[slim] Re: Need User Data to Diagnose GUI Stall Problem

2007-01-30 Thread Eric Carroll

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32238

Question: Do you have a intermittent SB GUI pause for 8-30 sec?

- Yes, my wireless SB will intermittently pause for 8-30sec.
- Yes my wired SB will intermittently pause for 8-30sec.
- No, my SB GUI does not pause.

1. Frequency: several times an hour
2. Computer: Infrant ReadyNAS NV+w. 1GB mem
3. Network data 

Basement SB3 

Signal Strength
< 10 : 0 : 0% 
< 20 : 0 : 0% 
< 30 : 2 : 0% 
< 40 : 177 : 32%  
< 50 : 373 : 68% # 
< 60 : 0 : 0% 
< 70 : 0 : 0% 
< 80 : 0 : 0% 
< 90 : 0 : 0% 
< 100 : 0 : 0% 
>=100 :0 :  0% 
max  : 49.00
min  : 28.00
avg  : 41.014493

Control Connection
< 1 : 556 :100% ##

< 2 : 0 : 0% 
< 5 : 0 : 0% 
< 10 : 0 : 0% 
< 20 : 0 : 0% 
>=20 :0 :  0% 
max  : 0.00
min  : 0.00
avg  : 0.00

Network Test
< 10 : 0 : 0% 
< 20 : 0 : 0% 
< 30 : 0 : 0% 
< 40 : 0 : 0% 
< 50 : 0 : 0% 
< 60 : 0 : 0% 
< 70 : 0 : 0% 
< 75 : 0 : 0% 
< 80 : 0 : 0% 
< 85 : 0 : 0% 
< 90 : 0 : 0% 
< 95 : 0 : 0% 
< 100 : 0 : 0% 
>=100 : 1349 :100%
max  : 100.00
min  : 100.00
avg  : 100.00
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 392, Received = 392, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate route trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 1ms, Maximum = 30ms, Average = 2ms  

3rd Floor SB3

Signal Strength 
< 10 : 0 : 0% 
< 20 : 0 : 0% 
< 30 : 0 : 0% 
< 40 : 0 : 0% 
< 50 : 0 : 0% 
< 60 : 0 : 0% 
< 70 : 132 : 21% ## 
< 80 : 299 : 47% ### 
< 90 : 202 : 32% ### 
< 100 : 0 : 0% 
>=100 :0 :  0% 
max  : 85.00
min  : 64.00
avg  : 73.67

Control Connection 
< 1 : 642 :100% ##

< 2 : 0 : 0% 
< 5 : 0 : 0% 
< 10 : 0 : 0% 
< 20 : 0 : 0% 
>=20 :0 :  0% 
max  : 0.00
min  : 0.00
avg  : 0.00

Network test
< 10 : 0 : 0% 
< 20 : 0 : 0% 
< 30 : 0 : 0% 
< 40 : 0 : 0% 
< 50 : 0 : 0% 
< 60 : 0 : 0% 
< 70 : 0 : 0% 
< 75 : 0 : 0% 
< 80 : 0 : 0% 
< 85 : 0 : 0% 
< 90 : 0 : 0% 
< 95 : 0 : 0% 
< 100 : 0 : 0% 
>=100 :  792 :100%
max  : 100.00
min  : 100.00
avg  : 100.00

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 394, Received = 394, Lost = 0%
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 17ms, Average = 1ms

1st Floor Transporter 
Signal Strength
< 10 : 0 : 0% 
< 20 : 0 : 0% 
< 30 : 0 : 0% 
< 40 : 0 : 0% 
< 50 : 0 : 0% 
< 60 : 0 : 0% 
< 70 : 0 : 0% 
< 80 : 54 : 6% ## 
< 90 : 882 : 94% ### 
< 100 : 0 : 0% 
>=100 :0 :  0% 
max  : 87.00
min  : 75.00
avg  : 81.534188

Control Connection
< 1 : 1205 :100% ##

< 2 : 0 : 0% 
< 5 : 0 : 0% 
< 10 : 0 : 0% 
< 20 : 0 : 0% 
>=20 :0 :  0% 
max  : 0.00
min  : 0.00
avg  : 0.00

Network Test
< 10 : 0 : 0% 
< 20 : 0 : 0% 
< 30 : 0 : 0% 
< 40 : 1 : 0% 
< 50 : 0 : 0% 
< 60 : 0 : 0% 
< 70 : 0 : 0% 
< 75 : 0 : 0% 
< 80 : 0 : 0% 
< 85 : 0 : 0% 
< 90 : 0 : 0% 
< 95 : 0 : 0% 
< 100 : 0 : 0% 
>=100 : 1183 :100%
max  : 100.00
min  : 30.851064
avg  : 99.941597

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 1457, Received = 1457, Lost = 0%
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 104ms, Average = 1ms

This pretty clearly shows my wireless network is as clean as a whistle.

Eric Carroll

Transporter-Bryston 3B SST-Paradigm Reference Studio 60 v.4
SB3-Rotel RB890-B&W Matrix 805
SB3-Pioneer VSX-49TXi-Mirage OM7+C2+R2

Eric Carroll's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=9293
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32238

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[slim] Re: How would you like to select which music to play ?

2007-01-30 Thread erland

Michael Herger;175203 Wrote: 
> > 1. *How do you select which music to play today ?* (Browse, Search,
> > Random, Smart playlists, other?)
> 4. MIP based on some song I like (browse to song -> MIP)What type of things 
> are you using MIP for ? Is it just for playing
similar songs to one that you like, or do you use it for other stuff
than "similar songs" ? 

ceejay;175209 Wrote: 
> Some but not all of the music I listen to is classical: in this case
> options 1 and 2 work but not very well due to SS's limitations in
> dealing with classical music, and 3 is irrelevant.I only have a few albums of 
> classical music myself so I haven't really
experienced any problems, but I guess the situation would be totaly
different when the number of classical albums in a collection
increases. Is the problem with Custom Browse that it feels to static to
solve the classical music browsing or is the problem something else ?

ceejay;175209 Wrote: 
> For nonclassical, what would improve my listening would be something
> that made option 1 more effective at leading me to places I might be
> missing.  I suppose a list of the albums that haven't been played
> recently would be a start (I know I could do that with your plugins!)
> but it would be a pain if you got the same list every time, because
> there is probably a good reason why those albums haven't been played!
> Filtering this list by Genre would be good.
> Maybe what I want is "give me a list of 20 albums from this genre which
> haven't been played recently and which weren't on the list offered last
> time I asked this question"!
I'll add it to the wish list, it should be quite easy to do with Custom
Browse. I guess a menu like to following should solve your problem:


  Random Albums by Genre

(There is already a Random Album menu available with Custom Browse but
without the extra Genre level and without the not recently played

Would it be a good idea to also have a "Not played within" level in the
top of the menu so you can easily select to exclude albums played within
last day, last week, last month or last year ?

slimkid;175318 Wrote: 
> I find the 'drill down' method to be very usefull if one really wants to
> actively listen to the music. Lately, I have asked a question about
> obvious bug, where there's the arrow showing by the 'Year' tag, but
> drill-down doesn't work. 
> But then, I'm thinking that the drill-down might be implemented on any
> tag where there's a posibility of having multiple items. Title is the
> first that comes to mind. For example, I'm listening to 'Almost Blue'
> performed by Diana Krall. Then I ask myself, let's see how does Elvis
> Costello does the same song (for purely trivia reasons :) ). Then, I'd
> like to compare it to more classical performance of Billy Holiday. So,
> drill-down on title would make sense. Then, I want to hear why (or if)
> is Karajan's vision of Requiem better than other's performances. Drill
> down on track title or album should be able to take me to the another
> track with the same name.I'm guessing that with 'drill down' you are talking 
> about the menu shown
when going right when a track is displayed ? For example from the Now
Playing screen ?

I have been thinking myself a bit about this to and primary I would
like to get ratings and tags handled by the Custom Tag plugin available
there and also some support for the Multi Library plugin to limit the
result to the active library. I'm thinking that it might be a good
solution to make it a bit configurable in same way as Custom Browse
where the user can decide what information he wants to be available in
the 'drill down'. I'm not sure if its possible to hook into the 'drill
down' menus, so I'm not sure whats possible to do yet.

Personally I have a few smart playlists in SQL playlist that I play
music with. Some only inludes high rated tracks, other includes
everything but a few bad artists/albums and low rated tracks.

Occasionally when I am listing I like to listen to a specific song. I
then browse to that song with the browse menu and hold add down to
insert it as the next song in the current playlist.

The big improvement for me I think would be to be able to use the
SqueezeBox when deciding which music to purchase. Today I often do this
by browsing Allmusic.com, Amazon.com and similar sites and listen to
their 30 seconds preview. I often use their different types of
similarity/follower statistics when deciding what to preview. The
ratings and reviews on Allmusic is also sometimes helfull, but thats
used more like a way to decide if an artist is of interest or not when
I have already found it. I also sometimes use the Amazon.com "customer
has also bought this" statistics.

By reading all posters comments so far it seems like most people use
the "browse" mechanism as primary tool for selecting what to play. If I
am interpreting this correc

Re: [slim] Take a hint from iPod interface?

2007-01-30 Thread Michael Herger

One thing I like in the (really) simple Nano user interface is that
when scrolling rapidly through a long list it switches from displaying
each individual item to displaying the first letter of the sorted

It's something I once tried to do in MusicInfoSCR. The problem (with my  
implementation) was, that the large letter will partially be overwritten  
by whatever should be displayed on the top line, making it very flickery  
and hard to read. But it's still somewhere in the back of my head...

BTW: I'm not sure I saw this on an iPod, but somewhere else as well.



http://www.herger.net/SlimCD - your SlimServer on a CD
http://www.herger.net/slim - AlbumReview, Biography, MusicInfoSCR

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[slim] RadioIO Failure

2007-01-30 Thread Ramage

Since yesterday I have not been able to listen to any RadioIO channel on
any of my 3 versions of slimserver, 6.5.2, 6.5.1 and 6.3.1. using either
SB3 or softsqueeze.

