Re: byte + byte = int: why?

2021-08-29 Thread Rekel via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Friday, 18 January 2019 at 18:49:23 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 
As others have said, those are the rules D has for historical 
reasons, you just have to deal with them.

Is that to ensure compatibility with C?

Re: Non-consistent implicit function template specializations

2021-08-18 Thread Rekel via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 18 August 2021 at 13:35:07 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:

On Wednesday, 18 August 2021 at 11:10:49 UTC, Rekel wrote:
I tried looking into how isArray is defined. Like, does being 
able to index mean it's an array, or are these only static 
&/or dynamic arrays?

Did you read the documentation?

Ah it's specifically static & dynamic arrays, I see.

Re: Non-consistent implicit function template specializations

2021-08-18 Thread Rekel via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 17 August 2021 at 18:46:05 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
I don't have such problems because I am not smart enough to 
understand that syntax so I don't use it. :) I use template 
constraints (which have other problems).

Yeah, they seem to be a bit more trustworthy to some extent.

If you want 2 dimensional arrays, then you can use

import std.range;

  isArray!T && (isArray!(ElementType!T))

I tried looking into how isArray is defined. Like, does being 
able to index mean it's an array, or are these only static &/or 
dynamic arrays? Though I couldn't understand the sourcecode.
Hence I just use(d) `is(typeof(variable[0]))` and 

Re: Non-consistent implicit function template specializations

2021-08-18 Thread Rekel via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Tuesday, 17 August 2021 at 18:27:21 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 
According to my tests, it prefers the `T` version over the 
static array version. Which leads me to believe that it prefers 
a dynamic array over a static one. In fact, if I comment out 
the `T` version, it doesn't compile. It literally will not pick 
that specialization, even if it can interpret the literal that 

which is really bizarre, since if you do it without 
specializations, but just spelling out all the template 
components (as in your alternative workaround), it WILL pick 
that one over a dynamic array one.

Oh my, that's weird... Not meant to bash but given all I've seen 
of argument deduction & templates & specializations... I think 
the implementation needs some serious rework 😅


Interestingly enough my approach will not even work for 2d array 
literals. It will manage going to int[][2], but int[2][2] is one 
step too far. Which is a real bummer. :(
That is, it won't figure it out itself, but when you call `foo(T, 
uintL)(T[L][L]...` using an explicit `foo!(int, 2)` it _will_ 
work. Even though it manages T[L] just fine.
Meanwhile T[2][L] _and_ T[L][2] won't work when called with a 2x2 
array literal.

Re: Non-consistent implicit function template specializations

2021-08-17 Thread Rekel via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Tuesday, 17 August 2021 at 16:24:38 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 

void foo(T:U[L], uint L)(T a){...}

This is an invalid specification, what is U? Did you mean:

Yes, sorry typo in the forum.

void foo(T: U[L], U, uint L)(T a) {...}

void foo(T:U[L][L], uint L)(T a){...} // Never matched

Apart from another missing U, this is only a SQUARE 2d-array 
(both dimensions the same), your example below only calls with 
a 1x2 array.

Again, sorry a typo, calling with `[[1,2],[3,4]]`.

void foo(T:U[L], U:V[L], V uint L)(T a){...} // Never matched 

I don't think you need this, and I had to comment it out, or 
the compiler wouldn't build.

That is correct, it's equivalent thus causes 2 matches.

All these are calling with array literals, which default to 
dynamic arrays, not static arrays.

I realise that is their default, though in this scenario they 
should (I believe) be used as static arrays. (This works for me 
in any case)

Re: Anyway to achieve the following

2021-08-17 Thread Rekel via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Saturday, 14 August 2021 at 20:50:47 UTC, Carl Sturtivant 

struct S {
  int x = 1234;

void main() {
  import std.stdio;
   S s;
   //construction of a using &(s.x)
   auto a = Ref!(int)(&s.x);
   writeln(a); //displays 1234
   s.x += 1;
   writeln(a); //displays 1235
   a += 1;
   writeln(s.x); //displays 1236

struct Ref(T) {
  T* ptr;
  this(T* p) { ptr = p; }
  string toString() { import std.conv; return to!string(*ptr); }
  ref T var() { return *ptr; }
  alias var this;

Wow you can alias this a function? TIL!

Re: Non-consistent implicit function template specializations

2021-08-17 Thread Rekel via Digitalmars-d-learn
As my post was not the actual cause of my issue (my apology for 
the mistake), I think I have found the actual reason I'm 
currently having problems.
This seems to be related to a (seeming, I might be wrong) 
inability to specialize over both 1d and 2d arrays separately. 
(If constraining the length to values.)

This brings me to 2 questions.
1. How does one specialize a template for both 1d and 2d arrays 
at the same time?

2. Are there any plans to rework templates? like:
- Making `template TFoo(T : T[])` illegal. This makes little 
sense to me however I look at it, and as several people have 
advised against it it's confusing it's in the docs. (21.4.1)
- Changing the way priorities are set using specializations in 
general, to make them less pitfall-y.
- Allow for 2+d length specification. At the moment `T[][L]` 
works while `T[L][L]` does not seem to.

void foo(T)(T a){...}

void foo(T:U[L], uint L)(T a){...}
void foo(T:U[L][L], uint L)(T a){...} // Never matched
void foo(T:U[L], U:V[L], V uint L)(T a){...} // Never matched 

// Alternative workaround, very cluttery but with more control.
void foo(T)(T a) if(!is(typeof(a[0]))&&!is(typeof(a[0][0]))) {...}
void foo(T, uint L)(T[L] a) if(!is(typeof(a[0]))){...}
void foo(T, uint L)(T[L][L] a) {...} // Still does not work.
void foo(T, unit L(T[][L] a) {static foreach(i;0..L) 
assert(a[i].length==L); ...} // Will (generally) work but may 
include runtime checking & is generally much less preferrable.

