Re: [IxDA Discuss] UCD vs Design Again? Really?!? [was: We don't blah blah blah]

2009-08-31 Thread David Malouf
they have strange ways of saying it b/c they have different
constituencies who both inform them and who they speak with
regularly. Their audiences are vastly different and so their focus
needs to be different.

Talk to designers about UCD and they look at you like you're a
fucking idiot who knows nothing about the nearly 2000 years of design
(architecture) that has existed around thinking about and designing
for humans.

Talk to engineers about "pure design" and they look at you as being
naive and frivolous and ego driven.

So, the language is very different because the groups are so

Here at IxDA we are one of the only organizations that are bridging
this gap within the community and these constant arguments is what is
happening here. We purposefully bridge the analytical side of HCI, IA
and Usability with the visceral and aesthetic side of design &
architecture. It's like mixing 2 chemicals in the lab that can
really only do 1 thing: explode!

The explosions create a lot of energy and in this energy we can
harness amazing conversations, insights, and even innovations.

That was my haute way of saying, this is all good!

-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] UCD vs Design Again? Really?!? [was: We don't blah blah blah]

2009-08-30 Thread David Malouf
Ambrose, I don't even see an argument to be had.
Everyone is saying, "we need balance" in one way or another. But
when they say it they are just saying that this direction is too
much, or that direction is too much. Everyone from their diff POVs
see some other direction as that which needs to be balanced towards
or away from. But everyone is saying the same thing.

This all started b/c Ali is in a situation where the classic user (he
who uses the product) is all but disregarded. So he is just asking for
balance towards consideration. B/c he's in that extreme environment,
"balance" means strong evangelism and so the language and tone it
exudes is stronger and more targeted.

Andrei is sick of UCD folks who preach about the glories of UCD on
high without realizing that there more pieces to the puzzle and many
ways to consider "the user" beyond classical UCD methods.

I don't see any arguments here, just different POVs.

-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Current Design Topics

2009-08-11 Thread David Malouf
Jack, the item listing is all I can go on.
It is listed as, "Formal Education vs. Self-taught "
versus in my book is usually set up as a dichotomy.

1) There are huge & important issues in just formal education
2) Even w/in "self-taught" there is a continuum, no? books,
conferences, mentorships, etc.

Maybe you can explain more what this line item mean?

BTW, I'm thinking of proposing a panel on design education @ IxD10,
so I've been thinking about this one a lot!

-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Current Design Topics

2009-08-11 Thread David Malouf
What Phillip said  

Considerations in aesthetics beyond the visual
Design as problem solving vs. design as idea manifestation
Design Research 
Getting designs executed
Tools & Materials (not all hammers are equal and some are even bad
with nails)
Collaboration (designers & non-designers)
Leaving the "designer" identity behind. Just "be"
Hiring & evaluating talent; portfolios and beyond
Meaning-based design/economics

Please for the love of g-d lose the "certification" bit. Where is
this relevant in design today?

I also think that issues in design education are far deeper than the
dichotomy you impose. The very nature of education today is in flux.
Just look at the recent decision by GA Tech to combine 3 design
programs into 1 program, or the non-design, design thinking education

-- dave

I'll stop there.
-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] CONAN Design Review

2009-07-07 Thread David Malouf
me me me dave (dot) ixd (at) gmail (dot) com
(ps. there is something wrong w/ the web page here. It seems to be
giving a wierd style after Ruth up there. (several browsers))
-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Interaction design can affect everyone

2009-07-07 Thread David Malouf
Hi David,

tons of examples:
Bank ATMs
All sorts of ticket vending machines (my faves of the moment):
MTA (New York City) metro card; Airport express train in both
Stockholm & Oslo
Price checkers
auto-open doors & windows
TV/Set top box systems
Keylocks in hotels
airline kiosks
all sorts of medical devices especially those for blood monitoring
and drug allocation.
electronic voting systems.

please explain more what you mean by accountable?

-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] The Essential Characteristics of User Experience (a language of critique)

2009-07-06 Thread David Malouf
I look forward to your additions.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] On education: Different take on programs

2009-07-05 Thread David Malouf
For sure it is NOT a masters degree. It is purely a certificate

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] In 10 words or less, what is software design to you?

2009-07-05 Thread David Malouf
Russell, I think there are several issues w/ the question.
1) software design is a double noun where both nouns can't be
defined any further and add value. When reading it people know what
software is, and understand that design in its most simple use as
"plan" is really enough.
2) many people are actually defining what is GOOD software design.
Which is a whole different question.
3) or they are answering what do I do as a software DESIGNER

The context of the story from the candidate implies to me that the
real question is "What is good software design here at your
company?" B/c quite honestly, what is good software design there is
going to be different elsewhere. There is always going to be some
outlier situation per Fredrick's comment where the POV of personal
practice is going to add a qualifier that doesn't map against
someone else's POV of their practice. Or you get so generic that it
becomes almost meaningless and useless to define.

Now Jared's point is also important:
There is now a continuum between software and hardware and services.
Taking one & focusing on it today at this high a level means that you
are missing too big of the picture, even if you are designing a

since I'm here, I want to take on the use of the word "code". Why?
If "design" is the plan and not the actual implementation why is
"code" in some people's definition. Can't I create a plan to
build something w/o building it. Does an architect weld rivets or do
drywall, or plumbing himself? 

Now I do believe that one can put into a plan the rules to establish
what the code should or might be, AND there needs to be a plan for
implementing code, but traditionally this has been called Computer
Science or Software Engineering in my experience (in terms of

Now, my 10 word attempt: Software Design is the plan for implementing
the User Interface.

Good SD is the above that achieves durability, fit, and desirability.

-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] References to clients/colleagues/managers/companies in social networking discussions/posting

2009-07-02 Thread David Malouf
re: privacy and sensitivity of your messages
I agree w/ Jared 100%. EVERYTHING you send over the intertubes is
public record unless it is encrypted between the sender and
destination(s). Any additions to the system are tantamount to TSA
regulations which create a false understanding of the system and in
the end cause more grief than they are worth. I would highlight this
to be especially true on a technology interest group like this one.

re: twittering during events
The gain far out plays the negatives. As someone who speaks often I
LOVE it for any group bigger than 30. I can see how smaller groups
are probably more about discussion internally and the speakers
ability to track individuals during the talk increase. So get
yourself an iPhone to type on. they don't make a sound. ;)

I would also caution an "organization" from making any blanket
statements in this regard. This is really between an individual
speaker and his audience.

-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Shaun Inman's Fever

2009-06-17 Thread David Malouf
i go to like 5 movies a year (parental reality), so that comparison
is meaningless.

I made a suggestion based on MY! take looking at the video. You never
know if software is a fit until you get to use it. Paying for trial is
not the norm in the software world. If i can try Photoshop for 30 days
w/o paying for it and I can try most other apps in the software w/o
paying for it, why should this be different? b/c the price point is
arguably low? maybe.

I suggested, that having a trial might HELP uptake by people. HELP!
Is it required, absolutely not, but don't come at me with this sort
of reply that makes it sound like my request is unreasonable. that's
just defensive bullshit, Andrei.

*I* won't buy w/o a trial b/c my current universe of GReader for
feeds and Twitter/Facebook for suggestions seems to be working for me
(actually I get great suggestions from "friends" on GReader too!. If
this is better, I don't know. But I am not otherwise compelled to lay
down $30 bucks right now. That's Transformers, Up & GI Joe. (I live
in Savannah & movies are sooo much cheaper here.)

-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Shaun Inman's Fever

2009-06-17 Thread David Malouf
I HIGHLY suggest that anyone who knows Shaun ask him to open up his
purchase model to make available a 30-day trial. If like he says this
is like a software model and not a service model (wow! that is so
2001) then I suggest he map against the most common practices.

All the best UI in the world is meaningless if you never really get a
chance to look at it. $30 is steep for an unproven product category
like this one. 

As a note, if this was $5-$10 to start up and then $2 for the iPhone
app then I'd probably jump w/o a trial. (That model would be more
similar to the music buying model.)

-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Seeking examples of creative video scenarios/user research/prototypes

2009-06-14 Thread David Malouf
Hi Adam,

I think stuff like Aurora and the stuff I did recently (and CIID did
in their program) and the stuff that the Cooper Drawing Board does
regularly now are solidly based in user research. 

In the example we did at SCAD ( much of the script
contains exact quotes taken from the research. The 3 characters
represented are the 3 personas we came up was part of our research.

I think I need more about what you are lookin' for and what you mean
as "experimental"

-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Design Training

2009-06-13 Thread David Malouf
Hi John,

This is exactly the stuff I do during the summer and december.

But I'd also say that orgs like Cooper and some others like them are
very happy to do design training and what not.

-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Should Interaction Design control/influence user behavior?

2009-05-08 Thread David Malouf
I think this is an issue of the tool is not the criminal. 
"Every tool is a weapon if you hold it right" -- Ani DiFranco

But if as Marc Rettig, Robert Fabricant & John Thackara urged us in
Vancouver, we use our tools for things we feel deeply about then

But examples of our tools being used for other things are all around
us from loosing weight, to gambling, to making healthy eating
decisions, etc.

It is between, you, your G-d, and your local gov't (oh! and your
neighbor) whether what you do w/ your knowledge and skills is
"good" or "bad".

oh! and the Geneva Conventions

-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Announcing our new IxDA Board Member

2009-05-06 Thread David Malouf
Steve!!! This is amazing news!!!
I'm so excited. It seems that there is a new Aussie take-over in our
midst. I love it!!!

== dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Feedback on Redesigned BART Ticket Kiosk Interface

2009-05-06 Thread David Malouf
angel, why no touch screens. Being a NYC resident for over 15 years,
many of which w/ the current metrocard system from an IxD
perspective, I don't understand the comment. Is this about hygene?
really? considering how much stuff we touch in a subway system like
seats and hand rails and turnstyles having a touch screen is really
not significant to the additional spread of anything. AND in all the
time since the implementation of the Metrocard kiosks not once has
there been a story linking the spread of anything to the touch

Anyway, I don't understand why public = no touch? I mean ATM's use
touch? Fragility? again, we have seem plenty of models of touch
screens working in these conditions quite well.

color me confused!

-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] IAS09 IxD09 = RedUX DC

2009-04-07 Thread David Malouf
Angel, I was seriously considering doing something like this w/ my
students from SCAD.

-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] JJG's IA Summit 2009 Keynote

2009-04-03 Thread David Malouf
Let's not forget about Australia, Brasil, Italy, England, Malmo,
China, and a host of other places where IxD, IA and Joint events are
taking place in the coming 12months.

(btw, I really liked what you said Peter Mo.)

-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] JJG's IA Summit 2009 Keynote

2009-04-03 Thread David Malouf
Richard, you believe deeply in the need for collaboration for
yourself. That's great!

Here's what I suggest you do. 

Do it

Don't wait for the organizations to come along and do it. Just do
it. If you feel that we are doing this work at a snail's pace, then
figure out ways to increase the love between those peers that you
feel will get you the most traction.

Sketch > Model > Validate > Prototype > Evangelize > Build

Just do the work. 

I often have a few people on my shoulder who carry me through moments
like these. Right now I'm thinking about Christina W. and Andrei H. 

Both people are just so against talking bullshit.
Christina has always taken her passion for communty and applied it
directly to DOING stuff. IA Summit, Asilomar, IAI, B&A, Linked In

Andrei has always said that doing it, doing all of it is the best way
to get people to understand what it is you mean.

So just do it! It is obvious that there are people who would greatly
benefit from any sort of collaboration, or cooperation, or
co-sponsoring, or whatever between IA & IxD in whatever manifestation
you come up with.

This is one of those things that just require vision and pull
leadership. The followers will come if indeed it is worthy. I"ve had
great successes and great failures in this process, but trying is the

-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] The People's Front of Design (was JJG's IA Summit 2009 Keynote)

2009-03-30 Thread David Malouf
Great clip. I love it!!!

look at my response to Josh. What is funny is that as the situation
subsides, people are chiming in with messages like this.

It shows me that people don't get it. Arguing is not destructive.
Arguing is learning. It is sketching in language. 

The most obvious brilliant examples in this conversation for me were
from Jon Kolko and Chris Fahey. The energy created through the
passionate back & forth is not without use. It is a means of working
out difficult issues, which are very hard to express. For myself, I
have found new ways of discussing these issues, and equally
importantly affirmations in the ways I've framed things but didn't
know how to express.

While some are "sick of it". I have some 5 messages a day in my
mailbox telling me how much they enjoy it. The same thing happened
last night during a twitter "cage match" between myself and Chris
(which now leads me to better appreciate his pt of view he posted on
this list).

