor point, I think. Eclipse doesn't look very native and has 
 widespread acceptance.

Probably not as minor as it might seem. I find eclipse ugly. And although 
I'd never really thought about it before, I have to admit, I think it *is* 
one of the many factors as to why it's always felt too bloated for my 

Besides, I can think of things (lots of things, in fact) that are pure 
steaming piles of (well, one can guess), but even despite that have still 
managed to gain widespread acceptance.

Re: dmd support for IDEs and the D tool chain

2009-10-16 Thread Nick Sabalausky
Ellery Newcomer wrote in message 
 Nick Sabalausky wrote:
 Ellery Newcomer wrote in message
 I could count the number of places that are ambiguous syntactically or
 semantically on one hand, and maybe the number of places that require
 arbitrary lookahead also. Do LALR parsers care about arbitrary
 lookahead? LL(k) parsers do.

 Beats me, I'm not nearly as up on parsing theory as I'd like to be. Could
 you give me a simple example?

 Well, let's see here...

 PrimExp - structLiteral
 PrimExp - functionLiteral

 and suppose

 structLiteral = { /* really, really looong expression*/ }

 functionLiteral = { statement }
 functionLiteral = { /* really, really looong expression*/ ; }

 In an LL(k) parser, when you get to PrimExp, you have to know which
 choice to make based on the first k lookahead characters (probably
 translates to '{' and one token past that). Obviously, that won't work
 for this piece, so it isn't LL(k). You have to try parsing the one, and
 back up and parse the other if the first one fails (dmd should do this,
 but currently it just looks ahead for the first semicolon. come to think
 of it, I should try patching that..)

 ANTLR has pretty good support for backtracking, so writing a D grammar
 for it wasn't too difficult, but then the resultant performance isn't
 anything near what I'd like.

 But what I'm wondering about LALR is will it have to back up if it
 chooses wrong, or can it sail on through in one parse attempt. I bet it

I'll write up a test in a minute, but for the specific type of lookahead 
you're talking about, that shouldn't be a problem for LR's in general 
(including LALR). An LR doesn't start with 'PrimExp', it starts by looking 
at that first '{'. At this point it doesn't give a rat's tiny hiney what 
nonterminal the '{' is part of - it'll just consume more tokens until it 
narrows down the list of possible matches to just one (or none, in the 
case of a syntax error). And once that happens, it already knows all it 
needs to know, and it moves on. So there's no looking ahead or backtracking 
needed (except maybe for a one-token lookahead to see if the next token is 
allowed and what possible matches it might rule out)

 And how about actual ambiguity? How well does GOLD handle that?

When you use GOLD to compile a grammar into a compiled grammar table 
(which will be used by the parsing engine), it'll identify and report any 
ambiguities, which, in LR parsing, fall in to one of two categories:

Reduce-Reduce conflicts: GOLD flags these as errors.

Shift-Reduce conflicts: GOLD flags these as warnings and attempts to resolve 
them by always assuming shift. Sometimes that works out fine, sometimes it 
doesn't. But it's best to minimize them in any case.

With either type of ambiguity, it'll tell you all about the offending 
rule(s), and allow you to jump to a view of the related state in the LALR 
state table. (It handles lex problems similarly.)

Re: dmd support for IDEs

2009-10-15 Thread Adam D. Ruppe
Sorry for the slow reply here; I keep getting sidetracked.

On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 08:05:06PM -0500, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
 One cool thing is combining sshfs with autofs. That way the connection
 is automatically made when you first open a dir. For example, if I write:

That looks cool. I'll have to look into it.

 What are the issues that you encountered?

My big problem is just one of speed. I've been able to work around some of it
by changing my editor config (moving vim's swap file to a local dir made the
biggest difference), but there is still an annoying noticeable lag when
reading and writing the file.

I often edit files in a rapid way: make a small change, save, recompile+run
or refresh the page if a web app - I want to see the changes as instantly
as possible.

The sshfs lag isn't much, but it adds up quickly when doing several
small changes. I find that if any given task takes hours, I can be very
patient, but if it takes milliseconds, I get annoyed easily!

 My problems invariably involve
 suspending the laptop to RAM or changing wireless connections, to then
 find sshfs blocked.

I haven't encountered that, but I also work from my desktop. (Even when
on my laptop, I tend to run most programs remotely from the desktop - this
is one of the driving forces behind my D Windowing System project described
in the other thread. (That, and I just want an easy, simple API for my common
tasks in D - kill two birds with one stone, I figure.)


Adam D. Ruppe

Re: dmd support for IDEs

2009-10-15 Thread language_fan
Sun, 11 Oct 2009 10:48:30 +, language_fan thusly wrote:

 Well since there is already a project working on an Eclipse plugin, I
 see little use for other IDEs at the moment. The D community is rather
 small and only a small amount of people are capable of developing and
 willing to donate their free time on free IDE development (commercial
 IDEs have small potential now that
 Netbeans/Eclipse/IntelliJ/KDevelop/Visual Studio dominate the market).

BTW totally off-topic, but I just found out that IntelliJ IDEA has been 
jumped on the open source wagon. This probably makes it a bit more 
challenging to make money on the commercial IDE market.

Re: dmd support for IDEs

2009-10-13 Thread Yigal Chripun

On 13/10/2009 07:07, Walter Bright wrote:

Yigal Chripun wrote:

regarding working on a remote machine:
you can mount a remote file system through ssh and work localy on that
remoted filesystem.

I do that sometimes, but it's a problem when trying to run the
compiler/debugger, as they need to run on the remote machine, not just
locally g.

Eclipse has integration for that. it can execute remote commands and has 
remote debugging - the local eclipse debugger UI speaks with a remote 
gdb session. and if you really prefer command-line, you can always use 
the terminal view.

Also, mounting a remote filesystem fails on Windows. I know, that really
sux. At least putty works.

this requires a 3rd party tool on windows. iirc, WebDrive is free, and 
for 30$ you can get sftpDrive.

(10 years ago, I wired up every room in the house with two RG6 cables
and two Cat5 cables while it was under construction. Did it myself
because the electrical contractor had no idea how to handle high
frequency wires, I had to rip all his stuff out and do it over. I had no
use for it at the time. I'm sure glad now it was done, everything I have
seems to want to plug in to it! Anyhow, I have several machines with
different OSs on them on the lan, and ssh to run them from a central

Re: dmd support for IDEs

2009-10-13 Thread Jeremie Pelletier

Walter Bright wrote:

Bill Baxter wrote:

That could be true, but you said the thing that prompted this idea was
enterprise-y customers looking for an enterprise-y IDE.  Vim ain't on
that roster.