// Should work with
void main(string[] args) {

- Supporting specializations such as the following (from

void foo(L, T, uint S)(L l, T[S] r){

void bar(L, R:T[S], T, uint S)(L l, R r){

void main(string[] args) {
foo(1, [1,2,3,4]); // "foo"
bar(1, [1,2,3,4]); // "cannot deduce function"
I'm actually still not sure why this shouldn't work, but changing 
bar to foo isn't too difficult. (though it's more preferrable to 
work regardless, it currently feels like a pitfall)


Not sure if I'm asking the right questions, hope it's not of 

- Rekel

Re: Non-consistent implicit function template specializations

2021-08-17 Thread Rekel via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 17 August 2021 at 10:21:39 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
We do have a paid Issue/Pull-Request manager now (Razvan Nitu), 
and he's prioritizing issues for strike teams composed of 
volunteers willing to fix them. If you find a specific bug that 
is a blocker or a major headache, make a post about it here in 
the forums.

Sometimes, the reason a bug hasn't been fixed is simply that it 
hasn't caught the attention of the right person. With Razvan in 
place, it's more likely such issues will be resolved, or at 
least moved up on the priority list, if you let him know about 
them. A forum post is an easy way to do that while also 
bringing it to the attention of others who may be looking for 
something to work on.

That's great to hear :), I'll keep it in mind.

Re: Non-consistent implicit function template specializations

2021-08-17 Thread Rekel via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 17 August 2021 at 10:14:07 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
The error is in your code. Both of your `foo` templates are 
implemented to print `"1"`. Change the second one to print "2" 
and you will see the desired output.

I keep managing to disappoint myself greatly... this is absurd, 
so sorry.

Non-consistent implicit function template specializations

2021-08-17 Thread Rekel via Digitalmars-d-learn
When using implicit function templates, identical specialization 
yield different results.


template TFoo(T){ void foo(){writeln("1");} } // #1
template TFoo(T : T[])  { void foo(){writeln("2");} } // #2

void foo(T)(){

void foo(T : T[])(){

void main(string[] args) { // Works
TFoo!(int).foo();// "1"
TFoo!(double[]).foo();   // "2"
foo!(int)();// "1"
foo!(double[])();   // "1" !

I'm fairly certain the last call _should_ yield "2", yet it does 
Should I submit a bugreport? And will that even help? There's 
even 'NEW' bugs from 2016 :'c


Interestingly enough, it seems I've made a previous thread about 
this in January 
(, though in it I state `TFoo!(uint[]) yields the array version`, which as can be seen from the example above, is not or no longer true.
Sadly I'm having issues with template arguments more often 
And I sadly don't see any improvement to this happening any time 
in the future. Even bugs don't seem to get fixed in any timely 
manner (Not meant as an insult, just being realistic :/).

Re: Nondeterministic unittest debugging problem.

2021-08-17 Thread Rekel via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 16 August 2021 at 22:01:21 UTC, russhy wrote:
remove the .dub folder and try again, as stated in other reply, 
might be a cache issue, or something that picks an outdated 
file in the cache

Thanks, I'll try that, sadly clear didn't seem to fix it.

Re: Nondeterministic unittest debugging problem.

2021-08-15 Thread Rekel via Digitalmars-d-learn
Note you might need to open the screenshots externally, as they 
are cut off by the forum.

Nondeterministic unittest debugging problem.

2021-08-15 Thread Rekel via Digitalmars-d-learn
I am unsure where to mention this as I am utterly lost as to what 
the issue is, which I can simply best describe with 2 
screenshots. Though I'll first give a short description.

For some reason my debugger is "\" for 
one of my variables in one of my unittests. This is however not 
the case when a random unused variable is inserted in front of 
it. (For reference I'm building the unittest using something 
similar to `dub build --build=unittest --config=unittest --force 
--archType=x86_64`, though the project is a library thus there 
are some complications:

Not readable:

int x = 0;
Mat!(3, 3, float) a = Mat!(3, 3, float)([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 


Note the x variable is entirely unused while Mat is a struct of a 
union that is essentially just a 2d array of floats.

I have no more clue where to look as I have no clue what could 
cause this, am I overlooking something trivial? Thanks in advance.

Re: Anyway to achieve the following

2021-08-13 Thread Rekel via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 13 August 2021 at 09:10:18 UTC, Tejas wrote:

On Friday, 13 August 2021 at 08:25:33 UTC, JG wrote:

Suppose one has a pointer p of type T*.
Can on declare variable a of type T which is stored in the 
location pointed to by p?

Umm is this what you want?
import std.stdio;

struct S
  int x = 1234;

void main() {
S s;
/*(ref a){
 s.x = s.x + 1;
 a = a +1;

auto a = &(s.x);
s.x += 1;
*a += 1;


That's also what I thought, although at first I thought JG meant 
dereferencing a pointer to a type without reallocating the 

In a way comparable to aliasing A* or having your original data 
be a union in the first place.
It seems however one can use `.` when using pointers, which is 
cool, though there seem to be some caveats: 
(note this is 2014...))

For anyone more experienced with C, I'm not well known with 
references but are those semantically similar to the idea of 
using a type at a predefined location?

Small sidenote, this would be cool:
int* ip = cast(int*)other_pointer;
int a = #a; // like a dereference but without allocating space 
for a elsewhere.

int b = #a; // Or something along those lines
a = 1;
b += 1;

Building a unittest executable for a dub Library

2021-08-13 Thread Rekel via Digitalmars-d-learn
I found a this thread about testing libraries:

But it's very old, yet I have the same issue today.
I want to build a unittest executable for the library I've made, 
but given I'm trying to use the vscode debugger while using the 
build command in a preLaunchTask I can't just use dub test. This 
works fine for non-libraries.