RadioIO fails from Mypicks, and the RadioIO menu entries.

I get "problem: can't connect to server for:" error message on the

That said, RadioIO works OK using SN, and the RadioIO web page.

What has changed?  This worked up to yesterday.

I have double checked username password, but as I am using 3 different
versions of SS on 3 different platforms, I suspect the problem is

Anyone else experienced similar problems - I am in UK.


P2 266MHz,Linux ClarkConnect 3.2, SlimServer Version: 6.5.1 - 11206,
Alien 1.06
P4 2.6GHz, Win XP, SlimServer Version: 6.5.2 - 11304 - Windows XP - EN
- cp1252, Alien 1.06 
NSLU2 Unslung 6.8b SlimServer Version: 6.3.1 - 8476 - Linux, No Alien

Ramage's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=5343
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32239

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[slim] OpenSolaris

2007-01-30 Thread Bennett, Gavin (LDN Int)

Does anyone have any expirence of running SlimServer on OpenSolaris

I am thinking of rebuilding my server (currently WinXP) as OpenSolaris
to make use of the ZFS RAID system.  The server currently runs Apache
and SlimServer and acts as large fileshare for DVDs

Thanks in advance


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[slim] Re: RadioIO Failure

2007-01-30 Thread Ramage

Using debugging d_directstream got the following log when trying

2007-01-30 08:03:29.5938 ERROR: scanRemoteURL: Can't connect to remote
server to retrieve playlist: 401 Service Unavailable.

2007-01-30 08:04:51.1343 ERROR: scanRemoteURL: Can't connect to remote
server to retrieve playlist: 401 Service Unavailable.

2007-01-30 08:04:55.8165 ERROR: scanRemoteURL: Can't connect to remote
server to retrieve playlist: 401 Service Unavailable.

2007-01-30 09:30:40.0581 ERROR: scanRemoteURL: Can't connect to remote
server to retrieve playlist: 401 Service Unavailable.

Any clues?


P2 266MHz,Linux ClarkConnect 3.2, SlimServer Version: 6.5.1 - 11206,
Alien 1.06
P4 2.6GHz, Win XP, SlimServer Version: 6.5.2 - 11304 - Windows XP - EN
- cp1252, Alien 1.06 
NSLU2 Unslung 6.8b SlimServer Version: 6.3.1 - 8476 - Linux, No Alien

Ramage's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=5343
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32239

discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: How would you like to select which music to play ?

2007-01-30 Thread JJZolx

In order:
- Browse by Album sorted by Artist/Year/Album.  I just look around,
  and see what interests me, the same as I do with my CD collection and
  did with my vinyl collection before that.  If I know what I'm after, I
  pretty much browse directly to it.
- Search.  If I _really_ know what I'm after, a search is the
  quickest way to get to it.  I usually search by artist or album name
  and dig down from there if necessary.
- Random play.  My biggest problem with random play, though, is that
  you can't exclude genres.  I'd like to play Jazz, for instance, but
  exclude tracks also tagged Christmas.  Or play Blues, but exclude
  tracks also tagged Rock.

What I know I'll never use:

- Track ratings.
- Track exclusions/filtering.
- A system that decides what I want to hear from my library based
  upon what I've already listened to.

The last one isn't to say that I may not use Rhapsody or something
along those lines to discover new music, but for me things like that
are more of a curiosity than anything else.  The bit of experience that
I have with things like Rhapsody hasn't impressed me very much.  I like
real live radio programs and knowledgeable disc jockeys for discovering
new music that I'll listen to and buy.

One of the biggest improvements to SlimServer for me would be more
flexible browsing in the web interface, with more customizable
information shown in the different browse modes and at the different
levels.  For instance I want to see track lengths and composers for
tracks in the the album track listing.  And additional album details
like the band/albumartist, the genre(s), the album date and the total
playing time when in that same view.  More information could be
supressed from the track lines, like the artist name if it's the same
on all tracks, and of course, the album name that appears on every
line.  There's a lot of potential for the web interface, but it strikes
me as being far too rigid in its presentation of data right now.



JJZolx's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=10
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32202

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Re: [slim] Re: RadioIO Failure

2007-01-30 Thread Michael Herger

2007-01-30 09:30:40.0581 ERROR: scanRemoteURL: Can't connect to remote
server to retrieve playlist: 401 Service Unavailable.
Any clues?

RadioIO streams seem to be down. That's what the error message says. Not a  
lot you can do but wait (or check your internet connection?).



http://www.herger.net/SlimCD - your SlimServer on a CD
http://www.herger.net/slim - AlbumReview, Biography, MusicInfoSCR

discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: RadioIO Failure

2007-01-30 Thread Ramage

But they are OK if I use SN!  They have been down for more than 24 hours

Are you getting the same thing Michael?


P2 266MHz,Linux ClarkConnect 3.2, SlimServer Version: 6.5.1 - 11206,
Alien 1.06
P4 2.6GHz, Win XP, SlimServer Version: 6.5.2 - 11304 - Windows XP - EN
- cp1252, Alien 1.06 
NSLU2 Unslung 6.8b SlimServer Version: 6.3.1 - 8476 - Linux, No Alien

Ramage's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=5343
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32239

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Re: [slim] Re: RadioIO Failure

2007-01-30 Thread Michael Herger

But they are OK if I use SN!

Ok, this is even more interesting. I wonder whether it's only the playlist  
you can't download or the stream itself.

When you get it working in SN, can you push right with the remote control  
and note the URL on paper? You could then try to enter that url in the  
"Radio TuneIn" field in SlimServer (once locally connected).

Or can you play eg. radioio://radioioECLECTIC.mp3 ? Or  
http://radioio.sc.llnwd.net:8475/ (RadioIO80s)

Are you getting the same thing Michael?

It's more than 24h since I listened to the above station. And I've taken  
it from my favorites. And right now I'm sitting behind a corporate  
firewall where I can't test. BTW: You don't have a firewall blocking ports?



http://www.herger.net/SlimCD - your SlimServer on a CD
http://www.herger.net/slim - AlbumReview, Biography, MusicInfoSCR

discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: RadioIO Failure

2007-01-30 Thread Ramage

I managed to get RadioIO to play through Slimserver by tuning in their
windows media stream from the website.


which gives:

Looks like the mp3 server is down;  however, the same mp3 stream works
OK from Squeeze Network.

Does anyone know what the difference between SS and SN might be?


P2 266MHz,Linux ClarkConnect 3.2, SlimServer Version: 6.5.1 - 11206,
Alien 1.06
P4 2.6GHz, Win XP, SlimServer Version: 6.5.2 - 11304 - Windows XP - EN
- cp1252, Alien 1.06 
NSLU2 Unslung 6.8b SlimServer Version: 6.3.1 - 8476 - Linux, No Alien

Ramage's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=5343
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32239

discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: How would you like to select which music to play ?

2007-01-30 Thread cliveb

erland;175607 Wrote: 
> By reading all posters comments so far it seems like most people use the
> "browse" mechanism as primary tool for selecting what to play. If I am
> interpreting this correctly most of you know what you want to listen to
> and you use Browse to find it.
I've not posted before in this thread, so maybe I'm weird, but...

If I know what I want to listen to, I'll use the Lazy Search plugin to
get to it quickly. I tend to use Browse when I don't know what I want
to listen to and feel like scanning through the list of artists.

One last point (I've said this before in a thread many months ago). The
biggest thing I miss is the ability to walk up to a wall rack full of
CDs (stacked like books, spines showing), and scan it almost at random,
flitting the eyes around until you happen on an album you feel like
playing. I can't envisage any way of replicating that, short of having
a huge plasma or LCD screen on the wall displaying an image of all the
CD spines. Come to think of it, if that screen were touch-sensitive,
you could then just tap the album you want played. That would be
seriously cool - but stupidly expensive.


Performers -> dozens of mixers and effects -> clipped/hypercompressed
mastering -> you think a few extra ps of jitter matters?

cliveb's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=348
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32202

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[slim] Re: RadioIO Failure

2007-01-30 Thread Ramage

Copied the url used on SN (same as the one I normally use BTW) into SS
web interface and it failed to play, got same message: can't connect to
retrieve playlist.

This is the same for radioIO mp3 streams of any quality hi, med or

I've emailed RadioIO explaining the problem.  Awaiting a response.


P2 266MHz,Linux ClarkConnect 3.2, SlimServer Version: 6.5.1 - 11206,
Alien 1.06
P4 2.6GHz, Win XP, SlimServer Version: 6.5.2 - 11304 - Windows XP - EN
- cp1252, Alien 1.06 
NSLU2 Unslung 6.8b SlimServer Version: 6.3.1 - 8476 - Linux, No Alien

Ramage's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=5343
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32239

discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: How would you like to select which music to play ?

2007-01-30 Thread CardinalFang

cliveb;175648 Wrote: 
> Come to think of it, if that screen were touch-sensitive, you could then
> just tap the album you want played. That would be seriously cool - but
> stupidly expensive.

You could do something similar using a web tablet and an interface a
bit like the iTunes 3D cover art browsing modes. You can spot albums by
art far faster when scanning and it also really does prompt listening to
old albums far more than reading a list. I much prefer to pick music
this way and I wish you could do it in Slim.

I also like to pick music based on my mood, so for example I'll often
pick a playlist that has acoustic guitar music on after work, or
sometimes one with funk on it at the weekend. It's a little more finely
defined than genre (R&B, World etc.) and my own playlists that I have
created in iTunes. It would be nice to be able to have additional tags
or data that gave some feel for tempo or mood of tracks. I guess
products like mood logic do this, but I have never tried them.


CardinalFang's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=962
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32202

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[slim] Re: How would you like to select which music to play ?

2007-01-30 Thread hunta

I browse by Artist 9 times out of 10.

What would be REALLY nice would be the ability to customise the order
of items in the 'Browse by' list. I never browse by Album so having
that come up first is a real pain.