Guys, don't get all hung up on the moment. The list ebbs and flows.
Just chill and it will rush back to glory as it has always done.

-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Wood gatherers, boat architects, or sailing experience designers?

2009-03-30 Thread David Malouf

It is also important every once in a while when your seaman got a bug
up their butt to let them have a good old fashion bar brawl. It is
healthy especially in this circumstance.

To be honest, there have been some great posts in this series of
threads that so far have lasted about 3 days. And if you observe the
energy flow, you'll notice that the tide is going out. 

I've been on this list for 5 years now. This happens. It is in
response to some trigger in the wide world that as a community we
need to cathartically deal with. This is not just a list of peers
doing business, but a community of people. We use each other. Whether
on Twitter or on this list (or others).

I think a call to just talking about the sea, is actually counter to
the spirit I think you represent, in that we need to allow any social
community to address itself. In taking this back to the issue of good
design, any good community organizer knows that the people need more
than a mission. 

-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Its Just UX

2009-03-28 Thread David Malouf
So in solidarity with my Kiwi friend, I won't post to IxDA any more

-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] JJG's IA Summit 2009 Keynote

2009-03-28 Thread David Malouf
The common ground is research and a value system that researching
users (not just markets and technology) is an important step in
designing solutions. 

that statement about "experiences suck & we want to create better
ones" is implicit in IxDA, but IxDA does not pretend that IxD is the
sole arbiter of experience (if there is such a thing; so I'll stick
w/ solutions), and has always said that IxD as a discipline is but a
piece. There are many different types of practices that use IxD as
part of their work and other disciplines that make up the total tool
chest depending on what type of solution is being conceived.

If that doesn't answer your questions (stuff I"ve said well maybe 1
Billion times in the last 5 years) then I've got nuthin'.

-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Its Just UX

2009-03-28 Thread David Malouf
if all you are looking for is common ground, that is obviously there.
The research methods that IAs and IxDs and hell all designer
researchers employ is probably our nexus of overlap. It is the UCD
that we share. But what do you want to do with that common ground?
what is your goal?

1 big conference under a single brand?

some call that CHI. As research as its primary focus with a growing
design community/track, one might see it as that place. Yes, it has
the nasty stamp of ACM bureaucracy all over it, but it does seem to
be THE conference for UX around software in the world each year.

Smaller examples that are more practitioner focused and are currently
smaller but don't have to stay that way are UX London and UX

If you are looking to reduce the # of conferences so that the friends
who choose to go to one aren't missed by the friends who go to the
other. I think you are barking up the wrong tree. But that is just my
opinion. I will always want a conference focused on IxD for the
reasons that Dan outlined. And I will probably never go to the IA
Summit again. This is just me speaking personally, but Ix## is my
home, not just b/c I helped build it but b/c I was urged to build it
by a group of peers whom I admire, respect, gain inspiration from,
and learn a ton from and get to teach. I will go to other conferences
when invited to speak, when it is clear that I can offer something
there, or to conferences where I feel I can learn specific things:
IDSA for example, that are relevant to my new work. 

For others the IA Summit will always be home. I can't image on IAS
with Lou or Christina, e.g. I can't believe that Thomas Vander Wal
didn't go this year either. (People move on, I guess.)

Anyway, the common ground is undeniable and I don't think anyone can
argue that there isn't any. The point is what do you want to do with

Gunther wants to use the common ground as a marketing program, so it
seems. Not all that useful to me.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] JJG's IA Summit 2009 Keynote

2009-03-28 Thread David Malouf
Aren't we already talking at WebVisions, and WebDirections? Isn't
there a big UX component at Agile2009?
I have spoken about UX and IxD at IDSA and others at AIGA.

There is nothing new under the sun here.

And it just sounds like now what you are talking about is appropriate
messaging to specific audiences. Which is like DUH!

but a unified organization isn't required for this. Just smart
people speaking and evangelizing.

If you are saying that our outward message has to be unified, then I
ain't buyin' that one for one minute. UX for example as a concept
has little meaning inside of ID conversations. While IxD and IA as
separate disciplines hold a lot more water. UX is and always has been
a marketing tool. but for specific engineering markets for the most
part. So it works there, but not everywhere which is why it is not
strategic to make a single organization centered around it.

-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] JJG's IA Summit 2009 Keynote

2009-03-28 Thread David Malouf
[Thanx Dan for that good analysis. I just can't resist to adding what
I wrote before I read it.]

IAI focus is information  and on the web
IxDA focus is behavior and across all mediums

IAI is a closed memberbased organization
IxDA is an open organization
(I think there are more issues to this than just the ones you
mentioned) AND there is nothing stopping "scholarships" within an
open organization. Hell! we've done it already in IxDA with
volunteers getting free passes and sometimes even travel expenses to
the conference.

IAI is NOT. And I repeat this NOT rooted in design.
IxDA is very squarely rooted as a design discipline.

Here's a nice ironic thing ...
IAI has not committed to participating in UXNet
IxDA has from its very 1st day.

So in my mind it is a painter vs. a sculptor thing. For some they
will move fluidly between the 2, but for others they will focus on
single mastery. There will always be a place for it.

If the IxDA is not working for you, I suggest you build something
that make sense for you. Seriously, that's not a bad thing. Maybe
the leadership of the IxDA will see that as a model that THEY can
follow. "Build it and they will come".

1) Stop asking permission
2) Start doing
3) Respect differences instead of trying to minimize them
4) Look for avenues of cooperation that do not mean unification
5) Overlap is not the same thing as redundancy
6) I think people seeing an overlap in membership is actually not
accurrate. Looking at the a few stats:
a) Overlapping memberships show that IAI is not even more than 50% of
IxDA membership
b) Conference attendance at IxDA was NOT more than 50% of IAI
membership. Many could care less about IA.  Many could care less
about the web.
7) acknowledge that a lot of this is centered in practice and BOTH
organizations are supposedly about the disciplines and NOT practice.
8) If you feel torn, don't presume others do. I have spoken to many
IxDA members who feel that IAI just doesn't fit them. I have spoken
to fewer IAI. But I have heard some say that IxDA doesn't fit them
either. (less so admitedly).

I've been here since the beginning I would say (of IAI and IxDA).
I've been at the center of dialogs with ALL the big UX Orgs (which
brings up the thought why is this about IAI and IxDA; where's CHI
and UPA?). UPA is especially relevant as they already think of
themselves in their mission and leadership as a UX organization.
Maybe there's your answer!

Conjecture re IAI (that will get me in trouble):
I see that IAI has a problem. NOT IxDA or that UX is some sort of
solution. IAI has not created a vibrant home for all its members and
its membership model increases the tension. Maybe this isn't about
IxDA and unification, but more about the growing irrelevance of IA to
the real practice of web design/architecture professionals. That
isn't to say that IA is not a piece, but it is growingly a smaller
part of the focus of most solutions people are working on today.
Lastly, You did it! IA is now so well understood and its patterns so
well defined that doing that aspect of the work is just not as
difficult as other aspects. THAT's a success metrics if you ask me
not a bad thing. Last negative thing on IA. Maybe IAs grounding as a
discipline focused on deliverables has caught up to itself, and like
UPAs goal of moving beyond utility and efficiency hasn't worked, IAI
has not been able to move beyond deliverables and categorization. So
folks who spilled blood and sweat building IAI (admirable and
important) have a vibrant community set up around something that
doesn't require it. That doesn't mean that it requires a merger, or
even a merger is in someone else's best interest.

-- dave

ps. to @richard of course there is common ground and I think those
are easy to articulate mostly around user/human/people-centeredness.
What more do you need?

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] JJG's IA Summit 2009 Keynote

2009-03-28 Thread David Malouf
Richard, with all due respect,
There is nothing new now from before and while you took a snapshot
and while your own emotions are at play, your analysis of IxDA is
thin at best.

The differences culturally between the orgs is HUGE, IMHO. and if you
want to talk overlap, the greatest overlap statistically is NOT with
IAI but with CHI-WEB in terms of other membership then IAI. But what
makes IxDA not IAI is not the overlap, but where it doesn't overlap.
That permeates throughout the organization's structure, and yes the

-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Combined Conferences (was Its Just UX)

2009-03-28 Thread David Malouf
I don't think the # of organizations matter.
Or at least (and this is not a shot) they don't matter if the
organizations themselves create open models of membership. If
"membership" is your issue, then please talk to the other
organizations where you feel at home and discuss with them that model
to make it more open.

If you had an umbrella with a bunch of sigs you'd just end up with
ACM where SIGGRAPH and SIGCHI never talk (for the most part).

And why in this year of years when we are so wound up about UX, that
there is not a single mention of DUX yet. (it happens every other
year on odd #'ed years, no?)

Organizations don't need an artificial umbrella to work together.
IAI and IxDA had matching sponsorships this year as an example of
that. Its like saying that OxFAM and the Red Cross need an umbrella
to decide to work together. Of course not. Just come up with the
proposal, sell it, and make it happen.

-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Some of the non-software things that interaction designers do

2009-03-27 Thread David Malouf
keypad layout
General button controls
port configurations or back panels
Eco-system integration
Power management communications
Voice communication systems
Scripts for service agents
Near-field systems
Barcode applications

It isn't whether or not it is non-software, but whether or not the
software is visible, or otherwise made manifest (audio) to the user.

Let's not even get into ambient systems where presence awareness is
in play.

To me asking whether software is involved is missing the target.
There isn't an old medium of fine art or design that is not effected
by silicon or similar intelligence holding systems. What is important
is that designing for each brings with it unique issues. We
understand that there is a level of distinction between web, desktop
and mobile. These distinctions get even deeper when you leave the
realm of "platforms" (unchanging form factors like the above) and
begin to enter form factor creation. 

My work at Motorola paired IDs and IxDs for this very reason. My
expertise in dialog creation was instrumental in many form factor
decisions just like it would be between an IxD and a visual designer
of a web site.

My students last quarter in my interaction design studio designed
watches, surface tables, digital drafting tables, and wearable
computers, who's designs were conceived through the use of
interaction design methods and processes.

I suggest anyone even more curious with this should look deeper into
2 portfolios. The IxD schools of europe AND the work of Antenna
Design. Their design of entire subway cars is a great example of
this. A team of students here at SCAD are designing heavy equipment
using IxD methods and processes.

Again, it isn't about the title, but about the discipline. So yes,
some may be "industrial designers", but if they are designing
behavior and for behavior, they will be incorporating IxD as a
discipline into their work.

-- dave

-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Combined Conferences (was Its Just UX)

2009-03-27 Thread David Malouf
I was stating my opinion Christian.

Richard was trying to state that X is better than Y, the pretext of
which is that doing both is a waste of time. This was exemplified by
him saying I don't want to go to 3 smaller conferences. As if to
say, the choices are the problem.

If I would Richard, I would just do it. Create the conference that
you want. Examples of a unified vision of UX conference are already
there: UX Challenge, UX London and UX Australia are all happening
this year, no? Yes, hey are smaller than 1500 and none are in the US,
but they do fit the bill of a unified UX conference and all have their
positive and negative sides. The two more open conferences, really
look exciting actually.

But yes, I would stand in agreement with your call to do both and
that there is no conflict between doing both.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Its Just UX

2009-03-27 Thread David Malouf
I hate 1500 or 3000 person conferences. I find they devoid of depth,
usually with bad infrastructure and you always feel overwhelmed.

Don't go to 3. Pick one! make it your own and stick w/ it. Then
if/when you have resources to move from your base, move on.

All the conferences have breadth to them to some extent, anyway. Its
not like IA Summit never mentions other UX disciplines, right?

What I get from the IxDA community to me is breadth of medium that I
don't feel in any other UX community. I can talk to Dan about
Gestural design, Gabe about mobile products, and Will about great
social web experiences. The point is that the focus is on the people,
and not on the content, AND there is a deeper understanding of the
design for, by and with those people that to be quite honest I don't
see in the IA community (though I know others do).

These different perspectives are important to me. They inspire me and
I love it. I don't devalue other communities, but they aren't for
me. We have always been a grassroots community of people who define
the community for themselves and then in so doing create the content
(if you will) that solidifies that meaning.

Maybe all the people out there who want this big UX thing just
haven't found the right community for you. Communities don't have
to fit everyone and that doesn't mean they are divisive or devaluing
of other communities, it means they are identifying themselves
differently and THAT IS OK!!!

As my piece said about the Kumbaya feeling of UX is that, just b/c
you ain't singing doesn't mean you are a bad person, or divisive.
It just means you just don't like the song!