After changing my targetType from 'dynamicLibrary' to automatic I 
no longer get the error, but now it's just compiling the .lib 

I also tried adding an empty main but that just makes using it as 
it's supposed to more obfuscated.

Re: Is returning void functions inside void functions a feature or an artifact?

2021-08-03 Thread Rekel via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 3 August 2021 at 00:53:43 UTC, user1234 wrote:
You got the answer in another reply but here is a bit of more 

void main() {
return cast(void) 1;

What does casting to void do? Does it just ignore whatever 
follows it?

On Tuesday, 3 August 2021 at 07:23:34 UTC, Patrick Schluter wrote:
Wow. Just discovered that C accepts it. After 35 years of daily 
use of C, there are still things to discover.

Hehe, glad to hear I'm not the only one. Feel like making a 
request to add this to the learning pages now "x3

Re: Is returning void functions inside void functions a feature or an artifact?

2021-08-02 Thread Rekel via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 2 August 2021 at 14:51:07 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
This is intentional, in order to make it easier to write 
generic code without always having to special-case functions 
that don't return anything.

Ooh that indeed seems useful. Thanks for the hint.
Also slightly off topic, but when would one use an alias instead 
of a function/delegate? I haven't used aliases before.

Re: Is returning void functions inside void functions a feature or an artifact?

2021-08-02 Thread Rekel via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 2 August 2021 at 14:46:36 UTC, jfondren wrote:
C, C++, Rust, and Zig are all fine with this. Nim doesn't like 

I had no clue, never seen it used in any case. I've always 
assumed one couldn't return void as it's not a value. I guess 
intuitions aren't always universal 😅. Good to know c is fine with 
this too! ^^

Is returning void functions inside void functions a feature or an artifact?

2021-08-02 Thread Rekel via Digitalmars-d-learn
I recently found one can return function calls to void functions, 
though I don't remember any documentation mentioning this even 
though it doesn't seem trivial.

void print(){

void doSomething(int a){
if (a==0)
return print();

void main(string[] args) {
doSomething(0); // Prints 0 but not 1.

If this is intended, where could I find this in the docs? I 
haven't been able to find previous mentions on this, neither on 
the forum.

Re: Cannot always deduce template arguments when using implicitly cast array literals

2021-07-23 Thread Rekel via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 23 July 2021 at 14:41:41 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:
The first is to change the type of right from const R to const 
T[L1], which removes the type specialization:

Thanks for suggesting that fix, removing R altogether is a very 
simple solution I hadn't considered. :)

Unfortunately, the algorithm it uses for this is not very 
sophisticated, and does not take type specializations (like `R 
: T[L1]`) into account.

This seems like a slight oversight to me, do you know if there 
would be any chance of this changing in the future?

Cannot always deduce template arguments when using implicitly cast array literals

2021-07-23 Thread Rekel via Digitalmars-d-learn
After simplifying a part of my code I found the following code 
cannot deduce the template arguments, but I have no clue why.

void foo(L : T[L1][L2], uint L1, uint L2, T, R:
T[L1])(const L left, const R right) {
// Function

void bar(uint L)(float[L] l) {
// Function

void main(string[] args) {
	foo2([1.0f, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]); // implicitly cast to 
float[8], works

float[4][1] l = [[1, 2, 3, 4]];
	foo!(typeof(l), 4, 1, float, float[4])(l, [1.0f, 2, 3, 4]); // 
also works
	foo(l, [1.0f, 2, 3, 4]); // cannot deduce function from argument 
types (?)


As one can see, implicitly casting array literals in templates 
works fine in the case of bar, as does explicit use of templates 
in the case of foo, but for some reason foo does not manage to 
deduce its arguments like bar does.
The type of l is well known, and given the template, the type of 
R should thus be known as well. T[L1] should be deduced to 
Did I make a mistake in the argument list? I know things like the 
order are sometimes issues, but that seems fine to me here. 
Seeing as bar functions fine (as does foo when R and right are 
removed) I'm at a loss.

Thanks you in advance!

Re: Getting resulting/return type from operation in templates

2021-07-06 Thread Rekel via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 6 July 2021 at 15:00:24 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:

On Tuesday, 6 July 2021 at 14:43:26 UTC, Rekel wrote:
Is there any reason the function call in the alias is 
acceptable? I would imagine the () part would actually require 
2 parameters.

You're right, it does; that was a mistake on my part. It should 
work with `Lhs.init` and `Rhs.init` as arguments.

Hmm . . . doing that ironically brings me back to using:

alias ResultType(Lhs, string op, Rhs) = typeof(mixin("Lhs.init" ~ 
op ~ "Rhs.init"));

auto opBinary(string op, R:
T2[], T2)(R right) const if (is(ResultType!(T, op, T2))) {
Vec!(ResultType!(T, op, T2), L) result;
static foreach (i; 0 .. L) {
mixin("result[i] = this[i] " ~ op ~ " right[i];");
return result;

Kind of ironic this is basically an alias of my old solution.
Strangely enough the nanF issue went away though, I guess I 
misinterpreted this.

Thanks for your help anyway 😅

Re: Getting resulting/return type from operation in templates

2021-07-06 Thread Rekel via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 6 July 2021 at 14:27:35 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:
Instead of having the template evaluate to a `bool`, have it 
evaluate to the type of the result:

alias ResultType(Lhs, string op, Rhs) =
typeof(((Lhs lhs, Rhs rhs) => mixin("lhs", op, "rhs"))());

static assert(is(ResultType!(int, "+", double) == double));
static assert(is(ResultType!(string, "~", string) == string));
static assert(!is(ResultType!(string, "+", int))); // no valid 
result type


Then you can use `is()` in the template constraints to check 
whether the operation is supported:

auto opBinary(string op, Rhs: T2[], T2) const
if (is(ResultType!(T, op, T2)))
Vec!(ResultType!(T, op, T2), L) result;
// etc.