Other than that I use MusicIP and LastFM, but I'm largely happy with
how they work. The important thing is to get the very basic 'out of the
box' usability right to ensure the product appeals to Jo Public and his
/ her significant other half.


hunta's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=333
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32202

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Re: [slim] Re: How would you like to select which music to play ?

2007-01-30 Thread Marc Sherman

hunta wrote:

I browse by Artist 9 times out of 10.

What would be REALLY nice would be the ability to customise the order
of items in the 'Browse by' list. I never browse by Album so having
that come up first is a real pain.

I just took Browse out of the main menu, and replaced it with Browse 
Artists and Browse Genres, which are the only two browse types I ever 
use. I also remapped the Brightness remote key to Browse Artists.

- Marc
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[slim] Re: Thecus N5200 - fastest NAS available

2007-01-30 Thread egd

andyman_sf;169381 Wrote: 
> I'm not sure if anybody here even cares but I managed to create my own
> firmware for the N5200 to allow for ssh access on their latest firmware
> (ver 1.00.05).  In 1.00.05 they disabled ssh.

Off topic question, have you managed to get slimserver running on your


Linux and loving IT!

egd's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3425
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=25784

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[slim] Re: Italian owners?

2007-01-30 Thread Mario

mi ero scordato di dirvi che ne ho preso uno anche io a Gennaio...
Me lo sono fatto spedire dagli USA. Però che strazio le spese di
spedizione (con 14€ di anticipo IVA etc.) !
Almeno, per fortuna, ho fatto in tempo a prendere la versione wired
prima che sparisse ;-)


Mario's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=8634
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=14280

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[slim] Re: Album thumbnail problem

2007-01-30 Thread lemmy999

MrSinatra;175441 Wrote: 
> so the album tag is the same for all...  maybe thats why it works.
> i assume "discnumber" is a non-standard tag...  what pgm does it and is
> it automatic or manually set?
> also, are you positive some of your tags don't have the art embedded?

I use mp3tag and the discnumber tag is manually set by me.  Since the
downloaded freedb information (by default) usually sets the album tag
to something like "album (Disc 1)" and "album (Disc 2)", I have to edit
the album name tage and add this discnumber for each one.  

Last night I did another multidisc album and I only needed one
cover.jpg. However I did notice one thing.  In album view, the
thumbnail for the album (with one entry) is shown.  Then when I click
on that album, a larger image is shown and all of the tracks for both
discs are shown.  However, if I click on tracks from the first disc,
the track information and album art are shown.  If I click on tracks or
the second disc, on the track information is shown, no album art.  This
makes sense since there is no album art in that directory.


lemmy999's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=9284
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32190

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[slim] Re: RadioIO Failure

2007-01-30 Thread Cotton76

I've been experiencing the exact problem here in North Carolina. Began
on Sunday, Jan. 28.


Cotton76's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=9947
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32239

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[slim] Re: RadioIO Failure

2007-01-30 Thread Ramage

Good to know I'm not alone.  Something has changed on RadioIO maybe
permissions to access mp3 streams?

I'm waiting for a response from RadioIO.

Someone (Andy) at Slim Devices may wish to comment.


P2 266MHz,Linux ClarkConnect 3.2, SlimServer Version: 6.5.1 - 11206,
Alien 1.06
P4 2.6GHz, Win XP, SlimServer Version: 6.5.2 - 11304 - Windows XP - EN
- cp1252, Alien 1.06 
NSLU2 Unslung 6.8b SlimServer Version: 6.3.1 - 8476 - Linux, No Alien

Ramage's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=5343
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32239

discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: MP3Gain, MP3Tag, iTunes craziness

2007-01-30 Thread Mark Lanctot

DrNic;175320 Wrote: 
> MP3Gain will let you change the reference point (as said above) but his
> only works when the value is written to the file (ie the track data is
> altered - rather than reading a value from a tag). Otherwise the
> analysis value stored to tag is like the value stored to tag from
> Foobar's Replaygain...

Playing around with the MP3Gain GUI, I don't know.  I can alter the
reference level at any time.  It appears that all it needs is one
"analysis" pass, either during that session or before.  In the file it
appears to store a value that it places in its "volume" column, the
"track gain" column is simply a difference between the volume value and
the reference value you type in at the top.

So when you open the GUI, the volume and gain values pop up instantly
for files that were previously analyzed.  If there's been no analysis,
there won't be any volume/gain values until they are analyzed.

When you change the reference value, note that the gain values change
instantly without rewriting the files (in fact they change as you type)
- this is indicating it's an in-session instant calculation based on the
difference between the new reference value and the volume value.  But
this new adjustment won't be saved in the file unless you do a track
analysis again.

The gain button operates the same but performs both the analysis and
alters the volume bits.  So the next time you view such files, you'll
always see a gain of 0 because the file's volume has actually been
altered to your reference value.  It will only indicate anything other
than 0 if your reference value isn't what you used when you altered the
file's volume the first time.

Mark Lanctot

"It's like, you know, a New Age religion, but with better treble
response." - Jon Heal

Mark Lanctot's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2071
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32178

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[slim] Discrete Codes - Favourites

2007-01-30 Thread FRR

Are there any discrete IR codes for the Favorites. I want to be able to
select the favorites using a programmable remote and a single button
push. The remote programming I've know how to do, but access to the
favorites menu is not clear to me. It could be a forest and a tree

Thanks in advance


FRR's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=9948
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32247

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[slim] Re: RadioIO Failure

2007-01-30 Thread Cotton76

I'm a radioIO SoundPass subscriber and have been enjoying the
hi-quality, 128bps stream through Slimserver until this problem popped


Cotton76's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=9947
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[slim] Re: RadioIO Failure

2007-01-30 Thread Ramage

Particularly annoying if you are paying for the service ;-).  

Why not contact RadioIO from their website and tell them about it.

They may start to take note with more reports.


P2 266MHz,Linux ClarkConnect 3.2, SlimServer Version: 6.5.1 - 11206,
Alien 1.06
P4 2.6GHz, Win XP, SlimServer Version: 6.5.2 - 11304 - Windows XP - EN
- cp1252, Alien 1.06 
NSLU2 Unslung 6.8b SlimServer Version: 6.3.1 - 8476 - Linux, No Alien

Ramage's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=5343
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32239

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[slim] Re: PepperPad3 as slimserver remote

2007-01-30 Thread Mark Lanctot

I think Ben is trying for a Pepper Pad developer discount!  :-D

I would rather have a Pepper Pad than a laptop if all I wanted it for
was a SlimServer Super Remote.  It's a bit cheaper (only a bit).

Unfortunately the website doesn't say where/how to get one.  I highly
doubt they are available in Canada except through import, which can
significantly raise the price well beyond simple currency conversion.

Mark Lanctot

"It's like, you know, a New Age religion, but with better treble
response." - Jon Heal

Mark Lanctot's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2071
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32220

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[slim] Converting to Apple Lossless

2007-01-30 Thread thesil

I would like to convert some of my music files in iTunes that are still
Mp3, to Apple lossless. I converted a file or 2 and noticed that the
original song was still in iTunes. Is this normal? I am concerned that
if I "select all" to convert, then I will have thousands of duplicates.
Any suggestions? thanks in advance


thesil's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=9197
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32249

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[slim] Very interesting read - Vista Content Protection

2007-01-30 Thread Dave Dewey
"A Cost Analysis of Windows Vista Content Protection.

The Vista Content Protection specification could very well constitute the
longest suicide note in history"

This has major implications for music over a PC, particularly for those
who'd like to use a SB as an 'external soundcard.'


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[slim] Re: Converting to Apple Lossless

2007-01-30 Thread bodajmac

that's normal, itunes does retain the original file.  one way to do it
might be to convert everything then simply arrange your library by file
type by clicking on that heading, then select all the mp3s and then
delete them - slightly clunky, but easy enough!


bodajmac's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=9573
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[slim] Re: iTunes Playlists not updated automatically

2007-01-30 Thread tedfroop

Just a silly question,  are the play lists in question normal or
intelligent play lists? 
I was having the same problem but came to the realization SlimServer
was picking up my normal play lists and not the intelligent play lists.


tedfroop's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3011
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[slim] Re: Converting to Apple Lossless

2007-01-30 Thread thesil

Thanks. Yeah that is a little clunky, but I will give it a shot.


thesil's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=9197
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32249

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[slim] Re: MP3Gain, MP3Tag, iTunes craziness

2007-01-30 Thread thing-fish

eschurr;175508 Wrote: 
> None taken.  :)
> this article was VERY interesting. 
> http://www.hydrogenaudio.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=24527&st=0
> it leads me to wonder: why screw around with ReplayGain tags? Why not
> just use MP3Gain to volume adjust the files so they play the same
> volume in SB and all other MP3 players?  is there somee downside to
> this?

That really is interesting.  I always thought that MP3Gain =
ReplayGain.  From that article, it appears not!


[image: http://imagegen.last.fm/3line/recenttracks/thing-fish.gif]

thing-fish's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=5288
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32178

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[slim] Re: PepperPad3 as slimserver remote

2007-01-30 Thread bklaas

Mark Lanctot;175701 Wrote: 
> I think Ben is trying for a Pepper Pad developer discount!  :-D
> I would rather have a Pepper Pad than a laptop if all I wanted it for
> was a SlimServer Super Remote.  It's a bit cheaper (only a bit).
> Unfortunately the website doesn't say where/how to get one.  I highly
> doubt they are available in Canada except through import, which can
> significantly raise the price well beyond simple currency conversion.

Ya know, it's funny you should say that, because the other day I looked
at their "contact us" section of their website and the U.S.
representation is about a 10 minute walk from my house in Minneapolis.
I had visions of showing up unannounced and asking for a demo unit,
just to see what they'd say. I'm not sure exactly how I'd build a
hybrid IR/WiFi application, but it sure does sound promising (IR for
immediate squeezebox response, WiFi for stuff like cover art, etc.).