-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Bowman leaves Google

2009-03-21 Thread David Malouf
Jarod, I don't like it. I find it to be ..
1) reminiscent of MS
2) too brash and distracting

More importantly it has in no way shape or form improved my
relationship with Google (or diminished it).

I think people have missed my point.
I think design is not for or against data, but design should always
be for imbuing human expressionism beyond the measurable. A designer
of worth, merit, etc. should always be encouraged to express
themselves in any way that does not break Raskin's 1st law of
interaction design (don't fuck w/ the content, purpose or utility of
what you are designing [paraphrasing]). 

When I look at a site like google, I see a souless design. Now, I use
google over Yahoo & Adobe for most things but that has nothing to do
with aesthetics. But Google would never take a risk like adding a
"Liam" (mail spelled backwards) character to their software. They
would never use the iconographic vivid imagery of a Buzzword
interface (Adobe). Because of this, these applications at least
attempt to have soul--connectedness to human expression to the world
around them.

I think people need to stop lauding Google as a design success story.
I think it hurts us b/c it is clear that it is an engineering success
story. Does that mean that engineering is better than design. I think
looking at Apple, answers that question. It doesn't. There are S
many ingredients that go into success and we would be fooling
ourselve as designers or engineers to think that any one of us
controls all of them.

BTW, the one place funny enough that Google DOES allow for a taste of
humanity is on their most precious search home page (
Their use of holiday and historic event treatments is beautiful!!! 

However, I can count on 1 hand how many times I go to
(home page) any more. Its in the chrome of my browser or in my
browser's home page, etc. 

Soul!!! Time to swing the pedullum back from the austere periods
towards the more expressionist. I think we can do that and still
maintain simplicity, clarity, usability, findability, and overall
effectiveness. In fact, I'd like to challenge us to do it!

-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the "Program Manager" role does UI design... ????

2009-03-18 Thread David Malouf
HI Jackson,

On your 2 pts.

re: trends
No doubt the UI is getting more complex and the need for amazing
programmers to work on them is important. But I think tools like
Blend and Catalyst are stepping in and putting in a new layer that
previously wasn't there and enabling designers to more forward. (see

re: the malleability of software and parallelism
yea, done that, been there. Seriously. This is a pipe dream. Design
control is the only way to get designer intention out of production
engineering. Phased approaches that separate pre-production &
production will always produce more accurate results of the
designer's intentions.

BTW, this problem is not only ours. IDs have this problem in studios
where they don't take on the engineering schematics of all surfaces.
In those cases, where it stops with mere models that are not in the
engineering databases (sorry for too much ID speak; maybe you all
should learn some) the ODMs often come in and change the outcome at
points that can't be re-done. Oh Well!

Yup, this happens everyday in software too. So unless you have an
appearance model that is fully signed off on with staged approaches
of production checks that design reviews throughout with other
stakeholders, you'll end up with skewed execution from the

BTW, designs are not done w/o engineering collaboration. At least not
where design is done well. That's a given. Also, often there are tons
of parallel things to be done in the architecture and platform of
systems (the stack) way below the GUI layer. So there ARE
parallelisms for sure. Just not at the usable form layer of
presentation and behavior.

- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the "Program Manager" role does UI design... ????

2009-03-16 Thread David Malouf
Yes, Patrick there is a lot of "it depends" and YMMV to the reality
of all this.

But if ActionScript and "pixel perfect" design is beyond you.
Please move to strategy and management. Please! 

The economies of scale require that there is a UI Designer. ONE
person. The age of having an IxD, a Visual Design, and a GUI coder as
3 separate roles is fading. If anything one might say that it was a
nice experiment by the IA/UX community to create the false need for
such an experiment.

The one split that has always made sense to me is that of research &
evaluation. BUT! that is the one hanger-on that I hear many IxDs,
IAs, etc. want to keep. I'm not saying don't be a part of the
process. Hell, we all know that the more stakeholders involved in
research the better. What I'm saying is don't own it.

But back to the more important issue. When I hear Patrick say that
actionscript (really? actionscript) or pixel-perfect design is beyond
him. I at the same time concur and get scared. For myself really. I'm
very much like Patrick. BUT! my access to these amazing students have
me feeling OLD. Their energy and easy at which they accumulate
knowledge and skills is so inspiring and intimidating. I had 1
student this past quarter learn drag & drop in actionscript for a 1
week prototype in a day or two having never used Flash before this

When it comes to pixels, script, batteries, screens, snap domes,
plastics, databases, frameworks, OSes, etc. it is about material. It
is like an ID who has to understand material science to some degree
to even be in conversation with mechanical engineers. You have to
know the material that people are going to be interacting with, how
to forge it to what you need it to be AND to your point about
communication, you need to be able to create your own apearance
models. NOT b/c you have to do them in the real world, but having the
craft mastered is a process of well mastering the craft of your
medium, so when you communicate within it, or to others who have to
understand it, you do so with unparalleled command.

In the IxDA panel that Jared Spool led. Jared asked where the next 5k
(or was it 10k?) IxDs were going to come from. I say they are mostly
already here. They are industrial designers who are already so used
to dealing in human situated solutions around eco-systems of
activity. They don't know Norman per se, but reading a few books is
the easy part. They already know how to think within multiple
dimensions (all 4 of them) and they know how to do it as a means of
completing a narrative. Of course, there are many that don't get it.
But there are many more that do.

I give it 5-10 years and I predict a major shift in interaction
design practice & education away from majors and masters and into
support tracks and electives for already existing degrees in
interactive, industrial, and architecture.

-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Prototyping tools resources

2009-03-06 Thread David Malouf
I really feel you folks are confusing mock-up with prototype. 
IMHO, if I can't use it, it ain't a prototype. Maybe, human as
computer paper-prototypes fit the bill, but otherwise, a series of
screens, are mock-ups and an interactive click-through is a

The distinction is important b/c the line lets us know what level of
data we can achieve from each. Otherwise, if everything is a
prototype there is no means of discerning when to use what tool when
in what part of the process.

Ya know there is a reason why there are 20 words for "snow" in
Intuit/Eskimo. Sometimes, being discreet allows for more accurate
communication. The mass rush to generalize everything in the UX
community is really becoming annoying.

-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Prototyping tools resources

2009-03-01 Thread David Malouf
A timely piece by David Cronin of Cooper for Adobe:
(Shhh! its on prototyping!)

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Prototyping tools resources

2009-03-01 Thread David Malouf
I'm staying out of the fray of this really stupid thread and sticking
with the first question.

Andrei, for embedded computing please also consider adding arduino
and similar board-level prototyping methods. But often embedded
software interacts with non software interfaces. So being able to
prototype those is actually pretty required, which means you also
need to add in SLA and wax and appearance models that include
snapdomes and the like. Even IAs farm out this level of high-fi
stuff, BUT they do it!

-- dave

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[IxDA Discuss] JOB: Professor of Service Design--Savannah, GA--SCAD--Full Time Permanent

2009-02-20 Thread David Malouf
[All applicants for the position below must follow the directions
enclosed within this announcement. Please do not send applications to
the submitter of this post.]

Professor of Service Design

The Savannah College of Art and Design seeks candidates for a
full-time faculty position for an innovative new program in service
design offering B.F.A. and M.F.A degrees. SCAD recognizes that
service design is a new and emerging design profession that entails
service innovation and experience design. Through service design,
designers can create better value for their clients and their
customers and in so doing create service equity. Increasingly,
services represent a significant part of the economy in sectors that
include digital media, healthcare, finance, entertainment,
telecommunications, retail, leisure and the Internet. SCAD seeks a
highly motivated designer with a background in designing
interactions, services and consumer products for well-known brands.
The position requires a minimum of five years experience as a
designer developing innovative concepts and experiences at a senior
level; extensive experience designing interactions within the context
of consumer products and/or for the Web; the ability to work across a
range of digital media from 2-D to 3-D; a thorough understanding of
research and design methods; creativity and flair coupled with strong
project management skills; excellent communication skills; and a
passion for inspiring and teaching. Qualified candidates should
possess an M.F.A. or M.Des. in a design-related subject.
College-level teaching experience is preferred.

For complete submission requirements and to apply online, please
submit curriculum vitae and an unofficial copy of the transcript
showing your highest degree to:

Should you have questions regarding your application package, you may
submit an email to Human Resources at 

ABOUT THE COLLEGE: The Savannah College of Art and Design prepares
talented students for professional, creative careers. SCAD offers a
choice of degree programs in 42 different majors, plus 52 minors.
Students can take classes at campuses in Savannah and Atlanta, Ga.,
in Lacoste, France, and online through SCAD-eLearning.
SCAD is a private, nonprofit, accredited institution that offers
Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Fine Arts, Master of Architecture,
Master of Arts, Master of Arts in Teaching, Master of Fine Arts and
Master of Urban Design degrees. For more information about the
university, visit

Although a deadline has not yet been established, interested
applicants are encouraged to apply as early as possible. Women and
minorities are encouraged to apply. AA/EOE.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Masters Programs in Interaction Design and Design Management at University of Kansas

2009-01-21 Thread David Malouf
Andy, I'd love to hear more about how you do design education online
and remotely.SCAD where I currently teach has a host of online
offerings that seem to be used more for supplementing scheduling
conflicts among in-person enrolled students than for replacing entire
degree programs. 

Angel, I don't understand what your criticism is precisely. Are you
saying that studio education is bullshit b/c you met people who came
out of it who don't know who Tufte is? I would actually challenge
that as part of the "academic" side of the UX community who believe
that knowledge of information is more important than ones ability to
actually do craft. 

In my short time here at SCAD I have noticed a few things. One is
that the design program teaches through doing, not through reading.
Reading is required for sure, don't get me wrong, but it is always
used as a means for supporting doing. Kinetic learning is the primary
form, and what that means is that students often internalize the
learnings of readings without afterward being able to reference them.
(THIS is is at the undergraduate level). It is only at the graduate
level well depth of knowledge and mastery of that information is
pressed. But still always against the mold of doing.

Let's get back to studio and to "design" education. There are a
host of HCI and UCD and UX and IA and even IA/IxD programs out there.
I would not consider any of these good "interaction design" programs
if they do not incorporate the foundations of design as a requirement
or use the studio method of education. They are learning environments
and what they teach can be quality and valuable, but without the core
principals of both foundation and studio and I'll throw in there art
history & criticism these are not design degrees. 

I think this is at the crux of what Dan and Marc are speaking about.
That to continue not just as a UX discipline but as a DESIGN
discipline our educational system needs to be rooted in the same
foundations as all other design disciplines from architecture,
communication, and industrial. 

Why is this so important? Because today's "other designers" are
much better equipped to move into IxD than most of us are able to
move into their domain, and the realities of the work ahead of us as
a society has less to do with websites and more to do with designing
entire situations and eco-systems which traverse all these
environments. So if we not only want to DO, but hopefully be
considered to lead (I mean why go for a grad degree if you don't
want to change your station; and notice I didn't say manage) you
need to be able to communicate & practice DESIGN across all these

Going back again to studio. Most people don't understand what studio
is and how it works. In my sketching workship I try to teach this
concept, but it is sorta difficult without living it. I think a
former colleague of mine in a discussion put it best. Jennifer Arden
(RISD grad) said studio gave her creativity endurance and stamina. It
taught her creative mind to keep working longer and harder. What I
would go further to say is that what I have experienced as an
outsider to studio world coming into it is that studio is a chamber
for behavior modification. Through this crucible we are re-taught
that which our parents and other adults beat out of us--that is our
creative spirits. The studio resuscitates our creativity and having
worked most of my life outside the studio world and recently thrown
into its frying pan in practice, I must say that when applied
properly it makes a HUGE difference not just to education but to the
ongoing design environment in which we currently practice.

But we are in a place in IxD where so many of us have not gone
through this fire and are hungry for learning and betterment and
advancement in our careers. I think it unreasonable to expect
everyone to have grad degrees to advance. What are we accountants
looking for MBAs? Please! Few if any Advertising creative directors
have grad degrees. They wouldn't have had the time. The only reason
we put special attention on it at all is b/c of our academic roots in
CHI where we feel that academic advancement is the true vehicle for
improvement. RUBBISH! 

Practice is our greatest vehicle for improvement as designers and
hiring managers need to know this. 

But we still are hungry and we need outlets for learning and exposure
to focused, dense, and deep learning opportunities. Online learning as
a mode of continuing education is totally cool for those that like
that type of structure. For others conferences with workshops, for
some just reading is good enough, and others they will want a degreed

My call here is that we should not dilute interaction design
education with academic education principles and leave behind our
strong and I would argue needed connections to DESIGN education.