This thread makes it fairly clear that this idea won't fill the bill for 
a full featured IDE. But I think supporting a lightweight one is still 
getting us closer.

I completely agree, nobody will code a monster IDE like Eclipse or 
Visual Studio dedicated to D anytime soon.

I have only respect for Descent, I use it on linux and it is really 
great. But Eclipse is killing me, there is no reason for an IDE to be 
that heavy, slow and unresponsive. How come a database server can pull 
off any data query from a multi-gigabyte database on disk in half a 
millisecond yet Eclipse can't seem to feel responsive when working with 
less than a hundred megabytes in system memory. (On that note, D needs a 
b-tree module among others :x)

I really feel we need a dedicated D IDE to promote the language, and 
such an IDE needs to start somewhere, most only do syntax highlighting 
so far, which is trivial to implement. A compiler interface to at least 
get semantics information from the source files is therefore a *big* 
plus in that direction.

XML output can also be used in so many different ways, for 
documentation, bindings, analysis and more. And JSON output can be used 
directly from any language with a very lightweight parser.

Besides, this doesn't mean Walter is going to put everything on hold to 
implement this feature, I think he only wanted to get feedback on an 
idea he had so when he gets time to implement it, he knows what the 
community wants.


Re: dmd support for IDEs

2009-10-13 Thread Michal Minich

Hello Ary,

Don wrote:

Ary Borenszweig wrote:

Michal Minich wrote somewhere else:

You can try to download just bare Eclipse platform (which is just
editor) and install descent into it using Eclipse software updates.
starts up faster than C or Java version Eclipse and there is only D
related stuff in the UI.

Under Platform runtime binary
I tried it and it's true, it feels much lighter this way and you
don't a lot of bloat in menus and other things.

It would be great to put this on the Descent front page.

I put it on the Installing the plugin page as soon as I saw it here.
Thanks Michal Minich!

You are welcome :)

I use it this way from the beginning on both Windows and Ubuntu. I first 
installed Descent into Java Eclipse, but it was also first time I saw Java 
and Eclipse :) so I was quite overwhelmed by the lot functionality available 
and could not find which is for D and which for Java. This way it is more 
beginner friendly.

Thank you for your hard work on Descent.

Re: dmd support for IDEs

2009-10-13 Thread Ary Borenszweig

language_fan wrote:
 Practical languages
have lots of boiler-plate, and I can easily generate hundreds of lines of 
code with a couple of key combinations or mouse clicks.

Can you give some examples? I can only think of some that generate some 
lines of code, not hundreds.

Re: dmd support for IDEs

2009-10-13 Thread Kagamin
Walter Bright Wrote:

 What do you think?

moving ddoc to xml will also fix bug 2060

Re: dmd support for IDEs

2009-10-13 Thread Lutger
Ary Borenszweig wrote:

 language_fan wrote:
   Practical languages
 have lots of boiler-plate, and I can easily generate hundreds of lines of
 code with a couple of key combinations or mouse clicks.
 Can you give some examples? I can only think of some that generate some
 lines of code, not hundreds.


Re: dmd support for IDEs + network GUI (OT)

2009-10-13 Thread David Gileadi

Nick Sabalausky wrote:
Video game developers don't make multiplayer games by sending a compressed 
video stream of the fully-rendered frame - they know that would be unusable. 
Instead, they just send the minimum higher-level information that's actually 
needed, like PlayerA changed direction 72 degrees (over-simplification, of 
course). And they send it to a client that'll never insist on crap like 
interpreted JS or open-for-interpretation standards. And when there's a 
technology that's inadequate for their needs, like TCP, they make a proper 
replacement instead of hacking in a half-assed solution on top of the 
offender, TCP. And it works great even though those programs have visuals 
that are *far* more complex than a typical GUI app. So why can't a windowing 
toolkit be extended to do the same? And do so *without* building it on top 
such warped, crumbling, mis-engineered foundations as (X)HTML, Ajax, etc.?

This is generally true, although see OnLive (  I 
hear it works better than you'd expect, but don't have much interest in 
actually trying it.

Re: dmd support for IDEs

2009-10-13 Thread language_fan
Mon, 12 Oct 2009 22:07:34 -0700, Walter Bright thusly wrote:

 Yigal Chripun wrote:
 regarding working on a remote machine: you can mount a remote file
 system through ssh and work localy on that remoted filesystem.
 I do that sometimes, but it's a problem when trying to run the
 compiler/debugger, as they need to run on the remote machine, not just
 locally g.
 Also, mounting a remote filesystem fails on Windows. I know, that really
 sux. At least putty works.
 (10 years ago, I wired up every room in the house with two RG6 cables
 and two Cat5 cables while it was under construction. Did it myself
 because the electrical contractor had no idea how to handle high
 frequency wires, I had to rip all his stuff out and do it over. I had no
 use for it at the time. I'm sure glad now it was done, everything I have
 seems to want to plug in to it! Anyhow, I have several machines with
 different OSs on them on the lan, and ssh to run them from a central

Lucky you. Couple of friends of mine chose the 'data cabling' option from 
the electrical contractor for their new homes (maybe 2-3 years ago) when 
they were under construction. The rails on the wall were equipped with 
RJ11 connectors! Totally useless for LAN, but ok for phone cables and 
thus xDSL. Another note -- I would use virtualization these days when 
several OSs are needed.

Re: dmd support for IDEs + network GUI

2009-10-13 Thread language_fan
Mon, 12 Oct 2009 19:53:32 -0400, Adam D. Ruppe thusly wrote:

 In addition to GUI components, I also want to support local file and
 sound access, along with a few other things. It sucks when you are using
 an X program and it decides to blare sound out of your home computer
 when you are using the app from your work computer!
 Or it is a real pain in the ass to have to save the file in X, then scp
 it over to open it in a local program.
 These things should Just Work, and it isn't hard to implement, so I'll
 be setting that up too.

Nomachine NX does pretty much what you are describing here. It is not 
equivalent technically but very similar and backwards compatible. 