FWIW, there is a "buy now" link on the website, at least on the site
that's served up to U.S. (there's clearly a IP-country redirect here).
Amazon.com, Target.com, eCost.com, and jr.com all carry it. I think
you're once again getting screwed because you're in the Great White

Laptops as slimserver controllers typically are light years more
responsive than any of these type of devices, and I don't even care
that much about the size. But, they suffer in a couple of critical ways
for me: 1. laptops make noise 2. I have two daughters < 3 years old that
would like nothing better than to destroy anything in their path.

To be honest, the slimserver IR remote works just fine for me, and
that's what I use 95% of the time. I think I just like pursuing this
stuff because the skin development has become a bit of a hobby for me.
Plus, gadgets are fun.

Just to play devil's advocate on myself though, if the PepperPad could
be an effective remote for my audio receiver, squeezeboxen, xbmc,
Comcast DVR, television, and home theater receiver, that would be
pretty sweet. Kind of like that fancy Harmony remote that KDF linked to
a few days ago, but with DIY appeal (twice the work! half the fun!)

alrighty then,


To be


"the Nokia770 skin guy"

bklaas's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=58
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32220

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[slim] Re: How would you like to select which music to play ?

2007-01-30 Thread thing-fish

erland;175187 Wrote: 
> As I said in the beginning I'm both interesting in how you select which
> music to play today and how you would like the selection to be done in
> the future.

These are great questions, thanks for asking!  Note that probably  80%
of my SlimServer use is listening to tracks at work via softsqueeze,
which I've done for years.  We have about 18K tracks and recently
bought our first Squeezebox.  Here's the most common ways we use the

1 - Search to artist, track or album and then do a MusicIP Mix based on
that thing

2 - Browse New Music to get to the latest additions to the library,
then either play the new disc or do a MusicIP Mix on the new disc.  We
also do Browse New Music to find the latest podcasts that a separate
program has downloaded to our library.

2 - Go to the Plugins -> Podcast menu to listen to a podcast directly

3 - Streaming Radio in general, whether it be the Internet Radio
section, last.fm, radio.io, Radio Keneally, etc.  Also our local public
radio station doesn't come in very well over the antenna, so we listen
to them through their stream almost exclusively now.

4 - Search to album and play the whole album.  Once in a while search
to artist, select whole artist and randomize it (my son does that with
Weird Al in particular)

5 - Recently I installed the SQL Playlists and have played with that. 
The big thing I did was make a very long query to make a "spouse-safe"
playlist that only played artists she liked.  I would prefer to use
MusicIPs Filters function, but that requires the GUI and I'm running
MusicIP headless on FreeBSD.  

Overall I would say that we mostly use "intelligent random" mixing +
some targeted listening.  We have pretty much abandoned true Random
listening, as our collection is too big and too broad to enjoy it that
way.  Once in a while I like my Slayer to fade into my Puccini, but not
often.  I've had a blast with SQL Playlists (I'm a Data Architect IRL),
but even the "spouse-safe", artist-constrained list proved to generally
be too jarring on a track-by-track basis.  You did a great job with that
plug-in though; it's a blast.

I've stated in other forums: I used Slimserver before MusicIP, but my
enjoyment of my collection truly peaks with the combination of
Slimserver for delivery and MusicIP for selection.The ultimate for
me will be to have MusiciP/Slimserver mix my own tracks with Rhapsody
tracks.  That's nirvana, imo.  All the music I've bought plus a
tremendous rental catalog, intelligently mixed.  Just got to get
MusicIP to add more of the GUI functionality (namely filters and
exclusions) to the headless version.


[image: http://imagegen.last.fm/3line/recenttracks/thing-fish.gif]

thing-fish's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=5288
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32202

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[slim] Re: MP3Gain, MP3Tag, iTunes craziness

2007-01-30 Thread thing-fish

eschurr;175508 Wrote: 
> None taken.  :)
> this article was VERY interesting. 
> http://www.hydrogenaudio.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=24527&st=0
> it leads me to wonder: why screw around with ReplayGain tags? Why not
> just use MP3Gain to volume adjust the files so they play the same
> volume in SB and all other MP3 players?  is there somee downside to
> this?

That really is interesting.  I always thought that MP3Gain =
ReplayGain.  From that article, it appears not!


[image: http://imagegen.last.fm/3line/recenttracks/thing-fish.gif]

thing-fish's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=5288
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32178

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[slim] Re: Converting to Apple Lossless

2007-01-30 Thread bodajmac

if you're feeling flashy you could always create a smartplaylist for all
items with file type mp3 and identify them that way :-)


bodajmac's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=9573
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32249

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[slim] Re: How would you like to select which music to play ?

2007-01-30 Thread thing-fish

erland;175187 Wrote: 
> As I said in the beginning I'm both interesting in how you select which
> music to play today and how you would like the selection to be done in
> the future.

These are great questions, thanks for asking!  Note that probably  80%
of my SlimServer use is listening to tracks at work via softsqueeze,
which I've done for years.  We have about 18K tracks and recently
bought our first Squeezebox.  Here's the most common ways we use the

1 - Search to artist, track or album and then do a MusicIP Mix based on
that thing

2 - Browse New Music to get to the latest additions to the library,
then either play the new disc or do a MusicIP Mix on the new disc.  We
also do Browse New Music to find the latest podcasts that a separate
program has downloaded to our library.

2 - Go to the Plugins -> Podcast menu to listen to a podcast directly

3 - Streaming Radio in general, whether it be the Internet Radio
section, last.fm, radio.io, Radio Keneally, etc.  Also our local public
radio station doesn't come in very well over the antenna, so we listen
to them through their stream almost exclusively now.

4 - Search to album and play the whole album.  Once in a while search
to artist, select whole artist and randomize it (my son does that with
Weird Al in particular)

5 - Recently I installed the SQL Playlists and have played with that. 
The big thing I did was make a very long query to make a "spouse-safe"
playlist that only played artists she liked.  I would prefer to use
MusicIPs Filters function, but that requires the GUI and I'm running
MusicIP headless on FreeBSD.  

Overall I would say that we mostly use "intelligent random" mixing +
some targeted listening.  We have pretty much abandoned true Random
listening, as our collection is too big and too broad to enjoy it that
way.  Once in a while I like my Slayer to fade into my Puccini, but not
often.  I've had a blast with SQL Playlists (I'm a Data Architect IRL),
but even the "spouse-safe", artist-constrained list proved to generally
be too jarring on a track-by-track basis.  You did a great job with that
plug-in though; it's a blast.

I've stated in other forums: I used Slimserver before MusicIP, but my
enjoyment of my collection truly peaks with the combination of
Slimserver for delivery and MusicIP for selection.The ultimate for
me will be to have MusiciP/Slimserver mix my own tracks with Rhapsody
tracks.  That's nirvana, imo.  All the music I've bought plus a
tremendous rental catalog, intelligently mixed.  Just got to get
MusicIP to add more of the GUI functionality (namely filters and
exclusions) to the headless version.


[image: http://imagegen.last.fm/3line/recenttracks/thing-fish.gif]

thing-fish's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=5288
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32202

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[slim] Re: Converting to Apple Lossless

2007-01-30 Thread ModelCitizen

Convert from a lossy format to a lossless format? What a horrible idea.
How are you going to keep track of which files are lossy and which are
losssless (assuming you have or get  truly lossless files)? 
I hope none of them ever escape.


Now what?

Transporter > Naim NAP 250 > PMC OB1s.
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
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[slim] Re: Converting to Apple Lossless

2007-01-30 Thread CardinalFang

thesil;175705 Wrote: 
> I would like to convert some of my music files in iTunes that are still
> Mp3, to Apple lossless. I converted a file or 2 and noticed that the
> original song was still in iTunes. Is this normal? I am concerned that
> if I "select all" to convert, then I will have thousands of duplicates.
> Any suggestions? thanks in advance

It would be better to re-rip them, you aren't gaining anything by
converting them from MP3 to Apple Lossless otherwise, just gaining file


CardinalFang's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=962
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Re: [slim] Re: PepperPad3 as slimserver remote

2007-01-30 Thread Michael Herger

I'm not sure exactly how I'd build a
hybrid IR/WiFi application, but it sure does sound promising (IR for
immediate squeezebox response, WiFi for stuff like cover art, etc.).

I guess this will be hard, as IR codes are interpreted in a context. You'd  
have to send sequences of codes :-/.



http://www.herger.net/SlimCD - your SlimServer on a CD
http://www.herger.net/slim - AlbumReview, Biography, MusicInfoSCR

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[slim] Re: RadioIO Failure

2007-01-30 Thread Ramage

I received the following acknowledgement of a problem from RadioIO:

"We are experiencing an unexplained problem with the Mac operating
system  and some stand alone media players being unable to play our MP3
stream, and with the I Tunes presets not working, Our engineers are
looking in to the problem and will get it back up and running as soon
as possible, We ask for your patience as we find and fix the problem.
Our streams are available though our web site in the WMP and Real
formats, till we get the MP3 problem fixed we ask that you listen to us
with these options."

So we wait!


P2 266MHz,Linux ClarkConnect 3.2, SlimServer Version: 6.5.1 - 11206,
Alien 1.06
P4 2.6GHz, Win XP, SlimServer Version: 6.5.2 - 11304 - Windows XP - EN
- cp1252, Alien 1.06 
NSLU2 Unslung 6.8b SlimServer Version: 6.3.1 - 8476 - Linux, No Alien

Ramage's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=5343
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32239

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[slim] Re: RadioIO Failure

2007-01-30 Thread jarome

I spoke with the radioio engineer, Greg. They are aware of the problem,
but are baffled. It works for some people, but not for others. It works
for Greg on his SqueezeBox. Is does not work for me. It does not work in
ITunes for me either. It does work using the WMP streams in WMP or

Greg looks at this forum, so if anyone has an idea, post it.

I checked the network route, and it is fine for me.



jarome's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1223
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[slim] Re: PepperPad3 as slimserver remote

2007-01-30 Thread Mark Lanctot

bklaas;175718 Wrote: 
> FWIW, there is a "buy now" link on the website, at least on the site
> that's served up to U.S. (there's clearly a IP-country redirect here).
> Amazon.com, Target.com, eCost.com, and jr.com all carry it.