Again, I am really interested in how Andy P. is creating a space for
remote design education that maintains a deep connection to the

[IxDA Discuss] NYC IxDA & R/GA are proud to present Dan Saffer's Talk "Tap is the New Click"

2009-01-08 Thread David Malouf
A while back Dan Saffer gave a great talk for NYC IxDA hosted by the very
generous R/GA. R/GA also put together this video so that everyone in the
IxDA community (and beyond) could experience this great talk.

I'd like to add that Dan is one of our amazing Keynotes, so after you get
this small taste of Dan, head on over to and
register to see him live. Memorex just teases ... ya gotta see him live!


-- dave

Dave Malouf

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[IxDA Discuss] Fwd: Call to Action: Redesigning America's Future

2009-01-06 Thread David Malouf
I am forwarding this from Elizabeth Tunstall whohas done some great
work on trying to create a national design policy here in the US. I
know that other countries have already created design policy groups,
but in the US we haven't, so her leadership in this area is a pretty
big deal.

Anyway, I thought I would forward this on to people's attention. I
know I'll be following and contributing where I can.

-- dave

-- Forwarded message --
From: Elizabeth Tunstall 
Date: Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 10:33 AM
Subject: [AIGAExperienceDesign] Call to Action: Redesigning America's Future

**Sorry for Cross-Postings**

Dear AIGA Experience Design group,

The U.S. National Design Policy Initiative has released its policy brief,
Redesigning America¹s Future, which outlines ten design policy proposals to
support U.S. economic competitiveness and democratic governance. This is one of two
publications coming out of the U.S. National Design Policy Summit. The other
publication will be the Summit Report on January 16, 2009.

The Call to Action is for people to go to the U.S. National Design Policy
Initiative website, to leave comments about
individual policy proposals or offer official endorsements of the Initiative
and the ten design policy proposals. Sorry, but the official endorsement
part is more effective if you are a U.S. Citizen or Resident Alien. People
have gone and downloaded the publication, but without leaving comments or
endorsements. We need them in order to demonstrate to Congress and the
incoming Obama Administration popular support for the Initiative and the
policy proposals.

I hope that you will show your support at the

Warm regards,

Dori Tunstall


Elizabeth (Dori) Tunstall, PhD

Associate Professor, Design Anthropology
School of Art + Design
University of Illinois at Chicago

Associate Director, City Design Center
University of Illinois at Chicago email
312.282.2893 mobile

Blog at

School of Art and Design
929 W Harrison Street
106 Jefferson Hall
Chicago, IL 60607


Dave Malouf

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Strategic Interaction Design

2009-01-05 Thread David Malouf
For me the IxD strategy portion is about creating the narrative that
is the framework around the interactions and interfaces we design.

In the end interaction designers are the story tellers and the
interface and industrial designers are the production artists of the
theater that is the user experience.

The back and forth of the business side is the pre-quel or pre-story
that the interaction designer needs to build in their work in order
to sustain the narrative that will be the product/service.

Oy! metaphor waterfall (doh!! I did it again!)

-- dave

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[IxDA Discuss] TriUPA's 2009 Professional Training workshop series (For North Carolinians, and others near NC)

2009-01-04 Thread David Malouf
[I'm really excited to be part of this series of speakers and
workshops that the fine folks at TriUPA (North Carolina Research
Triangle) were able to put together. If you are in the Triangle, I
hope I'll be able to get to see you there, then. -- dave]

= What's TriUPA? =
TriUPA [] is a local chapter of the Usability
Professionals' Association based in the Research Triangle
(Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill area), North Carolina, USA.

This is an annual reminder about TriUPA's activities for those in
North Carolina (or nearby regions) who may not yet be plugged into our
community.  We're offering an extensive workshop program in 2009,
which we hope will be of interest to folks throughout the Southeast.

= About TriUPA's Professional Training =

TriUPA is excited to announce our 2009 Professional Training workshop
series.  The goal of our workshop series is to bring to our community
the best thinking and latest practices in the user experience field.

TriUPA focuses on four areas of practice...

   1. usability evaluation and testing
   2. user research
   3. interaction design
   4. information architecture

... and our workshop series is designed to address each of these areas.

Please save the dates for the following full-day workshops.  Detailed
information and a link to register will be sent in advance of each
workshop.  Fees will vary for each event, but will typically be in the
range of $150 - $250 for TriUPA members, with discounts for corporate
sponsors and students.

You can become a TriUPA member today, by registering on our website
].  It's $15/year for professionals; free for students.

Feel free to contact Abe Crystal with any questions about our workshop series.

Abe Crystal //
VP, Professional Development Programs // TriUPA

= 2009 Professional Training workshop series schedule =

   1. Matt Cornell -- personal productivity for UX professionals --
Monday, January 12th, 2009 []

   2. Todd Wilkens (Adaptive Path) -- design research-- Friday,
February 20th, 2009

   3. Scott Berkun -- UX and project management -- Friday, April 3rd, 2009

   4. David Malouf -- sketching and interaction design -- Wednesday,
June 24th, 2009

   5. Dan Brown & Nathan Curtis -- UX documentation/deliverables --
Tuesday, September 8th, 2009

   6. Bolt|Peters -- remote usability testing -- TBD in October 2009

= Thanks to TriUPA's sponsors for making this workshop series possible: =

* Lulu
* BlueCross BlueShield
* Insight
* Lenovo
* Capstrat
* User-View
* MoreBetterLabs

Dave Malouf

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Tog on Gestures will force the mouse into retirement

2009-01-02 Thread David Malouf
I wonder how a device like this:

Changes the the requirement for a mouse?

I know it is only a concept but if I think about multiple touch
planes instead of a single one, I can do both indirect (touch pad)
and direct (touch screen) and maintain a coherence between the
content and the actions taking place. 

Just a thought.

-- dave

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[IxDA Discuss] Its 2009 ... New Financial Quarter/Year!!! Interaction 09 awaits!

2009-01-01 Thread David Malouf
Hey there,

I know many people were waiting for the calendar to change before
registering for Interaction 09 | Vancouver. Well this is your reminder
that the new year has sprung, so walk right into your boss' office and
ask for that amazing educational opportunity you know you deserve.

Register today and see you next month in Vancouver!!!

-- dave

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[IxDA Discuss] Cross-post: Workshop at Interaction 09 | Vancouver -- Introduction to Interaction Design (1/2 day)

2008-12-28 Thread David Malouf
Howdy people,
I wanted to send out a notice to you all that as part of the list of
spectacular workshops for Interaction 09 | Vancouver
( I'm going to be teaching a 1/2 day
workshop, Introduction to Interaction Design.

I am approached often with the question, "Where can I start ..." with
becoming an interaction designers? Or IxD is coming up more and more
in my practice as a User Experience professional so where can I learn
more from the beginning. This workshop is put together to provide this
all important starting point in Interaction Design.

This workshop will be 1 part interaction design theory and 1 part
design practice. But throughout, the real purpose of the workshop is
to enable students to gain the tools to self-educate through the early
stages of their interaction design practice.

$50 early registration discount ends on Dec. 31st


-- dave

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[IxDA Discuss] What's your favorite memory of Interaction 08?

2008-12-22 Thread David Malouf
Hi gang,

I've been thinking a lot about Interaction 09 | Vancouver of late, but every
time I do, I get sucked into the worm hole that is the exhilarating memories
I have of Interaction 08 | Savannah.

Whether it was Bill Buxton's keynote, the amazing food, the gathering of
amazing people, I'm always drawn to one memory that is mine and that memory
gets me even more psyched to try and top it in 2009 @ Interaction 09.

Imagine, just after Alan Cooper gives his opening keynote, a small group of
interaction designers are huddled around Alan, but standing next to him is
Bill Buxton, and then comes along Aza Raskin standing next to Greg Petroff
(Interaction 09 chairperson); and Ok, what the hell, I'm standing there
too The conversation doesn't matter. It was just amazing, to engage with
this amazing mixture of legacy luminaries and game changing
techno-designers. The rest of the conference after that moment was just a
series of blurs with codas of amazing food, and stand up speakers inspiring
even more "hallway" (in quotes b/c the hallways were the historic environs
of Savannah) conversations.

How could I not return to see if we can pull this off again! And I know some
might think the videos gave them what "they needed", but no one watching the
videos had an experience like the one described above.

*So I ask again, what was YOUR memory of Ix08 | Savannah?*

-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Design for impulse & Behavior Economics

2008-12-08 Thread David Malouf
Jeff, I think my gut feel was really similar to yours. 
I do have to say though that about 4 years ago when I was considering
going to Pratt for my masters in ID, I took some time out to do an
information interview with a local ID now interactive design agency
principal, John Payne (you listening?), and I remember something
striking about the conversation.

He said that most of the work he was doing was less about designing
interactive systems (at their core, though at their skin they look
that way) but were more about organizational change.

I took that conversation and especially that piece to heart and have
seen that most of the product design I have done since then has
definitely had a behavioral change component to it.

When Robert pointed out the article to me, I read it right away and
my reply to him was that his definition of behavior economics really
resonated with me in terms of Captology and Persuasion Technology as
talked about by BJ Fogg. I think it is different in that Robert is
talking about group change at a macro level and BJ seems to be
concentrating more at the micro interactions we make and affecting
change there. The principles though seem to resonate.

Jeff, I know you do a lot of thinking about Service Design. One of
the things I hear from the cloud surounding service design is that it
is heavily informed from interaction design and many want to place it
under the same banner if we make interaction design fully
technologically agnostic (despite what you accurately describe about
our core practice). Would Transformational Design then also fall
under this larger banner of IxD? Is it even worth having a large
banner at all? 

I'm very much in favor of narrow IxD for the same reasons I have
spouted on the IAI list that I"m for narrow IA. The one thing that
helps me keep IxD narrowly defined for myself is that I'm always
looking at it as a cog that gets integrated into part of a whole when
needed to fit the right contexts of design problems. So I can see how
the medium of service can use IxD, and Visual Design, and Wayfinding
and IA (and others) towards achieving a result the same way that
Product Design takes IxD, Visual Design and Industrial Design towards
creating a 3D manufactured product.

Basically, I see IxD as a element that works across many different
mediums. Some design topics speak of the medium of the result and
others speak of the elements that can be used across mediums

Anyway, I appreciate your thoughts around IxD and Service Design and
thank you for introducing the topic of Transformation Design. On the
latter topic, do you have a case study by Hilary or IDEO that was
really about a transformation? Is the frog design HIV testing project
a sample of that?

-- dave

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[IxDA Discuss] Design for impulse & Behavior Economics

2008-12-08 Thread David Malouf
Hey there,

Robert Fabricant of frog design write this nice piece on an designing to
change behavior.

The topic of behavior economics is important, and one I know I haven't
thought nearly enough about (despite being mentioned in the article). What
do people think about this in our domain as IxDers?

-- dave

David Malouf

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Prototype Creator launched today

2008-12-02 Thread David Malouf
Fred, in all fairness, I think you are being pedantic in your defense
of Axure. Axure is not a hosted solution, so even though your
solutions are exported into HTML, that is not the same thing as a
hosted shared environment that is all about and I think
they make a good case that a hosted solution has certain advantages.
The same is true with collaboration. 

There are weaknesses here in for sure, but also strengths.

I think my biggest critique is the startup model. Pay and then play
just has never worked for a hosted solution model outside the
enterprise model. People need to be able to play with it before
they'll put money down and a video isn't going to cut it. This is
Web 2.0 people! Most of the apps I use are free at this point, so if
I'm going to pay for one I need to play with it.

Also, is further VERY dangerous to compare yourself to a free hosted
app and then not have a free hosted solution.

It might behoove you to create a limited use version of the
application that puts limits on saving, or sharing or other "extra"

For me the problem is this. If I'm going to have to switch to Axure
(or whatever) later in my process b/c the tool for up stream flow
have too many limitations, then I'm probably not going to bother.
I.e. I work in Fireworks from rough sketch to high-fidelity
prototype. I can share through exporting to HTML and SWF and it does
everything I need short of specification writing which I do in Word
and import those same images into it. Works fine. here has a
quick start, but isn't a good finisher. This to me is the real crux
of the problem with this sort of application.

-- dave

-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Announcing IxDA%u2019s 2009 Board of Directors

2008-11-25 Thread David Malouf
What a great group of peeps!!! I'm so very excited! as we move
towards another HUGE milestone in this organization. 

I really look forward to see what these new energized players do
for/with IxDA in the coming years.

Exciting times.

-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] New Gmail themes

2008-11-21 Thread David Malouf
Janna, the Beach theme definitely changed throughout the day/night.
Also, there are cute little entertaining things through out many of
the themes.

Steve, I hate the whole custom (pick this color, that color). So few
people actually create anything that I would want to represent my
brand. I also feel it is way too much work for most people to do
well. I think providing these was the right move for Google.