Re: dmd support for IDEs + network GUI (OT)

2009-10-13 Thread Nick Sabalausky
David Gileadi wrote in message 
 Nick Sabalausky wrote:
 Video game developers don't make multiplayer games by sending a 
 compressed video stream of the fully-rendered frame - they know that 
 would be unusable. Instead, they just send the minimum higher-level 
 information that's actually needed, like PlayerA changed direction 72 
 degrees (over-simplification, of course). And they send it to a client 
 that'll never insist on crap like interpreted JS or 
 open-for-interpretation standards. And when there's a technology that's 
 inadequate for their needs, like TCP, they make a proper replacement 
 instead of hacking in a half-assed solution on top of the offender, 
 TCP. And it works great even though those programs have visuals that are 
 *far* more complex than a typical GUI app. So why can't a windowing 
 toolkit be extended to do the same? And do so *without* building it on 
 top such warped, crumbling, mis-engineered foundations as (X)HTML, Ajax, 

 This is generally true, although see OnLive (  I 
 hear it works better than you'd expect, but don't have much interest in 
 actually trying it.

Yea, I've heard of that. I'm extremely skeptical though. Even at *absolute* 
best, I still can't imagine it having less lag than one of those laggy 
HDTVs, which I already consider entirely inadequate for gaming. Plus they'd 
essentially have to have a whole high-end gaming rig (plus all the 
higher-end-than-usual video-capture/compression and network needs) for each 
simultaneous user, which I'd imagine would either make the subscription fee 
absurdly high, lead to 90's-AOL-style too-many-connection issues, or send 
them right into bankruptcy. It's just unnecessary bandwidth/latency bloat.

Re: dmd support for IDEs + network GUI

2009-10-13 Thread language_fan
Mon, 12 Oct 2009 19:09:11 -0400, Nick Sabalausky thusly wrote:
 A different branch of the this topic started taking about (or rather,
 bashing on) web-apps-being-used-as-desktop-apps, and I mentioned I felt
 that was ass-backwards and that the focus should be the other way
 around: making desktop apps work on the web.

 And do so *without* building it on
 top such warped, crumbling, mis-engineered foundations as (X)HTML, Ajax,

You have probably lived under a rock these days. This is the way the 
world is moving. If something can be made Web 2.0 compatible, it is also 
what will happen. A new platform might come up in 201x or 202x, but 
nowadays the best we have got is Web 2.0. Ever used twitter, facebook, 
google wave (or any google's services) etc. ? Large part of the online 
enterprises have already jumped on the wagon, not only early adopters. 
Modern browsers such as opera 10, firefox 3.5, safari, and chrome already 
support the latest standards.

Re: dmd support for IDEs

2009-10-13 Thread language_fan
Tue, 13 Oct 2009 10:33:54 +0200, Ary Borenszweig thusly wrote:

 language_fan wrote:
   Practical languages
 have lots of boiler-plate, and I can easily generate hundreds of lines
 of code with a couple of key combinations or mouse clicks.
 Can you give some examples? I can only think of some that generate some
 lines of code, not hundreds.

For instance simple things like setters and getters for an aggregate 
class easily generate tens of lines of code (well, not only code lines, 
but also other kinds of editable lines). Like lutger said, all kinds of 
transformations also come in mind in this context. There could be even 
ORM mapping utilities which generate all the code for accessing the 
database structures.

Re: dmd support for IDEs + network GUI

2009-10-13 Thread Nick Sabalausky
Adam D. Ruppe wrote in message

 My DWS project aims to work up on a widget level. It isn't quite as 
 fancy as what you are describing (though it could grow into it later), but
 works on a high enough level of abstraction to be fast - and cross 

Here's another thought I've had that I forgot to mention before. Just 
tossing it out there, don't know if you've looked into it or not: Instead of 
(or, better yet, in addition to) a special network-GUI toolkit, what about a 
server (kind of like a modified version of remote desktop) that actually 
queries the OS to find out about all the GUIs running on the system, and 
details about all their controls, relays that info to the client to 
reproduce, and accepts input back from the client like a softwareKVM would?

It probably wouldn't work quite as well as a special network-GUI toolkit (it 
would probably have to detect and handle Win32/GTK/Delphi apps seperately, 
it probably wouldn't be able to do everything 100%, and it wouldn't be able 
to do any of the smart client tricks you have up your sleeve), but it 
would allow for at least some basic compatibility with apps that weren't 
specifically coded for a special network-GUI toolkit.

Regarding the technical feasability of gaining information on all the 
controls of the running processes, I could swear I've seen some Windows 
program (some dev tool IIRC) that was able to detect that stuff from Win32 
and Delphi apps, although I have no recoloction what what in the world that 
program was... I have no idea as to the feasability on Mac or Unix. 

Re: dmd support for IDEs

2009-10-13 Thread Walter Bright

language_fan wrote:
Lucky you. Couple of friends of mine chose the 'data cabling' option from 
the electrical contractor for their new homes (maybe 2-3 years ago) when 
they were under construction. The rails on the wall were equipped with 
RJ11 connectors! Totally useless for LAN, but ok for phone cables and 
thus xDSL.

What my electrical contractor did was install Cat 3, daisy chain them 
together, run them through the same holes as the AC wiring, have them 
touching the heating ducts, sharp bends, cable so cheap the insulation 
was already cracking on it, etc. He did everything wrong.

But that probably wouldn't be a problem today.

Another note -- I would use virtualization these days when 
several OSs are needed.

I tried that and gave up on it:

1. virtual box wouldn't work, until I downloaded the sun version

2. upgrading Ubuntu cause them to all cease functioning

Re: dmd support for IDEs

2009-10-13 Thread BCS

Hello Yigal,

On 13/10/2009 07:07, Walter Bright wrote:

Yigal Chripun wrote:

regarding working on a remote machine:
you can mount a remote file system through ssh and work localy on
remoted filesystem.

I do that sometimes, but it's a problem when trying to run the
compiler/debugger, as they need to run on the remote machine, not
just locally g.

Eclipse has integration for that. it can execute remote commands and
has remote debugging - the local eclipse debugger UI speaks with a
remote gdb session. and if you really prefer command-line, you can
always use the terminal view.

Darn I so want this. Do you have links? Does the GDB thing work from from 
a Win client and a running GDB on Linux?

Re: dmd support for IDEs

2009-10-13 Thread Yigal Chripun

On 14/10/2009 03:54, BCS wrote:

Hello Yigal,

On 13/10/2009 07:07, Walter Bright wrote:

Yigal Chripun wrote:

regarding working on a remote machine:
you can mount a remote file system through ssh and work localy on
remoted filesystem.

I do that sometimes, but it's a problem when trying to run the
compiler/debugger, as they need to run on the remote machine, not
just locally g.