I probably just missed the "buy now" link - I find their website
cluttered and hard to navigate (and initially the drop-down menus
wouldn't work).

> I think you're once again getting screwed because you're in the Great
> White North.

This is probably the case, although you're actually further north than
me.  ;-)

Minneapolis, MN: 45 degrees North

London, Ontario, Canada: 42 degrees 59 minutes North

So...how's the weather up there, Ben?  :-)

Just so I don't go completely off-topic, IR/wifi control would be
incredible but sounds complicated.  What would be neat though is for
the app to use IR if preferable, wifi if not, but it would have to know
if an IR command was received before it sent out the same request via
wifi, which would be tricky.  But think of its usage pattern: in front
of an SB, IR.  If not in line of sight anymore, like in another room,
it would have to resort to wifi exclusively for control.  There would
have to be some way of knowing if its IR commands were being received.

Mark Lanctot

"It's like, you know, a New Age religion, but with better treble
response." - Jon Heal

Mark Lanctot's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2071
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32220

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[slim] Re: MP3Gain, MP3Tag, iTunes craziness

2007-01-30 Thread eschurr

thanks -- that's consistent with my experience, too.

I can't see any reason to write ReplayGain tags (which only work with
smart devices like a Squeezebox) as vs. adjusting the Gain on the file
so it plays at the desired level on ANY playback device (like an

Can you?


eschurr's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2007
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32178

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[slim] Re: SB3 will not work with Belkin wireless ethernet bridge

2007-01-30 Thread Mark Lanctot

I would think that such a device would have auto-switching ports, and
I'm not sure what type is required in this situation, but perhaps
you're using the wrong cable (ordinary patch where crossover is
required or vice-versa).

You can tell if you're using the wrong cable if the bridge has port
lights.  If you use the wrong type of cable they won't light up
indicating not even basic electrical continuity.

So try swapping cables and swapping cable types.

OTOH, the wired models were recently discontinued.  You would probably
get almost what you paid for it if you sold it.  If you return the
wireless bridge and sell the wired version for almost what you paid for
it, you could get a wireless Squeezebox...

Mark Lanctot

"It's like, you know, a New Age religion, but with better treble
response." - Jon Heal

Mark Lanctot's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2071
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32224

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[slim] Re: PepperPad3 as slimserver remote

2007-01-30 Thread bklaas

Okay, you've largely convinced me the hybrid IR/WiFi thing is well
beyond my humble reach. I'm sure I'd get halfway through and find out
Apple has some kind of pre-emptive patent on it too. ;)

Canada is to the south of me...you just blew my mind.

And since you asked, my little weather app says we just topped out at a
balmy 1 degree F (that's around -17 C for the metric elite).



"the Nokia770 skin guy"

bklaas's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=58
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32220

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[slim] Re: MP3Gain, MP3Tag, iTunes craziness

2007-01-30 Thread DrNic

eschurr;175742 Wrote: 
> thanks -- that's consistent with my experience, too.
> I can't see any reason to write ReplayGain tags (which only work with
> smart devices like a Squeezebox) as vs. adjusting the Gain on the file
> so it plays at the desired level on ANY playback device (like an
> iPod).
> Can you?

Well, this depends if you are using a lossless compression (as I do).
For MP3 you've already commited to lossing data - so altering the
volume permanently really doesn't have a significant impact - other
than if you have chosen to "write" the track gain values you won't be
able to swap over to the "album" gain values without a re-write in the
For lossless files performing the Replaygain alteration on the fly
results in a playback that is not truely lossless anymore.
Writing the tags (rather than the file) is useful if you want to be
able to switch between album & track gains "on the fly" for either
Hope that rambling makes some sense!!



DrNic's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=92
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Re: [slim] Take a hint from iPod interface?

2007-01-30 Thread Gregory Hamilton

My Cingular 8125 (Windows Mobile 5) device has this feature also.
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Re: [slim] Converting to Apple Lossless

2007-01-30 Thread Kevin O. Lepard

I would like to convert some of my music files in iTunes that are still
Mp3, to Apple lossless.

Why would you do that?  I don't recommend you convert a compressed 
music file (MP3) to something lossless.  You won't gain any 
improvement in music quality that way.  You'll just have a much 
bigger file that sounds exactly the same.

I converted a file or 2 and noticed that the original song was still 
in iTunes. Is this normal?


I am concerned that if I "select all" to convert, then I will have 
thousands of duplicates.

Converting doesn't remove the original, so yes, you'll have thousands.

Any suggestions? thanks in advance

Finally, although I'm a Mac person myself, I don't really recommend 
ALAC (Apple Lossless) because it's a proprietary format.  For new 
rips, I suggest FLAC, unless you have to have it supported by iTunes. 
FLAC decoding is done natively in the SB2/3/Transporter, and ALAC has 
to be transcoded on the server side.

Kevin O. Lepard

Happiness is being 100% Microsoft free.
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[slim] Re: MP3Gain, MP3Tag, iTunes craziness

2007-01-30 Thread eschurr

Your explanation makes a lot of sense.

it sounds like:

for MP3 files, adjusting the Gain directly is ok (certainly no worse
than using MP3s in the first place) and will work for any device that
plays MP3 (that's good).

for lossless formats (FLAC, etc) ReplayGain values are the way to go
becasue they don't alter the musical part of the files.



eschurr's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2007
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32178

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[slim] Re: Converting to Apple Lossless

2007-01-30 Thread thesil

I am a mac person as well and I am supported by iTunes. In that case,
what should I be ripping new tunes as?


thesil's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=9197
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32249

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[slim] Re: PepperPad3 as slimserver remote

2007-01-30 Thread Mark Lanctot

bklaas;175756 Wrote: 
> Okay, you've largely convinced me the hybrid IR/WiFi thing is well
> beyond my humble reach. I'm sure I'd get halfway through and find out
> Apple has some kind of pre-emptive patent on it too. ;)

That's too bad, the IR/wifi idea is really great.  But as I said, you'd
have to get some indication that the IR signal was received before
trying the same command with wifi.  Without bidirectional IR, this is

> And since you asked, my little weather app says we just topped out at a
> balmy 1 degree F (that's around -17 C for the metric elite).

"Down here" in the tropics 138 miles south of you it's a balmy -8 C, 18
F.  T-shirt weather - think I'll go to the beach.

Mark Lanctot

"It's like, you know, a New Age religion, but with better treble
response." - Jon Heal

Mark Lanctot's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2071
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[slim] Re: Discrete Codes - Favourites

2007-01-30 Thread gweempose

There are a lot of discrete codes available (i.e. "power on" and "power
off"), but I don't think there is one that will take you directly to
your favorites with a single button push. In order to achieve this, you
will have to create some sort of macro that fires off a string of


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[slim] Re: One album artwork displays too large

2007-01-30 Thread MrSinatra

i don't think paint actually converts the file format.


Squeezebox2 w/SS 6.5.1 (beta!?) - Win XP Pro SP2 - 3.2ghz / 2gig ram

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[slim] Re: PepperPad3 as slimserver remote

2007-01-30 Thread gandt

When I used the Nokia as my "slim wifi remote" using the nokia skin I
think that, like Ben, I probably only used it (once the novelty had
worn off) about 10% of the time, the normal remote was fine, but with
the pepper pad its at least 50/50. Hard to say exactly why but it
probably something to do with the fiddle factor - I just find I'm
playing with the pad more generally - bigger screen probably - and that
means using it more for the Squeezebox. The exact screen size also helps
makes the icons and cover art look...ahem...shuffles

A true Pepperpad skin (not my horrible kludge) would was be a
marvellous thing and my $10 contibution towards Ben getting a Pepperpad
would be in the post or paypal or whatever...


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[slim] Re: PepperPad3 as slimserver remote

2007-01-30 Thread nicketynick

bklaas;175756 Wrote: 
> Canada is to the south of me...you just blew my mind.
> cheers,
> #!/ben

The easy way to keep it in perspective is to remember that Detroit is
across the river from Windsor - to the North!!


Wireless SB3, Denon DRA-F101, Mission M31 loudspeakers
WinXP SP2 Slimserver, SMC WBR14g router

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[slim] Weather plugin

2007-01-30 Thread thesil

So I downloaded the weather station plugin and extracted the file, but
it does not show up in my plugins after a restart. Could a MAC user
walk me through the process. I am new to MAC


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[slim] Problems After Recent Upgrade

2007-01-30 Thread IainHar
I recently upgraded to 6.5.1, and now find I can not search or browse any  of 
my music. Slimserver finds my library ok and scans it, but when it comes to  
playing music I can no longer select it like before. For instance, if I go to  
browse music and press right arrow, I get the "Artist" option. If I right 
arrow  again it still goes to "Artist". The same happens with Album and song. 
the  Slimserver page the music is all visible, but if I select something and 
click  either play or add, it does not move accross to the playlist page. I can 
play  Radio.
I have done a complete uninstall and a fresh download to no avail. Is this  
likely to be a firmware problem on my SB3?
Any ideas?
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[slim] Re: No display during playback

2007-01-30 Thread theweirdone

Our squeezebox 3 is doing the same thing, and pressing brightness does
nothing :/

Any other ideas?


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[slim] SlimTray.exe unresponsive and huge

2007-01-30 Thread MrSinatra

for some reason, when i went to start SS from the system tray, it
wouldn't respond, no left or right click.

so, i brought up task manager and its a whopping 67,924K and climbing

end process did kill it np, and it restarted np.

any idea why this happened?

also any idea why slimtray is currently using some 13+ megs?  it does
very little imo, thats pretty bloated.


Squeezebox2 w/SS 6.5.1 (beta!?) - Win XP Pro SP2 - 3.2ghz / 2gig ram

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[slim] Re: How would you like to select which music to play ?