I'm not sure if I'll live w/ my "beach" theme very long. But I
like it for now. What I really want is for that theme to translate to
my google reader account.

-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Interaction Design Career Path

2008-11-20 Thread David Malouf
I don't have the link, but somewhere on LukeW's site there
is a post about what they did at Yahoo in terms of career path. I also
know that MS is doing similar working in the area of career path in
their UX groups.

The way I look at it from my experience is that any designer role
should have equal billing to go up the manager/principal (your
choice) food chain. I know that agencies like R/GA and frog both have
paths towards ACD CD and ECD (CD = Creative director; A associate; E
Executive) where all manner of creative contributor can take on those
roles. This is also the model of ad agencies where many CDs tend to be
writers as well as graphic designers.

but yes, there is little room at the top of the pyramid that's what
makes it a pyramid. 

But remember the bigger the organization you are working for, the
more pyramids there are, or it goes a lot taller before it gets

Of course, going out on your own gets you a better "title", but
I'm not sure it really does in all cases advances your career. Most
successful solos as a career path usually used soloing b/c they
really broke the glass where they were already and just couldn't be
contained. going solo too early usually just means a flat trajectory.

-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] The Designers Review of Books

2008-11-19 Thread David Malouf
Most influential book: Digital Ground by Malcolm McCullough

Important IxD books: 
"Sketching User Experience" - B. Buxton
"Design of Everyday Things" - D. Norman
"Designing Interactions" - B. Moggridge
"Designing for Interaction" - D. Saffer
"Inmates are Running the Asylum" - A. Cooper
"Elements of User Experience Design" - J.J. Garrett

-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Declaration of User Rights by Dan Saffer

2008-11-18 Thread David Malouf
I'm less concerned about DRM and moving product between devices. That
is a choice of the consumer. Buy from Amazon if you don't like iTunes
(or Walmart). Or buy Android or Nokia if you don't like iPhone.

What bothers me, which I think Dan's rights are most important for
is my data. My attention stream, my personal search data, my usage
data, etc. etc. Basically, the content/information that is GENERATED
by me, not collected or consumed. The idea that the system that the
content is generated on owns it, needs to be delved into deeper. I.e.
does Google own every idea I ever wrote in Gmail? They can with a few
loose word changes of the EULA that most people would never read,

That doesn't even get into my contact list, search requests, link
clicks, etc. etc. that I do inside the Google eco-system.

Yes, the issues of portability are important, but get confused b/c
there are s many closed systems. I.e. if I buy a PS3 game it will
only run on PS3 and no Wii owner complains about it. So if I buy music
on iTunes I understand that it is for the Apple eco-system and I deal
w/ it and quite honestly, I can always convert to Audio CD and re-own
the important part of the content (the music) even though I know I
loose the metadata (though I never understood why, except to e

Since the information we generate can actually be used against us, I
think that regulation around privacy is important similar to HIPAA
regulations around medical data/information.

I do think that the "consumer" be damned and ignorance is no excuse
for errors feels a tad against our UCD philosophy. We know that people
can be easily manipulated and doing so is not nice to say the least.

- dave

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[IxDA Discuss] People think I read everything ...

2008-11-17 Thread David Malouf
I barely ever hit the "trends" link in Google reader, but I'm a little bored
and clicked it.
What did I learn? Well relevant to this community is ...
I only read 28% of the average 37+ messages that come in a day.

So there! ... ;-)

What was further interesting is that blogs w/ less volume don't always get
more read. But  the interesting ones are
Putting People First

These 3 are all over 40%

They are 3 VERY different blogs, but I think it says a lot about their
quality as opposed to the subject matter.

-- dave

David Malouf

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Flash Catalyst

2008-11-17 Thread David Malouf
I am on the early preview list, but am Mac-less and thus can't look
at it yet. 

No offense to our fine Fireworks/Adobe reps on this list, but What
were you thinking. Every Mac out there (in the last 3 years) is
capable of running Windows ... No one on a Windows box can run MacOS.
REALLY stupid move Adobe. Oh well, I was hoping to have a significant
preview up and running so I can make it a requirement for my
student's studio class this coming quarter. OH WELL! Back to Blend I
go. ;-)

-- dave

ps. please don't tell me to go out and buy a Mac. 1) I know! 2) it
ain't always my choice.

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[IxDA Discuss] Declaration of User Rights by Dan Saffer

2008-11-17 Thread David Malouf
Dan Saffer (aka @odannyboy) posted this interesting collection of user
rights, in the spirit of the Declaration of Human Rights which is coming up
on a milestone anniversary.

Whatchya'all think?

-- dave

David Malouf

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Where that ACD thing fits

2008-11-14 Thread David Malouf
In using Larry Constantine's view of ACD, I don't find any
discernible difference of value between ACD and UCD. It is neither
parallel or contained within one vs. the other.

It just seems like a specific way of reframing that which already
existed as UCD for the previous 30 years. What was previous called
"tasks" are now being called "activities". And the total tool kit
of UCD that has been created over the last 30 years is just as used in
part or in whole by the practitioner as before.

Basically, why?

-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Where that ACD thing fits

2008-11-13 Thread David Malouf
Yes, you are right demographics by themselves is not important, but rather
the generalizations which are real around those demographics that we use.
BUT the demographics are necessary for gaining insights (and often even
creating) those generalizations.

I'm not saying that you are saying this Jared, but I just want to add that
"Market Research" IS an important data contributor for design research.
They've been doing this longer and with some pretty descent results, so
there is definitely a lot of cross-pollination that can go on between market
and user research. Demographic studies is a great tool for user researchers
to tie their own data studies into.

Regardless, I think my main and more important point is that activity
centered design feels soul-less to me. It's motivation as I've heard people
describe it here and other places is discount UCD (getting to the point
quickly). And like all things discount, you get what you pay for.

That being said, sometimes ya got no choice b/c you can only afford the
discount version of things and something is always better than nothing. But
I think that's why for me ACD is a part of a greater whole of UCD that you
can pick and choose from depending on the total context of the design


On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 6:13 AM, Jared Spool <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Nov 12, 2008, at 5:56 PM, David Malouf wrote:
>  If I were designing it from a UCD perspective, I do care, or that the
>> person is elderly and needs large print, or any other demographic type
>> information.
> Just for the record, properly done UCD wouldn't care about demographics. It
> would care about behaviors.
> It doesn't matter what age someone is. If they need large print to complete
> their objective, they need large print, independent of age (or income group,
> geographic location political persuasion, gender preference, dental history,
> dislike of sushi, . . .)
> Jared

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Where that ACD thing fits

2008-11-12 Thread David Malouf
Oy! I'm just going to ignore that Doc thing.

To answer Adrian, 
If I were to design Flickr from an ACD POV I only care about the
activities of uploading, tagging, sharing, viewing, mapping, etc.
I really don't care whether primary persona A's goal for sharing is
to become the next Annie Leibovitch or not.

If I were designing it from a UCD perspective, I do care, or that the
person is elderly and needs large print, or any other demographic type

personally, I think ACD = backwards IxD. It is going back to that
nasty realm of usability-based IxD where aesthetics, emotion and
story telling (can't tell a good story w/o good characters) are core
elements of good IxD.

So I'm less concerned with is ACD X or Y, but rather, should I care.

-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Crowdsourcing design

2008-11-03 Thread David Malouf
I want to take a moment to calm down and apologize.
I'm sorry to the community and to the board. I guess I had a bee in
my bonnet. 

I'm glad that this discussion is going to push things into a more
transparent mode, but any transparency can only exist in a community
of trust and I apologize for breaking that trust, and contributing to
a poor and inappropriate  level of discourse.

I'm sorry.

-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] crowdsourcing for a presence UI

2008-11-01 Thread David Malouf
obviously there is a host of meta data that can further appended on
the "old honeycomb" that we know today and I know YOU are smart
enough to do just that. ;-)

-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] crowdsourcing for a presence UI

2008-11-01 Thread David Malouf
Isn't presence just the ability to know availability information like
in an IM client? Will, it feels pretty standard to me. 
-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Crowdsourcing design

2008-11-01 Thread David Malouf
A few thoughts:
Jeff, nice try trying to help the board save face, but besides the
money for the visual design, to say that it was really anything but
all you for the last 2 years, would be changing humility, to down
right revisionism. Yes, the board "supports you", but heck, they
really don't have a choice. 

HiveLive won't cut it. As soon as Nasir came back from the retreat
and spoke to me about the boards push to HiveLive, I knew right away
that it won't work. HiveLive is email independent for one and email
HAS to be a core part of our infrastructure. There are so many other
components missing from our requirements. We are trying to do
something so much more broad than any one of these existing systems
can handle, which is why we need to build this from the ground up. 

Also, that #. 10k? Does that really include them building the
applications we need? To give a comparison, the customizations on
Crowdvine normally got for $5k and the level of simplicity compared
to what we need just for local groups let alone everything else we
need is an order of magnitude more complex. So if they can do it for
$10k, either they are geniuses (I have no belief they are), or they
are not fully comprehending what our requirements are (and yes, I
know exactly what the existing requirements are).
Someone please point me to someone/something that proves me wrong
here, b/c if it is all there ready to bake in a box, then I will be
the 1st one to jump on board and go "Yeah!!" (BTW, we've been
there before with other tools too, like NING, Tomoya, CollectiveX,
even Drupal/CivicSpace. (BTW, they lost me at "no coding, just

My number of $100k, is based on the 15  years experience of project
managing and designing and building enterprise software. Heck! the
single desktop app that I'm working on now had $100k for ONE
contract developer. 

What we are trying to do has never been done before. seriouslly,
I've spent 2 years looking and nope! not out there. The level of
integration and the type of features, across nested yet related
communities of shared content types and various levels of
administration privileges, and infrastructural tools, have not been
combined in a single application/platform before.

But let's take a step back. You asked that we just work on the
"discussion list". Hmm? interesting choice. The heart and soul of
the issues facing the discussion list, center around the same issues
as those for local groups: membership/subscription management. The
issues are entwined, so separating out "discussions" from "local"
doesn't really seem to make sense for me because the first design
challenge we face as a community is to make the subscription
management system work across multiple contexts. This also means
leaving mailman, creating an openID enabled system, and allowing
people to have profiles with settings that go deeper than any system
out there to date.

Here was the suggestion I made to Nasir about 3 months ago, or was it
5 or so. I can't remember any longer. 
Convert your existing requirements into an RFP like document. Create
a contest (yup! a context) that is judged at Ix09 (of course now it
is too late, but then it wasn't). The winner of the context by a
group of peers gets Platinum Sponsorship for free at Ix10 and their
design (they gotta provide the documentation at least for how to do
what they design, not just show pretty pictures) will be chosen by
the board, converted yet again into a RFP to do fundraising against,
or just find a vendor right away. OR and this is the yummy part.
Enter the new requirements into an OSS project where developers can
sink their teeth into probably one of the most amazing collaboration
software problems we have seen this/next decade.

Alternatively, I have also been talking with Aza Raskin at Mozilla
about how we can create an open source project under the Labs banner,
whose mission is to drive design into the OSS product development
process. By having what you've done as a kick off, and using
standard controls and freedoms inherent in the OSS movement we can
move forward, and do so with higher efficiencies.

Few clarifications: "design by committee" to me in this context (no
offense) feels like "socialism" spouted by Sarah Palin. It is a
scare tactic that really doesn't have any basis in reality, b/c OSS
and even crowdsourcing is never "design by committee". Decisions
are centralized, while ideation is de-centralized, and transparency
is optimized to keep fresh ideas flowing.