Oh that's neat, thanks.
I guess that would make it:
auto opBinary(string op, R)(R right) const if (is(ResultType!(T, 
op, R))) {

Vec!(ResultType!(T, op, R), L) result;
static foreach (i; 0 .. L) {
mixin("result[i] = this[i] " ~ op ~ " right;");
return result;

I guess I'll just have to take the result definition for what it 
is. At least the return type can use auto, haha. Imagine using 
ResultType!(T, op, R) thrice...

Is there any reason the function call in the alias is acceptable? 
I would imagine the () part would actually require 2 parameters.

Getting resulting/return type from operation in templates

2021-07-06 Thread Rekel via Digitalmars-d-learn
I recently found __traits(compiles, ...) can be used in template 
(I first used `is(mixin("T.init"~op~"T2.init"))` but this cause 
problems related to nanF)

However I'm wondering if there is an easier way to do what I'm 
currently doing, especially since using typeof inside the result 
declaration is quite cumbersome. This is a bigger problem in my 
less-simplified code (using matrices), where it starts getting 
slightly unreadable.
It also assumes the presence of .vec[0] (not necessarily a 
problem here but it seems like a codesmell)

template supported(A, string op, B) {
const bool supported = __traits(compiles, (A a, B b) {
mixin("return a" ~ op ~ "b;");

struct Vec(T, uint L) {
T[L] vec;
alias vec this;

auto opBinary(string op, R:
T2[], T2)(R right) const if (supported!(T, op, T2)) {
Vec!(typeof(mixin("this[0]" ~ op ~ "right[0]")), L) result;
static foreach (i; 0 .. L) {
mixin("result[i] = this[i] " ~ op ~ " right[i];");
return result;

	auto opBinary(string op, R)(R right) const if (supported!(T, op, 
R)) {

Vec!(typeof(mixin("this[0]" ~ op ~ "right")), L) result;
static foreach (i; 0 .. L) {
mixin("result[i] = this[i] " ~ op ~ " right;");
return result;

void main(string[] args) {
Vec!(float, 4) v = Vec!(float, 4)([0, 1, 2, 3]);
auto w = v * 2.0;
auto x = v + v;
auto y = v + [1, 1, 1, 1];
pragma(msg, typeof(w)); // prints "Vec!(double, 4u)"
pragma(msg, typeof(x)); // prints "Vec!(float, 4u)"
pragma(msg, typeof(y)); // prints "Vec!(float, 4u)"

Re: Remove array element within function

2021-07-05 Thread Rekel via Digitalmars-d-learn
Oh my, thank you both, that mostly cleared up my confusion, I had 
no clue this was struct related.
I'll be reading the references you gave me & probably submitting 
an issue 👍

Re: Remove array element within function

2021-07-05 Thread Rekel via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 5 July 2021 at 14:22:24 UTC, jfondren wrote:

What use of long?

remove returns the same type of range as it gets:

My apology, I meant to say countUntil instead of remove in that 

Re: Remove array element within function

2021-07-05 Thread Rekel via Digitalmars-d-learn
I'm not sure if this is the place to talk about it, but on the 
same topic it's a little strange to me neither the Dlang Tour nor 
the arrays spec page mention removing elements. Even though 
basically everyone is going to use it sooner or later (most 
likely sooner).

Is that because it's part of the library? That's the only reason 
I could think of, while in a way I could make that argument for 
appending in the case it hadn't been given the `~` and `~=` 

Re: Remove array element within function

2021-07-05 Thread Rekel via Digitalmars-d-learn
Ah, ref, thanks, I didn't know if that would work as I was 
confused since arrays themselves are kind of already pointers.

On Monday, 5 July 2021 at 13:18:55 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
In what situations do you need to manually change the length? 
Where do you worry about copies? It's possible there's 
something you're overlooking.

I believe for setting length it was both when I wanted to 
initialize the array to a certain length (instead of having that 
inline with the declaration) & when I want to clear the array of 
all data. Though I also found threads in which people mentioned 
changing the length manually after calling remove.

The copies were mostly at play in scenarios such as this one, but 
also when I'm appending lists to lists, in a 
`list.addAll(list2);` scenario. Though I guess I'm just not used 
to reassigning on the list variable after doing things with it.

Also, is my use of long correct? The documentation wasn't very 
clear on the return type of remove, just calling it a 'number'.

Again thanks for your help 😅

Remove array element within function

2021-07-05 Thread Rekel via Digitalmars-d-learn
Is there an easy way to remove elements from an array passed in 
as a parameter?

Every example I find does something along the lines of:
int[] a = ...
long index = countUntil(a, element);
a = a.remove(index);

But what do you do when you have?:
void function(int[] a){
. . .
long index = countUntil(a, element);

I assume I can't use a=a.remove(index), as I'm guessing this will 
only change the array inside the function itself, not the array 
that's actually used to call the function.

Am I the only one slightly unamused by how arrays/ranges work? 
They keep backfiring on me, or require weird additions other 
languages wouldn't require such as manually changing .length, or 
worrying about what operation returns a copy etc. (Kind of 
jealous of java's ease here)

Re: CTFE Assignment to anonymous union shows unexpected behavior

2021-04-23 Thread Rekel via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 23 April 2021 at 00:55:50 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:

If you read the field during CTFE.  I've never tested 
initializing a union in CTFE then reading it at runtime, 
though. Not sure exactly what would happen in that case.