Eclipse has integration for that. it can execute remote commands and
has remote debugging - the local eclipse debugger UI speaks with a
remote gdb session. and if you really prefer command-line, you can
always use the terminal view.

Darn I so want this. Do you have links? Does the GDB thing work from
from a Win client and a running GDB on Linux?

Re: dmd support for IDEs

2009-10-12 Thread Yigal Chripun

On 11/10/2009 23:13, Walter Bright wrote:

Leandro Lucarella wrote:

Walter Bright, el 11 de octubre a las 02:38 me escribiste:

Lutger wrote:

What about file/line/column of the symbol? Is this much work /
hard work to add?

file/line of course, but I don't see a point to column.

See Clang error messages:

That's *nice* =)

I agree, it looks good on paper.

In fact, I implemented it in the C and C++ compiler from the beginning
(1982 or so). It's still in dmc, try it - it'll print out the error
message, followed by the source text of the offending line, followed by
a ^ under where things went wrong.

Nobody cared.

Nobody has ever commented on it - and there have been hundreds of
thousands of users of it. No magazine review ever mentioned it. When I
mention it to people as cool, look at this they never respond. When
the conversation is about the quality of error messages, that feature
never comes up.

So I dropped it for dmd.

Nobody noticed.

Nobody asked why it was done for dmc, and not for dmd. Nobody asked for
it. Nothing. (Until now.)

So I am hard pressed to believe this is a worthwhile feature. There is a
cost to it in memory consumption and compiler execution time, so it's
not quite free.

You assume everyone who uses DMD also uses DMC which is not necessarily 
the case.
More importantly, while this is a good feature, it is far better to have 
squiggly red lines in the IDE. I for one rely on those lines a lot.

Re: dmd support for IDEs

2009-10-12 Thread Yigal Chripun

On 12/10/2009 07:33, Jeremie Pelletier wrote:

Jérôme M. Berger wrote:

Jeremie Pelletier wrote:

I agree however that GTK being in C is rather annoying, C is a great
language but GUIs is one area where OOP really shines.

Note that Gtk *is* object oriented despite being in C...


It's a sorry hack, you have to use casts everywhere you'd rely on
polymorphism in D or C+ and its harder to remember, read, code,
maintain, and doesn't have any performance gains over C++, the explicit
struct pointer in C is the implicit 'this' in C++ and non-virtual
methods can be optimized as direct calls with no vtbl indirections.

I tried gtkD and I don't like using an OOP layer on top of a C interface
because that adds overhead for the exact same features, most good GUI
libraries should abstract the platform anyways so GTK is usually only
seen there and not in user code.

It's still more fun to use than the Windows' windowing API, which
doesn't even support layout objects such as boxes and grids, now that's
total pain!

what about MS' WPF? It has all the bells and whistles of modern UI, 
doesn't it?

Re: dmd support for IDEs

2009-10-12 Thread Don

Nick Sabalausky wrote:
Jeremie Pelletier wrote in message 

Lutger wrote:

Jacob Carlborg wrote:

As far as I know neither Qt(d) or gtkD uses native controls on platforms
other than linux, which to me is unacceptable. The look especially on 
Qt used to try and look like native controls, but now it uses them 
It has pros and cons, Firefox too has the native look and feel without 
using the native controls, so it saves on the overhead of tons of GDI 
handles and can render the entire GUI in cairo.

I use FF a lot and it doesn't. Not remotely. It's always stood out 
as every bit of a blatant GTK app as GAIM, GIMP, or Thunderbird. As soon as 
I can find a browser with equivilents too all my essential hacks (*cough* 
extensions) and *real* controls (which rules out IE and Opera. And 
Chrome/Safari... AH HA HA HA!), then I'm ditching this garbage. 

Are you talking about FF 3.5? It's a really poor product. Crashes all 
the time, has some terrible UI misfeatures. I'm really amazed they 
shipped it in that condition.

Re: dmd support for IDEs

2009-10-12 Thread language_fan
Sun, 11 Oct 2009 09:39:32 -0500, Ellery Newcomer thusly wrote:

 Denis Koroskin wrote:
 On Sun, 11 Oct 2009 05:19:56 +0400, Walter Bright wrote:
 If anyone is interested and is willing to test and/or help, I will
 gladly share my code.
 Oooo.. You should put that on dsource or somewhere. Hacking D sounds
 like a lot more fun than hacking C++. I wouldn't mind helping out on
 this one.

Wow, I am pretty sure I have already seen a D port of dmd on dsource. Was 
there a good reason to start yet another port of it?

Re: dmd support for IDEs

2009-10-12 Thread language_fan
Sun, 11 Oct 2009 12:44:08 -0400, Jeremie Pelletier thusly wrote:

 language_fan wrote:
 Well since there is already a project working on an Eclipse plugin, I
 see little use for other IDEs at the moment. The D community is rather
 small and only a small amount of people are capable of developing and
 willing to donate their free time on free IDE development (commercial
 IDEs have small potential now that
 Netbeans/Eclipse/IntelliJ/KDevelop/Visual Studio dominate the market).
 So why not concentrate on fixing the spec and fixing compiler bugs
 instead of building a modest IDE support no one will use?
 Eclipse is heavy, slow and often unresponsive. I use poseidon myself
 because it is light and fast and I don't require much more from an IDE
 at the moment.

If you turn off all the advanced features of Eclipse (spell checking, 
interactive parsing  type checking etc), it will become a lot more 
responsive. You can even uninstall many of the plugins if you really do 
not need them. I recommend firing up the latest development build with 
the latest 1.6 jvm. It will take couple of seconds for the JIT to spot 
the hot spots after starting up. Of course Poseidon is faster *now* that 
it lacks all the advanced features, but once you start adding more, it 
will eventually grind to a halt.

Re: dmd support for IDEs

2009-10-12 Thread Michal Minich

Eclipse is heavy, slow and often unresponsive. I use poseidon myself
because it is light and fast and I don't require much more from an
IDE at the moment.