The other HUGE advantage of OSS is that you enable splinter groups to
work on tangents independent from the core, that even get released
outside the core release cycle to be honed in that context and easily
be added to the core later (ala Google Labs on Gmail, or Greasemonkey,

I appreciate the board's new sense of urgency, and as you know Liz,
I'm an insider here, not an outsider, I know how hard the job is,
but feel strongly that our differentiation as a community of practice

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Crowdsourcing design

2008-11-01 Thread David Malouf
he temptation/risk of falling into a design-by-committee trap is high
> # Being designers, we could iterate and iterate until, like, the end of
> days
> If we went with a crowdsourced model for the design, I'd propose going with
> the curated-crowdsourcing that Mozilla adopts. They have a public
> free-for-all tree, but the features that make it into Firefox, etc. have
> been cherry-picked by an architect and integrated into the codebase."
> What Nasir is proposing is NOT crowdsourcing the IxD of the next-generation
> IxDA infrastructure, but crowdsourcing feature definitions and perhaps also
> brainstorming the way those features manifest in their form & behavior. And
> note that he also invokes the importance of having a lead designer to bring
> order to the system.
> But here's my HUGE concern if we were to pursue this route. I strongly
> believe that needs some serious new infrastructure YESTERDAY. Our
> local groups began exploding in March, right after our first conference, and
> we haven't done jack squat for them except open up Basecamp projects and
> talk about things. Local group websites are now being developed piecemeal --
> and they're all quite wonderful, but totally disconnected from each other &
> IxDA Global. Our general membership has also increased radically this year,
> and there's extremely little visibility that anybody has into or across this
> deep, valuable pool of individuals except for a freaking Mailman query the
> list administrators can do of how many subscribers we have!
> Given that the board has already done requirements and feature definition
> over the last four months for the features that we want to deliver
> in very short order (namely again: 1) richer member profiles; 2) an
> event/calendar system; 3) local group micro-sites; 4) tools to help local
> group leaders) we'd be throwing ourselves back to the starting line.
> Furthermore, I'm quite sure that it would take a least a year from now for
> us to arrive at some group-mind agreement, much less achieve the
> *development and delivery* of whatever it is we conceived.
> Therefore, I'm highly averse to pursuing a crowdsourcing effort on these
> areas from a scheduling perspective.
> I want our organization to get serious about following through on its
> intentions by  hiring professional development resources to meet our needs.
> Presently we are not closed to the option of purchasing a hosted solution,
> but are leaning towards an open-source CMS so that IxDA can really own the
> platform and give community members ways to further enhance the user
> experience. I aim to publish an RFP on these features in November, and we
> want to be able to launch solutions by the Interaction 09 conference. Can
> anyone seriously argue that these schedule targets are achievable if we were
> to pursue a crowdsourcing effort or seek pro-bono development support from
> within the open source community?
> Please understand that I am confident that crowdsourcing ideas,
> requirements and feature definitions from within this amazing community of
> ours could provide us with some extremely innovative and powerful design
> concepts. So, let me make a suggestion. Perhaps a more appropriate design
> target to harness the great grassroots energy starting to be exhibited here
> is around the next generation of our DISCUSSION features. At the IxDA board
> retreat, the board identified this important area as nevertheless secondary
> to serving the local group and membership-oriented needs listed above. The
> infrastructure team also has given far less attention thus far on to how to
> bring up to speed in this arena. This design space would also
> include providing better tools for members to dynamically share perspectives
> & information and self-generate resources for the betterment of the
> community.
> So how does that scope sound, Nasir, Dave, Will, al.? Please, do not derail
> our current effort.
> Writing in pure agony at envisioning near-term delays,
> yours truly,
> Liz
> ~
> Vice-President, IxDA /
> CDO, Devise /
> ~

David Malouf

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Crowdsourcing design

2008-10-31 Thread David Malouf
The board does have requirement documents and even some wireframes. Good
But the board will not be able to "do" this work themselves, nor should
they, as the work should come from the community, steered by the board. They
have a lot of material in place, waiting for the right people to step up.

I"m not sure why we should wait, or what we are waiting for. For the 6
people to get involved?
Ok, you and I are 2 ... Who else wants in? ... email me and lets get
rollin'. This project is 2 years overdue--no fault of the board. They've
been really working hard on some very important initiatives that are going
really well: conference & local groups has been going REALLY well.

So Who's in!?! And no I have not asked permission of the board or anyone
else, but that's the point. Jeff never asked permission either. He just did
it. We need to take some initiative. That's why I call IxDA an initiative
based org and not a volunteer-based org.

-- dave

On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 4:57 PM, Will Evans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> Dave,
> Can we save this email for a bit b/c I think it's a huge deal that requires
> a full time dedicated group of people to at least stear it over the next
> year. Even if many of the problems can be broken down into simple problems,
> stemming from objectives and goals - those parts should have a champion
> within a group of no more than - say - 6 people, who then own parts (like
> infrastructure, platform, identity, community, tools (calendars/message
> system), and then once those parts are defined, we could open it up to
> tribe-sourcing to sketching/wireframing/prototyping/design spec writing -
> and then further down the rabbit hole to visual design, front-end
> development, backend/database developement). This is potentially a huge
> project, but one that could get done - a point that I am absolutely positive
> about - with the right leadership and team structure at the top guiding it,
> no matter what tactics we choose to get us down the road.
> - W
> On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 4:11 PM, David Malouf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> The board for the last 3 years has defined the problem of how to create a
>> vibrant, valuable and effective community of practice. We've looked at
>> existing solutions and when we map them against our requirements and
>> resources they all come up very short. So let me go from vague to more
>> specific.
>> We all know the email list is broken for much of the subscribership of the
>> organization. What Jeff has done is GREAT, but it only solves a small
>> portion of the issues we are facing as an organization/global community.
>> Local < > Global:
>> If you read the presentation that Josh presented it is clear that the
>> community is a being forged as a bottom-up grassroots organization, but
>> with
>> strong guidance and facilitation from a central body. The local groups are
>> hungry for that support, especially in the areas of infrastructure and the
>> global organization is hungry to take what the local groups create and
>> spread it far and wide to those who can't experience, and to codify it
>> into
>> something that is retainable, searchable, and useful.
>> Local groups need landing pages where they can present calendars, manage
>> members/subscribers/attendees, and post announcements relevant to that
>> locale. But those same people are also members of the global community. We
>> need a system where people can declare themselves as members of a
>> community,
>> interest group, etc. and global needs a way to gain outreach to people who
>> discover IxDA locally first.
>> One of the things we want to avoid is what I call the BayCHI syndrome
>> where
>> most of the members don't really feel affinity towards the parent org
>> (SIGCHI), and thus their energy, membership, and resource is isolated to
>> just that community.
>> But there are other problems that need to be solved as well, around
>> discussion management, job announcements, event announcements to the
>> global
>> and local communities, aggregating content, allowing for translation
>> spaces/non-English discussions (but w/o cannibalizing the global
>> community),
>> and many others.
>> We want to figure out how to make useful and practical connections to the
>> other social networks we use, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc.
>> I think this is enough to give you a sense of the scope we are discussing
>> at
>> this point.
>> What I see is a multi-year plan that creates a kernel of functionality
>> that
>> allow

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Crowdsourcing design

2008-10-31 Thread David Malouf
The board for the last 3 years has defined the problem of how to create a
vibrant, valuable and effective community of practice. We've looked at
existing solutions and when we map them against our requirements and
resources they all come up very short. So let me go from vague to more

We all know the email list is broken for much of the subscribership of the
organization. What Jeff has done is GREAT, but it only solves a small
portion of the issues we are facing as an organization/global community.

Local < > Global:
If you read the presentation that Josh presented it is clear that the
community is a being forged as a bottom-up grassroots organization, but with
strong guidance and facilitation from a central body. The local groups are
hungry for that support, especially in the areas of infrastructure and the
global organization is hungry to take what the local groups create and
spread it far and wide to those who can't experience, and to codify it into
something that is retainable, searchable, and useful.

Local groups need landing pages where they can present calendars, manage
members/subscribers/attendees, and post announcements relevant to that
locale. But those same people are also members of the global community. We
need a system where people can declare themselves as members of a community,
interest group, etc. and global needs a way to gain outreach to people who
discover IxDA locally first.

One of the things we want to avoid is what I call the BayCHI syndrome where
most of the members don't really feel affinity towards the parent org
(SIGCHI), and thus their energy, membership, and resource is isolated to
just that community.

But there are other problems that need to be solved as well, around
discussion management, job announcements, event announcements to the global
and local communities, aggregating content, allowing for translation
spaces/non-English discussions (but w/o cannibalizing the global community),
and many others.

We want to figure out how to make useful and practical connections to the
other social networks we use, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

I think this is enough to give you a sense of the scope we are discussing at
this point.

What I see is a multi-year plan that creates a kernel of functionality that
allows a platform to form around and on top of it. I hope that local
organization energy can supplement it over time instead of everyone building
their own CommunityX, Ning, Basecamp, whatever system which just ends up
being wasted bureaucratic energy, as none of those solutions will ever be
able to scale to our total needs (even if they look like it, they fall short
and then we are stuck waiting for THEM to expand).

So what does this first kernel look like?
1st it needs to get us off of mailman. We need to rebuild the list, archive
and subscription management system. A 2nd part of the puzzle that should
probably be in any first release is the local landing pages with calendars,
RSVP systems, and content management.

After that, sky is the limit. That 1st bit by itself is pretty big for us to
take on. We need solid backend development support including expertise in DB
and Middleware and email systems that we current don't have. But before
that, we also need a really strong UI system design that projects out the 5
year vision and the road map for how we get there. This last part is where I
see the crowdsourcing begin and continues within this community.

Hope that clarifies.

-- dave

On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 2:56 PM, Jared Spool <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Oct 31, 2008, at 11:28 AM, Will Evans wrote:
>  Could you define the problem space a little better? I am unsure what
>> problem
>> we face and therefore can't think of what solution we might use.
> I think that's the problem we should solve: that we don't know what the
> problem we solve is.
> Think of how much better the world would be if we all agreed on what
> problems needed solutions?
> Jared

David Malouf

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Crowdsourcing design

2008-10-31 Thread David Malouf
Like many design problems, you can't ignore the legacy issues when
designing for the future solutions. 
Jeff has done an amazing job, pretty much single-handedly of making
up for the negatives of a pure email system, while maintaining its

Jeff Howard FTW (on

-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Crowdsourcing design

2008-10-31 Thread David Malouf
Why don't we start with a more altruistic project? Let's crowdsource
the design of the community of practice!

Let's start a Sourceforge site and go! Maybe an OSS corp like
Mozilla will support us. But a design led OSS project could be a HUGE
evangelism effort, as well as produce something we need NOW!


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[IxDA Discuss] Crowdsourcing design

2008-10-31 Thread David Malouf
What do people feel about crowdsourcing design efforts like the new
by ASUS & Intel?

-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Is simplicity the answer? I am with John Maeda on this one.

2008-10-31 Thread David Malouf
Rob & Andy this is a key point (redistribution of complexity - does
this make us all socialists?). It is a key problem for us in dealing
with stakeholders. Biz folks see a simpler GUI, and think it should
be cheaper, but in fact is much more of an investment to do this type
of redistribution. I have found myself in the past ill-prepared for
the conversations that ensue between dev and biz as  have been
working on projects of simplifying GUI interactions in the past. It
is really important for biz folks to be given visibility into the
back-end workings so they really understand how complicated it is.
(BTW, I don't get the difference between complex and complicated. If
there is every splitting hairs, that feels like one. Its like saying
to a kindergarten student, what's the difference between yellow and

-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Is simplicity the answer? I am with John Maeda on this one.

2008-10-31 Thread David Malouf
Simple and yes even simplicity is right up there with intuitive on
words to describe the quality of something that lead to long drawn
out threads without a lot of practical gibblets in there.

Why? B/c both terms are about mental models. What is "simple" is a
personal reaction to the system one is working on. For some a CLI is
very simple and powerful at the same time. I.e. Ubiquity is great.
The problem with the word simple is that its opposite is really
complex, but we aren't in the game of removing complexity and in
fact the ways we achieve good designs are actually through really
complex methods.

I see Maeda's book as less a call to simple design ala
"minimalism" as someone pointed out, but really a call to designers
to just think more deeply about the designs they put out there. We all
have a tendency to put our egos in our designs, and this often leads
to "too much" which CAN lead to confusion. But a great designer
does tear away at their designs.

But again, I think it is a mistake to say that simple is a goal.
Whenever this comes up with my clients, I often counter them with,
"but the processes we are interfacing with are quite complex". In
my current application this has meant reducing the GUI, but adding
guidance, and at that only in certain areas. There are some tasks
whose business processes are so complex that if you are engaged in
them, then reduction would cause so much inefficiency that the
software would be getting in the way.

On the remote side of things. Yes a single button can have multiple
purposes, but as Jef Raskin (RIP) has so cleanly explained, mode
changes based on context are complex mental structures that many
users struggle with. 

I think that Jef's world is not the world of 8 years from now, as
mode shifting is becoming 2nd nature to so many and is really the
great advantage of computational digital interfaces, but I do believe
for now, on a mainstream consumer device, putting too many modal
interfaces is not a great idea. 

A tangential thought. In graphic design, reduction often translates
to increasing white space, instead of using graphical elements. In
IxD whe don't talk about our version of negative space very often,
if ever. How do we reduce interactions themselves for the sake of
achieving better interactions without loss of any meaning,
efficiency, etc. for the purpose of a greater aesthetic whole --
hopefully even improvement).

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] What cool interactions do you want to play with at Interaction09?