2007-01-30 Thread Nostromo

erland;175187 Wrote: 
> Since most of my plugins are related to different ways of selecting
> which music to play I'm a bit interested to know a bit more about this
> to get some new ideas. 
> 1. *How do you select which music to play today ?* (Browse, Search,
> Random, Smart playlists, other?)
> 2. *How would you like to select which music to play in the future ?*

1. Mainly Browse, static and dynamic playlists. Never use search and
haven't used random mix yet. When I browse, I frequently select a genre
or an artist and then I press play and shuffle it.

2. A version of music that actually works would be nice. 

>  Some additional questions just to give you an idea about what type of
> things I am looking for comments on:
> - Do you like to be in control your self where you manually select
> exactly which song to play and in which order to play them ?

- If you like to be in control yourself do you do this by creating a
number of static playlists that you use later or do you like to
browse/search for the exact artist/song every time ?
- Do only like to use browsing functions or only search functions or
both ?
- Do you base the selection on what to play next on the currently
playing song/artist ?
- Do you want the system to automatically select music for you ? 
- If you want the system to select music for you, which type of logic
should it base the selection on ? Do you want it to be totally random
or should it do some more clever things ?
- Do you want to system to automatically suggest music but still have
the control to select exactly which of the suggestions to play ? What
logic or information shall the suggestions be based on ?
- Do you want the selection to be based on other peoples listening
habits or just your own ? For example by using information from
LastFM/Amazon.com and similar sites for the automatic selection ?

As I said in the beginning I'm both interesting in how you select which
music to play today and how you would like the selection to be done in
the future.


Nostromo's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6322
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[slim] Make playlists always start at the begining?

2007-01-30 Thread drvcrash

Is there a way to Make playlists always start at the beginning?  The
reason I ask is we are using this in a bar and have certain song they
we play and certain times every night. So  I setup playlists and made a
favorites button for them so the bartenders can just press button 1 or 2
etc.  But it always starts the playlist were is last left off instead of
at the beginning.


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[slim] Re: MP3Gain, MP3Tag, iTunes craziness

2007-01-30 Thread Mark Lanctot

eschurr;175772 Wrote: 
> for lossless formats (FLAC, etc) ReplayGain values are the way to go
> becasue they don't alter the musical part of the files.

But of course, no tools exist that can alter the volume of lossless
files the way MP3Gain can for MP3s.

Of course there are 'normalization' algorithms, but this is something
else entirely and very undesireable.

Mark Lanctot

"It's like, you know, a New Age religion, but with better treble
response." - Jon Heal

Mark Lanctot's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2071
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[slim] Re: Make playlists always start at the begining?

2007-01-30 Thread Siduhe

I think I asked the same question about a year ago and got no replies.


I've never found a way to make this work.  There is a setting under
Player Settings / Audio options / Power On Resume, but this only works
in respect of Power On / Off.  

Picking up the playlist from the point that the player left off is the
more logical behaviour, but I would also like playlists to restart from
the beginning.


Siduhe's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=723
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[slim] Re: Slimserver, Shoutcast and Winamp

2007-01-30 Thread MrSinatra

hmmm, so its NOT what i say, its HOW i say it, and I'M the one spewing
"self important drivel" into the thread?

hahahah, ANYWAY...

as i FULLY EXPECTED, the problem did come back, and low and behold, the
new solution fixed it.  (guess i was right, huh?)

it wasn't my router, my wireless, my cat5, cordless phone, the
neighbors, a leaky microwave, aliens, or the weather afterall.  it WAS
in fact, the SB.  shocker.

and yeah, i see the irony of -how- i wrote this post, it was
intentional, and btw, not directed at Andy or SD.

so, thx Andy, although i do wish it had come sooner.  and please let us
know what you find out when you know why the SB can't do direct & why it
can do proxied.  Thx again, -mdw

ps. oh, and ANDY, please answer this:  has SN always been direct only,
or did it ever use to proxy?


Squeezebox2 w/SS 6.5.1 (beta!?) - Win XP Pro SP2 - 3.2ghz / 2gig ram

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[slim] Re: RadioIO Failure

2007-01-30 Thread Ramage

It's been fixed.  mp3 access is back


P2 266MHz,Linux ClarkConnect 3.2, SlimServer Version: 6.5.1 - 11206,
Alien 1.06
P4 2.6GHz, Win XP, SlimServer Version: 6.5.2 - 11304 - Windows XP - EN
- cp1252, Alien 1.06 
NSLU2 Unslung 6.8b SlimServer Version: 6.3.1 - 8476 - Linux, No Alien

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[slim] Re: RadioIO Failure

2007-01-30 Thread jarome

Radio seems to have fixed this.

We have placed a fix in place and should be up and running please give
it a try. And let me know how you make out. 

Gregory Walters
radioio Tech
5025 West Lemon Street #200
Tampa FL USA 33609


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Re: [slim] Re: Converting to Apple Lossless

2007-01-30 Thread Peter

thesil wrote:

I am a mac person as well and I am supported by iTunes. In that case,
what should I be ripping new tunes as?

I am my own person and I use Linux or Windows as I see fit. I think I 
better stay away from this Mac thing before I start refering to myself 
as a mac person too. ;)


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[slim] Re: SlimTray.exe unresponsive and huge

2007-01-30 Thread JJZolx

MrSinatra;175802 Wrote: 
> for some reason, when i went to start SS from the system tray, it
> wouldn't respond, no left or right click.
> so, i brought up task manager and its a whopping 67,924K and climbing
> incrementally.
> end process did kill it np, and it restarted np.
> any idea why this happened?

68MB is fairly standard.  I've seen mine range anywhere from 35MB to as
much as 100MB, but it tends to rise and fall a little.  SlimServer seems
to keep huge amounts of data in memory.  Plugins are also kept in
memory, so the more plugins you activate, the more memory is used. 
Also, I've encountered a number of poorly written plugins that are bad
about releasing memory.

> also any idea why slimtray is currently using some 13+ megs?  it does
> very little imo, thats pretty bloated.

SlimTray is written in Perl and uses the same ActiveState method to
create an EXE - bundling the complete Perl interpreter into the
application itself.  You're right, it does very little, but I'm
surprised it's that small.



JJZolx's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=10
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[slim] Vista and DRM - Important read

2007-01-30 Thread ddewey

I know it's long and fairly techie, but this is an important read,
especially for this community.

Just excerpt to pique your interest:
"The same deliberate degrading of playback quality applies to audio,
with the audio being downgraded to sound (from the spec) “fuzzy with
less detail”"



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[slim] Re: RadioIO Failure

2007-01-30 Thread uncajesse

thanks to those who were sending in trouble tickets to support.  even
those who sent multiple ones to have us "start to take note". 
actually, we were aware of the situation immediately thanks to
extensive statistics and automated warning systems, but took us a while
to weed out the problem due to the complexity of our ISP's global
distribution system.

were were monitoring this thread since early this morning, also thanks
to an automated system that helps us find people having problems.  what
other internet radio network is actually looking for people having
problems using our service?  :)

cheers guys & gals,  sorry for the interruption...

chief engineer


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[slim] Re: SlimTray.exe unresponsive and huge

2007-01-30 Thread SteveEast

My slimtray.exe (6.5.1 release) is currently just under 7MB, with a peak
of 12MB.



SteveEast's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4193
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[slim] Re: How would you like to select which music to play ?

2007-01-30 Thread ceejay

erland;175607 Wrote: 
> I only have a few albums of classical music myself so I haven't really
> experienced any problems, but I guess the situation would be totaly
> different when the number of classical albums in a collection
> increases. Is the problem with Custom Browse that it feels to static to
> solve the classical music browsing or is the problem something else ?

This has been covered at great length elsewhere - not least in the
enhancement requests we filed a year ago. But the problem is broader
than just the way we can browse.  We need additional tags (Performer,
at least), the means to browse or search by composer  performer and
conductor independently AND then some flexible browsing.  The so called
"advanced" search is almost a joke in this context.

I have used some of your plugins - and very helpful they are too - but
as you have acknowledged more than once they are sticking plasters on
the side of SS rather than a proper fix.  So, although I have used your
plugins to add "Performer" for display purposes, I can't use it to



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[slim] Re: Converting to Apple Lossless

2007-01-30 Thread SteveEast

thesil;175777 Wrote: 
> I am a mac person as well and I am supported by iTunes. In that case,
> what should I be ripping new tunes as?

If you definitely want to use iTunes then ALAC is probably your best
choice for lossless. But, as others have mentioned :), you should
definitely rerip anything that's currently in a lossy format like mp3 -
no lossy => lossless transcoding.



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[slim] Re: Vista & Slimserver

2007-01-30 Thread urbanshepherd

Not a bad guess on the vista comment... got my gmail account hacked
alongside ebay about 3 hours after posting this so have gone back to
XP!  I'll be running slimserver on OS X failrly shortly though...


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[slim] Re: Nokia N800

2007-01-30 Thread TechHome

user "Thoughtfix" has a blog on the 770 & 800.  Here's a link to his
"must have" applications.  Follow the links and you will find
installation info.  Have fun



TechHome's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2340
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[slim] Re: Can't connect to SlimServer via IP address

2007-01-30 Thread snarlydwarf

justrick;175838 Wrote: 
> Windows XP Pro, Netgear router, etc. I can connect to my SlimServer via
> http://localhost:9000, but not via http://myPublicIP:9000. Any thoughts
> as to why? I checked the XP firewall and the proper ports appear to be
> open. I constantly get a "problem loading page" error. What am I
> missing?

Assuming you have a router: have you opened up the ports on the router?
If you are talking about a real public IP, (not 192.168) then you will
have to try from off your network: most routers will not honor the
public IP from the local side.


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[slim] Re: Can't connect to SlimServer via IP address

2007-01-30 Thread Siduhe

Are you trying to connect to Slimserver remotely - i.e. from another
location such as work (assuming your Slimserver is installed at home) ?
If so, you may find this ' wiki'
(http://wiki.slimdevices.com/index.cgi?RemoteStreaming) item helpful
(although be aware that this is not the most secure way to access
slimserver remotely).

Or are you trying to access Slimserver on your local network ? i.e. on
another computer that is part of the same network that Slimserver is
installed on ?