You can try to download just bare Eclipse platform (which is just text editor) 
and install descent into it using Eclipse software updates. It starts up 
faster than C or Java version Eclipse and there is only D related stuff in 
the UI.
Under Platform runtime binary

Re: dmd support for IDEs

2009-10-12 Thread breezes
Ary Borenszweig Wrote:

 Walter Bright wrote:
  In my discussions with companies about adopting D, the major barrier 
  that comes up over and over isn't Tango vs Phobos, dmd being GPL, 
  debugger support, libraries, bugs, etc., although those are important.
  It's the IDE.
  So, while I'm not going to be writing an IDE, I figure that dmd can 
  help. dmd already puts out .doc and .di files. How about putting out an 
  xml file giving all the information needed for an IDE to implement 
  autocompletion? There'd be one .xml file generated per .d source file.
  What do you think?
 What I think is that even with an xml representing the parse tree (maybe 
 with some semantic stuff resolved) it'll be still incomplete for a real 
 IDE (the kind of thing users expect from an IDE). You can see this 
 video, for example:
 So you have:
 module one;
 class Foo(T) {
static if (is(T == class)) {
  T property;
} else {
  T someMethod() { return T.init; }
 You want to define an xml for that module that'll help IDEs. Can you 
 think what it'll look like?
 Now the user writes in another module:
 class Bar {
 void x() {
auto foo = new Foo!(Bar)();
foo. -- what does the IDE do here?
 Now, the correct thing for the IDE to do is to suggest the field Bar 
 property. How can the IDE do that just with an xml? It can't. It need 
 to perform some kind of semantic anlysis to Foo's argument to see if 
 it's a class, match the static if in the template, replace template 
 parameters, etc. It also needs to evaluate the string mixin.
 Of course you could say Bah, just show all the declarations inside the 
 template in the autocomplete, but that's wrong. That'll lead to files 
 that don't compile. You could ommit supporting autocompletion or other 
 nice features, but that's exactly the big features of D. If you don't 
 support that then it's like using Java or C# from within the IDE: you 
 could use the advanced features but the IDE won't help you. And in your 
 discussions with companies adopting D, I'm sure they were talking about 
 great IDEs like JDT Eclipse or Visual Studio, not just some tool that 
 helps you a little but not anymore when things get interesting.
 Oh, and you need to have some kind of semantic analysis to know the type 
 of auto foo. Again, maybe the IDE can be dummy and see auto foo = new 
 Foo!(Bar) and say ok, foo's type is Foo!(Bar), but then you have:
 auto b =;
 b. -- and here?
 // remember property is templated and depends on static analysis
 // or the IDE could need to resolve alias this or other things
 So... my opinion (like some others, I see) is to either ask things to 
 the compiler directly (but here the compiler lacks some info, like exact 
 source range positions), or to have a compiler (not a full-blown one, 
 just the front-end) built into the IDE, and that's what Descent is. 
 Unfortunately Descent is sometimes slow, sometimes buggy, but that's 
 normal: just a few people develop and maintain it (so I can see a 
 similarity with dmd here, where each day I see two or three new bugs 
 reported). If more people were into it, more unit tests were written 
 into it and, most of all, more people would use it, it'll get better.
 Another problem that people see in Descent (maybe also JDT Eclipse and 
 Visual Studio0 is that it's huge, it consumes a lot of memory and they 
 don't want to open a huge tool just to hack some lines. My answer is: 
 memory performance can be improved (but not a lot), but since an IDE is 
 a huge tool it requires a lof from the computer. And an IDE is not meant 
 to be used to hack some lines, it's meant to help you write big project, 
 huge projects without getting lost in the amount of code.
 So my bet would be to start supporting an existing IDE that integrates a 
 compiler into it. Updating it is easy: just port the diffs between DMD 
 versions. It's a huge job for one or two people, but if a lot of people 
 were involved it's not that much. Of course I'd recommend you to try 
 Descent since I'm one of it's creators and I do believe it can get 
 pretty good. :-)

A lot of people like me have been waiting for a good IDE for D for a long time. 
In the field of IDE of D, Descent has already have a good baseline. So I think 
the community should put more effort in make Descent better, other than create 
another IDE. 

For this reason, I think Ary Borenszweig's opinion on in which way can dmd help 
in building a better IDE may be more valuable than Water's, for he is the 
author of the currently most advanced IDE of D.

Sorry for my poor English.

Re: dmd support for IDEs

2009-10-12 Thread language_fan
Sun, 11 Oct 2009 16:07:44 -0300, Leandro Lucarella thusly wrote:

 Walter Bright, el 10 de octubre a las 18:19 me escribiste:
 In my discussions with companies about adopting D, the major barrier
 that comes up over and over isn't Tango vs Phobos, dmd being GPL,
 debugger support, libraries, bugs, etc., although those are important.
 It's the IDE.
 They say that the productivity gains of D's improvements are
 overbalanced by the loss of productivity by moving away from an IDE.
 And what is it about an IDE that is so productive? Intellisense
 (Microsoft's word for autocompletion).
 I think you've got that answer because they are not using D alread. When
 they start using D, they will start complaining about Phobos vs. Tango,
 debugger support, librararies, bugs, etc. ;) (maybe not DMD being GPL
 though, even when I think it's important).

What can I say, the larger the enterprise, the larger the expectations 
and need for stability. You can try it yourself, any Java 1.4 code from 
2003 can be compiled, debugged, profiled etc. nicely with the most recent 
version of jdk and 3rd party tools. It's also nicely compatible with new 
code. OTOH take some D 1.0 code from 2003 (e.g. the free dool/dui or aba 
games code available online) and try to do *something* with it. Basically 
nothing works. You even have problems with new code as some project 
depends on a specific svn version of tango trunk. There is a lot to be 
done before D is ready for large scale enterprise use.

Re: dmd support for IDEs

2009-10-12 Thread language_fan
Sun, 11 Oct 2009 17:01:03 -0400, Nick Sabalausky thusly wrote:

 language_fan wrote in message

 Well since there is already a project working on an Eclipse plugin, I
 see little use for other IDEs at the moment. The D community is rather
 small and only a small amount of people are capable of developing and
 willing to donate their free time on free IDE development (commercial
 IDEs have small potential now that
 Netbeans/Eclipse/IntelliJ/KDevelop/Visual Studio dominate the market).
 So why not concentrate on fixing the spec and fixing compiler bugs
 instead of building a modest IDE support no one will use?
 Any editor that is less responsive than notepad is useless to me, and
 I'm far from alone on that. Thus, we don't go anywhere near Eclipse,
 VS.NET, or anything along those lines (bunch of bloated garbage...and
 probably designed to get developers to buy fancier hardware and thus end
 up develop apps that require their users to buy fancier hardware).