2008-10-29 Thread David Malouf
That subvocalization thing
An MS Surface (or the kids table)
RFID & other NFC technologies
Biometrics (not just for security purposes)
ok, Multi-touch.
I think a real lesson on touch screen technologies. Examples of
4-wire & 5-wire touch screens, capacitive, inductive, etc. I don't
think most of us understand the subtle (and not so subtle differences
between these system).
Headmounted display systems

Ok, I'll stop. ;)

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Can an interaction designer creat (great) interaction without (great) visual design skills?

2008-10-29 Thread David Malouf
Barbara, The idea seems good, but even from the video it is hard to
know how it all executes. But to the point of the thread there are a
ton of Visual elements throughout the design ecosystem for sure!

Please send a Pen & notebook my way for evaluation and review. ;-)

-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Your field tablet mr. UX Researcher

2008-10-28 Thread David Malouf
what gets me is how valuable this would be for more than UX, but
extend it to almost any field observation recon auditing type
I likey! 

I'd like to buy a set for my contextual research project class,
please. ;-)

-- dave

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[IxDA Discuss] Your field tablet mr. UX Researcher

2008-10-28 Thread David Malouf

The folks over at Bressler Group under Robert Tanen came up with a
nifty tool for the field researcher on your Chrismakawanzisolkah list.

-- dave

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[IxDA Discuss] Special event with LIMITED seating - frog design & NYC IxDA present "Tiger.Blam/ Designing for Global Impact" - Jan Chipchase of Nokia

2008-10-28 Thread David Malouf
*frog design and IxDA NY present:*

Tiger.Blam / Designing for Global Impact
A conversation with Nokia's Jan Chipchase on effective design research
in cross-cultural mobile markets

Date: Wednesday November 5th, 2008

Registration:  6:00pm (refreshments served) Please arrive by 6 to
allow time to get through security. Photo ID required by security to
enter building. It must match the name on the registration list.

Presentation: 6:30pm to 8:00pm (includes Q&A)
Networking: 8:00pm to 8:30pm

JPMorgan Chase Auditorium
277 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10017
(between 47th & 48th)

Cost: FREE, but you must RSVP

RSVP by Friday October 31st at
You must enter the following code to register: "#ixda"

About Jan Chipchase:

Jan Chipchase is one of a team of researchers and anthropologists
working at Nokia. Based within the design organization at Nokia, his
job is to study people around the world - how they behave, communicate
and interact with each other and the things around them. He shares his
observations and insights with Nokia designers, who often accompany
him on field trips, helping them to create new ideas for how mobile
devices will look, work and be used in the future.

Most of his time is spent in the field conducting research projects.
This takes him out onto the streets, into people's homes and public
spaces to observe, document and analyze the rich tapestry of everyday
life. Recent projects include visiting Uganda to look at shared phone
use, several trips to India to look at how design can make mobile
devices more accessible to people with low or non-existent levels of
literacy and a study in South Korea looking at how early adopters were
reacting to the then recently launched mobile TV.

His research focuses on the future three to fifteen years from now -
understanding today's base human motivations, detecting early signals
of new trends and combining this knowledge with an understanding of
where technology is heading. The research is used by the design
team together with a suite of other tools to help inform and inspire
the design of future products, features, applications, services and
platforms. In 2006 alone this took him to fifteen different countries,
helping Nokia understand both the similarities and differences between

About design mind:

The design mind speaker series is an effort to bring together today's
leaders in business, technology, and design for an evening of
interdisciplinary discussion and debate. Held in frog's studios
throughout the US, Asia, and Europe, the series invites prominent
speakers from a wide range of disciplines to share their perspectives
on market trends, cultural innovations, and more.

About IxDA NY:

The Interaction Design Association ( is a member-supported
organization committed to serving the needs of the international
interaction design community. With the help of more than 10,000
members worldwide, we provide a network for advancing the discipline
of interaction design.

IxDA was founded in 2003 as an online discussion list and in just 5
years the organization has grown to include over 60 local groups
worldwide and the first global conference on interaction design and
for interaction designers. Our next conference, Interaction 09 |
Vancouver, takes off where our first conference, Interaction 09 |
Savannah, left off as a space bringing the best broad talent of
interaction designers together from around the world

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Twitter

2008-10-28 Thread David Malouf
2 thoughts on the 140char count:
1. It has actually improved my writing and worsened my spelling.
2. Ya know, you can write across multiple tweets.

Cindy, great story. Ambient Intimacy is a great way of shoring up
long distance relationships for sure.

I guess Billy D or Rusty U.

-- dave

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[IxDA Discuss] Genevieve Bell (Interaction09 Keynote) @ U of Indiana

2008-10-25 Thread David Malouf
Mark Vander Beeken reports on Genevieve Bell's recent talk at the Univ. of

She is just one of the amazing Keynotes who are going to be speaking at
Interaction 09 | Vancouver this year! ... Discounts for the great workshops last
till the end of the year: Dan Brown, Steve Portigal, Dan Saffer & Bill
Derouchey, and many more.

-- dave

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[IxDA Discuss] Sketching for Interaction Design - NYC on 10/29 9a-5p

2008-10-24 Thread David Malouf
HI peeps,

There are still spots open for my Sketching for Interaction Design workshop
happening in NYC on Wed. 10/29.

Come and learn how to apply the skill of sketching (not drawing) to your
interaction design practice.
* Learn what sketching really is.
* Learn how to sketch interaction design concepts
* Gain practice in sketching
* Where does sketching fit in the design process
* Give more fodder to your brain
* Collaborate better with peer designers and other stakeholders
* Learn how visual thinking changes the way you create.
... and more.

Cost per student is $400
Corporate discount for 3 or more is 10% (for all students).

-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Twitter

2008-10-23 Thread David Malouf
I hear this argument a lot about many social networks that are
started in the US or UK, but I've noticed a trend.

Brazilians & Portuguese just don't give a sh*t. ;-)
Nor do Israelis, Japanese and many other non-Europeans and well
Europeans. ;-)

Open up Twittervision and not only will you see different languages
spoken, but different character sets (Twitter is UTC or Unicode
compatible, I forget which).

I started out w/ the Brazilians and Portuguese b/c out of all of my
followers I notice more tweets in Portuguese than other foreign
language, followed by Spanish, Hebrew and Dutch.

Do I ignore those tweets. SURE do though sometimes they are good
practice. ;) ... but when I want to engage those people I do and they
do with me and yes that engagement is in English.

Further, the point of the thread is not about Twitter itself, but
about micro-blogging & ambient intimacy. Take (the OSS
version of Twitter) and well just make a Swedish version).
Micro-blogging in its many forms (Tumblr, plurk, jaiku, etc.) seem to
have English roots but global responses.

BTW, to my point, about 20% of the people I follow are non-USers. Ok,
a big bulk of those are Canadian. ;-)

-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Twitter

2008-10-22 Thread David Malouf
I was also a big plurk advocate when it first came out. My issue w/
plurk is that it is the Betamax of Twitter. It just doesn't have the
critical mass to keep me there and so now it is just annoying. 

I wonder if someone using the API of twitter can replicate the GUI.
Interesting project. The one thing I might remove is the "timeline"
of plurk.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Twitter

2008-10-22 Thread David Malouf
OH! and did people see what did w/ Twitter during the
debates. While I know that some have seen IM over MTv the way that I
could reply to people was very dfiferent than the IM/MTv space and it
all being done in a very open way was empowering. Why? B/c I knew that
500 people saw it besides the rest of the TV audience who in 3 debates
only saw 1 of my 100/debate tweets. ;-)

(thanx to everyone who didn't unfollow me!)

Again, I still liken it to TV. It ain't for everyone, and ya know
what, it doesn't have to be.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Twitter

2008-10-22 Thread David Malouf
The way i see it, it is the intermediate of IRC & IM. 
It has the advantages of individual asynchronous talking that IM
brings, but can also lead to real-time conversation to a group that
IRC brings.

It is like a train I can jump on and off of. It is referencable. i.e.
I can mark a tweet as a favorite (i.e. it has a URL in it that I want
to get back to). And it is subscriable in that my feed is an RSS feed
and all that that means.

The 140 character post limit also adds a special dimension that IM
and IRC don't have. 

Also, and related to the 140char limit is that it is multi-channel
accessible and has a rich API which has led to neat creations.

I.e. I can send a message to "d ixda" and everyone following can
get it (sorta like this list).

In the end, it is a mode that requires an investment, an interest in
people's minutiae and the ability to tolerate just sheer bull-shit.
B/c in so doing you really get at a few things:
1) deeper relationships with those you didn't expect you could
2) nuggets of gold that I really don't get anywhere else.

Oh! and by merging my tweets with my facebook status I get another
mode that especially during this election period has been quite
special for me.

In the end, like any new medium, some people make it work and some
don't need it. I.e. I have a ton of friends who don't own TVs. They
see no need for it (especially in the internet age). Me? I can't live
w/o either my TV or my Twitter. ;-)

-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Twitter

2008-10-22 Thread David Malouf
IxDA has 2 accounts right now (that I've seen).
@interaction09 for the upcoming conference and @ixda which is for
The cool thing about @ixda is that it is set up as a grouptweet and
so if you direct message "d ixda [message]" it goes to all the
followers. Pretty neat!

I'm at @daveixd

For me it has been FUN! been a great way to connect w/ @BarackObama
supporters and argue with non-supporters, Talk design, network with
new people, promote IxDA stuff, post and find other tidbits here and
there. Did I mention the "fun"?

-- dave

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[IxDA Discuss] Ivrea Legacy ... Its like impressive

2008-10-22 Thread David Malouf
While the Ivrea Institute for Interaction Design is gone, its legacy
is alive and well. ( article).

I have to say that the people I've met connected to IIID were some of
the best, brightest and most thoughtful Interaction Designers I've
met. I'm sorry this resource is gone, as I think it was something
special. I wonder if anyone can really recreate it. I know there are
some trying (mentioned in the article).

I'd love to hear from grads, faculty and staff (if any) on the list
their thoughts about Ivrea and what made it so special and why hasn't
another institution been able to really replicate it. Or maybe I'm
wrong, and there are others, and then I'd love to hear about which
ones are doing it and what they're up to.

- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Interface Design vs Interaction Design

2008-10-21 Thread David Malouf
Hi Jack,
And how many practitioners have taken Daniel Boyarski's course? How
has that course been made manifest in the great part of practice?

I think it is one thing to say that there is a theory put out there
like Jonas' Pliability, but quite another to say that that same
theory has reached the arena of practice and is well understood by
that community of practice.

I think as a community of practice we are far from understanding what
Daniel Boyarski is teaching. It is not spoken about here on this list,
nor is it spoken in the hallways at our conferences. 

We need WAY more programs in IxD (ooo! I'm about to do that) at the
masters level that are teaching the types of theory and converting
them to practice that you are mentioning. They also need to be
brought into the "continuing ed" universe where at this point they
are almost non-existent as we as a community of practice have been
frightened away from theoretical in favor of the practical when it
comes to these events. This means that these ideas get closeted to a
select few, never getting aired out and applied in wider use. 

-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Interface Design vs Interaction Design

2008-10-20 Thread David Malouf
Will, that's a very expansive definition. I'm afraid if you go
there, you just end up on that slippery slop that everything is
design. And if you zoom out far enough, yup you end up there. All the
points are human interaction points. Every symbol & bit of white space
in a graphic is a moment to interact at some level with a human being
by eliciting emotion or other response. By putting a sign up that
says "Sale" am I not hoping to elicit a behavior of an impulse
purchase. By your definitions then it is all interaction design.

Let's face it words fail us. They are imprecise, but we must bring
meaning to them and we must figure out where that meaning begins and
ends. These meanings also evolve over time. So far, I have heard
several entymologies in this thread for interface > interaction
design, but none of those actually connect to the coining of the term
which more precisely comes from industrial designers use of the term
and later co-opted by software designers mainly b/c industrial
designers didn't want to deal with it except in very small
audiences. But that isn't the point either b/c the history of the
terms as we've seen is so convoluted.

What is important to me and I hope to others are 3 things:
1) what do we do in practice?
2) how do we teach future practitioners?
3) how can we evaluate the work?

For me #1 is a mixed bag. There are people like Andrei who control
the entire experience as a single designer and there are people like
me who work more compartmentalized and collaboratively with with
other experts (currently industrial designers, but also graphic
designers) and always with technologists.  I'm sure is a continuum
here. But the fact that they can be separated. (Like in children's
books the story writer and the illustrator are often separate people
but there are the Boyton and Sendacks of the world as well.Yes, I'm
the father of a toddler.)