If so, what security settings have you used for Slimserver ? And what
is the IP address you are actually trying - is it something like
http://192.168.[].[] ?


Siduhe's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=723
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[slim] Re: SB3 will not work with Belkin wireless ethernet bridge

2007-01-30 Thread mawfin

Thanks the reply Mark.

Yes, I thought of the cross-over/patch cable.  I have tried other
cables, will track down a cross-over.  The laptop connected OK though
with a patch cable(it might have auto-switching already).  The ethernet
light on the bridge shows connectivity with the SB3 plugged into it, so
I suspect that this is not the issue.

Unless anyone has had success, I think the best thing is to take offers
on the SB3 as you suggest ...




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[slim] Re: Vista and DRM - Important read

2007-01-30 Thread jjazz

Good post. DRM is just about companies controlling legit users. It's
really ridiculous.

This post hints that somebody's already cracked it so I'm sure there
will inevitably be a 'fix'.


jjazz's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=5552
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[slim] Re: SlimTray.exe unresponsive and huge

2007-01-30 Thread MrSinatra

sorry, i wasn't clear...

taskmgr was saying it was the " SlimTray.exe " that had reached

normally, my Slim.exe is around 77-89megs.

i think 13meg for slimtray is bloated, but 68megs, climbing, and
unresponsive?  it doesn't happen often, but it does happen.


Squeezebox2 w/SS 6.5.2 (beta!?) - Win XP Pro SP2 - 3.2ghz / 2gig ram

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[slim] Re: Need User Data to Diagnose GUI Stall Problem

2007-01-30 Thread Eric Carroll

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32238

Question: Do you have a intermittent SB GUI pause for 8-30 sec?

- Yes, my wireless SB will intermittently pause for 8-30sec.
- Yes my wired SB will intermittently pause for 8-30sec.
- No, my SB GUI does not pause.

bump... Was I was confused by the other threads? This is not an issue?

Eric Carroll

Transporter-Bryston 3B SST-Paradigm Reference Studio 60 v.4
SB3-Rotel RB890-B&W Matrix 805
SB3-Pioneer VSX-49TXi-Mirage OM7+C2+R2

Eric Carroll's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=9293
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[slim] Re: Need User Data to Diagnose GUI Stall Problem

2007-01-30 Thread Triode

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32238

Question: Do you have a intermittent SB GUI pause for 8-30 sec?

- Yes, my wireless SB will intermittently pause for 8-30sec.
- Yes my wired SB will intermittently pause for 8-30sec.
- No, my SB GUI does not pause.

Please turn on the diagnotics described in the second part of:

and post the output here - this should show anything taking more than
0.5 seconds in the server.


Triode's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=17
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[slim] Re: SlimTray.exe unresponsive and huge

2007-01-30 Thread JJZolx

MrSinatra;175848 Wrote: 
> i think 13meg for slimtray is bloated

I agree.  I imagine something written in C for Windows would be a few
hundred kilobytes.

> but 68megs, climbing, and unresponsive?  it doesn't happen often, but it
> does happen.

There were some changes made to SlimTray for 6.5.1.  I doubt that
they've all been ironed out.

I stopped using SlimTray a while ago.  What does it do?

It stops/starts the SlimServer service.  That's easily done from the
Services manager.  If you want a quicker way, create a couple of batch
files and place an icon on the desktop or create   If you run more than
one instance of SlimServer on the server then you'll need to do this
anyway, as the service name is hard-coded into SlimTray, so it controls
at most one instance.

Batch files:

@echo off
REM Stop SlimServer service
net stop slimsvc

@echo off
REM Start SlimServer service
net start slimsvc

And SlimTray also links to the home page of the web ui.  So put a
bookmark in your browser.  Or create a shortcut and place it in the
Start menu.

That's pretty much all that this 7-13 MB application does.



JJZolx's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=10
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[slim] Re: Need User Data to Diagnose GUI Stall Problem

2007-01-30 Thread Eric Carroll

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32238

Question: Do you have a intermittent SB GUI pause for 8-30 sec?

- Yes, my wireless SB will intermittently pause for 8-30sec.
- Yes my wired SB will intermittently pause for 8-30sec.
- No, my SB GUI does not pause.

Triode;175856 Wrote: 
> Please turn on the diagnotics described in the second part of:
> http://wiki.slimdevices.com/index.cgi?DiagnosingPerformanceIssues
> and post the output here - this should show anything taking more than
> 0.5 seconds in the server.

I understand. I am trying to see if the *network* specifically is what
is causing the issue. That is Tech Support's position and we need some
data to see if they are right, or not. 

If its not the network its got to be the firmware or the slimserver. 

I didn't start this thread because I am having a problem (which I am).
I started it to collect data systematically from all the others
reporting the problem in the cited threads and understand if this
happens on wireline SB3s and if wireless connectivity is the major root

Here is my server data. Keep in mind this is a ~250MHZ processor, so
web page generation is SLOW. And as such, I almost NEVER use the Web
GUI (I use the SB remote, and Moose, in that order of frequency).

Server StatisticsHome / Server & Network Health / Server Statistics 

Server Response Time
The response time of the server - the time between successive calls to
< 0.002 :   133316 : 20% ##
< 0.005 :   258750 : 39% ###
< 0.01 :   150078 : 23% ###
< 0.015 :13020 :  2% 
< 0.025 :38569 :  6% ##
< 0.05 :46328 :  7% ###
< 0.1 :11957 :  2% 
< 0.5 : 3984 :  1% 
< 1 :   30 :  0% 
< 5 :   37 :  0% 
>=5 :   54 :  0% 
max  : 28.456353
min  : 0.001262
avg  : 0.011664

Timer Lateness
The time between when a timer task was scheduled and when it is run. 
< 0.002 :26797 : 12% #
< 0.005 :29627 : 13% ##
< 0.01 :   154952 : 67% #
< 0.015 : 6898 :  3% #
< 0.025 : 6851 :  3% #
< 0.05 : 3510 :  2% 
< 0.1 : 1830 :  1% 
< 0.5 : 1196 :  1% 
< 1 :  117 :  0% 
< 5 :  254 :  0% 
>=5 :  408 :  0% 
max  : 28.376613
min  : 0.00
avg  : 0.039846

Select Task Duration
The length of time taken by each task run by select. 
< 0.002 : 1453 :  3% #
< 0.005 : 1710 :  3% #
< 0.01 :40578 : 82% #
< 0.015 : 4167 :  8% 
< 0.025 :  167 :  0% 
< 0.05 :  348 :  1% 
< 0.1 :  137 :  0% 
< 0.5 :  522 :  1% 
< 1 :   23 :  0% 
< 5 :  231 :  0% 
>=5 :   58 :  0% 
max  : 28.451643
min  : 0.000722
avg  : 0.036801

Timer Task Duration
The length of time taken by each timer task. 
< 0.002 : 1393 :  1% 
< 0.005 :   127539 : 55% ###
< 0.01 :13841 :  6% ##
< 0.015 : 3069 :  1% 
< 0.025 :37061 : 16% ###
< 0.05 :40219 : 17% 
< 0.1 : 8430 :  4% #
< 0.5 :  873 :  0% 
< 1 :0 :  0% 
< 5 :   14 :  0% 
>=5 :1 :  0% 
max  : 13.850420
min  : 0.001002
avg  : 0.018120

Execute / Notification Task Duration
The length of time taken by each execute command or notification
< 0.002 : 1192 : 52% #
< 0.005 :   77 :  3% #
< 0.01 :  220 : 10% 
< 0.015 :  118 :  5% ##
< 0.025 :  131 :  6% ##
< 0.05 :  187 :  8% 
< 0.1 :  175 :  8% ###
< 0.5 :  160 :  7% ###
< 1 :   11 :  0% 
< 5 :   34 :  1% 
>=5 :0 :  0% 
max  : 3.353227
min  : 0.000140
avg  : 0.051486

Scheduler Task Duration
The length of time taken by each scheduled task. 
< 0.002 :0 :  0%
< 0.005 :0 :  0%
< 0.01 :0 :  0%
< 0.015 :0 :  0%
< 0.025 :0 :  0%
< 0.05 :0 :  0%
< 0.1 :0 :  0%
< 0.5 :0 :  0%
< 1 :0 :  0%
< 5 :0 :  0%
>=5 :0 :  0%
max  : 0.00
min  : 0.00
avg  : 0.00

Database Access
The time taken for information to be retrieved from the database. 
< 0.002 :  715 :  7% ###
< 0.005 :2 :  0% 
< 0.01 :0 :  0% 
< 0.015 :7 :  0% 
< 0.025 :   18 :  0% 
< 0.05 : 9523 : 92%
< 0.1 :   29 :  0% 
< 0.5 :   11 :  0% 
< 1 :0 :  0% 
< 5 :0 :  0% 
>=5 :0 :  0% 
max  : 0.242024
min  : 0.001042
avg  : 0.026107

Web Page Build
The length of time taken to build each web page. 
< 0.002 :0 :  0% 
< 0.005 :0 :  0% 
< 0.01 :0 :  0% 
< 0.015 :0 :  0% 
< 0.025 :0 :  0% 
< 0.05 :0 :  0% 
< 0.1 :0 :  0% 
< 0

[slim] Re: SlimTray.exe unresponsive and huge

2007-01-30 Thread MrSinatra

and btw, if i start SS from the ST, and it then ALSO starts the mysql
process, i fully believe that when i STOP SS from the ST, it should
ALSO stop or quit the mysql process, or at least give someone the
option to have it behave like that.


Squeezebox2 w/SS 6.5.2 (beta!?) - Win XP Pro SP2 - 3.2ghz / 2gig ram

MrSinatra's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2336
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32257

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[slim] Re: SlimTray.exe unresponsive and huge

2007-01-30 Thread MrSinatra

those are good workarounds...  but i probably will just stick with ST,
since i do find i look a lot to see if the green (or blue?) color is
there to show if SS is started or not.  (i don't start it

i guess that means i'm prepared to live with the 13megs, but my concern
was that i didn't want to see it start having issues, becoming
unresponsive and bloated.

in fact, i don't understand why they'd write it in perl, and include a
perl interpreter for it in the app to begin with...  whats the point of
being "cross platform" for this app, [ST] when it only works with
windows anyway, (right?)