Fine, if you are happy with your productivity. For me it was a natural 
choice. I started with notepad like editors, then moved to programmer's 
editors like crimson editor and jedit, soon discovered vim and emacs, 
and finally have settled down on Eclipse, Netbeans, Visual Studio, and 
IntelliJ IDEA. The productivity boost is enormous. Practical languages 
have lots of boiler-plate, and I can easily generate hundreds of lines of 
code with a couple of key combinations or mouse clicks. Another killer 
feature is the intellisense stuff. Having the ability to see a) 
inferred type b) integrated html rendered javadoc c) type correct class 
members etc. saves me hours of work time per day. YMMV

Re: dmd support for IDEs

2009-10-12 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 10/12/09 02:08, Jeremie Pelletier wrote:

Lutger wrote:

Jacob Carlborg wrote:

As far as I know neither Qt(d) or gtkD uses native controls on platforms
other than linux, which to me is unacceptable. The look especially on

Qt used to try and look like native controls, but now it uses them

It has pros and cons, Firefox too has the native look and feel without
using the native controls, so it saves on the overhead of tons of GDI
handles and can render the entire GUI in cairo.

In the Mac version for a long time they used the older tabs from Mac OS 
X 10.4 or even older. That's the problem not using native controls, if 
the operating system change them it's a lot of more work to update your 

Re: dmd support for IDEs

2009-10-12 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 10/12/09 04:14, Chad J wrote:

Jeremie Pelletier wrote:

Lutger wrote:

Jacob Carlborg wrote:

As far as I know neither Qt(d) or gtkD uses native controls on platforms
other than linux, which to me is unacceptable. The look especially on

Qt used to try and look like native controls, but now it uses them

It has pros and cons, Firefox too has the native look and feel without
using the native controls, so it saves on the overhead of tons of GDI
handles and can render the entire GUI in cairo.

I actually rather dislike GTK from a user standpoint.  It doesn't mesh
well at all on my KDE linux setup.  The file dialog is also a frequent
source of annoyance, as it is different then everything else and seems
to want to fight with me.  Qt is much better at these things.

Too bad we can't just make programs switch between GUI backends at will ;)

Why not have a GUI toolkit available on almost all platforms that uses 
native controls just like DWT?

Re: dmd support for IDEs

2009-10-12 Thread language_fan
Mon, 12 Oct 2009 14:02:11 +0200, Jacob Carlborg thusly wrote:

 On 10/12/09 04:14, Chad J wrote:
 Too bad we can't just make programs switch between GUI backends at will
 Why not have a GUI toolkit available on almost all platforms that uses
 native controls just like DWT?

The list of native platforms SWT supports is this:

  WPF (under development)
AIX, FreeBSD, Linux, HP-UX, Solaris: 
Mac OS X: 
QNX Photon
Pocket PC

As a FLTK2, Qt 3.x, Qt 4.x, Swing, and (forked) Harmonia user I fail to 
see how SWT is more native than the ones I develop for. All SWT 
applications look weird, unthemed, and have horrible usability issues in 
the file open/save dialogs. DWT brings another level of cruft above the 
lightweight SWT and performs badly.

Re: dmd support for IDEs

2009-10-12 Thread language_fan
Sat, 10 Oct 2009 18:19:56 -0700, Walter Bright thusly wrote:

 In my discussions with companies about adopting D, the major barrier
 that comes up over and over isn't Tango vs Phobos, dmd being GPL,
 debugger support, libraries, bugs, etc., although those are important.
 It's the IDE.
 They say that the productivity gains of D's improvements are
 overbalanced by the loss of productivity by moving away from an IDE. And
 what is it about an IDE that is so productive? Intellisense (Microsoft's
 word for autocompletion).
 So, while I'm not going to be writing an IDE, I figure that dmd can
 help. dmd already puts out .doc and .di files. How about putting out an
 xml file giving all the information needed for an IDE to implement
 autocompletion? There'd be one .xml file generated per .d source file.
 The nice thing about an xml file is while D is relatively easy to parse,
 xml is trivial. Furthermore, an xml format would be fairly robust in the
 face of changes to D syntax.
 What do you think?

Another point not mentioned here is that modern IDEs use incremental and 
interactive compilation model. The compiler should be run as a persistent 
background process and parsing should happen perhaps on the level of the 
current scope. Re-compiling a million line project after each key stroke 
simply makes no sense. Even compiling the current module once per key 
stroke is too slow.

Specifying an intermediate json/xml file format is a huge task 
considering the amount of language constructs, types etc. available in D.

I'm all for good tool support but as many have already mentioned, the 
support would only bring marginal improvements to small scale tools like 
vim and emacs. Usually small scale D projects ( 1 lines of code) are 
written with those tools (feel free to prove me wrong). These are not the 
kinds of projects large enterprises would use D for, they use scripting 
languages for smaller tasks. Thus the overall improvement is minimal. 
Spending the time on critical compiler bugs on the other hand would help 
everyone in the community.

Re: dmd support for IDEs

2009-10-12 Thread BLS

On 12/10/2009 11:41, breezes wrote:

Ary Borenszweig Wrote:

Walter Bright wrote:

In my discussions with companies about adopting D, the major barrier
that comes up over and over isn't Tango vs Phobos, dmd being GPL,
debugger support, libraries, bugs, etc., although those are important.

It's the IDE.

So, while I'm not going to be writing an IDE, I figure that dmd can
help. dmd already puts out .doc and .di files. How about putting out an
xml file giving all the information needed for an IDE to implement
autocompletion? There'd be one .xml file generated per .d source file.

What do you think?

What I think is that even with an xml representing the parse tree (maybe
with some semantic stuff resolved) it'll be still incomplete for a real
IDE (the kind of thing users expect from an IDE). You can see this
video, for example:

So you have:

module one;

class Foo(T) {
static if (is(T == class)) {
  T property;
} else {
  T someMethod() { return T.init; }

You want to define an xml for that module that'll help IDEs. Can you
think what it'll look like?

Now the user writes in another module:

class Bar {

void x() {
auto foo = new Foo!(Bar)();
foo.-- what does the IDE do here?

Now, the correct thing for the IDE to do is to suggest the field Bar
property. How can the IDE do that just with an xml? It can't. It need
to perform some kind of semantic anlysis to Foo's argument to see if
it's a class, match the static if in the template, replace template
parameters, etc. It also needs to evaluate the string mixin.