I'm not referring to reading non-initial variables, though Im 
surprised that's not possible?
In any case, it seems assigning values doesn't work during CTFE 
either ... And that is very disappointing to me to be quite 

This only seems to happen when I use CTFE to create a static 
singleton of the union by assigning to non-initial variables, I 
couldn't find anything in the docs that say I shouldn't, I might 
have missed something...
I really hope this is a bug... if its not, & assuming its not 
inevitable, this really shouldn't be a thing. Be it by design or 

Re: CTFE Assignment to anonymous union shows unexpected behavior

2021-04-22 Thread Rekel via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 22 April 2021 at 23:41:33 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Thu, Apr 22, 2021 at 10:47:17PM +, Rekel via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
I'm not sure why this is happening, but after simplifying my 
code I traced it back to what the title may suggest.

Keep in mind that CTFE does not support reinterpretation via 
unions, i.e., reading values from a different field in a union 
than was assigned. If you assign field A to a union, then you 
cannot read field B from that union in CTFE. You can only do 
this at runtime, not in CTFE.


I'm not sure what you mean,
do you mean if i were to read the field during CTFE, or even if i 
read the field during runtime after initializing it using CTFE?

CTFE Assignment to anonymous union shows unexpected behavior

2021-04-22 Thread Rekel via Digitalmars-d-learn
I'm not sure why this is happening, but after simplifying my code 
I traced it back to what the title may suggest. The original 
cause of my issues being summarized by debug print statements 
returning a union as:

Mat([nanf, nanF, . . . .], [[1.0F, 0.0F, . . . .])

Even though the nanF should thus be 1.0, 0.0, etc...

This is example code that describes when this happens:

import std.stdio;

struct Apple(uint size) {
union {
int[size * size] a;
int[size][size] b;

static immutable typeof(this) pie = _pie();
private static typeof(this) _pie() pure {
typeof(this) result;
static foreach (i; 0 .. size)
static foreach (j; 0 .. size)
//result.a[i + j * size] = 1; // Works
result.b[i][j] = 1; // Fails
return result;

void main() {
Apple!(4) a = Apple!(4).pie;

The working code changes the first integers to 1, the failing 
version keeps them at 0.

What's the reason for this? Logically this doesn't seem 
troublesome to me, and if assigning to non-initial anonymous 
union varialbes isn't possible(?!) that would be pretty bad, and 
I'd be in for quite some trouble in my actual code :(

Tuple enumeration without integers or strings

2021-01-01 Thread Rekel via Digitalmars-d-learn
I seem to have hit a bit of a wall when comparing D enums to Java 
Of course the latter is just a fancy class, though it'd be nice 
to see partially equivalent usefulness regardless.

For example, as soon as non-integer, non-string values are given 
to enums things get messy for me when using switch cases, I 
haven't yet found a satisfying way of doing this.
Note the reason I'm using tuples is to somehow replicate the way 
java enumerals can contain several member variables, which tends 
to be very useful.

Something along the lines of the following is what i'd like to 

alias Direction = Tuple!(byte, "x", byte, "y");
enum Wind {N = Direction(0, 1) ... etc}
void some_function(Wind w) {
switch (w) {
case Wind.N:
... etc
... etc

One thing that might have worked would have been an equivalent of 
java's "ordinal", though from what I've found D doesn't seem to 
have something equivalent to this?
(I'd prefer not to have a seperate tuple member purely for 
ordinality, and dropping enumerals altogether also seems like a 

Re: Custom type / Typle type formatted reader

2020-12-31 Thread Rekel via Digitalmars-d-learn

And regarding the rest,

I'm curious about reading back user types, without defining a new 
seperate method for it, such as structs, unions and tuples, 
(although I'm unsure to what extent tuples are really a 

The other thing just resolved itself;
I was wondering, as slurp kind of already reads tuples from 
files, whether or not it's possible to tell it what tuple you 
want it to read, instead of redefining a possibly previously 
aliased tuple.
It seems now I found a way to do just that . . . I honestly don't 
know why this went wrong before, must have made a mistake 
somewhere. This now works:

alias Entry = Tuple!(int, "a", char, "b");
Entry[] results = slurp!Entry("temp.txt", "%s %s");

Im actually kind of surprised it does, as nothing in the 
documentation seems to hint to me this makes sense, neither did I 
find any example like it elsewhere.

Re: Custom type / Typle type formatted reader

2020-12-31 Thread Rekel via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 31 December 2020 at 18:19:54 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
Can you describe it with a piece of code? If the code shows 
what the current undesired output is and what you want instead, 
perhaps we can find a solution.

Regarding the enum part;
While trying to do this I noticed one cannot use either slurp or 
formattedRead to read enums, while it is possible to use 
formattedWrite and write to write them.
Strangely enough this was also mentioned in old issue '18051' 
( which should have been resolved.

Example code;
import std.stdio;
import std.file : slurp;
import std.format;
import std.typecons;

enum Thing {

void main() {
File file = File("temp.txt", "r");
foreach (line; file.byLine) {
int integer;
Thing thing;
		formattedRead!"%s %s"(line, integer, thing); // crashes with 
thing as Thing, works with thing as char.
		formattedWrite(stdout.lockingTextWriter, "%s %s\n", integer, 


Re: Custom type / Typle type formatted reader

2020-12-31 Thread Rekel via Digitalmars-d-learn
🤔I'm either asking a stupid question, asking it in a wrong way, 
or asking an important question. Clueless nontheless. . .

Re: Reading files using delimiters/terminators

2020-12-30 Thread Rekel via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Tuesday, 29 December 2020 at 14:50:41 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:
Are you on Windows? If so, your double newlines might be 
\r\n\r\n, depending on what editor you used to create the 
input. Use a hexdump program to see what the newlines are in 
your input file.