#2 This is my new thing (well new old, but now my new focus). To me
you most certainly have to have different courses for the frames and
the skins. 1 there is 1 frame and there are many different skins. To
translate, there is one behavioral design, but there are many crafts
that can wrap around that behavior (visual, audio, gestural,
industrial, architectural, etc.). This by itself means that from an
education stand point we must separate out interaction from interface
(or form), but they also must be conjoined in that same education
process otherwise as noted above they become quite meaningless.

#3 is another new biggie for me. (its amazing how the threads are
coming together.) We are ok at evaluating 2 things so far in
interface design: function (i.e. usability) and visual aesthetics &
legibility. What we don't have is an understanding of the aesthetics
of motion, interaction, and other behaviors. Is there beauty here? Are
there qualities outside of "usability" in this space. I certainly
think so, but I also know they are derived holistically so onion
skinning the pieces is intricate and probably bordering on navel
gazing at a certain level.

-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Interface Design vs Interaction Design

2008-10-20 Thread David Malouf
 I don't think I was being revisionist. I do think that new
complexities outside of screen/mouse/keyboard have meant that
learnings from traditional UI Design (in your world) have been
married with other disciplines and have congealed towards the
creation of a new creole discipline of sorts. I don't think you
loose anything here and the issues are less about what *I* do as a
practitioner and more about how we move forward as technologies and
learnings need to be expressed in new ways outside of the interfaces

Many many organizations HAVE created splits between interaction and
interface. They have done so with some levels of arguable success and
so have proven that while you want to retain all that control, many
organizations have decided to live in a more collaborative arena and
have succeeded doing so.

Basically, you do BOTH Interface and Interaction Design and that
makes you and the processes you live in ONE model that some have
succeeded with and others have not. It is neither the only way or the
best way, but a way that YOU have had a lot of success with.

No one is trying to define away your way of seeing the world, but
just trying to acknowledge and contend that there are divisions of
tasks, roles and disciplines at work here.

I think your belaboring of interface design as everything b/c you do
everything ends up becoming a defensive truism, without
substantiation except within the confines of individual practice.
Further, it does not constitute a real counter argument that
interface and interaction can be separated from one another (they can
equally be conjoined through practice as well).

-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Interface Design vs Interaction Design

2008-10-20 Thread David Malouf
To be honest, there may or may not be any difference at all at the
level of practice. One term has gained more traction as it has moved
away from GUI software design where UI has been prevelant and has
been encompassing systems design and hardware interface design as
well as service design. In many ways, Interaction design is interface
design (but not graphical interface design). It is about the story
that is made up of moments of dialog between different interfacing
moments made complex through intelligent connections and

To me Interaction Design is an evolution from Interface Design

Then academically I think Interaction Design is much more than
interface design in many ways. Interface Design really doesn't have
academic offerings outside of computer science that I have seen. The
closest are interactive design programs that are mostly either
computer arts programs or skills certification programs. But
Interaction Design especially in the European schools has built
itself out of the Industrial Design tradition of design education
that combines craft and thinking processes as well as a long history
of critique. 

So your question can be answered in so many ways and most answers are
going to be skewed by a persons current context and their
community/geography connections to their practice and education. It
is basically evolving, but through IxDA and other efforts I would say
the direction is as I describe it above. But I'm sure others have
other thoughts.

-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] help me to choose event

2008-10-20 Thread David Malouf
Hiya, to be a little more tactful than my buddy Will.
I have sent employees to NNG specifically to the 3-day Tog event
(while older than Nielsen he is not someone I would say one should
brush aside as quickly as will did). The event though is very costly.

I think if you want that type of intensive week-long event where you
get immersed in someone's IxD practice, I would recommend the Cooper
Practicum and Adaptive Path's UX Intensive before NNG's.
* Cooper Practicum -
* AP -

I do think though that there are real merits to coming to an event
like Interaction09 this coming February. 
1. There are 3 opportunities for workshops that can be just as
experiential/valuable as the types of events above, but with content
they won't have. 
2. You will be able to network in a way that those week long
intensives aren't really geared around. Networking is not just about
finding your next job, but is also about building relationships with
mentors. To me this falls under the "Teach a man to fish ..."
Theory of education. Sure I can tell you how I make a wireframe or
prototype, but creating a long term relationship with mentors is much
more valuable. 
3. The rest of the conference will put you next to peers, creating
conversations and providing inspiration.

In N. America there is no other IxD event like this one.

More at Registration and complete
program is open/available.

-- dave

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[IxDA Discuss] Last chance to sign up for Sketching for Interaction Design - Wed, Oct 29 - in New York, NY

2008-10-19 Thread David Malouf
I will be hopefully be teaching my 1-day workshop on how to apply
sketching as an invaluable design tool for interaction design on
Wednesday, Oct. 29th from 9a-5p in Manhattan. Too many UX
practitioners have not gained experience in this most important of
designer thinking and creating tools. This class will not teach you
how to draw, but rather teach you to visualize your ideas for better
learnings, explorations, and experimentations.

Deadline for reservations (just email me) is this Friday (including
payment, of $400 per student).

Please read the course description below.

-- dave

Are you looking for new ways to bring design thinking and design
practice into your daily practice as a user experience professional?
Do you want to learn how great designers of all types get to that
"new" idea without having to wait for divine inspiration? Do you think
that "sketching" is only a tool left to those who have been formally
trained to draw?

"Sketching for Interaction Design" is a 1-day seminar and workshop
created to teach people what sketching really is all about, why it is
powerful and how you can bring it into your daily practice as a User
Experience Professional. In this class you'll learn how the great
organizations of design and innovation use sketching in their daily
practice. You will also gain practice in sketching and see why it is a
distinctive tool from prototyping geared more towards idea generation
than for testing and communication. It is both a tool for personal
use, and a tool for group collaboration.

The course will contain these units:

* Defining sketching as something similar to but different from prototyping
* Placing sketching in the context of a larger design process
* General practice using drawing as a communication tool
* Class project working in teams
* Communicating concepts in interaction design
* Review period of team work
* Take away lessons, and next steps for people wanting to apply
sketching to their practice

The course is geared towards people who are practicing interaction
design and other user experience practices, but can be beneficial for
anyone who is trying to apply core design thinking methods into their
personal and business practices. No previous experience with drawing
or sketching is required.

The course is a full day workshop, 9a-5p, on Wednesday, October 29.
Class will be taught in Midtown.
General cost is $400
Bring 3 or more and get a 10% discount

Reservations & Payments need to be completed by Friday, Oct 24.

David Malouf

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] What to teach interaction design students

2008-10-19 Thread David Malouf
GREAT thread. Before I go all up and theoretical, I wanted to point
people to Jon Kolko's work in this regard. He is my predecessor at
SCAD as the Prof of IxD there. He has his course materials and other
thoughts on IxD education on his site:

I think "what I teach" will really depend on the structure. If I
was teaching inside another discipline (as I will be) I will only
have to teach those things that the primary program does not cover.
I.e. I won't be teaching drawing/sketching to a bunch of industrial
design students. But if I was teaching in an interactive media
program, I most certainly would be. In either case I would supplement
a standard sketching lab with tidbits about how to make sketching a
more effective IxD tool.

But generally, I like how people are speaking about the analog of
interaction design. I'm not so sure this is so necessary in a formal
education background as it is is a continuing ed background.
Especially at the masters level I would expect that complete studio
work you will have had to take the materials labs/studios in order to
continue your work. "Flash" might be too specific, but
basic/intermediate multimedia computer programming is definitely not.

Futher, I think the Jeff's example of exploring and re-telling is
great! It is really a classic ethnography course exercise but I would
add that would "story telling" is a hugely important lesson we need
to teach our students, there are some additions here I'd like to
1) There is story telling. I would want my stuents to explore this in
various cross-cultural forms.
2) There are media. Take the same story and see it played out in
various media. The Oddessy for example has been done (to death) as
book, graphic novel/comic, TV show, radio show, movie, and
interactive CD-ROM. Learning how the story changes both in media and
as well over time is really important.
3) Once the critique is done, then it is a question of learning how
to take that ethnography you did and then express *A* story in those
observations as a problem, that needs to be solved, and then telling
the story of the solution.

The last point I'd like to make here is that "Does it work?" is
the classic problem with UCD related design education. While this may
not be the intention of the words, in no doubt do the words themselves
focus our attention on "function". While usability and workabilit
and stakeholder demands are important, as a design discipline there
is more. There are aesthetics in interactions and it is important if
interaction designers are to work side by side and be in a position
to direct other trained designers (from other disciplines) to be able
to walk and talk about aesthetics not just of IxD but of the form
designers they will work with. Design History, not just of IxD, but
of architecture, industrial design, interior, graphic, etc. is
important. A learning of the great design schools of Europe and how
they influenced and got turned up-side-down in the US and Asia is
also important.

Then all of this that I don't see needs to be turned into
"critique". Someone recently said (I forget if it was posted on
this list) that graphic design is completely subjective with a means
of evaluating beyond the personal. HOGWASH! Critique is real in
visual design and industrial design, and it just doesn't mean that
it can be used, read, or communicated successfully. It speaks about
emotions like HCI theorists speak about cognition. While it can be
fuzzy, there is predictability the same way 5 wine tasters can all
agree on great wine, so would 5 design masters on specific qualities
of a visual, 3D or spatial design.

I'm not saying that what has been posted already isn't important,
but for a design education on IxD, not just a "continuing ed" UX
education, these elements were missing from the postings above.

-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] KUDOS: IxDA NYC!

2008-10-17 Thread David Malouf
Also, Liya and Jannine will be giving the studio as a workshop at
Intearction09 | Vancouver.
Save $50 on workshop fees before Dec. 31 (currently 1st 50 peeps save
$100 on conf registration itself).

There are a host of other great workshops we are putting together
including my Intro to IxD. All the info is at


-- dave

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[IxDA Discuss] Anyone w/ an opinon on this prototyping tool?

2008-10-17 Thread David Malouf
Hey folks,

I was wondering if anyone had experience with this tool. Thoughts!
Courtesy of @fred_beecher.

-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Question on Pros and Cons of Offshore UXD Collaboration

2008-10-17 Thread David Malouf
I think there is a very big difference between hiring an
international organization to do local research/design and hiring an
organization to do work either b/c you don't internally have the
resource or because you can supplement your resources with cheaper

I interpreted the question to be the latter. How can an Indian
organization sell its services. I do agree that too many
organizations think of localization as translation, but more, too
many organizations just accept a local-centric version of their
applications as acceptable to the world. i.e. many applications
especially in the B2B space are only in english.

-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Evolution of the Obama site

2008-10-16 Thread David Malouf
yea, @Jared did a review and there were others done recently
juxtaposed to Jared's. 

I found Jared's to be very utilitarian (unlike him actually),
compared to the designory reviews of the others.

In looking at the candidates sites one can't only look at "getting
to X page", but one must also look at how they tell their story and
convey their overarching message through their visuals and through
their content. 

McCain's use of the word "recruit" screams military and strength,
which Obama's screams grassroots action. The "O" Logo itself is
probably the best logo design of a presidential candidate in history.

While the Star between country first of McCain wreaks of Paton. 

Then there is the effectiveness measure. How much money and
volunteership are they able to get out of the site? This we won't
know until after the election.

-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Question on Pros and Cons of Offshore UXD Collaboration

2008-10-16 Thread David Malouf
Hi Atul,
I'm going to be straight up with you. I have not had a single
positive experience with ANY offshoring experience to date, whether
UX related or engineering related or even QA. What I have found
though is that the level of success is increased the more you can
"throw it over the wall". I.e. QA roles in engineering and
usability seem to be best suited for it.

As a USer-designer offshoring is a horrible notion because it means
jobs going away to save a buck. If you were paid something on the
order of what I was paid it was done because there wasn't enough
design resource here, I would oblige more freely, but it is almost
laways done to save a buck, and degrade payscales both in S. Asia and
in the US.

This btw, has nothing to do with the quality of work being done in
India. The issues are collaborative and cultural in nature. 

UX is about communicating the abstract and abstractions often contain
too many cultural assumptions that get misinterpreted through the
imperfections of spoken and written communications that we rely upon
under tight periods. (1hr. phone calls). 

I think a specific issue with UX offshoring that is intriguing is
that the UX is the face of the product and biz stakeholders want to
retain perceived control over the face of their products and services
so throwing it offshore is very difficult.

To me, you shouldn't approach this as an offshoe issue, but as an
"excellence" issue that happens to be cheaper. We work with British
design studios for example. We do so because the perceived value is in
excellence, obviously not because they are cheaper. When it comes to
UX, don't sell on "cheap" and don't call out the "offshore"
nature of it. Be the best and sell yourself as the best.

-- dave

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