Of course you could say Bah, just show all the declarations inside the
template in the autocomplete, but that's wrong. That'll lead to files
that don't compile. You could ommit supporting autocompletion or other
nice features, but that's exactly the big features of D. If you don't
support that then it's like using Java or C# from within the IDE: you
could use the advanced features but the IDE won't help you. And in your
discussions with companies adopting D, I'm sure they were talking about
great IDEs like JDT Eclipse or Visual Studio, not just some tool that
helps you a little but not anymore when things get interesting.

Oh, and you need to have some kind of semantic analysis to know the type
of auto foo. Again, maybe the IDE can be dummy and see auto foo = new
Foo!(Bar) and say ok, foo's type is Foo!(Bar), but then you have:

auto b =;
b.-- and here?
// remember property is templated and depends on static analysis
// or the IDE could need to resolve alias this or other things

So... my opinion (like some others, I see) is to either ask things to
the compiler directly (but here the compiler lacks some info, like exact
source range positions), or to have a compiler (not a full-blown one,
just the front-end) built into the IDE, and that's what Descent is.
Unfortunately Descent is sometimes slow, sometimes buggy, but that's
normal: just a few people develop and maintain it (so I can see a
similarity with dmd here, where each day I see two or three new bugs
reported). If more people were into it, more unit tests were written
into it and, most of all, more people would use it, it'll get better.

Another problem that people see in Descent (maybe also JDT Eclipse and
Visual Studio0 is that it's huge, it consumes a lot of memory and they
don't want to open a huge tool just to hack some lines. My answer is:
memory performance can be improved (but not a lot), but since an IDE is
a huge tool it requires a lof from the computer. And an IDE is not meant
to be used to hack some lines, it's meant to help you write big project,
huge projects without getting lost in the amount of code.

So my bet would be to start supporting an existing IDE that integrates a
compiler into it. Updating it is easy: just port the diffs between DMD
versions. It's a huge job for one or two people, but if a lot of people
were involved it's not that much. Of course I'd recommend you to try
Descent since I'm one of it's creators and I do believe it can get
pretty good. :-)

A lot of people like me have been waiting for a good IDE for D for a long time. 
In the field of IDE of D, Descent has already have a good baseline. So I think 
the community should put more effort in make Descent better, other than create 
another IDE.

For this reason, I think Ary Borenszweig's opinion on in which way can dmd help 
in building a better IDE may be more valuable than Water's, for he is the 
author of the currently most advanced IDE of D.

Sorry for my poor English.

What I definitely don't like is that Decent is just a Eclipse plugin. I 
don't want a Java IDE plus D.

I would prefer a pure D IDE.

Being a Netbeans guy but I am pretty sure that it is possible to remove 
all the Java related things. side effects : less bloat more speed.

my 2 euro cents

Re: dmd support for IDEs

2009-10-12 Thread Phil Deets
On Sun, 11 Oct 2009 09:32:32 -0500, Denis Koroskin  

On Sun, 11 Oct 2009 05:19:56 +0400, Walter Bright wrote:

In my discussions with companies about adopting D, the major barrier  
that comes up over and over isn't Tango vs Phobos, dmd being GPL,  
debugger support, libraries, bugs, etc., although those are important.

It's the IDE.

They say that the productivity gains of D's improvements are  
overbalanced by the loss of productivity by moving away from an IDE.  
And what is it about an IDE that is so productive? Intellisense  
(Microsoft's word for autocompletion).

So, while I'm not going to be writing an IDE, I figure that dmd can  
help. dmd already puts out .doc and .di files. How about putting out an  
xml file giving all the information needed for an IDE to implement  
autocompletion? There'd be one .xml file generated per .d source file.

The nice thing about an xml file is while D is relatively easy to  
parse, xml is trivial. Furthermore, an xml format would be fairly  
robust in the face of changes to D syntax.

What do you think?

I believe it won't work. It will always be slow and incomplete.

Instead, I would make it easier to embed DMD into an IDE: separate DMDFE  
 from DMDBE, fix memory leaks, remove all the static data (so that code  
would be re-intrable and it could work in different threads in  
parallel), move most of DMD code into a DLL so that an IDE could  
dynamically link with it and whatever it pleases with the source code.

In fact, that's what I do right now.

I'm writing my own D IDE in my spare time (in D, of course). I already  
made a lot of progress and now it's time to start implementing source  
code analysis.

First thing I did is I made complete D bindings for C++ code. It worked  
out quite well but it was leaking so badly that I dropped it.

Instead, I started porting DMD entirely to D (except the backend, of  
course), and I already got some great results. A few simple programs  
compile and produce byte-perfect binaries. It's still in its early  
stages and there is a lot of work to do, but it will be finished soon  
(hopefully). It could probably become a part of an official  
distribution, eventually. :)

If anyone is interested and is willing to test and/or help, I will  
gladly share my code.

I would like it if this went open so I could examine it and possibly  
contribute to it. I have wanted to do something like this, but all I have  
started so far is a GUI toolkit. I am new to D so I have not spent much  
time on it yet. It would be nice to be able to work on something more  

Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:

Re: dmd support for IDEs

2009-10-12 Thread Ary Borenszweig

BLS wrote:

On 12/10/2009 11:41, breezes wrote:

Ary Borenszweig Wrote:

Walter Bright wrote:

In my discussions with companies about adopting D, the major barrier
that comes up over and over isn't Tango vs Phobos, dmd being GPL,
debugger support, libraries, bugs, etc., although those are important.

It's the IDE.

So, while I'm not going to be writing an IDE, I figure that dmd can
help. dmd already puts out .doc and .di files. How about putting out an
xml file giving all the information needed for an IDE to implement
autocompletion? There'd be one .xml file generated per .d source file.

What do you think?

What I think is that even with an xml representing the parse tree (maybe
with some semantic stuff resolved) it'll be still incomplete for a real
IDE (the kind of thing users expect from an IDE). You can see this
video, for example:

So you have:

module one;

class Foo(T) {
static if (is(T == class)) {
  T property;
} else {
  T someMethod() { return T.init; }

You want to define an xml for that module that'll help IDEs. Can you
think what it'll look like?

Now the user writes in another module:

class Bar {

void x() {
auto foo = new Foo!(Bar)();
foo.-- what does the IDE do here?

Now, the correct thing for the IDE to do is to suggest the field Bar
property. How can the IDE do that just with an xml? It can't. It need
to perform some kind of semantic anlysis to Foo's argument to see if
it's a class, match the static if in the template, replace template
parameters, etc. It also needs to evaluate the string mixin.