I've tried \r\n\r\n as well, which sadly also did not work.
Using vscode I have also switched between CRLF and LF, which also 
did not do the trick.
I'm getting the sense the implementation might have a specific 
workaround for \r\n / CRLF line-endings, though I haven't checked 
the sourcecode yet.

Note that this is not really a problem for me specifically, I've 
long used a different approach, however it seemed like a design 
issue. I'll try replicating this in isolation later, maybe 
something was wrong last time I tried.

Re: C++ or D?

2020-12-30 Thread Rekel via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 29 December 2020 at 16:13:50 UTC, Imperatorn wrote:

I hope I'm not the only one that thinks 'designers and std lib 
writers unable to name anything correctly' is kind of ironic.

And don't get me started on documentation return values.

Re: Reading files using delimiters/terminators

2020-12-28 Thread Rekel via Digitalmars-d-learn

This seems very promising :)
I doubt I'd still be considering D if it weren't for this awesome 
learning forum, thanks for all the help!

Custom type / Typle type formatted reader

2020-12-27 Thread Rekel via Digitalmars-d-learn

It's more of a multi-part question,
I've been trying to read tuples using 'slurp', though later 
realised one of the types was an enum, I'm guessing that's what 
was the problem, which lead me down a whole rabbit hole.

- Can I directly read tuples using slurp? It doesnt seem to like 

- Since slurp can read files into tuples, can I somehow tell 
slurp to name the fields?
(For example, I have `alias Instruction = Tuple!(OPERATION, 
"operation", int, "argument");`, but I'm not sure if it's 
possible to make slurp output one), or alternatively, can I 
define it's output tuple 'type'?

- If it's possible to make user types print in certain ways 
is it possible to also read them back? Say using formattedRead or 
slurp or parse or even to? And if so, how does this work?

- Is it possible to read (formatted) data into enums, as for 
example I would like? I wouldnt be surprised if this question 
stands loose from the previous one, as it's not entirely the same 

I have an enum;
enum OPERATION {NOP, // Would like to read 'nop' hereto
ACCUMULATE, // 'acc' likewise
JUMP // and 'jmp'

Re: Reading files using delimiters/terminators

2020-12-27 Thread Rekel via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 27 December 2020 at 23:12:46 UTC, Rekel wrote:
Sidetangent, don't mean to bash the learning tour, as it's been 
really useful for getting started, but I'm surprised stuff like 
tuples and files arent mentioned there.

Any clue why there's both "std.file" and ""?
I was mostly unaware of the former.

Re: Reading files using delimiters/terminators

2020-12-27 Thread Rekel via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 27 December 2020 at 13:27:49 UTC, oddp wrote:

foreach (group; readText("input").splitter("\n\n")) { ... }

Also, on other days, when the input is more uniform, there's 
always which 
makes reading it in even easier, e.g. day02:

alias Record = Tuple!(int, "low", int, "high", char, "needle", 
string, "hay");

auto input = slurp!Record("input", "%d-%d %s: %s");

P.S.: would've loved to have had multiwayIntersection in the 
stdlib for day06 part2, especially when there's already 
multiwayUnion in setops. fold!setIntersection felt a bit clunky.

Oh my, all these things are new to me, haha, thanks a lot! I'll 
be looking into those (slurp & tuple). By the way, is there a 
reason to use either 'splitter' or 'split'? I'm not sure I see 
why the difference would matter in the end.

Sidetangent, don't mean to bash the learning tour, as it's been 
really useful for getting started, but I'm surprised stuff like 
tuples and files arent mentioned there.
Especially since the documentation tends to trip me up, with 
stuff like 'isSomeString' mentioning 'built in string types', 
while I haven't been able to find that concept elsewhere, let 
alone functionality one can expect in this case (like .length and 
the like), and stuff like 'countUntil' not being called 
'indexOf', although it also exists and does basically the same 
thing. Also assumeUnique seems to be a thing?

Re: Reading files using delimiters/terminators

2020-12-27 Thread Rekel via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 27 December 2020 at 02:41:12 UTC, Jesse Phillips wrote:
Unfortunately std.csv is character based and not string.

But your use case sounds like splitter is more aligned with 
your needs.

But I'm not using csv right? Additionally, shouldnt byLine also 
work with "\r\n"?

Reading files using delimiters/terminators

2020-12-26 Thread Rekel via Digitalmars-d-learn
I'm trying to read a file with entries seperated by '\n\n' (empty 
line), with entries containing '\n'. I thought the 
File.readLine(KeepTerminator, Terminator) might work, as it seems 
to accept strings as terminators, since there seems to have been 
a thread regarding '\r\n' seperators.

I don't know if there's some underlying reason, but when I try to 
use "\n\n" as a terminator, I end up getting the entire file into 
1 char[], so it's not delimited.

Should this work or is there a reason one cannot use byLine like 

For context, I'm trying this with the puzzle input of day 6 of 
this year's advent of code. (

Re: Slice allocation after appending

2020-12-23 Thread Rekel via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 23 December 2020 at 04:03:37 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

It is valid. One can always copy the small array before 
appending to it and the large array would be preserved.

Try the -profile command line switch when compiling your 
program and it will show where memory allocations occur. Very 
helpful in exposing such problem spots...


I'm not sure what your aliasSeq does, sadly I don't find the 
documentation's explanation satisfactory. Though thank's a lot, 
now I know what to take into account, & I didn't know about the 
-profile switch yet ^^

Slice allocation after appending

2020-12-22 Thread Rekel via Digitalmars-d-learn
According to the D slice article 
(, slices do not 
care where they start, only where they end, when checking whether 
expanding in place is permitable, or at least that is what I 
understood regarding it.