Squeezebox2 w/SS 6.5.2 (beta!?) - Win XP Pro SP2 - 3.2ghz / 2gig ram

MrSinatra's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2336
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32257

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[slim] Re: How would you like to select which music to play ?

2007-01-30 Thread Nostromo

ceejay;175834 Wrote: 
> This has been covered at great length elsewhere - not least in the
> enhancement requests we filed a year ago. But the problem is broader
> than just the way we can browse.  We need additional tags (Performer,
> at least), the means to browse or search by composer  performer and
> conductor independently AND then some flexible browsing.  The so called
> "advanced" search is almost a joke in this context.
> I have used some of your plugins - and very helpful they are too - but
> as you have acknowledged more than once they are sticking plasters on
> the side of SS rather than a proper fix.  So, although I have used your
> plugins to add "Performer" for display purposes, I can't use it to
> search.
> Ceejay

If you put the performers in the comment tag, you could use the
advanced search function.

But, I agree, the advanced search function is useless for me right now.
A couple of things could make it more useful.

- Support for more tags, like rating for example. And, why not, support
for the performer tag.

- It would be great if we could save a given search. 

For example, suppose you want to hear Glen Gould playing J.S. Bach. You
could do the following search:

- Artist: J.S. Bach
- Perfomer: Glen Gould 
or, alternatively:
- comment: performer is Glen Gould

Then you save your search, give it a name, something like "Gould plays
Bach". So the next time you'll want to hear Gould playing Bach, you'll
just have to click on "Gould plays Bach". And I assume your search
would auto-update: if you add an album where Gould plays Bach, it will
automatically be added. So it would a bit like Mac OS X smart folders.


Nostromo's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6322
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32202

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[slim] Re: Need User Data to Diagnose GUI Stall Problem

2007-01-30 Thread Triode

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32238

Question: Do you have a intermittent SB GUI pause for 8-30 sec?

- Yes, my wireless SB will intermittently pause for 8-30sec.
- Yes my wired SB will intermittently pause for 8-30sec.
- No, my SB GUI does not pause.

If you run the network test at a high rate for a resonable period of
time and it does not drop a packet then I'm not sure it will be the

However this is only true if the server is fast enough as the network
tries to send a packet at a given rate.  If the server is running too
slow to generate a packet at the right time, it counts that as
successful transmission.  

So try turning on the performance warnings and see whether you get any
warning in the log about the server running slow.  [this is for normal
use rather than when running nettest]


Triode's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=17
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32238

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[slim] Re: Take a hint from iPod interface?

2007-01-30 Thread Nostromo

> Sorry guys, but I didnt get the point. If you want to scroll fast
> through a alphabetical list just press the number keys and like a in a
> phone text message you can jump to the place you want in the list
> beginning with that letter. This is faster than the iPod style, isn't
> it?

My thought exactly.


Nostromo's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6322
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32235

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[slim] Re: Take a hint from iPod interface?

2007-01-30 Thread RaK

Sorry guys, but I didnt get the point. If you want to scroll fast
through a alphabetical list just press the number keys and like a in a
phone text message you can jump to the place you want in the list
beginning with that letter. This is faster than the iPod style, isn't


RaK's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=7855
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32235

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[slim] Re: RadioIO Failure

2007-01-30 Thread Ramage

Good work RadioIO techies.

Nice to know that you monitor this forum.

RadioIO is an excellent source of music, I enjoy it.


P2 266MHz,Linux ClarkConnect 3.2, SlimServer Version: 6.5.1 - 11206,
Alien 1.06
P4 2.6GHz, Win XP, SlimServer Version: 6.5.2 - 11304 - Windows XP - EN
- cp1252, Alien 1.06 
NSLU2 Unslung 6.8b SlimServer Version: 6.3.1 - 8476 - Linux, No Alien

Ramage's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=5343
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Re: [slim] Re: SlimTray.exe unresponsive and huge

2007-01-30 Thread Richie

On 30/01/07, MrSinatra

and btw, if i start SS from the ST, and it then ALSO starts the mysql
process, i fully believe that when i STOP SS from the ST, it should
ALSO stop or quit the mysql process, or at least give someone the
option to have it behave like that.

On my 6.5.1 it does. It can take 15-20 seconds for the MySQL service
to unload though.

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[slim] Re: Need User Data to Diagnose GUI Stall Problem

2007-01-30 Thread Eric Carroll

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32238

Question: Do you have a intermittent SB GUI pause for 8-30 sec?

- Yes, my wireless SB will intermittently pause for 8-30sec.
- Yes my wired SB will intermittently pause for 8-30sec.
- No, my SB GUI does not pause.

I don't believe this UI stall issue has anything to do with the network.
But we have to show tech support of this before they will budge off
their "its the network" position. My wireless is clean, as you can see.
I still have UI stalls.

Are you saying that if the server receives a SB3 keypress, then drops
it due to overload (it can drop it?) that is counted in the performance
stats as success?

Why will I get performance warnings if the histograms show no issues?

Are you talking about the thresholds on the server performance stats
page or some other performance warnings?

If slimserver is quietly dropping keypresses when "too busy" that would
explain a lot, but it seems too obvious... or is it?

Eric Carroll

Transporter-Bryston 3B SST-Paradigm Reference Studio 60 v.4
SB3-Rotel RB890-B&W Matrix 805
SB3-Pioneer VSX-49TXi-Mirage OM7+C2+R2

Eric Carroll's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=9293
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32238

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[slim] Re: Need User Data to Diagnose GUI Stall Problem

2007-01-30 Thread Triode

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32238

Question: Do you have a intermittent SB GUI pause for 8-30 sec?

- Yes, my wireless SB will intermittently pause for 8-30sec.
- Yes my wired SB will intermittently pause for 8-30sec.
- No, my SB GUI does not pause.

Yes - set the warning thresholds on the web page.

SS drops key presses if they have been queued up for too long.  If you
edit the perl in Slim/Hardware/IR.pm to change $maxIRQTime you can
adjust how long is deemed too long.  The idea here is that keeping old
key presses and processing them too later is worse than loosing them.

The server code is single threaded, but tries to maintain audio
streaming if at all possible.  This is what "Response Time" is really
recording - the time between checking to see if streaming is needed. 
However for other functions its possible that UI will be locked out
because it is single threaded and so a function may take some time and
the only other thing done when it is running is audio streaming.  So
when building a web page for example, the player UI will freeze, but
audio streaming should be maintained.  This is by current design of the


Triode's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=17
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32238

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[slim] Re: Need User Data to Diagnose GUI Stall Problem

2007-01-30 Thread bpa

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32238

Question: Do you have a intermittent SB GUI pause for 8-30 sec?

- Yes, my wireless SB will intermittently pause for 8-30sec.
- Yes my wired SB will intermittently pause for 8-30sec.
- No, my SB GUI does not pause.

I may be wrong, bit I think if Slimserver is running on an Windows XP
system, editing the IR.pm file will have no effect because of the way
the EXE is created.


bpa's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1806
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32238

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[slim] Re: How would you like to select which music to play ?

2007-01-30 Thread CardinalFang

Apple's media player interface


Sadly you need a HD TV, but it's pretty slick nonetheless.


CardinalFang's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=962
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[slim] Re: SlimTray.exe unresponsive and huge

2007-01-30 Thread MrSinatra

it never has quit for me, although i've only been using nightlies since
before thanksgiving i think.

i just tried it now, it ain't quittin.  sits there at ~18megs, while ST
is ~14, and slim not present)

are you using XP sp2 and the "official" 6.5.1 release?


Squeezebox2 w/SS 6.5.2 (beta!?) - Win XP Pro SP2 - 3.2ghz / 2gig ram

MrSinatra's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2336
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32257

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[slim] Re: Italian owners?

2007-01-30 Thread RiccardoR

Beh, complimenti a tutti per l'acquisto. 
Sì, ho postato io il msg sul forum di Af Digitale. Dopo le recenti
recensioni e prove sia di AF Digitale che di Digital Video ho maturato
la conclusione che abbiano provato lo Squeezebox molto velocemente e
che lo abbiano considerato piu' che altro un ricevitore di radio via
Internet. Probabilmente c'e' qualcuno che lo usa soprattutto per
quello, sicuramente non io.
Mi dispiace che in due pagine non abbiano realmente compreso/fatto
comprendere quali sono le potenzialità dell'apparecchio (o di una rete
di apparecchi - p.es. multiroom).
Se non altro sono contento che abbiano fatto notare che l'interfaccia
e' presente anche in italiano (!): indovinate un po'

Comunque sul sito americano della Logitech e' stato inserito lo
Squeezebox, spero tra poco verra' distribuito anche da noi. Sul prezzo
sono sempre meno convinto che sara' favorevole (specie qui in Italia).

A presto, Riccardo

P.S.: Visti i pochi messaggi negli altri forum europei mi sa che non
vale ancora la pena richiederne l'apertura di uno italiano, in futuro


RiccardoR's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=40
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[slim] Re: Vista and DRM - Important read

2007-01-30 Thread funkstar

ddewey;175828 Wrote: 
> Just excerpt to pique your interest:
> "The same deliberate degrading of playback quality applies to audio,
> with the audio being downgraded to sound (from the spec) “fuzzy
> with less detail”"
This does not apply to all audio, just to audio with content protection
that is being played through an non-secure audio device. So this only
really applied to the audio from HD-DVD and BluRay that is flagged with
the Image Constraint Token. If the video and audio are not flagged or
protected than Vista will not restrict the quality. Or if you are
playing the media through HDCP compliant hardware you are also
competely fine.

Simple fix: don't buy restrictive media

This is no Microsofts or Vistas fault, it is the movie industry that
has given us this.


funkstar's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2335
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32261

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