Of course you could say Bah, just show all the declarations inside the
template in the autocomplete, but that's wrong. That'll lead to files
that don't compile. You could ommit supporting autocompletion or other
nice features, but that's exactly the big features of D. If you don't
support that then it's like using Java or C# from within the IDE: you
could use the advanced features but the IDE won't help you. And in your
discussions with companies adopting D, I'm sure they were talking about
great IDEs like JDT Eclipse or Visual Studio, not just some tool that
helps you a little but not anymore when things get interesting.

Oh, and you need to have some kind of semantic analysis to know the type
of auto foo. Again, maybe the IDE can be dummy and see auto foo = new
Foo!(Bar) and say ok, foo's type is Foo!(Bar), but then you have:

auto b =;
b.-- and here?
// remember property is templated and depends on static analysis
// or the IDE could need to resolve alias this or other things

So... my opinion (like some others, I see) is to either ask things to
the compiler directly (but here the compiler lacks some info, like exact
source range positions), or to have a compiler (not a full-blown one,
just the front-end) built into the IDE, and that's what Descent is.
Unfortunately Descent is sometimes slow, sometimes buggy, but that's
normal: just a few people develop and maintain it (so I can see a
similarity with dmd here, where each day I see two or three new bugs
reported). If more people were into it, more unit tests were written
into it and, most of all, more people would use it, it'll get better.

Another problem that people see in Descent (maybe also JDT Eclipse and
Visual Studio0 is that it's huge, it consumes a lot of memory and they
don't want to open a huge tool just to hack some lines. My answer is:
memory performance can be improved (but not a lot), but since an IDE is
a huge tool it requires a lof from the computer. And an IDE is not meant
to be used to hack some lines, it's meant to help you write big project,
huge projects without getting lost in the amount of code.

So my bet would be to start supporting an existing IDE that integrates a
compiler into it. Updating it is easy: just port the diffs between DMD
versions. It's a huge job for one or two people, but if a lot of people
were involved it's not that much. Of course I'd recommend you to try
Descent since I'm one of it's creators and I do believe it can get
pretty good. :-)

A lot of people like me have been waiting for a good IDE for D for a 
long time. In the field of IDE of D, Descent has already have a good 
baseline. So I think the community should put more effort in make 
Descent better, other than create another IDE.

For this reason, I think Ary Borenszweig's opinion on in which way can 
dmd help in building a better IDE may be more valuable than Water's, 
for he is the author of the currently most advanced IDE of D.

Sorry for my poor English.

What I definitely don't like is that Decent is just a Eclipse plugin. I 
don't want a Java IDE plus D.

I would prefer a pure D IDE.

Being a Netbeans guy but I am pretty sure that it is possible to remove 
all the Java related things. side effects : less bloat more speed.

my 2 euro cents

No, but that's the good thing about it: it's just a 

Re: dmd support for IDEs

2009-10-12 Thread Don

Ary Borenszweig wrote:

Michal Minich wrote somewhere else:

You can try to download just bare Eclipse platform (which is just text 
editor) and install descent into it using Eclipse software updates. It 
starts up faster than C or Java version Eclipse and there is only D 
related stuff in the UI. 

Under Platform runtime binary

I tried it and it's true, it feels much lighter this way and you don't a 
lot of bloat in menus and other things.

It would be great to put this on the Descent front page.

Re: dmd support for IDEs

2009-10-12 Thread Jeremie Pelletier

language_fan wrote:

Sun, 11 Oct 2009 09:39:32 -0500, Ellery Newcomer thusly wrote:

Denis Koroskin wrote:

On Sun, 11 Oct 2009 05:19:56 +0400, Walter Bright wrote:

If anyone is interested and is willing to test and/or help, I will
gladly share my code.

Oooo.. You should put that on dsource or somewhere. Hacking D sounds
like a lot more fun than hacking C++. I wouldn't mind helping out on
this one.

Wow, I am pretty sure I have already seen a D port of dmd on dsource. Was 
there a good reason to start yet another port of it?

Maybe learning, porting a library or application from a language to 
another is a great way to learn about it inside out. I used to do that a 
lot too.

Re: dmd support for IDEs

2009-10-12 Thread Jeremie Pelletier

Yigal Chripun wrote:

On 12/10/2009 07:33, Jeremie Pelletier wrote:

Jérôme M. Berger wrote:

Jeremie Pelletier wrote:

I agree however that GTK being in C is rather annoying, C is a great
language but GUIs is one area where OOP really shines.

Note that Gtk *is* object oriented despite being in C...


It's a sorry hack, you have to use casts everywhere you'd rely on
polymorphism in D or C+ and its harder to remember, read, code,
maintain, and doesn't have any performance gains over C++, the explicit
struct pointer in C is the implicit 'this' in C++ and non-virtual
methods can be optimized as direct calls with no vtbl indirections.

I tried gtkD and I don't like using an OOP layer on top of a C interface
because that adds overhead for the exact same features, most good GUI
libraries should abstract the platform anyways so GTK is usually only
seen there and not in user code.

It's still more fun to use than the Windows' windowing API, which
doesn't even support layout objects such as boxes and grids, now that's
total pain!

what about MS' WPF? It has all the bells and whistles of modern UI, 
doesn't it?

Isn't that just a pretty layer on top of win32/com? I now only use 
native toolkits as backends for my gui abstraction layer, using this 
would only add a level of indirection and make no sense.

Re: dmd support for IDEs

2009-10-12 Thread Denis Koroskin
On Mon, 12 Oct 2009 12:58:56 +0400, language_fan  

Sun, 11 Oct 2009 09:39:32 -0500, Ellery Newcomer thusly wrote:

Denis Koroskin wrote:

On Sun, 11 Oct 2009 05:19:56 +0400, Walter Bright wrote:

If anyone is interested and is willing to test and/or help, I will
gladly share my code.

Oooo.. You should put that on dsource or somewhere. Hacking D sounds
like a lot more fun than hacking C++. I wouldn't mind helping out on
this one.

Wow, I am pretty sure I have already seen a D port of dmd on dsource. Was
there a good reason to start yet another port of it?

I know about DParser, but it's somewhat outdated, incomplete and doesn't  
support code generation. It also diverged from DMD quite a lot so fixing  
it would be quite hard (I, too, plan to make it more D-ish - get rid of  
casts, replace void* Arrays with type-safe equivalents etc - but not  
until it is 100% ready).

I just believe rewriting it from scratch will be plain faster. I can also  
test the code much easier - if it produces exact same binary then it works  

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