Now I'm unsure how to check this, I tried to a bit using the 
online editor and a bit of pointer usage which seemed to confirm 
my suspicion, but does this mean that taking a (small) slice at 
the end of a (possibly) very large dynamic array can lead to 
problematic behavior?

For example;

int[] a = new int[10]; // Imagine this is very large
int[] b = a[$-1..$];   // Small slice at the end
b ~= 2;// b extends, possibly in place
a ~= -1;   // a no longer can, so the entire array 
needs reallocating

(instead of be reallocating & a growing in place)

Again I'm not very certain I fully understood how slices are 
implemented, but is this example, and the problem I imagine it 
leading to, valid?

Re: Trying to understand multidimensional arrays in D

2020-12-22 Thread Rekel via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 22 December 2020 at 16:55:40 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

On Tuesday, 22 December 2020 at 15:31:06 UTC, Rekel wrote:

Don't take that as a defence of changing pointer syntax by the 
way, just noting I think the argument pointers and arrays 
should be defined using a similar syntax is not consistent 
when thinking about indexing & dereferencing.

Besides, I think '[4]foo* foos;' is quite clear.
"array of foo pointers" seems very natural to me.

Ugh. No thanks :-) My brain would short circuit every time I 
see it.

I take it you're not open to considering [4]*foo either?
I feel like there are quite strong argument for it, regarding 
readability & (definition vs operator) consistency.😅

Re: Trying to understand multidimensional arrays in D

2020-12-22 Thread Rekel via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 22 December 2020 at 16:56:18 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

>[4]Foo b; /* an array of four Foos */

[4] already has a meaning. ;)

It  does in that context? Do tell, I'm unaware.

Also, is it possible to move entire thread to a different forum 
group? 😂

This feels more like a discussion fit for 'general'.

Re: Trying to understand multidimensional arrays in D

2020-12-22 Thread Rekel via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 22 December 2020 at 15:24:04 UTC, Rekel wrote:
The way C syntax handles pointers isn't very consistent to 
begin with imo.
It's strange & and * are prepended to pointer variables for 
example, while indexing is postpended. Leads to stuff like;








Don't take that as a defence of changing pointer syntax by the 
way, just noting I think the argument pointers and arrays should 
be defined using a similar syntax is not consistent when thinking 
about indexing & dereferencing.

Besides, I think '[4]foo* foos;' is quite clear.
"array of foo pointers" seems very natural to me.

Re: Trying to understand multidimensional arrays in D

2020-12-22 Thread Rekel via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 22 December 2020 at 14:15:12 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
[][4]Foo is completely backwards from and inconsistent with the 
pointer declaration syntax. We shouldn't want to intentionally 
introduce inconsistencies.

The way C syntax handles pointers isn't very consistent to begin 
with imo.
It's strange & and * are prepended to pointer variables for 
example, while indexing is postpended. Leads to stuff like;








On Tuesday, 22 December 2020 at 14:35:30 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:

But now we're no longer C-like, I guess.

I think it'd still be quite C-like, same concepts samilar usage.
You're not using 'int foo[]' syntax anymore anyhow.

Re: Trying to understand multidimensional arrays in D

2020-12-22 Thread Rekel via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 22 December 2020 at 07:19:49 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

Let me try the history example:

  Row[4][] history;

Row array (of 4) array.

Fully disagreed: D's array syntax makes me happy; designed 
right. :)

I think i see your point, strange how a change of words makes 
some things make more sense. I'll do my best to think of it like 
that, even if i find it intuïtive. 😅

I am curious by the way, what do you think of the [][4]Row 
suggestion I gave? In a way you'd have your 🍰 & could eat it too, 
i think ^^

(Still a strange saying to me)

Re: Trying to understand multidimensional arrays in D

2020-12-21 Thread Rekel via Digitalmars-d-learn

Small addition, not out of jest;
If plug and play consistency given aliases is required (which 
seems pointless, as they exit to be used), the best solution, 
which would avoid indexing inconsistency given regular reading 
order, would be the following;

alias Row = [3]int;
[1][2][3]int history;
int last_element = history[0][1][2];
[1][2]Row history;
int last_element = history[0][1][2];
Row last_row = history[0][1];

This would be consistent, and readable.

Re: Trying to understand multidimensional arrays in D

2020-12-21 Thread Rekel via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 30 January 2017 at 07:33:34 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
As others have said, D's array definition is natural because 
unlike C's inside-out (or is that outside-in?) syntax, it 
follows from the alias syntax. Replacing History inside main 
with Matrix[], etc.:

History history;// is the same as:
Matrix[] history;   // is the same as:
Row[4][] history;   // is the same as:
int[4][4][] history;


Defending array-notation by giving an example of explicitly not 
using declared aliases makes no sense to me.
When I define 2d arrays, or index them, I think in row -> column 
terms (often math notation for matrix size being; 'rows x 
columns'), or more generally in big -> small terms, which is 
clear when using the consistent left->right notation, big picture 
first followed by detail, honestly the whole concept of 

History history;
Matrix[] history;
Row[][4] history; // collection of rows, stored in a dynamic 
array (top level), each containing 4 (in detail).
int[][4][4] history; // collection of integers, stored in a 
dynamic array (top level), containing 4 rows (->middle level->) 
of 4 columns (in detail),

Of course, one can also prefer storing in columns, instead of 
rows, even glsl uses column-major order, just change 'Row' to 
'Column' and you're set.
My argument here of course rests on outside->in thinking, which 
one can reverse consistently. I would be fine with that.

At heart however, this declaration design leads to inconsistency.

   int[1][2] history; // 1 columm, 2 rows


   int last_element = history[1][0] // row 1, column 0

This makes no sense to anyone used to reading left to right, or 
even right to left.
Honestly, reversing reading-order when indexing & declaring is 
the worst idea I could imagine if consistency and readability 
were your goal. It doesn't make more sense because you're reading 
'outward', that would mean I would have to read both left to 
right _and_ right to left.

The argument Jonathan M Davis gives in this regard hold no water 
for me.
Like in C/C++, types are mostly read outward from the variable 
name in D. In both C/C++ and D,

int* foo;

is a pointer to an int. It's read outward from the variable 
name, so you get the pointer and then what it points to. 

int** foo;

is a pointer to a pointer to an int.

Feel free to read them the way you want, but personally, I read 
int* foo as 'integer pointer', which is not 'outward'. Your 
argument is only based on personal reading preference, but with 
it you remove indexing consistency & introduce boustrophedon.

You don't even always have the variable name;

... = new int[1][2]


... = new int[][](2, 1)

If you were to ask someone with no prior coding experience how to 
access a predefined declaration, given a onedimensional 
explanation, I'm certain they would default to standard western 
reading order, no matter the presence of a variable name.

I'm surprised this thread is 3 years old by the way, sorry for 
that, just noticed this is how D handles multidimensional arrays 
(I may add a note about this to the tour suggestions).
It saddens me quite a bit, as I see it as a big design flaw and 
quite a turn-off, "unfortunately one that can't be fixed" as 
Profile Analysis put it.

Have a nice & safe christmas!
- Rekel, the disproportionally active forum . . . person (sorry)

Re: Flag & byLine confusion.

2020-12-20 Thread Rekel via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Sunday, 20 December 2020 at 15:04:29 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 

On 12/20/20 9:07 AM, Rekel wrote:

Does this mean other flag yes's will not be accepted?

The long and short of it is that Flag is supposed to make you 
NAME what your flag is for.

The idea is to prevent things like:


Reading the code, what does "true" mean? You have to look up 
the documentation to see what it is. And then you might have 
things like:

foo(true, true, false, true);

What do all those mean?

Instead, you have to name what the flag is for:


The Yes/No structs and Flag structs are there to help you name 
your flag, and have some awkward D way to do this.

This will likely all go away in the future with named 
parameters (deprecating Flag is one of the reasons named 
parameters were proposed/accepted).

I personally avoid Flag in my code because I think it's awkward 
and cumbersome.


With named parameters, do you refer to python-esque function 
That makes a lot more sense to me personally, although I'm only 
just learning D, as I likewise wouldnt use `Number!"Wheels".4` 
for a function call.

By the way, where can I see Flag is (/ will be?) deprecated? It 
doesn't show in the library reference, however I may be looking 
in the wrong place.

Re: If statements and unused template parameters in Phobos documentation

2020-12-20 Thread Rekel via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 20 December 2020 at 13:58:00 UTC, Max Haughton wrote:

The if is a template constraint.

Ah sorry! I must have missed that part of the dlang tour.

Thanks a lot!

Re: Flag & byLine confusion.

2020-12-20 Thread Rekel via Digitalmars-d-learn
Thanks for all the help! This makes it make a lot more sense now, 
I'm surprised it's not part of the dlang tour.

The template parameter serves to make Flag!"foo" a distinct 
type from Flag!"bar".

Does this mean other flag yes's will not be accepted?
Also regarding the other examples given, why does Phobos use 
templating so heavily, in situation in which I am totally 
confused as to why generics would be necessary.
I seem to be totally confused as to how this template system 
works. It was introduced as a kind of generic, like in Java, but 
things like 'string s' seem to me like parameters.

For example;
class C
void opDispatch(string s)(int i)
writefln("C.opDispatch('%s', %s)", s, i);
I'm pretty sure I'm confusing something, though I don't see the 
point of using this instead of something like 'opDispatch(string 
s, int i)`?
I also came across a similar thing in the File.byLine 


If statements and unused template parameters in Phobos documentation

2020-12-20 Thread Rekel via Digitalmars-d-learn
I found a lot of the Phobos documentation to contain template 
arguments and if statements that made no sense to me, for example:

 uint readf(alias format, A...) (
 auto ref A args
if (isSomeString!(typeof(format)));

uint readf(A...) (
 scope const(char)[] format,
 auto ref A args

From stdio.readf & stdio.File.readf. I'm assuming this is some 
kind of template, but often it seems there are more parameters in 
the first '()' part than are ever given. Am I missing something? 
Additionally, what is that if statement for? It precedes nothing.

Flag & byLine confusion.

2020-12-19 Thread Rekel via Digitalmars-d-learn
After reading most of the website, I was 
completely surprised & confused encountering 'KeepTerminator', a 
'Flag' used by the File.byLine function. With no examples 
denoting how to use it.

Most confusing was the way the documentation (website & 
in-editor) used;

1. Yes.keepTerminator
2. KeepTerminator.yes
3. Flag!"keepTerminator".yes
& Don't get me started on the autocomplete trying to get me to 
use KeepTerminator.Flag.yes (VSCode & code-d)

Now some documentation stated these flags are used to improve 
readability, when compared to simple booleans, but all these 
different notations seem super confusing, especially since I dont 
understand why Flag requires a !"Name" part.
And I haven't read anything about it in the language tour, nor 
have I found any discussion on the topic elsewhere.
I did find, for some reason, a second 'KeepTerminator' 
documentation page . . . which is from std.string, which 
understandably did not help clear things up.

Even further confused by the in-editor documentation, is this 
function a template?:

byLine(Terminator = char, Char = char) (KeepTerminator 
keepTerminator = No,keepTerminator, Terminator terminator = '\\n')


I'm sorry, I may be asking for too much, but I've got so many 
questions and found few answers.

1. Did I miss some tutorial?
2. Why does flag require a name (!"Name")?
3. Is byLine a template, if so, how would one use it differently?